Setting leeches at home. Treatment with medical leeches, how to put a leech. Hirudotherapy - indications

The question of where to put leeches is asked by novice hirudotherapists. In this article I will try to tell the general principles of setting leeches. Below in the slider you will find 17 Disease Schemes: Suction Points. There are many special techniques, setting leeches with heparin, setting using acupuncture points and many others. But all these methods require separate study and are used by doctors.

This article is designed for those who are just getting acquainted with hirudotherapy.

The main thing I would like to convey to the readers:

  • hirudotherapy is not an exact science, but centuries of experience;
  • many rules of hirudotherapy do not fit into evidence-based medicine but they work;
  • hirudotherapy schemes are not rigid rules, but exemplary recommendations. Ultimately, each physician creates their own regimens;
  • hirudotherapy can be used for treatment, including for aggressive treatment serious illnesses;
  • can also be used for restorative, healing, rejuvenating procedures

Is it possible to put a leech at home

Of course you can, but the question is, who will put the leech? Hirudotherapist or yourself? What is the difference?

The fact that only a doctor can put a lot of leeches, combine them with various medicines, put leeches in the mouth, nose, and vagina. At the same time, the doctor is aware of all possible risks and is ready to reflect them if any complications arise.

I advise hirudotherapy at home to be limited to general wellness sessions. Wellness, so to speak, is for those who feel good already, but want it to be even better.

  • If the patient is taking medication for any chronic diseases, then it is better to conduct treatment sessions in a clinic or at home in the presence of a doctor;
  • treatment with leeches is far from being combined with all medicines and instead of positive result, surprises may arise (see medications as);
  • during menstruation it is better to refrain from setting leeches.

Where to put or points for hirudotherapy

First principle

Wherever you put a leech, it will still be useful (with the exception of places where you don’t need to put them if you don’t have the appropriate medical education). It is not necessary to put leeches on the areas of large venous vessels, places with thin skin, the face, in the body cavity.

Principle Two

There are special points, zones for influencing the entire body. points general action: coccyx, navel, perineum, liver, pancreas zone, chakra points. If we want to achieve maximum success in the treatment of a local process, we also work with points, zones of general action.

Principle Three

In addition to common points, we can act directly on the patient locally. We put it where it hurts the most, or where there is a main problem for which hirudotherapy is performed

How to put leeches

Each hirudotherapist has his own technique for various diseases, but if you do not have enough experience with leeches, put one - two - three leeches, and you will never have problems. I recommend starting the first procedure with one leech per liver.
You will get acquainted with the reactions that occur during hirudotherapy, evaluate the amount of individual blood loss, assess the risk of allergies, and then you will plan the next sessions, taking into account the results of the first introductory procedure.
In general, there is such a rule, how much weight a person has, how many leeches he will need for a course of treatment. But from my experience I can say that a positive healing effect in any person is achieved with a minimum number of leeches. It is quite enough to put 15 - 20 leeches on a course of 7-10 procedures, one session with an interval of a week and the patient will fly on wings, so good will be the state of health in a variety of diseases.

Algorithm of actions for better suction of a leech

  • The patient's body should be with a natural smell (it is desirable to wash the day before);
  • in winter, it is advisable to warm up the suction points with a heating pad for five minutes before the procedure;
  • if the leech does not want to stick, I puncture the patient's finger with a scarifier, transfer a drop of blood from the finger to the points where the leeches should stick;
  • you can massage the place a little, rub it;
  • some hirudotherapists for better suction pre-place cans on attachment points

Charts and tables

Schemes of setting leeches for various diseases are presented. On the slides you will see 17 schemes: where to put leeches for heart pain, allergies, bronchitis, heart failure, pneumonia, constipation, sciatica, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, hypertension, peptic ulcer, female diseases, urological diseases, mastitis, hypertension, varicose veins. Treatment of cerebrovascular disorders with leeches is described in the article on. See the diagram for a spinal hernia in the cervical region.

The famous therapist, doctor of the imperial family, Professor Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin left us his scheme.

Treatment with leeches is the key to perfect well-being, as well as getting rid of a variety of ailments that a person has been facing since the most ancient times.

There is no such person who would not like to always look healthy and strong, but in modern world, this is not always possible.

If you do not want to take expensive drugs that have different effects on the body negative impacts, it is worth studying the question of how to put leeches at home.

Self-conducted hirudotherapy is one of the methods of getting rid of various diseases.

To have a rough idea of ​​​​these natural healers, it is worth understanding what kind of leeches are. There are about four hundred species of them, and about a quarter of them live on the territory of the country in small reservoirs with fresh water.

Of the variety of leeches, not all are medicinal. To choose the right option, you should act only through special medical institutions and pharmacies.

The therapeutic effect of leeches is based on the fact that in the process of sticking to the skin and blood vessels of a person, they transfer more than 150 biological substances beneficial to health through their blood through their saliva.

As numerous studies have shown, scientists have identified a pattern that in the process of hirudotherapy, a person not only gets rid of certain diseases, but also immunity is significantly strengthened, recovery from certain pathologies comes much faster.

The most important thing is to know the points on the body where to put leeches and understand where they should not be put down.

It is essential that well-conducted hirudotherapy is not accompanied by side effects.. This method of therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases.

Among them are:

  • vegetovascular dystonia, with headache and pressure;
  • acquired and congenital heart defects;
  • joint diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis.

In addition, leeches have a great positive action with infertility, as a rehabilitation after a stroke.

Hirudotherapy is often used in modern cosmetology for facial rejuvenation, the properties and actions of leeches help very well with wrinkles.

You can use this method of treatment for less complex diseases - with a cold, you can get rid of a cough with bronchitis and get significant relief from sinusitis.

Before starting hirudotherapy treatment at home, you should consult a doctor who will explain how to put leeches correctly, and also decide whether it is possible to put leeches during menstruation, since it all depends on the nature of the monthly cycle.

The main advantage of this form of treatment is that significant relief can be felt after only two or three sessions of hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy - how are leeches treated?

Those who wish to use leeches at home should purchase them from a pharmacy. For the reason that this is an ordinary living being, it must be kept in accordance with certain rules.

It should be a container made of glass, which is placed in a dark place.. If this rule is not followed, the leeches will die very quickly.

It is very important to check the general condition of leeches daily.. AT normal condition the creature curls up into a ball when lightly touched. Such leeches are suitable for use. If there is some lethargy, it is better not to use such leeches.

There are some rules that apply to the person who will undergo the course of treatment. immediately before the session, you do not need to overeat much, that is, fill your stomach with too satisfying food.

The skin should be cleanly washed, but without the use of various fragrances, as foreign odors can scare away leeches. This type bloodsuckers do not like smells, therefore they should not be not only on the body, but also in the room. For this reason, you should not use different fresheners.

Among the rules of the session itself, the following can be distinguished:

Each person has a different body, which is characterized by its individual characteristics. For this reason, the reaction to the procedure may be different.

If there is a slight itching, you need to refrain from combing it, there is nothing to be afraid of, since this is just a certain reaction of the body to treatment.

It is important to take into account that hirudotherapy performed at home is often accompanied by weakness and slight dizziness. For this reason, it is worth inviting someone close to you for the duration of the treatment event.

On average, the course of therapy should last from one month to one and a half. How often can you carry out the procedure at this time - every day, with the exception of certain ailments.

After the main treatment, maintenance therapy can be carried out, with a course in two or three days.

After the session, it is strictly forbidden to visit the bath. Even a shower can not be taken after treatment on the same day, only the next.

Features of the treatment of various diseases

The advantage of treatment with leeches is that at home, without the use of expensive and complex drugs, you can get rid of a large number of diseases. Here are the most popular of them and the rules for their treatment.

Diseases of this kind are based primarily on the strong slagging of blood vessels. Deposits on them can lead to a slowdown in the flow of blood through them and to even more increasing deposits.

To effectively clean the vessels, leeches should be applied to the following places:

  • projection area of ​​the heart;
  • next to diseased veins, if it is varicose veins;
  • temples and parietal tubercles;
  • area behind the ears and on the sacrum.

As a result of the impact of leeches on these parts of the body, the process of blood supply in the brain is significantly improved, the outflow of venous blood is completely restored, and various deposits in the spine are absorbed.

The saliva of leeches has the ability to dissolve various deposits on the walls of blood vessels, as well as thin the blood. All this has a positive effect on overall health.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

Leech therapy against this pathology is carried out if the person's sugar is completely stabilized. To improve the condition of the patient, leeches should be put on the coccyx area.

They saturate the blood with useful components, on the basis of which the metabolism in diabetes mellitus improves, which has a positive effect on the treatment.

If you apply leeches to the inflamed skin, their action will significantly accelerate the movement of lymph and its outflow from the affected area. This will automatically have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin.

One or two courses of treatment are enough for the affected areas to become pink, firm, smooth and elastic.

To relieve inflammation and heal wounds, leeches should be placed directly on the inflamed areas, approximately 3-7 pieces each. The first few sessions are carried out every day, then you can carry out treatment every other day.

Leeches are able to provide indispensable assistance in the process of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal..

To achieve a general rejuvenating effect, leeches should be planted on biologically active points.

In order to quickly and effectively tighten the oval of the face, it is better to put bloodsuckers on the eyelid area, on the collar zone, behind the ears, under the jaw and between the eyebrows.

A feature of this therapy is that the procedures are carried out every other day, and in total up to 10 sessions of hirudotherapy may be required.

Already after the first two or three procedures, the skin condition improves significantly, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced.

A large number of modern gynecological clinics use hirudotherapy in the treatment of diseases. Leeches are able to cope with such pathologies that can only be solved surgically.

Among the main diseases in which hirudotherapy can help, we can note:

  1. Resorption of cysts on the ovaries.
  2. Good for uterine fibroids.
  3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  4. With prostatitis, leeches are also used.

It is impossible to completely shift the treatment of these diseases to hirudotherapy.. The therapy can only be used as a supplement or prophylaxis.

Leeches reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and contribute to the bearing of a healthy baby. There are a large number of other female diseases that disappear after a course of hirudotherapy, for which they put leeches in the navel.

In men, sperm motility and overall sperm quality are significantly increased. Leeches in the process of treatment and prevention are planted on the sacrum or on the lower abdomen in an amount of approximately 2-5 pieces.

The total treatment time is a week. According to the doctor's indication, the course through certain time can be repeated.

These diseases are far from the only ones that can be effectively treated with leeches. Here are a few more common pathologies and places for placing bloodsuckers:

If you are interested in the question of where to put leeches for hemorrhoids, then experts note the possibility of putting them on the coccyx and sacrum.

In the process of treatment with leeches, it is important to remember that leeches are sensitive not only to smells, but also to the mood of a person. The internal mood is directly reflected in the activity of leeches.

Treatment with leeches should be carried out only in a good mood. This is important in order not to disturb the bioenergetics of the human field and to get the most positive result from the treatment.

To achieve the optimal result in the process of treatment with hirudotherapy, it is worth adhering to certain rules that relate to nutrition.

During treatment, you need to drink as much water as possible.

The use of hirudotherapy significantly improves the overall water exchange in the human body.

It is useful to drink tea on the leaves of nettle, which seriously cleanses the human blood.

It is advisable to include in the diet such healthy foods as:

  • beet juice;
  • mineral water with lemon juice;
  • oatmeal with pieces of dried apricots, bananas, raisins and apples.

A simple diet with hirudotherapy will bring an even greater effect if you exclude fried foods, sweets and spicy seasonings, as well as high-fat foods from the diet.

It is advisable to completely abandon bad habits - this is important not only for the duration of the course of hirudotherapy, but also for the rest of the time, for the whole life of a person who seeks to lead healthy lifestyle life and exclude various diseases from it.

Despite the versatility of treatment and the positive effect, there are certain contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy.

Among them are:

Before treatment at home, you must first consult a specialist. It is important to decide how to put leeches for certain diseases, how much to keep and how many procedures can be carried out.

If you do not comply certain rules, the treatment will not bring any benefit, but may cause adverse effects.

Particular attention should be paid to treatment during menstruation.. At correct application leeches and in the absence of contraindications can significantly improve overall well-being and relieve pain.

Hirudotherapy is indicated for regular and not very heavy periods, but if there is heavy bleeding, this method of treatment should be abandoned.

Summing up

The popularity of the use of hirudotherapy is increasing every year.. This is quite reasonable, since one can only be surprised at the healing and therapeutic features of leeches.

Often a person suffers from several ailments at once and has to take a large number of medications.

To reduce the number of pills you drink and not have a strong effect on the body pernicious influence It is worth paying attention to hirudotherapy. Them positive influence on the human body was confirmed many centuries ago before the development of modern drugs.

A modern person lives in the era of information development, high-quality professional services are available to everyone without exception.

Despite this, you should not neglect a visit to a hirudotherapeutist, who will tell you how to put leeches correctly, set an individual schedule for each person. All this will help to get rid of various pathologies.

Treatment with leeches has been practiced for thousands of years. Their positive effect on the body was noticed by the famous healers of the past Avicenna, Hippocrates, Galen.

Modern scientists have explained the effectiveness of hirudotherapy. It lies in the secret of saliva, which contains about 200 biologically active substances.

The complex effect of enzymes on the body stimulates the renewal of the lymphatic system and the strengthening of immunity, the resorption of blood clots, and the improvement of the supply of cells with nutrients and oxygen.

Leeches are effective for swelling and inflammation. They anesthetize and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Hirudin, destabilase, hyaluronidase, apyrase, kininase, bdellins, eglins, bradykinins, viburnum and dozens of other enzymes are a natural elixir of health.

Sometimes they are more efficient. traditional medicine accelerate the recovery of the body after surgical treatment. It is usually recommended to undergo 2 courses of hirudotherapy with an interval of 3-6 months.

This is enough to start the body's self-healing processes and get a lasting result.

What are the treatment regimens with leeches?

The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis and stage of the disease. It involves determining the number and points of setting leeches.

The method of hirudotherapy and the frequency of sessions are also taken into account.

According to the classical scheme, leeches are placed where painful sensations are concentrated.

If a we are talking about internal organs, then the place of landing of the biomaterial will be their projection on the body and the adjacent area, or the energy centers of the "chakra".

The doctor identifies the most painful areas by palpation and plants leeches on these points. In one session, from 2-3 to 10-15 worms are used (depending on the disease and exposure).

The most common staging schemes for hirudotherapy

The standard scheme for the treatment of chronic diseases involves 10 sessions with an interval of 2-3 days. Then a break is made for a couple of months, after which the course of hirudotherapy is repeated.

Staging schemes depend on the specific disease. Several leeches are placed in the sacral region for hypertension, radiculitis, gynecological and urological diseases. One leech is planted on the mastoid processes for visual impairment, high blood pressure.

The right hypochondrium is a projection of the liver and serves as a treatment site for hepatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, and prostatitis.

it general rules staging, but a specific scheme is developed by the doctor after talking with the patient and studying the results of the tests.

So, with prostatitis, as part of the first session, leeches are placed in the liver area.

On the second - in the pubic region.

The third and fourth sessions are specific depending on the patient's health status. On the fifth, leeches are placed on the coccyx.

How to determine for which disease, which is better to use the scheme of staging leeches?
Below is a classic scheme for setting leeches for various diseases.

Point 1, 8 - hypertension, eye diseases, hot flashes during menopause, migraines.
Point 2 - sinusitis and others inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
Point 3 - with diseases of the organs of vision.
Point 4 - heart attack.
Point 5.8 - problems of the liver and gallbladder.
Point 6 - appendicular infiltrates.
Point 7 - diseases of the teeth and gums.
Point 9 - gynecological diseases, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
Point 10 - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (staggered around the vein).
Point 11 - trophic ulcers.
Point 12 - inflammation of the joints.
Point 13 - high blood pressure.

Prices for treatment with leeches for different staging schemes

The cost of treatment depends on the number of leeches used and the placement sites.

To name the price of the course, I have to talk with the patient, study the results of analyzes and other studies, and consult specialists.

Based on the data received, I choose the appropriate setting scheme.

Sign up for an appointment.

Hirudotherapist consultation 1000 rubles

Hirudotherapy procedure up to 3 leeches 1500 rubles

Setting a leech vaginally 1000 rubles

Setting 1 leech on the skin 500 rubles

Hirudotherapy procedure for mucous membranes 500 rubles

Is it possible to put a leech at home

Of course you can, but the question is, who will put the leech? Hirudotherapist or yourself? What is the difference?

The fact that only a doctor can put a lot of leeches, combine them with various medicines, put leeches in the mouth, nose, and vagina. At the same time, the doctor is aware of all possible risks and is ready to reflect them if any complications arise.

I advise hirudotherapy at home to be limited to general wellness sessions. Wellness, so to speak, is for those who feel good already, but want it to be even better.

  • If the patient is taking medication for any chronic diseases, then it is better to conduct treatment sessions in a clinic or at home in the presence of a doctor;
  • treatment with leeches is far from being combined with all medications, and instead of a positive result, surprises may arise (see medications as a contraindication to hirudotherapy);
  • during menstruation it is better to refrain from setting leeches.

Where to put or points for hirudotherapy

First principle

Wherever you put a leech, it will still be useful (with the exception of places where you don’t need to put them if you don’t have the appropriate medical education). It is not necessary to put leeches on the areas of large venous vessels, places with thin skin, the face, in the body cavity.

Principle Two

There are special points, zones for influencing the entire body. Points of general action: coccyx, navel, perineum, liver, pancreas zone, chakra points. If we want to achieve maximum success in the treatment of a local process, we also work with points, zones of general action.

Principle Three

In addition to common points, we can act directly on the patient locally. We put it where it hurts the most, or where there is a main problem for which hirudotherapy is performed

How to put leeches

Each hirudotherapist has his own technique for various diseases, but if you do not have enough experience with leeches, put one - two - three leeches, and you will never have problems. I recommend starting the first procedure with one leech per liver.
You will get acquainted with the reactions that occur during hirudotherapy, evaluate the amount of individual blood loss, assess the risk of allergies, and then you will plan the next sessions, taking into account the results of the first introductory procedure.
In general, there is such a rule, how much weight a person has, how many leeches he will need for a course of treatment. But from my experience I can say that a positive healing effect in any person is achieved with a minimum number of leeches. It is quite enough to put 15 - 20 leeches on a course of 7-10 procedures, one session with an interval of a week and the patient will fly on wings, so good will be the state of health in a variety of diseases.

Algorithm of actions for better suction of a leech

  • The patient's body should be with a natural smell (it is desirable to wash the day before);
  • in winter, it is advisable to warm up the suction points with a heating pad for five minutes before the procedure;
  • if the leech does not want to stick, I puncture the patient's finger with a scarifier, transfer a drop of blood from the finger to the points where the leeches should stick;
  • you can massage the place a little, rub it;
  • some hirudotherapists for better suction pre-place cans on attachment points

The use of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy is better known to us as a method of treatment with leeches. It has been used since very ancient times. Medicine today very often uses leeches to treat many diseases.

But in order to achieve the desired effect, medical leeches are used. They are specially grown on biological farms, and they are sterile. Since, leeches grown in the usual way can bring some kind of infection. Each leech is used only once.

Hirudotherapy is prescribed by a specialist for the treatment of diseases in many areas. Often it is this method of treatment that saves the patient from surgical intervention.

And in some cases, hirudotherapy replaces all other methods of recovery, being the only possible one. Hirudotherapy applied by leeches grown in modern conditions has no side effects. Treatment with leeches is used even in pediatrics.

Treatment with leeches

During a healing session with leeches, it is placed on the area where the diseased organ is located. The place where the leech should be treated is chosen by the doctor and puts it on the appropriate points. The specialist looks at whether the leeches are correctly located, and prescribes the required amount.

Hirudotherapy has the following consequences:

  • restores blood microcirculation;
  • accelerates the process of saturation of all tissues with nutrients and oxygen;
  • blood clots dissolve in the blood and new ones do not form;
  • restores immunity;
  • relieves congestion.

In addition to the fact that the leech heals at the medical level, it also restores energy exchange between the damaged organ and the whole body.


Hirudotherapy, unlike other conventional methods of treatment, has a longer effect. For doctors, it has become a real discovery, as it has no negative consequences and does not cause allergies.

It is used both as the main method of treatment and as an addition to drug treatment. It is used in many areas, such as neurology, gynecology, urology and many others.

The consequences of hirudotherapy:

  1. Restores and normalizes natural blood flow;
  2. Biologically active substances enter the body;
  3. Leeches act on special points and perform a reflex action;
  4. Relieves pain;
  5. Removes swelling;
  6. Cleanses diseased organs;
  7. Normalizes pressure;
  8. Relieves inflammation and is excellent with microbes;
  9. Lowers cholesterol levels;
  10. Restores endocrine metabolism.

In addition, after such procedures, immunity and mood increase. The patient becomes less anxious, irritable, his working capacity increases, more energy appears to perform all daily activities, creativity increases and much more.

Points for hirudotherapy

Where and how to put leeches should be controlled by a specialist. But clearly they must work in biologically active points, where there is a diseased organ and there are pain sensations.

Treatment can be carried out both in the clinic and at home, and only the attending physician should draw up a diagram of where to put leeches. This is due to the fact that for each disease there are places where it is necessary to put leeches.

  • atherosclerosis and varicose veins in the legs.
    Leeches are placed to the left and right of the vein. You can not put on the vein itself.
  • on the back (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, sciatica).
    Place also on the left and right along the entire spinal column.
  • headaches, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
    Leeches on the head need to be installed in the right place. To do this, you need to find a small tubercle behind the ears, about two centimeters behind them - these are the mastoid processes of the bones of the skull. It will be necessary to put leeches on them one at a time.
  • intracranial and high blood pressure. It is necessary to put 2-3 pieces on the sacrum.
  • inflammation of the uterus Bladder with severe menstrual pain.
    Also, 2-3 leeches can be installed on the sacrum.
  • low pressure.
    One leech is placed on the back of the head.
  • stasis of blood in the abdominal cavity.
    Leeches must be installed on the stomach, in places where the liver, pancreas, stomach or intestines are located.
    Also, hirudotherapy performed in this part of the body improves appetite, eliminates colic, and accelerates the process of fat burning.
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, poor patency of the maxillary sinuses.
    It is necessary to carefully place the leeches on the sides of the nose and above the eyebrows. And if you put leeches in the corners mandible this will help improve blood circulation in the spine.
  • bleeding from the nose pulmonary.
    They can be dealt with by leeches placed around the anus.

How to put leeches?

Before the leech begins to stick to the sore spot, the specialist first determines the boundaries where it can crawl and determine the desired point.

Setting schemes

The staging scheme is determined by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosed disease:

  1. in diseases of the visual organ, leeches should be placed in the temple area. It is impossible to put around the eyes and on the scrotum;
  2. with inflammation of the pelvic organs, with hemorrhoids, prostatitis, you need to put leeches on the coccyx and around the anus;
  3. with arthritis, hirudotherapy is carried out around the diseased joint;
  4. for kidney diseases, leeches should be placed on the back, just above the waist;
  5. for the treatment of gastritis, leeches should be installed in the midline chest.

The hirudotherapy procedure is considered one of the least painful. The leech sticks in the right place and the patient feels discomfort, reminiscent of a mosquito bite.

But all this quickly passes, since the saliva of a leech contains pain-relieving components. They quickly penetrate inside, and all useful elements immediately enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body.

During the procedure, a leech absorbs about 15 ml of blood, and therefore 10 leeches will be planted for treatment, this will hardly affect your well-being. Hirudotherapy has no unpleasant consequences, pain, dizziness.

After the session, a specialist applies pressure bandage, the same as for venous bleeding. Blood can ooze for another day, this is considered normal.

The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician, so the number of procedures is set individually. Basically, it is necessary to carry out about 10 procedures. But in some cases, after 1-3 procedures, a significant improvement occurs. It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment 2 times a year.

Is it possible to put a leech at home?

Hirudotherapy can be done at home.

For this you will need:

  • ethanol;
  • bandage in order to make a pressure bandage;
  • medical tray.

Before putting a leech, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where it will be sucked with alcohol. And rinse after hot water. Thus, it is possible to provide a rush of blood to the diseased area.

After that, you can take a jar of leeches. One of them needs to be taken and quickly moved into a smaller container, a test tube, a small jar. Then a container with a leech must be attached to the selected place.

The leech will gradually slide down, find the right point and stick. This may take 1-2 minutes. It is not recommended to take a leech with tweezers.

As a rule, this works. But if this does not help, then you can take another worm or use bait. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin must be smeared with water in which sugar is dissolved.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Severe poisoning;
  3. Too low pressure;
  4. Low body weight;
  5. Poor blood clotting;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. allergic reactions;
  8. infectious exacerbations.

medical leeches

These slippery and unpleasant creatures are actually very beneficial for our body. Hirudotherapy allows you to solve a large number of health problems. At the same time, the medical leech is very different from its counterparts that live in stagnant water bodies. It is sterile and does not introduce any infections into the human body.

They are used only once. However, today we will not talk about different types treatment, we are only interested in where to put leeches for weight loss. Patients who have already tried this method note a quick effect that lasts for long time. The benefits of this method are so significant that it has great prospects.

Hirudotherapy in action

With the help of these amazing creatures, you can heal excess weight and cellulite, fight even with severe obesity. Of course, you should not hope that leeches will suck all the fat out of you. This is not liposuction, but only one step to victory over overweight. The treatment itself is as follows. The hirudotherapist installs live, hungry leeches on the biologically active points of our body. Thus, the mechanism of action is similar to acupuncture.

The process does not end there. The leech bites through the skin 2 mm deep and injects its saliva into the wound. Now you can watch how her body begins to fill with blood. In total, she can suck up to 10 ml of blood. It would seem that very little. But the fact is that blood, lymph and tissue fluid will ooze from the wound for some more time, due to a special enzyme in saliva that prevents blood from clotting. After about 10 hours, the wound will heal.

During this time, you can lose from 60 to 200 ml of blood, lymph and tissue fluid. At the same time, the hirudotherapist knows exactly where to put leeches for weight loss. But if you want to perform this procedure yourself, then let's understand further.

Therapy results

If you have never dealt with alternative treatment, then you should resort to the help of a specialist or study the literature well. Putting leeches for weight loss is not so difficult, we will now talk about this in a little more detail. What will you get as a result?

The benefits of leeches

Let's start with the fact that the procedure is completely painless. A moment of discomfort at the time of the bite, and then a special enzyme contained in saliva, acts no worse than novocaine. In addition, it is also an excellent antiseptic, which means you don’t have to worry that the wounds will become inflamed after a bite.

We are very interested in live examples of whether leeches help for weight loss. Reviews emphasize that the results are really very good. If you set out to lose weight and it doesn’t work out in any way, then we recommend that you use this method.

As a result of competent treatment, the following results are achieved:

Not only leeches

The process of weight loss is a complex task that must be solved by all available means. The abuse of harmful products and physical inactivity will lead to the fact that all the efforts of the bloodsuckers will remain without result. You need to start with a cleansing diet and a complete lifestyle change. You need to walk more and do exercises every morning, there is only healthy food and give up sweets. By the way, those who have already undergone such treatment note that already from the first procedure there is a decrease in appetite. Now you can look at store-bought cakes without much trepidation and indulge yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, excluding from the menu harmful products, you can saturate it not with harmful fats, but with vitamins and minerals.

Leeches and cellulite

By the way, even if you use these creatures at home, it is not at all necessary to look for the right points. Leeches for weight loss are laid out in random order. However, you should not get carried away with bloodsuckers. It is enough to use three leeches for one procedure. It is enough to spend 10-12 sessions, two per week, and you will feel the result. A month later, the course can be repeated.


You can use the classic schemes, according to which the herudotherapist places leeches for weight loss. Where to put, the photo shows very clearly. However, in any case, you need to focus on the individual characteristics of the client.

In principle, wherever you put it, it will still be useful. An exception may be the area of ​​large, venous vessels and places with thin skin, such as the face. It should be borne in mind that there are special points that are zones of influence on the entire body. These are the coccyx and navel, the perineum and liver, the pancreas zone. Points on the chakras: the base of the spine, solar plexus, the level of the heart, the depression at the base of the neck, the middle of the forehead and the region of the crown.

In addition to common points, you can pay attention directly to the most problematic areas. In other words, it is precisely the places of the greatest accumulation of fat reserves that should be tested by bloodsuckers.

How to put a leech?

So, you have decided on the procedure, you will use leeches for weight loss. The necessary points (the photo will help you navigate with the placement) are marked with a pencil and you can proceed. Now the most important thing is that picky creatures agree to suck. To do this, the body must be washed clean without the use of scented gels and soaps. Give up alcohol and cigarettes, as well as perfume.

The area where you will put the leech should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, and then rinsed with water. Now put on a glove and use a small cup to catch the leech. Turning the vessel over, you can see how the leech moved to the skin and sucked.

Points on the body where leeches should be placed for heart disease (with photo)

To get started, familiarize yourself with the methods of staging leeches for various heart diseases.

Treatment of cardialgia. Cardialgia is pain in the region of the heart, the nature of which can be very different. Hirudotherapy in the treatment of cardialgia contributes not only to getting rid of pain symptoms, but also to cleansing the body, which leads to a cure for the disease. You can put up to 5 leeches per session.

Hirudotherapy sessions are held at weekly intervals. Where to put leeches in the treatment of cardialgia? During the first session, leeches are placed on cervical area etc. If there are more than 5 points in the zone, it is divided into two or more sessions. Leeches are placed in zones.

Treatment of angina pectoris. Angina pectoris is one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease. With angina pectoris, from 2 to 6 leeches are placed - in the first sessions, the minimum number of leeches should be placed in the zone, then their number gradually increases. Leeches are removed when the first signs of free sucking appear.

For the correct setting of leeches for angina pectoris, the first 3-5 sessions of hirudotherapy can be performed daily, this will lead to pain relief. Further hirudotherapy sessions are held every other day, and the last 3-4 sessions - once a week. The course of treatment includes 10 sessions, in a month it can be repeated. Hirudotherapy in the treatment of angina pectoris is combined with the intake of cardiac herbs.

The first 2-3 sessions of hirudotherapy for angina pectoris are best done in the area above the heart area, increasing the number of leeches from 2 onwards. In the future, the zones alternate. There are active points in the zones, on which it is recommended to put leeches.

Treatment of heart failure. Heart failure develops when the heart is unable to provide normal blood circulation. This disease can be caused by heart valve disease, coronary disease, various diseases of the lungs and heart. With heart failure, you can also resort to the services of leeches. Hirudotherapy has shown its effectiveness in the fight against this disease.

How to put leeches in heart failure? Remember that this disease requires long-term treatment. Leeches are usually placed for a long time, until they are completely saturated. From 4 to 6 leeches are placed in one session. Sessions should not be carried out more often 1-2 times a week, for a course of treatment from 7 to 12 sessions. Hirudotherapy is recommended to be combined with other naturotherapeutic methods of treatment - apply procedures for cleansing the intestines and liver, diuretic herbal tea. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult with specialists. Leeches are also placed in zones.

Below you can see a photo of staging leeches for heart disease:

How to put medical leeches for diseases of the respiratory tract (with video)

In this section of the article, you will learn how to properly put leeches in case of illness. respiratory tract.

Bronchitis treatment. Bronchitis (acute and chronic) is an inflammatory process in the bronchi. Hirudotherapy in the treatment of bronchitis can be used as auxiliary method treatments to stimulate immune processes and improve metabolism.

Leeches are placed until they fall off on their own. In the first sessions, put no more than 3 leeches, gradually their number increases to 7 per session. The course of treatment is 7-8 sessions of hirudotherapy. The first 3 sessions of setting leeches in zones are recommended to be carried out every other day, the rest - 2 times a week. Hirudotherapy sessions are held sequentially by zones.

Treatment of bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is an allergic disease with damage to the bronchi, accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Leeches have shown themselves well as a cure for bronchial asthma. They are placed from 2 to 8 pieces per session. The optimal setting is 3-4 leeches during one procedure. The course of treatment includes up to 8 sessions. You can spend 3 courses with an interval of 2-4 weeks. At the beginning of the first course, the scheme for setting up healing leeches is as follows: the first and second weeks - 2 sessions with an interval of 3 days, then 1 session per week. Leeches are also placed in zones of no more than 8 pieces per session, and the zones vary.

On the video "Staging leeches" you can familiarize yourself with the rules for conducting a hirudotherapy session:

Points for setting medical leeches for hirudotherapy of the gastrointestinal tract (with photo)

Treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The liver is exposed to all kinds of "destroyers", including alcohol and drugs, and all this can lead to the development of various diseases. In particular, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver can develop as a result of both the action of various substances and infectious jaundice. Both of these diseases contribute to the deterioration of liver function, as a result of which the metabolic processes in the body are disturbed. The use of hirudotherapy in this situation has shown its effectiveness.

The course of treatment of these diseases is quite long - up to 12 sessions of hirudotherapy can be performed. From 4 to 8 leeches are placed in one session.

How are medicinal leeches used in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver? During hirudotherapy sessions, you can remove leeches as soon as they start sucking blood. Hirudotherapy sessions are held 2 times in the first week, after which - one session per week. During the course of treatment, the patient is recommended to include in the diet foods rich in iron (with the exception of meat).

Leeches are placed in zones that vary. One zone is used during one session.

Treatment of gastritis. Gastritis, according to experts, can be regarded as a syndrome of problems with the digestive tract. It is manifested by a violation of appetite, a feeling of heaviness and aching pains in the region of the stomach. All this can eventually lead to problems with the liver and gallbladder.

With gastritis, 2-3 leeches are placed during one session. The second session is carried out 3 days after the first, the next - with a weekly interval. In total, 7 sessions are enough for a course of treatment. You should not use more than two points for setting leeches of one zone during one session, that is, if you put leeches on the anterior abdominal zone, do not install them on all points, but only on two of them (4 and 5 or 2 and 3, etc.) .). Another 1-2 leeches can be put on another zone.

Below are photos of how to put leeches during hirudotherapy of the gastrointestinal tract:

Zones of correct setting of leeches for kidney diseases

Hirudotherapy is widely used in the treatment of kidney diseases. It is most often used in combination with traditional and naturopathic treatments.

Especially popular is the treatment with leeches of diseases such as chronic renal failure, the consequences of traumatic kidney injury.

The points on the body where to put leeches in case of kidney diseases are mainly concentrated in the lumbar region. As a rule, 2-3 leeches are placed in one session. When treating the consequences of an injury, the number of leeches can reach up to 8. The first 5-7 sessions are recommended every other day, the rest - 2 times a week.

The course of treatment includes from 7 to 12 procedures. Often repeated courses of treatment are carried out. Hirudotherapy is most effective in combination with medicinal herbs, cleansing procedures. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, constantly take tests, otherwise you can worsen your condition.

The setting of leeches is also carried out in zones. You can also use other points where you need to put leeches on the side of the affected organ. Remember: in this case you can give the leeches some freedom of movement, and they themselves will choose the most correct points for location.

These photos show the points where leeches are placed for kidney diseases:

How to put leeches on your feet

Treatment of thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis is a complication of varicose veins - blockage of a vein by a thrombus.

Thrombophlebitis is often accompanied by pain and swelling, and it is also characterized by increased fatigue. The use of medical leeches is currently considered one of the most effective means of combating this disease.

In the acute period of the disease, hirudotherapy sessions can be performed every day, then 2-3 times a week. In one session, 3-8 leeches are placed, depending on the degree of damage to the vein. To put leeches on the feet for re-treatment, you need to wait at least two months after the first.

How and where to put leeches for thrombophlebitis? Hirudotherapy in this case is performed on the area of ​​redness along its outer border and along the course of the vein. In no case do not put leeches on a vein, this can lead to serious bleeding.

Treatment of varicose veins. Varicose veins is a disease of the veins that develops as a result of the weakening of the venous walls. With the development of varicose veins, the entire venous system.

The points where to put leeches for varicose veins are located in the area of ​​the sacrum, liver and above the womb, as well as locally along the vein. Usually it is enough to put 2 leeches on one of the listed zones, as well as up to 4 pieces along the vein. In the absence of signs of an inflammatory process, sessions are held 2 times a week. The course of treatment includes up to 12 procedures.

The scheme for setting leeches is in a checkerboard pattern along the course of the vein; it is also recommended to place individuals in areas of circulatory disorders on the lower extremities, in areas of skin pigmentation changes.

Where are leeches placed in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids- result venous insufficiency and seated image life. This disease is quite common in modern society and causes very unpleasant sensations. Enlargement of hemorrhoids may acquire chronic, be complicated by thrombosis.

In order to recover from this disease, it is not enough to use lotions and candles. It is necessary to reduce the congestion of the venous circulation, and this is helped by leeches. Hirudotherapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids has shown itself from the best side.

Where should leeches be placed in case of acute thrombosis of the hemorrhoid? In this case, the individual is placed directly on the node, in the chronic course of the disease - by zones.

The main zone when setting medical leeches in acute stage disease is perianal - the area of ​​inflamed thrombosed hemorrhoids. During one session, 2-3 leeches are placed. They should be kept until full saturation. To appease sharp pain, hirudotherapy sessions can be carried out daily, and in the future limited to 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment can include up to 12 sessions.

Points where leeches are placed for eye diseases (with photo)

Hirudotherapy has shown its effectiveness in ophthalmic practice. Of course, with eye diseases it is not recommended to self-medicate.

The course of hirudotherapy for the treatment of eye diseases is best done in a specialized institution with the help of a qualified doctor. Nevertheless, it is considered necessary to provide information on the setting of leeches for the treatment of eye diseases - in this way, you can understand how much you can trust this or that hirudotherapist.

With the help of leeches, glaucoma is successfully treated. Hirudotherapy improves tissue metabolism, reduces puffiness, helps fight vascular disorders, helps reduce intraocular pressure.

It is used not only as a remedy for the treatment of glaucoma, but also for the relief of acute attacks.

For the treatment of glaucoma, 2-3 leeches are placed in one session. Up to 11 sessions are carried out during the course of treatment. After 1-2 months, the course of hirudotherapy is repeated. Leeches are placed until full saturation.

Look at the photo, where to put leeches for glaucoma:

In the first 3-4 sessions, individuals are placed on the eye area, and after the fourth session, also on the points of the posterior cervical (points at the base occipital bone 2-3 cm to the right and left of the midline) and hepatic (points in the projection of the liver, along the midclavicular line to the right and left at the level of the 6th intercostal space, a point at the top of the xiphoid process) zones.

Also, leeches are successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. They are placed in the same areas as in the treatment of glaucoma.

The scheme of where to put leeches for eye inflammation is as follows. During the first 4 sessions, leeches are planted on 2-3 points in the eye area on the side of the lesion. After that, a session is performed with the placement of leeches on the posterior cervical zone, then again 3 procedures on the eye area, after which a session with the placement of leeches on the hepatic zone. During one session, 2-3 leeches are placed. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease and the observed improvement.

Setting leeches in the treatment of nerve paralysis and hypertension

Treatment of nerve paralysis. Nerve paralysis - serious illness, the nature of which may be different.

It does not matter for what reason the nerve palsy developed - due to trauma, inflammation or a neurological disorder.

In any case, hirudotherapy, as medical practice shows, gives nice results.

How to put leeches for the treatment of nerve paralysis? They are placed on the affected area along the nerve. They can be taken from 4 to 10 pieces. For the treatment of nerve paralysis, it is better for you to contact a hirudotherapeutist, it is he who will be able to correctly determine the place where the leeches are placed, and their number and on

Treatment of hypertension. The main symptom of hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Hirudotherapy is effective in the treatment of hypertension, hypertensive crisis. The sacral zone is the main one in the treatment of hypertension; leeches are placed on the remaining zones in combination with it. With a hypertensive crisis, you can use up to 4 leeches per session, sessions are held daily. With the removal of symptoms, hirudotherapy sessions can be carried out 2 times a week. Sessions can be up to 9 per course.

How to put leeches in the treatment of cellulite (with photo)

Cellulite is known to- the scourge of many women. Its manifestations are not very aesthetic. At first, small tuberosity of the skin of problem areas, especially the hips and legs above the knee, is not noticeable until you gather the skin into a fold. Then the orange peel effect is already visible to the naked eye. And it’s embarrassing to appear on the beach in a bathing suit. And hirudotherapy is one of the most effective methods of dealing with cellulite. In the treatment of cellulite, the most important role is played by enzymes contained in the saliva of the leech, such as lipase and hyaluronidase. They are effective in the fight against this disease, because lipase breaks down fat, contributing to weight loss, and hyaluronidase has a "resolving" effect.

Where to put leeches in the treatment of cellulite? At home, you can put individuals on problem areas, focusing on classical schemes. Do not use more than 3-5 leeches during one session. It is enough to carry out 10-12 sessions, 2 sessions per week, after which you can repeat the course of treatment in 1-2 months.

You can see a photo of the points for setting leeches for cellulite below:

Where to put leeches for atherosclerosis and migraine

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain. Atherosclerosis of the brain is a chronic disease. Causes its disruption of protein and fat metabolism. As atherosclerosis progresses, the blood supply to the brain decreases.

As a result, the brain constantly experiences oxygen starvation, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in efficiency, memory impairment, and the development of senile dementia.

Where to put leeches in atherosclerosis of the brain? For the treatment of this disease, leeches are placed mainly on the head, in particular behind the ears on the mastoid processes.

Migraine treatment. A migraine is a unilateral, throbbing headache. This disease is very old. Its development, according to research results, is associated mainly with stress - the body, with the help of a headache, signals a mental or physical overstrain.

Hirudotherapy is the most effective method migraine. Leeches not only relieve headaches, but also help eliminate the causes of the disease, normalize cerebral circulation.

Where to put leeches for migraine and other types of headaches? In this case, individuals are placed on the mastoid processes behind the ears, as well as on the coccyx and around the anus.

How to put leeches on your back

Treatment of osteochondrosis and sciatica. Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the spinal column. Radiculitis is one of the forms of osteochondrosis. Treatment for osteochondrosis and radiculitis is carried out in a complex manner, but leeches can also do a lot to cure these diseases.

How to put leeches on the back in the treatment of osteochondrosis and sciatica? In this case, hungry individuals are usually placed on both sides of the spine in the lumbar region or at the site of localization pain. In one session, you can put from 4 to 10 leeches. Leeches are left until completely saturated.

Treatment of rheumatism. Rheumatism affects the connective tissue of the cardiovascular system, as well as large joints. With rheumatism, hirudotherapy sessions are indicated.

At the same time, leeches are placed around the affected joint; 2-5 pieces are taken for the session. Leeches contribute to the removal of inflammatory processes and the elimination of pain, as well as heal the body as a whole. Hirudotherapy can be carried out both as a course (8-10 sessions) and as separate sessions. With rheumatism, leeches can be placed every day or every other day.

Leeches in the treatment of skin diseases

Treatment of various skin diseases. With skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, lupus, hirudotherapy is appropriate. Under the action of biologically active substances contained in the saliva of leeches, already after 4-5 sessions painful formations on the skin turn pale, and the general condition of the patient improves. Furuncles and carbuncles almost completely disappear in 3 sessions of hirudotherapy, and one session is enough to stop the inflammatory process.

Places where to put leeches for skin diseases are either the affected areas of the skin or around them. In the treatment of lupus and psoriasis, you can put up to 15-20 leeches per session. The procedure is carried out without hemorrhage, that is, the leeches are removed from the skin as soon as they begin to suck blood.

Panaritium treatment. Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger. Panaritium, both superficial and deep, most often affects tissues located closer to the palmar surface of the finger. The focus of purulent inflammation is located inside the finger. A bubble may form on the affected area, reddening of the skin is noticeable around. Hirudotherapy can help at an early stage of the disease.

Where to put leeches during hirudotherapy during panaritium? Individuals are placed directly on the focus of inflammation in the amount of 1-3 pieces, depending on the size of the inflamed area. At the same time, 1-2 sessions are enough for the inflammatory process to come to naught and the focus of suppuration does not form. If suppuration nevertheless occurred, you should not resort to the help of leeches for skin diseases - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment with healing leeches: points and a scheme for staging under stress

Hirudotherapy can help manage stress. But modern man experiences stress all the time. They appear to be inevitable. Unfortunately, stress can lead to the development of not only psychological difficulties, but also somatic diseases.

Stress, in fact, is different for each person. In any case, this is a state of nervous or mental overstrain, due to exposure to various reasons, external or internal.

Stress can be psychological or physiological. Psychological stress is generated by emotions or information. Emotional psychological stress is a human reaction, consisting in anxiety, fears, resentment. Emotional stress can lead to an emotional breakdown.

Information stress can develop under the influence of too intense information loads. If you are not able to comprehend something new for you, to “shovel” the abyss of information, to cope with the task, then you may encounter information stress. Especially often informational stress "overtakes" schoolchildren and students. Information stress is manifested in constant tension, forgetfulness, increased demands on oneself and others. And finally, physiological stress. It can be provoked by too intense physical exercise, inflammatory processes, high or low blood pressure, pain syndrome.

Stress, if not dealt with, can lead to the development of all kinds of diseases. But hirudotherapy can help manage stress. This is explained very simply.

The saliva of leeches contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect not only on the physical body of a person, but also on the psyche. And a healthier organism, as it turned out, is much easier to deal with all sorts of irritants. Therefore, by improving your body, you will become less susceptible to a variety of stressors.

To combat stress, you can take a preventive course of hirudotherapy. For example, following diagram staging leeches will help you improve your psycho-emotional state.

When treating stress with leeches, the staging scheme is observed as follows.

With the help of a hirudotherapy session, you can bring your psyche back to normal. If stress has already passed into a protracted phase, and you feel depressed or apathetic, you can put leeches according to the scheme described below. Also offered seven sessions of hirudotherapy will help you cope with psychological difficulties. After all, researchers have found that the saliva of leeches contains a special enzyme, through which various nervous and mental disorders are healed.

After passing full course treatment, patients feel inner harmony and confidence. They are calm, apathy and irritability disappear without a trace. And such a positive attitude to life persists for several months, regardless of the characteristics of character and temperament. Of course, not all psychological problems can be solved with leeches. But hirudotherapy will not be superfluous even if you turned to a psychologist for help.

Interestingly, even schizophrenia and epilepsy are treated with hirudotherapy. Patients of one of the clinics shave their hair off their heads and put leeches on certain areas. Their number can reach 10 pieces per session.

Experts say: 3-4 such sessions of hirudotherapy relieve the exacerbation of the disease.

Of course, such a radical treatment regimen should be used only in a specialized clinic under the supervision of an experienced hirudotherapist. But you can cope with stress and depression at home.

With home hirudotherapy, the points for setting leeches are located in the following zones.

Watch a video on how leeches are put to treat stress and depression:

How to put leeches to people with different temperaments: staging scheme

Surprisingly, the success of treatment with leeches depends to a large extent on the temperament of the patient. Why? It's just that people, depending on the characteristics of their temperament, react differently to the "irritant" and treat them in completely different ways. unconventional methods treatment. And if you correctly determine your type of temperament, you can more fully enjoy the results of treatment.

Depending on the reaction to a particular situation, people can be attributed to one of four types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melancholic. The following are the points of setting and the treatment regimen with leeches for people with various types temperaments.

Sanguine temperament. Representatives of this type can easily adapt to everything new. They have excellent self-control, do not differ in temper. Gamblingly take on everything that will attract their attention. And if a sanguine person gets carried away with hirudotherapy, he will find out everything that is possible about this subject and begin to treat himself and those around him. Unpleasant little things associated with a new business for a sanguine person will not be able to stop him.

Sanguine temperament can manifest itself both in appearance and in behavioral reactions. Most often, sanguine people move confidently and smoothly, gesticulation is quick and easy. Facial expressions are usually rich, speech is loud and clear.

Those who are sanguine can be advised the following: before you start taking action, study everything related to a new business for you. Otherwise, you may run into difficulties.

Sanguine people are the most balanced type of temperament, they can put the same number of leeches on each zone, from 3 to 5.

How to put leeches to sanguine people, and the staging scheme for representatives of this temperament is presented below.

Phlegmatic temperament. Phlegmatic people are stubborn, persistent in achieving their goals. They are most often calm, unruffled and thorough. On the external stimuli they do not react immediately, it is difficult for phlegmatic people to adjust to the new. Concerning external manifestations, phlegmatic people are characterized by a leisurely gait "with laziness". Both facial expressions and gestures are inexpressive, speech is unhurried. The phlegmatic, before embarking on a new business for himself, will study all the pros and cons.

Phlegmatic people can put leeches on their own. Thanks to the peculiarities of their temperament, they will cope with any surprise. They don't tend to be driven by emotions. Phlegmatic people are attentive and responsible. With the help of hirudotherapy, phlegmatic people will be able to solve their main problem: the inability to correctly distribute energy and respond in time to changes around.

Leeches can be given to phlegmatic people more than with other types of temperament. Particularly good is the setting of leeches on lower part body. Phlegmatic people can conduct hirudotherapy sessions quite often, with a break of 3-4 days.

Seventh session (for women).

3 leeches are placed on the projection of the appendages. The hirudotherapy session continues until the leeches are completely saturated.

choleric temperament. Cholerics are unbalanced, representatives of this type of temperament are easily excitable. They are very mobile. Cholerics enthusiastically take on everything new and interesting.

But, unfortunately, they do not always adequately assess their own strengths and, as a result, they can quit what they started halfway.

Characteristic signs of choleric temperament are hasty, sometimes confused speech, expressive facial expressions. Cholerics are swift and mobile, they gesticulate sharply and often change positions.

And if an emergency situation occurs, he will not immediately be able to adequately respond to it. For example, the leech did not stick, but went for a "walk". What will the choleric do? Most likely, he will start waving his arms, expressing everything that he thinks about this very leech. In the meantime, she, as a fairly fast creature, will crawl far away.

For choleric people, five sessions of hirudotherapy will be enough for prevention. You should not put leeches on the lower part of the body, because choleric people are already too active, and their body should not be activated. Between sessions you need to take a break of 5-6 days.

Familiarize yourself with how to put leeches on choleric people, and the staging scheme for representatives of this temperament.

If the leeches do not fall off on their own, they should be helped.

Melancholy temperament. Melancholics are not too persistent, they are passive, on external changes react weakly. Usually melancholic people live "in themselves", they do not like changes.

External manifestations: restrained gait, thoughtfulness, mean and sharp gestures. Speech is uneven, sometimes becomes slow.

Depending on the type of temperament, the course preventive treatment with the help of leeches is different.

Of course, nothing terrible will happen if you do not take into account the peculiarities of your temperament.

Leeches in any case will benefit your body. But if you take into account your temperament and, depending on it, choose the scheme for setting leeches, the course of treatment will be much more effective.

After all, these organs sometimes cause concern to representatives of this type of temperament. And preventive measures will not be superfluous.

Given that melancholics belong to the so-called weak type of temperament, it is better for them not to put leeches on their own, but to turn to someone else's help. Since sometimes melancholics have low blood pressure, the leeches are removed without waiting for full saturation. By the way, in ancient times, melancholic and choleric people were reluctant to put leeches. After all, representatives of these temperaments are characterized by peculiar reactions to the world around them, and the ancient doctors did not want to activate them.

The scheme of treatment with leeches of the setting point for melancholic is described below.

And so, you have leeches and you are being treated for the first time. For the first time you will need four or five leeches. We will put them on the liver area, thereby activating its work. The liver has its own system of blood flow and lymph flow, bile outflow and innervation. The venous system is developed in the liver. It consists of the portal vein (sometimes called portal vein) and hepatic veins. Portal vein includes great amount capillaries that collect blood from all over gastrointestinal tract and spleen. We remember that treatment with leeches is, first of all, an effect on circulatory system, and staging on the projection of the liver is the effect on the whole organism as a whole.

You can put leeches both on the right hypochondrium and between the ribs. The distance between the leeches is 6-8 cm. The figure shows the points that you can use for setting. In practice, it looks like this: we put one of the leeches in a plastic cap from Cola (don't take it literally, any cap of this size will do) and apply it to the body, having previously felt the setting area with our fingers. Next, we put a leech after a leech, covering the entire area of ​​​​the projection of the liver. Body position - lying. Then we wait until the leeches are completely saturated and fall off.

In our first production, we involved the area of ​​the liver. Where to put the leeches in the next session? It is necessary to make a reservation right away that in order to receive maximum effect count on at least five sessions of hirudotherapy, preferably 8-10 sessions. The production schedule is approximately the following: the first week 2-3 sessions, the second week 2 sessions and then one session per week. Of course, relief comes after the second, or even the first time, but you need to remember - "go quieter - you will continue." By stretching the treatment for several weeks, you make the process more controllable, which is very important at home, you should make a reservation right away that serious illnesses should not be treated at home, but as preventive measure, hirudotherapy fits well.
For example, you decide to strengthen cardiovascular system, it will be correct to take the sacrum area into the next setting, that is, you use the coccyx area and the Michaelis rhombus for setting - a depression in the sacral region, bounded from above and outside by the protruding edges of the large spinal muscles, and from below and outside - by the protruding edges of the gluteal muscles. The red dots mark the places where the leeches were placed. The number of leeches is three or four.

In the first week, we put leeches on the liver and coccyx area, then we took a break (for sure, you felt calm, self-confident and increased vitality - after several sessions of hirudotherapy, this is almost guaranteed), in the second week we take the kidney area from the back to work . The number of leeches is three on each side.

After placing on the kidney area, a week later we go directly to the heart area. Completely the area of ​​the heart (both in front and from the back) we will go through in three courses. I remind you that at least five to six days should elapse between sessions. Immediately we use the following points for setting in front: point one is the infrajugular fossa, the second point is xiphoid process, the third point and the fourth point - the second, third intercostal space of the chest, stepping back from the sternum by one to two fingers. Fifth point - stepping back from the sternum by four fingers along the fifth intercostal space.

In the second year, we take the back area into work: four points - the interscapular region at the level of 4-5 and 5-6 thoracic vertebrae along the midline on both sides of the spine, and the fifth point is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 5th thoracic vertebra, stepping back a palm's width from spine.

In the third year, we take into work the collar zone for staging. The number of leeches is 4-5 pieces. The diagram shows the general setting area. Do not worry too much if the leeches are not exactly as shown in the diagram exactly, just stick to general scheme staging, as studies show, a leech between two staging sites will choose a biologically active one, and therefore trust her, she knows where to stick herself.

So, we completed a course of six procedures, which took about five weeks. Surely you have felt a surge of strength, improved well-being, and noticed many other positive changes for yourself. As a rule, after several procedures, your attitude towards leeches has changed from tolerant or neutral, at least to benevolent and positive towards these unique natural healers. At the very beginning, we set ourselves a goal aimed at improving the cardiovascular system. We completed the main course, but believe me, if you spend two more sessions of hirudotherapy, then the healing effect of this will only increase.

In this session, I suggest you put a leech on the mastoid processes - in this place there is a powerful effect on the vessels of the head, you are provided with a healthy blush on your cheeks, increased efficiency, smoothing of the skin on your face, a healthy shine in your eyes. By the way, this method of setting behind the ears was known to ancient healers and was used both to improve general well-being and to normalize pressure in hypertension.

For the course, you will need 4-5 leeches, you put two behind the ears and I highly recommend putting the fifth leech on the top of the head, thereby activating the energy center. When placed on a hairy area, leeches become not very willing

Nuances when setting leeches:

You probably wondered: “Why not immediately put leeches on the heart area?” That is, decide main task, and then you can bet on other zones if you want.
The fact is that when we put the liver on the projection for the first time, we activate it, and remembering that this organ is the main detoxification organ in our body, we are thereby preparing to accept those deposits of toxins that will invariably come to the liver for cleansing. In other words, no matter what zones you would influence with a leech, all your venous blood will invariably pass through the liver and that is why the first setting in without fail made on the projection of the liver.

The further away from the liver part of your body you activate, the more intermediate zones of activation must be activated before you directly reach the zone or organ you need.

For example, you decide to treat knee-joint. The staging scheme should look like this: the first zone is the projection of the liver, the second zone is the abdomen (peri-umbilical zone), the third zone is the sacrum + coccyx, the fourth zone is the pupart ligament, the fifth zone is the knee.

Acting in this way, activating the zones from the center (liver) to the periphery, we prepare the outflow pathways for both venous blood and lymph from our knee, simultaneously eliminating venous congestion in the abdomen, pelvic organs and leg.

Practice shows that when using such a scheme, we reduce all risks to a minimum, gradually, step by step, we prepare our own body for deslagging and gradual activation of the main organs and systems for general recovery.

A series of messages "hirudotherapy":

Part 27 - Correction of the human bioenergy field, "patching the energy holes"
Part 28 - Hirudotherapy in the treatment of mastopathy
Part 29 - Putting leeches for the first time

What are leeches

Hirudo medicinalis, also known as medicinal leeches, is a type of annelids 10-15 cm in size and brown-green in color. On the back and front of the body, they have suction cups, thanks to which they are attached to the human body. When leeches damage the epidermis, the saliva of the creature, which contains histamine and hirudin, gets under the skin of the patient. The former stimulates local vasodilation, while the latter serves as an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. These substances, together with the anesthetic, ensure a painless procedure during the sucking of the worms.

Treatment with leeches is called hirudotherapy. Like acupuncture, the method brings an effective result. Leeches are used not only to treat various diseases, but also in cosmetology. In addition to losing weight and general improvement in well-being, patients who have undergone a course of hirudotherapy can get rid of cellulite, improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, curing acne. Some worms help in the treatment of varicose veins.

Indications for setting leeches

The benefits of hirudotherapy are obvious and proven by numerous reviews of people who had a chance to try it. The main indications for setting leeches are:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • respiratory pathology;
  • inflammation of the genital organs, diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • inflammation of the biliary tract and liver;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cosmetic defects;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • eye diseases;
  • scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • joint diseases;
  • pathology of the endocrine system, kidneys, liver, etc.

Thanks to hirudotherapy, it starts accelerated exchange substances, the human body is saturated with oxygen, freed from excess fluid. As a result of the 14-day treatment, you can achieve a significant reduction in body weight (up to a loss of 5-7 kg), while not resorting to sports or debilitating diets. Nevertheless, despite this effect, doctors forbid patients to resort to hirudotherapy for weight loss more than once a year (with the exception of individual indications).

Leeching points

To achieve cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, it is important to observe correct technique worm installations. Suitable points for hirudotherapy can be seen in the diagram below. However, each hirudotherapist, when choosing places, focuses on the individual characteristics of each client. Almost any area is suitable for placing worms, the only exceptions are areas of large vessels and places where the skin is very thin, for example, the area around the eyes. The main points for setting leeches for obesity are located according to the chakras:

  • coccyx;
  • sacrum;
  • navel;
  • the area on the abdomen near the pancreas;
  • solar plexus;
  • region of the heart;
  • dimple at the base of the neck;
  • forehead center;
  • crown zone.

Leeches for weight loss

Annelids are suitable for the treatment of various diseases, in addition, hirudotherapy for weight loss is widely used. Thanks to it, metabolism is accelerated, decay products and excess fluid are removed from the body. Leeches are treated not through bites, but with the help of saliva secreted by them, which enters the human blood through the wound and contains one and a half hundred beneficial enzymes. When entering the circulatory system, these substances have beneficial effect on the circulatory and immune systems, normalize blood pressure and hormonal levels.

For weight loss, such components of worm saliva as hyaluronidase and lipase are especially important. The latter actively destroys fat, and the former helps fight cellulite. Hirudotherapy, according to doctors, is effective and in a healthy way fight against excess weight. Thanks to it, metabolic processes and brain activity are accelerated in a person, the immune system. However, the procedure can be harmful to health if you do not take into account the peculiarities of its implementation, so it is important to know about leeches for weight loss - where to put it, how often to do it, etc.

Hirudotherapy contraindications:

  • severe anemia;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • low blood pressure;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • diathesis of hemorrhagic type;
  • oncological diseases.

Where can you put leeches

When staging worms for weight loss, their location does not play a fundamental role. However, there are areas that are more suitable for this. You can put leeches in such areas on the body:

  • coccyx;
  • liver;
  • the area above the perineum;
  • pancreas;
  • sacrum;
  • navel;
  • colon;
  • area behind the ears.

Where not to put leeches

There are points where it is forbidden to put worms, or this should be done very carefully and under the supervision of a doctor. You can not put leeches on:

  • areas of the body with minimal fatty tissue (eyelids, scrotum);
  • mucous membranes (rectum, gums, throat, cervix);
  • areas of accumulation of a large number of blood vessels.

How to put leeches correctly

In order to effectively and harmlessly lose weight through hirudotherapy, it is necessary to follow the rules for setting leeches. The main ones are:

  • it is forbidden to take a bath / shower on the day of the procedure, use body cosmetics (worms do not like odors and may not stick);
  • for a few days, you should exclude the use of alcohol, stop smoking;
  • physical work is prohibited before the procedure;
  • it is better to increase the number of individuals gradually, monitoring the reaction of your own body to them;
  • the course should last no more than 12 sessions;
  • it is desirable to put worms on heated skin, for the purpose of which heating pads, massages and rubbing the body are used.

How many leeches can be placed at one time

The number of individuals is determined by the specialist conducting the procedure. At the same time, at first it is recommended to put no more than 4-6 worms, gradually increasing their number. How many leeches can be placed at one time? Each individual absorbs in one procedure a volume of blood of about 5-15 ml, after which the same amount is released from open wounds. For weight loss, worms are distributed over several areas of the body (as a rule, on the stomach in the region of the stomach and pancreas, sacrum, coccyx).

Is it possible to put leeches every day

If the doctor has determined that the patient has no contraindications, a course of hirudotherapy is prescribed (the duration is individual for each patient). Age, health status, degree of obesity affects the duration of treatment. It is forbidden to put leeches every day, the interval between procedures should be at least 2-3 days, and between courses at least 3-4 months. With an initial degree of obesity, treatment is carried out no more than once a year, while the course lasts from a couple of weeks to 1.5 months.

Scheme of staging leeches

It has been proven that leeches help for weight loss - where to put the worms? Hirudotherapy involves the use of different points on the body, depending on the disease, while the technique is effective against diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. Each diagnosis requires a different set of places where the worms are placed. The scheme for setting leeches for obesity looks like this: for 10-15 sessions, they are placed 2-3 pieces on the sacrum and coccyx. In the case when obesity has hormonal causes, additional worms are attached to the area behind the auricles.

Leeches on the sacrum

From 1 to 5 leeches are planted on this area at a time, however, it is better to start treatment with one individual (this will help to check the body's reaction to the saliva of worms without harm to health). Some patients note painful sensation during the procedure, others are worried about allergies. The last factor is a good reason to refuse hirudotherapy for weight loss. Setting leeches on the sacrum involves placing individuals on the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal joint, the area of ​​​​the projection of the sacrum and the end of the coccyx.

Leeches on the head

Such localization of worms will not only contribute to weight loss, but also relieve vascular atherosclerosis and frequent migraines. Where do they put leeches on their heads? 1 individual must be placed in each of the following zones:

  • behind the ears (about 2 cm from the shells there is a tubercle that is not covered with hair);
  • on the jawbone below the ear by 3 cm;
  • on the ear canal.

Leeches on the stomach

During one procedure, 5-10 individuals are used, which are placed on the stomach in areas around the stomach, liver and pancreas. This method of treating obesity allows you to eliminate blood stasis, due to which the listed organs receive new blood carrying nutrients. Putting leeches on the stomach helps restart the functioning of the organs: for example, the liver begins to produce more saturated bile, which contributes to faster digestion of food.

Conducted experiments in medicine prove the effectiveness of the use of leeches in the treatment of a large number of diseases. To date, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) has returned to therapy rooms. Medicinal leeches are a powerful tool that improves the functions of the human cardiovascular system. Also, hirudotherapy is often performed in patients with osteochondrosis. lumbar.

Leeches are a gift of nature that can help a person overcome many diseases. Phlebology, neurology, rheumatology, orthopedics, cardiology, dermatology are those areas of medicine where doctors recommend hirudotherapy. Scientists around the world report that the substances that leeches produce, called the "secret of leeches", reach the cause of the disease, healing the entire body.

The benefits of using leeches are significant. The saliva of this freshwater worm contains more than 80 biologically active substances - specific enzymes that prevent the occurrence of thrombosis, improve interstitial metabolism, help the body get rid of toxins, and prevent tissue aging.

Active enzymes in leeches saliva are used in medicinal ointments and gels used in lumbar osteochondrosis, rheumatoid diseases, varicose veins, etc. List of diseases in which the use of leeches produces a therapeutic effect:

  • vascular diseases (migraine, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, etc.);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid disease, with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, arthritis, contractures in the limbs and neck, post-traumatic hematomas);
  • neurological diseases (hypertensive encephalopathy, paralysis peripheral nerves, concussion symptoms and brain bruises, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, neuralgia facial nerve, cerebral palsy);
  • gynecological ailments (inflammation of the appendages, polycystic ovarian disease, infertility, uterine fibroids and adenoma, dysmenorrhea syndrome, etc.);
  • diseases digestive system(inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreatitis, in chronic hepatitis without clotting disorders, inflammation of the colon, chronic stomach and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids);
  • urological diseases (inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the prostate, symptoms of chronic renal failure, potency disorders);
  • diseases respiratory system(bronchial asthma, Chronical bronchitis, emphysema of the pulmonary artery, chronic thrombosis of the pulmonary artery);
  • diseases of the ear, throat and nose (acute and chronic neuritis, otitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinuses);
  • at dermatological diseases(shingles, psoriasis, skin inflammation and subcutaneous tissue, skin allergies, subcutaneous hematomas, skin scars);
  • dental diseases (amputations and transplants, hematomas and edema after injuries, postoperative thrombosis, inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, superficial thrombophlebitis, peripheral nerve disorders).

Hirudotherapy takes place in the therapeutic treatment of patients after surgical intervention and during the course of rejuvenation. Indications for the use of therapy using leeches can be listed endlessly. But it should be taken into account that during the treatment it is necessary to take into account important factors (gender, weight, neglect of the patient's disease) so as not to harm the body.

Important substances and enzymes healing effect produced by leeches during the procedure:

  • hirudin - a substance that stops blood clotting;
  • destabilase - an enzyme that suppresses inflammatory processes and their spread in tissues;
  • hirustazine is an anticoagulant produced by medicinal leeches;
  • gilantin - it is extracted from salivary glands medicinal leeches, it is a protein that contains a large amount of sulfur (used as an anticoagulant and strong drug With surgical action removal of the primary tumor)
  • Apirase - a powerful enzyme that thins the blood (reduces its viscosity);
  • eglins - powerful anti-inflammatory enzymes (inhibitors of inflammatory processes), are a very active antioxidant;
  • strong analgesics are enzymes that can prevent blood clotting;
  • hyaluronidase is a substance with a dual action, has a powerful antibacterial action, and also allows you to speed up the process of penetration through cell membranes neighboring cells and tissues of the body;
  • lipase and esterase are substances that cause the breakdown of fats;
  • vasodilators are very similar to histamine;
  • mediators - biochemical compounds that regulate the flow of electrical impulses in nerve cells;
  • antibiotic Synthomycin has a very strong antimicrobial effect;
  • anti-cancer substances.

When installing leeches, points for hirudotherapy should always be treated with an antiseptic and aseptic rules must be observed. It is forbidden to moisten the points for setting leeches with water after hirudotherapy. You can swim only on the third day after treatment. After bath procedures, the wound (the point of setting the leeches) must be protected with a cotton pad with a plaster.

Application at home

Many people do not take health problems seriously until they manifest themselves as serious illnesses. Hirudotherapy at home is often used to treat many diseases, such as lumbar osteochondrosis, varicose veins, rheumatoid diseases, etc. But before you self-medicate with leeches at home, do not forget that this method has a very strong effect. Before carrying out self-treatment at home, consultation and examination by a specialist doctor should be carried out.

The second point to be noted is that the leeches used should be only medical, and not purchased in random institutions. Buy leeches only in pharmacies equipped with a special bio-product, where you can check all the documents confirming the safety of this product.

When treating with leeches, it is necessary to implement all the doctor's recommendations: application, number of procedures, lifestyle changes. You need to quit smoking and not drinking alcohol. Must comply low calorie diet with the exception of fatty foods, sweets, spicy and fried foods. Therapeutic nutrition is applied before the start of therapy for a week. It should not be abandoned after hirudotherapy, at least for a week.

The same leeches can only be used by one person. They can not be categorically used for therapy to other people. If someone wants to use a medical leech a second time for further treatment, it is necessary to wait a couple of months until she feels hungry again. Medical leeches in the home should be kept in clean, preferably filtered water. Changing the water in the leech container should be done at least once a day. During treatment with leeches, you need to spend at least 2 days using cleansing enemas. This improves the effect of cleaning and rejuvenating the body.

Usage Warnings

Points for hirudotherapy must be chosen correctly. The procedure is not recommended to be performed on the veins of the abdomen, legs, neck, large vessels with varicose veins.

If the patient has never been treated with leeches before, an introductory therapy should be carried out by a hirudotherapist in a hospital.

Too many leeches placed on a person's skin for a long time can be accompanied by severe hypotension, a decrease in hemoglobin, hair loss, dry skin, and severe redness at the point of leeching.

Contraindications to therapy

There are indications and contraindications for the procedure during hirudotherapy. Absolute contraindications for a course of hirudotherapy are as follows:

  • hemophilia (blood clotting disorder);
  • very severe leukemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • extreme physical exhaustion;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • mental illness.

Carrying out treatment with medical leeches requires a person to have a lot of experience and knowledge in their application. It is necessary to take into account medications used by the patient. It happens sometimes fit change dosages or their complete cancellation. The next important factors for leeches therapy are age, body condition, defensive reactions each (allergy), other diseases.

Therefore, when conducting hirudotherapy, indications and contraindications for the procedure should be taken into account in the first place. As you can see, hirudotherapy can be used not only for the preventive purposes of diseases, but also for the successful treatment of diseases. This method is completely non-invasive, so it can replace some methods standard treatment. Hirudotherapy is a very effective means of treating the body. New theoretical knowledge about leeches makes it possible to achieve the best results in the treatment of many diseases. Do not be afraid of this method, as it is safe and completely natural.

Required accessories

The sequence of actions when setting leeches

Some performance features

The technique of setting leeches largely depends on how many of them need to be placed and where. If a single leech needs to be forced to suck blood from a strictly defined, and even quite tender place (for example, from the gums), the performer of this trick is carefully and gently placed in a glass test tube in advance, of course, putting it there with the tail sucker forward so that the oral sucker was ready. The test tube is attached with the open part to the desired location. If the leech is hungry and healthy, it will suck in 5-10 minutes.

If it is necessary to put several leeches at once, the candidates are placed in a small jar (glass) without water, which is then turned over with a quick movement, putting the open part to the right place, and pressing the edges of the jar to the skin. In order to force the leeches to stick to well-defined places, on the surface of the body to which the jar will be attached, you can first apply a sheet of paper with holes cut in it. Leeches have no choice but to stick to the free places.

In order to create conditions for leeches that are as close to natural as possible, some experts put a jar containing water (of course, with leeches) to the body. When the leeches suck, its contents drain through the gap between the body and the jar onto a towel that absorbs water well. The bank is then removed.

If you need to put a row of leeches along an imaginary line, the jar is placed with the edge against the skin, starting from the bottom point. Usually, leeches actively crawl out of the jar, trying to suck faster. One such opportunity is provided, the rest carefully, but at the same time persistently push back. Then the bank is rearranged to a new place.

The beginning of sucking can be observed by the characteristic wavy movements of the body of the leech in the pharynx. In the first minutes, the patient feels a slight burning sensation in the place where the ringed worm "stuck". Similar sensations arise from contact with nettles. Soon, however, this feeling passes, because the saliva of leeches contains, among other things, natural analgesics that relieve pain.

After all the leeches have sucked, it is recommended to place a piece of gauze, cloth or towel under them so that they do not touch the patient's skin. The position of the human body during the procedure is not strictly defined, it is only important that in this position he can sit (or lie down) for about an hour. Approximately so much is required for leeches to be completely satiated and fall off.

The session is not recommended for more than an hour and a half. If several of the most stubborn leeches do not even want to fall off on their own by this time, they can be persuaded to do so by bringing a swab dipped in a solution of iodine or alcohol to them.

By the way, leeches are also separated during their setting without hemorrhage - there is such a method in hirudology, proposed in 1948 by A.S. Abuladze. In this case, the leech is not allowed to pump blood properly, removing it 10-15 minutes after setting. All biologically important substances from the saliva of a leech have time to get into bloodstream. After all, in fact, it is for their sake that hirudotherapy is carried out!

For the first time, it is recommended to use no more than two leeches. If no more than three leeches were used during the hirudotherapy session, the procedure can be repeated the next day. If four or more leeches "worked", it is recommended to take a break for 3-6 days.

What to do with a satiated leech

If a hirudotherapy session took place in a clinic, the fate of leeches is not in your hands. And if you put leeches on your own, at home? After the end of the session of hirudotherapy, it is recommended to destroy the blood-sucking leeches. As a human being, I feel sorry for them, but what can you do. You can’t take it back to the pharmacy - they won’t accept well-fed leeches. Wait until they get hungry again, a long time. This should take at least 3-4 months. It is simply dangerous to release leeches into the sewer - from there they can easily crawl out. Possible consequences you can imagine such an escape.

Used leeches are advised to be placed in a jar with a 3% solution of chloramine, and in the absence of the latter (at home) - in a solution ammonia, formalin or alcohol.
If you live in countryside and not too close to the Arctic Circle, my good advice to you is not to burden your soul with murder. Release the used leeches into the wild into the nearest body of water. No one will be harmed by this. If you are a city dweller and regularly visit the dacha, take the pumped leeches with you in a tightly covered jar and release them too.

Based on the article "Technique for setting leeches"

Naturally, ordinary leeches are not suitable for treatment, only medical ones. Because they are sterile. The leech must be hungry, otherwise it simply will not stick to your skin. All leeches are used only once. It is possible to treat leeches at home, but precautions should be taken.

And a few more rules!
1. Leeches are not "put" on the veins.
2. Leeches are not "installed" on the varicose veins.
3. Leeches do not “install” on mucous membranes.
4. Before “installing” the leech, the skin is treated with alcohol, and then with water.
5. After the procedure, a sterile dressing is applied until the bleeding stops.
6. If there are hairs in the area of ​​the "staging" of the leech, then it is recommended to get rid of them.
7. Time intervals between procedures should be observed. A break of about 5 days is recommended.

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches (treatment of legs with leeches)

At wrong staging leeches, after a bite, can develop quite heavy bleeding, so it is best to contact the doctors for this procedure.

- take a blood-thinning drug;
- refrain from drinking alcohol;
- take a shower without the use of aromatic gels, only simple soap;
Do not use perfume on the day of the procedure.

Leeches are placed for half an hour. The first session is a trial. If you feel worse, you should stop treatment. The course is from 10 days to two weeks. After that, you should definitely take a break for a couple of months.

It should be remembered that the disease itself cannot be cured in this way, as you simply alleviate the symptoms, such as pain in the legs and swelling. But after a while they will return.

Several leeches are initially "installed" on the coccyx area and on the sacrum area.
Then the leeches are placed strictly along the vessels, several pieces, like a chessboard. The leech is left at the place of setting until it falls off. If after half an hour it does not disappear, then it must be removed. Then the wounds are treated with cotton wool. The blood must stop on its own. After the bleeding has stopped, you can apply an ointment against insect bites.

Remember! There is always a risk of developing negative consequences:
- the appearance of age spots;
- dermatitis;
- education trophic ulcers;
- lymphadenitis;
- abscess.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches

The procedure is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The number of leeches - 4.
Preparation for the procedure involves careful hygiene of the area anus water.
Recommended staging locations:
1. Coccyx.
2. The area of ​​the anus near the affected area.
3. If the process is very running, then the leech is installed on the node.
This type of treatment can be used only in the initial and middle stages of the disease. As a result of the procedure - a decrease in nodes and a decrease in pain.

Treatment of diabetes with leeches

The saliva of a leech includes insulin-like substances, therefore, as a result of the procedure, a natural decrease in blood sugar levels occurs. The effect will last long enough. But the biggest plus is the prevention of complications. diabetes. With the help of leeches, you can even treat diabetic foot.
Usually spend about 10 sessions every six months. But it is better to seek advice from a doctor who will prescribe the course necessary in your case. And be sure to check with your doctor first.

Leech locations:
top part coccyx or sacrum;
- between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae;
- between the 12th thoracic vertebra and 1st lumbar;
chest area;
- region of the liver.
The recommended number of leeches is 3.

Treatment of the spine with leeches

Most often, back pain is caused by a violation of the venous outflow. Inflammation occurs, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature in the problem area. The leech reacts to temperature changes, so it bites through the skin in a similar area. And they remove stagnant toxic blood. The effect of the treatment is temporary, so it is better to use it as an addition to the main treatment. As a result, inflammation and swelling subside. The pain decreases. Treatment with leeches does not need to be carried out if the pain is due to a sudden movement, excessive load.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with leeches

Hirudotherapy leads to an improvement in blood flow, due to which decay products are removed from the foci of inflammation. Due to these factors, the intervertebral disc tissue recovers faster. It also reduces swelling and congestion. The procedure itself will not cure the disease, but will help alleviate the patient's condition.

Leeches are especially widely used for cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the vessels are unloaded, which overflow due to the inflammatory process. As a result, the spasm passes, blood flow to the brain is restored, due to which headaches disappear. About 7 sessions are recommended. The number of leeches is 5.

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, leeches are placed on the neck in the area of ​​problem vertebrae. The first two sessions last about half an hour, and then the time is increased to 60 minutes. Treatment is recommended for medical institution or at home.

Treatment of spinal hernia with leeches

The effect of the procedure is similar to those indicated in the two previous paragraphs - improving blood circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation, and relieving pain. The process of resorption of the particles of the dropped disc is also stimulated. Hernia of the lumbosacral: leeches are applied to the skin along the spine, at a distance of 4 centimeters. Cervical region: leeches themselves choose a site, according to body temperature.
It is recommended to carry out 12 sessions, with breaks of 4 days between procedures.

Treatment with leeches in gynecology

Indications for the use of hirudotherapy as an auxiliary method of treatment:
- inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
- erosion;
- adhesions;
- menopause;
- algomenorrhea;
- endometriosis;
- cysts;
- polycystic ovaries;
- fibromyomas;
- violations of the cycle;
- inflammation of the Bartholin's gland;
- dysfunction of the ovaries;
- colpitis.

The number of leeches is 3-6. The points of imposition of leeches depend on the disease.
For the treatment of inflammation and neoplasms, leeches are applied to points above the pubic (pubic) bone, the lower part of the peritoneum, the inguinal region, the region of the sacrum and lower back.
For the treatment of adhesions - pubic, inguinal, around the anus, sacral area. Sometimes leeches are placed inside the vagina.

Uterine bleeding is treated by applying leeches to the pubic, lower abdominal, lumbar region. And also in the region of the neck and the region of the mastoid processes. Additionally, leeches are placed on the coccyx and in the area of ​​​​the sacrum, but it is necessary to find painful points there.

Treatment of infertility with leeches

Only some types of this disease can be treated with hirudotherapy. These include the consequences of abortion, post-adhesion processes, endometriosis and the consequences of inflammation in the small pelvis. Also, treatment with leeches will help prepare a woman's body for the IVF procedure.

Leeches are applied to the lower abdomen, labia, and sometimes to the vaginal area. Male infertility is also treated with leeches. The procedure relieves inflammation, increases potency, improves sperm quality.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches

The most popular are two schemes for applying leeches. In the first case, leeches are superimposed at a distance of three centimeters from the anus in an "X-shaped" figure.
The second scheme of arrangement provides for the location of the leech parallel to the middle seam of the perineum at a distance of two centimeters from both sides.
Maximum amount leeches per procedure -5. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

Treatment of joints with leeches

Leeches are effective in a number of diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, deformity from gout. The use of this procedure makes it possible to alleviate the general condition of the patient. And of course, an important aspect for the restoration of the joint is the normalization of blood circulation.
The number of leeches is up to 6. The number of procedures and the place where the leech is placed should be determined by a specialist. Most often, the overlay is applied to the areas around the affected joint, as well as to the liver area.

Treatment of cysts with leeches

The most common use of hirudotherapy for the treatment of ovarian cysts. Sometimes similar procedures help avoid surgery. You must first take tests for hormones and consult a doctor. As a rule, appoint about 10 sessions. Leeches are placed in the vagina in an amount of up to 10 pieces.
This treatment is not carried out at home, but only in a medical facility under the supervision of a gynecologist and hirudotherapist.

Liver treatment with leeches

This method allows you to solve two issues at once - restoration and cleansing of the liver.
Treatment starts with one zone and 4 individuals. Gradually, session after session, the number of zones and leeches grows, up to 10 leeches per zone. There are only three zones - right hypochondrium, lumbar-thoracic region, sacrum.

Treatment effect:
- normalization of the system responsible for blood clotting;
- reducing the likelihood of sclerosis;
— restoration of membranes of cellular hepatocytes;
- removal of inflammation;
- saturation of the organ tissue with oxygen;
- removal of swelling of liver tissues;
- restoration of blood vessels.

Treatment of kidneys with leeches

The use of leeches in combination with other methods gives good results in the treatment of kidney diseases. Hirudotherapy helps relieve inflammation, normalize blood circulation, support immunity, and most importantly, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Areas of application - lower back, sacrum, abdomen, liver. The number of sessions and leeches is determined by a specialist depending on the type and severity of the disease.

Treatment of wounds after leeches

How to remove leeches from the body.

Bleeding from the wound does not need to be stopped. It can last up to 16 hours. Treatment after falling off the leech is not required. Just apply cotton wool and fix with a bandage or adhesive tape. The number of tampons is determined by the degree of bleeding. After a maximum of 12 hours, it is necessary to change the bandage by treating the area around the wound with alcohol.

By the way, by the color of the blood, one can judge the degree of stagnation. The darker the color of the blood, the stronger the congestion. Scarlet blood indicates that the body is returning to normal.

After the bleeding stops, itching may disturb. In this case, you should not scratch the wound, but it is better to apply an ointment or gel from insect bites.

The effect of treatment with leeches

Leeches have a triple effect on the human body.

1. Bloodletting. Thus, there is an unloading of the circulatory system.

2. Acupuncture. The leech sticks mainly only in biologically active points of the body, due to which the work of various human organs is stimulated.

3. Natural vitamin complex. When a leech bites, a biological secret enters the human blood, which contains many components useful for the human body. And the impact of this secret has three directions:

— support of immunity, anti-inflammatory effect, pain relief, bacteriostatic effect;
- effects on blood vessels, which reduces the risk of coronary disease and atherosclerosis;
- normalization of blood flow and lymph flow.

And as an added bonus, a number of effects from treatment with leeches!

1. Improves nutrition of organs and tissues at the cellular level.

2. The blood thins.

3. Pressure drops.

4. Drainage effect.

5. Rehabilitation of reflexes.

6. Improving the transmission of impulse in muscle fibers and the nervous system.

7. The accumulation of adipose tissue is broken.

Treatment with leeches contraindications

The saliva of leeches contains many substances that affect the human body, which is why there is a wide list of contraindications and possible negative consequences. The first sessions are always trial in nature to identify a possible allergic reaction.

Remember! The success of the procedure depends on the correctness of the procedure, starting from the cleanliness and health of the leech, and ending with the place of application. Only a specialist knows all these nuances. Of course, some types of diseases can be treated with leeches at home, but in this way you are fully responsible for the consequences of such treatment, and there are much more risks to your health. Therefore, do not save on your health. Before starting treatment with leeches, consult with your doctor. Hirudotherapy is an auxiliary method of treating most diseases, remember this, and do not refuse your doctor's prescriptions. The best result is obtained from the complex treatment of the disease.

This procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diseases:
— oncology;
- blood diseases (hemophilia);
- hypotension;
- the presence of an infection;
- fever;
- hemorrhagic diathesis;
- individual intolerance;
- tuberculosis;
- trophic ulcers.

Also, the procedure is contraindicated:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- with menstrual bleeding;
- after surgery;
- children under 12 years of age;
- people taking anticoagulants.

Be healthy!

And so, you have leeches and you are being treated for the first time. For the first time you will need four or five leeches. We will put them on the liver area, thereby activating its work. The liver has its own system of blood flow and lymph flow, bile outflow and innervation. The venous system is developed in the liver. It consists of the portal vein (sometimes called the portal vein) and the hepatic veins. The portal vein includes a huge number of capillaries that collect blood from the entire gastrointestinal tract and spleen. We remember that treatment with leeches is, first of all, an effect on the circulatory system, and putting on a projection of the liver is an effect on the whole organism as a whole.

You can put leeches both on the right hypochondrium and between the ribs. The distance between the leeches is 6-8 cm. The figure shows the points that you can use for setting. In practice, it looks like this: we put one of the leeches in a plastic cap from \"Cola\" (do not take it literally, any cap of this size will do) and apply it to the body, having previously felt the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsetting with our fingers. Next, we put a leech after a leech, covering the entire area of ​​​​the projection of the liver. Body position - lying. Then we wait until the leeches are completely saturated and fall off.

In our first production, we involved the area of ​​the liver. Where to put the leeches in the next session? You need to immediately make a reservation that to get the maximum effect, count on at least five sessions of hirudotherapy, preferably 8-10 sessions. The production schedule is approximately the following: the first week 2-3 sessions, the second week 2 sessions and then one session per week. Of course, relief comes after the second, or even the first time, but you need to remember - "go slower - you will continue." By stretching the treatment for several weeks, you make the process more controlled, which is very important at home, you should make a reservation right away that serious diseases should not be treated at home, but as a preventive measure, hirudotherapy is quite suitable.
For example, you decide to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it would be right to take the sacrum area in the next setting, that is, you use the coccyx area and the Michaelis rhombus for setting - a depression in the sacral region, bounded from above and outside by the protruding edges of the large spinal muscles, and from below and outside - protruding edges of the gluteal muscles. The red dots mark the places where the leeches were placed. The number of leeches is three or four.

In the first week, we put leeches on the liver and coccyx area, then we took a break (for sure, you felt calm, self-confident and increased vitality - after several sessions of hirudotherapy, this is almost guaranteed), in the second week we take the kidney area from the back to work . The number of leeches is three on each side.

After placing on the kidney area, a week later we go directly to the heart area. Completely the area of ​​the heart (both in front and from the back) we will go through in three courses. I remind you that at least five to six days should elapse between sessions. Immediately we use the following points for setting in front: point one is the infrajugular fossa, the second point is the xiphoid process, the third point and the fourth point are the second, third intercostal space of the chest, stepping back from the sternum by one or two fingers. Fifth point - stepping back from the sternum by four fingers along the fifth intercostal space.

In the second year, we take the back area into work: four points - the interscapular region at the level of 4-5 and 5-6 thoracic vertebrae along the midline on both sides of the spine, and the fifth point is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 5th thoracic vertebra, stepping back a palm's width from spine.

In the third year, we take into work the collar zone for staging. The number of leeches is 4-5 pieces. The diagram shows the general setting area. Do not worry too much if the leeches do not turn out exactly as shown in the diagram exactly, just stick to the general setting scheme, as studies show, the leech will choose the biologically active between two places of setting, and therefore trust her, she knows where to stick herself.

So, we completed a course of six procedures, which took about five weeks. Surely you have felt a surge of strength, improved well-being, and noticed many other positive changes for yourself. As a rule, after several procedures, your attitude towards leeches has changed from tolerant or neutral, at least to benevolent and positive towards these unique natural healers. At the very beginning, we set ourselves a goal aimed at improving the cardiovascular system. We completed the main course, but believe me, if you spend two more sessions of hirudotherapy, then the healing effect of this will only increase.

In this session, I suggest you put a leech on the mastoid processes - in this place there is a powerful effect on the vessels of the head, you are provided with a healthy blush on your cheeks, increased efficiency, smoothing of the skin on your face, a healthy shine in your eyes. By the way, this method of setting behind the ears was known to ancient healers and was used both to improve general well-being and to normalize pressure in hypertension.

For the course, you will need 4-5 leeches, you put two behind the ears and I highly recommend putting the fifth leech on the top of the head, thereby activating the energy center. When placed on a hairy area, leeches become not very willing

Nuances when setting leeches:

You probably wondered: “Why not immediately put leeches on the heart area?” That is, solve the main problem, and then you can put it on other zones, if you want.
The fact is that when we put the liver on the projection for the first time, we activate it, and remembering that this organ is the main detoxification organ in our body, we are thereby preparing to accept those deposits of toxins that will invariably come to the liver for cleansing. In other words, no matter what zones you would influence with the help of a leech, all your venous blood will invariably pass through the liver, and that is why the first setting is necessarily performed on the projection of the liver.

The further away from the liver part of your body you activate, the more intermediate zones of activation must be activated before you directly reach the zone or organ you need.

For example, you decide to treat a knee joint. The staging scheme should look like this: the first zone is the projection of the liver, the second zone is the abdomen (peri-umbilical zone), the third zone is the sacrum + coccyx, the fourth zone is the pupart ligament, the fifth zone is the knee.

Acting in this way, activating the zones from the center (liver) to the periphery, we prepare the outflow pathways for both venous blood and lymph from our knee, simultaneously eliminating venous congestion in the abdomen, pelvic organs and leg.

Practice shows that when using such a scheme, we reduce all risks to a minimum, gradually, step by step, we prepare our own body for deslagging and gradual activation of the main organs and systems for general recovery.

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