Foreign smell in nose after coryza. Foreign odors in the nose causes

An unpleasant smell from the nose not only bothers its owner, but also in advanced cases felt by the people around. The fetid smell creates discomfort, interferes with a normal life, leads to fatigue and headaches. A purulent smell from the nose cannot be the norm and requires a search for the cause of its appearance.

Mechanism of Education

Bacteria that got on the nasal mucosa and won immune system, begin to multiply intensively and release toxins. As a result, the tissues become inflamed and pus forms. Pus has bad smell, causes intoxication, malaise and headache, is the cause of the formation of dry gray-green crusts.

Pus in the nose is a danger to the whole body, it can cause inflammation of any of internal organs. Therefore, pus must be disposed of.

The reasons

Causes of bad breath:

  1. The foreign body that is most often associated with an unpleasant smell from the nose in small child. On the first day, strong sneezing is characteristic - this is how defensive reflex organism to the introduction of a foreign object. A few days later, the bacteria on foreign body cause inflammation and pus formation. Nasal congestion worries around the clock and only on one side. In this situation, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor - the deeper the object penetrates, the more difficult it will be to remove it.
  2. Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis). One of the most common causes of bad breath. The smell of pus can be episodic and permanent. Worried about sinusitis fever, nasal congestion, thick discharge, headache. Pus leaks from the nose or runs down back wall throats. Inflammation of the sinuses is a serious disease, does not go away on its own and requires mandatory medical attention.
  3. Atrophic rhinitis or ozena. it fetid runny nose with the formation of dry crusts and loss of smell, accompanied by malaise, constant dryness and nasal discomfort. Why atrophic rhinitis occurs is still unknown to science. Ozena is an infectious disease that can be inherited, appear after frequent and long-term use vasoconstrictor drops. More often found in adolescence, predominantly in girls. First, the mucous membrane, nasal bones become inflamed, then dry crusts form in the nasal passages, which are the source of the fetid odor.
    Atrophic rhinitis requires mandatory treatment. It consists of antibiotic therapy and means that improve the trophic processes of the nasal mucosa. Getting rid of the disease is very difficult. Remember, during the lake, the crusts cannot be torn off.
  4. Chronic runny nose. An unpleasant odor may appear in the final stages of a runny nose, when the discharge becomes scanty and thick, especially if the disease has dragged on. It is necessary to clean and rinse the nose, otherwise a runny nose can be complicated by sinusitis.
  5. postoperative complication. Pus and its odor can become an unpleasant consequence operations in the nasal cavity, if the surgeon violates the rules of sterility, insufficient course of postoperative antibacterial treatment, rare change of dressings and tampons.
  6. 6. Parosmia. This is a violation of the perception of aromas. little symptom big diseases. With this complaint, a person is urgently sent for examinations, since the reason, most often, lies in diseases of the central nervous system.
  7. Also putrid smell from the nose may accompany purulent tonsillitis, especially when opening an abscess located in the nasopharynx.
  8. During illness. Often, children complain of an unpleasant smell from the nose and a taste during SARS or flu, when the temperature rises. Due to intoxication and fever, the brain suffers, and the perception of smells is disturbed. There is no need to treat, after recovery everything returns to normal.


First of all, you need to contact a local therapist or pediatrician, an ENT doctor. The doctor should send for examinations to determine the cause of the disease. It is recommended to undergo rhinoscopy and endoscopy of the nose, X-ray of the sinuses, possibly CT. For right choice antibiotic is being done bacterial culture nasal discharge.

The doctor prescribes treatment depending on the identified cause of the disease. To anyone medication at home, you can connect safe folk methods, which will help get rid of pus through washings and inhalations using products with antibacterial properties.

  • For any purulent processes of the nose, rinsing should be done saline solution. It can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home by stirring in a glass warm water½–1 tsp sea ​​salt. It is allowed to rinse the nose with a slightly salty solution as much as you like, concentrated - no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • An equally important procedure is washing the nose with decoctions. medicinal plants: chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, wild rosemary, sage. With sinusitis, it is useful to breathe over a decoction of bay leaves, for the preparation of which you need to pour 15 leaves with a glass of boiling water. The duration of inhalation is 10 minutes.
  • You can daily do five-minute inhalations over freshly prepared horseradish gruel - a wonderful antibacterial agent. Its pungent smell causes irritation in the nose and severe sneezing, which helps to expel pus.
  • With sinusitis on the inflamed sinus, you can put a gruel of onion and honey. Keep the remedy for 5 minutes. Honey and onions prevent the growth of viruses and bacteria, relieve inflammation. You can breathe over the same gruel for 10-15 minutes.
  • Favorite folk remedies- these are onion and garlic containing phytoncides. They cope with the infection and significantly strengthen the immune system, so they daily use food is justified.

We cannot recommend any pharmacy medicine to eliminate unpleasant odor from the nose - it all depends on the cause. But in any case, with a purulent process, it is necessary to eliminate the source of inflammation and only then, if necessary, continue antibiotic treatment.


Pus is a source of infection and can harm the health of the whole organism. Take your health seriously. Treat a cold, get rid of a runny nose, use drops and sprays according to the instructions. At the first anxiety symptoms health, see a doctor early stages disease is easier to treat.

Bad breath is a problem that many people face. This pathological symptom causes great anxiety in the person himself and provokes backlash surrounding. Most often, the smell from the nose is the result of a flow in human body infectious and inflammatory process.

This pathological condition affects all categories of patients, regardless of their gender, profession or age. The smell from the nose in a child is just as likely as in an adult patient.

The causes of this symptom can be quite varied. But in any case, before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to accurately establish the root cause of the situation.

How does this happen?

Almost always, the origins of the problem should be sought in the pathogenic activity of microorganisms. In 95% of cases we are talking about pathogenic bacteria. For example, a person may experience active reproduction. When such a disease-causing process proceeds with weak immunity, the body has nothing to oppose to the developing bacterial infection. As a result, pus begins to form, which is often the cause of an unpleasant odor from the nasal cavity.

Less often, such a problem can be triggered by the vital activity of fungi or viruses.

When such a patient is treated, the otolaryngologist, before prescribing any treatment, must identify the specific causative agent of the inflammatory process.

In addition, the smell from the nose may appear due to the appearance of dry crusts on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Possible reasons

An unpleasant smell from the nose can be a symptom of an illness or a consequence of an adverse external influence. Most often in similar situations the doctor and the patient have to deal with such diseases:

  • or ozena;
  • any type of sinusitis;
  • parosmia.

In addition, the cause of malodor can be diseases of the nasopharynx or other organs and entire systems of the human body. For example, digestive system, kidney or liver.

When we talk about small children, the reason bad smell from the nose is often a foreign object stuck in the nasal passage. For example, it could be some small toy or part of it.

Fetid runny nose or ozena

A fetid runny nose is extremely unpleasant disease nasal cavity. Ozena is a type of chronic atrophic rhinitis. It requires timely and proper treatment. Otherwise, this disease can spread from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity even to the bones of the skull. With a fetid coryza, the unpleasant smell from the nose is actually caused by rotting tissues.

Currently, doctors do not know exactly why ozena appears and develops. There are many hypotheses about this. However, the main thing is that effective ways There are treatments for stinking rhinitis.


Sinusitis is commonly understood as an inflammatory process that occurs in one or more paranasal paranasal sinuses person. There are several varieties of this disease, of which the most common are sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.

Regardless of the form of sinusitis, the disease is characterized by the formation a large number nasal purulent discharge. It is they who become the sources of smell from the nose.


Parosmia is enough rare disease, in which the patient feels unpleasant odors that do not actually exist. This phenomenon is also called olfactory hallucinations. By itself, it is associated with impaired functioning of the nervous system.

Before making a diagnosis of parosmia, the doctor must consistently check and rule out all possible diseases nasopharynx, which can also provoke an unpleasant odor.

Other diseases

Disturbances in the work of internal organs can lead to the emergence of the considered pathological condition. Often the problem can be associated with the normal physiological activity of the endocrine or digestive system. The situation can be directly affected by impaired metabolism and diabetes.

Effective treatment

Nose odor should only be treated by a qualified doctor. Any person who has encountered such a symptom should keep this axiom in mind. After all, without staging correct diagnosis it is impossible to find an effective treatment.

There is only one technique that can be applied independently. It will not harm health, but, unambiguously, normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. We are talking about rinsing the nose with saline.

Saline solution can be bought at any pharmacy. It is called Sodium chloride solution for infusions 0.9%. Alternatively, you can use any of its counterparts:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Morenasal;
  • Salin and others.

You can also cook it yourself at home. To do this, in a glass of warm boiled water dissolve one fourth of a teaspoon of salt.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe you suitable treatment. It could be:

  • using swabs soaked medicinal ointments or solutions;
  • usage medications including antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis and UHF);
  • surgical interventions.

Occurs as a result of colds and otolaryngological diseases. However, in some cases, an unpleasant smell from the nose may appear. What does this symptom indicate and how to treat it? About it will be discussed in this article.

A bad smell from the nose can be a sign of purulent sinusitis

The smell from the nasal cavity may indicate various pathologies. Usually this phenomenon indicates purulent or infectious processes occurring in the respiratory tract.

In some cases, the smell may indicate being in the nose. foreign objects. Most often, this condition occurs in pediatric patients.

Experts say that provoke fetid odor from the nose can the following diseases:

  • . This is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the paranasal sinuses. Other signs of sinusitis are headache, dizziness, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity.
  • Rhinitis in acute form. In this condition, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and purulent discharge appears in the nose.
  • Infections resulting from exposure pathogenic bacteria. In this case, the smell is periodic.
  • Parosmia. For such a pathology, a disturbed sense of smell is considered characteristic. In this case, the patient has a bad sense of smell. The person usually complains about feeling putrid smell. This disease is most often a complication of certain diseases.
  • Perhaps the appearance of stench as a result of rhinoscleroma, adenoiditis.

Besides, bad smell from the nasal cavity is due to Ozena. So called fetid runny nose or atrophic rhinitis. This pathology occurs very rarely and the causes are not fully understood. It is believed that the factors that result in the development of the disease include a genetic predisposition.

AT this case inflammation occurs not only in the nasal mucosa, but also in the tissues of the bones and cartilage of the nose. Crusts begin to form in the nasal cavity, due to which an unpleasant odor appears.

You can learn more about the causes of bad breath from the nose from the video:

Factors that contribute to bad breath include:

  1. Weakened immune system.
  2. Unbalanced and poor nutrition.
  3. Diseases of the nose.
  4. Living in an ecologically unfriendly environment.
  5. Operational intervention.
  6. Constant contact with allergens.
  7. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  8. Unfavorable living conditions.
  9. Violation of hygiene rules.

AT rare cases bad smell can appear as a result of diseases of the endocrine, digestive and nervous systems, pathologies of the kidneys, bones and joints.

What to do, which doctor to contact?

It is important to remember that if there is an unpleasant smell from the nose, you should consult a specialist. This is due to the fact that such a sign may indicate various serious illnesses. In addition, under this condition, the development of undesirable consequences is possible.

First of all, you should contact, who will conduct an inspection and give a direction for passing necessary methods diagnostics. May need CT scan, endoscopic examination, culture tests and others.

If the suspicion of an otolaryngological disease is not confirmed, then consultation of the following specialists may be required:

  • Therapist
  • Pulmonologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Neurologist
  • Neurologist

After the diagnosis is made, an appropriate treatment regimen is selected, which takes into account individual characteristics organism and the nature of the course of the disease.

Medical treatment

First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Therapy consists in the use of the following groups of medications:

  • Antibacterial agents of the macrolide, penicillin, cephalosporin series: Roxithromycin, Ampicillin, Ampiox, Cefalexin, Cefuroxime, Ceftibuten. Antibiotics may be used, which local action eg Fusafungin.
  • Herbal medicines, for example.
  • Antihistamines: Tavegil, Suprastin.
  • antiseptic solutions. Usually used for washing the nasal cavity.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs: Farmazolin, Knoxprey, Sanorin.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Erespal, Collargol.
  • In the case when the cause of a bad smell from the nasal cavity is viral infection, anti-virus agents are assigned. The most commonly used are Neovir, Arbidol, Isoprinosine. When the nose is affected by a fungus, Miconazole is used.

Treatment should be with integrated approach Therefore, for diseases of the nose, the following methods are used:

  1. Nose instillation.
  2. Washing the nasal cavity.
  3. The use of drugs inside.
  4. Inhalations.
  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures (ultraphonophoresis, microwave, UHF, heating, solux).

To alleviate the condition with diseases, facial massage is recommended and breathing exercises. These methods improve blood circulation and outflow of secretions.

In addition, at severe currents diseases can be prescribed surgical intervention. The operation consists in removing pus from the nasal cavity and sinuses, as well as correcting the narrowing of the nasal passages or deviated septum.

Alternative Therapies

Eliminate or reduce the stench from the nasal cavity can be auxiliary methods alternative medicine. These include:

  1. Inhalation of powder prepared from dried seaweed. To do this, the plant is dried and ground into a powder. The procedure should be done several times a day. It is important that this remedy does not enter the bronchi when inhaled, so it is not recommended to take deep breaths.
  2. Means from mint, wormwood and. Plants are mixed in equal proportions. Three tablespoons of the collection should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted for three hours. It is recommended to drink one glass instead of tea.
  3. Garlic medicine. A few cloves of the plant are crushed and poured with any vegetable oil. The mixture is simmered in a water bath for half an hour, then insisted for several more hours. After filtering, the nasal passages must be instilled. Also, instillation of the nose can be done with onion juice with the addition of honey.
  4. . To prepare the product, you need to dissolve a spoonful of sea salt in a cup of boiled, but cooled to room temperature, water. Rinse your nose several times. It is also recommended to do this procedure by replacing the salt solution with aloe juice diluted with water.
  5. Onion oil drops. For this, a tablespoon vegetable oil heated in a water bath. Grated onion is added to it and filtered. It is recommended to bury the nasal passages several times a day, four drops in each nostril.
  6. Lubrication of the nose with a mixture of

Bad breath is a very common problem. Unfortunately, not all people pay enough attention to it, and a bad smell from the nose can be a sign of the development of serious illnesses.

First of all, you need to know that the oral and nasal cavity communicate with each other Therefore, we can smell unpleasant odors in the air exhaled from the nose. , the cause of which lies in diseases of the oral cavity.

This is especially understood by smokers. They inhale cigarette smoke mouth and release it through the nostrils, while smelling tobacco. Therefore, the stench we feel may be due to oral problems. However, there are other factors as well.

The reasons

The causes of this pathology can be varied. For example, the smell of garlic may appear due to the ingress of its particles into the nasal cavity.

Pieces of food can get stuck in your nose when you vomit. They interfere with the normal passage of air through the nasal passages. Over time, the food begins to decompose, which leads to a stench when inhaled.

In adults

The most common complaint that I smell an unpleasant smell from an adult patient can be heard in connection with the development certain diseases. These include:

Rhinitis is a condition characterized by excessive formation of mucus from the nasal passages into the nasopharynx. In the resulting mucus, bacteria grow and multiply, spreading the stench.

Rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous bacterial disease nasal cavity caused by bacteria Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. Rhinoscleroma develops in three stages.

The first stage begins with the appearance of nonspecific rhinitis. As the disease progresses, it develops purulent rhinitis. It is at this stage that the patient may talk about feeling a strange and unpleasant smell when sneezing.

At the third stage, polyps and nodules form on the mucous membrane. If left untreated, rhinoscleroma can lead to, permanent congestion and destruction of the nasal cartilage.

Tonsilloliths are stones formed inside the tonsils. Stones are white or yellowish color and are predominantly composed of calcium.

The exact reasons for the formation of tonsillitis are unknown. Over time, food debris accumulates in them, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. It is because of this that patients develop an unpleasant odor from the nasopharynx.

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by inflammation maxillary sinuses and the accumulation of mucus in them. Mucus blocks the access of air to the sinuses, mucus stagnation begins and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in them.

One of the waste products of bacteria is sulfur. They are what cause the stench in the nose. The disease is accompanied by a throbbing headache in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Ozena is pathological condition also known as atrophic rhinitis. Ozena is called chronic infection nasal mucosa, which leads to its atrophy.

Primary ozena is caused by bacteria Basillus Mucosus or Klebsiella ozaenae. Causes secondary disease there may be nasal injuries, radiation therapy or nasal surgery.

Patients suffering from ozena may smell onions or complain that do not smell at all. The stench emanating from patients with ozena can be so strong that others avoid communicating with them.

Unpleasant smell from the nose in a child: causes

Causes of stink in the nose in children can be the same as in adults. Most often they are caused by factors such as polyps, adenoiditis and tooth decay.

The smell of burning

Very often people complain that they constantly feel signs in the air tobacco smoke or gary. The reason for the widespread occurrence of this olfactory hallucination is unknown to physicians.

Presumably, the neurological damage signals sent to the brain are the first to enter the area that analyzes the smells of smoke and burning.

The reasons for the violation of smell in this case are the same as in other cases of phantosmia - a bacterial or viral infection, traumatic brain injury, a brain tumor, damage to the olfactory nerve, and others. In some cases, it can constantly smell like burnt after prolonged use of antiallergic drops and sprays.

The smell of iron

The environment may contain substances that have a metallic odor. This can be tested by moving away from a place where the smell is particularly strong, or by asking people if they feel the same way. If not, then it may be an internal problem.

An unpleasant smell from the nose is a rather dangerous phenomenon, since it can be a sign of a serious illness. This happens when chronic rhinitis or tracheitis, with laryngitis, as well as this symptom may be a complication of sinusitis. If the smell has a putrid character, then this is a sign of a bacterial infection. If it is accompanied by dryness of the mucous membrane, there are brownish discharge and hearing problems are noted, then we are talking about the lake. Sometimes the appearance of a specific smell along with sneezing can be associated with an allergic reaction.

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    Types of bad odor

    All unpleasant odors from the nose can be divided into four main groups:

    1. 1. The smell of rot. This is a sign of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. This picture is typical for rhinitis, sinusitis and others. similar diseases. Sometimes this is how atrophic rhinitis manifests itself.
    2. 2. Aroma of acetone. It has objective and subjective reasons. The first are diabetes, kidney failure, pathology of the pancreas and liver. Subjective causes are the so-called nasal hallucinations, which are associated with a malfunction of the cortical analyzer.
    3. 3. The smell of blood is also a symptom of inflammatory processes. But it also appears with parosmia, that is, olfactory hallucinations. May accompany pharyngitis, diabetes mellitus and some systemic diseases.
    4. 4. The smell of burning or tobacco smoke most often refers to nasal hallucinations. They can occur due to a head injury, nerve damage, and sometimes due to a brain tumor.

    In any case, it is necessary to contact a specialist, because the description of the smell alone is not enough, a full examination must be carried out.

    What diseases can smell be associated with?

    The main reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

    1. 1. Parosmia is a pathology of smell, in which nasal hallucinations occur. It can accompany neurosis, schizophrenia, hormonal disorders. In some cases, it is a complication after infectious diseases. Such a diagnosis can be made if all other pathologies are excluded. It is possible to get rid of the pathology if the inflammatory processes are eliminated, normalized hormonal background etc.
    2. 2. Ozena. The factors provoking its development are not fully understood, but scientists believe that leading role plays a hereditary predisposition. Sometimes inflammatory processes from the nasal mucosa quickly spread to bone tissue. This is how growths are formed that emit unpleasant odors. Very often, ozena occurs in children aged 7-8 years. For lakes are used conservative methods therapy, and sometimes surgery.
    3. 3. Bacterial infections often present with pus in the nose. Such diseases occur in both children and adults. They are caused by staphylococci, streptococci, and other pathogenic microorganisms. At improper treatment these pathologies can be transferred to chronic form and give serious complications. These infections include rhinitis, sinusitis and others.
    4. 4. Diseases of other internal organs - kidney failure, pathologies endocrine system, bone disease, pancreatic dysfunction.

    The cause of a bad smell from the nose of a child is often the ingress of a foreign object into it.

    Treatment of bacterial infections

    The most common cause of bad breath is rhinitis and sinusitis. The first can be both acute and chronic. They are characterized by strong inflammatory processes mucous membranes.


    With such a pathology, it is important to properly rinse the nose with saline in order to remove the contents and disinfect the mucous membranes. At the same time, antiviral or antihistamine drugs are prescribed, depending on what kind of cause caused rhinitis - SARS or allergies.

    With rhinitis astringent drops like protargol solution are widely used. In the atrophic form of the disease, the patient is prescribed drugs that stimulate the function of the glands. Apply various alkaline solutions, is done light massage with furacilin ointment. Important role plays restorative therapy, taking vitamins.

    At allergic rhinitis are used antihistamines second generation, microwave exposure to the nasal area is possible, but the main thing is the elimination of contact with the allergen. In such cases, you will have to comply special diet, which will help reduce the body's sensitivity to irritants. Nuts, citrus fruits, seafood should be excluded from the diet. Clean the room regularly.


    Its appearance is associated with inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. In addition to an unpleasant smell from the nose, other symptoms appear:

    • migraine;
    • general weakness;
    • the presence of purulent discharge of green color.

    Sinusitis can be treated at home, but only under medical supervision. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for therapy. In the acute form of the disease, drugs are used penicillin series- Ampicillin and Amoxicillin. Less commonly used cephalosporins 1-3 generations.

    In addition to antibiotics, drugs that have a mucolytic effect are prescribed. Additionally, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are needed - Sinupret. Antihistamine medicines used to eliminate puffiness - the substances included in their composition relieve nasal obstruction, that is, the narrowing of the passage.

    Folk remedies

    Folk remedies are usually used for rhinitis as additional therapeutic measures. Popular recipes and methods include:

    • drops based on aloe or cyclamen;
    • rinsing the nose with saline solutions;
    • use of olive or sunflower oil to eliminate dry crusts.

    Also, for treatment, you can carry out inhalations based on mint, sage, wormwood or wild rosemary (1 tbsp. L. of vegetable raw materials per glass of boiling water).

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