Diabetes mellitus hurts the toe. Surgical treatment of diabetic foot. Edema and ulcers of the legs

Foot pain in diabetics is a real problem for diabetics. Violation of blood flow in the patient's body gives pain to the lower extremities. As diabetes develops, blood vessels lose their elasticity and gradually narrow, forming a thin lumen. As a result, the tissues of the legs are poorly supplied with blood, and pain occurs.

Causes of pain in the legs with diabetes

Diabetes is considered an incurable disease. The course of the disease over time gives various complications. Thirty out of a hundred patients have lower limb failure. Main reasons such a state:

  1. Violation nervous system. Permanent increase sugar level has a direct impact on the damage to nerve fibers. As a result, impulses are not delivered to the lower limbs. The patient begins to progress diabetic neuropathy - loss of sensation in the legs.
  2. Development of atherosclerosis. The disease is associated with circulatory disorders. The walls of the vessels are compressed, the lumen for the movement of blood becomes too narrow. As a result, blood clots are formed - thrombi. The lack of oxygen in the tissues of the legs causes severe pain.

Pain in the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus is more often observed in patients who neglect a strict diet.

Symptoms and stages of complications

Apart from pain Complications on the legs in diabetics are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dry skin lower extremities;
  • the appearance of age spots on the legs;
  • the limbs are constantly cold and have a pale appearance;
  • hair loss and graying on the shins in men;
  • cyanotic skin tone, while the legs, on the contrary, get warm.

The presence of such signs requires immediate treatment to a specialist.

Doctors diagnose two main diseases of the lower extremities in patients with "sugar disease":

  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • atherosclerosis.

Diabetic neuropathy is a disease associated with damage to the nervous system. The lower limbs do not receive impulses from the body and feel almost nothing. The patient ceases to feel heat and cold, touching the legs, pressure on the limbs, even if he receives serious damage.

Many patients with diabetic neuropathy develop ulcers on their feet. Diabetics do not feel pain, but such formations heal for a very long time.

A type of neuropathy is diabetic foot syndrome. The disease is characterized not only by the appearance of ulcers on the feet, but also total absence pain during serious injuries such as dislocations and fractures.

The consequences of the syndrome are deplorable. If you don't start on time serious treatment, the patient develops gangrene followed by amputation of the lower extremities.

Atherosclerosis- the second disease that gives a complication to the legs. The disease is characterized by blockage of blood vessels. Simply put, the tunnel through which the blood circulates becomes so narrow that the red fluid has difficulty making its way through it.

First, blood clots form, then blood clots. As a result, severe pain occurs in the places of blockage of blood vessels. Developing peripheral artery disease which causes intermittent claudication.

Patients suffering from this disease practically stop walking. The pain is so strong that when walking, the diabetic has to move slowly and constantly make stops.

There are cases when diabetic neuropathy develops against the background of peripheral arterial disease. The disease is characterized by the fact that the patient, when the blood vessels are blocked, does not feel pain at all. AT this case The patient has one or both limbs amputated.


“Sugar disease”, due to its unpredictability, can “give” the patient one or several leg diseases at once.

Diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy takes place in several main stages:

  1. visual inspection. The neurologist carefully examines the legs for damage and dryness of the skin, the feet - for the presence of cracks and ulcers.
  2. Collection of anamnesis. Specialists have developed special questionnaires and tests. The patient truthfully answers the questions, thanks to which a scale of symptoms emerges. Based on this material, the doctor will be able to draw a conclusion.
  3. Pain sensitivity study. With the help of a special needle, the leg is chipped from thumb up to the knee. If the nerve fiber is damaged, the patient feels only stroking, without feeling pain.
  4. Research on temperature sensitivity . The procedure is performed using a double-sided device made of plastic and metal. Alternately apply to the legs of each side. A sick person will not feel any temperature difference between metal and plastic.
  5. Ultrasound of both limbs for rate general condition.
  6. Reflexes are evaluated:
    • knee jerk- normal tapping knee joint hammer. With damage to the nerves, the quadriceps femoris muscle does not contract.
    • Achilles reflex- hammer blows Achilles tendon above the heel. At healthy person the foot is bent. This does not happen with nerve damage.

In addition, they produce electroneurography and electromyography at the same time in order to study the work of muscles and nerves.

The presence of peripheral artery disease and atherosclerosis is diagnosed by the following signs:

  • low arterial pressure in the affected limb;
  • poor wound healing in places of blood flow restriction;
  • weak pulse or its complete absence below the narrowing of the artery;
  • a whistling sound is heard in the region of the artery.

For confirmation of the diagnosis examination is carried out:

  • blood tests for cholesterol and blood glucose;
  • electrocardiogram to assess the general condition of the cardiovascular system;
  • the degree of vasoconstriction is determined using Doppler ultrasound;
  • magnetic resonance angiography and CT scan will allow to identify the places of narrowing of large arteries.

Diagnostics diabetic foot produced on the basis laboratory research, first of all. The patient takes blood tests for sugar, cholesterol, hemoglobin levels. The presence of sugar is analyzed and ketone bodies in urine.

Produced visual inspection, several tests for sensitivity, collection of information on the duration of diabetes mellitus, assessment of the reflex state of the legs.

In the presence of ulcers, produce foot x-ray for possible infections of the bones of the foot.

By analogy, diagnostics intermittent claudication. The patient is prescribed a set of tests. Then, an examination is performed using ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography and spiral computed tomography.

Such a study allows you to see the structure of the tissues of the lower extremities and the place of vasoconstriction.

The main sign indicating the presence this disease, is high level blood glucose, cholesterol, as well as difficulty in moving the patient when walking.

Treatment Methods

To start treatment of legs with diabetes, you will have to visit several specialists: an endocrinologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, a general practitioner, a surgeon, and others for staging accurate diagnosis. We will treat limbs by influencing the cause.

Based on the diagnosis received, you will be prescribed a set of measures of a hygienic, preventive and medical nature.

For diabetics who do not always follow the rules of diet and nutrition, it's time to pay attention to this. With any disease of the lower extremities, first of all, we normalize the level of sugar and maintain it throughout life.

Therapeutic gymnastics Nobody canceled either. For "sugar patients" this is very important. As soon as the legs and feet begin to recover, it is necessary to give the body additional features and resources through a set of therapeutic exercises.

Medical treatment involves the use of drugs that improve blood microcirculation. Means that protect blood vessels, renew and support the tissues of the lower extremities, as well as anti-stress, sedative and diuretic drugs, antiseptics, antibiotics are used.

Medicines are also prescribed to eliminate diseases that accompany diabetes Key words: hypertension, arrhythmia, dysfunction thyroid gland and kidneys.

If ulcers are found on the feet, it is urgent to run to the doctor. You won't be able to beat them at home. The presence of the disease is associated with hormonal changes in the body with diabetes. In this case, in addition to tests, the endocrinologist will prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, desensitizing agents, antiplatelet agents.

Surgical intervention also takes place. The surgeon removes areas of necrosis and inflammation on the feet that are in a neglected state. After the operation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and topical treatment.

Upon detection gangrene, one or both limbs are amputated to the point where tissue infection ends. If the operation is not done in a timely manner, gangrene rises up the legs, blood poisoning occurs and death occurs.

The decision to amputate is made on a case-by-case basis. Initially, they produce a set of measures aimed at transferring wet gangrene to dry in order to reduce the cut off area.

Folk remedies

It is possible to treat legs with diabetes with the help of folk remedies. But this does not always give the expected results. It all depends on the complexity of the disease itself. In this case, the patient will have to strictly follow a diet and maintain sugar levels.

There are not so many folk methods, let's go over the main ones:

  1. Black currant leaves, oats, lilac leaves, green beans. Based on them, a solution is prepared. To do this, take one of the ingredients and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. We insist the liquid for 1-1.5 hours. It is necessary to take the drug one tablespoon up to four times a day. The drug is recommended for use by patients on early stage illness.
  2. fresh blueberries. The patient should eat up to three glasses a day, one of them before the main meal. With this method, "sugar patients" treat diabetic foot and gangrene.
  3. Let's prepare a compress to apply to the affected areas of the feet. sore spot lubricate with honey, cover it with a tablet of crushed aspirin, then a burdock leaf, and send the foot into the heat. You can wrap it in a warm scarf.
  4. Prepare juice from burdock leaves, after grinding them through a meat grinder, and during the day we apply to the sore spot.

All folk ways applicable at normal sugar levels. Otherwise, a harmless compress will only hurt. Be sure to consult a specialist before use.


Every diabetic patient has a high risk of lower extremity disease. To avoid this, it is enough to carry out simple preventive measures:

  • Monitor your blood sugar and cholesterol levels daily.
  • Do not start comorbidities: hypertension, thrombosis, renal failure.
  • Do not skip visits to the endocrinologist.
  • Reduce stress on lower limbs.
  • Visit a neurologist - watch the nervous system.
  • Your first aid kit should always contain drugs that correct blood clotting, improve lipid metabolism, vasoactive drugs.
  • Mandatory antifungal therapy.

About foot care for diabetes (video)

In a short video, an endocrinologist talks about what you need to pay attention to, about the basic principles of caring for the lower extremities “with diabetes”.

If you have diabetes, teach yourself to take care of your feet more often. Wash them daily cool water. Shoes should be of high quality and comfortable. Forget about heels. Watch your feet. At the slightest hint of a fungus, go to a specialist. Be healthy!

Most patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes experience complications. The most serious of these is diabetic foot.

The development of this disease leads to amputation of the limb and deep disability. Amputation can be avoided if the prevention and treatment of diabetic foot is started in a timely manner.

The manifestation of diabetes on the feet is often expressed in redness and pain in the area of ​​​​the toes. Why do my toes hurt and how is it treated? We will tell in this article.

Why diabetic toes hurt: top 10 reasons

There are many reasons why fingers hurt.

The most common are:

1. Fungal nail infection.

The disease manifests itself in the form of a yellow-brown plaque on nail bed. If the fungus is left untreated, it will spread to the entire foot, causing unbearable itching and pain.

To prevent the appearance of fungal infections on the legs with diabetes, the Diaderm series is used.

2. Corns, calluses and blisters.

Formed due to friction and pressure on certain areas of the foot when walking. The appearance of corns and corns contributes to increased swelling and tight shoes. Calluses and blisters often become inflamed and cause severe pain.

Means for the treatment and prevention of corns and corns are located in our online store.

3. Deformities of the first toe.

If the big toe hurts (diabetes mellitus significantly aggravates foot pathologies), redness and calluses appear on the outside joint, then we are talking about .

Weakening of the muscles of the foot, wearing shoes with heels lead to hammer deformity. The disease manifests itself in the form of aching and pulling pains occurring mainly when walking and at night.

The most modern and effective means for treatment hallux valgus you can buy in our online store.

4. Ingrown toenail.

The edges of the nail plate have grown into the skin, and are the cause of pain and suppuration. Prevention of an ingrown toenail is very simple: you need to cut your nails correctly, without rounding them. Sharp edges are filed with a nail file.

Good nail care products are on our website.

5. Ulcers on the fingers.

Very often the big toe hurts (diabetes in 60% of cases is complicated by the appearance of ulcers) due to the development of symptoms of a diabetic foot, namely.

The causes of ulcers are combined - neuropathy + impaired blood supply to the feet. In this case, the pain is delivered not only by the ulceration itself, but also by the nerve endings atrophied due to neuropathy.

6. Finger injuries.

As a rule, injuries in diabetics occur due to loss or decrease in sensitivity. Such injuries include: bruises, sprains, burns, frostbite, etc. It is important to detect and take measures to treat injuries in a timely manner, otherwise severe consequences in the form of inflammation and tissue death.

7. Diabetic polyneuritis.

Manifested as inflammation nerve endings. The patient experiences spasms and discomfort in the area of ​​the fingers, as well as loss of sensation. The fingers are bluish in color and have an atypical twisted shape.

8. Thromboembolism of digital vessels.

it formidable complication ischemic form of the diabetic foot, caused by blockage of the arteries by a thrombus. If the thrombus is not eliminated in a timely manner, then necrosis of tissues and gangrene will occur, which can spread to all fingers and feet.

9. Padagra.

Inflammation of the joints of the metatarsus occurs in diabetics 3 times more often than in patients with normal level glucose. This is facilitated by a metabolic disorder.

Usually the exacerbation of the disease is associated with malnutrition. Compliance with the diet reduces the risk of developing gout, and therefore eliminates the pain that accompanies it.

10. Skin defects.

Such defects include plantar warts that occur in the interdigital zones, as well as excessive dryness, keratinization of the skin. The skin peels off, becomes red and hot. In some cases, an infection joins.

To prevent dry skin, it is necessary to use a special cream for diabetics, which contains a natural moisturizer - urea. Such properties are possessed by the DiaDerm line.

Click on the picture below to learn more about diabetic ointments and order them for home delivery or mail order.

The first signs of foot disease in diabetes

The first signs of finger damage will help start treatment on time, avoid pain and serious consequences.

These signs include:

  • increased dryness of the skin of the feet, a feeling of tightness;
  • crack, chafing;
  • wrong position thumb, it can be unnaturally twisted;
  • twisting of the rest of the toes;
  • any change in the color of the skin;
  • burning sensation, tingling in the feet;
  • bleeding from wounds, abrasions.
often localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers and metatarsus. Even without visible symptoms and in the absence skin lesions pain syndrome speaks of the onset of a disease such as. A visit to the doctor in this case is vital.

Treatment of toes for diabetes

Treatment of pain in the fingers can be carried out by doctors of the following specializations:
  • traumatologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • podiatrist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • infectiologist.
The choice of a specialist depends on the cause of the pain in the toes. With neuropathy and polyneuritis, the treatment will be carried out by a neurologist. The course includes taking painkillers and procedures aimed at normalizing the function of the autonomic nervous system.

Skin lesions in the form of a fungus, ulceration, wet calluses treated, as a rule, by an infectious disease specialist. To suppress the growth of pathological microorganisms, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are used.

Ingrown toenails and finger injuries require treatment by a surgical specialist. The specialist carefully examines the foot and recommends a course conservative treatment or surgery.

Treatment of diabetic foot at home

To relieve pain, you can use the following methods:

1. Warm bath with sea salt. warm water relieves spasms and sea ​​salt disinfects and softens the skin. After the bath, apply a protective or moisturizing cream. Contraindication: presence open wounds and wet calluses.

2. Light massage and gymnastics. You can massage clean feet with light massage movements. It is important that the massage does not cause more pain. Do not massage if you suspect an injury to the fingers or feet.

3. With gout and neuropathy, fire oil gives a good analgesic effect. It must be applied to the skin of the feet, and after absorption, put on cotton socks.

4. Relieves spasms well raw potatoes, which must be grated on a fine grater, wrapped in gauze and applied as a lotion on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers for 30-50 minutes.

All these drugs have only an analgesic and antispasmodic effect, but do not eliminate the cause of pain. Therefore, if you have a sore or reddened big toe with diabetes, then you need to contact your doctor.

Also read the article about .

Prevention of foot pain in diabetics

In the presence of a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the big toe, the treatment of which begins with correct diagnosis, as well as the rest of the fingers, should be examined daily for the first signs of the disease.

Personal hygiene is also important, aimed at protecting the feet from infection and injury, and proper unloading of the legs when walking.

Unloading the feet is the uniform distribution of body weight on the foot. To do this, it is necessary to use special ones that prevent deformities and inflammation of the legs in diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most dangerous and dangerous diseases XXI century. Not so hyperglycemia itself, but its consequences. The main danger that lies in wait for most patients, the complications of the disease remain.

They can manifest themselves in different ways, but the first bell is often a change in sensitivity in the lower extremities and the appearance of discomfort when walking.

Therefore, patients often look for an answer to the question of why the legs hurt with diabetes. In order to explain the formation of pathology, you need to delve into the mechanism of metabolic disorders.

Causes of foot pain in diabetes

It should be said right away that this symptom is not always specific to sweet sickness". Sometimes it indicates other disorders in the body.

The most common causes of foot pain in diabetes are:

  1. Increased amount serum glucose. There is a direct relationship between the level of glycemia and discomfort in the lower extremities. The larger it is, the stronger the subjective manifestations and classic symptoms illness.
  2. Obesity. (DM 2) is almost always accompanied by overweight, which creates additional load on joints and muscles. This causes more discomfort.
  3. Age. Every person gets old. Characteristic temporary changes affect the quality of his life and the condition of all organs and systems. Negative influence hyperglycemia only enhances pathological changes.
  4. Cardiovascular problems. Macroangiopathy is a faithful companion of diabetes. Damage to the arteries and veins directly leads to disorders of the blood supply to the legs.
  5. Sedentary image life. Beyond Pathology carbohydrate metabolism, fluid stagnation develops in the pelvis and peripheral tissues. Develop.

How to get rid of pain in diabetes?

What to do if your legs hurt with diabetes? This is the first question that patients ask doctors at the reception. Can pills get rid of unpleasant symptom? Oh sure.

The main thing that the patient is obliged to learn is that discomfort in the lower body is caused by permanent and the number 1 remedy for preventing the progression of the problem is to reduce sugar levels.

You need to take a few first steps:

  • Comprehensive examination for diabetes mellitus.
  • Set the type, stage and degree of compensation of the pathology.
  • Immediately begin treatment of the disease. The longer you wait, the worse the result will be.

In addition to traditional insulin injections for the 1st version of the "sweet illness" or tablets for the 2nd, the following should be additionally monitored important aspects:

  1. Selection of comfortable shoes. One of the fundamental principles of preventing the development of diabetic foot syndrome, apart from the normalization of serum glucose. There are special orthopedic sneakers and shoes that are sewn to the order of the patient, taking into account all anatomical features human feet. Such an element of the wardrobe is sometimes expensive, therefore good decision there will be a purchase of spacious shoes that do not press. Constant compression of soft tissues in boots very soon leads to the formation of small wounds, and then ulcers.
  2. Getting rid of extra pounds. Lose weight is especially necessary for patients with concomitant obesity. This will not only reduce stress on the joints and muscles, but also increase the body's sensitivity to insulin.
  3. If the legs hurt slightly with diabetes, it is recommended to carry out the lungs. Physiotherapy reduce blood sugar and improve microcirculation.
  4. Parallel therapy of other diseases. The main direction is liquidation cardiovascular pathology, which directly increases discomfort in the lower extremities.
  5. When the first signs of morphological changes in the skin appear, it is necessary to immediately appear to the endocrinologist and surgeon to prevent further progression of the disease.


We must not forget about unconventional ways improving the patient's condition.

  1. Cold and hot shower for feet. It is enough to pour over the lower limbs once a day for 10 minutes hot water and 3 minutes cold. This effect will increase blood flow and improve microcirculation processes, which will favorably affect tissue health.
  2. Using an aqua massager. Vibrating vibrations of water perfectly increase blood circulation in distant parts of the body. In addition, such an intervention perfectly relaxes and calms the patient.
  3. Comfrey. To prepare an infusion from it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the ground root of the plant and pour a liter of alcohol or vodka. Infuse for 21 days, strain and dilute to obtain 3 liters of drink. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day after a meal.

To relieve inflammation and pain, it is recommended to use ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Fastum-gel, Dicloberl and others). They are applied thin layer to the affected area of ​​the lower extremity. However, one should not expect a miracle from their use, since the main problem lies in systemic hyperglycemia, and not in local pathological processes.

Pain in the legs in diabetes is a common problem, which with a high degree of probability indicates the development of complications. Given the serious risk of loss of limbs and other complications, this symptom is not recommended to be ignored. That is why you need to know everything about what to do if your legs hurt with diabetes.

Symptoms and types of foot diseases in diabetics

If your legs hurt with diabetes - this is far from the only symptom. The first thing to note is dryness. skin with which creams do not cope. Another category of signs are peeling, as well as itching of the skin. Type 2 diabetes pain symptoms are associated with:

  • excessive formation of calluses;
  • hair loss in the shins (most often found in men);
  • change in shape and thickening of the nail plates;
  • swelling of the ankles;
  • change in skin color to white and excessive coldness of the cover.

In addition, leg pain is associated with activity. fungal infection, numbness, impaired tactile, thermal and other types of sensitivity. Such changes can develop directly in the foot under the influence of a number of factors. For example, and foot, trophic ulcers, angiopathy and others. Occasionally, more rare and specific forms may occur, such as thumb involvement in type 2 diabetes.

Why do my legs hurt with diabetes?

In order to understand the causes of leg pain in diabetes, it will be necessary to understand in more detail the causes of this condition. Limbs suffer because nerve fibers are affected by a chronically elevated blood sugar level, which affects the cessation of the implementation of impulses. This leads to the fact that the legs lose their usual degree of sensitivity, and diabetic neuropathy is formed. The causes of this pathology may be damage to the limbs and other problematic conditions.

The blood vessels that feed the legs can become clogged due to the formation of a blood clot (or rather a blood clot) or atherosclerosis. The so-called oxygen starvation tissues, namely ischemia. With diabetes, the legs hurt very much in this case, and usually this symptomatology only progresses.

Another factor may well be diabetic joint damage, namely arthropathy. As is known, the destabilization of protein glucose metabolism provokes a violation of cartilage tissues and the occurrence of hyperostoses. In this regard, diabetics often have joint pain, especially when walking. Manifests arthropathy with swelling and redness of the foot. Over the years, deformation of the fingers is formed, a pronounced form of foot edema appears. In severe situations, dislocations, subluxations, and fractures are identified. The result is a shortening and widening of the foot.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis should be carried out as early as possible, because it is in this case that it will be possible to avoid the development of complications. The patient will need to accurately examine the condition of the lower extremities. Specially trained endocrinologists can help with this, as well as vascular surgeons and nurses. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • doctors identify the degree of damage to the lower extremities, correct the treatment of the underlying disease and prescribe specific therapy in relation to neuro- and angiopathy;
  • nurses teach patients proper foot care, carry out hygienic treatment of the feet. For example, calluses are cut off or therapeutic creams, ointments and other compounds are used;
  • it is necessary to undergo an examination both at the initial diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, and in the future at least once every 12 months with optimal health.

The studies that are carried out in the office, if the toes hurt, are, first of all, an examination with the obligatory control of the pulse on the lower extremities. Besides, important part diagnosis is the control of neurological reflexes, ultrasound of the vessels of the legs. It is recommended to check pain, tactile, temperature and vibration susceptibility, electroneuromyography.

What to do if your legs hurt with diabetes?

The recovery course is aimed at reducing blood sugar and eliminating its sudden jumps in the future. Patients are prescribed medications such as meglitinides (Nateglinide, Repaglinide), as well as sulfonylurea derivatives (Gliclazide or Gliquidone).

Treatment of legs in type 2 diabetes mellitus consists in the use of drugs that increase the degree of tissue sensitivity to the hormonal component. Most often, these are thiazolidinediones, for example, Rosiglitazone or Ciglitazone. In order to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestinal region, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are used, namely Acarbose and Miglitol.

Treatment of pain in the legs with diabetes and a decrease in the degree of their intensity is provided by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory names, in particular Nimesulide and Indamethacin. Speaking of treatment, we should not forget about:

  • application local anesthetics eg Versatis with lidocaine, Ketoprofen gel;
  • the use of tricyclic antidepressants for severe pain, one of which is Amitriptyline;
  • the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in excruciating convulsions (Gabapentin, Pregabalin);
  • the use of diuretic names (Furosemide, Spironolactone).

In order to exclude the occurrence of blood clots, you can do the following: use Aspirin or, say, Sulodexide. In order to stabilize metabolic processes injections of Solcoseryl or Trifosadenine are effective. In some cases it is possible to use folk methods treatment.

Folk ways

It must be understood that such therapies are complementary, and their use should be agreed with a specialist. One of the most commonly used remedies is a decoction based on flaxseeds. For its preparation, it is recommended to use two tbsp. l. seeds, which are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Then the broth must be allowed to brew at room temperature for two hours and filter thoroughly. The decoction is recommended to be consumed for five days twice a day for a quarter cup.

For pain in the legs with diabetes, a special cream can be effective. It is produced on the basis of nettle root and vegetable oil. The cooking algorithm is as follows: bring 150 ml of any vegetable oil to a boil, then add the chopped nettle root and boil for 15 minutes. After that, the cream is cooled and applied to problem areas.

Possible consequences

The diabetic gradually loses the ability to feel touch to the lower extremities, as well as pressure, pain symptoms, cold or hot. In many patients, ulcerative lesions form on the soles of the feet and on the legs in this case. They heal hard and for a long time. With aggravated sensitivity of the lower extremities, wounds and ulcers do not provoke pain. Experts pay attention to the fact that:

  • even a foot fracture or dislocation can be virtually painless. This is called diabetic foot syndrome;
  • given that patients do not feel pain, most of them do not implement elementary medical recommendations. As a result, wounds appear harmful bacteria, which contributes to the development of gangrene or the need for amputation;
  • with aggravated patency of blood vessels, the tissues of the lower extremities experience "hunger" and send pain signals;
  • similar symptoms usually occur when walking or, conversely, at rest.

This is usually a good incentive for a person with diabetes to seek professional help. medical assistance and stick to a certain recovery course.

The list of complications is supplemented by problems with the blood vessels that feed the legs, namely the peripheral arteries. With a narrowed lumen in the vessels in diabetics, in many cases, intermittent claudication begins to develop.

The combination of loss of pain sensitivity and vascular occlusion significantly increases the likelihood of amputation of one or both limbs.

Due to “starvation”, the tissues of the legs will continue to be destroyed, even if the patient does not feel pain.

Features of foot care

Every day, a diabetic needs to carefully examine his feet, especially the feet and soles. It is recommended to wash your feet daily warm water with neutral soap, special attention should be paid to the interdigital spaces. Even in education initial symptoms fungal infections, they turn to a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment (for example, an antifungal cream).

A diabetic needs to inspect his shoes every day for any foreign objects, insole tears and other defects. In addition, it is recommended:

  • handle toenails very carefully with a nail file, not scissors;
  • to warm the legs, use warm socks, but not a hot bath or heating pad;
  • in the process of washing the feet, avoid very low or, conversely, high temperatures;
  • If an injury is detected, do not use alcohol solutions by the type of brilliant green or iodine, as well as alcohol, potassium permanganate.

In general, all damage is treated with special healing creams, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Also used are agents such as Chlorhexidine, Betadine and others.

When keratinized skin appears, it must be treated with a pumice stone. In this case it the best remedy. However, the pumice stone needs to be changed often, as fungus can grow in it. Do not use scissors or a blade for this procedure. After treatment, the skin must be lubricated nourishing cream. It is not recommended to use plasters (for example, Salipod), as well as callus remedies and cutting tools, to remove rough skin.

It is important to wear exceptionally comfortable shoes. It is also recommended to walk every day on foot in comfortable shoes for at least half an hour. Carry out obligatory massage and gymnastics for shins and feet. Besides, right decision there will be a cessation of smoking, which will strengthen blood vessels and improve the functioning of the body as a whole.

Diabetes very often gives complications to the legs. Foot problems occur in 25-35% of all diabetics throughout their lives. And the older the patient, the more likely their appearance. Diseases of the legs in diabetes cause a lot of trouble to patients and doctors. Legs hurt with diabetes - unfortunately, simple solution this problem does not yet exist. You have to do your best to heal. Moreover, it is necessary to treat only professional doctor, and in no case "folk remedies". This article will show you what to do. Treatment goals:

  • Relieve pain in the legs, and even better - completely get rid of them;
  • Keep the ability to move "on your own two feet."

If you do not pay attention to the prevention and treatment of complications of diabetes on the legs, then the patient may lose his toes or entire foot.

Now the patient's legs do not hurt, because the operation to widen the lumen in the arteries improved the blood flow in them, and the tissues of the legs stopped sending pain signals

With diabetes, the legs hurt because atherosclerosis leaves too narrow a gap in the blood vessels. The tissues of the legs do not receive enough blood, “suffocate” and therefore send signals of pain. Surgery to restore blood flow in the arteries of the lower extremities can relieve pain and improve the quality of life of a diabetic.

There are two main scenarios for diabetic foot problems:

  1. chronically high sugar in the blood affects the nerve fibers, and they cease to conduct impulses. This is called, and because of it, the legs lose sensitivity.
  2. The blood vessels that feed the legs become clogged due to atherosclerosis or the formation of a blood clot (thrombus). Ischemia develops - oxygen starvation of tissues. In this case, the legs usually hurt.

diabetic foot syndrome

Nerve damage due to advanced level blood glucose is called. This complication of diabetes leads to the fact that the patient loses the ability to feel touch on his legs, pain, pressure, heat and cold. Now if he hurts his leg, he won't feel it. Most diabetics in this situation also have the soles of the feet, which heal for a long time and difficult.

If the sensitivity of the legs is weakened, then wounds and ulcers do not cause pain. Even if a dislocation or fracture of the bones of the foot occurs, it will be practically painless. It is called . Since patients do not feel pain, many of them are too lazy to follow the doctor's recommendations. As a result, bacteria multiply in the wounds, and due to gangrene, the leg often has to be amputated.

Peripheral arterial disease in diabetes

If the patency of blood vessels falls, then the tissues of the legs begin to “starve” and send pain signals. Pain may occur at rest or only when walking. In a way, if your legs hurt with diabetes - that's even good. Because pain in the legs encourages the diabetic to go to the doctor and go out of his way to be treated. In today's article, we will consider just such a situation.

Problems with the blood vessels that feed the legs are called "peripheral arterial disease." Peripheral means far from the center. If the lumen in the vessels is narrowed, then most often with diabetes, intermittent claudication occurs. This means that due to severe pain in the legs, the patient has to walk slowly or stop.

If peripheral arterial disease is accompanied by diabetic neuropathy pain may be mild or even completely absent. Combination of vascular occlusion and loss pain sensitivity dramatically increases the likelihood that a diabetic will have to amputate one or both legs. Because the tissues of the legs continue to break down due to “starvation”, even if the patient does not feel pain.

What examinations are done if the legs hurt with diabetes

It is necessary to carefully examine your legs and feet daily, especially in old age. If the blood flow through the vessels is disturbed, then you will be able to notice early external signs this. Symptoms of early-stage peripheral artery disease include:

  • the skin on the legs becomes dry;
  • perhaps it will begin to peel off, combined with itching;
  • patches of pigmentation or depigmentation may appear on the skin;
  • in men, the hair on the lower leg turns gray and falls out;
  • the skin may become permanently pale and cold to the touch;
  • or vice versa, it may become warm and bluish in color.

An experienced doctor can check by touch what the patient's pulse is in the arteries that feed the tissues of the legs. This is considered the simplest and accessible method detection of peripheral circulatory disorders. At the same time, the pulsation in the artery stops or decreases significantly only when its lumen is narrowed by 90% or more. This is too late to prevent tissue starvation.

Therefore, more sensitive research methods are used, with the help of modern medical equipment. Calculate the ratio of systolic (“upper”) pressure in the arteries of the lower leg and brachial artery. This is called the ankle-brachial index (ABI). If it is in the range of 0.9-1.2, then the blood flow in the legs is considered normal. The pressure in the digital artery is also measured.

Ankle-brachial index gives false information if the vessels are affected by Menckeberg's atherosclerosis, that is, they are covered with lime scale from the inside. This is very common in elderly patients. Therefore, methods are needed that give more accurate and stable results. This is especially important when the question of surgical operation to restore the patency of blood vessels, so that the legs stop hurting.

Transcutaneous oximetry - painless method, which allows you to evaluate how well the tissues are saturated with oxygen. Transcutaneous means "through the skin." A special sensor is applied to the surface of the skin, which makes a measurement.

The accuracy of the test performed depends on many factors:

  • condition pulmonary system sick;
  • blood hemoglobin and cardiac output;
  • concentration of oxygen in the air;
  • the thickness of the skin to which the sensor is applied;
  • inflammation or swelling at the measurement site.

If the value obtained is below 30 mm Hg. Art., then critical ischemia (oxygen starvation) of the leg is diagnosed. The accuracy of the transcutaneous oximetry method is not high. But it is still used because it is considered informative enough and does not create problems for patients.

Ultrasound of the arteries supplying blood to the legs

Duplex scanning (ultrasound) of the arteries of the lower extremities is used to assess the state of blood flow before and after surgical operations on the vessels. This method increases the chances that it will be possible to detect blockage of the artery by a thrombus or re-narrowing of the lumen in the vessels after surgery (restenosis) in time.

Ultrasound of the vessels allows you to study problem areas, i.e. segments that were “turned off” from the bloodstream as a result of the development of the disease. With the help of this method, you can clearly see the state of the vessels and plan in advance the course of the operation to restore their patency.

X-ray contrast angiography

Radiocontrast angiography is a test that involves injecting into the bloodstream contrast agent, and then the vessels “shine through” x-rays. Angiography means "examination of blood vessels". This is the most informative method. But it is unpleasant for the patient, and most importantly, the contrast agent can damage the kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only when the issue of conducting a surgical operation to restore vascular patency is being decided.

Stages of development of complications of diabetes on the legs

There are 3 degrees of impaired peripheral blood flow in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Grade 1 - no symptoms or signs of leg blood vessel disease:

  • pulsation of the arteries is palpable;
  • ankle-brachial index 0.9-1.2;
  • finger-shoulder index > 0.6;
  • transcutaneous oximetry > 60 mm Hg. Art.

2nd degree - there are symptoms or signs, but there is still no critical oxygen starvation of tissues:

  • intermittent claudication (legs hurt);
  • ankle-brachial index< 0,9, при systolic pressure in the arteries of the lower leg above 50 mm Hg. Art.;
  • finger-shoulder index< 0.6, но при пальцевом давлении >30 mmHg Art.;
  • transcutaneous oximetry 30-60 mm Hg. Art.

3rd degree - critical oxygen starvation of tissues (ischemia):

  • systolic pressure in the arteries of the lower leg< 50 мм рт. ст. или
  • digital artery pressure< 30 мм рт. ст.;
  • transcutaneous oximetry< 30 мм рт. ст.

What is the treatment if the legs hurt with diabetes

  1. impact on factors that stimulate the development of atherosclerosis, including in the arteries of the legs;
  2. careful implementation of the recommendations for the prevention and treatment of foot problems, which are discussed in detail in the article “”;
  3. solution of the issue of conducting surgical operations to restore blood flow in the vessels

Until recently, at the stage of intermittent claudication, patients were prescribed the drug pentoxifylline. But studies have shown that it has no real benefit for diabetic patients with peripheral artery disease.

With complications of diabetes in the legs, surgery to restore blood flow in the vessels can bring great benefit. Doctors decide on its implementation with each patient, taking into account his individual indicators the risk of surgery.

Patients with diabetic foot pain usually have pronounced violations carbohydrate metabolism (blood sugar is highly elevated), as well as manifestations of other complications of diabetes. To really help them, you need to involve a whole team of medical specialists in the treatment.

Diabetic foot syndrome is treated by a special podiatrist (not to be confused with a pediatrician). First, surgical treatment of wounds on the foot may be necessary to prevent gangrene, and only then - restoration of the patency of blood vessels.

Diabetes and leg complications: conclusions

We hope this article has explained in detail what to do if your legs hurt with diabetes. Need to go to healthy lifestyle life to normalize blood sugar and stop the development of atherosclerosis. With a doctor, you can decide on a surgical operation that will restore the patency of the vessels of the legs. You also need to be screened for other complications of diabetes and treat them.

Please, don't try to "numb" the pain of peripheral lameness with some pills. Them side effects can significantly worsen your condition and life expectancy. Contact a qualified doctor. With diabetes, it is important to carefully maintain the ability to move around “on foot”.

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  1. igor

    Good afternoon. I am 24 years old, height 188 cm, weight 90 kg, type 1 diabetes, I inject insulin (protafan) 23 units. in the morning, 13 units in the evening. I have hereditary varicose disease, which was before diabetes, periodically the vessels hurt me, but recently my feet started to hurt, goosebumps on the skin of the feet. Tell me what research can be done (or necessary), my sugar in the morning is 4.5-6 m / mol

  2. darya

    Hello. My grandmother, 73 years old, type 2 diabetes, weight 105, height 158. Recently she began to take droppers for blood vessels, after which her leg turned red in the lower leg and hurts. What is it can be and how it to treat? Thanks in advance.

  3. Anton Vereskovsky

    Hello, my aunt is 44 years old, weight 160, height 175, type 2 diabetes, legs to the knees are bluish in color, the foot is very swollen, as in elephantiasis, constant pain, does not sleep at night.
    Please advise what this condition threatens, they are very worried about her ..

  4. Natalia

    My dad is 66 years old, height 168, weight 90 kg. Diabetes mellitus 2nd degree 10 years. The right leg hurt: it swelled and reddened in the foot area, turned blue at the time of hospitalization. The doctors' verdict is incipient gangrene and amputation of the thigh. We underwent tests at the time of hospitalization: sugar 14 units, ultrasound of the leg - there is no blood flow only in the foot. The endocrinologist put me on insulin. In the hospital, the third day receives treatment: droppers-saline solution + nicotinic acid and Espa-Lipon 600 + B vitamins + bandages on the leg with chlorhexidine (trophic ulcers are not observed) + insulin 2 times a day + intravenous antibiotic + thromboass + diet .
    On the third day of the hospital, his legs stopped hurting, and dad uses a stick to go to the toilet. Is it possible to do without amputation?

  5. Irina

    I'm 50 years old. Diabetes was discovered 2 months ago, type 2, blood sugar from a vein was 13. Glucovans was prescribed. Sugar immediately dropped to 8, but on the 5th day complications began - trembling, urinary retention, delirium. Canceled. Siofor 1000 was prescribed. From the first day, pains in the abdomen began, as before menstruation, cramps, swelling, pain, the volume of the abdomen increased by 15 cm. Went to paid doctor- prescribed Nexium (to treat the stomach). My weight is 80 kg, my height is 176 cm. I have had an aversion to food since the summer. I’m a small child, I don’t eat during the day, well, I’ll stuff a spoonful so that it doesn’t suck in my stomach. In the evening a little and an hour at 3 am. Another doctor prescribed trazhenta, the pain seemed to have disappeared. Sugar lasts 11-13. And the previous district doctor said - how to cure the stomach, drink glidiab. I'm already afraid that something will be wrong again - I started drinking. 2 days I drink glidiab and trazhenta in the morning before coffee. I don't eat until 2 o'clock. At 2 o'clock egg or cracker with milk. No other way. All daytime food either lies - about to vomit, or comes out with instant diarrhea. I can't stand porridge and fiber at all. Can I move my pills to 8pm (when I eat)??? Or even replace them with something else? But with sugar 11, I already have weakness, impaired vision. And I'm allergic, I almost can't find medicines. For 7 years I have been drinking diroton and egilok, tried lorista - acute delay urine, called an ambulance.

  6. Irina

    I am 47 years old, type 2 diabetes was diagnosed a year ago by accident. Sugar was 20, now with a height of 170 cm, weight 72 kg, I lost 20 kg in half a year, I feel good. I do not take pills on the advice of a doctor. Sugar 4.5 - 5.9. Accidentally bought a magazine and found out that they measure the pressure in the ankles, but they never did this to me. What should be the pressure in the legs and is it usually measured as on the arm?

  7. Marina

    Good afternoon, my father is 60 years old, height 165 cm, weight 52 kg. Since spring mild form type 2 diabetes. On an empty stomach, the SC was 9 and at 13.00 of the day 10 mmol. Have registered Glibomet. My father became very ill and fell ill. The leg exploded from the burning pain at the top. And the calf of the leg. All the pains are above his knees. I lost 20 kg in a month or two. Couldn't walk without a stick, up and down stairs, a lot. Then there was a regression in walking. Autumn ENMG software is characteristic of polyneuropathy. During these six months, he was treated many times for DP, drank a lot of chemistry in the same way - there is no result. According to ultrasound, arterial stenosis in right leg up to 20-30%. I drank Plestasol for a month. The burning sensation in the calf has passed. But no more. So it burns one leg, then both legs. The pain migrates, maybe 2 months on the right, it will jump for two months on the left. Doctors do not know what exactly happened to the father, and they doubt that the mild form gave such a thing to the father's legs. His legs are like bones. And he is very thin. There is a moderate diet, sugar is sometimes checked, it does not exceed the norm for a diabetic. I just thought about the arteries ... But on the other hand, his nerves are damaged in his legs, so they hurt? Please help, my father can no longer go on drips, and suddenly these are peripheral arteries, and they will heal and the pain will not go away - he will again be depressed.
    Does my description match the information in this article? The father has sensitivity in his legs, although the enmg shows a decrease in speed along the motor and sensory fibers. The extensor of the left foot is reduced by 30% (or broken).

  8. Nadya

    Hello, my mother is 67 years old, height 162 cm, weight 112 kg, type 2 diabetes for almost 5 years. We drink maninil 1 time per day and veroshpiron, mountain calcium. Recently, when I was sweeping, I accidentally pierced my mother's leg with a broom. The wound is very small, not deep, but water has been flowing from it for a week now. I smear with solcoseryl ointment, do dressing 2 times, treat with potassium permanganate or betadine and hydrogen peroxide. The legs are very swollen, on the second leg trophic ulcer, but she does not bother her, almost healed, does not hurt. And where the puncture is, it hurts for the second day and behind the skin turned dark pink, then turned blue. And now again slightly dark pink! Tell me, what does this threaten us with? I am worrying a lot!

  9. Svetlana

    I am 47 years old, type 2 diabetes, 3 years experience. I drink glibomet in the morning and in the evening with meals. For two years, she controlled her sugar level well, 5.7-6.5. Not fond of carbohydrates - more greens, protein products, vegetable oil. About a year ago I decided to try to give up pills and switch to a rigid low-carb diet + jogging in the evenings. Sugar really did not take off and it seemed that the problem was solved. Appeared about a month later terrible pain in the legs, from the knee down. She immediately stopped the experiment, switched to the normal mode. The state was not stable for a long time, but now everything has more or less stabilized. How can this be explained? Thank you.

  10. Galina

    I am 53 years old. I have type 2 diabetes and have been sick for about 2 years. At the beginning of treatment, the doctor prescribed Glucophage. sat on strict diet almost starving. The weight began to drop rapidly. From 85 kg dropped to 63 kg. The doctor replaced Glucophage with Diabeton. I read about Diabeton and became scared. Got better. Now the weight is 70 kg. I don't want to drink Diabeton anymore. I read your article about the low carb diet. Tell me, please, and the weight after such a diet will not go up? Fatty meat, cream, oily fish. I really don't want to get fat! And how can I switch to Glucophage? What dose to start with? I would be very grateful for advice. Doctors don't care about us. I have one answer, no matter what you ask - get treated on the Internet, why go to the doctor!

  11. Ludmila

    Hello. I am 62 years old. Height 153 cm, weight 50 kg. I've been sick for 7 years now. Last year I'm trying to stick to a low carb diet. Sugar decreased: in the morning on an empty stomach 4.9-5.6, after eating 6.4-7.0. But at the same time, the legs are very baked. It happens with sugar 5.9 and below, the legs also burn. Help or council what to undertake in this situation. Thank you very much for your site. Thanks to him, he managed to reduce sugar.

  12. Maksim

    Hello. My aunt (75 years old) has type 2 diabetes. A month ago, my leg began to hurt sharply when walking, the doctor prescribed plestazol, but after it, sugar rises terribly - it was even 15, and earlier it was not higher than 7-8. Please advise what to do? Maybe replace Plestasol with something?

  13. Alla

    I am 55.5 years old, height 167, weight 84. Sugar jumps from a finger on an empty stomach 4.8-5.9, after eating 5.1-6.9. Glick. hemoglobin 8. All blood and urine tests are normal. In addition, itching all over the skin, often and a lot of moss, legs hurt. Do I have diabetes? Whether it is possible to help with a diet or on an insulin still?

  14. Alla

    I have fasting sugar 4.8-5.9; after eating 2 hours 5.1-6.1. Height 167, weight 84, 55 years old. Glycated hemoglobin 8. Drowsiness, frequent and quantitative urination, itching in the body, sore legs. Do I have diabetes? Can it be adjusted by diet or do I need insulin?

  15. Anna

    Hello. I'm 28 years old. Height 163 weight 85 kg. I've had high sugar levels over the years. the maximum was 9. Diabetes mellitus has not yet been diagnosed. But last time blood for sugar handed over about six months ago. My mother has diabetes and I know that it can be inherited. that's why I'm so afraid. A couple of weeks ago my feet started to ache. The pain is aching either when walking or if you press these places. The legs swell in the evenings (seated work) and often itch up to the knees. could it be gangrene? (ulcers and sores, no scratches) At first I didn’t think about it. I thought maybe I'm tired or the shoes are not comfortable. But the pain does not go away even with a change of shoes. I'm not going to see a doctor until a week later. I can't sleep anymore from worry.

  16. Galina

    Forgive me for jumping in with my advice, but maybe it will help someone else. Diabetes of the 2nd type, seized late, when complications began almost on the entire list. Including numbness of the toes, sweat and feet. I almost did not feel them, because I walked very badly. Accidentally, with a completely different purpose, I wound it on the foot of one leg from below cabbage leaf and - lo and behold - the numbness went away on the same day! A day later, I put cabbage on the foot of the second leg, and after a few hours the numbness disappeared. Just in case, I didn’t shoot for 3 days, I just couldn’t believe it! Since then, I have been walking like a person (except for the general muscle weakness). There are goosebumps when there is a release of sugar, for example, I was nervous. But I can feel my legs!
    And magnesium also helps legs noticeably and quickly, but I later discovered this. Treat as the doctor says, but for now, try my “recipe”, I hope it will help someone else.

  17. Alexandra

    I am 68 years old, type 2 diabetes 10 years old, I started trying a low-carbohydrate diet, sugar became normal in the morning and after evening food it rises to 10-14 by night and by morning it becomes normal what to do. I eat normal food like according to your book by Richard Bernstein tell me what to do

  18. Farid

    hello, my father was born in 1958, he is a diabetic, he has a wound on his little finger, the doctors do not undertake to perform an operation, they say to smear it with brilliant green, and when it passes, only then they operate, but the wound does not go away and it seems to me that this is already gangrene, what can you advise?

  19. Svetlana

    Good afternoon! My father is 67 years old. Thin (weight not exactly known) height 183, used to be very large. After starting to take diabetes pills and following a diet, I lost a lot of weight. Experience with type 2 diabetes for about 10 years. Recent times blood sugar levels in different time 7 to 14. Takes Glucophage 1000 twice a day and a diabetone tablet in the morning. Decrease in indicators by 1-3%. Sore feet (burning, numbness, pain in calves and recent foot pain at night). Ulcerative lesions legs. Depression, poor quality of life.
    The father was so desperate that he gave up on himself. Lives in a country house. Follows a low-carb diet (we will check with him again what he eats). Resumed keeping a diary of sugar control. He asked to buy a cream to anesthetize his leg.
    Please comment on our case. She absolutely does not want to go to the doctor. But I will persuade him to donate blood.
    I hope for your help!
    Thank you in advance!

  20. Elena

    I am 43. Diabetes type 1 since I was 13 years old. There is a polyneuropathy and a proliferative stage of retinopathy. Condition after laser coag. Weeks 2 as appeared very severe pain in the legs and fingers. Doctors in the clinic are not even taken to the feet. I'm going to look for a paid one. Do you need a surgeon or a neurologist? Tell me please. And if you pierce the / m actovegin 5 ml then in tablets. Wouldn't it be worse for the eyes? And is it possible to walk a lot through strength (I hope that the vessels will expand). I walk a lot and quickly through severe pain.

  21. Elena

    I have type 2 diabetes mellitus, if I am a lot or wake up, I start to have pain in my heels and feet, what could it be?

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