How to treat pyelonephritis in men. What is pyelonephritis: symptoms in men. The general treatment regimen is aimed at

Severe inflammatory disease of the urinary organs - pyelonephritis, which has become chronic.

Pyelonephritis has traditionally been considered a female pathology, modern studies have shown that men suffer from the disease no less, especially in old age.

Chronic pyelonephritis in men, the treatment of which has not been completed, continues to affect the renal tubules latently, without causing specific signs of pathology.

Causes of pathology

Pyelonephritis is provoked by several reasons. The least common is the penetration of infection into the urinary organs.

In men, the ascending path of infection does not lead to pyelonephritis - the disease is detected much earlier, and the necessary measures are taken.

More often occurs:

  • due to stagnation of urine, which is often observed in men of mature and advanced age;
  • due to the reverse flow of urine - vesicoureteral reflux;
  • in violation of the blood supply to the kidney or lymph flow.

If these pathologies are not treated, it occurs. Inflammation of the renal pelvis in a chronic form is the result of a complication of diagnosed pathologies - urolithiasis, chronic prostatitis, tumor neoplasms of the genitourinary system, prostate adenoma.

Chronic pyelonephritis sometimes becomes a consequence of unsuccessful catheterization, if the rules for the procedure are not followed, and an infection has entered the urinary tract. The disease is provoked by the hematogenous route, if pathogenic microorganisms enter the kidneys with the blood stream. Becomes a consequence of angina.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of the chronic type do not appear while the disease is in remission. Occasionally, unpleasant pulling pains in the lower back are felt, aggravated by lifting weights or coughing.

Interestingly, the pain occurs on the side of the healthy kidney. Tension in the back and discomfort appear after standing for a long time, aggravated by walking, but men do not associate such sensations with pyelonephritis, but consider it to be a problem with the spine.

Acts of urination do not cause problems. In patients, appetite worsens, the temperature ranges from normal to subfebrile.

With the manifestation of the disease, when relapses occur, men suffer from severe symptoms. When the kidney stones move, the temperature rises, hematuria occurs.

The state of health worsens - fatigue, lethargy, headaches are observed. The pressure rises, and at night, patients often go to empty the bladder. In the morning, swelling of the face is noticed, by the evening hands and feet swell.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is difficult to diagnose chronic pyelonephritis if the disease occurs against the background of a pathology that lubricates the symptoms of pyelonephritis.

For example, the symptoms of urolithiasis or tuberculosis come first, but the signs of chronic pyelonephritis are masked and detected only by laboratory tests.

Treatment of pathology

Chronic pyelonephritis is a consequence of undertreated. It is more difficult to fight the chronic form, the negative impact on the kidneys provokes disruption of the renal tubules, degenerative changes in the kidney parenchyma. As a result of irreversible changes, the kidneys stop excreting urine.

Chronic pyelonephritis is treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the presence of a specific pathogen, drugs that are minimally toxic to the kidneys are prescribed. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to do a bacterial culture of urine to determine the pathogen. This will allow you to choose drugs that are effective for therapy.

Among antibacterial agents, penicillins and cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides are prescribed. With a wide spectrum of action "Amoxicillin", "Azlocillin".

From the group of cephalosporins, Cedex and are considered effective. From the fluoroquinolone group, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin are recommended - they are effective against most representatives of pathogenic microflora.

They take "Furamag" or "Furadonin", "Nitroxoline", but the sensitivity to them has decreased. To monitor treatment, a urine test is done every ten days - this will help demonstrate the dynamics of the disease.

If pyelonephritis is nonspecific and caused by concomitant pathologies, then the cause of the disease is eliminated. Men cure prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis, crush stones.

For the treatment of the disease, stays in resorts are useful. A pronounced positive effect on the urinary organs in men has water from the springs of Truskavets, Karlovy Vary, Zheleznovodsk.

Complications of the disease

The disease is primarily dangerous complications. Since the disease proceeds slowly, pathological changes develop in stages, and are fully manifested at the stage of manifestation, or as an independent pathology.

The disease provokes:

  • nephrosclerosis - wrinkling of the kidney parenchyma, proliferation of connective tissue;
  • pyonephrosis - purulent fusion of the kidney with the formation of an abscess;
  • pedunculitis - an inflammatory change in the fiber in the region of the kidney gate, accompanied by necrotic changes;
  • necrotic papillitis - necrosis of the renal papillae.

As a result of these complications, the kidney loses its ability to produce urine, and doctors diagnose organ failure.

Such a complication appears suddenly - in patients, the excretion of urine stops, swelling begins; if urine comes out in small portions, and blood is present.

Patients' health deteriorates sharply - a breakdown develops, drowsiness develops, blood pressure rises, pains begin in the lumbar region and back.

Then symptoms of intoxication appear - nausea and vomiting, skin itching, loss of consciousness, doctors diagnose a precoma.

In this case, assistance is provided in the first six hours after the first signs appear. The man is hospitalized urgently, preferably in the nephrology department, where a nephrectomy will be performed - an operation to remove the affected kidney.

Life with one kidney is possible, but it imposes (compliance with the drinking regime) and pastime (refusal of power sports, transition to light work) for such patients.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidney tissue. Most often, pathology occurs in women due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, however, there are situations when inflammation also occurs in men. Pyelonephritis in men can be formed due to Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Klebisella or Proteus. Elderly men are most susceptible to the formation of the inflammatory process. In this article, we will analyze the symptoms of pyelonephritis in men and the method of its treatment.

Causes of pyelonephritis in men

Pyelonephritis in men occurs due to impaired excretion of urine, and stones in the kidneys cause a problem with the outflow of urine.

Pyelonephritis in men occurs due to impaired urinary excretion, and the following factors cause a problem with urine outflow:

  • kidney stones;
  • recurrent prostatitis;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • violations of the main body systems and the formation of stagnation of urine;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • transferred various infectious diseases;
  • circulatory disorders in the lymph flow;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors of the urinary system;
  • emotional unstable state, frequent stress, experiences;
  • diabetes;
  • active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria due to a decrease in the protective function in the body;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • venereal diseases;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • open kidney diagnostics;
  • abnormal structure of the kidneys.

For information! If the process of urination is accompanied by severe and pulling pains, you should consult a doctor to prevent the growth of bacteria in the kidney tissue.

The main symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of the disease include weakness, malaise, decreased performance

Regardless of the form of the disease, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, its signs and manifestations may be different. However, for a long time, inflammation does not manifest itself in any way and proceeds in a latent form. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • dysuric phenomenon: frequent urge to urinate, pain, burning in the urethra, false urge to go to the toilet, urinary incontinence;
  • attacks of acute and aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • weakness, malaise, decreased performance;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • intoxication of the body: fever, bouts of nausea and vomiting, pain and aches in the joints, muscle tissue, headaches.

It is worth noting that the symptoms and treatment of pyelonephritis directly depend on the type of bacteria that provoked kidney disease.

For information! During remission periods of the disease, general symptoms may be completely absent, except for secondary hypertension.

With a neglected form, a complication may occur in the form of a purulent abscess of the kidneys. Purulent abscess of the kidneys is a serious condition of the kidneys, in which the patient is sent to the inpatient department. Chronic inflammation of the kidneys is accompanied by:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • aching pain in the projection of the kidneys;
  • the presence or absence of subfebrile body temperature.

For information! Pyelonephritis in men often acquires a recurrent course, this is due to the anatomical feature of the structure of the urinary canals, namely, the ureter passes through the center of the prostate gland.

Features of diagnosis

To identify the disease, standard and additional diagnostics are used.

To identify the disease, standard and additional diagnostics are used. Early diagnosis is important because the longer the infection remains in the body, the more it causes a negative impact. Diagnosis for the causative agent of pyelonephritis is performed as follows:

  • laboratory study of a general urine test, to determine the level of leukocytes;
  • a clinical study of a blood test to determine the level of creatinine;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and the entire abdominal cavity;
  • computed tomography to determine signs of changes in the affected kidney;
  • blood pressure control.

After all this procedure, the attending physician prescribes treatment and diet.

A specific examination in men consists of:

  • rectal digital examination of the prostate;
  • ultrasound examination of the prostate;
  • determining the amount of prostate-specific antigen;
  • examination of the external genital organs;
  • taking a smear for pathogenic microflora to detect or exclude sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of pyelonephritis

Male pyelonephritis is treated by eliminating calculi in the ureter, provided that they caused an inflammatory process

Treatment of pyelonephritis in men begins with the elimination of the symptoms and causes of the disease. Male pyelonephritis is treated according to the following scheme:

  • elimination of stones in the ureter, provided that they caused the inflammatory process;
  • relief of the inflammatory and painful process;
  • neutralization of the activity of bacteria that affected the kidneys;

For information! If the patient has bouts of nausea and vomiting, he should be urgently hospitalized.

Symptomatic therapy includes:

  • prescribing drugs to normalize blood pressure;
  • the appointment of analgesics to eliminate pain;
  • compliance with bed rest until the inflammatory process is eliminated;
  • taking Diclofenac or Metamizole medicines to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • plentiful drink;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • taking medications that restore the functionality and performance of the kidneys;
  • taking antibacterial drugs.

Pyelonephritis, its symptoms, treatment and diet are interrelated. Compliance with a therapeutic diet contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient, and also improves the performance and functionality of all systems in the body. The therapeutic diet is:

  • in limiting salt, fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods;
  • in the regulation of water balance, i.e. fluid intake of 2 liters per day, it is also recommended to take herbal teas and infusions from rose hips, cranberries and lingonberries;
  • in the exclusion of hot sauces, seasonings, spices and alcoholic beverages;
  • in the exclusion of canned foods, semi-finished products and sausages, salted fish;
  • inclusion in the diet of porridge, boiled meat and fish;
  • the use of dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and kefir);
  • from vegetables you can: pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, beets and zucchini.

You can learn more about the methods of treating pyelonephritis in men from the video

At the end of the course of treatment, patients are recommended to undergo spa treatment, and then re-test to confirm the absence of bacteria, infections and inflammation. To avoid the formation of pyelonephritis, exclude hypothermia, undergo an annual prostate examination (applies to all men over 40 years old) and limit yourself to drinking alcoholic beverages. At the first malaise or suspicion of inflammation of the kidneys, immediately contact a specialist.

Pyelonephritis is a disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process in the kidneys. It has always been considered a "female disease", but sometimes pyelonephritis is diagnosed in men. Symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the disease, as well as comorbidities. Therefore, in order to prevent complications, you need to know what signs this disease has in order to seek medical help in a timely manner.


Pyelonephritis is of two types:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Also, the disease is divided into forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Primary is diagnosed in boys who have not reached the age of 7, as well as in immunocompromised men. This type of pyelonephritis can only be acute.

The secondary concerns the elderly representatives of the stronger sex. It can be both acute and chronic.

Pyelonephritis that affects only one kidney is called unilateral. In the case when the inflammatory process develops in both kidneys at the same time, the disease is called bilateral pyelonephritis.

The reasons

Primary pyelonephritis provokes (this often happens to children in the cold season). Also, the cause may be beriberi, which weakens the immune system, and that, in turn, cannot fully “protect” the internal organs.

Other provoking factors are:

  • emotional instability, frequent stressful situations, excitement;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria due to reduced protective reactions of the body;
  • diabetes.
  • and kidneys, abdominal organs;
  • cystoscopy;
  • urography;
  • CT and MRI (if necessary).

How to help the patient?

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. This leads to dangerous consequences.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The main task:

  • reduce pain;
  • restore normal urine flow;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate the root cause.

How is pyelonephritis treated in men? Symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the disease - acute, chronic.

Acute treatment

The acute form of the disease requires urgent hospitalization of the patient. He must observe bed rest in the first days of being in the hospital. The patient is prescribed a salt-free diet, as well as compliance with the drinking regime - drink 1 to 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

To improve blood circulation, a warm compress is applied to the lower back. It is recommended to use diathermy of the lumbar region.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in men with antibiotics requires a preliminary study of the sensitivity of the microorganism to a particular active substance. The course of antibiotic therapy is at least 4 weeks. If the symptoms of the disease no longer bother, then you can not stop taking the drug.

Treatment of the chronic form

To cure this form of pyelonephritis, you need to be patient, because this will take a lot of time. In such cases, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which are constantly changing (with mandatory monitoring of the sensitivity of microorganisms to a new drug). The chronic form of the disease requires an integrated approach to treatment. Not only drug therapy is used, but also traditional medicine. The patient must be on a diet.


Treatment of pyelonephritis in men with folk remedies should be under the supervision of a doctor. After all, sometimes, independently picking up a seemingly harmless remedy for yourself, you can cause irreparable harm.

Valid Recipes:

  1. Take dried hop cones (2-3 tablespoons) and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for about two hours, after which it must be filtered. Application: drink 0.5 cup every 2 hours. Hops help the kidneys cleanse in a few days.
  2. Daily use a few tablespoons of nasturtium officinalis (sold in pharmacies). If you can find fresh, you can add it to salads. The course of treatment is a month.
  3. Cranberry tincture. For cooking, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of chopped berries with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, and then strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Tincture of lingonberry leaves and honey. To prepare a remedy you will need:
  • 3 spoons of lingonberry leaves;
  • 2 spoons of honey;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Mix honey with leaves and pour boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours, and then strain. Take 2 tablespoons of tincture 3 times a day, preheated.


What are the consequences of pyelonephritis? Symptoms in men are not always taken into account. Also, representatives of the stronger sex sometimes interrupt the course of treatment in the middle of the journey. If this happens, then pyelonephritis can give serious complications:

  • the transition of the acute form of the disease to the chronic;
  • pyonephrosis;
  • pedunculitis;
  • necrotic papillitis (often diagnosed and diabetics);
  • kidney failure.

Preventive measures

A healthy lifestyle and following certain rules will help prevent the development of pyelonephritis:

  1. Drink enough liquid daily. This will flush out the accumulated bacteria from the bladder.
  2. Refuse alcoholic beverages.
  3. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, which is also found in cranberry juice and all juices. An acidic environment prevents microbes from multiplying.
  4. Timely treat diseases of the prostate, bladder.
  5. Do not delay going to the toilet for a long time.
  6. Observe personal hygiene.

Now it is known what is pyelonephritis in men, symptoms and treatment, drugs that are used in the treatment of this disease. But the most important thing is to know how to prevent the development of the disease, because it threatens the development of dangerous consequences.

Pyelonephritis is a dangerous pathology of the kidneys. An acute inflammatory process is activated against the background of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms in an ascending or descending way. Untimely therapy causes complications, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply.

Why does pyelonephritis develop in men? Symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease are described in the article.

Causes of pyelonephritis in men

Inflammation of the kidneys in men develops under the influence of many factors:

  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • surgical treatment, urological manipulations in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • long stay at the workplace in a sitting position;
  • natural aging processes (pyelonephritis often develops in older patients).

Pyelonephritis ICD code - 10 - N10 - N12.


Types of pathology:

  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • chronic pyelonephritis.

Learn how to do it and see a breakdown of the results.

The page is written about the rules of nutrition and diet for urolithiasis in women.

Ways of infection:

  • ascending- from the external genitalia, a bacterial infection rises to the kidneys;
  • hematogenous (through the blood). An active or chronic inflammatory process in the body makes the kidneys vulnerable, infectious agents easily penetrate the natural filter with the flow of lymph and blood.

Signs and symptoms

The main signs of pyelonephritis of the kidneys:

  • aching pain in the lumbar region on one or both sides. A characteristic feature is that noticeable discomfort does not disappear when the position of the body changes;
  • violation of the color of urine, the appearance of foam, mucus, blood clots in the excreted fluid. Often, urine acquires a dark, almost brick tint;
  • signs of intoxication: general weakness, drowsiness, aching joints, chills;
  • subfertile temperature rises to 37, often 38 degrees. In the acute form, the active spread of the infection, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, immediate hospitalization is required;
  • urine discharge becomes more frequent, pain syndrome develops. With an increase in intoxication, negative signs intensify;
  • against the background of an increase in the volume of circulating blood, problems with the excretion of fluid, pressure rises (secondary hypertension);
  • after a few days, in the absence of adequate therapy, the symptoms become brighter, the patient's condition worsens, pus appears in the kidneys, nephrons sometimes die, and the functions of important organs are disrupted.


To confirm pyelonephritis in men, prescribe:

  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis to detect pathogenic microflora;
  • complete blood count to monitor the level of ESR and leukocytes;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging, .

Effective Treatments

What and how to treat pyelonephritis? With severe symptoms, the development of purulent complications, a rapid deterioration in the condition, therapy is carried out in a hospital. In some cases, urgent surgery is required. With the appearance of vomiting, high pressure, bed rest is important. With a moderate nature of negative manifestations, the patient is treated at home, visits a urologist at a certain time.

Conservative therapy

Effective names and types of drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis:

  • in men. Fluoroquinolones, a combination of clavulonic acid + Amoxiclav, third and fourth generation cephalosporins;
  • with prostatitis, antibiotics and NSAIDs are prescribed;
  • intravenous infusions with the use of fizrastovr;
  • with sufficient patency of the urinary tract, antispasmodics are prescribed;
  • antipyretic at high temperature;
  • in chronic pyelonephritis, a positive result is given by natural (,);
  • fortifying compounds, vitamins;
  • analgesics are recommended to reduce pain.

On a note! Mandatory milk-vegetarian diet for pyelonephritis, a sufficient amount of pure water, salt restriction, limitation of physical activity, bed or semi-bed rest. With a noticeable increase in the prostate, active squeezing of the urethra or blockage of the ducts with large calculi, the operation is indicated.

Folk remedies and recipes

A good addition to taking antibiotics is herbal decoctions. Herbal raw materials, when used correctly, reduce inflammation, activate the outflow of urine, and improve kidney function. The list of compositions is important to agree with the urologist.

It is forbidden to take herbal decoctions, medicinal teas as the main remedy for fighting a bacterial infection: the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties of natural compounds are several times lower than those of powerful synthetic drugs. In the chronic course of the disease, products based on fruits and herbs have a positive effect on the functionality of natural filters, and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Effective folk remedies for pyelonephritis:

  • decoction of hop cones;
  • Mint tea;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • infusion of corn stigmas;
  • lingonberry leaf tea;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • infusion of bearberry or knotweed.

Possible complications

The lack of timely treatment, the use of herbal decoctions instead of antibacterial agents, violation of the doctor's recommendations are factors that provoke serious problems with the functioning of natural filters. Inattention to acute symptoms, taking inappropriate medications reduces the clinical manifestations of the disease, but pathogenic microorganisms remain in the kidneys and urinary tract, the pathology passes into the chronic stage.

A dangerous phenomenon is the spread of infection through tissues and organs. Systemic blood poisoning (sepsis) in advanced cases leads to acute intoxication, the probability of death is high.

Other complications of pyelonephritis:

  • chronic;
  • purulent inflammation, difficult to treat;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure.

On a note:

  • taking antibacterial formulations at the initiative of the patient, before the test for sensitivity to antibiotics, interferes with treatment, “lubricates” the picture of the pathology;
  • many compounds are not prescribed for kidney diseases: you need to choose medicines that act throughout the urinary tract without changing the shape and state of the active substance;
  • for this reason, antibacterial drugs of strictly defined groups are prescribed for pyelonephritis. Even the generation of medicines significantly affects the effectiveness of treatment, prevents bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Learn about the causes and treatment of pathology with medications.

A page is written about the causes and treatment of pain in the lower abdomen when urinating in women.

Go to the address and see the list and characteristics of tablets for inflammation of the bladder in women.

After eliminating the inflammatory process in the kidneys, it is important to follow the rules to prevent relapses. Nephrologists do not recommend violating the recommendations: exacerbations are a common problem after treatment. It is difficult to deal with the chronic form of pyelonephritis. It is important to pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle.

Basic rules for the prevention of pyelonephritis:

  • quitting smoking, excess alcohol;
  • hypothermia warning;
  • proper nutrition to reduce risk;
  • control of chronic pathologies that develop with impaired metabolism;
  • timely treatment of prostatitis;
  • physical activity;
  • refusal of spices, spicy dishes, smoked meats;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • clean drinking water in the amount of two liters per day to flush out salts, toxins, decay products from the kidneys;
  • treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • elimination of foci of inflammation in the body.

After 40 years, men should carefully monitor the health of the genitourinary system. Against the background of prostatitis, problems with the kidneys and bladder often appear, intoxication of the body increases with problems with the outflow of urine. The transition of the disease to the chronic stage dooms to relapses with painful symptoms. The rules for the prevention of pyelonephritis are quite simple. The main thing: understand that sepsis, suppuration, abscesses against the background of renal pathologies are often life threatening.

Learn more about the symptoms and features of the treatment of pyelonephritis in men from the following video:

Pyelonephritis in men is a disease that occurs in a number of cases when pathological viruses and bacteria infect one or both kidneys. In addition, damage occurs to the apparatus where the renal tubules are located, and the renal pelvis itself, and the parenchyma.

Men are not as susceptible to this disease as women, but this fact still does not allow such a dangerous ailment to be left without any attention from the victim. Because the microbes that are involved in the spread of the disease will only multiply if you do not take the necessary measures for recovery.

But, unfortunately, sometimes the symptoms that accompany this disease are rather vague, so it is best to understand this condition so that at the first hint of pyelonephritis, seek medical help.

Men are less attacked by microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of pyelonephritis if the disease is ascending. That is, if it rises through the urinary canal and is bacterial in nature. Because the anatomical feature of the male urethra protects them from microbes moving freely, along a wide path, to the location of the kidneys.

The urethra in men is long and sinuous, and even more so it is a narrow passage, and it is difficult for organisms that carry pathological flora to penetrate unnoticed. Because even with a weakened immune system, the protective functions of the inner lining of the mucosa work, and usually, without reaching the target, they tie up there and are removed from the body along with urine discharge. But still, with a successful run, they can hit the kidneys in the ascending line.

It is much easier, and this is the feature of descending pyelonephritis in men, for microbes and infected parts to get to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Especially if a man abuses alcohol or nicotine, and also stuffs his body with countless fatty foods. The fact is that if an inflammatory process occurs somewhere in the body, and even worse, if it is purulent inflammation, then the infection picked up by the circulatory system will move to unoccupied territories, and the immune system at this time will not only repel attacks of focal microorganisms diseases, but also help in repelling attacks of toxins.

The most common causes of pyelonephritis in men

Since the signs of pyelonephritis in men can be mild, it is worthwhile, after studying a number of reasons that can provoke the onset of the disease, to diagnose on your own - whether there were any prerequisites for the development of pyelonephritis in the foreseeable past. And after that already to study a symptomatology.

Basically, pathogens that lead to pyelonephritis in men are of the following nature:

  • Proteus;
  • enterococcus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • staphylococcus aureus

If a man has pathologies, both physical and mechanical, then reflux, that is, urine reflux, can occur back to the kidneys, or urine, due to the formation of calculi, can stand in the pelvis for a long time, this fact is sometimes the cause of pyelonephritis.

The following factors that affect the development of pathology are:

  1. work associated with constant hypothermia;
  2. situations that regularly provoke stress;
  3. weakening of the immune system;
  4. nervous and physical exhaustion of the body;
  5. diseases of a chronic order;
  6. genetic and hereditary changes in the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.

Prevention of pyelonephritis in men

Pyelonephritis in men, its symptoms and what is required in order to get rid of the disease can be prevented if preventive measures are taken:

  1. It is necessary to empty the bladder as it fills, because an artificial delay increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes.
  2. A man must observe intimate hygiene, because a variety of bacterial diseases develop from the fact that they settle on a rich pathogenic flora. Especially this rule should be followed by those men who have an active sex life with many partners.
  3. It is worth actively treating if there are any chronic diseases that can cause the reproduction of pathogenic flora inside the body.
  4. When working in a damp and damp environment, keep your feet warm and dry.
  5. If the whole functional system is working for wear and tear, then it is worth giving it at least a short break.
  6. In case of pathological anomalies, it is necessary to seek medical and, sometimes, surgical help in order to establish a clear functioning of the body.

Possible complications in the occurrence of such a disease

If not carried out in time in men, then various consequences can develop that will affect the work of the entire genitourinary system. For example, a secondary illness can lead to scarring of the kidney tissues, after which they will begin to wrinkle and may even cease to function.

And also, against the background of the primary disease, the following complex diseases can develop:

  • The last stage (called pyonephrosis). This happens when the first ailment is not diagnosed, and drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis in men are not used.
  • Renal failure in acute form. This disease is characterized by the fact that its appearance is spontaneous and is accompanied by a violation in the functioning of the kidneys or a complete failure of the renal system.
  • The stage when chronic insufficiency of this organ occurs. This is a neglected degree of pyelonephritis, when the working function of the kidneys disappears gradually.
  • Paranephritis may also be diagnosed. In this case, purulent inflammation from the kidney spreads to the shell of the organ.
  • Malaise can also flow into necrotic papillitis. This complication usually develops if the pyelonephritis is severely neglected and the person has been treated in the hospital for a long time, but the disease cannot be stopped completely. Here, the human condition is accompanied by renal colic, and pyuria, and severe fever, and against the background of all this - a rapid failure of the renal system.
  • If the patient brings himself to an extreme state and does not treat the disease, then urosepsis may occur. In this case, a fan-like spread of infection to all organs can occur, which will lead to a fatal outcome for the patient.

Can diet help with pyelonephritis

When diagnosing such a complex disease, men are supposed to observe and completely exclude from the diet the use of the following foods and drinks:

  1. alcohol-containing liquids, and especially beer;
  2. nicotine;
  3. narcotic drugs;
  4. antibiotics that are taken without the supervision of medical professionals;
  5. fast food and semi-finished products;
  6. food that contains a significant amount of salt;
  7. smoked meats.

Compliance with the prescribed diet will help to defeat the disease in a short time.

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