Massage of the collar zone how often to do. Benefits and contraindications of neck massage

Manifestations of impaired blood circulation of the brain are often dull headaches, weakness, dizziness. One of the reasons is the deterioration of blood flow through the vertebral arteries, which are pinched by outgrowths of the processes of the cervical vertebrae, tense muscles. Massage of the cervical-collar zone breaks this pathological connection.

Anatomical formations of the neck and the effect of massage

The cervical spine contains 7 movable vertebrae. They provide a safe bed for the spinal cord, nerve branches extending from it, and vessels that feed the brain. But the disturbed location and structure of the vertebrae in osteochondrosis, salt deposition leads to pain in the head due to difficulty in the blood supply to the brain, neck, and shoulder joints. Symptoms such as nervousness, inattention, memory loss, insomnia are associated precisely with insufficient flexibility of the vertebrae, a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels.

Neck muscles are easily palpable. Directly below them are large neurovascular bundles, lymph nodes. The impact on these formations should be carried out with caution.

The collar area includes:

  • the back of the neck and the region of the cervical vertebrae;
  • upper muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • lateral surfaces of the neck;
  • supraclavicular pits.

Proper therapeutic massage, taking into account contraindications, allows various methods to achieve muscle relaxation. At the same time, nutrition of the spine and brain improves, and further progression of osteochondrosis is prevented.

At the same time, the outflow of blood and lymph from the head increases, congestion is prevented.

Who is massage for

The list of indications is quite large, because it includes not just individual diseases, but symptoms associated with deficiencies in the spine and blood vessels. Massage is effectively used for:

  • fatigue, nervous tension;
  • prolonged sedentary work at the table;
  • performing increased physical activity on the shoulder girdle;
  • high and low blood pressure;
  • with concomitant radicular pain and intervertebral hernial protrusion;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • after a stroke during the recovery period;
  • different types of headaches;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder girdle;
  • initial symptoms of cerebral insufficiency;
  • parkinsonism.

When not to massage

Some contraindications are temporary. The collar zone is not recommended to be massaged if:

  • the patient has a fever;
  • there are signs of an acute infectious disease;
  • arterial pressure causes a clinic of hypertensive crisis;
  • the person has cancer;
  • in a patient with an enlarged thyroid gland;
  • on the skin in the massage area there are pustules, unhealed wounds;
  • there are diseases of hematopoiesis;
  • the patient has a severe stage of cardiac decompensation.

In women, massage is contraindicated during menstruation.

What techniques can be used

The massage of the collar zone should be approached very responsibly. You should not trust inept hands, a specialist with insufficient experience.

A comfortable position is chosen for the patient:

  • sitting with an emphasis on the forehead and elbows;
  • lying down in complete relaxation.

The massage therapist is behind or to the side of the patient. For massage, it is recommended to use a special cream with a vegetable base, which helps to give the skin elasticity and dilates nearby vessels.

  • The procedure begins with stroking from the center to the sides along the lines of lymph outflow. These movements warm up the muscles and skin.
  • By rubbing the zone of osteochondrosis with palms, fists, the best therapeutic effect is achieved if the specialist covers the neck with his fingers on both sides and makes circular movements.
  • For a deeper impact, kneading the muscle frame, the trapezius muscle, is used. These movements should not be made with unpleasant sensations of the patient.
  • Tapping is carried out with the tips of the fingers or the edges of the palms. The movement must be strong enough and fast. They improve the tone of the vessels of the neck.
  • The push-up technique is used at high loads on the muscles, mainly after sports training, competitions. By strong pressure from the back of the head to the second thoracic vertebrae, the outflow of lymph from the head is achieved.
  • The session ends with soft sliding movements, stroking.

The procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. The referral for massage is given by the therapist in the clinic. With osteochondrosis, courses of 10 sessions are recommended 2-3 times a year.

The patient should not experience discomfort. Free breathing should definitely be controlled.

Can I massage myself?

The neck and shoulder girdle are quite accessible areas for. It can be performed, sitting comfortably in a chair, after a hard day and during breaks.

You should work with both hands at the same time or massage one half of the neck after the other. All movements must necessarily be directed from the center to the sides and down.

Stroking and rubbing are performed with open palmar surfaces. Kneading is carried out by grabbing the muscles with the first and opposite fingers. Strength should be compared with pleasant sensations of warmth.

What complications should be feared

Not all patients have well developed neck muscles, so pain occurs after stimulation. After 2-3 sessions, they disappear.

With increased pain, their connection with head movements, it is necessary to stop the massage and consult a doctor. The careless movement of the massage therapist contributes to the subluxation of the intervertebral joints.

Increasing headaches after the procedure indicates an incorrect body position, it may be necessary to move from a sitting to a lying position.

The patient must constantly be in contact with the massage therapist and report unpleasant symptoms. This allows the specialist to correctly calculate the force of impact. Each person has his own threshold of sensations. Massage, when performed correctly, always brings an improvement in the condition, through strengthening the immune system it improves mood and working capacity.

Stiff shoulders, neck pain, heavy neck, dizziness - these symptoms are familiar today even to schoolchildren, not to mention the adult part of the population.

80% of the daytime a person spends sitting, bending his head over notebooks, phone, tablet or computer keyboard. Such a static posture is the most harmful for the cervical spine, because the weight of an already difficult head increases by 5-6 times when tilted or turned. Massage of the cervical-collar zone will help to relieve excess load, eliminate pain, and prevent the development of pathological processes.

It would be wrong to talk about this procedure as an exclusively preventive measure. Medicine recognizes the effective healing properties of shoulder and neck massage. It is prescribed as the main therapy or included in complex treatment for:

Surprisingly, this long list could go on and on. It's all about the effective impact of massage techniques on the vital internal organs and structures of the neck and shoulder area, as a result of which:

  1. Blood circulation is activated, improving tissue nutrition and stimulating brain activity.
  2. The lymph heats up and accelerates its flow, removing toxins and toxins.
  3. Muscle fibers stretch, become more elastic, more mobile, they produce special irritating substances that help fight fatigue, improve the functioning of the body.
  4. Spasms go away, pinched vessels and nerve processes are released. Pain subsides, pressure is corrected, chewing, swallowing and articulation are facilitated.
  5. Salt and fat deposits, especially noticeable on the seventh cervical vertebra, disappear, the muscles relax, straightening the posture, relieving the person from stooping.

It should be noted that biologically active points are located in the zone of interest to us, the stimulation of which has a reflex effect on remote internal organs. For example, after massage, many patients report an improvement in vision. There is nothing surprising in this: 1.5 centimeters below the base of the skull there are “internal gates” - paired points, the stimulation of which relieves eye strain.


The cervical-collar zone is the record holder for the density of the location of vital anatomical structures. Here, in close proximity are the vertebrae, muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, internal organs (thyroid gland, pharynx, esophagus), brain and spinal cord. During the massage, we directly or indirectly affect them. In some cases, such manipulations can pose a threat to the patient's health, so the procedure is strictly prohibited when:

  • oncological formations;
  • thrombosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae;
  • venereal diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure;

Temporary contraindications:

  • infections and inflammation;
  • fever, fever;
  • bleeding, including menstrual;
  • recent childbirth or abortion;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • skin rashes in the massage area;
  • mental excitement.

In these cases, the ban will be lifted as soon as the problem disappears and the patient's health stabilizes.

Execution technique

Massage of problem areas of the neck and collar area involves the impact on the back surface and lateral lines of the neck, upper back and shoulder girdle. This area is inactive, so blood circulation is most often disturbed here, nerve endings are infringed, salts are deposited and edema appears. After watching the master class from the training video, you can eliminate these unpleasant manifestations.

The treatment procedure is based on classical basic techniques with a specific execution scheme:

During the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach or sits on a chair with his head resting on his hands folded in front of him. In this correct position, the muscles of the neck and shoulders relax best, and the procedure becomes especially effective. The treatment session lasts 10-15 minutes.

You can relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle at home with the help of self-massage. You will find a detailed description of the methodology in the article: "".

Features of baby massage

Children need massage just as much as adults. This procedure is prescribed for both infants and adolescents.

With its help you can:

  • relax muscle fibers, relieve spasms and tension in case of hypertonicity and torticollis in infants;
  • normalize cerebral circulation and eliminate oxygen starvation, which often appears during fetal development or as a result of a long birth process;
  • to prevent the development of vegetovascular diseases;
  • strengthen the muscles of the neck and back;
  • reflexively restore the motor activity of the upper limbs, the innervation of which comes precisely from the cervical segments of the spinal cord, and the blood supply comes from the chest and shoulder girdle;
  • have a reflex effect on the speech centers of the brain, relax the muscles of the articulatory apparatus in case of delayed speech development (SRR) and logoneuroses;
  • stabilize the mobile cervical vertebrae by strengthening the muscular corset;
  • improve the functioning of the heart and lungs by activating the access of nutrients and oxygen;
  • restore normal hormonal levels.

For schoolchildren who are forced to spend a lot of time sitting, such a massage is very necessary. It relieves fatigue, relieves eye strain and headaches. In combination with special exercises, the procedure will be an excellent prevention of postural disorders (scoliosis, stoop) and osteochondrosis.

Thematic material:

Execution technique

Classical technique is the basis of children's massage. Its basic techniques are stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Parents can be trained by high-class masters by attending special courses or watching video tutorials.

Many structures of a young organism are only in the stage of formation. This is due to some features of baby massage:

  1. The procedure is prescribed only if the child is already 7 weeks old.
  2. Up to six months, a general body massage, including the impact on the SHVZ, is permissible only in the form of superficial stroking.
  3. From 6 months, light rubbing is added, from the second year of life - kneading and vibration.
  4. It is better to lay the baby on the tummy, an older child can be seated at the table, asking him to lower his head on his crossed arms.
  5. All movements are performed smoothly, without jerks. When working with babies, only fingers are used.
  6. The neck is massaged from the border of hair growth down, avoiding exposure to the spine and the region of the spinous processes.
  7. The collar zone is treated, moving from the center line of the back to the shoulder blades and further to the shoulder joints.
  8. Massaging the trapezius muscle can cause pain in the baby, so the force of pressure in this area should be weakened.

The duration of the session depends on the age and well-being of the child: from 3-5 minutes for infants, up to 20 minutes for adolescents. The result will not keep you waiting. Observations show that already after the 5th session, an amazing transformation occurs with weakened babies: they begin to confidently hold their heads and turn them in all directions.


The motto of any massage therapist “Do No Harm” becomes especially relevant when it comes to the health of a child, especially an infant. Therefore, the list of contraindications to the procedure must be known by heart not only to doctors, but also to parents. Add to the main list of bans:

  • congenital heart disease;
  • exacerbation of rickets;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • teething period;
  • hernia with the threat of infringement of internal organs;
  • pustular rashes on the skin of the massaged area.

Massage is contraindicated if the child is tired, wants to eat, sleep, is naughty or unwell. During the procedure, constantly monitor the condition of the baby. If he has a pulse, pain, excessive excitement or lethargy, a reddened or pale face - the procedure should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Anticellulite massage

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “cellulite” is loose, orange-peeled thighs and buttocks. But the shoulder is also at risk. Moreover, the deposition of subcutaneous fat in this area is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a direct threat to health. Puffiness, muscle spasms, pain, discomfort, congestion, even ruptures of blood vessels - this is what cellulite on the hands threatens.

It is almost impossible to get rid of it with the help of diets: fatty tissue grows through its entire thickness with fibrous fibers, accumulates decay products and toxins in itself, becoming very resistant. You can break it only with anti-cellulite massage.

Used technique

The purpose of the procedure is to get rid of fat cells. And this can be done by improving the blood supply, accelerating the lymph flow by influencing the deep structures. Hence the technique of anti-cellulite massage is formed, combining classical and specific techniques. Let's learn how to do it step by step:

After the procedure, you need to give the patient a few minutes to rest and recover. As a result of manipulations, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, swelling subsides, fat capsules are broken, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, the skin is leveled, restoring firmness and elasticity. The metabolism returns to normal, preventing the new development of cellulite. The appearance of bruising after the procedure is the main indicator of a violation of the execution technique.


The impact of anti-cellulite massage is aimed at deep structures, so the procedure is considered aggressive. You will have to refuse it if you suffer from:

You should not do the procedure during menstruation or pregnancy, and also combine it with osteopathic sessions.

In addition to massage, diets, banks, special gymnastics, body wraps, yoga classes and an active lifestyle help to treat cellulite.

Salon prices

Classical massage of the neck and collar zone is an obligatory position in the list of services of clinics and salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The price per session ranges from 660 to 2000 rubles.

The cost of therapeutic and anti-cellulite techniques is slightly higher - from one and a half thousand. Experts estimate work with children at 1,150 rubles.

The use of folk remedies

Now many say that diseases of the cervical and thoracic spine have become much younger. But they didn't show up yesterday. In the past, people have tried various remedies to relieve back pain, muscle spasms, and tension. The most effective of them have survived the centuries and today bring great benefits to people.

Salt massage

The world learned this recipe from Mongolian healers. It was they who first proposed to combine the therapeutic effect of massage techniques with the beneficial properties of the substances that make up sea or rock salt. It has long been known that:

  • the combination of chlorine and sodium balances the ratio of fluid in the body, eliminates congestion, promotes saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • bromine and calcium soothe and relax;
  • magnesium improves metabolic processes, tones muscles, promotes weight loss, resists the development of allergic reactions;
  • iodine removes cholesterol.

Salt is a great scrub. It cleanses the surface of the skin from dead cells, improves blood circulation, removes excess fluid, eliminates swelling. Indications for salt massage are osteochondrosis, salt deposition and cellulite.

Carrying out the procedure according to the forces of each novice massage therapist:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of fine rock or sea salt with two tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil until smooth.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the massaged area.
  3. Rub the back of the neck, moving from the atlas down along the spinal column.
  4. Vigorously go from the center line to the shoulder joint, and then process the shoulder girdle.
  5. After 20 minutes, wash off the remaining salt mixture with warm water.

Judging by the reviews, after the first procedure, the muscles relax, the back stops hurting, numbness in the fingers disappears, and even vision improves. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is useful to take a course of five daily procedures.

Massage with honey

Honey is a natural product, rich in vitamins and microelements, and has a high penetrating power. Once in the blood, the substance immediately begins to nourish the cells of the body, several times enhancing the therapeutic effect of the procedure, which lasts about 15 minutes. Over this time:

  1. We warm up the SHVZ by stroking or rubbing to a slight reddening.
  2. Melted and slightly warmed in a water bath, honey is applied in a thin layer to the skin. We especially carefully massage the area around the 7th cervical vertebra and the problem area of ​​the forearms.
  3. We press the palm to the sticky surface, then sharply tear it off, lifting the skin.
  4. Periodically increase or decrease the force of pressure and the speed of hand movement.

The procedure includes 7 sessions that are performed every other day.

If you have allergies, you should not perform honey massage in order to avoid anaphylactic shock.


It is not very convenient to massage the neck and muscles of the shoulder girdle on your own. Therefore, at home, you can use massagers that are widely represented on the medical equipment market. The most popular of them:

  • The handheld massager is small and easy to use. Works both from a network, and from the accumulator. It produces a vibrational effect in combination with infrared radiation, which warms up tissues, relieves inflammation, and improves skin condition. Equipped with a long handle to easily massage the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and shoulders. The intensity of exposure is controlled by a switch.
  • Butterfly is a miniature device that is easily attached to the neck area and works through its tissues using the selected vibration mode. Perfectly relieves pain and relaxes muscles. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening.
  • The pillow is a massager, inside of which 4 massage jade rollers are built. Works from the network and from the cigarette lighter, so it is very convenient on the road. Putting it under the neck or shoulders, select the exposure mode. The rollers begin to move, stretching the muscles like the hands of a massage therapist. At the same time, the infrared heating mode starts.
  • is a rug, pillow or roller with spikes of different sharpening. Slightly rounded, they do not injure the skin, but at the same time perform acupressure, acting on active points, improving blood circulation, eliminating pain and spasms. It is used not only for SHVZ, but also for the feet, back, abdomen, lower back.
  • quickly and securely attached to the neck due to two long handles. The effect is provided by built-in rollers, magnets and infrared heating. Typically, such massagers are equipped with a convenient display on which the program, temperature and duration of the session are set.
  • Satchel - mounted on the back with adjustable straps. Management is carried out remotely. The device has a vibration or kneading effect on the trapezius muscles.
  • The collar is a massager that drapes over the shoulders. Runs on rechargeable batteries or batteries. Several modes - vibration, patting, heating - allow you to carry out various effects on the ShVZ.

For a modern, always in a hurry person, the use of any of these devices makes it possible to quickly, without breaking away from everyday worries, restore health and maintain vital activity.

The collar zone, shoulders helps to improve the condition of a person suffering from this pathology. Without massage, it is impossible to quickly relax the muscles, relieve tension, pain. With aging, this therapy will be needed by all people, without exception, in order to prevent the rapid progression of spinal problems. The article will discuss the techniques and techniques of massage, the benefits and contraindications for implementation.

Changes in osteochondrosis relate to different organs, body systems. In the neck area, against the background of circulatory disorders and lymph stagnation, an accumulation of excess lactic acid in the muscles occurs. This occurs with regular muscle spasms, as a result, seals form under the skin of the neck and shoulders. Massage of the cervical-collar zone with osteochondrosis is designed to break up deposits of salts, protein and fibrin, which bind muscles and prevent the neck from fully relaxing.

Massage also has a symptomatic effect - it seriously relieves pain that debilitates a person that appears during exercise, in an uncomfortable position or for no reason. Also, the procedure is not without reason called "passive physical education" - it strengthens the muscles, increases the strength of the muscle corset, which will continue to support the spine.

During the massage, muscle fibers relax, while the load, unlike physical education, is minimal. It is for this reason that massage is ideal for people with limited physical abilities and elderly patients.

Other effects with regular and correct massage of the collar zone:

  • Elimination of spasms of muscles and blood vessels;
  • Improvement of blood microcirculation and general circulation in the treated area;
  • Reduced pressure on the nerve roots;
  • Removal of the inflammatory process;
  • Acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • Improving the nutrition of intervertebral cartilage;
  • Optimization of the removal of decay products;
  • Relief without drugs;
  • Slow down the course of the disease;
  • Recovery of working capacity, sleep;
  • Elimination of headache, numbness of hands, dizziness, weakness, nausea.

Of course, such effects are achievable only when undergoing a full course of massage (10-15 sessions) of the collar zone, but even one self-massage procedure can help a person with pain and spasm.

Indications, contraindications for the procedure

Massage of the collar zone with osteochondrosis is useful for everyone. In the absence of prohibitions, it is allowed to be performed even by healthy people, but leading a passive lifestyle or falling under the influence of risk factors (computer work, obesity, etc.). But more often, vertebrologists recommend performing massages that already have osteochondrosis at any stage. Caution should be observed in the presence of protrusions, hernias, with an unstable variant of the disease. Massage is also shown for pain in the neck, shoulders against the background of overwork.

Do not be zealous with massage of the collar zone with a strong exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Inept, rough, abrupt movements lead to aggravation of pain.

Usually, in this stage, pain is relieved with the help of medicines - NSAIDs (tablets, ointments, injections). Only then proceed to the course of massage. Other contraindications to the procedure are as follows:

  • Tumors in the body that tend to grow;
  • Tuberculosis in an open form;
  • Acute infections, including venereal;
  • Some pathologies of blood, hemostasis;
  • Inflammation on the skin at the massage site, skin diseases, large moles, papillomas.

Performing a massage of the collar zone on your own or with the involvement of loved ones should be careful: a non-specialist can harm fragile cervical vertebrae. It is better to limit yourself to light self-massage to relieve pain, inflammation, and entrust a full course to a professional massage therapist.

The harm of vigorous neck rubbing can be significant. If you press the muscles too hard, the increase in blood flow to the area will be large, and this can aggravate inflammation. Due to the increase in blood flow, swelling will increase, therefore, the nerve roots will be shackled, clamped.

It is better to use gentle but effective techniques so that the treatment is successful.

Massage rules for osteochondrosis

You can use any of the techniques for massaging the cervical-collar zone as needed, for example, when pain, stiffness appear. It is best to conduct a session before going to bed, then to fully relax on the pillow. The procedure is carried out in a sitting position on a chair, while the back is straight (periodically the massage therapist asks to tilt your head forward).

The session rules are as follows:

  1. The duration of the first massage is 10 minutes;
  2. In the future, the duration of the procedure can increase up to 30 minutes;
  3. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you need to use a massage cream, oil;
  4. The intensity of movements during the session also increases - at first you can only lightly stroke the skin, make vibrating movements, by the end of the session - gently rub, pinch, press.

Usually, the back of the neck is worked out first - from the hairline from top to bottom. Then knead the back of the head up to the ears (circular, stroking movements). Subsequently, they move to the front of the neck and shoulders, and at the end of the massage, they work out the surface of the collar zone in a circle.

Classic massage for osteochondrosis of the neck

If the collar zone is warmed up during the back massage, then the session can be performed in the prone position. Otherwise, a person should sit on a comfortable chair with a high back to her back, legs clasp this back.

Hands should be laid on the forehead, elbows rest on the table next to it. Relax your shoulders, lower them down as much as possible. Press the chin to the neck so that the curve evens out. Only in this position, the massage therapist will be able to work out the area. Classical massage begins with transverse strokes (for each area - 7 times). Then perform 3-5 times on all sides:

  1. "Strokes" with fingertips;
  2. Comb-like movements;
  3. intersections;
  4. Push-ups;
  5. Circular movements;
  6. Movement with the edge of the palm;
  7. Muscle kneading with rolling under the skin.

On the front surface of the neck in the region of the collarbone, the muscles do not pull back, as this is unpleasant. Particular attention is paid to the tubercle on the basis of the seventh vertebra, which appears in people with obesity and osteochondrosis with age. Massage will help to dissolve this bump, but the skin is preheated with a hot wet towel. After that, tweaks, pressures, circular strokes and rolls are carried out in the area of ​​fat and salt deposits.

Upon completion of the procedure, light stroking of the skin of the collar zone should be carried out. Then the person is covered with a warm blanket, allowed to rest for 10 minutes or more. It is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the spine itself, so as not to disturb the location of the vertebrae!

Other types of neck massage

Relief for a person is a point massage procedure. Everyone can do a massage, it is impossible to harm by influencing the points. But the search for points is difficult, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the video of massage of the cervical-collar zone with osteochondrosis.

A soft vibrating effect is carried out on such points:

  • Paired at the base of the skull under the tubercles on the back of the head;
  • Paired at the junction of the spine and skull;
  • Points around the seventh cervical vertebra.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone is a preventive procedure that improves cerebral circulation, reduces muscle tension in the area of ​​the shoulders, shoulder blades and neck. Massage also has a sedative and tonic effect on the work of internal organs. The right treatment technique can stabilize blood pressure, cope with insomnia, or simply improve the overall well-being of the whole body.

  • hypertension disease;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • treatment of the consequences of a stroke;
  • cervicothoracic osteochondrosis;
  • migraine;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • acne;
  • hair loss;
  • joint treatment;
  • feeling of "sand" in the neck and shoulders.

Contraindications for massage of the cervical-collar zone:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the joints;
  • skin disease and violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • swelling, allergic reactions;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • late pregnancy;
  • drug or alcohol intoxication.

News line ✆

Technique and tricks

The massage technique is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main techniques in this technique are: stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Stroking includes four ways

  1. Superficial - this is an easy and gentle technique, it requires only relaxation of the patient's muscles. The palm should slide easily, ate touching the skin. This technique begins and ends the massage.
  2. Planar deep - more energetic movements, contributes to the impact on sensitive muscles, tendons and blood vessels. The hand and fingers rest on the radial edge.
  3. Embracing continuous - impact on the deep muscles of the neck, promotes blood and lymph circulation. We place the fingers of the brush in the form of a gutter.
  4. Separate - sequential - periodic movement of both hands, when the right hand finishes, the left begins a smooth movement.

Rubbing methods

  1. Forcep-shaped - is done with the phalanges of the fingers when massaging the small muscles of the neck.
  2. Comb-shaped - make protrusions of the interphalangeal joints.
  3. Sawing - do the edges of the hands, so that the palms are turned towards each other. The arms should move in opposite directions.
  4. Hatching - done with the pads of straightened fingers, at an angle of thirty degrees. Fingers make a reciprocating motion.
  5. Spiral rubbing - circular movements are carried out, in the form of a spiral.

Kneading methods

  1. Transverse - at an angle of fifty degrees, with both hands, clasp the muscles tightly. The brushes are installed in a diagonal position with respect to the intended longitudinal axis. They begin to increase, pull the muscle to the top with both hands, squeezing and squeezing with one hand in different directions. Necessarily, the hands should move slowly throughout the muscle.
  2. Longitudinal - straightened fingers with the index finger removed, imposed on the massaged area, so that the first finger would be on one side of the muscles, and the rest on the other. With translational and squeezing movements knead in the center. The palm should "stick" to the surface of the neck, without forming a gap.
  3. Shift - muscles are captured with fingers and shifted from the bone bed in opposite directions with periodic movements.

In order to relieve the feeling of tension and dullness, aching pain in the neck, you can independently learn how to properly massage the cervical-collar zone. At home, it is better to carry out the procedure so that the person being massaged sits on a chair with a flat back. But if the pain in the neck is debilitating and bothers you every day, it would be right if you take a course of treatment from a professional massage therapist with a medical education.

There are a number of mandatory rules on how to massage the cervical spine. Anesthetic creams or ointments are used for a deeper effect on the connective tissues.

Algorithm for performing massage of the cervical-collar zone

  1. Superficial and deep stroking with both palms, sequentially. From the beginning, longitudinally, and then from the spine to the shoulders and axillary fossae.
  2. Longitudinal rubbing in the spine area, sawing.
  3. Stroking: superficial planar and longitudinal.
  4. The pads of the fingers rub the periosteal region, starting from the spine going down to the shoulders.
  5. Deep and superficial stroking.
  6. Rubbing is comb-like and spiral.
  7. Continuous kneading, in an upward direction, parallel to the spine.
  8. Surface planar stroking.
  9. Circular kneading of the edge of the muscle from the neck to the shoulder.
  10. Stroking the surface of the neck and back with both hands.

Properly selected massage technique is the best way to improve the body, which will allow the patient to forget about ailments for a long time.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is.

The collar zone is the most uncomfortable, from a medical point of view, area for massage. The techniques for stimulating it vary, but they have one thing in common - they are all aimed at improving blood circulation and getting rid of congestion. When pinched, massage will be especially useful. It does not imply any significant effort, the whole secret of the effectiveness of the study of the cervical-collar region lies in the correct technique. Stimulation is useful for headaches, visual impairment, pinching of the cervical vertebrae. The most effective massage is carried out by an experienced massage therapist, but it is not always possible to seek help. In an emergency, self-massage techniques will help. The cervical spine is the only place that you can massage yourself.

Massage is recommended for physical exertion, other indications and restrictions are presented below. Let's get acquainted with the features of this type of massage. Most often, massage is performed while sitting, so it will be possible to work out not only the back of the neck, but also the shoulders. Any massage begins with stroking movements. This will prepare the body for more powerful stimulation and improve blood microcirculation. Rub the shoulders, neck and shoulder blades with the knuckles. It accelerates the blood and relaxes well. The movement of the hands is carried out from top to bottom: from the neck to the shoulders. Then pinching is done. They are carried out from the neck to the shoulders. With fingertips, points are worked out next to the vertebrae of the cervical region. The massage ends with light stroking movements. The procedure continues until slight reddening of the skin. The effectiveness of stimulation is evidenced by the complete relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.


Massage will be useful to everyone who has to spend a significant part of the time in a sitting position. Stimulation of the zone enhances the outflow of blood from the neck and improves the blood supply to the brain.

Also indications are:

  • circulatory disorders and vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • hypertension,
  • neurasthenic manifestations,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • cervical osteochondrosis,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • chronic headaches,
  • physical inactivity.

The impact on the cervical-collar zone will be useful for injuries of the cervical spine at the stage of rehabilitation. For vision problems, manual massage will also be useful. Poor blood supply is one of the common causes of visual impairment, fatigue, neurasthenic conditions, loss of attention and poor concentration.

Stimulation of the upper spine will be useful in reducing the overall tone and postural disorders, if they are not the result of serious injuries and diseases. As an aid, massage of the collar area can be recommended for hormonal disorders and during menopause in women. Massage will benefit athletes and those who experience constant physical exertion. Stimulation promotes better relaxation and improves sleep.


Being a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, massage has a number of contraindications, including:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms,
  • any disease in the acute stage,
  • feverish conditions,
  • high blood pressure disease,
  • the presence of wounds and injuries;
  • heart failure,
  • diseases of a bacterial or fungal nature,
  • inflammatory processes in the upper back.

Before starting therapy, you should consult a doctor. A massage for recovery after an injury will have a slightly different focus than a regular preventive massage. The attending physician must determine the volume and nature of the impact, indicate the intensity of the load on the cervical region.

It is better for women to refrain from massage during menstruation. Stimulation of blood circulation can lead to a worsening of the condition, although cervical massage usually does not affect the health of a woman during this period.

Children should be massaged with great care and only in consultation with the doctor. The surgeon may recommend sessions for scoliosis in the initial stage and other pathological conditions.

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