Low calorie cereal recipes. Diet on rice porridge. Barley diet porridge

Dietary cereals help not only keep weight at the right level, but are also the most important source of healthy carbohydrates. cereal crops contain mainly complex carbohydrates that charge human body energy for the whole day. After porridge, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time. Among other things, cereals contain just a huge amount minerals, vitamins, fiber, which contributes gentle cleansing intestines and prevents constipation. So, fiber from barley, oats and rye slows down the rise in blood sugar and lowers cholesterol. And the fiber wheat bran binds water and promotes excellent digestion. Therefore, porridge in without fail should be part of our diet.

How to cook diet cereals

The porridge should be cooked skimmed milk or on the water. Dietary porridge for weight loss can be seasoned with sauces and any dietary dressings. Dried fruits, honey, nuts and fruits can be added to cereals. The most useful diet cereals in terms of nutrition are buckwheat and oatmeal. To keep your weight down, combine cereals with fresh fruits and vegetables, eat lean meats and fish. No need to season porridge butter and use with it fried foods because they have high calorie content. If you use cereals correctly, you will definitely lose weight without using any diets. Here are the basic recipes for diet cereals.

Diet oatmeal

Pour half a glass of water and half a glass of low fat into the pan. Next, pour in 1/3 cup of rolled oats and add 3 tablespoons of dry fiber. Salt and cook the porridge over low heat for 7 minutes. cover oatmeal porridge cover and let it brew for 2 minutes. Diet porridge is ready.

Dietary buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat contains a large number of minerals: iron, manganese, potassium, cobalt. Buckwheat porridge even diabetics are allowed to eat, so you can safely introduce it into your diet. For one glass of cereal, take 3 glasses of water. First bring the water to a boil, then add the washed buckwheat. Boil the porridge for 10 minutes, and then wrap the pan well. After 30 minutes, the porridge will be ready.

Millet porridge

Pour 3 cups of water into the pan, and then add 1 cup of the washed cereal. When the water boils, drain it and add fresh water. Put the porridge back on the fire. After boiling, cook the porridge for another 5 minutes over medium heat. Then add a tablespoon of honey to the porridge and mix it well. contributes to the rapid digestion of food. Besides, it tastes very good.

Barley diet porridge

Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the cereal. Cook the porridge for about 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the porridge from the heat and let it stand for another 10 minutes.

Everyone eats different dishes from cereals. Someone only for breakfast, for someone it is an excellent side dish, but for those who are on mono diets that consist only of cereals, there are countless. But which cereals are useful and really help to lose weight, and which ones only slow down metabolism? Do weight loss cereals really exist that burn fat? About everything in order.

In fact, cereals are the richest sources of carbohydrates, and those who lose weight believe that it is from carbohydrates that they get fat. But it's not.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Fast carbs. These carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and increase sugar levels. These products include: fruits, bakery sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate;

Slow carbs. The body is quite for a long time digests foods that contain slow carbohydrates, and, consequently, after them for a long time there is no feeling of hunger. Just cereals and relate to them.

Of course, in addition to carbohydrates, cereals are rich in other useful properties: proteins, fiber and various minerals. All this helps to normalize the functioning of the body. Porridges are useful for losing weight and for maintaining normal operation stomach. But not all of them help burn fat, and even interfere with improper preparation, especially if the porridge is flavored with butter and boiled in full-fat milk.

What cereals can you eat while losing weight?

The first place in the list of useful cereals for weight loss is oatmeal.

One of the finest cereals, which has the lowest calorie content (366 kcal). Great content proteins, also contains fats, carbohydrates, phosphorus, zinc and huge amount fiber (which is very important to consume for the normal functioning of the body).

Fourth place is flaxseed porridge, which is not yet in great demand in Russia.

But in vain, because it is the lowest calorie from flax seeds (295 kilocalories), contains amino acids, B vitamins and a lot of others important trace elements. It also greatly improves digestion.

Barley porridge for weight loss is a great ally, because it is very low in calories.

And its plus is that it takes more calories to digest it than it contains. Those. Eating only barley groats can really help you lose weight and burn calories. In addition, it is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Barley porridge is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for diabetics, because it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. And like oatmeal, it perfectly cleanses the intestines and quickly copes with constipation. However, for those who suffer from diarrhea, the use of barley porridge should be limited.

For those who follow the figure, it is not news for a long time that wheat porridge helps to stay in good shape.

It is very low in calories, helps to regulate the body's metabolism and removes cholesterol. In case of problems with hair and nails, millet groats will turn out to be the best, by the way, it contains a lot of calcium, thanks to which nails will be strengthened and hair will stop falling out. In addition, wheat porridge perfectly improves immunity.

Millet groats are no less useful.

It is also very low-calorie and helps to remove excess fat. Very similar in properties to wheat porridge. When choosing millet groats, you should pay attention to its color than brighter color, the more it contains useful substances.

Now you have an answer to the questions “what is the lowest-calorie porridge” and “what is the healthiest cereal”, so do not worry about the choice, but alternate the most healthy cereals for weight loss.

Unfortunately, not all grains are the same for weight loss. There is also a list of cereals, which, on the contrary, slow down weight loss. But, this does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the diet, in small quantities they are even necessary, but in small quantities. What are these cereals?

Favorite since childhood semolina, is not the most favorable product for weight loss.

If you are looking for the answer to the question "which porridge is the most high-calorie", then here it is.

Semolina porridge is a bad ally when losing weight, it contains negligible substances of little use, and contains phytic acid which interferes with the absorption of calcium. In other words, semolina is a processed flour in a different way. And eating flour is not very good for the figure, so it’s clear that you can’t lose weight on semolina. And when choosing cereals for breakfast for a child in a store, the question “what” should exclude semolina.

And now a very popular myth of all will be destroyed women's magazines. Indeed, in any glossy diet, there is a place for rice, and this is a terrible mistake, because rice porridge for weight loss will not only not help, but vice versa.

Despite the fact that rice is perfectly absorbed by the body, it has the same cleaning method as semolina, so it contains almost no nutrients. But, of course, this does not apply to brown rice, which is not always found in the supermarket near the house.

When buying cereals, remember that the lighter the cereal, the less nutrients it contains.

Choose the most useful cereals and combine them. How to properly follow the diet if you want to lose excess weight? There is a diet of 7 cereals - a combination of the most useful and low-calorie cereals by day (one type of porridge can be eaten per day). Can I eat other foods on this diet? The menu should contain not only cereals.

Cereals can be eaten with vegetables (raw, steamed, stewed) and drink kefir. The diet is designed for 7 days:
Monday - wheat;
Tuesday - millet;
Wednesday - oatmeal;
Thursday - rice (use brown rice);
Friday - barley;
Saturday - buckwheat;
Sunday - a mixture of all of the above cereals.

If you look at the reviews on the diet of seven cereals, it turns out that this is one of the most effective diets.

You can use other reviews, and recipes for losing weight on cereals, especially since now there are a lot of them. It is only necessary to comply with the measure. Don't limit yourself completely, and don't try to eat daily allowance at a time, this main point cereal diets.

Do not forget that any porridge will help you lose weight, but on the condition that you cook them correctly and boil them in water.
Learn how to cook cereals properly! And, of course, you can’t add butter and sugar to porridge, you should also limit salt if your goal is to lose weight.

Losing weight on cereals is a great idea, because this way you can perfectly saturate the body with nutrients, do not starve yourself, but by eating, lose weight and at the same time feel great. Good way lose weight, right?

And remember that mono diets only harm the body. Do you want to lose weight and stay healthy? Not a single product contains all the substances necessary for the body, at most, this can be arranged on porridge (all day there is porridge of the same type), but no more. After all, in order to lose weight, you can also starve, but what damage can you do to your health?

Lose weight for health, but wisely!

It has long been known that porridge is the most useful product for our body. Grains contain such an endless supply of nutrients! And including: coarse fibers that allow the digestive system to work like a well-oiled Swiss mechanism, and nutrients that quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Diet cereals - excellent remedy for beauties who want to combine business with pleasure: improve their health and lose weight.

Recipes for dietary cereals are very diverse, if you take care of the composition of your diet and decide to introduce cereals into it - cooking will not take you much time, and the menu will be quite diverse.

Let's move on to the theoretical part.

Diet cereals: flavor variety

If your friend complains that she began to eat porridge and began to get better, ask her a simple question: what does she eat with porridge? Many people, along with porridge, eat fatty, fried foods that "weigh" a lot of calories. It is not right. You need to eat porridge either solo or with certain food companions - and then the result will please you, not upset you. Together with porridge, you can eat lean meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.

simple and suitable recipe cooking.

Another reason for gaining weight after eating cereals is idiosyncrasy organism. Do not forget to consult a nutritionist before switching to diet cereals for weight loss - in fact, this is traditional condition before any diet. And in the very process of “cash dieting”, you yourself will be able to track how and to what porridge your body reacts and make your own personal adjustments. A variety of porridges are now sold a lot - so you won’t be left without porridge.

We turn to practice - we will discuss the benefits of cereals.

Diet porridge for weight loss: debriefing

Barley grits

Barley groats are ground barley kernels. Barley cereal porridge is a storehouse of selenium, protein and vitamin B. If you turn on barley porridge in your diet, you will do a great service to your body - this porridge is an excellent prevention oncological diseases. Also, it is this cereal that has a pronounced anti-aging effect.


If you for normal life you need meat - this cereal is simply created for you. Lentils are high in protein folic acid and iron. If you are fasting, or for some other reason are limited in eating meat, pay attention to the recipes for dietary lentil cereals. These dishes will help you satisfy your hunger for a long time, and give the body the necessary nutrients. Lentils effectively lower blood sugar levels, successfully cope with diseases of the stomach and diseases of the duodenum.


Oatmeal, sir ... This phrase has long become a catchphrase. The British, by the way, really start the morning with oatmeal. Not surprisingly, it contains proteins, fats, and some very rare amino acids that a person cannot get from other foods. This diet porridge is rich in fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels and makes you feel full for a long time.


Nutritionists consider semolina to be high-calorie, but they do not recommend completely excluding this porridge from the diet. Semolina is finely crushed wheat grains. And, imagine, in a serving of semolina there are half as many calories as in a serving of buckwheat. But buckwheat has always been considered dietary product! Semolina contains almost no fat, but it contains a lot of proteins and carbohydrates.

Recipes for dietary porridge based on semolina are varied, there is even a recipe based on fried semolina. It is done like this: fry the semolina in a pan until Brown color. Add water to the pan and wait for it to evaporate. The porridge is very tasty.


Does your body need iron, proteins and carbohydrates? Include in your diet pea porridge. It will also be useful to you if your body is weakened after an illness, and the immune system requires urgent recovery. You should not just get carried away with pea porridge - it is quite high-calorie and good in small quantities.



The Japanese are not obese, live on average up to 80 years, mortality due to strokes and heart attacks in Japan is much less common. Why? They eat rice three times a day. Rice dietary porridge effectively removes salts from the body, treats polyarthritis and promotes the activation of metabolism in tissues and organs. Very useful!

Pearl barley

Wheat and millet groats

Many people like diet cereals made from wheat and millet cereals the most. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they have a lot of protein. Wheat and millet porridge contribute to fast and high-quality digestion.

There are many dietary cereals in the world, recipes for making cereals are very diverse. Choose for yourself the most useful and necessary cereals - and cook them, do not be lazy. Do you want to be slim, beautiful and healthy?

Weight loss can be beneficial to the body if you regularly cook diet cereals. Due to the wide variety of cereals, the diet will be very diverse. simple recipes diet cereals for weight loss will help you lose weight quickly and with health benefits. So that the menu is not too sparse, you can add both berries and any fruit that will make the taste of the dishes more interesting.

Why do people lose weight on cereals

Even the most diet porridge helps to quickly get rid of a couple of extra kilos, and weight loss will be harmless. Adding to daily diet this dish helps to normalize work gastrointestinal tract, improve immunity, the necessary microelements and vitamins enter the body, all are quickly and gently removed harmful substances. The composition of cereals includes a large amount of fiber and "long" carbohydrates, so you will not feel hungry. If looking at photos of slender girls, you want to switch to some cereals, you can’t do this.

How to use porridge

The diet on cereals is one of the hypoallergenic, easily perceived digestive system. However, nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with experiments, you should not abuse this dish, you need to eat at least three times a day. It is important to know how to cook diet porridge so that it benefits the body. Breakfast is perfect time to consume such food.

If it is respected this technique during the day it is recommended to minimize the amount consumed fatty foods. The dietary version of the dish is made without salt, sour cream, sugar, butter, meat. To prepare healthy porridge, add some dried seaweed, dried fruits, nuts, honey. It is useful to combine cereals with fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil is allowed.

In order for excess weight to go away, and not gain, the use of cereals should take place in small portions. They are very satisfying, and for several hours you will not be bothered by hunger. About 30 minutes before the start of the meal, drink a glass of plain water or half an hour after eating. Nutritionists do not advise to endure hunger, you just need to eat a couple of spoons of warm porridge.

The best cooking recipes

You need to cook any kind of cereals on water, but milk can also be used with minimum percentage fat content. Only diet sauces are suitable for dressing, but you can’t add a lot of them. Would be a great alternative fresh fruit, which will supply vitamins to the body and improve the taste of the dish. It is allowed to add a little honey, dried fruits and nuts. The most useful diet cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal. They include maximum amount valuable trace elements and vitamins, and oatmeal will also contain protein.

Barley porridge


  • pearl barley- 200 g;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head.


  1. In the evening, you need to soak barley with 1 liter of water, and in the morning start cooking it. You can use a slow cooker to speed up the process.
  2. To make barley for breakfast, drain the old water, add 3 cups of fresh water.
  3. Barley must be boiled for 30 minutes over low heat.
  4. After half an hour, remove the saucepan from the stove and wrap it with a warm towel or blanket.
  5. You can diversify this recipe by adding vegetables. Peel onions and carrots, lightly fry in olive oil, mix with swollen cereals.

Pea porridge


  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • peas - 3 tbsp.


  1. This delicious option food helps you lose weight quickly. First, the peas are carefully sorted, poured with a glass of water and left for 2 hours to better boil.
  2. Water drains. To cook peas quickly, use the slow cooker by setting the "soup" mode. If cooking in a simple saucepan, simmer the dish on the stove for at least an hour.
  3. It is useful to use both hot and cold versions of this porridge.

Milk rice porridge


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • skimmed milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • dried fruits - 1-2 pinches.


  1. rice variant diet is very useful and valuable for the body. This recipe diet food It has a positive effect on the entire body, perfectly cleanses the intestines and normalizes its work.
  2. Rinse the rice and cover with boiling water.
  3. Boil the mass for 6-7 minutes over low heat.
  4. After the specified time, drain all the liquid (if necessary, increase the cooking time).
  5. This is not the end of cooking - heat the milk separately by putting half-cooked rice in it, and boil for another 15 minutes.
  6. Then for 15 minutes, place the pot of rice on water bath.
  7. Add dry fruits before serving.



  • manna groats - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 pinch;
  • skimmed milk - 2 tbsp.


  1. Warm milk, lightly salt.
  2. Sprinkle semolina. Without ceasing to interfere, cook the dish until fully cooked (about 8-10 minutes).
  3. Before serving, add some dried fruit. Minimal amount calories and a pleasant taste will make semolina an excellent option for breakfast, because it best source energy. But during cooking it is strictly forbidden to add any fat.



  • buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.


  1. Nutrition with the addition of buckwheat to the diet is very beneficial for health and figure. First, the cereal is carefully sorted out, washed large quantity running water.
  2. All liquid is drained, buckwheat is transferred to a thermos.
  3. Groats are poured with boiling water.
  4. During the night, buckwheat is steamed, and in the morning you can use it. It is important to make a new portion every day.

Pumpkin porridge


  • pumpkin - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • cereals (oatmeal, millet or rice) - 1-2 tbsp. l.


  1. The pumpkin diet is very healthy and can be varied.
  2. First, the pumpkin is peeled, the seeds are removed, the pulp is cut into cubes.
  3. The pumpkin is stewed in water for about half an hour.
  4. A few tablespoons of cereal are introduced, and the dish is cooked for another 30 minutes at minimum heat.

Barley porridge



  1. To prepare a diet cell, pour water into a saucepan and boil.
  2. Throw out the barley. As soon as the water boils again, cook the dish over medium heat for about half an hour.
  3. If a rough kind of groats from whole grain, before starting cooking, it must be soaked in water and left for several hours, and sometimes all night.

Hercules porridge


  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • hercules - 1 tbsp.


  1. Water is poured into a saucepan and boiled.
  2. Gradually, croup is introduced in small portions (it is important to constantly stir).
  3. On minimum heat, porridge is boiled for 15 minutes. If you do not interfere, the oatmeal can burn.
  4. The Herculean version of the diet is the most popular, because a microwave can be used to cook the dish. For this, 2.5 tbsp. water is poured 1 tbsp. cereals. It cooks for 10 minutes, then 5 minutes with the lid removed and the same amount with the glass, but slightly shifted so that steam can escape.

There is nothing supernatural in this kitchen process, it is only necessary to observe some important points cooking process is the ratio of cereals and liquids. Cereals, depending on their fiber content, are viscous, used for cooking meatballs, various fillings and crumbly.

What kind of dietary porridge to be, which one will be more useful for your body, depends on the method of its preparation.

If you like viscous porridge, it needs to be cooked longer, stirring continuously during cooking. For lovers crumbly indispensable condition is correct cereal proportion and liquids which must be adhered to. If there was not enough liquid, the porridge will boil dry, and if there is an excess, it will become viscous. The most common ratio is 1:2 , but it also happens 2:3 .

Proven and well-known method- this is when cereals are poured into salted boiling water. common and another method- Pour the cereal, pre-boiled water, and then salt. brew diet porridge in a saucepan with a lid over low heat. It is best to use dishes made of stainless steel, since in this case the process of boiling the liquid from the bottom of the pan is more even and even warms up every grain cereals.

An important role for the quality preparation of dietary porridge is played by the rule - porridge that is boiled in boiling water, or porridge that swells in a tightly closed container - should never be touched.

At her permanent stirring, at opening, closing the lid - porridge loses steam, which means that she does not receive what she is entitled to heat and moisture. Under such conditions, porridge turns out dry, and when we correct our mistake by adding water to it, it turns into a mess. After end of process cooking porridge it is necessary to keep warm. To do this, put it in a warm place under a tightly closed lid. Such a place can be: an oven, water or grandmother's proven method - having wrapped her in "pillows".

The first thing to do in order to make dietary porridge tasty is to sort out the cereal, removing low-quality grains from it, and then rinse it. It must be remembered that when washing cereals, it absorbs and retains a certain amount of liquid.

In this regard, in order to correctly observe the ratio of cereals and liquids, do this:

  • pour the amount of water you need into the dishes;
  • after the water boils, pour in the already washed cereal grains;

Measure the resulting volume of the contents of your pan and compare it with a predetermined volume. If received more volume- surplus pour and vice versa, add hot water up to the norm if volume is less.

This is how that balance is achieved in the ratio of cereals - liquid, regardless of how much moisture remains in the grains during their washing.

Cereals from cereals that are not washed

Buckwheat, Hercules, semolina are prepared as follows. Pour the required amount of liquid into a container, add there, as well as the ingredients provided for in the recipe. After boiling pour liquids into cereals. To make the porridge tasty and beautiful in appearance, a small amount is added to a pot of water. vegetable oil, and only then put the cereal.

If porridge is prepared from fried cereals, pour water more, since when roasting, the cereal loses some of its moisture. Grain, sorted and washed before laying in a pan, pour into boiling water, carefully stirring so as not to damage the grains by lifting them from the bottom wooden spoon or spatula. For better readiness, a pot of porridge place in oven. At very high temperature in it, a pot of porridge can be placed on a baking sheet with water.

When preparing semolina, cereals must be poured into boiling water in a thin stream while stirring it.

Cereals such as rice, millet, pearl barley are poorly boiled in milk. To cook of these cereals milk diet porridge, they must be pre-boiled no more than 10 minutes in boiling water. Thereafter drain the water, and the remaining cereal is added milk and boil on a small fire until ready.

Loose diet cereals In most cases cooked from raw cereals, not passed heat treatment. In such cereals, the grains should be well boiled, retain their shape and separate from each other. Such porridges are cooked from various. They are included in diets diet food , how as a side dish, So and independent meals.

Rice is served as a side dish with poultry, beef or lamb.

Hot diet crumbly porridge is served to the table with a small amount vegetable oil, chopped eggs, etc. Cold cereals - with milk and sugar substitute.

To avoid the stickiness of crumbly cereals from buckwheat, barley, rice or millet, they are pre-washed warm water and then hot. Starch from the grains is removed from the surface with warm water, and the fat that appeared on the grains during storage is hot.

We offer ways to cook dietary rice

Rice cooked in a steamer.

In a special bowl, which is located in a double boiler, sorted, washed rice is poured and poured in a ratio of 1: 1. If desired, you can add spices and cook for 40 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of the cooking process, mix the contents in order to evenly distribute the herbs.

Rice cooked in the microwave.

The cooking process is the same as in the pot. Rice is poured into a bowl that is used in a microwave oven and water is poured in proportions of 1: 1.5. Cooking time - 10 minutes at maximum oven power, and then 15 minutes at half its power. After that, it should stand for 15 minutes. Diet porridge is ready to eat.

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