Conspiracies and ritual from an aggressive dog. Conspiracies for the treatment of dogs. Conspiracy for severe back pain

Many people go out of town, to summer cottages, fishing, picking mushrooms, etc. Including our children. It will not be superfluous to insure knowledge about magical recipes for dog bites, which are full outside the city, as well as how to speak the bites of these animals.

Conspiracy against the attack of stray dogs

Read before leaving the house three times for yourself or your child.

» On the sea - the ocean, on the island of Buyan, on a high mound, there is a black hut without windows, without doors, without dogs and people. You can’t hear barking in that house and you can’t see dogs in the house. And be, my words, strong, and be, my deeds. are true. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and throughout the ages of ages. Amen."

So that no dog ever bites.

It is necessary to get a tuft of wool from a dog on July 6, bring it home, read on it and hide it well at home. Everyone who lives in this house will never be bitten by any dog.

The dog ran, met Satan, he gave her an order: "Do not bark, do not growl, do not gnaw, do not bite, but be silent." From now on, lie forever, wool, in the corner. Fear me, dog, and all my family. Amen.

How to speak dog bite.

Grasping the tip of the knife, circle it around the wound counterclockwise with the handle, while saying:

Kula, kula! Count the dog's teeth. Break one fang, don't let this wound hurt.

Talk to a dog bite.

Cover the wound with both hands and say:

I tore with my teeth, I spoke with my lips. I cover with my hands, I reprimand with skill.

One - no pain, two - heal, three - overgrow. Amen.

Conspiracy from barking dogs.

In order to pass unnoticed and not barked by dogs, read before the gates of the courtyard, where one must pass secretly. Speak 3 times.

Blind was whelping, now be dumb.

In this case, spit every time to the left.

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush at people.

Some dogs bark endlessly at passers-by. There is little good in this: adults are frightened, children cry. I know one girl even began to stutter with fear.

If you splash water on an animal for three days in a row, it will not give you trouble.

The conspiracy is this:

Silent, Sapun, Ugomon, I give you a stir with (dog's name). Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy "So that the dog does not follow you"

All healers should be aware that they should go to take water in the river or go about their other witchcraft affairs in complete solitude, silently and without looking back. But sometimes, along the way, a dog suddenly becomes attached and follows, thus destroying the work of the master. In order for no dog to cling to you, you need to spit over your left shoulder and say:

My angel, follow me, stand everywhere behind my back. The third should not follow me, To be without dogs on my way. Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Current page: 41 (total book has 74 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 49 pages]


100% +

From worm wounds in animals

Merciful Lord, stand up to help me. Abraham lived for himself, he had seven wounds. From seven - six, from six - five, from five - four, from four - three, from three - two, from two - none, all to the last disappeared, and the worms fell to the ground. Amen.

From thorns in animals

St. Yuri rode on a gray horse, in a gray zhupan, three dogs ran after him. One is gray, the other is white, and the third is black. And the gray thorn drives away, and the white thorn drives away, and the black thorn drives away from the gray suit, from the yellow suit.

Whisper three times before sunset in front of the cattle.

To make it easier for cattle to give birth

The Most Holy Theotokos stood on the Throne, asked the Lord God, commemorated all the saints. All the saints, God's saints, quick helpers, help in a speedy resolution. Dawns-Zarenitsy, you are three sisters in heaven, one is evening, the other is midnight, the third is morning, be you my helpers. Amen.

For the cattle to be safe

Bring hay into a paddock or a shed, put it crosswise. Sprinkle it with grain that remains in the house after the sprinkler for the New Year (mummers go around Christmas and New Year, pour grain in houses). This must be done on Ivan the Baptist.

So that the dog does not tear the door in the apartment

If your pet has a bad habit of tearing down doors, cross the doors with a candle left over from a big holiday (like Easter). You will see, the dog will not tear up the door anymore.

From dog whining

They speak the dog from incessant whining in the same way as a restless child. In the first corner of the house they put a cross with a knife and say:

I praise for the repose, I do for rest. Do not whine and do not howl (dog's name). Amen.

The dog after that will not cause concern to you or your neighbors.

To keep the dog from attacking people

Some dogs bark endlessly at passers-by. There is little good in this: adults are frightened, children cry. One girl even began to stutter with fear.

If you splash water on an animal for three days in a row, it will not give you trouble. The conspiracy is this:

Silent, Sapun, Ugomon, I give you a stir with (dog's name). Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to treat epilepsy in dogs

They slander the water and sprinkle the dog during a seizure.

The disease is tearing, throwing, falling, do not tear, do not throw, do not beat, do not throw God's animal (dog's nickname). Beat dry grass, throw yourself on a stump, and you would be too lazy to walk to (dog's nickname). God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For hernia in dogs and cats

They slander food for the waning month and give it to the animal. The hernia passes quickly.

Children are not allowed to take animals by the front paws and lead them like dolls. From this hernia can spread to children.

You gnaw, gnaw, do not gnaw at the navel at (animal name). Gnaw ashes in the furnace, stones in the field. There you live, there is your share. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the dog's eyes fester

Look into the eyes of a dog (or other animal) and say this:

Clean water, clean eyes, wash away the disease, tear. Amen. Talk three times.

To keep the dog from running away

Anyone who keeps dogs knows that the dog has days when it runs away from home, and the owners write ads and promise a reward for their lost four-legged friend.

Cut off the dog's hair from the head, back and tail and plug it into the cracks at the threshold or right into the threshold with the words:

How this wool will stay in the threshold, so the dog would stay in the house. Amen.

If the dog dies

People have a hard time losing their four-legged friend. Especially children and old lonely people. The one who buried in the ground the ossified corpse of a devoted creature who met with a joyful screech yesterday understands what kind of grief I am writing about. But few people know that there are conspiracies for the treatment of dogs. I will gladly teach you this.

Speak the distemper

O Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, you whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your sleep, you who acquired a holy dignity and a holy crown, save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen.

Speak a dog wound

Get used to the fact that if you are worthy of mastery, they will come to you for help on all sorts of issues. Dogs will be brought. First, use the slander "From the bite of dogs" (it will be in the book). Treat those who come for help with understanding, as you may be their last hope. Dogs know when someone wants to help them. In general, do not be afraid, do a good deed. If the dog is bleeding from a wound, speak (stop) it. Then read the plot for the speedy healing of the wound. I noticed that after the second reading, the wound healed. Read three nights.

Remove blood:

Two brothers are cutting a stone, two sisters are looking out the window, two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate. You, sister, turn away, and you, blood, calm down. You, brother, humble yourself, and you, blood, lock yourself up. The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. Be, my word, strong to stop the blood, to this hour, to this very minute. To close the wound, edge to edge, skin to skin, wool to hair, everything should be overgrown. Amen.

How to speak a broken paw in a dog

Reading for the waning month:

The moon is waning, taking it with it. A month goes by, the fracture passes. A new month will come, my dog's bone will heal. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to plant bees in a hive

The bees swarm, the bees breed, the bees humble themselves. I will stand on the wax against the far side and hear the noise and rumble of bees. I take a bee of a swarm, okaray, plant it in a beehive. It is not I who plant you, they plant the white stars, the horn-footed moon, the red Sun. They put you down, shorten you. You, bee, swarm, sit down at (such and such) in the district. I lock you, matko, all the roads with a key, a lock. And I throw my keys into the ocean-sea, under a green bush. And in the green bush sits all the queens - the eldest queen, holds a sting, stings recalcitrant bees; but you will not obey my words, I will send you into the ocean-sea, under the green bush where the uterus sits, to all the uterus - the eldest uterus. And it will sting you with stings for your disobedience. My word is strong. Amen.

To be with honey

They read in the spring on the hive, when the bees begin to swarm. There will always be plenty of honey.

In the Heavenly Church there is a crystal table, on the table there is a wedding cup, honey is poured in this cup. Whoever drinks it, does not drink it to the bottom, the honey in the bowl does not decrease, but more still arrives. So bees would drag honey into my hives, fill honeycombs, pour bowls. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the bees (amulet)

So that the bees did not die, they brought a lot of honey.

The Lord gave the bee not for death, but for joy, to small children for sweets. So that they live well with me, so that I have a lot of honey. Amen.

To keep the bees from leaving the hive

Walk around the hives from left to right and read:

A root in the ground, a fire in a fire, water in a river, a cross on me, a bee in her chamber. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Home routines
For well-being at home

If everything is not going well in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or some other troubles have overcome, do so.

In the new moon, prepare the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove in one skirt on your naked body. Raise the hem above the knees and say:

As you raise bread, bake, raise good in my house. Amen.

When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You can't give this bread to strangers!

Is it possible to buy a house from aspen

Of course, it is undesirable, but if the need forces, then where to go? The bath is made of aspen. And it's hard to live in such a house. There can be many troubles. The first ashes from such a house are carried to the market and poured there, saying:

How many people there are, so many angels. Guardian angels, pray for the aspen house. Amen.

If you whistled a brownie out of the house

From a letter: “I rented a room to a tenant, he is a non-drinking man, simple, but has a habit of whistling. Whistle from morning to evening. Once I asked him why he whistles all the time. He said that he had already been kicked out of two apartments for this habit, saying that he had whistled them out of the brownie's house, and from this all sorts of troubles began for the owners. He lived with me for about a month. I did not react to his whistle, because my hearing is weak ...

But then I began to notice that bad things began to happen to me: the cat left home, the cow gave birth to a dead calf, then she fell ill and died. Every day, the chickens were lost, or even died.

Then the refrigerator burned out, the TV began to show only stripes. And on Saturday, a fire broke out in the bathhouse. So much has happened in one month than has happened in a lifetime. I stopped sleeping well at night. I turn, toss and turn, but there is no sleep and no peace. A neighbor came and said:

- You're kind of scared. I ask her:

- What's scary? She answers:

“I don’t know how it is in an empty grave, it’s creepy. And she left.

I went to the local sorceress, took the chicken to her, persuaded her to come to me, whisper to the house in order to sort out the mess. After all, my house used to glow. I love my house, I love order. I will always sweep the yard, I will grow flowers, I always whiten the hut from the outside, from the inside. Curtains embossed with starch. And then I look, everything seems to be the same, but it’s so bad.

A healer came to me (her name is Daria) and said:

- Listen, but the brownie left you. This is a bad sign, and you can die if longing starts to crush.

And lately, melancholy has begun to take over my soul. Tears flow for no reason, and life is reluctant. It seems that there is no reason, but the soul hurts. Daria and I are sitting, talking, and then she asks me:

- And who is it you whistled?

“My tenant,” I answer.

- Drive him away, you have him and whistled the owner.

Then she thought about it, shook her head and said:

- No, I don’t remember how to call the brownie back. I'll give you an address, write to Siberia, where one of us lives, she'll advise. That's how I got your address. She described everything as Daria told me. Help".

A well is made of splinters on the table so that a glass of water can fit inside. Then they read like this:

My master, come home. Here is your well, here is your water. My master, while I am alive, be with me. Amen.

The water is left for three days, the well is dismantled and burned in a furnace. The rest of the water is drunk after the brownie, as a sign of respect for him, and they do not allow whistling in the house anymore.

He won't come back a second time.

When stacking firewood after chopping in stacks for future use, whisper this conspiracy. It will help to avoid a fire, and the firewood will burn hotter:

Conspiracy words for firewood so that they burn well, but there is no fire

I, the servant of God (name), come to this luggage. I put firewood wide, I stack it high, I affirm it with the word of God; send me, Lord, an assistant, the Archangel Uriim, to drive away the fire with a live fire not on my wall, but in my furnace. God bless. Amen.

From bedbugs

From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna! We live in a settlement with an alcoholic. He has dirt and bedbugs in his room. They climb from him to us. Teach a conspiracy from bedbugs.

Put the bug in a matchbox, put a crumb of bread and a pinch of salt in the same place and say this:

Klop Klopovich, here's some bread and salt for you, go live in the field. You'll have to wait for your brothers there, but I won't see bedbugs. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take the bug box to the field. The bugs will go away.

* * *

They throw a bug after the dog and say:

Four run, and you follow them. Amen.

* * *

They collect bedbugs in a box at night, take them out and bury them deeper in the ground, while saying:

Father, mother were buried, and the children themselves will leave.

A very strong conspiracy from bedbugs

They burn the bug on the street and say:

One bug burned down, ordered the second bug to eat the third, and the third the fourth, the fourth ate the fifth, and the fifth the sixth, the sixth ate the seventh, and the seventh the eighth. The eighth will eat the ninth, the ninth the tenth. The tenth will eat grandfather, father, mother, brother, godfather, matchmaker, sister, daughter-in-law and child. The whole race will pass through the mouth of the bugs. Whoever breaks this chain will kill the bedbugs. Don't hide, don't crowd, don't hide, Abara, my home! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the moth

From a letter: “... I knit shawls, I’m not good for anything else, I don’t have the strength, I’ve become old. But I had a problem: the moth wound up. I'm afraid it will devour my fur. I remember that there are conspiracies from moths. She knew, but she forgot. I beg you to write such a conspiracy in your book. I think many will thank you for this.

I really appreciate your books. I am flying with your help to my legs. Helps. And in general, be healthy!”

You have an eternal place, sleep forever, do not fly around the house, do not eat wool. An iron needle, a strong case, my word is stucco. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

* * *

On Maundy Thursday they sprinkle holy water in the room and say:

Eat one moth, eat another moth, and eat yourself the last one. The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water, my word is with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to lime with a hex of rats

Rats and mice are very harmful to their owners. So that they would not be where cattle are found, they read for the waning month on Thursday.

I will pray to the Lord God and all the saints. Merciful Lord, help me from this day until holy Saturday. Tsar Poganin had twelve wives, and from twelve - eleven, and from eleven - ten, and from ten - nine, and from nine - eight, and from eight - seven, and from seven - six, and from six - five, and from five - four, and from four - three, and from three - two, and from two - none. So they moved on and disappeared. So the Lord would give that the rats and mice from my household would be gone, gone.

For a successful meal

From a letter: “I heard that there are slanders for the cooking to be successful. The fact is that I used to cook well, but now it’s like they jinxed me - everything I take on, everything burns, the dough is like rubber, but it seems that I still do it. How it was beaten off."

There are also letters from people who run private restaurants or cafes.

I give a slander for good cooking. (They read on the day when they will cook, so that no one will hear).

Create, Lord, the sky and the earth and the whole universe: and water, and dry land, and mountains, and wilderness, and grain, and bread. Lord, let me create, feed people. So that they eat and drink and glorify the Lord. Grant, Lord, that I may be glorified by my work. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy words for baking bread

Surely you know the hostesses whose muffin is always so lush and tasty that you would eat without stopping. She will give a recipe at your request, it seems that you will do everything, but the bread turns out to be completely different. And the secret is that the hostess simply knows the words for pastries, so she has deliciousness and it comes out. Today I will teach you these words. Previously, they were passed from mother to daughter, kept secret from strangers, so that only the daughter would have tasty and lush bread. So that the glory went about her, dear, that she was a wonderful housewife and needlewoman. And I sincerely want everyone to get beautiful and tasty.

They say twice. Once, when the dough is kneaded, another time, when the bread is placed in the oven.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be, my cooking, holy, winged. Holy Mother of God, bake the Lord's gift of God. Bake with God. Amen.

Give, Lord, spores. High bread and yata. Don't run, don't take a bite, God's bread. Amen.

* * *

When the hostess puts the sourdough on the bakery (bread, muffin), someone should ask her:

- What's in the pot?

“Christ is in the bowl,” replies the hostess.

Putting sourdough

When kneading the dough, earlier in the villages they spoke illnesses at the same time, made wishes, made them sleepy in case of insomnia, etc. The family sat down at the table in the evening, not knowing that with a piece of bread from the slandered sourdough, health reigns, returns strength, in general, fulfills strength slander.

You will put the dough, read one of the conspiracies you need. Moreover, if you know that your son or brother, or someone else from the family, suffers from insomnia at night, cannot sleep and goes to work exhausted in the morning, say his name in a conspiracy. Others will not be affected by this conspiracy.

To ferment well, pickle

If you learn these words, you will have the strongest cucumbers and delicious corned beef. It must be remembered that you need to salt and ferment for a young month, the day should be Thursday, the hostess herself without menstruation and on this day she should not be aware of anyone's funeral. Cross yourself, read, and then get to work.

There is bread and salt on my table. I am waiting for Christ and Mother Mother of God to visit, I will treat them with something, and I will ask them: give blessings for my pickles, for my sauerkraut, for berry jam. Lord, bless me, help me in my work. Amen.

On the days of the new moon

Trees are pruned, vines are cut, potatoes are planted. It is good to plant carrots, peas and, in general, all the fruits of red and warm colors at this time.

In the days of the growing moon

Plant plants that should grow up: shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables.

Before the full moon

Transplanting houseplants, replanting trees, harvesting.

On full moon days

They sow grass for livestock and greens without fruits, plant round vegetables: watermelons, pumpkins, cabbages, etc. These days they don’t give anything from the garden.

On the waning moon

They are engaged in weeding, remove pests. They deal with everything that interferes with the harvest. They set traps for rats, mice, use slander to breed ants (see "Black Magic").

For those who go to plant in the garden

Before leaving the house, step with your right foot on your left foot and say:

I will give to the earth, and the earth will give back to me. And no one will stop me in this. Amen.

For those who go to mow

When you are going to mowing, place the scythe near the fence so that the tip of the scythe looks towards the sunrise. Crossing yourself three times, say:

God bless the scythe, bless the dew under the scythe. Bless the cut grass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for those who dig a well

In the wilderness you, O Lord, gave drink, gave water to the thirsty. He washed and gave to drink and quench his thirst. Bless the place for the well, give this student to our health. Grant us water in this place - sweet and tasty and not to our detriment. Holy, glorious name of Yours, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Whoever reads this prayer before digging a well always has clean water that is not covered in silt.

save the harvest

Saints Joachim and Anna bore bitter barrenness until their very old age, but with the blessing of God they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos.

For a long time, before the start of sowing, these saints were prayed for the preservation of the harvest.

Prayer to the Holy Righteous Father of God Joachim and Anna

O holy righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord that He may turn His wrath away from us. According to our deeds, righteously driven by us and despising our countless sins, turn us, the servants of God (names), to the path of repentance and to the path of His Commandments and confirm us. Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life and ask for good haste in all good things, all that we need from God to give us to the stomach and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles, sudden death by your intercession delivering us and from all enemies, visible and invisible, protecting and so in the world this temporary life, having passed into eternal peace, we will achieve peace, even if by your holy supplication let us be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God. To him, with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

For a good harvest

Reading this slander in your garden, garden, you will have a good harvest and full bins.

I approach the gates of paradise, I marvel at the wonder, I bow to the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, grow and fill. Angels to tenderness, people to surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not to spoil the garden

If someone wants to spoil your garden with a conspiracy to harm, use this amulet. Not a single sorcerer will harm your garden-garden.

God help me. Be a fence for my garden, for my land. Amulet-fence, help me. Neither the devil, nor the devil, nor the evil witchcraft will cross that fence, spoil my garden. Amen.

Amulet for the harvest (for a worm)

In the country or garden, find a worm. Wrap it around your thumb in the manner of a ring and say this:

I crown you as a watchman. Until your tribe is exhausted, the world will not turn over, the aspen will not become a flower, urine with boiling water, a stone with milk, a dog with a beetle, you will live in the land, in the name of Alani, guard my crop. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Charm on a potato field (so that strangers do not dig up the crop)

From a letter: “... At the end of August, all the potatoes were dug up in our field. What a labor it is for us: to dig up the earth, to plant it, to weed it several times, to process it from beetles. And this year, my husband almost went to the next world, poisoned himself with chemicals. We went for potatoes all summer, but they came in the morning - they weren’t there.”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such letters. People, mostly elderly, work with their last strength in the field, in the hope that they will provide themselves with food for the winter. The fight against potato diseases, the Colorado potato beetle, a whole summer of work - and all in vain. A stranger steals food from the elderly ...

And here is another letter:

“... I have four children. Husband died. There is no work. They do not take me because of the children, they are afraid that I will often be absent. Of course, children often get sick. The allowance is a penny, and then there is no money to pay. My children and I are digging the ground, planting potatoes, weeding and weeding them… You won’t believe it, I wanted to lay hands on myself, I cried and cursed those who dug up our potatoes. So that she gets up across their throats! Now lie down and die."

I offer you a way to protect your crop.

An aspen stake is hammered in the middle of a potato field after planting. They read the plot, turning south, then north, then east. They read aloud, while drawing crosses in the air, tied together with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand:

In the name of Adonai! This land is not mine, but God's, not a thief, but God the Father. In the name of Adonai! Let not the thief take the fruit, but the one who sticks this stake into the ground! Amen. Ulcer, blood, death, hell, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever kills my amulet, does not drink a sip of water, does not chew a piece of bread. Will die an untimely death. Amen.

7 conspiracies for dogs

7 conspiracies for dogs will help you cure a dog, sell it, protect people from their formidable barking and throws, and also successfully tie. Read them as needed.

My dear, a dog is a true friend of man.

And it's not for me to tell you about it.

Like people, dogs get sick, often behave aggressively towards others.

For all occasions, I have prepared 7 magical conspiracies for you.

You do not need church candles.

The phase of the moon and the time of day do not matter.

Conspiracy to sell a dog

I sell the dog faithful, not biting and exemplary. The new owner will stroke it, buy it, pay it. May it be so. Amen!

The puppies were born healthy, they came in handy for the sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them, bring them home with love. Amen!

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush at people

I pacify the dog that rushes at people, barks and bites. Let them avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. May it be so. Amen!

I remove the anger from the dog, I send it to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and fall behind. Amen!

Conspiracy on dog hair

Let the dog's fur not crumble, the tangle does not cling. Amen!

Conspiracy for the recovery of a dog

Let my dog ​​be healed, the painful barking will stop. He will recover from cancer, he will not be poisoned by food. May it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for the successful mating of dogs

I will tie a dog to healthy offspring, not frail and sick. Puppies will be frisky, sales are ubiquitous. Amen!

Read each plot an arbitrary number of times.

And may your four-legged friend be healthy!

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  • Site Administrator - Conspiracy for strong love for blood
  • Svetlana - Conspiracy for strong love for blood
  • Ekaterina - A conspiracy on a mirror for love and beauty, 3 conspiracies
  • Site Administrator - Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business, 3 prayers

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Pre-Speech Prayers: † “Pre-Spoken Prayers:

† “Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

† “Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.

Reading the Lord's Prayer

† “Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”


If the dog is bleeding from a wound, speak (stop) the blood. Then read the plot for the speedy healing of the wound.

After the second time, the wound closes and heals. Just read three evenings.

So, first to calm the blood:

† “Two brothers cut a stone,

two sisters look out the window,

two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate.

You, sister, turn away.

and you, blood, calm down.

You, brother, calm down

and you, blood, shut up.

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles.

And be my word strong on the subsidence of blood,

to this hour, to this very minute.

For wound closure

wool on wool,

everything should grow.

The life of every dog, both good and evil,

You are holding in your hands.

Look at me!

Protect my dog ​​from diseases and troubles.

When it happens that (pet's name) leaves,

Let him find the way with the help of a wondrous one.

Grant her a merry life without worries,

May he live happily ever after with me."

I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen.

† “Oh, Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, the one whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your sleep. You who have acquired a holy dignity and a holy crown.

Save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen".


Look directly into the eyes of a dog (or other animal) and say this:

† “Clean water, clean eyes, wash away the disease, tear. Amen".


Find the tip of the splinter and say three times:

† “God, heal this pain, as Saints Kuzma and Demyan healed five wounds. Amen".

If you have tar (preferably birch), smear it with a splinter and tie it up. The splinter will come out by itself.

A cow - calves, a dog - whelps, a mare - foals; Everyone has a different family name. But everyone has the same pain. You can give them relief with a special hex:

† “Opening the golden gates, I remove heavy attempts, labor pains, drive away torments - both original and all-born. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If a woman or a cow or a dog is spoiled so that there is not a drop of milk, it is probably someone out of malice who read the Lord's Prayer in reverse. Forty times read the prayer correctly, and also each of the families where the milk was gone


If the owners of a fallen cattle (horse, cow, etc.) turned to you for help, before leaving the house and going to heal, light a lamp in the house and open at least one window. Stand at the feet of a sick animal and say in an undertone:

† “Rejoice and hello. The Lord has given you to us as food, but it’s not time for you to die, get up.”

So say 12 times without interruption.

Stand at the house of a sick animal and read the plot three times, with the setting sun:

† “As the sun-father came and went, so the plague will leave this house. On sor-grass, on an ant bitch, on a forest snag, on an empty barrel. I speak, I speak. I take and speak. The word is strong to (animal name) tenacious. Amen".

In addition, you can brew a special potion from the plague. Prepare it like this:

In a bucket of sour kvass, a rather thick decoction is added, made from garlic, onions, hoof grass and tar (about the size of a five-kopeck coin). Drink this more often.

† “I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself, I will go out into the open field,

under the red sun on the Ocean Sea. The Church of God stands on the Ocean Sea.

In God's church, the throne is golden. Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself,

Jesus Christ, sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 illnesses.

And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ Himself, takes three iron rods and beats them. (name the name of the cattle, gender and color of the coat), and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails: bone, brain, harness, harness, tirukal, nucal.

What you didn’t finish, spoke out, then the word will come ahead. The nameless finger does not have a name, the name has not been and will not be forever and ever, from now until the century. Amen!"

You have got a dog or a cat and, of course, you want your friend to be obedient and loyal, not to run away from you. Give him water to drink in which you washed your hands. Then you need to cut off small pieces of wool from the head, back and tail of the animal and cut them into the threshold with the words:

“How this wool will stay in the threshold, so the dog would stay in the house.”

This method is old and simple, but quite reliable.

In order for the dog to “take root” in the house, there is a very simple and very ancient ritual:

you need to transfer the animal through a belt or strap laid across the entrance, removed from the clothes in which you often walk. This is done once when the dog is first brought into your home.

And also drive around the pole so that she comes home well.

Take a cup of salt water. Walk three times around the tainted animal and say while splashing on the animal:

† “I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid.

Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.

My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen."

The plot must be spoken on melted wax, which should be stuck to a red silk ribbon. Tie a ribbon to the animal.

†\”I will stand, blessing, I will go, crossing myself. Save and save (name of the animal). You, Most Holy Theotokos, let you pass on foot and on horseback, and a bird of passage. Skip with (name of the animal) both sorrow and pain. Sister, sister, came from the wind - go to the wind. I came from the forest - go to the forest. From an evil person - go to that one. From the Lord God - come on health. You came from the water - go to the water. Till the end of time. Amen\".

From worms in dogs.

What dates do not buy livestock and poultry.

Hernia conspiracy in dogs and cats

I consider this method to be very good, because after the ceremony, the hernia in the animal quickly passes. For the waning month, read a special plot over the food and give the food to the animal. The words of the conspiracy are:

Biting, you're biting

Do not gnaw on the navel of (animal name).

Gnaw ashes in the furnace, stones in the field.

There you live, there is your share.

Conspiracy if you need to take birth in animals

Opening golden gates

I take off heavy attempts,

Annual cramps, drive away flour -

Both original and universal.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush to people

To speak a dog that rushes at people, spray the animal with charmed water for three days in a row. The conspiracy is as follows:

Silent, breather, calm down,

I give you a commotion with (dog's name).

A conspiracy so that envious people do not cause harm

My fish is untouchable, my fish is silent,

You don't open your mouth, you don't speak with words.

So to my enemies, so to their lips

Do not undress, do not throw words,

Trouble, do no harm.

Fuck you, black night, fuck you, white day,

Go, red dawn.

The enemies behind me are the first. Amen.

Charm conspiracy so that the dog does not run away

Conspiracy: How to treat epilepsy in dogs

Holy Lady Mother of God,

Save and save my dog ​​(name),

In the house and outside the house,

From a wicked man

From the creeping snake

From burning fire, from ravenous fangs,

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words

From shameless impudent thieves,

Be my words, stronger than a strong knife,

And a damask sword

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayed to God, started a business,

Sorrow, prikos and prizes consoled.

All cleanings, all tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Ah and ooh, fractures,

From a heretic man

From a simple-haired woman,

From red, from black,

From the unruly Church,

All trees sleep, all roots sleep,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Do not know my dog ​​(name) evil eye!

Come down, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen., Amen.

This conspiracy can be used, and if the evil eye has already happened, it helps very well.

Learning magic at home: a forum about magic and witchcraft, divination for the future on ordinary cards and Tarot

Perhaps there is no more ancient science on earth than magic. She was the foundation of everything. Everything that exists on earth was created by higher magic, and these are not just words, because magic implies actions based on the word. Magic decided destinies and changed the course of history; it was a powerful tool in the hands of experienced craftsmen who possessed sacred knowledge and were involved in secrets.

For the magician, the teacher is nature itself, all the people he meets on the Path. Of particular importance is communication with people like yourself, when the exchange of experience and knowledge is part of self-improvement. It is where the main interest is personal growth, and the subject of discussion is magic, forum masters becomes one of the important stages

Conspiracies from "Bite Dogs"

Topic 6 posts

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prayer for dog health

on Mon 6 Oct 2014 – 8:41










do not forget to baptize yourself and baptize the dog

on Mon 6 Oct 2014 – 9:12

on Mon 6 Oct 2014 – 11:39

But when Tarokha was sick, all means were good!

it was given to me by an experienced dog neighbor. She wrote it down from her words. She says that this helped many of her dogs to recover. A month ago, her bitch, a mongrel, picked up in winter, was severely gnawed, sewn up, sprawled, darned, festered. and so on and so forth, and with such a prayer, things seem to be on the mend, the skin has already grown and the wool is breaking through, mmm

on Mon 6 Oct 2014 – 12:12

In Orthodoxy there is such a saint, the holy martyr Blasius. He helps not only people, but also animals. In his life it is written that before his death he said - pray for sick people and animals with such a prayer - God help (name of the rivers) with the prayers of your servant Vlasiy.

on Mon 6 Oct 2014 – 20:37

on Tue 7 Oct 2014 – 6:20

on Tue 7 Oct 2014 – 20:20

on Wed 8 Oct 2014 – 5:33

on Mon 13 Oct 2014 – 7:38

on Sat 8 Nov 2014 – 1:56

on Sat 8 Nov 2014 – 6:35

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 8:13

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 13:13

Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin answers:

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 13:19

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 13:45

So there is no need to scare people. And then with the very word they accused: "sacrilege." You know, never accuse ANYONE of blasphemy, this is very bad.

Agree one hundred percent with Julia. And in order to accuse someone of sacrilege, one must truly be the most HOLY before the Lord.

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 14:34

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 16:18

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 16:49

Case 1: It's been a long time. We went to friends in the Kaluga province, that way in 2001, it was summer. Naturally, he took the dog with him, who already knows Rotti Gabriel. Friends also decided to take us to local sights, one of them is a nunnery in Shamordino, there is also a Holy Spring with a font. We arrived, we had to go to the Holy Spring through the monastery, I told my friends to go to the spring, and Gaby and I would wait here, because everyone knows that dogs are not allowed in the Church. To wait a long time, and I wanted to plunge myself, we decided to go around on the left, and through the enemies, through the forest, through the kushers, on the way we met another source, beat from the slope, slightly fenced, icons were placed, Gaby did not let him into the fence, he drank and washed, the girl took out a handful to drink and washed at the same time, as it later turned out to be the “eye” Holy spring of the Kazan Mother of God (then for at least a year neither I nor the dog had any discharge from the eyes). As a result, we reached the font, there were a lot of people, ours were also here, stood aside with the dog, waiting for the men's turn, the women came out, left Gabi with our girls and the peasants went into the font, tried to plunge as quickly as possible and ran to Gaby, there is already a group around these “grandmothers are God's dandelions”, who are right in everything, and with one voice - “Have you gone crazy. You can't do this. ”well, etc. At this time, the priest comes out of the font, as befits all in black, all so healthy, with a bushy beard, he saw this picture, came up and said, now I don’t remember verbatim: “Don’t bother, we are all God’s creatures” - this is “dandelions” , and immediately to me - “Can I pet the dog?”. We walked back to the cars together through the monastery and chatted with the priest about many things.

There are other cases with my dogs, but this is not the main thing.

And so everyone with the upcoming New Year, happiness and health to you and your wards.

Yes, also, so that Grandfather Frost gives all the gifts on time, or at least just gives them!

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 17:12

Even the villagers turn to George the Victorious to protect their livestock from theft and wild animals. Almost all animals that have taken root next to a person (with the exception of cats and dogs) have been chosen heavenly patrons. Moreover, there is a special "rite of prayer during the destructive pestilence of cattle." From time immemorial, in such a misfortune, the peasants invited the priest “where the cattle are sick,” and the priest, wearing an epitrachelion, performed a prayer service over the sick cattle, after which he sprinkled the animals themselves with holy water and hay used as livestock food.

According to legend, Saint Agafia, the martyr (patron of livestock), contributed to the safe calving of cows, and Onesimus the sheepfold (February 15, according to the old style) protected sheep from wolves in sheepfolds.

Saint Modest of Jerusalem (December 31), the patron saint of domestic animals, is prayed for his well-being and health.

Rev. Martyr Anastasia Rimlyanina is an assistant in the preservation, welfare and healing of livestock.

It is also necessary to remember St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Anthony of Jordan, St. Mamant, St. John of Rylsky who helped the little animals.

It is firmly entrenched in the public consciousness that one who does not love animals can hardly sincerely love people, and in the Orthodox press devoted to relationships with the animal world, the expression “Blessed is he who has mercy on cattle”, which is a free transcription of the biblical Church Slavonic text: “The righteous has mercy on the souls of his cattle” (Proverbs, chapter 12, verse 10). The meaning of this expression is interpreted by some theologians as follows: at the Last Judgment, God will ask a person for his attitude towards animals.

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 17:28

The holy spring does not immediately flow to Heaven. Cattle can both drink it and live in it. Another thing is when a shrine from the Church, intended for members of the Church, which Christ founded for people, is used for other purposes. Animals often ask for help from people and people who have earned special Grace from God, and you yourself know a lot of evidence of this.

The question is different, the Shrine consecrated by the Sacrament of the Church should not be used for other purposes. If I'm wrong, ask your confessor for permission on your next visit or in the church at the next confession.

on Sat 27 Dec 2014 – 19:40

Haru, I don't know the name, but who told you all this, God himself? Did God establish the Earth only for humans? And only with people? And no one here confuses “God's gift with scrambled eggs”, . I wanted to develop the idea further, but Dasha jumped onto the sofa and lay down behind her back, so warm and soft, I'm sure it's from God!

Prayer for the dog not to bark

I am (name) and you are a dog

Blind and now mute.

Do not bark, do not bite me (name), do not notice.

Word. a business. true.

If a car knocks down an animal, it is reprimanded within 24 hours.

During the reprimand, the names of everyone who was sitting in the car at that time should be called. They read the plot three times in a row, facing the sun. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Chur, my body, chur, my blood!

Take, Mother of God, from Iyan,

From spilled blood along the way.

Save, save and defend.

Damn joker, stop joking

To stir up cat's blood, to pour on mine.

I care, you have a friend side,

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to do it? Imagine you are walking through a wasteland and a flock of dogs fester behind you. The technique is based on the fact that all dogs are not wild, as some people consider them to be, but genetically domesticated for a long time. You need to stand sideways to them and sit down. Do not try to wave your arms, let alone swing. Draw a line! Better from coins, throwing them with a dash, sand, seeds, cones, twigs, etc. etc. From what is at hand to choose from. And continue to move crouching along it creating a line. When the dogs run up they will stop, because the smell from the line and just the line is a psychological and olfactory barrier for them. Here they need to clearly and distinctly command YOU WILL NOT GO FURTHER THIS LINE! Then you get up, turn your back and calmly leave without turning around. What about dogs? They stay. Did it myself more than once! Works.

I must say right away that this will never work on wild predators that have not communicated with people.

You go, you see a flock .. a flock attacks. Swinging your limbs naturally is useless, especially lifting stones, or pretending to lift stones.

You figure out the leader from the pack, and not crouching, etc. you rush at him with an impudent tank, while you look directly into the points of the pupils, no matter how the pack squeals and barks - you go to the breach, not a single dog will touch you until the leader gives a voice, and based on my experience, if you shove a drill on leader, he usually dumps his tail between his legs and behind him the whole pack.

From the post above .. I do not agree with the fact that you need to squat. You can sit down when you want to get acquainted with the animal, when the animal is afraid of you, then you need to sit down in order to be on the same level with the dog, then they approach more trustingly, but. if there is aggression on the part of dogs, then by crouching, you show your “agreement” with the opinion of the leader, and thereby give them the go-ahead” for the attack.

I do not know conspiracies and prayers from feral dogs, but I know dogs - I know them well! And I'll give you a couple of tips:

1. Do not be afraid - by no means. Your fear will float around and the dogs will be spurred into action.

2. Try to see the pack leader and look into his eyes (70% effect). You need to be strong to break the leader of street dogs with your eyes.

3. You need to bend over and pretend that you are lifting something from the ground (even if there is nothing), swing and pretend that you are throwing. With this, you disarm and scare the dogs for a couple of minutes, and then according to the situation. (99% effect).

One-piece, I don’t know about the line - I won’t say, but I’ll definitely check it one of these days., but at the expense of sitting down - NO !, in no case, for dogs this will be a signal for your destruction - you are lower, you are weaker, you should be destroyed. The strongest survives. It is very easy to verify the veracity of my words, I think everyone has friends with dogs - ask how they react to drunken, homeless people.

And finally, I will express my opinion)))) Guys, let's look around and beside, dogs are not born like that - there are no evil breeds of dogs. We are the people who instill aggression in them from childhood, we teach them to attack first, we teach them to kill. And in confirmation of my words - briefly about the dog of the Starforshid terrier breed named Frodo (Crimea, Ukraine). The breed was bred for fighting, but this dog taught a child with cerebral palsy to move (for those who are interested, I’ll look for an article). It all depends on you and me - two-legged.

“Grandfather Otamanushko! love my blackie (or motley, depending on the wool), sing, feed well, stroke smoothly, don’t joke yourself, and don’t let your wife go, and call the children.

Don't run away, don't get lost.

In order for a dog or cat to take root in a new home, cut off a few hairs from their head, back and tail, put them together and cut them into the threshold with a sharp knife. Then say the following words: “Just as dog (cat) hair will stay in the threshold, so the dog (cat) will stay in this threshold.”

Lubricate the cat's paws with oil and say a conspiracy: “As oil sticks to the paws, so the cat will stick to the house. Just as a cat loves its paws, so my house will be dear and loved by it.”

To tame a purchased dog or cat, take the animal to the crossroads of two hiking trails. Cut off a tuft of his wool, throw this wool on the ground and say: "Crossroads to crossroads, from corner to corner, path to path, all in different directions, and my dog ​​(cat) to me."

Place the animal in front of a large mirror so that it sees its reflection in it, and say: “As the reflection of its master always finds, so this cat (dog) will always find its home.” As long as the mirror is in your home, your pet will always find its way home.

If you have lost an animal, at midnight stay in one lower shirt, take icons out of the house, take off your cross. Then lay a black cloth on the floor and stand on it with bare feet, put a trifle under your heels. Doors and vents in your home should be open. Mentally imagine the missing animal and read the following plot:

In the green field stands a grove, in the grove the snake Skoropeya lies.

Let Skoropeya sting the heart (the cat's nickname), take out the soul,

The chest dries up, sends to me from this day, this hour, this minute. Your road to my doorstep, there are no other roads.

A trifle the next day must be thrown away or distributed.

Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants go along that path, everyone goes to their holes, they do not go astray, they meet in an anthill. So my cattle (maybe a dog) would not stray and stray, but would go to their yard, to my good. You, goat, go, you, bull, delirious, you, cow, come, you (dog, nickname), come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.


“Get ready, my dear beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, who is a cat, dog, another kind of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name someone - a cat, a dog, another type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides : because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, my night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen."

They put a stone the size of your fist on an old plate. The plate is placed where mice are found. They enter and exit the room with their backs. When you put a plate with a stone, say in a whisper:

Gryzovo tribe, here's a stone for you,

Gnaw, but don't touch my good!

In order for the rats to leave the house, the mice need to take a thing (for example, a handkerchief) of a person who has already died and read the plot:

” As the servant of God (name) left this house and does not return, so that mice and rats leave this house and do not return. Amen."

Throw this thing where you have mice.

so that rats leave the house: find a rat and burn it in an open fire (oven, fire), but only on the territory of the house.

In order for the new dog to stay at home, small pieces of wool are cut from its head, back and tail, which are cut into the threshold, saying:

“How this wool will stay in the threshold, so the dog would stay in the house.”

For taming a rooster.

In order to wean the rooster from walking around other people's yards, they put him under a bench, putting a board to it and leaving only a small hole through which the rooster could only see the food prepared for him. Having thus killed the rooster for two days, they release it and, driving a nail into the floor, say:

"As this nail will hold on to the floor, so the rooster would hold on to its house."

To take the snake in hand

“Karachalka snake, give me your sting, and if you don’t give your sting, I’ll sink all your uds.”

On all sides blow and spit.

Take your animal's favorite toy or a piece of paper with its name on it. Sitting in the middle of the magic circle, repeat three times while holding a toy or piece of paper:

If the first time there is no effect, hand out names to everyone. When releasing, say: “Fly (name), fly to the bank, bring me good luck.” Etc.

Goy, Firebird, you have golden feathers on you,

And the eyes are like oriental crystal!

And the forest is noisy, the waves are rising on the sea,

When you fly from the Thirtieth Kingdom!

Goy, Firebird,

Lover of apples and wheat!

And lit up the whole garden as if it were many lights

Thou art the Golden-feathered Firebird flying!

Goy thou, radiant one,

Even one feather is yours

So wonderful and bright

What if you bring yago into the upper room, then it

It shines so, as if in that Peace it was lit

Lots of candles!

Goy, Firebird, Like fire, your feather glows!

Goy thou, firebird,

Come, come! (3 times)

Don't deviate from the path!

Come to us, shining one,

In the name of the Light of Svarozhy!

Holyly accept the sacrifice, help us!

Goy, goy, goy! (said many times)

The one who finds strength gets up early

help heal her. Remember that cats have spiritual powers and

directly related to

What should be done:

1. Light a green candle.

2. With the cat in your lap, gently pet her until she

will not relax and she will not be comfortable.

3. Close your eyes and call on the spirits - healers of the universe to endow

your hand with healing power.

4. After a few minutes, you will feel that your hands have become warm and

move in certain directions along the cat's body.

5. Close your eyes, allowing your hands to carry out the movements themselves, and

imagine the rainbow colors moving from your hands into the cat's body.

6. When you feel that your hands have stopped moving, give thanks.

the spirit that helped you.

Apply to the collar (flea) or gently on the cat (for example, on

belly) with blue or green rune paint

Kenaz Uruz Inguz - with exhaustion, lack of strength, health problems.

Healing after surgery, tissue regeneration.

And for the drug with which you treat wounds or medicines -

Algiz Laguz Perthro Sowilo - for good tissue healing, reducing

risk of infection, and for good tissue regeneration.

water, water from a swan, all the thinness from the creature of God (cat's name)!” repeat

We put a raw egg in a spoon, run the cat in a clockwise direction and at the same time

I'll put it in an egg, and I'll burn the egg. I burn spoilage in it, I writhe dryness,

break the charm, the stinger, the urticaria. business of the day,

a matter of the night, a matter of windy and windy. Take the fire. Fire

yes ash free the creature of God (cat's name) from evil. Key, lock threshold. Yes

Then we burn the egg.

Cleaning from the head, roll out clockwise. We read this conspiracy:

“On a fluffy head, on a flexible back, on fast paws, on

gentle fingers, frisky heart, soft little body, tail

Mud and sickness rides, gathers on an egg. I collect all the sickness before

grains, who sent it to him will return, who made the creature of God (name)

suffer, let him twist himself from the disease with an evil tourniquet. Amen.

cup of salt water, go around the tainted animal three times and

say while splashing on the animal:

I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid.

Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of

anger. My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen

The cat disappeared, they searched for the whole day, they could not find it, they tied a scarf for the night, as you said, thinking about the return of the cat! Even at night they went to look, they could not find it. In the morning we went to the store and saw a cat that was trembling in the bushes, turned out to be ours!! So happy!! AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Added (22.07.2012, 16:20)

Gella will definitely help? We haven't been able to find a cat for 3 days now.

Of course, it is necessary, for this, the topic was opened. Post it here if you don't mind.

“Mosquito mosquito eat,

Mosquito mosquito eat,

mosquito mosquito raspberry,

And I am a bitter rowan.”

And don't bother me.

Bed bug eat,

Don't eat me."

Bug bug raspberry,

And I'm a bug - a bitter mountain ash.

“Ant, ant, do not bite me, I will crush you, the whole clan and tribe, and your king.”

“Brother ant, tell your brother ant not to sting my body, not to drop his poison, my body is earth, and my blood is black; and to those words heaven is a key, earth is a castle, from now on and forever, forever and ever, amen.”

Blow and spit in all directions and sit down.

Are the owners at home?

“At home,” they should answer. - What are they for?

- We have a conspiracy today. Are you talking?

- And what are the bedbugs talking about?

- The bugs started talking like this: the bug ate the bug, whoever was left ate himself.

- They will not be from now on and forever.

To prevent bees from biting, put plantain leaves in your mouth.

From a bee sting, to soothe the pain, apply earth or cow dung.

And carve out a thunderous arrow of fire, and put it in a clean vessel, and put dewy incense in that vessel, and surround it in a bee-keeper or in a crockery, and put a candle to Izosimus and Savvatiy, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, and pray to them with faith and keep this scroll in the very purity , three times, amen.”

In this prayer book after the glorification of “the goodness of the Lord to those who trust in him” consisting of a psalm: “Alive in the help of the Most High” and so on.

It is read twice, a prayer to the bees: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant (name of rivers). Lord bless, amen. Then the prayers themselves follow. There are seven of them.

(voodoo spell)

Chirim chikoya piros, ti wolloaam ah kida!

Kiyalo (animal name)

ai kiya (owner's name)

chi wiyamo kiya (name of the sorcerer) p

irros liya wolloaam siyamo tusulo vivos rios mira mara –

macha, asscurolia pirriaam tusulo ai kiya (animal name)

Visualize yourself at the top of the gorge, below the raging river flows. Feel free to jump into the river, and when you fall, shout: “HELP MY FRIEND!” And your friend will pick you up.

This article contains: a prayer that the dog does not howl - the information is taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

If a dog howls

A dog with a raised muzzle howls to the fire or death of the neighbors. If she howls with her head down, then - to the deceased from the host family. If he howls standing or lying down - to his death. If she reaches out to someone, without stopping howling, - to long disasters.

To avert trouble, you should do this. After leaving the gate (or from the entrance), say out loud three times:

“Go trouble not at these gates, the dog barks, and the wind carries. Amen".

Conspiracy to howl a dog

The dog howls, signs speak of trouble

A dog howls usually foretelling certain events to its owners. If she howls with her muzzle up, then this sign can warn of a fire or death of neighbors. If the dog howls lowering its muzzle to the bottom, this indicates that someone will die at the owners. If a dog's howl is heard when it is standing or lying down, then it is howling to its death. If, however, the dog, continuing to howl, begins to stretch in one direction, this indicates long obstacles and disasters for that person. But to get rid of troubles, there is a certain conspiracy to howl a dog. When the dog howls - leaving the entrance or the gate, and read the following words of the conspiracy three times:

© Orthodox prayers, special conspiracies, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons


It is necessary to do the ritual on the waning moon on Friday. You will need: a bowl of water and a church candle.

To remove damage from a cat, from a dog or from another small pet, carry a knife over the back of the animal, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under the belly with the handle forward and again over the back. Make three such full circles around the animal with a knife, pronouncing a plot:

pet treatment

three parts of a thistle,

You need to take both dried herbs that are sold in a pharmacy, so you can collect and dry them yourself. Pour hot water over the herbs.

Removal of negativity from the animal.

Speak distemper to a dog

So, first to calm the blood:

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. And be my word strong on the subsidence of blood, to this hour, to this minute.

If difficult childbirth in animals.

What to do if a dog howls.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Speak fistula in animals.

Our animals need blessing and consecration to God.

We must pray for them.

We must take care of their biological needs and their health.

We must educate them.

Animals living in pairs should be kept by us in this way.

Animals bred at home must have a sufficiently free environment for their existence. There should be no cramped small cages, cramped aquariums, etc.

Animals that somehow came to us from nature, not capable of living in captivity, should have the opportunity to return to nature.

We should thank God for the animals He has given us and teach other people how to treat animals properly.

So that the animal is not lost

so this cat (dog) will always find its home.

In the house and outside the house,

From a wicked man

From the creeping snake

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words

From shameless impudent thieves,

And a damask sword

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

Charm from the evil eye of animals

Prayed to God, started a business,

All cleanings, all tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Ah and ooh, fractures,

From a man - a heretic,

From a woman - simple hairs,

From the girl - long-haired,

From red, from black,

From the unruly Church,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Come down, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The stars in the sky are dressing up

Reflected in the Jordan River

like no one has ever counted the stars,

I didn’t take off from God’s sky,

So that my luck is not removed,

And they didn’t take it away, and they didn’t curse with any word,

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

And so, first, from a new skein of red thread or ribbon, unwind an arbitrary amount of thread or ribbon and cut it off. Read the conspiracy over the cut threads or ribbon three times:

And I'll make a profit, I'm not sad about you anymore"

To be full to you, not to know sorrows, gracious hosts, warmth of home. Amen.

Pre-Speech Prayers: † “Pre-Spoken Prayers:

† “Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

† “Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.

Reading the Lord's Prayer

† “Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”


If the dog is bleeding from a wound, speak (stop) the blood. Then read the plot for the speedy healing of the wound.

After the second time, the wound closes and heals. Just read three evenings.

So, first to calm the blood:

† “Two brothers cut a stone,

two sisters look out the window,

two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate.

You, sister, turn away.

and you, blood, calm down.

You, brother, calm down

and you, blood, shut up.

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles.

And be my word strong on the subsidence of blood,

to this hour, to this very minute.

For wound closure

wool on wool,

everything should grow.

The life of every dog, both good and evil,

You are holding in your hands.

Look at me!

Protect my dog ​​from diseases and troubles.

When it happens that (pet's name) leaves,

Let him find the way with the help of a wondrous one.

Grant her a merry life without worries,

May he live happily ever after with me."

I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen.

† “Oh, Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, the one whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your sleep. You who have acquired a holy dignity and a holy crown.

Save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen".


Look directly into the eyes of a dog (or other animal) and say this:

† “Clean water, clean eyes, wash away the disease, tear. Amen".


Find the tip of the splinter and say three times:

† “God, heal this pain, as Saints Kuzma and Demyan healed five wounds. Amen".

If you have tar (preferably birch), smear it with a splinter and tie it up. The splinter will come out by itself.

A cow - calves, a dog - whelps, a mare - foals; Everyone has a different family name. But everyone has the same pain. You can give them relief with a special hex:

† “Opening the golden gates, I remove heavy attempts, labor pains, drive away torments - both original and all-born. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If a woman or a cow or a dog is spoiled so that there is not a drop of milk, it is probably someone out of malice who read the Lord's Prayer in reverse. Forty times read the prayer correctly, and also each of the families where the milk was gone


If the owners of a fallen cattle (horse, cow, etc.) turned to you for help, before leaving the house and going to heal, light a lamp in the house and open at least one window. Stand at the feet of a sick animal and say in an undertone:

† “Rejoice and hello. The Lord has given you to us as food, but it’s not time for you to die, get up.”

So say 12 times without interruption.

Stand at the house of a sick animal and read the plot three times, with the setting sun:

† “As the sun-father came and went, so the plague will leave this house. On sor-grass, on an ant bitch, on a forest snag, on an empty barrel. I speak, I speak. I take and speak. The word is strong to (animal name) tenacious. Amen".

In addition, you can brew a special potion from the plague. Prepare it like this:

In a bucket of sour kvass, a rather thick decoction is added, made from garlic, onions, hoof grass and tar (about the size of a five-kopeck coin). Drink this more often.

† “I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself, I will go out into the open field,

under the red sun on the Ocean Sea. The Church of God stands on the Ocean Sea.

In God's church, the throne is golden. Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself,

Jesus Christ, sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 illnesses.

And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ Himself, takes three iron rods and beats them. (name the name of the cattle, gender and color of the coat), and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails: bone, brain, harness, harness, tirukal, nucal.

What you didn’t finish, spoke out, then the word will come ahead. The nameless finger does not have a name, the name has not been and will not be forever and ever, from now until the century. Amen!"

You have got a dog or a cat and, of course, you want your friend to be obedient and loyal, not to run away from you. Give him water to drink in which you washed your hands. Then you need to cut off small pieces of wool from the head, back and tail of the animal and cut them into the threshold with the words:

“How this wool will stay in the threshold, so the dog would stay in the house.”

This method is old and simple, but quite reliable.

In order for the dog to “take root” in the house, there is a very simple and very ancient ritual:

you need to transfer the animal through a belt or strap laid across the entrance, removed from the clothes in which you often walk. This is done once when the dog is first brought into your home.

And also drive around the pole so that she comes home well.

Take a cup of salt water. Walk three times around the tainted animal and say while splashing on the animal:

† “I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid.

Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.

My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen."

The plot must be spoken on melted wax, which should be stuck to a red silk ribbon. Tie a ribbon to the animal.

†\”I will stand, blessing, I will go, crossing myself. Save and save (name of the animal). You, Most Holy Theotokos, let you pass on foot and on horseback, and a bird of passage. Skip with (name of the animal) both sorrow and pain. Sister, sister, came from the wind - go to the wind. I came from the forest - go to the forest. From an evil person - go to that one. From the Lord God - come on health. You came from the water - go to the water. Till the end of time. Amen\".

From worms in dogs.

What dates do not buy livestock and poultry.

Hernia conspiracy in dogs and cats

I consider this method to be very good, because after the ceremony, the hernia in the animal quickly passes. For the waning month, read a special plot over the food and give the food to the animal. The words of the conspiracy are:

Biting, you're biting

Do not gnaw on the navel of (animal name).

Gnaw ashes in the furnace, stones in the field.

There you live, there is your share.

Conspiracy if you need to take birth in animals

Opening golden gates

I take off heavy attempts,

Annual cramps, drive away flour -

Both original and universal.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush to people

To speak a dog that rushes at people, spray the animal with charmed water for three days in a row. The conspiracy is as follows:

Silent, breather, calm down,

I give you a commotion with (dog's name).

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy so that envious people do not cause harm

My fish is untouchable, my fish is silent,

You don't open your mouth, you don't speak with words.

So to my enemies, so to their lips

Do not undress, do not throw words,

Trouble, do no harm.

Fuck you, black night, fuck you, white day,

Go, red dawn.

The enemies behind me are the first. Amen.

Charm conspiracy so that the dog does not run away

Conspiracy: How to treat epilepsy in dogs

Holy Lady Mother of God,

Save and save my dog ​​(name),

In the house and outside the house,

From a wicked man

From the creeping snake

From burning fire, from ravenous fangs,

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words

From shameless impudent thieves,

Be my words, stronger than a strong knife,

And a damask sword

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayed to God, started a business,

Sorrow, prikos and prizes consoled.

All cleanings, all tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Ah and ooh, fractures,

From a heretic man

From a simple-haired woman,

From red, from black,

From the unruly Church,

All trees sleep, all roots sleep,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Do not know my dog ​​(name) evil eye!

Come down, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen., Amen.

This conspiracy can be used, and if the evil eye has already happened, it helps very well.

7 conspiracies for dogs

7 conspiracies for dogs will help you cure a dog, sell it, protect people from their formidable barking and throws, and also successfully tie. Read them as needed.

My dear, a dog is a true friend of man.

And it's not for me to tell you about it.

Like people, dogs get sick, often behave aggressively towards others.

For all occasions, I have prepared 7 magical conspiracies for you.

You do not need church candles.

The phase of the moon and the time of day do not matter.

Conspiracy to sell a dog

I sell the dog faithful, not biting and exemplary. The new owner will stroke it, buy it, pay it. May it be so. Amen!

The puppies were born healthy, they came in handy for the sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them, bring them home with love. Amen!

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush at people

I pacify the dog that rushes at people, barks and bites. Let them avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. May it be so. Amen!

I remove the anger from the dog, I send it to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and fall behind. Amen!

Conspiracy on dog hair

Let the dog's fur not crumble, the tangle does not cling. Amen!

Conspiracy for the recovery of a dog

Let my dog ​​be healed, the painful barking will stop. He will recover from cancer, he will not be poisoned by food. May it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for the successful mating of dogs

I will tie a dog to healthy offspring, not frail and sick. Puppies will be frisky, sales are ubiquitous. Amen!

Read each plot an arbitrary number of times.

And may your four-legged friend be healthy!

To avoid meeting with an angry dog ​​or other animal, have a small blue bag with you, into which you throw three pinches of dried and crushed motherwort, plantain and thistle grass, and then the danger will pass you by. A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush at people and does not bite, and much more for dogs.

To protect against evil dogs and other animals, prepare a strong infusion of thistle grass and tansy. When taking a bath, add this infusion to the water so that its smell is absorbed into your skin and repels wild animals. Instead, you can add a few drops of cedar or alder oil to the water.

To prevent an attack from a dangerous animal, or to avoid meeting one at all, mix castor oil and camphor alcohol in equal parts and apply three drops of this composition to the sole of your left shoe.

Another remedy. Mix equal parts cedarwood oil and geranium oil and apply three drops of this composition to the sole of the left shoe.

Another remedy. Hide a leaf of dog's tongue under the insole of your left shoe. The full name of the plant is medicinal black root or pharmacy dog ​​lover. If you can't get this plant, use psyllium leaf.

Conspiracy from an angry dog

Cross it with the crossed index and middle fingers of your left hand and say:

“By the power of Laron, by the law of Fatara, by the right of Vagur, I conjure and command: turn to stone, press down on the ground, do not open your paws. The lock and the key of words and deeds, the lock is on you, the key is in my hand.

Do not open your fingers until you leave the dangerous place.

A conspiracy so that the dog does not rush at people

“I pacify the dog that rushes at people, barks and bites. Let them avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. May it be so. Amen"

“I remove the anger from the dog, I send it to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and fall behind. Amen!"

Conspiracy for the recovery of a dog

“Let my dog ​​be healed, the painful barking will stop. He will recover from cancer, he will not be poisoned by food. May it be so. Amen!"

Conspiracy for the successful mating of dogs

“I will breed a dog for healthy offspring, and not frail and sick. Puppies will be frisky, sales are ubiquitous. Amen!"

Read each plot an arbitrary number of times. And may your four-legged friend be healthy!

Conspiracy to sell a dog

“I am selling a dog that is faithful, does not bite and exemplary. The new owner will stroke it, buy it, pay it. May it be so. Amen!"

“The puppies were born healthy, they came in handy for an honest sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them, bring them home with love. Amen!"

Talk dog distemper

Read over the water such a conspiracy-prayer:

“Oh, Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, you whom she saved from the Chaldeans during your sleep, you who acquired a holy dignity and a holy crown, save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen."

dog howls plot

“A dog howl from the gate down, from the oak gate and into the spruce forest. Wolves - and the song of the wolf. Amen."

As a matter of fact, the polkan does not call troubles to your house, he rather voices them. Therefore, I would not advise using specific conspiracies that shift future problems onto the dog's head (of course, not in the literal sense). It is not his fault that he intuitively feels something bad and suffers from it himself.

In addition, a dog can “howl at the moon” for its own non-prophetic reasons - strong melancholy, a desire to walk in a pack, and the like. In a word, if you need a dog alive and healthy, if possible, do not read hard conspiracies on it.

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