Tel number clinic best with leeches. Hirudotherapy clinics and medical centers (38). How hirudotherapy works

Hirudotherapy- a powerful natural remedy that helps to quickly cope with diseases, and has a healing effect on the entire body without the use of chemicals. Hirudotherapy is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

For hirudotherapy procedures, certain types of medicinal leeches are used, which are grown in special laboratories. The procedure takes place under sterile conditions, each leech is used only once, after the end of the session the leech is killed, this approach completely eliminates the possibility of infection.

Hirudotherapists of "SM-Clinic" are specialists with higher medical education - neurologists who have undergone additional training at state advanced training courses in hirudotherapy.

Hepatologists, gynecologists, neurologists, phlebologists, internists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists and even traumatologists of the CM-Clinic have appreciated and use hirudotherapy as a powerful natural remedy that helps the patient quickly cope with diseases. A leech is a living disposable syringe, a natural healer, a doctor's colleague.

Indications for hirudotherapy

  • cardiology(coronary heart disease, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, hypertension and arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, hyperfibrinogenemia);
  • pulmonology(chronic nonspecific lung diseases);
  • gastroenterology(chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines);
  • endocrinology(obesity, thyroid disease);
  • neurology(chronic vertebrobasilar insufficiency, osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine with secondary radicular syndrome, headaches of various origins (including migraine), cerebral atherosclerosis, residual effects after concussion, neuroinfections, contusions, skull injuries, ischemic stroke, depressive state);
  • gynecology(parametritis, adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis, bacterial vaginosis, infertility, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibromastopathy, adhesions in the pelvis, menopause);
  • urology(chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, secondary infertility in men, frigidity, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis);
  • vascular surgery(diseases of the veins of the lower extremities (varicose veins, thrombosis of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, post-phlebitic syndrome), atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities);
  • general surgery(hematomas, phlegmons, phantom pains, furunculosis, hemorrhoids);
  • arthrology(arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis);
  • ophthalmology(glaucoma (including acute attacks), postoperative complications (increased intraocular pressure, inflammation), thrombosis, circulatory disorders of the retina and optic nerve, vascular changes caused by diabetic retinopathy, retinal dystrophy. Keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis);
  • otorhinolaryngology(tinnitus, acute neuritis of the auditory nerve, otitis media, chronic sensorineural hearing loss, vasomotor rhinitis);
  • dermatology(baldness, psoriasis, plaque form of scleroderma, chronic pyoderma);
  • cosmetology(reduction of age-related changes in the skin);
  • preventive medicine(“slagging of the body”, cleansing the body of toxic substances).
Author's methods of hirudotherapists "SM-Clinic" allow you to treat:
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries;
  • a number of gynecological diseases.

Advantages of hirudotherapy treatment in "SM-Clinic":

  • treatment of the underlying disease is combined with a hirudotherapy session and is aimed at reducing age-related changes, as well as rejuvenation;
  • only certified leeches grown in a special biofactory are used in the treatment;
  • the cost of the systemic hirudotherapy procedure does not depend on the number of leeches used for the session;
  • used leeches are killed in the presence of the patient.
In the "SM-Clinic" hirudotherapy sessions are conducted by candidates of medical sciences with extensive experience.

Hirudotherapy is one of the most ancient therapeutic methods. Mentions of it can be found in the treatises of Avicenna and Hippocrates. Today, the effectiveness of treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy) is officially recognized.

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Treatment with leeches in the clinic
"Yellow Emperor"

Indications for treatment with leeches

Treatment with leeches is used for a variety of diseases. In Moscow, hirudotherapy in the clinic "Yellow Emperor" is carried out according to the following indications:

  • osteochondrosis and arthritis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.);
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • neuralgia, headaches, including migraine;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • glaucoma and barley;
  • urological and gynecological diseases.

Patient reviews

Tatyana Ivanovna

To be honest, I have always been somewhat skeptical about hirudotherapy, because I did not understand how leeches could affect my osteochondrosis. But I was constantly harassed by discomfort in my arms and back, I felt an ache. I told my colleagues at work, a colleague advised me to contact the Yellow Emperor. I made an appointment, already at the clinic I was asked in detail about all the concomitant diseases, and they examined me. I was given much more attention than usual clinics, which is very important. The specialist prescribed hirudotherapy. I noticed the first results after about seven procedures, when the aches and discomfort disappeared. Very satisfied with the effect.

Lidia Georgievna

I have been suffering from severe headaches for a long time. A neighbor advised me to go to the Yellow Emperor clinic. She was close to home, very convenient. In the clinic, I was prescribed hirudotherapy. I already knew about the procedure before, but I did not expect that leeches would be suitable in my case. I was pleasantly impressed by the doctors of the clinic: they were so attentive to my problem, carefully studied my medical history. My individual course was 10 sessions. For the past 3 weeks I have been waking up in the morning without pain and falling asleep with a “fresh” head. Thank you!

Nikolai Petrovich

I am only 52 years old, but I have already faced such a problem as glaucoma. I trust traditional methods, especially since I am already familiar with the Yellow Emperor clinic, my son went to it with barley that did not go away. My son spoke very well about the specialists, so I went to this particular clinic. I must say right away that they examined me carefully, and as a result, hirudotherapy was prescribed. I knew in advance that glaucoma cannot be completely cured, but after the sessions I began to see much better, and my eye pressure did not increase after the course of procedures. I advise everyone not to wait, but to go and solve the problem.



1. What is the blood loss after one session of hirudotherapy?

One leech is capable of sucking up to about 15 ml of blood at a time. After the procedure itself, another 10-40 ml may stand out. A qualified doctor will not allow large blood loss and will always calculate the number of leeches. In general, after one session, as a rule, you can lose no more than 200-250 ml. After such blood loss, the pressure and pulse should be normal, consciousness is clear, and slight fatigue may be observed.

2. What ages of patients can be treated with the procedure?

Patients over the age of 18 can attend. The procedure can be carried out for children from 10 years old only with the consent of their parents or legal representatives. Hirudotherapy is not carried out for children of infants, preschool and primary school age.

3. Can I get something from leeches?

For the procedure, specially grown hiruds are used. They are used only once and are disposed of after a hirudotherapy session. The repeated use of leeches for the same patient or for any other is strictly prohibited. After the procedure, the bite site is treated with antiseptic agents and a sterile napkin or bandage is applied.

4. What can I feel when bitten and after?

The leech has a mouth cavity with a suction cup and teeth. When a specialist puts a hirud to a person's skin, it penetrates 1-1.5 mm inside. Leech saliva contains enzymes that can have an analgesic effect. Therefore, during suction, you can feel a slight pain or feel nothing at all. The sucking process itself can also be accompanied by minor discomfort. After the procedure, bite marks may remain, which may swell and itch for several days.

5. Can I place the leech myself?

Self-staging and treatment with leeches can harm human health. The procedure has a number of contraindications, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before it. Only a qualified specialist knows how long the session should last, where you can put a leech, how to remove it correctly, how to treat the bite site, etc. For hirudotherapy, contact clinics that have special permission.

Hirudotherapy - treatment with medical leeches. The therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved through the bite of a leech and the injection of a secret containing various bioactive substances.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is determined by the complex mechanism of the effect of a medicinal leech on the human body. The medical leech has an amazing ability to find bioactive points of the body and bite through the skin in them. By stimulating bioactive points, the leech bite acts like acupuncture, causing a positive reflex response of various internal organs. In fact, hirudotherapy combines reflexology and pharmacopuncture..

Leech saliva contains useful active ingredients:

  • Hirudin reduces viscosity and increases blood fluidity, preventing thrombosis and improving blood circulation. Thanks to this, hirudotherapy significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, improving the quality and safety of life.
  • Enzyme hyaluronidase promotes resorption of connective tissue and has a pronounced positive effect in the treatment of cicatricial and adhesive processes.

The clinical effects of the use of medicinal leeches are quite diverse:

  • edema decreases and completely disappears
  • improves blood supply and oxygen supply to organs and tissues
  • increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels
  • draining effect: cleansing of blood vessels and tissues
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system
  • decrease (“burn”) body fat
  • inflammatory processes disappear
  • immunity increases
  • restorative action
  • restoration of neuromuscular transmission of impulses

Indications for hirudotherapy

In general terms, indications for the appointment of medical leeches can be reduced to the following conditions:

  • venous and lymphatic outflow disorders
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies
  • increased blood pressure
  • venous thrombosis, hypercoagulability and increased blood viscosity
  • excessive formation of connective tissue (scars, adhesions)
  • violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes (wounds, ulcers)
  • deterioration of tissue trophism
  • insufficiency of immunological reactions at the local and systemic levels

A course of treatment

The number of leeches, the area of ​​their application, the frequency of sessions, the frequency of courses - everything is determined individually for each patient by the attending physician. The course of treatment may consist of several sessions, or may include 10-15 procedures, which are usually performed 1-2 times a week.

A second course can be held in 3-6 months. For one session, from 1-3 to 10 leeches are usually used, which is determined strictly by a hirudotherapist. The duration of the procedure can vary from 5-10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the technique.

The procedure is absolutely painless. At the moment of biting through the skin, a slight tingling sensation may occur, which disappears after a few seconds, since the leech itself injects painkillers into the wound.

After removing the leech, a sterile bandage is applied to the bite site. The next day, the bandage is changed, while monitoring the local reaction and the general condition of the patient.

We use only high-quality certified leeches grown in a special bio-factory. Reuse of leeches is not allowed.

Patients note that after the treatment, regardless of its goals, general well-being improves: sleep is restored, appetite normalizes, chronic pain is relieved, blood pressure stabilizes, efficiency and mood increase.


Hirudotherapy sessions or treatment with leeches is a method of alternative medicine that is aimed at combating many diseases: gynecological, venous, urological, etc. Only a hirudotherapist, a doctor who specializes in this topic, can conduct therapy. At the first session, the presence of an allergy to a leech in a patient is necessarily checked.

What is leech treatment

What is hirudotherapy? This is a known method (science) of treatment with leeches, without the use of additional drugs or equipment. The procedure is painless and has no side effects when properly treated (the patient may only feel a bite - a little more painful than a mosquito). Leeches in the process of sucking blood secrete active substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune and vascular systems. The session lasts about an hour.

The size of the leech is small at first, then it sucks out 5-10 ml of blood and grows, after which it falls away from the human body. From this moment until 24 hours after, the blood continues to ooze - a sterile bandage is applied to the wound site. If you use 5 worms at the same time, the rate will increase to 200-250 ml. As a result, many hours of bloodletting occurs, veins are loaded, tissue microcirculation, cell metabolism are improved, and lymph stagnation is eliminated.

The benefits and harms of leeches

The use of medical worms is associated with the content in their saliva of many enzymes that have medicinal properties and enhance immunity. The properties of their saliva are applicable in diseases that are accompanied by severe inflammatory processes, poor blood flow and increased tissue permeability. Inflammation leads to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the focus. The problem is solved by increasing the amount of funds. The action of leeches is to improve blood circulation in the places of the disease, increase the concentration of drugs in the foci of the disease.

A healing worm can also harm a person. This happens during treatment at home and without the supervision of a specialist. Among the features harmful to humans are the following:

  • The body of the worm contains a bacterium that protects it from diseases. Getting into the human blood, the microorganism can cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning.
  • Leeches can carry diseases. The blood of a sick patient remains on the jaw of the worm, and when bitten, diseases can be transmitted to another person.
  • Due to the thinning of the blood, which is provided by the enzymes of the saliva of the leech, the wound can bleed for more than a day. In such cases, professional medical assistance is needed.

Benefits for women

Pathologies in the gynecological part can be treated with leeches. Among the diseases that gynecologists recommend treating with hirudotherapy are the following:

    Inflammatory processes, stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis, menstruation failures.

    postpartum adhesions on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. Several courses of hirudotherapy are used with a long break between them.

    Painful urination. This phenomenon often worries women against the background of hormonal failure. With this, a course of hirudotherapy helps to fight. The first session is prescribed a few days before the onset of menstruation, then every day until the symptom disappears.

    Cysts on the surface of the ovaries. Hirudotherapy treatment is used to get rid of fluid cysts, and the result is noticeable from the first session. One short course eliminates the problem and slows down the growth of new formations.

Indications for hirudotherapy

What is treated with leeches? Therapy is used for various kinds of diseases that are treated with hormonal, antibacterial drugs. Among them are such diseases and health problems:

  • arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • stroke and complications after it;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infertility;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • swelling and bruising after injection (for recovery);
  • breast mastopathy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathology in the dermatological part;
  • metabolic disease;
  • varicose veins.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease associated with improper functioning of the valves of the veins, but not with the viscosity of the blood. In this regard, medical worms have no effect on the disease, because they are not able to change medical valves in any way. Hirudotherapy reduces pain, inflammation, swelling, and the external manifestation of the disease. This effect does not last long - surgery is necessary for a complete cure. Leeches can heal the disease in the early stages, but patients practically do not go to the doctors when the disease has just begun to manifest itself.


Treatment with hirudotherapy for spinal hernia is based on biologically active substances that are contained in the saliva of a medicinal leech. Enzymes contribute to the resorption of particles of the prolapsed intervertebral disc, improve metabolism, blood flow. This accelerates tissue healing, helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. Treatment with medical worms is effective in combination with other types of therapy and if the hernia is no more than 10 cm.


Infertility treatment is a long, laborious process. Medicinal worms are placed on certain places: sacrum, perineum, anus, vagina. The duration of the session is from 20 to 60 minutes. During this time, medicinal leeches stick, injecting substances useful for humans with saliva, saturate, and disappear. After the procedure, the patient must rest, so it is carried out in the afternoon.


The main task in the treatment of prostatitis is to get rid of stagnation of blood flow, swelling and inflammation. Getting rid of a large amount of blood in the diseased area, anesthesia with hirudin, relieving inflammation, improving blood flow - all these are the merits of a hirudotherapy session. The leech is useful not only by sucking out the blood containing toxins, but also by the content of special substances in its saliva.


Leech treatment has a number of contraindications. As practice shows, some of the prohibitions are relative and, if the therapy is carried out under the supervision of a hirudotherapist, then they can be ignored. Contraindications:

  • Hemophilia. This is a bleeding disorder that is inherited. If a leech is given to a patient with such a disease, the wound will not heal and without the intervention of doctors, everything can be fatal.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis is spontaneous frequent bleeding that can be caused by trauma.
  • Anemia is an insufficient number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood. With such a disease, it is undesirable to lose blood in any quantities, so hirudotherapy can worsen the general condition of the patient.
  • Low pressure. A session with leeches lowers it by 20 units, which dramatically makes the patient's state of health difficult. Hirudotherapy is indicated only on the 3rd day after the normalization of the blood pressure. Hypertension is an indication for the use of leeches.
  • Pregnancy. Treatment in this condition is allowed, but a new examination of the patient is needed before each session.
  • Intolerance, which is a very controversial contraindication. Rarely, this prohibition leads to serious consequences if the treatment is carried out under the guidance of a professional.

Leech Treatment Scheme

The area of ​​​​staging the worms depends on the disease. The most common treatment regimens for diseases:


Place for leeches

Number of healing worms

Fullness of the brain

Coccyx area

Diseases of an infectious nature

Coccyx area

Suspicion of a stroke

Coccyx area

Overflow of blood vessels of the spinal cord and its membranes

Coccyx area


  1. without organ pathologies;
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  3. heart diseases.

Coccyx area

1 – 2.3 never more than 5

2.3 - 3-5 rarely up to 7

Urological diseases

Coccyx, liver, anus, groin area

Women's diseases (gynecology)

The region of the liver, anus, coccyx

hepatitis, cirrhosis

The region of the liver and anus

Number of hirudotherapy sessions

How many sessions are needed? The course of hirudotherapy is calculated based on the weight of the person. If the patient weighs 60 kg, then he will need 60 leeches per course - this is 10-15 sessions. Practice shows that an improvement in the patient's condition often occurs with a minimum number of medical worms - 15-20 and 7-10 procedures. Between sessions should take about a week or 10 days.

The technique of setting leeches

Leech therapy has several principles that every hirudotherapist must adhere to:

    Stop points for hirudotherapy: areas of large venous vessels (especially the femoral artery), in places with thin skin, on the face, abdomen, inside the body.

  1. The skin of the procedure area must be sterile.
  2. There are points of general influence - the coccyx, perineum, areas of the pancreas, liver, points on the chakras. If the treatment is aimed at local effects, then the delivered medical worms to the above points will only enhance the effect.
  3. Acupuncture points are those places where it hurts the most, the focus of the disease. These areas are used more often than others.

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

Hirudocosmetics or oral preparations are effective remedies against varicose veins and other health problems with the presence of hirudin in the leech extract. Medicines can be found and bought in clinics or pharmacies.





Cream "Sofya"

inflammation of the veins;


lower extremities, hemorrhoidal veins.

Individual intolerance to the components.

Apply along the vein from bottom to top for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-5 weeks.

Cream "Leech extract"

Spider veins, venous insufficiency, varicose veins,



Individual intolerance to the components, can not be applied to open wounds and purulent processes.


Capsules and solution "Piyavit"

Varicose veins, hematoma and edema, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis.

Gastric ulcer, increased bleeding, decreased blood clotting.

1 capsule or 300 mg 3 times a day.

The course is up to 20 days.

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