How to heal the solar plexus. Solar plexus: where is it located, causes of pain in men and women. The nature of pain and its intensity

The solar plexus is also called the celiac, splanchnic plexus, solar node. It is located at the top abdominal cavity and is the largest plexus nerve cells located outside the borders nervous system. That's why pain in the solar plexus is serious signal, and you need to treat it with all caution, not letting it take its course, hoping that everything will go away by itself.

The plexus is formed:

  1. Right and left celiac nodes
  2. Mesenteric node
  3. A large number of nerves, diverging from him in different directions, like rays from the sun.
Nerves connect all systems and organs of the human body with the central nervous system. Therefore, pain in solar plexus usually associated with disease internal organs, as a result of injuries received by the plexus, increased physical exertion, due to neuritis, etc.

The nature of pain and its intensity

The nature of the pain may suggest provisional diagnosis. For example, piercing strong pain in the solar plexus makes itself felt when this area is injured.

Constant It's a dull pain, accompanied by hiccups, may indicate overexcitability of the nerve node due to chronic inflammation in the abdominal cavity.

Pressing pain in may be associated with the upward movement of the abdominal cavity of any internal organ, more often the spleen. This occurs with the progression of the disease, when the diseased organ increases in volume, disrupting the connection of internal organs with the central nervous system.

In case of chest injury, it is recommended to put a cold before the arrival of doctors. Pain can manifest itself not only immediately after the impact, but also after a while.

Causes that can cause pain in the solar plexus area

Neuritis (plexitis)

This is the name of the defeat of the solar plexus due to inflammation of the nerves that make up it.

The causes of pathology can be:

  • Passive lifestyle
  • Excessively high physical activity
  • Intestinal and chronic infections(influenza, syphilis, malaria, typhoid, etc.)
  • Autointoxication (delay stool in the intestines)
  • Intoxication (alcohol or nicotine poisoning)
  • Strong blow with a fist or a ball while playing sports
  • Radiculitis
  • Vertebral hernia
  • Shingles
  • Excessive tightening of the abdomen with a belt, etc.

For neuritis of the solar plexus are more characteristic:

  • Pain in the middle of the line drawn between the navel and the sternum
  • Pain is characterized by a strong paroxysmal, boring and stabbing character.
  • Short breath holdings are possible.
  • There is a feeling of fullness, heat in the abdomen
  • Pain worsens with stress, after intense physical exertion
  • Adopting a position of the body on its side, with legs pressed to the stomach, reduces pain.

Acute pain in the solar plexus is a sign of solaritis

He is the heaviest pathological condition solar plexus due to the development of an inflammatory process in it. Solaritis can occur when running, without necessary treatment, neuritis or neuralgia of the solar plexus. Distinguish sharp shape(the first sharp pains in the area of ​​the solar plexus) and chronic (frequent attacks).

With a solarium, a very strong, boring and burning pain. If during this period you do not consult a doctor and do not start treatment, severe damage to the nervous system is possible.

In addition, patients note:

  • Dull or pressure pain in the chest and heart
  • Feeling hot at everyday, normal body temperature
  • Bloating
  • Discomfort throughout the body
  • Heaviness in the abdomen

Due to an upset stomach tone occurs:

  • Constipation
  • Belching
  • Appetite disorder
  • Heartburn

For treatment appoint:

  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Therapeutic gymnastics

Disease of the digestive tract

The causes of pain in the solar plexus are not always associated with it.

For example, pain with bouts of nausea can occur due to inflammation of various digestive organs:

  • Stomach, duodenal ulcer
  • Development of neoplasms


Sharp pain in the solar plexus may appear due to hard hit(hand, foot, ball, other object) in the chest. The pain is quite sharp, there is breathlessness and a feeling of nausea.

When not severe injury pain lasts for several minutes. For relief, it is enough to take comfortable position and lightly massage the abdomen.

If the blow was strong, the state of health continues to deteriorate, there is a threat of loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Physical overvoltage

Prolonged physical activity, hard work can also cause pain in the solar plexus. The difference from the previous causes of pain is that in this case, no treatment is required, it is enough to reduce physical activity, and relax a bit.

Various localizations of pain in the solar plexus

Pain over the solar plexus

It occurs at the bottom chest man, under the ribs.

The main reasons may be:

  1. Pathologies of the esophagus:
    • erosion
    • burns
    • Tumors
    • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

    With damage to the esophagus, pain in the solar plexus increases when swallowing, belching, heartburn, vomiting, and nausea occur.

  2. Pleura disease (a film that covers the inside of the chest). Pain increases with breathing, shortness of breath, cough.
  3. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). With lower lobe pneumonia, the pain is felt above, to the left or to the right of the solar plexus. The temperature rises, there is a cough, shortness of breath, the skin may take on a bluish-grayish tint.
  4. Heart disease (ischemia and heart failure).
  5. Pathology of the diaphragm (diaphragmatic hernia).
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. At the same time, the pain in the solar plexus area is not strong, it lasts a couple of minutes, after which it spreads to the ribs.

Pain under the solar plexus

  • Inflammation of the genital organs in women: ovaries, fallopian tubes. With these pathologies, pain very often spreads to the plexus area.
  • inflammation Bladder, ureters (urethritis, cystitis)
  • Inflammation of the rectum and colon (sigmoiditis, colitis, proctitis)

Pain on the right

  • The lower esophagus (GERD, erosions, tumors, esophagitis) may hurt due to the fact that it departs to the right of the stomach.
  • head of the pancreas
  • Gallbladder (cholelithiasis, tumors, cholecystitis). Although it often hurts under the right rib.
  • Right intercostal neuralgia
  • Liver: tumors, cirrhosis, hepatitis, echinococcosis

Pain on the left

  • Stomach (ulcer, gastritis, tumors)
  • Tail of the pancreas (tumors, pancreatitis)
  • 12 duodenal ulcer (ulcer, duodenitis, tumors)
  • Left intercostal neuralgia
  • Ureter, left kidney (urolithiasis disease, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, drooping or excessively mobile kidney)

Diagnosis and treatment

Because the solar plexus unites nerve impulses from many organs, pain can indicate a large number of diseases.

To determine the causes of pain in the solar plexus, use:

  • abdominal ultrasound
  • x-ray
  • Laparoscopy
  • Analysis of feces and urine
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Bacteriological research

Even using the above methods, sometimes the cause of the pain can not be established immediately. And it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, under the supervision of a doctor.

Pain in the stomach and in the solar plexus is a common symptom that indicates serious problems with health. In some cases, the cause of this condition is physical trauma. The surgeon, traumatologist, gastroenterologist, and therapist are engaged in the diagnosis of such pain syndromes. Pain in the stomach and in the area of ​​the solar plexus can be triggered by injuries, neuritis, diseases of the peritoneal organs (stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, liver, and others).

What is pain in the epigastric region?

The largest lump is located in the solar plexus nerve endings in human body. That is why in almost all martial arts this area is considered the most traumatic: one hit, and the enemy is already on the ground.

But in some cases, pain in the stomach and in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus is not associated with injuries. She pursues a person on an empty stomach and after eating, in the morning and before bedtime. This state, one way or another, at least once in a lifetime overtook every person. Pain in the solar plexus - what is it? Unpleasant sensation in the middle of the abdomen, between the ribs, Where the stomach is located inside - in the center of the body. Slightly to the left is the spleen, and to the right is the liver.

By the nature of the manifestation of pain in the area of ​​the solar plexus (in epigastric region) can be sharp, painful, sharp, strong, or, on the contrary, dull, rare, aching. In some cases, the pain is paroxysmal in nature. Sometimes it happens from time to time. But in any case, this condition causes discomfort to the patient.

Why does the solar plexus hurt? There are a lot of reasons: it can be neuralgia, problems with the organs of the abdominal cavity or urinary system, overwork, chronic stress, physical overstrain, solaritis, chronic pancreatitis.

Excessive exercise

Physical education and sports are good for health. But with excessive zeal during weightlifting, pain can develop. Powerlifting and working with serious weights is a rather traumatic activity. Beginners often perform barbell exercises without proper technique and without the supervision of an experienced trainer, which leads to many health problems.

Pain in the solar plexus after exercise is also not uncommon. For example, if you carry heavy building materials from place to place for several hours or unload bulky goods, you should not be surprised at the appearance of pain in the solar plexus. What is it and how to deal with it in this case?

The first rule for the treatment of pain in the epigastric region after physical work and lifting weights - complete rest. Required bed rest for two to three days, so that the body recovers from overwork. If you do not follow this rule and continue to process, complications are possible (development of a hernia, in women - prolapse of the uterus, inflammation of the nerves of the solar plexus).

Injuries directly to the plexus itself

Physical lesions of the solar plexus area are accompanied by a characteristic pain symptom. The pain is sharp, sharp, excruciating. Often, after an injury, the patient cannot unbend and stand up straight - the pain is so severe.

Most common the following reasons leading to injury:

  • A blow with a fist or a blunt object to the abdomen. Often occurs in boxers, karatekas, in street fights and brawls. It is necessary to contact a traumatologist for examination - internal organs may be damaged.
  • When playing sports - hitting the ball, flying at high speed, in the epigastric region.
  • Too much tightening of the seat belt or wearing of corsets by women.

Character pain with physical trauma to the solar plexus - burning, sharp, sharp. You should not suppress the pain with analgesics and anesthetics - it is better to see a traumatologist and make sure that there is no damage to the internal organs. First aid for similar conditions: try to lay the injured person on his side, wait for the arrival and advice on treatment from the ambulance doctors. Do not eat or drink water until the patient has been examined by a traumatologist.

Neuritis and neuralgia

With neuritis, patients often experience pain in the solar plexus. What is this disease and can it be treated? This is an inflammatory process in the nerve endings of the solar plexus. Neuritis occurs both in people who lead a predominantly passive lifestyle, and in patients who constantly expose their body to excessive physical exertion. Also, neuritis can provoke chronic diseases abdominal organs, abdominal surgery, taking certain medications.

If the cause of the malaise is neuritis, then the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • paroxysmal sharp pain in the stomach and solar plexus;
  • the pain is concentrated between the navel and the sternum, may radiate to the lower back or lower abdomen;
  • hot flashes and a feeling of heat, fever, tremor often develop in parallel;
  • The pain is often aggravated by physical exertion and stress.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the epigastric region, provoked by neuritis, is handled by a neuropathologist.

By the nature of the pain, it resembles neuritis. Only an experienced neuropathologist can distinguish between these two conditions by a combination of factors associated with neuralgic diseases.

Solarite is a common cause of pain in the epigastric region

Solaritis is a disease in which an acute inflammatory process develops in the solar plexus. Pain radiating to the lower back, lower abdomen and back - characteristic symptom solarite. The nature of discomfort is always painful. The pain is sharp, boring, burning. Most patients are forced to resort to the help of strong anesthetic drugs - but this approach to therapy does not affect the cause of the disease, and the pain returns.

Solarite can provoke following states:

In the absence of solarite treatment, the pain will intensify and eventually develop severe pathologies nervous system. Treatment requires a course of physiotherapy, nootropics, exercise therapy, refusal to bad habits and lifestyle changes.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines

Pain in the stomach and in the solar plexus area is often triggered by the following problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

Pain in the solar plexus, provoked by an inflammatory process in the pancreas

It is worth noting separately the pancreas as the cause of pain in the epigastric region. Most often this occurs in chronic pancreatitis. This is an inflammation of the gland, which leads to discomfort, pain and problems with digestion of food. With such a disease, acute pain under the solar plexus and with right side hypochondria. Many patients confuse this with unpleasant sensations in liver diseases. An experienced gastroenterologist can distinguish one condition from another. Usually, pain in liver problems is located clearly on the right side of the body, while pancreatitis is characterized by discomfort in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

Attacks of pain most often overtake the patient after copious receptions fatty foods and alcohol abuse. At proper nutrition and abstinence from alcohol, the pain completely disappears. Gastroenterologists will confirm that diet and healthy lifestyle life - best therapy with chronic pancreatitis.

Where can pain be deployed and what does it say

Patients complain that the pain occurs just above, below, to the right or to the left of the solar plexus. It rarely happens that an unpleasant sensation is deployed right in the center.

  • Pain in the solar plexus, radiating to the back, occurs with pyelonephritis, discharge of sand and stones from the kidneys, in rare cases- with duodenitis.
  • Pain in the upper part of the epigastric region extends into lower divisions chest, under the ribs. Most often, the cause of this condition is the pathology of the esophagus and diaphragm, heart disease.
  • If pain sensations are located at the bottom of the solar plexus, closer to the navel, then, most likely, the matter is in inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system. Also sharp pain can cause proctitis, colitis, appendicitis (in this case, the pain can be located a little lower and to the left of the area solar plexus).

Which doctor can help and prescribe treatment?

It will not be possible to independently conduct a competent diagnosis of the cause of pain in the abdomen and in the solar plexus. Too many diseases can cause this problem.

The first step is to contact a therapist and describe your condition (where the solar plexus hurts and the nature of the discomfort). The doctor prescribes biochemical and general analyzes blood. Also, most often he writes out a referral for EHD, ultrasound. It will be useful to bacteriological research feces and urine, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, if necessary - radiography of the stomach, esophagus, spleen, pancreas.

After receiving the results of these studies, you can more accurately talk about the causes of pain in the epigastric region. After that, the patient receives a referral for a consultation with a gastroenterologist (if problems with the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen) or a neuropathologist (if the pain has psychosomatic or neurological causes) has been identified.

Treatment is not only medication: you should give up bad habits, reduce the intensity of physical activity, get enough sleep. When diagnosing duodenitis, ulcers, neoplasms, gastritis, pancreatitis, a long and serious treatment, which includes a complete change in the lifestyle and habits of the patient.

Folk methods of dealing with pain in the epigastric region

Some patients avoid visiting a doctor due to distrust or lack of time. You can try to stop the pain in the solar plexus with the following simple tips traditional medicine:

  • yarrow infusion (a teaspoon of chopped dry herb in a glass of boiling water) effectively removes inflammatory processes in the body and has a slight analgesic effect;
  • hot tub within ten to twenty minutes has a muscle relaxant and sedative effect, this will help relieve pain in the epigastric region;
  • you should stop eating fatty high-calorie foods and give preference to vegetables, fruits, rice and buckwheat dishes, vegetable broths.
  • honey and bee products - a teaspoon on an empty stomach daily (honey is famous for its anti-inflammatory and mild anesthetic properties).

Doctors' advice: how to prevent pain in the solar plexus?

Neurologists recommend adjusting sleep patterns, overworking less and resting more. Chronic overwork and serious physical exertion become a catalyst for the development of neuritis and solaritis (and this is one of the common causes of neurological pain in the epigastric region).

Gastroenterologists recommend to stop using alcoholic beverages that stimulate the development chronic pancreatitis, problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on all organs gastrointestinal tract: Do not underestimate its effect. Doctors also recommend improving nutrition: refuse to eat fatty high-calorie foods, fast food, fried and flour dishes and give preference to vegetables, fruits, rice and buckwheat dishes, vegetable broths.

Immunologists prescribe almost all of their drugs the following means in therapy pain syndrome in the epigastric region:

  • echinacea tinctures;
  • drugs, basic active component which is an extract from the ginseng root;
  • immunomodulatory drugs, the action of which increases the body's resistance to infections and inflammatory processes.

For some diseases that provoke pain in the solar plexus, the therapist may prescribe antibacterial drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes, infusions medicinal herbs, immunomodulators.

Solar plexus reactive pain occurs more often due to a disease of one organ or entire systems to which tissues from the plexus are suitable

Pain in the solar plexus is a serious symptom of many problems. It may indicate diseases of the internal organs, nerves. The solar plexus itself is located in the upper part of the peritoneal region. This is one of the largest collections nerve fibers that is outside the nervous system. The plexus consists of the celiac and mesenteric nodes, a large number nerves that spread in different directions.

Why does it hurt in the solar plexus?

Causes of pain in the solar plexus are divided into several groups. Under the influence of bacteria or viruses, nerve fibers are damaged. Prerequisite pain it can also be trauma. Reactive pain occurs more often due to the disease of one organ or entire systems, to which tissues from the plexus are suitable. In the first case, the work of the organs is disrupted, in the second, doctors talk about organ pathology.

The cause of pain in the solar plexus can be excessive exercise. In this case, it has a sharp stabbing character. Occurs when doing wrong exercise when performing heavy work.

The greatest discomfort occurs with injuries. When hit, it feels like there is not enough air, it is very difficult to inhale or exhale. This cause of pain is common:

  • at the boxers
  • ball game lovers
  • people who strongly squeezed the stomach with a belt.

The nature of the pain differs in its intensity. It is mainly localized between the navel and lower ribs.

Pain in the area of ​​the solar plexus also occurs with various neuralgia. It feels like the place has been squeezed in a vise. Any movement causes pain. This can lead to injuries, diseases of the nervous system. If the solar plexus hurts, neuritis may also be the cause. It inflames the nerve endings. Then the discomfort arises regardless of external influences and time of day. It increases with movement, gives to the abdominal cavity, back.

Many are interested in if the solar plexus hurts, what could it be? The reason is:

What diseases are characterized by pain in the solar plexus?

Pain in the solar plexus can be caused by intestinal infections. Then they are sharp and sharp, sometimes intense, but short-lived. There is a need for frequent visits to the toilet, liquid stool may be supplemented with mucus. Sometimes pain in the abdomen in the area of ​​the solar plexus appears after peritonitis. it surgical disease at which neuritis is formed. It has been proven that massive helminthic infestations or tumors.

Pain in the solar plexus area may vary in its localization:

Pain in the solar plexus in women and men

Pain in the solar plexus in women may be associated with diseases of the reproductive system. In this situation, discomfort and discomfort are localized just below the plexus. Additionally, vaginal discharge appears, the cycle is disturbed, menstruation becomes plentiful or scarce. Such pain in the solar plexus is not associated with eating. Women are more prone to neuritis and neuralgia, hormonal changes.

Pain in the solar plexus in men may appear due to bowel prolapse. Additionally, there are bouts of nausea, the person quickly gets tired. The need for frequent urination develops.

Diagnosis and treatment

If there is pain in the solar plexus, you should consult a therapist. Depending on the accompanying signs he will refer you to a specialist or diagnostic procedures. Appointed:

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  2. CT and MRI.
  3. X-ray, if necessary with the introduction of a contrast agent.
  4. Laparoscopy if it is not possible to identify the cause of pain in the solar plexus area.
  5. Laboratory tests.
  6. bacteriological research.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the results obtained during the study. If the symptoms are pronounced, antispasmodics and painkillers are prescribed. With the spread of pain throughout the abdominal cavity, it is better to first call an ambulance. Medications will lead to "lubrication" of symptoms, so it will be more difficult for the doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis or see severe surgical pathology.

This is the aggregate nerve elements, which are located outside the nervous system and form almost the largest node in human body. It includes the celiac nodes and the mesenteric, from which, like the rays of the sun, the nerves diverge. With their help, the organs and systems of the body are connected with the central nervous system. And this is very important factor. Therefore, if there is pain in the solar plexus, this may indicate serious health problems.

In principle, it is not the pain itself that hurts. The fact is that pains in the solar plexus are of a reflected nature and often indicate malfunctions in other systems and organs. In fact, such a problem almost always indicates that human health is in some danger. However, in some cases, this happens because the body has received severe poisoning, and it will be difficult to do without the help of a gastroenterologist. Therefore, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. In some cases, such pain can be caused by excessive physical exertion and usually disappear after a few days, and the situation returns to normal.

I must say that very often irritation in the solar plexus can occur in those people who move little, prefer sedentary image life. Although, in some cases, too much can lead to such problems. active image life - an immense passion for physical activity. Very often, when such pains appear, a person tries to take a position in which it is easier for him. That is, he begins to pull his legs up to his stomach or simply bend at the waist. Be that as it may, but all these symptoms cannot be left unattended, it is recommended not to postpone a visit to the doctors.

If it hurts in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus not for these “household” reasons, then inflammatory processes in the genital organs (in women), prolapse of some organs, formation of postoperative adhesions, heart failure and intercostal neuralgia.

As a rule, in almost all of the above cases, the pain is burning in nature, and its duration can be 2-7 hours. Sometimes the pain can also be in the form of seizures. Its focus, as a rule, is located slightly above the navel. Although, in some cases, the pain radiates to the stomach or back. Very often, there may be violations of the sensitivity of some organs or skin in certain places. Sometimes to similar symptoms lead and and this can already serve as the beginning of neuralgia of a traumatic nature. In such cases, when a person has an attack, a dull pain begins in the heart.

Be that as it may, but if there are pressing pains in the area of ​​the solar plexus, or a person experiences severe swelling stomach and a feeling of heaviness, or it begins to seem to him that the body is on fire from the inside - this also indicates that the body needs help.

If the pain in the solar plexus is treated on its own, without consulting a doctor, this can lead to the occurrence of solaritis, that is, a disease of the solar node. In this case, the pain is sharp and boring, although it is not continuous and often has the character of seizures.

Solarite is dangerous because if it goes into a neglected form, it can lead to damage to the nervous system. Patients with this diagnosis are prescribed therapeutic massages, balneotherapy and physiotherapy.

If there is pain in the solar plexus area, it is recommended to carry out light massage corresponding zones in the back area. However, it should be done only if there is no sharp pain or numbness. In addition, sessions are carried out only with reduced muscle tone, their duration should not exceed 20 minutes.

An area the size of a human fist, located in the middle between the end of the sternum and the navel, along the midline of the abdomen, is a projection of the largest cluster of nerves in our body - the solar plexus.

Pain in the region of the solar (celiac, splanchnic) plexus is a serious symptom. It can indicate both diseases of the abdominal organs, to which the plexus transmits commands from the brain, and inflammation of the cluster of nerves itself. Last state not at all safe: it "knows how" to reflexively stop a person's breathing.

Anatomy and Physiology

The abdominal cavity begins immediately below the costal arches. It is separated from the chest by a large diaphragm muscle stretched between the ribs like a tent, the task of which is to ensure human breathing. The diaphragm has a hole. Through it from the chest cavity passes the most major artery- aorta. Behind her at the level of the first lumbar vertebra there is a whole network of nerves originating from several nerve nodes.

The main ones are the two semilunar ganglia (the so-called ganglions, representing the place where, covered with a sheath, the connection of nerve endings occurs). From them, like the rays of the sun, the nerves diverge to all the organs of the abdominal cavity, as well as to the diaphragm, adrenal glands and ovaries. Most of them are represented by parasympathetic fibers (there are also sympathetic and sensory nerves). Appearance this " abdominal brain and determined its name.

Pain in the solar plexus dangerous symptom: it may indicate the pathology of its constituent nerve fibers. Such a violation of the conduction of impulses is fraught with "shutdown" or "interruptions in work" of those internal organs that receive commands from the celiac plexus. The most dangerous if the branches leading to the diaphragm are affected - they can "turn off" breathing, which will require emergency assistance. Therefore, all you can do is to urgently seek medical help if you experience pain in the pit of your stomach.

Causes of pain syndrome

The main causes of pain in the solar plexus can be divided into 2 groups:

  • The defeat of the nerve fibers themselves during their injury, bacterial or viral inflammation.
  • Reactive pain due to disease of one of the abdominal organs, to which sensory fibers from the splanchnic plexus approach.

In the first type of pathologies, the work of one or more organs of the cavity may be disrupted, in the second case, pain in the plexus will be the result of organ pathology. To determine what was primary and what developed as a result, only specialists with medical education. Below we will consider the main symptoms in order to more quickly orient you in the consultation of which doctor you need.

Defeat of the most celiac plexus

These are: trauma to the solar plexus, solaritis (neuritis) and neuralgia of the solar plexus.

Injury Neuralgia Solarite

What is the basis of the disease

Short-term but strong stimulation

Irritation of sensitive, but not autonomic plexus fibers. The structure of the nerves is practically not damaged This is damage to the fibers of the plexus by an infectious agent (inflammation)

The reasons

Punch, ball in the stomach, collision with a car, strong belt tightening

Compression of the plexus by lowered internal organs, expansion (aneurysm) of the aorta, pancreatic cyst, enlarged lymph nodes due to metastases or lymphogranulomatosis, strong protrusion of the spine forward Inflammation of the plexus as a result of an infectious process:
  • malaria;
  • typhus;
  • syphilis;
  • flu, etc.

Reactive inflammation of the plexus, which occurs as a result of being near inflamed organs: the pancreas, peritoneum, cellular tissue surrounding the stomach or pancreas.

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, intervertebral hernia.

Poisoning by poisons coming from outside (nicotine, lead, alcohol), or formed as a result of illness


The pain is sharp, shooting, makes you bend over while sitting and bring your legs to your stomach. Appears in fits. Its localization is in the middle between the navel and xiphoid process sternum. This is pain that radiates to the back. If the attack has just passed, it can be provoked physical activity or emotional stress

Except acute pain drilling character "in the pit of the stomach", there is a feeling of heat in this area (while the body temperature does not rise).

Sharp pain radiates to chest cavity, lower back, rectum. It decreases when the legs are bent and brought to the stomach, and taking drugs like "" or "Buscopan" does not affect it.

The activity of the internal organs is disturbed, which is accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, belching, an increase in the amount of urine or a violation in the sexual sphere. There may be involuntary short-term breath holdings

What to do

Call " ambulance”, take a position lying on your side, with a raised head end, apply any dry cold to the lower part of the sternum

Visit a therapist who will help determine the further diagnosis (that is, a visit related specialists and passing tests) and treatment. When holding your breath, call an ambulance.

Pain in the solar plexus as a sign of a disease of the internal organs

The fact that it is not the solar plexus itself that is affected, but pain radiates here from the internal organs altered by the pathology, is evidenced by such signs as: the connection of the pain syndrome with food, urination, a change in the nature of feces, and so on.

main symptom What is it, additional signs How to check
Pain after eating

Stomach ulcer

Nausea, belching, occasionally - vomiting, bloating. It becomes easier after taking milk or warming the sore spot

Go to a gastroenterologist who, based on the examination data, such studies as FEGDS (examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with a fiber optic probe) and fecal analysis for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori, will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment
Pain before eating, after a long period of fasting, at night

Duodenitis or

Heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite (but you have to eat to calm the pain). Pain is also relieved by taking alkaline drinks type "Borjomi" or "Polyana kvass"

The gastroenterologist makes a diagnosis on the basis of examination, probing the area of ​​pain. It is possible to distinguish an ulcer from inflammation of the wall only with the help of FEGDS, and to detect the cause of the disease - the bacterium Helicobacter - only with the help of a fecal test for antibodies to it
Pain when pressing on the area between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum

Most often - inflammation of the duodenum, but there may be gastroduodenitis, and peptic ulcer

Nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach even when taking a small amount of food, heartburn, liquefaction of feces to mushy, with a sour smell

The diagnosis is made by a gastroenterologist after a conversation, palpation of the localization of pain, focusing on the data of FEGDS, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
Diffuse severe pain in the upper abdomen, encircling, radiating to the lower back

Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas

Vomiting, nausea, bloating, lack of appetite, diarrhea with feces that are poorly washed from the toilet, fever. Pain often appears when taking spicy, fatty foods, especially washed down with alcohol.

The diagnosis is made either by a surgeon or a gastroenterologist. They are guided by the data of their own examination, ultrasound of the pancreas. FEGDS is needed to exclude ulcerative processes
Aching pain above the navel

Tumors of the pancreas

Constant low temperature, lack of appetite, tendency to diarrhea without special violation diets (while feces are fatty), bloating, nausea

Dull pain above the solar plexus

Heart disease

If it arose after physical exertion, suffered a severe flu or tonsillitis, is accompanied by interruptions in the work of the heart, weakness, and it becomes easier at rest, this indicates a pathology of the heart muscle

The diagnosis and examination plan are prescribed by a cardiologist. Reference points for it can serve as ECG data, ultrasound of the heart, daily monitoring cardiogram, blood test for troponins
Pressing pain accompanied by diarrhea, after which it becomes easier

Bowel disease

If it is marked fever, in the feces there is mucus, greens, lumps, there is a possibility of infectious enterocolitis. But similar symptoms are observed in Crohn's disease, and in ulcerative enterocolitis.

The child most often has intestinal infection or poisoning (foodborne illness)

First, an examination by an infectious disease specialist (in infectious diseases hospital or KIZ polyclinic). A gastroenterologist and, in the presence of complications, a surgeon take part in further diagnostics.
Dull pain, the intensity of which increases over time. No relationship with food

Tumors of the abdominal organs

Weight loss, periods of bloating, persistently reduced appetite, weakness, constipation followed by diarrhea without fever

You need an examination by a therapist who will refer you to a gastroenterologist or oncologist. Diagnosis is based on physical examination, CT CT scan) of the abdominal cavity, x-ray examination of the intestine with contrast, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
Pain when inhaling

Intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy

With intercostal neuralgia, pain can occur in the area above the navel, it is not very intense, then it goes to the ribs, becoming stronger.

Pleurisy is a disease that appears as a result of a lung injury caused by a bacterial, viral, tuberculous or cancerous process. With it there is weakness, cough, often - fever

Examination by a therapist, X-ray (sometimes - and computed tomography) of the chest
Pain in women, not associated with eating or diarrhea

Diseases of the genital organs (such pain is often localized below the solar plexus)

Vaginal discharge, difficulty getting pregnant, cycle irregularities, heavy or scanty periods

The treatment and examination plan is prescribed by the gynecologist
Dull abdominal pain

Bowel prolapse

Bouts of nausea fast fatiguability. For men - frequent urination women have painful menstruation

The diagnosis is made by a gastroenterologist

Dependence of the diagnosis on the localization of pain

Approximately orient in the search for the disease will help localization of the pain syndrome.

Localization of pain - to the left of the plexus

Pain to the left of the solar plexus can occur with one of these pathologies:

  • stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
  • tumors of the stomach or duodenum 12;
  • omission of the left kidney;
  • left;

Pain - to the right of the plexus

If the pain syndrome is located to the right of the midline connecting the sternum and navel, this may speak in favor of:

  • hepatitis A;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • right-sided intercostal neuralgia;
  • liver tumors;
  • inflammation, tumors or burns of the lower esophagus;
  • pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis or stone - in the left kidney.

Soreness - below the solar plexus

Pain under the solar plexus is characteristic of diseases:

  • Genital organs (mainly in women): fallopian tubes, ovaries.
  • Bladder, ureters (more often such irradiation is typical for men).
  • Large intestine (colitis, sigmoiditis,)

The painful area is located above the solar plexus

Pain above the plexus is typical for:

  • Diseases of the esophagus(esophagitis, tumors, erosions, burns). Additional symptom in this case, there will be pain when swallowing, located behind the sternum. There will also be belching and nausea.
  • Pathologies of the pleura(, empyema). They develop as complications of pneumonia or. In their favor is evidenced by the connection with the breath.
  • Pneumonia (usually lower lobe). Usually this pathology occurs with fever, muscle pain. If she has not been treated for some time, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air develop.
  • Diseases of the heart. Here the pain is associated with excitement or exercise, relieved by taking nitroglycerin or with long-term use drugs such as Anaprilin, Atenolol, Nebivolol. If the pain is severe, occurred after several years of attacks, removed by nitroglycerin, it may be a myocardial infarction.
  • Diaphragm diseases(most often - diaphragmatic hernia when the abdominal organs enter the chest cavity). In this case, there may be heart rhythm disturbances, difficulty breathing - after eating, especially if the person then took a horizontal position.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. With this pathology, in the affected intercostal space, it is sometimes possible to detect a bubble rash of herpes zoster or to feel the strangulated vertebra with pressure on each individually. Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia will be the appearance of pain above the solar plexus on the right or left, which radiates to the left or right hand(respectively). hurt to do deep breath or cough. The temperature rarely rises; symptoms of intoxication (nausea, weakness, muscle or bone pain), which distinguishes this pathology from pleurisy.

What to do with pain in the solar plexus

If a pain syndrome occurs, which, in your opinion, is similar to solaritis or solar plexus neuralgia, a neuropathologist is urgently needed to help restore the normal conduction of the plexus nerves. If the pain is more accompanied by diarrhea, fever, passing urine with blood or other symptoms, you need to visit a therapist who will refer you to the right specialists and appoint the necessary studies.

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