Which teeth are replaced by molars. Changing milk teeth in children to permanent ones: timing and scheme. What not to do after a temporary tooth fell out

In the process of formation and the beginning of the growth of permanent, molars in children, weak, practically absent milk roots begin to gradually dissolve - this is why milk teeth fall out. As a result, loosening of the top occurs, followed by loss. The teeth change in the same order as they appear.

Change of milk teeth in children to permanent ones

It is not entirely clear to many parents which teeth do not change in children, so it is necessary to study the information about this in order to protect the permanent ones from the development of caries, to properly care for them. There is some regularity of their change:

  • In girls, the process of prolapse, eruption occurs earlier than in boys.
  • Each root has its own duration of resorption.
  • Abnormalities due to exposure to rickets.
  • Duration breastfeeding influences the deviation from the norm.
  • The presence of hereditary factors leading to deviations.

The change of teeth is a natural stage of growing up, which is accompanied by slight discomfort. Some mothers may start to panic if the order is violated. Nothing wrong with that. The order of appearance of indigenous people can be individual. They change up to 12-13 years, with an error of about a year, which is not important. It is important to maintain hygiene, clean them thoroughly and properly.

What teeth change in children

At 2.5 years old, almost all children become owners of the last dairy, in total there should be 20 of them. It happens that parents notice that there are fewer teeth, but this is not a reason to worry, because the absence of a rudiment of a milk growth is not a guarantee of the subsequent absence of a root one. Such deviations appear due to injuries, hereditary factors, rickets. The doctor will help determine the reasons, but not earlier than at 12-15 months of the baby.

When do baby teeth start to fall out? Drop out more often in pairs, starting from the bottom row. The age of the beginning of the shift is individual, from 4 to 6 years. An earlier loss should alert, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is important to take care of dairy carefully: children need to be shown and explained from the very beginning. early age how to clean correctly, for what. The time of appearance of the indigenous is affected not only by the sex of the child, but by the duration of breastfeeding, the presence chronic diseases etc.

How many milk teeth fall out

The pattern of loss of milk teeth in children and the timing of eruption may be different, but the number of changing ones is the same. Most children do not experience discomfort in the process of losing old ones and teething new ones. The prolapse is accompanied by the appearance of blood on the gums, it lasts no more than 5 minutes and is considered the norm. 20 pieces should fall out in a certain sequence:

  • incisors central and lateral - 8 pcs.;
  • fangs - 4 pcs.;
  • molars anterior and posterior - 8 pcs.

At what age

Each child's tooth changes at a certain age, since the dissolution of the roots is different in duration. The earliest are the front incisors, but the process is different. The lower ones fall out more often, but it happens that the upper ones, the pattern of loss of milk teeth in children may vary. There is a pattern: as the teeth appeared, so they will change. At the age of 6, the incisors should fall out and begin to erupt: first the front, then the lateral.

Many are interested in the pattern of tooth loss and they want to know when the fangs change in children. The answer will be that in different time, but later than the first molars, which begin to change at the age of 9. Fangs change by 10-11 years, not earlier. At the very end, the second molars change, this happens closer to 13 years. It happens that the molars behind them have already grown, and the change of molars and canines has not yet begun.

By about the age of five, the baby's teeth begin to gradually move apart. So the maxillofacial apparatus is prepared for their change. If the gaps between the teeth do not increase, be sure to show the child to a specialist, because due to lack of space, they may begin to grow incorrectly.

Why do baby teeth fall out?

When does milk teeth change into permanent teeth?

Before the appearance of molars, an interesting physiological process: the roots of milk teeth dissolve on their own, which is why they begin to stagger and fall out. The rudiments of the molars are located between the roots of the milk teeth, which is why the process of resorption begins from the place where the root is adjacent to the rudiment of the permanent tooth.

The process of resorption begins at the top of the root, gradually moving towards its base. The moment it approaches the neck, it falls out.

The baby grows 20 milk teeth. An adult in the mouth can have from 28 to 32. Dairy ones, without exception, fall out. By the age of 14, the child should be completely replaced by indigenous ones.

Shift order

Simultaneously with the loss of milk teeth, molars erupt. These two processes are closely related. They appear in the same order in which they fall out: first the incisors change, followed by the first and second premolars, and then the turn comes to the canines.

  1. The first molars grow long before the change of teeth, they immediately grow permanent.
  2. The second molars grow in places that appear during the growth of the jaw.
  3. The third molars (they are also called "wisdom" teeth) do not grow at all in many people, or they erupt quite problematically.

When do baby teeth fall out? They begin to loosen by the age of five.

Approximate drop order:

Several factors can influence the order in which the shift will take place:

  1. duration of breastfeeding.
  2. Baby genotype.
  3. Infectious diseases carried by the baby.
  4. The course of pregnancy of the mother, the diseases she has suffered.

Dates (approximate) appearance permanent teeth are set out in the table:

Each baby falls out differently: someone later, someone earlier. Falling out in the interval of 4-8 years is the norm. The order itself is important here.

In pediatric dentistry, there is the concept of "spatial balance". It is the milk teeth that determine the place where the permanent ones will be located. In addition, milk teeth affect the spatial arrangement of molars in oral cavity.

What happens if baby teeth fall out early

In the photo, the age of the appearance of teeth


The reasons for early loss can be very different:

  1. Abnormally deep bite.
  2. Injuries.
  3. pressure from adjacent teeth.
  4. Tumors.
  5. Forced tooth extraction.

Early prolapse disrupts the spatial balance in the oral cavity: adjacent teeth gradually begin to move, taking up free space. Therefore, it becomes difficult for permanents to appear normally, and they may grow unevenly.

If this happens, the help of an orthodontist is needed, who will install a special “space holder” in the baby’s mouth. This device allows you to hold a place for a permanent tooth.

Reasons for late eruption

The change directly depends on the timing of their appearance in the child. The delay can be caused by a number of factors:

  1. Rickets.
  2. Chronic infectious diseases.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Chronic dyspepsia.
  5. Phenylketonuria.

Important : if by the age of 8 the child's milk teeth have not begun to fall out and stagger, it is necessary to consult a specialist. This may indicate that the rudiments of the teeth have not formed or have died.

How long is the fallout period? From the moment the first falls to the time when the last fall out, it usually takes from 5 to 8 years. The timing depends on several factors:

  1. genetic predisposition.
  2. The quality of the water that the baby drinks.
  3. Baby diet.

What problems might arise?

Another visual pattern of teething

The change of milk teeth is a normal physiological process that usually goes well, but sometimes some problems may arise:

  1. Discomfort and pain.
  2. "Shark" teeth.

During the resorption of the roots of the milk teeth, they are pushed out by the permanent ones, as a result of which the milk ones fall out. Rarely, but it happens that this process fails: a permanent tooth grows even before the milk falls out. Sometimes even a whole range of them can grow. They are also called “shark teeth”, because shark teeth grow in several rows.

Practice shows that "shark" teeth do not affect the condition of molars in the future. Dairy drops out, and the permanent one shifts over time, taking its place.

All parents go through a period when their baby's teeth change. It can hardly be called the most pleasant for moms and dads. This is mainly due to feelings for your child.

However, most children endure their shift without any problems. Many are even waiting for this event, discussing with friends, they always know which and who has dropped out, how much milk is left. Often this is influenced by stories about a tooth mouse or a fairy who must bring something in exchange for a lost tooth.

Despite this, adults should know many nuances, in particular, the timing and order of falling out, as well as the basic rules of hygiene and oral care in this, of course, important time. In addition, sometimes the deadlines are violated, so you need to know about the causes of this phenomenon.

Why is this happening?

Naturally, The reason for the loss of milk teeth is simple - it is necessary to make room for permanent teeth. with which a person will live for the rest of the time. However, the question naturally arises why this change is needed at all and why those who are called permanent do not immediately grow.

To answer it, you need to know a little anatomy and physiology. The fact is that by the time when the baby does not have enough milk alone and he begins to eat more solid food(and this happens quite early - from about six months to 9 months), the jaw is still very small. Gradually, it begins to grow, interdental spaces increase.

Under dairy, the rudiments of permanent ones begin to gradually form. When they become active and begin to grow, the roots of milk teeth dissolve and they gradually fall out.

Useful information

Before talking about the timing and order of loss, you need to talk a little about the milk teeth themselves. Since they have quite a few features, including when they fall out.

  • A complete set of them in a baby is 20 pieces - 5 on each side on both jaws.
  • Their names are as follows, starting from the center - the central and lateral incisor, canine, first and second molars. The order is the same for both the upper and lower jaws.
  • Despite the fact that constants are often called indigenous, this is not entirely true. After all, dairy plants have roots in the same way. Only they are shorter.
  • There are differences not only in the roots, but also in general in the structure. The temporary ones are shorter, bluish-white instead of yellowish like the permanent ones, and have enamel that is almost twice as thin.
  • Under them, from birth, the rudiments of permanent teeth begin to develop. When the time comes, they begin to grow slowly, which leads to the gradual resorption of the roots.
  • The smaller the root becomes, the more the crown begins to loosen, since there is simply nothing to hold it with.
  • One of essential functions temporary teeth, except, of course, direct, is signal. That is, they indicate to the constants in which place they should grow.
  • If, due to caries or trauma, one of them had to be removed much ahead of time, then the permanent one may not cut through correctly. It is also associated with root resorption. It is in this empty gap that a new one will begin to erupt.


If parents remember in what order the first teeth were cut, then it will not be a problem for them to determine the order in which they fell out. They are about the same. But in order to clearly imagine this, you need to talk in more detail about each of them in relation to the others.

The process of loss, as well as growth, occurs symmetrically. That is, at about the same time, identical teeth begin to loosen on both sides of the jaw. It should also be noted that sometimes the child may not experience loosening.

Then the fallout will still be in right order, but it will be sudden both for the child and for the parents.

Approximate scheme

To begin with, we will answer not the question “when”, but “in what order”:

  • The process in most cases starts from the bottom. After that, it is repeated on the upper jaw.
  1. Mandible - central incisors.
  2. Upper - central incisors.
  3. Then the lower lateral incisors.
  4. The upper incisors are lateral.
  • After the incisors fall out, the order of "liberation" of the jaws changes.
  1. Upper small (or first) molars.
  2. First molars from below.
  3. Upper fangs.
  4. Fangs from below.
  • The last stage occurs in the same way as the first - from the bottom up.
  1. Large (or second) lower molars.
  2. Upper large molars.

The process of changing

Sometimes moms and dads are interested in whether all the first teeth will change. It is difficult to answer it unambiguously. The answer will depend only on how you approach the problem.

First of all, it's a matter of wording. After all, the “firsts” are not always “dairy”. If you answer the question, will all dairy products fall out, then the answer is yes. All twenty pieces. However, there is another aspect that is almost never taken into account by worried parents.

Among mothers, fathers, grandparents, there is an almost universally widespread opinion that the change of teeth begins with loosening and loss of milk teeth. However, this is not entirely true. The fact is that by the age of four or five, the jaw grows quite strongly. Therefore, there is enough space on it for the growth of additional ones.

The number of permanent teeth is 32 pieces. Among them there are 4 wisdom teeth or third molars. If you do not count them, there are 28. Divide the "extra" eight by 4 (jaws and sides), we get 2 additional in each of their jaw quarters. They are called premolars, and they are not part of the dairy. Exactly with the growth of a pair of premolars and the replacement process begins.


Speaking of timing, it should be noted that can only give an approximate time. This happens because all the processes of development and growth in children depend on individual features organism. So, what time do milk teeth fall out?

The average age when the first milk teeth begin to loosen is about 5-6 years. However, even if the process begins at 4 years old or at 8 years old, you should not panic. After all, there can be quite a few reasons for accelerating this or, conversely, delaying it.

However, if at the age of four the baby came to you and said that his teeth were loose, it is better to take the time and go to an appointment with pediatric dentist. After all, the child could hit and damage the root, or caries began, which can also cause the loss of milk teeth.

These factors must be excluded. After all, too early loss of temporary teeth unnatural reasons can cause the constants to lose their original “landmark” and grow crookedly.

By the age of about 12-13 years, everything ends. In relation to the timing of the end of the process, you can apply the same rule as for the start. One or two years doesn't really matter.

Reasons for changing dates

If the delay is too long, then you can add not so harmless factors. For example, it can be various endocrine abnormalities and developmental disorders that have not been noticed by doctors before.

In addition, rickets or chronic infectious disease almost unrevealed.

Front change

As can be seen from exemplary scheme located above, it is the front temporary teeth that begin to stagger and fall out first. These include 8 pieces, four on each jaw.

These are, first of all, the central incisors, which will first fall out from below, and then from above. Age (again approximate) - 6-7 years. But they begin to gradually loosen on average after the fifth year of life, and this process lasts about two years. That is four central teeth should fall out in a year.

Next in line are the lateral incisors. As in the case of the central ones, the lower ones go first, then the upper ones. This happens at 7-8 years old. About 6 years old, the roots begin to dissolve, which leads to their loosening for up to 2 years.

Indigenous change

All the remaining 12 milk teeth can be conditionally called molars. They begin to change immediately after the front ones.

  • After the seventh year, they begin to stagger, and then by the age of eight or ten, the first molars fall out from above. They are located immediately behind the fangs.
  • Then comes the turn of the lower first molars. This happens almost simultaneously with the top. Loosening here is longer - for about 3 years.
  • Change after a year upper fangs at the age of nine or eleven.
  • They are followed by the lower fangs in the same period. As in the case of molars, canines become loose at about three years old, and this process begins after eight.
  • The second lower molars follow the loss of fangs - at 11-13 years.
  • The last teeth to fall out are usually the upper teeth, the second molars. It will also be around 11 or 13 years old.

What do we have to do?

When it drops baby tooth, don't worry too much. However, you need to know a few rules that are intended for both the children themselves and adults.

  • Refrain from eating for 2-3 hours.
  • Remove too aggressive dishes and foods from the child’s diet - sour, spicy, salty.
  • If the wound bleeds, close it with a small cotton swab for a few minutes.
  • You can not constantly touch the wound with your tongue and even more so with your hands. Thus, you can accidentally bring the infection.
  • If there is pain or itching, then you can use special gels, but it is better to consult a dentist.

The average is considered when the last milk tooth falls out by the age of fourteen. Therefore, the whole process of changing temporary to permanent ones can take about 10 years.

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Every parent goes through an unpleasant stage when baby teeth begin to fall out in children. A photo of a child with a toothless smile is a must in every family album. Of course, moms and dads are worried about their baby. And the children themselves take this calmly - they rejoice at such a change, show their friends in the yard what teeth are left, show off those that have fallen out. Often, representatives of the older generation, grandparents, come up with tempting stories for their grandchildren that some kind of magic fairy or bunny, instead of a fallen tooth, will bring them some kind of gift.

Despite such a positive attitude of children to tooth loss, it would be useful for their fathers and mothers to learn the nuances of an important process in the life of a child. How milk teeth appear in children, the loss pattern, timing, photos presented on the site will help you find the right tips, answers to exciting questions.

This is all natural and laid down by Mother Nature herself. Every person goes through this in their life. Most often, this process does not cause complications and problems. However, there are some specific difficulties:

  • an inflammatory process may develop;
  • erupting teeth may be crooked;
  • pain is possible.

Therefore, to such milestone parents and children must be prepared.

The main cause of prolapse is to free up the oral cavity for permanent dentition, which a person will have for the rest of his life.

Which milk teeth fall out first in children

Which milk teeth fall out first in children? Why don't constants grow immediately? Why are temporary ones needed? Quite natural questions.

The answers lie in physiological and anatomical features human organisms.

At the age of 6-7 months, it is not enough for a tiny little man to eat milk alone, the child is fed with more solid food. Teeth erupt, and the children's jaw at this time is still too small. Over time, the baby grows, his jaw becomes larger, and the teeth remain the same, so by the age of 6 large interdental spaces form.

By the age of 6-7 years, the time of eruption of permanent teeth comes. At the same time, the milk roots begin to dissolve, and the dental organs themselves stagger. There comes a time when weakened milk root no longer able to keep the tooth in the hole, and then it falls out. Thus, one after another, gradually the milk teeth make room for the permanent ones.

During this period, you need to properly organize the hygiene of the baby's oral cavity.

How teeth are laid

The laying of milk dental organs occurs very early, when the future baby is still in the mother's womb (somewhere at 4-6 weeks).

The formation of permanent begins from the first months of life. In order for the tooth organ and its enamel to develop correctly, children's body calcium is needed. Therefore, in daily ration child must be included right amount this mineral, especially if the baby is fed artificially.

The first teeth begin to appear in all babies in different ways, mainly from six months to a year. The order in which they appear is:

  1. Central incisors on the lower jaw.
  2. Central incisors on the upper jaw.
  3. Lateral upper incisors.
  4. Lateral lower incisors.
  5. Upper first molars.
  6. lower first molars.
  7. Fangs upper and lower.
  8. Lower second molars.
  9. Upper second molars.

You may have heard somewhere in dental office such dental formula- two incisors, two molars and a canine. These are the main five teeth that are on both jaws on the right and left. If you multiply five by two (right and left-hand side), then two more (upper and mandible), we get twenty. This is how many milk teeth should form in a baby by the age of three. There are no premolars in young children.

When baby teeth start to fall out photo of a child

If the time or order of the appearance of teeth is slightly disturbed, do not panic much, each organism is purely individual.

It is important to remember that the first teeth should appear in crumbs before the year. Now, if this did not happen, then there is cause for concern, we urgently need to show the baby to the dentist

Children's milk teeth are especially sensitive to such a lesion as caries. It is necessary to monitor this and, having found incomprehensible spots on the enamel dark color, you should take the child to dentistry to the pediatrician. If you do not pay due attention to this and miss the time, then a carious infection will subsequently entail the same damage to permanent teeth (after all, they are very close to the roots of milk teeth in the jaw).

Some useful information about baby teeth

Why do molars speak of permanent teeth, as if milk teeth have no roots at all. It is not right. Of course, milk teeth also have their roots, otherwise how would they hold on all this time, just dental milk roots are much shorter than permanent ones.

Milk teeth are smaller than permanent teeth. Their color is white with blueness, while the constants have a yellow tint. The layer of enamel in milk teeth is twice as thin.

Photo of a lost milk tooth

Temporary teeth perform the necessary signal function, they seem to show a place for permanent ones where they need to germinate.

If a milk tooth was removed ahead of time by a doctor, due to the development of caries or an injury, then an incorrect, curved eruption of the permanent one is possible.

How teeth change

How fast babies grow. It seems that they just took them from the hospital, and it's time to send them to the first class. It is during this period that the change of teeth begins. The sequence almost coincides with how temporary teeth erupted. The exception is the fangs, a little later they are replaced. Loss of milk teeth in children by age, the order of germination of new permanent ones - everything is detailed in the diagram below:

  1. Central lower incisors, lower and top first molars (from 6 to 7 years).
  2. Central upper incisors, lateral lower incisors (from 7 to 8 years).
  3. Lateral upper incisors (from 8 to 9 years).
  4. Canines lower (from 9 to 10 years).
  5. First premolars upper and lower, second premolars upper and lower (from 10 to 12 years).
  6. The canines are upper, the second premolars are lower (from 11 to 12 years).
  7. Lower second molars (from 11 to 13 years).
  8. The second molars are upper (from 12 to 13 years).
  9. Third molars upper and lower, called "wisdom teeth" (from 18 to 25 years).

When do baby teeth begin to fall out?

Parents need to know when, at what age the front milk teeth-fangs fall out in children, the first molar or lateral incisor; in this way, you can control how correctly this physiological process goes on in their baby. The entire replacement takes place in 6-7 years (except for the “wisdom teeth”, they grow in a person when he is already an adult), children do not experience any particular pain. There is no need to assist the baby in removing a loose tooth, it will fall out on its own.

If you find that the root tooth is already growing, and the temporary one has not yet fallen out, then you need to contact a pediatric dentist; Most likely, the doctor will prescribe the extraction of a delayed tooth.

What does the delay in the change of teeth mean?

We examined in detail when, at what age, milk teeth fall out in children. The scheme, which teeth will fall out faster, which will sit longer in their place, the timing - all this can be different for each child. Plus or minus one or two years is quite normal. There are several factors influencing the timing change. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with them:

  • gender of the child (in girls, the loss of milk teeth begins at the age of 6 years, in boys a little later);
  • infectious diseases that the child suffered at an early age;
  • genotype;
  • nutritional features;
  • how long the baby was breastfed;
  • drinking water quality;
  • negative factors that accompanied the mother's pregnancy (for example, toxicosis);
  • special climatic conditions place of residence;
  • deviations in the work of the endocrine system;
  • chronic infection, which until then did not make itself known;
  • rickets.

What does a baby tooth look like? The photo presented in the article clearly demonstrates that this dental crown with the remnants of the pulp, the root is no longer there, it has resolved.

After the tooth has fallen out, do not eat for 2-3 hours.

Loss of milk teeth in children

If at the same time the child is worried about itching or pain, you should seek help from a dentist. He, most likely, will prescribe the use of a special gel that relieves pain and discomfort.

During this period, mothers need to slightly revise the baby's daily diet, exclude salty, sour, spicy foods.

You can not touch the hole from the fallen tooth either with your tongue or with your hands. There may be an infection.

It is quite natural that the wound from a fallen tooth will bleed for some time. During this period, you can rinse your mouth with warm soda solution with the addition of a drop of iodine. Weak decoctions of chamomile, sage are well suited. All this will have a preventive effect on the wound in terms of its infection.

All parents look forward to having their children. Often this event is turned into a small holiday, as the child receives a gift from the "fairy" or "mouse".

Children prepared for the change of milk teeth expect this with no less curiosity. There is a certain sequence of loss of milk teeth and the timing of their replacement with molars. In order for the latter to stay healthy longer, it is important to adhere to proper hygiene and teach the child to take care of the oral cavity.

Correct order of tooth loss

The change of milk teeth begins at about six years of age and lasts up to twelve. Typically, by the age of fourteen, a child should have a full arsenal of 28 permanent teeth. There are only 20 milk teeth, all of which will be replaced by new, stronger ones. Below we will analyze in more detail which milk teeth change and when this happens. For ease of understanding, an illustrative table is presented on the right.

Scheme of loss of milk teeth

At the age of six or seven, the first teeth begin to loosen. As a rule, these are the central lower incisors. At seven or eight, the lateral incisors fall out. The age of 9-11 years is accompanied by loss of the first molars. Fangs begin to change at an average of 10-12 years. At the same time, the child should lose the second molars.

It is worth noting that the lower canines and molars change earlier than the upper ones. Since the upper fangs are among the last to grow when jaw row practically formed, often they do not have enough space, they grow unevenly, displace others, lie on top. It is because of the fangs that most orthodontic problems arise.

The initial stage of changing teeth may be accompanied, but in most cases it is painless and without the participation of a dentist. Many parents and children look forward to new teeth and become frightened if the molars do not come out immediately after the loss of milk teeth.

Incisors may be absent up to a year, the rest - up to one and a half to two years. it normal condition without any concern. If these periods are exceeded, it is recommended to consult a dentist. He will take a picture and find out the reason, which may be a lack of space in the row.

It is worth mentioning that the process of loss of the central incisors is often accompanied by the growth of the first molars. The second molars appear much later, at 11-13 years of age. Wisdom teeth complete the growth process, which can erupt at any age.

Oral care during the period of change of milk teeth

Of great importance when changing milk teeth is proper hygiene oral cavity. New teeth are not as strong as adult teeth because they have not yet fully formed the protective layer. This is the reason why it is important to brush your teeth twice a day. Children tend to avoid hygiene procedures, therefore, at first it is necessary to help them, teach them to use a brush, a spatula for the tongue. The use of dental floss and mouthwashes is encouraged.

Another necessary action before the approaching change of teeth is complete. Caries localized in milk teeth can also get to newly growing ones. As noted earlier, young molars have weak enamel, so they are prone to carious lesions.

In most cases, the process of tooth loss is painless, as the root gradually resolves, the tooth loses its stability and falls out. Since the gums are still loose during this period severe pain not observed during cutting. But in rare cases the child may complain about it.

It is necessary to monitor the eruption process and carry out antiseptic procedures. To anesthetize the gums and normalize the microflora, the same gels are used as during the eruption of the first teeth, for example, or Calgel.

Another important circumstance is tracking the correct formation of teeth in a row. At the slightest sign displacement of permanent teeth must be referred to. While the teeth are growing, you can influence the beauty of the future smile from the outside.

Since the enamel of permanent teeth is not sufficiently mineralized at first, you can contact your dentist. He will carry out the appropriate procedures and strengthen the protective layer. In addition to this, when changing teeth, the child should eat right, focusing on the following food groups:

  • dairy products rich in calcium;
  • fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits;
  • fish.

The replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones is not just a process expected by everyone, it is an important period in which the protective property of enamel is formed. From how much good nutrition in a child, whether oral hygiene is correct depends on what the teeth will be like in the future and whether a tendency to numerous dental problems will manifest itself.


Parents often have contentious issues regarding the change of milk teeth. Often this is caused by the presence of diseased teeth, which you want to replace with strong healthy ones as soon as possible. In this regard, we can briefly summarize important information relating to milk and molars.

Are all milk teeth replaced by molars (permanent)?

Yes all. The process of changing teeth is quite long, but they will be replaced by permanent ones. In addition, at least four more molars will be added to them. The entire process of tooth growth should be completed by the age of 12-14. The remaining four wisdom teeth may grow throughout life or not grow at all.

The photo shows the change of teeth in a child

How many baby teeth fall out in children?

Children lose 20 milk teeth: eight incisors, four canines and eight molars. They are significantly different from the permanent ones, as they are less bumpy. In addition, milk teeth have more broad roots, since they are a protective block for emerging constants.

Which teeth fall out first?

The first to fall out are the central incisors, while they can fall out both from above and below, more often the lower ones begin to fall out. Then - lateral incisors, canines and molars. The latter after the change are called premolars. In general, the pattern of tooth loss and growth is approximately the same as during the eruption of milk teeth.

The orthodontist will tell you about how teeth change in children in this video.

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