A young father in years. How to increase male fertility? Healthy lifestyle. Ways to Improve Male Fertility

Male fertility is the ability of a male to leave viable offspring. That is, fertility determines the ability to conceive a child who will be carried and born, and will not have deviations incompatible with life.

Fertility, on the one hand, is determined by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm, and, on the other hand, by the genetic material of a man.

Healthy men are considered fertile from the moment the first wet dreams appear until old age. The aging process does not affect spermatogenesis, so even men at a respectable age can become fathers.

Ejaculations occur throughout life, but the older a man gets, the worse the quality of sperm, so with age, the chances of conceiving offspring gradually decrease. The mobility and activity of spermatozoa decreases, and the number of spermatozoa with an irregular structure also increases. With age, the genetic material embedded in spermatozoa also deteriorates. Therefore, age is an important factor affecting not only the possibility of conception, but also the likelihood of having a child with genetic abnormalities.

There is a misconception that fertility depends solely on potency. In fact, sperm motility is the determining factor. For conception, the spermatozoon must have the correct appearance and structure, be active and move in a straight line. Therefore, the assessment of male fertility is often reduced to the assessment of sperm fertility.

Impaired fertility is usually spoken of if a healthy couple does not conceive during a sexual life without contraception during the year.

To accurately determine the cause of non-pregnancy, a laboratory study of semen should be performed. Spermogram is an accurate determination of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the ejaculate. According to its results, the specialist will determine the most effective way to increase male fertility.

Farris Fertility Index (FI)

According to the results of the Farris index proposed in the middle of the 20th century, it is possible to assess the ability of a man to fertilize in vivo. Sperm motility is one of the most important parameters for determining the likelihood of conception, and this type of study takes into account the number of normally and slowly moving spermatozoa and not moving at all.

The Farris Fertility Index is calculated using the following formula:

I=V*N*M/100, where

V is the total volume of ejaculate,

N - the number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate,

M is the percentage of motile spermatozoa.

A score of 200 or more is considered normal.

Important! In some laboratories, the resulting value of the Farris index is reduced by 10 times, that is, the result is 20 and above.

In addition, it should be noted that this criterion for assessing fertility is still used only in Russia and some CIS countries. In Western clinics, the Farris index is considered uninformative, and a more accurate indicator is often used - the morphological index.

Kruger Fertility Index (KFI)

In 1986, a new criterion for male fertility was proposed - the Kruger index, which evaluates the percentage of normal and pathological spermatozoa. This takes into account the correct morphological structure of spermatozoa - the size and diameter of the head, tail and other parameters. If the number of pathological forms of spermatozoa exceeds 70%, the prognosis for conception is unfavorable. In addition, the percentage of ideal spermatozoa is calculated. This figure must be above 4% in order for conception to occur.

What is meant by impaired and reduced fertility

A violation of male fertility is understood as a decrease in the ability to conceive offspring. Depending on the results of a complete examination of the body and the identified causes of fertility disorders, a temporary (reversible) and permanent (irreversible) decrease in fertility is distinguished.

A reversible change in the quantity or qualitative composition of the ejaculate is also called a decrease in fertility. In this case, after eliminating the identified negative factors, the chances of conceiving a child naturally increase significantly.

Possible causes of reduced fertility

Insufficient male fertility, manifested by a decrease in sperm motility and a simultaneous decrease in the number of their normal forms, can occur due to a variety of factors. The quality of spermatozoa responds to any changes in the state of the body.

The most common causes of fertility problems include:

  1. Diseases of the male reproductive system (,), as well as sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Frequent overheating of the male genital organs (for example, when visiting a sauna), wearing tight underwear.
  3. Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  4. Consequences of previous diseases (for example, mumps).
  5. Taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal).
  6. Unhealthy lifestyle (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking).
  7. Wrong diet.
  8. Excess weight.

Increase male fertility

In some cases, to increase male fertility, it is enough to make some lifestyle changes. Following these simple rules for several weeks greatly increases the chances of an early pregnancy.

An increase in male fertility occurs in the case of regular sexual activity at least 2 times a week.

It is necessary to completely abandon tobacco, alcohol, drug use. Many people think that avoiding alcohol does not apply to beer. However, beer contains phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones that can affect the quality of sperm.

An important factor is weight. You can not use low-calorie diets to reduce it. The increase in male fertility is achieved through a balanced, properly selected diet. The diet must necessarily include fruits, vegetables, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, dairy products. It is worth giving up fatty, fried foods, spicy marinades, smoked meats.

Take vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids that affect spermatogenesis.

To increase the ability to conceive, you need to get enough sleep and, if possible, avoid stress.

It is important to pay attention to the choice of underwear. It should be free, not restrict movement. It is worth giving preference to underwear made from natural fabrics, which eliminates overheating.

Physical exercises (exercise, jogging) have a positive effect on the male body, but heavy loads should be avoided. If a man likes to go on bike rides, it is better to temporarily refuse them. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to a decrease in sperm quality. If it is not possible to fundamentally change it, you need to take regular breaks to warm up.

A good result is given by regular muscle training in the male genital area. They help to eliminate congestion in the genitals and improve the quality of sperm. A set of exercises and the frequency of their implementation are selected by a specialist on an individual basis.

How are male fertility and diet related?

Many men, faced with problems with conception, are afraid of prescribing “heavy” hormonal drugs that can adversely affect their health. In fact, in many cases, the above measures, combined with specialized vitamin and mineral complexes, help to increase male fertility in many cases. The fact is that the cause of male infertility can be a lack of certain trace elements, amino acids or even vitamins in the body. For example, the rare consumption of fruits and vegetables leads to a lack of antioxidants and other beneficial substances. A group of scientists from Harvard University found that four out of five couples who cannot conceive a child have a lack of vitamins C and E.

Male fertility drugs should also contain L-carnitine and folic acid (vitamin B9) in fairly high concentrations, since these substances play a crucial role in spermatogenesis.

Research results show that taking a drug containing L-carnitine, zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitamin E by a man increases sperm motility by 86.3%, that is, it can significantly increase male fertility.

One of the most common desires among men is increase male fertility. The reasons for such a claim are quite numerous. One of the main reasons is the desire to have higher fertility rates and enhance the enjoyment of the entire orgasm.

Male Fertility Problems can be a difficult question. There are many things that go into how fertility functions such as male sperm counts, erection and testosterone. There are several ways that you can treat male infertility and there are even foods that increase sperm count.

This guide will help you increase your fertility.

male fertility

It's no good just to dream about it without taking some steps to increase male fertility. Today, great findings and discoveries that improve male sexuality are available to us. And we have a chance to enhance sexual pleasure with more potency and increase male fertility. The situation has been investigated by scientists too. Their analysis of the works of additional men help to cope with this problem.

Male Fertility Problems

It is important to understand that fertility is a complex issue and there are many problems that can affect male infertility. Low sperm volume for men is just one of the common fertility problems. Some men have less than normal sperm count and this can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant in some cases.

If you want to know which one you should first consult with a fertility doctor, because only qualified professionals and look at the main issues that may be affecting your overall sexual health.

Other male fertility problems may include the inability to get erection quality which is suitable for sexual intercourse. Men may also suffer from the so-called premature ejaculation which is an orgasm that happens fairly quickly when under normal circumstances it wouldn't happen so quickly.

These are just some of the other issues other than low sperm count that affect male infertility. Men may also suffer from low testosterone, which can also affect their fertility rate.

Sperm and male fertility

Before you understand how to increase sperm count, you must first understand how the number of sperm cells will affect your fertility. Before you deal with this issue you should consult your doctor so that you can get a clear idea of ​​what is causing your sperm problems and your other male fertility problems if you are experiencing any.

There are many treatment options out there that can be used to improve male fertility, including testosterone injections and other treatments.

Causes of Low Sperm

There are several problems that may cause low sperm count. Two of the most common causes include low sperm count, which is sperm that has a harder time swimming to the female egg. Another reason is abnormal morphology, which refers to the size and shape of the semen.

A doctor can diagnose these problems for you, there are many causes of low sperm aside from these two main causes.

  • When the swollen veins that drain the male testicles we get what is called a varicocele and this can also cause a decrease in sperm quality. This may be one of the main causes of male infertility.
  • If there is an infection, it can also affect sperm production and health.
  • Certain medications like antibiotics, steroids and cancer therapies can also cause changes in sperm production.
  • If a male is exposed to environmental factors such as industrial chemicals, heavy metals, radiation and X-rays to a large extent, this can also affect sperm quality and fertility.
There are home testing kits that can be used to test sperm, but it's usually a good idea to check with your doctor as there can be many factors that can cause low sperm count.

How to increase male fertility and increase sperm count?

There are several ways you can increase your sperm count and increase your fertility. Here are some of the common ways that sperm count can be increased.

D-Aspartic Acid Supplements

This is the type amino acids and forms of aspartic acid. You can get this as a supplement. We find D-AA in sperm cells, sperm and testicles.

It has been pointed out that men who are infertile have lower levels of d aspartic acid. Studies have shown that by taking this amino acid, testosterone and sperm counts can be raised.

Regular exercise

It s been shown that regular exercise can help increase testosterone level. If you are inactive you have less than normal sperm count and become active, you may be helped to increase your testosterone levels and this in turn will help raise your sperm count. One of the most beneficial exercises for boosting testosterone levels and increasing male fertility is lifting weights, although any exercise will do.

Vitamin C

Antioxidants such as vitamin C can help combat oxidative stress, which can reduce sperm count.

According to the results of the study "The effect of vitamin C on sperm quality parameters":

By taking a vitamin C supplement twice a day, you can increase sperm production as well as sperm and reduce how many deformed sperm you have.

Reduce stress levels

You have to work on reducing your stress levels because stress can reduce fertility, as well as sexual satisfaction. Some simple things you can do are our exercises, meditation, going for a walk and so on, which can improve your overall sex life and improve your sperm count.

Get More Vitamin D

One vitamin that has been shown to boost testosterone levels is vitamin D.

If you have less than normal vitamin D you should improve this by taking vitamin D, by taking vitamin D every day you should increase your sperm count over time and even better sperm count.

Get more zinc

Men who want increase their overall sexual health and to increase their sperm count should take zinc supplements.

If you want to know ways to naturally increase your sperm count and deal with fertility issues, there are foods that increase sperm count which can be used for this purpose.

Here are some foods you should eat on a regular basis to improve sperm quality.

  1. Seafood and shellfish

    Both shellfish such as shrimp, oysters and so on are high in zinc. Other seafood is also high in zinc. Males need high levels of zinc as it is one of their building blocks reproductive system and critical to overall fertility. Eating shellfish and seafood on a regular basis will help you maintain your zinc levels.
  2. whole grain

    Whole grain products are also ideal to increase sperm count because they contain folic acid, which is part of the B family of vitamins. This is required for proper sperm health and if you are low in folic acid you may have less normal sperm count as well as lower sperm density.
  3. Meat

    Vitamin B12 is essential for overall sperm health. It may improve sperm quality and motility and is found in meat products. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, it is important that you take vitamin B12 supplements because you need this vitamin for proper sperm health.
  4. citrus products

    You should eat citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and other foods that contain high levels of vitamin C such as strawberries, tomatoes, melons and peppers. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that plays key role in fertility. By getting more vitamin C, you will have better sperm, better sperm and improved morphology.
  5. Dairy

    Dairy products such as egg yolk, cheese, yogurt, milk, etc. contain high levels of vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D can affect the quality of your sperm. You can also get vitamin D by getting plenty of sunlight, but this is not possible during the winter months so try to get foods that include vitamin D or take vitamin D supplements.

How to prevent male fertility problems?

The following simple plan will help you prevent male fertility problems:
  • You must drink plenty of pure water every day.
  • With the proper amount of regular exercise, your body and overall health will benefit greatly.
  • Food should also be an issue in your daily life. Fast food or junk food will not help your body, choose delicious food instead.
  • Trying to regulate your smoking habit, which is bad for fertility, sperm count and libido in general.
  • It is also recommended to avoid drinking alcohol in large quantities.
  • Don't forget to have a good rest.
  • If you sleep enough every night, you will be full of energy and sex drive.
  • Enjoy a healthy and dynamic sex life. This will help you stay in good shape in every way.

male fertility pills

Doctors have been researching the problem for several years and now they are confident that the special natural give men a real chance to increase fertility in a safe and reliable way.

This effect is based on a clinically approved formula of high quality ingredients. Among other pleasant effects that these products give are better sexual response and performance, very intense and more orgasms, higher ejaculation and increased grip strength.

There are also other methods, however natural male fertility pills are really easy in order to start and the effect is clear, because they were designed to solve this problem.

These tablets are sometimes referred to as " Sperm volume pills because they can increase semen volume and create a whiter, stronger look for your semen. There is a large selection of such products in stores today. All these products can give an incredible effect and increase male fertility.

Benefits of Male Fertility Pill

It's a well known fact that a lot of women break up with partners if they don't give them satisfaction in se x. pleasure is as important as safety. Women love men who arouse them sexually and turn to them. They love men, mix their blood.

All this means that any woman in search of a man who can boast fertility at a high level.

Realizing this fact, that men pay more attention to this aspect of their health, starting with various means - such as vitamins and fertility treatment pills - to improve their sexual performance. In addition, you can try not only natural male fertility pills but also other methods that can cure male infertility. You can start with simple vitamins that support health and body in a difficult stressful life.


As a rule, there are various methods to increase fertility. But natural male fertility pills with all their advantages can surpass them all. It has been tested by many researchers. But no one but you can decide what to choose.

Only a doctor can give proper advice and consultation is strongly recommended. So don't sit and dream. Now is the time to act. If you want to increase your sperm production, find your own way to it, but don't be passive.

If you want to know how to increase male fertility please make sure you talk to your doctor before trying to deal with this problem on your own. There are many things that can cause low sperm count and reduced fertility. You can eat certain foods, exercise, and other things to increase your fertility, but your doctor can help give you the directions you need. solve problems effectively.

Popular Male Fertility Pills


Involved in: increase in semen volume VolumePills Consists of herbs and amino acids that have been used for centuries in ancient medicine to increase libido, sexual stimulation and virility. Many of these herbs have been used in Asia and South America for thousands of years as male sexual tonics. VolumePills is endorsed, recommended and fully supported by the medical community. VolumePills actively prescribed by doctors and herbalists address ejaculation and overall sexual health, is one of the recognized leaders in sexual health nutrients.

Guarantee: if you don't experience a noticeable increase in semen volume within 60 days, they will give you their money back (minus shipping costs).

Ingredients: Solidilin, Taj and Safflower, Momordica, Apigenin and Amla, Arjuna, Cordyceps, Zinc (Gluconate), Reishi Mushroom, Musli, Shatavari, Drilizen, Fucus Bladder.

When planning a pregnancy, the condition of the partner's sperm is often checked. When establishing the causes of infertility, doctors often use the term male fertility, but not everyone understands what it is. We will try to tell you more about the meaning of fertility and ways to improve this indicator when planning a child.

The term fertility is directly related to the onset of reproductive age in a man. At the age of 10-12 years, puberty begins. This process is accompanied by the transformation of primary sexual characteristics and the appearance of secondary ones.

The first change in a boy is the enlargement of the testicles, where hormone secretion and sperm production begin. A little later, the penis begins to grow. Potential fertility is achieved at the age of 13, and full - up to 16 years. In parallel with the increase in genital organs, under the influence of androgen, pubic hair, in the armpits, near the ears, nipples, above the lip and on the chin begin to grow. The male hormone also affects the growth of the larynx, as a result of which the voice becomes lower.

It is possible to evaluate the reproductive function of the spermatozoa contained in the semen of a sexually mature man during a spermogram. Sperm compliance with the norms for successful conception is measured by the Kruger or Farris fertility index.

These are two systems for measuring the functional characteristics of spermatozoa in a man, the Farris fertility index indicates the level of mobility, and the Kruger index indicates that the size of the spermatozoon corresponds to normal indicators. The norm according to the Farris index is considered to be 20, and according to the Kruger - 30%. The lower the indicators, the less reassuring forecasts.

What is fertility in men

At the current stage, it is clear that fertility is a collective measure of the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Now we need to consider in more detail how it is connected with the body of a man and what it is. Definitely, the concept is applicable only to those men who are of reproductive age.

Thanks to the efforts of scientists and practitioners, indicators have been identified that have a negative impact on the fertility of men in childbearing age:

  • decrease in testosterone levels;
  • excess weight;
  • antisperm antibodies;
  • decrease in gonadoliberin;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • prolonged infectious processes in the body;
  • overheating of the testicles or squeezing;
  • fluid deficiency;
  • malnutrition or junk food;
  • deficiency of zinc and vitamin C;
  • low level of sexual hygiene;
  • features of lifestyle and physical activity;
  • exposure to chemicals and radiation;
  • take anabolic steroids;
  • taking certain medications.

The above factors can cause problems with conception, therefore, in order to increase the status of sperm, it is necessary to exclude them as much as possible. To increase the indicators of sperm activity, you need to contact an andrologist.

If pregnancy does not occur with normal sperm counts, it is necessary to establish the presence of antisperm antibodies in a woman. ASAT prevent the penetration of spermatozoa, stick them together, which disrupts mobility.

The reasons why the female body perceives semen as an antigen are different, mainly due to damage to the mucous membranes, unprotected anal sex, IVF attempts, infections, the presence of abnormal spermatozoa, an increased level of white blood cells in the semen, or the presence of these antibodies in a partner.

The doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the production of antisperm antibodies.

Note that increased fertility can cause pregnancy even when using contraceptives in men, guaranteeing 99% protection.

The effect of age on the ability to conceive

An important factor in planning pregnancy is the age of the partners. According to the norms, the reproductive period of a couple lasts on average from 15 to 49 years. Over time, there is a gradual decrease in the functioning of the endocrine system, the extinction of human reproductive functions.

It should be understood how age affects the reproductive period. Practitioners and scientists have identified factors that affect the decline in male fertility in adulthood:

  1. By the age of 35, the motility of germ cells and their number decreases, the total number of spermatozoa decreases.
  2. Over the years, the body's ability to select healthy cells and suppress abnormal ones decreases. The selection of healthy cellular structures is disrupted, and mutated spermatozoa can often be present in semen. When an egg is fertilized by an abnormal sperm, congenital genetic diseases of the fetus are possible, or, more often, a miscarriage.
  3. Due to impaired spermatogenesis and a decrease in the number of germ cells, more weak spermatozoa appear. Such sperm are not able to reach the egg. All these pathologies are detected if you pass a spermogram - a modern test for fertility in mature men.
  4. Women who became pregnant by mature men were 3 times more likely to have miscarriages than those who conceived with a younger partner.
  5. The sperm of a man over the age of 40 is more likely to cause the development of autosomal dominant hereditary diseases.

Doctors agree that the best age for conception is 25-35 years. If you want to have a child in the period of maturity, it is necessary to exclude negative factors, as well as drink a course of drugs for fertility in adult men.

Ways to Improve Male Fertility

If the problem of reduced fertility is not associated with pathologies, the implementation of some recommendations can improve the fertility rate:

  1. Vitamins for fertility. Active participation in the process of spermogenesis takes vitamin A, E, zinc and selenium. The doctor, based on the individual indicators of the man’s body, will adjust the diet and prescribe supplements, and you can buy them on the American website Iherb.
  2. Thermal procedures negatively affect sperm motility, therefore, this leads to low fertility, therefore, it is necessary to cancel them for a while before conception.
  3. The cold period of the year favorably affects sperm motility, therefore it is better to plan a child at this time of the year.
  4. In case of excess weight, it is worth reducing the consumption of fatty, fried and sweet foods.

As part of drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs or drugs to eliminate sexual diseases. It is not always possible to increase fertility in men in adulthood by quitting smoking alone, therefore, with low rates of sperm motility, you should consult a doctor.


Male fertility is a collective concept of the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. This indicator is regulated by sex cells, hormones, temperature, lifestyle, pathologies of the reproductive system, low levels of vitamins and other factors.

Can a man get pregnant if his fertility is low? Yes, there are chances, but it is not necessary to leave the problem unattended. Be sure to contact an andrologist or urologist.

To restore the reproductive function of men, it is necessary to exclude negative factors under the supervision of a doctor. The best medicine to increase the ability to conceive is a healthy lifestyle, but you should not neglect the advice of a doctor.

When establishing the causes of infertility in men, the term fertility is often used, however, not all representatives of the stronger sex know what it is. Consider this indicator in detail and talk about how you can improve fertility in men.

male fertility

A fertility test for men is prescribed to determine the reason for the inability to conceive a child. This term is commonly understood as the ability of male germ cells to fertilize the female germ cell.

The establishment of this parameter is carried out in the study of a sample of male ejaculate by spermogram. In this analysis, the total number of germ cells in the sperm released during ejaculation is counted, and their concentration in 1 ml is also established.

Along with counting the number of germ cells, their qualitative assessment is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the head, tail and neck of the sperm. At the same time, germ cells are counted, which have a normal structure and those that have deviations in morphology (doubling of the tail, head, absence of a flagellum, etc.).

There are also tests for ejaculate analysis at home. However, due to the inaccuracy of the results obtained and the high cost, they are not widely used.

How are the results evaluated?

The decrease in fertility in men is primarily due to age. As the body ages, motile spermatozoa with normal morphology become less and less. Therefore, the likelihood of conception is sharply reduced.

However, low fertility can also occur in young men. There can be many reasons for this. In most cases, these include:

  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol);
  • diseases of the reproductive system (varicocele);
  • taking medications (steroid drugs);
  • prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the body (work in a hot shop, for example).

Under the influence of these factors, such a violation as asthenozoospermia develops - a change in the mobility and morphology of spermatozoa. Often, it is this disease that causes a violation of the level of fertility in men.

How to increase fertility in men?

When answering this question, doctors first of all advise you to change your lifestyle and give up bad habits.

With direct planning of conception, doctors prescribe a course of therapy that involves taking. They include zinc, vitamin E and L-carnitine.

If the cause of the decline was a disease of the reproductive system, then doctors must first completely eliminate it.

If you are planning to conceive a child and want to increase your fertility (that is, the ability to conceive), this requires being healthy, exercising regularly, and getting rid of bad habits.


Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    Eat healthy food. Diet has a big impact on all components of health, including fertility. A healthy balanced diet greatly increases a man's ability to conceive.

    To increase your sperm count, exercise more. Regular exercise improves overall health, including fertility. To do this, only certain types of physical activity need to be added to the daily routine, since some types of training can adversely affect the ability to conceive. More research is needed to find out for sure, but one of them has shown that a man's ability to conceive is reduced when playing certain sports.

    • Some research suggests that cycling reduces fertility. Some high-intensity sports, such as triathlon, can also reduce fertility.
    • To increase fertility, do light sports.
  1. Maintain a healthy weight. Both underweight and overweight contribute to lower sperm counts and higher abnormal sperm counts, so you need to gain or lose weight to stay within normal limits.

    • Consult your doctor to find out your ideal weight and learn how to achieve it. You may need to adjust your diet to achieve the desired result. It is advisable to carry out weight correction under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm health.
  2. Control your stress levels. Stress affects not only sexual health, but also hormonal levels, which negatively affects sperm production and reduces fertility. Follow these tips to manage stress:

    • Communicate with people. Regular social interactions significantly reduce stress levels. Chat with friends and family with whom you can have fun and have a good time.
    • Eliminate additional stress. Don't take on unnecessary responsibilities. Stay away from people who annoy you. If any news makes you nervous, don't read, watch or listen to it.
    • Think ahead. If some questions make you nervous, stop and think: “What will I think about this tomorrow? Or in a week? Chances are you're exacerbating the situation unnecessarily.
  3. Don't forget about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) negatively affect the ability to conceive. Contact the clinic to get tested for STIs. With a positive result, urgent treatment is necessary.

    Take multivitamins. Daily intake of multivitamin preparations containing vitamin C and E, along with a balanced diet, has a positive effect on men's health. Some studies show an increase in sperm count when taking multivitamin preparations.

    • Choose a multivitamin containing selenium, zinc and folic acid - these elements are believed to improve men's health.
    • There is some evidence that multivitamins are harmful, so check with your doctor before taking any medication. Make sure multivitamins are safe for you and can be combined with the medications you are taking.
  4. Avoid overheating. And although this information is not confirmed, there is evidence that excessive heat in the groin area reduces the number of sperm. To increase fertility, try not to overheat, especially in the groin area.

    • Wear loose clothing around the groin area, in particular underwear and shorts.
    • Limit the duration of hot baths, saunas and hot tubs. Do not put your laptop on your feet, it is better to place it on a hard surface.
  5. Limit exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation. Contact with heavy metals, radiation, radiation, or pesticides can reduce sperm production and even cause infertility. If your work involves chemicals or environmental pollutants, be sure to wear protective clothing.

    When to Seek Medical Care

    1. See your doctor and he will prescribe medication if needed. Currently, there are many drugs that increase fertility. If you want to increase your ability to conceive, consult a doctor and he will definitely recommend the right drug. It is also possible that you are taking drugs that adversely affect fertility - in this case, the doctor will suggest a replacement for such drugs.

      • Medications to reduce anxiety and depression can affect sperm production.
      • Some drugs used to treat prostatic hyperplasia can cause fertility problems.
      • Drugs for the treatment of fungal infections adversely affect fertility.
    2. See your doctor if there are signs of infertility. Infertility is a condition when a man's body does not produce active spermatozoa. If you suspect infertility, see your doctor for an evaluation. The doctor will examine the genital area and prescribe a semen analysis. Also, the doctor may ask you to take an analysis for antibodies and other biochemical agents, as well as a complete analysis of sperm chromatin and DNA, the CFTR gene, and an examination of the endocrine system to rule out diseases of the pituitary gland and testicles. See your doctor if you experience the following problems:

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