Important questions for a breeder: how much does a cat give birth for the first time and then, what affects the number? How to determine the age of a kitten by weight and teeth. Is it possible and how to determine the age of a kitten by external changes and behavior

If you found or received a kitten as a gift, you should find out its age. Kittens develop faster than humans, and a two month old kitten will look very different from a six week old kitten. Although it is impossible to know the exact age, an approximate figure will allow you to choose the right food and care for the kitten.


Visual inspection

    Look for the umbilical cord. If you find her, then you have a newborn kitten in front of you.

    • The mother cat usually gnaws on the umbilical cord until it breaks. At the same time, a small tail remains on the kitten's stomach.
    • The umbilical cord usually falls off in the first three days of life. If the kitten still has an umbilical cord on its belly, then the baby is only a few days old.
  1. Examine the kitten's eyes. Kittens' eyes go through several stages of development, from opening to changing color. If you observe the changes in the eyes, you can determine the age.

    Examine the animal's ears. Like the eyes, the ears go through several stages of development. You can guess the age of the kitten by the appearance of the ears.

    Examine the kitten's milk teeth. By teeth, you can determine the age of both very young and grown-up kittens. Newborn kittens (up to two weeks old) have no teeth. If there are teeth, you can determine the age by their condition and number.

    Look for molars. If you find large teeth on a kitten, he is most likely 4 months old or older. It is more difficult to determine the age of an older kitten by teeth, but you can immediately understand whether he has already grown "adult" teeth or not.

    • The incisors are the first to be replaced - at the age of 4 months.
    • Between 4 and 6 months, canines, premolars and molars are replaced.
    • If the kitten has all molars and all four molars, then the kitten is at least 7 months old.
    • Remember that this is all about healthy kittens. Some health problems or injuries can cause certain teeth to be missing or delayed in their appearance.
  2. Weigh the kitten. Determining age by weight can be inaccurate since all breeds are different, but the weight will give you at least an approximation of the age of the animal.

    Behavior evaluation

    1. Pay attention to whether the cat is weaning the kitten. This applies only to those kittens that are still close to their mother. Mother cat stops feeding kittens 4-6 weeks after birth. At this time, the milk begins to run out.

      Watch how the kitten moves. Progress in walking indicates normal development for a certain age. Kittens begin to stand confidently on their paws and walk at 2-3 weeks. Until that time, they crawl around their mother and siblings, sleep or eat. If the kitten needs to move, he crawls on his stomach.

      Observe the kitten's reaction to noise and moving objects. Although the eyes and ear canals open for 2-3 weeks, the kitten does not yet fully perceive everything that happens around. If he reacts to external stimuli, he is about three and a half weeks old.

      Analyze the behavior of the kitten. A healthy kitten begins to behave more confidently at 5-6 weeks of age. This is due to improved coordination and increased mobility. At this time, kittens behave more boldly and are not as afraid of everything around as before.

      • By 7-8 weeks, kittens develop good motor coordination and move around a lot. They like to run, play and communicate with people and other animals, explore different places in the house and jump in there.

    Definition of puberty

    1. Look for signs of puberty. At about 4 months, kittens' behavior changes under the influence of hormones. At this time, kittens may meow loudly at night and try to get out of the house. This may be a sign of puberty.

      Look for signs of ongoing puberty. 4-6 months of a kitten corresponds to adolescence of a person. At this age, childhood swelling disappears, the kitten is stretched, even if it continues to gain weight.

      • Cats at 4 months old may start marking territory and trying to mate with cats.
      • In cats, the first estrus can occur at the age of 4-6 months. They can also mark territory, scream loudly and squirm.
    2. Determine if the period of maturity has come. Kittens aged 7 months or older are considered puberty and grow larger in size. Be aware that a cat can become pregnant if not taken care of. During this period, kittens become more aggressive.

    Age verification

    The active period of socialization in kittens occurs between 2 and 7 weeks of age. The behavior of a kitten at 7-8 weeks determines whether he can get along with people and other animals. Kittens that have not gone through the process of socialization may remain feral, making it difficult for them to communicate with people.

When choosing a method for treating a disease of a kitten or an adult cat, when searching for the dosage of medicines, vitamins and supplements, it is necessary to determine the age of the animal. If there is no opportunity to contact the specialists of the veterinary office, you will have to manage on your own.

Determining age is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary to act step by step, analyzing and comparing the data of some physiological indicators of the animal. Determining the age of a kitten is much easier than finding out how old an adult is.

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    What indicators can determine the age of a kitten

    Starting from the age of six months, the cat's body lives an adult life, the age of which is much more difficult to determine.

    Up to six months, the age is determined by a non-professional quite accurately - with an error of several weeks to a month.

    You can judge the age of a kitten or an adult cat by the following indicators:

    • some elements of appearance;
    • examining the kitten's teeth;
    • by the eyes;
    • according to the ratio of weight and size of the cat.

    Veneration of the cat in ancient Egypt - interesting facts


    Small kittens are easy to determine by age and many parameters, first of all, by the condition of the umbilical cord. If there are traces of it, we can conclude that the kitten is no more than a week old.

    Little kittens have specific physique. Before reaching the age of a month, the physique is disproportionate: with a sufficiently large head, miniature ears, short and weak legs. When the kitten reaches the age of one month, the body and paws are extended. The ears are just as small, the head fits into the general proportions.

    By one and a half months, the color of the eyes begins to correspond to the general color of the coat.

    In a two-month period, the torso is stretched, in a three-month period, the ears increase in size.


    Whiskers have an important function in the life of a cat, helping to navigate in space.

    Starting from the age of nine, the mustache turns gray, vibrissae begin to be seen among the dark ones.

    Tooth changes

    Just as new teeth gradually sprout in a human child, in a kitten, teeth do not appear at the same time either.

    Kittens are born without teeth, from the second week they begin to erupt the first milk teeth. At 2–4 weeks, incisors erupt, at 3–4 weeks, fangs appear, at 6–8 weeks, premolars appear. Molars, that is, molars, kittens do not yet have. In total, 26 milk teeth appear in animals, which differ in structure and color from permanent ones.

    Starting from 3.5 months, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The process starts from the first and second incisors. From the fourth month - premolars; from the fifth - molars. From 5.5 months, the canines on the upper and lower jaws are replaced. From the fifth month, the change of rudimentary fangs on both jaws begins. The process takes up to 7 months. Like a human teeth change, the process is individual and can take up to 9 months. In males, it begins earlier than in females.

    So, an adult has 30 permanent teeth:

    • 12 incisors are divided into sixes of the upper and lower jaws;
    • 4 fangs - two on each jaw;
    • 10 premolars;
    • 4 molars.

    Knowing and clearly distinguishing between the sequence of appearance and names of teeth will help to recognize the age of a kitten by the teeth that have appeared or erupted. An illustration will help not to get confused in the names and arrangement of the teeth.

    Determining the age of a kitten, one should pay attention to his behavior. If a pet has ruined the upholstery of furniture, chewing it, hunts for laces and gnaws them at night, this may be a sign of teething. When teething, there is a need to chew toys, bedding, and other items that interest the animal.

    It is really possible to determine the age of a baby by the appearance of teeth, but if the animal is an adult, this approach can fail. For a mature individual, the condition of the teeth will indicate age only approximately. An old cat can have both diseased and dilapidated teeth.

    Changes in the dental formula after the change of milk teeth can be taken into account in a comprehensive analysis with other indicators in determining the age of a cat.

    By the age of one and a half, the main lobes of the first incisors of the lower jaw are fully formed. According to average indications, there are data characterizing the erasure of teeth, however, due to the specific features and subjective indicators of the life of an adult cat, they may not coincide with the real situation. If the shares of the first and second incisors on the lower jaw are erased, then the cat is already at least 2–2 years and 5 months old. The shares of the first incisors on the upper and lower jaws are erased by the age of 3 years and 5 months. If the lobes of the first and second incisors of both jaws are erased in a cat, then he is at least 4 years and 5 months old. If the lobes are present only on the canines of the upper jaw, then the age of the animal is close to 5 years and 5 months. If the surface of the incisors is oval, the cat is about 10 years old. Loss of the first and second incisors on the upper and lower jaws is typical for 12 years. Loss of all incisors is typical for an age of at least 16 years.

    eye color

    Eye color changes throughout a cat's life. If this factor is not taken into account for individuals of certain breeds, in which the eye color given from birth no longer changes throughout life, then this will help to approximately determine the age of the animal.

    The eye fully opens in kittens approximately at the age of 10-14 days. The eyes should be the same size and fully open. If one eye is noticeably different from the other, then with some certainty it can be argued that the kitten is no more than 1.5 weeks old.

    The color of the eyes also indicates the maturity of the cat. Kittens of all breeds only after opening have a blue iris. Subsequently, the color changes to another, called "true cat" - it is green or yellow, sometimes amber. The process of color change starts at the age of three months. The final color is acquired by animals at six months.

    The change in the iris of the eyes is not so noticeable: only the shade of the baby blue color changes. In such cases, determining the age of the animal by eye color is difficult.

    There are a number of cat breeds that have blue eyes for the rest of their lives. These are Polynesian, Siamese, Neva, Sphynx, Balinese, Ojos Azules, White Angora, Neva Masquerade cat. For individuals of the listed breeds, it is impossible to determine the age by eye color.

    The size and weight of the animal

    In the absence of serious diseases in the animal, it is permissible to use the indications of size and weight to determine the age.

    Recommendations for the ratio of age and size of a cat should be taken into account that a particular individual could be born slightly larger or smaller than the average. If this fact takes place, then a deviation of 2-3 centimeters is permissible from the average readings:

    • If the length of the kitten, excluding the tail, is no more than 12 cm, then it can be argued that he has just been born.
    • Body length without tail is 15 cm, then the kitten is about 4 weeks old.
    • About 20 cm body length is an indicator of 3 months.
    • From the age of two months, boys can be larger than girls in terms of physique. With a teenage cat measuring 23–24 cm, it can be assumed that the age is about 4 months. A five-month-old girl will measure about 25 cm.
    • At the age of six months, the main growth of the animal stops, the length of the body, excluding the tail, is about 26–27 cm. Boys are longer by a length of 2 to 6 cm.

    In the system for calculating the weight of a cat, the weight of a newborn is taken as the starting indicator - this is 90–100 g. The deviation for subjective factors is taken at 20–30 g. The weight is gained by a cat before reaching the age of two.

    At the end of the first week, the approximate weight of a kitten is about 113-115 g. By the end of the second week, it increases to 200 g, by the end of the third - up to 280 g. In subsequent weight changes, it grows noticeably faster. By the end of the fourth week, his weight is 370 g, at the end of the fifth - 450 g.

    The indications given in the recommendations are conditional and exemplary. A healthy kitten with proper nutrition and care increases every week by approximately 100 g. Having reached six months, the cat develops more slowly. Noticeable changes in weight will appear once a month. Even with abundant feeding for a week, the animal adds insignificant weight. The parameters of weight, height, eye color and other characteristics are set very conditionally, therefore, in order to obtain more accurate information, it is necessary to compare the data of different methods for determining age.

    Determining the weight of an active, curious pet is quite realistic at home. The maximum activity of the kitten occurs at six months. This period is extended to one and a half years. As time passes, the animal becomes calmer.

Every person who lives next to cats knows how wise they are and how mysterious their world is. Despite its independence, the cat knows exactly at what moments the participation of a person in its affairs is absolutely necessary.

One of these periods is childbirth, which she perceives as something dangerous for her life. Therefore, at home, many cats literally ask and demand that the owner be next to her, because the first kitten is about to be born, and perhaps the next ones after him.

How long a cat bears kittens, for how long and what helps her bear healthy offspring - these are far from idle questions that the owners of these cute animals want to know the answers to.

cat pregnancy period

Scientific studies have shown that pregnancy in a cat consists of five stages. Depending on what breed the cat is, it will bear offspring from 58 to 72 days. So, for short-haired individuals, this period is 58-68 days, and cats with long hair should bear babies from 62 to 72 days.

A relationship has also been established between how long the pregnancy lasts and the number of future offspring. If a cat has one or two kittens to be born, then it will take longer to bear them than five or more kittens.

Signs of pregnancy in a cat

The onset of pregnancy in cats is not difficult to determine if you know the main signs of its manifestation:

  • the cat's behavior changes, it becomes less active (immediately in the first week);
  • the next two weeks, the animal may vomit (especially in the morning). This condition passes after a few days, but sleep and eat a cat now there will be more than usual;
  • in the third week, her nipples turn pink and swell. A veterinarian with experience can determine the pregnancy of a cat for a period of 20 days, although the size of the kitten at this stage does not exceed the size of a peanut.

Stages of pregnancy

  1. At 30-31 days, the cat's tummy becomes noticeable, since the length of the future kitten already reaches 3-3.5 cm.
  2. At 5-6 weeks of gestation, when the embryos have descended into the abdominal cavity, you can try to guess how much the cat bears kittens.
  3. Approximately from the 42nd to the 50th day, the active development of the embryos takes place, that is, already in the seven-week period, you can (very carefully) feel the head of the kitten with your hand and feel the movement of the baby. At the same time the cat's appetite is noticeably deteriorating, she becomes restless and begins to choose a quiet place where kittens will soon be born. With a light stroke, you can determine how many babies will appear, especially if there are more than two kittens.
  4. After the 50th day, the kittens show tangible activity in the kitty's tummy. She herself is often restless and may have urinary incontinence. At that time owners need to be patient and attentive to everything that happens to their pet. After all, better than she herself, no one knows how much time remains before the birth. About a day before they start, she will actively look for a secluded place, and the owners of the cat must prepare everything necessary for the appearance of babies.

Preparing for childbirth

The first thing to do is to try to stay at home with the cat on the expected day of delivery. Next you need to prepare:

After the birth of the last kitten, the box is covered with clean diapers and half-covered from above to allow the cat to rest.

It should be noted that if the cat does not give birth on time, this will automatically increase the risk of the birth of a sick or non-viable kitten.

If the cat was properly cared for during pregnancy, she is healthy and the birth ended successfully, then most often 3 kittens are born. From the statistics it follows:

  1. If cats give birth for the first time, then they will have smaller offspring than in subsequent offspring. The first birth usually takes longer. Moreover, after the birth of the first kitten, 10-15 minutes pass and the next baby appears (however, this interval cannot be more than 2 hours). The duration of labor is on average 2-6 hours. In very rare cases, it reaches 1-1.5 days.
  2. In cats giving birth again, the offspring will be significantly larger than in the first birth. A separate topic is late pregnancy and childbirth in cats older than 8 years. Veterinarians consider this condition to be dangerous for her because of the overbearing of kittens, which happens often at this age. The worst thing is that the cubs can be born inanimate.

Newborn kittens

A newborn kitten does not see or hear for about ten days, but he has a well-developed sense of smell and touch, which is necessary when searching for the nipple of a mother cat.

On average, babies weigh 57-115 grams, with an average length of 10-12 cm. Already on the fourth day kitten paws massages mother's belly to get enough milk. And by the end of the first week, his eyes open (by the age of three weeks he will see well) and his weight doubles. When a kitten turns one month old, its milk teeth grow, and in five-month-old fluffies, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

At the age of one month, you can cook minced meat for kittens and feed them little by little. Only Be sure to monitor the freshness of food and water. for drinking. It must be available and in the required quantity.

The most interesting begins at the end of the first month, when the kitten already knows how to sit and move confidently. Plus, you can play with it a little. If there are several kittens in the litter, then all of them are together in their nest and do not go anywhere from there. So, it continues until they are 1.5 months old.

If the need arises, the cat, carefully holding the kitten by the scruff, can move it to another place. She will do the same to him when the time comes. teach him many vital rules and how to take care of yourself. Having reached the age of 6 months, the kitten ceases to depend on the mother.

Care and affection are very important for fluffy babies, as both of these factors influence the formation of their character. Experts recommend taking a kitten into the house when he is about 8 weeks old. By this time, he already has 26 milk teeth, and his weight is 700-800 grams. Mother cats part with their cubs calmly, but if they still look for a kitten, then after making sure that he is not around, they finally calm down.


After the cat has become pregnant, the owner needs to follow simple recommendations care for her during this period.

  1. It is not necessary for a pregnant cat to be vaccinated and give her any medication.
  2. From 2 to 7 weeks, it is necessary to increase her usual diet by 1.5-2 times.
  3. Starting from the 7th week, on the contrary, the amount of food should be reduced by one meal, and feeding should be three or five times a day. Nutrients to include in food:
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral elements.

How much and in what ratio a cat should receive healthy nutrition during pregnancy is better to find out at a veterinarian's appointment. Indeed, at this time, the proper development and safe birth of kittens depends on her health.

Scientific studies confirm the fact that there is an inverse relationship between how long the pregnancy lasts and the number of kittens in the litter. The fewer babies, the longer they need to be carried and vice versa. The gestation period for different breeds is also slightly different and ranges from 58 to 72 days.

The issues of feeding, proper care and upbringing of a tiny cat are directly related to how many weeks or months the fluffy is from birth. But how to determine the age of a kitten if neither its parents nor its birthday are known? The task is not as difficult as it might seem. There are a number of external, behavioral, physiological signs by which it will not be difficult to find out the approximate age of a newly acquired pet.

How to determine the age of a kitten by weight and teeth

Not all owners of domestic cats have the opportunity and desire to find out the age of the pet by body weight and the number of teeth in the mouth. Nevertheless, it is these indicators that are primarily considered in veterinary medicine.

How does the weight of a kitten change from birth to six months:

at birth - from 80 to 120 g;

7 days - 170-280 g;

14 days - 250-350 g;

1 month - 400-650 g;

1.5 months - 550-900 g;

2 months - 750-1200 g;

2.5 months - 850-1400 g;

3 months - 900-1600 g;

4 months - 1200-1800 g;

5 months - 2 or more kg.

The data is average. The wide boundaries are explained by several factors. This is belonging to a certain breed (small, medium, large cats), living conditions, diet, animal health. A small weight gain of a junior kitten is observed even after body growth stops.

The most difficult thing, without having a special education, is to determine the age of a kitten by the teeth. But it is these indicators that are the most accurate:

2-5 weeks milk incisors appear;

3-8 weeks milk fangs are cut;

1.5–2 months both jaws are filled with teeth.

The change of milk teeth to permanent ones in kittens begins at the age of 4 months. They fall out first, and incisors grow in their place. By six months, the kitten changes to permanent fangs. The last to grow are the premolars (the teeth between the canines and the back molars) and the molars (the back molars).

In total, cats have 30 teeth: 4 canines, 12 incisors, 10 premolars, 4 molars. If all the teeth of the pet are permanent, then he is already 7 months old. A healthy one-year-old animal has whole, white, clean teeth.

How to determine the age of a kitten up to 1 month by external signs

Kittens are born tiny, only 9-12 cm in length. They do not see anything (eyes are closed), they do not hear (ears are tightly pressed to the skull), they cannot crawl and defecate on their own. The body in relation to the head is disproportionately small, there is no undercoat. On the tummy of a newborn kitten there is a piece of the umbilical cord, which dries up and falls off 3-4 days after birth. In the first days of life, kittens are completely dependent on their mother, as they can only suck milk, sleep and meow.

At the age of 1 week, the kittens' ears open, eyes gradually erupt. Thin fur becomes fluffy. The bones of week-old kittens get stronger, so the kids move more actively. The baby can crawl up to 50 cm towards the mother cat.

A 12-14 day old kitten has its eyes fully open. The color of the iris is cloudy blue. Moreover, the baby cannot yet see - vision will appear only after 3 days. But the baby already hears much better, reacting to the sounds made by the cat. At this age, kittens already crawl well and even try to stand on their paws.

3 weeks after birth, vision and hearing are already well developed. Kittens react not only to the actions of the mother, but also to the surrounding sounds, movements, objects. The first milk teeth appear. Though clumsy, but the kids walk. Curiously explore the world outside the box. Frightened by something, the kitten hisses and arches its back.

The kitten, which is one month old, not only walks confidently, but tries to run and jump. At this age, the "infant" eye color begins to change. First, small light blotches appear on the iris, and then the cloudy gray-blue color completely changes to yellow, green. The undercoat becomes dense, the color and intensity of the color of the coat is transformed, becoming more contrasting.

How to determine the age of a kitten from 1 month to a year

After 6-7 weeks from the moment of birth, kittens turn from helpless squeaking creatures into charmingly clumsy, curious creatures. At this age, they already run and jump well, play a lot and sleep less. The eyes of a one and a half month old kitten are clear, hearing is well developed. The proportions of the body and head are harmonious.

At 2 months, the kitten continues to grow. The baby's paws become thick, visually lengthen and become proportional to the body. The tummy, bulging from birth, decreases. More milk teeth appear.

In a three-month-old kitten, all the senses work perfectly. He sees and hears almost like an adult, moves confidently, orients himself in space. The color of the eyes is clear, completely changed to permanent. All milk teeth have grown. The body size of kittens at 3 months continues to increase. At the same time, the difference between cats and cats is becoming more and more visible.

At 4 months, kittens begin to lose milk teeth, and permanent ones grow in their place. Growth is slowing down.

A six-month-old kitten is a teenager with a practically formed body. Milk teeth have completely changed to permanent ones. Parts of the body are harmonious relative to each other, movements are plastic and graceful. The kittens are still curious and overly active, which betrays their childhood.

How to determine the age of a kitten 7 months old? First of all, this is the age of puberty. It is during this period that the animal begins to show characteristic behavioral signs of interest in the opposite sex, the definition and protection of its own territory. In addition, the first molt takes place in autumn or closer to winter.

At the age of 8-9 months, kittens are considered almost adults. Body growth and weight gain slows down.

Puberty occurs at 10 months. Kittens are in their first heat. Cats actively require mating.

At 11–12 months, the kitten's childhood ends. This is already an adult young animal. Formation, growth of the body stops. In general, cats get stronger up to 2.5 years.

Since ancient times, it was believed that in order to reliably protect the house from dark forces, it is necessary to settle a cat in it. And, despite the transience of technological progress, this belief is still relevant today. More and more often you can see people who cannot imagine their life without the presence of a glorious furry friend in the house.

Cat lovers, taking a small pet from a breeder, will certainly make all the inquiries about his pedigree, health and age. But here's what to do for those who could not pass on the street by a quietly meowing lonely lump? After all, his age is difficult to determine due to the exhausted state. It turns out how many days, weeks and months an animal can be recognized by its external signs and even by its behavior.

How to find out the age of a kitten by external signs

Newborn kittens are distinguished by obvious external signs. They are born blind, they cannot walk, they have a disproportionately large head, short ears pressed tightly against it and no teeth at all. Some have dried remains of the umbilical cord on their tummy. The rapid growth of kittens leads to changes in their physical characteristics, but some parameters have a clear gradation of age. You can determine how many months or days a baby can be by weight, size, teeth and even eyes. It is worth dwelling on each of these parameters in more detail.

By weight

Determining the age of a kitten by weight is considered very approximate. This is due not only to the physiological characteristics of some breeds, but also to individual genetic inclinations. However, a well-balanced kitten diet is known to add about 100 grams of weight per week. The initial weight of a newborn pet averages from ninety to one hundred and twenty grams. A weekly gain of one hundred grams of weight implies that a three-week-old kitten can weigh about three hundred grams. But it is worth considering one more regularity. Weight gain decreases as the kitten ages. Therefore, normally a five-week-old pet can weigh no more than half a kilogram.

To size

Calculating the age by the size of a kitten is similar to the principles of calculating its weight. With the growth of a pet, less and less centimeters are added to its size every week. In this case, it is worth considering hereditary factors, as well as the gender of the pet. On average, a newborn kitten reaches ten centimeters. Measurements do not take into account the size of the tail. Every month, a kitten can increase in size on average from three to five centimeters and already at the age of six months reach twenty-five centimeters. It should be noted that males add two more centimeters in size than cats. Because kittens of the same litter can vary significantly from each other in size.

To the teeth

The first teeth in small pets appear, as a rule, at the end of the third week of life. Within eight weeks, a certain amount should be added. To understand how many teeth correspond to a particular age of a kitten, you need to know the chronology of their appearance. At three to four weeks, the kitten is the owner of milk incisors. At six weeks old, small molars grow on the sides of the jaw. By eight weeks, the baby already has fangs. Starting at about the fourteenth week, milk teeth are replaced by permanent incisors, and this process continues up to six months. By this age, there are twenty-six teeth in the pet's mouth. But animals whose age has exceeded six months have four more molars (molars).

By the eyes

In order to calculate the age of a kitten by the eyes, you need to know that all newborns have one gray-blue color. Kittens are born blind, eyes begin to open on the tenth or twelfth day of life. The natural color of the iris is formed by three months. However, there are about a dozen cat breeds that naturally have blue eyes. These include: Angora, Polynesian, Canadian Sphynx, Thai, Siamese, British.

How to find out the age of a kitten by behavior

As kittens age, their behavior also changes. If you pay attention to certain nuances, then you can most likely determine the age of the pet. So, literally up to two weeks, the kitten is still practically crawling on its tummy, occasionally trying to rise on fragile legs. By one month, he moves more confidently, tries to jump and run. The reaction to moving objects in babies will dry out somewhere by three weeks. In the same period, the pet begins to show a clear interest in the objects around him. At six weeks, a healthy kitten feels confident, his movements are maximally coordinated, he becomes more dexterous and strong.

By the eighth week, kittens spend most of their time playing. They easily overcome heights, and are always looking for new entertainment. It is important that according to the appearance and behavior of a kitten that was picked up on the street, it is not always possible to reliably determine its age. After all, the state of his health also affects the indicators of the development of the animal. Sometimes injuries, diarrhea, prolonged exposure to cold and starvation affect the appearance and behavior of a kitten. In this case, in order to accurately determine how many days or weeks the baby needs, first of all, eliminate all the diseases he has.

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