Canine enteritis virus. Infectious enterovirus in dogs. Non-viral enteritis

With viral type enteritis, infection with enterotropic viruses occurs, in which the mucous layer of the small intestine is isolated. Sometimes nearby and distant organs and systems are involved in the pathological process. The causative agents are precisely viral infections such as enteroviruses, rotaviruses, ECHO or Coxsackie virus. You can get infected from a sick person, and from a carrier of the virus. Viral enteritis is confirmed by specific symptoms of intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea. Therapeutic measures consist of symptomatic, detoxifying actions. But, unfortunately, there are no preventive and narrowly targeted antiviral measures for people.

One of the causative agents of viral enteritis is rotavirus.

Viral enteritis affects the walls of the small intestine. At the same time, all signs of intoxication are noted, the process of digestion is disturbed. In the form of isolated enteritis, the disease rarely occurs. Usually, viruses additionally cover the stomach or large intestine, and then gastroenteritis or gastroenterocolitis is diagnosed.

In world medical practice, there is an increase in the activation of intestinal infections. The disease is common even in developed countries. But children and teenagers are more susceptible to infection. A person can be an ordinary virus carrier for a long time. It does not show specific symptoms, but it can infect other people. Intestinal viruses are able to remain viable in the intestine in an inactive state for months.

The pathogens are resistant to the external environment. For a long time, intestinal viruses persist in water. It is this fact that causes mass outbreaks of pathology. The variety of viruses that affect the intestines and their high survivability explain the prevalence of the disease.

With viral enteritis, neighboring organs are affected

What causes disease

Viral enteritis starts with the defeat of a person by viruses that are able to penetrate into the lymphoid and epithelial tissue. More often, pathology is provoked by common viruses such as rotaviruses and enteroviruses. Among the latter, polioviruses, ECHO, Coxsackie, as well as viruses of type 78, 77, 73, 71, 69 have special activity. In addition, there are unclassified microbes, more than a hundred species that can cause viral enteritis. It is this diversity of virus species that explains the difficulties that arise during diagnostic measures and the lack of special therapeutic methods. The pathogens are resistant to physical and chemical effects and do not respond to disinfecting actions.

You can get infected, first of all, from a person suffering from enteritis or from a potential carrier. People who are asymptomatic are at risk. Ways of transmission of infection are quite diverse:

  • contact-household, when the virus is transmitted through handshakes, while ignoring the requirements for washing hands, especially after being in public places, in the toilet;
  • water - through drinking water from contaminated sources, especially open ones;
  • alimentary - infection occurs through food that is affected by the virus;
  • vertical - the fetus becomes infected in the womb, cases of a latent course of the disease in women are dangerous.

Viral enteritis can be transmitted from mother to fetus

Viral enteritis is seasonal, that is, outbreaks of the disease occur more often in autumn and summer. To a certain virus, the patient develops immune protection for a certain time. But since the number of viruses is diverse, the repetition of cases of exacerbation of viral enteritis in a particular patient can be multiple.

The virus enters the body and infects the intestines. Microorganisms, invading the mucous membrane, begin to actively multiply. As a result of the activity of infectious particles, epithelial cells die and the villi are shed. Such violations lead to malfunctions in the normal functioning of the intestine. Food, especially carbohydrate, ceases to be absorbed, the absorption of any liquid is disturbed. As a result, osmotic pressure in the intestine rises, diarrheal syndrome develops.

How is viral enteritis manifested?

Intestinal infections manifest themselves in different ways, the type of pathogen is reflected in the symptoms. However, there are common specific signs of the disease.

Viral enteritis does not start like ordinary acute enteritis with diarrhea, but with fever. However, a temperature of 37-38 degrees immediately suggests catarrhal pathologies and few people begin to treat the intestines with such symptoms. Meanwhile, the disease progresses. Temperature is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, apathy. The patient begins to feel dizzy, hands tremble. Appetite completely disappears.

With viral enteritis, there is an increase in temperature and signs of intoxication

The next step is vomiting. This is due to irritation of the vomiting center in the head with toxins that are produced by microbes as a result of their vigorous activity. From this center a signal is given that provokes a contraction of the muscle tissues of the body, and directly of the stomach. During vomiting, food masses are removed, primarily from the stomach. Possible discharge of intestinal contents. With such vomiting, the patient feels a taste of bile. The frequency of vomiting can reach up to 20 times a day.

Of course, the patient does not have the contents of the stomach with numerous vomiting. In order not to provoke new attacks of vomiting, the patient is given to drink often, but in small volumes. But even at this stage, a person rarely assumes the viral nature of the pathology. Most often, the thought of poisoning with low-quality products arises.

Later comes diarrhea. With viral enteritis, the feces are absolutely liquid and watery. More often the stool is frothy, but without the presence of mucus. There is no blood or pus in the stool. With a severe lesion, the frequency of stools can reach up to 20 times. However, urine output is significantly reduced, which is a sign of dehydration.

One of the signs of viral enteritis is vomiting.

Pathology is accompanied by moderate pain, concentrated throughout the abdomen. There are also catarrhal symptoms in the form of nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, redness of the pharynx, pharynx. There is a non-specific manifestation of the disease in the form of a rash, which completely disappears after recovery.

If the viral origin has an erased appearance, the symptoms are not pronounced, and the patient recovers quickly. The virus carrier does not show signs at all, and the disease is detected during laboratory tests of the intestinal material.

How complications manifest

The disease is quite insidious. When an intestinal infection is activated, it is likely that it will spread beyond the small intestine. Pathology can spread far. The nervous system, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are affected. Often the eyes and other organs are affected, primarily the liver, heart, and muscle tissue.

A complication of viral enteritis may be the appearance of arrhythmia in a patient

Complications are manifested by non-intestinal symptoms:

  • when the pharynx is infected, redness and swelling of the mucosa, a vesicular rash on the tonsils are observed;
  • if the muscular apparatus is affected, the symptoms resemble the manifestation of polymyositis, in which several groups of muscle tissues are covered;
  • with conjunctivitis associated with a virus, redness of the eyes is observed, a person is afraid of light, pathological lacrimation intensifies;
  • when the disease spreads to the cardiovascular system, the patient's fatigue increases, the heart begins to beat faster, blood pressure decreases, arrhythmia appears, which manifests itself as endocarditis or myocarditis;
  • when the lymph nodes are affected, they increase;
  • if meningitis or encephalitis associated with an enterovirus is diagnosed, the disease provokes a headache or convulsions, nausea, and also loss of consciousness.

Such signs are not specific for the intestinal virus and are rarely associated by the patient with infection. Only laboratory diagnostics will help to identify the pathology.

Enlargement of lymph nodes is one of the atypical signs of complications of viral enteritis


A patient with viral enteritis seeks help from a therapist, more often calls an ambulance, which hospitalizes the patient in the infectious diseases department. Treatment and diagnosis is carried out by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. The doctor studies the clinical picture of the disease and necessarily takes into account the epidemiological situation in a particular region, educational institution. The patient is examined to determine the condition of the skin (color and elasticity), the type of tongue. With the defeat of adenovirus, an increase in lymph nodes is observed.

Changes are considered characteristic of viral enteritis:

  • clinical tests show leukocytosis and an increase in ESR;
  • the coprogram shows undigested fiber in the feces, as well as neutral fats;
  • studies on dysbacteriosis show a decrease in the content of bifido- and lacto-particles in the flora.

With the help of virological studies, specific viral pathogens are identified. But such studies are not carried out quickly, but require a certain amount of time to obtain results. In addition, there is no guarantee of confirmation of the virus carrier. Often the diagnosis is confused with the usual acute pathology. Informational in this case is a PCR-type study that detects DNA, RNA of the virus or a fourfold increase in antibodies.

To identify viral enteritis allows a study on dysbacteriosis

Differential diagnostics is also important, which is designed to exclude toxic and acute respiratory infections, influenza, rubella and measles, meningitis of the tuberculous and meningococcal type, and other pathologies with similar symptoms.

How is pathology treated?

There is no special specific therapy, which is associated with a variety of viruses, their resistance to common drugs. Treatment is aimed at detoxification and elimination of the main symptoms. Mild forms are treated at home under the supervision of a local doctor. If the disease is severe with dehydration, therapy is carried out in a hospital, in the infectious diseases department.

The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids, as the fluid is lost during vomiting and diarrhea in large volumes. It is advisable to drink ready-made solutions in the form of Regidron. With severe dehydration, rehydration is carried out by infusion. In this way, lost water and electrolytes are replaced.

Absorbents are used to remove microbes from the intestines. As well as immunomodulatory drugs that help the patient's body fight infection.

In the treatment of viral enteritis, an important point is the observance of the drinking regimen.

Important! Antibiotics are not used to treat viral pathologies. Taking such drugs only aggravates the situation, since viruses do not respond to antibacterial drugs, and beneficial bacteria die.

If there is a high temperature with severe headaches and muscle pain, it is possible to carry out therapy with analgesics and antipyretic drugs.

To restore the disturbed microflora in the intestine, probiotics are used, which contain beneficial bacteria, as well as prebiotics, which contain particles that contribute to the rapid development of these bacteria.

A prerequisite for successful therapy is the patient's diet. In the acute period, liquid, pureed food, mainly protein, is recommended. It is forbidden to consume any dairy products, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.

Good hygiene will reduce the likelihood of developing viral enteritis


The best prevention of contracting viral infections has always been personal hygiene. In addition to mandatory hand washing, it is necessary to thoroughly wash greens, fruits, vegetables, especially those that are eaten raw. It is necessary to drink boiled water, filtration from viruses does not save.

During epidemics, it is better to refuse to visit public places. It is necessary to do general strengthening procedures. The patient is isolated from healthy family members, he is given individual dishes, personal hygiene products. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against human enteritis. Therefore, it is not possible to prevent infection by vaccination.

You will learn about the methods of examining the small intestine from the video:

Infectious enteritis is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine caused by bacteria or viruses. Viruses are the cause of the disease in 70% of cases. Viral enteritis is acute.

Enteritis caused by a virus rarely occurs only with damage to the small intestine. Most often, this disease occurs in the form of gastroenteritis (involving the stomach) or enterocolitis (involving the large intestine).

Viral enteritis are anthroponotic infections, that is, they circulate only among humans. The mechanism of transmission of infection is fecal-oral. Infection with these diseases occurs mainly by contact, water and alimentary routes. The airborne route of transmission of these viruses is questioned. Coronovirus enteritis is observed in domestic animals (dogs and cats). At the same time, the types of virus that cause disease in animals are not dangerous to humans.

Mostly children under 3 years of age suffer from viral intestinal infections. This is due to the imperfection of the immune defense of the intestine.

The most common and well-studied form is rotavirus enteritis. Other forms, including coronovirus enteritis, have not been studied enough.

The reasons

The following pathogens can cause the disease:

  • enterovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • norovirus;
  • coronavirus and others.


The disease develops a few days after infection (usually 1 to 5 days). It develops rapidly. Usually, all symptoms occur simultaneously, but their severity may be different.

All viral intestinal infections are accompanied by three main syndromes:

  • gastroenteritis or gastroenterocolitis;
  • intoxication;
  • dehydration.

Intestinal damage is manifested by frequent loose stools, nausea, repeated vomiting of stomach contents. Loose stools are repeated several times a day, can last up to 5 days. Vomiting is most often observed only in the first day of the disease. Often there are moderate pain in the upper abdomen, rumbling in the intestines. The stool quickly becomes watery. The appearance in the feces of any impurities (blood, pus) indicates a complicated course of the disease.

Intoxication is manifested by fever, headache, weakness, lack of appetite. High fever is uncommon. More often there is an increase in body temperature up to 37.5-38˚С. Elevated body temperature can persist for up to 3 days.

Dehydration is manifested by dryness of the tongue. Outwardly, the patient is pale, with sunken eyes. With a strong loss of chlorides, muscle pain and convulsions appear. Arterial pressure may decrease with the development of collapse.

Rotavirus enteritis is the most common form of the disease. It occurs in 60% of children with viral bowel disease. It occurs mainly in winter. Rotavirus enteritis is manifested primarily by fever and frequent vomiting. It is estimated that by age 4, 90% of children have had this infection at least once.

Adenovirus enteritis is less common. It is more characteristic of the airborne route of transmission. With this form, intoxication and fever are more pronounced.

Coronavirus enteritis is rare in humans. Coronavirus infection is most often manifested by damage to the upper respiratory tract with the development of rhinitis, laryngitis, less often bronchitis. Coronavirus enteritis occurs mainly in children in the form of short-term epidemic outbreaks.


Determination of the immediate cause of the disease in most intestinal infections of a viral nature is not required. Treatment is carried out, aimed primarily at eliminating dehydration, as well as intoxication.

Dehydration is assessed to determine the amount of oral rehydration needed. With moderate dehydration, irritability or restlessness, thirst, and sunken eyes appear. The skin fold on the back of the hand is not smoothed out immediately, but faster than 2 seconds. The tongue is dry, the hands and feet are cold, the amount of urine is reduced.

Severe dehydration requires hospitalization. Outwardly, it is manifested by a violation of consciousness, drowsiness. The patient hardly drinks, there is no urine. The skin fold on the brush is smoothed out in more than 2 seconds. The extremities are cold, cyanotic (turned blue).


Bed rest, plenty of fluids are prescribed. The diet should be sparing with the exception of fatty, salty, fried, smoked foods. You can't drink milk. It is recommended to avoid foods containing fiber.

The basis of treatment is rehydration. It is most often carried out through the mouth in a volume of at least 1 liter per day. A more accurate calculation of the volume of oral rehydration is carried out taking into account the age and weight of the patient, as well as the severity of dehydration. For this, such means as Regidron, Citroglucosolan, Glucosolan are used. The use of a solution of table salt, glucose, solutions "Lactasol", "Mafusol" is not advisable. In severe cases, intravenous saline solutions are prescribed.

Antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed. First of all, it is "Smekta". Loperamide (in the absence of fever and abdominal pain) and sorbents (Polifepan, Polysorb and others) can be used.

Enzymes ("Creon") and probiotics are used in complex treatment. They are usually prescribed at the stage of recovery.

The prognosis for timely treatment is favorable.

After the illness, unstable immunity is formed.

Pets have become man's best friends. Enteritis in dogs is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, predominantly affecting older dogs and puppies, and is not always treatable. Learn how to recognize a dangerous disease, provide timely assistance and avoid death.

What is enteritis in dogs

Enteritis in animals is a viral disease in which intestinal inflammation occurs, as well as damage to the heart muscle (myocarditis). Among the varieties of the disease, depending on the lesions, the following types are distinguished:

  • Primary - inflammation of the intestinal tract only.
  • Secondary - arising on the basis of a complication of another infection.

Depending on the causative agent of infection, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • parvovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • bacterial.


This type of pathology, especially parvovirus enteritis in puppies, can be fatal in a few days. The virus has signs of poisoning the animal, and therefore the owners are in no hurry to seek help from veterinarians. Parvovirus enteritis of dogs is divided into the following forms:

  • Intestinal - affects the intestinal mucosa.
  • Cardiac - develops heart failure.
  • Mixed - affects the intestines and heart muscle.


An intestinal infection of this type does not have such a large percentage of death, is less contagious and proceeds in a milder form. The incubation period of the virus is about 5 days. Forms of coronavirus enteritis:

  • Acute - characterized by the rapid development of infection, in which the dog becomes lethargic and weak, there is a risk of secondary infection.
  • Chronic - manifests itself in the form of a poor appetite in an animal, the condition of a four-legged friend improves after a few days.


Bacterial enteritis is an inflammation of the intestine caused by bacteria, manifested in diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. As with the viral form, it is important to start treatment of the disease on time in order to avoid serious consequences. Bacterial enteritis is not always severe, but the pet owner is strongly advised to consult a veterinarian.

Causes of enteritis in dogs

The main source of the spread of a viral disease is a sick dog. The causative agent of the disease can enter the environment during the incubation period along with vomit, saliva or feces. A pet dog can contract the virus while walking by sniffing the feces or saliva of a sick animal outside. There is a possibility of infection at home, when infectious enteritis is brought into the house by the owner of the animal on shoes or clothes.

Depending on the type and form of the enteritis disease, the characteristic symptoms of the disease are distinguished. Common signs of enteritis in dogs:

  • lethargy and refusal of the pet to eat;
  • diarrhea and foamy vomiting;
  • refusal of water;
  • the presence of bloody discharge in the stool with a characteristic odor.

With parvovirus enteritis, the temperature of the animal is within the normal range, but due to constant secretions and lack of appetite, dehydration occurs. The pet sleeps badly and anxiously, loses weight and weakens before our eyes. Sometimes the animal may experience convulsions. At the first suspicion, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this type of infection proceeds very rapidly and every minute is precious.

Coronavirus enteritis is a little weaker. Often, the pet has a swollen abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea. The acute form of the course of infection begins to manifest itself on the 2-5th day of infection. The mild form of coronavirus enteritis is almost invisible, the symptoms are similar to poisoning. If the animal has good immunity, it is only necessary to ensure compliance with the diet and drinking regimen.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs

A viral infection must be treated in a complex way, strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. Given the complexity of the course, it is not worth starting the treatment of enteritis in dogs at home, even if it is mild. Treatment of the infection begins with a laboratory study of the animal's feces and a doctor's examination. The doctor must determine the type and form of the pathology, prescribe a set of necessary measures and dietary nutrition.

At the first stages of treatment, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent the growth of bacteria and relieve symptoms of intoxication. Salt solutions are introduced to restore the water-salt balance of the body. When a pet is dehydrated, droppers help, and intravenous glucose provides nutrition to the intestinal mucosa and prevents the pet from depleting. Enterosorbents adsorb toxins formed during decay. Vitamins and immunostimulants activate the body's internal reserves to fight microbes. An enema cleanses the intestines from putrefactive masses.

First aid

If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, the pet owner must urgently call a veterinarian, but before his arrival, the owner can provide first aid to the pet. First of all, it is necessary to provide the animal with complete rest. No need to force feed and water your pet. As an assistant to cleanse the body of toxins, you can drink your pet with vaseline oil, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

How to treat

The main goal of treating the disease is to support the entire body of the animal until the pet’s own immunity enters the fight against the virus. The first medical aid is aimed at blocking the reproduction of enteritis viruses in the body. For this, sera, immunoglobulins, interferons are administered:

  • Fosprenil;
  • Immunofan;
  • Cycloferon;
  • anti-enteroviral sera.

Next, you need to bring the animal's body out of a state of dehydration by intravenous administration of rehydration solutions until the dog begins to drink on its own. After that, several times a day, it is recommended to pour the following solutions into the mouth in small doses:

  • Ringer-Locke solution;
  • Trisol;
  • rehydration blend.

The following drugs will help to remove toxic products from the animal's body:

  • Hemodez;
  • Sirepar;
  • Hydrolysin.

Antiemetics (Cerucal, Serenia), hemostatic drugs (Vikasol, Etamzilat), heart drugs (Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamin, Riboxin), antibacterial drugs at elevated temperature and suspected secondary infection (Cefazolin), probiotics for recovery will help eliminate the general symptoms of the disease and support the body. intestinal microflora (Biorotectin, Baktoneotim) are prescribed after the return of appetite.

Having taken a dog into the house, a person should be aware of the responsibility that rests on him, because in order to raise a healthy and happy animal, a lot of effort will be required. Four-legged friends, just like people, suffer from various diseases, including life-threatening furry pets. One of these insidious diseases is enteritis - an inflammatory process of a viral nature, which is sometimes quite problematic to cope with.

What is enteritis

Enteritis is understood as inflammation that develops in the digestive organs, in addition, as a result of the disease, the heart muscle, the myocardium, is often affected. Enteritis refers to viral pathologies, it is quickly transmitted from one animal to another. An animal of any age can become infected with enteritis, but puppies and dogs up to 1 year old are most often affected by the disease.

According to statistics, in an unvaccinated female from enteritis, the mortality rate of puppies from the disease reaches more than 80%.

At present, virologists have not yet developed an effective antiviral drug, but it will help to save the animal from death in a timely manner. This does not mean that a vaccinated dog is not capable of contracting enteritis, but a vaccinated animal has a much easier disease and a fatal outcome in this case is almost impossible.

Infection of dogs occurs when a healthy animal comes into contact with a sick animal (through feces, saliva, discharge from the mucous eyes and nose). The use of shared pet care items also increases the risk of disease in previously healthy animals. There are frequent cases when a healthy dog ​​fell ill with enteritis, but at the same time had no contact with infected relatives. Scientists have found that a dangerous virus is often brought into the apartment on the owner's street shoes, and this factor is the cause of "non-contact" infection.

Types of enteritis

Veterinarians know 2 types of viral enteritis: parvovirus and coronavirus.

Parvovirus enteritis

The causative agent of parvovirus, having penetrated into the body of a dog, destroys the thick and thin sections of the intestine, and tissues of the heart muscle are often affected. Parvovirus is able to change the structure of the walls of blood vessels and even affect the composition of the animal's blood. As a result, the mucous membranes of the digestive organs become hyperemic, erosion almost always occurs on them, and the digestive function is completely disrupted. The body of a sick dog suffers from very severe intoxication, which ends with dehydration of all organs and tissues, and then the death of the animal.

In more detail about parvovirus was described earlier:

Coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is not as detrimental to dogs as parvovirus. With a coronavirus infection, the cells of the crypts are not subject to destruction, so the disease is much easier and less likely to kill the dog. However, the coronavirus is dangerous for puppies, because their immune system does not yet have sufficient strength to overcome this disease.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Depending on what type of enteritis the dog has contracted, one can judge the signs of the manifestation of the disease. In parvovirus enteritis, 3 forms of the course are distinguished:

  • cardiac;
  • Intestinal;
  • Mixed.

With the cardiac form of enteritis, the animal has a general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, severe shortness of breath, cyanosis or pallor of the mucous membranes, bradycardia, cold extremities. As a rule, the lethal outcome of a sick dog comes from acute heart failure.

With the intestinal form, the dog looks lethargic, drowsy, there is a loss of appetite, an increase in body temperature. Then the animal begins to suffer from vomiting (the discharge is usually foamy and viscous). Through 2-3 days the pet develops, the smell of feces resembles rotting meat. Later 1-2 days the stool takes on a bloody consistency, the dog begins to experience severe pain in the abdominal cavity, whines at the slightest touch to the stomach. The final stage of the intestinal form is the dehydration of the animal's body and as a result - death.

Coronavirus enteritis is not accompanied by such striking signs as parvovirus. The animal may refuse food, but at the same time drink water, diarrhea and vomiting are rarely recorded, abdominal pain is mild.

Coronavirus enteritis has 2 courses:

Acute - the animal quickly weakens, lethargy is noted. Often, with this course, a secondary infection develops, from which only puppies with low immunity die, adult dogs almost always recover.

Mild - appears mainly in adult animals and, as a rule, is asymptomatic. A sick dog loses its appetite, there is weakness and indifference to everything. After a few days, the condition of the animal improves significantly.

If there is a suspicion that a pet has contracted enteritis, in no case should you hesitate. The owner must deliver his pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, otherwise the risk of death of the animal is high.

Diagnosis of enteritis in dogs

Since enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms with other dangerous diseases (salmonellosis, hepatitis of an infectious nature), only a preliminary diagnosis is made according to general clinical signs. The veterinarian makes the final verdict only after additional laboratory tests:

  • taking samples of faeces from sick dogs to detect the causative agent of the disease in them. The most commonly used method is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • the hemagglutination reaction (RGA) allows detecting the antigen of the virus in the blood of the animal;
    general urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the sternum and abdominal cavity;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

During the post-mortem diagnosis of an animal, a specialist notes an acute catarrhal hemorrhagic process of an inflammatory nature in the small intestine. The mesenteric lymph nodes are always filled with blood, edematous and enlarged. Also, for pathoanatomical diagnosis, the histological method is used, which makes it possible to detect a decrease in lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue of the small intestine and foci of necrosis on crypt epitheliocytes.

Treatment of viral enteritis

When diagnosing a viral enteritis in a dog, treatment should begin immediately. Parvovirus is especially dangerous, because in the absence of veterinary care, the animal dies in a few days. Coronavirus often clears up on its own, but only in adults who have strong dog immunity. In puppies, coronavirus enteritis almost always ends in the death of the animal.

For the treatment of enteritis, the following methods are used:

  • administration of hyperimmune serum and immunoglobulin to sick dogs;
  • with the help of droppers, saline solutions (sodium chloride, Ringer-Locke) are introduced;
  • as nutrients - intravenous glucose solution and ascorbic acid;
  • the use of antimicrobial agents to suppress secondary infection;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • painkillers to relieve spasms;
  • cardiac funds to improve myocardial function;
  • antiemetics to help prevent dehydration;
  • adsorbents.

In the first duration of treatment, it is contraindicated to feed the animal, only clean fresh water can be given (if the dog is very weak and does not drink on its own, it needs to drink water through a syringe without a needle). After a few days, the animal is given some soft food or liquid soup, rice water is also recommended. During the week, the animal should not be introduced into the diet of dairy products. All the time while the dog is receiving therapy, she needs complete rest and careful care.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

It is much easier to prevent enteritis than to treat this disease later, therefore, the most correct measure of prevention is considered animal vaccination. Small puppies should not be allowed to walk outside until they have received their first vaccination against the virus.

It is easy to prevent infection of your dog, you just need to follow certain recommendations:

  • shake out and process dog beds as often as possible;
  • do not share toys, carriers, ammunition with other dogs;
  • do not allow your pet to contact with homeless and sick relatives;
  • feed your pet only high-quality and balanced food;
  • timely deworming of dogs;
  • take daily active walks with the animal.

At the first manifestations of enteritis, it is unacceptable to make a diagnosis and engage in independent treatment of the animal. It is important to remember: with coronavirus (in puppies) and parvovirus enteritis, the animal can die within a few days. Animals that have been ill, as a rule, acquire strong immunity for the rest of their lives.

Consequences of enteritis

Even in those dogs that have been ill with enteritis, lifelong complications are possible in the form of lameness, infertility, disruption of the liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract. It is not uncommon for dogs that have been ill to subsequently suffer from heart failure. In small puppies who have had a dangerous disease, there is a developmental delay, and with a cardiac form of the disease, a malfunction of the heart muscle.

Viral enteritis is a dangerous disease for all dogs, regardless of the breed and age of the animal. Only timely immunization and vaccination, quality nutrition, as well as careful care for four-legged friends can prevent the development of a serious illness.

Enteritis is a common disease that affects not only people, but also dogs. For animals, this pathology is extremely dangerous, and can lead to serious complications up to death. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the dog owner needs to recognize the symptoms of infection in time and take the necessary measures. How does enteritis in dogs proceed, what should be done to cure a pet?

It is an infectious disease that develops due to the reproduction and activity of pathogenic microorganisms - parvoviruses, coronaviruses, rotaviruses. They cause inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and with a protracted course and some forms of the disease, they can affect the myocardium, kidneys, liver and other vital organs. The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms causes the destruction of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, it swells strongly, the digestion of food is disturbed, and nutrients are no longer absorbed into the blood.

Once in the animal's body, viruses immediately begin to multiply, triggering an immune response, but the amount of antibodies that is sufficient to effectively fight foreign agents is produced only on the 5-6th day. During this time, irreversible changes may already begin in the tissues and organs, leading to the death of the dog.

For reference! Viral enteritis in dogs is not dangerous to humans and other pets, with the exception of the rotavirus form, which can affect young children, so it is better to take precautions when dealing with.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of the disease enter the digestive tract of the animal from the environment. They are contained in the saliva, feces and vomit of the carrier of the virus, and it is not at all necessary that the infected individual visits the house - pathogens can be brought on shoes and clothes, on the paws of other pets. The danger lies in the fact that viruses begin to be released even during the incubation period, when the infected individual looks healthy.

In addition, the microorganisms that cause enteritis are extremely resilient and can easily tolerate high or low temperatures, as well as environmental changes, in particular, exposure to gastric juice. At the height of the illness, an infected dog's vomit and feces contain amounts of the virus that could infect up to a million other dogs, according to research data.

Who belongs to the risk group for infection with enteritis

The disease does not develop in every dog, even if pathogens enter the body - the immune system of some animals successfully copes with foreign agents. At risk are weakened animals, as well as puppies aged 2 to 14 weeks.

Individuals from 20 weeks to a year tolerate enteritis a little easier, but it is still considered an extremely dangerous disease, and in older dogs (from a year to 7-8 years) it proceeds almost without complications, and responds well to treatment. There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of enteritis and increase the risk of infection.

  1. No vaccinations. Vaccinated dogs get enteritis extremely rarely, and in case of infection, the disease does not give serious complications, and rarely leads to death.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition. Wrong diet, sudden changes in the usual menu, feeding forbidden foods, too hot or cold food lead to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it easier for enteritis pathogens to do their job.
  3. Weakened immunity. If the dog's immunity is working normally, pathogenic organisms have no chance of reproducing, and in weakened individuals, the disease proceeds quickly and severely.
  4. Accompanying illnesses. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and other pathologies are also a predisposing factor to the development of enteritis.

For reference! A dog of any breed can get enteritis, but, according to the observations of veterinarians, East European Shepherd Dogs suffer the disease more severely.

Enteritis in puppies

For puppies, enteritis is considered a very dangerous disease - it is extremely difficult to cure it, and most infected individuals die. The destructive effect of pathogenic microorganisms is associated with the characteristics of their vital activity, as well as the physiological characteristics of small dogs.

Once in the bloodstream, viruses first of all begin to attack cells that are in the phase of active growth - in puppies, these are the cells lining the intestines, as well as the myocardium. Toxins that pathogens produce enter the liver, which, due to age-related characteristics, cannot neutralize them. Puppies that feed on the milk of vaccinated bitches develop immunity, but it does not last long, and young individuals become infected very easily - they just need to smell the infected feces or play on the grass where the carrier of the disease had previously passed. If the mother has not been vaccinated, the chances of getting sick when exposed to the virus in her cubs increase to 100%.

Symptomatic manifestations of enteritis

Enteritis has no specific symptoms - its manifestations resemble signs of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period, as a rule, lasts from 1 to 10 days, but the rate of manifestation, intensity and other features depend on the form of the disease, the number of viruses that have entered the body, and the general condition of the animal. Common symptoms of enteritis in dogs include:

  • lethargy, apathy and weakness (the animal refuses to play, moves with difficulty);
  • increase in temperature by several degrees;
  • pain in the abdomen - when palpating or trying to touch the stomach, the dog will show anxiety, aggression or whine plaintively;
  • loss of appetite, and some individuals cannot even drink water;
  • vomiting of viscous or foamy masses, which appears a few days after the onset of the disease;
  • loose stools - feces are dark in color, sometimes blood impurities and a putrid odor.

Attention! Similar manifestations can be observed in infectious diseases caused by the activity of other microorganisms, therefore, before starting treatment, the virus should be diagnosed by passing the appropriate tests.

Video Enteritis in dogs

Types of disease in dogs

Depending on the virus that caused the disease, enteritis can be coronavirus, parvovirus and rotavirus. The parvovirus form of the disease is considered the most dangerous for dogs - 80-85% of sick dogs die from it. Coronavirus and rotavirus varieties cause death much less frequently (in 5-10% of cases), but can provoke complications and secondary diseases.

Non-viral enteritis

The above forms of the disease belong to a number of infectious, but sometimes non-viral enteritis occurs - an inflammatory bowel disease caused not by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, but by other factors (poisoning, improper diet, burns of the mucous membrane, etc.). The symptoms of the disease are similar to the viral form of the disease with a slight difference - at first the dog develops diarrhea mixed with mucus, and then blood. As the intestines cease to perform their functions, food decomposes and rots, which causes an unpleasant smell from the mouth and intoxication of the body. Vomiting is observed in the later stages of the disease - at first it is transparent and foamy, and then impurities of bile and blood appear.

The parvovirus form of enteritis is characterized by extensive damage to the intestinal tissues - with a severe, prolonged course of the disease, they are completely destroyed, and the fragments come out with feces and vomit. This type of disease has three forms - intestinal, cardiac and mixed, each of which has its own symptoms.

Table 1. Features and clinical course of forms of parvovirus enteritis.

Form of the diseasePeculiarities
intestinalThe main signs are lethargy, lack of appetite, the appearance of indomitable vomiting with foamy, viscous masses. Vomiting is followed by watery stools and sometimes fever. After a few days, the diarrhea becomes bloody, and the dog begins to experience severe pain in the stomach area. In the absence of therapy, the animal may die from dehydration in 2-3 days.
CardiacMost often diagnosed in young individuals under the age of 9 weeks. The puppy becomes lethargic, sleeps all the time, refuses to eat, but pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting are absent. Perhaps rumbling in the abdomen and respiratory failure - severe shortness of breath or, conversely, too quiet, shallow breathing. Most sick puppies die, and the rest acquire chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
mixedThe disease affects both the gastrointestinal tract and the heart muscle, so the dog may experience symptoms of the intestinal and cardiac form. The most susceptible to the disease are weakened dogs, puppies of unvaccinated bitches, as well as those that suffer from concomitant infections - adenovirus, rotavirus.

The intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis is observed in 80% of cases, cardiac - in 20%, mixed is diagnosed much less frequently.

Coronavirus enteritis

With coronavirus enteritis, the pathological process affects only the tops of the intestinal villi, so it proceeds much easier and leaves the dog more likely to recover. Only weakened animals and puppies die - adults survive and are completely cured. Pathology caused by coronavirus can occur in two forms - mild and acute.

  1. The mild form often goes unnoticed by the dog owner, and resolves after treatment with conventional absorbents, and sometimes without any therapy. The animal's appetite decreases, a slight lethargy appears, fever, severe vomiting and diarrhea are absent - slight digestive disorders in the form of a semi-liquid stool are possible.
  2. The acute form develops quite quickly - the dog stops eating and drinking, moderate vomiting and liquid stools of a bright yellow hue appear. A few days later, a secondary infection joins, the feces become light brown, the dog becomes lethargic and lethargic.

Important! Pet owners are often interested in the clinical course and treatment of adenoviral enteritis, but veterinarians say that this type of virus is unable to cause inflammation in the intestines, so we are most likely talking about the parvovirus form of the disease.

The rotavirus form of the disease develops quickly - about a day after the virus enters the body, but the pathological process practically does not threaten the life of the animal. The dog becomes lethargic and apathetic, after a while diarrhea appears with the release of dark yellow stool. Bowel emptying occurs 6-8 times a day, sometimes the temperature rises in a sick animal and vomiting begins.


In a separate type of disease, veterinarians distinguish parvovirus and coronavirus gastroenteritis - pathological processes that affect not only the intestines, but also the stomach. Gastroenteritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea, usually with blood impurities;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • lethargy, refusal to eat and drink;
  • temperature rise;
  • heavy, hoarse breathing.

Dog with gastroenteritis

The danger of these diseases lies in the fact that they can occur in a latent form (the dog becomes lethargic and does not eat well, there are no pronounced symptoms), which is why there is no timely treatment. With a lightning-fast form, veterinarians may not have time to save the pet - some individuals die within a few hours.

Characteristic signs of enteritis in dogs

Enteritis does not have specific symptoms, but according to some signs, the owner may suspect the disease and begin therapy. Infectious inflammation of the intestine can be suspected when the dog's condition worsens sharply and quickly, and the manifestations cannot be associated with external factors - food eaten, changes in diet, etc.

The second alarming sign is indomitable vomiting and diarrhea. With poisoning and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea are usually periodic, and with enteritis, emptying can occur every 20-40 minutes. Defecation in dogs suffering from the parvovirus form of the disease has one feature - the feces fly out in a stream, at a distance of a meter from the animal, and in the masses one can notice flakes and tissue fragments.

Dogs with a similar diagnosis are severely weakened, but cannot lie on their stomach due to stomach pains - they try to sit up with their front paws wide apart, and with severe dehydration and weakness, they lie on their side.

Attention! Severe vomiting and diarrhea in a dog are always warning signs and require immediate medical attention.

What to do if enteritis is suspected

At the slightest suspicion of enteritis, the pet should be taken to the clinic as soon as possible - if therapy is started in the first two days of illness, the chances of recovery increase significantly. The dog needs to have his temperature taken and also pay attention to the bowel movements - the presence of foam or blood is a bad sign. Any features of the course of the disease can play an important role in making a diagnosis, so they need to be remembered, and even better written down.

Do not give any drugs before the dog is examined by a specialist - improper treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition. The only thing the owner can do is to buy a solution in the pharmacy to restore water and electrolyte balance and give the animal a little every 10 minutes. In addition, an infected dog should be isolated from other pets and small children, feces should be removed as soon as possible, and hands should be thoroughly washed after any manipulations with the patient.

Diagnosis of enteritis

To diagnose the disease, an external examination of the dog is carried out, palpation of the abdomen, temperature measurement, after which it is necessary to take blood tests and feces. To isolate the virus that caused the pathological process, feces and blood are examined by PCR and ELISA.

To determine the extent of damage to internal organs and assess their condition, an ultrasound or x-ray is performed. Differential diagnosis is carried out with infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, severe poisoning, hepatitis and other ailments that have similar symptoms.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs

At home, enteritis in dogs can only be treated with a mild form - in severe cases (especially if symptoms are observed in puppies, elderly or debilitated individuals), you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic. The therapy is aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms, eliminating dehydration and intoxication, restoring the normal functioning of systems that have been affected by the pathological process.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs is divided into two parts - antiviral and pathogenetic therapy.

  1. Antiviral treatment involves the fight against pathogens - blocking the reproduction of viruses and their destruction.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy includes restoration of water balance in the body (rehydration), detoxification and elimination of symptoms of enteritis.

There is no universal treatment regimen for enteritis - individual drugs and their combinations should be prescribed by a doctor. Most often, the following drugs are used in the treatment of the disease:

  • immunoglobulin, hyperimmune and anti-enteroviral sera (effective in the first 3 days of the disease);
  • to prevent the addition of a secondary infection;
  • saline solutions to restore water balance in the body and prevent dehydration;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers to alleviate the condition and eliminate pain;
  • immunomodulators - drugs that activate the immune system and help the body effectively fight the disease;
  • and enemas are prescribed to remove toxic substances and toxins;
  • vitamins and glucose help maintain the animal's body, avoid exhaustion and metabolic disorders;
  • cardiac preparations are necessary in cases where the pathological process affects the myocardium.

Attention! In the first 1-2 days, all drugs are administered exclusively - due to constant vomiting, giving them in the usual way (orally) is inappropriate and ineffective.

Video Treatment of enteritis in dogs

How to feed a dog with enteritis

The first day the dog is best to stay on a starvation diet - you can eat only when the vomiting has completely stopped, and the four-legged patient has an appetite. Nutrition should be fractional - small portions 5-6 times a day, and strictly dietary.

At first, you can give only low-fat chicken or beef broths, better than the second cooking (water is drained after boiling, the meat is poured with clean water and cooked as usual) and heavily boiled rice porridge. If the digestive tract responded normally to the beginning of feeding, finely chopped lean meat, sour-milk products, and boiled vegetables can be introduced into the diet. The list of prohibited products for enteritis includes:

  • semi-finished products and sausages;
  • fatty, flour and sweet dishes;
  • spices and spices;
  • bones and offal.

Restoring bowel function after enteritis can take more than one week, so you can carefully switch to the previous one only a month after recovery.

Consequences of the disease

Viral enteritis often causes complications and health problems, even with timely therapy. The most common consequences of the disease include:

  • lameness, gait disturbance;
  • polyps in the oral cavity;
  • myocarditis and heart failure;
  • developmental delay in puppies;
  • female infertility.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the condition of the dog's body and the timeliness of therapy, complications can resolve on their own within 9-12 months, or remain for life.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

The most effective means of protection against enteritis is vaccination of dogs with mono- and polyvaccines. The risk of infection in a vaccinated individual is 4-5%, the disease is mild, and there are practically no deaths. The standard vaccination schedule is as follows:

  • 1 vaccination - at 4-6 weeks with "baby" serum;
  • 2nd - at 8 weeks with a vaccine for adult dogs;
  • 3rd - 3-4 weeks after the second vaccination;
  • 4th - at 6-8 months.

Further, to maintain the normal immunity of the pet, it is recommended to revaccinate annually. At the time of administration of the drug, the dog must be healthy, and two weeks before the procedure, antihelminthic therapy should be carried out. Before vaccination, puppies need maximum protection against infection with the virus - approach the offspring only in clean clothes, wash their hands before picking up dogs, and not give them to strangers or guests.

Enteritis is an extremely dangerous disease for dogs, which in about 50% of cases leads to death.

The best protection against infection is the timely vaccination of a pet, but if the dog nevertheless caught the infection, you do not need to give up - modern medicines are quite capable of curing a four-legged patient, even in a difficult case.

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