Ozokerite readings. Thermal procedures for orthopedic pathologies or ozokerite treatment: indications and contraindications, properties of healing mountain wax, the result of therapy. What is ozokerite

Ozokerite - a waxy mass from dark brown to black - a substance of petroleum origin. Ozokerite contains paraffin, mineral oils, resins and other substances. Raw ozokerite is melted and washed with water and then with acid to free it from foreign inclusions, and bleached with special bleaching clay (Fuller's earth). Commodity ozokerite is black, green, yellow or white, depending on the degree of bleaching. Purified ozokerite melts at a higher temperature (65 °C to 80 °C) than wax; it consists almost entirely of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. Acids and alkalis do not affect ozocerite. It holds oils and other additives firmly. Ozokerite is insoluble in volatile alcohols, but soluble in benzene, kerosene and other hydrocarbons.

The term "ozocerite" was first proposed by Glocker in 1833. The first chemical analysis of ozocerite was made by the famous French chemist Walter in Paris in 1840.

Clinical experience with the use of ozokerite indicates that the most favorable results are achieved in the treatment of inflammatory and metabolic-dystrophic diseases. Ozokerite applications have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, accelerate recovery processes, increase immune parameters, normalize the tone of the vegetative nervous system, stimulate blood circulation. Inclusion of ozokerite applications in medical complex increases the effectiveness of spa therapy in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, urinary excretion and metabolism.

The effect of ozokerite on the body consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors. In addition, numerous chemical components of ozokerite and the possibility of their penetration through the skin cause significant changes in the overall reactivity of the body.

Ozokerite is characterized by very low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and heat-retaining capacity. Convection heat transfer in ozokerite is weakly expressed, therefore, when it is applied to the skin, a layer is quickly formed, the temperature of which is close to that of the skin, and heat transfer to the body from the overlying layers occurs very slowly. This makes it possible to use ozokerite with high temperature(60-70 C) without fear of causing a burn.

The mechanical factor of the action of ozokerite is due to its ability to decrease in volume by 10-12% during solidification, which is accompanied by a slight compression of the underlying tissues (compression effect). This contributes to a deeper spread of heat. The compression effect of ozocerite is most pronounced with circular applications, when a body area is covered from all sides, for example, on the limbs, while tissue swelling decreases, because due to thermal effects, the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph improves.

The chemical effect of ozokerite is due to the presence in it of biologically active substances(having an estrogen-like, acetylcholine-like effect), capable of penetrating through intact skin into the body and, entering the humoral channel, cause a parasympathicotonic effect. Ozokerite also contains substances with antibiotic properties. It has been established that ozokerite can have an anti-inflammatory, resolving, analgesic, antispastic, desensitizing effect, stimulates regeneration processes.

Indications for the use of ozokerite

Diseases of the joints and spine of dystrophic and inflammatory nature in the finish or chronic stage; consequences of damage to the musculoskeletal system; diseases and injuries peripheral nerves, spinal cord; diseases internal organs(chron. pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum); chronic and subacute inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, secondary infertility; hron. inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose; skin diseases; diseases peripheral vessels limbs in initial stages, chron. thrombophlebitis.

Procedure technique

Ozokerite is heated to the required temperature in electric paraffin heaters or in a water bath. Sterilization of the used ozocerite is carried out by heating in a water bath to a temperature of 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When reusing ozokerite, 25% of the substance that was not in use is added to it.

There are several ways to use ozokerite:

  • layering (molten ozokerite t 65-70 C is applied to the skin with a brush);
  • ozokerite baths (the limb is coated with ozokerite, and then immersed in a vessel with molten ozokerite at 60-70 C;
  • napkin-application (gauze folded in 8-10 layers is immersed in molten ozocerite t 50-55 C, squeezed and applied to the site of exposure, covered with oilcloth, and then with a blanket or padded jacket);
  • cuvette-application (molten ozocerite with a layer of 1.5-2 cm thick is poured into cuvettes, frozen ozocerite t 48-50-54 C is removed from the cuvette on an oilcloth and together with it is applied to the areas to be affected).

The latter technique is most often used in practice. Ozokerite is also used for abdominal treatment in the form of rectal and vaginal tampons at t 55-60 C. The choice of treatment method is determined by the form of the disease, the localization of the process, the phase and stage of the disease. Usually the procedures are carried out daily or every other day, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30-40 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-20 procedures. After the procedure, you should rest for 30-40 minutes.

You can repeat courses of treatment at intervals of at least 3-4 months. Ozokerite can be combined (alternating procedures) with galvanization or electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phototherapy, massage, physical therapy, shared mineral baths. The intervals between ozokeritotherapy and one of the listed procedures should be at least 1-2 hours. For the elderly and children, ozokerite is heated to a lower temperature (48-52 C); the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes. In children's practice, preference is given to the napkin-application method (napkins are moistened with ozocerite t 48-49 C and a compress is applied).

The use of ozokerite is contraindicated in febrile conditions, decompensation of cardio-vascular system, acute and subacute heart diseases, severe forms, hypertension, emphysema, bronchial asthma, dystrophies, tuberculosis, benign and malignant tumors, tendencies to bleeding, blood diseases, with callous and prone to penetration ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative enterocolitis, serious illnesses liver, gangrenous forms obliterating endarteritis, acute and subacute thrombophlebitis, thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, with suppurative processes in the pelvic organs, during pregnancy.

Storage: at a temperature not higher than + 25 C.

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including joint pathologies, are effectively treated in modern medicine using physiotherapy methods.

Physiotherapy should be one of the approaches complex treatment. It is in this case that we can talk about its effectiveness. Diseases musculoskeletal system require both medication and

One of the most popular and sought-after methods of treatment articular pathologies is ozokeritotherapy.

Ozokerite treatment is a method of heat therapy. Ozokerite has a very wide range applications and indications. Not all patients are familiar with such a substance as ozokerite, and not everyone knows about its medicinal properties.

Ozokerite is nothing but wax. Only this wax is not bees, but mountain. Its color can range from pale yellow (greenish) to deep brown. The smell of ozocerite is similar to the smell of kerosene. This substance belongs to the group of naphthides.

We list the main properties of ozokerite, which allow it to be used as a method of heat treatment:

  • High melting point (from 50 to 100 degrees).
  • Low thermal conductivity.

Features of ozocerite

Ozokerite is not the only substance that is used for thermotherapy. Its main competitor is paraffin and procedures with it.

Many patients are faced with a choice: which of these procedures to choose. Doctors in their recommendations tend to choose ozokeritotherapy.

Let us explain what are the main advantages of ozokerite over paraffin:

  1. Ozokerite has a greater plasticity compared to paraffin, and a significantly higher heat capacity. In addition, ozokerite penetrates well into the deeper layers of the skin.
  2. Ozokerite has the following properties: compression, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antispasmodic, regenerating, vasodilating. Paraffin has no such effects.
  3. Ozokerite contains many useful substances(manganese, calcium, aluminum, iron), providing additional healing effect on the body.

Some physiotherapists practice combining thermal procedures with ozocerite and paraffin. In this case, they are taken in a one-to-one ratio.

Ozokerite for medical procedures can be used multiple times and even different patients. The only condition necessary for the effectiveness of the procedures is to add about 25% of the unused (new) substance to the used mass each time.

When is ozocerite prescribed?

As already noted, ozokeritotherapy has a very wide range of applications. It is prescribed and used in the following areas:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Damage to the peripheral nervous system.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Impaired functioning of internal organs.

  1. Damage to the muscular apparatus of the spine.
  2. Initial stages.
  3. Spondylosis.

The list of diseases and injuries of the entire musculoskeletal system, in which ozokerite treatment is used, is also very large:

  • Stiffness after arthritis and fractures.
  • Ostomyelitis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Bursitis and tendovaginitis.
  • Contracture.
  • Fractures (closed type) of tubular bones.
  • Intra-articular fractures.
  • Hemorrhage in soft tissues after injury.
  • Arthrosis is deforming.
  • Ostitis and periostitis.
  • Dystrosia.
  • Scars limiting joint mobility.

How is ozokeritotherapy performed?

Treatment with ozokerite can be carried out by various methods.

The doctor prescribes a specific type of technique for the patient, based on the stage of the disease in the patient and which part of the body needs to be affected.

Consider in the table the popular methods of treatment with ozocerite:

Ozokeritotherapy method Description
Cuvette-application method. A pallet (ditch) is selected with a size that matches the size of the application area. Molten ozocerite is poured into it on a medical oilcloth. In the cuvette, a cake should be obtained with an approximate thickness of 2 to 4 cm. The cooled cake is applied to the skin treated vaseline oil. After that, it is necessary to wrap the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body on which the treatment is being carried out with something warm.
Napkin-application method. A gauze napkin is folded into several layers, and then dipped into molten ozocerite. Then it is squeezed out and left straightened until it cools. So prepare several napkins. Napkins are applied to the skin, smeared with petroleum jelly. The temperature of the first napkin should be about 50 degrees. With each napkin, the temperature increases to 80 degrees. For children, more than low temperature: first layer - 35 degrees, last - 60.
Layering. The patient's skin is lubricated with petroleum jelly, and then molten ozocerite is applied with a brush at a temperature of about 50 degrees. After the formation of the crust, the next layer is made, but at a higher temperature. The thickness of the layered ozokerite should be from 1 to 2 cm. The application is covered with oilcloth and wrapped in a blanket.
Baths with ozocerite. Apply to the diseased limb thin layer wax. Then they are lowered into a bag with ozocerite heated to 60 degrees. From above, the limb is wrapped in a blanket. The procedure lasts about 60 minutes. After the bath, the patient needs to rest for one hour. in one day. The course consists of 10 - 15 bath sessions.

Temperature control is very important successful treatment the patient, as well as his safety, since in case of non-compliance temperature regime the patient may get burned.

Contraindications to treatment with ozokerite

Ozokerite has a good ability to penetrate deep into skin. This provides and explains its effectiveness.

But along with this, the complex composition of a substance can have not only healing effect, but also cause a strong allergic reaction at the patient.

Ozokeritotherapy has many contraindications to its use:

Treatment with ozocerite should not be carried out with:
Heart failure.
Feverish state.
Asthma (bronchial and cardiac).
Liver abscess.

Ozokerite is unique natural component, which is widely used in the medical industry. Medical ozocerite has also been used in cosmetology. Unique Feature fossil presented in pharmacies in its color and smell, benefits and composition. Even translated from ancient Greek, its name is listed as “fragrant sand”.

Often in crossword puzzles you can find a special definition - the mountain epithet of ozocerite - 4 letters. These are "black wax" or "tears of the earth". There are many unique definitions, but the important thing is that ozokerite treatment brings real benefits to the patient, which allows doctors to prescribe the remedy and significantly improve the condition of patients.

The paraffin offered by many pharmacies - ozokerite - is used as ancillary treatment if you have health problems associated with:

Among the indications for the use of ozocerite and recovery period after various surgical interventions. You can use ozokerite at home in compliance with all the recommendations that are given in the instructions. It is this method that is often available to those who do not have rooms for manipulations in district clinics.

To alleviate the condition of patients with the above problems, the doctor may prescribe treatment with ozokerite - the attending physician evaluates the indications and contraindications based on the patient's condition.

Appointment for children

Not only adults can use a natural component to alleviate their condition. Instructions for the use of ozokerite allows the use of the drug also for children who have and are diagnosed with specific health problems:

  1. Torticollis;
  2. Spastic paresis;

However, even in this case, the use of ozocerite is accompanied by an additional appointment of electrophoresis and a course of massage.


To prescribe treatment with ozokerite, indications and contraindications must be evaluated by an experienced doctor.

Like everything medicine, the natural component has a series negative consequences and prohibitions for use. They may concern:

Evaluate real opportunity to prescribe treatment with ozokerite at home or in special hospital rooms, only the attending physician, who examines the patient, prescribes a series of tests for him. Among the contraindications to ozocerite is also the presence of allergies.


The low price for ozokerite allows you to use the composition often enough for a complete recovery or significant relief of your condition. Numerous reviews of ozokerite prove that the drug is really effective for patients with various diseases. This can be explained by the composition Chemical properties products. Among the components:

  • mineral oils;
  • resins;
  • High molecular weight hydrocarbons (paraffins and ceresins).

Depending on the place of extraction and the characteristics of the climatic zone, its geography, the consistency of the substance can vary from hard and very brittle to soft and fluid. The peculiarity of the mass is also that it can have different shades. In our pharmacies, you can most often find products of black or dark brown. But there are also compositions with a color from light yellow to brown and even green.

Any species can be used in medicine, but some will first have to be heated on a special apparatus. The use of ozocerite at home also involves heating substances, but this does not require the use of special equipment. A restorative procedure with ozocerite can be carried out using a steam bath.

However, it is important to remember how to use ozocerite at home, as it is highly flammable when in contact with an open flame.


Ozokerite is often used for arthrosis knee joint as well as various other diseases.

This popularity is quite simply explained. Among the features of the composition and its valuable properties:

  1. Reducing the pain state due to natural properties;
  2. Low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity - all this allows the use of the composition long time and get the maximum effect from each procedure;
  3. Irritant and stimulating property - due to the presence minerals in the composition, which stimulates blood flow to provide damaged tissues with oxygen;
  4. Antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory action;
  5. Light compression effect.

Ozokerite is used for joints, as well as for damaged muscles, bone tissue, often prescribe the passage of procedures only after manipulations and surgical intervention. it complementary therapy can bring excellent healing effect.

What to buy ozokerite for treatment?

Ozokerite - what is it and for what diseases should it be used?

it natural ingredient, which mining companies get from the bowels of the earth along with oil.

It is this fact that allows you to set a very reasonable price for ozokerite in a pharmacy. it by-product work of mining companies, it comes to points of sale in several ways:

Any of the proposed ozokerites has indications for use. it medicinal formulations, which allow you to restore the health of the patient.

Ways to use

To carry out a variety of cosmetic procedures medical ozocerite is used. These are products that must be pre-melted in a special apparatus or on steam bath Use only a wooden spoon to stir it.

It is strictly forbidden to use a microwave oven for heating, since the composition is highly flammable, and may also lose its properties from such exposure. valuable properties and features. You can use the mass of any shade in various ways.


For cooking, not only ozocerite is used, but also gauze, it can be replaced with a bandage. Gauze should be folded in 8-10 layers, and then dipped into the melted mass. Excess should be carefully squeezed out and applied for treatment to the affected area. The length and width of the cut will depend on the characteristics of the disease and its localization.

Another one of the same should be applied to the first compress, but its temperature should already be slightly higher - from 70 degrees. The compress should not touch the skin, otherwise you can get burns. After applying two layers of compress, you need to wrap everything terry towel or other material. Wear until the composition is completely cool.

Flatbreads and boots

Put foil or tracing paper on a baking sheet, onto which the melted mass is poured in a thin layer of 1.5 cm. After that, you will need to give her desired shape. Apply to the body only after cooling the ozocerite to 50 degrees and hold for 30-40 minutes. To create boots, you can apply a lot of comfortable temperature to the leg, roll it along its length, bend it around the toes and heel. This procedure is often performed for babies with problems of the musculoskeletal system.

You can use the funds and to get baths for hands and feet. To do this, it is necessary to melt big piece ozocerite, and after it reaches a comfortable temperature, lower it into the substance of the limb.

It is also called "black gold" and "tears of the earth" and is mined in the Ukrainian and Polish Carpathians, Great Britain, on the Cheleken Peninsula in the Caspian Sea. If we turn to the composition of ozocerite, it contains mineral oils, resins and other substances useful for the body. In general, this substance has dark color, practical black. Ozokerite is a complex mixture.

However, medical and industrial ozocerite are not exactly the same thing. Substance to be used in medicinal purposes must undergo special processing. As a result of cleaning, ozokerite acquires a white color.

Thanks to its constituent chemical elements, ozokerite has anti-inflammatory, resolving and regenerating properties. It is important that it is able to penetrate into the human body through healthy areas of the skin and have positive influence to painful areas.

Modern medicine uses ozocerite topically in the form of applications and tampons. It can be used vaginally and rectally by soaking tampons for insertion with medical ozocerite. More often, ozocerite is melted and applied to the painful area of ​​the body on top of the oilcloth. It is worth remembering that, like any paraffin-containing agent, ozokerite needs to be melted. At the same time, it is worth knowing that this substance is highly flammable, as a result of which its contact with an open fire is unacceptable. It can start a fire. Ozokerite is melted in a water bath or in special devices.

It is interesting that in the mining areas about healing properties ozocerite has been known for a long time. People have noticed that in some situations this remedy is very effective, for example, in neuralgic diseases, dislocations and sprains.

Scope - physiotherapy

However, the main place of application of ozokerite is physiotherapy. Widely known physiotherapy with ozocerite. In medicine, preparations based on ozocerite are used, for example, Ozoceramin and Ozoparaffin, as well as napkins impregnated with ozokerite. It is important that preparations based on ozokerite rarely cause side effects. It also added to the popularity of this substance.

However, at the same time, ozokerite is undesirable in the treatment of diseases in which there is a threat of suppuration, for example, with adnexitis. In addition, a contraindication is the use of ozocerite in any acute stages of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, the use of this substance must be supervised by a doctor.

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Ozokerite, or "tears of the earth", is a hydrocarbon and mineral that is part of the petroleum bitumen group. It is used both for technical and scientific purposes, and for physiotherapeutic procedures, since chemical composition ozokerite has medicinal properties.

Ozokerite treatment

Usually, ozokerite is used for physiotherapeutic purposes, namely for warming up diseased areas of the musculoskeletal system and inflammatory chronic diseases accompanied by peripheral circulation disorders. Ozokerite compresses have a surface-irritating effect on the skin, causing a rush of blood and stimulating blood circulation in the capillaries, improving metabolism in the heated zone. In addition, ozokerite has an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and resolving effect. On the basis of ozocerite produce such medicinal products like ozokeraphin, ozokeramin, ozocerafin and even ozokeraphin wipes.

Traditionally, ozokerite treatment is carried out in sanatoriums and clinics. Indications for its appointment are arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, contractures, neuritis, myositis, trophic ulcers limbs and bedsores. In addition, ozokerite is used to treat some chronic diseases that are in remission - for example, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, urethritis, and so on. It is also used for complex therapy female and male infertility, as well as in the process of post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Carrying out treatment

Ozokerite is used in the form of compresses or applications that are applied to clean, dry skin with removed vegetation. From a wide bandage folded in eight layers, a gasket is made, and the ozocerite itself is melted, a compress is moistened in it, squeezed out and cooled to 45-50 ° C. Then a second compress is made with a temperature of 70-80 ° C, which is applied over the first without contact with the skin, covered with oilcloth and a blanket, and waited for 30-40 minutes. Ozokerite applications impose daily or every two days - the total course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.

With regard to contraindications and side effects, then ozokerite is completely safe if it is used strictly according to the instructions and is not applied during an exacerbation of diseases. At the same time, ozocerite treatment is not used in the presence of bleeding, tumors, ulcers. gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, urolithiasis, pathologies of the liver, of cardio-vascular system and pancreas. Do not use ozokerite for thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, diabetes, pregnancy and some gynecological diseases.

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Oil and products of its processing are complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The level of their production and consumption in modern society is one of the main criteria for an economically developed economy.

Oil refining process

The process of distillation of oil is carried out at refineries through the use of complex physical and chemical-technological processes. It includes the primary preparation of raw materials, in which oil is freed from water, mineral salts and various mechanical impurities. Then on different stages boiling during vacuum distillation, the oil is separated into fractions. They do this in order to isolate the substances originally present in it.

Types of refined products

The main purpose of the oil refining process is the production of petroleum products and fuel mixtures. They are divided into light: gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, having a different grade and density, and dark, such as fuel oil, heating oil and others.

The heavy residue formed at the end of the vacuum distillation of oil is called tar. It is he who is the raw material for the production of the well-known bitumen, which, together with crushed stone, sand and mineral powder, is part of the asphalt.

There is a huge industry formed on the basis of hydrocarbon raw materials obtained in the process of oil refining. The petrochemical industry is engaged in the production of raw materials for the manufacture of plastics, chemicals, alcohol and many other components necessary for National economy.

Many well-known lubricants are products of petroleum distillation. Automotive and machine oils used for corrosion protection, friction reduction and conservation are also based on hydrocarbons.

In the process of oil refining, so-called associated petroleum gases are formed. They are used as a fuel mixed with other components, as well as for the production of acetone, acetic acid and many types of solvents.

It is impossible to imagine the modern cosmetic industry without oil derivatives, which are part of creams and peels in the form of mineral oil, paraffin and many other substances that perform various functions. Mineral oil is the basis of powder, mascara, blush and foundation.

The use in medicine of such refined products as ozocerite, paraffin, naftalan and kerosene makes it possible to obtain positive results in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs and various pathologies including disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.

Ozokerite is a hydrocarbon that belongs to the group of petroleum bitumens and is a mineral. It is used for scientific and technical purposes, as well as in medicine for the purpose of physiotherapeutic manipulations.

Composition and chemical properties

Ozokerite in its structure is a complex mixture of solid saturated high-molecular hydrocarbons, mineral oils and resinous substances. The consistency of ozokerite depends on the amount of resinous-asphalt substances and oils in its composition. It can vary from soft, greasy to hard and brittle, gypsum-like. Most often, ozokerite is waxy, and its hardness varies with temperature.

The color of this substance also depends on its composition and can vary from light yellow to black. Brown and green ozocerite are also found. This substance has a characteristic kerosene smell. It does not dissolve in water, alkalis and alcohol, but it can dissolve in kerosene, gasoline, chloroform and some other substances. Ozokerite is very flammable, so it must be protected from fire.


Ozokerite treatment is quite widespread today. The main branch of its use is physiotherapy. This substance has low thermal conductivity with high heat capacity, so it is used to prepare warming compresses for certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for chronic inflammatory diseases with impaired peripheral circulation.

The chemical composition of medical ozokerite has a surface-irritating effect on the skin, which causes a rush of blood. Thus, the treatment allows you to stimulate blood circulation in the subcutaneous capillaries and improve metabolism in the zone of compress exposure. Ozokerite has analgesic, absorbable, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. On its basis, ozocerafin, ozocerafin, ozocerafin and even ozocerafin napkins are produced.

Ozokerite treatment is usually carried out in the conditions of sanatorium-and-spa institutions. It is also often included in the complex of rehabilitation measures in outpatient settings. The list of indications includes arthrosis, arthritis, contractures, radiculitis, myositis, neuritis, bedsores, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, as well as some chronic diseases in remission, for example, urethritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Also, as part of complex therapy, ozocerite treatment is used for infertility, both female and male, and during post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The instructions for ozocerite recommend using it in the form of compresses or using the cuvette application method. Compresses, like cakes prepared in cuvettes, are applied to a dry clean skin. Abundant vegetation, if present, must be shaved off. It is recommended to undergo procedures in the supine position.

To prepare a compress, it is necessary to fold a wide bandage in 8 layers, making the so-called gasket. Ozokerite is melted in a water bath or in a special apparatus. The gasket is moistened in the solution, then outlived, cooled to a temperature of about 45-50 ° C and applied to the affected area. The second pad with a temperature of 70-80 ° C is applied over the first without contact with the skin. The compress is covered with oilcloth or waxed paper, and a blanket is placed on top.

When using the cuvette-application method, hot liquid ozocerite is poured into cuvettes lined with wax paper. The cake is allowed to cool to 45-50 ° C and removed by the edges of waxed paper. The cake is applied to the affected area with paper up, and a blanket or something else is placed on top of it for warming.

An ozocerite compress is applied for 30-40 minutes or a little more, after which it is removed and the place of application is wrapped with a warm scarf for 40 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily or every other day, in total, 15-20 procedures are usually required.

Side effects

Side effects usually occur in people with hypersensitivity or with intolerance to this substance. In this case, treatment must be stopped.


It is also necessary to take into account contraindications to ozocerite when planning treatment. The drug is contraindicated in patients with any diseases in acute stage, as well as with chronic diseases during periods of exacerbation. Also, ozokerite is contraindicated in case of bleeding or the threat of their occurrence, in the presence of tumors, both malignant and benign, organ ulcers digestive tract, with tuberculosis, severe pathologies cardiovascular system, urolithiasis, lesions of the liver and pancreas.

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