Which nootropic drug is better than piracetam. Modern view on nootropics: a list of the best drugs with proven effectiveness. The indications for use are

Nootropic drugs are popularly called "smart" pills. After all, these drugs improve the brain. They activate learning, improve memory. Piracetam was the first nootropic synthesized in 1963. During the study of the drug, scientists confirmed that the drug increases mental abilities, improves memory, and performance. Today, many drugs have been developed that have a similar effect. These are new generation nootropics. We will talk about them.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics of the new generation do not cause addiction in humans. In addition, they do not provoke psychomotor arousal. Their reception does not cause depletion of physical capabilities.

It is usually well tolerated. But some patients may experience adverse reactions, which were discussed above. In case of violations in carbohydrate metabolism, this remedy is not used, since it contains sucrose.

The drug "Pantogam"

The medicine is able to activate mental activity, normalize behavioral reactions, increase efficiency. Actively contributes to the enrichment of the brain with oxygen.

This tool is approved for use by children from 1 year. It is used for crumbs suffering from cognitive disorders. Mostly with speech delay, hyperactivity syndrome.

The average cost of the drug is 358 rubles.

List of the best nootropics

Today there is just a huge list of effective drugs. In addition, new drugs appear on the pharmacological market from time to time. After all, developments to create the most effective means are ongoing.

If we talk about the best nootropics, then doctors distinguish the following medicines:

  • "Piracetam" (it still belongs to the rank of highly effective drugs).
  • "Nootropil".
  • Phenotropil.
  • "Glycine".
  • "Meclofenoxate".
  • "Cerebrolysin".
  • "Aminalon".
  • "Bemitil".
  • "Biotredin".
  • Vinpocetine.

Patient opinions

From the above, it is quite clear how the instructions for use position the nootropic. Reviews of patients who have tested the drugs on themselves largely confirm the effective effect on the body.

A special place is occupied by the same old drug "Piracetam". It is prescribed for many pathologies, it is especially in demand after traumatic brain injuries. Patients who adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor notice that unpleasant phenomena, such as migraine, dizziness, are eliminated under the influence of the drug.

Excellent means, especially for VVD, are the drugs "Cinarizine", "Vinpocetine". They eliminate such unwanted symptoms as constant dizziness, blue nail plates, cold extremities, and many others. However, some patients may experience side effects.

Despite this, it is the patients who assure that nootropic drugs can “just bring back to life”! Therefore, love yourself, take care of your health and use the medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you!

Nootropics are a group of drugs widely used in neurology. They improve brain function and have many other positive effects.

Nootropics - what kind of drugs?

Nootropics are understood as a group of psychotropic drugs that increase the resistance of the central nervous system to the action of negative factors - injuries, poisoning, oxygen starvation, insomnia, stress. Another name for drugs cerebroprotectors.

Nootropics are combined in one section with psychostimulants, but they have a significant difference from the latter. They do not cause dependence, do not increase physical activity, are not harmful to the body, do not affect reactions and the most important processes. New generation nootropics are now widely used in neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and narcology. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on:

  • increased glucose utilization;
  • accelerating the formation of ATP, proteins and RNA;
  • suppression of oxidative processes;
  • stabilization of cell membranes.

The primary effect of nootropics is a positive effect on the nervous system. The secondary action is aimed at optimizing blood flow in the brain, preventing the appearance of blood clots, and preventing oxygen deficiency.

Types and functions of nootropics

The entire list of nootropics can be divided into 2 groups - true and neuroprotectors. The former improve memory, speech and a number of other brain functions. The second ones are higher in efficiency, as they have additional effects - relaxing, calming, antihypoxic, etc.

Which nootropics are better to take, only a doctor can determine. There are different groups of drugs, each of which has its own indications.

Some drugs should be taken to improve metabolism in the brain, others are better for increasing cerebral blood flow, and others optimize memory and assimilation of educational material. Due to the difference in indications, the selection of drugs should be entrusted to a specialist.

To whom are drugs indicated?

Now nootropics are prescribed for adults and children, because the range of their use is very wide. Medicines increase physical activity, endurance, therefore they are shown to athletes, people engaged in physical labor. For an elderly person, they will help correct age-related changes in memory, intelligence, and disorders in dementia.

For schoolchildren, students, medicines will be useful for better assimilation of information during intense workloads, exams.

Nootropics are most often recommended for children with mental retardation, as well as with various disorders of the nervous system.

What other indications exist for taking medications? It:

Even with urinary disorders that are caused by nerve disorders, nootropics can help. They are also prescribed for anemia, diseases of the eyes, spine.

Most Popular Nootropics

In the ranking of cerebroprotectors, the first places are occupied by true nootropics without additional effects. Many of them belong to the drugs of past generations, but they do not give up their positions because of their high efficiency, low price, and availability. If we consider widely prescribed nootropics, the list of drugs will be as follows:

The drug is a unique cerebroprotector Semax(drops in the nose, from 400 rubles). It contains peptides that have a powerful nootropic, protective, antioxidant, antihypoxic effect.

What nootropics are still prescribed by doctors?

In addition to the drugs described, there are other cerebroprotectors recommended by doctors. For example, medicine Phenotropil(1070 rubles) is one of the best nootropics prescribed for asthenic syndrome, as a neuromodulator and anticonvulsant.

The drug improves mood, speeds up the exchange of information between the hemispheres, increases the threshold for pain perception and the body's resistance during periods of increased stress. The drug optimizes the quality of life in many nervous disorders.

Due to the psychostimulating effect, Phenotropil cannot be purchased without a prescription!

The list of nootropic drugs is impressive. Among the medical appointments you can find the following:

Other well-known cerebroprotectors are Meclofenoxate, Aminalon, Bemitil, Calcium hopantenate, Neurobutal, Instenon, etc.

New generation drugs

Combination preparations containing several active ingredients are very popular now. The representative of the latest generation of drugs is Orocetam(from 500 rubles) - a derivative of orotic acid and piracetam. The remedy is used for severe injuries, intoxications, improves the metabolism of brain tissues, and prevents hypoxic phenomena from developing.

Another remedy is Phezam(piracetam and cinnarizine). The price of the medicine is 300 rubles, it is indicated for migraines, headaches, after strokes, injuries, improves memory, normalizes brain function in dementia, decreased intelligence. In parallel, the drug dilates blood vessels, optimizing cerebral blood flow.

New generation nootropics are also widely prescribed in ophthalmology - they seriously improve the functioning of the optic nerve.

Among the combined cerebroprotectors, it is worth noting Thiocetam, Tanakan, Akatinol, Omaron, Olatropil, as well as derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid - Picamilon, Gammalon, Gamalate B6, Neuro-norm.

In pediatrics, only those drugs are used that have a minimum of side effects and contraindications. But in babies with long-term treatment, they can still increase nervous excitability, cause sleep disturbances, so the indications for admission are very strict:

Children are most commonly prescribed medications Phenibut, Pantogam in syrups, an older child can be given tablets, capsules. Considered harmless to the body Glycine- an amino acid related to the body. Also used in pediatrics Cortexin, Picamilon, limited - Mexidol, Neuromultivit. Course application corrects children's pathologies of the central nervous system and is a prevention of the progression of diseases.

What are new generation nootropic drugs and how do they differ from other drugs of this group, what active ingredients do they contain and for what diseases and disorders are they indicated, the rules for using nootropics.

Nootropic drugs of the new generation are the means that are responsible for stimulating the brain and its work, protecting nervous reactions. The list of new drugs in this group is quite large. As a rule, these are complex substances that consist of the nootropic component itself, as well as a number of additional ingredients, such as amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, which improve the functioning of brain cells.

Features and types of new generation nootropics

Nootropics in various forms have been used by people since ancient times. The simplest and very first known nootropic is choline. The substance contains eggs, meat, fish, seafood. After eating a meal that is rich in animal protein, the hormone serotonin is produced in the brain.

It is responsible for the feeling of pleasure, and also positively affects the connections of neurons. The brain is included in active work, memory becomes better, as well as thought processes. Similar nootropic simplest substances are found in green tea, coffee, nicotine, amphetamines.

After nootropic drugs were developed and studied in the laboratory in the middle of the 20th century, a classification of these drugs was created: stimulants, reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, racetams, vasodilators, metabolic enhancers.

Currently, racetams are mainly used in medicine. These substances are the basis of new nootropics. Racetams are a chemical structure that is derived from pyrrolidine. To date, there are many different pharmacological preparations of the new generation.

Previously, in order to improve mental activity, plant components such as lemongrass, ginseng, ginkgo biloba were widely used. These plants are now the ingredients of nootropic drugs. Unlike natural natural stimulants, the latter have a more precise effect on specific areas of the brain.

This makes it possible to use new drugs not only to enhance memory and improve intelligence, but also in the treatment of more serious abnormalities and ailments, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Due to this, these drugs are considered the most effective among all nootropics.

Composition and characteristics of the components of new nootropics

As a rule, such drugs contain two or more components that complement each other's action. Often in the composition of new nootropics can be found:

  1. Dimethylaminoethanol. This is a substance that is actively involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine. Acts as an antioxidant, improves memory, mental abilities, physical endurance.
  2. Gamma aminobutyric acid. The main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS. It takes an active part in the metabolism of the brain, as well as in neurotransmitter processes.
  3. Pantothenic acid (B5). Participates in the metabolic processes of the brain, the synthesis of acetylcholine. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  4. Pyridoxine (B6). This is a coenzyme of proteins, which is involved in the uniform supply of glucose to the cells of the body, is involved in the processing of amino acids.
  5. Vitamin B15. Helps eliminate cell hypoxia, has a vasodilating effect, has a detoxifying property.
  6. Vitamin E. It takes part in the synthesis of hormones, acts as an antioxidant, prevents the formation of blood clots, and helps the muscles to function normally.
  7. Folic acid. Participates in the processes of DNA replication, in cell division.
In addition, various nootropics contain extracts and extracts of plants: ginseng, ginkgo biloba, lemongrass. The list of new generation nootropics for children usually includes medicines containing vitamin supplements.

Useful properties of new generation nootropics

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, the group of new generation nootropics should include drugs that have a direct activating effect on the learning process, memory, and mental activity. In addition, these drugs increase the resistance of the brain to various aggressive factors.

The general properties of new nootropic drugs are as follows:

  • Improving thought processes - learning or cognitive functions;
  • Increasing the speed of memorization and durability of data storage;
  • Growth of intellectual activity, increase in the volume of intellectual abilities;
  • Forgetfulness of stressful conditions and information about various pains;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in neuronal tissue, mainly in various pathologies, such as intoxication, trauma, anoxia;
  • Improving the impact on the mental state and higher nervous activity in morphological and functional pathologies;
  • The growth of the resistance of the mental processes of the brain to adverse factors of the internal and external environment: stroke, trauma, hypoxia.
Some drugs from the group of new nootropics, due to their pronounced anabolic effect and positive effect on physical endurance and activity, are used in various schemes of medical support for professional sports activities.

New generation nootropic drugs do not affect the psyche and higher nervous activity of a healthy person.

Indications for the use of new nootropics

Let us consider in more detail what are the indications for taking new generation nootropic drugs to increase mental activity:

  1. Psychoorganic Syndrome. In medicine, it is understood as an extensive group of diseases that manifest themselves in dystrophic changes in nervous tissues. These are such ailments: epilepsy, various types of dementia, Parkinson's disease, neuroinfections, cerebral palsy, ischemic stroke.
  2. Chronic alcoholism, which is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms and delirium.
  3. Addiction.
  4. Organic and neurotic asthenia, asthenoneurotic and asthenodepressive syndromes, VVD, migraine, sleep disorders, emotional lability.
  5. Correction of the neuroleptic syndrome.
  6. Violation of proper urination of neurogenic etiology.
  7. Somatic-vegetative disorders.
  8. Neurotic and neurosis-like pathologies.
  9. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  10. Sickle cell anemia.
  11. Chronic psychopathology, schizophrenia, childhood oligophrenia, neurosis-like disorders, depression.
  12. Organic brain syndrome of the elderly.
  13. As part of the complex treatment of ophthalmic pathologies.

Side effects and contraindications of new nootropics

Each drug of the nootropic class has its own contraindications. In general terms, the following can be distinguished:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • bulimia;
  • kidney failure;
  • Liver failure;
  • Chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • Period after acute hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Severe renal impairment.
New generation nootropics may also cause some side effects: weakness, hyperactivity, anxiety, sleep disturbances, hypotension, dyspepsia, nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity, angina pectoris, eosinophilia, epileptic seizures, convulsive states, hallucinations, balance problems, fever, ataxia, thrombophlebitis, confusion of consciousness, hyperemia, feeling of heat on the face, urticaria.

The mechanism of action of new generation nootropic drugs

Nootropic drugs directly affect a number of brain functions. As a result, the interaction between the hemispheres and the main centers of the cortex improves.

New generation drugs increase the utilization of sugar, as well as the formation of ATP, have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of RNA and proteins. The process of oxidative phosphorylation under their influence is suspended, and cell membranes are stabilized.

The mechanisms of action of new nootropics include:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Membrane stabilizing;
  3. Neuroprotective;
  4. Antihypoxic.
Racetams, on the basis of which most nootropic drugs are based, have an effect similar to amphetamine. However, the mechanism of action is different: it is more stable, without regression to subnormal neural efficiency. Amphetamines fill synaptic clefts with a large number of neurotransmitters. And racetams bind to receptors, temporarily changing their shape. The signal is thus lengthened.

The advantage of this mechanism of action is that there are no irreversible changes in the cortex. With the ease with which racetam molecules bind to receptors, they are detached.

In addition, since the human body does not produce racetams on its own, it is unlikely that there will be side products that can cause negative effects. Thus, a powerful nootropic effect is achieved without side effects.

Each racetam is uniquely formulated to bind to specific neuroreceptors. As a rule, such drugs are used in groups in order to achieve the best effect.

The effectiveness of new generation nootropic drugs for the elderly increases if they are combined with psychostimulants and angioprotectors. Thus, disturbed intellectual functions are stimulated and corrected. For children, neurometabolic stimulants are recommended to combat mental retardation.

Instructions for using new nootropics

Self-administration of new generation nootropic drugs without a doctor's recommendation is prohibited. It is only permissible to use herbal medicines based on ginkgo biloba, lemongrass and other plants without prescribing. Such drugs are rather biologically active additives than medicines.

There are many different drugs in this group. They have a different form and direction of action. They are mainly produced in the form of tablets, capsules, injection solutions and suspensions.

It should be noted that the maximum effectiveness of the use of these drugs is achieved only after several weeks and even months.

Overview of New Generation Nootropics

The list of new generation nootropic drugs is quite extensive. As a rule, the latest drugs have a combined composition and combine racetams and excipients.

Popular means are:

  • Phezam. It is a combination of Piracetam and Cynarizine. The medicine is in the form of capsules. It is recommended as a tool in the complex therapy for the treatment of circulatory disorders in the brain. After its use, microcirculation in the brain improves, blood vessels expand, vision and hearing improve. The drug eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, dizziness, fights amnesia. As a rule, people who have suffered a stroke, encephalitis and various traumatic brain injuries are prescribed Phezam for a long time. The price for a package of the drug (60 capsules) ranges from 170 to 250 rubles.
  • Orocetam. The combination of piracetam and orotic acid. These are intravenous injections. The drug helps to overcome severe brain intoxication. Improves metabolic processes in brain cells. Activates the reparative and detoxifying function of the liver. The price is about 50 rubles per ampoule of the drug.
  • Thiocetam. Combination of piracetam and thiotriosalin. It is in the form of tablets and injections. It is used to improve cerebral circulation in the cerebral cortex. It is often used to treat speech disorders and the consequences of alcohol intoxication. The price of the new generation nootropic drug Thiocetam is 540 rubles per pack of 60 tablets.
Watch a video about the effect of nootropics on the brain:

New generation nootropic drugs are a panacea in the treatment of various brain disorders. Also, these drugs help to improve the intellectual abilities of people of different ages. The intake of these medications should be agreed with the doctor.

Modern life is full of daily stresses. Problems at work, quarrels in the family or depression - all this not only spoils the mood, but also causes irreparable damage to the brain.

An excess of stressful situations negatively affects memory, slows down thought processes and affects the central nervous system. To avoid these consequences, scientists have invented nootropic drugs. In this article, we will review the list of new generation nootropics and their mechanism of action.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are psychotropic drugs. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, increasing its resistance to stress. Nootropics strengthen memory, enhance intellectual abilities and stimulate the desire to learn new information.

The prototypes of modern medicines were invented more than half a century ago. At that time, nootropics had one positive property - improved memory. With the development of medicine, it was possible to obtain new generation nootropics that have a complex effect on brain function.

Nootropics are included in the pharmacological group of psychostimulants, but have a number of important advantages over classic psychostimulants:

  • do not have a negative impact on a person;
  • do not correct brain activity;
  • do not slow down the physical reaction;
  • do not have a hypnotic effect;
  • do not cause dependence.

The main action of nootropics is the normalization of the central nervous system. Also, drugs protect the brain from mental illness, prevent the formation of blood clots and hypoxia. Medicines of nootropic action are prescribed to patients with ischemia, poisoning or brain injury.

Nootropics are divided into 2 types:

  • Single-tasking. Drugs showing one positive effect - improving memory;
  • Multitasking. Means that have antihypoxic, sedative and muscle relaxant effects.

Leading experts in pharmacology are still developing in the field of nootropics. Every year they become more effective, and the list of possible side effects is constantly decreasing. The list of nootropic drugs is regularly updated, which indicates their high efficiency and importance in medicine.

How do brain nootropics work?

A group of nootropics actively affects the functionality of the brain. The substance stimulates its work, enhances memory functions and normalizes mental activity. Nootropics act as a link to improve the interaction of the two hemispheres. Experts say that regular use of nootropics slows down the aging process.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors have their roots in biogenetics. These drugs stimulate increased glucose excretion and ATP formation, strengthen the interaction of proteins and ribonucleic acid (two of the three key macromolecules in the body).

There are 4 main mechanisms of action of nootropic substances:

  1. Membrane stabilizers. Regenerate cell membranes, their structure and properties;
  2. Antioxidants. Neutralize oxidative processes in the human body;
  3. Antihypoxants. Normalize the excretion of oxygen from the body, thereby increasing resistance to hypoxia;
  4. Neuroprotectors. Protect brain neurons from damage.

The impact of nootropics is enhanced in conjunction with psychostimulants. Similar combinations are prescribed for people suffering from severe disorders.

Nootropics - list of drugs

We present to your attention the best nootropics of the latest generation, which are widely used in various fields of modern medicine.

Piracetam (Nootropil). The drug is available in tablets or injection ampoules. Piracetam improves metabolism in the central nervous system and has a positive effect on blood circulation in the brain. The tool is used for speech disorders, memory impairment, frequent dizziness and viral diseases of neurons.

Pramiracetam. The drug is available in tablet form. The mechanism of action is similar to vitamin B4. Strengthens the main functions of the brain: memory, speech, perception, concentration. Pramiracetam is not characterized as a sedative. A more effective result is achieved with course therapy (1-2 months).

Important! People suffering from kidney failure should consult a doctor before starting the course.

Vinpocetine (Neurovin). Available in the form of tablets or injection solutions. Helps improve cerebral circulation. The drug is especially popular in neurology and ophthalmology in the elimination of pathological diseases of the retina. It is also used for hearing loss.

It is recommended to use the remedy for 1 to 2 months, depending on the disease and the dynamics of its course. Cancellation of the drug should be done gradually, reducing the dosage during the week. As the condition improves, the injections are replaced with a tablet form.

Phenibut (Noobut). The product is produced in powder, capsule and tablet forms. The substance fights the lack of oxygen in nerve cells and the deterioration of memory. It has a positive effect on both the mental and physical condition of a person. Eliminates anxiety, relieves depression and normalizes sleep patterns.

Important! It is necessary to combine Phenibut with sleeping pills with increased care, since the drug enhances the effect of the latter.

Nootropic is prescribed for disorders of the nervous system and the decline of intellectual abilities. A course therapy lasting from 1 to 2 months is recommended.

Pantogam. A common nootropic drug used in pediatric medicine. Produced in the form of tablets. Suppresses excessive excitability and hyperactivity in children. The effect of the application appears within 2-3 weeks after the start of the course. Duration of treatment - up to 6 months, depending on the patient's condition.

Glycine. The drug is in the form of tablets, which has a pronounced sedative effect. Helps the body cope with stress by suppressing anxiety and irritation.

Phezam. A nootropic that normalizes blood circulation in the brain. It has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, promotes vasodilation. Slightly affects the auditory and visual organs. The tool effectively fights against dizziness, memory loss, the consequences of a stroke or encephalitis.

The composition of the drug includes a bunch of two other nootropics (Piracetam and Cinnarizine). This bundle enhances the antihypoxic effect and accelerates metabolism in nerve cells.


We answered the main question: "Nootropic agent: what is it and how does it work?". The use of nootropics is absolutely safe if you consult a doctor in advance. A wide range of medicines will allow you to point to the problem, which will significantly speed up the treatment process.

Nowadays, new generation nootropic drugs are used to stimulate the brain and protect nervous reactions, the list of which is so impressive that it takes several pages. Basically, these are complex remedies consisting directly of a nootropic component and auxiliary substances that improve the nutrition of nerve cells - amino acids, vitamins,.

How do new nootropics differ from old ones?

People have been using nootropics for a long time and don't even know it. For example, the simplest nootropic - choline - is found in eggs, meat, fish and seafood. By eating food rich in animal protein, we stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which is not only responsible for the feeling of pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on neural connections. The brain begins to work more actively, memory and thought processes improve. The simplest nootropics also include coffee, green tea, nicotine, amphetamines. These are the so-called stimulants of brain activity. The well-known vitamin B6 and Glycine tablets also belong to this type of remedy, they improve metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain.

In the middle of the 20th century, there was a strong leap forward in the field of studying the work of the brain. The following types of nootropic drugs have been developed, studied and classified:

  • reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors;
  • vasodilators and metabolic enhancers;
  • stimulants;
  • racetams.

There is another classification based on the origin of the main active substance and its functions, but it is quite complex and confusing, and therefore only of interest to physicians. In addition, racetams are mainly used in therapy today. This is the basis of new generation nootropic drugs. Racetams are chemical structures derived from pyrrolidine. Here is a short list of the most popular drugs in this category:

  • Piracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Pramiracetam;
  • Nebracetam;
  • Nefiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • detiracetam;
  • Dipracetam and others.

Unlike natural stimulants, these drugs have a very precise effect on certain areas of the brain, which allows them to be used not only to improve memory and intelligence, but also in the treatment of strokes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. These are the most effective nootropic drugs.

Latest Nootropics

Since the latest products are combined, they combine new generation racetams and excipients. Such modern nootropic drugs are very popular, such as:

  • Diapiram;
  • Orocetam;
  • Yukamen;
  • Thiocetam;
  • Apik;
  • Binotropil.

Most often, patients who have had a stroke are prescribed Phezam. This medicine is a combination of piracetam and cinnarizine. This antihistamine improves blood circulation in the brain and strengthens the walls of even the smallest blood vessels. Many consider it the best nootropic drug. We agree with this statement, but we want to note that other means have shown themselves very well. In addition, almost all nootropic drugs have few contraindications and side effects, which greatly facilitates the appointment and use.

It is better for elderly patients to give preference to the latest combination drugs. But young people seeking to improve brain function can buy any racetam and supplement it with regular exercise and proper nutrition. The effect will be no worse, since the body reacts to moderate physical activity with the release of serotonin and other hormones that have a beneficial effect on neural connections and the nervous system as a whole.

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