How to treat cough at home. Lotions from onion juice and honey. How to treat a cold with folk remedies at home

Today, many people like to be treated on their own, at home, without resorting to the help of doctors, a lot of pills and, moreover, hospitalization. To get rid of most ailments, diseases, various folk remedies that were in great demand among our grandmothers will help you.

We treat illnesses at home gastrointestinal tract, stomach pain. Have a drink warm tea from ginger. This tincture will warm and help to establish all processes. digestive system. This tea is extremely easy to prepare.
take one-fourth cup of finely chopped or even better grated ginger, pour two cups of water over it, and boil this mixture for about 5 minutes. Before use, it is recommended to strain the resulting broth.

We treat sore throats at home. The most efficient and effective method for sore throat is gargle. Dilute one teaspoon of iodized salt in a glass warm water. Gargle with this water for one to two minutes every few hours. This procedure should be done until the symptoms of an impending disease disappear. If rinsing did not help you, and the pain did not go away within a few days, then it's time to see a doctor.

We treat pain in the lower abdomen. There is one simple method that will help you get rid of unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen: take a heating pad (you can use a regular plastic bottle), fill it hot water and put on the lower abdomen. The heat given off by the heating pad will loosen the body and increase blood flow to the area that is bothering you. Within half an hour you will already feel significant relief.

Get rid of muscle pain. An excellent method in this case there will be a relaxing bath for 15 minutes. Be sure to add a glass of sea salt to the bathroom: some components (including magnesium) can relieve tension, fatigue and mild muscle pain.

We treat headaches at home. First, draw the curtains so that bright light does not enter the room, which will annoy you once again, turn off the light, turn off everything that may interfere with your rest. Let your brain just rest. If you cannot fall asleep even for half an hour, then massage the back of the head and neck, the effect will also be enhanced by menthol balm.

We treat colds at home, acute respiratory infections. Rubbing is the first thing to try. Eucalyptus (mint) balm will help ease breathing and improve coughing. Rub three times a day for several days chest small quantities such a balm.

We treat allergic rhinitis. If your allergies are seasonal and mild, then rinsing your nose with water diluted with sea ​​salt, as well as various homeopathic remedies. Repeat the nasal lavage procedure several times a day until your nasal passages are completely clear. If the allergy is serious, then in no case should you self-medicate, first of all you should seek help from a doctor.

Otitis is a fairly common disease that can disturb both children and adults. It is best if you have pain in the ears and other signs of an inflammatory process, immediately contact an otolaryngologist so that he can do everything necessary research and prescribed the correct treatment.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can use folk remedies. At correct application they can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. However, it should be remembered that antibiotic therapy, which is often necessary to combat the causative agent of the disease, cannot be replaced by this method of treatment.

Therefore, it should be considered only as an addition to the therapy prescribed by the ENT doctor. Treatment of otitis at home is primarily based on the use of various phytotherapeutic methods and means.

Symptoms of the disease

To suspect the presence of otitis in a person, it is enough to find out what symptoms bother him. So, it is characterized by severe pain, which becomes more pronounced with pressure on the ear. Often its character can be pulsating or shooting.

It can also externally determine swelling next to the external ear canal, an increase in nearby lymph nodes. The presence is often noted purulent discharge from the ear, while the eardrum remains intact.

Otitis media also has throbbing or shooting pain. The patient complains of ear congestion, tinnitus, fever. At the same time, at a certain stage of the disease, perforation occurs. eardrum, pus begins to stand out.

Otitis media is more pronounced clinical picture. Ear pain accompanied by dizziness sharp decline hearing. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Patients with this form of the disease should be treated only in a hospital, often with the use of surgical methods.

Attempts to cure the disease on their own at home can lead to the spread of infection into the cranial cavity with the development of inflammation of the meninges.

Examination of a patient with otitis media is an obligatory stage of diagnostics carried out before treatment.

We will analyze the main methods of treating the disease at home, depending on its form.

Otitis externa

Together with medicines, which are selected by the doctor on the basis of instrumental and laboratory research, can be used at home following methods treatment:

  • compresses - they are based on the warming effect of alcohol. It must be mixed in equal proportions with water or take vodka. Next, you should take gauze folded in several layers, moisten it in the resulting mixture, wring it out and apply it to the sore ear for two hours. auricle before that, you need to lubricate with any fat-containing cream or petroleum jelly. This is necessary in order to avoid burning the skin with alcohol;
  • before opening the boil, you can apply a baked onion or plantain to the sore spot;
  • useful when outdoor form otitis media is a decoction of bay leaf. It can be used both internally and instilled into the ear. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of water, add five bay leaves there and bring to a boil. After that, the broth should brew a little and cool.

When the boil opens, treatment can be carried out steam baths. To do this, use a regular kettle, covered terry towel. Steam coming out of the spout should be directed to the ear, which is located at least 50 centimeters from it.

The duration of the procedure is three minutes, then the face is wiped with a cold, damp towel. Then the warming up is repeated - a total of ten such procedures should be done. Such steam baths very helpful in reducing flare-ups discomfort in the ear and face.

Otitis media

This form of the disease is often accompanied by the development of complications, so you should never start treatment. folk remedies on one's own. First of all, you should consult a doctor, go through all the required diagnostic procedures. It is worth remembering that therapy folk methods should not be instead of the main treatment, but be its addition.

instillation ear drops- stage complex therapy ear inflammation

The most effective ways to treat otitis media at home include the following recipes. Use of alcohol drops in the ears. This tool helps to quickly relieve inflammation in the ear. For this, it is recommended to use alcohol at a concentration of 70%. It is necessary to drip five drops of the solution and lie down on healthy side about 20 minutes. This should be enough for the ear pain to disappear completely.

Mixture of crushed garlic sunflower oil, infused for 10 days. The resulting products can be mixed with eucalyptus oil or glycerin to enhance the effect. It is recommended to drip this mixture when heated, a few drops per sore ear.

It is possible to reduce the severity of pain using a method based simultaneously on warming up the diseased ear and the effect of useful vegetable matter. You need to take a clove of garlic, bake it on gas stove and wait until it is tolerably hot. After that, it must be entered into ear canal and keep it there for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to repeat this procedure four times a day.

Clay compresses are useful for relieving inflammation and reducing pain. Clay of a thick consistency should be diluted in water, applied to a small-sized fabric, applied to the resulting one. Before this, it is better to place a clean ear canal in the ear canal. cotton swab to avoid falling clay inside the ear.

The duration of the use of such a compress is two hours.

Another recipe for drops for the ears is to take an onion, cut it into two parts and cut a recess inside it, into which cumin seeds are placed. After that, it is closed and baked in the oven for half an hour. Then juice is squeezed out of the bulb, which can be instilled into the ears at night for a week.

You can treat otitis media at home with 10% infusion of birch buds. They moisten a cotton turunda, which is then inserted into the ear canal. It is necessary to carry out this method of treatment several times a day.

These are the safest and effective ways decrease in severity inflammatory phenomena in the ear. Of course, completely cured otitis media folk remedies alone is impossible, therefore, you should always follow the recommendations of the attending physician, use the drugs prescribed by him in the optimal dosage.

Ear pain is a symptom of pathology

If during treatment there is no improvement in the patient's condition, symptoms persist or new manifestations appear that may indicate the development of a complication, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

otitis media

As mentioned earlier, this form of the disease is very dangerous for the development of severe complications. Therefore, treatment otitis media folk ways can be carried out only after therapy in a hospital, when the symptoms of the disease have subsided, the patient's condition has improved.

In this case, you can use the following methods of treatment at home:

  • tincture of flowers of calendula, succession, yarrow, licorice root and eucalyptus leaf. For its preparation, one glass of boiling water is enough, total time insistence - no more than half an hour. The resulting mixture must be taken orally during the day. It will help restore immunity after past infection, accelerate recovery;
  • you can wash your ear with a spray bottle with a decoction of green poppy heads in a glass of milk;
  • Basil leaf juice can be instilled into the affected ear several times a day.

At the same time, do not forget about medicines ah, prescribed by the doctor. Especially it concerns antibiotic therapy Many patients stop taking antibiotics after they feel better. However, it is important to pass full course treatment to completely destroy the pathogen in the human body.

Chronic form of otitis media

How to cure otitis media when the infection has passed into chronic form? Concerning complete cure, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve it with home methods; rather, it is possible to prevent an exacerbation of the disease or reduce the severity of symptoms. To do this, you can use the following tools.

You can apply a cake from one teaspoon of flour to a sore ear, camphor alcohol and water, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2. Before applying, it should be wrapped in paper for compresses, and then wrap your head with a warm scarf. This method is most effective in reducing pain- you should apply a compress at night every evening until the symptoms of exacerbation disappear completely.

Compresses - one of the options for effective therapy

In the presence of purulent discharge, you should take the crushed raspberry roots in the amount of three tablespoons and mix them with one liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which it is taken orally twice a day. The total duration of treatment is 30 days.

At purulent form diseases will help the use of a compress based on alcohol tincture propolis. The gauze soaked in it should be applied to the affected ear for a month. This method is also effective for the treatment of mesotympanitis, a disease that often develops after otitis media.

Treatment chronic otitis media- this is not an easy task. In addition to numerous folk remedies, some precautions should also be observed to prevent exacerbation of the pathology. For example, you need to avoid hypothermia, SARS, influenza, getting water into the ear opening or foreign bodies. If you still can't avoid infectious disease, then you need to immediately start treatment so that the inflammation does not have time to go to the inner ear.

Sudden congestion or a run from the nose can derail long-planned plans. If the problem needs to be solved urgently, and there is no time to visit an otolaryngologist, then home-made remedies will come to the rescue. Part medicinal plants and essential oils includes biologically active substances that can stop the inflammatory process and facilitate breathing. How to quickly cure a runny nose at home, time-tested recipes of traditional healers will also tell you. Therapy of rhinitis at home has its own characteristics, and sometimes contraindications.

Basic principles of treatment

Representatives official medicine always wary of use in the treatment of the common cold pharmacological preparations without a prescription from a doctor or folk remedies. Indeed, rhinitis therapy at home is effective only on initial stage respiratory disease. If the flow from the nose does not stop after a day, then you still have to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible. The fact is that self-medication often becomes the cause acute otitis media(inflammatory process in the ear).

Treatment of a runny nose at home will not bring the desired result when the disease provoked the penetration of dangerous allergic agents, viruses or fungi into the upper respiratory tract. What rules will allow as soon as possible get rid of inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa:

  • at elevated temperature you can not carry out inhalation and soar legs;
  • appearance bad smell from the nose indicates the formation of pus and should be a signal to visit a doctor;
  • it is forbidden to carry out inhalations over a saucepan of boiling water due to high probability receiving a burn;
  • you can not use folk remedies in the treatment of children, especially up to 12 years.

Many recipes include highly allergenic products - honey, propolis, Kalanchoe, essential oils. Before using them, you need to conduct a small test. The already prepared product must be rubbed into the bend of the elbow and wait 30 minutes. If after this time the skin does not turn red and rashes do not appear on it, then such a herbal remedy is completely safe.

Otolaryngologists during the treatment of a runny nose recommend excluding foods saturated with salt and spices from the diet. This is advisable in case of damage to the mucous membrane, in which a strong inflammatory process develops. If its integrity is not violated, then the use of seasonings can only bring benefits. For example, after eating a piece of black bread with chopped horseradish roots, the glands in the nose begin to produce a lot of mucus. Blowing the nose along with it removes bacteria from the upper respiratory tract, and dense crusts begin to gradually dissolve.

The use of homemade horseradish seasoning during the treatment of a runny nose helps to cleanse the nose of pathogenic bacteria


The most effective are inhalations carried out using a portable device - a nebulizer. If there is such a device at home, then a runny nose can be cured within a couple of days. You need to buy cheap at the pharmacy isotonic solution sodium chloride or buy a bottle of alkaline mineral water at the grocery store.

Depending on the device of the nebulizer, 5 or 10 ml of solution should be placed in the compartment and breathe in steam for 15-20 minutes. During the day, 3-4 such healing procedures adult or child. If available in home first aid kit Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solutions will significantly speed up the healing process.

An ordinary enamel cup successfully replaces a nebulizer. The container is filled with hot herbal infusion or water to which a few drops of essential oils have been added. Then the patient leans over the cup, covers his head with a thick towel and inhales the healing vapors. The procedure provides a variety of positive impact on the human body:

  • moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nose and facilitates breathing;
  • stops the inflammatory process, prevents the spread infectious agents in the lower respiratory tract;
  • reduces the viscosity of thick sputum and contributes to its easy discharge when blowing the nose.

After inhalation, you should lie down for 1-2 hours and take cover warm blanket. Such a warming effect will only enhance therapeutic effect anti-inflammatory procedures. If during its implementation any discomfort, then inhalation must be stopped and another method of treatment chosen.

Essential oils

Rhinitis responds well to treatment with moist steam, saturated with beneficial substances. For inhalation, essential oils are suitable, exhibiting antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. Such therapeutic properties characteristic of juniper, fir, pine, eucalyptus, arborvitae, spruce, cypress. In their chemical composition included great amount phytoncides and bioflavonoids, which have a healing effect on the entire human body. For cooking medicinal mixture you need to add 3-4 drops of essential oil per liter hot water and shake thoroughly.

Healing infusions

Infusions of sage, chamomile, calendula, wild rosemary, lemon mint are used as herbal remedies for inhalation procedures in folk medicine. For their preparation 3 tbsp. spoons of dry vegetable raw materials should be poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 15-20 minutes. You can do this directly in an enameled container for inhalation. It is impossible to filter the herbal remedy, since during the procedure useful biologically active compounds are gradually extracted into it.

Boiled potatoes with soda

Cure a runny nose at home will help inhalation with mashed potatoes. It is necessary to boil 3-4 tubers in their uniforms, and then chop together with the peel. Top the puree with plenty of baking soda and inhale hot steam for 10 minutes. This tool is especially useful when severe congestion nose. Soda liquefies thick mucus accumulated in the sinuses, and contributes to its productive discharge. And the composition of the potato peel includes anthocyanins, which have a pronounced antiseptic effect. During the procedure, the nasal cavity is sanitized, pathogenic bacteria- staphylococci and pneumococci.

Inhalations with boiled potatoes in their skins eliminate nasal congestion during the treatment of a cold

warming up

A traditional home remedy for the common cold is warming the wings of the nose. This method of therapy is not used at elevated body temperature and acute inflammatory process in any of the systems of human life. Boiled ones are great for warming up. chicken eggs. They should be slightly cooled and applied to the nose. The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes, until healing heat comes from the eggs. An equally effective method of treating rhinitis is warming up with rock or sea salt. If a person has a runny nose more than five times a year, then small linen bags should be sewn.

With nasal congestion, it remains only to fill them hot salt and start warming up. What else can you fill the bags with:

  • rice
  • buckwheat;
  • flax seeds.

Warming up the wings of the nose normalizes blood circulation in the nasal mucosa. Nutrient and biologically active substances, molecular oxygen begin to flow to the areas damaged by inflammation. This effect has a positive effect on the speed of healing and the state of local immunity.


To quickly get rid of a strong flow from the nose at home, you need to rub the wings of the nose, the soles of the feet, back and chest with warming agents. Such efficiency is possessed by popular balms Kim and Golden Star. They contain more than 20 types of essential oils that penetrate into all layers of the epidermis and exhibit anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory activity. A good warming effect is typical for children's balms:

  • Supreme Plus,
  • Doctor Mom.

The usual turpentine ointment used to treat joints will help speed up recovery. It can be rubbed into the bridge of the nose, applied to the back or chest. If a person has thin and sensitive skin, then turpentine ointment should be mixed with an equal amount baby cream. Until now, the ancient folk remedy has not lost its relevance - melted fat from birds and animals. After rubbing it, a kind of film is formed that prevents evaporation of moisture from the affected nasal mucosa and retains heat. For the treatment of the common cold, goose, badger, bear fat is used. Such natural products are part of creams and rubbing, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

For the treatment of rhinitis at home, natural badger fat to be applied on chest and back


There is no more efficient home remedy to eliminate nasal congestion and flow than frequent sinus lavage. After the procedure, pathogenic microorganisms and toxic products of their growth and reproduction are removed. Exactly these harmful substances become the main causes of inflammation and swelling. For washing the nose, the following means are used:

  • soda solution. To prepare it, you should dilute a teaspoon in a glass of warm water. drinking soda. To eliminate nasal congestion, you need to wash the passages 5-6 times a day;
  • saline solution. Such a remedy is obtained after diluting 3 g (about a quarter of a teaspoon) of sea or ordinary salt in 200 ml of water. To save time, you can use a pharmacy 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • honey water. To prepare it, a teaspoon of thick honey is diluted in a glass of warm water, preferably acacia or buckwheat. This cleanser can be used 3-4 times a day.

It is best to prepare at home immediately a double portion of medicinal dilutions. The fact is that after washing, the liquefied mucus is not only released when blowing out, but also flows down back wall nose to throat. In a person with weak immunity this will provoke the formation of new inflammatory foci already on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. To avoid the development of events according to such a negative scenario, after washing the nose, proceed to gargling with the same solution.

Home drops and ointments

Not only traditional healers, but also otolaryngologists for the treatment of rhinitis recommend instilling aloe and kalanchoe juice into the nasal passages. It is best to use herbal remedies after each nasal wash, that is, 5-6 times during the day. To achieve maximum therapeutic effectiveness, an old plant should be used, at least five years old. After pinching off the juicy leaf blade, it must be wrapped in dense fabric and place for 10-15 hours in freezer. This method of processing makes it possible to achieve the release of a high concentration of biologically active substances. AT medicinal juice accumulate flavonoids, phytoncides, organic acids, vitamins and microelements.

Often, the already treated runny nose returns, and its manifestations become more pronounced.

In this case, you need to quickly stop the inflammatory process, otherwise it can spread to the lower respiratory tract and provoke severe complications. For this, in folk medicine, a remedy obtained by mixing equal parts is used:

  • fresh beet juice;
  • honey;
  • olive oil.

Need to bury healing mixture 4-5 times a day after rinsing the nose with saline or soda solution. Eliminate chronic runny nose homemade ointment will help. To get it, mix 5 drops linseed oil, a tablespoon of baby cream, a teaspoon of honey and a drop sea ​​buckthorn oil. Recovery will be significantly accelerated if the ointment is applied to the mucous membranes of the nose before going to bed.

Otolaryngologists warn against instillation of garlic or onion juice, honey not diluted with water, pure essential oils. Often, after such a “treatment” at home, a person is hospitalized with severe burns mucosa not only of the nose, but also of the upper respiratory tract. Patients will have a long and expensive therapy, and sometimes they can not do without surgical intervention.

Juice from juicy kalanchoe leaves used in the treatment of the common cold as a natural antiseptic

Healthy drinks

The main task of the treatment of the common cold is to remove from the sinuses pathogenic microorganisms, which is very helpful plentiful drink. In folk medicine, herbal infusions are used for this purpose, herbal teas, fruit drinks from sour forest berries. It has the highest antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory efficacy green tea with ginger. You can cook it according to this recipe:

  1. In a teapot, put 0.5 teaspoons of loose leaf tea and grated fresh roots ginger.
  2. Pour a glass of hot water (temperature 90-95°C) and leave for 10-15 minutes, strain.

Fragrant tea folk healers recommend drinking with honey, fresh mint leaves, a slice of lemon. To speed up recovery and reduce the severity of symptoms of acute or chronic rhinitis often used infusion of aromatic herbs. How to cook it:

  1. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of dry herbs of oregano, lemon balm, thyme into the teapot and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave covered for 40 minutes, strain.

In the infusion, you can add honey, thick jam, a pinch of cinnamon, star anise inflorescences. If you drink 2-3 glasses of this during the day medicinal tea, then by the evening the runny nose will give up its positions. It is very useful to drink hot milk with propolis for rhinitis. This natural product produced by bees flower pollen and sticky substances of woody buds. He contains high concentration bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare a hot drink, you need to add propolis on the tip of a knife to a glass of boiling milk and sweat for 5-10 minutes.

A runny nose responds well to home remedies, provided they are used correctly. You should avoid recipes with garlic juice and baby urine, which, in best case, will not provide therapeutic effect. But the use of fragrant teas, vegetable juices and bee products will significantly improve the well-being of an adult and a baby.

Pretty periodontal disease dangerous disease. What is the best way to treat it directly at home, we will describe below.

It should be noted right away that it is most likely not possible to quickly get rid of the disease. Treatment should be started as soon as the first signs are detected. At this stage, the pathology responds well enough to the effects of medications. It is only important to take comprehensive measures, including, in addition to drugs, also dental procedures, and physiotherapy.

The main factor that allows you to eliminate almost all dangerous symptoms– correct and most thorough regular cleaning of the oral cavity with the help of:

  • specialized formulations;
  • conditioners;
  • dental floss.

In order for the paste to cure the disease in question, it must contain the following ingredients:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • sodium citrate;
  • strontium chloride;
  • pyrophosphates.


On the early stages the most efficient way to apply local funds- ointments or gels. There are a lot of them in pharmacies now. According to reviews dentists, the most effective are:

  • Cholisal (anti-inflammatory, anesthetic gel);
  • Metrogyl Denta (contains antibiotics and disinfecting components);
  • Asepta (created on the basis of propolis);
  • Kamistad (with chamomile and Lidocaine).

For many years, patients with periodontal disease have been treated with Heparin ointment. This tool helps:

  • fight inflammation of the gums;
  • improve blood flow;
  • slow down the destructive processes occurring in bone tissues.

Antibiotics are considered the main tool to help fight the disease. Tablets start to be taken in more advanced cases when the 2nd or 3rd degree of pathology is diagnosed. Here local medicines become only ancillary measures. As a rule, appoint:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Doxycycline.

To increase the effect, they are combined with Chlorhexidine.


Comprehensive treatment is also facilitated by regular rinsing of the mouth using pharmaceutical preparations or funds traditional medicine. The latter is quite easy to cook on your own.

Infusions are made from:

  • oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • tricolor violets;
  • lingonberry leaf.

A good mouth cleaning collection contains:

  • immortelle;
  • elecampane.

All herbs are mixed in equal parts. 50 grams of raw materials are added to half a liter of vodka and kept up to 2 weeks in the dark and cool. For rinsing, take 1 tablespoon of infusion in a glass of boiled tepid water.

Needles have an excellent bactericidal effect. Better to use pine needles(20 grams). They put them in a saucepan and pour a glass of water into it. Bring the drug to a boil and, reducing the heat, stand for another quarter of an hour. The broth is filtered and cooled.


This procedure helps to activate blood circulation. It is carried out at least twice a day and only after the sanitation of the oral cavity.

Massage is carried out with a soft brush or fingertips. Movements are made:

  • cautious;
  • without effort;
  • circular.

To aggravate the effect will allow the use various drugs and natural remedies. Suitable:

  • aloe juice;
  • diluted hydrogen peroxide (1 to 25);
  • cranberries, rubbed through a sieve;
  • fine salt with olive or linseed oil;
  • soda with honey.


Periodontal disease is considered a disease resulting from the formation of a deficiency of certain useful substances, because an important factor conducive to recovery, should, of course, be considered the right diet.

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • beet;
  • potato.

For breakfast, you need to eat only products plant origin containing vitamin C and flavored with additional lemon juice.

For lunch, crumbly cereals are served from:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • oatmeal.

Any berries or fruits are added to them.

Lunch consists of traditional three courses made from vegetables and lean meat. From the latter, cutlets, meatballs, sautés or pates are made so as not to injure the gums once again.

At dinner they eat:

  • a serving of fish, steamed or baked;
  • vegetables in any form;
  • cottage cheese with honey.

Drink better lime tea or a rosehip decoction. Give up sweets completely, since its systemic use contributes to the growth of bacterial cultures in the oral cavity.

The rules described must be followed at least 6 months - this will significantly improve the general condition of the body and, accordingly, the teeth.

Vitamins and trace elements

Since it is vitamin deficiency that doctors call, among other leading causes, the development of periodontal disease, then the elimination of this condition should be given maximum attention.

What exactly does your body need?

  • ascorbic acid, which strengthens blood vessels and reduces bleeding;
  • folic acid, which improves metabolism at the cellular level;
  • beta-carotene (an effective antioxidant);
  • zinc, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Vitamins of group B, E and A are also useful, providing regeneration of soft tissues. It is important to satisfy the body's need for selenium, calcium and phosphates.

AT recent times Many people ask this question: how to treat periodontal disease? In fact, there is nothing terrible in the disease, if it is not started. You can cure the disease both at home and with the help of modern methods of dentistry. Depending on the condition of the patient's oral cavity, periodontal disease can be cured with the help of traditional medicine methods.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is dental disease , in which the tissues surrounding the tooth are affected. It differs from periodontitis in that it does not wear inflammatory nature. It is worth remembering that this disease is provoked by internal malfunctions in the human body.

Most often, the disease can be observed in older people, but often quite young people practice the treatment of periodontal disease at home, and children are no exception. People, for a long time living in the North are at risk, they often have periodontal disease, since in such conditions there is often a lack of vitamins of groups A and P.

What are the reasons?

Before starting to find out whether it is possible to cure periodontal disease at home, let's try to determine the fact that provoked the disease. The main provocateur is the lack of nutrition of tissues around the teeth or / and atrophy alveolar processes. The result is an exposed neck of the tooth and receding gums. In addition, modern dentists find other causes that provoke the onset of the disease. In some cases, treatment is not possible due to the extreme neglect of the oral cavity or the treatment can be very long. In absolutely deplorable cases, it is impossible to cure, only the extraction of teeth and prosthetics can help.

Reasons for development:

  • reduced immunity;
  • diabetes, chronic diseases internal organs;
  • poor dental care;
  • dental stones;
  • lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in insufficient quantities.


Many are trying to learn how to treat periodontal disease at home, but first you need to make sure if you have this disease. Accurate Diagnosis only a dentist can put it, but to seek professional help you need to know the symptoms:

  • No inflammatory processes, but the neck of the teeth is exposed;
  • purulent discharge comes out of the gums;
  • gums bleed;
  • atrophied alveolar processes;
  • gum itches;
  • for temperature and chemical irritants the neck of the tooth reacts positively;
  • albeit in small quantities, but plaque is present. Nevertheless, symptoms may be present, while the teeth will sit firmly in their places and there will not be even the slightest rocking. If symptoms occur, immediate health care, otherwise the consequences will not please.

Methods and ways to cure the disease

Treatment of periodontitis aims not only to eliminate Negative consequences disease, but also to find the cause; strengthen the body as a whole; eliminate the causes that are provocateurs of the disease. This is what gives strong grounds for asserting that it is better to be treated in specialized clinics.

So, if the decision to be treated in the hospital did come, then here's what awaits you. The dentist will remove tartar, apply techniques that improve the blood supply to the gums. You may have to resort to orthopedic methods of treatment, for example, prosthetics of a number of teeth or, in general, the entire oral cavity. That is why it is impossible to treat the disease exclusively with folk and home methods.

Medical institutions pay sufficient attention also to general condition the health of a sick person. They use procedures that strengthen and have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote tissue regeneration. Moreover, it may be necessary to consult other specialists: a neurologist, a therapist, an immunologist, an endocrinologist. Rarely, the intervention of a surgeon is required, since it is necessary to make a resection of the gums or an incision in order to cleanse them of pus and other pathogenic microflora or to eliminate various pathological formations in the oral cavity.

To modern methods treatments include:

It is often necessary to take antibiotics during treatment. Such a step can be acceptable only in the case of complex or parallel treatment by other methods in the fight against the disease. As mentioned above, attacks can provoke internal disorders. In this case, antibiotics will suppress the pathogenic microflora from the inside. Just do not think that antibiotics taken at home can get rid of the disease.

How to treat periodontal disease? Methods of drug treatment

Plus, the treatment of periodontal disease is facilitated by the use of other drugs. For example, there is drug "Geksoral". Its action can be described as antimicrobial, it is necessary to use it during the entire treatment. Calendula also forms an integral part of the treatment, which must be used in the form of a tincture. It is necessary to brew one tablespoon per one hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water. Rinse oral cavity every two hours. You can use a variety of pastes or medicines in the form of pastes. Try mouthwashes like Forest Balsam. Two or four times a day for a few minutes will suffice.

Folk remedies to help

Treatment with traditional medicine is recommended only in combination with professional treatment in dental clinic because periodontal disease is difficult to treat. Further, there are the most effective and having a reasonable base, because our grandfathers and grandmothers got rid of the disease with them.

  1. Sauerkraut. The meaning of the treatment is simply chewing and rinsing the mouth with cabbage juice several times a day.
  2. Plantain. Sometimes the disease can be caught in the initial stage, in which case the usual plantain is also useful. Bleeding will be eliminated, and the gum will get stronger. The entire healing process consists of chewing the leaves, it is recommended to do it at least 3 times a day.
  3. Sea salt. In conditions home treatment periodontal disease will help such a folk remedy as sea salt without various impurities, tincture of sage or chamomile, and sometimes oak bark, a vitamin-mineral complex, adaptive toothpastes. With the help of salt, the disease was treated for a long time. To do this, it was crushed and used to rub the gums and teeth. This method goes well with all kinds of mouthwashes or brushing your teeth with the ingredients described above.
  4. Calamus root and propolis. There is an opportunity to cure the disease, various means folk medicine. For example, thirty grams of dried calamus roots are poured into half a liter of vodka. AT separate dishes 30 grams of propolis is also infused in 0.5 liters of vodka. The components of the solution must be infused for two weeks. As a result, two teaspoons of calamus and the same amount of propolis are mixed, and you need to rinse your mouth with this solution for several minutes.
  5. Honey. Treatment of periodontal disease can be carried out with the most primitive folk remedies that can be found in any home. Of course, we will talk about honey. The advice of healers says that it must be rubbed into the gums. To properly carry out this procedure, you need to mix twenty grams of honey with ten grams table salt, then mix the mixture thoroughly until the grains of salt are completely dissolved. After you need to take a small lump, wrap it in a cloth and rub it on the gums.
  6. Tooth powder and calamus root. There is another method of dealing with this ailment, in which this method will help: mix half a gram of calamus root (at one time) with a small part of tooth powder, with this composition you need to brush your teeth 3 times a day.
  7. propolis extract. If you want to cure periodontitis with traditional medicine, try using alcohol-based propolis extract. To do this, twenty drops of propolis tincture must be diluted in two hundred grams of warm water. Apply as a rinse.
  8. pine needles. In order to stop bleeding gums, you can use this recipe: mix 5 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped pine needles with one serving of crushed rose hips and chopped onion peel. Next, you need to pour the mixture with 1.5 liters of boiling water and bring the solution to a boil. Keep the mixture on fire for five minutes. This decoction should be drunk as warm tea; this tea is a daily norm.

The fight against periodontal disease can occur not only through medicines, but also in the ways of traditional medicine. Just remember that they must be used in conjunction with the main treatment, under the supervision of a competent doctor.

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