Echinacea tincture - instructions for use of a plant biostimulant. Echinacea tea properties and recipes

Among other plants that have a beneficial effect on the entire body, we can distinguish echinacea purpurea. It is a perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It can be found in Ukraine, in the North Caucasus, in Russia. Rough leaves are located on high stems, inflorescences reach 15 cm in diameter, collected in baskets. Echinacea blooms for two months: from July to September. S. A. Tomilin, a Soviet scientist who studied the properties of this plant, recommended it for use in the treatment of nervous disorders and infectious diseases. Currently, many doctors and herbalists consider it justified to use echinacea tea for the prevention and treatment of diseases of various etiologies.

The composition and medicinal properties of echinacea

Echinacea contains:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • hydroxycinnamic acids;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • phytosterols;
  • resins;
  • echinacin;
  • echinacoside;
  • polyamines.

In plant roots:

  • glucose;
  • inulin;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • resins;
  • betaine;
  • trace elements (silver, cobalt, manganese, selenium);
  • macronutrients (calcium, potassium).

Echinacea has the most valuable properties. It is great for boosting immunity. The antiviral properties of the plant are noted, it does not allow viruses, harmful bacteria, and coccal infections to develop and grow. Use echinacea to fight intestinal infections, flu and herpes. This herb helps to heal ulcers, abscesses, complex wounds, helps with eczema.

The plant has a very large amount of nutrients, the most important of which is betaine. This element prevents the occurrence of stroke and heart attack. Echinacea has long been used for colds, helping with influenza, SARS, sore throats.


Leaves, inflorescences, rhizomes of echinacea are widely used in folk medicine, this plant is included in pharmaceutical preparations. Decoctions, herbal tea with echinacea and other remedies are successfully used:

  • to get rid of infections;
  • with skin diseases;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • with flu;
  • with diabetes;
  • with a cold;
  • with stomatitis;
  • to increase immunity;
  • to improve appetite;
  • for the treatment of joints;
  • for recovery after illness.

The effect of echinacea on the immune system

This plant is recognized as an immunomodulator. It should be noted that it is an immunomodulator, and not an immunostimulant, like ginseng or lemongrass. The immunomodulator allows the body to recover on its own, to become more active in the fight against bacteria, viruses, inflammatory processes without drugs.

Echinacea is an excellent antiseptic. Therefore, during the period of colds, seasonal exacerbations, tea with echinacea will help the body. When an illness occurs, the body will cope with the infection faster if you drink the infusion of this plant. Echinacea tincture is most often used to strengthen the immune system. In finished form, it is in the pharmacy. At home, you can prepare an infusion, decoction, brew tea.

Echinacea Healthy Drink Recipes

All parts of the fresh plant are used to make drinks. You can prepare raw materials in the summer, dry and use as needed.

Echinacea tea

Echinacea tea helps with flu and colds. To prepare a healing drink, you need to take 500 ml of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials. Leave for 10 minutes, drink 100 ml warm. You can add some fresh honey for flavor. To saturate the drink with vitamin C, you can add a handful of dry rose hips when brewing. This tea is the leader among other teas in terms of the content of nutrients.

Echinacea decoction

Broths need to be prepared in a water bath, so you can save the maximum amount of nutrients. For cooking, they take flowers or leaves of a plant, some mix them.

For 500 ml of water take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials. Keep the mixture on fire for no more than 20 minutes. Drink in the morning and evening for a quarter cup. The decoction charges the body with energy and vivacity, helps to strengthen the immune system.

You can take 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves in 2 cups of water. Prepare a decoction according to the above recipe. Take a useful remedy of 30 ml three times a day. Helps relieve inflammation, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce swelling, relieve headaches.

Echinacea infusion

Infusion is the easiest to prepare. To do this, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour. The resulting infusion should be drunk three times a day. Such a drink helps to relieve fatigue, improve appetite, alleviate the condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.

echinacea tincture

Alcohol tincture is used to prevent viral diseases and strengthen immunity. At home, you can use any part of the plant; in pharmacology, roots are used. For 500 ml of vodka, you need to take 50 g of crushed leaves of a fresh plant mixed with flowers. You can take 100 g of dry roots or 25 g of dried leaves. Raw materials are infused on alcohol for two weeks. All this time, the mixture must be kept in a closet or pantry. It is recommended to shake the mixture from time to time. Take 20 drops three times a day for a course of 12 days. It is necessary to warn the attending physician about the treatment, obtain his permission.

Echinacea in the treatment of diseases

The above are recipes aimed mostly at improving immunity, preventing colds. We offer several more useful recipes for the treatment of other diseases.

Treatment of bedsores, burns

50 g of dried echinacea roots should be crushed, pour 200 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Insist month. The resulting drug should be taken orally 1 spoon an hour before meals for stomach diseases. Externally used to treat burns, bedsores, ulcers, cervical erosion.

Echinacea to improve memory

Flowers, leaves, roots of echinacea should be crushed to a powder state. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of natural honey. Mix, leave for 14 days. Take this medicine should be half a teaspoon in the evening before bedtime, drinking tea. It will help improve sleep, memory, get rid of headaches.

Echinacea Contraindications

Preparations with echinacea have a high immunomodulatory ability, therefore, are contraindicated:

  • pregnant, lactating women;
  • people with autoimmune diseases;
  • children under six years old, in older children practically does not cause allergies;
  • hypertensive patients.

It is dangerous to take echinacea uncontrollably, you need to ask your doctor for a specific dosage of drugs. It is better to start treatment with small doses to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the plant. Treatment is necessarily a course, the body needs a break in receptions.

Echinacea for children

As part of the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections, echinacea is also suitable for children over six years of age. It is also prescribed as a prophylactic agent that raises immunity. The effectiveness of the plant in relation to neutrophils and macrophages has been proven. By starting to give echinacea at the first sign of a cold, you can shorten the period of the child's illness.

Echinacea is a medicinal plant with beautiful flowers. Homeland - North America. There, among the Indians, the grass is known as "Evening Sun" or "Wonder Flower of the Prairie." The fact that the plant heals, the indigenous people of North America have known for a very long time. Echinacea tea is a panacea for many diseases.

Chemical composition

The composition of the plant is very rich. It contains:

  • silver;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • lithium;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • copper and many other elements of the periodic table.

It also contains alkylamides, polysaccharides, lipids, flavonoids, various acids, vitamins (where without them!) ... Resins, inulin, essential oils and much more necessary and important. The composition of echinacea determines its beneficial properties.

Healing properties of tea

The drink has long been taken as a potent remedy that strengthens the immune system. Due to this effect on the body, a person who regularly consumes tea with echinacea may not be afraid of viruses and infections. And this is the minimum of what the plant is capable of.

The herb is used as:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antiallergic agent.

Tea from the plant can be used for problems with the nervous system: overwork, frequent stress, neuroses and depression. The infusion can be used as a remedy for prostatitis, cystitis, hepatitis, impotence. A decoction (or pure juice) is used to wash wounds and treat burns, and in ancient times it was even used to treat snake bites.

A drink in a certain concentration is used in the treatment of meningitis, typhoid, osteomyelitis, diphtheria, and the common cold is all the more on his shoulder.

Echinacea tea for viruses and colds

This tea is a wonderful prophylactic, but if it was not possible to prevent a cold, then in the treatment it is far from last. As a preventive measure for diseases of the respiratory organs and a remedy for the treatment of such ailments, echinacea is a very valuable plant. In order to prepare healing tea, you need:

The infusion should be taken one glass a day to prevent diseases, if necessary, treatment - the same amount, but already three times.

You can try this recipe:

  • Dessert spoon of grass for half a liter of boiling water, hold for a full-fledged infusion for 5 hours in warmth.

Here the concentration is greater than in the previous recipe. This tea is used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Drink three times 100 grams.

Plant tea and gastritis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and pancreatitis with a chronic course, are treated for a very long time. And later, repeated relapses are still possible. Here, too, a decoction of the herb can help.

Of course, all decoctions, infusions and teas for medicinal purposes should be taken only with the blessing of the attending physician!

The recipe is this:

  • Echinacea flowers or roots (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and boil it for a little more, about ten minutes. Drink the infusion for a week and a half, 3 times.

A drink according to this recipe helps with ulcers, joint diseases, and arterial hypertension.

Echinacea drink for children

Children, especially small ones, are very difficult to get to drink bitter medicine. And sweet and tasty they will eat and drink with pleasure. If you mix echinacea with honey, berry juice and water, then such a remedy for viruses and infections will heal your beloved child without tears and discontent.

Although often, as a remedy for colds, a mixture of powdered grass (1 part) and honey (3 parts) is used. For older children, such a drug can be taken in a teaspoon in the morning, and for babies under the age of three - half a spoon. But if you dilute this delicious mass with water or fruit drink, then the kids will also drink such a drink with pleasure.

With otitis in babies, this decoction will help:

  • Boil a dry plant (st. L.) in 200 ml of water, then sue and let the baby drink this tea for 2 times.

But with young children, you need to be very careful when taking medicinal teas, be sure to ask your doctor for advice before taking it. You can only act with his permission!

Against bad habits

Echinacea tea can serve well for those who wish to get rid of health-damaging habits. Here, the ability of the drink to cleanse the body of toxins plays an important role, restoring the liver and kidneys along the way, which suffer greatly from smoking and alcohol.

The infusion is made in this way:

  • 1 large spoon of herbs for 0.5 boiling water. You do not need to cook, just insist for half a day. You need to drink 100 ml in three divided doses for no more than 10 days. Then rest for 5 days, and then continue to obtain a guaranteed result.

Such a course will not only allow you to transfer the process of refusal without problems, but will also simultaneously eliminate the side effects of smoking and drinking alcohol, up to the treatment of infertility, constipation, and restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Contraindications and restrictions

The duration of the course in the treatment of this herb should not exceed 10 days. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • leukemia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tuberculosis.

Indicators of an overdose (which is likely to occur with the abuse of a drink) will be nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, sleep disturbances.

How many more special, unusual herbs with healing power are around us! Echinacea is a drop in the ocean, but it is a very worthy drop…

Probably everyone saw chopped echinacea in the pharmacy. The herb, the instructions for the use of which are not always attached to the pharmacy, is one of the most effective. From the article you can find out what its medicinal properties can be used for your recovery and how to take echinacea tincture for immunity, colds and other health problems.

Echinacea purpurea is probably one of the most useful and versatile plants on the planet. Today, more than 200 types of medicines for various ailments are made on its basis.

In what cases is it applied?

  1. To strengthen the immune system;
  2. As a natural antibiotic for colds;
  3. As a powerful antiseptic with skin problems;
  4. In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  5. To cleanse the liver and kidneys;
  6. With diseases of the joints;
  7. With infections of the genitourinary system.

Not all areas of use of the herb are listed here, but we will tell you how to prepare medicines from echinacea purpurea for the treatment of the most common diseases, and give instructions for use.

The immune system

The main property of echinacea is to strengthen a weakened body. The production of interferon, which is responsible for immunity, helps to cope with depression and winter fatigue syndrome. The plant will help with recovery after a long illness or chronic fatigue, in stressful situations or nervous exhaustion.

In these cases, to strengthen the body, take herbal tea:

2 teaspoons of roots, flowers or leaves, grind and brew 600 gr. boiling water. Cover and let it brew for 30-40 minutes, no more. After straining, the drink is ready and you can use it at any time.

For herbal tea, you can use parts of plants separately or their mixture, or you can buy a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy.

To increase immunity, drink 3 glasses of the drink daily for 10 days. Repeat this course three times with breaks of at least 5 days, but then be sure to take a long break for a month.

You can use to increase immunity and tincture of echinacea.


This flower has properties to destroy many types of microbes and viruses. This property is used in the treatment of flu or colds.

For this use herbal leaf decoction: 1 tsp crushed leaves (fresh or dry) brew a glass of boiling water and keep in a warm place or a thermos for 5 hours. If you want faster, brewed leaves can be kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Drink daily 3 times a third of a glass, best before meals.

With a strong cough, you can take the herb mixed with honey, and at the same time apply a compress from an alcohol tincture in the chest area.

Instructions for the preparation and use of echinacea on honey:

Grind different parts of the plant into flour and mix with natural honey in a ratio of 1:3. This mixture is taken daily 3 times a tablespoon along with some liquid. At the same time, other decoctions of echinacea should not be taken.

With sore throat, pharyngitis and sore throat, gargle with herbal infusion. By the way, rinsing your mouth is very useful for stomatitis or when the gums bleed. And washing the sinuses allows you to get rid of sinusitis and sinusitis.

The herb echinacea is very effective for your health in almost all cases, if you follow the instructions for preparation and use correctly. Therefore, be careful before taking echinacea tinctures and decoctions, especially for immunity. And our about it will help you grow echinacea.

Echinacea (lat. Echinácea) is one of the well-known medicinal plants belonging to the aster family. Due to the rich content of various useful substances in its composition, echinacea is actively used as a pharmaceutical plant, as well as for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions. In modern medicine, based on this plant, as well as using extracts and juice extracted from it, many drugs are created that are very effective in the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases and ailments.

Useful substances and their action

Echinacea baskets contain essential oils; roots and rhizomes - polysaccharides, flavonoids, glucosides, resins, phytosterols, fatty oils, vitamins and trace elements - potassium, magnesium, aluminum, iron.

  • Polysaccharides favorably affect the work of the heart, normalize its rhythm.
  • Polyunsaturated acids prevent the destruction of cell walls by free radicals.
  • Separate components of echinacea help activate macrophages - body cells that can capture and digest bacteria.

Caffeic acid glycosides - echinacosides - as well as chicory acid, have antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties.

The immunostimulating effect occurs due to an increase in the production of interferon, as a result of which the body's resistance to viral, infectious, fungal and allergic diseases improves. Echinacea essential oil contains carvacrol, an organic compound that inhibits the growth of certain bacteria.

Here is just a short list of diseases and ailments that are successfully treated with the use of echinacea infusion:

  • Mental and psychological fatigue, as well as general depression.
  • Diseases of the ears, throat and nose.
  • Skin diseases and injuries, including ulcers, wounds and burns.
  • Inflammation and diseases of internal organs.
  • Various forms of infectious diseases.

Antiviral and antifungal characteristics have also long been taken into account by representatives of both official and traditional medicine.

Echinacea tincture for children

Many mothers are interested in how to properly apply echinacea tincture for children. It often happens that colds, respiratory, and some infectious diseases significantly reduce immunity in children. In such cases, echinacea-based products are used to increase the overall resistance of the child's body. As numerous reviews of grateful parents say, the use of echinacea tincture helps to restore the baby's immunity, which could be significantly weakened due to illness.

Should know! Regular intake of drugs and prophylactic products that contain echinacea has a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and helps to increase the child's immunity!

For children from 2 to 3 years old, as well as for ages 4 and 5 years old, it is advisable not to take tinctures, but drugs and products that are produced in the factory in the form of syrups, herbal preparations, as well as teas, on the basis of which healing decoctions can be prepared . In addition, some manufacturers offer special lozenges containing the extract of this plant.

As for the preparation of a decoction based on echinacea herb: it is best to infuse it in a thermos, pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of the dried collection with strong boiling water. It should be recalled about such a remedy as children's echinacea in the form of tablets. Unlike brewing the collection, it is advisable to simply crush the tablet and pour it with a small amount of warm water. This applies to the little ones. For children a little older, you can drink tablets, just washing them down with the same warm water. And finally, echinacea syrup. Give it to children up to three times a day, before meals. The amount of syrup given is one or two teaspoons.

Attention! In any case, it is advisable to coordinate the prescription for taking echinacea with a pediatrician. This is especially true for the smallest, under the age of one year.

How to strengthen immunity in children

Many useful substances, which are the basis of the tincture and are contained in the herb echinacea, help improve children's immunity. In addition, the roots of the plant contain betaine, indulin, and glucose, which are so useful for the body.

And in general, this source of substances indispensable for health contains microelements necessary for the development of babies. In addition, we must not forget about zinc, silver, selenium, which improves the immunity of the child, as well as calcium, manganese and potassium.

Can Echinacea be given to children?

In some cases, the attending physician may make a contraindication to taking echinacea syrup, as this can provoke diathesis, due to the presence of sugar in the composition. Due to the fact that children under the age of 12 are forbidden to give alcohol-containing infusions, many experts advise replacing them with decoctions, which have already been mentioned above. In addition, always consult your doctor if you have an intolerance to certain substances or preparations containing them.

In general, given the above contraindications, we can say that echinacea tincture can be given to children older than a year: 2, 3 years and older. Of course, the reception should be started only after consulting a pediatrician. However, even if no contraindications were identified at the first stage, negative reactions may occur during the reception, incl. and allergic. In this case, you should immediately contact your clinic and consult a doctor.

Be that as it may, echinacea, as well as tinctures and decoctions based on it, are considered useful and effective for the baby and you can give them to children.

How to take: instructions for use

Before giving the drug to children, you need to learn how to properly use echinacea and familiarize yourself with some recommendations. So, the time of admission and dosage:

  • Maximum 3 times a day, before eating.
  • Children over 12 years old can be given 3-5 drops of the drug, diluting it with a sufficient amount of ordinary water. Also before meals, and up to 3 times a day.
  • For babies aged 2-3 years (in general, from a year and older), it is better to take a decoction, as well as tea made on the leaves of the plant.
  • Echinacea is not recommended for children under one year of age.
  • During the period of intensive spread of viral infections, which lasts throughout autumn and winter, prophylactic use of echinacea, decoctions and tinctures based on it will be useful.

Remember! The exact instructions for the use of echinacea tincture and similar preparations based on this plant are contained in each package. In addition, we recommend additionally consulting with a pharmacist and pediatrician.

As for the cost, there are some differences. The amount and type of drug can vary significantly. In addition, different manufacturers may charge different prices. In general, at the moment the price of tincture of Echinacea purpurea for children is 20-90 rubles. in different pharmacies and from different manufacturers. This natural preparation will be extremely useful not only for the smallest, but also for older brothers and sisters, as well as for parents.

Interesting video about echinacea purpurea. Recommended to see:


Like any drug, echinacea tincture has contraindications:

  1. First of all, this is an individual intolerance to any component of the drug,
  2. Children's age (not recommended for children under three, and according to the instructions of individual manufacturers - up to seven years).
  3. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  4. Autoimmune and systemic diseases (i.e. diseases in which the body's immune system is disrupted): HIV infection, cancer, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, etc.).
  5. Echinacea tincture is not recommended for use simultaneously with other immunostimulants.

Side effect

Echinacea tincture is generally well tolerated. In some cases, it was noted: digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, chills. Sometimes it is also possible to develop skin allergic reactions - itching, urticaria.

Our pharmacies offer products from different manufacturers: GalenoPharm (St. Petersburg), Dr. Theiss (Germany) and others. The price of tincture is low, ranging from 150 to 200 rubles.

Echinacea extract can be purchased in a different form. There are various preparations and nutritional supplements, which include echinacea: immunal, immunorm, estifan and others; they usually carry a higher price than just an alcoholic tincture.

For the manufacture of decoctions and water infusions, echinacea herb is sold, including in convenient filter bags.

Unfortunately, any drug can be harmful if used improperly. Echinacea purpurea tincture is no exception. The manufacturer's instructions are not always sufficient to determine if this medicine is suitable in any particular case. Therefore, before using it, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Many parents face the problem of reduced immunity in a child and frequent colds. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of different medicines that can heal a wide variety of ailments. The vast majority of pediatricians believe that in order for diseases not to attack a growing body, it is necessary to strengthen immunity from childhood. Currently, the safest immunostimulating agent is the drug "Echinacea Extract". Instructions for use, properties, indications for admission will be described in today's article.

General information about the plant

Echinacea is a perennial plant with a short rhizome that has a large number of thin roots. The plant has simple, leafy, strongly branching stems, on which there are leaves arranged in the next order and decreasing towards the top of the stem. On the latter there is a flower basket, the receptacle of which has the shape of a ball. The flower basket is made up of reed flowers, the shade of which varies from pink to purple.

Echinacea blooms in summer. During this period, bright flowers appear on the stems. In the very center of the basket are tubular flowers, which bear fruit.

What are the benefits of echinacea?

Echinacea extract is used for a wide variety of diseases. Reviews of patients and doctors confirm the high effectiveness of the remedy to increase immunity. The plant prevents the reproduction of coccal infections, harmful bacteria and viruses.

What is an extract?

The drug "Echinacea Extract" (instructions for use will be described below) is an effective tool that has a powerful tonic effect on the entire nervous system. It energizes and perfectly restores performance. Due to its adaptogenic properties, the plant protects the body from adverse environmental factors. Regular use of a medicine such as echinacea extract relieves stress, in addition, the plant is an effective means of preventing acute respiratory infections. Immunostimulatory action is aimed at preventing the development of colds.

To eliminate pain and speed up the healing of various wounds, you can also use a drug such as echinacea (extract) externally. The instruction attached to the medication contains the following information on its use: for children, depending on age, the daily dose is 3-5 drops, for adults - no more than 8. For small children, the remedy can be dissolved in a small amount of water or other drink.

Currently, a large number of medicines are being produced, which contain echinacea extract, such preparations can also be used for children. Echinacea products contain:

    flavonoids, polysaccharides, resins - have a stimulating effect on the immune system;

    polyenes and phenolic acid - resist various bacteria and fungi;

    microelements and vitamins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the body;

    mineral salts - favorably affect the development of the enzyme and endocrine systems.

Echinacea extract: application of the remedy

Echinacea preparations are prescribed in such cases as:

And, as noted above, echinacea extract is an excellent tool for strengthening the body's defenses.

Other release forms

Today, drugs that contain this plant are produced in various forms. This is a tincture, herb, syrup, plates, tablets, echinacea extract (this form of medication was discussed above).

Alcohol tincture

This is the most common form of the drug, but it is precisely the same that raises many doubts among parents: is it safe to use it for children? The composition of this product contains alcohol, which, of course, can be dangerous for the child's body. However, if you use the tincture strictly following the instructions, the risk of side effects is minimal. For children, such a remedy is used according to the following scheme: 5-10 drops of tincture are diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 3, taken 30 minutes before meals twice a day. The last dose of the medicine should be no later than 16 hours.

Tincture can be used as an external agent - for the preparation of lotions or compresses. To do this, 20-60 drops of the product are diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution (100 ml).

Tablets and lozenges

This form of the drug is more acceptable for children in comparison with alcohol tincture. According to the instructions, you should take one tablet 3-4 times a day. The therapeutic course should last no more than two months.


Healing echinacea syrup activates the protective mechanisms of the human immune system. Such a drug enhances the resistance of healthy cells to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, echinacea syrup normalizes metabolism and improves thyroid function.

Herbal decoctions and teas

For a child, you can make your own decoction or tea from this plant. To do this, in the pharmacy you need to purchase a dry composition of echinacea (chopped stems and rhizomes), pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials into a thermos and pour boiling water (0.5 l), leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. After the remedy, strain and give the child 100 g of the resulting broth 2-3 times a day, it can also be added to tea or other drinks.

Tea made from dried leaves of echinacea, currant, raspberry, mint and others will be useful. The leaves are mixed to your liking, 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. This fortified tea is drunk between meals. For the prevention of colds, the drink should be taken in courses of 10 days, it is recommended to do 3 courses with a break of 5 days.

Contraindications for use

It should be remembered that not always preparations based on echinacea will benefit the body. This applies to all forms of release of this product (tincture, tablets, syrup, herb, echinacea extract). Reviews of friends or acquaintances, even the most positive ones, should not be a reason for the use of such medicines. Consultation of an experienced specialist is required.

Doctors do not recommend the use of echinacea preparations for children under 12 years of age. However, in some cases, strictly under the supervision of a specialist, it is allowed to take echinacea tablets for children from 4-6 years old. With angina in an acute form, the use of tincture is contraindicated. Echinacea extract for children cannot be used for autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, leukemia.

Security measures

This tool can be used 2 days after the abolition of cephalosporins.

The use of a drug such as echinacea extract is recommended to be combined with the intake of vitamins A, C, E.

With caution, you should prescribe products containing this plant in its composition in diabetes mellitus.


Exceeding the recommended doses of the drug can provoke the development of such phenomena as allergic reactions (itching, skin rashes, urticaria), nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, insomnia, overexcitation. If such phenomena occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted regarding further treatment.

Interaction with other medicines

Due to the immunostimulatory effect of echinacea, it may reduce the effectiveness of drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect.

It should not be used simultaneously with cephalosporins.

Terms and conditions of storage


Echinacea extract is a drug that has been successfully used to strengthen the immune system. And numerous positive reviews confirm its high efficiency not only as a preventive, but also a therapeutic agent. However, it should be borne in mind that this drug is of plant origin, so you should not expect quick results. The therapeutic course can last up to six months.

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