To give birth to a kitten in a dream for a woman. Did you dream about healthy kittens? Surveillance from the side

Why dream of the birth of kittens? Often such a vision in a dream indicates minor difficulties, self-deception, the need to rethink one's behavior. The dream interpretation also promises income that you will receive unexpectedly.

Profit, the need to resolve minor issues

Seeing newborn babies in a cat means: now is the best time to put things in order, solve minor issues before they become major problems.

Why does a cat dream about a lamb? The dream interpretation claims: such a plot portends unexpected profits. Moreover, the amount of income will be proportional to their number.

Change your behavior

Babies born to a cat symbolize illusions, unfulfilled dreams. The vision tells: stop engaging in self-deception, you need to really look at things and the situation.

Did the girl dream about holding newly born kittens in her arms? The dream interpretation says: she should reassess her behavior. The frivolity of the dreamer can lead to shame. If you brought it home, all the more you need to change something in yourself, learn to find a compromise with people, analyze your statements and actions.

Holding this small fluffy ball in your arms in a dream symbolizes your own insecurity, the inability to make independent decisions. This becomes an obstacle to the implementation of the undertakings of the sleeper.

Joy, pleasant surprise

The interpretation of a dream about the birth of kittens also promises joyful events that will soon become familiar and routine. Vision does not bode well, rather it is good.

Why dream that they were born to a person? The dream book informs: for a woman, this is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. If a pregnant woman dreamed of such a plot, it is just worries about her condition, fatigue.

Seeing in a dream the birth of kittens in a person - some pleasant small surprise will happen in reality.

Be careful to avoid complications

The plot about the birth of kittens, according to the dream book, warns: a person creates difficulties and problems for himself by his actions, attitude towards people around him or circumstances. We must remember this when starting a new business, especially if the undertaking is important.

Blind newborn babies in a dream indicate troubles that can happen to the dreamer due to his negligence and lack of vigilance.

Dreamed of stroking them? In reality, you can be deceived with empty promises, or you yourself will be deceived, having a wrong idea of ​​​​the situation.

The color of newborn babies

Remember what their color was in a dream:

  • white - a pleasant surprise;
  • red - for money;
  • gray - everyday fuss;
  • black - trouble;
  • tricolor - lack of free time, eventful period;
  • color that does not exist in nature is a very unexpected surprise.

Such a dream portends an unpleasant, annoying surprise. You have an opponent who is trying to annoy you. The dream warns that soon you will have to solve the problem created by the ill-wisher. Be careful and prudent, do not show your vulnerabilities to anyone - this way you can avoid big troubles.

If you see many newborn kittens

The dream warns that you will be surrounded by many worries in the near future. Perhaps now you will be loaded with family chores, or solving routine issues that have accumulated too much. It will seem to you that the routine is tightening more and more, fatigue and blues will appear.

If you dream of cats of different colors, or motley

The white stripe ends. Get ready that now it will be necessary to solve old pending issues that you tried to forget about. All problems will reappear. And you will have to work hard to solve them. Until you put an end to all unfinished business, the period of trouble will not end. As soon as you deal with them, you can prepare for a new strip of carelessness and relaxation.

If a woman had a dream

Your dream shows your confusion and fear for the future. Share your experiences with a loved one. Speak out your doubts and concerns. Secret thoughts expressed aloud cease to disturb. You yourself are the source of the problems that now worry you so much. Now more than ever you need to relax and unwind. Try not to provoke quarrels and scandals now - a quarrel can drag on for a long time, and entail additional troubles.

A large number of thin and sick kittens

Such a dream most often warns you of an upcoming streak of trouble. Try not to start any new business now, and be attentive to your loved ones. Perhaps now your help will be very necessary for your children. Don't worry, the streak of trouble will end very soon if you take control of everything.

Snake strangles newborn kittens

This dream warns that ill-wishers are trying to denigrate you. But do not worry - the image of a snake portends that all enemies will be defeated. The troubles that they prepared for you will turn against them, exposing them to everyone in a ridiculous way. This dream portends your victory over the envious.

Only one was born, but a very large and completely white kitten

This is a sign that someone will try to take advantage of your naivety and gullibility. Be careful with finances - perhaps scammers will try to manipulate you. Your intuition will tell you what to do - listen to your instincts.

Dream interpretation of the birth of kittens

An unambiguous interpretation of dreams, where, according to the plot of the vision, a cat gave birth, is quite difficult to find. Most interpreters agree that a kitten born in a dream personifies the inner insecurity, carelessness, and naivety of the dreamer. What is the dream of the birth of kittens, happy moments or sad events await the sleeping person, predictions of popular dream books will prompt.

Healthy and beautiful pets can be born in dreams to receive good news, improve the financial situation and all kinds of other benefits bestowed by higher powers for the dreamer and his family.

A cat dying during childbirth is an omen of a serious illness, in reality one should strengthen immunity, take deliberate actions in order to avoid the impending threat, says the interpreter from “A” to “Z”.

coat color

A newborn kitten, according to the interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, hints that the time has come to deal with domestic problems, finish the work that has been started, resolve issues and go on vacation with a clear conscience. Will the prediction change from the color of the coat of small animals?

Just born blind furry

  • Seeing a blind kitten in dreams is a sign that the decision will be wrong, the result will not live up to expectations.
  • Strong, already growing kittens, according to the general interpreter, promise a series of minor, but no less pleasant surprises.
  • Gray fur is a sign of boredom, sadness, everyday routine.
  • Dreaming black baby? You have to deal with the troubles that have piled up, white wool will indicate inner peace, carefree pastime.

A red-haired color is often dreamed of by those who are destined to increase capital soon after a dream, and a rare tricolor kitten predicts that the next period will become rich in interesting events.

The image of a kitten

As the idiomatic dream book assures, the birth of kittens, which was successful, will tell that the existing problem can be solved without unnecessary worries and paperwork.

If an old cat had a chance to give birth in dreams, then the experience and wisdom gained will help a person cope with the upcoming troubles, the soothsayer Vanga predicts.

To visit the tenant according to the dream scenario, where someone else's cat was born, is a sign that the sleeping person will become the instigator of the conflict between relatives, will deliberately "put spokes in the wheels."

I dreamed about lambing

Lambing may dream before the start of the black stripe, and blind babies will tell you that the actions being played are thoughtless.

Remorse of conscience does not leave alone a person who has dreamed of a dirty, dirty kitten.

positive signs

The general interpreter insists that dreaming newborn kittens always bring joy, light, positive emotions.

For a woman who could not conceive a child for a long time, a similar plot of a night dream will indicate an early pregnancy.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, young people will be pleased with the dream of the birth of a hundred, because it will tell about the feeling of love that has settled in the heart of the sleeping person.

For creative nature, night visions with a giving birth cat promise that the muse will soon visit, forces will appear for the implementation of ideas, plans, projects.

A man who sees a kitten crawling towards him will in reality meet a woman with whom a close mental connection will be established, it will be possible to build a trusting relationship.

Born "purrs" of different colors? The upcoming events will greatly surprise, perhaps shock, and many newborns in the box symbolize the dreamer's hidden hopes.

Interpreter warns

The near future will turn out to be rather unpleasant consequences for a sleeping person if, according to the plot, a dead offspring was born to a cat.

What absurd accidents will the interpreter of dreams warn against?

I dreamed of giving birth to a wild cat

  • According to a modern dream book, the birth of a kitten can be dreamed of as a symbol of wasting energy on useless work.
  • A person creates difficulties for himself when the unborn offspring of a domestic cat is constantly dreaming.
  • According to the plot, a wild cat who gave birth is dreamed of by those whose enemies are preparing for the battle for the championship.
  • Stroking newborn blind animals in dreams - to false promises, possible omissions.

You should be more careful with secret desires for a person in whose dream the newborns did not purr, because, having revealed the truth in reality, the dreamer can lose friends, faithful associates.

Many women are tormented by the question of why they dream of giving birth to a kitten. This vision often visits the fair sex. It is directly related to the undertakings that are present in their lives at the present time. Often they are a warning about the discrepancy between expectations and the real state of affairs.

What if you dream of giving birth to a kitten?

For every woman, childbirth is a moment of renewal, purification and transition to a new stage in life. In any case, this is a serious test that leaves an imprint on the life of a girl. The result of childbirth in reality is a child, which is an adequate reward for all the labors and trials. But in a dream, this process may not end at all as planned. Often girls dream that they become the mother of a small defenseless creature - a kitten.

Very often, such visions occur in those women who in reality are in an “interesting” position. Especially often he visits those who should become the mother of the first child. The vision reflects the girl’s complete unpreparedness for motherhood - she does not perceive pregnancy as a reality, she is not confident in her abilities.

In a state of pregnancy, a woman often has incomprehensible dreams and the birth of puppies, kittens and unknown animals - this is more a normal effect of hormones than an exception. You need to treat this vision of words with calmness, try not to think about a bad omen.

For those women who see that they have given birth to a kitten, but they themselves do not expect a baby in reality, they can thus be warned of failures. They are accompanied by a new business or undertaking, on which great hopes are placed.

Separately, the circumstance is considered when a cat gave birth to a kitten in a dream, but the woman has to feed him and behave as if she were his mother. This may indicate that in reality she has ill-wishers. They hide behind the guise of friends, but in fact they seek to harm the dreamer or force him to solve his own problems through manipulation. You also need to pay attention to the fact that those people who belong to the closest circle (friends, relatives) can interfere in the implementation of plans.

What portends?

Dream interpreters believe that those women who have a mild character and are not able to make an effort of will to reach heights in their profession or personal life can also give birth to a kitten in a dream. You need to reconsider your position in life and show maximum initiative.

Experts recommend paying attention to what emotional coloring the process of giving birth to a kitten has in a particular dream. If this event is taken for granted, and the woman is glad for the appearance of this creature, then perhaps in this particular case, such knowledge becomes the key to good news or unusual pleasant phenomena in real life. They will appear as quickly as if they appeared by magic.

Some interpreters believe that it is necessary to carefully consider a dream in which a woman gives birth to a child, and he suddenly turns into a kitten. In this case, it is necessary to be prepared for sudden difficulties that will arise in important matters.

All dreams that promise failure or danger are a good chance for the dreamer to change the state of affairs in their favor. Therefore, it is necessary to treat them with gratitude and show great care in business, which will save a person from losses and dangers.

Why dream of giving birth to a kitten in a dream

Childbirth seen in a dream is a symbol of new beginnings, deeds, projects. A kitten means minor troubles. Thus, if a kitten is born in a dream, such a dream can be interpreted as a warning about the failures that will accompany the work begun. If you dreamed that you see how a cat gave birth to a kitten, it means that ill-wishers are preparing a trap for you, they are trying to interfere with the implementation of the plan and the implementation of plans. If in a dream a kitten was born to you, you should think about it, perhaps you yourself create problems for yourself, do not see easier ways and do not make efforts to bring the matter to the end with minimal losses. The plot of the dream, in which you hold a newborn kitten in your arms, suggests that your main problem is self-doubt, the inability to make decisions on your own, it is this that prevents the implementation of plans.

Why did I dream that I gave birth to a kitten? Dream Interpretation knows what it is for!

Sometimes people have rather strange dreams. Many people ask themselves: "What to expect from fate if I dreamed that I gave birth to a kitten?". Also, some ask: "What should I do in reality if I gave birth to a kitten in a dream?" The dreamer should pay attention to her behavior. Not everyone likes it, you need to be more modest, then people will not shun.

According to Miller's dream book, if a woman gave birth to a kitten in a dream, then she will face troubles, in which she herself will be to blame. She should not do bad things to people, because they can find out about it and take cruel revenge. Sometimes dreams with similar plots are seen by those who cannot see the easy way in life. They are constantly looking for adventure, and then they find themselves in very unenviable situations. You need to consult with other people, they will be able to point out the right path, which will lead to happiness with minimal moral and material losses.

If a virgin dreamed that she gave birth to a kitten at night, then she would have problems with her lover. He will suspect her of infidelity. The dreamer should not flirt with all the guys she knows. Her behavior can be misunderstood. It is better to try to avoid meeting with them and appear in public in the company of your lover, then unpleasant gossip will not go around the sleeping woman.

When an elderly lady has such a dream, she should think about her soul, and not choose her next admirer.

According to the summer dream book, the birth of a kitten in a dream of the fair sex indicates that she is not confident in herself and is afraid to take the initiative. The dreamer needs to try to make important decisions on her own, without relying on someone else's opinion, otherwise she will not succeed in life and will be left alone.

According to the everyday dream book, the birth of a kitten in a woman’s dream portends her chores around the house. Perhaps guests will unexpectedly come to her, as a result of which the dreamer will have to pay attention to them and cook a lot. There is a possibility that the mother-in-law will want to live with her husband in the house for some time. The sleeping woman will have a hard time, as a relative will constantly harass her with nit-picking and remarks about and without.

If the kitten in a dream was black, then the dreamer will have misfortune. Perhaps she or someone close to her will become seriously ill or get into trouble. In any case, you will have to make a lot of efforts to get out of a negative situation.

If in a dream a woman gave birth to several kittens at once, then the spouse will suspect her of cheating, he will even be able to find evidence. As a result, the husband will pack his things and leave the house. After some time, the sleeping woman finds out that her husband lives with another woman, he needed an excuse to get a divorce. This whole situation will upset her very much, because the woman was faithful to her husband and loved him, and he acted dishonestly towards her.

The psychoanalytic dream book advises not to start new business after such a dream, as they will not bring anything good. The dreamer will only lose her time and money. We need to wait a few months, then the situation will become clearer and it will be possible to make the right decision.

If the kitten born by a woman was red, then you should be wary of deceiving a loved one. You should not trust anyone, as anyone can betray for their own benefit.

When a girl has such a dream, she is not recommended to accept the courtship of a new admirer. He will need only intimacy from the dreamer, when he gets what he wants, it will evaporate, as if he never existed. The sleeping woman will experience this situation very acutely, she will even begin to have thoughts of suicide, it is likely that she will make an attempt to die.

If a married lady gave birth to a gray kitten in a dream, then in reality the spouse will find out about her novels. He will be very angry and may even beat the dreamer. She should carefully hide her adventures to the left, otherwise she risks losing her life, because her husband has a tough temper and is quick to punish.

When a woman dreams that she gave birth to a kitten, in reality she should be afraid of the machinations of enemies, troubles, problems. Also, such a dream says that the dreamer is not self-confident. This makes it very difficult for her to live. If she does not change, then the sleeping woman will have to be very tight.

I dreamed of a kitten - to depressed feelings, loneliness, a depressive state. A dream portends trouble, lovers will experience quarrels and quarrels. Seeing kittens is a minor trouble that can turn into major losses.

Who dreamed of kittens in a dream? What size kittens did you dream about? What color did you dream of a kitten? Did you dream about healthy kittens? How many kittens did you dream about? Where were the kittens that you dreamed about? With whom did you see kittens in a dream? How did you have kittens in a dream? What did you do with kittens in a dream? How can you characterize the kittens that you dreamed about? What did the kittens do in their sleep? What breed of kittens did you see in a dream?

Who dreamed of kittens in a dream?

A woman dreamed of a kitten

A dream about a kitten for a woman warns of a possible major scandal or unpleasant events in which she can become a participant. You should be alert and not trust strangers. There is a high probability of becoming a victim of scammers or being deceived.

What size kittens did you dream about?

Little kitten Newborn kitten

What color did you dream of a kitten?

Ginger kitten White kitten Black kitten Gray kitten Multi-colored kitten Pink kitten

Dreamed of a tricolor kitten

A tricolor kitten dreams of problems on the path of life. The reason for most of them will be your carelessness, sluggishness and frivolity. You should be more careful and attentive.

Dreaming blue kitten

I dreamed of a blue kitten - in reality, you will be able to fulfill your old dream. In addition, the dream promises well-being and a strong financial position.

Did you dream about healthy kittens?

Dead kitten Sick kitten Kitten dies

Dreaming of blind kittens

See blind kittens in a dream - in the real world, a huge number of problems will fall on you. Their solution must be taken immediately, and not wait until they grow and become unsolvable.

Dreamed of a wounded kitten

A wounded kitten dreams of a tempting prospect, a good opportunity. There will be an opportunity to get even with a competitor or defeat an opponent in the love part. Don't miss out on an outstanding opportunity.

How many kittens did you dream about?

Many kittens Two kittens Three kittens

Where were the kittens that you dreamed about?

Hold a kitten Look for a kitten

Lose a kitten in a dream

I dreamed about how they lost a kitten - in reality, a problem will appear that will disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared. But the fear of her return will not leave you soon.

With whom did you see kittens in a dream?

Puppies and kittens

Dreamed of a dog and a kitten

What is the dream of a dog and a kitten? The dream indicates that a good friend may be to blame for the current problems. Take a closer look at him and check if he has begun to poison your life.

Kittens and rats Cat and kittens Cat and kittens

How did you have kittens in a dream?

Give birth to a kitten Birth of a kitten Gave a kitten Find a kitten Pick up a kitten Buy a kitten

Get a kitten in a dream

They brought a kitten in a dream - because of your innocence and responsiveness, you will gain unnecessary problems. Excessive altruism can ruin you, so do not rush to take on other people's responsibilities.

Catching a kitten in a dream

She dreams about how a kitten was caught - in reality, it will be possible to catch the enemy red-handed, who plotted and was going to carry them out. Thanks to this, the annoying ill-wisher will cease to be a threat.

Shelter a kitten in a dream

I dreamed that they sheltered a kitten - in reality you will have to go through a completely hopeless situation. You won’t be able to cope on your own, and there is practically no one to ask for help.

The cat gave birth to a kitten

What did you do with kittens in a dream?

Kill the kitten Feed the kitten Rescue the kitten Drown the kitten Pet the kitten Wash the kitten Give the kitten away

Play with a kitten in a dream

In a dream, you play with a kitten - in reality, you may suffer from the manipulation of an outsider. You should be more suspicious of new acquaintances and take a closer look at existing ones.

How can you characterize the kittens that you dreamed about?

Fluffy kitten Affectionate kitten

Dreaming of a homeless kitten

A dream about a homeless kitten warns of the unsuccessful activities of ill-wishers. They will try to harm you, but it will turn out that by doing this they will complicate life, on the contrary, to themselves.

Dreamed of a beautiful kitten

Why is a beautiful kitten dreaming? A dream may warn that they will try to circle you around your finger. Do not succumb to provocations and calmly react to the efforts of those around you to fool you.

Seeing an angry kitten in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers an angry kitten as an aggressive person surrounded by reality. It will be difficult to get rid of him. You have to come to terms with its presence or wait for the right moment.

Dreaming of a hungry kitten

See a hungry kitten in a dream - troubles will begin in the financial and love sphere. But they will not last long, so you will not have time to suffer serious losses.

Dreamed of a wet kitten

A wet kitten dreams of troubles, a large amount of work, difficulties in the service. One of your colleagues can take advantage of this, and if you can't cope, he will be happy to offer his candidacy for your place.

What is the dream of a dirty kitten

I dreamed of a dirty kitten - soon a lot of problems will fall on you. Moreover, their cause will most likely be your own negligence. Try to be more careful not to incur difficulties.

What did the kittens do in their sleep?

Kitten is scratching Kitten is sleeping Kitten is biting

I dreamed that the kitten spoiled

A kitten shat in a dream - a vision is a warning. A loved one will commit meanness, moreover, at a time when this was simply impossible to expect.

Dreaming of a drowning kitten

Dreaming of a drowning kitten is a favorable sign. The problem that torments you will disappear very soon, leaving no reminder of itself. Life will be the same again.

Why is the talking kitten dreaming

I dreamed of a talking kitten - you want something that is better not to do. Try to resist the temptation and do not do what you will later remember with bitterness.

The kitten jumped from the window in a dream

The dream in which the kitten jumped from the window is a good omen. Enemies will no longer pester you and will finally leave you alone. You can breathe a sigh of relief.

What breed of kittens did you see in a dream?

Siamese kittens are dreaming

Why do Siamese kittens dream? A dream symbolizes attraction, passion. You want affection, a stormy romance, thrills, pleasures. You've been missing all of this lately.

Kitten, Kittens, White kittens, Small kittens, Newborn kittens, Red kittens, Gray kittens, Black kittens, Many kittens, Dead kittens, Little kittens, Catch kittens, Bathe kittens, Feed kittens, Birth of kittens, Dead kittens, Drive out kittens, Many cats and kittens, Washing kittens, Killing kittens, Many black kittens, Killing kittens, Drowning kittens, Rescuing kittens, Gathering kittens, Blind kittens, Give birth to kittens, Birth of kittens, Give birth to kittens, Give away kittens, Adopt kittens, Buy kittens, Newborn kittens, Several kittens, Beat a kitten, White kitten

If in a dream you saw Newborn Kittens, you had to Shelter Kittens in a dream, Dream Interpretations recommend that you be vigilant in reality and carefully reconsider your surroundings. A kitten Seen in a dream, According to Dream Interpretations, is not a very favorable sign, Which symbolizes some kind of young girl or woman.

Dreamed of little kittens in a dream, Seeing several or many kittens in a dream, Many cats and kittens- minor annoyances and problems.

Representatives of the Feline family, who were present in a dream, are traditionally interpreted quite negatively. From this position, the appearance of Kittens in your dream promises minor troubles and problems, the number of which you can predict for yourself, if you remember the number of Kittens that were present in the dream.

Dreamed of a kitten- helplessness, weakness and defenselessness.

Perhaps the Subconscious sent you this dream, Because in real life you feel like a weak person, Defenseless and helpless, Like a Kitten. You go through life by touch, you need support and support from other people.

Seeing the birth of kittens in a dream, Newborn kittens dreamed- to money.

The traditional interpretation of this dream portends the dreamer an unplanned profit, the size of which is directly proportional to the number of Kittens seen.

Give birth to kittens in a dream, Give birth to kittens in a dream instead of a child- feelings about pregnancy; surprise.

A dream that a pregnant woman had is only a figment of her tired and sick imagination. However, Similar dreams (about baby animals or small children) often appear long before the exact news of your pregnancy - perhaps this is what awaits you in reality. For everyone else, the dream promises some minor surprise.

Dreamed of a white kitten or white kittens- a pleasant surprise.

Dreamed of red kittens- to money.

Dreamed of gray kittens- household chores and daily vanity.

Dreamed of black kittens, Many black kittens- trouble.

The color of the kittens you saw in a dream will tell you what kind of events you are facing in reality.

I dreamed of the dead, Dead kittens, Killing or drowning kittens, Seeing the killing of kittens, Beating a kitten, Chasing away kittens in a dream - drive away evil forces; inner growth.

Cats, and to some extent Kittens, represent dark or otherworldly forces that must invade your life today. A dream gives a positive forecast - you can protect yourself from this in reality. However, a Kitten in a dream can symbolize you personally (if you recognize your own helplessness and weakness). In this case, the dream speaks of your inner growing up. You will arbitrarily and decisively kill your fears and doubts ("Kitten" Living inside you), And finally move on to a new stage of life.

Wash, Bathe kittens in a dream, Feed or shelter kittens, Save kittens in a dream- there are worries about a young girl.

Dreamed of blind kittens in a dream- some young lady needs your help and protection.

A kitten in a dream can symbolize a young girl or girl with whom you have to closely communicate in reality.

Catch or collect kittens in a dream, Buy kittens- pregnancy; the need to express your love.

For women of childbearing age, a dream may portend the onset of pregnancy (it is at this moment that women have visions of small children or young animals). For everyone else, the dream gives a hint - in reality you have a lot of unspent affection and love, which you can’t find worthy use in any way.

You probably belong to the category of those people who are not used to, cannot, do not know how or do not want to solve emerging problems alone. It is vital for you to connect as many people as possible to this.

I gave birth to a kitten

Dream Interpretation I gave birth to a kitten had a dream, why dream in a dream I gave birth to a kitten? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I gave birth to a kitten by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A kitten is an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow affect your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Mole

There is a well-known folk sign: "A mole is in such a place that you can see it yourself - for worse, but not visible - for good." Perhaps it was this folk wisdom that served as the basis for a mole to appear in your dream. Or maybe a mole arose in a dream because in real life you thought about the symbolic meaning of each mole, because it’s not for nothing that people say: “The more moles, the more unhappy and sicker the person” or “A mole on the nose - to heart disease” , "A mole on the back - be pneumonia."

A mole may appear in your dream also because in reality you met with your relatives.

Examining a large mole on your body in a dream is a sign that you have a very influential and wealthy relative who is ready to come to your aid at any moment.

If you dreamed that you had moles all over your body, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will have a misfortune from which you will not be able to recover for a long time. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you have many relatives with whom you should not forget to maintain relationships.

To remove a mole from your body in a medical way in a dream, then in real life you will be able to avoid the danger that threatens you and the evil gossip of your ill-wishers.

If you yourself remove a mole from yourself, then such a dream suggests that in reality you only contribute to circumstances not in your favor, and give food for gossip to your enemies.

If you dreamed that you had a large mole on your forehead, then in real life you will feel worse. Perhaps you will catch an infection from which you will not be able to recover for a long time. Be careful when talking to strangers.

Looking for moles on your body in a dream and not finding them is a sign that you yourself are to blame for the cool attitude of your relatives towards you. If you do not change your behavior, you will soon be left all alone.

If you accidentally ripped off your mole in a dream, then you will soon receive unpleasant news from your relatives, because of which your attitude towards them will noticeably worsen.

Watching how moles grow on your body before your eyes is evidence that in real life many people would like to make friends, and maybe even intermarry with you. Be careful in choosing friends!

born kitten

Dream Interpretation Born Kitten had a dream about why a born kitten is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a born kitten in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her.

If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

To dream of snakes killing kittens is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitten - they will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble.

Dirty, thin kitten - your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If in a dream you are playing with a kitten and it scratches and bites you, this indicates that your beloved will have a small soul, an evil, unfriendly character. If you marry her, you will be unhappy and regret your single life more than once.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A kitten is an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow affect your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A kitten is an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow affect your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Seeing a kitten in your arms is a good dream. It brings new joys and hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A pretty and fluffy kitten - to an affectionate friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If a woman dreams of a small fluffy snow-white kitten, this means that she will become a victim of a clever deception that will lead her into a trap. Judgment and common sense will help her get out of trouble. In general, kittens dream of trouble, and for lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and quarrels.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

In general, kittens in a dream symbolize minor troubles and irritation. This streak of bad luck will last until you kill a kitten in your sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Birth

Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung's archetypes - the Self, which gives life to another. Since this is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are WATER and OCEAN. In many cultures, water is of vital importance. So, many women who guess about their (or someone else's) pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see the connection with the waters that depart during childbirth.

The emergence of a new self from a cave or any closed space is how Jung's theory draws the moment of birth.

In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it involves the emergence of additional facets of PERSONALITY or self-knowledge in real life.

According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the mother's womb. They can express your underlying desire to return to the MOTHER, to be fed by her, to hide under her wing in a difficult situation. Since we were all once born, everyone has some opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy (positive) or unhappy (negative) being. In any case, our attitude to life leaves its mark on dreams about birth.

How does birth appear to the sleeper? A woman may have such a dream, either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, is very afraid. AT this case medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications, according to which pregnancy for a woman is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants to, but cannot become pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt.

Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. Fearing to appear discriminatory, I would like to point out the fact that to some extent we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different sexes with their strengths and weaknesses and potentially different opportunities. This is what makes an archetype an archetype.

I dreamed about a cat giving birth to kittens ...



Cat: "Hearing the screams and meow of cats is a prediction that your false friend is doing everything to harm you."
"If a young woman in a dream holds a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds."

Kittens: "If you see kittens, a dream means that you will have a little trouble, you will begin to think about your lost job, but all these thoughts will immediately disappear if you kill a kitten in a dream
For a woman to see a beautiful, fluffy white kitten in a dream means that she will be lured into the nets by easy deception, but her common sense and prudence will help to cope with troubles. If the kittens are thin and dirty, then in life she will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.


Kittens - to the fans. If a cat suffers giving birth to them - to minor failures. As far as I know. Sorry, I may be wrong.


The dream symbolizes failure. Perhaps big losses, be careful in your actions and conversations. Good luck.

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