The scalp pulls folk treatment. Why does the skin on the head hurt? Too sensitive skin


The situation in which the skin on the surface of the head hurts is not very common. It may be the result of the action of everyday stimuli, indicate disorders of a physiological or psychological type. When identifying the cause of discomfort, attention should be paid to the localization and type of sensations, their intensity and duration. In most cases, it is enough to make adjustments to the hair care process or daily routine. If this does not help, it is worth considering the possibility of the presence of pathological factors.

Why does my scalp hurt when I touch my hair?

A situation in which the scalp hurts requires an assessment by a specialist. If discomfort arises from any movement or breath of wind, it is necessary to act immediately.

Do not think that hair roots can hurt only because of the wrong hairstyle or poor-quality comb. A similar manifestation is observed with psychological and physiological problems, may indicate a latent course of chronic pathologies. Even if you don’t want to touch your head and hair due to exposure to domestic factors, this requires therapy. Increased excitability of tissues over time can cause a decrease in their functionality.

Improper hair handling

The most common cause of soreness at the hair roots lies in improper care of the hair and scalp. Sometimes the symptom occurs in response to a change in hairstyle. A person who has pulled his hair into a bun or ponytail for a long time, having loosened it, will feel discomfort. In this case, itching and tingling will disappear on their own after a few hours or after a light surface massage.

If it hurts to touch the scalp, it is worth assessing the likelihood of exposure to such factors:

  • tight hairstyle - hair stretches the epidermis, increasing its excitability, provoking blood stasis, contributing to hair loss;
  • the use of hairpins, headbands and hairpins - the regular use of these products leads to the appearance of microtraumas on the surface of the skin and disruption of blood flow in the tissues;
  • the use of low-quality hygiene and styling products - if you do not pay due attention to hair care products, you can disrupt the water-fat balance in the epidermis and rods, provoke allergies or chemical tissue burns;
  • hair coloring - abuse of the procedure or violation of the technology of its implementation contributes to an increase in the sensitivity of tissues, the development of dermatitis;
  • improperly selected comb - products with sharp teeth violate the integrity of the skin, create the likelihood of abscesses and foci of inflammation.

After the elimination of these factors, the condition should return to normal. If the influence of these moments could be excluded, it is worth considering the possibility of other problems with the scalp.

Vascular spasm during hypothermia

A sharp contraction of the vessels located on the surface of the scalp is accompanied by painful sensations. The condition is observed in people who refuse to wear a hat in cold weather or who do not properly harden the body. In this case, the skin on the head hurts either when touched, or when a part of the body turns sharply. If the problem is ignored, the functionality of the walls of the blood channels will decrease, which will cause regular attacks or constant aching pain.

Viral and other diseases of the epidermis

Soreness of the skin may be due to pathological damage to tissues or their physiological state. Sometimes the cause of sensations is increased dryness of the epidermis. In this case, tightness, itching, dry dandruff appear, hair may fall out.

If your head hurts when you touch it, you need to check for such diseases:

In each case, a characteristic clinical picture will develop. Most often, the defeat of the scalp is accompanied by general or local soreness of the scalp, itching, hair loss, the appearance of formations on the skin.

Malfunctions of the blood vessels of the scalp can have different causes and manifestations. Some people are concerned about the narrowing of the lumen of the channels due to the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls. In this case, the tissues cease to receive nutrients and oxygen in sufficient volume. They begin to suffer constant, aching pain, which can be aggravated by external factors. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is arterial hypertension. Due to the increase in pressure, the load on the vessels increases. Pulsating and bursting sensations appear, which intensify when touched.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD)

In this case, spasms of blood vessels, narrowing or increase in their lumen also become the cause of the symptom. Despite the fact that the basis of the disease is dysfunction of the patient's nervous system, the accompanying sensations are quite real. In particular, many people with VVD are afraid to touch the surface of the head or hair, and cannot actively move their head due to shooting or sharp pain.

stressful situations

A specific skin reaction is characteristic of emotionally unstable people and those suffering from mental or physical fatigue, chronic stress. Soreness is local when the top of the head hurts, and the sensations increase with palpation of the tissues. Sometimes the pain wraps around the head like a hoop. Due to overstrain of the facial muscles, the clinical picture is often supplemented by the appearance of "goosebumps" on the skin. Unpleasant manifestations do not always occur immediately after the stress, the reaction of the body may be delayed.

Individual characteristics

Soreness of the scalp may indicate a violation of the functioning of organs and entire systems. This is not always due to pathological processes in the body. Sometimes people themselves are to blame for the increased reactivity of tissues. Due to the lack of physical activity, the cells of the whole body begin to experience oxygen deficiency, which also affects the scalp. Some people overreact to the change of seasons or changes in atmospheric pressure. Individuals with weakened immune systems and nervous diseases are susceptible to this. A condition in which you can’t touch the scalp is one of the clearest symptoms of weather dependence.

Uncomfortable headgear

Soreness of the scalp after wearing a tight hat, headphones or bandage is caused by a violation of normal blood flow in the tissues or deformation of the subcutaneous tissue. Discomfort often occurs not at the very moment of wearing the product, but after it is removed, which is why the problem is not always obvious. It is worth changing the headgear to a suitable one, as discomfort will disappear if irreversible changes have not occurred in the tissues.

How to get rid of scalp pain when you touch your hair

After it became clear why the scalp hurts when touched, it is necessary to start treatment. It is better not to take active steps on your own, but to consult a doctor. In most cases, the problem can be dealt with using non-drug approaches or traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

What exactly to take if the scalp hurts, the doctor should decide. Antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Spazmolgon) help with spasms of blood vessels. If soreness is accompanied by inflammation, NSAIDs (Nurofen, Paracetamol) will help. In cases where it is urgently necessary to relieve the pain syndrome, they resort to taking analgesics (Analgin, Tempalgin). With high blood pressure, antihypertensive and diuretic drugs help at the discretion of the therapist. Sometimes drug therapy is based on antidepressants or sedatives.

To restore blood circulation in the tissues of the scalp, massage of the scalp and neck is used. Manipulation is carried out with hands or special devices.

Combing the hair with a massage brush with safe rounded bristles gives a good effect. Even arbitrary self-massage, carried out with the fingertips, will reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. It is enough to make soft circular movements, moving from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temples to the crown. Particular attention should be paid to the most painful areas.

Read more about head massage techniques

Home Treatments

For the treatment of pustular formations, skin diseases and foci of inflammation under the hair, it is necessary to use drugs, talkers and lotions recommended by the doctor. To get rid of mud deposits and improve blood circulation in the tissues, you can use one of the popular methods.

Natural remedies to get rid of sore scalp:

  • mustard compress - dilute mustard powder with lukewarm water to a state of thick sour cream, apply on the scalp and hair roots and rinse after a quarter of an hour. If the burning sensation is too strong - before the specified period;
  • soap-salt solution - grate toilet soap, dilute with water to the state of liquid sour cream and add a little coarse salt. Massage the head with the resulting mixture, then rinse it thoroughly with warm water.

These methods should not be used more than once a week. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor. The use of products against the background of pathological tissue lesions can cause the progression of the disease.

Useful compositions of masks for the scalp

In the fight against soreness of the skin on the crown, natural homemade masks will help. They are able to nourish tissues with useful substances, normalize metabolic processes, and improve blood flow. It is enough to apply the prepared composition on the scalp and hair roots, wait 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

Home treatment options for scalp soreness:

  • apple mask - grind the pulp of an apple on a grater, use the resulting slurry for its intended purpose;
  • oil mask - warm a teaspoon of castor or olive oil in your hands and rub it into the skin;
  • herbal mask - grind 100 g of fresh nettle leaves in a blender, mix with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, add 3 drops of the liquid form of vitamin B2;
  • clay mask - dilute yellow or white clay powder with slightly warm mineral water or calendula decoction to the state of liquid sour cream and distribute it over the scalp with massaging movements.

Soreness of the scalp may not be associated with disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, but even in this case, the problem cannot be ignored. An obsessive and annoying pain syndrome can cause mental disorders, sleep disturbances, and a decrease in human performance.

People often complain about such problems, and usually to each other, and by no means to the doctor. People think that this is a funny, non-serious symptom that will go away on its own, and generally says nothing about the general state of health. However, this is not quite true. Of course, when the scalp hurts, the causes often do not require close medical attention, but there are times when it is impossible to eliminate them without the advice of a specialist. Consider all the factors that cause such discomfort.

Reason one: hair and headgear

She should be considered first and foremost by women, especially those who boast a lush, luxurious "mane" and intricate hairstyles. If in the evenings such beauties have a sore scalp, it is most likely due to tight styling using hairpins, hairpins and elastic bands. they weigh not so little and pull the skin quite noticeably. And if they are tightly tightened, the load increases even more. When the hairstyle is loosened, the hair changes the position to which they are accustomed during the day, and as a result, the lady's scalp hurts when touched, even a very slight one. In such everyday situations, you just need to give your head more rest: do not collect curls on the weekend and dissolve them when you return from work. Similar problems can occur if a person wears a hat that is too tight, squeezing blood vessels. It just needs a change of clothes.

Reason two: care products

Especially overused shampoos that are used daily. And if a person also has a habit of often changing them in search of a better option, then the risk of encountering the described discomfort increases significantly. Even more often it hurts under the scalp in women who are forced to use hair dye: it greatly dries out and weakens the skin. In addition, all these creams, paints, shampoos and masks can occur. If you suspect this cause, you should resort to the help of natural remedies: rinse your head with herbal decoctions, and replace the masks with a handful of sea salt rubbed into the skin while bathing.

Reason three: stress

From them, the scalp often hurts when touched and in men, especially since they are not inclined to cry and complain, and accumulate tension inside themselves. These sensations do not necessarily occur soon after your nerves have been shaken, especially for more than one day - they can “catch up” in a week. But if you notice a pattern of "troubles - pain in the scalp", drink a light sedative like valerian after a busy day and master the relaxation rest.

Reason four: hypodynamia

Lack of movement does not only lead to excess weight and flabby muscles. The monotonous posture that you hold during the working day (at the computer, for example) leads to poor vascular function, as a result of which the scalp hurts when touched and even at the slightest turn. Try to at least change your posture during the hours of forced inactivity or take a walk every hour - even in the office and behind the kettle, but move. Yes, and a light massage of the skin for 2-3 minutes is quite capable of preventing future troubles.

Reason five: change of season

Some people have a headache every fall or every spring. What to do in this case? Take care of yourself first. It is absolutely certain that spring pains are caused by beriberi. So, knowing approximately when you will have a seasonal exacerbation, shortly before it, you should drink a course of restorative vitamins. Autumn "attacks" often occur in weather-dependent people and predict an imminent change in the weather. Vitamins here, too, will not be superfluous. But this time they should be combined with the same valerian, which reduces susceptibility to the change of seasons.

Reason six: health

And she is, of course, the most serious. Some people have a sore scalp (with or without being touched) when they get chilled and have a cold. For them, wearing a hat when it gets cold becomes mandatory. Do not neglect the use of a headdress: one of the most common consequences of regular hypothermia of the head (after otitis media, of course) is baldness. However, soreness can also indicate more serious health problems. And if it is also accompanied by hair loss, you urgently need a consultation with a trichologist - a highly specialized dermatologist who deals only with hair and scalp. If the pain lasts a week or more, it can be caused by viral diseases - in particular, seborrhea. Moreover, this disease is still the most innocent option. In this case, only an experienced specialist can prescribe treatment for the scalp. Yes, and he may need the results of several tests.

In the same section, it is worth noting that adolescents often have scalp pain when touched if they have been noted to be caused by too rapid growth. In this case, the pain reminds that it is time for the child to drink another course of magnesium-fortified vitamins, and parents should reconsider the nutritional and motor regimen of their child.

What can be done

If a doctor should prescribe a specialized treatment for the scalp, then “household” pains of this direction can be eliminated or weakened on their own. First of all, if they are too strong for you, you do not have to endure them courageously. First, try to drink an antispasmodic: “hairstyle” and cold spasms are perfectly removed by “No-Shpoy” and “Spazmalgon”. If the pain is not of spasmodic origin, you can "prescribe" yourself paracetamol or analgin. Do not forget about the salt mask. It is not done constantly, but only during attacks. You can alternate salt with mustard: dilute the powder to a pulp with warm water and keep it on the skin for about an hour. If stress is to blame for the pain, use lavender, marjoram and sage aroma oils to relax and normalize the nervous state. They can also be used in a diluted state for self-massage, lightly rubbing the solution into the temples.

Preventive measures

Having once suffered from a condition in which the scalp hurts when touched, it is worth taking care that this does not happen again. To prevent seizures, you can do the following:

  1. Change a plastic comb to a wooden one - believe me, in most cases this will be enough.
  2. Stop using a hair dryer and excess hair products, for example, varnishes and styling gels.
  3. With delicate skin on the head, make the hairstyle a little shorter, even if it’s a pity for beautiful curls.
  4. Regularly examined for the condition of the vessels.
  5. Take vitamins on a schedule.
  6. Dress for the season and the weather.
  7. Avoid reasons for unrest (as far as possible).
  8. Go for a walk if you are too lazy to play sports.

Simple but effective!

Many people have to deal with a sensation that is not entirely clear - pain in the scalp. This feeling can be in men and women. Visually, there are no changes in the form of rashes, cracks, and pain occurs with a certain frequency. The hair looks great, but the pain starts at the roots of the hair.

Be sure to find out why this happens and what can provoke it. Does the pain start when you comb your hair or just run your hands over your head? Doctors say that there may be several reasons and they are very individual.

The main causes of skin pain on the head

Pain can be caused by very thick and heavy hair. Especially if you are used to wearing hair with hairpins or hairpins.

Collected hair in a braid or tied into a ponytail for the whole day can delay the scalp and pain appears in the hair follicles. With loose hair, pain usually does not occur.

You need to be very careful with hair care products. Various shampoos, balms, conditioners can cause an allergic reaction. Allergy has various manifestations, the scalp may begin to itch, peel off, crack.

Very often, the cause of pain is malfunction of blood vessels. In this case, there will be very poor blood circulation and pain may occur at the roots of the hair. Spasms occurring in the vessels can also lead to such consequences. What causes a spasm:

  • VVD (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • temperature difference or very low temperature in which the head is located;
  • diseases associated with the central nervous system;
  • frequent stress and.

In the event that you do not have any of these reasons, it is safe to say that the scalp hurts due to nervous overwork, against which irritability greatly increases and the body is exhausted.

Such a period can be very long, and at some point the apogee will come and the body will show all its weaknesses.

In such a situation, you can not do without the help of a specialist. It is imperative to contact a psychotherapist to clarify the situation and find out the true cause of what is happening.

Side effects with such manifestations may be expressed in the numbness of the fingers or toes, or it may simply give the impression that your hands are being taken away.

Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the hair and skin on the head, maybe everything happens due to a dermatological disease and, having cured it, the pain will pass.

Types (symptoms) of skin pain

Scalp pain can be felt in different ways. Everything will depend on its cause.

Most often feel:

  • burning or tingling;
  • pain when combing;
  • pain in the roots of the hair, constant and not very sharp.

The desire to constantly scratch your head, the sensation of itching comes from non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or poor-quality products that you used. Such manifestations may appear after hair coloring or perm. This is due to an allergic reaction or a chemical burn of the scalp.

It is very bad for the scalp to perm or dye your hair too often, especially if you lighten your hair first. Also, the skin can be damaged as a result of the use of equipment for drying hair.

In this case, there may be a thermal burn of the scalp. Therefore, keep an eye on the temperature in the hair dryers and when using a hair dryer. Depending on the reasons, you can contact a dermatologist or a trichologist.

The scalp can also hurt due to inflammation, and at the same time, external signs appear in the form of wounds, blisters, pustular formations. Such signs may indicate the presence of dermatitis, fungal disease or infection. At the same time, a visit to a specialist and the use of drugs that can cure this disease are mandatory.

If the scalp hurts at the roots and there are no external signs of irritation and damage, we can talk about a change in the work inside the body itself. This can be affected by hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause.

In this case, there may also be abundant hair loss or, conversely, rapid growth. This process can be influenced by normal stress or exhaustion of the body. Hair can fall out when combing and washing your hair, while the pain will be dull, aching. To treat these symptoms, you need to contact a neurologist.

There may, of course, be individual reasons:

  • allergy to some product;
  • allergy to a drug;
  • sunburn.

For any reason, consult a doctor, you may need to take tests and be examined. The specialist will help you choose the right treatment. The use of drugs alone is not recommended.

Drug treatment

The choice will definitely depend on the diagnosis. Very often they use various ointments and talkers for external use. In this case, it is possible to use drug therapy in the form of tablets and injections.

To stop the attack, you can take any painkiller. But such measures can not be used often, so as not to harm the body.

During pregnancy, taking pills is generally not desirable, use them only as a last resort. In dermatological diseases, the appointment should be made by a trichologist or dermatologist. The dermatologist will select the most effective treatment and medications.

If the cause is established in metabolic disorders or hormonal changes. Usually, drugs are prescribed that can normalize this process and maintain it at the right level. In this case, you need to take minerals and vitamins. The dosage will depend on the age and individual characteristics of the patient.

A serious course of treatment will need to be taken if the cause of the pain is a violation of the vascular system. In this case, it is necessary to make a course of cleansing therapy and take medications that contribute to the stable functioning of the vessels.

It is very important in such a situation to get rid of spasms of blood vessels. To do this, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation and blood flow to the brain. It is very difficult to give specific recommendations in this case.

Because when choosing a medication, the doctor must take into account the general state of health, test results, the body's tolerance for drugs and the age of the patient.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. In combination with drug therapy, massage and physiotherapy are used.

There are cases when the scalp hurts during a certain period of the year, most often this can occur in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to wear a hat, not to overcool. Then the drugs will act more efficiently and effectively.

Treatment at home

If you know exactly the reason why the scalp hurts, you can resort to a non-drug method of treatment.

salt scalp masks. To do this, after washing, rub salt into the scalp and rinse after ten or fifteen minutes. How often you will do this - you have to find out for yourself;

– mustard mask can have the same effect. You need to apply it on a clean scalp, the duration of admission is up to an hour. Then rinse off with warm water;

master relaxation- this will help you relax after a hard day, relieve stress. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, turn off the bright lights and briefly distract from reality. This method can be useful to you in life, which will help keep the nervous system in good condition and learn how to protect yourself from stress;

massage and self-massage. For self-massage, you will need your own hands and head. Sitting in a comfortable chair with your fingertips, massage the entire surface of the head, neck, forehead, temples. can be done after taking an anesthetic in this case, the effect will come faster.

Aromatherapy can be used. Choose a pleasant smell according to your taste - chamomile, marjoram, sage, lavender. It is better to dilute the oil so that the smell is soft and pleasant. Rub a few drops into whiskey and after ten fifteen minutes relief will come.

The scalp requires certain care:

  • give preference to wooden combs;
  • limit the use of hair styling products;
  • be selective about any hair and scalp care products;
  • if the scalp is very sensitive, wear short haircuts;
  • in the cold season, be sure to wear a hat;
  • learn to deal with stressful situations;
  • take vitamins periodically, preferably in combination;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • stick to proper nutrition;
  • do exercises every day;
  • use homemade masks and hair care products (burdock root, egg mask).

The skin on the head can hurt for various reasons. But it must be remembered that in any case, such a phenomenon cannot be ignored.

There are a large number of methods of treatment, ranging from drugs - ointments, talkers, tablets and injections. In this case, perhaps the use of folk remedies. The choice will depend on what caused it.

With such manifestations, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition can have a positive impact. The condition of the hairline and scalp, as well as general well-being can be called the main signs by which one can assume the cause of pain.

Pain on the scalp is an atypical symptom of somatic and psychological diseases. Pain under the hair is possible with the "neurasthenic helmet", psychogenic cephalgia, tension headache and tension cephalgia. Often, discomfort on the surface of the head portends alopecia - pathological hair loss.


Pain on the scalp has the following parameters:

  • monotony - pain aching and pulling;
  • pain of moderate severity;
  • subjective sensation of pressure;
  • patients often complain that during the painful period, it is as if a helmet or a squeezing hoop is put on the head;
  • the pain is aggravated by touch;
  • in the region of the crown, temples and neck, the pain is felt more strongly due to the thinness of the skin in these places.

Pain has dynamics: discomfort increases and reaches its peak in 45-60 minutes after the onset. Also, the pain gradually subsides: from the peak, the discomfort fades away. During a pain attack, hair loss may be more than usual.

The reasons

The causes of scalp pain and hair loss are three factors:


This includes improper handling of the hair. So, too tight a pigtail, frequent use of shampoos or excessively hot water can lead to pain. According to trichologists, wooden combs are the best for hair care. Hygiene and the mode of use of cosmetics should be observed.

Hypothermia and subsequent spasm of the arteries and veins. The reason is walking without a hat in the cold. Low temperatures cause blood vessels to contract, blood flow to tissues and hair deteriorates. Staying in the cold is the reason that hair falls out.

Diseases. Infectious diseases include the flu. One of the symptoms of the disease is hyperesthesia - hypersensitivity of the skin. Pain occurs even from light touches. This symptom is most pronounced when touching the hair. Unpleasant sensations also appear with seborrheic dermatitis, in which the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.

Individual characteristics of the organism: meteosensitivity. The physiological state of such people is often determined by weather conditions: wind strength, atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms and air temperature and moisture. With a sharp change in one of these indicators, the nervous system reacts with pain, in particular pain in the scalp.

Vegetovascular dystonia. This disease is accompanied by a violation of the vegetative regulation of the body: failures in pressure, body temperature. People with this ailment may sweat when their physical bodies do not require refrigeration. Vegetovascular dystonia upsets the tone of the arterioles that feed the hair follicles, which is why pain occurs.

Traumatic brain injury. Pathology occurs due to damage to the substance of the brain and bone structures of the skull. It is manifested by a headache, including on the scalp and on the back of the head, disorientation, impaired consciousness, nausea and vomiting.

Psycho-emotional reasons

"Helmet of a neurotic." Neurasthenia is a temporary disorder of the nervous system, accompanied by weakness and irritability of the psyche. These people react violently to the slightest stimulus, light, sound, or a crowd of people who are standing nearby. "Helmet" is a typical symptom of a painful condition in which a heavy titanium helmet is put on the head. To prevent neurasthenia, it is necessary to eat and get enough sleep on time, since hunger and lack of sleep are often the causes of weakness and irritability.

Withdrawal syndrome is a psycho-physiological condition that occurs with a sharp cessation of the use of a substance that has caused persistent dependence. A more everyday and popular use of the term is “breaking”. Most often observed in hashishism and alcoholism. Treatment - transport of the patient to the narcological dispensary and the introduction of tranquilizers and sleeping pills.

Cerebrosthenia is a disease of an organic nature, characterized by a feeling of physical weakness, cephalgia, dizziness, memory impairment and rapid exhaustion of intellectual functions: impaired attention, slowing down of thinking. The disease is formed after suffering a traumatic brain injury or against the background of lipid metabolism disorders.

How to treat

There are two ways to treat scalp pain:

The drug route

The best and fastest way is to take an analgesic tablet. It can be any pharmaceutical pain reliever. Pain is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: analgin, indomethacin, ibuprofen, paracetamol and spasmalgon. NSAIDs should not be taken longer than 7-10 days. And before taking it, it is better to consult a therapist.

Non-drug way

Pain on the roots of the hair relieves large table salt. It should be rubbed into the skin immediately after shampooing. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. With a one-time attack of cephalalgia on the scalp, salt should not be rubbed.

Mint. Add a few leaves of the plant to black (preferably green) tea. It is recommended to drink 2 cups at a time.

Lemon. The skin of the citrus plant is peeled to a white layer and applied to painful areas. Keep the lemon peel on until the pain subsides. For the best effect, you can tie your head with a warm woolen cloth.


It is necessary to warn the underlying disease, but when the cause is not established, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Hair care. Make sure that cosmetics are of proper quality. Avoid tight hats and do not use tight hair ties. Wear a hat in cold weather.
  • Do a head massage once a week. This can be done by a professional massage therapist or a relative, the main thing is to massage the scalp to improve blood circulation.
  • Diet, sleep and rest. Take warm baths, include vitamin complexes in your diet (preferably B vitamins).
  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol and cigarettes

Why does the scalp hurt? This question is relevant for many, especially owners of long hair. Is it hair related? If the scalp hurts when touched, what could it be? We will try to answer these and other important questions.

It seems to many that if the skin on the head under the hair hurts, then this is connected with them. But it is not so. Even experienced doctors cannot unequivocally answer why the scalp hurts when you touch your hair. Here even experts can only speculate. But for a correct diagnosis, it is important to find out the cause of this phenomenon. It is important to establish what specifically provoked it.

If the scalp hurts, the reasons may be different. You will be surprised, but the phenomenon when the scalp hurts or bakes is not at all connected with the hair. Often it appears for psychogenic reasons. It is also called the "neurasthenic helmet". There are such causes of psychogenic pain of the skin on the head:

  1. cephalgia;
  2. nervous tension;
  3. muscle tension in the head, etc.

How is this pain different from a normal headache? The difference lies in its symptoms.

Symptoms of scalp pain:

  1. Pain sensations are monotonous.
  2. The person feels as if there is a hoop or helmet on his head.
  3. Pain varies from moderate to moderate.
  4. A person feels pain pressing, squeezing the area of ​​​​the head.

Even if you feel that the pain is localized at the roots of the hair, the cause may not lie in them. From the roots of the hair, pain spreads to other areas on the head - temples, forehead, back of the head and even the neck. Unpleasant sensations do not appear suddenly. They gradually increase, and over time become more intense.

Main reasons

The scalp can hurt due to:

  1. A strong stressful situation that a person has experienced. If he is very nervous, he may soon feel discomfort in the head area. Most often, the scalp is disturbed by the pain of those people who already have severely shattered nerves. Often, after serious conflict situations, similar pains appear. Well, in the event that a person experiences such stress regularly, then the pain can drag on for a long time.
  2. Vascular diseases. Vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin, in fact, right under it. Since the skin in the head area is very thin, it immediately reacts to all sorts of irritants. Often the reason lies in the violation of the circulatory process. In this case, at first a sufficiently strong spasm appears, and then it develops into pain.
  3. Uncomfortable headgear. Oddly enough, but such a trifle can provoke quite serious discomfort. If a hat, cap or women's hat sits too tightly on the head and squeezes it, this can provoke an adverse effect on the blood vessels. As we said, they are right under the scalp. Therefore, a tight headgear can even affect the state of blood vessels. Women should pay special attention to ensure that their head is not squeezed by bandages, hoops, and, of course, hats. Men do not often suffer from tight headgear. Many simply do not wear them, and in winter they prefer knitted hats to thick hats.
  4. Hairstyles. It turns out that even a haircut can provoke the appearance of pain. This problem is more relevant for women. Owners of medium length, as well as long hair, often collect them in a tight bun, tie them with a tight elastic band or a tight tightening hairpin. Such attributes of female beauty are not always beneficial. Most often, they harm the scalp, as they strongly tighten the hair. Girls and women often feel severe discomfort after removing these accessories from their heads in the evening. They can even interfere with blood circulation and lead to hair loss. The scalp begins to become very irritated, pain soon appears.
  5. Mistakes in hygiene. You should take special care of your scalp. It's important to do it right. It is not enough to just wash your hair with shampoo a couple of times a week. With such care, the pain can become systematic. Complete the shampoo with a mask, balm. Choose these hygiene products based on your hair type. Pay special attention to your subjective feelings after applying them. The use of shampoo, balm or mask should not cause itching. Also, pain syndrome can occur against the background of dandruff. If you have it, change your shampoo, pick up a special treatment. If this does not help, consult a trichologist.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle. In our time of computer and TV craze, this problem is not uncommon. Don't spend all your time at the computer. It is very important to lead a mobile active life. Otherwise, your organs and systems will simply begin to fail. Make sure your body is getting enough exercise. You can play sports as much as you can, run in the morning. If that seems like an impossible goal to you, just start walking to work. Soon you will be surprised that your body has come into better shape. This will also affect the scalp. You can not be passive succumb to hypodynamia.
  7. Colds, infections, flu or other viruses. During such diseases, the whole body suffers, including blood vessels. They become fragile, sensitive. Due to the general intoxication of the body, the vessels experience excessive stress. In no case do not go outside immediately after washing your hair. Even the warm season will not be an exception. This can result in inflammation of the skin on the head and pain. And with the most unfavorable development of events, a person can even get sick with meningitis.
  8. Season. Often, pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the head is precisely seasonal. It has been observed that they are most often disturbed precisely in early spring or late autumn. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the body is experiencing a severe deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. Try to eat well and rationally all year round. Your diet should be as varied as possible. Be sure to include fish, nuts, fruits, berries and vegetables.

So that the pain does not bother you, take care of your health in advance. Remember that stress has a detrimental effect on many organs and systems. Don't give in to him! Be positive about life in general and the people around you in particular. In people who are not subject to stress, pain appears much less frequently.

If it's the hair

Heavy, thick hair can cause pain, especially if it is often pinned up with hairpins or tied into a tight ponytail. In such a tightly collected state, the hair will strongly tighten the scalp. Most of the time it doesn't take an hour or two. And all day. It is not surprising that in the evening, when loosening her tightly collected hair, a woman is surprised to feel the pain of the scalp. Such discomfort is caused by hair follicles, which have experienced tremendous stress throughout the day. If the described signs coincide with your situation, then the way out is very simple - you need to wear loose hair. If they are too long, you can shorten them and make a fashionable hairstyle. A long braid or tail is beautiful, but harmful to hair and hair follicles.

It is important to keep the hair and the follicles that hold it in good condition. An important role is played by the right choice of hair products. Remember that shampoos, balms, masks and other products are not so harmless. If you choose them incorrectly, you can harm your hair and skin, and in the most serious cases, there is even an allergic reaction. With such an allergy, the scalp first of all begins to react. It cracks, peeling and itching appear.

If it's in the vessels

Often, such pain is provoked by improper functioning of blood vessels. Because of this, blood circulation is disturbed and pain appears. Similar effects are often observed due to spasms in the vessels.

Spasms of blood vessels are caused by such factors:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD).
  2. If a person experiences a sudden change in temperature or is exposed to cold. The effect of low temperature on the head is very harmful.
  3. A person suffers from diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. Stress and overexertion.

If it's nerves

As we have already mentioned, the scalp can hurt due to nervous strain or overwork. In this case, a person becomes irritable, and the body is very quickly depleted. Such a state can be observed for a long time, and then a peak occurs, at which weak points of the body will appear. This situation cannot be ignored and left to chance. Be sure to contact a psychotherapist or neurologist. It will help to clarify the situation and establish the cause of the ailment.

The state of nervous exhaustion can manifest itself in numbness of the fingers and toes. It may even seem to a person that limbs are being taken away from him. This is the result of a spasm of peripheral vessels.

Other reasons

Other causes that cause scalp pain are also possible:

  • Dermatological diseases. Pay attention to the condition of the hair and skin on the head. If dandruff, rash, itching, burning, peeling appear, the quality of the hair has changed, it has become dry and brittle, nodules and creases are observed on them, then you may be dealing with a dermatological disease. Contact a dermatologist for a diagnosis.
  • Violation of hygiene rules. If a person rarely washes his hair or does it incorrectly, he may soon experience itching, an irresistible desire to scratch his head appears. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the quality of your hair care products. Poor-quality shampoos, balms, masks can cause skin irritation and even allergies. It is not uncommon for such manifestations of discomfort after dyeing hair or waving. These procedures are carried out using very aggressive chemicals that have an extremely negative effect on the hair and skin. Violation of the rules for using paint can lead to a chemical burn.
  • Frequent dyeing or perm. These cosmetic procedures give us beauty, but at the same time they are extremely harmful to the skin and hair. The process of clarification is especially destructive. Also, be very careful when using a hair dryer. If you cannot do without it, then use the minimum temperature. If you do not observe a gentle temperature regime, you can even get a scalp burn. If you have problems, contact a trichologist or dermatologist.
  • Inflammation. With inflammation, external symptoms appear on the skin - wounds, pustules, blisters. These are symptoms of dermatitis, infection or fungal infection. In this case, you need to go to the doctor immediately and immediately begin treatment. Losing time can make things worse.
  • Violation of the body as a whole. If you feel pain at the roots of the hair, and there are no external symptoms, it is possible that the whole organism has failed or its hormonal changes have begun. Often this can be pregnancy or menopause.
  • Exhaustion of the body and stress. In this case, the hair may fall out or, conversely, grow too quickly. Most of all they fall out when washing and combing. In this case, the person suffers from dull aching pain. These symptoms require the intervention of a neurologist.
  • individual reasons. Among these individual causes, the most common are allergies to a product or medicine, sunburn.

Whatever the cause, do not treat yourself. Even if it seems to you that you have established the exact cause, consult a doctor. Self-medication may not bring any results or even harm.


What if the pain still appeared and constantly worries? First you need to establish the exact cause that provokes the appearance of discomfort. If this phenomenon has become a frequent concern for you, consult a doctor. He will conduct a professional diagnosis and prescribe you an effective comprehensive treatment. If he establishes that pain provokes general tension, drugs such as paracetamol, nurofen, analgin will help. However, they do not treat the cause itself, but only relieve the symptoms. That's why you shouldn't get carried away with them.

The choice of treatment method will directly depend on the cause. Local remedies are often used - talkers, ointments. It may also be treated with medication. Do not abuse painkillers to stop an attack. It is highly undesirable to take medication during pregnancy. If the cause lies in a dermatological disease, then a dermatologist or trichologist should prescribe a course of treatment.

If the cause lies in a violation of the hormonal background or metabolism, then drugs are used that normalize them. In this case, vitamin and mineral complexes are often prescribed. The dosage is set by the doctor. It takes into account the age of the patient, as well as his individual characteristics.

In case of violation of the work of blood vessels, the course of treatment should be quite serious. The doctor should prescribe drugs to cleanse the body and normalize the functioning of blood vessels. It is important to eliminate spasms of blood vessels. This contributes to the normalization of blood circulation. The brain needs to get enough blood. When choosing drugs, the doctor must take into account the general condition of the patient, his individual characteristics, age, state of the vascular system and, of course, the results of the tests. In this case, self-medication is strictly prohibited. The complex of drugs with the permission of the doctor can be supplemented with physiotherapy and massage.

Folk remedies

The main drawback of medicines is that they adversely affect most organs. The pancreas, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys are especially affected. Therefore, if the cause does not lie too deep, you can try to treat the scalp with folk remedies. Most often they are applied topically, as a rubbing or mask.

Non-drug treatments for the scalp:

  1. Rubbing regular salt into the skin may help. You can, however, complicate your task, and take the sea. This procedure should be performed every time you wash your hair. Be careful not to injure delicate and thin skin, and also not to damage the hair. Your movements should be as careful and accurate as possible. After a fairly thorough, but gentle, rubbing of salt into the skin on the head, it should be left for 20 minutes to get a more pronounced effect. Then you need to wash your hair very carefully. There are no exact instructions as to how many times this simple, but quite effective procedure should be repeated. This will directly depend on the frequency of pain.
  2. Pretty good results bring treatment with mustard. It is used to prepare a therapeutic warming mask. Its very easy to prepare. Dry mustard should be diluted in water in such an amount that the mask is enough for the whole head. Dilute the powder until you get the consistency of sour cream. Then gently massage into the scalp. This miraculous mask should be left for 40 minutes, and then washed off thoroughly. Please note that both salt and mustard are categorically contraindicated if there are abrasions, wounds, pimples or a rash on the head.
  3. One of the most effective methods that always help to cope with such pain is proper rest. Often enough sleep is enough to forget about such problems for a long time. Such relaxation perfectly restores strength and renews the body. If your life is not the brightest streak, try to behave as calmly as possible. In no case should you blame yourself for all sins and execute yourself for any mistakes. This is a dead-end attitude to life. Be wise and restrained. Selfishness has never brought results to anyone. In order not to provoke the appearance of pain, you need to calm down. If you fail to do so, you run the risk of experiencing pain regularly throughout your life.
  4. Massage will quickly help to bounce back and eliminate pain. You can perfectly do it yourself. You need to take a sitting position, remove the sources of noise (first of all, we mean the TV) and relax as much as possible. Massage the scalp with light movements, without making much effort. To make such a massage as effective as possible, you can use essential oils - lavender, marjoram, chamomile. But remember that in order to avoid skin burns, they should be slightly diluted with plain water. Apply this solution to the fingertips and proceed to the massage. Do light circular motions. In this case, you should not make excessive efforts. The duration of this massage is about 20 minutes. If you are uncomfortable doing it yourself or your hands get tired quickly, ask your loved ones to help you.


In order not to encounter such a problem, take care of prevention in advance. We offer you very simple recommendations. Which will help to easily avoid problems with the scalp:

  1. Do not abuse styling products. They glue the hair, and the load on the roots increases. It is better to refuse them completely. Properly selected hairstyle allows you to do styling without additional funds. A hair dryer and brushing (a round brush with holes with which you can easily dry and style your hair) will help with this.
  2. Use a comb made of wood. It is wooden combs that are considered as safe as possible for the scalp. They perfectly eliminate static electricity and gently massage the skin on the head. The main thing is that such a comb is not covered with varnish or paint. This can provoke a reaction with colored hair.
  3. Don't overuse your hair dryer. With it, of course, you can quickly dry your hair and make a spectacular styling, but it dries the scalp and hair too much, and the thermal effect overloads and depletes them. If you can not completely abandon the hair dryer, then at least use a gentle temperature regime.
  4. When choosing hair products, be sure to consider their type. Now it is not difficult to find all kinds of lines of products for hair of any type - dry, oily, dyed, brittle, etc.
  5. Do not wear uncomfortable tight headgear. They are very compress the skin around the circumference of the head and interfere with normal blood circulation.
  6. Avoid hypothermia. It is very harmful to walk with bare head in the cold season.
  7. Be sure to strive to avoid stress at work and at home. Absolutely no need to be nervous. Remember that the regular experience of stressful situations has an extremely unfavorable effect on the entire body. In this case, not only emotional balance is disturbed, but also physical and mental health.
  8. Use vitamin and mineral complexes. It is especially appropriate to take them during or after an illness, as well as in the second half of winter or early spring. Believe me, your body exhausted in winter will be grateful to you.
  9. If the pain often worries, has become regular, then it's time to consult a neurologist. It is likely that the cause is the poor condition of the vessels.
  10. Watch your diet. It should be balanced, rich and rational. Eat more greens, fruits, vegetables so that your body does not lack vitamins and minerals. Nuts, honey, fermented milk products, vegetable oils are very useful for the condition of the scalp and hair.
  11. Remember to exercise regularly. Choose a complex that is available to you, with your physical form. It should be done 2-3 times a week. Every morning you can do a simple exercise or a ten-minute jog.
  12. Walk more. Walking in the fresh air saturates the body with oxygen, and the body with energy. It improves blood circulation and metabolism.

So, we found out why the scalp under the hair hurts. It is important to establish the specific cause of this pathology. If the scalp hurts, the reasons can be completely different. The success of the treatment will directly depend on how the doctor managed to accurately determine the cause of the pain. If such pains are just starting to bother you, try to sleep better, not be nervous, and avoid stress. Perhaps the pain will soon pass and you will not need to go to the doctor.

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