Skin smells like acetone. The smell of acetone after alcohol. Bad breath - a reason to see a doctor

If a person has an unpleasant pungent odor from the skin, this is a sign of disorders in the body. Sweat with an admixture of acetone may indicate problems with the kidneys, metabolism, complications of diabetes, or the presence of an infectious agent in the body. That is why it is recommended to be examined to find out the cause of the acetate smell and undergo a course of treatment so as not to aggravate the disease.

The acetone smell of sweat may indicate problems such as:

  • endocrine dysfunctions caused by diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • thyroid pathology with hormonal dysfunction;
  • infection of the body with microbes, viruses, bacteria;
  • starvation diet.

Any of the causes presented leads to an imbalance in the body, which causes general dysfunction and the appearance of a pungent odor. Diabetes is the most common cause of sweat that smells like acetone. It is caused by insulin deficiency. Therefore, there is a lack of breakdown of glucose. Its excess leads to a change in the composition of the blood and metabolic disorders, due to which an excess of ketone bodies is formed.

The body begins to excrete a large amount of these substances with urine, then, so the person begins to exude a fetid odor of acetone from the body. This condition is a harbinger of diabetic coma. That is why it is imperative to consult a doctor. Sweat that smells like acetone can be caused by kidney problems. In this case, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • puffiness;
  • violation of urination;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • increases arterial pressure.

In case of problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, sweat with the smell of acetone occurs. When the body needs more energy, along with carbohydrates, intensive breakdown of fats begins. The products of this reaction are ketone substances or acetone, the excess of which is excreted with sweat. The process is exacerbated by increased sweating, which is typical for pathologies of the thyroid gland. Additionally, there are such characteristic symptoms as:

With pathologies of the thyroid gland, a large amount of sweat with the smell of acetone is released.

  • a sharp and rapid loss of body weight while maintaining an excellent appetite;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

All kinds of infectious diseases can cause severe dehydration. Against this background, there is a violation natural processes such as body metabolism. As a result, some substances are broken down better than others, an imbalance occurs and the formation of toxic decomposition products - ketone substances, that is, acetone, which gives sweat a sharp characteristic odor.

Symptoms of Diabetes

An excess of ketone compounds in the body is caused by insulin deficiency that occurs with diabetes. Insulin is produced by the endocrine gland to break down sugar. The glucose obtained in this way is better absorbed by the body.

The role of glucose is to ensure a normal energy balance. If there is a shortage of glucose, the body begins to use fats and proteins for energy production, during the breakdown of which ketone substances are formed. These compounds are toxic, so the body tries to eliminate them with sweat and urine, which smell like acetone.

In type I diabetes mellitus, acetone sweat indicates coming soon diabetic coma, which can be prevented by an injection of insulin. Symptoms of an approaching coma:

If there is a feeling that sweat smells like acetone, this is a sign of diabetes.

  • cardiopalmus;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • stomach ache;
  • unpleasant pungent smell of acetone from oral cavity;
  • severe dryness in the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • sharp deterioration.

Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Other violations

Secondary provoking factors for the appearance of sweat with the smell of acetone are:

  • addiction to junk food, in particular, to fatty and fried foods;
  • excessive passion for carbohydrate-free diets;
  • starvation.

Not balanced diet, monotonous diets lead to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of material metabolism and other pathologies. Low-carb and no-carb diets are especially dangerous. The unpleasant smell of sweat is the first sign of violations that have occurred in the body, and signals the end of the abuse of today's fashion trends in the diet.

Mechanism of Education toxic substances, leading to the appearance of an unpleasant odor that exudes the skin, is simple:

  1. the body ceases to receive carbohydrates required to ensure normal activity;
  2. intensive fat burning begins with the formation of ketone bodies;
  3. developed carcinogens accumulate in excess in the body, which poisons a person from the inside;
  4. there is dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach with intestines.

The smell of acetone in children appears due to the characteristics of a young organism.

In a child, an acetate smell occurs against the background of the functional characteristics of a young organism. Due to minor failures, the formed ketone breakdown products do not have time to be removed in a timely manner, which leads to their accumulation and the appearance of sweat with the smell of acetone. This situation is typical for adolescence, when hormonal changes occur in the body.

The problem is episodic. In most cases increased sweating and the periodic appearance of an acetate odor is associated with a genetic predisposition or characteristics prenatal development. In the second case, the reason lies in the unbalanced menu of a pregnant woman, who, instead of a healthy balanced diet with sufficient protein and a lack of fiber in vegetables, fruits, bread.

Often, the acetate smell of sweat occurs in children and adults as a result of stress, strong emotional arousal, or physical exhaustion.

Diagnosis and treatment of acetone odor in humans

You can find the cause of the acetate smell of sweat by going to the hospital, where blood tests (general, biochemistry), urine will be prescribed. In deciphering the biochemical test of human blood, special attention is paid to:

  • total protein concentrations;
  • glucose content;
  • the level of amylase, lipase, urea;
  • content of cholesterol, creatinine, ALT, AST.

As additional studies, ultrasound diagnostics is used to examine the condition abdominal cavity. instrumental method allows you to track anomalies in the development and functioning of organs.

Acetate smell in type I diabetes is eliminated:

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can be definitively confirmed only by the results of the tests.

  • regular administration of insulin, which saturates the cells with the necessary carbohydrates, inhibiting the secretion of ketones;
  • undergoing treatment with hypoglycemic drugs;
  • diet therapy.

To prevent ketone intoxication of the body in diabetes mellitus, it is recommended:

  • arrange nutrition;
  • regularly perform light physical exercises;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

But it is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of urine and sweat, which smell like acetone, with diabetes.

Home ways to fight

As an increase in the effectiveness of treatment for the unpleasant odor of sweat will help following tips that you can use on your own:

  • wear clothes made from natural materials;
  • give up fried, fatty, spicy, spicy, smoked foods, carbonated water, alcoholic beverages, seasonings with onions and garlic;
  • take a shower twice a day, washing thoroughly axillary areas with antibacterial soap;
  • avoid stress, overwork;
  • reduce weight if there is an excess of it.
  • use deodorants based on zinc and aluminum, which prevent the growth of bacterial microflora.

The smell of acetone from the body: why the skin smells, causes of discharge

A characteristic sign of diabetes is the smell of acetone emanating from the patient's body. First smell goes from the mouth, but if appropriate measures are not taken in time, the patient's skin also acquires a sour smell.

The human body is a collection of complex mechanisms, where all organs and systems clearly perform their functions. In order to understand where acetone comes from, you need to delve a little into the chemical processes that occur in the human body.

Note! The main substance that gives energy to the brain and many organs is glucose. This element is present in many foods, even those that do not seem sweet. In order for glucose to be well absorbed in the body, the production of insulin is necessary. .

The hormone is produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

Diseases that can cause odor

The smell of acetone from the body can signal several diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Eating disorder.
  3. thyrotoxicosis.
  4. Kidney problems (dystrophy or necrosis).

Why does my body smell like acetone?

The answer to this question can be obtained if you figure out what happens in the body when the pancreas does not cope with its duties and there is a deficiency of insulin, or even worse - it is not produced at all.

In such a situation, glucose cannot penetrate cells and tissues on its own, but accumulates in the blood while the cells experience hunger. Then the brain sends a signal to the body about the need for additional production of insulin.

During this period, the patient's appetite increases. This is due to the fact that the body is "sure": it lacks energy supply - glucose. But the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin. This imbalance causes an increase in unused blood glucose.

In other words, blood sugar levels rise. An excess of unclaimed glucose causes a reaction in the brain, which sends a signal to ensure that ketone bodies arrive in the body.

A variation of these bodies is acetone. Without being able to use glucose, the cells begin to burn fats and proteins, and the characteristic smell of acetone begins to emanate from the body.

Diabetes and acetone smell

There is no need to immediately become depressed and panic if it is suddenly discovered that the smell of acetone comes from the body. This is not at all proof that diabetes develops in the body.

Important! Accurate Diagnosis and the cause of the smell can only be established by doctors in the clinic, by prescribing appropriate laboratory tests of the patient's blood and urine.

Ketone bodies, and, therefore, acetone can gradually accumulate in the blood and poison the body. This condition is called ketoacidosis, followed by diabetic coma. If therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the patient may simply die.

Urine for the presence of acetone in it can be checked even at home. To do this, take a solution of ammonia and a 5% solution of sodium nitroprusside. If acetone is present in the urine, the solution will turn bright red. In addition, you can buy tablets at the pharmacy that can measure the level of acetone in the urine:

How to eliminate the smell

If a we are talking about type 1 diabetes, the main treatment is regular insulin injections. In addition, the disease is treated with hypoglycemic drugs.

It is not uncommon for type 2 diabetes to progress to type 1 diabetes. This is because, over time, the pancreas stops producing unclaimed insulin.

Insulin-dependent diabetes, in which acetone is synthesized, is incurable, but in most cases it can be prevented (just not the one that is inherited).

To do this, it is enough to follow healthy lifestyle life and proper diet. Be sure to say goodbye to bad habits and go in for sports.

The smell of acetone from the mouth

Bad breath can occur for a variety of reasons. But in any case, these are warnings for a person: “Attention! There is something wrong with the body!” Indeed, often this is a direct sign of a disease.

Causes of bad breath

The most innocuous reason may be elementary non-compliance oral hygiene. Bacteria that grow in the mouth and their waste products are the cause bad breath. This problem is fairly easy to fix. It is enough to start taking care of your mouth regularly so that unpleasant odors when breathing disappear.

However, there are also more dangerous reasons. For example, a sour smell can indicate a stomach ailment. This may be a signal of developing gastritis, or even a harbinger of an incipient stomach ulcer - in any case, there is an increased acidity of the stomach. A persistent smell of rot can indicate intestinal problems. The most alarming symptom is the presence of the smell of acetone when breathing. If a person has a smell of acetone from the mouth, the reasons for this may be different. Let's consider the most common of them.


In diabetes, the following pathological changes in the body:

  1. In type 1 diabetes, the human pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin, which is necessary for the absorption of glucose, in the right amount.
  2. In type 2, insulin is produced in the right amount, glucose is broken down normally, but the cells still cannot absorb it.

In both of these cases, glucose accumulates in the blood and is excreted from the body in the urine. And the cells of the body remain without replenishment of glucose, and begin to experience “energy hunger”.

The body, to make up for energy losses, begins to actively break down fats and proteins. As a consequence, with these chemical processes acetone begins to be released, and its organic components - ketones - begin to accumulate in the blood, poisoning the body from the inside. As a result, ketones cause weakness, dizziness, etc. smell of acetone. At the same time, acetone can also smell not only from the mouth, but also from urine, and from the skin of a diabetic patient.

Accordingly, if you smell of acetone, you should immediately seek advice from an endocrinologist, as well as take tests for sugar and ketones. After all, it is very important to detect such a disease as diabetes mellitus in a timely manner for its subsequent effective treatment.

Improper nutrition

Characteristic smell from the mouth can and with improper, unbalanced nutrition. Acetone is a derivative in the chemical breakdown of proteins and fats. If a person is too fond of fatty and protein foods, the body may not be able to cope with its complete processing, and as a result, ketones begin to accumulate in the body, which become the culprits for the smell of acetone coming from the mouth.

Fasting and diets

The same unpleasant effect can appear when therapeutic fasting". A person, sitting on a strict diet, deprives the cells of the usual energy supply. Such a failure in the usual diet causes a shock in the body, and in order to replenish energy costs, it begins actively recycle internal stores of fat and protein (muscle). As a result, the level of ketones in the blood again jumps.

This can also happen when a person goes on a "carbohydrate diet" - he sharply limits the intake of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cereals, etc.). The result is the same: deprived of such an important energy material as carbohydrates, the body begins to replenish it from the internal reserves of fats and proteins. It also happens that a person himself, having abandoned carbohydrates in his diet, begins to "lean" more densely on fatty and meat food satisfying the feeling of hunger.

kidney disease

The accumulation of ketones in the blood is possible if there are diseases of the urinary tract and, in particular, the kidneys. When there are violations of the functions of the renal channels in the kidneys, a process of metabolic changes occurs, including the metabolism of fats. During which there is a glut of blood and an excess of ketones in it. Also, ketones accumulate in the urine, which gives the urine the same sharp ammonia smell. Such a symptom can develop with nephrosis or with degeneration of kidney function.

Nephrosis can develop both on its own and be a companion of such a dangerous infectious disease as tuberculosis. Therefore, when, along with an unpleasant odor, you begin to experience swelling (especially in the morning), lower back pain (in the kidney area), difficulty urinating - it is better to immediately consult a doctor and pass all the tests prescribed by him - the timely treatment of nephrosis will allow avoid others, more dangerous complications on the kidneys.

Thyroid disease

The presence of an excess amount of ketones in the blood can be a sign of thyroid disease. This disease is known as thyrotoxicosis and is caused by increased excretion thyroid hormones. Its other signs are excessive irritability, sweating, rapid heartbeat. Externally, this disease can be determined by dry hair and skin, periodic or constant tremor of the limbs.

Such patients, despite the absence of appetite disorders, lose weight very quickly, they have problems with the digestive tract. Hence the problems with the breakdown of proteins and fats. As a result, the accumulation in the blood of all the same toxic ketones. In case of suspicion of thyrotoxicosis, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe a complete examination for the detection of this disease.

As can be seen from the above, the smell of acetone from the mouth is almost always a direct sign of metabolic disorders - fats and proteins. The cause of such a violation in the body can be very different diseases, including very dangerous ones.

The smell of acetone in a child

The smell of acetone from the mouth of a child is not uncommon. Approximately 20% of children in different ages periodically suffer from the presence of an unpleasant odor of acetone.

The main reasons here may be pathological changes in the work of the pancreas, malnutrition of children, chronic stress, nervous tension. Yes, when changing kindergarten, schools, places of residence, children have major nervous overload. In such stressful situations, the level of acetone derivatives may increase in the baby's blood.

In addition, the accumulation of ketones in the body of children can occur as a result of malfunctions. intestinal system. One of the reasons may be helminthiasis - infection of the child with worms, intestinal dysbacteriosis, and so on. In addition, it can serve as a warning about the onset of an acute respiratory disease, inflammation of the ear, throat and nose (ENT organs).

A similar smell of acetone from the mouth can occur in children, as well as in adults, with the development of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. In diseases of the gastrointestinal system, which are accompanied by diarrhea, the child experiences very rapid dehydration. In the blood, the concentration of ketones is rapidly occurring, poisoning the child's body. The so-called acetonemic syndrome accompanied by vomiting. The reason for the appearance of such a smell can be diseases of the teeth and gums in a child.

Particular attention is required if the smell of acetone from the mouth appeared in the baby. Owing to the fact that infant cannot yet complain about the cause of his malaise, the parents of the baby should be especially careful. Most often, the smell of acetone from the mouth appears in infants when the bacterial balance in the intestines and stomach is disturbed. This may be caused when breastfeeding an increased level of fat content of mother's milk, at the beginning of feeding the baby - by the fact that he was offered too much fatty food. For example, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, milk with a high fat content.

Therefore, you need to immediately pay attention to the health of the baby, if you notice that he smells of acetone from his mouth. Such a child must be shown to a children's doctor, who himself will prescribe everything necessary examinations. As a rule, they include blood and urine tests for sugar (to detect diabetes), fecal analysis (for the presence of worms and dysbacteriosis). Treatment in such cases must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, because such a smell of acetone from the mouth is just side effect a more serious problem with the child's body.

Why does an adult smell like acetone from the mouth and how to get rid of the smell

A symptom such as acetone odor coming from the mouth is not the norm and must be treated. The cause of the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult can be a serious disease. The intensity of the smell is different, it depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the pathological processes occurring in the body.

What is acetone, how is it formed in the body

Not everyone knows what the smell of acetone from the mouth means, so patients rarely seek medical help in a timely manner. To understand why people can smell of acetone, you should find out how it is formed in the body.

Acetone is a chemical found in many solvents and has a strong odor. The smell of not pure solvent, but pickled apples, may come from the oral cavity.

Acetone is formed during the breakdown of fats in the liver, then it enters bloodstream. The body gets rid of ketone bodies (acetone) on its own, releasing them through breath, urine and sweat. If the mechanism fails, ketone bodies accumulate and the odor intensifies.

Acetone is excreted from the body not only through the lungs, but also through the kidneys. This means bad breath the only symptom the formation of ketone bodies, in addition to exhaled air, sweat and urinary secretions can smell.

Causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth and methods of treatment

Acetone breath in adults is always alarming and even frightening. It comes from the lungs, so using hygienic rinses, fresheners and toothpastes cannot get rid of the problem. There are many diseases, pathological conditions and disorders accompanied by the smell of acetone.

Why from the mouth of an adult can smell of acetone:

  • Due to prolonged fasting.
  • With diabetes.
  • Against the background of a violation of the thyroid gland.
  • With pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  • With an infection.
  • Against the background of diseases of the pancreas.

Prolonged fasting

When following a diet that involves the use of a minimum amount of carbohydrates, the formation of ketones is a normal reaction of the body. The occurrence of acetone halitosis is provoked by starvation: a lack of carbohydrates causes accelerated breakdown of fats and leads to an energy deficit, as a result, a large amount of pathogenic substances begins to be produced in the human body - intoxication occurs.

It is possible to establish that the cause of the smell of acetone from the mouth in an adult was hunger, according to the following accompanying signs:

  • increased irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • fragility of hair and nails.

Among the most dangerous dietary techniques, experts include the Kremlin, protein, French, Atkins diet. All these food systems are low-carbohydrate, and the lack of carbohydrates is fraught with disruption of the functioning of all body systems.

If the acetone aroma is due to fasting, no treatment is needed. To normalize the functioning of the body, it is enough to switch to a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


The smell of acetone can come from the mouth of a person with a disease such as diabetes. If the level of glucose in the blood serum is greatly increased, which does not enter the cells due to a lack of insulin, diabetic ketoacidosis may develop - an increase in the level of ketones in the blood.

When diabetes mellitus becomes the cause of acetone halitosis, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • weakness;
  • vomit.

If a person suffering from diabetes has an acetone breath smell, an ambulance should be called urgently. Such a state represents serious danger for the patient, as it can result in coma or even death. With ketoacidosis coma, the patient is urgently injected with insulin. It will also help get rid of the stench coming from the mouth.

Thyroid diseases

Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is another common answer to the question of why the smell of acetone from the mouth in an adult could appear. Acetone smell can occur with any endocrine disorders. For example, with the development of thyrotoxicosis thyroid begins to actively produce hormones that break down fats and proteins. With such a violation, ketone bodies are formed in the blood, the concentration of which is constantly increasing.

Endocrine disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  • increased sweating;
  • mental excitability, irritability, nervousness;
  • palpitations and palpitations;
  • bulging eye syndrome.

If the disorder is not treated, high level hormones will lead to rapid weight loss even with a good appetite. In addition, patients begin to complain of colic in the stomach and yellowing of the skin. During therapy, patients are given droppers that help normalize the release of hormones and prevent dehydration.

Diseases of the liver and kidneys

The next reason why acetone starts to smell from the mouth is a malfunction of the liver or kidneys (renal failure, pyelonephritis). These organs purify the blood and remove harmful substances from the body. With the development of pathological processes, their functions are violated, as a result of which ketone bodies cease to leave the body.

At severe course kidney or liver disease is not pleasant aroma can come not only from the mouth, but also from the urine. In some patients, even the body exudes the smell of acetone, which is explained by the release of ketones with sweat.

Acetone halitosis often occurs when the renal tubules are deformed, against the background of such a pathology, renal dystrophy or neurosis develops - processes leading to metabolic disorders and the breakdown of fats.

If the patient's mouth began to smell of acetone, it means that the liver or kidney disease has passed into a neglected form. After the onset of halitosis, other signs may appear:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • puffiness;
  • frequent urination;
  • increase in blood pressure - blood pressure;
  • fading, dryness and itching of the skin;
  • temperature rise;
  • profuse sweating;
  • decreased appetite, dry mouth;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart, shortness of breath;
  • joint pain.

If you find several of the symptoms listed, you should immediately contact a specialist, since intoxication of the whole organism is possible.

Infectious diseases

The course of infectious diseases in the body undermines the work of all its systems. However, ketone bodies are rarely produced during infections, such changes can occur only with severe inflammation.

With infection, the formation of acetone in the tissues can be facilitated by pregnancy, chronic pathologies. Often ketones are formed after surgical intervention. The process of development of ketonemia is associated with dehydration of the body, which occurs in almost any infectious disease.

Pathologies of the pancreas

A common cause of the formation of ketone bodies in the body of an adult is pancreatitis. Pathological halitosis occurs in chronic pancreatic disease. To remove the persistent smell of bitterness or the aroma of acetone, which manifested itself due to an exacerbation of pancreatitis, is possible only through the treatment of the disease. Sprays and other refreshing products in this situation will not help.

What coma causes the smell of acetone

In almost every case of the development of a coma, patients have an acetone odor emanating from the oral cavity or body.

At what coma does the smell of acetone appear from the mouth:

  • alcoholic;
  • uremic;
  • hepatic;
  • diabetic: hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic.


Acetonemic aroma can be heard from a person with alcohol poisoning. With excessive alcohol consumption, coma occurs in almost everyone, a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks can cause a coma only in people with absolute ethyl intolerance.

If timely medical assistance is not provided to a person who has fallen into an alcoholic coma, a fatal outcome is possible.

With a deep coma, the patient is unconscious, reflexes fade, pressure drops. The skin turns blue, the body is covered with sticky sweat, a sharp smell of alcohol is felt from the oral cavity.


Adults can fall into a uremic coma caused by chronic kidney failure. The latter develops against the background of such diseases and disorders as:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • arteriosclerotic shriveled kidney.

In addition to acetonic odor from the mouth, in these diseases, symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, thirst, hoarseness, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, lethargy can be observed.

Hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic coma

With an increased content of glucose in the blood serum (more than 3.3–5.5 mmol / l), hyperglycemia develops. Not only people with diabetes are susceptible to the development of hyperglycemic coma - the following reasons for this condition and the appearance of the smell of acetone are known:

  • pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infection;
  • pathology of the liver, kidneys;
  • genetic disorders;
  • eating a lot of calories
  • prolonged stress;
  • excess of permissible physical loads.

Pre-coma can be recognized by signs such as nausea, weakness, vomiting, rapid breathing, cold upper and lower extremities.

Treatment of hyperglycemic coma is reduced to lowering blood glucose levels by taking insulin.

Hypoglycemic coma can also be accompanied by increased production of ketone bodies. In the acetonemic state caused by hypoglycemia, the level of glucose in the blood serum drops to such low scores that brain tissues begin to experience energy starvation. The value of the glucose level in this pathology is 1.5-2.5 mmol / l.

hepatic coma

Hepatic coma develops with severe liver damage that depresses the central nervous system. Acetonemic aroma is caused by such disorders in the liver as toxic dystrophic lesions, extensive necrotic processes, cirrhotic changes in viral hepatitis.

Pathology can be recognized by the following signs:

  • increasing lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • disorientation;
  • confusion;
  • yellowing of the skin.

Upon close contact with a person who has fallen into a hepatic coma, one can feel the characteristic smell of the liver emanating from his mouth. The occurrence of acetonemic vomiting is not excluded.

The smell of acetone from the mouth in men

Any pathological processes in the body are reflected in chemical composition urine. In males, urine may have an acetate smell with the development of infectious diseases:

With bacterial infection prostate urine becomes cloudy and has a strong chemical odor. Having found such changes in the body, a man should consult a doctor - a urologist, andrologist or venereologist.

One of the reasons why an adult male can smell of acetone from the mouth is the development malignancy. Halitosis occurs when a tumor is located in an area Bladder, prostate, kidney.

Changes in the composition and odor of urine do not always indicate pathological process in the body. The smell of acetone can come from the mouth of adult men and women after eating spices or taking certain additives based on synthetic nutrients.

How to get rid of the smell of acetone from the mouth

To get rid of the bad breath of acetone from the mouth, you should determine why it appeared. Do not resort to self-medication and use folk remedies, because ignoring the cause of the symptom, you can cause more more harm body.

To get rid of the acetone stink for a short time, you can rinse your mouth. soda-brine solution, decoction of aromatic herbs, chew a slice of lemon or other citrus fruit, chew mint gum. In addition to improvised means, pharmacy ones can also be used: Septogal, Chlorophyllipt, Asepta.

21.12.2017 Doctor Evgenia Alexandrovna Miroshnikova 0

The smell of acetone from the mouth

The smell of acetone from the mouth bright sign serious illnesses. With insufficient therapeutic treatment, the condition can develop to irreversible pathologies - oncology or failure of the affected organ. In most cases, the aggravation of the use of alcoholic beverages provokes.

The perceptible smell of acetone in medical practice is called halidosis. The condition is so serious that he was assigned his own special ICD code - 19.6.

The main reason for the appearance is a large amount of intermediate decay products - ketone bodies in the patient's blood. With normal metabolism, these compounds become one of the energy sources of cells. When there is an imbalance of power, they do not have enough oxygen for further splitting. Since they consist, among other things, of acetone and acetoacetic acid, increased concentration leads to evaporation of the ether and the appearance of an odor.

Just the smell of acetone

Usually this manifestation is not associated with food intake, but depends on the use of water. Due to the nature of the reaction between acetone and H2O, acetone polyester is released first. The condition is especially noticeable when drinking liquid on an empty stomach.

It also appears:

  • general weakness;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • nausea.

Smells exhalation and urine

This condition indicates the onset of kidney damage. What does the smell can be like from liquid secretions, and from the chair. Doctors consider this condition - moderate. It is not associated with loss of consciousness, but is an indication for urgent hospitalization.

Accompanying manifestations of halidosis:

  • dry mouth;
  • coated yellow tongue;
  • irrepressible thirst;
  • shallow breathing;
  • wandering pains in the abdomen and iliac region;
  • brown urine;
  • chills;
  • nausea.

With loss of consciousness

An extremely severe manifestation of the toxicology of halidosis. Since ketone bodies instantly react with all tissues and body fluids, an acetone coma can set in quickly, even with the first smell.

The condition also accompanies:

  • low body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • sunken eyes;
  • vomit.

The smell of acetone after alcohol

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the condition is the use of alcohol. It not only provokes attacks of chronic diseases, alcohol is the cause of the development of pathology of internal organs.

Single use of alcohol

Most often, the smell of acetone appears when drinking strong drinks, due to the high content of ethanol, they cause an exacerbation chronic lesions internal organs. And irrepressible consumption causes the functioning and destruction of metabolism.

If such a sign appeared after drinking a low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drink, it is most likely a poisoning with a low-quality composition. In this case, diarrhea or severe vomiting may also occur.

Systematic drunkenness

When used more than once a week, the smell of acetone that appears indicates the onset of acidosis - the liver cannot cope with the general degree of intoxication of the body.

Possible hepatic coma. This severe lesion is rapidly progressing, accompanied by complete or partial inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system. It is especially dangerous for viral hepatitis.

You need to urgently seek medical help if you have:

  • increasing lethargy;
  • loss of orientation in time or space;
  • confusion;
  • yellowness of the skin or whites of the eyes.

This indicates irreversible damage to liver cells and threatens death as a result of organ failure.


Chronic drinking causes a state of extreme intoxication of the cells of the liver and intestines. Acetaldehyde toxin, which is excreted through the lungs, appears during the synthesis of liver enzymes necessary for the breakdown of alcohol. Under normal conditions, the process is fast, but if hepatocytes are no longer able to cope with the load, this causes acetone damage to all excretory systems organism.

Each dose of alcohol can be the last. Wherein hepatic coma will take place with the full consciousness of the patient and will be accompanied by severe psychosis, delirium and tap aggressive behavior. The person is very dangerous to himself and others.

Causes and risk factors

The appearance of such a smell is associated with some acute or chronic diseases. In any case, acetone breathing is a good reason for urgent hospitalization. The condition can rapidly worsen, death will occur as a result of defeat by one's own ketones.

Even a short-term smell of acetone that appeared once on exhalation is a sign of a rather serious condition - damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex.

Diabetes and congenital deficiency of certain enzymes

Deficiency of the hormone insulin wrong therapy or refusal of treatment, affects the body of the kidney. As a result, the resulting acetone alhedride cannot be processed and is actively excreted through the lungs or feces.

The upcoming hyperglycemic attack manifests itself:

  • an attack of tachycardia;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • loss of part of the spectrum of vision;
  • dry pale skin and thirst.

Such consequences can occur both with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and with insufficient production of an enzyme to digest food or alcohol. The conditions are very similar in symptomatology. But in the second case, an exacerbation will be provoked by:

  • unusual food;
  • first time drinking alcohol.

And if diabetes in this case is easy to drown out with a sufficient dose of insulin, then the lack of necessary for normal exchange substances can cause death of the patient.

In any case, the condition is most often accompanied by loss of consciousness, coma. As a result, disruption of the internal organs, often with damage to part of the brain, due to the so-called glucose starvation.

Infectious diseases

The most common culprit for bad breath is rotavirus or the stomach flu. Less commonly, angina, mycotic infection, or bacterial damage due to dental disease leads to such consequences.

In any case, provoke ketone poisoning:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • elevated body temperature (more than 39 C) for more than 12 hours.

All these factors cause the development of dehydration, and hence the change in the balance of internal forces in favor of oxidation and the lack of processing of ketones.

Each such disease involves a complete rejection of alcohol. Even in the form of rubdowns or compresses, ethanol exacerbates the loss of internal fluid up to the complete absence of sodium ions. Such procedures can cause loss of consciousness due to lack of fluid, and drunk alcohol-containing composition - leads to necrosis of the liver, kidneys, intestines.


A condition not associated with infectious diseases, but caused by a lack of fluid. As a rule, lovers of the so-called drying of the body for weight loss resort to such experiments.

The daily norm of water for each person is at least 1.5 liters. At the same time, due to the peculiarities of collagen metabolism, a woman should drink more than a man. In her body, the processing of ketone bodies is much more active, this is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system.

With violations of the drinking regimen, the drying up of cells requires the appearance of more energy, and hence its additional sources - ketones. The cycle becomes closed, only drug treatment can destroy it.

Diet or eating disorders

The lack of carbohydrates due to malnutrition or individual restriction of their consumption leads to a distortion in the consumption of the body's main energy source - glycogen.

As a result, the brain gives signals to withdraw energy from additional reserves, but the lack of sufficient carbohydrates makes the synthesis of ketones impossible. Active consumption of fats and fatty acids begins, acetone-like substances are released for their production. They are extremely toxic to the cells of the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Almost any diet leads to pathologies of these organs.

If such nutrition or complete starvation is accompanied by drinking alcohol, this increases toxicity. own blood to a critical level. The consequences of such experiments are coma and death from kidney failure.


Food, organic, alcohol or drug intoxication triggers a natural defense mechanism. The production of stress hormones is activated, the synthesis of other enzymes is completely stopped.

Prolonged such a state leads to the failure of higher mental activity, disorders of the central nervous system and death as a result of an organic lesion of the respiratory center.

kidney disease

Renal failure is especially dangerous. The disease is accompanied by incorrect or incomplete removal of toxic compounds from the body.

The following signs are signals of approaching a deadly state - uremic coma:

  • lethargy or weakness;
  • irrepressible thirst;
  • persistent pungent smell of ammonia or acetone from discharge or exhalation;
  • low hoarse voices;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • inhibition of the reaction, distortion of the visual picture;
  • not rhythmic breathing with frequent sighs.

For any pathologies of the kidneys, alcohol consumption will provoke acetone poisoning. In this case, it is completely unimportant: the dose, duration or type of drink.

Beer is especially dangerous for such people - its excretion is accompanied by activation of the renal tubules, with insufficient work of the organ itself, it can lead to their calcification and blockage.

Self-help and treatment

At the first manifestation of a symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the condition is aggravated by an increase in body temperature over 39 0C, fainting, abdominal pain or migraine, urgent hospitalization is required.

If vomiting and/or diarrhea occurs, fluid intake should be increased. It is better to drink boiled warm water or special formulations for rehydration.

The faint smell of acetone in the morning immediately after sleep indicates severe damage to the pancreas or liver. If a symptom appeared after drinking alcohol in any quantity, even if the temperature rose slightly, this means that intoxication of the mucous membranes has begun.
In both cases, the condition threatens with a sharp deterioration, a doctor is needed to assess the situation and make a diagnosis.

Even with a hangover, do not take drinks that contain vitamin C - this will not only aggravate the condition, but also add energy to ketones, their synthesis will become more active.

If poisoning is the cause, it is forbidden to take any sorbens. Lack of fluid in the body will lead to their settling on the mucous membranes, due to which the esophagus or small intestine can swell up to complete adhesion.
Activated carbon- sorbent

The only help you can give to an unconscious person with the smell of acetone from the mouth is to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, turn the victim on his side and monitor the symptoms.


The prevention of the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth in an adult consists of three basic rules:

  • Balanced diet appropriate for age, gender, health status;
  • Sufficient drinking regime;
  • Competent and timely treatment any disease.

In the case of sufficient therapy, but the incurability of some pathologies, mineral water with a sodium base will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of acetone.

It is necessary to try to avoid stressful conditions, sleep disturbances and rest. Devote more time physical activity, walks. Any such manifestations require special diet. In nutrition, it is better to refuse:

  • alcohol in any doses (even in confectionery);
  • fatty meats;
  • yeast baking;
  • rye bread;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • whole fresh milk.

Food should be light with a high carbohydrate composition. Be sure to follow the regime of increased drinking, but give preference to berry or fruit compotes, fruit drinks.

If it even seems to you that your breath smells like acetone, be sure to go through a laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. It is impossible to treat such a condition with simple enveloping or neutralizing compounds. Each disease accompanied by halidosis is a serious moderate serious condition with possible rapid death.

The appearance of the smell of acetone from an adult is warning sign, which may mean the presence of a serious illness or a failure of metabolic processes in the body.

Where does acetone come from in the body?

Acetone belongs to the group of ketones, or, as it is correct to say, ketone bodies. This group of substances is formed in the liver as a result of the conversion of fats.

After that, with the blood, ketones enter the cells of all tissues of the body, where some of them serve as a material for building new substances (cholesterol, amino acids, phospholipids). Another part of them breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and then is excreted through the kidneys, skin and lungs.

In case of violations in this complex metabolic chain, the number of ketone bodies can exceed the permissible limits, and then the skin, urine and mouth of a person smells like acetone.

What is the smell of acetone from the mouth is well known to most young mothers. When a small child is ill, for example, with a viral infection, necessary stocks Glucose exhausts itself quickly enough and then fats and proteins become a source of energy. Fats are broken down, ketone bodies are formed, an acetone smell appears. That is why sick children are recommended sweet drinks.

In the muscles and liver of an adult, there is always a supply of sugars that can easily replenish body losses with little viral infection. And, if there is a smell of acetone from the mouth, the reasons can be varied, so there is a need to be examined by a doctor.

The main causes of acetone odor

The smell of acetone from the mouth can appear due to several reasons:

  • dietary and lifestyle errors;
  • lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • excess fat and protein in the diet;
  • exhaustion;
  • obesity;
  • intense physical activity;
  • starvation;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • intoxication.

Errors in nutrition and lifestyle

This group combines all the causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth, which are not associated with the presence of any disease.

When a person is obese, or the diet is dominated by fatty and protein food, the mechanism of increased formation of ketone bodies is quite logical. Excess fat will always, one way or another, provoke an excess amount of ketones. That is why a person can smell like acetone. In this case, a reasonable correction of weight and nutrition will easily help to quickly solve the problem.

But at present, in addition to excess weight There is another, no less serious problem. This is a craze for diets, starvation, the desire to reduce your weight as much as possible, up to exhaustion and anorexia. The most popular among all currently existing diets received:

  • low-carbohydrate;
  • carbohydrate-free;
  • the so-called "drying";
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation;
  • ketogenic diet.

All these nutrition systems imply an almost complete or significant restriction in the diet of any carbohydrates, be it vegetables, fruits, cereals, not to mention the so-called fast sugars sweet and flour types. The ketogenic diet, in addition, suggests adding an increased amount of animal fats to the diet.

People who lose weight in this way are purposefully putting themselves into a state of ketosis. In a maximum of three days, all glycogen stores are completely used up, and energy needs organisms begin to be satisfied with the help of fats.

In addition to this style of eating, losing weight on carbohydrate-free diets promotes strength training in the gym for several hours daily. As a result of this lifestyle, in addition to a really significant loss of fat, a person gets brain intoxication with ketone bodies, a number of problems with the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and, in fact, the smell of acetone from the mouth and from the body.

Endocrine diseases

The smell of acetone from the mouth may appear due to diabetes or thyrotoxicosis.

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and blood sugar is not properly utilized. In type 2 diabetes (adult and elderly diabetes), insulin is sufficient, but the tissues simply cannot absorb the glucose. As a result, the cells of the body do not receive the necessary carbohydrate nutrition all sugar remains in the blood, and the body uses fat and proteins to replenish energy losses. All this explains why they appear:

  • the smell of acetone in the exhaled air;
  • profuse urination, which removes excess sugar;
  • intense thirst to replenish lost water.

Patients with diabetes, as a rule, are aware of their disease and take a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of carbohydrate starvation of cells. The appearance of the smell of acetone in this disease may indicate the approach of a hyperglycemic coma, which, if not timely assistance may threaten the death of the patient.


When thyroid function is impaired, an increased amount of thyroid-stimulating and other hormones is produced. All of them, one way or another, affect the acceleration of metabolism and increased destruction of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are consumed in the first place. As a result of this, a person becomes very thin, becomes irritable, appears excessive sweating, and due to the destruction of fat, the number of ketone bodies increases, which causes the presence of the smell of acetone. In addition, dry hair and skin, periodic trembling of the limbs may be present. If these signs appear, you should visit a medical facility.

kidney disease

In some pathologies in the kidneys and renal tubules, when not only filtration abilities are disturbed, but also general metabolic processes in the body, the breakdown of fats to ketones increases. They begin to accumulate in the blood and urine, which gives the latter such an unpleasant and pungent odor. This phenomenon is characteristic of nephrosis and impaired renal function. If symptoms such as swelling, pain in the back, problems with urination occur at the same time, you should immediately visit a specialist.

If treatment is started on time, then the kidneys are fully restored, otherwise the process can reach complete cessation kidney functions.

Chronic diseases of the digestive system

Pathologies of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract always, one way or another, provoke violations of the processes of assimilation and processing of nutrients. Therefore, with chronic gastritis, or a violation of the filtration function of the liver, an increase in ketone bodies in the blood and the appearance of the smell of acetone in the exhaled air are possible.


An infectious disease or poisoning with various substances (for example, alcohol) is always accompanied by general intoxication of the body. In this case, the body turns on all the defense mechanisms to eliminate toxins. Including the acceleration of metabolic processes, which leads to a rapid consumption of carbohydrate reserves, and then to the breakdown of proteins, fats and the formation of acetones.

That is why, to relieve intoxication, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, infusions of large volumes of fluid and glucose are prescribed intravenously.

The appearance of acetone breath odor in an adult is always a reason to undergo a diagnosis in order to timely identify possible diseases and start treatment. As you can see, the main cause of the pathology is a metabolic disorder.

The unpleasant smell of acetone in children may occur due to problems with the organs digestive system, malfunctions of the pancreas, malnutrition. The reason for this phenomenon can be constant nervous shocks, chronic stress. The accumulation of ketones in the baby's body may be associated with intestinal diseases, the presence of worms, acute respiratory diseases. Particular attention should be paid to infants. The appearance of the smell of acetone in them may be associated with problems with the intestines, malnutrition.

The smell of acetone from the mouth is a sign of the presence of any malfunctions in the body. When this feature it is better to consult a health professional to identify exact reason and choose the right treatment.

According to scientists, people choose their soulmate precisely by the smell of the body. It is believed that it is the sense of smell that allows you to select a partner with the most suitable set of genes. After all, a person is able to secrete pheromones: substances that arouse interest in the opposite sex. However, there are situations when this or that smell emanating from the body should be taken as a distress signal. After all, he can talk about the presence of a fairly serious disease. Doctors say that some diseases have their own "flavor". How exactly diseases smell and what you should pay attention to when a new smell appears - in the material.

Smell test

Does it smell like acetone?

  • Various endocrine pathologies that are associated with diabetes
  • Problems with the digestive system
  • Liver and kidney disorders
  • Human infection with microbes, bacteria and viruses

All this can lead to an imbalance in the body, which is why there is a general dysfunction. It should be understood that diabetes is the most common cause of acetone body odor. This is due to the fact that a person develops insulin deficiency. Glucose begins to break down worse, and an excess of it causes a change in the composition of the blood and a deterioration in metabolism: from this, the number of ketone bodies in the body begins to increase. The body actively removes excess, including and together with sweat: hence the appearance of a sharp acetone amber. It should be understood that this condition is fraught with serious health problems and often indicates the approach of a diabetic coma.

Cat smell

  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system and VVD
  • Tuberculosis
  • obesity
  • Disorders in the digestive system

The smell of vinegar

  • Endocrine disorders
  • Vitamin D and B deficiency
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs
  • Mastopathy

When it comes to failures in endocrine system, in the body there may be a lack of iodine. This immediately leads to an unpleasant odor. It is quite possible to recognize tuberculosis by the vinegar smell from the body, because in this case, symptoms such as a pronounced cough, fatigue, weakness and fever will appear. Women are not recommended to leave such a smell unattended: it may indicate serious problems with chest.

Other options

The smell of acetone is a symptom of the disease

The smell of acetone is caused by ketone bodies that poison our body and occur in the blood, in case of disruption of the endocrine system or fat metabolism. Consider some diseases:

  1. Diabetes. The first variant of the disease is characterized by malfunctions of the pancreas, which reduce insulin production. In diabetes II, the cells of the body no longer take insulin, although it is produced in the required quantities. In children, diabetes is often accompanied by ketonemia and acidosis. At a rate of 5-12 mg% of ketone bodies in the blood, during diabetes, their number increases to 50-80 mg%, so the child smells of acetonone. In addition, excess glucose is excreted in the urine because of this, a large amount of acetone is present in the analyzes. If a persistent smell of acetone appears, be sure to consult an endocrinologist and get tested for the content of ketone bodies and sugar.
  2. Kidney diseases. The occurrence of kidney dystrophy or nephrosis is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes, which leads to the appearance of ketone bodies in the blood and urine. If the smell is accompanied by the appearance of swelling on the face, consult a doctor immediately. With appropriate treatment, nephrosis quickly resolves, but in advanced cases, the kidney may “shrink” and stop working. Therefore, it is so important to determine the reason why it smells of acetone as early as possible.
  3. thyrotoxicosis. Another disease of the endocrine system, the main signs of which is the smell of acetone, profuse sweating increased irritability, strong heartbeat, dry skin, hair loss, sudden weight loss.
  4. Diet. With an unbalanced diet or starvation, the content of toxic ketone bodies increases. That's why urine smells like acetone from women on trendy low-calorie, no-carbohydrate diets like the Atkins or Kremlin diets. Emergency breakdown of fats, accompanied by the formation of ketones, which poison the body.

In order to get rid of an unpleasant odor, first of all, it is necessary to establish its cause, which the doctor accurately diagnoses. Since self-medication can adversely affect your health. We wish you health.

Diseases that can cause odor

The smell of acetone from the body can signal several diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Eating disorder.
  3. thyrotoxicosis.
  4. Kidney problems (dystrophy or necrosis).

The answer to this question can be obtained if you figure out what happens in the body when the pancreas does not cope with its duties and there is a deficiency of insulin, or even worse - it is not produced at all.

In such a situation, glucose cannot penetrate cells and tissues on its own, but accumulates in the blood while the cells experience hunger. Then the brain sends a signal to the body about the need for additional production of insulin.

During this period, the patient's appetite increases. This is due to the fact that the body is "sure": it lacks energy supply - glucose. But the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin. This imbalance causes an increase in unused blood glucose.

In other words, blood sugar levels rise. An excess of unclaimed glucose causes a reaction in the brain, which sends a signal to ensure that ketone bodies arrive in the body.

A variation of these bodies is acetone. Without being able to use glucose, the cells begin to burn fats and proteins, and the characteristic smell of acetone begins to emanate from the body.

Diabetes and acetone smell

There is no need to immediately become depressed and panic if it is suddenly discovered that the smell of acetone comes from the body. This is not at all proof that diabetes develops in the body.

Important! An accurate diagnosis and the cause of the smell can only be established by doctors in the clinic, by prescribing appropriate laboratory tests of the patient's blood and urine.

Ketone bodies, and, therefore, acetone can gradually accumulate in the blood and poison the body. This condition is called ketoacidosis followed by diabetic coma. If therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the patient may simply die.

Urine for the presence of acetone in it can be checked even at home. To do this, take a solution of ammonia and a 5% solution of sodium nitroprusside. If acetone is present in the urine, the solution will turn bright red. In addition, you can buy tablets at the pharmacy that can measure the level of acetone in the urine:

  • Acetonetest.
  • Ketur Test.
  • Ketostiks.

There are situations when a person smells of acetone, and this causes particular trouble both for himself and for the people around him. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the appearance of such a smell, be examined in a medical institution and choose the appropriate treatment and prevention regimen.

Many people develop bad breath due to non-compliance basic hygiene. breed pathogenic bacteria lead to many symptoms. Often, an unpleasant odor appears due to problems with the internal organs of a person. The presence of diseases associated with disruption of the stomach, causes a sour smell, intestinal diseases - the smell of rot.

However, the smell of acetone appeared makes you seriously think about your health and immediately visit a doctor.

Why does the acetate smell appear?

Acetone smell speaks of a high content in human blood of products that appear as a result of the breakdown of fats - the so-called ketone bodies.

Moreover, it can be not only from the mouth, sweat and urine also become its sources. Causes of an unpleasant acetate odor:

  • diseases of the endocrine system - namely diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • improper functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • thyroid disease;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • as a result of starvation.

All these reasons can cause disturbances in the normal functioning of the body and lead to the appearance of a toxic odor.

Diabetes, malfunction of the kidneys and thyroid gland cause odor

Most often, the number of ketone bodies increases in the human body in the presence of diabetes. In this disease, the human body lacks a hormone such as insulin. This thyroid hormone is involved in the process of converting sugar into glucose and helps the latter to be absorbed. Glucose, in turn, is an energy source for the whole organism. With a lack of insulin, glucose cannot be absorbed by tissues, that is, proteins and fats are used to generate energy. As a result of the breakdown of fats, ketone bodies appear in large quantities, which are toxic to the body and cause the smell of acetone.

In type 1 diabetes, the smell of acetone appeared indicates the approach of a diabetic coma and requires an immediate dose of insulin, otherwise a diabetic coma may occur. The patient has an increased heart rate, constriction of the pupils, pain in the abdomen. Therefore, if you smell and have the above symptoms of malaise, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist for advice, a thorough examination and treatment.

The smell of acetone is characteristic in violation of the liver and kidneys. A change in the normal functioning of the kidneys leads to kidney dystrophy, nephrosis. As a result, the metabolic process is disrupted, which ultimately leads to an increased concentration of ketones and the appearance of an unpleasant acetone odor in the blood and urine.

At the same time, the patient has swelling of the extremities, problems with urination, pain in the lumbosacral region, and increased blood pressure. If in the morning a person begins to smell of acetone and swelling appears, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor to examine the work of the kidneys.

In addition, the smell of acetone can disturb a person in violation of the functioning of the endocrine system. As a result of improper functioning of the thyroid gland, a large amount of hormones is produced in the body, which, in turn, affects the metabolism.

The body needs more energy, which it begins to take as a result of burning not only carbohydrates, but also fats. Ketone bodies are formed, which are the cause of the smell of acetone from a person.

This problem is also accompanied rapid loss weight while maintaining excellent appetite. The person becomes irritable, sleep is disturbed.

Therefore, when the smell of acetone appears, which is accompanied by the above symptoms, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor to examine the functioning of the kidneys and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Back to health

The formation of a large number of ketone bodies is observed due to starvation, adherence to monotonous diets, unbalanced nutrition. This is especially true of low-carbohydrate and carbohydrate-free diets that have become fashionable today. The process is simple: the body stops receiving the carbohydrates it needs to work, and it begins to burn fats to a greater extent, producing ketone bodies. Undoubtedly, the effect of the diet is achieved quickly, however, ketone bodies have been developed in large quantities and accumulate in the body and poison it, as a result of which the normal work liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Various infectious diseases lead to severe dehydration of the body, for this reason, metabolic processes are disturbed, which leads to an increased content of acetone.

Acetate odor can be manifested in a child. This is due to the features of the functioning child's body, as a result of which ketone bodies do not have time to exit quickly and on time, they accumulate. What causes the unpleasant smell of acetone. This is mainly manifested in adolescence, is paroxysmal in nature. Therefore, parents whose children are prone to such symptoms need to know how to prevent this disease. Often a child's tendency to increase blood acetone is laid down at the genetic level, when a pregnant woman eats a lot of protein foods, limiting the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

In children, an acetate smell can occur due to stressful situations, overexcitation or overwork.

Consequently, a person smells of acetone as a result of a violation of metabolic processes in the body, in particular, improper fat burning. When an odor occurs, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause and contact a specialist for medical assistance.

It smells like acetone, a medical examination is needed

When contacting a medical institution, you will need to pass some tests that will help determine the true cause of the smell of acetone - biochemical analysis blood and urinalysis.

As a result of blood biochemistry, special attention is paid to such indicators of the work of internal organs as:

  • total protein;
  • glucose level;
  • indicators of amylase, lipase, urea;
  • cholesterol, creatinine, ALT and AST values.

Assign an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, where you can visually trace possible violations in organ development.

After a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment to get rid of the smell of acetone, you must strictly follow his instructions.

In case of violation of metabolic processes in the body, it is necessary to significantly increase the amount of fluid consumed to remove the breakdown products of fats from the body - ketone bodies. They help a lot with this mineral water, juices, tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice. Increasing fluid intake is effective during periods of fasting or infectious diseases, as it dehydrates the body.

With diabetes, the acetate smell cannot be completely eliminated.

Timely detected symptoms of the onset of the disease will help to start treatment in a timely manner and soon establish the normal functioning of all organs of the human body.

The smell of sickness. What does the body smell like with this or that pathology?

The human body does not have a pronounced odor. A certain aroma from it may appear due to increased activity of sweat glands, inattention to hygiene or ... infection.

According to scientists, people choose their soulmate precisely by the smell of the body. It is believed that it is the sense of smell that allows you to select a partner with the most suitable set of genes. After all, a person is able to secrete pheromones: substances that arouse interest in the opposite sex. However, there are situations when this or that smell emanating from the body should be taken as a distress signal. After all, he can talk about the presence of a fairly serious disease. Doctors say that some diseases have their own "flavor".

Smell test
Physicians have long been using unpleasant odor, emanating from the human body, as an option primary diagnosis various diseases. After all, the repulsive amber is a clear signal that the metabolic processes. This often occurs against the background of the development of certain pathologies.

The bacteria that colonize the skin survive the previous colonies that were "healthy", and the waste products of the newcomers begin to smell differently.

Does it smell like acetone?
If sweat acquires the smell of acetone, it is worth checking for pathologies such as:
-Various endocrine pathologies that are associated with diabetes mellitus
-Problems with the digestive system
- Liver and kidney disorders
- Infection of a person with microbes, bacteria and viruses
All this can lead to an imbalance in the body, which is why there is a general dysfunction.
It should be understood that diabetes is the most common cause of acetone body odor. This is due to the fact that a person develops insulin deficiency. Glucose begins to break down worse, and an excess of it causes a change in the composition of the blood and a deterioration in metabolism: from this, the number of ketone bodies in the body begins to increase. The body actively removes excess, including and together with sweat: hence the appearance of a sharp acetone amber. It should be understood that this condition is fraught with serious health problems and often indicates the approach of a diabetic coma.

Also, the smell of acetone can be observed if the kidneys are affected. In this case, in addition to the characteristic “aroma”, the person will show symptoms such as swelling, problems with urination, pain in the lumbar region, increased pressure, and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

If the acetone smell from the skin is accompanied by a sharp loss of kilograms with continued appetite, irritability and insomnia, they say that the cause of the problem may be a violation of the thyroid gland.

Cat smell
There are situations when the smell of cat feces begins to come from a person. In this case, the body also signals possible problems. So, for example, the smell of urea appears when:
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver
- Pathologies of the endocrine system and VVD
- Irregularities in the digestive system
Among the common causes of such a "flavor" are kidney problems. After all, if their work fails, the whole organism reacts painfully to this. Moreover, it should be understood that the smell of urea in this case will be strong, and it will be impossible to cope with it with improvised means: deodorants do not take this.

A problem develops due to the fact that the breakdown products of proteins are excreted through sebaceous glands. Doctors in this case talk about uricidosis, which can be the result of chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis and uremia.

The smell of vinegar
A person's sweat can sometimes smell like vinegar. It is important to understand here that the appearance similar symptom accompanied by increased sweating. Among the reasons due to which such a problem may develop:
-Endocrine disorders
- Lack of vitamins D and B
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs
- Mastopathy
- If we are talking about failures in the endocrine system, there may be a lack of iodine in the body. This immediately leads to an unpleasant odor.
- It is quite possible to recognize tuberculosis by the vinegar smell from the body, because in this case, symptoms such as severe cough, fatigue, weakness and fever will appear.
- Women are not recommended to leave this smell unattended: it can indicate serious problems with the breasts.

Other options
As soon as the body odor has changed, turning into something unbearable, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible. After all, a different smell can indicate various pathologies, some of which are quite difficult to treat.

Body odor and possible disease

Fish - Metabolic problems
Putrid or sweetish - Diphtheria
Sheep wool (wet) - Adrenal disorder
Hydrogen sulfide - Ulcer, dyspepsia
Rotten Meat - Cancer Problems
The smell of old age - Problems with the hormonal background
Rotten apples - Condition before hypoglycemic coma (requires immediate hospitalization)

Expert opinion
Mehman MAMEDOV, professor, MD, expert of the "League of the Health of the Nation":

- The body smells with various metabolic disorders. For example, due to impaired glucose metabolism, the number of ketone bodies increases and their accumulation on the skin gives an odor. This is typical for decompensation of diabetes.

The smell of urea is terminal stage kidney failure. The characteristic smell of the skin, as a rule, is a sign of a malfunction of the organs associated with metabolism - these are the kidneys, lungs, liver. Ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the skin can also smell.

In a world where deodorants, eau de toilette and perfume are as much a part of a person's image as a dress, shoes, tie and briefcase, people don't always think about how their body smells without additional fragrances. But some diseases do not let you forget about it. And then, by the smell of the body, one can assume what the person is sick with.

Among the huge variety of human scents, we have selected 7 interesting smells that are associated with diseases.

A severe deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet leads to the fact that the body begins to burn stored fats to obtain glucose. On the one hand, it's nice for those who want to lose weight. On the other hand, it doesn't smell very good in every sense of the word.

As a result of this process, ketones are formed, or rather acetone, which actually gives the smell of rotting apples or nail polish remover. The breakdown of fats to glucose and acetone also occurs with normal nutrition, but very little acetone is formed in this case - it is excreted in the urine or enters into further chemical reactions. If a person decides to completely transfer his body to fuel from fats, then too much ketones accumulate, the body cannot cope with their excretion, and the urine and the human body acquire a characteristic smell. A similar situation is observed during starvation, when the body, due to the lack of food, is forced to begin to break down its own reserves of fats.

Diabetes is another condition that leads to excess ketones. Suppose the pancreas does not produce insulin, or the hormone is present in the right amount, but its cells are different reasons cannot receive. In this case, glucose cannot get to the organs and tissues and accumulates in the blood. The brain, having not received glucose, requires food, and the body begins to break down fats, producing, as in the previous case, a large amount of ketones that are excreted through the skin.

This smell is present with various deviations of the state of the body from the norm. The fact is that ammonia is a volatile substance with which we get rid of excess nitrogen. It can be excreted in the urine, exhaled air or sweat.

Ammonia breath is characteristic of people with kidney failure, and also indicates a possible infection with Helicobacter pylori and a high risk liver failure. Cystitis is the cause of the characteristic ammonia smell of urine.

But if the skin smells like ammonia, this means that the kidneys and liver are not able to process all the excess nitrogen, so it is excreted through the skin through sweat. For this, the body needs to spend a lot of water. And the first thing that the smell of ammonia emanating from the body says is a possible deficiency of fluid in the body.

The ammonia smell also suggests that there is an excess of protein in the human body. This problem can be faced by people who prefer low-carbohydrate diets. In this case, it should be understood that it is more beneficial for the body to use carbohydrates for energy than proteins. To stop the breakdown of proteins, it is enough to introduce into the diet required amount carbohydrates. This is especially important to do against the backdrop of enhanced training.

By the way, the active excretion of ammonia through the skin can be provoked by the use of certain sports supplements as well as vitamins and medicines. Excessive addiction to asparagus can also cause a characteristic smell.

If a person smells like fish, and even rotting, then he most likely suffers from trimethylaminuria. The cause of this syndrome is a rather rare genetic disease, which develops against the background of a mutation in the FMO3 gene. It is responsible for the production of the enzyme flavin monooxygenase-3, which is involved in the processing of a by-product of digestion - trimethylamine. If there is no such enzyme, the substance accumulates in the body, combines with other body secretions (urine, sweat, exhaled air) and causes a characteristic fishy smell. Substances that give trimethylamine during digestion are choline, carnitine, lecithin. Accordingly, people with trimethylaminuria syndrome are not recommended to eat foods containing them. For example, carnitine is found in abundance in red meat, fish, and whey. Lots of lecithin egg yolk, in buttermilk, as well as in seeds, nuts and raisins. Choline is also present in large amounts in egg yolk, liver and germinated cereals.

But the smell of rotten fish vaginal discharge - characteristic symptom bacterial vulvovaginitis (gardnerellosis). Its causative agents are gardnerella bacteria, which are normally opportunistic pathogens. But if the acid-base balance of the vaginal environment is disturbed or the immune system is weakened, they begin to multiply too actively and simultaneously produce volatile amines - putrescine and cadaverine. An interesting point: the smell becomes sharper after sexual contact. This is because semen, with its alkaline pH, activates the production of volatile amines, which enhances the “aroma”.

That's what people who suffer smell like genetic disease tyrosinemia. There are several varieties of this disease, but they have the same essence: due to certain mutations, the body cannot produce enzymes that break down the amino acid tyrosine. As a result, the body accumulates such amino acids as tyrosine, methionine and phenylalanine. It leads to severe pathologies kidneys and liver, disorders of the central nervous system and changes in bone tissue. And the increased content of methionine and tyrosine in the blood is the cause of the characteristic smell of boiled cabbage emanating from such patients.

Smell of fermented dough: scabies mite

The sour smell of sour dough accompanies Norwegian scabies- a severe form of the disease caused by the common scabies mite. She has many names that best characterize appearance affected tissues - crusty, crusty scabies, etc. The disease usually develops against the background of disorders immune system and other diseases: AIDS, leprosy, age-related dementia, tuberculosis, skin lymphoma, leukemia, etc.

When Pseudomonas aeruginosa rages in the human body, his body begins to exude a characteristic sweet smell, which is compared to the smell of honey. By the way, even in the laboratory, a Petri dish with "pyocyanic" is easy to distinguish by the strong smell of jasmine. Despite its pleasant aroma, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most dangerous infections relating to nosocomial (or hospital). Some strains of this bacterium are resistant to the most common antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause various respiratory diseases, meningitis, otitis, inflammation of the facial sinuses, cause severe abscesses and lead to the development of purulent processes in wounds, etc. For a doctor, the honey smell emanating from the patient is bad symptom requiring immediate action.

Cheese smell: excess isovaleryl-CoA

Cheese (or "sweaty feet" - it all depends on perception) smells like people suffering from another hereditary metabolic disorder. This time we are talking about a congenital deficiency of the enzyme isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase. Against the background of its absence, isovaleryl-CoA accumulates in the body, which, as a result of hydrolysis, turns into isovalerate and is excreted with sweat and urine. It is isovalerate that gives the characteristic smell of cheese.


The vast majority of body odors that differ from the norm indicate metabolic disorders - temporary or permanent. Therefore, any unusual smell emanating from the body is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a signal from the body that something is seriously wrong with it.

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