Sports amino acids benefit and harm. The best amino acids for women. Taking Sports Supplements Correctly

Amino acids are organic compounds that form proteins. They are the main component muscle tissue Muscles are 35% amino acids. More details can be found in a separate article on our website. Today we will talk about what are the main useful features amino acids in the body.

Functions of amino acids

The role of amino acids in the body is difficult to overestimate. Amino acids:

  • act as neurotransmitters or are their precursors. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances, transmitting nerve impulse from one nerve cell to another. Thus, some amino acids are essential for normal operation brain;
  • contribute to the fact that vitamins and minerals adequately perform their functions. Some amino acids provide energy directly to muscle tissue.

The benefit of amino acids is mainly that they are needed for proper, normal development body to keep it functioning properly. The action of amino acids is aimed at improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals, enhancing their action. Not without reason among athletes it is customary to take in order to build up faster muscle mass to be stronger and more resilient.

Why are amino acids needed in the body?

Amino acids are produced by:

  • antibodies to the rescue immune system a person when she fights various viruses and infections;
  • enzymes that support biochemical reactions;
  • hormones that improve metabolic processes;
  • hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to various cells throughout the body.

The process of protein synthesis is constantly going on in the body. In the case when at least one essential amino acid is missing, the formation of proteins stops. This can lead to various serious violations- from digestive disorders to depression and growth retardation.

In the human body, many of the amino acids are synthesized in the liver. However, some of them cannot be synthesized in the body, so a person must get them with food. This is due to the division of amino acids into essential and non-essential. Each amino acid has its own specific functions. Consider the types of amino acids in more detail.

Non-essential amino acids

A non-essential amino acid can be called an acid that is synthesized from metabolic products (without nitrogen content) and digestible nitrogen. Consider how some essential acids work in the human body in more detail.


Without alanine, the body would have difficulty obtaining energy for muscle, brain, and central nervous system tissue. After all, this acid is its most important source. In addition, it strengthens the immune system (produces antibodies), and the metabolism of sugar and organic acids is indispensable without it.


Cellular synthesis does not take place without glycine, since this acid provides this process. necessary quantity oxygen, responsible for the synthesis of red blood cells. In addition, glycine is necessary for the production of hormones necessary for immunity. Glycine deficiency is felt as a decline in energy.


It is used as a fuel during prolonged exercise, participates in the formation of lymphocytes, helps to strengthen memory and concentration. With the help of glutamine, sugar levels normalize, the brain functions better. Impotence, ulcers and alcoholism are treated with this acid, as well as chronic fatigue and mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy, general lethargy). The human brain converts glutamine into glutamic acid- the necessary "fuel" for brain activity.


Thanks to carnitine, the body is able to bind and remove fatty acids. It reduces overweight and the risk of heart disease, and enhances the effects of vitamin C and vitamin E (antioxidants). In the human body, it can be produced in the liver and kidneys from glutamine and methionine. This acid is of two types: D and L. It is better to use preparations with L-carnitine.

Other types of non-essential acids:

  • Proline - used as a fuel for prolonged exercise, as well as for the formation of connective tissues.
  • Serine - is necessary for the production of cellular energy and for the nervous system.
  • Citrulline - involved in ammonia detoxification - by-product protein metabolism.
  • Taurine - is necessary for the adequate functioning of the nervous system.
  • Cysteine ​​- is involved in detoxification of the body and in hair growth.
  • Ornithine - is not part of proteins, but activates metabolic processes and thus promotes fat burning.

This list of acids is incomplete, but even it is able to convey the importance of these substances for our body.

Semi-Essential Amino Acids


Thanks to arginine, the development of cancer slows down and the liver is cleansed. The acid helps the synthesis of GH, improves immunity and sperm production, heals the kidneys. Without it, protein production is impossible. The presence of arginine will also contribute to muscle growth and the destruction of fat deposits.


Takes part in the synthesis of red and white blood cells, and is also important for muscle growth.


Partially replaces phenylalanine in protein synthesis, resists stress, is included in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.


Strengthens connective tissues, resists inflammation.

Essential amino acids

Amino acids that the human body itself does not produce, but which are necessary for a normal existence, are called essential. So, the body will not be able to function normally without: valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, finylalanine, tryptophan, lysine - we must receive all these essential amino acids from food during meals. Without them, protein synthesis from amino acids is impossible, and if at least one of them is missing, then the whole process stops, which in turn can lead to a decrease in body weight and muscles, as well as disrupt metabolism.

Consider the most significant essential amino acids for athletes.

Leucine and Isoleucine

Without leucine, protein synthesis is impossible, and, accordingly, muscle growth and restoration of muscle fibers. Leucine is found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs and milk. Leucine is also needed to strengthen the immune system. Isoleucine, in turn, is a reserve source of energy, as well as one of important components muscle tissue.

Isoleucine enters the body with the same products as leucine. If you notice, the list only includes foods that contain complete protein.


What is the purpose of valine? It is needed for the growth, repair and production of tissues in the human body. In addition, this amino acid is able to improve muscle coordination, increase the pain threshold and reduce the body's sensitivity to temperature changes (laboratory experiments have shown this). Where can it be found? Exclusively in animal products.


The amino acid phenylalanine is the main element in the synthesis of collagen. It is also involved in the synthesis of norepinerphin, a substance that transmits signals from nerve cells to the brain.


Together with vitamin C, lysine forms carnitine, contributing to a more efficient use oxygen.


This amino acid is involved in the regeneration of the liver and kidneys.

Threonine is an element of collagen, and also takes part in liver detoxification.


Participates in the synthesis of serotonin and thus controls sleep, appetite, pain threshold, fatigue, etc.

Hello my dear readers. Today we will talk about whether bcaa amino acids harm the body? I think a lot of people stopped buying sports nutrition the fear of side effects. Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. Let's look for answers together. First, let's figure out what btsaa is and why it is needed.

BCAAs are amino acids that have a branched side chain in their structure. These substances our body cannot synthesize. They are irreplaceable. There are only three of them in this complex: valine + leucine + isoleucine

  • Leucine regulates protein synthesis in the body, as well as nitrogen balance. It is this amino acid that makes up the bulk of all proteins;
  • Valine is a source of energy in muscles, as well as one of the important components of tissue synthesis;
  • Isoleucine is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin, the regulation of blood sugar. Also, this amino acid is necessary for the metabolism of leucine.

All these substances are involved in the construction of new muscle fibers. Also, they play importance in recovery processes. We enter the body exclusively with food or supplements. Bsaa amino acids are the most commonly found in sports nutrition.

Myths about harm

Around these useful substances there are many myths. Wherein, clinical trials confirming their harm - no. I want to go over the main "horror stories" in a few words. I hope this clears up all your doubts.

In sports nutrition, you simply get a concentrated set of BSA. Those. daily allowance such amino acids in the diet correspond to several scoops. From the fact that the product is concentrated, it does not become chemistry. These are still natural ingredients.

Myth #2: bcaa amino acids cause ulcers, gastrointestinal upset. Studies show that even if you exceed the daily allowance, you will not get poisoned. If you systematically abuse these substances, you can harm only the kidneys. At the same time, it is necessary to exceed the daily intake by 10-15 times for a long time.

Myth #3: Proteins and Vsaa lead to impotence. It's always been weird for me to read about it. Millions of men around the world use sports nutrition. However, none of them spoke about pernicious influence. Moreover, there are no clinical trials that would confirm this.

When buying a nutritional supplement, just pay attention to the composition. Various dyes, sweeteners, preservatives that are found there cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also provoke allergies, negatively affect the functioning of the liver. It is better to buy amino acids from well-known companies and with a minimum of additives.


The mechanism of action of these amino acids is well understood. Unlike various myths about harm, it has an evidence base. I want to acquaint you with the most important useful properties.

For muscle building

One third amino acids muscle proteins is BCAA. Therefore, it is this complex that is the main material for muscle growth. If there are not enough free amino acids in the body, muscle growth stops. For ordinary person enough of the protein that he receives from the products. For athletes, during and after training, the need for BCAAs increases dramatically.

During and after exercise, the concentration of BCAAs decreases. The amount of leucine in the body changes especially strongly. To restore the concentration of amino acids, metabolic processes are activated.

As a result, muscle proteins are destroyed. They are the main source of replenishment of leucine, isoleucine and valine.

When taken post-workout and while supplementing with BCAAs, there is no breakdown of muscle proteins

Scientists also believe that leucine is one of the main sources of energy. Its oxidation produces more ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecules than glucose in the same amount. But ATP is a universal source of energy for the body.

Also, BCAA amino acids cover the increased consumption of glutamine during training. This substance not only plays a big role in muscle growth, it regulates protein synthesis. It also increases the production of growth hormone.

For weight loss

BCAA intake stimulates the production of leptin. It is this hormone that regulates our weight, appetite, fat consumption and its accumulation. Leucine, which is part of sports nutrition, quickly saturates the body. Appetite suppression occurs. Exercising increases your calorie expenditure as you burn fat along the way.

How to drink and who needs

These three amino acids are significantly different from the rest. They are metabolized exclusively in the muscles, so for sports people they are indispensable. In addition to the effect on muscle growth, they have other advantages. Taking BCAA improves endurance and physical performance. These substances have been clinically proven to strengthen the immune system. In addition, BCAA contribute to quick recovery organism. If your lifestyle is associated with heavy physical labor, taking bcaa also does not hurt.

For weight gain

The effectiveness of any sports nutrition depends on its quality and correct reception. This complex of amino acids can be taken in the morning. As well as during and after training. The following energy drink is considered optimal:

One to two scoops of amino acids + a few tablespoons of sugar + a glass of water

All ingredients are mixed. The body receives the carbohydrates it needs for energy. Restores with fluid water balance. And BCAAs replenish the amino acid balance. If you're looking to build muscle, this shake can be taken as soon as you wake up. This will help to avoid morning catabolism (destruction of muscle tissue).

For weight loss

If you are losing weight without sports activities, taking it is impractical. For coverage daily allowance protein is better to use whey protein. By itself, the supplement will not burn fat. Although it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. If your weight loss is complex and you play sports, feel free to buy this product.

It is especially necessary if you combine strict diet with physical activity. AT this case deficiency of amino acids the body will cover, destroying the muscles. That is why it is recommended to take BCAAs between meals. This will prevent catabolism, reduce appetite and preserve muscle.

Are you losing weight or building muscle? single dose BCAA should be 1-8 grams. The frequency of administration is on average 3 times a day

As for which supplements to choose, first of all pay attention to the composition. Sometimes manufacturers produce BCAAs in small doses. The price, however, remains quite high. The food runs out quickly. Because for daily dose you need to eat almost 1/3 of the can.

Also pay attention to solubility. AT pure form These amino acids do not completely dissolve in water. A thin film forms on the surface. BCAAs also have a bitter taste. You can combine this supplement with almost all types of sports nutrition.

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"Mens sana in corpore sano" or "In healthy body healthy mind". This expression, like no other, will be relevant at any time. Nine out of 10 men, without hesitation, would exchange their “beer tummy” for hard cubes of pumped-up press. Women dream of a toned figure and the last thing they want is to exhaust themselves with hateful diets. The best and proven way to bring your body to the ideal is sports. Even one hour of fitness a day, in addition to toning the muscles, also reduces the risk of decline by 70% and also completely eliminates the problem of insomnia. In general, the benefits of active image Life is much bigger than you imagine.

Sports halls every day it becomes more and more, and the process of training itself is improving every day. To improve the results of training in many halls, the use of the so-called "chemistry" is practiced. Most often come across some "harmless amino acids". What it is and what it is, as they say, they eat, it’s not difficult to figure it out, but amino acids are harmful or beneficial, it’s getting harder and harder to figure it out. How many people, so many opinions. To begin with, it is worth knowing and considering what this supplement is.

Amino acid is a gear in the most perfect mechanism. It is an element of protein, which is the basis of our life. Each of our organs is made up of protein. Amino acids are divided into essential and non-essential. Non-essential amino acids human body synthesizes itself, receives irreplaceable with food intake. Their action is similar to that of vitamins. If their number is sufficient - you live happily ever after, if not - then this, at least, leads to protracted illnesses. Are amino acids harmful? Highly controversial issue. More than a hundred sites are actively discussing such an issue as the benefits of amino acids. There is still no unequivocal opinion.

The function of the amino acids themselves is quite clear. They are necessary for the production of antibodies, enzymes, hemoglobin and hormones. Nothing really fantastic. So what are the benefits of this supplement? Well, first of all, it is often recommended to those who want to quickly lose weight or build muscle. This additive significantly reduces susceptibility to fatigue, and you can actually exercise much longer and more efficiently. Sounds nice, so what harm can amino acids do then? And everything is extremely simple.

Given how great the benefits of amino acids and the speed of the effect of taking them, many amateurs (and not only) begin to abuse them. And indeed, the muscles grow as if by magic, it improves noticeably physical state, there is incredible endurance during physical activity etc. To the comment that amino acids are harmful, you proudly reply, "Look at me first." Just a dream! The human body quickly gets used to everything good and adapts to the amount of supplements taken. As soon as you give up supplements, your body will begin to get rid of the result of your labors, that is, muscle mass, with the same rapid speed. This looks much worse than it sounds. Loose skin and more. And actually it's not the worst thing. Amino acids can bring much more harm.

A fairly popular phenomenon among non-professionals is strong. As soon as amino acids are introduced (sports nutrition), harm is not taken into account. And again, bigger doesn't always mean better. Measure is needed in everything. The worst thing is that the abuse of this supplement leads to irreversible damage. of cardio-vascular system person. And this is already serious.

If from the above we deduce a certain overall result, then the following can be distinguished. Since amino acids (sports nutrition), the harm of which is discussed, begin to be used uncontrollably, the risk of side effects increases. Therefore, the answer in most cases is unusually simple. Do not chase a quick result, know the measure - and everything will be fine!

Find out what scientifically proven facts are side effects can cause amino acids and how to properly use them in bodybuilding.

Amines are the protein compounds that make up all the tissues of the body. But the significance of amines for the body is not limited to only one function. Today, scientists know two dozen amines, which are divided into two groups: interchangeable and irreplaceable. The difference between them is that nonessential amines can be synthesized in the body. In turn, irreplaceable can only come from outside (food and sports nutrition).

You probably already understand that for athletes highest value have precisely irreplaceable amines, since their deficiency slows down progress. Having found out what amines are, it will be easier for us to understand about the dangers of amino acids for the body. More precisely, its presence or absence.

The value of amines in sports

However, let's start with the definition useful qualities amines for athletes. Using amino acid supplements, you can get the following positive effects:
  • The delivery of building materials for new tissues to muscle tissue is accelerated, since amines have better digestibility compared to protein mixtures.
  • The deficiency of amines in the body is eliminated.
  • The speed of regenerative processes increases.
  • Hormones are produced more actively.
  • The anabolic background is normalized.
  • Accelerates the process of lipolysis.
  • Increases the performance of the immune system.
  • The work of all body systems is normalized.

What is the correct way to take amino acid supplements?

Any substance with correct application can become a toxin. For this reason, speaking of possible harm amino acid compounds, you should be aware of their correct use athletes. Sports nutrition manufacturers produce amino acid supplements in various forms. The most popular are amines in capsules and wild form.

Many athletes are sure that it is most effective to take amines on an empty stomach and are mistaken. This is due to the fact that such use of additives can cause irritation of the digestive tract. Thus, amines must be taken with food. If we talk about the time of taking supplements, then in this matter you can trust the manufacturer. For example, BCAAs are most often taken in the morning and after a session.

Can amino acids harm the body?

So we are approaching the moment when the answer to the question about the dangers of amino acids will be received. As sports nutrition becomes more and more popular, questions like these come up with all supplements. Often the truth is not so easy to find out. In the pharmacy, most likely they will not tell you anything about this, and sports nutrition sellers need to sell their goods and many have doubts about the accuracy of their answers.

As a result, we have to figure it out on our own. To begin with, it should be recalled that all protein compounds are composed of amines. Each of us consumes dairy products, eggs, meat, etc. These products contain a large number of protein compounds, and hence amino acids. It is clear that these foods do not cause harm to your health.

Amino acid supplements are made from natural raw materials and in technological process their creations are not used chemical compounds. Essentially, amino acid supplements are proteins broken down into their constituents. It is for this reason that amines are absorbed much faster compared to protein supplements.

When the protein mix gets into digestive tract, under the influence of special enzymes, protein compounds are broken down into amines, which are then absorbed. This allows athletes, when using amines, to activate this or that process much faster, which is very important.

However, when using amines, you should remember that you consume a certain amount of them with food. For this reason, it is important to know exactly how much amino acid supplements you need to take. Otherwise, an overdose is possible. Although in fairness, we note that an overdose of amines is more likely in theory and practically does not occur in practice.

However, if we are talking about the dangers of amino acids, then this possibility is worth mentioning. If you still have an overdose, then sleep disturbances and problems with kidney function are possible. Scientists have found that these negative effects are possible only if the allowable daily dosages of protein intake are five times higher. It is very difficult to achieve this in practice.

For more information about amino acids and their role in the body, see this video:

A healthy diet is an integral part of any sport, otherwise the muscles will not increase, and endurance may decrease due to the depletion of energy reserves. Even with quality nutrition in the life of a bodybuilder, there is a moment when trace elements become insufficient, because the body consumes a lot of protein. If you continue to follow the established path without the use of supplements, the risk of overtraining increases, and muscle mass will hardly grow. Let's take a closer look at BCAA amino acids - harm to the body or, conversely, a necessary supplement to achieve sports results.

The harm and side effects of amino acids is a myth!

Is BCAA harmful or not? This question bothers many sports fans. Despite the expected complexity of the task, everything is very simple here. To understand whether amino acids cause damage, you need to consider their function and structure in nature.

Amino acids are indispensable participants in the construction of proteins. They are present in relatively large quantities in all muscle structures of animals and humans. A person consumes over 100 g of protein per day, that is, it contains about 100 g of aminocarboxylic acid. After entering into digestive system protein is broken down by amino acids. Then the elements of the protein enter the bloodstream and nourish various tissues, especially muscles.

A common myth is that BCAA is a chemical, synthesized substance. How to determine the drug - chemistry or natural remedy? Origin and manufacturing process.

Sometimes even at educated people, there is a misconception about what amino acids are and what their benefits are

BCAAs are made from whey protein is a protein that is created by nature and obtained from cow's milk by breaking down proteins into enzymes. Generally speaking, amino acids are partially digested proteins. Are these additives harmful? natural origin and natural production? Obviously not. The question of whether BCAA supplements are harmful has arisen due to misunderstanding and myths about all sports nutrition, although only anabolic steroids are harmful.

BCAAs are as harmful to health as 2 eggs or 200 ml of milk can be. The effect of food and amino acids for a bodybuilder is no different. For men's health, the listed products can be harmful with a low probability only if there is an intolerance or allergy.

At the same time, physiological active ingredients amino acids and BCAAs can bring both harm and benefit to an athlete:

  1. The amino acid glycine is a neurotransmitter and can have a calming effect, it reduces anxiety levels and has a slight antidepressant effect: it reduces the severity of fear, anxiety, overexertion, irritability. It should be borne in mind that when using anticonvulsants, glycine enhances their effect.
  2. Glutamic acid has a slight psychostimulant effect, which leads to excitability and a mild nootropic effect.

The harm and benefits of an amino acid for a bodybuilder are assessed individually, but there are practically no contraindications to the use of BCAAs.

To essential amino acids, include amino acids with a branched side chain, which include: leucine, isoleucine, valine

The benefits of amino acids for men and women

The principle and mechanism of the influence of amino acids has been repeatedly studied by scientists. To dispel the myth of benefits and harms, we can consider the way substances affect the body in 2 main areas.

For muscle building

Proteins are the main building material for muscle development. Their formation is highly dependent on amino acids, and with a sufficient amount, muscles actively develop. In muscle proteins, about 35% is BCAA.

The complex includes 3 amino acids:

  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine.

In total, 20 pieces are involved in the synthesis process. If amino acids for building muscle are in short supply, development stops.

For an ordinary person who does not play sports, a standard diet is enough. He gets protein from animal products and plant parts. During active training, the amount of BCAAs is greatly reduced, and the need increases many times over. Food supplement helps make up for the deficiency. During and after training, about 80% of the total concentration of amino acids is burned. Saved least amount leucine. To restore metabolism, you need to compensate for the deficiency.

Benefit from successful balanced nutrition no doubt even among the most inveterate skeptics

If BCAA is not supplied soon, muscle proteins will begin to break down, respectively, such an increase in the amount of valine, leucine and isoleucine will lead to negative consequences. When using only nutrition, it will not be possible to bring the necessary substances into the body in a timely manner, this is possible with the help of the BCAA complex. The supplement prevents the destruction of proteins and promotes the speedy recovery of muscles.

According to scientists, leucine is one of the key players energy processes, during its oxidation, more ATP is released than from the processing of glucose. ATP is a universal source of energy.

Additionally, BCAAs compensate for the excess consumption of glutamine during intense physical training. The component is important for muscle growth, as it participates in the formation of protein and stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone.

For weight loss

After taking the complex, the release of leptin is enhanced - this is a hormone that regulates the strength of appetite, processing and accumulation of fatty compounds. Leucine provides the body with leptin in a short time.

It leads to:

  • decrease in appetite;
  • increased calorie expenditure during training, since part of the energy is spent on the digestion of fat;
  • weight loss.

When taking BCAAs, side effects are possible in the form of the occurrence stomach discomfort or even diarrhea

How to drink and who needs it?

The main difference between BCAA amino acids is the ability to be metabolized only in muscle tissues. They are indispensable for humans, that is, the body is not able to synthesize BCAAs on its own. For athletes, these components are essential.

The complex of amino acids allows not only to build muscle mass, but also provides additional positive effects:

  • with a sufficient amount of BCAA, immunity increases;
  • increases endurance;
  • provides an increase in strength due to the release more energy;
  • accelerates the recovery of muscles and the whole body after exhausting workouts.

For weight gain

It should not be noted that the entire sports nutrition is effective, since it depends on the balance of the composition, the quality of the raw materials and the method of preparation. It is better to give preference to products of world brands.

Universal recipe for cooking energy drink:

  1. Add 1-2 scoops of amino acids to a shaker.
  2. Add 2 tsp. Sahara.
  3. Pour the mixture with water and shake until the sediment is eliminated.

Existing myths that the use of amino acids can harm potency are unfounded.

Through this recipe, the body receives enough carbohydrates and energy. Water allows you to maintain water balance, and amino acids create the conditions for muscle development. When gaining mass, it is worth drinking a cocktail on an empty stomach after sleep, this will help eliminate catabolism.

For weight loss

The use of amino acids for weight loss without sports is an inconclusive procedure. If you only need to cover a protein deficiency, it is better to use protein. Fat burning after taking the supplement does not occur without exercise, since the remedy only improves metabolism. With complex weight loss with going to the gym, it is recommended to use amino acids.

The greatest need for the complex arises when strict observance diets combined with intensive physical activities. If you do not use the complex, the body will destroy its own muscle cells to cover the deficiency of amino acids.

In any case, from 1 to 8 g can be used at a time. More often, it is recommended to take it 3 times / day.

Why do we need sports supplements if everything is in the products?

The use of BCAAs improves the quality of muscle tissue

If all the elements can be obtained from food, then why use supplements at all? The obvious answer is:

  • the BCAA complex is absorbed faster, and the speed increases several times due to the elimination of the digestion stage;
  • muscles in short time they receive the necessary building materials, they recover faster and tissue destruction is prevented in the intervals between meals;
  • an added benefit is ease of use, it is much easier to drink a drink during a workout than to fill up before a workout. It has long been established that you need to eat at least 1 hour before and after class. Acute deficiency amino acids occurs within exactly the first hour after training, this allows you to eliminate severe muscle damage.

Should BCAAs be used by beginners?

BCAAs cannot be classified as a supplement that can only be consumed by professional athletes. The use of amino acids will not harm any person, even those unfamiliar with sports.

The need for a complex comes from the moment you start on the path of training. After any exercise, the muscles need amino acids to recover and prevent catabolism.

Trainers recommend buying amino acids at the beginning of workouts in the first place. Just be sure to calculate the dosage correctly. Despite minimal risk side effect, excess consumption will not bring benefits and will lead to excessive expenditure of money. It is recommended to take from 20 g / day for women and from 30 g / day for men.

Affordable BCAAs for beginners!

A trainer who will take into account the wishes of a novice athlete will help you choose the right BCAA. It is recommended to give preference to sports nutrition complexes with the maximum concentration of BCAA, as there are mixtures in which there are a lot of useless additives. Buying products from well-known brands, you can reduce the dosage, as they contain more amino acids.


The harm from BCAAs is an inflated myth, from the category “Protein is chemistry!”, Which has no scientific and logical justification. All professional bodybuilders must use BCAAs, but overdose does not occur. Achieving sports goals without this complex will be almost impossible or very long and costly.

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