Calculation of the basal metabolic rate and daily energy requirement. How to calculate calories

A story about basal metabolism. I made a calculator, in it you can calculate the rate and level of basal metabolism. You will learn the extreme minimum of calories, followed by exhaustion and much more interesting things. Go!

“There is nothing more dangerous than experiments on your body,” Ivan Tsarevich stated, picking his teeth with a rusty needle. - Neither an egg, nor a duck, nor a hare will help. Old Koshchei exhausted himself. And he kept saying: “I eat scientifically, I count calories!” Poor fellow! Bury it, boys," he commanded the gravediggers...

Hello friends! Basal metabolism, what it is, is not clear to everyone the first time. The topic, however, is not just vital, but egregious. And it has matured in our time, when the passion for diets and the desire to lose weight to the state of the skeleton, overgrown with advertisements, most of which are deadly and bring irreparable harm. But first things first...

What will be discussed

Unfamiliar words, incomprehensible to some people, are translated simply: basic exchange. What it is - everyone should know.

I propose to memorize it as an equation of life: for any process in our body - respiration, cell repair, enzyme production, protein breakdown into amino acids, amino acid compounds into new proteins, breakdown of long polysaccharide molecules to glucose, the functioning of brain cells, the work of the heart muscle, etc. ex.ex. - we need energy, those very kilocalories that we are so afraid of.

70% of the total calories that food gives go to this basal metabolism, and we use only thirty for physical activity.

Calculations are approximate and relative

The basic exchange depends on a bunch of factors:

  • age;
  • weight;
  • gender;
  • features of the constitution;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • genetic features;
  • ambient temperature;
  • the ratio of muscle and fat mass;
  • work of the thyroid gland and other organs of internal secretion;
  • other external and internal differences.

In order to find out your BM level, that is, how much your body needs for its own needs, you can use different methods. Most accurate: put yourself in a moderate temperature chamber and count how much heat you give off in a given amount of time.

Since such experience is not available to everyone, various scientists and pseudo-scientists have developed special formulas for how to calculate the main exchange:

  • by weight, height and age;
  • by weight minus body fat;
  • by gender - 1 kcal per hour per kg for men, 0.9 for women;
  • per square meter of body surface (approximately 915 for men and 854 for women);
  • as well as calculators based on the formulas of Muffin Jeor, Ketch-McArdle and other smart researchers.

And here you are yourself online basal metabolic rate calculator:

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator




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And yet we must understand that all formulas are very approximate, not a single calculation gives a true picture. The results can only be used to set a starting point. And at the same time, we should not forget: the calorie consumption calculator shows only the need of the body itself, not taking into account how much you spend on daily activities and physical activity.

Tale of the great secret that everyone knows

Reveal a terrible secret? The less you eat, the slower you lose weight.

By creating an artificial nutrient deficiency, you slow down your metabolic processes. If we are fools and begin to starve ourselves, our body has to defend itself without our conscious knowledge. He is not a fool, and perceives hunger as a signal to accumulate.

This is one of the reasons why vegetarians and fasting monks get fat. If malnutrition and poor nutrition continues for a long time, vital organs are at risk, which are to restore dying cells, to work.

Then the body begins to expend its NZ. And when they end, and they - "eats" itself. Starts from the periphery in favor of what is more important. Muscles are depleted, bones become brittle, skin flabby. The inner omentum, which everyone has, even the most taut ones, completely disappears.

Finally, the moment comes when the main organs suffer irreversibly: the brain,. From this stage it is no longer possible to go back, and you, more or less quickly, continue on your way to the cemetery.

Conclusion: starvation diets only slow down the process of losing weight and cause irreparable harm to health. And do not console yourself with the hope that "it is they who are starving wrong there, or their diet is imperfect."

Taking away from your body those calories that it needs for self-healing, you cross out the years of your life.

"Theory of Relativity" in our life

So, the formulas are approximate, the figures are not exact, the tables are relative. We have only purely empirical data that cannot be used in practice without changes. What to do? How to understand your level? Act logically.

The best coach is a professional athlete. The best theorist is a practicing doctor.

There are medical norms of daily consumption for adults:

  • 1200 kilocalories - the most extreme minimum, followed by exhaustion (this is the value that should be taken as the starting point in calculating your basal metabolism);
  • 2000 kcal - for a bedridden patient;
  • not less than 2300-2500 - for a person leading a little active lifestyle;
  • from 3000 - with heavy physical exertion.

I made for you online calorie intake calculator:

calorie intake calculator




Sedentary lifestyle

There was such a publicity stunt about 15 years ago: it is demonstrated, which shows the burning of calories eaten. For example, a girl displays an apple on the screen, and is forced to pedal intensively for several minutes so that it is “eaten” in the picture of the simulator.

No basal metabolism is taken into account here, but what an advertisement! A person should feel with all his fibers how much he eats! It's scary to think how much you have to sweat, pedaling, if instead of an apple there is a steak!

Everything is different in life. Calorie counting is often necessary when a person cannot determine why he is powerless despite the fact that he does not have any obvious diseases. Here he just falls in a layer after work - and is not able to move. He starts counting calories - it turns out that he consumes too few of them.

Another example: a bedridden patient does not recover well, despite the calculated diet - it is necessary to calculate whether he receives a lot of calories. It is possible that he should be fed more energy-intensive food, because the body does not have enough energy to restore his own cells.

If someone wants to lose weight, you must first take into account the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food. Food must be complete. In order not to disfigure yourself, it’s better to add yourself, start walking, visit sites with exercise equipment, give up snacks with all sorts of fast foods and chocolates, eat in small portions five to six times a day, get rid of bad habits. It is more useful, especially if you will live the rest of your life this way.

Main conclusions

For those who are scared, incomprehensible, difficult or lazy - contact my "Active Weight Loss Course" . Everything that is said there is experienced by the author in his own skin, and with health benefits. You will lose weight immediately and irrevocably!

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And drove on!

In articles about weight loss, you can often read about the basic metabolism. This is the number of calories that the body spends in a state of absolute rest. Simply put, that energy value that is “burned” simply in order to breathe, maintain blood flow, cell renewal, nervous activity and other vital processes in the body.

If you add to the basal metabolic rate the number of calories that you expend during work, home activities, recreation and sports, you get the daily energy requirement of the body.

    So, the basic metabolism is an important indicator for those who monitor their health.

Basic metabolism: impact on weight loss

The basal metabolic rate or the so-called basal metabolism determines how quickly you will lose weight on a particular diet. Often, in pursuit of rapid weight loss, we sit down on completely “wild” diets with a calorie content of 800 or even 600 kcal. These figures do not provide even a third of the body's need for calories in a state of absolute rest. In practice, this leads to only one result - a slowdown in the rate of basal metabolism.

Yes, the body will take some of the energy from body fat, but at the same time, it will try to adapt to the “super-low” caloric content of the diet, since any food due to body fat is, from the point of view of nature, a “hungry, emergency” mode. In addition, if the diet is unbalanced in protein, you will quickly lose muscle mass, and your basal metabolism will slow down quite significantly.

Simple rule for basal metabolism:

  • the calorie content of your diet should not be lower than the basal metabolic rate.

Let's say your basal metabolism is 1450 kcal, so the diet should in any case provide for this need. With the loss of each kilogram of weight, the "digital indicator" will decrease, and you will have to reduce a little.

And where does the calorie deficit, so necessary for weight loss, come from? We remind you that during the day you do work, the “calorie deficit” will depend on its quantity.

Basic metabolism: what does it depend on

Most formulas for calculating basal metabolism take into account three indicators: gender, age and weight of a person. However, a more accurate calculation can be obtained if you know at least the approximate ratio of fat and muscle mass. One kilogram of muscle tissue consumes about 200 kcal per day just to “maintain itself”, while 1 kg of fat requires three times less energy.

Hence the high basal metabolic rate in female athletes and the direct benefit of serious strength training. If you can build at least 2-3 kg of muscle mass, energy expenditure at rest will increase by almost a third, which, translated into everyday language, means "you can eat more, and at the same time be slimmer than most of your girlfriends." In addition, the volume of a kilogram of muscle is significantly less than the same amount of subcutaneous fat. That is why diets and a daily routine for weight loss should be focused not so much on reducing total body weight, but on.

How to calculate basal metabolic rate

The simplest formula for calculating the basal metabolic rate is as follows:

  • Divide your weight in kilograms by 0.454.
  • Multiply the resulting number by 0.409.
  • Multiply the result by 24 and get the basal metabolic rate, expressed in kilocalories per day.

The most average values ​​are given by the following formula of the basic exchange. OO for women is 0.9 times body weight in kg, times 24. For men, this formula should be taken as one instead of 0.9.

The formula for calculating daily energy expenditure for basal metabolism, taking into account weight, height and age ():

  • for men: 66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age)
  • for women: 655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height in cm) - (4.7 * age)

All the above formulas do not take into account your muscle mass. It is possible to obtain measurements taking into account the last indicator only after it has been made. In fact, it is possible to calculate the basic metabolism taking into account body composition only in the conditions of a medical center.

Calculation of daily basal metabolic energy expenditure based on fat-free body mass

The Katch-McArdle formula is considered the most accurate of the formulas for calculating basal metabolic rate, but in order to use it, you need to know your fat percentage.

If your weight is 70 kg and 30% fat, then the fat mass is 21 kg (70 times 0.3, the result is subtracted from 70), fat-free mass in this case is 70-21 = 49 kg.

OB = 370 + (21.6 * fat-free mass)
In this example - 1428 Kcal.

But for the purposes of losing weight, it is enough to calculate the exchange using any simple formula given in this article. After all, the main thing for you is not to reduce the calorie intake beyond the basal metabolic rate in order to maintain an adequate weight loss rate and be able to.

Especially for fitness trainer Elena Selivanova.

Basal metabolism is the minimum energy consumption necessary to maintain the life of the body in a state of complete rest, with the exclusion of all internal and external influences, 12 hours after eating.

In this state, the body expends energy on chemical processes that never stop in it. Mechanical work that is continuously performed by the heart, respiratory muscles, intestines, blood vessels, glandular secretory apparatus and other organs. Muscle tone, that is, muscle tension, has a significant effect on basal metabolism. Basal metabolism is expressed as the amount of energy in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) released by the whole body (or per 1 kilogram of its mass) per unit of time (minute, hour or day).

The basal metabolism of an adult is approximately 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour. The basal metabolic rate depends on age, height, body weight, gender and many other factors. Basal metabolism as a generalized indicator of the intensity of redox processes depends on the state of internal organs and various external influences on the body. It can change with insufficient and overnutrition, increased or decreased physical activity, exposure to climatic factors, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, diseases accompanied by febrile conditions, and for many other reasons. The basal metabolic rate of the same person on different days can vary by about 10%.

The basal metabolism in adults decreases by 7-10% every 10 years and by old age reaches the minimum values ​​for this organism. In old age, cell activity decreases, metabolism slows down, muscle tone decreases, which affects the level of basal metabolism. The decrease in basal metabolism in old age is also affected by a decrease in the mass of the liver, brain, heart and kidneys - organs in which metabolism and, accordingly, energy consumption occur most intensively.

Basal metabolism is a consequence of the ongoing work of all the cells that make up the body. Therefore, with an increase in body weight, the basal metabolism also increases, although this relationship is not direct: the basal metabolism is affected not only by body weight, but also by its composition.

Metabolism occurs most intensively in the brain tissue, muscles and organs of the abdominal cavity. Energy costs for maintaining vital functions in "energy-intensive" organs are much greater than, for example, in adipose tissue or bones, where metabolism is very slow. The size of individual organs, the development of bone and muscle systems, the degree of body fat are purely individual indicators, and they all affect the main metabolism.

A special role in this process is played by muscle tissue, the degree of development of which differs markedly in different people. Skeletal muscles consume about a quarter of the energy that the body spends on basal metabolism. People with well-developed muscles, even at absolute rest, require much more energy. A clear connection has been established between the development of muscle tissue and basal metabolism: with the same weight and height, a lean and muscular person spends 10-15% more energy on basal metabolism than a full and loose “non-athlete”.

The intensity of metabolism and energy in adipose tissue is 3 times lower than in the rest of the cell mass of the body. Each gram of adipose tissue "burns" 25-30% less energy than the "average" gram of the so-called lean mass spends in the same time. Energy expenditure per kilogram of weight in obesity of the II degree is 20-25% less than in healthy people, and in obesity of the III degree - by 30%. Therefore, in obesity, the total basal metabolic rate increases much more slowly than body weight.

The metabolic processes in women are less intensive than in men. With the same height, women have less body weight, the muscular system is less developed, and adipose tissue is stronger. All this leads to the fact that the basic exchange per kilogram of body weight in women is less compared to men. Accordingly, a woman needs less energy to maintain basal metabolism than a man of the same weight. Normally, these differences are 5-6%.

The level of basal metabolism depends on the diet of a person. Prolonged food restriction or excessive food intake significantly affect the basal metabolism.

With food restriction, the basal metabolic rate decreases. In this case, body weight may remain unchanged or decrease, depending on individual characteristics and the quantity and quality of food intake. A decrease in basal metabolism by 30-35% is accompanied by a pronounced manifestation of elementary dystrophy. With complete starvation or severe malnutrition, basal metabolism decreases not only due to a decrease in its intensity in the muscles, but also due to a decrease in muscle mass.

Excessive food intake can lead to both an increase and a decrease in basal metabolic rate. The decrease in metabolism is explained by the accumulation of inactive adipose tissue in the body, and the increase is due to the increased load on the internal organs associated with overweight.

The basal metabolism also depends on the quality of food, those. from a balanced diet. With excessive and predominantly protein nutrition, the basal metabolism increases, and with carbohydrate, on the contrary, it decreases.

Intense muscle work contributes to an increase in basal metabolism. The intensity and duration of such an increase is proportional to the severity of the previous work: after an intense muscular load, the basal metabolism increases by 5-10%. In well-trained athletes, basal metabolic rate increases slightly after training, and in untrained people, muscle loads increase basal metabolic rate much more.

Systematic muscle work causes a significant and persistent increase in basal metabolism. For example, if you do exercises every morning, after a year the basic exchange per kilogram of body weight will increase by 40%. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in basal metabolism.

In healthy people, the basic metabolism largely depends on the individual characteristics of the state of the thyroid gland. A significant role in the regulation of oxidative processes belongs to the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and gonads. Increasing their activity enhances the basal metabolism.

There are also data on conditioned reflex changes in metabolism. The hard work ahead can cause an increase in basal metabolic rate even before it is done, sometimes even more clearly than the actual work.

You can calculate the individual metabolic rate and daily calorie intake depending on the degree of physical activity using the calorie calculator. Please note that this calculator is designed for women and provides approximate metabolic rate and calorie calculations. But the calorie counter is very easy to use and does not require special knowledge and skills.

    We all know the main principle of achieving progress in sports. 40% training, 20% sleep, and 40% nutrition. But, how to properly calculate nutrition to achieve certain goals? Of course, a plan is drawn up for this, which takes into account the physical and mental needs and costs. But one single factor falls out of this whole formula, which will be considered in the following material - the main metabolism.

    What it is?

    Basal metabolism is the expenditure of energy for the basic needs of the body. They include:

    • Synthesis of major hormones.
    • Synthesis of basic enzymes.
    • Ensuring basic cognitive function.
    • Digestion of food.
    • Maintaining immune function.
    • Maintaining the ratio in relation to catabolic.
    • Maintenance of respiratory functions.
    • Transportation of the main energy elements by blood.
    • Maintaining a constant body temperature according to Rubner's law.

    And this is not a complete list of what is happening in our body. In particular, even when a person is sleeping, most of the processes, albeit in a slower manner, help synthesize new building blocks and break down glycogen into glucose. All this requires a constant influx of calories that a person receives from food. In particular, this basic consumption is the daily minimum norm of how many calories you need to maintain the basic functions of the body.

    Rubner surface

    Oddly enough, but sometimes the metabolism is determined not only by biochemical processes, but also by simple physical laws. In particular, the scientist Rubner found a relationship that links the total surface area with the amount of calories burned. How does it really work? There are 2 main factors that made his crazy guess right.

    • 1st - the size of the body. The larger the surface of the body, the larger the organs, and the greater the leverage in any action, which sets in motion a larger "machine" that consumes "more fuel".
    • 2nd - keeping warm. For the normal functioning of the body, metabolic processes occur with the release of heat. In particular, for a person it is 36.6. Moreover, the temperature (with rare exceptions) is evenly distributed throughout the body. So, to heat a large area, you need more energy. All this is related to thermodynamics.

    Therefore, from all this we can conclude:

    Thick people do expend more energy during their basal metabolic rate. Tall people are most often thin due to a caloric deficit caused by an increased basal metabolic rate and the expense of keeping warm for more body area.

    If we consider the level of basal metabolism as a dynamic system, mobile, then there are factors that determine the basic background, and the amount of energy distributed:

    • The amount of incoming energy. The more frivolously a person relates to his diet (a constant excess of calories, frequent snacks,), the more actively the body spends them even in a passive mode. All this leads to a constant hormonal background and a general increase in the load on the body, and, as a result, a faster failure of individual systems.
    • The presence of artificial stimulants of metabolic rate. For example, people who use caffeine have a lower basal metabolic rate when they cut out caffeine. At the same time, their hormonal system begins to malfunction.
    • General human mobility. So, during sleep, the body transports glucose from the liver to the muscles, synthesizes new amino acid chains, and synthesizes enzymes. The amount (and, therefore, resources) that are spent on these processes directly depend on the total load on the body.
    • Change in basal metabolic rate. If a person has taken himself out of balance (natural speed), then the body will spend additional energy on restoring and stabilizing all processes. And this applies to both acceleration and deceleration.
    • The presence of external factors. A change in temperature will force the skin to generate more heat to maintain the overall temperature, which can change the dynamic factor that affects the overall level of basal metabolic rate.
    • The ratio of absorbed and excreted nutrients. With a constant surplus of calories, the body can simply refuse excess nutrients, in this case, basal waste will increase by the process of converting useful nutrients into transportation slag.

    In addition, it is worth highlighting the main end products of metabolism, which are excreted from the body, regardless of its speed.

    What is regulated?

    Now we need to determine not only what the main energy is spent on during the general metabolism, but also how the amount of energy expended is regulated.

    • First, it is the initial metabolic rate, which is defined as the ratio of total mobility to the presence of excess energy.
    • Secondly, basal metabolism is regulated by the initial level of hormones in the blood. For example, for diabetics, or for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems - the overall metabolism will differ in speed and, accordingly, in costs from the average.
    • Third, age. Oddly enough, however, with age, basal metabolism slows down, this is due to the optimization of the body's resources, in an attempt to extend the life of the main systems for a longer time.
    • An abundance of oxygen. Oddly enough, but without the oxidation of complex polysaccharides to the level of simple monosaccharides, energy release is impossible. More precisely, the mechanism of its isolation changes. With a large amount of oxygen, the rate of excretion increases, which increases the cost of basic metabolism. At the same time, in conditions of lack of oxygen, the body can switch to the heating of fatty tissues, which is radically different in speed and cost.

    Continuing to draw analogies with machines. This is a reduction in speed in order to reduce the oil consumption in the engine, and, accordingly, reduce the overall wear of the engine, thereby extending the life of the individual part.


    Calculation of the basic metabolism takes into account dynamic stresses. So, for example, playing sports takes the body out of balance, forcing it to gradually speed up the metabolism, and completely rebuild itself under new conditions. This, in turn, causes resistance (which is characterized by a large loss of nutritional potential, and, perhaps, for some time, the removal of most body systems from normal mode).

    In addition, to regulate the effects of stress, the cost of maintaining the emotional background increases. Well, plus, if the balance is finally brought out, the body begins to completely rebuild itself under the new regime with a new metabolic rate. So, for example, a sudden change in diet, followed by a slowdown in metabolism, is also a sufficient factor to change the level of basic consumption. When the system is out of balance, it will tend to it. This determines the current level of enzymes and hormones.

    Formulas for calculating basic needs

    The formula for calculating the basic metabolism is imperfect. It does not take into account factors such as:

    • Individual metabolic rate.
    • The ratio of subcutaneous and deep fat.
    • Presence of glycogen storage.
    • Outside temperature.

    However, for a general estimate, such a formula is also suitable. Before the table, we insert explanations:

    • MT - body weight. For the most accurate calculation, it is better to use a net mass (excluding adipose tissue).
    • R - growth. The formula is used because of Rubner's theorem. It is one of the most inaccurate coefficients.
    • The free coefficient is a magic figure that adjusts your result to the norm, proving once again that without such a coefficient (individual for each case), it will not be possible to obtain an adequate calculation of basal metabolism.
    Floor Age

    The equation

    M10-18 16.6 mt + 119R + 572
    AND10-18 7.4 mt + 482R + 217
    M18-30 15.4 mt + 27R + 717
    AND18-30 13.3 mt + 334R + 35
    M30-60 11.3 mt + 16R + 901
    AND30-60 8.7mt + 25R + 865
    M>60 8.8 mt + 1128R - 1071
    AND>60 9.2 mt + 637R - 302

    It is important to understand that the calculation formula does not take into account the uneven consumption of calories throughout the day. So, for example, during the day during a meal or after a workout, an accelerated metabolism causes the body to consume more energy, even if it does not use it so rationally. While in sleep, metabolic processes are optimized as much as possible, which allows you to achieve the optimal result for your goals.

    General metabolism

    Naturally, the main stages and processes occurring in the body during the main metabolism are not the only expenses. When creating a nutrition plan, say, for weight loss, you need to perceive basal metabolism not as a constant (calculated according to the formula), but as a dynamic system, any change in which leads to a change in the calculations.

    First, in order to consume the full calorie content of food, you need to include in the list of calorie waste for all actions performed.

    Note: The calculation of the motor and mental needs of a person was considered in more detail in the article "".

    Secondly, a change in the metabolic rate that occurs just in the course of physical activity, or its absence. In particular, the appearance of a protein and carbohydrate window after training stimulates not only the acceleration of metabolism, but also a change in the body's expenditure on digestion. At this time, basal metabolism increases by 15-20%, albeit in the short term, not counting other needs.


    The calculation of basal metabolism for an athlete, of course, is not a necessary and determining factor for achieving optimal growth. The imperfection of the formulas, the change in constant processes, requires regular correction. However, when initially calculating calorie expenditure to create a surplus or deficit, basal metabolism will help you understand how to adjust the resulting numbers.

    This is especially important for those who are accustomed not to draw up a meal plan on their own, but to use ready-made diets. We all understand the principles of losing weight, and, therefore, any diet needs to be adjusted to suit ourselves. And, that for a 90-pound fat man, losing weight, for a 50-pound phyton, can be harmful and excessive.

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of calories needed to keep the body alive at a state of complete rest. Simply put, this is the amount of energy (measured in calories) that the body will expend if you sleep all day. The basal metabolism can burn up to 70% of the total number of calories expended, but this figure varies depending on various factors (we will talk about them below). Calories are expended on various physiological processes, such as breathing, blood circulation and maintaining the desired body temperature. Naturally, on average, the body burns more calories than the BOO.

Basic metabolism is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of metabolism in general. This indicator tells us how many calories the body needs in order to maintain weight, lose it or gain it. The basal metabolic rate is determined by a combination of genetic (internal) and external factors, such as:

Genetics. Some people are born with a faster metabolism, others with a slower one.
Floor. Men have more muscle mass and less body fat. This means that they have a higher basal metabolic rate.
Age. As we age, our basal metabolism slows down. After 20 year old age, every ten years this figure decreases on average on 2%.
The weight. The greater the weight of a person, the greater the BRO.
body surface area. This is your height to weight ratio. The greater the total surface area of ​​your body, the higher your BVR.
Tall, thin people have more SBI. If we compare a tall and short person of the same weight, who consume the same number of calories to maintain weight, we can notice that after a year the weight of a taller person will remain the same, but the weight of a person shorter can increase by about 7 kg.
Body fat percentage. The smaller it is, the larger the SBI. It is the lower percentage of body fat in men that is the reason why the intensity of their basal metabolism is greater than that of women.
Diet. Fasting or drastically reducing calorie intake can lower basal metabolic rate by 30%. A low-calorie diet for weight loss may lead to a decrease in BVR by 20%.
Body temperature. With an increase in the internal temperature of the body by half a degree, the BRO increases by about by 7%. The higher the body temperature, the faster chemical reactions occur in the body. Therefore, the SVR of a patient with a temperature of 42°C will increase by approximately by 50% .
outside temperature. Ambient temperature also affects basal metabolism. Exposure to cold temperatures leads to an increase in BRT, because the body needs to release more heat to maintain the required internal body temperature. A short exposure to high temperatures has little effect on metabolism, as temperature is compensated by increased heat transfer. But prolonged exposure to heat can also increase BVR.
Hormones. Thyroxine (produced in the thyroid gland) is one of the key regulators of the SVR. It speeds up the metabolic activity of the body. The more thyroxine is produced, the higher the BVR. If the body produces too much of it (this condition is known as thyrotoxicosis), the BMR can double. If it is too small (myxedema), the SVR may decrease by 30-40% compared to the norm. Like thyroxine, epinephrine also increases BVR, but to a lesser extent.
Exercises. Exercise not only affects weight by burning calories, but also helps increase basal metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass.

Short-term factors affecting overall metabolism

High temperature caused by inflammation, high levels of stress hormones in the body, and an increase or decrease in environmental temperature lead to an increase in BMR. Fasting, starvation, or malnutrition lowers BMR. Decreased BMR may be the only side effect of the diet. A low-carb diet will not be as effective as it is in combination with physical activity.

Daily metabolism

The first step in creating your own diet is to calculate how many calories do you burn per day , i.e. Your total daily energy expenditure in calories. Knowing this value will lay the foundation for the formation of your proper nutrition. Physiologists William McArdle and Frank Kachi found that the average daily energy expenditure for women in the United States is 2000-2100 calories th per day, and for men - 2700-2900 per day. But this is an average, the number of calories burned can vary significantly. For example, athletes or people who are actively involved in sports will have a higher figure. Some triathletes and athletes who work extremely hard require at least 6000 calories every day and more!

Methods for determining calorie needs

There are various formulas that you can use to determine your daily calorie requirement. They take into account age, sex, height, weight, lean body mass and activity level. Any formula that takes into account your lean body mass (MMT) will give you the most accurate calculation of your energy expenditure, but even without taking into account MMT, you can still get fairly accurate information.

A quick and easy method for determining calorie needs is to calculate based on total body weight.
Fat burning: 26-29 calories per 1 kg of body weight
Weight maintenance: 33-35 calories per 1 kg of body weight
Weight gain:= 40-45 calories per 1 kg of body weight

This is a very simple way to help estimate your calorie needs. But there are obvious disadvantages of this method, because it does not take into account the level of activity and complexion. Extremely active people may require many more calories than this formula indicates. In addition, the greater the muscle mass, the greater will be the need for calories.

Since the degree of obesity is not taken into account here, the formula may exaggerate the calorie requirement for overweight people. For example, a 50-year-old woman who leads an inactive lifestyle weighs 117 kg, and her total body fat is 34%. She will never be able to lose weight by consuming 3,000 calories every day.

Calculations based on basal metabolic rate

A much more accurate calculation method is to determine the BMR (basal metabolic rate), which uses several factors, including height, weight, age and sex. Then, to determine the daily caloric requirement, the BVR is multiplied by the activity level. Recall that BBI is the total number of calories your body needs to function normally when at rest. This includes the heartbeat, breathing, digestion of food, the creation of new blood cells, maintaining the right body temperature and all other metabolic processes in your body. In other words, your BEO is all the energy used to keep an organism alive. About 2/3 of the daily calorie requirement is BBI. The intensity of the general exchange can vary significantly in different people, depending on genetic factors. If someone says that he can eat anything and still not get better, this means that this person has a hereditary high intensity of the general exchange.

The lowest BVR is during sleep, when the body does not process food. It is worth noting that the greater your lean body mass, the greater your BMR. This is very important information if you want to lose weight. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

Muscles are metabolically active tissues, and even keeping their mass constant requires a lot of energy. Obviously, one of the great ways to increase the intensity of the basal metabolic rate is to take up bodybuilding, i.e. training aimed at the growth and strengthening of muscle mass.

Harris-Benedict formula (GBS based on total body weight)

The Harris-Benedict equation is a calorie calculation formula that takes height, weight, age, and gender into account to determine basal metabolic rate (BMR). This makes it more accurate than determining calorie needs based on total weight alone. The only criterion that is not used here is muscle mass. Thus, this equation will be very accurate for everyone, except for people with excessively large muscle mass (calorie requirements will be underestimated), and obese people (calorie requirements will be overestimated).

Men: SBI = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)
Women: BBI = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

You are a woman
You are 30 years old
Your height is 167.6 cm
You weigh 54.5 kg
Your BBI = 655 + 523 + 302 - 141 = 1339 calories per day

Activity coefficients:
Sedentary lifestyle = BOO x 1.2 (little or no exercise, sedentary work)
Light activity = BOO x 1.375 (light physical activity/sports 1-3 times per week)
Moderately active = BOO x 1.55 (enough physical activity / sports 3-5 times a week)
High activity = BOO x 1.725 (heavy physical activity / sports 6-7 times a week)
Very high activity = SBI x 1.9 (very high daily physical activity/sports and physical work or training twice a day, e.g. marathon, competitions)

Your SBI is 1339 calories per day
You have a moderate level of activity (classes 3-4 times a week)
Your Activity Factor is 1.55
Your daily calorie requirement = 1.55 x 1339 = 2075 calories per day

Ketch-McArdle formula (BMO based on lean body mass)

If you have checked and know exactly what your lean body mass is, then you can get the most accurate BMO estimate. The Ketch-McArdle formula takes into account muscle mass and is therefore more accurate than a formula that takes into account only total body weight. The Harris-Benedict equation has separate formulas for men and women, since men tend to have more lean body mass (MMB). Since the Ketch-McArdle formula is based on MMT, it applies equally to both men and women.

Basal metabolic rate (male or female) = 370 + (21.6 x lean body mass (MMT) in kg)

You are a woman
You weigh 54.5 kg
Your total body fat is 20% (10.9 kg fat)
Your body weight minus fat = 43.6 kg
Your BBI = 370 + (21.6 X 43.6) = 1312 calories
To determine your daily calorie requirement (DCR), you simply multiply your BVR by your activity factor:

Your SBI is 1312 calories
You have a moderate level of activity (training 3-4 times a week)
Your Activity Factor is 1.55
Daily calorie requirement = 1.55 X 1312 = 2033 calories

As you can see, the difference between the values ​​calculated by the two formulas is small (2075 calories vs 2033 calories), since the person we considered as an example has an average body size and composition. The main advantage of the calculation, which takes into account muscle mass, is that it more accurately shows the daily calorie requirement (DVK) for very muscular or, conversely, obese people.

Adjust your calorie intake according to your goal

So, you already know your SPC. The next step is to adjust your calorie intake based on your goal. The mathematics of calorie balance is very simple. To keep your weight at the current level, you need to stick to the SPC. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in the body, to do this, reduce the SPK (or consume the same calories, but increase physical activity). If your primary goal is to gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake. The only thing that distinguishes weight loss and weight gain diets is the amount of calories consumed.

Negative calorie balance is the most important factor for weight loss

Calorie counting is not just important, it is the most important factor in weight loss. If you consume more calories than you expend, you will not lose weight, no matter what foods you eat. Some foods are easier to store as fat than others, but always keep in mind that too much of anything, even "healthy foods", will store as body fat. You cannot change the laws of thermodynamics and energy balance. In order to burn fat, the body must be in a calorie deficit. This will force your body to use stored fat to make up for the energy gap. 0.5 kg of body fat contains 4500 calories. If you are in a week through diet, exercise, or a combination of both, you will create a deficit in 4500 calories, you will lose 0.5 kg weight. If the weekly deficit is 9000 calories, you will reset 1 kg. A calorie deficit can be created through diet, exercise, or, best of all, a combination of both. Since we have already calculated the calorie reduction from exercise (using the activity factor), the deficit we are talking about is exactly the one that should be obtained from the diet.

Calorie deficit limit: how much can be considered the maximum allowable?

Everyone knows that if you reduce the amount of calories consumed too much, then the metabolic rate will slow down, the thyroid gland will reduce the production of hormones and muscle mass will begin to decrease. How much do you then need to reduce the number of calories? There is definitely a limit below which cutting calories can have negative health effects. For weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the number of calories consumed compared to the SEC by at least 500, but not more than 1000. For some people, especially thin people, 1,000 calories may be too much of a deficit. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends against calorie levels below 1200 per day for women and 1800 per day for men. But even these numbers are very small. It is best to determine the safe level of a calorie deficit based on your weight and DVK (daily calorie requirement). Decreased calorie intake by 15-20% from SPK - a very good start. Sometimes you may need a larger deficit, but then it is best to increase physical activity while maintaining the calorie deficit at the same level.

Example 1:
Your weight is 54.5 kg
Your SPK 2033 Calories
Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss - 500
Your optimal calorie intake for weight loss: 2033 - 500 = 1533 calories
Example 2:
Your caloric deficit for weight loss is 20% of the SPK (20% of 2033 = 406 calories)
Your optimal calorie intake for weight loss = 1627 calories

A positive calorie balance is essential to build muscle

If you want to build muscle and become more muscular, you must consume more calories than you burn in a day. But you can't do it without bodybuilding. Only in this case, the excess calories will be used to create new muscle tissue. Once you have determined your SPK, the next step is to increase your calories enough so that you can gain weight. This is the basic law of energy balance: to build lean body mass, you must eat a positive calorie balance diet.

The starting point for weight gain should be a 300 to 500 calorie increase in SPK per day. Or you can add 15-20% of your SPK.

Your weight is 54.5 kg
Your SPK 2033 Calories
In order to gain weight, you need 15-20% more calories than your SPK = 305…406 calories
Your optimal calorie intake for weight gain is 2033 + (305…406) = 2338…2439 calories

Change your calorie intake gradually

It is not recommended to make drastic changes to your diet. If, after calculating the DVK (daily calorie requirement) and adjusting for your goal, you find that your calorie intake is significantly different from your current intake level, then you definitely need to change the number of calories gradually. For example, you determined that the optimal number of calories consumed per day should be 1900, but before that your level was only 900 calories per day. If you drastically increase your calories, your metabolism will slow down. A sharp jump to 1900 calories per day can cause an increase in body fat, because your body is already accustomed to consuming less and a sudden increase in calories will contribute to obesity. The best way is within 3-4 weeks gradually increase your calorie intake 900 to 1900. This will allow your body to adjust and speed up your metabolism.

Measure your results and adjust your calories

The calculations that will help you find the right amount of calories to consume are very simplified and are only needed so that you know where to start. You will need to keep a close eye on your progress to make sure it's the right level for you. To make sure you're on the right track, you'll need to keep track of your calorie intake, body weight, and body fat percentage. Body weight and body fat percentage should be monitored in order to see how your body reacts to a change in diet. If you find that you are not getting the desired result, adjust the number of calories consumed and the level of activity. The main thing is not to reduce the number of calories too much to lose weight. The best option is to slightly reduce the number of calories and increase daily energy expenditure by increasing the amount, duration and intensity of physical activity.

Good luck on your journey to a perfect figure!

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