What to do if there is a strong heartbeat? The concept of frequent heartbeat. Palpitations in the elderly

Heartbeat is usually understood as the feeling of the beating of one's own heart. The latter, as a rule, is not felt by a person in a normal psychological and physical condition. Therefore, this phenomenon, for no apparent reason, may be a signal of the presence of serious violations.

What can be considered a visible cause of a strong heartbeat?

The main factors that can cause a reaction in the form of a strong heartbeat include:

Significant physical stress on the body (such, for example, are observed during sports);
- psychological reactions of the body (excitement, stress, anxiety, etc.) to different kind situations.

"Hidden" causes of a strong heartbeat

If all of the above effects can be tracked on your own (you know what loads you loaded your body with and what worries you), then there are factors that, so to speak, are “invisible”. Among the reasons for this group are the following:

Deficiency in the body of substances such as vitamin B12, iron, potassium, magnesium and folic acid;
- violations in the work of organs endocrine system(hormonal changes);
- the presence of diseases such as myocarditis, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, vegetovascular dystonia, anemia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

Each of the factors of this group (“hidden”) is dangerous for the body in its own way. Therefore, if you began to notice a periodic heartbeat, which was not preceded by obvious factors, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct necessary diagnostics(electrocardiogram, x-ray, examination on a bicycle ergometer, etc.) and prescribe the actual treatment.

Other causes of palpitations

lead to violations heart rate can not only diseases and physical / psychological stress, but also actions that a person controls independently. Among these, first of all, it is worth mentioning:

The use of various kinds of psychotropic substances - alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, etc.;
- self-medication: self-administration of certain drugs can cause side effects, one of them is a strong heartbeat;
- excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.).

Thus, a strong heartbeat can be the result of a variety of influences. You can figure out what's what and solve the problem only by contacting experienced specialists.

Normal blood supply, transport nutrients and gases are carried out during the period of heart contractions. How these processes will occur depends on the heart rate. If there is a failure of the rhythm of contractions of the heart, many physiological processes in the body deviate from normal activity.

The concept of rapid heartbeat

Normally, an adult's heart beats at a speed of 60-80 beats per minute. Exceeding at least 10 beats above the norm is considered a rapid heartbeat, called tachycardia by doctors. To determine tachycardia in a person is available in different ways. diagnostic methods, one of which is .

  • At rest, most healthy people have a heart rate of 70.
  • Performance physical work requires more oxygen in the tissues, which is why the heart more often throws out portions of blood with oxygen into the vessels. Sometimes this figure is 200, but in specific environmental conditions with increased load considered the norm.

Psycho-emotional experiences can increase the heart rate, which is also not considered a deviation from normal rhythm. Pathology is considered to be an increased heart rate at rest.

What is heart palpitations, the specialist tells in the video below:

Its varieties

According to the symptoms, the doctor can establish one of the forms of tachycardia:

  1. Chronic, if the signs of rapid heartbeat do not stop or appear within a certain time interval.
  2. Paroxysmal when the symptoms intensely come on unexpectedly. During paroxysmal tachycardia, a heart rhythm failure occurs, called. There are 2 types of arrhythmia, differing in the place of generation nerve impulses increased arousal.
    • When the initial and final paroxysmal state is determined by the patient himself. The causes of the condition usually lie on the surface and the patient knows which factor is the trigger for the onset of an attack. Among these factors are psycho-emotional stress, etc.
    • The second type of arrhythmia is. This variety becomes apparent when deciphering an electrocardiogram made in acute period attack. The period not related to the course of the attack is not the basis for establishing a diagnosis using the electrocardiographic method.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is found in certain areas of the heart. Depending on the site with a disturbed rhythm of cardiac activity, 2 types of paroxysmal arrhythmia are distinguished:

  • Atrial arrhythmia refers to pathologies in which the rhythmic contractions of the heart do not undergo a sharp deviation. At the physiological level, there is a violation of the secretion of hormones, insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium, a change in the concentration of cations, leading to deviations acid-base balance blood. The functionality decreases, which forms the frequency of conducting electrical impulses passing from the atria to the underlying ventricles. In the process of electrocardiographic examination, an increasing number of electrical impulses per unit of time is detected. The patient develops shortness of breath, chest discomfort, tachycardia. The patient complains of malaise, nausea. If there is an increase systolic pressure and a feeling of lack of air, the reason lies in deviations in the functioning of the autonomous nervous system.

The best reason to establish correct diagnosis on suspicion of atrial arrhythmia consists in daily monitoring of the electrical activity of the heart by installing an apparatus for recording impulses during the day. Establishment accurate diagnosis depends on the interpretation of the electrocardiogram during the day.

  • Ventricular arrhythmia. Zones of improper excitation affect the wall between the ventricles and the ventricles themselves. Sources of violations are inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, and even. The consequence is dangerous complication-, the risk of unexpected cardiac arrest in which is very high. Separate striated fibers of the ventricular myocardium begin to contract out of rhythm and synchrony, while the remaining muscle fibers try to contract according to a given rhythm. The processes occurring during systole and diastole are not distinguished by differences. Blood flow disorders, pulmonary edema are the consequences of the pathology, which constitute a further threat to the life of the patient.

Feelings of the patient

  • During a rapid heartbeat, a person feels their rhythm by hearing the sound of beats. Sometimes a paradoxical fact is observed: the rhythms of the beats are quickened, and the sound is not heard, as if there were no beats at all.
  • A panic state, shortness of breath develops rapidly.
  • In the region of the stomach, a sensation of a coma has arisen.
  • Patients describe fear of death, blackouts in the eyes, a feeling of heat, and an overwhelming urge to cry.
  • In the region of the heart, pains of a stabbing nature may be found.
  • Appetite disappears, any tension causes pain.
  • The whole body begins to tremble, pain in the head, fatigue is not replaced by sleep.

What diseases are accompanied by a symptom

When a rapid heart rate is detected, a number of therapeutic techniques are prescribed to normalize the rhythmic contraction of the heart chambers. If the effectiveness of the procedures is minimal, the patient should not make independent attempts to recover from an unpleasant symptom. An immediate appeal to a cardiologist is indicated. Reasons for more frequent contraction may indicate infectious diseases, pathologies of the myocardium, varieties (including life-threatening) tachycardia,.

not excluded mental disorders, timely treatment eliminates unpleasant symptom. Unfortunately the mentality ordinary person does not allow to see a psychotherapist because of the categorical denial of his insanity. The interpretation for such people of the terms "madness" and "mental disorder" is identical.

A patient experiencing alarming signs of a more frequent heartbeat that occurs repeatedly should trust the doctor in determining the diagnosis and perform the full range of proposed procedures. Along with the usual stress or a single overload of the nervous system, tachycardia can hide poisoning of the body and other dangerous conditions.

Elena Malysheva will tell about how to moderate a frequent heartbeat in her video:

Treatment Methods

Heart palpitations are easier to prevent by following a set of rules healthy lifestyle life:

  • do not abuse drinks containing alcohol and caffeine;
  • increase motor activity;
  • learn to various methods breathing exercises;
  • regularly check the level blood pressure and pulse rate.

During an attack of tachycardia, each person should know the procedure for self-help to his body.

  1. First, it is recommended to get rid of tight clothing, unfasten and take one of sedatives according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. They can serve as any herbal tinctures in home first aid kit: valerian, motherwort. Suitable for this purpose, etc.
  2. The second step in self-help is acceptance horizontal position and holding the breath on exhalation for half a minute. Repeat the breath-hold several times, then press on the eyelids from above. closed eyes. Many patients noted an improvement in their condition when pressing on the abdomen. Recommended to drink cold mineral water without gas and wipe your face and hands with a damp towel. Sometimes inducing vomiting makes you feel better, as the procedure has an antispasmodic effect.

Not always the measures taken lead to an improvement in well-being, so the doctor may prescribe when a symptom is detected:

  1. Phytotherapeutic sedatives (, valerian, motherwort, etc.).
  2. Synthetic sedatives(, Phenobarbital).
  3. Preparations for the removal of arrhythmia (and its analogues).

With a psychotropic effect on the heart rate, they seek a prescription from a neurologist or psychotherapist. Sometimes resort to surgical treatment(heart disease, ischemic disease).

This video tells about the methods of treating frequent heartbeat at home:

General information

Feeling the heartbeat frequent sign disorders of the cardiovascular system. Healthy man, as a rule, does not feel the beating of his heart. With significant physical activity (for example, intense running), strong feelings along with a rapid heartbeat, there are also strong blows hearts. It is also normal to feel a heartbeat when high temperature body.

In people with diseases of cardio-vascular system palpitations can be felt even with little physical exertion or at rest. It arises from a weak contractility heart muscle, when in one contraction the heart pushes into the aorta less than normal, the amount of blood. In this case, the heartbeat is a compensatory mechanism.


Palpitations may occur when the following diseases and states:

1. Arrhythmia - a violation of the rhythm of the heart activity occurs when the electrical impulses that initiate the contraction of the heart do not function correctly, causing the heart to contract too quickly, too slowly, irregularly or irregularly. Arrhythmias are common. Often a person feels interruptions in the work of the heart, the loss of one or more contractions, or a very frequent heartbeat. Some arrhythmias are very dangerous, even life threatening. Other symptoms of arrhythmia: chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

2. Endocrine diseases (pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemic conditions in diabetes mellitus). Second most common cause tachycardia and palpitations - elevated level hormones thyroid gland(for example, with diffuse toxic goiter), which increase the sensitivity of vascular receptors (adrenergic receptors), increasing heart rate, blood pressure.

3. Neurosis. Complaints about attacks of palpitations during physical effort, the slightest excitement or at rest are one of the frequent components of hypochondriacal disorders in the clinic of pseudoneurotic and neurotic states. Particularly characteristic attacks of palpitations in the morning (when waking up), when falling asleep, often at night, as well as with any surprise, fright. Extremely painful, painful psychogenic sinus tachycardia(with fear of death, pronounced hypochondriacal coloring, increased heart rate up to 160 per minute) can cause in such patients the mere mention of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. In almost half of the patients, the sensation of palpitations is not accompanied by objective changes in the ECG, pulse, which is explained by pathological perception and interpretation of normal cardiovascular activity. It is possible to reduce the frequency of heart contractions (bradycardia), which often occurs at the height of affect (horror, fear, anger) and is perceived by patients as a heartbeat.

4. Infectious damage to the heart (endocarditis, myocarditis). Accompanied the following symptoms: fever with chills, malaise, joint pain, manifestations of cardiac, renal, respiratory failure, petechiae on the skin, conjunctiva, oral mucosa, hemorrhages in the form of dark red stripes at the base of the nails, Osler's nodules (painful nodules, often on the fingers, toes), Roth's spots (retinal hemorrhages).

5. Pathological changes in the tissues of the heart as a result of various pathological processes(myocardial dystrophy, cardiosclerosis).

6. Heart defects (congenital and acquired).

7. Arterial hypertension.

8. Feverish conditions - an increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius corresponds to an increase in heart rate of 10 beats / minute.

9. Anemia - the amount of hemoglobin decreases, which carries oxygen to the tissues. To compensate for this condition, the heart contracts more often and stronger.

10. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Strong heartbeat The body's response to stress. Such a “rush”, which occurs under the influence of hormones, passes quickly, without reminding of itself. However, in some cases, tachycardia is a symptom of a serious pathology.

Causes of frequent and strong heartbeat

If the heart rate has increased with:

You shouldn't worry. After a while, the pulse will return to normal, this condition does not threaten health and life.

However, there are diseases, one of the symptoms of which, just, is a rapid heartbeat:

  • Anemia
  • Cardiosclerosis
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system
  • hypoxia
  • Heart disease

To correctly diagnose and determine the cause of the ailment, you should go through comprehensive examination. Special attention you need to pay attention to your health if, in addition to tachycardia, there are:

  • Dyspnea
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Weakness, lethargy
  • Increased sweating
  • Trembling, chills in the body indicate mental disorders or pathology
  • Nausea
  • Lack of air

Why does heart rate increase at night?

The reasons sharp increase Heart rate during sleep is divided into non-cardiac and cardiac. The former include pathologies of the adrenal glands and disorders in the endocrine system, hormonally dependent tumors, lack of sodium ions in the blood, anemia, hypoxia, bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, overweight, allergy, pneumothorax, side effect from taking medication withdrawal syndrome after alcohol.

In the morning after sleep, a person feels anxiety, fear, panic, lack of air. Awakening - sharp, as if from an internal push.

The cause of morning tachycardia can be a sharp physical activity, huge pressure on the body. In the presence of cardiovascular disease, a strong heartbeat can lead to myocardial infarction.

People with "heart" problems should start the morning with breathing exercises, get out of bed not immediately after waking up, but allowing the body to join the daily rhythm.

What to do with a strong heartbeat at home?

First of all, a person who has a strong heartbeat should take a comfortable position - sitting, reclining, be sure to raise his head, leaning back.

If the heart rate increased as a result of physical activity or strong emotions, you need to try to calm down. Deep measured breathing, auto-training will help.

In cases where tachycardia is combined with a sharp blanching skin, a feeling of suffocation, heavy sweating need to call an ambulance.

Before she arrives:

  • Provide air access (open a window, take the victim outside into the shade);
  • Unfasten the top buttons on the clothes so as not to constrain the chest;
  • Medications - corvalol, valocordin, tincture of valerian, motherwort will help relieve anxiety and stop the attack.

How to avoid palpitations

To avoid a strong heartbeat even in physiological normal situations you should pay attention to your health:

  1. Observe the regime of the day, sleep should be taken at least eight hours, and you should fall asleep at 22 o'clock;
  2. Refuse bad habits- alcohol, cigarettes;
  3. News active image life (walks, moderate physical activity);
  4. Control body weight;
  5. Properly and balanced diet, provide the body with vitamins and minerals in the right amount;
  6. Avoid stressful situations

When warning signs you need to undergo an examination, including:

  • General analysis blood, giving an idea of ​​the number of leukocytes in the blood and the level of the red pigment - hemoglobin;
  • Analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • Biochemical analysis blood (blood content of potassium and magnesium ions);
  • x-ray chest;
  • Holter (ECG recording during the day);
  • Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Electrophysiological examination of the heart

In addition to consulting a therapist, a cardiologist, you may need the help of a rheumatologist, endocrinologist, neurologist.

Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure

Attacks of frequent heartbeat may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. In order to alleviate the condition, you need:

  • Borrow comfortable position, to relax;
  • drink a glass cool water small sips;
  • Wash your face cold water, put a cool compress on the forehead;
  • Breathing should be slow and deep;
  • Patients with established hypertension should take their usual antihypertensive medication. high blood pressure, in the absence of a diagnosis, a captopril tablet (under the tongue) will help relieve an attack;
  • If tachycardia and pressure surge are provoked by stress, you need to calm down. Will help breathing exercises, aromatherapy, pleasant calm music.

Prevention of heart palpitations

In cases where an increase in heart rate is associated with a specific situation, repetition of such situations should be avoided.

If tachycardia occurs after eating, it is necessary to change the style of eating - switch to fractional portions, eat slowly, chew food thoroughly, adhere to special diet. She limits fat intake, but recommends increasing magnesium, iron, and potassium-rich foods. Recommended: honey, raisins, apricots (dried apricots), grapes, cherries, pineapples, chokeberry, nuts (almonds), dates, peaches, bananas, grapefruits, figs, prunes, black currants, celery, parsley.

Tea and coffee should be replaced with rosehip broth; juices, compotes, lingonberry kissels, viburnum. Vegetables are preferred raw (salads) and baked. Useful bran bread, porridge with milk, dairy products, vegetarian soups, lean fish and meat vegetable oils.

Limit spices, seasonings, fatty, salty, smoked foods, exclude baking, pastries, sweets.

Slow walks are useful, when walking, breathing should be deep and even. Physical activity, stress, anxiety should be avoided. If possible, pay attention to breathing practices, yoga, meditation.

Possible complications of tachycardia

A strong heartbeat can signal an approaching:

  1. pulmonary edema;
  2. Myocardial infarction, acute heart failure;
  3. Thrombosis pulmonary arteries;
  4. convulsions;
  5. loss of consciousness;
  6. sudden death

Feeling an increase in the heartbeat, you should definitely pay attention to the presence / absence of symptoms:

  • The duration of the palpitations;
  • Time of occurrence (time of day, reason);
  • The appearance / absence of arrhythmia;
  • Shortness of breath, pallor, hypoxia;
  • Heart rate and blood pressure numbers

Treatment of tachycardia with folk methods

Alternative medicine knows how to calm a raging heart.

  • According to the principle "all diseases are from the nerves", the first thing to do is recommend soothing teas and infusions, which include mint, lemon balm, chamomile, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort;
  • An infusion of hawthorn is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain and take ½ tbsp. three times a day on an empty stomach;
  • Wash 10 medium lemons, scroll with zest through a meat grinder. Chop 10 cloves of garlic. Mix the ingredients with 1 liter of honey and infuse for 7-10 days. Take in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 member l. dried adonis herb pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Take an infusion three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Grind 100 g of lemon balm, pour 0.2 l of vodka. Stand 10 days, strain. Take 4 times a day, 1 tsp. dissolve tinctures in 50 ml of water;
  • Mix mint herb and hop cones (1:1 ratio), 1 tsp. mixture pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. The medicine is filtered and drunk at a time in small sips;
  • With tachycardia, honeysuckle jam is useful (with the minimum amount Sahara);
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed elderberry bark pour 1 liter of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain, take ½ tbsp. twice a day, before meals;
  • Mix 3 crushed kernels every night before bed walnut from 1 st. l. honey. The course of treatment is 6 weeks;
  • Grate medium on a fine grater green apple and the same size bulb. Divide the mixture into 2 parts and eat in two doses - in the morning and in the evening. For taste, you can add 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 st. l. horsetail grass pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Strained infusion take 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day. The drug is especially effective on early stages illness.

A strong heartbeat can be triggered by excessive physical or mental stress, resulting from being in stuffy room as a reaction to allergens or medications.

However, knowing what diseases may accompany an increase in heart rate, if anxiety symptoms you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, prescribe medications, explain what to take, in what dosage and for how long.

A strong heartbeat is a subjective sensation of acceleration of cardiac activity. Most often, this condition appears due to additional or premature contractions of the heart muscle. Sensitive people feel fast heartbeat even with a slight increase in the frequency of strokes.

Causes of a strong heartbeat

The heart can beat faster different reasons. In some cases, this phenomenon is temporary, and the heart rate returns to normal after the disappearance external stimuli. But in some situations, increasing the frequency of strokes is dangerous.

Common Causes increased heart rate:

  • fear or anxiety;
  • taking certain medications;
  • excess consumption of stimulants (such as caffeine);
  • elevated temperature;
  • anemia;
  • allergy;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • lack of oxygen in the blood;
  • heart diseases.

When is an increased heart rate dangerous?

When the increase in rhythm is a symptom of another disease. For example, arrhythmias, cardiac neurosis, cardiac hyperkinesis syndrome, increased function thyroid gland, tetany (lack of calcium in the blood). In any case, if you feel a strong heartbeat at night or during the day without any external stimuli (no one scared you, you are not taking medication, do not run cross-country), you should consult a doctor.

Dangerous symptoms accompanying heart palpitations

As a rule, patients with an increase in the frequency of heart beats feel jumps, pushes, turns, pops in the chest, neck or throat. Those whose heart beats rapidly constantly do not notice individual strokes and disruptions in the heart rhythm, but are often irritated, are overactive, and then quickly get tired.

Other, dangerous symptoms of a fast heartbeat:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating.

If the increased heart rate is accompanied by dizziness, blanching, shortness of breath, an urgent need to call a doctor.

If a dangerous symptoms not observed, you need to check the pulse. Perhaps the reason for the increased heart rate lies in the lifestyle.

How to avoid palpitations?

To do this, you need to change some of your habits:

  • reduce or stop the use of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines, marijuana;
  • do not take drugs if they increase the heart rate (weight loss drugs);
  • avoid stress;
  • establish a sleep and rest regimen.

How to reduce heart rate?

First, you need to lie down or sit down, taking a comfortable position.

Secondly, you need to calm down and try to relax. Any method will do autogenic training, even deep breathing, self-hypnosis, soothing strokes, etc. Rapid palpitations during pregnancy, after exercise or after a fright is a natural condition that does not need treatment.

Thirdly, you need to deliberately hold your breath and moderately press on eyeballs through closed eyelids the tips of the thumbs.

If a strong heartbeat is accompanied by tightness and pain in the chest, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, blanching of the skin, you need to put the patient to bed and immediately call ambulance. In such a situation, it is impossible to completely exclude a heart attack, so the doctor makes an electrocardiogram on the spot. For the same reason, you should see a specialist, even when the heartbeat quickly passed.

What to take with a strong heartbeat?

If the heartbeat is associated with any disease, then appropriate treatment is prescribed. So, one of the symptoms paroxysmal tachycardia- an attack of a sudden increase in rhythm. Often such a patient complains: "I wake up from a strong heartbeat." Indeed, an increase in heart rate is manifested by a sharp push in the chest or epigastric region, a blow to the heart.

If the heartbeat has become more frequent at home or at work, you can take heart medications: Corvalol, valocordin (twenty to thirty drops), nitroglycerin (two or three drops), validol, etc. Open the window, relax the belt and collar of the shirt.

These measures will facilitate the patient's condition before the arrival of the doctor and subsequent treatment.

Thus, rare bouts of increased heart rate may be the body's response to annoying factors. As soon as the irritant disappears, the heart calms down. If a rapid heartbeat is observed frequently and its origin is unclear, you need to contact a cardiologist. Perhaps this condition is a symptom of a serious illness and requires special treatment.

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