Why does the spine hurt between the shoulder blades painful to touch. Pain between the shoulder blades can be caused by various diseases. This combination of symptoms is

Pain is something that a person has to face throughout his life. Pain between the shoulder blades is one of the most common symptoms. However, few people rush to see specialists to determine the causes of its occurrence. Whereas the causes of pain in the back in the region of the spine between the shoulder blades are quite diverse, and their appearance serves as a signal to the body about the help it needs.

Among the causes of pain in this area of ​​the back can be both diseases of the spine and other organs, such as the heart or kidneys. Among the main causes of pain in the area between the shoulder blades:

  1. Curvature of the spine.

    Possible methods of self-relief of pain

    Any cause of severe back pain between the shoulder blades is a serious reason to seek the advice of a specialist. It is he who must prescribe the appropriate treatment. Usually this can be taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, manual therapy or gymnastics.

    If the cause of the pain lies in the stretching of the muscle tissue, then you can use the services of massage therapists or chiropractors. By performing certain manipulations, the specialist improves blood circulation in the muscles and corrects their incorrect position.

    If the cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then one of the ways to eliminate pain on your own is to follow a diet. Usually the restriction applies to fatty, fried, spicy, smoked and salty foods.

    The doctor may also suggest acupuncture to the patient. Despite the skepticism of some patients and specialists, acupuncture will help relax the muscles, and therefore improve the patient's well-being.

    With osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, experts can also advise you to do gymnastics. Some exercises of Chinese gymnastics are just designed to get rid of back pain. For example, the exercises “rainbow swings”, “clubfoot bear”, “horseman”. All these exercises are available for people with a lack of any physical fitness.

    When performing the “rainbow sways” exercise, you should imagine a rainbow swaying smoothly under light breezes of the wind.

    Stand up straight. Inhale, raise your straight arms above your head, bringing your palms together. Transfer the center of gravity to the right leg and, without taking your feet off the floor, slightly bend it. At the same time, lean to the left, extending the straightened left leg. Move your left hand horizontally to the left, palm up.

    Keep your left leg straight. The right arm, bent at the elbow, is turned palm down and forms a semicircle above the head. Straighten up and repeat the exercise on the other side.

    Many patients prefer to use affordable home remedies such as miniatures, ointments, and rubbing.

    Medical treatment for pain relief

    First of all, it must be said that for pain between the shoulder blades, any drug treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate pain. The most common of them: diclofenac,. The use of these drugs is necessary to reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tone.

    For effective pain relief, drug blockades are practiced. Your doctor will usually prescribe novocaine (lidocaine) in combination with a drug that contains corticosteroids, such as prednisone. Injections of such drugs are carried out 1 time in 3 days, the total amount is 3-4 times.

    Also, the doctor may prescribe diuretics to relieve swelling at the site of inflammation. However, at the same time Make sure you get enough potassium in your body.

    Additionally, the attending physician may prescribe other drugs. It depends on the specific disease and the form of its course (acute or chronic).

    In addition, the use of physiotherapy is necessary:

    • electrophoresis,
    • ultrasound therapy,
    • magnetotherapy,
    • laser.

    For athletes and drivers, the most typical spinal injury is whiplash, which occurs when the car is suddenly braked, while jumping or falling from a height. A characteristic symptom for her is.

    Prevention of pain

    One of the most effective preventive measures is an active lifestyle, as well as regular moderate physical activity. And no bad habits!

    It is very important to maintain a sleep schedule. The mattress at the same time plays an important role in maintaining the health of the back. You should also not forget about posture, which must be constantly monitored.

Pain between the shoulder blades can appear at any age and with many diseases.

The pain itself can be of two types:

  1. Acute.
  2. Chronic.

These two types of pain differ in duration and symptoms.

acute pain- the reaction of the nociceptive system to quite clear stimuli in the structure of superficial and deep systems.

The duration of pain depends on the duration of the recovery period and the functional state of the damaged tissues. Acute pain depends on the location of the inflammatory reaction in the body.

Divided into levels:

  1. Surface.
  2. Deep.
  • Superficial pain- occur when the outer layers of the body (skin, mucous membrane) are damaged. The pain is usually severe, burning, stabbing, throbbing. Occurs only in a certain part of the body.
  • deep pain- occur when the deep layers of nerve fibers are irritated. Muscles, ligaments, bones, internal organs are affected.
    The pains are dull and aching in nature. Poor localization of pain. With damage to the internal organs or nerves, it can be aggravated by breathing or coughing.

chronic pain- Pain that lasts beyond the normal period of time. All over the world it is considered that the period of acute pain should not exceed 3 months. The main characteristic is that the pain syndrome continues after the conquest of reparative processes in the body.

The symptomatology of chronic pain mainly depends on the mental status of the person and is not of a somatic nature. It manifests itself in the form of widespread pain, without a clear localization

The pain is dull, painful, aggravated by emotional shock. Often chronic pain is disguised as other diseases of the internal organs.

The causes of pain in the thoracic region, from the side of the interscapular region are very common and can be divided into a number of reasons:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • radicular pain.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.
  • Tuberculosis of the spine.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Spondylarthrosis.
  • Myositis.


Degenerative changes in the spine occur at a young age and are progressive. There is a degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae and the destruction of the fibrous tissue of the fastening ring.

Due to this, the distance between the discs and vertebrae increases. Weakening of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus causes instability of the vertebrae relative to each other.


  • Pain in the interscapular space is aggravated by physical activity.
  • The pains are dull and prolonged.
  • There is stiffness in the thoracic spine.
  • Morning stiffness that goes away with a little exercise.

radicular pain

Radiculitis occurs due to microtraumatization roots of the spinal cord. There is edema, increased neural conduction of the pain impulse along the nerve plexuses.

The reflex response is accompanied by hypertonicity of the paravertebral and extravertebral muscles and worsening of the clinical picture.


  • Sharp pain in the interscapular region with deep irradiation into the chest.
  • Rachiocampsis towards the affected root, which is due to muscle hypertonicity.
  • In the initial period systemic hypertonicity, which, as the process subsides, becomes local.


Pathological curvature of the spine to one side. Basically, it is constitutional in nature and depends on the proper development of the child.

May be hereditary. During embryogenesis, an anomaly in the development of the spinal column occurs.

post-traumatic due to spinal injuries. Due to the overload on the intervertebral discs, there is excessive compression on the joints and the degeneration process is accelerated. With scoliotic disease, the costovertebral joints suffer due to the complete deformation of the chest.


  • Dull, constant pain, especially aggravated by moving the body, turning, bending over.
  • Symptoms that increase with age.
  • Visually, there is a change in the spine and chest.
  • Concomitant diseases caused by thoracic deformity.

Diseases of the internal organs

The chest contains a large number of organs. The defeat of one or more can cause severe pain symptoms and disguise itself as other types of pathology.


The occurrence of an inflammatory focus in the middle lobe of the lungs can cause pain in the thoracic region between the shoulder blades. They are aggravated by deep breathing, coughing.


A complication of many lung diseases, which is characterized by inflammation of the pleural sheets. The pain occurs when coughing, deep breathing and is episodic.


Diffuse inflammation of the bronchial tree. Often associated with pneumonia. It is characterized by a strong cough, which provokes hypertonicity of the respiratory muscles and provokes pain.

angina pectoris

Against the background of atherosclerosis, occlusion of the coronary arteries occurs, which is manifested by episodes of ischemia of the heart tissue. The main symptom is pain. It has a compressive, pressing character. Irradiates to the back, under the left shoulder blade. It is provoked by physical activity and mental excitement.

myocardial infarction

An atherosclerotic process blocks the blood flow in one of the branches of the coronary arteries and a site of myocardial necrosis occurs. Life-threatening condition. Sharp pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, under the left shoulder blade. Cold sticky sweat, fear of death.

Tuberculosis of the spine

It can occur in any part of the spinal column. The rate of development is specific, from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from several months to several years.

It is manifested by pain, limitation of mobility, neurological symptoms. In the absence of treatment and control over the disease, spinal deformity develops.

Intercostal neuralgia

The inflammatory process of the intercostal nerves is provoked by degenerative changes in the spine, injuries, hypothermia. The pain is manifested by pain in the intercostal space, which increases with body turns, straining, coughing. There are areas of hyperesthesia of the skin, increased sweating, redness.


In the process of spinal degeneration, the intervertebral joints suffer. Cartilage tissue is covered with microcracks, metabolic processes and metabolism are disturbed. Chronic inflammation occurs, which is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

The outcome of the disease is characterized by joint deformity and the development of ankylosis. At the onset of the disease, the pain is volatile and aggravated by physical exertion.

As they progress, they increase and appear at rest, especially in a sitting position. There is stiffness in the spine.


Muscle inflammation mainly occurs after unusual or intense physical activity. Overexertion in the muscle creates a mismatch during the metabolic process, with a predominance of catabolic reactions over anabolic ones.

Injuries and bruises also provoke the appearance of pain. Concussion at the moment of impact violates the integrity of myocytes and disrupts the processes of synthesis and reproduction. Blood circulation in the tissues is disturbed and blood perfusion is reduced.

Pain is localized in the projection of the affected muscle. Palpation is sharply painful, swelling of the muscle tissue. The pain is aggravated by tilting, turning due to the tension of the affected muscle.

Risk factors

Pain syndrome of the interscapular space can appear in various conditions and it is necessary to identify risk factors for possible prevention.

  • Hard physical labor (loader, miner, builder).
  • A profession associated with a long stay in one position (programmer, seamstress, secretary).
  • Professional sports (gymnasts, skiers).
  • Age.
  • Obesity.
  • Metabolic disorders.

Pain between shoulder blades during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is characterized by a shift in the center of gravity to the lower back. This is due to the growth of the fetus and physiological changes in the bends of the spinal column.

Untrained muscles in a pregnant woman are subjected to greater mechanical stress than those who have been involved in sports. Being in a constant tone, they are overstretched and this contributes to the appearance of pain.

Treatment of pain between the shoulder blades

The main event in the treatment is analgesic therapy. Depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome, several groups of drugs are used.


Widely used for pain relief:

  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Costovertebral arthrosis.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome.
  • Radiculopathy.
  • Myositis.

Frequent representatives of the group: Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam.

Narcotic analgesics

  • Insufficient effectiveness from the use of NSAIDs.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the vertebrae, intractable pain syndrome.

Representatives: Tramadol, Promedol, Morphine.

Muscle relaxants of central action

They are used to reduce muscle spasms and release blocked nerves.

  • myofascial syndromes.
  • Myositis.
  • Musculoskeletal syndromes.

Representatives: Mydocalm, Sirdalud.


They are used to restore the passage of a nerve impulse and correct the metabolism of shifts in tissues.

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • myofascial syndromes.
  • Radiculopathy.

Representatives: B vitamins and their combinations.


They are used to reduce suspicious and anxious conditions that provoke the appearance of chronic neuropathic pain.

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Hypochondria.
  • Thoracalgia on the background of anxiety.

Representatives: Valium, Amitriptyline.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment has found wide application. But you should not resort to it yourself, you need to consult a doctor and use scientifically proven treatment.

The main treatment for pain in the interscapular region is given to compresses.

Widely used:

  1. Grated radish, put on the interscapular region. In order to avoid burning, mix with sour cream. Put a plastic bag on top and tie a scarf around. Continue until the pain disappears.
  2. Chamomile compresses put on at night. It is necessary to apply them until the relief of pain.
  3. Dry burdock leaves wetted in boiling water and applied to the painful area. Wrap with a scarf or shawl. Leave in this position for an hour.
  4. Rubbing with honey. Rub the affected area vigorously. Massage movements stimulate blood circulation and eliminate pain.
  5. Traditional medicine the need for use only under the supervision of a physician.


It is used in any period of the pain syndrome and is an effective method of treatment. All classes must be conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor and according to the indications of the attending physician. Complexes of exercises are used to strengthen muscles and ligaments.

Lying on your back:

  • Tilt your head forward, touch your chin to your chest.
  • Hands in front of you, then up, to the sides and down.
  • Pulling the legs to the chest, alternately.
  • The legs are bent at the knees. Side bends of the legs.

Repeat all exercises 15 times.


  • Hands on shoulders rotational movements of the shoulders in one direction, then in the other.
  • Arms bent at the elbow in front of. Rotational movements of the body in both directions.
  • Feet shoulder width apart tilt forward, sideways and back.
  • Arms bent at the elbows in front of. The legs are set wide apart. Tilts to the sides of the body.

Repeat all exercises 15 times. Round trip.

On knees:

  • Bringing the legs to the chest, crosswise. In turn.
  • Arching the back with subsequent deflection of the spine to the floor.

All exercise therapy exercises must be carried out with increasing load and expansion of exercise complexes. In the later stages of the exercises, it is necessary to connect exercises with free weights

Hospital treatment

Fundamentally different from treatment on an outpatient basis. An exception is made for conditions in which emergency medical intervention is necessary to prevent life-threatening disorders.

Treatment in a hospital setting is resorted to if surgery is indicated, all other conditions are corrected on an outpatient basis.

Prevention of pain between the shoulder blades

The only preventive action may be lifestyle modification and the rejection of bad habits. There is no drug in the world that can prevent the onset of pain.


  • Give up smoking.
  • Give up alcohol.
  • Eat rationally.
  • Make a weight correction, according to the international body mass index.
  • Regular physical activity, at least 3 times a week.
  • Timely treatment of concomitant diseases.
  • Mandatory medical examinations.

All this will help to minimize the risk of developing diseases that will lead to pain.

Pain between the shoulder blades is not a separate disease, but a sign inherent in a large number of pathologies (cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems) or a consequence of an injury.

If it occurs, consult a doctor for a quick diagnosis of the disease and the start of effective treatment.

Types and location of pain

Did you know that the spine between the shoulder blades hurts in people whose professional activities are associated with constant tension of the muscles located in the upper belt? These include seamstresses, machinists, drivers, etc.

Pain occurs in one of 2 forms:

  • Acute. Accompanied by burning pain (often described by the words "stake in the spine"), aggravated by turning the body, arms, tilting the neck.
  • Chronic. The syndrome “flows into it after 2-3 acute periods. The pain becomes regular and affects the quality of life of a person.

Does your back hurt between your shoulder blades when you inhale? The reason is intercostal neuralgia or diseases of the respiratory system. They are expressed in a simultaneous increase in temperature, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

The described symptom in children in 85-90% of situations indicates the formation of scoliosis. An important signal for their parents will be the asymmetry of the shoulders, a stooped back, and unevenly located shoulder blades.

Chest pain between shoulder blades

Simultaneous pain is caused by spinal deformities and pathologies of other internal organs. So, with a stomach ulcer, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, patients complain of a burning sensation in the chest area, “radiating” to the back.

If the chest and back between the shoulder blades hurt, then the cause may be diseases of the respiratory system. At the same time, another symptom is additionally manifested - an increase in temperature s.

There are situations when pain in the spine between the shoulder blades "gives" to the chest. To establish the correct diagnosis, a complete examination of the patient's body, including the cardiovascular system, is performed.

Aching dull pain

Dull aching pain in the back between the shoulder blades is due to pathological conditions of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It occurs with osteochondrosis and damage to internal organs (inflammation of the gallbladder, pneumonia, etc.).

Attention! Burning pain is formed with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, renal colic, etc.

If pain is constantly felt and the condition of the spine is the cause, then the following symptoms are inherent in the pain syndrome:

  • it does not extend to other parts of the body (for example, to the thoracic region),
  • becomes more intense with loads (with the condition of tension of diseased muscles and ligaments),
  • the manifestation of itching, pain, burning in the spine between the shoulder blades increases with palpation.

Burning and pain are observed during inflammatory processes in the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In this case, the patient has a desire to “rub” the damaged area, but any pressure on it leads to an increase in the intensity of pain.

If the symptom is permanent, then immediately seek medical help - only timely diagnosis and therapy will help to avoid worsening your condition.


Video - pain between the shoulder blades

Sharp and sharp pain

Sharp back pain in the spine between the shoulder blades is the result of infringement or inflammation of the nerve roots. Often their deformation is caused by pathologies - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.

Reflex muscle tension leads to the fact that the back hurts between the shoulder blades. Spasms provoke a gradual increase in the clamping of the nerve ending and, as a result, lead to an intense pain syndrome.

Sharp pain in the back between the shoulder blades is present in biliary colic.

It is accompanied by additional syndromes:

  • discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium,
  • deterioration in general well-being,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • an increase in temperature.

Interestingly, if severe pain in the spine between the shoulder blades is caused by biliary colic, then the cause of its manifestation (intensification) is the consumption of fatty or fried foods (discomfort is observed 3-3.5 hours after eating).

Breathe heavily

It is difficult to breathe with pain between the shoulder blades - a clear sign of lung damage (usually with pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.).

Pain when inhaling and breathing in a number of situations makes it possible to diagnose angina pectoris, which is additionally manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced shortness of breath,
  • pressure drop,
  • skin pallor,
  • "Return" of pain between the shoulder blades in the hand.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Relationship between pain and disease

The cause of pain between the shoulder blades in the back in 70% of cases is associated with various pathologies. We propose to study the relationship of pain with diseases diagnosed in a patient:

The type of pain that occurs in the spine between the shoulder blades

Provoking the occurrence (intensification) of the disease

What are the features?


- kyphoscoliosis,

- herniated intervertebral discs,

- fibromyalgia,

- spondylarthrosis.

Less commonly, aching pain manifests itself with an ulcer.


- osteochondrosis (neck / chest area),

- scapular-rib syndrome,

- myofascial syndrome.

Pulling pain syndrome indicates pathologies of the bone and muscle structures of the body.


- pleurisy (accompanying symptoms - cough, weakness),

- vegetative dystonia,

- pyelonephritis.

Less commonly, stabbing pain between the shoulder blades indicates perforation of the ulcer.

Other symptoms:

- pain in the abdomen,


- heartburn


- an attack of cholecystitis (+ pain appears under the ribs on the right side),

- stomach ulcer,

- stage of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.


- intercostal neuralgia,

- pancreatitis (+ bloating),

- protrusion of the intervertebral discs.

Severe pain between the shoulder blades - a sign of what disease can be?

It may indicate a myocardial infarction!

Then, along with pain, there is:

- a sharp deterioration in well-being,

- loss of consciousness,

- pressure drop,

- arrhythmia.

Attention! If the vertebra hurts when pressing (pressing) between the shoulder blades, then this indicates the presence of pathologies of the spine

By informing the doctor about the nature of the syndrome, it will be possible to determine the causes of back pain between the shoulder blades and diagnose a concomitant disease.

Diseases of the spine

If it hurts between the shoulder blades, then the factor that caused pain in many cases is diseases of the spine. It is important that such a syndrome is not a separate disease - it only signals the presence of pathology.

Pain between the shoulder blades in the upper back occurs due to:

  • scoliosis,
  • kyphosis,
  • spondylarthrosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • protrusion of the intervertebral discs.

If back pain between the shoulder blades radiates to the sternum and lower back, then the causes can be hidden not only in diseases of the spine, but also in the cardiovascular (CHD, angina pectoris, etc.), digestive (ulcer, inflammation of the gallbladder, etc.) systems.

Pain during pregnancy

Many pregnant women complain of back pain between the shoulder blades. If you experience discomfort, immediately sign up for a gynecologist - it is important to timely exclude circumstances that can affect the health of the future mother and child.

Why do women experience pain between the shoulder blades during pregnancy? An increase in the load on the spine and a change in the center of gravity of the body provokes an overstrain of the back muscles, and entails the appearance of pain.


The cause of back pain between the shoulder blades is often an injury. So, with fractures of the ribs or sternum, a severe pain syndrome is formed, passing through all parts of the spinal column.

Do you have pain in your neck and between your shoulder blades? Consider whether there have been recent situations that could cause damage to the spine (for example, a severe bruise, a blow to the spinal column, etc.).

What to do, how to treat and which doctor to go to?

What to do if your back hurts between your shoulder blades? Go see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and a general examination, based on the results of which he will issue a referral to a narrow specialist:

  • surgeon
  • neurologist,
  • cardiologist
  • traumatologist, etc.

What and how to treat pain in the spine between the shoulder blades? To eliminate pain in stationary conditions, an integrated approach is used, which involves taking medications, prescribing physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

It is a reaction of the body that mobilizes various functional systems to protect it from the effects of external or internal negative factors. It signals a malfunction that has arisen, often appears as the first symptom of a developing pathology. Pain is usually the result of compression of sensitive nerve endings by inflammatory edema, bone growth (). Discomfort between the shoulder blades can be clinical manifestations of diseases of the internal organs.

When diagnosing the pathology that caused the pain syndrome, instrumental and, if necessary, biochemical studies are carried out. Treatment is started immediately in order to stop the spread of an inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic disease to healthy organs or vertebral structures.

Pathologies of the spine

The most common cause of pain between the shoulder blades is the spinal column. This is a progressive, recurrent pathology that develops over several years.

Osteochondrosis is provoked by the natural aging of the body, obesity, heavy physical exertion, a sedentary lifestyle, endocrine and metabolic disorders. Pathology manifests precisely pulling, aching, aggravated after sports training or weight lifting.

The intensity of discomfort is highest in the complicated course of osteochondrosis - prolapse of the intervertebral discs, in which protrusion of the pulpous nuclei and the formation of intervertebral hernias occur.

They provoke acute or pressing, dull pains in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. They can be inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic, developing over several months or over many years. Pain between the shoulder blades is also the result of injuries - fractures, compression of the vertebrae, cracks in the spinous process.

Pathological kyphosis

This is a curvature of the spinal column in the anterior-posterior plane. Pathological kyphosis develops due to hereditary predisposition, previous injuries, various systemic diseases. A common cause of curvature of the spine is a violation of posture due to weakness of the back muscles or a constant incorrect body position during work.

Pathological kyphosis is characterized by frequent pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. A significant curvature of the spine often causes infringement of the nerve roots and spinal cord. In such cases, the clinical picture is complemented by weakness in the legs, impaired sensitivity, and pelvic disorders.

Thoracic lordosis

Pathological curvature of the spine, which is characterized by an anterior bulge, is rarely diagnosed in the thoracic region. Curvature is provoked by benign and malignant neoplasms, malformations, inflammatory and destructive-degenerative processes. Often, lordosis becomes a kind of compensatory mechanism for maintaining the balance of the body when walking.

Clinically, the pathology is manifested by a change in posture, increased fatigue, pain in the affected thoracic vertebrae. The severity of symptoms increases after physical exertion, a long stay in an uncomfortable position of the body. Some movements are difficult to perform.


It is persistent, affecting all its departments. In addition to the lateral curvature, the patient has deformity in the anteroposterior direction, as well as twisting of the spine. The causes of scoliosis are previous injuries, congenital diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But in the vast majority of cases, doctors fail to determine the cause of scoliosis.

At the initial stage, the pathology is asymptomatic. Pain between the shoulder blades, muscle tension appear only with a significant curvature of the spinal column.

Herniated disc

Intervertebral discs are located between two adjacent vertebrae. An intervertebral hernia is formed when the cartilaginous structure goes beyond this space. The main reason for the formation of an intervertebral hernia is progressive osteochondrosis. In the thoracic spine, the range of motion decreases, tonic muscle tension is observed. In the absence of medical intervention, compression of the spinal roots and blood vessels by a hernia is possible.

Over time, the hernial protrusion increases, which leads to an increase in pain and muscle-tonic syndrome. Movements are limited, and the pain between the shoulder blades becomes constant, persists even in the supine position. Due to muscle tension, a distortion of the spinal column occurs from the side of the formation of a hernial protrusion.


This is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathology that affects the anterior sections of the intervertebral discs and the anterior longitudinal ligaments. In young patients and middle-aged people, an isolated variant is usually detected, in which 1-2 vertebrae are damaged, and there are no other pathological changes. The reasons for its development are constant static-dynamic loads, spinal injuries, infectious pathologies.

The danger of spondylosis lies in the almost asymptomatic course at the initial stage. A characteristic sign of thoracic spondylosis is the adoption by a person of a forced position. To minimize the intensity of pain between the shoulder blades, he turns his torso or bends over slowly, avoiding sudden movements.

Spondyloarthritis (seronegative)

Inflammatory rheumatic disease, in which not only vertebral structures, but also skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs are involved in the pathology process. The cause of the development of spondyloarthritis has not yet been established. Presumably, inflammation occurs when several provoking factors coincide - hereditary predisposition, penetration of infectious agents into the body, and a sharp decrease in immunity. During a relapse, pain between the shoulder blades is acute, significantly limiting mobility. At the stage of remission, mild discomfort occurs, the severity of which increases with physical exertion.

Bechterew's disease

This is an inflammatory pathology, a type of spondyloarthritis, at the final stage of which the intervertebral joints are fused (). The factors provoking the onset of the disease have not yet been established. The basis of pathogenesis is a violation of the functioning of the immune system. It produces immunoglobulins to attack the body's own cells. A specific antigen (HLA-B27) has been found in people suffering from.

Pathology is characterized by radiating pain. In the morning, immediately after waking up a person, they are localized in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Then, acute pains spread throughout the spinal column, accompanied by a limitation in the range of motion,. At the initial stage of the pathology, discomfort disappears after a few hours in the process of "pacing". In the future, they become permanent, and their severity increases significantly.


Diseases of the internal organs

The spine does not always become a sign of damage to the structures of the musculoskeletal system. Discomfort can occur due to the development of pathologies of one of the organs of the mediastinum or gastrointestinal tract, especially if they have a common innervation (connection of nerve fibers with any part of the body) with the thoracic vertebrae. Such pains are called "reflected". To detect pathologies that provoked their appearance, differential diagnostic measures are taken to exclude malignant or benign tumors.

Often the cause of discomfort between the shoulder blades is diseases of the following vital systems:

  • the cardiovascular system. Pain between the shoulder blades almost always occurs with myocardial infarction, angina, coronary heart disease. Usually it is sharp, pressing, but short-term - lasts less than 5 minutes. The cardiac origin (angina pectoris) of pain is indicated by their weakening or complete disappearance after taking nitroglycerin. But in acute attacks, they persist for a longer time, accompanied by increased sweating, lowering blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the thoracic spine is characteristic of gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. They radiate to the anterior surface of the chest, sometimes to the sides. When a malignant neoplasm is formed in the stomach or pancreas, similar sensations also occur.

Pain between the shoulder blades is a good reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Pain between the shoulder blades often occurs when the organs of the respiratory system are affected. The development of lung pathologies is indicated by pain between the shoulder blades, accompanied by a cough, an increase in temperature even to subfebrile values ​​(37.1-38.0 ° C). With hypothermia, SARS, influenza, the likelihood of developing pleurisy or pneumonia is high. The leading symptom of these diseases is high body temperature. Atypical forms of pneumonia provokes penetration into the respiratory tract of mycoplasmas or chlamydia. In addition to the characteristic signs of pneumonia, in the clinical picture there are pains between the shoulder blades, aggravated by deep inspiration.

Basic Treatments

To eliminate discomfort, it is not enough to take analgesics or rub. Such treatment tactics will accelerate the spread of pathology, provoke the development of various, often irreversible complications. Improving the patient's well-being is only part of the therapy, and the main task of physicians is to eliminate the cause of pain between the shoulder blades.

The doctor prescribes analgesics in combination with drugs of other clinical and pharmacological groups. These can be means to improve blood circulation, muscle relaxants, including

Usually used in tablets or injectable solutions. You can get rid of mild discomfort with the help of ointments, gels, creams,. But it is impossible to use drugs with an analgesic effect before visiting a doctor, as this will significantly complicate the diagnosis.

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When a person feels pain in the back between the shoulder blades, it usually does not occur to him that these are the first symptoms of serious diseases.

What can cause dull or sharp pain between the shoulder blades in the spine? As a rule, such symptoms are observed with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.

Programmers, secretaries, drivers, and representatives of other professions, whose work is connected with the need to spend most of the day sitting, often complain about such problems.

In scientific language, the area between the shoulder blades is called the thoracic spine.

The seriousness of the problem lies in the fact that such pain is not always very strong and therefore does not cause fear and desire to see a doctor.

In order to understand what its danger is, we will try to consider in more detail the types, causes and methods of treating such pains.

Types of pain

Pain in the shoulder blades is different:

  • burning;
  • stupid.

If the pain between the shoulder blades in the spine increases with a slight turn or inclination of the body, arms, neck, with a deep breath, it can be caused, and if it is of a girdle character, intercostal neuralgia.

If it arose after stress, and is not associated with movement, - myocardial infarction.

If the cause of the pain is a muscle, it takes on the appearance of heaviness in the back. If the cause lies in the nerve endings, tendons or bones - the pain has a sharp, dagger, pressing or breaking character, sometimes - goosebumps or even numbness of the body.

The pain itself can, in addition to the back, give to the region of the heart or spread along the spine.

After repeated attacks, it becomes chronic.

Aching pain between the shoulder blades - possible with chronic diseases of the spine ( ,).

Similar complaints of pain can appear in the case of other diseases, such as pneumonia, pleurisy, herniated disc, and others.

There can be many causes of pain in the thoracic region, so a visit to the doctor is necessary to determine the causes.

Causes of pain between the shoulder blades

The presence of any pain is quite unpleasant. In addition, it interferes with a normal life, possibly restricting movement.

What can contribute to the appearance of pain in the back between the shoulder blades? These are the following factors:

What diseases can provoke pain between the shoulder blades?

Most often, pain occurs in the following cases:

  1. . The disease occurs in the case of prolonged exposure to uncomfortable positions. This leads to muscle strain and muscle spasm, which pulls the displacement of the bones of the spine. There is a curvature of it, which leads to pressure on the nerve endings. The pain can be dull or sharp, depending on the severity of the disease.
  2. spine. In the chest area, the spine is curved, looks like a stoop, it is also called a round back. The shoulders are tilted down, and the chest is deformed. The pain is aching, dull.
  3. Hernia of the intervertebral disc of the thoracic region. Pain occurs due to damage to the nerve endings or loss of flexibility of the intervertebral joint. The pain is aching, prolonged, intensifies, gradually increasing in the evening.
  4. Kyphoscoliosis. Violation of posture, in which, in addition to rounding the back, the spine is also bent to one side. Spasmodic muscles and a twisted spine contribute to the compression of nerve endings, leading to pain. The pain is aching, dull.
  5. . The disease can be caused by the deposition of calcium salts in the joints of the spinal column itself or by deformation, delamination, inflammation of the intervertebral discs. This causes loss of joint mobility and pressure on the nerve endings that exit the spinal cord. Pain during movement increases and can be different - aching, dull, pulling, sharp, sharp shooting. At night, she is strong. It can give into the hand, and give a feeling of goosebumps in the hands.
  6. . Inflammation in the intercostal nerves. The pain is concentrated in the region of the shoulder blades, and diverges in the direction of the intercostal nerves. It has a strong, paroxysmal, encircling, shooting character; it intensifies when the body moves.
  7. Spondylarthrosis of the thoracic spine. Damage to the joints of the spine. The destruction of cartilage and the deposition of calcium salts lead to pain in the shoulder blades. It can be sharp, shooting, and aching, associated with movement, worse at night.
  8. . Due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the nerve roots are damaged. The result is a change in the soft tissues around the shoulder joint.
  9. Increased physical load on the shoulder joint or its injury. The pain is quite strong, sharp, stabbing and increasing when turning the shoulder, it radiates to the shoulder blade, back, neck.
  10. Protrusion of the disc of the thoracic spine. The extension of the intervertebral disc from the spinal column, during which no changes in the connective tissue occur. Accompanied by severe pain.
  11. Radiculitis. The disease is caused by inflammation, infringement or compression of the nerve roots. Pain is sharp.
  12. Ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris. Violation of cardiac blood supply. Gives to the place between the shoulder blades, there is fear, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air. The pain is sharp, burning, squeezing, does not depend on movement.
  13. Pathology of the mediastinal organs. The area is located deep in the chest. Its inflammation or tumor formation causes dull pain.
  14. Tuberculosis and poliomyelitis are infectious diseases. They harm the spine, which contributes to the occurrence of dull pain.
  15. Pathology of the lungs and pleura. Inflammatory processes can activate pain between the shoulder blades in them. Dull pain, and in disease of the pleura, stitching.
  16. Features of professional activity. Aching, dull pain occurs due to muscle tension in the upper shoulder girdle.

Pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, complaints of pain between the shoulder blades are caused by the fact that the load on the spine increases.

This is due to an increase in the weight of a pregnant woman, a shift in the center of gravity and, as a result, an overstrain of the back muscles. The pain can be both weak and acute, after rest it disappears.

Pathology treatment methods

What to do if you suffer from pain between the shoulder blades?

The probability of being cured at home is quite low, you can try to alleviate the condition by taking painkillers or rubbing.

In order not to miss the onset of a serious illness, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe treatment according to the detected disease. However, there is a general therapy for all diseases. The complex of treatment includes:

  • the use of drugs (this includes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • physiotherapy exercises (exercises are selected after the cessation of acute pain, individually);
  • treatment with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures (includes the use of ultrasound and electrophoresis devices, magnetic and manual therapy, a course of massage and, if necessary, extracts. If indicated, treatment in a sanatorium).

Preventive measures

The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle. You need to learn how to take care of your body. And for this, the following rules should become the norm:

  • it is necessary when performing physical work to prevent overloading of the back muscles;
  • engage in physiotherapy exercises or just daily gymnastics;
  • work must be done in a comfortable position, do not forget to control your posture and, with a long load, give rest to the muscles of the back and neck.

Doing all this requires discipline and self-control, but keeping the body in an active and at the same time quite gentle state will help to forget about back pain for a long time.

A caring attitude towards your body and yourself, a timely visit to a doctor for advice in case of pain - this is the way to achieve harmony and health.

Video: Kinesiology taping for pain between the shoulder blades

Kinesio taping of the long extensors of the neck is used for such a common problem as pain between the shoulder blades. Immediately after the application of kinesio tape, the muscles relax and the pain disappears.

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