Deep crack in the corner of the mouth description. What to do if a sore appears in the corner of the mouth or on the lip? Impaired liver function

Cracks in the corners of the mouth (the so-called bites on the lips) are, as a rule, unpleasantly painful and always occur extremely untimely. It is very annoying when you prepare in advance for a celebration or a romantic date and one morning you feel painful tightness, reddish swelling and cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth .

At first glance, this defect is very insignificant, but you should not consider it so unambiguously, because it indicates that there are violations in the body. Therefore, sometimes jamming is a symptom of another disease. This means that sometimes it manifests itself as an independent violation, and in another case - as a sign of a different pathology.

In this article, we will look at the main causes of cracks in the corners of the lips, as well as effective ways treatment of the disease at home, including using folk remedies.


Angular stomatitis, in the common people - seizures in the corners of the mouth, do not depend on age and can appear in a man and a woman, an adult and a child. True, among men they are more common than among women, since the fair sex “protects” their lips with lipstick.

Clinical manifestation of a crack in the corners of the mouth:

  1. itchy skin;
  2. Significant redness of the skin;
  3. A small wound in the corners of the mouth;
  4. Pain while opening the mouth;
  5. Pain and discomfort;
  6. The appearance of water under the skin of a jam.

The patient constantly feels itching and burning, it becomes painful to talk, it is impossible to paint the lips, and when eating salty and sour food pain intensify even more. In particular severe cases Some even refuse to eat because of severe pain when opening the mouth. At untimely treatment not only crusts can form, but also bleeding ulcers.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth

What does it mean? If cracks appear in the corners of the lips, then the reasons lie in the defeat of microorganisms. Certain bacteria can cause this defect. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why they hit the skin in this particular place. From a large number only two species can provoke such an ailment - streptococci or yeast-like fungi genus Candida.

  1. candidamycotic zaeda appears in the corners of the lips, in this case the causes of cracks are fungi of the genus Candida. At the same time, there is no crust on the crack, only the so-called slit-like erosion appears. If a person's mouth is closed, then the crack is not noticeable. When the mouth opens, there is palpable discomfort and pain. If the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth is not carried out in a timely manner, then the disease acquires chronic and escalates periodically.
  2. At streptococcal zaede a bubble appears in the corners of the mouth, which disappears relatively quickly, and then a crack with a crust develops in its place. As a rule, such a crust is periodically torn off (children especially often rip it off). How to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth in this case, the doctor determines. But if you don't use special ointment or another remedy, the disease can drag on for a long time.

But the reasons for the appearance of cracks are not limited to this, such risk factors can also affect the condition of the skin of the lips:

  1. Incorrect brushing of teeth, neglected caries and other mouth problems that can be caused by infections. Non-compliance with the basics of personal hygiene can also affect the appearance of cracks.
  2. Avitaminosis. This is probably one of the main reasons for the appearance of cracks. Most often they appear due to a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as iron, zinc. From this, immunity decreases, the body weakens, jams appear.
  3. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost always disruption digestive system manifests itself externally, including, indicated by cracks. Also very often they appear in the presence coli that releases toxins.
  4. Features of bite. The cracked corners of the child's lips may indicate that the baby has malocclusion. If one jaw protrudes above the other, irritation may occur at the corners of the lips. And this can also cause cracks.
  5. allergic reactions. Allergy of the body to any cosmetic product or toothpaste can also lead to seizures.
  6. carbohydrates, alcohol. In the event that you are a lover of sugar, sweets, cakes, buns or abuse alcohol, cracks in the corners of the lips are likely.
  7. Weather: cold, frost, wind, sun, dry air.
  8. Deficiency in the body of iron;
  9. Metabolic disease.

From this it follows that, first of all, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the main causes of the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips, and only then to select suitable preparations.

A photo

You can see how cracks look in the corners of the lips (mouth) in adults in detailed photos:

What to do?

To figure out how to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, the doctor must not only diagnose the symptom, but also determine the cause of its development. Since the causative agent of this pathology can be different, the treatment will be different. Therefore, before appointing him, an examination is carried out. It includes:

  • smear from the oral cavity;
  • scraping from the wound surface;
  • consultation of a therapist, dentist, endocrinologist and hematologist;
  • and urine.

Smears and scrapings make it possible to determine the presence of certain microorganisms at the site of erosion or in oral cavity. Which in turn allows you to choose an effective drug.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips?

  1. avocado oils, tea tree, flax, sea buckthorn and wild rose. Daily light massage lips will help soften rough skin.
  2. Hygienic lipsticks and balms. Apply to chapped skin daily in the morning and evening.
  3. Thermal waters. Water bottles are sold at any pharmacy. Regular use of the spray will relieve irritation.
  4. Lotions from decoctions sage, celandine or chamomile.

Below is a list of foods to add to your daily menu with the appearance of such a problem as cracks in the corners of the mouth, the causes of which may be different.

  1. With a deficiency of vitamin B, you need to eat nuts, bran, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, avocados, rice (unpeeled).
  2. If zinc deficiency is found in the body, then attention should be paid to sprouted wheat grains, seafood, brewer's yeast, eggs, greens, pumpkin seeds.
  3. If the causes of the problem are iron deficiency, then iron-containing foods are recommended: hercules, potatoes, buckwheat, rye, nuts, parsley, peaches, pomegranates; from meat - beef, pork, liver, kidneys.

Sometimes cracks in the corners of the lips can be the result of fungal diseases or streptococcal infection. In this case, in order not to infect anyone from your environment, you need to isolate personal items and use special preparations. Do not prescribe them yourself, it is better to consult a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In most cases, you can get rid of the jam yourself at home.

  1. A proven remedy is aloe juice. cut off fresh leaf, squeeze the juice out of it. Apply liberally to the corners of the lips.
  2. Highly effective means is sea buckthorn oil. Avocado oil is often used. These oils should be used to treat cracks on the lips, between the lips at the corners of the lips. - Angular stomatitis should be treated with garlic. Also try to treat with psyllium extract.
  3. Try to make this lip mask regularly: mix in a small cup 1 tsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 c. l. ground fresh cottage cheese. Apply the mixture generously on the lips, hold for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the mask with a cotton pad dipped in olive oil.
  4. Lubricate cracks with hygienic lipstick, as well as apply special cosmetic and medicinal products, softening the skin lips.
  5. From medical preparations You can also try the following means: "Akvaftem", "Iruksol", "Vishnevsky" and "Levomikol". Ointments are applied to the corners of the lips three times a day.

If cracks in the corners of the lips appear constantly and itching or burning occurs, you should not self-medicate. In some cases, seizures indicate serious illnesses organism.

Burning, soreness and other symptoms associated with the fact that sores appear in the corners of the lips are probably known to almost every person. Both children and adults face this problem from time to time. And despite the fact that seizures are mostly harmless, their formation negatively affects a person’s well-being. So what are sores in the corners of the lips really? Causes and treatment, symptoms and possible complications is what many people are interested in.

What is a jam?

Many people are faced with such a problem as jamming (or sore) in the corner of the mouth. It is a small inflamed area on the lips, the skin on which begins to peel off strongly.

This is a very common problem that almost everyone faces from time to time. The inflammatory process is localized - it covers only the tissues of the lips, part of the mucous membrane on inner surface cheeks, as well as a small area of ​​​​skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corner of the lips.

The mechanism of cracking and jamming in the corners of the mouth

The main reason for the development of sores in the corners of the mouth is activity pathogenic microorganisms. To date, it is known that seizures are formed against the background of tissue damage by streptococcal or fungal infection. If a we are talking about bacterial inflammation, the most active in this regard is epidermal streptococcus. Fungal lesions are most often represented by candidiasis (thrush).

It should be noted that the above microorganisms are conditionally pathogenic microflora, which means that they are present in the tissues of each healthy person. Their number is strictly controlled by the immune system, so in most cases, microbes do not pose a particular threat. Nevertheless, against the background of local or systemic weakening of the immune system, various skin inflammations may develop, which often leads to the formation of sores.

Sores in the corners of the lips: causes and risk factors

Activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora can be associated with exposure to many risk factors. Their list includes:

  • use of unwashed dishes;
  • eating unwashed fruits, vegetables and other foods;
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • scratching the skin around the lips;
  • squeezing acne in the corners of the mouth;
  • constant licking of the lips;
  • severe weathering, hypothermia (this causes a temporary local weakening of the immune system).

Of course, these are not all reasons. If it's about specific infections, then risk factors include contact with infected people (close communication, kissing, sharing dishes, etc.).

Diseases accompanied by the appearance of

If sores appear in the corners of the lips, then this may indicate the development of certain diseases. The formation of so-called jams is characteristic of many pathologies.

  • Various types of anemia, including iron deficiency (decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level).
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate the presence of liver disease.
  • Risk factors include hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency affects the immune system.
  • People with diabetes often suffer from cracks, sores and other skin sores.
  • Similar symptoms may be associated with a prolonged increase in body temperature.
  • A decrease in the activity of the immune system, as already mentioned, contributes to the appearance skin lesions. Risk factors include immunodeficiencies.
  • Damage to the delicate skin on the lips may be associated with long-term treatment with immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, and cytostatics.
  • Risk factors include dental diseases including caries. Not properly installed prosthesis or a crown also contribute to the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Now you know why sores appear in the corners of the lips. But it should be understood that in most cases, risk factors act in combination.

Sores in the corners of the lips: photos and other symptoms

Almost every person has encountered such a problem as jamming. Such a sore goes through several stages. As a rule, at first a small watery vesicle with a clear (sometimes turbid) liquid inside. Subsequently, the vesicle bursts, resulting in a small ulcer covered with a crust on the skin.

A person is faced with constant discomfort. Patients at the doctor's office often complain of itching and severe burning at the corner of the mouth. There is pain when opening the mouth. Sometimes the skin in the affected area cracks, which is accompanied by a discharge a small amount blood. The skin around the affected area becomes inflamed, reddened and begins to peel off.

If it's about candidal infection, then a white curdled coating may form on the mucous membrane and skin of the lips.

Possible Complications

If sores have formed in the corners of the lips, then you should not worry too much. Zaeda brings moderate discomfort, but, as a rule, the skin heals quite quickly. However, in some cases, in the absence proper treatment a small sore can transform into a deep crack.

In most cases, this complication is associated with a fungal and bacterial infection. The inflammatory process spreads to nearby tissues, including the deep layers of the skin - this is how a crack is formed.

Sometimes the crack reaches the level lymphatic vessels, which is accompanied by the appearance clear secretions from the wound. The skin around the wound thickens, becomes dry and rough. If a inflammatory process continues to spread, then new cracks may form in neighboring areas, which, uniting by edges, form a rather large and deep wound.

Treatment at home

What to do if there is a sore in the corner of the lips? Treatment can be carried out at home. For example, some experts advise lubricating the delicate skin of the lips with fresh cream. An effective mixture is pork fat and bee honey(components must be taken in a ratio of 1: 2).

Essential oils will help to cope with sores and vegetable oils. For example, tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, and olive moisturizes and softens the skin, preventing the formation of cracks.

If it's about fungal infection tissues, then the skin is recommended to be treated with a solution baking soda, mixed with vitamin B 12 . Lips can also be lubricated oil solutions vitamins A and E.

Medical treatment

If you cannot get rid of the sore on your own, then it is important to see a doctor. To begin with, the specialist conducts a general examination, after which he appoints additional tests. Informative is scraping from the surface of the affected skin - during laboratory analysis it is possible to accurately determine the nature of the pathogen, as well as its sensitivity to a particular drug.

The doctor will pick up effective ointment. Sometimes patients are prescribed a solution of "Stomatidine". It can be used both for treating the oral cavity and for compresses (you just need to moisten a clean cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the affected corner of the lips).

Sometimes jams are cauterized with medical dyes, such as iodine or brilliant green. These solutions have antiseptic properties. After the procedure, it is important to treat the wound with a moisturizer.

In more severe cases, patients are prescribed antibiotics in combination with weak glucocorticosteroids, which quickly eliminate signs of inflammation (Triderm, Hyoksizon).

Effective ointments for cracks and sores on the lips

What to do if there are sores in the corners of the lips? What to treat? If you can’t cope with the jam with the help of home remedies, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will definitely prescribe an effective ointment.

In therapy, "D-Panthenol" or "Bepanten" is often used (these ointments contain the same active substance). These drugs have anti-inflammatory properties, however, it is more advisable to use them already in the period of wound healing.

If it's about bacterial infections, then the sores in the corners of the mouth are recommended to be treated with the preparation "Metrogil-dent". This medicine has strong antibacterial properties.

In the case of a fungal infection, Clotrimazole cream will be effective. It should be understood that the drug is not active in relation to bacterial microorganisms and viruses.

For the treatment of wounds on the skin (including on the lips), tetracycline and streptocid ointment can be used. In the presence of bacterial inflammation drugs such as Levorin ointment, Levomekol and Levomycetin will be effective. According to reviews, these funds literally instantly relieve burning and itching - the skin begins to heal.

General strengthening of the body

As already mentioned, in this case, the work of the immune system is of great importance. How to cure sores in the corners of the lips and prevent their occurrence in the future? The answer is simple - you need to strengthen the immune system.

As already mentioned, sometimes seizures are the result of the development of other diseases, therefore, in this case, forces must be directed to eliminating the primary cause.

In the future, it is important to strengthen the body. About twice a year, experts recommend taking special vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Vitrum, Duovit and Multi-Tabs. Positively affects the condition of the skin and blood vessels vitamin C(vitamin C). It is important to monitor nutrition - the diet should contain enough fresh vegetables and fruits.

Preventive actions

Now you know why sores appear in the corners of the lips. Prevention in this case is very simple - you just need to provide lips proper care and avoid exposure to risk factors.

  • Lip skin needs to be taken care of. It can be lubricated with honey, coconut oil, cream. Regular use of hygienic lipsticks is also important. Remember that such funds need to be selected depending on the time of year. For example, in the summer, you should give preference to lipstick containing UV filters.
  • Sores appear in the corners of the lips and as a result dental problems. It is necessary to treat caries in time, brush teeth from tartar, change poor quality crowns and dentures.
  • Monitor the state of the immune system. It is important to eat right, take vitamins, maintain physical form, temper the body.

Cracks in the corners of the lips, they are also called seizures, an unpleasant medical and cosmetic problem. They cause a lot of inconvenience when making up, it is impossible to smile without pain with them, and there is a risk of this skin disease spreading to other areas of the skin of the face.

Zayeda - common name insidious disease angular stomatitis (angular stomatitis), which cannot be cured at one time, especially when it comes to cracks in the corners of the mouth. It is here that inflammation forms, and it can spread to nearby tissues.

Zaeds are also found in childhood, and in adults. In fact, the disease is not severe, but long-term and brings a lot of discomfort. But the main thing is that a crack in the corner of the mouth can signal problems in the body that we are not even aware of.

How is angular stomatitis formed?

Skin lesions in the corners of the mouth are caused by microorganisms such as epidermal streptococcus and yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. In principle, they belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora and each of us has it on the surface of the skin, but they cause inflammation when certain conditions, which we will discuss below.

A crack in the corner of the mouth is formed gradually and goes through a series of stages.
First, a small bubble appears with a small drop of clear or cloudy liquid inside. Sooner or later, this bubble bursts when eating, talking or smiling. After that, a slight erosion appears on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane of the lip. This erosion grows and becomes covered with a crust, which can periodically burst when the mouth is opened. In this case, you may experience itching and pain in the area of ​​redness and inflammation.

Why cracks appear in the corners of the lips

The causes of seizure can be divided into 2 groups: as an independent symptom and as a manifestation painful conditions organism.

In the first case, flaking on the lips and cracks in the corners may be due to poor hygiene, for example: you ate from unwashed dishes or ate dirty fruits or vegetables. Perhaps you have such a bad habit as constantly licking your lips, especially during the cold season. You run the risk of getting this “sore” if you are not used to taking good care of your oral cavity or if you constantly squeeze out pimples near the corners of your lips. The reason may be banal hypothermia or the use of low-quality cosmetics or toothpaste.

In the second case, the cause of angular stomatitis can be such disorders of your body as anemia, diabetes, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, reduced immunity, long-term treatment hormones, diseases accompanied by prolonged temperature, herpes, hypovitaminosis (particularly important is the presence in the body of riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is responsible for the elasticity and strength of skin cells; zinc, vitamin A, E, D).

Ideally, in order for the crack to heal quickly, you need to talk minimally and not smile, no matter what happens sudden movement circular muscle of the mouth. If the flow is not complicated by anything, then the problem is solved simply with the help of pharmaceutical ointments and folk remedies and, of course, hygiene.

If the course becomes complicated and painful deep cracks appear, it is more difficult to eliminate such a disease, especially if the wound grows and nearby skin areas become inflamed. Here, a longer treatment is required and it is aimed at preventing more deep wound when sputum discharge begins, and the skin tightens and dries up. With any movement of the lips, the skin simply breaks and causes great pain.

Methods for treating seizures with folk remedies

To cure zaedu, as already mentioned above, you need to know the cause that caused it. Healing process includes local and general therapy. But you should always start with local exposure with the help of pharmaceutical products and methods of traditional medicine.

At home, you should try simple and proven home methods:

  • It is often advised to apply to a meal earwax, cigarette ash or onions are very old ways, but they can not be called very effective. In many cases, they can cause irritation.
  • Do not follow the advice to lubricate sore spot honey, since fungi multiply even more in a sweet environment.
  • It is also advised to apply garlic cloves in cuts to the wound to kill germs. Garlic can cause a strong burning sensation, so if you decide to use its juice, it is best to dilute it with boiled water.
  • Lubricate the inflamed area with juice from the leaves of fresh plantain.
  • Use tea tree oil, sea buckthorn or rose hip oil to apply to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • To soften the skin around the lips, lubricate them at night with a mixture of pork fat and honey in a ratio of 1: 2 or goose fat. You can also use any vegetable or butter.
  • Rinse the wound concentrated solution baking soda, which can be mixed with vitamin B12. This helps if the crack has formed due to the action of the fungus.
  • An excellent antiseptic effect on the wound is provided by infusions of sage, chamomile or celandine, they are used in the form of lotions.
  • Aloe juice perfectly protects wounds from germs, so lubricate several times a day trouble spot this juice, especially if the aloe leaves are previously aged for 10-14 days in the refrigerator, to activate its medicinal properties.
  • Prepare an apple-milk lip mask. Peel the apple, cut into slices and boil in a glass of milk for 15 minutes. Stir the resulting mass, cool and apply to the lips for 15-20 minutes.
  • The mask from the mixture helps well boric acid(1 teaspoon), glycerin (2 tablespoons) and raw egg yolk. When applied to the corners of the lips, the mixture forms a protective film and helps the formation of new lips. healthy cells. You need to apply the composition 3 times a day.
  • Good for lubricating chapped lips oil vitamin Aevit.
  • When healing wounds, grated cucumber or cucumber juice if used 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
  • Use green tea compresses, just keep them on your lips for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of angular stomatitis and strengthening the body with the help of pharmaceutical products

For local effects on cracks in the corners of the mouth, a number of simple drugs are used:

  • It is good to lubricate the formed pimple or crack with iodine, fucorcin or brilliant green several times a day - they perfectly kill the infection. Be careful with this procedure, apply the medicine pointwise cotton swab and avoid contact with the tongue and oral mucosa to avoid burns.
  • Streptocide is a strong antiseptic. Crush the tablet to powder and treat the cracks, after wetting the corners of the lips with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Use these medications, as: Stomatidine, Metrogil denta, Tetracycline ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. They have active antibacterial and antifungal activity.
  • Lanovit - this ointment-cream is used for cracked nipples, but it also helps in case of cracked lips, especially if they do not heal for a long time.
  • Great for quick healing. It is often recommended for use after dental procedures that have caused damage to the corners of the lips.
  • Clotrimazole helps only if the skin is affected by a fungus.
  • Ointments such as gioksizon, trimistin, triderm, including antibiotics, are used for more severe skin inflammation in the corners of the lips.
  • When the jam is already living after the use of antibiotics, they need to be lubricated with Bepanten and D-panthenol ointments.

In parallel with drugs, general restorative treatment is also used, especially if healing is delayed or spreads even more.

    • If inflammation of the corners of the lips is associated with chronic diseases organism, then the underlying problem is treated.
    • In order to strengthen the body, vitamins are prescribed: vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Aevit, vitamin E (tocopherol), multivitamins (Vitrum, Duovit, Multi-tabs).
    • According to the doctor's prescription and the fungal cause of cracks, Fluconazole and Amoxol are used, which have antifungal and antibacterial effects.
    • They take immunomodulators to strengthen immunity: Interferon, Viferon, Arbidol, Kagocel, Remantadin, Lyzobakt, etc.

All medications can be prescribed by a doctor, he must identify the root cause of inflammation and control the treatment process for serious forms of angular stomatitis in order to prevent relapses.

How to prevent the appearance of angular stomatitis

From the above reasons for the appearance of seizures, measures for their prevention follow.
- First of all, lead healthy lifestyle life, give up bad habits, follow a diet that makes up for the lack of vitamins in the body and increases its immunity (for example, it is useful to include nuts, mushrooms, cereals and legumes as well as beef).
- Use lip balm when you go outside, especially during cold and damp periods.
- Regularly (and preferably daily) apply to lips at home cosmetic masks. Here is a very simple recipe that improves the condition of the skin of the lips: mix 1 teaspoon of fresh cottage cheese with ½ teaspoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice and apply on lips for 30 minutes. You will not only save the skin from jamming, but also from wrinkles.
- Before going outside, you can lubricate your lips beeswax or . They do not allow the skin to dry out and quickly restore the epidermis.
- To moisturize lips in dry weather, use thermal water. Just spray the skin, and repeated cracks will not form in you.

How to treat seizures in children?

We decided to talk about this problem, as well as take care of the skin and fight against skin diseases needed from childhood.
In children, immunity is still at the stage of formation, and persistent hygiene habits often have not yet been formed, so the risk of inflammation, cracks and sores on the lips is much higher.

The main causes of cracked lips in children:
frequent colds and respiratory infections;
- lack of vitamins;
- dysbacteriosis;
- inflammation of the throat and gums;
- constant secretion of saliva on the lips;
- the habit of biting nails, toys, sucking fingers;
– allergy to fur toys, etc.

If the corners of the lips are constantly inflamed in a child, this causes him suffering, he is capricious and refuses to eat because of the pain. Do not self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor and take tests to pass drug treatment. And the child needs to be reassured and convinced so that at this time he does not touch his lips with his hands, does not pick off the crusts from the wounds. Always monitor oral hygiene and the cleanliness of items that the child uses. Lubricate your child's lips with baby cream before going out and use herbal lotions at night to relieve inflammation and dryness of the skin.

Listen to the doctor's advice:

Follow these tips and your lips will always look healthy, beautiful and charming!

Cracks in the corners of the lips - pathological condition called seizures, caused by the penetration of infection into the skin or mucous membrane. Integrity violation is caused inflammatory phenomena. The emerging immune imbalance is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms with a bacterial, viral, fungal nature.

A skin problem called jamming is a small damage (wound) to the surface of the lips. Cracking lips - a signal indicating the vulnerability of the immune system.

The urgency of such a problem increases in winter, as exchange rates “slow down”, metabolic processes. The immune system falls under the infectious onslaught of bacteria, viruses, which become more difficult to contain.

In a healthy person, the “life span” is a week, a maximum of two. People with a weakened immune system are able to feel this discomfort on the lips for months. Children's body prone to frequent "meetings" with the disease, increased recurrence.

Zaedy pathogenesis

An infectious agent, penetrating into small cracks on the lips, leads to the formation of microscopic vesicles with thin skin, small papules on the affected area. Bursting bubbles form a thick "crust" with blood impurity. Skin covering lips are mobile, so the resulting crusts systematically crack, bleed, get wet.

The resulting erosive rashes do not heal for a long time, because they are constantly injured and “stretched” by simply opening the mouth. Jamming creates tangible discomfort for a person when talking, eating food.


List of key causative factors:

  • bacteria -
  • viruses - herpes
  • fungus - candida infection

The activation of the above pathogenic microorganisms is due to the impact on the body of the following provoking pathological circumstances:

  • cold
  • chronic diseases
  • hypothermia
  • temperature rise
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver
  • contact with a sick person (using dishes, towels, kissing on the lips)

Except infectious cause, the appearance of cracks is promoted by:

  • avitaminosis - B2 deficiency
  • poor oral hygiene
  • habit of licking lips
  • excessive dryness skin
  • accidental scratch

Problem symptoms

The primary bell signaling a seizure is the appearance of small bubbles on the skin in the corners of the lips, which later burst. Erosion occurs.

Itching, burning, discomfort at the site of the lesion - a characteristic symptomatic pattern. Erosive rashes, localized on the lips, in the form of a crack (crack), covered with a crust with “caked” pus.

The inevitable motor mobility of the oral muscles provokes the rupture of such erosive formations.

A wet surface (wound) can bleed. After two or three hours, the crack is “tightened” with a new crust.

When opening the mouth, there is a slight pain.

Such discomfort interferes with normal conversation and eating. Distinctive features fungal (candidamicotic) seizures:

  • emerging erosion of bright red, around the lacy epithelial layer
  • the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips that is under the defeat of the seizure is able to become covered with a whitish coating
  • the wound that has appeared is not covered with a crust

Pathology can become chronic, accompanied by frequent relapses.


Before the doctor prescribes treatment, it will be necessary to establish the true culprit of the emerging snacks.

  1. A skin scraping is carried out from the affected area - an analysis, during which material (scales of the epidermal layer) is taken from the surface of the organ under study with a light scraping. Pathogenic microflora is revealed.
  2. Probability of having iron deficiency anemia check at general analysis blood, which reveals. In addition, fix ESR indicators, the level of leukocytes to rule out an inflammatory factor.
  3. They check the likelihood of syphilis - conduct the Wasserman reaction, express diagnostics of this venereal infectious pathology
  4. Since in some situations, regularly occurring seizures indicate a latent flow diabetes the blood taken is analyzed for sugar.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips

Elimination of this skin problem requires complex therapy, since the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips signals general pathological disorders in the body. Sometimes, the victim seeks to get rid of only local manifestations zaedy, ignoring the general strengthening measures of influence.

Such negligence entails systematic exacerbations. The disease does not disappear anywhere, they crack again.

If a self-treatment for a week does not bring the expected results, it is recommended to seek advice from a dermatologist.

Ointments are a therapeutic tool for dealing with seizures. Correct selection the necessary ointment - a fundamental condition successful treatment. Given the variety of ointments presented in pharmacies, on your own, it is difficult to make a competent choice.

Doctor considering results diagnostic measures(origin of the pathogen), determine the tactics of treatment, make adequate appointments.

When the attack was made by the fungus, the border of the affected area is blurry. If the root of evil is viruses, then the lesions are pinpoint. The streptococcal factor is indicated by an inflammatory process, swelling of the affected area.

The choice of preferred ointments depends on the intended nature pathogen I:

  • bacteria - Tetracycline, Trimistine
  • fungi - Miramistin, Clotrimazole
  • viruses - Acyclovir

If it is impossible to reliably state the nature of the causative agent of the seizure, the affected area is lubricated with Fukortsin, Metrogyl dent gel.

In addition to the above-mentioned remedies, cracks in the corners of the mouth are treated with oily solutions of vitamins A, E, lotions, calendula, string.

However local treatment Zaed is far from everything, for complete solution problems need to establish internal homeostasis. Enrich daily diet vitamins. Vitamin B2 requires close attention, daily requirement which is 10-20 mg.


  • spinach
  • legumes
  • broccoli
  • buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • liver
  • mushrooms
  • cabbage
  • peanut
  • almond
  • milk

It is required to forget about addictions to spicy, sour, salty.

Don't forget folk restorative means: garlic, propolis, onion.

The appointment of more specific immuno-enhancing, anti-infective agents is the competence of a dermatologist. Self use strongly not recommended.

The regular formation of a crack in the corners of the lips is evidence of the presence of chronic infectious foci in the body. There is an imbalance of immunity, consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination.

Take an interest in health, goodbye.

Cracks and wounds in the corners of the mouth, which are also called "jamming", are a fairly common problem - it is not aesthetically pleasing and very painful. On the early stages manifestations of this problem, many may not notice it, but the situation changes when the wounds deepen and stop healing. This is often accompanied by pain, especially when eating and when opening the mouth. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how to fix this trouble.

Why the corners of the lips crack: the main reasons

The main reasons for peeling and cracking the skin in the corners of the lips:

  • exposure to a strong, gusty wind in a cold season;
  • exposure to too dry air;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • licking lips;
  • iron deficiency;
  • a drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • beriberi (in particular - deficiency of B vitamins in the body);
  • allergy;
  • digestive problems;
  • skin diseases;
  • malocclusion.

If the cracks in the corners of the lips are more like wounds, especially if they bleed and crusts appear on them, you should definitely see a doctor. It is best to visit a dermatologist or a general practitioner, as there is a possibility of a streptococcal or fungal infection of the oral cavity. AT medical institution you will probably have to take tests, after which the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment.

The dermatologist will explain in as much detail as possible why the corners of your lips dry, and subsequently form - this may be a symptom of an underlying disease, for example, dermatitis, stomatitis, or Gilbert's disease. If seizures are a secondary manifestation of the underlying cause, their self-treatment is unlikely to lead to success. It must be taken into account that in advanced stage the disease can turn into herpes with the subsequent development of infection.

Treatment of cracked lips

We have said before that the reasons this disease may be different and depending on the diagnosis, treatment in each case is selected individually. However, there are general recommendations, which in any case will only benefit.

Be sure to drink full complex vitamins recommended when winter comes - they always include vitamins A and C to improve the condition of rough skin, PP to prevent pigmentation, K against dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth and bleeding gums. A complex of vitamins of group B with folic acid that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, as well as nails and hair.

Vitamin A. These vitamins can not only be taken orally, but also used as an ointment. Take a capsule of Retinene acetate or "Aevita" - pierce it or cut it with a knife and lubricate the corners of the lips with an oily liquid before going to bed.

In the treatment of seizures, sprays and ointments are also effective, which have wound healing, antibacterial and antifungal effects: tetracycline or zinc ointment, "Panthenol" and others.

It is very important to adhere to the treatment of zaed proper diet. For a while, it is worth giving up:

  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • salty and fatty foods.

Make sure you get enough of:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins, especially vitamin B2.

Folk methods

  • Rub the corners of your lips with freshly squeezed aloe juice three times a day.
  • Every other day, apply a 20-minute mask of crushed apple boiled in milk to your lips.
  • Lubricate your lips at night with honey.
  • Three times a day, smear the corners of the lips with a mixture of honey and pork fat in a ratio of 1: 2. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • In the evening, cotton pads moistened with oils of sea buckthorn, tea tree, rosehip, avocado should be applied to the affected areas of the lips - these oils have a wound healing effect.
  • Garlic juice - effectively fights inflammation (garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic), which contributes rapid healing wound. Before going to bed, take half a clove of garlic and pass it through a garlic press, then with cotton swab lubricate the affected areas. Prepare a new mixture each time.
  • Plantain. Everyone knows about the properties of plantain, so we will not go into details. Apply plantain leaves to the affected areas for 1 hour.
  • Melt 50 g butter and a spoonful of propolis. After cooling, apply the mixture on the wounds in the corners of the lips. This tool should be used 3-4 times a day.


First of all, especially in aggressive cold weather, ensure that the body has enough fluids.

Remember that you can not lick your lips - this method of moisturizing them is unacceptable. Even more so, the corners of the lips can crack precisely in connection with licking, since saliva contains digestive enzymes that cause irritation. Therefore, if you have such a habit, try very hard to give it up.

Don't forget to use hygienic lipstick. Please note that even in good weather, lips can become chapped as a result of using cosmetics that are out of season. For example, moisturizers containing a large number of water, with wind and frost, evaporate from the lips along with their natural moisture. As a result, the lips first dry out, and then jams appear.

What to do if you start to crack in the corners of your lips for no apparent reason, use next tip. In rooms with very dry air, spray thermal sprays on your face, at home during the heating season, use humidifiers, or at least place small containers of water near the radiators.

Temporarily give up sour and spicy food, irritating the skin of the lips, as well as from mouthwashes and toothpastes that have a too sharp taste.

Include in your menu foods rich in B vitamins. These include nuts, bran, brown rice, green leafy vegetables.

After taking a bath or when increased dryness the skin of the lips can be moisturized with almond or coconut oil, or with a regular nourishing cream.

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