Does levomekol soften the skin after a burn. Instructions for use. Levomekol for burns: application

It is difficult to imagine a completely safe everyday life where there is no place for burns, bruises and abrasions. Sometimes the slightest careless movement or imprudent step entails unpleasant and painful consequences, including burn wounds. Whatever their prehistory of appearance, the injured skin must be cooled with water, treated with an antiseptic, and a protective bandage applied.

Levomekol ointment for burns is a kind of protective barrier against pathogenic infections and painful inflammation. It's about about the well-known local preparation with a wide spectrum of activity. It is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, itching, inflammatory processes and chemical damage skin.

With a first-degree burn, it is important for a person to provide first aid in a timely manner. In this period local treatment ointment is aimed at achieving several goals - to accelerate the rejection of damaged, dead epidermis, and also to prevent the development of infection in open wound.

Levomekol blocks pathogenic microflora promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues

Levomekol with filigree ease blocks pathogenic microflora, activates biochemical processes of skin tissue regeneration, and therefore is successfully used in the treatment of both thermal and chemical damage. Use liniment and preventive purposes. What is the reason for such a high pharmacological efficacy the drug in question? To answer this question, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on its composition and action.


The drug belongs to antibacterial group. Its key purpose is to restore the integrity of the skin, through the regeneration of damaged tissues. The Levomekol ointment contains only 2 active ingredients:

The combination of the above properties in one liniment provides complex impact to the problem area of ​​the body.


These components favorably affect the treatment. The whole process is more intensive, and unwanted side effects practically not observed, due to the minimal effect of Levomekol on the body.

Chloramphenicol suppresses vital activity pathogenic bacteria

Each element makes a significant contribution to the treatment of burns:

  • Chloramphenicol isolates damage sites from unwanted "guests" from among bacteria, pathogenic microbes. Due to this antibiotic, a local zone is formed, protected from pathogenic microorganisms, which is essentially "fertile ground" for regeneration.
  • Methyluracil acts on the cells, in fact, "adjusting" them to intensive renewal.

These components are supplemented with a number of auxiliary elements (mainly polyethylene oxides 400, 1500). Their main task is to form dehydrating abilities for medicinal liniment.

Burn treatment

Ointment for burns Levomekol has White color, some manufacturers with yellowish notes. This is a medium density consistency with a homogeneous structure. The drug is produced in 2 forms - glass jars for 100, 1000 g, and aluminum tubes.

Instructions for use for burns:

The remedy for burns in question refers to medicines local action, applied externally only. Dermatologists strongly recommend using it for 2 and 3 degrees of thermal damage to the skin.

Note! In cases where the burn is very deep, the use of Levomekol ointment is indicated solely as additional funds, with complex restorative therapy.

Treatment is carried out according to a simple algorithm:

The dressing should be changed daily as necrotic tissue is absorbed. If foreign substances enter the treated area, it must be re-disinfected with an antiseptic.

If you carefully read the annotation to pharmaceutical preparation, it is easy to determine that Levomekol also helps with sunburn.

The therapeutic properties of liniment are preserved even with purulent discharge in the problem area. For large affected areas maximum dose antibiotic in the ointment base is 3 g.


There are only two main contraindications to the use of levomekol - individual intolerance to the components of the ointment and hypersensitivity of the skin to the elements of the drug.


An overdose of a pharmaceutical agent is fraught with aggravation of side effects (see below). With prolonged use of the drug, manifestations of allergic reactions are possible. contact dermatitis(sensitization of the contact type). This is a clear signal that the immune system has begun to act against the components of liniment, its active substances.

Side effects

After applying the medication, some patients experience allergic reactions:

If the above side effects are found, it is better to refrain from using Levomekol, replace it with an analogue.

Considered pharmaceutical agent It is universal in composition, and therefore has practically no restrictions on application. Several useful tips on a note:

  1. Levomekol can be smeared with burns obtained by scalding with boiling water, even if large blisters have formed at the site of injury. problem place covered with a sterile bandage soaked in liniment. The frequency of funny dressings is every 8-10 hours.
  2. The medication is completely safe for young mothers who are breastfeeding. The components act locally, do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, do not affect the chemical composition of milk during lactation.
  3. The ointment helps with chemical burns. Levomekol has a water base that is inert to hazardous reagents. Apply the composition according to the algorithm described above.

Liniment effectively protects areas of exposed skin from pathogenic bacteria.


At medicinal product there is complete analogues, identical in chemical composition and pharmaceutical effect. There are only 2 such drugs:

  • ointment Netran;
  • ointment Levomethyl.

In patients with allergies to Levomekol, medicines with similar indications, but distinguishable by active substances:

It is better and safer to delegate the responsibility for selecting a substitute to a doctor. The final choice depends on the symptoms of the disease, the presence of contraindications in the patient and the expected effect.

Ointments for burns for children

Help with burns may be required not only for adults, but also for children. A wide range of specialized drugs is presented on the modern pharmacological market. The following are trustworthy:

  1. Bepanten - the best ointment for the treatment of solar household burns, promotes quick recovery and skin healing.
  2. Panthenol is a universal anti-burn agent. Activates biochemical processes at the cellular level, which ensures a rapid outflow purulent discharge, regeneration of the dermis.
  3. Dermazil is a drug produced in the form of a cream. The main purpose is the elimination of infectious microflora in the problem area. The restoration of the integrity of the epidermis is slow, due to the absence of panthenol in the composition.
  4. Savior - folk medicine No. 1. The main difference from analogues is the naturalness of the composition and absolute safety for the child.

The above funds are dispensed without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Among all injuries, one of the most common are burns, when tissue damage occurs as a result of exposure various factors.

Depending on the the reasons There are several types of burns:

Thermal burns cause high temperatures: fire, steam, boiling water, hot objects.

Chemical burns occur on contact with acids, alkalis and salts of heavy metals.

Radiation burns occur against the background of exposure to sunlight and ionizing radiation (radiation sickness).

Electrical burns.

Considering the depth of skin lesions, they distinguish 4 degrees burns. At the first time, the patient complains of redness and swelling of the skin. With the aggravation of the flow, bubbles with transparent contents appear. If the defeat of all layers of the skin begins with their necrosis, then these indicate a third degree. Last stage characterized by charring and damage to all tissues.

expressiveness symptoms depends on the cause, duration of contact, depth and area of ​​the lesion. Except local manifestations pronounced general reaction organism with increasing intoxication and a decrease in protective properties.

First aid is to stop the impact of damaging factors.

The main rule for thermal burns- do not remove burnt clothing, as this can lead to peeling of the skin! If the cause was acid, then immediately rinse with water. At sunburn it is necessary to transfer the patient to a cool place. Finding the victim after the impact electric shock, it is necessary to remove the cable or power source using rubber clothing.

The person providing first aid must remember not to open the blisters and use any fat-containing ointments or oils, which can lead to complications. First aid can be provided at the scene medical assistance, including the introduction of painkillers, wound treatment and the application of a sterile dressing. The patient must immediately hospitalize to the clinic, where they will provide qualified assistance.

For the purpose of treatment, it is possible to use ointments, but only on a water basis. Such ointments are quickly absorbed and washed off the surface of the skin without difficulty. The ointment remains widespread in use. "Levomekol".

The main active ingredient in the composition of the ointment is an antibiotic a wide range actions. Levomycetin acts on many groups of microorganisms and some viruses. For burns importance has stimulation of the immune system, for which methyluracil is responsible. It causes increased production of leukocytes and interferon. Leukocytes protect the body from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, and a special interferon protein has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Methyluracil affects cell division and growth, which contributes to the rapid restoration of tissues in the affected area.

An auxiliary component is ethylene glycol, the task of which is to increase the effectiveness of the main components of the ointment, especially in the presence of pus and necrotic masses.

You can use the ointment for any degree of burn, but with severe course recommended only as an additional remedy against the background general therapy. Before use burn surface washed, and then apply a sterile bandage soaked in ointment. Dressings should be changed several times a day, up to a maximum of 5 times. At correct use ointment swelling is reduced, and wound surface cleared.

Read on the topic article Levomekol: ointment for wound healing. At timely treatment and small shallow burns, the prognosis is favorable.

A burn is damage to the skin high temperature. Upon receipt, it is necessary to quickly provide first aid: moisten the damaged area abundantly cold water and resort to medical supplies that will make the healing process easier. Levomekol for burns will accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and prevent infection of the wound.

Levomekol is used for various skin lesions:

  • Skin diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature. The ointment reduces tissue swelling, improves healing, and helps to draw out pus.
  • For burns varying degrees gravity.
  • Furunculosis.
  • For the treatment and prevention of bedsores, scratches, cuts, ulcers, acne.
  • Helps, accompanied by infections of a viral and bactericidal nature.

Composition and active ingredient for burns

The composition of the drug contains 2 main active ingredients:

  • Chloramphenicol (levomycetin) is an antibiotic substance that is effective against many types of infectious agents. The mechanism of action is aimed at destruction cell membranes pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Methyluracil. It has anti-inflammatory (suppression of the activity of proteolytic enzymes) and immunostimulating (activation of cellular and humoral factors immune system) properties, accelerates cellular regeneration.

The simultaneous action of the components of Levomekol in the form of an ointment for burns will not harm the biological cell structures skin, which makes it possible to use it for injuries of the last degrees of severity.

In the pharmacy there are many analogues of Levomekol in the form of creams, gels, but Levomethyl is absolutely identical. The only difference between them is the price.

Is it effective for burns?

The tool is effective when -. A fresh wound must be treated with running water, furacilin solution or alcohol to neutralize poisonous essential oils plants, after applying ointment thin layer.

Instructions for use

For adults

Levomekol is applied externally, applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and covered with a sterile dressing, which should be changed several times a day or as purulent exudate is released.

If the wound is deep, tampons or gauze pads soaked in the preparation are placed in it. To make the fabric better saturated with ointment, it can be slightly warmed up.

From above it is fixed with a fixing bandage. Main condition - constant change dressings on fresh (to avoid the development a large number pathogenic microflora).

The ointment should be applied with extreme caution, avoid contact with mucous membranes.

According to the instructions, use during pregnancy is allowed.

For kids

Approved for children older than one year. It is undesirable to use infants - this is due to the appearance of a possible strong backlash on the components of the drug. Children are applied externally. If the child accidentally swallowed the ointment, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take Activated carbon. In case of contact with eyes, rinse abundantly with running water.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications of the drug include individual intolerance, which manifests itself in allergic reaction(itching, rash, swelling). Before use, it is better to anoint a small area of ​​the skin, and in case of an allergy, the applied product must be washed off, and the skin area should be washed under running water for several minutes. If redness and allergy symptoms persist long time you need to see a dermatologist.

The drug has been used by people for many years and has a good reputation. Ointment for burns Levomekol shows its effectiveness to the fullest during the treatment and prevention of wounds, for which it receives a lot positive feedback from patients and doctors.

Blistering is observed when receiving burn wounds of the second degree of severity. According to statistics, this degree is the most common type of household burn injuries. Many people, having received such injuries, often self-medicate, avoiding seeking help from medical workers. With relatively small areas of damaged areas of the skin, therapy for burns and blisters can be carried out outside the hospital. However, even in such circumstances, certain rules must be followed.

One of the main rules says that it is unacceptable to open burn blisters, as this can lead to infection and bacteria.

Boiling water burns are a very common type of home injury.

Before talking about what helps with burns, what ointments should be used, let's look at how such damage is treated. The formation of blisters at the site of the burn indicates the superficial nature of the injury. Most often, such skin lesions are of the second degree of severity. When injured, the victim should receive competent first aid, which will have a greater impact on the subsequent healing of tissues.

Therapy of burn injuries complicated by blistering consists of several stages.. At the first stage, it will be necessary to take measures in order to prevent possible infection and eliminate the existing bacteria on the affected area of ​​the body. Next, measures should be taken to stimulate regenerative processes at the lesion. One of milestones, which is worth highlighting especially, is the prevention of the opening of newly formed bubbles and their drying. Final stage therapy is aimed at preventing the formation of scar tissue on the damaged area of ​​the body.

During treatment at home, it is necessary to strictly observe certain rules. The main rule when receiving burn injuries says that it is unacceptable to touch the damaged surface dirty hands. In the treatment of burn injuries, it is recommended to use drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Such medicines include Panthenol and Argosulfan. Ointment for healing burns "Neosporin" also has all the necessary properties.

When using medications for local application, it is very important to first familiarize yourself with their composition. In the treatment of injuries of this nature, it is forbidden to use medicines containing refractory fats.. In the event of a burn, be careful damaged skin from possible infection. Experts talk about the benefits of using special dressings and a bandage to bandage damaged areas.

The bandage should be worn only during the day, at night the wound should be left open so that the skin dries and is saturated with oxygen.

Therapy of burn wounds complicated by the appearance of blisters

To bring the deadline closer full recovery damaged tissues and eliminate blisters, you should use various medicines for external use, made in the form of ointments, creams, aerosols and gels.

At home, only superficial burns (first or second degree) are treated.

To date, cheap ointment from burns, which has all the necessary properties - this is Levomekol. This antibacterial pharmaceutical product includes pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory ingredients. In addition, the remedy speeds up the healing process several times. You can apply the ointment literally from the first minutes after the injury. The duration of the course of treatment is about four days.

An equally popular remedy for burns of the second degree of severity is considered to be Povidone-Iodine, produced in the form of an ointment. The composition of this drug contains active iodine, which has a regenerating and antibacterial effect.

Similar therapeutic effect possesses a medicinal product manufactured in the form of a balm for external use - "Rescuer". The composition of this medicine is based entirely on herbal ingredients, which makes the medicine completely safe for health.

There is also a category potent means which should be used in the regeneration of damaged tissues. These processes begin a few days after the burn injury. Each hot water burn cream helps keep the skin soft and prevents the formation of rough scar tissue. It is at the regeneration stage that preparations such as Panthenol and Bepanten should be used, which have a light texture and increased absorbency.

In the treatment of burn injuries, the pharmacy should be purchased special patches and bandages for making dressings. The main difference between such dressings consists in the presence of a special anti-burn impregnation, which makes it possible to refuse the use of additional medicines.

Nuances of therapy

The main difficulty of burn injuries resulting from skin contact with boiling water is that it is rather problematic to independently assess the nature of the damage. That is why, in the event of blisters, you should seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. Based clinical picture, the specialist can assign competent treatment, in order to accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.

If all layers of the skin are affected, be sure to consult a doctor to provide proper, timely assistance.

Burn therapy consists of measures used to reduce the severity of pain, cleansing damaged tissues from various infections and bacteria. At later stages, when complications appear, it may be necessary to open the burn blisters with special sterile instruments to clear the contents.

Experts quite often say that the right first aid measures can significantly speed up recovery. Unfortunately, many people unknowingly make many mistakes, which leads to complications. Below is a list of the most common mistakes.

Many people, having received a burn, immediately apply anti-burn ointments and other medicines. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since damaged skin must first be cooled with a flow cold water. It is also not recommended to treat this type of damage with alcohol-containing solutions, iodine, brilliant green or vegetable oils. It is best to use Vaseline for initial processing.

It is forbidden to pierce blisters on your own, as the use of non-sterile improvised instruments can lead to infection. It is not recommended to treat burns with boiling water of various fermented milk products, table vinegar and soda.

In the presence of blisters, it is recommended to use Panthenol spray or its analogues (Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, Pantoderm) at the burn site. The use of these medications in the first minutes after receiving a burn will prevent the development of many unpleasant consequences.

Ointments used for burns

Every year, pharmaceutical giants release many various means designed to stop destructive action burn injuries on tissue and dermis. In the table below, there is a list of ointments for skin burns, which allow for the treatment of burn injuries of a different nature.

Burns are damage to the skin or tissues caused by high temperatures.

Among the most popular means for accelerating the healing of burn injuries, such drugs as Solcoseryl, Ebermin, Rescuer, Calendula Extract Ointment, Eplan, Panthenol, Bepanten and Actovegin should be distinguished . Each of these drugs meets the highest modern standards and is suitable for the treatment of any burns. In order to make a choice of drug, you should get the advice of a specialist who, based on individual characteristics body and clinical picture, will select the necessary remedy.

A detailed overview of the most effective means

Cream "La Cree"

"La-cree" is a drug used to eliminate skin irritations caused by burns of the first and second categories of severity. Part this medicine includes such natural ingredients, like: extracts of bisabolol, licorice, string and violets, which can reduce the severity of inflammatory processes. Extract walnut, present in the composition, allows you to eliminate existing microbes.

Efficiency this tool It is achieved due to the presence of panthenol and avocado oil in the composition. These components make it possible to soften scar tissue and accelerate skin regeneration. Annotation to the cream says that the use of the drug is allowed during therapy skin diseases in babies.

"Ointment Levomekol"

Levomekol is a healing ointment for burns, which has a water base. This feature allows not only to easily wash off the composition from the skin, but also to combine the drug with other medicines for external use. The active components of this ointment have an increased penetrating effect, due to which the ointment begins to act literally from the first minutes.

The main advantage of the drug is its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Among the ingredients of the drug, it is worth highlighting such components as chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which prevent the development of various factors leading to complications. The use of ointment reduces the risk of pus formation.

The effectiveness of Levomekol is explained by the fact that methyluracil is directly involved in the process of stimulating cellular metabolism. Acceleration this process contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. In addition, methyluracil increases the synthesis of leukocytes, which are necessary for the body in order to resist various types infections.

Balm "Rescuer"

This medicinal balm deservedly got its name. This tool contains components such as: beeswax, turpentine, echinacea extract, vitamins from the "E" group, oils tea tree, sea buckthorn and lavender, as well as milk lipids. A mixture of the listed ingredients is endowed with a regenerating, antiseptic, dermoprotective, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and immunostimulating effect.

The main advantage of this balm is the high speed of effectiveness and the possibility of using it for the treatment of skin diseases in young children. The only contraindication available to the "Rescuer" is individual intolerance to individual ingredients.

Any burn is dangerous with complications in the form of infection of the wound.

Ointment "Panthenol"

The main advantage of Panthenol is that this substance is present in many pharmaceutical products manufactured in the form of ointments, creams, solutions, aerosols and suppositories. Thanks to this diversity, the treatment of many diseases is greatly simplified.
Panthenol is the best ointment for boiled water burns with blisters, as active ingredients drugs are directly involved in the process of cellular metabolism. Upon penetration into the body, panthenol is converted into an acid that metabolizes fats and saccharides, and also increases the synthesis of natural glucocorticoids.

Ointment "Bepanten"

Given medication, like all of the above drugs, is involved in the processes of normalization of local metabolism, regeneration of damaged tissues and prevents the penetration of pathogens. The ointment has a light structure, and its application allows you to cool and anesthetize the affected areas. Use the medicine should be several times a day, applying a translucent layer.

Pain-relieving ointments

Second-degree burns, resulting from skin contact with boiling water, are accompanied by the appearance of blisters. These types of burns are very painful, which requires the use of painkillers. Anesthetic ointments for burns can not only eliminate bright severe symptoms but also accelerate tissue healing. These drugs include:

  • ointment "Pantonol";
  • anti-inflammatory ointment "Eplan";
  • balm "Rescuer";
  • cream "Actovegin";
  • furacilin ointment;
  • gel "Levomekol".
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