Consequences of streptococcal infection in children. Streptococcal infection in children. Symptoms of streptococcal infections

To date, streptococcal infection in a child is a fairly common and common disease, but not all adults understand what it is connected with and how to deal with it. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms, and methods of treating this pathology in children of different age category.

in a child: what is the disease?

In fact, there are many ailments belonging to this category, and they are all caused by streptococci, but at the same time, microorganisms have different types(strains). Consider the most common of them:

  • Diseases caused by group A streptococci include diseases of the throat, skin, and pneumonia. Such diseases give the body serious complications in the form of autoimmune pathology (rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
  • Diseases caused by group B streptococci occur in both newborns and adults. Children develop meningitis and sepsis, but adult category population ailments genitourinary system, diabetic ulcers, and arthritis.

Streptococcal infection in a child is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through dirty unwashed hands and through damaged skin. In newborns, bacteria can be transmitted through an unhealed umbilical wound.

Symptoms of the disease

It is very important to navigate the symptoms that occur when streptococci multiply in the body, because such infections are very common in babies. Incubation period lasts about three or four days. The first symptoms occur 72-96 hours after infection. It becomes very difficult for the child to swallow, while the body temperature rises. Tonsils increase in size, and a purulent plaque may form on them. Lymph nodes become inflamed and become sharply painful.

It is very important to identify the causative agent of the disease in time, because with untimely or incorrect treatment, very serious complications can develop.

Usually the disease makes itself felt by such symptoms:

  1. The first thing that will bother the baby is weakness throughout the body, a headache.
  2. Then the body temperature rises.
  3. A rash may be noticed a few hours after the onset of the fever. Rashes first appear on the arms and legs, and then move to other parts of the body.
  4. Usually the maximum amount of rash appears on the third day of illness. The rashes will decrease only after a week. This is how a streptococcal infection makes itself felt.

The child may have immunity against streptococcus. In this case, scarlet fever does not develop, and the baby endures the usual

With the defeat of streptococci of the skin, edema and hyperemia occur. In some cases, blisters appear on the skin and hemorrhage occurs.

Manifestations of infection in newborns

Bacteria can attack the body even so small child. In this case, the disease often occurs in the first hours of a baby's life. Usually the disease begins to progress according to the principle of acute sepsis. There are foci of hemorrhage on the skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature rises sharply, breathing becomes difficult, possible sleep apnea. The spleen and liver increase in size.

Types of streptococci

Streptococcal infection in children, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a disease caused by gram-positive bacteria streptococci. Bacteria reach a diameter of up to 1 micron. Usually they have the shape of an oval or a ball, arranged in pairs and chains. To date, the group of streptococci includes 21 representatives. They are designated by the letters of the English alphabet. Most often, bacteria of group A are found in an adult, while in a newborn baby - groups D, C, B.

Having settled in the human body, bacteria begin to produce various toxic substances. The most dangerous of them is exotoxin. It leads to significant tissue damage throughout the body and dramatically reduces immunity.

Streptococci can retain their properties even at low and high temperatures. But they can be destroyed through the use of special antibiotics. Bacteria exist in the environment long time, being on different objects, as well as in pus and sputum.

Diagnostic methods

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin as well as in the throat must be confirmed special methods and only then can treatment begin. Thanks to bacteriological research specialists will be able to identify the pathogen and determine which group it belongs to. It is very important to do an antibiotic susceptibility test. Today, there are a huge number of bacteria that are resistant to certain types of antibiotics.

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin is very easy to determine if it is caused by group A bacteria. Express diagnostics can be done in just twenty minutes. However, even if the tests showed that streptococci are present in the child's body, this will not be evidence that they caused the disease. In fact, the baby can be a carrier, and at the same time, the disease can be triggered by other bacteria or viruses.

Streptococcal throat infection in children: symptoms and causes of development

As is known, not a large number of streptococci is found in the oral cavity of every healthy person. However, for some reason, their number begins to increase, and this leads to the development of serious diseases.

If streptococci affect the throat, then this can be seen by the following symptoms:

Causes of streptococcal infection in the body

Streptococcal infection in children, the symptoms and treatment of which you can read in this article, most often occurs due to a weakening of the local or general immunity of the baby's body. However, in addition to this, there are other factors that provoke the development of such a pathology:

  • sometimes streptococci begin their vigorous activity after severe hypothermia;
  • immunity can be weakened in the presence of other viral diseases in the body;
  • another reason is the presence of stomatitis and other infections in the oral cavity;
  • the disease can occur against the background of dental diseases;
  • streptococcal infections begin to progress in the presence of various diseases of the nasal cavity.

However, there are a huge number of other reasons that can contribute to the development of a streptococcal infection in a child's body. The doctor will be able to identify probable risk factors after examining a small patient.

Streptococcal infection of the skin

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin (photo can be seen in this article) most often manifests itself in the form of erysipelas. Usually, the infection is acute, with the blood and skin involved in the process. lymphatic vessels. Most often, this disease affects young children. Often, the infection appears on the skin of the face. Not surprising, because this part of the body is closest to the respiratory tract, in which accumulates the largest number harmful microorganisms. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin can also occur as a result of infection of surgical wounds or against the background of fungal skin lesions on absolutely any part of the body.

Streptococcal skin infection in children, the treatment of which will be described below, develops very quickly. Initially, the affected area begins to itch and itch. Then the child develops weakness, headaches are noted. After that, there is inflammatory process on the skin. The affected area of ​​the skin becomes very hot to the touch and acquires a red tint. At the same time, the boundaries of the inflamed skin are fuzzy. Bubbles may form on the affected area, which over time will burst and become covered with a crust.

It should be borne in mind that the symptoms of a streptococcal infection in a child are very bright, and it is quite difficult not to notice the disease. Rashes are often accompanied by fever and general malaise. For maximum quick release From an illness, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

How to treat?

Streptococcal throat infection in children is treated on an outpatient and inpatient basis. In this case, the method of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as on the degree of neglect of the disease. The main method of therapy is the use of antibiotics that are effective against streptococcus. With the help of such therapy, it is possible to eliminate the bacteria that attack the throat, as well as to eliminate inflammatory processes in it.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out in both adults and children. different ages. Usually, specialists prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to small patients. These drugs include penicillins and cephalosporins. Such substances are contained in such preparations as Fromilid, Penicillin, Augmentin, Macropen, Sumamed and many others. However, antibiotics may different forms release. These can be suspensions for children, ampoules for injections, or capsules and tablets for internal use. The choice of a particular drug will depend on the identified causative agent of the disease, drug resistance, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathology. It is forbidden to use antibiotics without consulting a doctor! This threatens the development of unwanted reactions and severe complications.

A strep throat infection in children treated with antibiotics can lead to other health problems. For example, taking antibiotic drugs will always be accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. Doctors strongly recommend taking probiotics during the course of treatment, which will protect and restore the intestinal microflora. This should be especially taken into account in the treatment of young children in whom the intestinal microflora has not yet fully formed. Quite often, for this, doctors recommend taking drugs such as Linex, Laktovit, Bifiform, and many others.

Skin treatment

The severity of rashes in a child and an adult may be different, and the choice of method of therapy is primarily determined by the severity of the patient's condition. Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own, and the skin will not suffer. No, this will not happen. Be sure to consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment should begin immediately.

In order for the inflamed skin to itch less, you need to sprinkle it with talc or powder containing zinc oxide. Lubrication of the affected areas with white clay is practiced. But maximum therapeutic effect can only be achieved using special ointments. All of them contain antibacterial components. It is important to remember that the skin of babies should not be treated with products containing alcohol. For children, special ointments have been developed that simultaneously relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, and also have an antibacterial effect.

Preventive measures

Streptococcal vaccination for children is the most effective tool prevent the development of the disease. Streptococcus vaccination is not included in the vaccination schedule. However, such a vaccination is recommended for children with immunodeficiency who have reached two years of age. Babies suffering from diseases of the kidneys and spleen should also be vaccinated.

A very important preventive method is to increase the immunity of the child. How to do it?

  1. Be sure to control your diet.
  2. Don't forget about hardening.
  3. Make time for sports and outdoor activities.
  4. Keep your child away from contact with already infected children. Streptococcal infections are transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact.
  5. Always dress your child for the weather. It is very important not to overcool, since it is this condition that can lead to the development of a streptococcal infection.
  6. Be sure to treat other diseases present in the baby's body. It doesn't really matter what nature they are. Any chronic pathology reduces immunity.

Be healthy and take care of yourself. Remember: a streptococcal infection that has settled in the body is not a sentence. At timely diagnosis and treatment can get rid of the disease and avoid the development of complications.

Streptococcal infection is a group of diseases caused by streptococci, mainly group A and having common epidemiological, pathogenetic, morphological and immunological patterns.

From this article, you will learn the main causes and symptoms of streptococcus in children, how streptococcus is treated in children, and what preventive measures you can take to protect your child from this disease.

Treatment of streptococcus in children

Hospitalization is carried out according to clinical indications (patients with severe and moderate forms, with complications, concomitant diseases), age (children under 2 years old), epidemiological (children from closed children's institutions, hostels, communal apartments) and social and household (impossibility of organizing treatment and care at home).

Treatment of streptococcus in children is complex, including a regimen, diet, antibiotic therapy, and, if necessary, pathogenetic and symptomatic agents.

Remedies for the treatment of streptococcus in children

Etiotropic therapy is necessary for all patients with streptococcal infection. The most effective is penicillin (benzylpenicillin sodium salt at a dose of 100-150 thousand units / kg / day. intramuscularly, phenoxymethylpenicillin at a dose of 100 mg / kg / day. inside, smallpox, oracillin, etc.). The frequency of administration (reception) of the drug - 4-6 times a day. Macrolide antibiotics are also used (erythromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, azithromycin, etc.), in severe forms - cephalosporins of the first generation.

For antibiotic therapy patients with necrotizing fasciitis, necrotizing myositis, streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome use benzylpenicillin sodium in high doses in combination with clindamycin (climycin, dalacin C), as well as cephalosporins of the first generation.

Treatment of streptococci in the throat

Streptococci can cause not only diseases of the larynx, which are often mistaken for acute respiratory infections, but also terrible skin diseases. Therefore, if you find a reddened throat in a baby, you need not only to treat it, but also to analyze the flora so as not to accidentally miss a serious problem.

Of course, the treatment of streptococcus-induced throat disease looks the same as with the usual cold, but it is important to eliminate the virus, and not just cope with the symptoms. Unfortunately, once you get streptococcus, it will be difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, parents, and then the child himself, need to decide how to treat streptococcus in a child as quickly as possible.

How to treat streptococcus?

Streptococcus is a problem that can be caused by poor personal hygiene. Therefore, the child must be taught to cleanliness and the rules of maintaining his body. Cleanliness should be in the room, in the house, in things and in all everyday life.

Unequivocal treatment of streptococcal infections should include the use of penicillin-containing medications. Antibiotics are absolutely indispensable in the treatment of this virus. And the smaller the child, the more important the role of the drug. The dosage and intake of drugs is set by the doctor, it must be strictly adhered to.

As for the fight against local manifestations, then all antiseptics, antibacterial decoctions and rinses will do. It is not recommended to heat areas infected with staphylococcus aureus. It is forbidden to wet the areas affected by the virus, especially when it comes to streptoderma.

Streptoderma is a special problem. The best way fighting it is cauterization. The manifestation of streptoderma is painful and tends to affect large areas of the skin if not stopped in time. You can cauterize streptoderma with a manganese solution, aloe juice, an alcohol solution of propolis, and so on.

If streptococcus has settled in the throat, then in addition to antibiotics, any other symptomatic remedy can be used to treat it: decoctions, teas with honey, rinses. To prevent the infection from rising into the nasopharynx, it is not recommended to use inhalation in the treatment.

Of course, it’s better not to figure out how to treat streptococcus in a child, but to get by with careful prevention. If the disease overtook the child, take it seriously, and you can get rid of many problems.

Prevention of streptococcus in children

The organization of epidemiological surveillance, which includes early diagnosis streptococcal diseases, isolation of patients with various forms of streptococcal infection, as well as strict control over compliance with sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures.

Symptoms of streptococcus in children

The nature of the clinical variant of streptococcal infection depends on the state of specific antitoxic and antimicrobial immunity, the age of the child, the characteristics of the macroorganism, localization primary focus, massiveness of infection, aggressive properties of streptococcus, etc.

Various forms of streptococcal infection have common features and symptoms due to the specific properties of the pathogen:

  • a pronounced inflammatory process at the site of the entrance gate with bright hyperemia, soreness and tissue infiltration;
  • rapid transition of the initial catarrhal inflammation to purulent, purulent-necrotic;
  • tendency to generalize the process;
  • a tendency to purulent lesions of regional lymph nodes with severe soreness and density;
  • hematological changes (leukocytosis, neutrophilia, shift to stab-nuclear forms, increased ESR).

Causes of streptococcus in children

Group A streptococci can cause general diseases (scarlet fever, erysipelas) and local inflammatory processes localized in various organs and systems (skin, joints, heart, urinary, respiratory systems, etc.).

Historical data on streptococcus

Streptococci were first discovered by T. Billroth in 1874 in tissues with erysipelas. L. Pasteur observed them in sepsis, and F. Rosenbach in 1884 identified them in pure culture. The works of G. I. Gabrichevsky, V. I. Ioffe, M. G. Danilevich, I. M. Lyampert, A. A. Totolyan made a great contribution to the study of streptococcal infection.

Streptococcus causative agent in children

Etiology. Streptococci are a large group of microbes that cause various diseases man and animals.

Streptococci are gram-positive immobile bacteria of a spherical shape with a size of 0.5-1 microns. Translucent to opaque colonies form on blood agar plates, which may be surrounded by unchanged culture medium (gamma hemolysis), areas of greenish discoloration (alpha hemolysis), or completely clear areas (beta hemolysis).

In accordance with the presence of a group-specific polysaccharide, streptococci are divided into 21 groups (A, B, C ... V). The most pathogenic for humans are group A streptococci (GAS), as a rule, β-hemolytic. In recent years, the frequency of detection of streptococci of other groups has increased, in particular, B, G, C. Group B streptococci (Str. aga-lactiae) cause sepsis, meningitis (mainly in newborns and young children), group D streptococci (Str. faecalis , Str.faecium - enterococci) - acute intestinal infections, diseases of the urinary tract.

In the cell wall of streptococcus, there are M-, T- and R-proteins.

M-protein is one of the main factors determining the virulence of streptococci, its heterogeneity allows serotyping. Currently, 83 serotypes of GAS are known. It is believed that the same streptococcal serotype can cause both carriage and any manifest form of streptococcal infection. In recent years, in Russia, as in other countries, instead of the previously common 2, 4, 12, 22.49, 1,3,5,6,28, 18,19 serotypes of SGA, which circulated 30-35 years ago, are increasingly being detected. . The change in the leading serotypes led to the appearance of severe complications of streptococcal infection (necrotizing fasciitis, necrotizing myositis, streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome).

Streptococci are capable of producing a number of toxins and aggression enzymes, the presence and level of activity of which determine the individual virulence of each individual strain of the pathogen. Among the toxins, there are: general toxin (erythrogenin, erythrogenic toxin, Dick's toxin, exotoxin, rash toxin): private application toxins (streptolysins or hemolysins O and S, leukocidin, fibrinolysin, enterotoxin). Streptococci produce the following enzymes: hyaluronidase, streptokinase, amylase, proteinase, lipoproteinase.

Erythrogenin is divided into three types - A, B and C, with toxin A having the greatest effect on the body. It has a cytotoxic, pyrogenic, sympathicotropic effect, causes circulatory disorders in patients, and suppresses the functions of the reticuloendothelial system. Erythrogenic toxin consists of two fractions - thermolabile and thermostable; the first is actually a toxin, the second is an allergen, causing the development of delayed-type hypersensitivity.

Streptolysin S has an immunosuppressive effect on the macroorganism; streptolysin O has versatile biological activity (cardiotropism, etc.).

Enzymes promote the spread of microbial cells and toxins in the body.

Streptococci are highly resistant to physical impact, tolerate freezing well, can remain in dried pus for weeks and months, but quickly die under the action of disinfectants and antibiotics, especially penicillin.

Source of streptococcal infection

Epidemiology. The source of infection is a person with any form of streptococcal infection, as well as a carrier of pathogenic strains of streptococcus. In epidemic terms, the most dangerous are children with lesions of the nose, oropharynx and bronchi (scarlet fever, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis). A large role in the spread of infection belongs to patients with lungs, atypical forms streptococcal diseases, as well as convalescents - carriers of streptococcus with chronic pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

Transmission mechanism: drip. The main route of transmission is airborne. The intensity of the spread of streptococcus increases significantly with SARS (coughing, sneezing). In young children it is possible contact-household way- through contaminated toys, care items, hands of caregivers. food way- through products (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, creams), in which streptococci multiply rapidly, can lead to outbreaks of streptococcal diseases, characterized by features inherent in food toxic infections.

Susceptibility to streptococcus is high. Certain age groups are dominated by certain clinical forms streptococcal infection. In newborns and children of the first months of life, due to the presence of antitoxic immunity acquired from the mother, scarlet fever practically does not occur, but various purulent-inflammatory diseases (otitis media, streptoderma, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, etc.) are observed. In older age groups, scarlet fever is more common and purulent-septic processes are relatively rare. In adults, scarlet fever occurs rarely, other forms of streptococcal infection predominate.

In response to the penetration of streptococcus, antitoxic and antibacterial immunity is produced in the body.

Different serological types of streptococci secrete qualitatively homogeneous toxins, to which a homogeneous antitoxin is produced in the patient's body. In this regard, antitoxic immunity is polyimmunity, i.e. it is directed against all GAS serotypes. Antitoxic immunity is stable, long-lasting, as a rule, persists throughout life and protects against re-infection with scarlet fever. With a new infection, even with highly toxigenic strains of streptococcus, it is not scarlet fever that occurs, but a local inflammatory process (tonsillitis, streptoderma, etc.).

Bacterial antigens, the main of which is the M-protein, are type-specific. Responses to their impact - the development of type-specific antibodies. Therefore, antibacterial immunity is monoimmunity and is directed against one specific streptococcal serotype that caused the disease. It is usually short-lived, non-intense, and does not protect against infection with other streptococcal serotypes.

Streptococcus infection

Pathogenesis. Entrance gates for streptococcus are most often palatine tonsils and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Less commonly, hemolytic streptococcus penetrates through damaged skin (with burns, wounds), umbilical wound (in newborns) or mucous membranes of the genital tract (in puerperas).

In response to the introduction of streptococcus in the macroorganism, a complex pathological process develops, manifested by three main syndromes: infectious, toxic and allergic.

Infectious (septic) syndrome develops due to exposure to microbial factors of streptococcus. It is characterized by changes in the site of the entrance gate (inflammation of a catarrhal, purulent, necrotic nature) and the development specific complications microbial nature. From the primary focus of streptococcus lymphogenous way penetrate into the lymph nodes, causing lymphadenitis, less often - periadenitis and adenophlegmon; intracanalicular - through the auditory tube into the middle ear, causing the occurrence of otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis. Perhaps hematogenous spread of streptococci with the development of septicemia and septicopyemia.

toxic syndrome due to the action of toxic substances of streptococcus and is most pronounced in scarlet fever. The degree of intoxication depends both on the severity of the virulent properties of SHA, the massiveness of infection, and the state of the macroorganism.

allergic syndrome associated with the action of decomposition products of streptococci and a thermostable fraction of erythrogenic toxin. Protein substances of SGA, entering the bloodstream, cause sensitization of the macroorganism and the development of infectious and allergic complications (glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, synovitis, etc.).

Streptococcus classification

Classification of streptococcal infection:

Scarlet fever.

streptococcal infection different localization:

A. Localized forms with lesions:

  • ENT organs (tonsillitis, adenoiditis, otitis, sinusitis);
  • skin, subcutaneous tissue(streptoderma, abscess);
  • lymphatic system (lymphadenitis, lymphangitis);
  • respiratory system(rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia);
  • bones, joints (osteomyelitis, arthritis);
  • of cardio-vascular system(endocarditis, pericarditis);
  • genitourinary system (nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, adnexitis);
  • nervous system (meningitis, brain abscess);
  • digestive system(food poisoning, cholecystitis, pancreatitis).

B. Generalized forms:

  • septicemia;
  • septicopyemia.

By severity:

Light form.

Medium form.

Severe form.

Severity Criteria:

  • severity of intoxication syndrome;
  • the severity of local changes.

With the flow:

A. By duration:

Acute (up to 1 month).

Protracted (up to 3 months).

Chronic (over 3 months).

B. By nature:


  • with complications;
  • with a layer of secondary infection;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Scarlet fever and erysipelas differ from other forms in a more clearly defined clinical picture, which is due to the pronounced action of the erythrogenic streptococcus toxin (with scarlet fever) and peculiar local and common manifestations diseases (with erysipelas).

Localized forms of streptococcal infection

The most common localized forms of streptococcal infection are tonsillitis, streptoderma, rhinitis, pharyngitis.

The incubation period ranges from several hours to 7 days, with an average of 3-5 days.

Angina begins acutely with an increase in body temperature, a violation of the general condition and well-being, headache, sore throat, especially when swallowing. The anterior upper cervical (tonsillar) lymph nodes are enlarged and often painful on palpation.

Catarrhal angina- the most common form in which the inflammatory process is localized in the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils. Body temperature is usually subfebrile, patients complain of mild pain in the throat without a pronounced violation of the general condition. On examination, hyperemia of the palatine tonsils, arches, soft palate with a clear boundary between the inflamed and unaffected mucosa. Tonsils are enlarged, loosened. The duration of the acute period of the disease with rational antibiotic therapy does not exceed 3-5 days. Often the phenomena of catarrhal angina are only initial stage parenchymal tonsillitis (lacunar, follicular).

Lacunar and follicular tonsillitis accompanied severe symptoms and symptoms of intoxication: body temperature can reach 39-40 ° C, fever often with chills, a feeling of general weakness and malaise, tachycardia, vomiting and impaired consciousness are possible. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. The inflammatory process is characterized by a bright hyperemia of the pharynx with a distinct border, a significant increase in the palatine tonsils. At lacunar angina there is a purulent effusion in the lacunae or yellowish-white friable raids covering the tonsil in whole or in part. At follicular tonsillitis That is, on the tonsils, indistinctly formed or rounded yellowish-white festering follicles are revealed, which open within 1-2 days, forming small islands of purulent effusion on the surface of the tonsils.

The course of lacunar and follicular tonsillitis, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in symptoms in the first 2-5 days of illness. Then, with the appointment of etiotropic therapy, the manifestations of the disease quickly subside: the surface of the palatine tonsils is cleared of plaque, while the symptoms of intoxication disappear. The hyperemia of the pharynx and regional lymphadenitis persist somewhat longer. The duration of the disease usually does not exceed 7-10 days.

Streptoderma. Skin lesions caused by streptococcus begin with the appearance of small red papules (nodules), which later turn into vesicles (vesicles), and then pustules. Streptoderma often occurs when a child has exudative diathesis. The process can become widespread with the defeat of large areas of skin covered with a yellow crust, under which there is pus. Elements of streptoderma are mainly localized in open areas of the body - limbs, face; characterized by regional lymphadenitis. The disease is usually accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, expressed according to the severity. pathological process on the skin.

Generalized forms streptococcal infections (septicopyemia, septicemia) occur mainly in newborns and infants due to imperfection of humoral and cellular immunity, non-specific factors protection.

Complications of streptococcus in children

Complications of streptococcal infection can be toxic, infectious (septic) and allergic.

toxic complications. Streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome is caused by strains of streptococcus that produce exotoxin A. In most cases, it occurs against the background of localized skin infection or soft tissue infections (erysipelas, streptoderma, myositis), less often - pneumonia or acute respiratory diseases caused by GAS. Deterioration of the general condition, the appearance of pronounced symptoms of intoxication, an erythematous spotted rash on the skin are characteristic. Within 12-24 hours, bacteremia occurs, followed by damage to the vital important organs. Quickly, in 1-2 days, develops Clinical picture infectious-toxic shock. Mortality in streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome is 20-30%.

infectious complications. With streptococcal angina, there are such infectious complications as paratonsillar infiltrate, paratonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess. The spread of streptococcus to the lymph nodes, middle ear, paranasal sinuses, the brain leads to the development of purulent lymphadenitis, adenophlegmon of the neck, purulent otitis media, sinuitis, meningitis.

Skin lesions of streptococcal nature may be accompanied by the development of necrotizing fasciitis, necrotizing myositis. These forms are characterized by the appearance of local edema, hyperemia, pain on palpation around the primary focus. After 1-2 days, the skin of the affected area becomes purple, blisters appear with transparent, and then cloudy contents. The process spreads rapidly, leading to extensive necrosis.

Allergic complications as acute glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, rheumatism, synovitis can occur with any form of streptococcal infection and have an infectious-allergic nature.

Diagnosis of streptococcus in children

Supporting and diagnostic signs of streptococcal infection:

  • contact with a patient with streptococcal infection (or a carrier of SGA);
  • intoxication syndrome;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • typical inflammation with bright delimited hyperemia at the site of the entrance gate;
  • tendency to purulent-necrotic processes;
  • rapid spread of the inflammatory process.

Laboratory diagnosis of streptococcal infection

Bacteriological and express methods are used to detect streptococcus in any lesion. An express diagnostic method based on the coagglutination reaction allows to detect the presence of streptococcus in the material from the pharynx or other lesion within 30 minutes in any conditions - hospital, clinic, at home, children's institution.

Hematological method for diagnosing streptococcal infection: in the blood test - leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a shift to young forms, increased ESR.

Bacterial infections in babies are often caused by various microbes of the coccal flora. Streptococcus is one of the most common representatives of this family. This article will tell parents what you should know about the problems of streptococcal infection.

What it is?

One of the representatives of the families of cocci - streptococci. This is a fairly voluminous view, which includes a huge variety of the most various representatives. These microorganisms can cause infectious pathologies in both newborns and older children.

The prevalence of streptococcal infections in the pediatric population is quite high. These microorganisms are quite well preserved in adverse conditions external environment. This feature is due to their cellular structure. While in the external environment, they retain their viability, even without forming capsule forms.

The effect of insolation, some disinfectants, as well as antibacterial drugs has a detrimental effect on these microbes.

Some types of streptococci are representatives of the healthy microflora of the human body. Such microorganisms are also called opportunistic pathogens. In this case, their active reproduction leads to the development of the disease with a decrease in immunity as a result of the influence of various factors.

Most often in children, this condition is promoted by severe hypothermia or exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs.

The prevalence of streptococcal infections among babies is quite high. In states with a temperate continental climate, infections caused by various types of streptococci occur in ten out of a hundred babies.

You can find these microorganisms in humans in a variety of organs. They live on the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, in the gastrointestinal tract, and also on the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract. Dr. Komarovsky, for example, believes that These microorganisms are an important component normal microflora child's body.

Scientific research, which are aimed at studying the morphofunctional properties and the mechanism of active action on human body of these microbes, began to be carried out since the end of the 19th century. Researchers have now found more than twenty different types of streptococci that exist in the environment.

Not all of them are capable of causing infectious diseases in babies. Only those species that have pronounced pathogenicity factors (the ability to cause disease) can contribute to the appearance of adverse symptoms of the disease in a baby.

Streptococci are various groups and types. This division is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of their morphological structure. The most common representatives of this class of microbes that contribute to the development of infectious pathologies in babies are group A streptococci. Once in a weakened children's body, these microbes can cause various lesions of internal organs.

Group B Streptococcus also lead to the development of various infectious diseases in babies. Quite often, these microorganisms lead to the development of bacterial sepsis or pneumonia.

According to statistics, these diseases occur more often in newborn babies. At high risk are premature babies, as well as babies with congenital anomalies and defects in the structure of internal organs.

Pathogenic streptococci have a dangerous property - the ability to have a destructive effect on red blood cells (erythrocytes). By severity this sign All microorganisms are divided into several main groups:

  • Alpha hemolytic. Contribute to the partial death of red blood cells - hemolysis.
  • Beta hemolytic. They lead mainly to complete or massive death of erythrocytes in the bloodstream.
  • Gamma hemolytic. They have a minimum damaging effect on erythrocytes. Practically do not lead to the development of hemolysis.

Alpha hemolytic

Streptococcus viridans

Many streptococci are members of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract. One such microorganism is Streptococcus viridans. These opportunistic microbes are also quite common in the urinary tract and bronchial tree.

Scientists have found that these microorganisms are found in large numbers in girls in the genital area. The development of the disease can lead strong decline immunity, contributing to a change in the normal biocenosis.

Green streptococci are quite widely represented in the oral cavity. This class of microorganisms includes many different representatives. Streptococcus mitis often becomes the culprit of caries and other inflammatory diseases of the teeth.

These microorganisms have the ability to reproduce rapidly and enough feel good in the bone tissue of the teeth, contributing to the development of acute or chronic inflammation in it.

The most common types of streptococci, which are most common in the pediatric population, are pyogenic microorganisms. They are also called hemolytic groups A.

Streptococcus pyogenes is capable of causing quite a wide variety of different bacterial pathologies, which are accompanied by a violation of the work of most internal organs. The prevalence of these microorganisms in the population is very high.

Streptococcal angina


How can you get infected?

Streptococcus can be infected in many ways. Most frequent way infection is autoinfection.

In this case, excessive growth and reproduction of existing opportunistic colonies occurs. This usually occurs as a result of various causal factors leading to a weakening of local immunity. The most common cause in children - severe hypothermia.

At severe course microorganisms can get into different internal organs, leading to the systemic spread of the inflammatory process. Other situations lead to the development of self-infection:

  • Tooth extraction or improper pulp therapy;
  • Consequences of removal of tonsils and adenoid growths;
  • Conducted catheterization Bladder for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes;
  • Complications of bacterial pharyngitis and diseases paranasal sinuses nose.

Tonsil removal

In some cases, the baby can become infected from the outside. This occurs when in contact with a sick person or a carrier of the infection. This variant of infection is possible mainly in severely weakened babies. As a rule, these are children with severe comorbidities internal organs, growing neoplasms, pronounced immunodeficiency states, as well as complicated diseases of the endocrine system.

Some types of streptococci perfectly fall on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract by airborne method. These tiny bacteria are found in the saliva of a sick person or an infection carrier in large quantities. In this case, you can become infected when talking or being next to a sneezing and coughing sick child. The rate of spread of infection in this case is quite high.

Violation of the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the so-called "family" outbreaks of infection. The most common way of infection in this case is the use of shared towels, toothbrushes or washcloths. Parents should always remember that the baby should have their own personal belongings, which in no case should be used by adults.

Towels used by the child in everyday life should be washed regularly in hot water and ironed on both sides.

Streptococcal flora is perfectly preserved and breeds in various products food. The most favorite nutrient medium for microorganisms are fermented milk products, poultry meat, various compotes and fruit drinks.

Violation of the rules for storing such products and using them with an expired shelf life provokes infection in the baby. huge amount pathogenic microbes. In this case, as a rule, the child develops various forms of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intrauterine infection by different groups of streptococci is also possible. It should be noted that it occurs quite infrequently. In this case, group B streptococcus becomes a more frequent source of infection. American scientists argue that with intrauterine infection of a baby with these microorganisms, the risk of developing bacterial pneumonia and septic condition increases many times.

In the US, when microbes are detected even at 36 weeks of pregnancy in pregnant women, they are given appropriate treatment. In our country, this practice is not applied.

In European countries, all pregnant women during pregnancy must undergo tests and swabs from the vagina to determine the pathogenic streptococcal flora.


A huge variety of representatives of the streptococcal flora contribute to the development of a wide variety of clinical signs in babies. The degree of their severity can be different and depends on many reasons.

Usually severe course of infectious pathologies occurs in newborns and babies in the first months of life. This feature is due to the fact that the immune system of infants still does not work as efficiently as adults.

The incubation period for streptococcal infections is quite variable. In some cases, the first adverse symptoms appear within a few hours after a large number of pathogens enter the child's body. In other situations, the disease develops only after 3-4 days.

In babies with pronounced signs of immunodeficiency, clinical symptoms will appear somewhat earlier and can be expressed quite strongly.

Very often, streptococcal infection in children is manifested multiple respiratory tract infections.

Pronounced redness in the mouth and bright hyperemia of the palatine arches indicate the presence of bacterial pharyngitis. This condition is also accompanied by the appearance of soreness in the throat when swallowing. General well-being the child is significantly impaired. The child's appetite decreases and sleep is disturbed.

Streptococcal rhinitis- one of the most common childhood pathologies. This pathological condition is characterized by the development of a runny nose with copious discharge in a child. Nasal breathing is significantly impaired. The duration of a runny nose is usually 7-14 days. The lack of prescribed treatment usually leads to the spread of the infectious process from the nose to nearby organs.

Acute tonsillitis, which developed as a result of active reproduction of streptococcal flora, is accompanied by the appearance of a whole complex of adverse symptoms in a child. In a sick baby in the pharynx on inflamed tonsils appears green or gray coating. When you try to remove it with a spatula, increased bleeding may occur.

Spicy streptococcal tonsillitis or sore throat usually accompanied high rise body temperature in a child and severe symptoms of intoxication.

Skin manifestations also occur frequently when infected with various types of streptococci. Streptococcal dermatitis is manifested by the appearance on the skin of various rashes that look like bright red spots or vesicles on the skin, filled with serous or bloody contents inside. In some cases, skin rashes appear on the face and neck.

Impetigo is a fairly common form of the disease that can be caused by various pathogenic species of streptococcal flora. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of various purulent rashes on the skin.


This disease often leads to simultaneous infection with streptococci and staphylococci. The culprits of this disease in most cases are representatives of the pyogenic group of streptococcal flora.

Inflammatory pathologies of the middle ear are usually manifested by the appearance of symptoms of otitis media in a child. This pathology is accompanied by a moderate hearing loss, the appearance of "cod" or "rustling" during a conversation in the ears of a sick baby.

Body temperature in severe streptococcal otitis media usually rises to 38-39 degrees. The child feels unwell, he has difficulty falling asleep and the duration of the night's rest.

In some cases, streptococci enter various lymph nodes, contributing to the development of severe inflammation. Ultimately, this contributes to the development of lymphadenopathy.

The inflammatory process may involve the most different groups lymph nodes. They significantly increase in size, become available for palpation. The skin over the affected lymph nodes usually becomes red and hot to the touch.

Inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system and genital organs quite often occur due to infection with pathogenic species of streptococci. Girls are more susceptible to these pathologies. This is due to the fact that the babies have a rather short urethra, as well as the close proximity of the external genitalia to the urinary tract.

A pronounced decrease in local immunity also contributes to the activation of the growth of opportunistic streptococcal colonies, which are representatives of the local flora.

Pediatric gynecologists believe that the overwhelming cause leading to the development of colpitis and other pathologies of the genital organs in girls is pronounced dysbacteriosis of the vagina. Such pathologies appear, as a rule, with a sudden onset of itching, which can be quite unbearable.

In girls, urination may be disturbed, cramps or soreness may appear during urine output. In the urinary sediment, a large number of leukocytes are found, and in some cases, erythrocytes may also appear.


Children's doctors believe that it is not necessary to "carry out" the treatment of tests, but you need to be guided by the initial well-being of the baby. If the child has adverse symptoms of infectious diseases, then in this case he is prescribed complex therapy aimed at eliminating all clinical signs of the disease.

To identify the degree of existing deviations, various laboratory tests are used. They help to determine the boundaries of the norm, as well as to establish pathology.

Streptococci can be found in various biological fluids and material: in blood, in urine, in a smear from the pharynx and nasopharynx, feces. The accuracy of the study in many cases depends on how well the material was collected.

At streptococcal lesions urinary tract and kidneys in infants, it is very easy to identify infectious agents in the urine.

There are express diagnostic methods. They are used to quickly determine the cause infectious disease. These laboratory tests allow you to get the result after ½ hour.

This study should by no means be decisive in establishing the diagnosis. A positive result can only indicate carriage. There are also false positive tests that require careful monitoring.

In the presence of rheumatological complications of diseases, various tests are carried out to determine the specific markers of these pathologies.

The concentration of protein antibodies to streptococcal flora in glomerulonephritis usually increases several times and persists throughout almost the entire period of the development of the disease. These substances are determined by carrying out a specific neutralization reaction.

Diagnosis is carried out by doctors of various specialties. Streptococcal otitis media and nasopharyngitis are treated by pediatric otolaryngologists. Infectious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are treated by gastroenterologists. Skin rashes are within the competence of dermatologists. Diagnosis and treatment of local purulent abscesses carried out by pediatric or purulent surgeons.


Streptococcal infection is not harmless. Diagnosis that is not carried out in full, or incorrectly selected treatment leads to the development of various illnesses in a sick baby. dangerous complications and long-term consequences of the disease. As a rule, the course of these pathologies is quite severe. In most cases, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Inflammation lung tissue or pneumonia - a fairly common complication that occurs, as a rule, as a result of streptococcal bronchitis.

This pathology is characterized by the development of severe suppuration in the lungs. This disease is quite difficult. The body temperature of a sick child rises to 39-40 degrees. The baby cannot breathe fully, over time, the crumbs develop symptoms of respiratory failure.

Among the totality of conditionally pathogenic human symbiont microbes, more than half of streptococcal bacteria live in the throat mucosa.

A decrease in immune defense, especially inherent in babies, triggers a number of pathologies defined by doctors as a streptococcal infection in children.

Spherical gram-positive bacteria of the streptococcal family in the form of chains in good health do not pose a danger. But for a weak body, they threaten quite severe poisoning and inflammatory processes. A person receives them while eating, bacteria consume food residues, dead cells. Various species live in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes of the respiratory and reproductive organs, and on the epidermis. Cool temperate weather is the best for their prosperity.

In a dry environment, microorganisms live for a long time, but their infectivity is reduced. They survive freezing. Due to the lack of spore formation, they are easy to destroy with ultraviolet light, disinfectants or antibiotics.

The most severe consequences can be expected from the hemolytic and purulent varieties. The human body does not produce persistent antibodies to streptococcus. This does not apply only to immunoglobulins against scarlet fever, which protect against it for life.

Streptococcal infections are caused by a beta-hemolytic strain of the microbe that infects red blood cells. Diseases of this etiology include erysipelas, scarlet fever, local and diffuse inflammations with decay: abscess, phlegmon, boil, periosteal damage, infection of wounds, blood poisoning with streptococci, inflammation of the endocardium.

Bacteria cause inflammation connective tissue, renal glomeruli. A related pneumococcal microorganism provokes inflammation of the lungs and paranasal sinuses.

The bacterium produces tissue-degrading enzymes, paving its way to spread.

Pathogenicity lies in several produced poisons: they attack the blood, heart tissue, capillaries, epidermis, white blood cells, disrupt the protective mechanism for the destruction of microbes by leukocytes, cause water-salt imbalance in the intestine, diarrhea, cell death, abscesses, allergies.

Classification of pathogens

Bacteria were discovered in the second half of the nineteenth century. Since then, they have been striving to arrange them according to classes and types.

Twenty-seven strains have been isolated to date. There are streptococcal microorganisms belonging to groups A and B.

According to the degree of destructiveness for red blood cells, streptococci are α-hemolytic, from which erythrocytes are not completely destroyed, β-hemolytic, with complete hemolysis, γ-hemolytic, not affecting erythrocytes.

According to the classification of Rebecca Lancefield, there are various serotypes:

  • Group A is responsible for the development of erysipelas, scarlet fever, lesions of the pharyngeal mucosa, tonsils, sinuses, ear, meninges, cervical lymph nodes, antrum and temporal bone, endocardium, lungs, renal glomeruli, connective tissue, bacterial infection of the bloodstream.
  • Representatives of group B inhabit the intestines and vaginal mucosa, provoke inflammation of the meninges, the entry of microbes into the blood in infants, pneumonia after influenza in adult patients.
  • Group C bacteria provoke inflammation in the upper respiratory passages.
  • Group D pathogens lead to acute toxic infections in the intestines, purulent ulcers, and sepsis.
  • Group S causes meningitis, inflammation of the lungs.
  • A group of green (non-hemolytic) streptococci lives in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and is the cause of inflammation of the endocardium.

Entry into the body

As a carrier of a microorganism, we are able to become the cause of the disease ourselves. The weakening of local immunity allows the bacterium to enter the bloodstream, and a general infection occurs. The risk of self-infection is increased by dental procedures, the installation of a catheter, surgery on the tonsils, adenoid vegetations, chronic inflammatory foci in the tonsils, maxillary sinuses oh, bronchi, attempts to squeeze out a purulent pimple on their own.

In babies, streptococcal infections develop after inflammation of the tonsils, nasal mucosa, and maxillary sinuses. In hospital walls, the bacterium is incredibly tenacious and resistant to antibacterial drugs.

The channels through which the pathogen enters the body are diverse:

  • through the air along with saliva, mucus when sneezing, talking, coughing;
  • together with the missing products based on milk, meat;
  • during unprotected sex, the risk of the disease increases in a partner with inflammatory foci;
  • in contact with household items, toys in children's institutions, from dirty hands;
  • from touching a sick person;
  • streptococcus in a child can occur from the mother, cross the placenta or during childbirth.

As you can see, it is not difficult to catch such an infection.

Systematization of diseases

Unfortunately, there is practically no zone in human body free from potential microorganism contamination.

Streptococcal infections, taking into account the unfolding of the symptomatic picture, can be attributed to:

  • Primary: transmitted by airborne droplets, affect the epithelium of the respiratory system. These are inflammatory lesions of the palatine tonsils, ear structures, pharynx, acute virus attacks, erysipelas, scarlet fever, dermatological inflammation.
  • Secondary: non-purulent (angiitis, Sokolsky-Buyo disease), with purulent lesions and general poisoning(abscesses, tissue death).
  • Rare: inflammation of skeletal muscles, general blood poisoning, inflammation of the peritoneum, small intestine, plantar fasciitis.

Provoking factors

An adult or a baby is at risk of becoming infected with immune failures, upon contact with a patient with a streptococcal infection of the respiratory tract. Exacerbations of diseases occur in the cool and wet off-season.

The effect of bacteria on pregnancy

About a quarter of expectant mothers are carriers of the bacteria. If a woman has strong immunity, they are not dangerous. But pregnancy tends to reduce protective functions organism. So the microbe can cause serious illness, up to the loss of the baby.

A newborn baby has an increased vulnerability to streptococcal infection. In crumbs, it can cause inflammation of vital organs.

Prematurity is an additional risk factor. Starting from the eighth month, an analysis can be made for the presence of this bacterium in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Clinical manifestations

The area affected by the bacterium is extensive. Different organs and systems can suffer.

There are several common symptoms of streptococcal infection in various pathologies:

  • Painful sensations in the throat area, inflammation, hyperemia of the mucosa, the appearance of plaque from pus, caveous plugs.
  • Fever up to 40 degrees is a feature of streptococcal infection in newborns, a small temperature in adult patients.
  • General poisoning of the body by bacterial poisons, with impotence, cephalalgia, vitiligo, myalgia.
  • Inflammatory focus in the area where bacteria enters the body with hyperemia, edema, pain syndrome, abscess, swelling of the lymph nodes.
  • Hypotension due to heart failure.
  • Rashes on the epidermis in the form of red spots due to inflammation and damage to the smallest blood vessels on a surface. The symptoms of streptococcal activity include the death of epithelial cells, their peeling.
  • Failure of filtration in the kidneys, the presence of hemoglobin in the blood, increased metabolite creatinine.
  • Cell death, tissue purulent softening, abscesses. Accompanied by edema, pain from touch, hyperemia of the epidermis over the focus, compliance of the purulent cavity, toxicosis.

Streptococcal diseases

Each disease provoked by a streptococcal pathogen has its own specific signs.

Consider the most common pathologies.

With scarlet fever, the patient is exposed to poisoning with bacterial toxins, medium-sized red rashes appear on the entire surface of the skin. Perceptible hyperthermia, inflammation of the tonsils, cephalgia, feverish trembling are added.

Inflammation of the tonsils due to a pathogen can give a complication to the heart, kidneys. So it is extremely important to correctly identify and treat it. There are several types of the disease: acute purulent tonsillitis of tonsil lacunae, suppuration of tonsil follicles, catarrhal, necrotic tonsillitis.

The patient has a fever, activity is at zero, he does not feel like eating, his head, joints, spine, and throat hurt. On the tonsils, a plaque of pus of a yellow hue accumulates.

Streptococcal skin infections include erysipelas. It causes hyperthermia, lethargy, painful sensation of cold, myalgia in the patient. The epidermis in a specific area, often in the front, becomes bright crimson, covered with blisters, broken capillaries.

Staphylococcus and streptococcus can cause a type of pyoderma with inflammation of the upper layers of the epidermis. This disease is typical for crumbs. It must be treated until complete recovery, so that there are no health consequences. The disease gives itself out as reddish nodules on the skin of the face, legs, and occasionally in other areas. They turn into blisters or purulent vesicles. Then they burst, becoming covered with yellowish crusts.

A rare serious disease is a purulent lesion of the bone apparatus. The disease is expressed in myalgia, general malaise, hyperthermia, pain in inflammatory focus attacks of nausea and vomiting. The process should not be allowed to run.

The most dangerous options

General infection of the body due to the ingress of bacteria into the blood creates local purulent lesions. There is sepsis with a fatal quick outcome. chronic process treatable. The condition is characterized by temperature fluctuations, fever, hypersalivation, emotional swings, rapid heart rate, hypotension, pallor, yellowness of the skin, lack of air, a small red rash with broken capillaries in the eye proteins, bodily mucous membranes.

Very often, angina provokes an inflammatory process in the joints. The disease is accompanied by hyperthermia, pain, accelerated heart rate, chest pain, rheumatic chorea, skin rashes, nodules under the epidermis.

Muscular inflammation is manifested by hyperemia of the damaged area, pain during movement, and swelling.

They attack bacteria and reproductive system. This can happen due to non-sterile termination conditions. Symptoms of streptococcal infection in the gynecological area will be fever, hyperthermia, intense pain in the lower peritoneum, increased painful uterus due to purulent inflammation, dysfunction of the excretory organs.

The defeat of the urethra is often caused by streptococci, coupled with. It leads to unprotected intercourse, poor hygiene skills, contact with the things of a sick person. The disease is accompanied by burning, itching in the urethra, pain, discharge during emptying of the bladder. The consequences of a failed or untimely therapy can manifest as inflammation of the prostate, testis, seminal vesicles, head of the phallus, bladder, imbalance of the microbiota in the vagina.

Diagnostic measures

Due to the variety of forms and pathologies caused by the pathogen, the treatment of streptococcal infection requires laboratory isolation of the pathogen.

The microbiology of the internal environment and the operation of systems is studied using a number of methods and analyses:

  • graphic recording of heart pulsation;
  • bacteriological analyzes of samples from the tonsils, bronchial secretions, lesions on the skin, vaginal mucosa;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • test to select the most effective antibiotic against this type of bacteria.

The doctor must exclude eczema, dermatitis, measles, rubella, diphtheria.

Medical measures

Treatment of streptococcal infection in children is the use of a set of measures. Bacteria are treated with carefully selected antibiotics from the penicillin, sulfanilamide, erythromycin, cephalosporin, lincosamide, and macrolide groups. You need to take antibiotics for about two weeks. Respiratory inflammation is treated with streptococcal bacteriophage.

It is also common to use local funds, destroying bacteria, in the form of sprays, rinses, antiseptics for washing wounds. Antipyretics with anti-inflammatory action help with fever and inflammation. It will be necessary to restore the intestinal microenvironment after antibiotic therapy.

At deep festering wounds they must first be opened, ensure the exit of pus, disinfect. Then therapeutic ointments are used locally: antibacterial, protective fatty, with proteases for speedy regeneration, etc.

Treatment should be accompanied by bed rest, selected easily digestible food, vitamin therapy, abundant drinking regimen. Minimize, or better yet, stop smoking and alcohol, treat any damage to the skin to avoid infection. It is better not to show self-activity in the treatment of infections caused by a streptococcal microorganism. Follow your doctor's instructions to avoid complications.

Folk recipes

You can't think that ethnoscience can replace drugs, effectively cure the infection. Be sure to consult with your doctor. Some herbs and methods may well support, distract and alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Help reduce inflammation natural antiseptics: various parts of chamomile, eucalyptus, raspberry, marigold, plantain, currant, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, elecampane, salvia, string, licorice. In case of respiratory inflammation, rinse infusions are used; in case of damage to the epidermis, herbs help in the form of compresses and lotions.

It is useful to take extracts and decoctions with plants that strengthen immune system accelerating the release of poisons: echinacea, safflower-shaped head, ginseng, wild rose, cranberry, pink radiola.

Complications of streptococcal infection

There are ailments caused by streptococcus literally on the fifth day of infection. This is due to the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream and lymphatic tract.

Early complications include:

  • perialmond abscess;
  • acute inflammatory process in the middle ear;
  • inflammation of the paranasal cavities;
  • damage to the meninges;
  • repeated abscesses in the liver, kidneys;
  • purulent lesions of the lungs;
  • general infection of the body with bacterial poisons;
  • toxin shock.

Delayed effects are possible about a month after recovery. They are caused by an allergization of the body and an autoimmune response. This may be inflammation of the connective fibers with disruption of the heart, joints, nerve fibers, dysfunction of the kidneys, heart valves.


The bacterium spreads very quickly, there is no vaccination against it. Among the preventive measures of streptococcal infection, the leading ones are: increasing the body's defenses, a healthy diet, sports, refusal bad habits, hygienic care.

Contributes to epidemic prevention sanitary regulations and norms in medical institutions, work teams. According to them, if a streptococcal infection is suspected, the sick should be taken to the hospital, isolated from other people.

Those who have had a sore throat can return to work or school a week after recovery, but must attend screening examinations for another couple of weeks. After scarlet fever, a return to society is possible after 14 days, it should be observed for another month, after erysipelas - more than three months.

Thanks to consciousness, compliance with the rules of SANPIN, medical prescriptions, the course of the disease can be alleviated, and serious health consequences can be completely avoided.

The content of the article:

Experts say that the human flora contains a small percentage of streptococcus bacteria, which do not harm health, since the body stops the development of the disease on its own. In most cases, the disease is a consequence of foreign bacteria entering the body from the external environment with a general weakened immune system. Children are most susceptible to this disease, since their immunity has not yet been formed and cannot control the development of pathogenic flora.

What is streptococcus

Streptococcus is a chain of rounded bacteria that inhabit the human body. Today, several types of streptococcal bacteria are diagnosed, divided into groups according to the degree of danger - from completely harmless to causing serious illness. The most common pathogen is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Its main danger lies in the destruction of blood cells with the subsequent release of toxins.

Ways of infection with streptococcus in children

Newborns and children with weak immunity are at risk for this disease, since it is in their body that bacteria will receive favorable environment for development. Such diseases in children as otitis media, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis and dermatitis, in 70% of cases are streptococcal in nature and require careful treatment.

Almost the only cause of the disease is infection. There can be many mechanisms for getting bacteria into a child's body:


Newborn children can get this disease even through the umbilical wound.
Such an extensive list of infection methods is primarily due to the bacterium itself - streptococcus is covered with a kind of impenetrable shell (spore) and can be dormant separately from the carrier for a long time, the bacterium is resistant to freezing, heating, can be located on any surface and even in air. Therefore, this disease is most characteristic of infection by airborne droplets, especially among children.

Symptoms of streptococcus in children

When ingested, bacteria begin to actively multiply, attaching to the mucous membrane. During this process, toxins are released that destroy the surrounding tissue - this is how it is possible to track the path of penetration of streptococcus into the body - if it enters through the respiratory tract, inflammation of the throat, nose will be observed, if it enters through damaged areas of the skin - there will also be inflammation around them, possibly the development of streptococci on the organs of the genitourinary system, but in children, as a rule, this is extremely rare.

Types of streptococcus in children:

Streptococcus eye
Streptococcus nasopharynx
Streptococcus skin
Streptococcus blood
Chronic streptococcus.

Streptococcal eye infection in children

For this disease - conjunctivitis - is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the eyelids and purulent discharge. Outwardly, this is manifested by inflammation and swelling of the eyelid, the formation of purulent crusts and the release of liquid purulent masses from lacrimal glands. The child's body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees, with a single infection without other diseases (sore throat, runny nose, etc.), the child, as a rule, does not experience anxiety if eye hygiene is performed in a timely manner. Treatment of such conjunctivitis is carried out on the basis of the doctor's recommendations with the help of a course of antibiotics and ophthalmic drops.

streptococcus respiratory tract

This is the most common type of disease caused by streptococcal bacteria - it can be expressed as a sore throat and streptococcal pneumonia. When ingested, streptococcus is attached to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (throat) and begins active reproduction.

The main symptoms of the disease:

Temperature above 39 degrees;
- general depression (lethargy, capriciousness, refusal to eat, bad dream And so on);
- swollen lymph nodes and tonsils;
- sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
- white coating on the tongue and whitish lesions on the back of the throat (streptococcal stomatitis).

It is the last point, even on examination, that should signal to a specialist in the possible presence of hemolytic streptococcus in the throat.

In the case of the development of streptococcus bacteria in the nose, purulent discharge from the nose, headache and pressing pain on the eyes when tilted.
Treatment, as for all other diseases of this nature, is antibiotics, together with drugs that relieve sore throat, relieve swelling of the nasal vessels to facilitate breathing.

Streptococcus skin

This disease can affect both the superficial and inner layers of the skin, with the formation of extensive lesions, purulent inflammation and possible sepsis. To prevent an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200brashes, to stop inflammation, ointments are used that contain antibiotics and gels that restore the skin. In addition to the main health hazard, in this case, inflammation, without proper care, can damage the deeper layers of the skin, and leave scars.

Strep blood in children (Streptococcus neonatal)

Most often, this disease occurs in newborns and is the most life-threatening child. The penetration of bacteria into the blood causes sepsis and severe intoxication. Diagnosis of the disease occurs within the first 12 hours of a child's life according to the following signs:

- labored breathing;
- violation of the heartbeat;
- inhibited reactions, etc.

Chronic streptococcus in children

The chronic form of streptococcus in children is extremely rare - primarily because the chronic form of the disease implies the presence of the disease for a long time. Today, doctors are armed with many diagnostic methods and the widest range of drugs in order not to miss the infection and prevent it from being accepted. chronic form. However, for exceptional cases chronic streptococcus, frequent manifestations of infection are characteristic - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, headaches. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, there is an increase in temperature and general weakness. It should be noted that during these periods the child is most dangerous to others, as it is a distributor of active bacteria, therefore, given period recommend quarantine.

Important! When diagnosing a child, streptococcus spores can be detected in the body, and if the child does not experience discomfort, his body controls the infection and does not allow it to affect the state of health, then we are most likely talking about the child as a carrier of the disease. The number of such children reaches 15%, and then the opinions of doctors differ - some believe that advanced treatment is necessary - to destroy bacteria with a course of antibiotics and not wait for their attack on the body, while some believe that if the child is a carrier, then he cannot be dangerous to others , his health is not depressed, and there is no need for treatment. The final decision in this matter remains with the parents and the attending physician.

Diagnosis of streptococcus

The most accurate diagnostic method is cultures on the flora - swabs from the throat, nose, scrapings of the affected areas - make it possible to determine the presence of bacteria. Today, there are rapid tests - indicator strips to determine the infection in the throat at the first visit to the doctor.

How to cure streptococcus in a child

Like most infections, streptococci die under the action of penicillin spectrum antibiotics. After receiving the results of the tests and examination, the specialist prescribes a complex treatment:

An antibiotic (penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, etc.) in various forms - tablets, suspensions, injections, depending on the age of the child - to treat the infection.

Paracetamol (ibuprofen, etc.) to lower the temperature, also in various forms - tablets, suspensions, suppositories.

Linex or bifiform (probiotics) to maintain the microflora of the child's body during antibiotic treatment.

To treat local foci of inflammation, ointments, creams are used to reduce inflammation and heal skin lesions. In case of throat lesions, the doctor will prescribe drugs that reduce pain, disinfect the affected areas, and relieve pain. Often, even just rinsing brings noticeable relief.

Important! Since the treatment of streptococcal infection will be successful only with the right antibiotic, you should carefully monitor the child's health - if after 4-5 days there is no relief, you need to contact a specialist again to change medicinal product. This situation occurs, as a rule, if the child has previously been treated with antibiotics and his body is practically not susceptible to a particular drug. Before starting treatment, the susceptibility of the bacterium to antibiotics is checked, but this takes a week. Therefore, treatment can be adjusted after receiving the results of the tests.

Diet during the treatment of streptococcus

There is no specific diet recommended for this time, however, it should be understood that a sick child will not be able to swallow hard foods, spicy or hot foods will cause pain in a throat injured by an infection. During the period of illness, it is recommended to cook for children chicken broths and give frayed, soft foods. O additional source Vitamins should also not be forgotten, but do not give oranges rich in acids, but brew tea with the addition of herbs and berries, make fruit drinks - a warm drink will soothe sore throats, and berries rich in vitamins will strengthen the immune system.

Prevention of streptococcus in children

Of course, with the airborne nature of the disease, it is difficult to protect the child from infection, but it is possible to reduce its risk:

Compliance with hygiene rules

Thorough washing of hands, handling food before eating will reduce the risk of infection by more than half, but in addition, the child should be taught the rules of personal hygiene in public places:
- you can not use other people's partings, mugs, handkerchiefs, etc.
- you can not try someone else's food - bite off a bitten apple or candy, even if you really want to

Compliance with the rules for the treatment of wounds

In order to avoid infection through the skin, the child should be taught that wounds need to be treated - you can always offer to draw a typewriter, a flower on a broken knee, or stick a bright patch.

Healthy lifestyle

Do not forget that bacteria develop only in a weakened body, so hardening, playing sports and proper nutrition will strengthen the immune system and prevent the disease from developing.


With the general excitement around the disease, with the exception of its extreme, the most dangerous forms, the treatment is easily tolerated and, if everything is done in a timely manner and correctly, leaves no traces. Streptococcus in children is perhaps one of the most indicative diseases, when self-medication can lead to sad consequences, therefore, the doctor should determine what and how to treat streptococcus.

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