Brown discharge causes no pain. All about vaginal discharge: causes and treatment. Allocations when the physiological state changes

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Questions and answers on: brown discharge without smell and pain

2012-10-15 14:25:12

Hope asks:

Hello! My name is Nadezhda. For several months I suffered from thrush. For several days, I suffered from sharp pains in the uterine area. Last week, my boyfriend and I had unprotected intercourse, and a few days later, profuse, odorless brown discharge began to appear from the vagina. Now I don’t feel any pain. The guy doesn’t have any diseases. I'm very worried! What could it be? Thanks in advance!

Responsible Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

It looks like bloody discharge from the uterus. An examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound is necessary. According to their results, it will be possible to speak more objectively.

2014-09-16 12:58:14

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon! I am 37 years old, my son is 8 (caesarean section). We decided to have a second child. MC is not clear there are failures, the average is 31 - 35 days. The last menstruation was on July 10, 2014, when my husband and I decided not to use protection, the time was coming to menstruation. In August, the months did not come, in September, on the 2nd and 5th, I did tests - positive. On Monday 08.09.2014 I decided to do an ultrasound to be sure, a vaginal probe (according to the menstrual period, about 8 weeks). Ultrasound result: egg 11 mm, chorion annular ktr 2 mm, s/b - abs f. M. 4 mm. The ovaries are normal, a scar on the isthmus in front. Pregnancy 5 weeks. In the evening, the entire panty liner was in brown discharge, odorless. A little later, red blotches (not drops) appeared in the toilet after urination. There are only stains on the pad, wet dark blood on the toilet paper. There is no pain. I went to the hospital, they prescribed utrozhestan, duphaston, tranexam, valerian. After a couple of days, a few drops of scarlet blood appeared. Then everything is clean, a little later it was smeared with brown with a dark brown clot. And for 3 days everything is clean. What could it be? I'm worried, I'm afraid not to freeze.

Responsible Kuzhel Natalya Anatolyevna:

Good day, Natalia! The last thing you need to worry about right now is. The child is harmed by your exciting state. In order to make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound. There will be results of a repeated study, it will be possible to continue the conversation further. Be healthy!

2014-05-20 13:52:19

Anyuta asks:

Hello! I have such a question ... in 2007 they had an operation, they removed a dermoid cyst with part of the ovary ... and 3 months ago an ectopic cyst occurred, before that pregnancy did not occur ... after the last operation, I drank Yarina for 2 months ... she underwent a course of magneto-laser therapy , and in the middle of this cycle, she found light brown, odorless discharge, accompanied by slight pulling pains in the ovarian region ... last month, ovulation did not occur ...
Tell me, how soon will it come and what kind of discharge can it be?
Thanks in advance.

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

You most likely have luteal phase deficiency. Consult a gynecologist for the appointment of a progesterone preparation in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. If you are planning a pregnancy, then you need to consult with your gynecologist. You have a burdened gynecological history.

2012-06-06 12:37:50


Hello, I am 26 years old. Menstrual cycle 29-30 days. The last time was April 28, about 5 days lasted. On June 1, instead of menstruation, brown discharge appeared, odorless and quite a bit. There was no pain like during menstruation anywhere. Absolutely normal condition. On the 3rd, everything went away, but there was pain in the lower back, the chest became sensitive and the stomach was slightly swollen. And also an unpleasant sensation in the vagina, as if something was pulling there. Could it be pregnancy, out of three tests, one showed a positive result and then a thin, barely visible strip. I do not take any hormonal drugs and do not protect myself, I gave birth 2 years ago. Yesterday I went to the doctor, she looked and said that pregnancy is possible. but it may also be ectopic, since the region of the precursors is slightly enlarged. Whether tell or say always the increased traits speak about ectopic pregnancy? And after that brown discharge, I got thrush. Thank you very much in advance, looking forward to your reply.

Responsible Nechidyuk Alla Korneevna:

Violation of the menstrual cycle can be a sign of pregnancy. Bloody discharge can be a sign and threat of termination of a uterine pregnancy, as well as a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. A reliable indicator will be a blood test for hCG. If it is positive, then you will need to look for pregnancy on an ultrasound scan.

2016-09-15 13:05:59

Olesya asks:

Hello! I’m worried about very strong discharge, (odorless) either dark red or light brown. I thought that menstruation begins like this, it ended 3 days ago. Moreover, there is no pain, but just abundant discharge, what could it be? maybe a cold?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Olesya! Is heavy discharge bothering you for the first time? Have you ever been diagnosed with endometriosis? I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs, a cold in this case has nothing to do with it.

2016-04-25 19:12:47

Nick asks:

More than a week ago, menstruation ended, but the discharge is dark brown, blackish, odorless, no pain. I have been sitting on proper nutrition for a month + fasting drinking days, I lost 7 kg. Could this be related to my problem? There was also a problem with the hip joint, diclofenac, traumeel, kenologist were injected. I understand that I need to go to the doctor, but can I do an ultrasound first or what tests to pass? What could it be? Thanks in advance.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Nika! Have you ever had pain before your period? Allocations are observed for the first time? Usually dark brown (chocolate) discharge indicates the presence of endometriosis. I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs and consult a gynecologist with it.

2016-01-06 09:26:47

Alena asks:

Hello! I installed the Mirena Navy 5 months ago. Pain in the lower abdomen, girdle pains, menstruation goes on for a month or more, then scarlet blood or brown discharge. Everything is fine on ultrasound. the smell is plentiful, while there is no itching, no redness.

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Against the background of Mirena, there are thick mucous discharges of a hormonal nature, but they should not be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Hand over control smears and a tank. sowing on flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

All women have different types of vaginal discharge. Some of them are considered to be the norm (for example, transparent, odorless discharge), and some serve as an alarm signal that encourages us to visit a gynecologist. There are many varieties of discharge, let's take a closer look at what brown discharge means, what they are associated with and can they be considered the norm?

Why are there brown discharges?

The main causes of brown discharge are:

  • transferred gynecological surgery or abortion;
  • childbirth;
  • damage to the vagina during sex;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases.

Brown discharge during menstruation

The presence of such secretions during menstruation may indicate:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Overwork, stress, overwork.
  4. Receptions of various hormonal drugs, or means for weight loss.
  5. Diseases:
  • endothermitis - inflammation of the uterus. Appears with malfunctions of the immune system, hormonal abnormalities, various infections and damage to the uterus;
  • endometritis - an increase in endometrial cells in the muscular region of the uterus;
  • uterine polyps - pathology of the mucous membrane. Appear after inflammation and hormonal disorders;
  • progesterone deficiency (polycystic ovary syndrome), if not detected and treated in time, can cause infertility.

If you notice brown discharge, it is best to immediately contact a gynecologist. You can do a pregnancy test yourself, but it is unlikely to determine an ectopic pregnancy and understand if there are any serious diseases.

Brown and dark brown discharge before period

This situation is very common with normal cycle delays. Intrauterine tissues have grown old, and menstruation has been delayed, so brown discharge appears, removing old cells. If after a few days menstruation began, then there is no cause for concern.

If this happens again before the next menstruation, then you need to see a gynecologist to exclude serious diseases (cervical cancer, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other troubles).

Causes of brown discharge instead of menstruation

Let's start with the most harmless physiological causes of smearing brown discharge:

  • the color and number of menstruation changes after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • as well as when taking hormonal contraceptives.

In such cases, small brown odorless discharge should not bother you, on the contrary, you can only be glad that the body will benefit from a decrease in monthly blood loss.

Now let's move on to more serious changes in the body, which brown discharge can indicate.

  • pregnancy;
  • the onset of menopause or emaciated ovary syndrome.

In both of these cases, advice should be sought.

Brown discharge during ovulation (mid cycle)

A few hours before ovulation occurs, a mature egg leaves its follicle. It is this process that very often causes brown discharge, which can be observed within two days.

Brown discharge after intercourse

There are situations when a woman does not release the necessary amount of lubrication, which causes damage to the vaginal mucosa, and at the same time brown or pink discharge.

Those who are just starting "adulthood" may also have brown discharge, which may be present after 3-5 more intercourses.

If you began to notice that after sex, discharge constantly appears, then it's time to sound the alarm. This could be about:

Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor and itching

Now let's move on to the most dangerous. If you have a discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor, as well as itching, then in 8 out of 10 cases this indicates a disease, of which there are a lot of known. The remaining 2 cases are given to improper hygiene and allergies to hygiene products or washing powder. The only right decision is to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, because the consequences can be very serious (infertility, for example).

The content of the article:

Brown discharge is a vaginal secretion mixed with blood. A similar discharge that appears at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle can be considered the norm. Leucorrhea that changes color between periods, after sex or increased stress is a sign of pathology. 78-82% of women have to deal with such a condition, regardless of their physiological and social status.

What is brown vaginal discharge?

The natural secret consists of clear mucus, one part of which comes out of the cervical canal, and the other is produced by the glands of the vagina. A whitish hue appears due to the presence of desquamated epithelium, microflora and waste products, remnants of physiological fluids and household pollution.

Brown discharge occurs with bleeding of various parts of the gynecological organs - the mucous membrane of the vulva, cervical canal and cervix, endometrial mucosa, in violation of the integrity of the ovarian follicles or fallopian (fallopian) tubes.

If the vaginal secret changes color periodically, between menstrual cycles you have to use pads, you need to contact a gynecologist. This condition indicates the development of pathology.

The main causes of brown discharge

A change in the color of the vaginal secretion within the normal range may occur after too active intercourse (“hard sex”), during recovery after childbirth, when a woman begins to drink contraceptives and gets used to them, 2-3 hours after increased physical exertion.

Light brown discharge may appear while the girl's body gets used to physiological changes - the formation of the menstrual cycle, and women - to the use of hormonal contraceptives. Sometimes a spotting discharge appears at the very beginning of pregnancy or with menopausal changes.

In all these cases, the amount of secretion is small - a spot on a daily pad with a diameter of up to 5 mm. There is more discharge after childbirth or the menstrual cycle. Such changes are not considered pathological, but if they occur too often, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle may appear with pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems in the following diseases and conditions:

  • endometriosis. In the muscular layer of the uterus or cervix, endometrial brushes are formed that reject blood fragments during sudden movements or for a long time after the menstrual cycle. The secret becomes viscous, the color of dark chocolate.
  • endometritis. With this disease, the endometrium, which covers the inner surface of the uterus, becomes inflamed, and is periodically rejected, regardless of menstruation. The main cause of endometritis is hormonal imbalance, provoked by complications after childbirth, abortion and instrumental interventions, infectious and inflammatory processes, and unsuccessful selection of hormonal drugs.
  • endometrial hyperplasia. This is a benign growth of the mucosa that covers the inner layer of the uterus. In this case, menstruation can be delayed for 2 weeks or more. The bloody smearing secret begins to be rejected 2-3 days before menstruation and continues further. The causes of the disease are hormonal imbalance, congenital anomalies and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, metabolic disorders.
  • Adenomyosis. Pathological growth of the endometrium in the uterus. Brown discharge constantly appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle, accompanied by pain during intercourse and an increase in the abdomen.
  • Polyps in the cervical canal or cervix. In this case, the discharge may appear after intercourse or after exercise. If the integrity of the polyp wall is broken, severe bleeding may occur.
  • Large ovarian cyst. The formation of a tumor leads to disruption of the functioning of the organ. The nature of menstruation changes, the temperature rises.
  • Detachment of the ovum at the beginning of pregnancy. May be accompanied by paroxysmal pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and radiates to the lower back.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Almost black, dark brown discharge indicates a violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube. They can last long enough or be replaced by severe bleeding. Symptoms that indicate an ectopic pregnancy, except for spotting compartments: tachycardia, low blood pressure, weakness, abdominal pain on one side.
  • Cancer of the uterus and cervix, tumor in the vagina. First, a bloody secret with an unpleasant odor occurs after intercourse, then constantly.
  • Ectopia (erosion) of the cervix. It is considered a precancerous condition. On examination, the gynecologist detects ulcers on the inner surface of the mucosa. The discharge appears after mechanical influences.
  • Fibromyoma of the uterus, a benign tumor. Symptoms in this case may resemble signs of endometriosis and be accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. The amount of discharge depends on the location of the neoplasm, structure and degree of growth.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Additional signs: pus in the vaginal secretion, fetid odor, burning and itching, aggravated by urination and sexual intercourse.

It is dangerous to postpone a visit to the gynecologist if the amount of discharge increases, the pad gets wet quickly, the body temperature rises, an unpleasant odor appears and the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

How to get rid of brown vaginal discharge?

Treatment begins after an accurate diagnosis. Visual inspection and sampling of biomaterial is usually not enough. You may need to donate blood for hormones and conduct a biochemical analysis, undergo a colposcopy. Sometimes they give a direction for diagnostic curettage.

Restoration of the state with the help of medications

With intermenstrual bleeding, drugs may be prescribed in injections or hemostatic tablets. These include:
  1. Vikasol. Coagulant, the active substance is vitamin K, which increases blood clotting. It is used symptomatically and not longer than 4 days. Dosage according to condition.
  2. Etamzilat. Analog - Dicinon with the same active ingredient. Stimulates the formation of a primary thrombus.
  3. Aminocaproic acid. Increases fibrinolytic activity of plasma and blood. It is administered intravenously, by infusion. In exceptional cases, it is used in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Tranexam with tranexamic acid. It is a plasminogen inhibitor. It acts in several ways: it increases blood clotting, has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. The duration of admission is 3-4 days, but the doctor may recommend increasing the dosage and duration of the treatment course up to two weeks.
  5. Askorutin. Analog - Ascorbic acid. Increases the tone of the vascular walls, reduces capillary fragility, prevents bleeding. Take 4-5 weeks. An overdose can cause massive bleeding.
Are used hemostatic suppositories: Gynekol with yarrow and pine forest extract with anti-inflammatory action, Phytor suppositories with sea buckthorn to eliminate cervical erosion, Suporon with antibacterial and biostimulating properties.

In inflammatory processes caused by infectious diseases, it is impossible to get rid of spotting brown discharge or postmenstrual bleeding without eliminating the underlying cause. Antibacterial or antimicrobial agents are introduced into the therapeutic regimen.

In exceptional cases, intravenous injections of Calcium Gluconate or Calcium Chloride may be used. "Hot" injections have a contractile effect and stimulate uterine contractions.

For hormonal disorders, drugs from the group of oral contraceptives, OK are used. The type of medicine is determined by the doctor. Preparations with progesterone, with active estrogen - ethinyl estradiol, mixed type can be prescribed. Hormonal preparations can be one-, two- or three-phase, low-dose, micro-dose.

You can not refuse treatment on your own or change one medicine for another. Therapy for each patient is selected individually. The duration of the treatment course varies from 3 weeks to six months.

Folk remedies for spotting

If blood fragments appear in the vaginal secretion during pregnancy, herbal tinctures and decoctions are not used. These funds increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus and increase contractility.

In all other cases, the following phytopreparations can be introduced into the therapeutic regimen:

  • Alcohol tinctures of highlander bird or water pepper. An analogue is yarrow tincture. In a tablespoon of boiled water, dilute 20-40 drops of alcohol tinctures and take 3-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is up to 2 months. Symptomatically, the dose can be increased to a tablespoon. These herbs can be brewed on their own. Insist 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water and take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
  • Nettle. Pour a tablespoon of dried vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, filter. Drink a glass a day, a quarter at a time. Contraindications - neoplasms and oncological processes.
  • Shepherd's bag. They brew like nettles. They are accepted in the same way.
  • Cherry twigs or orange peels. Boil the ingredients for 20 minutes, cool, filter. You can take no more than 1 glass per day. The shell of pine nuts has the same effect.
  • viburnum. It has a minimum number of contraindications. To increase efficiency, not only dried berries are brewed, but also flowers and plant bark. Additional action: reduces the growth of fibroids, calms the nervous system.
When using funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine, it is impossible to quickly eliminate brown discharge after menstruation or intermenstrual bloody discharge. Phytopreparations act cumulatively, that is, the improvement will be noticeable only 3-5 days after the start of treatment.

If brown discharge constantly appears after menstruation or in the middle of the cycle, herbal remedies begin to be taken in advance - from 1-2 days of the cycle or 2-4 days before the alleged spotting. Pharmacy tinctures act faster, but they should also be taken for at least two weeks.

Surgery for brown discharge

Types and methods of surgical treatment depend on the diagnosis.

The following methods can be used:

  1. With dysplasia and erosion of the cervix, laser cauterization, radiotherapy or cryotherapy (cauterization with liquid nitrogen) are performed.
  2. With endometritis or endometriosis, laparoscopic operations are performed to remove the overgrown epithelium.
  3. If spotting appears due to neoplasms of a different nature, it may be necessary to remove part of the reproductive organs or to perform hysteroscopy (removal of the uterus). In case of malignant neoplasms, chemo- or radiation therapy is subsequently prescribed.
  4. If prolonged secretion of a brown color is associated with trauma to the vulvar mucosa during childbirth, medical manipulations or sexual experiments, gynecologists suture the tears, excise the tissues of the damaged structure and, after healing, perform vaginoplasty.
  5. With menopause or bleeding of unknown etiology, before making a decision on surgical treatment, a diagnostic curettage is performed. In some cases, this eliminates the spotting, and the epithelium does not grow again. With the appearance of juvenile (intermenstrual) discharge in adolescents and women of reproductive age, the procedure is carried out if there are vital indications.
After operations, therapeutic measures are prescribed to prevent the recurrence of diseases, the symptom of which is spotting.

How to get rid of brown vaginal discharge - look at the video:

Self-medication is unacceptable, even if a woman is sure that she knows the reason for the appearance of discharge with blood fragments. This symptom can accompany many gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature or the degeneration of neoplasms. In the presence of a dark discharge, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations not once every six months, but more often, analyzing your own condition and taking into account changes in the nature of the secret.

Many women who are serious about their health are concerned about the phenomenon of dark brown discharge. Sometimes they appear suddenly, between periods, and sometimes during or immediately after them. What do these highlights mean? Could they be a sign of a pathological process in the female body? Let's look into this in more detail.

Is dark discharge always a sign of a disease?

It is probably understandable that the brown color of the vaginal discharge gives the blood. Sometimes this occurs in perfectly healthy women. For example:

  • natural dark brown discharge before menstruation, a few hours or days before the start (this is the first sign of their approach);
  • normal discharge and after menstruation for several days;
  • when taking hormonal contraceptives, they can “decorate” the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • after violent sex, dark discharge is usually caused by injury to the vaginal mucosa;
  • the same can happen with insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • at the very beginning of sexual life, spotting appears not only at the moment of deprivation of virginity, but also during several subsequent acts;
  • in adolescent girls, before the start of the first menstruation, dark discharge may also be observed for some time, which signal the girl's transition to a new rank - "girl".

When should diseases be suspected?

But discharge of a dark brown color can also be signs of a disease. If they are not associated with taking hormonal drugs and appear in the middle of the cycle or occur every time after sexual contact, this is a reason to be wary. If the discharge is accompanied by fever, aching pain in the abdomen (its lower part), itching in the vagina, dryness and pain during bladder emptying or sexual intercourse, and if a lady over 45 years old has not had a period for a year before, a woman should suspect something was wrong and contact a gynecologist. Next, we will consider pathological processes, the signs of which can serve as these discharges.

Cervical erosion

The named disease is one of the most common diagnoses in gynecology. It is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is caused by various reasons: frequent and rough sexual intercourse, sexual infections, trauma during childbirth or abortion, etc. In most cases, this pathology is asymptomatic, it is detected only during an examination by a gynecologist. But sometimes the disease is accompanied by dark brown discharge after sexual contact, and sometimes for no apparent reason. Often such discharges have an unpleasant odor, which, by the way, indicates the presence of inflammation. There are congenital, true erosion and ectopia (pseudo-erosion). Depending on the size of the pathology and concomitant infections, the therapeutic tactics will be different, but in any case, this disease requires regular monitoring by a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy

When dark brown discharge instead of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and a repulsive odor, a similar phenomenon may signal an ectopic pregnancy. By the way, if pain of any strength appears and it is localized in the genitals, accompanied by atypical discharge, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist! The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy can only be made after examination by a specialist and ultrasound, and in order to ensure its timely termination, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix)

Regardless of whether a woman is sexually active or not, her genital tract can be affected by inflammation. For example, candidiasis (thrush) causes an inflammatory process in women of any age, and women in menopause also have dark brown discharge. In women, in this case, they are associated with thinning (atrophy) of the vaginal mucosa, due to which even small injuries can provoke discharge of varying intensity. An active sexual life with unprotected sex can lead to sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis). They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the perineum, as well as brown, yellow or green discharge. These diseases can cause inflammation not only of the vagina, but also of the cervix. They must be treated!


The pathological growth of the mucous layer lining the uterus or its neck, which has the form of a protrusion, is defined in medicine as a polyp. The exact causes of the appearance of such a pathology are still unknown. These include infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, and hormonal disorders. As a rule, polyps are benign formations, but precancerous changes are found in some of them. If the appearance of a polyp is accompanied by dark brown discharge, it is large, and biopsy and cytology tests indicate a risk of developing cancer cells, then the polyp is removed.


The endometrium is the mucous tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. Violation of its integrity, coupled with a decrease in local immunity, leads to an inflammatory process. It is often accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, purulent or brown discharge instead of menstruation is added to this, and all this is already a serious sign of pathology that requires an immediate referral to a specialist. Undiagnosed in time, acute endometritis becomes chronic, which can affect the reproductive function of a woman.

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia in medicine is called tissue growth. That is, endometrial hyperplasia is an increase in the volume of the inner layer of the uterus, which has a benign character. Enhanced reproduction of stromal and glandular elements of this layer leads to this state. Most often, such changes occur during hormonal changes in the body (during the premenstrual period in girls and premenopausal in women). One of the main signs of hyperplasia is bloody dark brown discharge, which can appear both in the intermenstrual period and after a short delay in menstruation. As a rule, these discharges are moderate and smearing. True, with hyperplasia that occurs in adolescence, breakthrough heavy bleeding with blood clots is also possible. If they become prolonged, they can lead to anemia.

Cervical cancer

The named diagnosis is in third place in the world among oncological diseases in women. What causes this pathology is unknown. Although it has recently been found that almost 100% of patients with this diagnosis have the human papillomavirus (HPV) present in the body, not everyone infected with this virus develops cancer. It occurs at any age, but women over 40 are at the highest risk. One of the main symptoms of this pathology is spotting. By the way, why brown discharge in such cancer patients appears after sex or in the middle of the cycle is also not yet clear. If they are joined by pain in the lower abdomen, then this sign is attributed to the symptoms of cancer that has managed to spread to neighboring organs.

Why do brown discharge appear during menstruation?

During menstruation, brown discharge can be either a symptom of one of the gynecological diseases listed above, or a consequence of stress, acclimatization, or the result of taking hormonal contraceptives. But it often happens that such a phenomenon is a sign of a future addition to the family, since some women continue to have periods during pregnancy, especially in its first trimester, however, becoming very scarce and short. Be sure to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist!

Is discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

During the period of the menstrual cycle in every woman, the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, and the endometrium begins to detach, which leads to the appearance of menstrual flow. In a future mother, the body sometimes does not leave old “habits” and, despite the successful fertilization that has occurred, the level of progesterone that preserves the fetus, on the days when menstruation should be, decreases. This is how brown discharge appears, which signal that the endometrium is still partially exfoliating. Do not panic, but this sign may also be a symptom of an existing threat of interruption in the development of the fetus or, as mentioned above, its ectopic location. Consult a doctor!

What to do if brown discharge appears?

As you have probably seen from the above, the appearance of discharge of an unusual color, especially accompanied by pain, weakness or fever, requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. You should not wait for the unpleasant phenomenon to pass by itself - it may disappear from time to time, but later develop into a serious pathology! Do not try to diagnose yourself - you are not an expert! Do not take risks, do not be lazy and urgently consult a doctor: it is possible that your worries will turn out to be in vain, and the discharge will be only temporary, but if you detect the disease in time and start its treatment, then the risk of remaining childless or getting a serious chronic disease will be minimal. Be healthy!

Moderate continuous vaginal discharge helps to cleanse the genital tract, protecting against infections. During the menstrual cycle, they can differ in color and consistency, be with or without a smell, and be accompanied by uncomfortable sensations - pulling pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning of the external genitalia. Thus, by the symptoms, a woman can learn about her state of health.

Normal discharge on ordinary days (without menstruation) is cloudy, liquid or dense, white, cream or brown. With other painful symptoms, yellow and greenish may indicate an infection in the vagina or tubes. In this case, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and analyze a smear from the vagina.

Determination of the norm in healthy women

If there are no alarming painful symptoms, then a small amount (approximately one teaspoon per day in volume) of fluid from the vagina should not be frightening.

Fresh discharge usually does not have any foreign smell, however, during the day on the pad, the mucus oxidizes and may have a slightly acidic smell and a yellowish tint, which in itself will not be a symptom of the disease.

Brown discharge in women acquires a special character in some cases (normal):

  • in the middle of the cycle during ovulation, they may have bloody streaks, their appearance is associated with the separation of the egg;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives is sometimes accompanied by brown "ointments" - in the first few months;
  • after taking the chemical abortive drug - Postinor, brown discharge continues for several days after artificial menstruation;
  • after childbirth, a pinkish ichor comes out of the vagina - a sign of normal healing of the internal genital organs.

Brown discharge during the menstrual cycle

Smearing brown discharge before menstruation sometimes disappears or appears a day or two before menstrual blood (mucus with a small admixture of oxidized blood).

If they last more than two days before the onset of bloody, then this may be a sign of a disease of the reproductive system and sufficient reason for and abstaining from vaginal sex. Hormonal disorders, infection, blood diseases, and endometriosis can be accompanied by brown discharge along with premenstrual pain and long (more than a week) heavy periods.

Abundant brown discharge in the middle of the cycle, lasting more than a day, indicates a lack of progesterone or ovarian dysfunction. In order not to miss the development of infertility, in this case, you need to undergo treatment with a doctor.

Menstruation ends, and the blood begins to clot faster - the discharge brightens, turning from scarlet brown to light cream and white. If there is no unpleasant odor, then this is the norm.

A sharp sour or putrid odor can be caused by bacteria: chlamydia, gardnerella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

Sometimes brown discharge is smeared 4-5 days after menstruation.

In the presence of sexual contacts in this case, it is worth taking a pregnancy test. It can also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which does not interrupt the menstruation, but increases, gives a small amount of clotted blood. A home pregnancy test will turn out to be negative in this case, so the only right decision would be to visit a gynecologist.

The pathological secret of the uterus and vagina may contain non-menstrual blood: from possible microcracks (after sex), during pregnancy (they may warn about its possible breakdown), as a manifestation of bleeding erosion of the cervix. This situation requires an urgent gynecological examination.

If the brown discharge after menstruation is very dark and rather thick, then this may be a sign of uterine pathology, which can only be detected by a doctor using an ultrasound scan.

Brown discharge after sexual intercourse

After intense sex, it can disrupt the integrity of the vaginal mucosa. As a rule, temporary abstinence allows you to completely heal wounds or microcracks, the most important thing is to carefully observe personal hygiene so that the infection does not penetrate through the damaged mucosa. The use of lubricant and caution during sex will help to avoid such troubles.

Brown discharge after sex should not be much, and they can last no more than two days.

After unprotected sex, women also intensify.

Puberty, breastfeeding, menopause

While menstruation is finally established, a small amount of brown discharge may appear in the expected middle of the cycle (with an unstable cycle), for two days before and after menstruation.

This manifestation is considered normal and in the absence of painful symptoms and an unpleasant odor does not require treatment.

The lactation period for each woman is individual. During the entire time of breastfeeding, there may be brown discharge on the 14th-16th day of the cycle. This occurs under the influence of hormones responsible for the formation of breast milk, and is also a variant of the norm.

Two years before menopause, brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is considered normal, which becomes less frequent over time. At this age, it is important not to miss the symptoms of serious illnesses, which requires a visit to the gynecologist.

Vaginal discharge after Postinor

After sex without contraceptives, some women take Postinor-type drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy. These drugs immediately cause menstruation, which makes conception impossible.

This method is always effective, but it is dangerous for women's health. In addition to the hormonal shock, an unwanted load is experienced by the internal genital organs - the uterus and vagina. Reception "Postinor" should be rare and take place under medical supervision.

A few days of brown discharge after Postinor is the norm and happens as the end of artificially induced menstruation, until the genitals are completely cleansed. Possible deviations in this situation - the absence of full bloody periods, prolonged (more than 14 days) brown discharge, clots and pain - this is a serious reason to urgently see a doctor. Usually, the reception of "Postinor" establishes a new cycle. Sometimes after taking it, spotting discharge lasts more than a month - it is impossible to diagnose the cause on your own, but you should not panic.

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