Troxevasin 2 percent instructions for use. Ointment "Troxevasin": composition, full instructions for use, price. Pharmacological properties, indications for use

Troxevasin gel belongs to venotonics. It favorably affects the venous vessels, tones them and strengthens the walls. Its application contributes to the removal convulsive syndrome, soothing pain and preventing the occurrence of blood clots inside the vessels, as well as trophic ulcers on the skin or mucous membranes.

The active substance that is part of Troxevasin is troxerutin. This component has the properties a wide range actions:

  • relieves puffiness;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • stops oxidative processes, strengthening the immune system and slowing down the aging process.

Auxiliary components:

  1. Carbomer - to increase viscosity, homogeneous mixing of elements, facilitating application medicinal product on the skin. Has a moisturizing and soothing effect.
  1. Trolamine - to relieve pain.
  2. Benzalkonium chloride - has an antibacterial, disinfectant effect.
  3. Purified water - as a solvent for the active element.

Indications for use

Troxevasin gel is prescribed for pathological conditions characterized by impaired tone and increased fragility of venous vessels:

  • venous insufficiency in chronic form. It is characterized by a feeling of heavy weights on the legs, fatigue. Venous stars appear on the skin of the legs.
  • Periflebitis - inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding the venous vessels;
  • Thrombophlebitis - damage to the veins, contributing to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels;
  • Varicose dermatitis is a pathological process in the skin caused by dysfunction of the venous vessels.

In addition, the drug provoked by injuries (swelling, hematomas), therefore, is prescribed for sprains and bruises.

What helps

Given the composition of the drug and the properties of the main components, it can be argued that Troxevasin gel helps to cope with problems that have arisen in the network of blood capillaries.

Pathology of the vascular system

Venous insufficiency in the tissues occurs due to incomplete outflow of blood. Because of this, plasma seeps through the atrophied walls. small vessels into nearby tissues. In this case, the appearance of edema, pain, less often there may be a decrease in sensitivity and even convulsions. If the disease is not treated, the symptoms worsen, the process of tissue nutrition is disturbed, the subcutaneous tissue becomes more and more dense, and then becomes covered with ulcers.

Troxevasin gel has the most effective treatment at the primary stage of the development of pathology, at the stage of progression, it is prescribed as auxiliary drug to the main course of therapy.

When applied to the affected area, the drug is rapidly absorbed, seeping to the capillaries subcutaneous tissue.

Action provided by the drug:

  1. the degree of vascular density increases, and as a result, the amount of fluid that enters the tissues from the capillaries decreases;
  2. walls are compacted, elastic properties are improved, the risk of ruptures during overflow with blood is reduced;
  3. smoothed out inner surface walls, which prevents platelets from attaching to them and forming blood clots.

Troxevasin improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, eliminates pain. The effect is even more enhanced if compression stockings are used.

Pathological processes in soft tissues

Diseases of this nature are most often manifested in the form of inflammatory changes skin and subcutaneous tissue. Usually the process is chronic, accompanied by pain. varying degrees intensity.

Troxevasin in the context of these diseases carries out:

  1. anti-inflammatory functions, lowering the activity of enzymes;
  2. inhibition of oxidative processes activated by oxygen molecules, limiting the destructive effect on tissues;
  3. improvement of blood supply and nutrition of the inflamed area, removing puffiness.

The effectiveness of the drug consists in the manifestation, reduction of hyperemia of the skin, edema, pain syndrome. Troxevasin gel is able to stop the inflammatory process that has begun in the tissues, preventing it from spreading to the vessels.

Traumatic soft tissue injuries

This group of processes is characterized by ruptures of capillaries and small hemorrhages into the fabric. At the site of a bruise or sprain, inflammation begins, a hematoma forms.

Troxevasin gel for injuries has the following effect:

  1. relieves inflammation;
  2. improves blood flow;
  3. reduces the degree of swelling, prevents excessive seepage of fluid through the walls of capillaries.

The sooner you start applying the gel after an injury, the less damage there will be. Suppression of inflammation and a decrease in the volume of fluid in the tissues will reduce pain, while strengthening small vessels and establishing blood supply to the injured area will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Troxevasin gel for hemorrhoids how to apply

Therapy of hemorrhoids with Troxevasin gel should be started at the first symptoms of the manifestation of the disease. At this time, the deformation of the venous vessels has not yet occurred, and the timeliness of treatment can prevent the formation of bumps and significantly affect the improvement of the patient's well-being.

Troxevasin for hemorrhoids is able to significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent increased fragility of small capillaries, which will lead to a decrease in the number and volume.

The tool helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, has, relieves swelling, itching, burning, soothes and restores the affected areas.

Before you start using Troxevasin, you should consult with a specialist, and also carefully study the leaflet with instructions for use, which is included with each tube of gel.

The standard treatment regimen involves a two-week course of therapy, but according to indications, it can be extended.

Instructions for use:

After the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water to avoid getting the product into your eyes or mucous membranes. If this still happened, then you need to immediately wash the affected area. large quantity water until the burning sensation disappears.

You can use the gel in the form of applications. To do this, the drug is applied to a dense cotton fabric and applied to the anus. When Troxevasin is completely absorbed into the skin, the application can be removed. As a rule, this happens about half an hour after application, and after one and a half to two hours, the active substances penetrate into the cells of the subcutaneous tissue. The average duration of treatment is 1 week.

The use of Troxevasin gel is prohibited. For these purposes, you should choose another drug that involves rectal administration.

average price

In pharmacies, you can buy Troxevasin at a price of 150 to 210 rubles.

Cheap analogues

Wednesday medications you can find analogues for Troxevasin gel. Analogues are identical in:

  • composition;
  • indications for use;
  • method of use;
  • Some of them are cheaper means.

Most Popular:

  1. Troxerutin is complete analogue Troxevasin. It contains the same active substance, is available in the form of a gel and costs about 50 rubles per tube.
  2. Normaven is considered an analogue of the drug in question according to the method of application and indications. But the composition of this cream is somewhat different. Main components: extracts horse chestnut, gingo biloba, wormwood. Includes vitamins A, C and E. Price - 200 rubles per pack.
  3. Troxevenol. Produced in the form of a gel, in addition to troxerutin, it also contains indomethacin, which helps to reduce body temperature, relieve inflammation and pain relief, fights against the formation blood clots. The cost is 60 rubles per tube.
  4. Troxegel. The main active ingredient is the same. Favors the reduction of hemorrhoids, strengthening tissues, eliminating itching and burning. It costs around 60 rubles for 40g.


Troxevasin in the form of a gel has practically no contraindications. Restriction on the use of the drug is introduced if:

  • there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • there is damage to the skin at the site of the intended application of the product.

Avoid contact of the gel with eyes, wounds that have mechanical damage skin, as well as mucous membranes.

The drug with increased vascular permeability that accompanies diseases such as influenza, scarlet fever and measles, is prescribed in interaction with ascorbic acid in order to enhance the effect.

Side effects

Tolerability of the drug is quite good. There are rare reactions from the skin in the form of rashes, urticaria, dermatosis, eczema.

In case of manifestation similar signs, it is necessary to stop using the gel and contact your doctor for adjustment of the prescribed treatment.

Troxevasin is a medication in the form of an ointment or gel of brown or golden color. Effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids of acute and chronic forms. The drug is so safe that it can be used by patients of any age and even pregnant women.

Composition and action

The active substance is troxerutin (20 mg per 1 g of ointment). Also in the composition of the drug:

  • carbomer;
  • trolamine;
  • edetate disodium dihydrate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • purified water.

Troxevasin is a flavonoid with P-vitamin activity. Due to this, the drug has a tonic effect on hemorrhoids, being a venoprotector. The drug relieves swelling, inflammation, prevents blood clotting and oxidation of organic compounds.

Pharmacological properties of troxevasin ointment

The drug has a therapeutic effect exclusively on the veins and capillaries.


Thanks to the active substance, which is part of the hydrophilic medium, favorable conditions for rapid and effective release and absorption of the drug.

The ointment is well tolerated human body. Hypersensitivity to its components is absent. Apply the ointment is indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids at any stage.


The active ingredient is able to quickly penetrate through outer layer epidermis during external application of the ointment. After half an hour, the substance is in the epidermis, and after 2-5 hours - in fatty tissue. Due to this, the active ingredients are able to concentrate in the tissues.

What helps

The drug has the following indications for use:

  • vein diseases: the remedy is effective for varicose ulcers, chronic vascular pathology;
  • swelling and soreness in the legs, a feeling of heaviness, fatigue - symptoms indicating a chronic venous insufficiency;
  • spider veins and asterisks: rosacea;
  • convulsions;
  • parestensia - a violation of sensitivity, in which there is numbness, "goosebumps" on the body;
  • in cosmetology, the medicine is applied under the eyes to eliminate bruises;
  • thrombophlebitis - inflammation that affects the walls of the veins and is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot;
  • periphlebitis - an inflammatory process that affects the tissues surrounding the vein;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin: bruises, abrasions, bruises;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus to exclude the development of complications;
  • varicose dermatitis - is formed with the expansion of the veins and their poor functioning;
  • swelling and pain resulting from an injury.

Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids

Troxevasin - effective remedy in the treatment of hemorrhoids in adults, children and even pregnant women. Used as part of complex therapy.


With the systematic use of the drug, the following effects are achieved:

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  • vascular walls become thin;
  • fragility of venous vessels decreases;
  • the development of blood clots is prevented;
  • improves venous blood flow;
  • inflammation, itching and swelling go away;
  • the likelihood of developing trophic ulcers is reduced.

With an exacerbation

Troxevasin is used in the stage of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, because. the drug relieves swelling, stops bleeding, eliminates itching and pain. The components of the ointment thin the blood, prevent the development of blood clots.

Application of troxevasin ointment

Ointment should be applied 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Carry out treatment after bowel movements and hygiene procedures. The gel is applied in a thin layer, and a piece of gauze is applied to the affected areas on top. The composition should be distributed over the skin with light massaging movements until completely absorbed.

Ointment can be soaked in gauze swabs, and then applied to inflamed nodes. It is impossible that the drug gets on the mucous membranes, open wounds or ulcers.


Troxevasin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment associated with individual intolerance;
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermal layer.

Side effects

They rarely occur, and if they develop, then it is a rash, redness, itching, symptoms of dermatitis. After discontinuation of treatment, everything quickly passes. There is no compatibility with alcohol, and although strong drinks do not affect the effectiveness of treatment, they do negative impact on the body.

If undesirable manifestations occur during the application of Troxevasin 2% ointment, then you should urgently inform your doctor about this, who will adjust the treatment methods and choose another medication.


Since the ointment is applied externally, the risk of overdose is minimized. AT rare cases the following symptoms are possible:
urticaria; eczema; dermatitis.

special instructions

During pregnancy and lactation

In the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, Troxevasin is used as follows:

  • the drug is indicated in the 2nd and 3rd trimester only as prescribed by the doctor;
  • the agent is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day;
  • apply to pregnant women with varicose veins, swelling of the legs, the presence hemorrhoids;
  • the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor; during lactation, the ointment is not prescribed.

Application in childhood

Officially, the medication is allowed for children after 15 years of age, but in pediatrics, the ointment is prescribed to a child who is already 2 years old.

The drug is indicated for patients childhood to improve blood circulation, treatment of places after injections and vaccinations with the development of compaction, as well as after injuries, for the treatment of hematomas and sprains.

drug interaction

Troxevasin can be used with some other drugs, following the recommendations:

  • A combination of Troxevasin ointment with capsules is allowed to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect.
  • The drug does not affect the management of mechanisms and the car.
  • Information on the interaction with other medicines is not available.


Troxevasin has the following analogues:

  1. Troxerutin. It is indicated for problems with veins, is a direct analogue of Troxevasin. Has a wide therapeutic effect, therefore, it can be used even in the treatment of the disease on late stage. The cost is 330 rubles.
  2. Venopaginol. It is an anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic drug that has a venotonic and antiprotective effect. Its components normalize the work of capillaries, restore the epithelium and tissues. The cost is 180 rubles.
  3. . The active substance seeps into the walls blood vessels improving their elasticity. It has a cytoprotective and antioxidant effect. Price - 410 rubles.
  4. Lyoton. It is an antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative agent. Relieves swelling and prevents fluid from escaping. Price - 540 rubles.
  5. Troxevenol. The components of the drug reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, have a decongestant effect. Due to this, the ointment is used for impaired functioning of chronic veins. Price - 100 rubles.
  6. Venabos. Effective medication in the treatment of varicose veins, as well as to relieve swelling, heaviness and cramps in lower limbs. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of postoperative hematomas that do not violate the integrity of the dermis. The cost is 570 rubles.
  7. . A drug that has an antithrombotic effect is intended for local application. Is an anticoagulant direct action. Price - 70 rubles.
  8. Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids is simple and reliable to use!

    Terms and conditions of storage

    At severe symptoms varicose veins strictly according to the instructions, it is appropriate to use medicinal product Troxevasin ointment, which helps relieve swelling and soreness of the lower extremities. A characteristic medication is used externally, it is highly effective, has a long therapeutic effect. Before you find out how much Troxevasin ointment costs in pharmacies, you need to carefully read the contents detailed instructions.

    Instructions for use Troxevasin ointment

    This medicinal product belongs to pharmacological group venotonic agents (angioprotectors) for external use. Healing ointment Troxevasin has a homogeneous consistency, differs in a brown tint, has a specific, but nice smell. You can buy it at any pharmacy, but the annotation should not become a guide to use, you need to additionally consult with a local therapist, phlebologist. Superficial self-treatment is not harmful to health, since the composition of the ointment does not contain dangerous toxic substances.


    The active component of Troxevasin - troxerutin, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous properties, is a medicine with an extensive spectrum of action. This drug has several forms of release - ointment, gel and tablets, their joint application only reinforces the desired therapeutic effect. The active substance of Troxevasin ointment (Troxevasin) provides the following changes in general condition and well-being of the clinical patient:

    • reduces pain in the area of ​​swollen veins;
    • ointment removes increased fatigue lower limbs;
    • strengthens and restores the permeability of the walls of veins, vessels, capillaries;
    • ointment provides prevention of varicose veins;
    • relieves inflammation and swelling of blood vessels;
    • improves tissue nutrition during injuries at the cellular level;
    • ointment eliminates vascular spasms;
    • improves local blood circulation at the point of contact with medicinal composition;
    • ointment reduces the size of hemorrhoids, removes inflammation;
    • effectively eliminates bruises, swollen veins on the legs and more.


    The drug Troxevasin ointment will act locally when applied topically, more often used by women than men. Main directions intensive care- varicose veins and exacerbation of hemorrhoids with further recurrence. Such conservative treatment Troxevasin is more of an ancillary, rather appropriate in the following clinical pictures:

    • thrombophlebitis;
    • varicose disease;
    • periphlebitis;
    • increased swelling;
    • varicose dermatitis;
    • edema of a traumatic nature;
    • progressive muscle spasms;
    • sprains, hematomas, dislocations;
    • trophic, varicose ulcers;
    • the formation of hemorrhoids;
    • how aid in gynecology for the productive restoration of damaged mucous membranes, use on the recommendation of a specialist.

    Side effects

    Since the drug is used externally, the degree of adsorption of active components from the digestive tract is minimal, the risk of side effects is also. The use of Troxevasin ointment is safe for health, with the exception of the hypersensitivity of the skin of a clinical patient. As a result of this interaction, top layer epidermis, local and allergic reactions appear, represented by urticaria, redness and swelling of the skin, severe itching. Further treatment it is required to stop, pick up and apply another medicine.


    Homogeneous gel Troxevasin imperceptibly adapts to the skin, and side effects occur in single clinical pictures, are temporary. In order not to aggravate a progressive disease, it is necessary to study not only the prescription of a characteristic medication, but also existing contraindications to its application. Medical limitations of Troxevasin ointment are presented below:

    • open wounds, wounds, violation of the integrity of the skin;
    • body's hypersensitivity to active components;
    • stomach ulcer, duodenum;
    • chronic gastritis relapse stage;
    • 1 trimester of pregnancy;
    • carefully prescribed to women during lactation.

    What helps Troxevasin ointment

    This medication, having a hormonal basis, imperceptibly treats inflammation of the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates increased swelling of the dermis, relieves inflammation. Troxevasin ointment is part of a complex treatment, and it is recommended to use it externally full course, according to detailed description in the instructions. AT modern medicine two directions are provided when the pharmacological appointment of Troxevasin is appropriate.


    The manufacturer specifies that Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids is equally suitable for external and internal hemorrhoids in the inflammatory process. Apply medicinal composition relies in the morning and evening, gently rubbing the focus of the pathology until completely absorbed. Troxevasin ointment should be used for 7-10 days, and it is better to discuss further use individually with your doctor. If you are still worried about the question of whether it is possible to smear hemorrhoids with Troxevasin, the answer to it is unambiguously in the affirmative.

    Varicose veins

    Troxevasin gel for varicose veins or a tendency to such chronic pathology shown to be used daily, especially after increased load to the lower limbs. Such safe treatment 100 percent effective, but on condition that the medicinal composition is used according to the instructions. A portion of Troxevasin ointment or gel is required to lubricate the inflamed veins until completely absorbed, after which the skin should not be wetted with water, do not wipe dry with a towel.

    Swelling and bruising

    Troxevasin cream is used by women with increased swelling and soreness of the legs after a long working day spent in shoes on high heels. In this case, you can use the medication once a day - in evening time when the legs are resting from daily stress. Troxevasin acts quickly and painlessly, allowing you to feel a relaxing effect. Additionally, this ointment can be used for bruising, for example, under the eyes after waking up in the morning. Additionally, you can use useful properties contrast shower.

    Bruises and abrasions

    Such an appointment is equally suitable for a child and a teenager, if unpleasant bruises, hematomas appear on the skin. In this public way, you can cure abrasions, bruises, sprains, slight damage soft tissues. Foci of pathology must be lubricated with a thin layer of Troxevasin ointment, gently rubbed into the dermis until completely absorbed. If you still have questions about the method of using this drug, you can visit the medical sites world wide web carefully read the photo instructions. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

    The price of Troxevasin

    The cost of a medical preparation is, on average, 200 rubles. Troxevasin ointment is available in every pharmacy, it is dispensed without a prescription. Since superficial self-medication is not capable of significantly harming the health of the buyer, you can purchase this drug on the Internet. Ordering and delivery do not cause difficulties, but it is quite possible to save on the purchase of Troxevasin ointment. If virtual purchases remain beyond reality for the patient, the prices of medicines in real pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg are presented below.

    Many of us are familiar with the discomfort and pain associated with hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids themselves are nothing more than a plexus of dilated veins of the rectum. The veins are stretched and filled with blood due to high pressure on the pelvic organs. Provoke an increase in pressure can long sitting position in the workplace, lack of physical activity, unbalanced diet.

    Obesity contributes to the development of hemorrhoids, bad habits(smoking, alcohol), the period of pregnancy and childbirth,. All these phenomena cause a violation of the venous outflow, weakness of the venous wall, disturbances in the work of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the rectum. Therefore, one of the important directions in the complex of measures for the treatment of hemorrhoids is toning and strengthening the venous wall.

    For these purposes, the drug Troxevasin is widely used. The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in various dosage forms (ointments, gels, tablets, capsules), which makes its use the most effective and convenient.

    Troxevasin in the form of ointments and gels is used. The gel and ointment base allows the drug to quickly penetrate into the affected tissues and reach the maximum concentration necessary for the therapeutic effect. Ointments and gels are applied to the prolapsed hemorrhoids in the area anus at least twice a day, after hygiene procedures. The course of treatment is prescribed by a proctologist after the necessary examination.

    Troxevasin capsules and tablets are prescribed for internal use and take according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Maximum healing effect achieved at complex application various dosage forms of the drug (capsules + gel), while maintaining a diet, increasing physical activity and giving up bad habits.

    How does Troxevasin work with hemorrhoids?

    Troxevasin is a drug based on a semi-synthetic substance, an analogue of the natural bioflavonoid - rutin. It improves blood circulation in the veins, tones smooth muscle, reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The action of go is enhanced by simultaneous reception with ascorbic acid.

    Troxevasin reduces the ability of platelets to collect in damaged vessel walls, prevents them from sticking together and thus prevents the formation of blood clots. The drug has a beneficial effect on the smallest blood vessels - capillaries, improving blood microcirculation and restoring blood circulation in altered veins.

    The walls of the venous vessels become stronger and more elastic, the outflow of blood from the hemorrhoids improves, they become smaller and gradually dissolve. Troxevasin drugs reduce blood viscosity, reducing the risk of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, in addition, they relieve swelling and such discomfort like burning and itching in the anal region.

    Practice in the field of proctology shows that treatment is most effective when using two dosage forms of the drug: a gel for external use and capsules for oral administration. Usually, Troxevasin is prescribed 1 capsule twice a day with the simultaneous use of a 2% gel, which is impregnated with a gauze swab and applied to external nodes. Thus, the maximum concentration is achieved active ingredient in the venous vascular network. The course of such combined treatment should be continued for two weeks.

    Positive effects from the use of Troxevasin

    Troxevasin has the following positive effects:

    • It tones the walls of blood vessels, strengthens the mucous membrane
    • Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries
    • Prevents the formation of blood clots
    • Improves venous outflow, fights congestion
    • Reduces inflammation, swelling and itching in the anal area
    • Reduces the risk of developing trophic ulcers

    Instructions for use

    Troxevasin preparations act as angioprotectors and venotonics, they are widely used for the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. In chronic venous insufficiency, the use of Troxevasin reduces swelling and pain, relieves convulsions, and reduces the risk of trophic ulcers. With hemorrhoids, it relieves pain, itching,. The drug thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

    There was no negative effect of Troxevasin preparations on nervous system. They do not cause confusion or drowsiness, so they can be safely prescribed to those patients whose work is related to the speed of reaction or control of mechanisms and vehicles.

    Composition of drugs and price

    Troxevasin capsules yellow color, cylindrical in shape, enclosed in a gelatin shell. Contains yellow-brown troxerutin powder. 1 capsule contains 300 mg of powder.
    Excipients: gelatin, titanium oxide, magnesium stearate, dye, lactose monohydrate. Release form: 10 capsules in blisters, 5 pcs. blisters in a carton box. average price for the drug - from 500 rubles.

    In Russian pharmacy chains more often you can find Troxevasin in capsules, in tablet form it is produced in the EU countries. Of particular difference between these dosage forms No, the instructions for using capsules and tablets are the same. The terms of taking the drug are long and require regular repetition of courses. Usually tablets or capsules are taken for a month, after a four-month break, the course of treatment with the drug should be continued.

    Such a treatment regimen helps to cope with the progression of venous insufficiency and, over time, partially restore damaged vessels. Gel (ointment) Troxevasin 2% for external use. Homogeneous substance of yellowish-brown or golden color, odorless. 1 g of gel contains 20 mg of troxerutin. Excipients: triethanolamine, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride, disodium EDTA, distilled water. Produced in aluminum tubes of 40 g, 1 tube in a carton. The average price for drugs: troxevasin ointment - from 48 rubles, troxevasin gel - from 160 rubles.

    Indications for the use of drugs

    Troxevasin gel and ointment is used to treat the following diseases:

    • Venous insufficiency
    • Haemorrhoids
    • Phlebeurysm
    • Phlebitis, superficial thrombophlebitis
    • Swelling and pain in trauma
    • Muscle spasms

    Troxevasin capsules are prescribed for:

    • hemorrhoids
    • Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
    • Retinopathy (retinal disease) in diabetic patients
    • Chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins and varicose ulcers
    • Swelling and pain in trauma
    • Varicose dermatitis
    • Combined treatment of dislocations, sprains, to eliminate muscle spasm
    Application methods

    Troxevasin capsules taken orally during meals, washed down enough liquids. Therapeutic dose drug - 2 capsules per day (600 mg), if necessary, increase the dose. With maintenance therapy, it is enough to take 1 capsule of the drug daily for a month or more. It should be noted that Troxevasin capsules have no effect on edema caused by diseases of the kidneys, liver or of cardio-vascular system. The drug is not used in patients with lactose deficiency, with caution prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

    Gel or ointment used twice a day, morning and evening, they are intended for topical use. The preparations are applied after the act of defecation and the necessary hygiene procedures. The gel is applied with a thin layer on the affected areas and distributed on the skin with light massaging movements until complete penetration. Ointment can be soaked in gauze swabs and applied to hemorrhoids. Gels and ointments should be applied only to an intact surface, should not be allowed to get on the mucous membranes, open wounds or ulcers.

    Troxevasin ointment has an enveloping effect and a short time penetrates deeply into tissues, does not spread and quickly alleviates the patient's condition. The ointment has proven itself in the treatment of "weeping" hemorrhoids, reducing the discharge from the rectum and tightening the wounds. The gel has a lighter structure, is perfectly absorbed and has the most effective effect.

    Side effects

    When taking Troxevasin capsules, adverse events are quite rare. These may be violations digestive tract: dyspepsia, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence. Sometimes there are sleep disturbances and headaches. Allergic reactions are possible - urticaria and skin itching.

    On a gel or ointment, in rare cases, there are skin reactions: rash, redness, itching, manifestations of dermatitis. After discontinuation of the drug, all symptoms quickly disappear. In the event of undesirable manifestations during the use of the drugs, you must immediately inform your doctor about this, who will correct the methods of therapy and select another drug.


    Troxevasin preparations have a number of contraindications:
    Capsules are not prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, with chronic gastritis during an exacerbation of the disease, hypersensitivity to troxerutin. Capsules are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Use with caution in renal failure and liver disease.
    Gels and ointments are contraindicated in case of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to drug components.
    Drugs are prescribed with caution to patients younger than 15 years of age. In diseases accompanied by increased permeability of blood vessels, troxevasin drugs are prescribed simultaneously with the intake of ascorbic acid.

    Troxevasin for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Troxevasin is limited. It is not prescribed in the first months of pregnancy. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding Troxevasin is used in cases where the therapeutic effect of taking the drug significantly exceeds the risk of complications in the mother and child.

    The appointment of Troxevasin during pregnancy is justified in cases where there is pronounced manifestations congestion in the pelvic area. It can be itching, pain, violations of bowel movements (constipation), inflammatory phenomena and growth of hemorrhoids. Taking drugs greatly facilitates the condition of pregnant women, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthens the venous wall and helps to quickly and painlessly reduce hemorrhoids.


    With an overdose of troxevasin drugs, there are the following symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, nervous excitement, flushes of blood to the face. In this case, the patient is symptomatic therapy, do a gastric lavage and prescribe a reception activated carbon. Reported cases of drug overdose local action(ointments, gels) is not available.

    Interaction with other drugs

    With regard to the gel and ointment cases of interaction with other therapeutic agents not identified. The action of Troxevasin capsules enhances vitamin C. Their simultaneous use promotes rapid strengthening vascular wall and reduce its permeability, which means it increases the effectiveness of treatment in general.

    Numerous reviews of patients who used Troxevasin preparations for treatment indicate that they have won the trust of people. different ages and are in great demand among the population. These drugs have found their place in the home first aid kits of almost every family due to the high therapeutic efficacy, the absence of serious side effects and affordable price.

    The use of Troxevasin preparations for hemorrhoids allows you to defeat the disease in a short time, relieve pain and discomfort, and again feel full of strength and health. At the same time, it is worth remembering that these funds should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and clarification of the diagnosis; you cannot self-medicate!

    Troxevasin ointment is a multifunctional drug with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous properties. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of venous insufficiency and dilate venous vessels. This is the main, but far from the only purpose of the drug.

    In addition, Troxevasin is prescribed when symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease appear, pathology of blood vessels located in the retina of the eye, which was the result of diabetes. This drug has found its purpose both in the cosmetology industry and in gynecology.

    Among the components of the ointment, the following substances can be recognized:

    • Troxerutin is the most main component medicinal product. It has properties similar to the routine, however, obtained, in from its

    natural analogue, semi-synthetic way. Rutin takes part in most of the processes occurring in the human body. It helps to increase the elastic properties of blood vessels, seals their walls, and due to the increase in the content hyaluronic acid favors the prolongation of youth and slowing down aging. Reduces blood clotting

    • Trolamine - renders at the site of the flow pathological processes quickly and efficiently.
    • Carbomer - has astringent properties, due to which it is easily applied to the affected area, as if enveloping it, evenly distributing active substances. Promotes good mixing of components and the absence of heterogeneous masses in the substance
    • Benzalkonium chloride - disinfects wounds and pathological formations, actively fights bacteria, prevents them from getting deep into tissues and developing bacterial infections. Good local antiseptic.
    • Disodium edetate dihydrate - is responsible for thinning the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.
    • Purified water is used as a solvent for the main components of the ointment.

    The medicine is produced in the form of an ointment used for external application. There is also the same remedy, but in the form for oral consumption.

    The ointment is packaged in special tubes, covered inside with an aluminum insert, 40 grams of the substance in each.

    So that the drug does not oxidize and does not deteriorate under the influence of air, the tube is sealed with a special protective film - a membrane.

    To open it, you can use a hairpin needle, located for convenience in a cap screwed onto the tube.

    Each tube is packed in a cardboard box, a leaflet with instructions for use is also placed here.

    Indications for use

    If you carefully study the instructions for the drug, you can distinguish the following pathological conditions when Troxevasin is prescribed as a therapeutic agent:

    In all these cases, Troxevasin manifests itself as.

    What helps

    Let us consider in more detail the effect of the drug in each case.

    • from varicose veins. Troxevasin is applied with varicose veins with movements and is distributed throughout the limb affected by the disease. Due to this, an intense rush of blood begins to all tissues and organs.

    The drug shows more high efficiency, if you start applying it already at the first manifestations of varicose veins: heaviness in the lower extremities, pain, cramps, the formation of hematomas and bruises on skin, irritability and itching of the skin of the legs, fragility of the venous walls.

    disease progressing to severe or chronic form, it is impossible to cure with an ointment.

    To improve the condition, they can prescribe complex treatment ointment and Troxevasin capsules while adding ascorbic acid.

    • From edema, bruising and bruising under the eyes. Troxevasin has the lightest texture, which contributes to its rapid absorption. It has a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of small blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries. Such an action forms a barrier to moisture, and prevents it from seeping out of the vessels, forming bags under the eyes so hated by all women.

    For getting best effect the drug should be applied to cleansed skin, make sure that it does not have any damage.

    • From bruises. During a bruise, soft tissue injury occurs, hematomas, hemorrhages occur, pain. Troxevasin is quickly absorbed, promotes healing and regeneration, relieves swelling and soreness.

    Troxevasin for hemorrhoids

    With hemorrhoids, Troxevasin can be useful in case. The most important requirement that should be observed when using this ointment is the hygiene of the perianal area. In order not to aggravate the situation with the inflammation that has arisen, you should thoroughly wash off the remnants stool after a bowel movement and dry the skin.

    Then apply the ointment externally to the affected area. Almost immediately after absorption, and it is absorbed very quickly due to the lightness of its structure, the active substances begin to medical activity directly at the site of pathology. Patients leave only positive feedback about the effectiveness of Troxevasin in initial period development of hemorrhoids.

    How to use - instructions for use

    To eliminate bags under the eyes, you need to be extremely careful. It is very important to avoid getting it on the mucous membrane of the eye, and

    prevent leakage into the eye. If this does happen, rinse your eyes immediately with cool running water.

    Before using, wash your hands well with soap and water. Cleanse the skin of the face from makeup and apply a very tiny pea of ​​cream on it. When rubbing the drug, do not stretch the delicate skin, but only lightly pat it with your fingertips. Rinse off is not required.

    The application of Troxevasin will bring the expected effect with bruises or varicose veins, if applied with a clear frequency twice a day. In this case, it is important to distribute the ointment evenly in a thin layer and rub it with light circular movements into the skin, avoiding pressure.

    average price

    The price of the drug Troxevasin, produced in the form of an ointment, in an average Russian pharmacy will range from 170 to 240 rubles per tube.

    Cheap analogues

    For any medical product, you can choose similar remedy whether it be by the active substances it contains or by the action produced and the list of indications for use.

    So Troxevasin has a number of analogues. Among them:

    1. Troxerutin. This ointment contains the same main component. It is prescribed for dermatitis of varicose etiology, formation of blood clots in venous vessels, leg ulcers and venous insufficiency. The drug has proven to be very effective and available remedy. The cost of one tube of ointment does not exceed 50 rubles.
    2. Venopaginol. It also resists thrombosis in the veins, perfectly relieves inflammation, restores blood flow even in the most small capillaries, tones the walls of blood vessels and helps to strengthen them. Applied externally. It has a stimulating effect on regenerated tissue areas.
    3. . It is prescribed in the presence of pronounced swelling of the legs, small swelling, varicose veins and ulcers. Eliminates any kind of pain, promotes good lymph outflow, improves tissue nutrition, and normalizes the condition of hemorrhoids.


    Each medication has its own contraindications. Some have more, some have less. Troxevasin ointment belongs to the group of effective drugs that are generally well tolerated by both adult patients and children.

    There are rare exceptions when the patient has allergic reaction on the effect of the main component of the remedy. It can be expressed in the form of urticaria, dermatosis, eczema of the skin.

    Among the main contraindications for the use of Troxevasin are:

    • the patient's hypersensitivity to active substance- troxerutin;
    • the first 3 months of pregnancy;
    • duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer;
    • acute form of gastritis.
    • If the patient is found kidney failure, then the use of Troxevasin ointment should be carried out very carefully and under close supervision.

    If a woman is carrying a child, and the gestational age is already more than 12 weeks, then Troxevasin is prescribed with an eye to the desired result. If the expected effect on maternal health exceeds possible risks for the development of the child, then you can carefully use the medicine. The same applies in the case of the period of breastfeeding.

    Interaction of the drug with others medicines was not established during clinical research.

    In case of unintentional swallowing of a certain amount of ointment, it is necessary to immediately bring it out with the help of a gag reflex.

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