Should I give fish oil to my baby? Will this supplement benefit the growing body of the baby? Doctor Komarovsky about fish oil for children

The human body, especially the growing one, needs omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and vitamins of groups A, D, E. Scientific research, which have been held since the 70s of the last century in the USA and Canada, have revealed beneficial effect omega-3 on the cardiovascular and nervous system, brain development, visual functions person.

Vitamins are the building blocks of life processes, helping the function of metabolism (D), protecting cells from pernicious influence(E) and participating in oxidative processes, cell formation (A). These ingredients must be taken with food. enough which is not always realized in practice. Fish oil for children is used to ensure normal growth and development of the body.

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AT modern world The benefits of fish oil for children are undeniable. However, it is necessary to know the dosage, contraindications and types of the drug. If it is possible to include in the child's diet rich in PUFA marine fish of the salmon, herring, mackerel, acne family 2-3 times a week, then the body will have enough vitamins and acids in it. But children do not always agree to consume such an amount of fish, or the family cannot afford the cost of a fish menu.

The substance consists of complex components:

During the period Soviet Union fish fat given to children in preschool institutions and at home. main reason there was the presence of vitamin D in the product, which is important for the normal absorption of calcium in the body of children. In the middle of the 20th century, there were no artificial vitamin D supplements.

When ultraviolet rays hit the skin, vitamin D is produced. A lack of this vitamin leads to abnormalities in the development of bone tissue and rickets, especially among residents of northern regions, where sunny days in a year. To prevent skeletal diseases, liquid fish oil was given to Soviet children.

Fish oil can be both liquid and capsules.

What is needed for a child's body?

How useful is fish oil for children and for what purposes is it intended? Consider beneficial features given substance:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes due to PUFA, leading to a qualitative supply of blood supply and nutrition to the human brain tissue, giving positive effects in his intellectual development and assimilation of new knowledge;
  • improving the ability to concentrate, attention and perseverance in babies;
  • increased production of serotonin reduces stressful situations- children are less capricious, sharp emotional swings disappear in adolescence, mood improves;
  • frequent malnutrition(pizza, fast food, hamburger, chips, etc.) leads to an increase in blood cholesterol, which decreases in the presence of omega-3 acids, as well as normalization of a teenager's body weight;
  • children's fish oil contains vitamin A, which improves the quality of eye color perception and vision at dusk;
  • are improving immune functions organism (resistance to viral and microbial infections);
  • the participation of vitamin D in the normalization of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, leads to the healthy development of the bone tissue of the skeleton and tooth enamel in children.

Can it be given to children?

It is believed that children not only can, but also need to periodically include PUFAs and vitamins in the diet. But in case good nutrition seafood, if the child does not suffer from diseases in which it is recommended to take the supplement, it is possible to do without the drug. Parents should consider this issue together with the pediatrician, consulting with him before buying fish oil for a child.

A slightly different situation with newborn babies. Why do children need fish oil in infancy? The specialist prescribes the reception and dosage of the drug for artificial feeding when the mother does not have milk, taking into account the level of fontanelle closure and other factors. Baby under 6 months does not consume solid food, liquid fish oil for children remains the only way out. Therapy is prescribed from about 4 weeks of age.


In order to know whether children can take fish oil, it is important to consider contraindications to its use. Many manufacturers do not list them in full. Let's consider the main ones:

  • reduced blood clotting (hypocoagulation) and hemophilia;
  • the drug is characterized by a decrease in blood clotting, it is not allowed to take it before surgical intervention or in the presence of non-healing wounds;
  • individual intolerance;
  • sarcoidosis of the lungs and other organs;
  • the presence of elevated levels of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria);
  • hypercalcemia;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, in particular chronic cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis);
  • the presence of kidney disease (renal failure);
  • signs of hypervitaminosis in a child;
  • hyperfunction thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis);
  • long-term immobilization;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • acute liver disease;
  • children up to 3 months.

Parents' decision to use fish oil should be based on information about the benefits and harms of this product for children.

Which is better to choose?

There is a wide range of dietary supplements available and it can be difficult to know which fish oil to choose for children. The benefits of a substance depend on the maturity of its manufacturing technologies, so it is necessary to give preference to well-known large manufacturers.

For example, the Norwegian product is one of the most environmentally friendly, as it is isolated from fish living in clean water, uncontaminated by industrial facilities.

Which fish oil is best for children should be decided by their parents. There are two methods of making a dietary supplement - from fish liver(usually cod family) or from the loin of fish.

The product made by the second method will contain more PUFA and fewer vitamins and micronutrients. Its advantage is a smaller amount of harmful impurities that are concentrated in the liver of oceanic fish.

Depending on the purpose of taking the supplement (replenishing the body with vitamins or fatty acids), you need to choose the type of product. It is better to buy fish liver concentrate from a manufacturer who cleans the drug well and uses environmentally friendly raw materials.

There is a drug in capsules and in liquid form. Fish oil in capsules for children is odorless, retains its properties better and longer. The gelatin capsule dissolves easily in the baby's intestines and is taken with food. But there are age restrictions for children who can swallow capsules. The smallest patients will have to be given an unpackaged product.

Now manufacturers distinguish a line of products - children's fish oil in capsules and in bulk, with various flavoring sweeteners (their naturalness is checked in the product certificate). Sometimes a number of vitamins are also included in it, so consultation with a pediatrician when buying such a drug will not hurt.

How to take in capsules with health benefits?

Adults need to know how to take fish oil capsules for children. If the child does not like the taste of the substance (there are exceptions to the rule), then it is better to offer him an encapsulated type of dietary supplement.

The purpose of taking the drug depends on the dosage and the period for which it is prescribed. For general prevention in winter or spring period(with a lack of sun and vitamins), the supplement is drunk for a month. In the treatment of anemia or other diseases, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs, sometimes for a longer period.

Now 2 types of the drug are produced with a high content of vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids- this must be taken into account when buying a product. How to give fish oil to children and what type, it is up to adults to decide together with doctors.


It is advisable to buy a capsule product intended for children. it is already packaged in single doses intended for the child. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and dosage of fish oil for children. Daily dose children from 6 years old is 1.5 - 3 g of the drug.

For infants from 3 months, the doctor prescribes a dose of the drug in proportion to weight, gender and health status little patient. Usually a few drops twice a day, gradually increasing the dose. When the baby reaches 1 year old, you can give him 0.5 - 1 teaspoon per day or the appropriate amount of the drug in capsules, pouring it into a spoon. Accordingly, than older child, the greater the amount of the additive is given to him. For children from 3 years old, the product is offered in a dessert spoon 2-3 times a day, and from 7 years old already in a tablespoon.

After 4 - 6 weeks of taking the remedy, a break is usually taken for at least 3 months, then, if necessary, a second course of fish oil therapy in capsules is possible for the benefit of children.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The fresher it is, the best qualities will possess. After opening, liquid fat must be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Capsules, too, are best stored in a cool, dark place to avoid losing the beneficial properties of the drug.

Is harm possible?

Do children need fish oil, given the fact that it can bring not only benefits, but also harm? A dietary supplement cannot be useful for absolutely everyone, so it is used more often on the recommendation of a doctor, and caution here does not hurt. You can not take it to people with seafood, especially fish.

For people with increased level fat-soluble vitamin D, taking the drug can result in hypervitaminosis. Unlike water soluble vitamins, excess amount which enters and exits human urine, vitamin D remains in human adipose tissue. Body intoxication occurs by-products arising from the processing of excess vitamins of this group with the following symptoms:

With prolonged exposure to hypervitaminosis, calcium deposits on the internal organs human (kidneys, blood vessels, heart, lungs).

Fish oil has been used for 150 years. This unique composition natural product is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3) for the body, but they are not synthesized in the body itself.

According to statistics, the peoples whose main food is much less cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, you can get these essential ingredients from food. To do this, it is worth including in the child's diet up to 350 g per day 2-3 r. in Week. The most fatty acid-rich fish species are lake trout, tuna, salmon, herring, sea bass, mackerel, eel, haddock. It is not recommended to use katran. It belongs to the shark genus, feeds on waste and therefore contains toxic substances harmful to health.

Are walnuts, linen and pumpkin seed, oils (olive, linseed, soybean, rapeseed, pumpkin).

However, not in every family it is possible to use such varieties of fish so often. Yes, and fish can contain toxic substances due to pollution of the seas and oceans. The child will also not eat enough oils to provide the body with fatty acids. Therefore, you will have to be content with fish oil. The latter contains:

  • polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3);
  • oleic and palmitic acids;
  • fat-soluble vitamins E,;
  • trace elements (phosphorus, bromine, selenium, manganese, chlorine, magnesium, etc.).

Is fish oil good for kids?

The effect on the body of all these substances is very large, especially in childhood. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are involved in metabolic processes, expand blood vessels, contribute metabolic processes in brain tissues.

These changes improve brain activity, contribute to the mental development of the child, increase the intellectual coefficient. Children improve their understanding and better assimilation information.

Hyperactive children become more assiduous, the ability to concentrate increases. The baby develops fine motor skills of the hands faster. Children learn to write and read faster, get tired less.

Clinical observations have shown that babies lagging behind in their development for six months caught up with their peers after a three-month course of taking fish oil.

Psycho-emotional changes also become noticeable: fatty acids prevent stress. This effect is associated with the stimulation of the production of the biologically active substance serotonin, which is also called the hormone of happiness. Thanks to this, fish oil improves mood, which is especially important for depression in adolescence.

Modern guys are often addicted to fast food. A hamburger or a sandwich with sweet carbonated water contributes to metabolic disorders and the development of obesity. Fish oil will help lower the blood levels of these children, omega 3 will burn saturated fat and contribute to the normalization of body weight. In many highly developed countries, fatty acids are added to products (margarine, butter).

The influence of fatty acids on immune system: they strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of allergies, asthma, reduce inflammatory reactions, increase resistance to infections. This action of fish oil is associated with the stimulation of the production of prostaglandins (fat-like biologically active substances with a variety of functions in the body).

Fish oil vitamins are also quite beneficial for children. , for example, in infants prevents the development of rickets. In addition, it is necessary for the absorption and regulation of the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin D is responsible for the growth and mineralization of teeth and bones, normal formation skeleton. With a deficiency of calciferol, the bones soften and deform, the formation of tooth enamel is disturbed, nervous excitability and convulsive readiness increase.

It is necessary for the good functioning of the organs of vision, the ability of night vision and perception colors the surrounding world. It eliminates fragility of hair and nails, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory systems. Retinol promotes wound healing when the skin is damaged.

Vitamin E has a pronounced antioxidant effect, i.e. neutralizes free radicals formed during metabolism, with allergies, with inflammatory response. Vitamin helps reduce the risk of developing malignant diseases. It is necessary for adolescents during the formation of sexual function. at this stage may lead to menstrual cycle in girls and infertility in their future.

Which of the children is indicated for the use of fish oil?

Fish oil is approved for use by children of any age. On the features of its use in infants, see below.

Indications for the use of fish oil:

  • prevention of rickets;
  • violations physical development, growth disorders;
  • violation of neuropsychic development;
  • hyperactivity of the child;
  • frequent convulsions;
  • memory impairment;
  • attention deficit disorder in a child;
  • often and long-term ill children;
  • allergic diseases;
  • visual impairment and eye diseases;
  • depressive states;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • aggressiveness, irritability;
  • hemophilia;
  • hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins A and D);
  • obesity;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • decreased immunity;
  • treatment of burns and wounds;
  • postoperative period;
  • dry skin.

In any of these conditions, fish oil will have a beneficial effect. But still, it is better to consult a doctor before starting to use it and agree on the dose and duration of the drug.

Are there contraindications for fish oil?

Despite the fact that fish oil is a natural product, the drug has contraindications.

These include:

  • individual intolerance to fish and;
  • congenital diabetes;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • liver disease and gallstone disease;
  • nephrolithiasis and renal failure;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • vegetovascular dystonia with a tendency to low blood pressure;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • increased bleeding;
  • severe injury.

Should I give fish oil to babies?

In the first year of a child's life, fish oil should be prescribed only by a doctor. This takes into account the closure of the fontanelles on the baby's head and the features of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. If you give the baby fish oil uncontrollably, then the fontanel may close early, which will negatively affect the development of the brain.

Formula-fed children need to prescribe fish oil, because. This threatens to lag behind in mental development in the future, especially in premature babies.

Therefore, if the child does not receive breast milk and by age it is still too early for him to introduce fish into the diet, the only way out of the situation is to prescribe fish oil. The pediatrician specifically for each child will determine the dose of the drug and the duration of the course. It is usually prescribed from the age of 4 weeks of the child.

Which fish oil is best? How to choose it?

Fish oil is a clear, light yellow oily liquid with a characteristic taste and smell. Previously, fish oil was prepared only from the liver of fish (cod family). But the liver is an organ that stores harmful substances, toxins, poisons. And since the seas and oceans are currently heavily polluted, this also affects the quality of the fish oil obtained. Now, along with the previous method, there is another method for obtaining better fat: from a fish carcass by cold pressing.

These 2 versions of the product differ in their composition. There are no omega-3 fatty acids in liver fat, but the concentration of vitamins A and D is increased, and therefore it should not be taken for more than 3 months. Fatty acids, so necessary for children, contain better fat from carcasses. If necessary, it can be combined with any vitamin preparations.

Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6): fish, avocados, nuts, vegetable oils(linseed, pumpkin, olive). But not all of this is recommended for children!

Therefore, when buying fish oil, you should clarify the method of obtaining it. Of course, it is better to buy more quality drug obtained from the carcasses of oceanic fish. To verify the quality of the product, you should familiarize yourself with the certificate, which should indicate the raw materials for the manufacture of the drug (salmon carcasses, seal fat or whale oil, ocean fish meat). The type of fish also matters - shark fish are not a safe source of fat.

Pharmaceutics today offers not only liquid, but also encapsulated fish oil. Different opinions exist about the effectiveness of the drug, depending on the form of release - liquid or encapsulated. Preference should be given to the drug in capsules.

And the point is not only that the capsules rid the product of unpleasant taste and smell for all children. Upon contact with air, fatty acids lose their properties. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers add a significant amount of vitamin E as a preservative to the liquid form, and its excess is harmful to the body.

The pharmacy may offer a special fish oil for children. It differs in that any vitamins are additionally introduced into its composition. Before you buy this form of release of the drug, you should consult with a pediatrician on the need this child these supplements and the duration of their use. In addition, manufacturers can introduce flavoring additives (sweeteners and dyes) into children's forms. Before giving such fish oil to a child, it is advisable to make sure that these supplements are natural.

It is believed that fish oil from Norway is one of the highest quality and environmentally friendly, because in the seas where fishing is carried out, there are no toxins, salts heavy metals, oil products (there are no industrial enterprises polluting sea water on the shores of these seas).

How to use fish oil for children?

Depending on the age of the child, you can choose a liquid or capsule form. It is better to give it to the child immediately before feeding (if the drug is in liquid form) or during meals (if it is in capsules). liquid fat can be added to vegetable salad.

Some (few) kids like the taste of fish oil. If this is not the case, then, of course, it is necessary to choose a drug in gelatin capsules (provided that the child is already at the age that he can swallow the capsule). Then the baby will not feel any taste or smell of fat, which greatly simplifies the course of treatment.

Capsules can also be made from fish gelatin - such a drug is more useful, but its cost is higher.

Fish oil is also a drug, so its dosage and duration of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Even a type of fish oil (made from cod liver or fish carcasses) will be chosen by the doctor depending on the purpose of prescribing the drug: in the prevention of rickets, for example, the concentration of vitamins in the drug is important, and in another case, the need for fatty acids may be higher.

The dosage and duration of fat consumption depends on the age of the child, and on the purpose of use (therapeutic or prophylactic). Of course, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to give the child the drug daily, and not from case to case. Treatment course usually lasts 1–1.5 months. If necessary, the course is repeated after a 3-month break.

Fish oil can also be used externally for processing burn surface or wounds and to irrigate the wound dressing.

How should fish oil be stored?

Fish oil in liquid form should be packaged in dark glass bottles. In the light, fatty acids are broken down, and the drug loses its properties. The drug easily becomes unusable even at high temperatures, therefore, the drug should be stored only in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +10 ˚С. AT summer period better not to take it.

The vial after taking a single dose of the medicine must be tightly closed so that the fat does not deteriorate when air enters, otherwise the child may be poisoned. Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the drug.

Although the fish oil has a shelf life of 2 years, it is better to buy a freshly manufactured preparation, otherwise it cannot be guaranteed that the rules for storing it and temperature regime not violated during the summer.

Is it possible to overdose on fish oil? Does it have side effects?

If you take the medicine on an empty stomach, you may experience liquid stool. To avoid this, fat should be consumed with food.

When taking fat made from fish carcasses, there is no overdose. The use of liver fish oil can lead to an overdose of vitamins when long-term use drug, which can manifest itself in the appearance of loose stools, nausea, abdominal pain. Possibly exacerbation chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis.

These phenomena are observed in rare cases and disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Summary for parents

Fish oil is a drug that has a multifaceted effect on the child's body. Its therapeutic and preventive effectiveness has been time-tested. This natural preparation provides not only normal growth, but also the development of children, strengthens the immune system, increases intellectual abilities. But, like any other medicine, fish oil should be given to children only as directed by a doctor, observing the dosage and duration of use.

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The program "School of Dr. Komarovsky" tells about the benefits of fish oil, including for adults:

The child's body does not always get everything with food necessary components for growth and proper development. In this case, the application is shown natural preparations containing the required substances. Fish oil is a valuable source of vitamin D and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial features

Which is extracted from the liver and meat of fish of the cod family, looks like an oily liquid substance yellowish color with a strong characteristic odour. For centuries, this product has been actively used to promote health. In the Soviet Union, fish oil was given to children in kindergartens, hospitals, and children's sanatoriums.

The growth and development of the baby begins even in the mother's womb, and before the child reaches the age of 15-16, the cells of his body divide, multiply and mature at a high pace. From infancy to adolescence the metabolism has time to qualitatively and quantitatively change, the regulatory systems are intensively rebuilt several times.

In order for the cells of the body to maintain the necessary activity of division and maturation, they need a large number of building material. In the process of building cell membranes, lipids are involved, vitamin A is required for normal cell division, the absorption of calcium and a number of other important substances is significantly reduced without vitamin D. All these important components contains fish oil.

This product is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which make work harder brain, contribute to increased efficiency, serve as a source of energy, thanks to which the child develops and learns more actively.

With the regular intake of a drug based on fish oil, it is easier for children to cope with the academic load at school. And at an earlier age, they quickly master basic knowledge and skills, develop well.

Fish oil for children is extremely beneficial because:

  • Unsaturated fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D, F, E.
  • promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, due to which it is necessary for strengthening bone tissues, correct formation skeleton. Deficiency of this vitamin in childhood leads to the development of rickets.
  • Vitamin A strengthens cell walls. This is especially important for children prone to allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity cells. With a deficiency of vitamin A, visual acuity decreases, the mucous membranes dry out, the nail plates exfoliate and become brittle, and the hair splits.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for proper muscle function. With its deficiency, blood clotting is disturbed.
  • Phosphorus contributes to the growth of bones, teeth, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys and central nervous system.
  • Iodine is involved in many processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At an early age, iodine deficiency provokes developmental abnormalities, mental retardation. Iodine deficiency in young children school age manifests itself in the form of lethargy, apathy, decreased intelligence, increased drowsiness.
  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for the formation of brain cells, strengthening immunity, normal development and work of cardio-vascular system. Deficiency of fatty acids results in a delay in the growth and development of the child, increased fatigue, decreased performance.

Indications for use

Experts attribute fish oil to products that are allowed for use by children from the very beginning. early age. But you should not give the drug to babies without consulting a pediatrician, since the child may have contraindications.

Doctors prescribe Omega 3 fish oil to children in case of:

  • disorders of neuropsychological development;
  • slow growth;
  • hyperactivity;
  • reduced immunity;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • memory problems;
  • lack of vitamins D, A;
  • increased irritability and sleep disorders;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • undergone surgery or a long-term illness to restore the body;
  • increased dryness skin.

In all these cases, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of the drug.

Fish oil is good for babies and formula-fed babies. The drug, in particular, is used to prevent rickets. A formula-fed newborn does not receive the fatty acids necessary for development as part of a regular formula.


The main contraindication is intolerance to seafood. People who are allergic to fish should not consume both the meat of fish itself and the fat contained in this meat or liver.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • hypervitaminosis (usually increased content vitamins is the result of improper or uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes);
  • kidney failure;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • Availability ulcerative lesions duodenum, stomach.

Harm from taking the drug

Fish oil can cause allergic reaction, especially if the drug is taken by a child under one year old, who has digestive system has not yet established the production of the necessary enzymes.

Babies even minimal amount the drug (it is prescribed in drops) can cause indigestion, which manifests itself in the form. To reduce the risk of dyspepsia, fish oil is added to the baby's usual food.

It is important to carefully consider the amount of the drug that the child receives. An overdose of fish oil cannot happen, since the amount of fat itself is consumed in any case is relatively small. The danger lies in an overdose of the vitamins that make up its composition.

A sign of hypervitaminosis can be indigestion - the child often has abdominal pain, nausea. Hypervitaminosis can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Negative manifestations stop when the drug is discontinued.

Most serious harm An excess of fish oil in the diet can cause babies the first months of life. Vitamin D hypervitaminosis causes accelerated growth bone tissue, as a result of which the fontanel on the baby's head may grow earlier than expected. This is fraught with a number of problems, including increased intracranial pressure The child has.

Instructions for use

Since fish oil is one of the pharmacological agents, it should not be consumed as a permanent dietary supplement. The drug is used as prescribed by a specialist. The course is designed for several weeks, during which children's body receives such an amount of vitamins and useful substances to make up for their shortage. The treatment process should be controlled by a pediatrician - he determines the duration of the course and dosage based on the needs of the child.

Manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules and in liquid form. It is convenient to give a liquid preparation in minimal dosages, it is suitable for the treatment of infants and children up to 2-3 years old. From the age of three, you can give capsules.

You can start taking fish oil with one month old baby. Usually prescribed 3 drops twice a day. The volume gradually increases and by the year reaches one teaspoon twice a day. By the age of two, fish oil is already given two teaspoons twice a day.

If Omega 3 capsules are used, their number per dose depends on the volume of the capsule. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the recommended doses for children of all ages.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, fish oil should not be given to children on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke indigestion or an allergic reaction. This is especially important to consider if children use the drug in capsules.

Selection criteria, storage conditions

Liquid fish oil. When buying, carefully read the label. Buy your child only a product intended for children! Preparations "for adults" are available in different technical regulations, the manufacturer can reduce the cost of raw materials or technology, which affects the quality and safety of fish oil.

Children's fish oil is deodorized, so it does not bad taste and smell. However, if your baby is not a year old or is prone to, try to find a drug that does not contain flavors.

Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the bottle should be made of dark glass, as Omega 3 oxidizes under the influence of sunlight;
  • fat should be poured under the cork - the less air in the container, the lower the risk of the fatty acid oxidation process;
  • the release date should not be a long time ago, choose a drug with a margin of expiration date.

Store the fish oil bottle in the refrigerator, tightly capping each time. This will significantly slow down the process of oxidation of fish oil with the loss of beneficial properties.

Fish oil capsules, benefits and harms. For the manufacture, well-purified, deodorized fish oil and a shell of edible gelatin which dissolves easily in the stomach.

Capsules can be chewed. The advantages of the capsule form include:

  • strict dosage (the volume of capsules is fixed, which makes it possible to accurately calculate the dose of the drug);
  • ease of use (you can take it with you on trips or for long walks, there is no risk of greasy stains on clothes or surrounding objects);
  • complete absence of contact of fish oil with air due to the capsule and protection from light in packaged form (the drug does not require storage in the refrigerator, you can put it in a pharmacy cabinet);
  • quality assurance (unlike a liquid product, it is difficult to fake a capsule preparation, and therefore it is not economically profitable);
  • attractiveness for children (children from the age of three often refuse to drink medicine from a spoon, and capsules resembling sweets are eaten with pleasure).

Which option is better to choose, liquid or capsule? Depends on the age of the children. Only the liquid form is suitable for babies, and an older child himself is able to give preference. However, we must not forget about the potential harm of the capsule preparation. Some manufacturers, in order to achieve the palatability of fish oil, add sweeteners, colors, flavors to the capsules.

When choosing fish oils, keep in mind that such supplements are harmful to the health of children. In addition, the child begins to perceive fish oil not as a medicine, but as a treat, and can take advantage of the opportunity and eat an uncontrollable large number of capsules, as is often the case with children's vitamins.

Products from popular manufacturers

The use of supplements is not the only factor to consider when choosing a fish oil. It is important what raw material the drug is made from, since fish can accumulate in fat high concentration heavy metals. For this reason, drugs manufactured in the countries of the South-Eastern region are not recommended.

Manufacturing technology is also important - a high-quality drug is obtained by low-temperature cleaning and processing, since heating destroys a significant part of the nutrients contained in fish oil.

Deodorization allows you to almost completely rid the product of a specific taste and smell.

On the Russian market The following brands are popular:

  • Moller (Norwegian Tesca Liver Liquid Fish Oil, contains flavoring);
  • Finnish fish oil Omega-3 (capsule and liquid);
  • "BIOkontur" (capsular and liquid Russian drug, deodorized, without additives);
  • "Rybka" (in capsule form, without additives);
  • "Magic Fish" ( liquid preparation Russian production, without additives, the bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper cap);
  • "Kusalochka" (chewable capsules, contain flavorings).

A wide range of preparations allows you to find fish oil suitable for a child of any age. But before buying a product for an infant, make sure that the manufacturer indicates that the drug is suitable for children under one year old. Some manufacturers, being reinsured, overestimate lower bound legal age, therefore it is recommended to ask the pediatrician for the specific name suitable remedy for a baby.

This is the second year I have been raising broilers. I feed them with special food with the addition of the necessary vitamin complexes. I would like to know how to properly give fish oil to broiler chickens.

Fish oil is a mandatory supplement that should be in the diet of growing broilers. Its regular use not only improves the immunity of chickens before various diseases, including intestinal, but also accelerates their development and growth, which is important when growing this breed of chickens. In addition, fish oil is used to prevent and treat such common diseases in poultry as osteomalacia. This allows you to significantly reduce losses.

Fat is a good alternative vitamin preparations, it allows you to balance the ratio of fats and vitamins (specifically, vitamin A and D) in the daily bird diet. It is especially useful to add fish oil in the season when natural vitamins not available (in winter and spring), and for broilers grown in enclosed spaces, it can be given periodically all year round. It helps to absorb calcium and form a strong bone mass so that the bird can support its considerable weight.

Before introducing this vitamin into daily menu birds, you should know how to properly give fish oil to broiler chickens, namely:

  • from what age to apply;
  • how much to add;
  • how to mix.

When can you start giving fat to chickens?

Fish oil can be added to the feed from the fifth day of the chick's life. At first, it must be given once a day in a small amount. As the chicks grow, the dose should be increased.

Experienced poultry farmers involved in broiler breeding recommend giving fat in courses, for example, feed with the addition of the drug for 7 days, and clean feed for 7 days. Daily use fish oil can cause diarrhea in poultry.

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, since the vitamin A contained in it decomposes under the action of sunlight, and vitamin D is transported to poisonous toxicsteriol.


The first addition is no more than 0.2 ml of the drug for one chicken (per day). For older chickens, the amount of fish oil can be increased to 0.5 ml per head. For adult broilers, fat can be mixed into the feed at the rate of 2 to 5 ml per bird.

A week before slaughtering broilers, fish oil should be eliminated from the diet of poultry, as it can give the meat a fishy smell.

Adding method

Fish oil is recommended to be added to. In order for it to be evenly distributed, immediately before mixing, the fat should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Then add this water to the feed and mix thoroughly. Many poultry farmers, for the convenience of calculations, add 0.5 tsp. for every kilogram of mix.

Adding fish oil to chicken mash - video

Reading time: 8 minutes

It's inexpensive and effective remedy to strengthen immune protection baby. Fish oil for children is a natural medicine that is suitable for any age, helps to improve the health of the child. Regular use of the product is recommended for older children. So are breasts. A rich vitamin complex, polyunsaturated acids help to cope with large number ailments, fish oil is often included in complex therapy.

Benefits of fish oil for children

In pediatrics, these vitamins are successfully used in therapy. different pathologies. It is better for children to use fish oil regularly, it helps to strengthen the immune system and the overall health of the baby's body. It has the following positive properties:

  • decrease in nervous excitability;
  • strengthening of dental tissue, bones;
  • treatment/prevention of rickets;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • disappearance of dry mucous membranes;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • normalization of the condition of nails, hair.

These are the main positive properties fish oil, but when taken, it has a concomitant positive influence on the body of children in such cases:

  • forms sharp vision;
  • improves mood, reduces the level of aggression;
  • solves the problem of seizures;
  • relieves depression;
  • reduces irritability, normalizes sleep;
  • is prophylactic with anemia;
  • prevention/treatment of obesity (helps lower bad cholesterol);
  • improves memory, increases intellectual, mental activity;
  • increases the amount in the body fat soluble vitamins A, D.

Composition and form of release

All of the above positive effects are achieved thanks to the components of fish oil. The oily liquid includes valuable acids, minerals, vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on muscles, bones, circulatory, nervous and other systems. Previously, the drug had only a liquid form, but now it is mono to buy fish oil in capsules for children. Possesses means not very pleasant smell for children, so the shape of the tablets significantly increases the comfort of their use. The composition of fish oil includes the following useful components:

Name Properties
Retinol or vitamin A. Promotes cell regeneration, preserves the health of nails, skin, hair, mucous membranes, musculoskeletal tissue, a powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin D. This element increases the body's ability to absorb calcium, phosphorus, which affect bone strength. For young children, it is important for the prevention of rickets.
Minerals. Contains fat from the muscles and liver of fish, calcium, sodium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, which actively affect the functioning of all body systems.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Improve the production of insulin, which has an important effect on lipid, hormonal metabolism. With its deficiency, malfunctions occur digestive tract. Omega-3 and 6 acids support the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system, increase the production of serotonin (hormone of happiness), brain function, reduce inflammatory reactions.

Which fish oil is best for a child

Previously, only one form was sold - liquid. Children's fish oil is now available from different manufacturers and you should understand which one is better. The quality of the drug is directly affected by the fish carcass, the variety from which the drug was extracted. As a rule, the drug is produced from cod liver. It turns out that the medication is not always useful, because toxins often accumulate in this organ. This option contains only D and A vitamins, but it lacks Omega-3 acids. Children should take such fat only in short courses.

The best choice would be a product extracted from ocean fish. It contains fewer vitamins, but more Omega-3 and 6 acids, you can take such a drug for longer. It is not recommended to buy fat extracted from shark meat, for example, katran, because these fish often eat carrion, and the use of a medicine from such raw materials is being questioned. Important role the release form also plays, most children do not like the smell, taste of this drug.

Indications for use

Pediatricians refer to fish oil as a remedy that can be used from a very early age (given to babies). It is not recommended to give the drug to a child without consulting a doctor, individual contraindications or allergies could be the cause side effects. This remedy is prescribed for children in the following cases:

  • hyperactivity;
  • disorders of neuropsychological development;
  • decreased immunity;
  • slow growth of the child;
  • deficiencies of vitamins A, D;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • allergies;
  • memory problems;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • sleep disorders, increased irritability;
  • pathological dryness of the skin;
  • long-term illness, surgery to recover general health organism.

Method of application and dosage

There are two forms of the drug, in liquid form it is recommended for children from 3 months to 7 years of age, after this age, the use of fat in capsules is allowed. They don't have that much bad smell and are easily swallowed. Before starting the course, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician who will be able to choose the optimal dosage, duration of the course of use.

How to take fish oil capsules for children

Tablets are introduced into the diet for older children; for babies, a liquid form in vials is recommended. The dosage is prescribed depending on the age. From the age of 7, the method of taking fish oil for children is as follows:

  • Every day 3-6 gelatin capsules, the older the child, the more the drug can be given.
  • It is necessary to drink the medicine after a meal, drink it with warm or cool water. Explain to the child that the capsule must be swallowed immediately and quickly so that the shell does not have time to melt in the mouth.
  • The optimal duration of admission is 1 month. After that, you need to take a break, recommendations for the further use of fish oil will be given by the doctor, based on the results of treatment.

Vitamins with fish oil for children

This component may be part of a complex of multivitamin preparations. This form helps to get the child maximum amount nutrients in one go. Fish oil is a part of vitamin complexes. Popular options to consider include:

  • wellness kids. Produced in the form of a syrup, it is recommended that the child take 1 tsp. per day.
  • Smart Omega. Produced in the form of capsules, recommended for children from 3 to 7 years old, 1 tablet per day, 7-14 years old, 2.
  • Supradin KIDS with Omega-3. Vitamins look like gummies. At the age of 3-4 years, you need to eat 4 g per day, 4-14 the dose increases to 8 g.


At simultaneous reception fish oil with other drugs that contain vitamins D and A, there is a possibility of vitamin intoxication. Especially carefully should be used together with medicines that affect blood coagulation. There are cases of interaction with acetylsalicylic acid, other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Negative consequences are manifested in the form of:

  • hematuria;
  • melena;
  • nosebleeds;
  • rarely hemoptysis and hematemesis.

Side effects

The benefits of fish oil are known to most people, but if the rules of use are violated, there may be Negative consequences. The cause of such phenomena, as a rule, is an overdose of the drug or individual intolerance. In some cases to existing symptoms additional ones are added, for example:

  • diarrhea;
  • bad breath;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • increased sensitization of the body.

At acute overdose pronounced side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dehydration;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • muscle pain;
  • irritability;
  • bleeding gums;
  • weight loss;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • loosening of the stool;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • general discomfort;
  • soreness inside the bones;
  • thirst;
  • photosensitivity of the eyes;
  • frequent headaches;
  • increased fatigue;
  • orange, yellow letters on the feet, palms.


Any medicines It is not recommended to take on your own appointment or the advice of friends. Fish oil may not be suitable for a child and only a specialist can determine this. There are relative and absolute contraindications to the reception. It is completely forbidden to use in the following cases:

  • low blood clotting;
  • asthma;
  • hemophilia;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • severe form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • hypercalceuria;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • too low pressure;
  • chronic pancreatitis/cholecystitis;
  • excess of vitamins D, A.

Terms of sale and storage

Medicines are dispensed in any form without a prescription at a pharmacy; if you wish, you can order it on the Internet with delivery. It is recommended to store no more than 24 months, according to the instructions, if you opened the package, then this period is reduced to 3-4 months. liquid forms fat is poured into dark glass bottles to preserve all the beneficial properties of the medicine. Close the entire package tightly, do not leave the product under the sun. Keep the drug in places with a temperature not higher than 10 degrees Celsius.


Fish oil is part of many components that can act as a substitute for the remedy of the same name. You can buy the following drugs:

  • linseed oil;
  • Brody plus;
  • Doppelgerz active omega-34
  • Biomegalin;
  • Omegaprim;
  • Raytoil;
  • Neofort;
  • Omeganol;
  • Aquamarine omega-3;
  • Megial forte.

fish oil price

The remedy is dispensed without a prescription, so it is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. If you order medicine via the Internet, then make sure that they sell you a certified product, pay attention to where the fish oil is obtained from (it is worse from sharks or better than salmon). The estimated price for a vitamin for children is as follows.

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