Pain in one breast. Painful induration in the breast. Changes in the mammary glands under the influence of female hormones

Let's see why it appears It's a dull pain in the chest, and what diseases it may indicate. The chest is an extremely sensitive organ. The mammary glands sensitively respond to all hormonal changes that occur in the body. Therefore, when any unpleasant symptoms appear, it is imperative to find out the cause of the ailment and eliminate it.

The mammary gland is a paired organ belonging to the glands of external secretion. The main purpose of the breast is to secrete milk during lactation. The breast tissue itself is located from the 3rd rib to the 7th rib. The chest is supported by a large chest muscle, which is responsible for the tone and location of the mammary glands.

The protruding part of the mammary gland is called the body by physicians. It is on it that the nipple and areola are located - the complex responsible for the excretion of the lactiferous duct into the environment. Areola is a hyperpigmented area with thin skin. The nipple is an outgrowth that consists mainly of epithelial tissue. In addition to the lactiferous duct, lactiferous pores can be seen on the nipple - these are the outlet areas of the lactiferous canals, which are smaller than the main duct.

Inside the mammary gland consists of lobules. They, in turn, are formed by microscopic alveoli, which are located throughout the breast tissue. Each alveolus is connected to others, together they form lobules. Individual lobules are combined into larger segments. These segments perform the main function of the breast - during lactation they form and excrete milk. And between the segments there are layers of connective and adipose tissue.

The size and shape of the breasts are individual parameters. They can change slightly with the course of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy, as well as with some diseases, and not only breasts.

It is clear that there can be many reasons for pain, based on the complex anatomical structure. Therefore, if discomfort and pain appear, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and consult a doctor. And this article will help you understand what can happen to the chest, and how dangerous the observed symptoms are.

Classification of breast pain

According to the periods of occurrence, two main types of pain in the mammary glands are distinguished:

  • Cyclic. Associated with the monthly cycle. Usually appears before menstruation, may increase over time.
  • Non-cyclic. It occurs suddenly, is not associated with natural hormonal changes. Usually it is evidence of injuries, bruises, intercostal neuralgia.

It is important to determine not only the frequency of occurrence pain but also the nature of the pain. By the nature of the pain is usually divided into the following groups:

  • Shooting. Characteristic for inflammatory and purulent processes.
  • Dull.
  • Acute.
  • Stab.
  • Cutting.
  • Pulsating. Occurs with inflammation or prolonged irritation of tissues.
  • Aching.
  • Pulling. Often combined with aching.
  • Burning.

It is clear that it can be difficult for patients to name the specific nature of the pain, but when visiting a doctor it is important to describe the painful sensations as accurately as possible - this will help in diagnosing the disease.

Symptoms and manifestations

Allocate symptoms of cyclic pain and non-cyclic. AT separate group include the so-called dangerous symptoms - they indicate serious inflammatory or oncological processes.

  1. Cyclic pain is either a natural discomfort associated with a change hormonal background during menstruation, or evidence of mastopathy - a diffuse form of the disease is often manifested by periodic pain.
  2. Non-cyclic pains indicate a sudden injury or the development of a disease. Dangerous symptoms are a series of signs by which the most insidious diseases can be recognized.

Symptoms of cyclic pain syndrome:

  • Soreness is closely related to menstruation. The pain appears before menstruation and disappears at the 2nd week of the cycle.
  • The pain is aching and dull.
  • There are signs of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary gland - swelling, engorgement and swelling of the breast are observed.
  • Nodules and seals are felt in the chest - they are easiest to detect in last days cycle.
  • The pain is symmetrical, that is, it is observed in both mammary glands.
  • Pain in armpits.
  • Age from 20 to 40 years. Doctors have noticed that it is at this age that patients most often suffer from cyclic pain syndrome.

Signs of non-cyclic soreness:

  • Pain has nothing to do with menstrual cycle.
  • There is not only pain, but also burning, squeezing the chest.
  • The pain is clearly localized - only one mammary gland hurts.
  • Quite often, diseases that manifest as a non-cyclic pain symptom occur in women in the menopausal stage and affect women much less frequently. reproductive age.

The most dangerous symptoms:

  • Soreness appears daily and does not go away within 10 days.
  • The pain does not subside, it intensifies every day.
  • The pain is clearly localized.
  • Soreness reduces the quality of life and interferes with daily activities.
  • To get rid of pain, you have to take analgesics daily.
  • Chest pain is accompanied by other persistent skin, kidney, or liver symptoms.

When dangerous symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most breast diseases do not require urgent diagnostics- you can contact a specialist and in a week, nothing bad will happen. But when these symptoms appear, it is better not to postpone the consultation.

Causes of soreness

The causes of pain can be very different. It is more reasonable to talk not only about the causes of the pain itself, but also about the factors that can contribute to the development of diseases of the mammary glands.

These factors include:

  • Individual anatomical features. They are provocateurs of non-cyclic soreness. Injuries, operations and diseases act as a trigger, they start the pathological process. Even a large breast size can act as an individual feature of the anatomy.
  • Reception various drugs affecting (even indirectly) the hormonal status.
  • Acid imbalance - affects the perception of hormones by breast tissues. The imbalance comes from a lack fatty acids in the diet.
  • Prolonged or uncontrolled intake oral contraceptives.
  • Various diseases of the mammary gland, gynecological and endocrine, diseases of the liver and kidneys.

To begin the treatment of pain syndrome, it is necessary to establish its cause. If the pain is really bothering, then it is caused by a disease.

Possible diseases

Consider the most common diseases causing pain in the mammary gland.

Intercostal neuralgia

It develops due to pathologies in individual nerve fibers. The disease itself is not dangerous, but its symptoms can reduce the quality of life. There is not only pain in the mammary gland, soreness spreads over all the ribs, it can radiate to the back and lower back.

The pain comes in bursts. On palpation, the mammary gland is painless. Soreness is aggravated by walking, inhalations and sharp exhalations. If symptoms are observed on the left side, then the patient may suspect a heart problem. When pain occurs with right side breast disease is usually suspected.


This is a benign disease, which, nevertheless, is considered one of the most dangerous. With mastopathy, the mammary gland aches, discomfort are usually observed from both sides at once and intensify towards the end of the cycle. There are discharges from the nipples, and on palpation, seals can be detected. The pain is aching and dull. AT rare cases pain may or may not be present at all.


A special case of mastopathy. This is a tumor that is in the capsule. Due to this, its treatment and diagnosis are difficult. The main symptoms: breast engorgement, the appearance of seals, discharge from the nipples, soreness.


Mastitis is an inflammatory disease that is caused by infection in the breast tissue. With mastitis, the pain is strong, aching, does not depend on external factors, aggravated by pressure on the chest.

Redness occurs, local temperature or general body temperature rises. As treatment, antibiotics are prescribed, selected taking into account the pathogen. Most often, mastitis occurs during lactation, when the breast often receives microtrauma and is open to infections.

Other diseases

There are some diseases that have nothing to do with the physiology of the mammary glands, but can cause chest pain:

  1. Shingles.
  2. Tietze syndrome.

Shingles is a viral disease that causes itching, burning, and soreness of the skin. If the rash appeared in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, then the pain will be observed in the chest. The main symptom is the appearance of rashes in the form of small bubbles filled with liquid. For treatment, be sure to contact a dermatologist and pick up an antiviral drug.

Tietze syndrome is enough rare disease, which is characterized benign changes in the ribs. If swelling occurs around the affected rib and nerves are compressed, this can be subjectively perceived as chest pain.

Competent diagnostics is carried out using modern instrumental methods:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Palpation and examination.
  • Biopsy - in the presence of cysts or tumors.
  • Mammography.
  • Ductography - in the presence of pathological changes in the ducts of the mammary gland.
  • Thermography is the most modern analogue mammography.
  • Sonography - in addition to the results of ultrasound.
  • Pneumocystography - performed to study the contents of the cyst.

Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to accurately differentiate all diseases of the breast, even those that are for a long time run hidden. Timely and accurate diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

At-risk groups

Separately, it is worth talking about risk groups - these are girls and women who need to be as attentive as possible to their health. It is they who should immediately consult a doctor if any unpleasant symptoms appear.

The risk group (according to WHO) includes:

  • Non-parous women over the age of 35.
  • Women who have given up breastfeeding.
  • Patients with unfavorable heredity.
  • Girls and women with obesity or diabetes.
  • Girls and women who repeatedly resorted to artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Girls who are able prolonged stress or depression.
  • Patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys, genital organs, thyroid gland, pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
  • After injuries and operations on the mammary gland.
  • All who do not adhere healthy lifestyle life and abuses smoking and alcohol.

It is necessary to know about risk groups in order to increased likelihood disease, consult a doctor in time.

Treatment of breast diseases

If the pain syndrome is not associated with functional disorders mammary gland, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. It can be both analgesics, and anti-inflammatory or sedatives - it depends on the symptoms.

If there is a relationship with increased level prolactin, then they select the appropriate hormonal therapy - antiprolactin drugs normalize the hormonal background, suppressing the secretion of the hormone. The main disadvantage of hormone therapy is the disruption of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when early diagnosis try to use more gentle methods of treatment.

Typical appointments for breast diseases associated with hormonal levels:

  • Phytotherapy.
  • Dietary supplements to combat the main symptoms.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Regular observation.
  • Compliance with a diet with the exception of alcohol, chocolate, coffee.

Conservative treatment consists in relief of symptoms with appropriate groups of drugs: from painkillers to enzymatic ones. If conservative treatment does not help, then resort to surgery. Operations are prescribed to remove tumors and cysts.

There is no specific prevention of breast diseases. The easiest way is to follow the WHO recommendations: follow a healthy lifestyle and regularly attend preventive examinations.

Many women have experienced chest pain at some point in their lives. The appearance of these symptoms should not cause panic or fears, but they should not be taken lightly either. In order for every woman to be calm about her health, and if necessary, to be able to undergo the necessary course of treatment in a timely manner, she needs to get acquainted with the symptoms and causes of pain in the mammary glands.

Cyclic and non-cyclic chest pain

Pain localized in the mammary glands has a name in medicine - mastalgia. Mastalgias are divided into two groups - cyclic and non-cyclic.

Cyclic mastalgia or mammalgia- pain in the mammary glands of a woman that occurs on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely two to seven days before the start next menstruation. For most women, this pain does not cause discomfort - it is not very strong, more like a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, a burning sensation inside them. In a couple of days, these sensations pass without a trace.

Women's breasts change throughout life. In one menstrual cycle various hormones, which are produced in the female body, stimulate the tone or relaxation of the walls of the excretory ducts in the mammary glands, affect the tissue of the lobules. Approximately a week before the onset of menstrual bleeding in the ducts of the mammary glands accumulates a large number of epithelial cells, secretion of lobules. The mammary glands swell, rush to them more blood, they become larger in volume and dense, painful to the touch. Cyclic chest pain in women always manifests simultaneously in both mammary glands.

In some women, cyclic mastodynia manifests pathologically strongly. The pain sometimes becomes simply unbearable, and a woman cannot lead a normal life, engage in usual things, feels very bad on such days. As a rule, increased pain in the mammary glands is a sign that some pathological process is starting in the body, and a woman needs to see a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands are not associated with the woman's menstrual cycle, they are always provoked by some other factors, in some cases pathological.

When a woman's body undergoes changes associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background - the level of female sex hormones increases. under the influence of estrogen and chorionic gonadotropin the lobules of the mammary glands begin to swell, a secret is formed in the ducts, and at the end of pregnancy - colostrum. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman's breasts acquire increased sensitivity, even soreness. As you know, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands of a woman are. This soreness of the chest in the first weeks of pregnancy can also be different - from a slight burning sensation, pinching of the nipples, to a strong tension of the mammary glands and dull pains radiating to the shoulder blades, lower back, arms. Such phenomena usually completely disappear by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by the 10th - 12th weeks.

From the breast of a woman, she is intensively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the child and lactation. Women note a significant increase in the mammary glands, various tingling sensations in them, feelings of tension, engorgement. But these phenomena are not painful, normally they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If a woman notices pains that do not go away, and even more so if the pains are localized in only one mammary gland, she should seek advice from her gynecologist in order to exclude various diseases and pathological processes not related to pregnancy in time.

Under what signs should a woman urgently see a doctor?

  • Breast pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • The nature of the pain can be described as an unbearable burning sensation, a strong squeezing in the glands.
  • The pain is localized in one breast, not spilled over the entire mammary gland, but expressed only in its specific area.
  • Pain in the mammary glands does not go away, but increases with time.
  • In parallel with pain or discomfort in the chest, a woman notices an increase in body temperature, deformation of the mammary glands, nodes and any formations in the chest, the most painful areas, reddening of the glands, discharge of fluid or blood from the nipples (not associated with recent months pregnancy).
  • A woman notes pain every day, for a long time, more than two weeks.
  • Pain in the mammary glands prevents a woman from doing her daily activities, causes neurasthenia, insomnia, does not allow her to wear ordinary clothes due to pressure on her chest.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the mammary glands?

Mastopathy- these are fibrocystic growths in the mammary glands of a woman, an imbalance between the connective and epithelial tissues. Mastopathy causes non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands. Mastopathy appears in women in case of hormonal imbalance, under the influence of various adverse factors that alter normal hormonal levels female body. These factors include abortion, neurosis, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases female genital area, thyroid disease, pathological conditions of the pituitary gland, liver disease, cessation of breastfeeding with increased lactation, irregular sex life.

Mastopathy in women does not appear suddenly. It is formed over several years, while in the mammary glands of a woman in violation of normal physiological processes foci of epithelial tissues grow, which compress the ducts, roots nerve endings, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion in the ducts, deform the lobules of the mammary glands. To date, mastopathy is the most common benign disease of the mammary glands, it is observed in women mainly 30-50 years old. With mastopathy, a woman notes a burning sensation, fullness, pressure in the mammary glands. She may also have other symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, abdominal pain. Mastopathy is pathological condition, which requires observation by a doctor, and in many cases - systematic treatment.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands - diseases that can cause both chest pain and increased general temperature body, deterioration of the woman's well-being. Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands are different nature, but most often - shooting, aching, giving into the shoulder blades, armpits, stomach. Most often, mastitis is observed in women who have recently given birth, during the period of breastfeeding a baby. These diseases require emergency treatment at the doctor's.

breast cancer- a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of large accumulations of atypical cells in it, which eventually form a tumor. In some cases, breast cancer develops asymptomatically up to a certain stage, so a woman should be especially attentive to any changes in her body. The most common changes in the mammary gland in oncological disease are “orange peel” in a certain area of ​​the skin, severe peeling of the mammary gland and nipple, deformity of the nipple and the shape of the mammary gland, thickening, retraction on the mammary gland, bloody issues from the nipple, nipple retraction. If there is pain in the mammary glands, especially in one of the glands, and this pain is in no way connected with the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice in order to exclude the development of cancer.

What conditions and diseases of a woman also cause pain in the mammary glands?

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs for infertility or hormonal imbalance of the menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Very large breast size; tight underwear that does not fit the size of the chest.
  • Other diseases in which there is pain with irradiation to the mammary glands - herpes zoster, thoracic osteochondrosis, heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, diseases of the lymph nodes of the axillary regions, cysts in the fatty tissue of the breast, furunculosis.
  • Taking certain oral contraceptives.

At unpleasant symptoms and pain in the mammary glands, which last a long time, and are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms, a woman should definitely contact her attending gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer her for consultations and examinations to a mammologist and endocrinologist.

Examinations that a woman undergoes for pain in the mammary glands not related to pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is performed a week after the onset of menstruation.
  • Examination of the hormonal background (thyroid hormones, prolactin).
  • Oncological markers (a set of diagnostic procedures to identify the degree of risk of developing cancerous tumors in the mammary gland).
  • Ultrasound of the breast, which is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Why can the chest hurt? Real reviews:


A few years ago I was diagnosed fibrous mastopathy. Then I went to the doctor with complaints of very severe pain, and this pain was localized not in the mammary glands themselves, but in the armpits and shoulder blades. At the initial examination, the gynecologist felt nodes in the glands, sent for mammography. In the course of treatment, I underwent ultrasound of the mammary glands, puncture of nodes in the mammary gland. The treatment took place in several stages, at the gynecologist. At the very beginning, I underwent a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, as I also suffered from salpingitis and oophoritis. I was then put on hormone therapy with oral contraceptives. As the doctor said, the development of mastopathy could be affected by the use of oral contraceptives of the old generation, with a high content of hormones.


I was diagnosed with mastopathy at the age of 33, and since then I have been under the constant supervision of my gynecologist. Every year I did an ultrasound of the mammary glands, a year ago the doctor suggested that I do a mammogram. All these years I've been worried severe pain in the breasts, which were most strongly manifested before menstruation. After my mammogram, I was scheduled complex treatment, which immediately alleviated my condition - I forgot what chest pains are. At present, nothing worries me, the doctor prescribed me a control appointment only after six months.


Throughout my life, I have not been bothered by pain in the mammary gland, although sometimes I felt discomfort and tingling before menstruation. But last year, at first I felt a slight, and then increasing pain in my left chest, which at first I mistook for pain in the heart. Turning to the therapist, I underwent an examination, received a consultation from a cardiologist - they did not reveal anything, they sent me to a gynecologist, a mammologist. After passing the tests for oncological markers, ultrasound of the mammary glands, I was sent to the regional oncological clinic in the city of Chelyabinsk. After a biopsy, additional studies, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (a tumor 3 cm in diameter, with indistinct boundaries). As a result, six months ago, one mammary gland, which was affected by oncology, was taken away from me, I underwent chemotherapy courses and radiotherapy. AT given time I am on treatment, but the last examination did not reveal any new cancer cells, which is already a victory.


I have been married for two years, there have been no abortions, no children yet. About a year ago I had gynecological disease- salpingitis with pyosalpinx. The treatment was taken in a hospital, conservative. A month after the treatment, I began to feel pain symptoms in my left breast. The pain was dull, aching, radiating to the armpit. The gynecologist found nothing, but sent me to a mammologist. I underwent an ultrasound scan, no pathology in the mammary gland was revealed, and the pains periodically arose. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia. She took treatment: Mastodinon, Milgama, Nimesil, Gordius. The pain has become much weaker - sometimes I feel tightness in my chest a week before my period, but this quickly passes. The doctor advised me to go swimming, do exercises, exercise therapy.

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Pain in the mammary glands is a sign of many diseases and not only. Every woman who passed through puberty. There are two types of pain: cyclic and non-cyclic. Groups include many specific manifestations or diseases. But first things first.

There are so many reasons that even the most experienced doctors not able to determine on examination why the chest hurts when pressed. For this, a variety of tools and laboratory methods: blood donation for hormones, ultrasound, mammography, biopsy.

Among the reasons are:

  1. Hormonal changes and changes depending on the menstrual cycle.
  2. Pregnancy, in which the structure of tissues changes.
  3. Diseases of the mammary glands.
  4. Injuries (shocks, falls).
  5. Surgical treatment of the breast.
  6. Diseases of the internal organs.

Pain in the chest is called mastalgia. The pain is stabbing, cutting, aching, burning, throbbing and incessant. It can give to the shoulder, ribs, armpits, it can be local. By classifying the patient's sensations, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Hormonal causes

Hormonal changes are inevitable for every woman throughout her life. So, for example, during menstruation, the ratio of hormones in the first and second phases of the cycle changes. A few days before the onset of menstruation, the breast increases in size, swells, pain appears. They are classified as cyclical, as they have a pattern.

During pregnancy, hormones also change their ratio in the blood, which leads to an increase in the mammary glands and their soreness. Gestation is characterized by sharp jumps in the amount of hormones. The chest begins to hurt from the first trimester and after pregnancy until the very end of lactation.

Taking hormonal drugs or antidepressants may also be associated with chest pain. Unpleasant sensations disappear after stopping the medication. Breast pain associated with these causes does not pose a threat to a woman's health. Cyclic pain is more common in adolescent girls.

Causes of cyclic pain

Cyclic pains are those that recur on certain days of the month each time. They are associated with taking hormonal drugs, with menstruation. They do not pose any danger, pass on their own and do not require treatment. They are most common in women of reproductive age up to 40 years. In more detail, each of the reasons was described in the section "hormonal causes".

Non-cyclic pain

But non-cyclic pains are more often messengers of various breast diseases. When the breast hurts when touched and this is not associated with a cycle, pregnancy or taking drugs, then you need to pay attention to other reasons. Usually the pain manifests itself either in the right or in the left mammary gland.


Mastitis is a breast disease caused by pathogenic microflora. The reasons for its appearance are associated with hypothermia of the mammary glands, stagnation of milk in the ducts in lactating women.

The main reason is the weakening of the body's immunity.

At the same time, any chronic infection with blood flow can penetrate into the breast tissue.

Most often, mastitis develops during breastfeeding. Young mothers earn it already on the third day of feeding, when an infection enters the milk ducts. Discomfort is aggravated by feeding.

From common features mastitis fever, swelling of the breast, its compaction and acute soreness, colostrum secretion. The pain tends to get worse, often radiating to the armpits. It is sometimes impossible to touch the chest.


Stagnation of breast milk in a young mother is not uncommon. It hurts to touch the chest, the local temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. If left untreated, lactostasis is converted into acute purulent mastitis.


Another cause of unilateral non-cyclic chest pain in women. The essence of mastopathy is the formation of seals in the glandular tissue, the growth of connective tissue areas, the compression of some ducts and the increase in others.

Mastalgia manifests itself in different ways. The initial stages are characterized by its intensification a few days before menstruation. At later times, the pain manifests itself on any day of the cycle, it becomes more intense.

On palpation, the doctor often notes coarsening of the glandular tissue, its granularity. There are three forms of mastopathy: diffuse, nodular and fibrocystic. With all forms of the disease, seals occur in the chest, if left untreated, they become permanent.

Mastopathy occurs against the background hormonal disorders, beriberi, permanent abortions or improper lactation. The outcome of the disease is often positive, but neglected forms give complications.


Fibroadenoma is a benign rounded formation that is easily palpated during examination. In the prone position does not disappear, unlike mastopathy or cancer. Often, fibroadenoma becomes the result of neglected mastopathy. The pain manifests itself if you touch the formation.

The tumor has clear contours, easily moves in the thickness of the gland, is located in the capsule. Often there are several fibroadenomas in one breast, all are determined by ultrasound. Diagnosis does not include conservative treatment, so the operation is carried out in any case.


The cysts are a capsule with clear liquid absolutely good quality. At the same time, chest pains are manifested strongly, it hurts to press on it. Cysts occur mainly due to trauma. Usually do not require treatment, except local gels and anesthetic ointments. In the presence of great education the surgeon pumps out fluid from the cyst, it sticks together and disappears.

Tuberculosis of the breast

Tuberculosis of the breast is very easy to confuse with cancer. Self-diagnosis does not give reassuring results. First, one tuberculous node is formed, which causes severe pain.

After the formation of fistulous passages, the pain subsides, and the formation softens. On examination, the doctor notes pinpoint retracted scars on the surface of the chest, which help in primary diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis carried out with the help of a biopsy and laboratory tests.

Fat necrosis

In another way, the disease is called lipogranuloma. It is typical for women with a predominance of fatty tissue in the chest area. The formations are very dense and do not have clear boundaries; lipogranulomas are often confused with cancerous tumors.

Lipogranuloma is characterized by slow growth compared to a malignant formation, often it is provoked by chest injuries. At risk are women in the period of menopause and menopause.

breast cancer

It is difficult to notice cancer in the first stages, since the formations are so small that they do not cause irritation of the nerve endings. With the growth of tumors, pain in the affected chest is noted in the upper part.

Vivid symptoms are changes in the skin of the affected breast, inverted nipples, discoloration, peeling, sores, bruises at the site of the tumor, when pressed, serous-bloody fluid flows out.

At risk are nulliparous women or those who gave birth late, women with a history of mastopathy or with a hereditary predisposition.

Uncomfortable underwear

Incorrectly selected underwear harms the mammary glands. If the bra is squeezing the chest, then you need to change it to a more spacious one or stop wearing underwear altogether. If it is impossible for women with a magnificent bust to refuse a bra, then you need to choose spacious, comfortable models made of cotton materials.

Wearing tight underwear provokes stagnation of lymph in the mammary glands, causes discomfort and pain. Lymph stasis is the root cause of many breast diseases: from cysts to malignant neoplasms.

Steps for chest pain

If the mammary gland hurts when pressed from the side, right, left, top, bottom or middle and this is in no way connected with cyclic causes or pregnancy, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor. You can palpate the chest yourself, but this will not lead to a satisfactory result.

With cyclic pain, the doctor will advise a sparing daily regimen, more rest, a soft diet and less nerve strain. Possibly lungs sedatives or decoctions that relieve inflammation.

Diagnosis, which is carried out in the presence of non-cyclic pain:

  • Palpation. The specialist carefully palpates the breast, which helps to detect seals, nodes, granularity and structure of the mammary gland. Probing is great for differential diagnosis, narrowing the range of diseases for diagnosis. Feeling also gives information about the condition of the lymph nodes.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. With it, you can install exact dimensions formations, see a cyst, fibroadenoma and their localization.
  • Mammography. It is indicated for diagnostics and examinations from the age of 40 to women who have already given birth. By using x-rays the size of education and its prevalence is determined.
  • Ductography. Examination of the milk ducts of the breast using X-ray contrast agent.
  • Biopsy. Allows you to determine the diagnosis at the cellular level. For this, material is taken from the formation: a cell mass or a piece of tissue. Biopsy results can predict further development illness.
  • Pneumocystography. type of biopsy. The contents are taken from cysts or formations.

After the studies, the final diagnosis is made and individual treatment is prescribed. In inflammatory processes, these are antibiotics. With neoplasms - surgery or conservative treatment.

Breast pain (mastalgia) is experienced by many women, especially in young age and in the period preceding the onset of menopause.

Often, pain sensations accompany the menstrual cycle and are most intense at its initial stage.

In addition to the physiological processes in the body of a woman, which are accompanied by discomfort in the chest, pain in the mammary gland can be a sign of pathological disorders - both various diseases with localization in the gland, and beyond.

When a pain syndrome appears, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. To do this, for any discomfort (discomfort or pain), you must contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and determine their nature.

After that, treatment will be prescribed, if necessary (for pathology), or recommendations will be given to relieve pain (for physiological reasons).

Breast anatomy

The mammary gland belongs to the type of apocrine glands, is a paired organ and is located on the anterior chest wall from 3 ribs from above to 7 ribs from below. Its base is adjacent to the pectoralis major muscle.

On the most protruding part of the gland, which is called the body, there is a pigmented zone - the nipple field (areola), in the center of which the nipple of the mammary gland itself is located with small holes: milk pores and the main milk duct in the center of the nipple.

In my own way internal structure the mammary gland is an alveolar-tubular gland, consisting of many alveolar microscopic formations that are located in its parenchymal tissue. Each such formation (alveolar gland) has its own duct, which ends in the nipple area. The alveolar glands are grouped and form the lobes of the mammary gland, being their secretory apparatus. Individual lobules are combined into segments, the total number of which is 18-20 for each mammary gland. These segments are separated by a connective tissue component.

The "free" spaces of the gland are filled with normal adipose tissue.

Between the right and left glands there is a kind of depression - the sinus, which is projected onto the area of ​​​​the body of the sternum.

The dimensions of the mammary gland are individual, however, during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and subsequent lactation (breastfeeding) and some diseases, the iron increases significantly in size.

The skin of the mammary gland is quite delicate, especially in the area of ​​the nipple and the surrounding areola.

The nature of the pain

According to the frequency of occurrence, periodically occurring pains in the mammary gland (cyclic) and non-cyclic (permanently disturbing) are distinguished. Acyclic pain syndrome can spread to the area of ​​the mammary gland, radiating to given area with intercostal neuralgia (hypersensitivity nerve fibers), pain in soft tissues(muscle fibers).

  1. Cyclic mastalgia bothers most women a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. There is a feeling of distension. Visually, there may be a slight increase in breast volume. Pain sensations spread symmetrically (on both sides), increased sensitivity and soreness are observed both on the outer and inner parts of the chest.

With the onset of menstruation, discomfort and discomfort subside.

  1. Non-cyclic mastalgia, as a rule, is asymmetric. It is localized in a certain area of ​​​​the right or left mammary gland. Rarely, pain is felt throughout the area, radiating to the armpit. Accompanied by a burning sensation, increased sensitivity. It is usually diagnosed in patients over 40 years of age.

Pain syndrome:

  • Spicy. Usually, such cyclic mastalgia occurs before the start of the menstrual cycle, is considered within physiological norm. Otherwise (pain does not appear before the onset of menstruation, non-reproductive period) may be a sign of more dangerous disease, upon the appearance of which it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist - a mammologist.
  • Burning mastalgia. Worried at rest. Intense, spreading from the mammary glands to the back or neck. The increase and decrease in pain is not associated with physical activity and position of the body, palpation increases soreness.
  • Stitching pain has a pronounced localization, occurs in the form of attacks, constantly subsiding and growing.
  • Aching mastalgia, due to its low intensity, is the most dangerous. Despite the fact that she constantly worries, many women do not consider her (due to a weak manifestation) as a need to see a doctor. Although the favorable prognosis of most diseases depends on the timeliness of the treatment started.

The reasons

Cyclic - pain before menstruation. Constantly, periodically occurring cyclic mastalgia usually indicate a violation of the level of hormones. Since they "disappear" during pregnancy, menopause (when there is no monthly restructuring of the hormonal status), this theory confirms the nature of their occurrence - hormonal.

Pain sensations spread to the entire surface of the mammary glands, usually they are aching, "muffled" in nature. Rarely there is a pain syndrome of high intensity, up to limitation of movements of the upper limbs.

Palpation is determined by the unevenness (appearance of tubercles) in the soft tissues. Pain subsides almost completely with the onset of the menstrual cycle or "transition" to the non-reproductive period.

Similar pain sensations can occur after (or during) taking medications (for example, with hormone therapy). When treated with progesterone or estrogens, cyclic pain can persist even after menopause. Rarely, pain can be a side effect of long-term use antidepressants.

Non-cyclic. Pain is associated with changes in the anatomical structure of the mammary glands (for example, implants), violation of the integrity of the skin (cracked nipples), infectious and oncological diseases. Mastalgia may be the result of a traumatic effect on this area, radiating from adjacent organs and systems (nerve fibers, joints).

The main difference between non-cyclic mastalgia is a pronounced, asymmetric localization. The character, as a rule, is more intense (for example, cutting, stabbing).

Crack in the nipples. Violation of the integrity of the skin of the mammary glands, localized in the area of ​​the nipples. The main reasons for this defect are:

  1. Incorrect position of the baby during feeding (the nipple is not completely captured), the head is not well fixed. As a result, the nipple area is constantly irritated by the mobile (during feeding) jaw and lower lip.
  2. "Excessive" compliance with the hygiene of the mammary glands. Frequent washing (especially with cosmetics) along with bacteria, the natural protective environment is washed off the nipples - the lubricant produced by the glands of Montgomery.
  3. Wearing pads that impede the access of air is justified only when milk is released. Otherwise, they only contribute to the development of an unfavorable bacteriological environment and irritate sensitive skin in the area of ​​the nipples.
  4. The cause of cracks may be a general weakened state of the body - for example, beriberi; features of the anatomical structure of the mammary glands - retracted, very small nipples.

The presence of cracks is well visualized, the main symptom is soreness in the damaged area. With their deepening (into the lower layers of the skin), bleeding is possible.

It can disturb a nursing woman all the time, but in most cases it manifests itself (with varying intensity) during the application of the baby to the breast.

Most dangerous complication is an infection of the skin at the site of cracking. This can cause an inflammatory process with the formation of pus, fungal microorganisms can provoke the development of mastitis.

Breast cyst. Pathology in which cavities are formed in the mammary gland (the boundaries of the formations are the connecting capsule), filled with liquid or slurry.

Cysts are:

  • single;
  • multiple. For example, with polycystosis, cavities of different sizes can form entire conglomerations (these are multi-chamber cysts).

The formations differ both in depth and in size: from a few millimeters to 5 cm in diameter.

Clinical picture

The development of the cyst is asymptomatic, small cysts are diagnosed by chance: for example, during preventive examinations. Large formations can cause visible deformation of the breast and cause discomfort. Pain is twitching, but not sharp, but aching in nature. There may be a burning sensation, heaviness.

There are no clear reasons for the formation and growth of a cyst. But the "threatening" factors are:

  • hormonal imbalance (natural or associated with medication);
  • plastic surgery of the mammary glands;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • a cyst can develop against the background of diseases of the mammary glands that affect the size of the ducts and the condition of the glandular tissue (for example, fibrosis, mastitis, etc.).

Fibroadenoma. Benign formation of the mammary glands, elastic and mobile on palpation (capsule of connective tissue missing). "Grows" from the lobules, as a rule, asymmetrically (in one mammary gland). The size of fibroadenoma, as well as cysts of this localization, ranges from 2-3 mm to 5 cm.

Risk factors for the development of education:

  • Significant hormonal changes (eg. adolescence and during menopause). In this case, only after the completion of the "growing up" of the girl's body, the tumors resolve without any treatment, on their own.
  • Contraceptives (when taken orally), artificial termination of pregnancy - abortion.

The clinical picture does not differ in "bouquet" characteristic symptoms. With the growth of the tumor, the mammary glands increase in volume (with the exception of menopause and menopause). Pain sensations are completely absent or slightly expressed.

lactocele. A rare pathology in which the resulting cysts are filled with breast milk. Causes: the ducts “incorrectly” get rid of milk, as a result of which their complete obstruction develops. From the milk arriving in the duct, a closed cavity is formed. Cysts filled with milk can reach considerable sizes. Over time, their contents can become infected and inflamed.

The causes of lactocele formation are associated with anatomical feature structures of the mammary glands, namely their ducts. Pathology can be caused by stagnant, non-excreted milk, which thickens and becomes more viscous.


  • pain syndrome is mild or absent;
  • patients complain of discomfort;
  • large formations are palpable.

Laktostasis. This stagnation of milk can occur in a particular area (sometimes several) of the mammary gland. The reason is the wrong mode of breastfeeding, in which milk remains in the mammary glands; physical or emotional stress.


  • soreness;
  • tuberosity is visualized skin in the projection of the accumulation of milk;
  • skin is hyperemic.

The main complication of lactostasis is mastitis ( inflammatory process mammary gland), developing after congestion in almost 90% of cases.

Pain in the area of ​​implants. Pain syndrome can occur on its own or appear against the background of the following complications:

  • Pain after implantation sometimes occurs due to compression of nerve endings or impaired ( foreign body) normal contraction muscle fibres. Its intensity varies from slight to intense. The reasons are too large prosthesis, incorrect installation, etc.
  • Infection. Pain and discomfort are associated with the development of the inflammatory process, accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms of inflammation: fever (general and local), weakness, etc.
  • Hematomas (accumulation of blood) or seromas (excessive concentration of serous fluid), localized in the area of ​​violation of the integrity of the soft tissues or around the implant. Possible infection at the site of their occurrence or the formation of a fibrous capsule. Clinical picture: swelling of the operated area, pain, bruising.

Injuries. Symptoms largely depend on the nature and severity of the traumatic impact, violation (or preservation) of the integrity of the skin and soft tissues.

For an injury ( closed damage soft tissues) are characterized by:

  • Formation of a hematoma located under the skin or deeper, for example, in muscle or connective tissues.
  • Pain syndrome and swelling persist for a long time, the appearance of transparent discharge is possible (in case of damage to the milk ducts).
  • A zone is formed on the damaged area, which is determined by palpation as denser.

Closed injuries are dangerous for their consequences - the likelihood of developing malignant process, especially if the patient has a history of nodular mastopathy.

Mastitis. The inflammatory process of the mammary gland can occur in acute and chronic form. The most reactive form of development is characterized by a disease that occurs during breastfeeding - occurs 2-3 days after the appearance of stagnant milk.

The clinical picture differs depending on the types of the disease, each of which is accompanied by a certain set of symptoms.

  • pain syndrome - high intensity;
  • when touched, the chest is painful, hot (due to a local increase in the temperature of the skin), more dense;
  • palpation determines seals, which can be concentrated in a limited area or distributed over the entire surface of the mammary gland;
  • an increase in the size of the gland is associated with its swelling;
  • with a severe inflammatory process, an increase in lymph nodes is possible (for example, with an abscess of the mammary glands and phlegmous mastitis);
  • body temperature - elevated (up to 40 degrees);
  • palpitations are characteristic of infectious mastitis;
  • symptoms of general intoxication and a change in the shape and contours of the chest are inherent in the phlegmous form of the disease.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is characterized by a sluggish inflammatory process. Seals are determined, but all the main symptoms are smoothed out: pain and temperature are insignificant, there is no swelling and redness of the skin.

Mammary cancer. Oncological diseases of the mammary glands, depending on the stage of the process, are manifested by local and systemic symptoms.


  • neoplasms determined by self-diagnosis (palpation of the mammary glands);
  • discharge of any color and consistency from the nipples;
  • non-healing for a long period of wounds and sores on the skin of the chest;
  • change in the shape, size, structure of the breast, color or surface of its skin: for example, the appearance of denser or wrinkled areas, deformation of the nipples (retraction), etc.;
  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes (especially in the armpit);
  • pain of varying intensity, soreness of the chest when touched.

General symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • poor sleep and appetite.

Intercostal neuralgia. This is irritation of the nerve endings (due to their compression, infringement) in the region of the spine or intercostal space.

The main symptom is pain, which has its own "characteristics":

  • intense, burning, non-spasmodic;
  • localized between the ribs, but can spread throughout the damaged nerve: to the back, lower back;
  • pain is aggravated by movement (including inhalation and exhalation), sneezing, coughing;
  • - the most painful area is determined by palpation - the damaged nerve, when pressed, "reacts" with an increase in pain syndrome;
  • radiating pain may be accompanied by other uncomfortable sensations: burning, loss of sensation, tingling.

In some cases, neuralgia is accompanied by a change in the color of the skin (pallor or redness), involuntary muscle contractions.

Mastopathy. benign disease. Pathological changes in the mammary gland (all its tissues) are caused by excessive growth of connective tissue.

Depending on the "involvement" in the process of certain areas, the disease manifests itself in different ways: cysts, epithelial dysplasia, benign tumors various etiologies etc.

Mastopathy happens:

  • diffuse. Soreness of the chest increases with palpation. Are determined subcutaneous formations(nodules, small cysts) that dissolve on their own during the menstrual cycle.

The pain syndrome worries constantly, but its manifestations are insignificant. The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

  • Nodal. Palpation determined tumor-like nodes (single or multiple). The formations are not painful, mobile, their maximum size is up to several centimeters. Lymph nodes (in the armpits) are not enlarged. Unlike diffuse form, neoplasms do not disappear during and after menstruation, but increase in size over time.

Common symptoms seen with various types mastopathy are:

  • pain sensations;
  • discharge from the nipples;
  • nodules various sizes and "concentration".

Breast abscess. Purulent foci in the soft tissues of the mammary gland.

The first manifestation of the disease is a general increase in temperature. The mammary gland becomes painful, sensitive to the slightest touch. The areas located near the lesion swell and thicken.

Gradually, the inflammatory process affects unaffected areas, which manifests itself local increase temperature of the skin, their hyperemia and the formation of an abscess - an abscess.

Pathological forms:

  • superficial abscess. The accumulation of pus is localized around the nipples, in the skin layers.
  • Intramammary. The disease is usually a complication of mastitis.
  • Retromammapny. With the defeat of purulent foci of the back of the gland.

In any form, the body temperature remains above normal until the breakthrough of the abscess.

When the pain is not associated with the mammary gland

Pain syndrome can radiate to the chest area in case of diseases of other organs and systems of the body, be the result of an imbalance of certain substances (for example, fatty acids) in the soft tissues that form the mammary gland.

Shingles. A disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus.


  • elevated temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • discomfort sensations (itching, burning, pain syndrome) are localized in areas of "forming" rashes (including in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands);
  • the rash that appears is accompanied by pain;
  • symptoms of general intoxication: chills, headaches, etc.;
  • exanthema (rash) first manifests itself in the form of spots. Then it resembles bubbles filled serous fluid, the base of which is inflamed and edematous;
  • in most cases, the lymph nodes increase and become painful.

The rash is localized “along the way” of the affected nerve: with pain in the mammary gland, this is the intercostal nerve. A few days later, swelling and hyperemia subsides, the contents of the vesicles become cloudy. Gradually, the exanthema dries up, the resulting crusts fall off. subfebrile temperature and signs of intoxication persist for several more days.

Tietze syndrome. A disease characterized by morphological (structural) changes in the ribs (second, third or fourth) of a benign nature.


  • rib deformity. On examination, slight swelling is visualized in the soft tissues surrounding the affected rib;
  • pain sensations - acute or growing in nature, localized in the area chest(top part). The pain syndrome may spread to the area upper limb, become more intense with loads and movement;
  • palpation of the affected rib is painful. A spindle-shaped formation about 4 cm in size is determined.

Risk group for breast disease

  1. Age. After the age of 35, every woman should undergo preventive examinations and a consultation with a mammologist at least once a year.
  2. Early onset and cessation (menopause) of the menstrual cycle.
  3. genetic predisposition. Risk of occurrence malignant formations mammary glands increases if it is detected in one of the family members or close relatives.
  4. Lifestyle. An important factor is proper nutrition and lifestyle: with moderate physical activity and the absence of overstrain (physical and emotional) and bad habits.
  5. To prevent diseases that often develop during breastfeeding, it is necessary to adhere to the correct breastfeeding regimen: from the position of the child, hygiene to the prevention of congestion.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

Diagnostic measures for pain in the mammary gland must begin with elementary things - the collection of anamnesis, examination and palpation. Sometimes this is enough to determine the cause of pain without exposing patients to more complex diagnostic methods that often have side effects (for example, ACCEPTABLE radiation exposure during mammography).

Inspection is carried out in two positions - in a standing position (with arms raised and lowered) and lying down. Pay attention to the color and condition of the skin, especially in the nipple area, the presence or absence of visible damage, possible anomalies in the development of the gland.

On palpation, which is carried out in all quadrants of the gland, general pain and the presence or absence of seals are noted. Lesions may or may not be sharp-edged, mobile or fixed, with or without tenderness to palpation. Most often, seals are palpated in the upper outer segments of the gland, which are the most biologically active.

To clarify the diagnosis, instrumental diagnostic methods are used - ultrasound procedure, radiographic methods and radiothermometry.

most accurate and informative method in the diagnosis of breast diseases is mammography. This radiographic technique (without the use of contrast agents) in approximately 95% of cases allows you to clearly determine the presence of a pathological process in the mammary gland. Mammography is performed in two projections: direct and lateral. If necessary, targeted radiography is performed, which avoids diagnostic errors.

In young women during pregnancy and lactation, the main diagnostic method is an ultrasound. This study is absolutely safe and is characterized by the absence of radiation exposure to the body.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with heart disease, myositis.

Pain treatment

The tactics of treating pain in the mammary gland depends on the causes that caused the pain.

With cyclic pain during the menstrual cycle (diffuse mastopathy), sometimes it is enough just to talk to the doctor, choose the appropriate bra that will not squeeze the breast, fix the mammary gland in one position and limit the intake of fatty foods.

For more intense pain, analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used.

A good effect is given by taking combined contraceptives (after prior consultation with a doctor).

Treatment of non-cyclic pain should be started only after consulting a doctor and conducting an examination. The first plan is to eliminate the cause that caused the pain. This may be the removal of a benign or malignant tumor in the mammary gland, and special hormonal therapy, and vitamin therapy, and effective drug treatment. Most often, an integrated approach is used.

What do doctors do

First of all, the doctor determines the cause of the pain. This uses the entire spectrum diagnostic measures. After that, a specialist is determined who will continue to deal with women's health: sometimes it is an oncologist (if a tumor is detected), sometimes a gynecologist (if the pain is premenstrual) or a general mammologist who deals with diseases of the breast itself.


Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the breast

Pain in the mammary gland or mastalgia - quite frequent condition, which worries about 70% of women at least once in their lives. Most often, pain in the mammary gland occurs in women at a young age, in the premenopausal period. However, postmenopausal women can also experience this condition. Almost every tenth woman experiences pain in the mammary glands varying degrees severity for more than 5 days within a month. In some cases, pain in the mammary gland in a woman can last throughout the entire period of menstruation. These pains affect daily activity, such as work, family relationships, as well as sexual life.

By itself, mastalgia alone is rarely a sign of cancer. However, if you are worried about unexpected pain in the mammary gland and thoughts about cancer do not leave you, then in order to find out the cause of these pains, consult a doctor.

Mastalgia can be cyclic, non-cyclic, and non-breast related. In this case, cyclic pain is usually associated with the menstrual cycle. Acyclic pain is usually constant and not related to the menstrual cycle. Pain that is not associated with the breast can be a sign of muscle pain, but sometimes it may seem to a woman that the cause is the breast.

With cyclic pain, the process usually captures both mammary glands and usually the pain spreads throughout the gland, especially affecting its upper and outer parts. With cyclic pain, irritability, swelling and swelling of the mammary glands are common. Women often describe this pain as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest. This pain is most pronounced during the week before the onset of menstruation and subsequently gradually subsides. Cyclic breast pain is the most frequent view pain, which occurs in 2/3 of women.

Non-cyclic pain often affects only one mammary gland and is localized in any one place. Less commonly, non-cyclic pain can be diffuse and affect the entire mammary gland, including the armpit. Often such pain is described by women as burning, irritated. Cyclic breast pain typically occurs in women in their 30s and 40s, while non-cyclic breast pain occurs in women over 40.

What diseases cause pain in the mammary gland:

Causes of breast pain

1. With the cyclic nature of pain, disorders of the hormonal status are usually observed. Hormonal theory cyclic pain in the mammary gland is explained, for example, by the fact that during pregnancy or in the postmenopausal period, this pain stops. This is due to the fact that in these conditions there are no constant cyclic hormonal changes in the body of a woman.
emergence pain in the premenstrual period and weakening or disappearing with the onset of menstruation. Sometimes there is no clear connection with the onset of menstruation. Usually bilateral localization, mainly in the upper, outer areas of the mammary glands. different intensity painful sensations - from dull, aching (more often) to pronounced, hindering hand movements. The pain may radiate to the armpits or arm. The examination may reveal slight tuberosity of the breast tissue. The severity of clinical manifestations usually increases with age and sharply weakens or disappears after menopause. The occurrence of cyclic mastalgia is associated with a change in hormonal levels. More than 2/3 of women, usually of young reproductive age, suffer from this type of disorder, although similar complaints are known in postmenopausal women receiving replacement therapy hormonal drugs.

2. The causes of non-cyclic pain in the mammary gland are more likely to be associated with anatomical changes in the breast, rather than hormonal ones. It could be a cyst blunt trauma undergoing breast surgery. Non-cyclic pain can also be due to causes not related to the mammary gland (chest wall, muscles, joints and nerves).
Characteristics: the pain is often unilateral. Localization - mainly in the middle part of the mammary gland, around the nipple. Sharp, burning, cutting pain. It can be both periodic and constant.
Localized, long-lasting pain in the mammary gland may be associated with the presence of a fibroadenoma in it ( benign tumor) or cysts. However, in order to exclude more serious causes of acyclic mastalgia (for example, breast cancer), it is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

3. The cause of pain in the mammary glands may lie in the imbalance of fatty acids in the tissues of the mammary glands. This imbalance, in turn, increases the sensitivity of gland cells to hormones. This explains the effectiveness in some cases of pain using primrose oil. This oil contains gamma-linolenic acid. It is believed that this acid is able to restore the imbalance of fatty acids in the body and reduce the sensitivity of breast tissue to hormones.

4. In addition, cyclic pain may be associated with certain medications, such as hormonal fertility drugs or contraceptives. Cyclic breast pain may be a side effect of estrogen and progesterone supplementation, which may explain why some women continue to have breast pain even after menopause, when they are forced to take hormonal drugs. In addition, it is reported that sometimes this pain can be observed when taking antidepressants.

5. Mastitis and other infectious diseases. In addition to local symptoms (pain, redness, swelling of the mammary gland), they are accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (fever, sometimes with chills, headache, loss of appetite, general weakness and etc.). Mastitis often occurs in postpartum period due to the penetration of pathogens through the microcracks of the nipple and stagnation in the gland of milk.

6. Breast cancer. In addition to pain sensations of varying degrees (but they may be absent!) It is characterized by the presence of a tumor-like formation with fuzzy contours, more often in the upper outer areas of the mammary gland, a change in the skin over the tumor in the form of wrinkling or “ orange peel”, retraction of the nipple or discharge from it. The risk of developing breast cancer is higher in nulliparous women or women who gave birth to their first child late, in women with a hereditary predisposition, with overweight body, the presence of mastopathy.

Diagnosis of pain in the breast

So, if you are concerned about pain in the mammary gland, you need to find out the cause of this pain. First of all, the doctor finds out your history, that is, he conducts a survey of what exactly worries you, the nature of the pain, their connection with menstruation, with other factors, the localization of pain, and past diseases. The doctor will definitely ask:
How long have you been experiencing these pains?
- What is the intensity of these pains?
- Is the pain localized in one or both mammary glands?
- When was the last time you had a mammogram?
- Are there any other manifestations along with the pain, for example, discharge from the nipple?
- What medications do you take?

Next, a manual examination of the mammary glands is carried out, as well as the condition axillary lymph nodes. It is also usually recommended x-ray examination- mammography. In case of detection of a tumor-like formation, an ultrasound is prescribed.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the mammary gland:

Are you experiencing breast pain? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have breast pain? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

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