How much hair does a person lose daily. Means for the normalization of growth and loss. Secrets of healthy hair - how to make hair healthy

Often there is a certain amount of fallen hairs on the comb. Panic sets in and the question arises: “What if the cause of the loss lies in any diseases?”. In order not to waste time on trips to the trichologist and undergo an expensive examination, you should know what is the rate of hair loss in women.

Hair growth cycle

So how much hair does a person lose per day? To answer this question, let's define the phases of the life cycle.

Hair grows daily, with each hair on average living for 4 years. The hair follicle prepares a new one to replace the fallen hair, compensating for the loss.

The following phases of hair life are distinguished:

  1. Origin. For 2-4 years, the formation of a hair follicle with a new hair takes place. At this stage, from 60 to 90% of the entire hair can stay.
  2. transitional period. The hair no longer grows, and the follicle itself approaches the surface of the skin. In this state, as a rule, there are 2% of all curls.
  3. Natural shedding (telogen). Rebirth stage: old hair disappears by itself or due to mechanical action on it. In its place, a new one is already emerging in the follicle.

Important point! If hair falls out at the telogen stage, you should not be afraid, because this is a completely natural process. The hair follicle will soon throw out a new hair, there is no threat to thick hair.

What is the norm

There are no specific indicators after all, the process of "reincarnation" of hairs directly depends on individual features organism. As a rule, hair begins to climb more in winter and autumn.

So what is the rate of hair loss per day in women and men? It's believed that naturally 80 to 100 hairs can be eliminated. In winter and autumn, an increase in this indicator is possible - 120–150 units.

In 95% of the beautiful half of humanity, telogen alopecia is present. Excessive hair loss is associated with hormonal disruptions during pregnancy and after childbirth, with strong stressful situations or taking contraceptives.

To determine if your hair loss is normal or abnormal, collect your hair the day before with a comb and after showering. Do not be lazy to count and inspect them. If more than the specified norm fell out or you found a dark bag at the ends at the roots, you should immediately take measures to save the curls.

It's important to know! If you wash your hair infrequently in the bathroom, sink or palm, a significant tuft of hair can remain. These are just those fallen hairs that you could not comb out with a comb. If after the washing procedure for a week you do not notice a significant elimination of hair, then you do not have alopecia, but natural loss.

Oddly enough, but the number of hairs on the head directly depends on their color. Scientists have calculated average indicators for owners of different shades of hair:

  • blondes have about 140 thousand hairs (but fair-haired beauties should not flatter themselves, because they are thin);
  • brown-haired women take second place - 109 thousand hairs;
  • brunettes have 102 thousand hairs on their heads;
  • red-haired beasts have only 88 thousand hairs, but they are the most dense and durable.

The rate of loss per day is 0.1%. Therefore, the indicator corresponding to your hair type must be multiplied by 0.001.

Many people ask the question “Should hair fall out every day?”. They should, because this is a completely natural process of hair renewal. The main thing is that they total number did not exceed the norm, and bald patches did not form on the skin.

  1. Do not wash your curls for three days.
  2. In the morning, count the number of hairs on your pajamas and pillow.
  3. Wash your hair by closing the drain. Count the number of lost hairs.
  4. Dry the curls naturally (without a hair dryer). Comb them with a comb and count the loss again.
  5. In the evening, comb out again with a count.
  6. Add up the number of hairs that have fallen out.

There is another easy way to find out how much hair you need. Just leave your curls alone for a week, and then run your hand from roots to ends before the procedure. If there are no more than 5 hairs left in the palm, then there is absolutely no need to worry.

A lot of hair is lost when using conditioner during washing. The fact is that it smoothes them, closing the scales. When washing with a regular shampoo, the scales, on the contrary, diverge, therefore, some hairs cling to each other and are not washed off into the sink.

If you notice bald patches and a thickening of the parting line, contact a highly specialized specialist - a trichologist. He will prescribe a trichogram and biochemical analysis blood for lack of vitamins and infections. With the problem of baldness, you can contact a dermatologist or endocrinologist.

Prolapse or split

It is important to correctly distinguish the causes of hair loss: it can occur natural way or because of the cut and burning of curls with a curling iron, hair dryer. To do this, you need to look at the hair itself.

Important! With hair loss due to renewal on one side, you will notice a thickening white color which is called an onion. If the growth has dark color, then you need to urgently go to the doctor, otherwise you may lose the follicle.

Looking at the hair that was lost due to mechanical damage, you will see the same thickness on both sides. In this case, you need to minimize the heat treatment of the hair and begin to actively nourish the curls with masks, oils and vitamins.

You should be alerted if the hair does not fall out and does not grow at all. This means that they are not updated, and soon you risk losing your beautiful hair. Be sure to consult a trichologist.

If you have thin and split hair, start caring for them correctly:

  • cut the ends in time;
  • minimize heat treatment;
  • moisturize curls with aloe or lemon juice;
  • be sure to use a conditioner;
  • do a gelatin mask once a week.

Factors leading to losses

Among the factors that contribute to excessive hair loss are:

  • Weak immunity, which provokes hair loss in winter and autumn period. To fix the problem, you need to drink a vitamin complex for general strengthening organism.
  • Anemia due to lack of iron. It is necessary to donate blood for hemoglobin and, in case of detection of its shortage, introduce it into the diet certain products: nuts, beef, pomegranate, apples, liver.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Many breastfeeding mothers and women in interesting position, hair can climb just in tufts. This is due to the fact that all vitamins and nutrients are aimed at the health of the baby. Taking medications and vitamin complexes usually doesn't fix the problem. Therefore, it is recommended to simply wait out this period - after some time, health will improve, and the hair will regain its former splendor and density.
  • Medications, especially antibiotics, birth control pills. antidepressants and diuretics.
  • Skin disease of the scalp (dermatitis, seborrhea, ringworm, psoriasis and others), most of which are associated with fungal diseases. Only special treatment, prescribed by a dermatologist, will help eliminate the disease.
  • elevated radiation background or chemically contaminated water. Bad ecology can harm the hair.
  • Mechanical effect on curls. Combing with a metal comb frequent use ironing and hair dryer, as well as the use of chemical dyes, adversely affects the structure of the hair, leading to their loss even at the growth stage. Need to minimize negative impact these factors.
  • Temperature fluctuations or regular coffee drinking. These causes provoke poor blood supply and lack of oxygen. Consequently, the bulbs do not receive enough nutrients, which affects the thickness of the hair.
  • An unbalanced diet, frequent irrational diets and poor fluid intake lead to hair problems. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

If you want to have attractive thick hair, follow these recommendations:

  • eat right and balanced;
  • do not use shampoos with lauryl sulfate or other parabens;
  • do not dye your hair or at least use ammonia-free dyes;
  • regularly massage the skin of the head several times a day with a massage comb or a device resembling a whisk;
  • do not comb wet hair;
  • minimize the use of stylers and cosmetics to fix hair;
  • stop being nervous, adjust sleep and rest;
  • in winter weather and in summer heat, wear a hat.

To improve the condition of the hair and give them strength, burdock oil has positively proven itself. At least once a week before washing your hair, rub it into the skin, slightly heated in a water bath. Leave the product to be absorbed into the dermis for about 30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo and copious amounts water.

Every woman, in order to control the condition of her curls, should know how much hair falls out when washing her hair and combing her hair per day in a natural way. Comparing the indicator with the norm, you can either calm down in case of a positive result, or make an appointment with a trichologist to identify and eliminate the root cause of the negative manifestation. Remember: the beauty and density of curls directly depends on your actions and proper care.

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During the day, a person can fall out from 80 to 100 hairs.

Why does hair fall out.

After all, if men, when such a problem arises, can always cut their hair short, and sometimes bald, then for women this becomes a tragedy. But it's constant throughout our lives. Moreover, in some periods they fall out in large numbers, and in some - their "loss" almost stops. About when this happens, what this process depends on and how much hair should fall out per day, I want to tell in this article.

The reasons

There are many reasons for hair loss. Here are the most common ones:

  1. seasonal reason. As a rule, in autumn and spring, the process of hair loss intensifies. This is due to natural biorhythms. In this case, there is no need to worry.
  2. Frequent dyeing and perm. If you constantly expose your hair to such "executions", be prepared for the fact that the quality of the hair will deteriorate sharply: they will become thinner and fall out in large quantities.
  3. Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins and minerals affects the state of health and, as a result, leads to a deterioration in the health of the hair. It is worth taking a course of treatment with vitamins, and the question of how much hair should fall out per day will no longer bother you.
  4. side effect of some medicines. Some of the medications can cause severe hair loss. In this case, it would be advisable to stop using them or put up with the inconvenience.


If you notice at any time that the bathroom after washing your hair remains a large number of hair, it is logical that you begin to worry about the question of how much hair should fall out when washing. Washing is a big stress for your hair. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that it thins after similar procedures. But if you did not notice this before, then this phenomenon should alert you. If you see that after combing, a lot of hairs remain on the comb or brush - this is alarm signal. If symptoms get worse or persist for a long period of time, take immediate action.

Drop rate

You may be intimidated by the number indicating how many hairs should fall out. After all, the rate of hair loss per day is from 50 to 100! Many of them we simply do not notice. In place of the fallen hair, new ones always grow. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this.

Take a test

Are you worried about the question of how much hair per day should fall out? Then do this test: look at the hair that has fallen out well. Answer the following questions:

  • hair thin or thick?
  • Is the hair smooth or its structure porous and rough?
  • is there a thickening at the end of the hair - its bulb?

Test results

If there is no bulb at the end of the hair and it is very thin with a rough structure, then there is every reason for your concern. Contact a dermatologist with this problem or solve it yourself by identifying the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Thus, we found out how much hair per day should fall out. Don't let their numbers scare you. Indeed, in place of the fallen out, new bulbs are formed, from which new strong hair then grows.

Hair loss is natural process which is familiar to everyone. Curls are constantly updated, that is, hairs fall out every day, in the place of which new ones grow. The problem of hair loss should be of concern when the natural ratio of hair is disturbed. That is, in place of the fallen hair, new ones do not grow, which means that the follicle has gone into a dormant state (a blockage has occurred). Strands thin out, bald patches appear. What is the reason? And how much hair should fall out? These are frequently asked questions that concern everyone. We'll figure out.

Causes of loss

  1. Internal factors:
  • Regular intake of medications (contraceptives, antidepressants).
  • Violation hormonal background. it main reason, through which hair can fall out - an excess of testosterone in the blood.
  • Not good nutrition, which leads to a lack of trace elements, vitamins.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. This is a temporary phenomenon, so the body will gradually return to normal.
    1. External factors:
  • Bad ecology, which negatively affects the condition of the curls.
  • Abuse of perms and regular coloring.
  • Poor-quality styling cosmetics, regular use of a hair dryer and other heating devices have a bad effect on the hair structure.
  • Do not braid tight curls, this condition provokes the loss of curls. Don't experiment with hair, they don't like it.
  • Head injuries that can provoke a deterioration in blood circulation. Because of this, oxygen and nutrients are poorly supplied to the cells of the scalp, thereby falling out begins.

Hair loss is not only a natural process, but also an indicator internal state organism. Since the cells of the scalp are the very first to react to disruption of the whole organism and lack of useful substances. Therefore, hair loss should not be left to chance and it is also impossible not to notice the problem. It is imperative to find and eliminate the cause of this process.

Most people begin to pay attention to the problem of hair loss when there are clear signs of baldness, that is, at the peak of progression.

Consider the main symptoms of the problem:

  1. When you wash your hair, you notice a large amount of hair - this main symptom Problems.
  2. Falling out during sleep.
  3. Falling out during brushing. At the time of the combing procedure, the hair follicles and scalp are stimulated. Pay attention to the comb after combing the hair. If the number of hairs that have fallen out is large (that is, it is daily allowance), then this is cause for panic.

The daily rate of hair loss is about 100 hairs. Keep in mind that hair loss occurs throughout the day. If you count the hair that has fallen out during combing, washing your hair and the amount received is more than the norm, then this is an alarm signal that you need to respond to. The rate of hair loss in women and men is almost the same. Therefore, the sooner you identify the problem and start treatment, the more likely you are to save your hair.

How much hair should fall out per day for men and women?

It should be taken into account that the amount of hair loss per day can sometimes depend on the natural pigment. Those with natural dark hair color experience less hair loss than natural blondes. Since dark hair is much thicker, more elastic and thicker, the number of which can be approximately 100 thousand. Blondes have thinner curls, but the amount is much larger. Therefore, in dark hair, the rate of loss per day for women is from 60 to 80 pieces, for blondes up to 150 pieces. Judging from these statistics, you should not panic, because this is a natural process. From 60 to 120 hairs fall out in men per day, it is quite difficult to notice this process, since the hair is very small.

How much hair should fall out per day? What are the rules?

We have already established that the norm is considered about 100 hairs, but you need to consider that the hair never falls out without a bulb. If the fallen hair does not have a bulb, sound the alarm. This is a sign that the hair has begun to break. The cause of brittleness can be: improper combing, tight hairstyles, heat exposure and curls.

  1. For the procedure, do not wash your hair for several days.
  2. On the third or fourth day, a fallout is usually considered.
  3. Look at the pillow and bed after sleep, comb your hair, wash your hair. Count all the hair that has fallen out. The sum of these figures is the rate of hair loss per day.

If the amount of hair has exceeded the norm, then you should pay attention to the problem. To identify the reasons, you should definitely contact.

  1. Find the cause and prescribe a course of treatment. Treatment can be drugs, vitamins.
  2. Hardware cosmetology can also be offered. These procedures may include the following procedures: vacuum massage, current therapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy.
  3. The doctor will advise how to choose the right tool for combing the strands.
  4. The doctor will tell you how to comb your hair correctly so as not to pull out the hairs, and during the procedure to provide a light massage.
  5. Washing your hair is also a responsible procedure. Trichologists recommend using only professional cosmetics. The doctor will tell you how to properly wash and dry your hair.
  6. The specialist will give you nutritional advice.

In a month, based on statistics, the amount of hair loss should be approximately 9%. For each person, the problem of falling out varies not only from the time of year, but also from the state of health. If the hair falls out strongly, then you should contact the specialists and start timely treatment.

Every person loses hair every day - from 50 to 100 pieces. Hair loss can be caused by damage to the scalp, hormonal disruptions, medications, chemical exposure(hair dye) and other reasons. Often when the problem is fixed, the hair will start to grow back.

The hair lives for 3-7 years, but 90% of the hair grows and 10% is dormant. The resting phase lasts 2-6 months, after which the hair falls out. With age, the hair may become thinner, and new ones may not grow in place of the fallen ones. Also, in men and women, focal alopecia (baldness) is possible - a disease in which smooth hair remains on the scalp. round spots without hair - while the scalp looks well-groomed, without ulcers or dandruff.

The causes of hair loss can be completely different:

  • Damage to the scalp.
  • Damage to hair dye, perm.
  • Heredity (if there were bald men and women in the family).
  • Aging process.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Fungal and bacterial infections(ringworm).
  • Physical or emotional stress.
  • Lack of iron in the body.
  • Oral contraceptives. They cause hair loss when taken.
  • Blood pressure medications, anticoagulants, antidepressants, chemotherapy can cause reversible hair loss.
  • Surgery, infections.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Wrong hairstyles (too tight tails or braids).
  • Environmental influence.

The symptoms of hair loss are hair thinning and noticeable loss during washing or brushing. In some cases, hair loss can be fixed 3 months after childbirth, past illnesses or operations.

Determination of the amount of hair falling out per day

Hair loss is a natural process, but there are also pathologies. Two simple tests will help you check your body for being within certain limits.

Test 1

It is necessary to carefully examine the fallen hair - it should be pigmented hairs with dark bags at the end. If there are a lot of such hairs in the arm or on the pillow, we conduct a test. It is necessary not to wash your hair for three days, and then pull the tufts of hair at the temples and crown. If each time more than five hairs remain in the hand, you need to look for the cause of the loss, since there is a pathology. It is the hairs with the pouch that need to be counted - hair broken off at any length is not considered to have fallen out.

Test 2

A man does not wash his hair for three days, in the morning fourth day collects hair from the pillow and counts the amount. After that, you need to wash your hair and collect the fallen hair from the bath - count it. The last step there will be drying the hair in a natural way, combing with a regular (not massage) comb and counting the hairs remaining on the comb. The total sum of the three numbers will indicate the level of hair loss - now you need to see if the amount fits within the framework of 50-100 hairs.


The most common myths about hair:

  • Myth 1: Hair on a comb is clear sign fallout. Hair constantly leaves the head - this is a natural process. The approximate rate of hair loss is 80 hairs per day, but each person has his own rate, depending on heredity.
  • Myth 2: Using styling products causes hair loss. Gels, foams and varnishes do not penetrate the hair follicles, but settle on the hair, so they do not have any effect on their growth.
  • Myth 3: Hair loss is a purely male problem. 96% of men and 79% of women face the problem of hair loss with age, but in women this problem does not have a local character. Women almost never develop bald patches, but hair thinning covers the entire surface of the head.
  • Myth 4: Hair falls out more when frequent washing heads. Shampoos act only on the surface of the hair and scalp, without affecting the hair bags. Mechanical action contributes only to the loss of those hairs whose life cycle ended, and they will still drop in the coming days.
  • Myth 5: Hair will stop falling out if you cut it. There is an opinion that the hair follicle cannot withstand weight long hair. In reality, there is no relationship between the length of the hair and the existence of hair follicles, so a haircut will not solve the problem.
  • Myth 6: folk remedies hair loss problem can be cured. Castor oil, masks with onions and pepper tincture the problem of baldness is not solved. These can only be aids or folk methods for prevention. For effective solution It is worth using the treatment in the complex, including drugs. Today, experts believe that the most effective method to combat hair loss are products based on potassium channel activators.
  • Myth 7: Diet causes hair loss. Hair loss is possible only in the case of a low-protein diet with an intake of less than 1000 kcal per day. Hair is 90% keratin, which is formed from proteins. Therefore, hair will have to pay only for certain types diets.
  • Myth 8: Wearing hats causes baldness. At constant wear hats and baseball caps, the hair will become brittle, but it is unlikely to begin to leave the hair follicles.
  • Myth 9: Fallen hair will never grow back. If the hair follicle is not damaged and receives nutrients from the blood, then the hair from it will grow again.
  • Myth 10: Hair does not suffer from sunlight or frost. With a careless attitude to one's health, walking without a hat in winter and summer, hair can begin to fall out in both adults and children.

Important! Men lose their hair due to heredity, and women due to bad condition health and endless medication.

What to do if there is a problem of hair loss?

If the rate of hair loss per day is exceeded, you need to start taking care of yourself and treating your hair. To do this, you need to take measures:

  • To improve immunity, start exercising.
  • Restoration of functions skin depends on the presence of iron in the body - eat liver, apple, pomegranate juice, cereals, rye bread.
  • Improve blood supply to the vessels of the head by minimizing the use of tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages that constrict blood vessels.
  • Use more vegetables and fruits to combat beriberi at any time of the year.
  • Stress leads to hair loss - if the source bad mood is work, it is recommended to get enough sleep and rest.
  • Use folk recipes for the prevention of hair loss orange peel, burdock oil, pepper tincture.

To identify the causes of severe hair loss, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe medications to stimulate hair growth and deal with the cause that caused the unpleasant consequences.

Diagnosis of identifying the cause of hair loss will include:

  • Trichogram.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Blood test for vitamins and minerals.
  • Hair analysis to determine mineral status.

About the rate of hair loss in the video.

About treatment

In the treatment can be used:

  • Head massage.
  • Medicated creams and lotions (based on minoxidil).
  • Medicines for oral administration (Proscar).
  • laser therapy.
  • Homeopathy.
  • Shampoos, masks against hair loss (Nizoral).

At alopecia areata steroid injections into the scalp or rubbing in of steroid lotion may be prescribed, although in some cases this problem resolves on its own.

Often, hair regrowth happens by accident - after a change in rest or diet, so reconsider your life and try to change something drastically.

The appearance depends on the state of health of the hair. If there is a feeling that the strands are falling out in shreds, you need to pay attention to this and think: is this the beginning of the process of baldness. In order not to panic, to objectively assess the situation, you need to know how much hair should fall out per day.

Having learned the amount of hair, which is the norm, evaluate own situation and take steps to help stop the baldness process.

The number of hairs on the head

Scientists have proven that the number of hairs on a person's head directly depends on the color of the strands.

Blondes have the largest number of follicles: their number reaches 160 thousand. The indicator of brunettes and brown-haired women is inferior and equal to 110 thousand. redheads have least amount hair follicles: 60–90 thousand.

The number of hairs is not the only factor that affects the volume of the hairstyle. Fair-haired people have thinner strands than dark-haired people. And red hair has the thickest rods.

When not to panic

The life span of the hair is divided into 3 phases:

  • Growth period. 80% of the strands are in this phase. During it, a root appears, the hair begins to grow. The duration of the phase is 3–7 years.
  • transitional phase. hair follicles die off, and loss of curls is observed.
  • phase of regeneration or rest. New cells are formed. The duration of the period is 3 months.

Scientists have proven that the initial number of hairs affects the loss. The rate of hair loss per day for blondes is up to 150 pieces. For women with dark color hair - 100-110 pieces. The rate of hair loss for redheads is no more than 80 hairs.

What causes strands to thin

At strong fallout it is important to understand and determine why this is happening. Factors that affect how much hair falls out:

  • Genetics. If a person has a predisposition to increased loss of strands, it will be difficult to deal with this problem.
  • Frequent showering. With frequent shampooing or using inappropriate products, the strands thin out.
  • Bleaching, dyeing hair. The symptoms of baldness will be especially vivid when using preparations based on hydrogen peroxide.
  • Radiation. Baldness, common problem women who have been exposed to radiation.
  • Diet. If the body does not enter enough essential nutrients, this is reflected in appearance: the condition of the skin, nails, curls.
  • Climate change. Sharp jumps in temperature, changes in air humidity - stress for the body, the reaction to which is hair loss.
  • lactation period. This special stage in the life of women - additional load on the body. In order for a baby to have enough milk, many nutrients are needed. Baldness symptoms are observed in young mothers who do not receive right amount vitamins and microelements.
  • Stress/nervous breakdown.
  • Reception medicines. Symptoms of aloception are manifested when taking potent medications. Baldness is often side effect chemotherapy.

The number of hairs that fell out

To understand how much the hair thins per day, to determine whether the loss is the beginning of aloception, the number of hairs that have fallen out is counted.

1 way

Hair washing is delayed for 3 days. On day 4, the number of hairs that fell out during the night is counted. They wash their hair, having previously closed the drain hole, they count how much hair has fallen out. The braids are dried naturally, combed with a comb with wooden teeth. Count the number of fallen hairs on the comb. All numbers are summed up. The rate of hair loss is compared with the resulting number of strands that fell out per day.

2 way

Washing the head is debugged for 5 days, they run their hands over the hair, lightly pull the strands in the temple area. If the number of hairs that have fallen out is not more than 5, there is no reason to worry, since this is the norm.

3 way

Inspection of the roots of the fallen strands. If a lot of strands have dark ends, you should contact a trichologist who can determine the symptoms of aloception and prescribe treatment.

Fallout when washing hair

Hair loss when washing your hair is a natural process. It is important to note how much hair falls out. The norm for women is no more than 80-100 pieces. This takes into account the length of the strands, the frequency of shampooing, the color of the hair.

To distinguish the symptoms of alopecia, everyone needs to know how much hair should fall out. Rules to help prevent falling out:

  • Washing the hair is carried out with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 36 degrees. During washing, shampoo is applied no more than 2 times. Hair care products are chosen according to the type of curls.
  • After washing, let the strands dry naturally. Do not braid, do not comb wet curls.
  • Change the location of the parting.
  • Avoid tight elastic bands and hats.
  • In rainy, dry, cold weather, they wear a hat.
  • Regularly carry out head massage using essential oils.
  • Apply masks to strengthen the roots and structure of the strands.
  • Herbs are used to make mouthwashes.

It is a mistake to think that baldness is a problem for men. Everyone experiences hair loss. In women, the prolapse is not local in nature, but spreads over the entire surface of the head.

To prevent the occurrence of a problem, establish a diet, strengthen immune system start playing sports. Together, this gives positive result. In case of rapid spread of baldness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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