Vitamin A for oil enrichment. Contraindications for oil solutions of vitamins a and e. Contraindications and possible side effects when taking vitamin A

Since ancient times, the best minds of mankind have studied the ability food products heal some human disease. It is known from ancient Egyptian medical treatises that the priests of the greatest civilization in the world possessed the secret of treating night blindness (impaired vision at dusk) with the help of the liver of animals and fish, without knowing A.

In butter, sour cream, egg yolk and other products, this unique substance will be found much later.

A bit of history...

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, active work began on the study of special, vital important elements and compounds that help maintain health and prolong human life. Among the researchers were the Russian biochemist N. I. Lunin, the Dutch bacteriologist Christian Eikman, the English biochemist Frederick Hopkins and many other Russian and foreign scientists. In 1911, the first Polish researcher Kazimir Funk found a cure for severe nervous disease beriberi, which occurs against the background of a deficiency of crystals isolated from rice bran, he called "Vitamin" or Vitamine. Translated from lat. vita - means "life", and from English. mine - "amine", which made it possible to classify this drug as a nitrogen-containing compound. The scientist also suggested that many ailments arise due to a lack of certain substances in the body. This marked the beginning of a whole era of discoveries, the first of which was the production of vitamin A or retinol.

In 1913, two independent groups of scientists (the first included Elmer Werner McCollum and Marguerite Davis, and the second Thomas Osborne and colleagues) extracted from butter and chicken yolk a substance that does not dissolve in water, but behaves well in lipids. It was called "fat-soluble factor A", renaming Funk's famous "vitamin" to "water-soluble factor B". Thus, the basis of the science of vitamins was created - vitaminology, the "pioneer" of which was retinol.

The Unique Benefits of Vitamin A

"Retinol acetate", or "Vitamin A in oil", is a drug that is easy to find in every pharmacy. It has a truly miraculous effect on the human body.

This vital required component, being an antioxidant, participates in all redox reactions, reliably protecting our body from negative impact free radicals. It also plays an important role in the processes of protein synthesis, normalizes metabolism, helps to strengthen the barrier and other functions of cell and intracellular membranes.

For the musculoskeletal system, skin and hair

Vitamin A is essential for the formation bone tissue, including teeth, when renewing skin cells, hair, nails, it also significantly slows down the process of withering skin and aging in general.

Retinol is excellent in the treatment of acne, improves the condition of patients with psoriasis, stimulates the production of substances that accelerate the healing of wounds and other injuries of the dermis. Vitamin A is prescribed for diseases of the skin, nails and hair: chronic dermatosis, xeroderma (dry skin), seborrheic eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, various types lichen, hyperpigmentation of the skin, with dryness and fragility of the nail plates, with alopecia, other disorders of the growth of keratin fibers, as well as with graying of the hair.

For eye health

ABOUT beneficial effect vitamin A on visual acuity, on photoreception, on the normalization of the activity of the visual analyzer, as well as on the perception of light by our eyes has long been known. The pigments contained in beta-carotene easily penetrate the retina of the eye, protecting it from the risk of cataracts and dystrophic changes yellow spot.

To protect against infections

Vitamin A in oil, the use of which is necessary for the normalization of work immune system, prescribed by a physician complex therapy infectious diseases. Retinol not only maintains and restores the structure of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes, but also increases their barrier function. Thus, it has a beneficial effect on lung function and well complements the treatment for peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract and colitis.

Vitamin A is able to protect against infection or significantly relieve the condition of colds, flu, respiratory diseases or urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, and viral diseases: measles, smallpox and even AIDS.

What else is retinol known for?

Vitamin A in oil is widely used during pregnancy in combination with vitamin E to reduce the risk of complications and prevent the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

Retinol stimulates synthesis steroid hormones, normalizes spermatogenesis and regulates the function thyroid gland. Beta-carotene or provitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, it contributes to the prevention and complex treatment oncological diseases prevents the recurrence of the disease after surgical intervention. Fragments of vitamin A molecules (citral, cichol) are known for their antihistamine action per person.

In addition, retinol, accumulating in the liver, increases the level of glycogen in this organ, in the heart and in muscles, increasing vitality person. Vitamin A increases the concentration of essential cholesterol in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs endocrine system and endocrine glands.

Food sources of vitamin A

The leaders in the content of vitamin A are animal products, from where the human body receives them in the form of retinoids. The main favorites of this list are cod liver and fish oil.

A lot of it beneficial substance is also found in the yolk of chicken and quail eggs, in cream, whole milk, cheese, offal, animal and fish liver, sturgeon caviar, fermented milk products. in butter A, D, E and K are excellently digestible human body because they are in an ideal environment. Just 50g (although nutritionists recommend no more than 30g) of this unique product cover a third of a person's daily requirement for retinol. But butter too much high-calorie product therefore, by limiting its intake to a reasonable limit, it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin A from carotenoids. From a molecule of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, the human body is able to synthesize two molecules of retinol. Vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries of bright, “traffic light” shades are rich in carotenoids: carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spinach, peaches, broccoli, grapes, celery and parsley, sage, oats, nettle, burdock root, mint and others.

What is the cost of this miracle vitamin?

Today, in the assortment of any pharmacy you can find the "elixir of youth" - vitamin A in oil, the price for which is mere pennies. The drug from Russian manufacturers is in capsules: for 10 pcs. - 7 rubles, for 30 pcs. - 25-40 rubles, and in bottles of 50 ml of retinol acetate costs 70-100 rubles. Cosmetic foreign drugs with the addition of this unique component differ more high price- from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

How to apply vitamin A in oil?

The most common form of retinol ingestion is retinol acetate, either in oil or in capsules. The convenience of the capsules is due to the dosed amount of vitamin A, as well as the fact that the active substance does not come into contact with air due to the shell.

As you know, retinol is subject to rapid oxidation when in contact with oxygen, which significantly reduces its effect. Often in pharmacies you can find the vitamin preparation "Aevit" - a "duet" of vitamins A and E, in which tocopherol, along with nourishing the body, protects retinol from oxidation. People suffering various ailments, vitamin A in oil or "Aevit" is prescribed by a doctor. And in preventive purposes doctors recommend: children take 0.5-1 mg, adults - 1.5 mg, and pregnant women or nursing mothers - 2.0-2.5 mg. This amount can be influenced by the level physical activity, as well as the use individual products and medicines. Therefore, a doctor's consultation before ingestion of vitamin A is required!

Vitamin A in cosmetology

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of retinol for the beauty and health of the skin, the condition of nails and hair. Adding a few drops of an oil solution of retinol acetate or Aevit to a mask for the face, body or keratin fibers turns it into a real panacea that stops the process of skin aging, restoring its radiance healthy look and hair - elasticity, elasticity and natural shine.

Vitamin A in oil for the skin is a precious gift of Nature that nourishes and moisturizes it. Cosmetology widely uses retinol in anti-aging procedures: to smooth fine wrinkles, strengthen skin turgor, with hyperpigmentation and other aesthetic imperfections.

At home, just a few drops of vitamin A in oil or the Aevit preparation in a familiar mask (at the rate of 2-3 drops per 50 g of the mixture) will give your skin a well-groomed and healthy look.

Vitamin A B can be added to any mixture that does not contain acidic foods: lemon or lime juice, fermented milk drinks, sour fruits or berries. In addition, a mask with retinol should not be heated too much, but it is better to add it to a warm mass. A wonderful anti-aging effect of masks with vitamin A can be obtained if applied in evening time, before going to bed, as the process of regeneration of skin cells is activated at night.

Vitamin A in hair oil helps make hair soft and silky.

If in 20-40 ml (depending on the length of the keratin rods) burdock, olive, almond, or add 7-15 ml of vitamins A and E, respectively, or 5-10 capsules of the Aevit preparation, stir the ingredients, apply them to the hair, and then wrap your head with a compress and hold for an hour, then after a few procedures even weakened hair will delight you with its strength, healthy natural shine and amazing beauty.

Vitamin A in oil is a unique "elixir" that is ideal for healing, strengthening and rejuvenating the body. In combination with E and D, zinc, fluorine, calcium and iron, it is much better absorbed and brings maximum benefit to a person.

Hello! Of course, it would be better to ask a dermatologist about this. There is a rule: the doctor may exceed the recommended doses if the expected benefit to the patient exceeds possible harm. BUT and concerning "harm" all is not so unconditional. First, I will give the instruction: "Description and instructions for "acetate /vit.A/, solution in oil 8.6% 50ml" Description Composition oral administration contains 1 ml, respectively, 100,000 IU (3.44%) and 250,000 IU (8.60%) A, and in 1 drop from an eye dropper, respectively, 5000 and 12500 IU of vitamin A. Pharmacological action Vitamin A refers to fat-soluble vitamins. Participates in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, supports normal condition skin and epithelium of the mucous membranes, contributes to the normal adaptation of a person to the dark. Participates in mineral metabolism the process of cholesterol formation. Used as prescribed by a doctor. Indications Vitamin A is prescribed for adults and children as a prophylactic and remedy with hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis A, eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, eczematous lesions of the eyelids), skin diseases and lesions (frostbite, wounds, skin tuberculosis, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis, psoriasis, some forms of eczema, pyoderma and other inflammatory and degenerative processes). In the complex therapy of acute respiratory diseases, acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, erosive-ulcerative and inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications Hypersensitivity to vitamin A. Pregnancy (1 trimester). Gallstone disease, chronic pancreatitis. Dosing regimen daily requirement in vitamin A is 5000 IU for adults, 6600 IU for pregnant and lactating women; for children from 1 to 6 years old 3300 ME, over 7 years old 5000 ME. The highest single therapeutic dose for adults is 50,000 IU, the daily dose is 100,000 IU, for children, respectively, 5000 IU and 20,000 IU. WITH therapeutic purpose with beriberi mild and medium degree appoint adults up to 33000 ME 1 time per day (solution in oil 3.44% -6 drops; 8.60% - 2-3 drops); children over 7 years old - 5000 IU per day (1 drop of 3.44% retinol acetate solution), for eye diseases, adults are prescribed -50000-100000 IU per day (10-20 drops of 3.44% retinol acetate solution or 4-8 drops of 8.60% solution of retinol acetate per day), when prescribed per day for 50,000-100,000 IU for adults and 5,000-10,000-20,000 IU for children. The course of treatment according to the doctor's recommendation. With frostbite, burns, oil solutions of vitamin A are prescribed. After cleaning, the affected area is lubricated with a solution and covered with gauze (up to 5-6 times a day, as scarring and epithelization, the frequency of lubrication is reduced to 1 time per day). Side effects Long-term daily intake of vitamin A (100,000 IU in children, 200,000 IU in adults) can cause hypervitaminosis A intoxication. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A in adults are drowsiness, lethargy, flushing of the face, nausea, vomiting, bone pain lower extremities. Children may experience: fever, drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, skin rashes. Possible increase in pressure cerebrospinal fluid(with development in children infancy hydrocephalus and protrusion of the fontanel). Special instructions Be used with caution in acute and chronic nephritis, decompensation of cardiac activity ... "As you can see, it is indicated that for skin diseases, vitamin A can also be prescribed to children under 7 years old. I would buy a 3.44% solution. But here's the dose in 8 drops seem too big to me too, maybe the handwriting is illegible, and it actually says 3? Look, please, carefully. I'm just a pediatrician. If possible, check the dosage with the dermatologist who prescribed the treatment. Specify at the same time the duration of the course "at such high doses it shouldn't be long. Maybe a day or two internally and then externally? Good luck to you!"

A real elixir for the human body is vitamin A in oil, the scientific name of which is Retinol. It is available both in tablets and capsules, and in liquid form (directly in the form of oil). In this case, it is a light clear liquid without smell. In pharmacies, oil is sold without a prescription. However, drinking the vitamin on its own is still not recommended, it is advisable to apply for additional information to the doctor.

What is the benefit of vitamin A in oil?

In medicine, this drug has gained considerable popularity, since a solution of vitamin A is involved in various physiological processes person. Tissue regeneration, cell division, hormone production, excellent vision, immunity and bone strengthening - all this is the merit of vitamin A. Retinol is undoubtedly a lifesaver for those who suffer from skin diseases and have problems with hair on their heads (dryness, dullness , dandruff).

Vitamin A oil is applied topically to certain areas of the body. It is also used for internal use. There is not a single ophthalmologist who would not prescribe vitamin A in the form of an oil in the treatment various diseases eye. Dermatologists also widely use this drug, they usually prescribe it for burns, frostbite, dandruff on the head and other skin diseases. Scientists have determined that vitamin A in the form of oil effectively helps in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Once it was used only for the treatment of acne, and today every professional cosmetologist knows that adding a couple of drops of this oil to a face cream significantly improves the results from home care behind the skin. After all, the vitamin has anti-aging properties, strengthens capillaries, improves blood circulation. The vitamin is also useful for hair. It makes them elastic and smooth. At topical application preparations containing retinol improves the condition of the nails.

Abrasions, scratches or wounds will quickly pass when using the same vitamin A. The main thing is not to forget to regularly (4-5 times a day) lubricate areas of the body where there are such defects.

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In what cases to apply?

How to use Retinol? It exists in two forms: in oil and capsules. The advantage of capsules is that the drug does not come into contact with air, and is also already distributed in the right doses. However, the capsules are for internal use only. But vitamin A in oil is also used for external application. It can be added to absolutely all mixtures that do not contain acidic products. It should be remembered that it is categorically not recommended to heat this substance strongly. It is necessary to apply it in the form of face masks in the evening, since the active process of skin cell renewal occurs at night, when a person is resting. This is the only way to achieve maximum effect from using vitamin A in the form of a facial oil.

Dreaming of soft and silky hair, but after many expensive funds you didn't get results and just put up with it? Retinol will be your savior. The recipe is quite simple, it can be used without problems at home. For this you will need 30-50 ml olive oil. Add 10-15 ml of vitamin A and the same amount of vitamin E there. An alternative would be 7-10 capsules of Aevita, which can also be found in a pharmacy. After adding all the drugs, they should be stirred, then the vitamin A solution can be applied to the hair. Hair should be wrapped thick cloth in other words, make a compress. This compress should be held for an hour and then thoroughly washed hair. After a couple of procedures, they will delight you with their brilliance and irresistible beauty.

There is another effective mask for hair based on mustard, burdock oil and, of course, it contains vitamin A oil. Take one tablespoon of burdock oil and mix with three tablespoons of mustard powder, add three tablespoons warm water, a spoonful of vitamin A and one yolk. Mix the ingredients and rub into the hair roots, then put on a hat for 1.5 hours. This mask helps to strengthen hair, reduces the risk of hair loss, reduces brittleness and dryness.

Externally, an oily solution of vitamin A can be used for frostbite or burns. To do this, apply the solution to the area of ​​frostbitten or burned skin, then cover with a gauze bandage. Initially, the solution should be applied 6-7 times a day, after the wound begins to dry out and scars appear, the frequency should be reduced to once a day.

Do you have acne problems? By using various masks, which include vitamin A in the form of oil, you will forget about them. There are many combinations to create effective remedy from acne. With aloe (face cream + 15 drops of vitamin A in the form of oil + a teaspoon of aloe), olive oil (vitamin A in the form of oil + a spoonful of olive oil), herbs (chamomile decoction + vitamin A in the form of oil).

Retinol oil solution and its application

Vitamin A (retinol) is available in different pharmacological forms: tablets, capsules and liquid form (oil).

Retinol in oil is intended for topical and internal use.

Retinol on oil based is a clear liquid, bad smell and taste.

The color can be from light yellow to dark yellow. Vitamin preparation released in pharmacies without a prescription. But, despite this, it should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Vitamin A in any form of release has a positive effect on the body. Without this biologically active compound, the exchange of organic substances is impossible. The role of the component is also great for the exchange of minerals.

Retinol is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes, prevents the formation of cholesterol. In case of insufficiency, the ability to adapt to conditions is impaired. poor lighting. Based on this fact, one can judge the importance of vitamin A for the functioning of the organs of vision.

The main indication for the use of oil-based retinol is its absence or shortage in the body. In ophthalmology, vitamin A is actively used to treat eye diseases: retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, eczematous lesions of the eyelids and other pathologies.

Since retinol is important for skin health. it is used to treat skin diseases, recovery after burns, frostbite. Retinol is also effective in the fight against acute respiratory infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Vitamin A in the form of an oil solution is prescribed for erosive and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

About contraindications and methods of application

  • hypersensitivity of the body to retinol;
  • the first three months of pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • kidney failure.

It is prescribed with caution in alcoholism. In childhood and old age, it is used under medical supervision. The daily requirement for vitamin A in adults is 5000 IU, in children - 3300-5000 IU, depending on age and weight.

A lactating woman should receive about 6600 IU of the component daily. The maximum single therapeutic dose is 50,000 IU. The amount of vitamin consumed per day should not exceed 100,000 IU. Indicators for children are 5000 and 20000 IU, respectively.

Available in 3.44% and 8.6% retinol acetate oil solution. The minimum volume of a vial is 10 ml, the maximum is 200 ml. Each package is accompanied by instructions for familiarization with the drug.

The therapeutic dose for adults with beriberi is no more than 33,000 IU per day. This corresponds to 11 drops of a 3.44% solution or 4-5 drops of an 8.6% solution. In the treatment of diseases of the eyes and skin, up to 100,000 IU per day is prescribed. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

The oil solution is also used for intramuscular injection. Often, injections are prescribed separately with oral administration. There is pain at the injection site. Ampoules contain 1 ml of solution. Their contents are used for external use.

Possible side effects:

  • headache;
  • the appearance of drowsiness, lethargy;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stool disorder.

If the instructions were followed, then the risk of side effects is reduced to a minimum.

Outdoor use

For frostbite and burns, the oil solution is applied topically. It is applied to the affected area after cleaning. After lubrication with the agent, gauze must be applied. The procedure at the beginning of treatment is repeated 5-6 times a day. As the scar forms and heals, the frequency of lubrication is reduced to 1 time.

Vitamin A prevents skin aging. Once in cosmetic practice, vitamin was used only as an anti-acne remedy. But the anti-aging properties of the component were discovered. Based on this, cosmetics companies began to produce creams with vitamin A. Tocopherol acetate in pure form oxidizes quickly. Now in production cosmetics its molecules are placed inside a liquid crystal.

With age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin slows down. As a result, skin cells die. It will take 28 days to fully update them. Retinol speeds up this process. small capillaries strengthened, blood circulation improves.

The vitamin is also good for hair. It makes them elastic and smooth. With topical application of preparations containing retinol, the condition of the nails improves.

How does retinol interact with other substances?

At joint application preparations with calcium, the effect of the use of the mineral is weakened. The risk of developing hypercalcemia increases. Mineral oils, neomycin, colestipol reduce the absorption of retinol.

oral hormonal contraceptives contribute to an increase in the concentration of vitamin in the blood. Increased chance of developing intracranial hypertension with simultaneous use antibacterial drugs groups of tetracyclines.

Tocopherol reduces toxicity and prevents the deposition of vitamin A in the liver. But high doses of the "vitamin of youth" can reduce the amount of retinol in the body. With zinc deficiency, the component does not turn into a biologically active form.

The most effective is the simultaneous internal and external use of vitamin A. If side effects appear, it is recommended to stop using the funds. Periodic application of retinol to the skin and hair is the way to beauty and health!

  • Which solution of vitamin A in oil to prefer - retinol acetate or retinol palmitate, and whether one of them is really poorly absorbed by the body;
  • With what problems and diseases, vitamin A preparations can greatly help our body;
  • How vitamin A oil solution can significantly improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, and about what important nuance you should know when using the drug externally;
  • What dosages are the norm, and which ones are critically high;
  • Names of preparations with a solution of vitamin A, specially intended for cosmetic use;
  • And also find out in which cases it is better not to use an oil solution of vitamin A at all ...

Generally speaking, the main form of vitamin A preparations is liquid solution in oil. Another thing is that this solution can be packaged in different ways: in small glass vials, gelatin capsules or even glass ampoules.

And here aqueous solutions Vitamin A - retinol acetate or retinol palmitate - you will not find on sale, because these compounds are among the so-called fat-soluble substances, and do not dissolve in water.

On a note

Accordingly, it makes no sense to try to dissolve an oily solution of vitamin A in a glass of water - droplets of the drug will simply float to the surface of the solution and will not dissolve.

Vitamin A in oil is used in in large numbers therapeutic situations, and it is used both internally and externally.

As a rule, oil solutions of retinol acetate and palmitate are commercially available in 10, 20 and 50 ml bottles. Usually in such a solution, vitamin A is contained in the form of retinol acetate, less often in the form of palmitate.

A natural question may arise: what, in fact, is better - retinol acetate or palmitate? Is there any significant difference in their properties and are these different ones of the same benefit? chemical structure and the composition of the substance is carried to the body?

So: when it enters the body, both of these compounds are cleaved with the release of the same active substance(retinol). Therefore, both retinol acetate and retinol palmitate are used in medicine as equivalent drugs, although the dosages required to obtain the same amount active substance, will differ:

  • 1 milligram of retinol acetate corresponds to 2907 IU of vitamin A;
  • 1 milligram of retinol palmitate corresponds to 1817 IU of vitamin A.

This is interesting

Retinol acetate was originally produced for the needs of veterinary medicine, and palmitate - specifically for public health. However, the production of retinol palmitate is more expensive and, accordingly, less profitable, therefore, preparations in the form of acetate are more often on sale. For the end consumer, there is not much difference, although there is a common misconception that, they say, retinol acetate is an inactive form and is almost not absorbed by the body, while palmitate is maximally active. Actually this is a myth.

Properties and indications for the use of vitamin A oil solution

Vitamin A in oil has the same effect on the human body as natural sources of this beneficial substance. In this case, the oil plays only the role of a more or less inert carrier for the dissolved vitamin.

So, retinol takes part in a number of important biochemical processes and body functions:

  • Reliable functioning of the immune system - vitamin A not only inhibits the activity of free radicals and has an antioxidant effect, but also stimulates the synthesis of immune system cells;
  • The work of the organs of vision. Vitamin A is necessary for the synthesis of the rhodopsin pigment contained in the photosensitive cells of the retina of the eye (with a lack of vitamin A, the inability to see at dusk develops - night blindness). In addition, retinol protects the eyes from the development of such serious illnesses like cataracts and macular degeneration;
  • Regulation of metabolism - vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of proteins and hormones in the body, as well as in some energy reactions;
  • Formation and growth of the skeleton, support for the musculoskeletal system as a whole;
  • Production of hormones and maintenance of spermatogenesis in men;
  • Protection blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

Given the above properties of vitamin A, it becomes clear why taking its oily solution is often prescribed for treatment and prevention in the following cases:

  • eye diseases;
  • weakened immunity (both seasonal or chronic, and caused by any disease);
  • disorders in the development of the skeleton in children;
  • atherosclerosis and other arterial diseases;
  • skin diseases, including such serious ones as dermatoses, ichthyosis and red hair lichen;
  • disorders digestive tract;
  • consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • depression and some diseases of the nervous system.

Vitamin A is also sometimes prescribed for multiple pregnancy. Its use in cosmetology is no less known - let's look at this point in more detail.

Vitamin A solution in cosmetology

IN cosmetic purposes vitamin A oil solution is very convenient to use. Today, capsules with a liquid solution of vitamin A inside are also widely used for these purposes - they are pierced with a needle to extract the solution.

For example, liquid vitamin And in oil it is used:

  • As part of shampoos to strengthen hair and improve the scalp (retinol provides normalization metabolic processes and improved hair nutrition). To do this, a solution of vitamin A is simply added to any shampoo;
  • As a component of various masks - both for the face and for the head: vitamin A improves skin nutrition, softens it, eliminates fine wrinkles, and ensures overall tenderness and softness of the skin. In addition, due to the antioxidant activity, retinol provides prevention of the development age spots and coarsening of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • In homemade lotions and creams for the skin of all parts of the body;
  • And also an oil solution of vitamin A is contained in many well-known cosmetics from famous brands - Nivea, BIOMATRIX, Klapp, BeautyMed, etc.

However, it should be borne in mind that all methods of external use of vitamin A in cosmetology have one main disadvantage - the low absorption of retinol with this use. The best route for retinol to enter the body is through the stomach. But through the skin, even with diligent rubbing, only a tiny amount of a useful substance penetrates into the cells, and one cannot count on a pronounced healing and protective effect from such an amount.

Thus, in most cases, much more pronounced effect can be obtained by taking vitamin A preparations orally in combination with local external application.

On a note

If you want to improve the condition of your nails, then adjusting your diet to normalize your vitamin A intake or using a vitamin A preparation in oil will be much more beneficial. the best option than just smearing nails from the surface with various homemade creams and masks. The ideal structure of the nail should be formed directly at the time of growth of its cells.

In addition, at serious problems with nails, skin or hair, it is very useful to first consult a doctor, since the cause of the problem can be far from only a lack of any vitamin.

It is important to remember: no matter for what purpose vitamin A in oil is purchased, it is always useful to consult a doctor before using it. Retinol preparations have their own contraindications, and their independent thoughtless use can be fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

Retinol acetate and the rules for its use

Today, in pharmacies, retinol acetate is most often available in either 10-ml bottles or 50-ml bottles. The drug is produced by many companies and vitamin factories: Russian Polisintez and Polisan, Ukrainian Technolog and Kiev Vitamin Factory, as well as many European enterprises. At the same time, regardless of the manufacturer, the composition of the preparations is almost the same, and the difference between them lies only in solvents - different vegetable oils can play its role.

On a note

Accordingly, if you are allergic to the drug, you can sometimes try to find retinol acetate on sale from another manufacturer - in some cases this solves the problem.

The daily dose of retinol acetate oil solution depends on the specific medical case.

The daily requirement for retinol in an adult is 3000 IU. 1 ml of a 3.44% solution of retinol acetate contains 100,000 IU of the active substance. One drop of this solution contains approximately 3000 IU of the vitamin and can be recommended for prophylactic administration once a day.

On a note

Often used in the treatment of diseases increased dosages drug. However, it must be kept in mind that the highest daily dose retinol acetate for adults is no more than 100,000 IU, and for children - no more than 20,000 IU.

For treatment various diseases doses and the schedule of taking the drug are prescribed only by a doctor. In the treatment of particularly complex eye diseases and some dermatoses, up to 100,000 IU daily are prescribed, but with such therapy, the course of treatment should be constantly monitored by a specialist.

average price for a 10-ml bottle of retinol acetate today, depending on the manufacturer and method of implementation, from 30 to 50 rubles.

“Six months ago I started adding vitamin A to masks. At first I fooled around with capsules, then I just bought a bottle and started pouring from it. It's called retinol acetate. With it, the skin condition is definitely getting better: it has become softer, cleaner, does not get oily so quickly. For six months, I noticed that several age spots on my cheeks had gone, fine wrinkles seemed to straighten slightly ... "

Svetlana, Posad-Pokrovskoye

A few words about retinol palmitate

According to its properties, retinol palmitate is almost identical to acetate. It is usually used inside - for the treatment of vitamin A vitamin deficiency, diseases of the eyes and skin, colds, rickets, diseases of the digestive tract, as well as for preventive purposes.

It is recommended to drink it early in the morning or late in the evening after meals. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, up to 5000 IU for children and up to 33,000 IU for adults are prescribed. In the treatment of skin diseases, adults can be prescribed up to 300,000 IU per day, and in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases, up to 50,000 IU.

The cost of the drug is about 250-350 rubles per 50 ml bottle.

Retinol Care by BioMatrix

BioMatrix Retinol Care is an oily vitamin A preparation from a French cosmetics company designed to effectively renew skin cells and slow down the aging process. It is applied to the skin both independently and as part of creams and lotions.

Produced in the form of ampoules of 2 ml each. It is sold either in one ampoule, the price of which is about 150 rubles, or in 10 ampoules for 1200 rubles.

“…Tried Klapp, BioMatrix, simple retinol palmitate. I liked BioMatrix the most, the skin is generally magical after it. Plain palmitate is also good and cheaper. But in the end, I settled on BioMatrix and do one mask a week with it.

Inna, Ivanovo

Vitamin A preparations from Klapp

The German cosmetics company Klapp produces a whole line of vitamin A skin care products:

  • vitamin A concentrate for skin treatment;
  • face serum Klapp A Classic Revital Serum;
  • Klapp A Classic Retinol Pure facial emulsion designed to care for the eyelids, lips and skin under the eyes.

These preparations contain exactly liquid vitamin A in an oil solution. In addition, Klapp produces a whole series of creams with vitamin A for the care of the eyelids, as well as the skin of the face and neck.

BeautyMed: anti-aging serum with vitamin A

This drug is intended for external application and care for dry, aging skin. According to the manufacturer, it is especially useful for fighting wrinkles: with regular use of serum, an improvement is noted. appearance skin, normalize water balance in cells.

The cost of the product is about 5000 rubles for 4 bottles of 6 ml each.

Contraindications and possible side effects when taking vitamin A

Ideally, of course, all products with vitamin A should be prescribed only by a doctor. And if, with the external use of retinol preparations, a certain initiative is still acceptable (since side effects are almost never observed with such use), then when using the agent inside, it is necessary to remember about possible contraindications And side effects.

Here are just a few of the contraindications:

  • drugs are not recommended to be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • contraindications are cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, nephritis;
  • vitamin A is used with caution in heart failure;
  • vitamin A products do not interact well with tetracyclines, and it is better not to combine these drugs.

On a note

There is also an opinion that in heavy smokers, vitamin A preparations significantly increase the risk of malignant tumors.

Side effects of vitamin A (as well as overdose) may include lethargy and muscle weakness, indigestion and fever. At infants with a constant excess of the amount of vitamin A consumed, hydrocephalus can develop.

Therefore, the amounts in which a solution of vitamin A is used must be agreed with the doctor, and if possible it is better to do natural sources this beneficial substance. You can read about which foods contain the most vitamin A in the article:

An interesting video about the importance of vitamin A for health and its dangers in some cases...

An example of preparing a hair mask based on oils, including vitamin A

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