Disease of the gastrointestinal tract what. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract symptoms and treatment. Anatomy and structure of the digestive system

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a widespread group of diseases. It includes the pathology of the digestive apparatus from the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus to the anal sphincter. The increase in the incidence in this group is provoked by errors in nutrition, the use of food containing preservatives and flavorings. The ubiquity of such disorders brought diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to a leading position. After 30 years, ¼ of the population suffers from one or more diseases of the digestive tract.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract differ in causes, localization, methods of treatment and other signs. There are many organs that make up the digestive system, and there are just as many manifestations of their diseases. Pathology of the digestive system can be suspected if the following signs are detected:

  • Stomach ache. This symptom can occur in any part of the abdomen, radiate to the groin, chest, etc. Most often, pain is localized in the projection of the organ in which the pathological process has developed. Pain may be mild or intense. The nature of the pain varies from dull, pulling to cramping, spastic. Pain can be caused by food (for gastric ulcer) or its absence (duodenal ulcer).
  • Belching. The release of gases from the stomach into the oral cavity can accompany not only gastrointestinal disease (gastritis, GERD, etc.), but also neurological changes (aerophagia).
  • Heartburn. Heat, burning and burning behind the sternum occur when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. In this case, GERD occurs - gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which is caused by acid-dependent diseases.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Occur both in the presence of an infectious component in the development of the disease, and in chronic diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.). If blood or blood clots appear in the vomit, this is a sign of bleeding.
  • Flatulence. Increased gas formation or insufficient evacuation of gas from the intestines leads to bloating, a feeling of fullness. This symptom can occur with dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis and many other diseases. It can be provoked by eating foods high in fiber, legumes, soda and coffee.
  • Diarrhea. Rapid loose stools are observed when there is a violation of the production of enzymes, with insufficient digestion of food, when it moves too quickly through the intestines, when a large amount of mucus is released, etc. Diarrhea can be caused by pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.
  • Constipation. Irregular bowel movements can occur with colitis, colorectal cancer, and may be the result of surgical treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Melena. Black stools with a semi-liquid consistency are a sign of bleeding. It can occur both in peptic ulcer disease and in oncological diseases.
  • Unusual taste in the mouth. A bitter or sour taste can indicate biliary dyskinesia, gastritis, GERD, etc.
  • Bad breath. It can be observed both in diseases of the liver and stomach.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Weakness, dizziness, pallor of the skin.
  • Cough in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is quite rare. It is unproductive, dry, and is not relieved by conventional respiratory preparations. Cough occurs reflexively, with irritation of the reflexogenic zones of the gastrointestinal tract.

These symptoms occur alone or in combination with each other. The diagnostic search begins with the analysis of their manifestation.

Disease prevention

It is possible to prevent the development of a disease of the digestive system or its exacerbation. For this you need:

Due to the fact that the list of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract includes different pathologies, they are treated with different, sometimes opposite means.

  • The diet for most diseases consists of a balanced diet, including chemically, thermally and physically sparing food. Soups, cereals, steam cutlets, boiled, grilled, stewed, chopped and boiled are the basis of the menu for patients with gastrointestinal pathology. In acute pancreatitis, a starvation diet is recommended. With diarrhea, the menu is dominated by rice, jelly and chokeberry. With constipation, the proportion of vegetables, fruits and vegetable oil increases. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, fatty, fried, spicy, spicy, seasonings, sauces, fast food, canned food, sausages and semi-finished products are excluded from the diet.
  • Plants used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there are more than a hundred items. They are prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the diagnosis.
  • Mineral water.
  • Medications.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • Surgery.

The active rhythm of life, frequent stress and poor environmental conditions lead to the fact that the human gastrointestinal tract suffers in the first place. It performs an important function that saturates the body with useful substances. Therefore, in case of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a specialist and, if necessary, undergo a therapeutic course.

Anatomy and structure of the digestive system

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a complex of organs that take part in the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients by the body. The length of the digestive tract is at least 9 meters, it originates in the oral cavity and ends with the anal ring. The main parts of the gastrointestinal tract include:

  • mouth and throat;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • intestines.

Functions performed by the digestive tract

The structure of the human gastrointestinal tract includes many stages, each of which performs certain actions in the process of digesting food. The main responsibilities of the GIT include:

  • Motor-mechanical activity. Food is broken down, moves through the esophagus and is excreted from the body.
  • Secretory task. Proper and complete digestion occurs with the help of enzymes, bile and gastric juice.
  • suction function. Allows the body to absorb the necessary elements from food.

Features of blood flow during digestion

The functions of the gastrointestinal tract directly depend on the activity of the blood supply to the digestive organs.

The functions of the human gastrointestinal tract directly depend on the activity of the nutrition of the organs. After eating food, blood flow to the esophagus increases, but only in those departments that are involved in the process of digestion. Over time, the flow of blood increases even more and remains in an elevated state for 7 hours. This is due to the amount of food consumed and its chemical composition. After digestion and assimilation of the necessary elements, the blood flow in the digestive tract decreases.

Role of nerves in food digestion

Under conditions of parasymptomatic and symptomatic innervation, the activity of the digestive department of the body is regulated. The anatomy of the placement of nerves leads to the fact that in the first case there is an increase in the functioning of the digestive tract, and in the second there is a decrease in the level of digestion. In this case, the nerve signal conduction circuit involves 2-3 neurons, which are responsible for excitation or inhibition of the digestion process.

Violations in one system that controls the process leads to a breakdown in the functions of digestion.

The main diseases of the digestive department

Gastritis is a common disease of the digestive tract.

Different parts of the gastrointestinal tract react differently to irritants, so there are many different pathologies, among which are considered common:

  • Gastritis of various origins. A healthy stomach has a solid layer of mucous membrane, which, under the influence of irritants, begins to collapse.
  • Colitis. The disease affects the intestinal area and leads to inflammation of its walls. If the pathology is not treated, then profuse bleeding can develop and provoke a threat to human life.
  • Viral hepatitis. The affected area falls on the filter of the human body, i.e. the liver. Usually they are provoked by various viruses that penetrate the body.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. A chronic form of the disease, which leads to the inevitable death of the patient.
  • Ulcer. The integrity of the tissues of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is broken, which can lead to life-threatening complications.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In this case, there is a change in the normal intestinal microflora, which leads to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cholecystitis. The gallbladder is affected, which leads to painful manifestations, nausea, vomiting.
  • Appendicitis. The appendix of the caecum becomes inflamed, while the symptoms depend on the form of the disease.

What causes indigestion in the digestive system?

Frequent overeating can provoke an upset in the digestive system.

The normal functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted due to such factors:

  • Unhealthy diet. Frequent overeating or fasting, not systematic in eating, a fast rhythm of food absorption, as well as an imbalance in products leads to the development of various problems in the digestive system.
  • Low level of ecology. It directly affects the quality of consumed products and water, which irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
  • Bad addictions. Nicotine and alcohol do not contribute to the maintenance of healthy microflora in the body.
  • Medicines. It is necessary to take drugs carefully, since they directly affect the digestive tract.
  • Genetics. If relatives have deviations in digestion, then you need to pay special attention to your health.
  • Poor sanitation. Cooking requires compliance with a number of rules that avoid the entry of harmful microorganisms into the body.
  • endocrine disorders. They can also lead to serious gastrointestinal disturbances.

Symptoms characteristic of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Heartburn is a common symptom of acidity in the digestive tract.

Unpleasant manifestations develop quite brightly, so it will not be difficult to suspect deviations in the work of the digestive system. The general range of features includes:

  • Pain. It can develop as a result of increased bowel function or with the development of an ulcer.
  • Heartburn. It is one of the most common symptoms of hyperacidity. The sensation spreads through the esophagus and is accompanied by a lump or a bursting sensation.
  • Pain behind the sternum. They indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and are also similar to symptoms of cardiovascular abnormalities.
  • Belching. If a person has a sick stomach or duodenum, then unpleasant gas emissions are felt.
  • Dysphagia. The swallowing reflex does not work properly, which leads to the penetration of food into the nose or trachea.
  • Nausea. It is often observed with the development of gastritis or ulcers, as well as poor bowel function.
  • Flatulence. In the peritoneum, heaviness and swelling are observed, which are accompanied by attacks of painful sensations.
  • Problem chair. This includes problematic bowel movements and diarrhea, indicating the development of dysbacteriosis, ulcers or pancreatitis.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

FEGDS allows you to identify pathologies of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

With the development of unpleasant symptoms, a person is recommended to seek help from a specialist in order to identify deviations at an early stage of development. The functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are checked using the following methods:

  • FEGDS. Allows you to study the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and features of the duodenum 12. The technique is able to identify pathologies such as esophagitis, gastritis, ulcers.
  • Colonoscopy. It is used when establishing the causes that provoked problems in the colon.
  • Radiography. It is usually performed after the introduction of a barium solution into the esophagus, which does not affect the health of the patient.
  • capsule endoscopy. The patient swallows the capsule, which contains the chamber and moves along the entire path of the digestive system. The device allows you to identify deviations of the stomach and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract without discomfort.

The gastrointestinal tract includes organs that carry out the mechanical and chemical processing of food, the absorption of water and nutrients into the blood or lymph, and the removal of undigested residues from the body.

Symptoms of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract


The esophagus is a muscular tube 22-30 cm long, which is located between the pharynx and stomach. The esophagus is covered with a mucous membrane, under which there are glands that moisten food as it passes into the stomach. Promotion of food occurs due to wave-like contractions of the walls of the esophagus.


The stomach is an organ of the gastrointestinal tract that is capable of stretching and is located between the esophagus and the duodenum. The stomach is connected to the esophagus by the cardia, and to the duodenum by the pylorus. Inside the stomach is covered with a mucous membrane, the glands of which produce enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucus.

In the stomach, food is mixed and digested under the influence of gastric juice, which contains the enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid. These substances turn food into chyme, a partially digested semi-liquid mass, which then enters the duodenum.

Small intestine

The length of the small intestine reaches 4.5 m. It occupies most of the abdominal cavity, located in the form of loops, and is divided into the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. It is in the small intestine that most of the digestion and absorption takes place. The first section of the small intestine - the duodenum starts from the pylorus and reaches the jejunum. It receives bile from the gallbladder and juice from the pancreas.

In the walls of the duodenum there are glands that secrete an alkaline secret, which protects the duodenum from the acidic chyme that enters it from the stomach. The second section of the small intestine - the jejunum is about two-fifths of its length and connects the duodenum and ileum. The movement of digested food in the small intestine occurs due to transverse and longitudinal contractions of the muscles of its walls.


From the small intestine, food enters the large intestine, the length of which is 1.5 m. The large intestine begins with the caecum, from which a process leaves - the appendix. Intestine - The main part of the large intestine - the colon consists of four sections: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid. The large intestine absorbs water, electrolytes and fiber. At the end of the large intestine is the rectum, where undigested food collects. The rectum starts from the sigmoid colon and ends with the anus, through which feces are excreted from the body.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract - what is it? Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a syndrome characterized by a violation of the movement of intestinal contents due to a mechanical obstruction or functional dysmotility.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are becoming more and more common. The active way of life of a modern person often does not leave time for the calm consumption of wholesome food. Fast food snacking has reached the level of a significant problem.

Stress and ecology, regular use of antibiotics with subsequent dysbacteriosis complete what was started by malnutrition, and as a result, a person begins to get sick: the organs cannot withstand the harsh attack of adverse factors.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract significantly rejuvenated. Gastritis has become a mass phenomenon even in primary and secondary school, a significant part of children of different ages suffer from dysbacteriosis. As a result, such serious diseases of the digestive tract as colitis of various origins develop, problems with the pancreas begin, which leads to a predisposition to diabetes mellitus.

That is why diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be detected and treated in time before they begin to take a chronic form.

Symptoms and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Knowing the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and you can think about treatment. The symptomatology is quite rich, paying attention to its features, you can not only confidently contact the doctors, but also take care of more proper nutrition, regimen and other therapeutic and preventive measures.

Symptoms of housing diseases include:

The “top” of the abdomen is occupied by the epigastric region and hypochondria (right and left, respectively). This is a kind of arc, the pain on which is characteristic of colitis, an inflammatory process in the lower esophagus, fundic gastritis, stomach expansion and the initial stage of food poisoning.

If vomiting also joins this symptom, then it is appropriate to assume that this is an ulcer, but it is difficult to determine in the stomach or in the duodenum. In addition, it is also characteristic of intestinal obstruction.

In the right hypochondrium is the liver and, located under it, the gallbladder. Severe pain and colic usually come from them. A similar feeling on the left is inherent in gastritis (especially in tandem with nausea and its consequences), acute pancreatitis and other digestive diseases.

The middle of the abdomen is reserved for mesogastrium. In the navel area, the concentration of pain is associated with impaired intestinal functions. This may be inflammation of the small intestine, enteritis, Crohn's disease, etc.

At the same level, only on the right, pain is assigned to hepatitis, and on the left - to ulcerative colitis, inflammation of polyps and problems with the colon.

Hypogastrium, he is the lowest "level" of the abdomen. Pain in his area rarely indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. More often it comes from the bladder or genitals. But on the right is appendicitis, it can make itself felt in this place, as well as intestinal infections with diseases of the caecum. The left iliac space contains the sigmoid colon, which can become inflamed and painful. It is also appropriate to assume dysentery.

  1. Symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract help to make the correct diagnosis.
  2. During the initial examination, palpation and listening to the patient, percussion (tapping) are performed.
  3. The history of the disease itself is not enough. Having established, according to the patient, the symptoms of housing and communal services, treatment does not begin without various types of laboratory and instrumental studies (probing, pH-metry, gastrography and manometry). At the same time, it is important not only to determine the disease, but also its root cause, since only its elimination can completely restore the health of the patient.
  4. Radiation diagnostics - ultrasound, X-ray, scintigraphy, is used by a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

The treatment itself, depending on the result, can be conservative or surgical. With the conservative treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drug treatment is provided, the appointment of various diets, physiotherapy exercises, homeopathic methods can be used.

Sometimes the disease requires surgery. In such cases, the patient is prepared for surgery by restricting food and drink, and if necessary, enemas are given. After an operable intervention, a recovery course is carried out, the main methods of which are the use of antiseptics and antibiotics and strict adherence to prescribed diets.

Features of the treatment of certain diseases of the housing and communal services

Separately, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, their symptoms and treatment are singled out, since such diseases are neglected and require a long-term serious approach from the doctor and the patient himself.

Common among patients are:

  • Chronic colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require the attention of a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist. In addition, they very often proceed similarly to other, non-infectious diseases.

Common triggers are:

  1. Bacteria:
  • Typhoid fever.
  • Salmonella.
  • Cholera.
  • Bacterial toxin - botulism.
  • Staphylococcus.
  • Viruses:
    • Rotavirus.
    • Enterovirus.

    The treatment of such diseases is not only the task of destroying the infection, but also the elimination of dehydration of the body, and later a long work to restore the natural microflora.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children are characterized by an acute course and severe tolerability. They are usually accompanied by severe weakness, rapid dehydration, high fever, and extreme nervousness.

    Often the disease is accompanied by blurred symptoms. According to statistics, the incidence is characterized by bursts of two age peaks, which depend on age and occur at 5-6 years old, 10-11 years old, and are explained by the physiological and social distinctive features of age.

    Can hurt:

    Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Diet in diseases of the housing and communal services is almost crucial during the recovery period and important during treatment.

    Its violations can provoke a relapse of the violation.

    1. No. 1. Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with exacerbation of peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis and recovery from acute gastritis. Allows you to normalize the activity of the stomach, its peristalsis, protecting the mucous membranes and providing normal nutrition for the body.
    2. The food includes yesterday's bread (white), soups with heavily boiled cereals seasoned with butter or a mixture of milk and eggs. Meat, fish must be obtained in a ground form - steam cutlets, meatballs are suitable, it is possible to bake with vegetables. Boil or bake vegetables, use non-acidic dairy products fat-free. Drink lightly brewed tea, juices, cocoa, rose hips.
    3. No. 1a) for the same diseases is indicated for the first four days of treatment. A sparing diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to quickly heal ulcers, resist inflammatory processes, and is indicated if you have to comply with bed rest. All food is consumed grated, liquid or gruel, pre-boiled or steamed. There are temperature restrictions: + 60-15 degrees. Feeding process according to the crushed principle, the last feed is warm milk. Fermented milk products, vegetables are excluded, but cereals, eggs and meat without fat are suitable. Berries as part of decoctions, juices, jelly or jellies.
    4. No. 2b) with the subsidence of the course of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis with high acidity. Less strict than #1a), it allows non-acid grated cottage cheese, white breadcrumbs, thinly sliced, grated vegetables.
    5. No. 2 is indicated for chronic colitis, enterocolitis and gastritis with high acidity. In addition, with concomitant diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract and liver. Temperature-limiting products are excluded; fried products are suitable if a hard crust has not formed after such processing. Yesterday's bread, inedible pastries, meat and fish are not fatty, vegetables and fruits are ripe even at the end of the heat treatment.
    6. No. 3 is designed to improve bowel activity in its chronic problems. Food is fractional, 5-6 times daily. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. honey with a glass of water. For the evening, dried fruits, kefir. Any bread, but yesterday's baking. Food will heal by boiling or steaming, vegetables are allowed raw. Weak tea, instant coffee, all other drinks are allowed, except for alcoholic and sweet waters.
    7. No. 4 - a diet for diseases of the housing and communal services, with diarrhea. The task is to reduce the number of inflammatory processes, to reduce the development of fermentation and putrefaction in the organs of the housing and communal services. For this purpose, chemical and physical components that can affect the mucous membrane are limited: grated, boiled or steamed food, white bread, can be slightly dried. Meat and fish of low-fat varieties, passed through a meat grinder several times. Soups and broths, non-acidic cottage cheese, immediately after cooking. Eggs can occasionally be soft-boiled. Cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Drink decoctions of quince, dogwood, bird cherry, tea and black coffee.
    8. No. 4b) is prescribed after exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases, improvement of acute diseases. Recipes for dietary nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in such cases include minced meat and fish without fat, fermented milk (without strong acid) products, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal in a well-boiled version. From vegetables, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower are recommended. Drinks according to the diet option number 1. All food is boiled or cooked in a double boiler, grated or chopped.
    9. No. 4c) - a diet for diseases of the housing and communal services, the purpose of which is to ensure sufficient nutrition of the body with incomplete functioning of the intestinal tract. It is used for recovery after acute intestinal diseases and a period of remission after an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Eat food in 5-6 sittings. Yesterday's bread can be dried fresh, but a small amount of dry cookies is allowed. Baking without muffin, no more than a couple of uses per week. Soups, meat with a minimum amount of fat, are allowed not only chopped, but also a whole piece. All dairy products with a limited amount of fat, mild cheeses. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat groats are well boiled. Raw fruits - apples, pears, watermelon, oranges and grapes, peeled. Vegetables on diet No. 4b). Drink diluted juices in half with cooled boiling water, milk is added to the usual drinks, but not cream.
    10. Dietary table No. 5 for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is intended during the recovery period after exacerbation in chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, recovery after acute cholecystitis and hepatitis, gallstones and liver cirrhosis. Recipes for such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include food from a double boiler, boiled, stewed and baked. Only high-fiber foods and tough meats are ground. Nasty pastries with various savory and not spicy fillings. Soups with milk, vegetables, cereals, pasta. Baked meat is allowed without a crust. The dairy group is represented by low-fat cottage cheese and milk. Raw vegetables and fruits are allowed, as long as they are not acidic. The patient prefers sweet dishes, then sweeteners are used instead of part of the sugar. Diet drinks No. 4c).

    Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

    It is much easier and painless to avoid the disease instead of treating it. Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract includes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle:

    Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in children follows the same rules, but more attention is paid to the diet and the quality of the dishes prepared. In addition to fried foods, children are limited to the consumption of spicy, too hot or cold foods, sour and sweet.

    It is very important to teach children to always wash their hands before eating, not to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, to spend money on school breakfasts in the canteen, and not on hot dogs. In addition, categorically exclude products that contain harmful dyes and preservatives, sweet water, unnatural seasonings.

    Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    During the rehabilitation period for diseases of the housing and communal services, physiotherapy exercises (LCF) and herbal medicine are widely used. Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract helps to improve blood circulation, restore motor functionality, strengthen the muscles of the press and improve the body in general.

    Indications for exercise are diseases:

    • Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers
    • Colitis and enterocolitis
    • Splanchnoptosis
    • Diaphragm hernia
    • Biliary dyskinesia.

    Exercises consist of tilts in different directions, turns, work of the press and legs. In particular, the legs work in the prone position for extension, flexion, crossing, lifting, breeding.

    With colitis with a tendency to constipation, there are many relaxation exercises, in the case of intestinal atony - with a greater load and the use of power complexes.

    A prerequisite for performing exercises is the state of 2 hours after eating. In addition, calm walking on level ground, swimming and bathing are recommended. Loads are carefully dosed, raised gradually. For some diseases, a special massage is prescribed, capturing certain areas.

    Separately, exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract uses breathing exercises that help not only restore the body as a whole, but also organize proper blood circulation in all problem areas of the human body.

    In order to get advice or join a therapeutic gymnastics group, you need to contact a physiotherapist, a specialist in the recovery of patients after diseases of the housing and communal services, or a coach in therapeutic gymnastics.

    If the patient is going to use any complex on their own, it is necessary to first get a consultation from a specialist who will take into account not only the general diagnosis of the patient. But also his current state.

    Herbal medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is indicated, since the patient's body is usually weakened, and freely selected fees can quickly fill human organs with nutrients without damaging the painful areas of the housing and communal services.

    Various infusions, decoctions and juices will help you quickly get rid of beriberi, anemia, they are instantly absorbed and at the same time additionally treat diseases, acting gently and accurately.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract respond well enough to treatment, and even the most difficult problems can often be cured. This is possible only if the patient and the doctor actively cooperate, the patient strictly follows the doctor's recommendations and fulfills all prescriptions even after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

    Diets and LCF can only be a good help in recovery, and not an opportunity for self-treatment.

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