Why does he cramp his legs and arms at night? Cramps of legs and arms. Treatment with folk remedies Why cramps in the legs and arms

The feeling that the muscle has cramped is familiar to almost every person. In this case, they say that a person has a seizure. A cramp is an uncontrolled muscle contraction, which is often very unpleasant for a person.

Most often, it reduces the arms and legs, the reasons for this lie in the features of the transmission of nerve impulses to the limbs. At the same time, convulsive spasms cause pain, even though they are usually short-lived. Sometimes convulsions are manifested by weak convulsive twitching of the muscles, in this case they practically do not cause pain.

Constantly appearing convulsive spasms require a detailed study of the causes and systematic treatment, because they significantly reduce the quality of life. After the first attack, a person has severe pain, which often develops a fear of its repetition. Often there are seizures at night, so they interfere with normal sleep. After a muscle has been severely contracted, the pain in it may persist even after the cramp has passed.

Causes of leg cramps

The causes of convulsive spasms of the legs can be various phenomena: from being in cold water to internal systemic disorders. With a spasm of the calf muscles, a convulsive person feels severe pain. Most often this phenomenon is caused by one of the following reasons:

  1. Phlebeurysm. Vascular disorders are also accompanied by swelling, heaviness in the legs, cramps, which often occur when a person is lying down. It is because of the person’s body that disposes to this position during sleep that convulsions occur more often at night. Usually, with varicose veins, cramps indicate that the disease is already quite advanced.
  2. Flat feet. An anomaly of development or an acquired deformity of the arch of the foot leads to frequent seizures. This reason is one of the most common.
  3. Deficiency of certain trace elements in the body. A lack of potassium and magnesium often leads to similar body reactions, because these microelements ensure the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to muscle fibers. With a lack of these trace elements, this process proceeds with certain disorders. With a prolonged lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, the disturbances become persistent, in advanced cases, even the restoration of the balance of microelements no longer completely relieves a person from seizures.
  4. Excessive physical activity. Athletes and people who spend too much time on their feet are at risk. They often cramp their leg muscles.

First aid for leg cramps

For an accurate clarification of the causes, and in order to treat the problem comprehensively, it is necessary to consult a doctor. But during an attack, you can get rid of severe pain on your own. First aid can go like this:

  • when there is a sensation of reducing the calf muscle, you need to sharply pull the foot towards you, this will even help prevent pain if you have time to perform this movement at the first sign of a convulsive spasm;
  • if the muscles have already been reduced and this movement cannot be performed, then you need to pull the toes of your feet towards you with your hands, it is advisable to do this while sitting on a hard, flat surface;
  • the painful place must be intensively massaged, you can pinch it;
  • with frequent convulsions at night, you need to wet any cloth with cold water and leave it near the bed, and if an attack occurs, step on it with bare feet;
  • to eliminate soreness, when the cramp has already passed, cold compresses can be applied directly to the legs;
  • night cramps often help eliminate tapping in the lower spine;
  • after removing cramps and eliminating pain, it is recommended to lie on your back so that your legs are slightly higher than the rest of the body, for this you can put a pillow or a folded blanket under your feet.

It is very important to act correctly in the event that a leg cramp cramped while swimming. In this situation, in no case should you panic. Everyone needs to know what to do in such a situation. First of all, you need to roll over on your back and try to pull the foot towards you as much as possible.

Causes of cramps in the hands

Hands reduce less than legs. But still, this phenomenon is quite common. When he brings his hands together, you can talk about a fairly neglected problem. This phenomenon is more susceptible to older people.

The sensation of muscle convergence can occur in the hands, fingers, forearms. Other parts of the arm are less likely to experience cramps. However, other disorders in the body often act as provoking factors:

  • violation of the water-salt balance in the body, severe dehydration;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • frequent stress, nervous tension;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • improper sleep patterns, lack of balance between work and rest.

If an attack of leg and arm cramps occurs, it is recommended to perform tingling, intense stroking, rubbing. With frequent attacks, it is necessary to massage the hands and feet regularly. This will help improve blood circulation and nutrition of nerve fibers, so the trace elements necessary for their normal functioning will be supplied in a larger volume. Often, complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed as a preventive measure.

Often in this case, the muscles simply go numb. Many people who do sedentary work have neck cramps.

Seizures during pregnancy

Almost every woman suffers from seizures during pregnancy. At this time, the woman's body is going through special changes, with which the appearance of seizures is associated. The main causes of seizures during pregnancy include:

  1. Imbalance of vitamins and microelements. Most often, pregnant women lack B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Moreover, an excess of certain substances can also cause convulsions. These substances include sodium and phosphates. This imbalance can be caused by poor nutrition (many pregnant women change their taste habits), insufficient function of the parathyroid glands (this can be triggered by toxicosis, in which a woman often vomits), increased growth and development of the fetus in the second trimester (many nutrients needed for this process, are obtained to the detriment of the mother's body), excessive intake of diuretics, which "wash out" useful substances from the body.
  2. Anemia and iron deficiency. This condition of moderate to severe severity can occur with severe blood loss or insufficient intake of iron-rich foods.
  3. Hypoglycemia. A decrease in blood sugar levels can be caused both by overeating when eating 1-2 times a day, and by the abuse of foods that are high in easily digestible carbohydrates.
  4. Lack of oxygen in the body and dehydration. The most common causes of these disorders are the consumption of caffeinated beverages and smoking.
  5. Syndrome of the inferior vena cava. The uterus, which enlarges during pregnancy, can impede circulation in the legs by compressing the inferior vena cava. As a result, seizures occur.
  6. Chronic venous insufficiency. The vessels of the lower extremities often cannot cope with the load, which only increases during pregnancy.

This condition can be caused by eclampsia, a pathological condition manifested by high blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine, and edema. This pathology usually occurs in the third trimester and is a type of late preeclampsia. When they appear, an immediate examination and, possibly, a caesarean section are required, since in this case there is a serious threat to the health and life of both the fetus and the mother.

Baby convulsions

If convulsions develop in a child, then most often the reason for this is too active growth.

The most common causes of seizures in children are:

  • prolonged stay of the limb in one position, due to which blood circulation is disturbed in it;
  • hypothermia;
  • flat feet;
  • lack of trace elements necessary for the body.

If convulsions in a child appear regularly, then the latter causes are the most likely option.

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Basically, they come at night, in a dream, although they always wake up a person, make them writhe in pain. "Cramp" - this is how the old people would call the phenomenon when it brings legs, arms or other parts of the body together. Now such a word is no longer in use, and contractions of muscle fibers that do not depend on the will of a person have their own names (convulsions, spasms) or are simply expressed: the leg (arm) has cramped.

Seizures often appear as symptoms of a certain pathology, that is, they always have a reason and depending on it, spasms are rare frequent, constant, affect one muscle or a whole group, originate in skeletal muscles or prefer smooth muscles ...

stone muscle

Cramps are not only a sudden contraction of the calf muscle, which can fetter a person when swimming in a cold pond, or convulsive contraction of the muscles of the whole body, characteristic of an epileptic seizure.

The types of seizures are diverse and they differ in many ways:

  • Depending on which muscles suffer: smooth or striated;
  • Whether the seizures are epileptic or have a different pathogenesis;
  • Based on the reason;
  • Taking into account the time of muscle tension and the nature of the convulsive attack.

We will not go into the details of such a serious disease as the description of which is already on our website, but consider the topic: convulsions, which are lifestyle manifestations or symptoms of another disease.

For those who have forgotten what a cramp is, we recall its symptoms:

  1. A muscle, hard as a stone, suddenly frozen in one position, protrudes above the surface of the body;
  2. Often the pain is so severe that the person is unable to suppress a cry;
  3. The duration of a convulsive attack is different: from a minute to a quarter of an hour.

Muscle pain is explained as follows:
as soon as continuous contractions began in it, which cannot be stopped by an effort of will, the muscle tissue ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients in sufficient quantities, that is, it experiences starvation. In addition, in a short period of intense work, muscle tissue releases a significant amount of waste products, which, if in excess, negatively affect the nerve endings. Irritation of nerve endings during a spasm is the feeling of pain by a person who has a cramp in his leg, arm, jaw.

The main causes of sharp muscle contractions

There is always an explanation for such behavior of the muscular apparatus, which, meanwhile, is not always easy to find (you need to see a doctor, take tests, undergo an examination).

Briefly touching the main causes of involuntary muscle contractions, they can be characterized as follows:

Of course, it is not easy to list all the factors that can lead to such unpleasant sensations. A spasm as a symptom may accompany diseases that are not at all related in nature. But in view of the fact that readers are more interested in cramps that reduce limbs than spasms of smooth muscle fibers that cause pain inside the body, our further story will be devoted to this particular problem (causes of cramps in the legs and other parts of the musculoskeletal system, their symptoms and treatment ). In addition, convulsions in children are of particular concern to adults - they also cannot be ignored.

Video: specialist on the causes and treatment of seizures

It's my own fault...

Convulsive contractions are more disturbing at night, to which the posture predisposes: the sleeper lies on his side, the legs at the knees are slightly bent, the feet are relaxed and slightly turned down - in this position, the calf muscle shortens and is ready to spasm. More often, convulsive contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities are observed in athletes who force their legs to work very actively during the daytime, and in elderly people suffering from circulatory disorders in the vessels of the extremities. Quite often, involuntary twitches and shudders are observed at a temperature in a young child (usually up to 6 years).

The causes of cramps in the legs and arms may be due to the behavior or lifestyle of the person himself:

  1. Professional activity: it is known that people who have stood all day at the counter or operating table, carrying cargo or checking tickets from passengers, often experience night cramps.
  2. Heavy smokers suffer from muscle spasms 5 times more often than those who cannot stand cigarettes. By the way, alcohol and coffee among the causes of leg cramps are also in the forefront.
  3. A day spent running or a brisk walk for a couple of kilometers - at night I had a spasm in the calf muscle. Night cramps often turn into simply hard physical work that a person, on his own initiative, performs in the daytime (dug up a garden, moved furniture). It is necessary to ensure that only one muscle group does not strain, if possible, work and relaxation should alternate.
  4. Bathing in hot weather in a cool pond, unfortunately, it can bring not only a lot of positive emotions, many tragic cases are recorded every year - severe convulsions pulled a person to the bottom. By the way, swimming in the pool also does not exclude the occurrence of sudden muscle spasm, swimmers are probably aware of this. The reason that cramps the leg, making it impossible to move in the water, is temperature difference: the heated muscular apparatus, having got into unexpected conditions, is reduced.
  5. Cramps legs and arms dehydration (increased sweating and lack of fluid), therefore, in hot weather, you need to provide yourself with water to the fullest, especially for people who are actively involved in sports, working in the field and those who like to explore hot tropical latitudes.
  6. are able to remind themselves even in a dream, when, it would seem, the patient has calmed down. This stress hormone cortisol "tried" - its excess in the body led to a redistribution of calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the muscular apparatus.
  7. Spasms of the muscle fibers of the foot may be due to the existing flat feet in combination with excessive load on the ankle joint, as well as the result of wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes.
  8. Reduces cramps in sleep and not only with uncontrolled use of drugs(for example, some groups of diuretics, statins, antibiotics, and other drugs that remove or redistribute trace elements in the body), so therapy with individual drugs requires mandatory control over the biochemical composition of the blood.

Healthy people who do not burden themselves with excessive activity, avoid stress and extreme situations, suddenly notice that cramps have begun in the muscles of the lower leg, foot, fingers ... No, no, and they will reduce a spasm for no reason at night, leaving a painful sensation in the morning. First of all, you should think about whether there is enough magnesium and other trace elements in the body. and, of course, to reconsider the diet: perhaps starvation or insufficient intake for other reasons of calcium, magnesium, sodium and vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of muscle fibers, led to this? Hypomagnesemia is often manifested by cramps and pain in the muscles of the neck, back, limbs, tingling in the fingertips. The lack of vitamins A, B, D, E affects the contractility of the muscles, which must be borne in mind when leg cramps appear.

Quick help and easy treatment

Most likely, muscle contractions of this kind will not require special treatment, however, the pain will not allow you to endure it for a long time, so you can recommend several ways to deal with such a surprise:

Other measures aimed at preventing spasms in sleep or during the daytime should primarily include:

  1. A diet enriched with microelements and vitamins (what is missing - blood biochemistry will show);
  2. Exclusion of harmful addictions (alcohol, smoking, strong coffee and other tonic drinks);
  3. Sufficient fluid intake;
  4. Physical education, which improves blood circulation and relaxes skeletal muscles;
  5. To prevent night cramps, it is good to make it a rule: an evening warm shower or bath with aromatic oils that relax the muscles.

If the above measures seem not enough, you can purchase a special vitamin complex with microelements (necessarily including) at the pharmacy and take it. It should be borne in mind that even in the absence of magnesium deficiency in the patient's body, preparations containing Mg will not interfere for the simple reason that, passing between the nerve fibers, this chemical element reduces neuromuscular excitability. In a word, use magnesium preparations - you will not lose.

Seizures - a symptom of the disease

Brings together arms, legs and other parts of the body, often due to some kind of illness. Especially, night cramps are characteristic of people who have accumulated various chronic pathologies over their lives, which is why in the elderly involuntary muscle tension is observed to a greater extent. Convulsive contractions of certain muscles or an entire group can be the result of many pathological conditions:

  • Daytime and nighttime cramps that occur in various parts of the muscles of the body often accompany liver damage(hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • Along with other symptoms (fever, dehydration, intoxication), the whole body cramps when severe poisoning;
  • The cause of leg cramps may be ();
  • Brings legs together at night in people with ;
  • Severe convulsions are noted with ;
  • Lumbosacral form of ALS ( ) at the beginning of its development, it is manifested by weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities and the occurrence of convulsions in them;
  • To spasm of muscle fibers can lead to a decrease in the level ( ), which cannot adequately provide tissues with oxygen;
  • IN early postoperative period the occurrence of a convulsive attack is also due to a low concentration of oxygen in the tissues;
  • Cramps in the legs are also characteristic of such diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities as And ;
  • Twitching and spasms occur when the hormonal balance is disturbed ( increased production of thyroid hormones);
  • Leg cramps can be caused by (, lack of nutrition of the muscular apparatus of the lower extremities).
  • Involuntary twitches (tics) are common in some (fortunately rare) genetic abnormalities(mutation of genes that control the synthesis of some contractile protein).

In view of the fact that convulsions are only one of the symptoms of the listed, sometimes quite severe pathological conditions, then the treatment will be reduced to the correction of the underlying disease.

For muscle spasms, of course, anticonvulsants are used, for example, derivatives of valproic acid (depakin, convulex) and dibenzazepine (finlepsin), barbiturates (phenobarbital), benzodiazepines (phenazepam), but they are not freely sold in a pharmacy, their appointment must be justified, and that's up to the doctor. With convulsions, magnesium sulfate helps, but it must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, which also cannot be advised. But preparations containing magnesium and other trace elements (Orthocalcium + magnesium), and vitamin complexes (Ortho Taurine Ergo) can be very useful in these cases.

Convulsions in a child: with temperature and other reasons

Seizures are more common in children than in adults. The immature nervous system of a young child can react in a similar way to any stimuli, which are primarily acute and chronic diseases:

  1. Infections affecting the nervous system;
  2. Injuries of various localization, but especially craniocerebral;
  3. Increased intracranial pressure (dropsy, hydrocephalus);
  4. Cystic formations and squeezing the cerebrospinal fluid pathways and blood vessels;
  5. Various genetic pathologies;
  6. Endocrine disorders;
  7. Electrolyte shift (lack of potassium, deficiency or excess of sodium, etc.);
  8. poisoning;
  9. Feverish conditions;
  10. Hysterical attacks in order to get the desired result in any way (even rolling on the floor);
  11. Convulsive variant;
  12. Epileptic seizures are singled out as a separate group, however, established epilepsy is a small proportion in the general population (no more than 1%).

Meanwhile, despite the variety of factors that cause increased convulsive readiness, in most cases they have a common basis: cerebrovascular accident, and as a result - his starvation, acidosis and other metabolic disorders in the central nervous system. Under convulsions in children, their generalized nature is mainly meant, although muscle spasms that occur in cold water, during active sports or other stress are also not excluded. Of course, more often this kind of muscle contraction occurs in schoolchildren, that is, at an older age.

Febrile seizures in children with fever

The greatest number of convulsive conditions occurs against the background of a high temperature in a child (febrile convulsions, according to various authors, take from 25 to 85% of all cases), and it is not at all necessary that the thermometer rises to 39 - 40 degrees. Some babies cannot tolerate temperatures of 38°C or slightly higher. Febrile seizures can manifest themselves in different ways:

  • Short-term slight twitching of the limbs, rolling of the eyes;
  • Relaxation of the whole body, indifference for a short time, involuntary stool and urination;
  • The tension of the entire muscular apparatus: the arms are brought to the chest, the legs are extended, the head is thrown back, the eyes are rolled up, the body shudders.

Typically, febrile seizures last a couple of minutes, however, if a quarter of an hour passes, nothing changes, you should dial "103".

In general, convulsions at a temperature in a child do not require special treatment, the parents of such children, being worried for the first time, try not to allow the thermometer to cross the critical mark. As a rule, by the age of 6 everything returns to normal and an increase in temperature to subfebrile values ​​no longer causes such a reaction in the body.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about convulsions in children and their removal

The reason is pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it also cannot be ignored, since the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, which have the task of providing the fetus with everything necessary, lead to metabolic disorders, change the hormonal background, impede blood circulation in the vessels of the pelvic organs and lower extremities and thereby contribute to the fact that the muscles periodically cramp. Thus, the cause of convulsive seizures during pregnancy is considered:

  1. Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  2. Development of anemia;
  3. An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood (gestational diabetes);
  4. Varicose veins of the lower extremities and venous congestion;
  5. Failure to comply with the diet, work and rest provided for pregnant women;
  6. Limitation of physical activity (care for maintaining pregnancy - forced on the recommendation of doctors or organized on their own initiative).

It will be better if the doctor prescribes the treatment of such a misfortune in pregnant women. He will carefully collect an anamnesis, conduct a biochemical blood test, check blood circulation in the vessels, assess the general condition of the body and advise in which direction to move: it will be enough to balance the diet, saturating it with the missing trace elements, or you will have to undergo treatment in stationary conditions.

Muscle spasms and cramps - is there a difference?

Convulsions are more likely to be called involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles. In the same category, people include bouts of stiffness and pain that occur, for example, in the calf muscle during sleep, in cold water, or after intense muscular work. To explain their condition, patients use the generally accepted, and therefore understandable in all circles, terminology: a cramp entered the leg, strong cramps of the fingers began ... ". Everything is correct, however, contractions of the smooth muscles of the vascular walls, intestines, bronchi and other organs that occur without a human command are also convulsions, which are commonly called spasms.

Also closely related are convulsions of this (spasms) and another (tension of striated muscles) kind. Lead to attacks of cephalalgia:

In addition, other different factors (cold, stress, diseases of the brain and internal organs) can cause headaches and convulsions at the same time, so a person often does not have time to understand: spasms caused ill health or first a headache, and then other symptoms were added.


  1. Seizures may affect smooth muscle, cause pain and functional disorders of the internal organs: bronchospasm underlies such a disease as bronchial asthma, spasm of the coronary vessels gives angina attacks, intestinal colic occurs from a sharp tension of the intestinal walls, and headache is a consequence of spasm of cerebral vessels;
  2. Seizures are caused by a sudden contraction skeletal muscle(brings the arm, leg, fingers, etc.). From such muscle contractions, the motor ability of the body most often suffers.

seizures: tonic (top) and clonic (bottom)

Taking into account the nature of the convulsive attack and the duration of muscle contraction in time convulsions are divided into:

  • tonic- the muscles remain tense for a long time;
  • clonic- phases of tension and relaxation replace each other, forcing the muscle to perform characteristic twitches (shocks);
  • Tonic-clonic.

Jerky contractions, covering all the muscles of the body (simultaneously reduces the legs, arms, fingers), people often call convulsions.

Anywhere, Anytime

It is clear that muscle spasm can occur anywhere in the human body where muscle fibers are present, however, if every person has experienced leg cramps at least once in their life, then some occur only due to certain, usually unpleasant circumstances. Meanwhile, the attitude of people to the signals sent by the body through individual tissues is ambiguous:

  • Relatively rare trismus- convulsions of masticatory muscles, the beginning of which gives irritation of the trigeminal nerve in epilepsy, tetanus, meningitis, neoplasm, undoubtedly, are classified as terrible symptoms;
  • Blepharospasms when the circular muscles of the eye contract as a result of damage to the organ of vision, nasopharynx, or due to dental pathology, they are noted as a symptom of the listed diseases, but a nervous tic (eyelid twitches), which occurs from time to time in especially sensitive people, is perceived as a transient harmless phenomenon ;
  • Uncommonly associated with pathology and other nervous tics, hiccups, involuntary twitching of the muscles of the neck, arms, back, but these are also muscle spasms, which are usually not accompanied by pain and most often occur due to a lack of magnesium in the body.

It should be noted that short-term convulsive twitching, which does not bring so much suffering, is also a variant of the described pathology. They just flow easier and people often do not attach much importance to them, but in vain - they can be a signal that something is wrong in the body.

Video: convulsions in the program “About the most important thing”

Involuntary muscle contraction. Convulsive movements can be widespread and capture many muscle groups of the body or be localized in any muscle group of the body or limb.

What are seizures

Generalized convulsive contractions (involving different muscle groups) can be slow, lasting for a relatively long period of time (tonic), or fast, often alternating between contraction and relaxation (clonic). Mixed tonic-clonic seizures are also possible.

Localized seizures (involving one muscle group) may be tonic and clonic. Convulsive contractions develop as a result of dysfunction of the central nervous system due to neurological diseases, an infectious or toxic process, as well as disorders of water-salt metabolism.

Causes of seizures

The causes of seizures are different. The occurrence of seizures in newborns May be due to birth trauma to the head. A common cause of seizures is a metabolic disorder, congenital anomalies in the development of the brain. In older children Seizures can be caused by trauma, brain infections, but most often the cause is unknown.

Causes of seizures in adults tumors, diseases of the blood vessels, trauma and inflammation. However, convulsions can also begin due to excessive physical exertion, blockage of the urinary tract and bile ducts, poisoning, pregnancy. Seizures can be a symptom of a violation of the bioelectrical activity of the brain or a reaction of the brain to disturbances in the body.

Possible causes of seizures:

  • infections;
  • intoxication;
  • trauma;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • metabolic defects;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins.

In addition, seizures can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Seizure treatment

In most cases, you can cope with leg cramps on your own. To do this, you need a good knead and massage tense muscle. With a spasm of the muscles of the hand, you must immediately stop the work that caused the spasm, and if possible massage your fingers or ask someone to do it.

If a person has a generalized (common) seizure for the first time, it is necessary to call a brigade ambulance.

During a seizure, it is necessary put under the head human cushion or pillow. To avoid tongue sinking, saliva, foam in the respiratory tract and suffocation as a result, you need to turn your head to the side. If a person's mouth is open, then it is necessary to put between teeth a new handkerchief or cloth to help prevent tongue biting. It is not necessary to forcefully open the jaw during a seizure.

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

In the morning and in the evening fresh lemon juice lubricate the soles of the feet. Do not wipe anything. Put on socks and shoes only after the juice has dried. The course of treatment is not more than two weeks. Used for leg cramps.
Wine bottle corks strung on a thread. They put such a necklace on the calf or on the muscle contracted by a cramp. The cramp passes after a while. Sometimes it is even enough to rub the reduced place for a while and the convulsions will stop.
Fill jar with freshly dried linden flowers, without tamping them, fill the jar to the brim with vodka, insist in a dark, warm place for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents. With convulsions, frequent fainting, severe nervous breakdown, take 1 tsp in the morning and afternoon before meals, and 1 tbsp before bedtime. linden tinctures.
Take 1-2 teaspoons of dry crushed adonis vernalis herbs to a glass of boiling water. Suggested Use: Adults: 1 tablespoon three times a day. For children of 2 years of age, 5 or 6 drops, for children of 6 years, 15 drops, for children of 12 years, 2 teaspoons 5 or 6 times a day.
Decoction goose cinquefoil we use it for convulsions of a different nature, even with tetanus. Uses a decoction as a prophylactic, because it acts slowly.
You can get rid of cramps if the reduced muscle prick with a pin or something sharp.
head garlic medium-sized crush into a mush. Put it in a glass jar and pour 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil. Put in a cold place for 1 day. Take 1 teaspoon of garlic oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from one to three months, then take a break for 1 month and repeat the course of treatment.
Pour 15 g of herbs common thyme 1 cup boiling water. Insist, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Leg cramps, the causes and treatment of which we will consider in this article, can annoy at any age, but most often they occur in people. middle and older age. The most serious reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • hidden injuries;
  • diabetes;
  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • neurological and other diseases.

If you suspect these ailments, you should be examined by a phlebologist and endocrinologist. As a result of treatment of the underlying disease, convulsions usually disappear.

The following factors can cause nighttime leg cramps:

  • flat feet;
  • stress;
  • excessive muscle tension;
  • severe hypothermia.

But most often, the appearance of night cramps occurs due to magnesium deficiency in the body, which is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle cells, as well as calcium, which is a physiological partner of magnesium, and vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Self help for leg cramps

If you feel that a cramp is starting, you should sit up in bed, lower your legs down and carefully stand on the cold floor. After a few minutes, blood circulation in the legs will improve, which means that normal muscle tone will be restored.
You can take a deep breath grasp fingers with both hands a cramped leg, and with force pull them towards you and up. At the same time, swinging movements of the entire leg should be done. After relaxing the muscle spasm, do a light massage of the leg muscles.
For a severe cramp that doesn't go away, try pinch several times the place where the pain is felt. Then gently massage the calf and foot with rubbing and patting movements in the direction from the tips of the fingers to the heel, and also from the heel to the knee. Then lie down and put a rolled up blanket under your feet. This position will ensure the outflow of blood, which means it will prevent repeated convulsions.

Leg cramps at night

Many often experience leg cramps at night. However, not everyone considers it necessary to see a doctor. Some believe that overwork, an uncomfortable sleeping position, or tight shoes are the main cause of malaise. And they are not mistaken, because circulatory disorder- the main factor of the disease, which can be associated with various diseases.

Why cramps legs at night

They can be caused by diseases of the peripheral nervous system, the consequence of which is nerve cell damage and disruption of their functions.

Seizures may occur as a side effect in response to taking drugs. Provoke muscle spasm steroid hormones, diuretics and drugs that contain iron.

Seizures often disturb pregnant women. Due to the increase in pressure on the nerve endings and blood vessels from the growing uterus, blood flow worsens. Also, during pregnancy, blood volume increases, resulting in swelling in the tissues, which can provoke convulsions.

The most serious causes of seizures are:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of hidden injuries;
  • thyroid disease.

In this case, an appeal to an endocrinologist and a neurologist will help determine the diagnosis. As a rule, after the start of treatment of the disease, the symptoms in the form of seizures disappear.

It happens that the legs cramp at night due to a deficiency of trace elements. An unpleasant symptom may be disturbing due to a lack of such substances:

  • magnesium, necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles;
  • calcium, which is a partner of magnesium;
  • vitamin D, which helps the absorption of these two elements.

Often the situation is aggravated by factors leading to a shortage of substances. These include:

Treating leg cramps at night

The fight against convulsions, which are systematic in nature and accompanied by pain, should be carried out only after consulting a doctor. After all, this pathology can be a sign of a serious illness.

If the answer to the question why leg cramps appear at night was a lack of trace elements, then the doctor recommends giving up coffee and alcohol and including in your diet:

  • buckwheat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sesame;
  • peanut;
  • prunes;
  • oatmeal;
  • bananas.
In the evening it is recommended to perform toe stretching on yourself and in the prone position rotation of the legs, simulating cycling.
In the morning and in the evening it is advised to treat the feet lemon juice to prevent seizures.
Impose compresses that help relieve pain. A spoonful of herbs: calendula (flowers), rhubarb, red clover, mistletoe is poured with a liter of boiling water and put in a water bath for ten minutes. After half an hour, filter and moisten the gauze with the resulting product. Apply a compress to the disturbing area for five hours.
Against cramps, it is recommended to lubricate the legs bay leaf oil. A glass of sunflower oil (unrefined) pour 50 grams of laurel leaves. Close the container with a lid and leave for two weeks. Rub oil after straining the sore spot.
To combat night cramps, you should drink infusion of onion peel, which is easy to prepare by pouring onion peel (a small spoon) with boiling water (a glass) and leaving it to infuse overnight.

The causes of cramps in the hands are very numerous and varied. Any cramps, including in the hands, are involuntary muscle contractions. A person cannot control them, but he can give himself first aid, which does not require special skills.

Causes of cramps in the hands

Why does the hand cramp? There are a lot of reasons for this problem, but all of them are the result of an incorrect attitude of a person to his body. Quite often, finger cramps disturb those who works a lot on the computer. Their hands are tense and stay in the same position for a long time, making the same type of movements. The result of such work is chronic "numbness" of the fingers and hands.

Among the causes of spasms in the hands, the main ones are:

Fright and sudden fear.
Deterioration of blood supply upper extremities leads to muscle hypoxia and the appearance of convulsions.
Muscle strain and physical strain when performing sports exercises especially when running, jumping, swimming. This reason is considered the main of all listed.
Thermal factor - hypothermia. It is known that after contact of the skin of the hands, for example, with ice water, convulsions appear.
Intoxication due to food or alcohol poisoning. This cause leads to convulsions that can last for several days in a row.
lack of calcium in the daily diet. Calcium is an essential element for the human body, which is involved in most life processes. Before you start looking for the cause of finger cramps, you should review your daily diet.
Complaints about cramps in the hands often come from coffee lovers, because the abuse of this drink leads to leaching of calcium and other microelements necessary for the body. Their deficiency is manifested by such clinical symptoms as spastic muscle contractions.

Treatment of cramps in the hands

Only a doctor can determine the cause of seizures after receiving the results. complete examination person. When choosing therapeutic measures and medicines, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, his general condition, anamnesis of life and disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies and diseases that he suffered.

The causes and treatment of seizures in the hands are in close interdependence: when a specific cause of this pathology is identified, it is easy to choose a remedy that will give the expected result in the shortest possible time. In general, it is quite simple to stop an attack of seizures in the hands, regardless of the time of day at which it began: at night, during the day, at the height of working hours.

Special hand exercises- active finger movements, intense clenching and unclenching of fists, waving brushes in the air.
Massage and self-massage- usually cramps occur in one arm, so you can massage and knead the spasmodic arm with a healthy brush.
Phytotherapy- an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. If you experience finger cramps, you should drink chamomile tea daily, which helps to relax the muscles. Linden tea has the same effect.
Diet correction consists in the regular use of foods containing a large amount of calcium and potassium - milk, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, greens.
Avoid hypothermia should be given to those who have convulsions very often. Constant contact of the skin of the hands with cold water can lead to chronic cramps.

In the absence of results from self-treatment, you can seek help from reflexologist. Sometimes the cause of spasms in the muscles of the hands is a regular impact on the active points of the body, which causes increased blood flow in the tissues and leads to the formation of convulsions. Only a specialist will be able to determine such a cause and find the best method that allows get rid of cramps forever.

Questions and answers on the topic "Convulsions"

Question:Hello. At times it brings the legs together, usually starts with the fingers, then - on the arch of the foot, sometimes it goes to the calf muscle. I do not see any connection with loads or time of day. It can begin when walking, and when resting, and during the day and at night. Usually, if it starts, it will definitely be many times within one or two days. Either at the slightest movement, or even just like that, it starts to reduce, very, very painful. Then it usually subsides on its own either for one day or for several months - until the next time. What is the possible reason? I read that this is possible with flat feet, but I don’t have flat feet. And most importantly, what can be done? The pain is such that even climb the wall. Thank you.

Answer: Hello. If by the expression "reduces" you mean convulsions, then most often this is due to a lack of certain trace elements, most often calcium or magnesium. Given their incompatibility, first take calcium gluconate 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2 weeks. If everything passes, great, if it doesn’t pass, magne-b6 for a couple of weeks, 4 tablets per day.

Question:Hello. During pregnancy (third trimester), leg cramps appear at night, especially if you try to straighten them (you have to sleep with bent legs). I think you need magnesium, but I'm not sure. I periodically take spirulina and chitosan in a weak dose for general strengthening of the body. What can be taken to relieve seizures? Thank you.

Answer: Hello. frequent cramps may indicate calcium deficiency. Address to the local doctor and hand over an ionogram. If a lack of calcium is detected, start treatment with one of the calcium preparations or take a course of vitamins + minerals (for example, Materna, Pregna). Calcium deficiency is often observed during pregnancy.

Question:Hello, I get cramps in my toes when I swim in the sea, or when I walk on high soles. I would like to know what it is and how it can be treated, or at least what to do in the first minutes when it brings fingers together, the pain is severe. Thank you in advance.

Answer: The symptoms you describe are typical for seizures. In order to stop an attack of convulsions, you should grab your fingers with one hand and try to straighten them or even straighten them towards the rear of the foot. If convulsions become frequent and capture other muscle groups, be sure to consult a doctor and take a blood test for calcium.

Question:Hello, leg cramps usually appear in the morning, before waking up, it hurts a lot. Then the leg hurts for 4-5 days. Convulsions are not constant, they may not bother for months.

Answer: This is a normal occurrence that most people have. Try taking a multivitamin with minerals for a few months - this may make cramps less frequent. If you notice that convulsions become more frequent - consult a doctor for testing.

Question:Hello. Son is 14 years old. The second time there was a seizure in a dream: convulsive movements, not breathing, mouth full of saliva. Having cleared his mouth, he begins to breathe, his eyes are open, but he does not see and does not understand what is happening. After sleeping more.

Answer: Be sure to consult with a neurologist. It is necessary to be examined for worms (enzymatic immunoassay for ascaris and toxocara).

Question:Good afternoon I am 67 years old. For several years I have been suffering from periodic cramps in the calf of the legs and feet. I save myself only by taking magnesium in dietary supplements. It helps, but very slowly. But I do not know the most important thing (and the family doctor does not say): after the relief of the condition, is it necessary to continue taking magnesium - constantly or periodically, even in the absence of convulsions?

Answer: In addition to magnesium, which you must continue to take all the time, you need to do several sessions of lymphatic massage, and you also need to know the point that relieves cramps in the calves. It is located below the knee. How to find? Put your palm on your knee (sitting) and the third finger will point to the dimple between the tibia bones. Draw around the circumference to the back of the lower leg and find a painful point - this point relieves cramps in the calf muscles.

What causes and treatment of the reduction of arms and legs can only be determined by a doctor after the necessary diagnosis. The provoking factors in this case can be harmless, but sometimes they are serious pathologies that require high-quality therapy.

Causes of the phenomenon

The causes of seizures can be different. Involuntary muscle tension is generalized or localized. In the first case, several muscle groups are involved in the process, and in the second, specific zones.

Why it brings legs and arms together is interesting to know for everyone who is constantly faced with a similar phenomenon. The causes of this pathological condition are:

Birth injury. Leg cramps in newborns can occur as a result of a difficult birth that could cause damage. Congenital pathologies of the brain. Information of the hands and feet is also manifested in serious diseases of the central nervous system, which are caused by damage in any area of ​​the brain. Muscle injury due to blows, sprains and other circumstances.

Why does it bring arms and legs together if the above reasons are excluded? The main provocateurs of this phenomenon can be:

inflammatory processes; diseases of the cardiovascular system; blockage of the ducts through which the outflow of bile occurs; intoxication of the body; pregnancy; infectious diseases; lesions of the central nervous system; violations of the conduction of impulses in the brain; hereditary predisposition; lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life; hypothermia of the body.

Other factors of etiology

If it reduces the arms or lower limbs, then it is not necessary that the reaction is based on a serious reason. A similar symptom can also occur after intense physical exertion, this is especially true for people who are fond of bodybuilding.

A long stay in the same position also often provokes the appearance of cramps in the hands and lower extremities. Office workers and people who, on duty, must stand on their feet for a long time are especially susceptible to this.

Spasmodic and convulsive reactions that affect the calf muscles and occur after the age of 50 may be due to varicose veins. However, in this case, the symptoms are complemented by pain, swelling and heaviness in the limbs.

If a person suffers from cramps in the arms or legs for no reason, then this can be triggered by a violation of the metabolism of potassium, sodium and calcium, which is carried out in muscle tissue. In this case, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the veins and congestion.

When he cramps his legs and arms, and then a slight tingling is felt, this may be due to vegetative-vascular dystonia. With VVD, blood circulation worsens, especially in the lower and upper extremities. A person often feels chilly even, it would seem, in warm weather.

At the same time, the limbs cramp, they are always cold to the touch. When the cause of spasms is vegetative-vascular dystonia, additional signs join: dizziness, various mental disorders, a tendency to depression, low or high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, flies flying before the eyes. The skin usually looks pale, the sensitivity of the epidermis is disturbed.

Basic treatments for seizures

Treatment for leg and arm cramps depends on the cause of the reaction. In addition to basic therapy, you should know how to give yourself first aid if a convulsive spasm occurs. To do this, you need to know the sequence of necessary actions, namely:

Try to relax as much as possible, especially in the area of ​​tension. Gently stretch the tight muscle with gentle massage movements. As the muscle spasm subsides, slowly move your fingers.

If the foot is involved in the process, you can ask one of the family members to massage it.

The main methods of treatment:

Reception of calcium and vitamin D, contributing to the improvement of the condition of muscle tissue. The use of creams that improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. Rubbing the problem limb with fresh lemon juice. The use of relaxing baths. This is especially true if it reduces the muscles in the legs and arms. For the preparation of baths, you can use mustard, sea salt, essential oils of pine and fir.

Complementary Therapy

Physical therapy, which affects the limbs, has a good effect. To reduce the manifestation of a convulsive symptom to nothing, it is recommended to regularly perform the following exercises:

Take a standing position. Stand on your toes and stretch your arms up. In this position, it is advisable to stay for a few seconds and repeat the exercise 5 times. Get on all fours. Reach forward with your right hand and back with your left foot. Hold for 5 seconds and switch limbs. Repeat only 10 times. Lie down on your stomach. Stretch your arms and legs, relax as much as possible. Then gently stretch in opposite directions. Alternate relaxation and tension. Only 5 approaches. In the supine position, raise the leg and massage the caviar with light pops over the entire surface of the skin. Perform the action within 1 minute. Then repeat with the other limb. Sitting on a chair, alternately bend and unbend your fingers and toes. Movements should be soft. If pain occurs, the action must be stopped immediately. If the cause of the symptom is varicose veins, then it is very good to take a position upside down: so that the lower limbs are higher than the body. The best way is to take a supine position. Place your feet on the wall. Ideally, they should be at right angles. If this is not possible, the exercise should be performed in any comfortable position of the limbs. The main thing is that they should not be bent at the knees. Sit up straight and stretch your legs forward. Slowly bend to straight limbs, as far as the stretch allows. The emphasis should not be on the slope, but to reach out with your hands to straight legs. Hold this position for 10 seconds, rest, then repeat 5 more times. Sitting on the mat, alternately rotate the hands and feet, trying to make smooth circular movements. Repeat 30 times.

After a set of exercises, it is recommended to finish the therapeutic training with patting movements. Thus, the blood will begin to circulate better, nourishing the sick muscles with useful substances and saturating them with oxygen. If you alternate exercises and relaxing baths, then recovery will come very soon. Before going to bed, a light massage will give a good effect.

Many people underestimate the occurrence of cramps in the fingers and toes, and in vain. After all, this may be a sign of serious disorders in the brain, then the above methods will be useless. That is why it is impossible to self-medicate, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist who will conduct high-quality diagnostics and prescribe competent treatment.

Basically, they come at night, in a dream, although they always wake up a person, make them writhe in pain. "Cramp" - this is how old people would call the phenomenon when it brings legs, arms or other parts of the body together. Now such a word is no longer in use, and contractions of muscle fibers that do not depend on the will of a person have their own names (convulsions, spasms) or are simply expressed: the leg (arm) has cramped.

Seizures often appear as symptoms of a certain pathology, that is, they always have a reason and depending on it, spasms are rare frequent, constant, affect one muscle or a whole group, originate in skeletal muscles or prefer smooth muscles ...

stone muscle

Cramps are not only a sudden contraction of the calf muscle, which can fetter a person when swimming in a cold pond, or convulsive contraction of the muscles of the whole body, characteristic of an epileptic seizure.

The types of seizures are diverse and they differ in many ways:

Depending on which muscles suffer: smooth or striated; Whether the seizures are epileptic or have a different pathogenesis; Based on the reason; Taking into account the time of muscle tension and the nature of the convulsive attack.

We will not go into details of such a serious disease as epilepsy, the description of which is already on our website, but we will consider the topic: seizures, which are lifestyle manifestations or symptoms of another disease.

For those who have forgotten what a cramp is, we recall its symptoms:

A muscle, hard as a stone, suddenly frozen in one position, protrudes above the surface of the body; Often the pain is so severe that the person is unable to suppress a cry; The duration of a convulsive attack is different: from a minute to a quarter of an hour.

Muscle pain is explained as follows:
as soon as continuous contractions began in it, which cannot be stopped by an effort of will, the muscle tissue ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients in sufficient quantities, that is, it experiences starvation. In addition, in a short period of intense work, muscle tissue releases a significant amount of waste products, which, if in excess, negatively affect the nerve endings. Irritation of nerve endings during a spasm is the feeling of pain by a person who has a cramp in his leg, arm, jaw.

The main causes of sharp muscle contractions

There is always an explanation for such behavior of the muscular apparatus, which, meanwhile, is not always easy to find (you need to see a doctor, take tests, undergo an examination).

Briefly touching the main causes of involuntary muscle contractions, they can be characterized as follows:

The aforementioned epilepsy is most commonly associated with seizures; Severe convulsions are characteristic of such a deadly disease as tetanus (opisthotonus); Convulsive seizures can form as a result of neurotic conditions (hysterical neurosis, psychogenic convulsions); Involuntary muscle contraction is observed in case of poisoning with poisons of organic and inorganic origin; A sharp muscle tension can be caused by a deficiency or an excess of certain trace elements (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium), resulting from their insufficient intake into the body or metabolic disorders, as well as a lack of vitamins; Failure of the endocrine system.

Of course, it is not easy to list all the factors that can lead to such unpleasant sensations. A spasm as a symptom may accompany diseases that are not at all related in nature. But in view of the fact that readers are more interested in cramps that reduce limbs than spasms of smooth muscle fibers that cause pain inside the body, our further story will be devoted to this particular problem (causes of cramps in the legs and other parts of the musculoskeletal system, their symptoms and treatment ). In addition, convulsions in children are of particular concern to adults - they also cannot be ignored.

Video: specialist on the causes and treatment of seizures

It's my own fault...

Convulsive contractions are more disturbing at night, to which the posture predisposes: the sleeper lies on his side, the legs at the knees are slightly bent, the feet are relaxed and slightly turned down - in this position, the calf muscle is shortened and is ready to spasm. More often, convulsive contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities are observed in athletes who force their legs to work very actively during the daytime, and in elderly people suffering from circulatory disorders in the vessels of the extremities. Quite often, involuntary twitches and shudders are observed at a temperature in a young child (usually up to 6 years).

The causes of cramps in the legs and arms may be due to the behavior or lifestyle of the person himself:

Professional activity: it is known that people who have stood all day at the counter or operating table, carrying cargo or checking tickets from passengers, often experience night cramps. Heavy smokers suffer from muscle spasms 5 times more often than those who cannot stand cigarettes. By the way, alcohol and coffee among the causes of leg cramps are also in the forefront. A day spent running or a brisk walk for a couple of kilometers - at night I had a spasm in the calf muscle. Night cramps often turn into simply hard physical work that a person, on his own initiative, performs in the daytime (dug up a garden, moved furniture). It is necessary to ensure that only one muscle group does not strain, if possible, work and relaxation should alternate. Bathing in hot weather in a cool pond, unfortunately, it can bring not only a lot of positive emotions, many tragic cases are recorded every year - severe convulsions pulled a person to the bottom. By the way, swimming in the pool also does not exclude the occurrence of sudden muscle spasm, swimmers are probably aware of this. The reason that cramps the leg, making it impossible to move in the water, is the temperature difference: the heated muscle apparatus, having fallen into unexpected conditions, is reduced. Cramps legs and arms when dehydrated(increased sweating and lack of fluid), therefore, in hot weather, you need to provide yourself with water to the fullest, especially for people who are actively involved in sports, working in the field and those who like to explore hot tropical latitudes. are able to remind themselves even in a dream, when, it would seem, the patient has calmed down. This stress hormone cortisol "tried" - its excess in the body led to a redistribution of calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the muscular apparatus. Spasms of the muscle fibers of the foot may be due to the existing flat feet in combination with excessive load on the ankle joint, as well as the result of wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes. Reduces cramps in sleep and not only with uncontrolled use of drugs(for example, some groups of diuretics, statins, antibiotics, and other drugs that remove or redistribute trace elements in the body), so therapy with individual drugs requires mandatory control over the biochemical composition of the blood.

Healthy people who do not burden themselves with excessive activity, avoid stress and extreme situations, suddenly notice that cramps have begun in the muscles of the lower leg, foot, fingers ... No, no, and they will reduce a spasm for no reason at night, leaving a painful sensation in the morning. First of all, you should think about whether there is enough magnesium and other trace elements in the body. and, of course, to reconsider the diet: perhaps starvation or insufficient intake for other reasons of calcium, magnesium, sodium and vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of muscle fibers, led to this? Hypomagnesemia is often manifested by cramps and pain in the muscles of the neck, back, limbs, tingling in the fingertips. The lack of vitamins A, B, D, E affects the contractility of the muscles, which must be borne in mind when leg cramps appear.

Quick help and easy treatment

Most likely, muscle contractions of this kind will not require special treatment, however, the pain will not allow you to endure it for a long time, so you can recommend several ways to deal with such a surprise:

Try to massage the "frozen" muscle or hit it; You can eliminate the spasm by pricking a tense place with a needle;
With a contraction of the calf muscle and / or muscle fibers of the foot - sit down, reach out with your hand to the big toes and pull them towards you; You can relieve tension in the calf muscle as follows: vertical position, legs touching at the knees, the diseased limb rests on the heel, hands try to reach the toes; If the cramp reduces the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh, take a vertical position, bend the knee of the sore leg, grab the foot with your hand and pull it towards the buttocks.

Other measures aimed at preventing spasms in sleep or during the daytime should primarily include:

A diet enriched with microelements and vitamins (what is missing - blood biochemistry will show); Exclusion of harmful addictions (alcohol, smoking, strong coffee and other tonic drinks); Sufficient fluid intake; Physical education, which improves blood circulation and relaxes skeletal muscles; To prevent night cramps, it is good to make it a rule: an evening warm shower or bath with aromatic oils that relax the muscles.

If the above measures seem not enough, you can purchase a special vitamin complex with trace elements (always including magnesium) at the pharmacy and take it. It should be borne in mind that even in the absence of magnesium deficiency in the patient's body, preparations containing Mg will not interfere for the simple reason that, passing between the nerve fibers, this chemical element reduces neuromuscular excitability. In a word, use magnesium preparations - you will not lose.

Seizures - a symptom of the disease

Brings together arms, legs and other parts of the body, often due to some kind of illness. Especially, night cramps are characteristic of people who have accumulated various chronic pathologies over their lives, which is why in the elderly involuntary muscle tension is observed to a greater extent. Convulsive contractions of certain muscles or an entire group can be the result of many pathological conditions:

Day and night cramps that occur in various parts of the muscles of the body often accompany liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis); Along with other symptoms (fever, dehydration, intoxication), the whole body convulses in severe poisoning; The cause of cramps in the legs may be diabetes mellitus (diabetic angiopathy); Brings legs together at night in people with varicose veins of the lower extremities; Severe convulsions are noted with thrombophlebitis; The lumbosacral form of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) at the beginning of its development is manifested by weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities and the occurrence of convulsions in them; A decrease in the level of hemoglobin (anemia), which cannot adequately provide tissues with oxygen, can lead to spasm of muscle fibers; In the early postoperative period, the occurrence of a convulsive attack is also due to a low oxygen concentration in the tissues; Cramps in the legs are also characteristic of such diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities as atherosclerosis and obliterating endarteritis; Twitching and spasms occur when the hormonal balance is disturbed (increased production of thyroid hormones); The cause of cramps in the legs can be chronic heart failure (blood stasis, lack of nutrition of the muscular apparatus of the lower extremities). Involuntary twitches (tics) are characteristic of some (fortunately rare) genetic anomalies (mutation of genes that control the synthesis of some contractile protein).

In view of the fact that convulsions are only one of the symptoms of the listed, sometimes quite severe pathological conditions, then the treatment will be reduced to the correction of the underlying disease.

For muscle spasms, of course, anticonvulsants are used, for example, derivatives of valproic acid (depakin, convulex) and dibenzazepine (finlepsin), barbiturates (phenobarbital), benzodiazepines (phenazepam), but they are not freely sold in a pharmacy, their appointment must be justified, and that's up to the doctor. With convulsions, magnesium sulfate helps, but it must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, which also cannot be advised. But preparations containing magnesium and other trace elements (Orthocalcium + magnesium), and vitamin complexes (Ortho Taurine Ergo) can be very useful in these cases.

Convulsions in a child: with temperature and other reasons

Seizures are more common in children than in adults. The immature nervous system of a young child can react in a similar way to any stimuli, which are primarily acute and chronic diseases:

Infections affecting the nervous system; Injuries of various localization, but especially craniocerebral; Increased intracranial pressure (dropsy, hydrocephalus); Cystic formations and tumors of the brain, squeezing the cerebrospinal fluid pathways and blood vessels; Various genetic pathologies; Endocrine disorders; Electrolyte shift (lack of potassium, deficiency or excess of sodium, etc.); poisoning; Feverish conditions; Hysterical attacks in order to get the desired result in any way (even rolling on the floor); Convulsive variant of fainting; Epileptic seizures are singled out as a separate group, however, established epilepsy is a small proportion in the general population (no more than 1%).

Meanwhile, despite the variety of factors that induce increased convulsive readiness, in most cases they have a common basis: a violation of the blood supply to the brain, and as a result, its starvation, acidosis and other metabolic disorders in the central nervous system. Under convulsions in children, their generalized nature is mainly meant, although muscle spasms that occur in cold water, during active sports or other stress are also not excluded. Of course, more often this kind of muscle contraction occurs in schoolchildren, that is, at an older age.

Febrile seizures in children with fever

The greatest number of convulsive conditions occurs against the background of a high temperature in a child (febrile convulsions, according to various authors, take from 25 to 85% of all cases), and it is not at all necessary that the thermometer rises to 39 - 40 degrees. Some babies cannot tolerate temperatures of 38°C or slightly higher. Febrile seizures can manifest themselves in different ways:

Short-term slight twitching of the limbs, rolling of the eyes; Relaxation of the whole body, indifference for a short time, involuntary stool and urination; The tension of the entire muscular apparatus: the arms are brought to the chest, the legs are extended, the head is thrown back, the eyes are rolled up, the body shudders.

Usually febrile convulsions last a couple of minutes, however, if a quarter of an hour passes, nothing changes, you should dial "103".

In general, convulsions at a temperature in a child do not require special treatment, the parents of such children, being worried for the first time, try not to allow the thermometer to cross the critical mark. As a rule, by the age of 6 everything returns to normal and an increase in temperature to subfebrile values ​​no longer causes such a reaction in the body.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about convulsions in children and their removal

Reason is pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it also cannot be ignored, since the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, which have the task of providing the fetus with everything necessary, lead to metabolic disorders, change the hormonal background, impede blood circulation in the vessels of the pelvic organs and lower extremities and thereby contribute to the fact that the muscles periodically cramp. Thus, the cause of convulsive seizures during pregnancy is considered:

Lack of vitamins and minerals; Development of anemia; An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood (gestational diabetes); Varicose veins of the lower extremities and venous congestion; Failure to comply with the diet, work and rest provided for pregnant women; Limitation of physical activity (care for maintaining pregnancy - forced on the recommendation of doctors or organized on their own initiative).

It will be better if the doctor prescribes the treatment of such a misfortune in pregnant women. He will carefully collect an anamnesis, conduct a biochemical blood test, check blood circulation in the vessels, assess the general condition of the body and advise in which direction to move: it will be enough to balance the diet, saturating it with the missing trace elements, or you will have to undergo treatment in stationary conditions.

Muscle spasms and cramps - is there a difference?

Convulsions are more likely to be called involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles. In the same category, people include bouts of stiffness and pain that occur, for example, in the calf muscle during sleep, in cold water, or after intense muscular work. To explain their condition, patients use the generally accepted, and therefore understandable in all circles, terminology: a cramp entered the leg, strong cramps of the fingers began ... ". Everything is correct, however, contractions of the smooth muscles of the vascular walls, intestines, bronchi and other organs that occur without a human command are also convulsions, which are commonly called spasms.

Also closely related are headache and convulsions of this (spasms) and another (tension of striated muscles) kind. Lead to attacks of cephalalgia:

tension headache due to muscle spasm in the head

Spasms of the cerebral vessels, which are nothing more than a contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the vascular wall;

Spasm of the esophagus, causing tension and sharp pain in the chest, neck, ears and in the whole head, however, extremely unpleasant sensations do not last long; Tension of the cervical muscles when turning the head in patients suffering from osteochondrosis of this spine.

In addition, other different factors (cold, stress, diseases of the brain and internal organs) can cause headaches and convulsions at the same time, so a person often does not have time to understand: spasms caused ill health or first a headache, and then other symptoms were added.


Convulsions can affect smooth muscles, cause pain and functional disorders of the internal organs: bronchospasm underlies a disease such as bronchial asthma, spasm of the coronary vessels gives angina attacks, intestinal colic occurs from a sharp tension in the intestinal walls, and headache is a consequence of spasm of cerebral vessels ; Cramps occur due to a sudden contraction of skeletal muscles (brings the arm, leg, fingers, etc.). From such muscle contractions, the motor ability of the body most often suffers.

seizures: tonic (top) and clonic (bottom)

Taking into account the nature of the convulsive attack and the duration of muscle contraction in time convulsions are divided into:

Tonic - muscles remain tense for a long time; Clonic - phases of tension and relaxation replace each other, forcing the muscle to perform characteristic twitches (shocks); Tonic-clonic.

Jerky contractions, covering all the muscles of the body (simultaneously reduces the legs, arms, fingers), people often call convulsions.

Anywhere, Anytime

It is clear that muscle spasm can occur anywhere in the human body where muscle fibers are present, however, if every person has experienced leg cramps at least once in their life, then some occur only due to certain, usually unpleasant circumstances. Meanwhile, the attitude of people to the signals sent by the body through individual tissues is ambiguous:

Relatively rare lockjaws - convulsions of masticatory muscles, the beginning of which gives irritation of the trigeminal nerve in epilepsy, tetanus, meningitis, neoplasm, undoubtedly, are classified as terrible symptoms; Blepharospasms, when the circular muscles of the eye contract as a result of damage to the organ of vision, nasopharynx, or due to dental pathology, are noted as a symptom of the listed diseases, but a nervous tic (eyelid twitches), which occurs from time to time in especially sensitive people, is perceived as a transient harmless phenomenon; Infrequently associated with pathology and other nervous tics, hiccups, involuntary twitching of the muscles of the neck, arms, back, but these are also muscle spasms, which are usually not accompanied by pain and most often occur due to a lack of magnesium in the body.

It should be noted that short-term convulsive twitching, which does not bring so much suffering, is also a variant of the described pathology. They just flow easier and people often do not attach much importance to them, but in vain - they can be a signal that something is wrong in the body.

Video: convulsions in the program "About the most important thing"

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Perhaps everyone has encountered such a nuisance as an involuntary and very painful muscle contraction, for example, at night or while swimming. Knowing and understanding why he cramps his arms and legs, you can respond in a timely and adequate manner by taking appropriate measures. If sudden spasms occur infrequently, you may not worry too much, but when they occur frequently and regularly, it is worth considering the treatment of the disease and prevention.

Reduces legs and arms: causes and symptoms

The cause of seizures can be inflammation, hidden injuries, endocrine disorders and diabetes, diseases of the nervous system. Serious health problems require medical attention. In such cases, after examination and treatment, convulsions usually stop. Unbearable pain as a result of a sharp muscle contraction also occurs due to flat feet, varicose veins, as well as stressful situations.

Convulsions can be provoked if a person is very cold or finds himself in ice water. Often cramps in the calves, feet and toes occur as a result of a lack of trace elements in the body:

potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D.

Muscle strain provokes spasms during strong physical exertion or prolonged squatting.

The cause of seizures can be heat and sunstroke, as well as any other pathologically sharp increase in body temperature. During the flu and acute viral infections, alcohol intoxication, the development of a stroke, and during the recovery period after it, the limbs cramp, since foci of irritation appear in the corresponding zone of the cerebral cortex. Vascular diseases of the legs and hypoxia - insufficient oxygen supply to tissues can also cause seizures.

Diabetic patients are also familiar with cramping pain in the legs, when the level of sugar in the blood drops sharply due to hunger. Cramping can also occur with an overdose of drugs that reduce sugar. A cramp brings the legs together when the sensitivity is disturbed by squeezing the nerve fibers coming out of the spine, if a person suffers from osteochondrosis. Being in a stuffy room for a long time, experiencing overwork or intoxication, even healthy people can feel convulsive muscle contractions.

Reduces arms and legs: what to do in such a situation

If sharp convulsive pains haunt during a night's sleep, having felt an attack, it is recommended to sit down, lower your legs out of bed and very carefully step on a hard floor surface (a soft carpet is not suitable here). In this case, the legs should be kept together, and the body should be straightened as much as possible.

Within a few minutes, muscle tone and blood circulation in the limbs will be fully restored. Another way to overcome a sudden sharp pain: grab your toes, cramped, with your hands and pull them towards you. As soon as muscle spasms subside, it is necessary to massage the limb.

You can relieve pain and eliminate cramps by strongly pricking or pinching the sore spot. Pain in the muscle will calm down when applying an ointment or warming cream. Rubbing the limbs with vodka or apple cider vinegar gives a good effect. Frequently recurring spasms can be successfully treated with warm alcohol compresses.

In order to successfully deal with muscle pain during spasms, it is important not only to understand why it cramps arms and legs, but also to follow the simple recommendations of doctors.

The cause of muscle spasm can be anything from physical overexertion to the presence of a malignant tumor. If involuntary muscle contractions are repeated frequently, you should consult a doctor. Single spasms can be removed independently at home, recurring ones require examination and appropriate treatment.


A spasm is an involuntary contraction of striated or smooth muscle fibers, accompanied by pain. The work of skeletal muscles is regulated by the central nervous system by direct and reverse impulses. If one of the links in the chain fails, uncontrollable spasms are observed.

Any muscle can contract pathologically, but most often patients complain of damage to the limbs. Pain during a cramp occurs due to pinching of nerve fibers with a sharp increase in muscle tone. It can be both short-term and persistent, up to long-term disability.


Spasms of skeletal muscles are divided into tonic and clonic, a mixed variant is also possible. The first type is a prolonged tension of the muscle fibers, in which the spasmodic muscle changes shape and is fixed in this form for a while. There are intense pain sensations that either disappear after relaxation, or persist (sometimes for quite a long time).

This kind of spasm is caused by overexcitation of the subcortical zones of the brain. A characteristic feature of tonic muscle cramps is the occurrence at night, during periods of rest.

They manifest as twitching, which is explained by the alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles. The causes that cause them are varied, but they all lead to the excitation of the cerebral cortex. When a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles is affected, trembling is observed, in the case of a generalized seizure, the entire body is covered. The latter is observed during a classic epileptic seizure.

Common Causes

Muscle tone is influenced by various factors. Spasms of the limbs or the whole body occur for the following most common reasons:

  • Epilepsy and other neurological disorders, especially in the elderly.
  • Infectious diseases affecting the nervous system (tetanus, for example).
  • Cysts and brain tumors.
  • Intoxication - mushrooms, salts of heavy metals, medicines.
  • neurotic states such as psychosis.
  • Deficiency of some trace elements in violation of water and electrolyte balance.
  • High fever in children under 6 years of age.

Physiological factors can also be the cause of the violation. Twitching of the hands after hard work with the hands in those who work physically or spend a lot of time at the keyboard. Cramping also occurs after intense physical training (strength).

Hypothermia is another possible cause of muscle spasm. Tonic contractions of muscle fibers can affect both internal organs (in this case, their work is disrupted) and skeletal muscles. Leg cramps and hand cramps can have the same causes.

Hand cramps

A common occurrence among those who work physically. No less often complain of spasmodic attacks workers of "mental" labor - musicians, managers and other persons who spend a lot of time at the computer. In the first case, spasms are caused by muscle strain, occur more often at night. Patients complain of nocturnal awakenings associated with pain in the arms. In the second - painful sensations can occur at any time of the day.

Spasms of the upper limbs can be triggered by hypothermia, tight sleeves of clothing. These factors slow down blood flow, muscle fibers do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, therefore they contract spastically. Muscle hypertonicity can be observed after intense physical training. Often the cause is monotonous movements in the process of needlework and other activities related to fine motor skills of the hands.

All situations develop due to overstrain of the muscles of the hands. What can be done? If you can’t work less, you should pay attention to the content of vitamins with trace elements in food and water intake. Convulsions are caused by a lack of calcium and magnesium with iron. Increases the risk of developing convulsive syndrome taking diuretic drugs. That is, you need to eat right, including iron-containing foods, fruits, vegetables in the diet.

A few simple movements will help relieve a sudden spasm. If the brush is brought together, you need to vigorously shake it several times, and also clench your fingers into a fist. Then move them, simulating typing on the keyboard. A good effect is given by massage with simultaneous forced flexion of the little finger. You can also take a relaxing hot bath.

If convulsions are repeated regularly, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary. Spasms and numbness of the left hand deserve special attention - they are often a harbinger of myocardial infarction.

leg cramps

Familiar to almost everyone. For some time, such an attack limits mobility, and pain may persist after it. The main causes of sudden cramps in the lower limb:

  • Intense physical activity during the day - a long walk, training, other active movements. As a result, spasms may occur at night.
  • Professional activity associated with static muscle tension - work "on the legs" (sellers, teachers).
  • Sudden hypothermia when bathing in the heat.
  • Iron deficiency and hormonal characteristics during pregnancy are often manifested by night cramps.
  • The foot reduces in the presence of flat feet.
  • Dehydration with a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, especially as a result of taking certain medications (diuretics, for example) is accompanied by convulsions.
  • Atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, beginning obliterating endoarteritis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.

What to do if you cramp your leg? As an emergency aid for spasm in the calves or muscles of the foot, it is recommended to sit down and pull your toes towards you. In the case of a quadriceps cramp, you need to bend the affected leg at the knee while standing, bringing the heel as close to the buttock as possible. Self-massage, a blow to a spasmodic area, and a needle prick also help to relax muscle fibers.

Diagnosis and treatment

These are intended solely to relieve painful cramps, however, its causes may require special treatment. Often spasms are a symptom of serious diseases, so their regular nature requires a complete examination.

Diagnosis includes physical examination, laboratory and instrumental research methods. According to their results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Knowing the causes of pathological contractions, According to indications, the following can be prescribed:

  • Benzodiazepines (Phenazepam), which relieve nervous excitement, muscle spasms, which have a sedative effect.
  • Antipsychotics - Aminazine - help to cope with insomnia, psychosis, moderately lower blood pressure.
  • Cardiac glycosides such as Digoxin are indicated for heart failure, poor blood circulation.
  • Preparations of iron and magnesium with a deficiency of these trace elements.
  • Fibrinolytics are used in the case of convulsive syndrome caused by ischemic stroke to destroy the blood clot.

In early childhood (up to 6 years of age), specific febrile convulsions caused by fever may occur. Treatment in this case is reduced to taking antipyretics and NSAIDs.

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