Normoflorin with increased acidity of the stomach. Dosage and methods of application. Instructions for use Normoflorin D, B, L, analogues

Normoflorin-L- a natural biocomplex containing live, active lactobacilli, in the shortest possible time eliminates dysbacteriosis by suppressing the activity of pathogenic microflora and removing its toxins.
The drug restores intestinal motility (due to the high content of organic acids);
lowers cholesterol and oxalate levels; breaks down lactose; stimulates the synthesis of immunoglobulins, creates a protective biofilm on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and nasopharynx and in the vagina.
It has a protective effect on damaged cells and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Indications for use

Normoflorin-L recommended:
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric or duodenal ulcer, postcholecystectomy syndrome, celiac disease, erosive gastritis) (in complex treatment);
- Dysbacteriosis and its prevention; Dermatitis of various etiologies (in complex treatment);
- Artificial feeding;
- Malabsorption syndrome, disaccharidase (lactase) deficiency, food allergy (in complex therapy);
- Women during pregnancy and lactation;
- The phenomena of diathesis, rickets, anemia;
- Metabolic syndrome and obesity (in complex therapy);
- Ischemic heart disease (in complex therapy);
- Elimination of dysbiotic disorders of the intestine in premature babies;
- Restoration of disturbed microbiocenosis against the background of antibiotic therapy
- Inflammatory diseases of the mouth and nasopharynx;
- Bacterial and fungal diseases of the urogenital tract (vulvovaginitis, colpitis, candidiasis, salpingo-oophoritis) (in complex therapy).

Mode of application

Normoflorin-L take orally one hour after meals, 1-2 times a day.
It is recommended together with Normoflorin-B to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

Dermatology and cosmetology:
Soak a gauze napkin with 10-20 ml of Normoflorin-L diluted 1:2 with boiled water (t not higher than 37 ° C), apply as an application on the skin and hold until dry, but not less than 15 minutes, 1-2 times a day. The course is 10-14 days.

Dentistry and ENT diseases (rinsing of the mouth and throat)
1-2 tbsp. l. Normoflorin-L for 0.5 cups of warm boiled water, rinse every 2-3 hours in the first days of the disease; irrigate or lubricate the tonsils with a 1:1 solution of water.

Instillation into the nose:
Dilute 1 ml of the drug 1: 2 with boiled water (t not higher than 37 ° C), drip 2-3 drops for children; adults - 0.5 pipettes 2-4 times a day. The course is 3-7 days.

obstetrics and gynecology:
Dilute 7-10 ml of Normoflorin-L 1:2 with warm (t not higher than 37 ° C) boiled water, soak a cotton-gauze swab and inject intravaginally for 3-7 hours. The course is 10-14 days.

Side effects

When applied Normoflorin-L possible side effects in the form of allergic reactions.


The use of the drug is contraindicated Normoflorin-L with individual intolerance to the components.

Interaction with other drugs

With antibiotic therapy Normoflorin-L prescribed from the first day of treatment, with an interval of 2-4 hours from taking the antibiotic.

Storage conditions

Normoflorin-L store in a refrigerator at t 4 ± 2 0С.
Expiration date: 90 days from the date of manufacture indicated on the bottle.

Release form

Normoflorin-L - oral solution; bottles of 100 ml, placed in a cardboard box.


Normoflorin-L contains: Lactobacillus (L.acidophilus) at least 10 billion microbial cells per 1 ml; metabolic products of bacteria: organic acids (including lactic and succinic), amino acids (including essential), micro and macro elements, vitamins, antimicrobial substances of natural origin; prebiotic lactitol, which stimulates the growth of protective microflora.

main parameters


Due to the fact that modern medicine does not stand still, every year there are new medicines for the timely fight against various ailments. It has long been proven that the basis of immunity is the health of the intestinal microflora. It is his condition that is the basis for the protective functions of the body and normal digestion. Few drugs to normalize the state of the body are allowed to be taken by children or pregnant women, but "Normoflorin", the doctors' reviews indicate this, can be attributed to this category.

general description

Despite the wide range of prebiotics in our country, Normoflorin, reviews confirm this, has no analogues. Most of those who have already experienced its therapeutic effect on themselves or their children describe the effect of the drug extremely positively. Negative reviews are associated only with the fact that the product does not have a very pleasant taste, as a result of which it is accepted by children without pleasure. Adult patients characterize the taste of the suspension as similar to black bread, so they can safely drink the medicine.

The popularity of the drug

Rarely used "Normoflorin" in gynecology, reviews indicate that it is not so easy to find it in pharmacies. This is also the reason for the low popularity of the drug for the treatment of children or pregnant women, but, despite this, the drug is characterized exclusively on the positive side by specialists and those patients who still managed to try it on themselves.

The low prevalence of the remedy is also due to the fact that most doctors try to solve the problems of patients as soon as possible, resorting to the help of chemicals. Few people try to stimulate the body to fight diseases on its own by exposing it to natural substances. "Normoflorin", reviews about it are mostly positive, do not contain harmful components. The drug gently and naturally affects the body, and therefore is approved for use in babies from birth.

Experts assure that most diseases begin precisely because of malnutrition, which provokes the destruction of the natural intestinal microflora, and it is the basis of the immune shield of the whole organism. The drug contains all the beneficial bacteria necessary for a person and helps to normalize the functioning of the body in a short time.

Newborns "Normoflorin" (reviews will be later) helps not only to normalize the stool, but also to reduce the number of regurgitation, reduce intestinal gas. In all children, the drug has a beneficial effect on the restoration of intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.

In general, the small popularity of the drug is due solely to the ignorance of many doctors about it, who do not prescribe it to their patients. Everyone who has already experienced its positive effect notes that the drug is unique in its kind.

Release form and price

"Normoflorin" for babies (reviews describe it as a very convenient drug) is available in the form of a suspension. You can buy it in a few pharmacies in the country, the manufacturer offers bottles with a capacity of 20, 50 and 100 ml. The latter can be bought for about 200 rubles. Compared to some other prebiotic products approved for use in toddlers, the price doesn't seem that high. For the treatment of an adult patient, you can choose the option in tablets or capsules.

Varieties of funds

How to give Normoflorin to a child? Feedback from people suggests that it should be given on the recommendation of a doctor, since the drug is offered to the end user in several versions. To distinguish between them, the letter B, D or L is added to the main name. Each of them indicates certain changes in the composition of the product.

So, with the letter B "Normoflorin" for newborns collects more reviews. This marking indicates a high content of bifidobacteria, which are necessary for the child's intestines to normalize digestion.

Marking L indicates a high concentration of lactobacilli. They are necessary for a person to control the level of lactose and carbohydrates in the body.

The letter D in the name indicates the content in the composition of all the above types of beneficial microorganisms at the same time. It is their complex receipt by a sick intestine that can normalize not only the work of the digestive system, but also restore immunity. That is why "Normoflorin" for a child (reviews should be studied before use) is recommended as a strengthening and supporting natural remedy during the cold season.

Chemical composition

Since the drug is produced with different labels, the composition of each is different.

"Normoflorin B" contains:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins C, E, B and others;
  • lactitol;
  • trace elements;
  • live probiotic microorganisms.

Drug labeled "L":

  • lactobacilli;
  • their metabolites;
  • all the other elements listed above, except for bifidobacteria.

A complex remedy with an additional letter "D" in the name is a whole biocomplex.

In its composition:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • metabolites of both;
  • lactitol;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • live microorganisms.

Characteristics of the lactobacillus complex

With the marking L "Normoflorin" for constipation, the reviews collect the most positive. Its composition has a beneficial effect on cleansing the body of putrefactive microflora, restores the natural environment in the intestines and helps to eliminate toxins. The drug is able to reduce flatulence, so it helps even the smallest patients with swelling. The dosage for the relief of unpleasant symptoms is prescribed by the attending physician according to age and diagnosis.

Interestingly, the ability to remove harmful substances from the body also extends to cholesterol, which, being in excess in the body, normalizes after taking this medication. In addition, "Normoflorin", most of the reviews about it are positive, it is recommended to take it for dysbacteriosis, chronic infections and allergies.

Characteristics of the bifidobacteria complex

This combination of nutrients in the composition contributes to the optimal healing of the intestinal tract. The complex of bifidobacteria has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with diseases of the digestive system. It is often recommended by pediatricians to prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis in newborns, and surgeons - to prepare the body for surgery or to recover after it.

Characteristics of the complex tool

"Normoflorin" during pregnancy (reviews - hereinafter) is recommended to be taken with the marking "D". Such a preparation contains a whole complex of beneficial microorganisms that can significantly increase the protective functions of the body. The effect is achieved due to the increase in the content of antibodies and lymphocytes in the blood, and this is very important for every expectant mother.

Indications for use

Due to its versatility, Normoflorin collects reviews from patients with completely different diagnoses.

Any of the drugs can be prescribed to patients with:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis in adults;
  • its prevention in newborns;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • with artificial feeding of babies;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, each complex also has narrow-profile indications, according to which a certain drug should be taken.

So, lactobacilli are needed for the most part for the treatment of dermatitis, rickets, anemia, diathesis, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, for the normalization of digestion in premature babies, after antibiotics. In addition, the drug labeled L is often used as a component of the complex therapy of obesity, diseases of the urogenital tract of various nature.

Marked B "Normoflorin" reviews are characterized as an excellent remedy against rotaviruses, enteroviruses, salmonellosis, staphylococcus and genital diseases in girls of a bacterial or fungal nature. In addition, the drug is also used in the treatment of obesity, rickets, anemia, diathesis, immunodeficiency, allergies, atherosclerosis, and so on. Additionally, the drug is often prescribed as a prophylactic against infection with infections after instrumental interventions on the gastrointestinal tract or before them.

The complex composition of Normoflorin, in addition to all the above diagnoses, can be prescribed by doctors to eliminate intestinal disorders associated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, antibiotic treatment and immunodeficiency states.

Prohibitions for use

In fact, the drug is absolutely natural and harmless, which proves the permission of its use from birth. That is why it is worth refraining from using it only for those who suffer from hypersensitivity to at least one of its components.

Before taking dietary supplements, you need to consult a specialist. As a standard, the manufacturer recommends using the product two or three times a day. For better absorption, the solution should enter the digestive tract half an hour before meals.

Improper preparation may reduce the effectiveness of Normoflorin-D biocomplex. It is necessary to shake the contents of the vial and add liquid (preferably boiled water). The diluent temperature should not exceed +37 degrees. After preparation, the solution should be consumed immediately. If the patient is diagnosed with increased acidity of the stomach, mineral non-carbonated water should be added to the product.

Children aged three to seven years should take the standard dosage of seven or ten milliliters of the drug. The older age group (from seven to fourteen years old) will need about 10-15 milliliters for a noticeable effect. Adolescents from 14 years of age are prescribed a complex in a dosage of fifteen to twenty milliliters.

Adult patients are recommended to use from twenty to thirty milliliters of the drug. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease. If the supplement is prescribed as a prophylaxis, Normoflorin-D biocomplex should be taken within two weeks. Recovery of the body will provide a course lasting one month.

Changing the dosage or re-use is possible only in agreement with the attending physician. Consultation of a specialist when taking funds by children aged six months to fourteen years is required.

Dietary supplement Normoflorin is a probiotic containing a mixture of living microorganisms. The drug helps to eliminate the effects of antibiotic therapy and some other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.


Consisting of a mixture of living bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that have not undergone drying, as well as a complex of antimicrobial substances, vitamins, organic acids, amino acids and minerals, which are metabolites of probiotic microorganisms and the prebiotic lactitol, the dietary supplement Normoflorin is unique and has a high effect in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

The drug helps to restore the following disorders:

  • microbiocenosis after antibiotic treatment;
  • food allergies (in complex therapy);
  • intestinal dysbiotic disorders in preterm infants;
  • lactase deficiency in babies (as part of complex treatment);
  • erosive gastritis (in the medical complex).

The therapeutic efficacy of the drug is based on the complex effect of biocomplexes:

  • Instant inclusion of beneficial bacteria in the work when the gastrointestinal tract enters. Suppression of pathogenic microflora by lactobacilli;
  • the inclusion in the composition of the preparation of vitamins and all the nutrients necessary for the normal functionality of the body;
  • addition of a growth factor of favorable microflora - lactitol prebiotic.

Types of Normoflorin

Guided by the labeling, dietary supplements Normoflorin are divided into the following types:

  • Normofloin D - based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • Normoflorin B - the basis is bifidobacteria;
  • Nomoflorin L - on lactobacilli.


Normoflorin has a number of pharmacological properties:

  • suppression of the activity of pathogenic microflora;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • restoration of the biological protective film on the mucous membranes;
  • protection of damaged cells;
  • stimulation of the production of interferons;
  • lower oxalate/cholesterol levels;
  • breakdown of lactose.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug is produced exclusively in the form of a liquid concentrate. The packaging of dietary supplements is a bottle of 100 or 50 milliliters.

The Normoflorin biocomplex includes:

Normoflorin L - cultures of lactobacilli acidophilus and products of their metabolism in the form of amino acids, trace elements of iron, potassium, zinc, sodium, copper, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, organic acids, vitamins of group B, as well as C, H, PP, E + lactite ( prebiotic) with the addition of auxiliary components.

Normoflorin B - cultures of long bifidobacteria, bifidobacteria bifidum + bifidobacteria metabolites identical in composition to lactobacilli Normofloin L metabolites with the addition of prebiotic lactitol and excipients.

Normoflorin D is a complex of cultures of lactobacilli Normoflorin L and bifidobacteria Normoflorin D with an identical set of their waste products in combination with prebiotic lactitol and supplemented with auxiliary components.

Terms and conditions of storage

Storage of the drug is carried out in the refrigerator from four to two degrees, both before opening the vial and after it. The expiration date of the biocomplex must be indicated on the packaging.

Shake the vial vigorously before each use.

Indications for the use of probiotics Normoflorin

  • with chronic gastritis, proctosigmoiditis, duodenitis, colitis, ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • with diseases of an allergic nature and conditions of immunodeficiency;
  • with acute intestinal infections of various etiologies;
  • for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • with lactase deficiency;
  • with diarrhea, which developed due to treatment with hormonal / antibacterial drugs, as well as radiation and chemotherapy;
  • with the identified malabsorption syndrome.

Also biocomplex Normoflorin is advised to take:

  • babies who are unable to breastfeed;
  • breastfeeding and expectant women;
  • for preventive purposes before and after surgery in the gastrointestinal tract to prevent the development of complications of a purulent-septic nature.


Dietary supplements should not be prescribed to a patient if he has a high sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Instructions for use of various types

Normoflorin D

Diluted with any warm drinking liquid (1:2), the drug is taken orally up to three times a day before meals for half an hour. Shake the vial vigorously before reconstitution. Drink the prepared solution immediately. If the patient has increased acidity, a weakly alkaline non-carbonated mineral water is suitable for diluting dietary supplements.

  • For kids from three to seven years old, one or half a tablespoon;
  • for children and adolescents from seven to fourteen years old from one to one and a half tbsp. spoons;
  • for an adult patient, two or three tablespoons.

For prevention, the duration of admission is at least two weeks.

For recovery, the drug should be taken for one month.

Normoflorin B

Dilute with any warm drinking liquid (1:3) and take the drug orally up to two times a day before meals for thirty minutes. Shake the vial before diluting the drug. Drink the prepared drink immediately. If the patient suffers from high acidity, mineral water of a slightly alkaline composition without carbonation is suitable for diluting Normoflorin.

For children from birth to fourteen years of age, a doctor's permission is required to take the drug.

  • Babies up to a year, half or one teaspoon;
  • For children from one to three years old, one or one and a half teaspoons;
  • For kids from three to seven years old, half or one tablespoon;
  • For children / adolescents 7-14 years old, 1 or 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Adolescents from fourteen years old can drink up to two tablespoons;
  • Adults - two or three spoons.

Taking the drug in the evening is often replaced with a micro enema. For its preparation, a single dose of the drug is taken and diluted with warm boiled water (1: 1), followed by administration at night into the anus.

The duration of taking the drug is up to fourteen days.

Normoflorin L

The drug is taken orally, combined with food or an hour after the end of the meal. Multiplicity of reception - once or twice a day. Those who have high acidity can dilute Normoflorin not with slightly alkaline carbonated mineral water, but with everyone else with any liquid for drinking in a warm form. Dilution is carried out after shaking the vial in a ratio of 1:2.

  • For newborn babies up to a year, no more than a teaspoon;
  • For babies from one to three years old up to one and a half teaspoons;
  • Children three to seven years old no more than one tablespoon;
  • For children after 7 years to 14, one and a half tablespoons are allowed;
  • Adolescents over 14 may take up to two scoops;
  • Adults - three tablespoons.

For recovery, the drug is prescribed for up to thirty days, and for prevention - up to fourteen days.

Features of use by various categories of patients

During pregnancy

The use of the drug for this category of patients is permissible with the approval of the doctor.

Normoflorin for children

Normoflorins L and B are approved for use in children from birth. Normoflorin D can be used in babies from six months. The dosage should be agreed with the pediatrician.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by both adults and children, but the development of allergic reactions cannot be ruled out.


Cases of overdose of dietary supplement Normoflorin were not recorded.

Drug Interactions

The preparation of biocomplexes Normoflorin is used in the treatment with antibiotics from the very beginning of antibacterial therapeutic measures. The interval between taking the drugs is about four hours.

Additional instructions

The drug can be taken by patients who are allergic to cow's milk protein. This is possible due to the production process during which the milk protein is converted into amino acids, dipeptides and oligopeptides, which are indicated for this disorder. Normoflorin also contains no flavor adapters, lactose, dyes or preservatives.

Information for consumers

Normoflorin's analogs

According to the active complex, Normoflorin has no analogues, since its composition is unique. But in terms of pharmacological action, dietary supplements have a fairly wide range of similar drugs (prebiotics / probiotics).

The price of Normoflorin

Pharmacies on the Internet offer the drug Normoflorin in the cost range from 210 to 310 rubles per bottle.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Normoflorin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Normoflorin in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Normoflorin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections in adults, children (including infants and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The composition of the probiotic.

Normoflorin- biologically active additive (BAA) to food. It is a mixture of live (not lyophilized - not dried) probiotic microorganisms - lacto- and bifidobacteria (at a concentration of 100 million to 10 billion per 1 ml of the drug), their metabolites (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic acids, antimicrobial substances) and lactitol - a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of its own protective microflora, which are in a liquid nutrient medium.

Normoflorin restores disturbed microbiocenosis against the background of antibiotic therapy. Eliminates dysbiotic disorders of the intestine in premature babies. Effective in the complex therapy of children with lactase deficiency, erosive gastritis, food allergies.

The uniqueness and basis of the effectiveness of Normoflorins in the treatment of dysbacteriosis is the complex action of three principles (that is why Normoflorins are biocomplexes!), Necessary for the restoration of microflora:

  • Beneficial bacteria that immediately begin to work, getting into the gastrointestinal tract. Lactobacilli in the composition of Normoflorins L and D suppress pathogenic microflora;
  • Bacterial waste products - metabolites - vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the functioning of the human body (including the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Prebiotic - lactitol - growth factor of useful microflora.

Separation by type and marking:

  • Normoflorin L - lactobacilli;
  • Normoflorin B - bifidobacteria;
  • Normoflorin D - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

The biocomplex inhibits the activity of pathogenic microflora, prevents the penetration of its endotoxins into the body, and restores the protective biofilm on all mucous membranes. The drug restores intestinal motility, lowers cholesterol and oxalate levels, breaks down lactose, stimulates the production of interferons and maintains a common pool of immunoglobulins. It has a protective effect on damaged cells and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Additional information. Prepared on milk hydrolyzate, during the production process, proteins are converted into oligopeptides, dipeptides and amino acids (indicated for allergies to cow's milk proteins). Does not contain lactose, preservatives, dyes, flavor adapters.


Cultures of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus) and their metabolites (essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins C, E, PP, H and group B + trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, F) + prebiotic - lactitol + excipients (Normoflorin L).

Cultures of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum) and their metabolites, incl. essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins C, E, PP, H and group B + trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, F) + prebiotic - lactitol + excipients (Normoflorin B).

Cultures of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum) and their metabolites (essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins C, E, PP, H and group B + trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu , Zn, F) + prebiotic - lactitol + excipients (Normoflorin D).


As part of complex therapy:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis, proctosigmoiditis);
  • acute intestinal infections of established (shigellosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcal enterocolitis, enterovirus and rotavirus infection, etc.) and of unknown etiology;
  • dysbacteriosis (and its prevention);
  • diarrhea against the background of antibacterial, hormonal, radiation and chemotherapy;
  • malabsorption syndrome, disaccharidase (lactase) deficiency;
  • allergic diseases and immunodeficiency states.
  • with artificial feeding;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • before and after operations and instrumental intervention on the gastrointestinal tract for the prevention of purulent-septic complications.

Release forms

Liquid concentrate in vials of 50 ml and 100 ml (Normoflorins B, D and L).

There are no other dosage forms, whether tablets, capsules, solution or suspension.

Instructions for use and regimen

Normoflorin B

Inside, 30 minutes before meals, 1-2 times a day.

Children from birth to 14 years of age should be used in consultation with a doctor.

Shake, dilute in a ratio of 1:3 with any food liquid (temperature not higher than 37 degrees Celsius) and consume immediately.

Evening reception can be replaced by a microclyster: dilute a single dose in a ratio of 1: 1 with boiled water (up to 37 degrees Celsius) and inject into the rectum at night. Course - 10-14 days.

Normoflorin D

Inside, 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day.

With increased acidity, it can be diluted with slightly alkaline mineral water without gas.

Children: from 3 to 7 years old - 7-10 ml (0.5-1 tbsp), from 7 to 14 years old - 10-15 ml (1-1.5 tbsp), over 14 years old - 15- 20 ml (1.5-2 tablespoons).

Adults - 20-30 ml (2-3 tablespoons).

Admission courses: prophylactic - at least 14 days, recovery - at least 30 days.

Conducting repeated courses and expanding age indications is possible in agreement with a specialist.

Normoflorin L

Inside, during or 1 hour after a meal, 1-2 times a day.

Shake, dilute in a ratio of 1:2 or more with any food liquid (not higher than 37 degrees Celsius) and consume immediately.

With increased acidity, it can be diluted with slightly alkaline mineral water without gas.

Children: from birth to 1 year - 3-5 ml (0.5-1 tsp), from 1 to 3 years - 5-7 ml (1-1.5 tsp), from 3 to 7 years - 7-10 ml (0.5-1 tablespoon), from 7 to 14 years old - 10-15 ml (1-1.5 tablespoons), over 14 years old - 15-20 ml (1.5-2 tablespoons).

Adults - 20-30 ml (2-3 tablespoons).

Admission courses: prophylactic - at least 14 days, recovery - at least 30 days.

Dermatology and cosmetology: soak a gauze napkin with 10-20 ml of Normoflorin L, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with boiled water, apply as an application on the skin and hold until dry (at least 15 minutes), 1-2 times a day. Course - 10-14 days.

Dentistry and ENT diseases. Rinsing the mouth and throat: 1-2 tablespoons of Normoflorin L per 0.5 cup of warm boiled water, rinse every 2-3 hours in the first days of the disease; irrigate or lubricate the tonsils with a solution of Normoflorin L, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Instillation into the nose: 1 ml of Normoflorin L diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2; children - 2-3 drops, adults - 0.5 pipettes 2-4 times a day. Course - 3-7 days.

Obstetrics and gynecology: at the same time, Normoflorin biocomplexes are taken orally according to the main scheme, as well as intravaginally in the form of a cotton-gauze swab soaked in Normoflorin L (7-10 ml diluted 1: 2 with warm, up to 37 degrees Celsius, boiled water). The tampon is set for 3-7 hours. The course is 10-14 days.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug Normoflorin during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is shown in consultation with the doctor.

Use in children

It is possible to use the drug Normoflorin in children (including infants and newborns).

Normoflorin D - for children from 6 months to 14 years old, the dosage is in agreement with the doctor.

Normoflorin L - allowed to use from birth (in newborns) up to 14 years in agreement with the doctor.

Normoflorin B - for children from birth to 14 years old, the dosage is in agreement with the doctor.

special instructions

Store in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 4+-2 degrees Celsius, in a place protected from direct sunlight. Shake before use.

When opened, store in a tightly closed bottle in the refrigerator.

drug interaction

With antibiotic therapy, it is used from the first day of treatment, 2-4 hours after taking the antibiotic. Combined with other Normoflorin biocomplexes, depending on the recommendations.

Analogues of the drug Normoflorin

Normoflorin has no structural analogues for the active substance. The drug is unique in the combination of active ingredients in the composition.

Analogues by pharmacological group (prebiotics and probiotics):

  • Araglin D;
  • Baksin;
  • Bacteriobalance;
  • Baktistatin;
  • Biovestin;
  • Bion 3;
  • Bifibad;
  • Bifidobak;
  • Bifidogen;
  • Bifidomax;
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force;
  • Bifidoflorin;
  • Bifidum - liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bifizim;
  • Bifilife;
  • Bifistim;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bifolac;
  • Bifainol;
  • Bonolact;
  • Vagilak;
  • Glycine Forte Evalar;
  • Zakofalk NMX;
  • Yogulact;
  • Lactobioactive;
  • lactobifidus;
  • Liveo;
  • Linex for children;
  • Lyophilisate of bifidobacteria;
  • Maxilak Baby, synbiotic (probiotic + prebiotic);
  • Mega Acidophilus;
  • Normospectrum for adults;
  • Normospectrum for children;
  • Normoflorin B biocomplex;
  • Normoflorin D biocomplex;
  • Normoflorin L biocomplex;
  • Omega forte Evalar;
  • Pikovit Prebiotic;
  • Polybacterin;
  • Primadophilus;
  • Probinorm;
  • Probiocap;
  • Probiotic;
  • sperm plant;
  • Dry biomass of bifidobacteria;
  • Tubelon;
  • Ursul;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • Chitosan Evalar;
  • Chagovit;
  • Ecofemin Balance of microflora;
  • Enzyme forte;
  • Eubicor;
  • Effidigest.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

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