Why did the capillary burst in the eye. What to do when the capillary burst in the eye. What to do if a child has burst small capillaries in the eye

Red vessel in the eye

Usually, when a person notices a red vessel in the eye, he thinks that a hemorrhage has occurred.

However, for capillary rupture, serious reasons, then why red vessels appear can be explained by a number of other reasons.

On eye contact adverse factors, its superficial vessels dilate. If the redness has spread to its entire surface, and other symptoms have been added: pain, a sense of schedule, increased tearing, then you need to contact a specialist.

Often red blood vessels eyeball appear during overvoltage, chronic fatigue and do not require special treatment.

It is enough to ensure peace and use natural tear preparations.

Why do red blood vessels appear in the eye

Eye redness is a common symptom of many eye diseases.

Therefore, if you notice such a sign in yourself, then in the absence of logical explanations, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. So, the causes of redness can be:

  • infectious diseases eye - keratitis, uveitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • allergic to house dust, smoke, pollen and more;
  • trauma to the eyeball or its hypothermia;
  • residual symptoms transferred infections eye;
  • the presence of a foreign body;
  • eyestrain, long and hard work at the computer monitor;
  • some medicines can cause redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • lack of sleep and chronic fatigue;
  • increased physical activity, during sports or during childbirth in women.

In addition, the red vessels of the visual organ may be the result of hemorrhage, with hypertension or diabetes. With these diseases, the elasticity of all vessels in the body suffers greatly, therefore, with a sharp jump blood pressure, which leads more blood into a vessel. Insufficient elasticity in this case leads to the fact that it is torn. The causes of such pressure surges can be stress, nervous tension or deterioration weather conditions. If this happens repeatedly, then you need to see a doctor to examine the vessels and prescribe measures to prevent this.

Sometimes, capillary ruptures can happen due to lack of ascorbic acid in the body, from this the vessels become more fragile, the walls of the vessels become less durable.

Lifestyle modern man when the eyes receive a high load, for example, when working with a computer, leads to dry eye syndrome. The lacrimal fluid moisturizes the eye surface and, if it is lacking, it dries, irritation appears, and the vessels turn red. Dry air can also cause insufficient moisture in the eyeballs, such air is produced by air conditioners. Also wearing contact lenses can injure the cornea and lead to edema and redness of the vessels.

How to get rid of reddened blood vessels

If the redness of the organs of vision is caused by an allergy, then you should take antihistamines. With allergies, in addition to redness, itching appears. Now vasoconstrictor antihistamine drops can be bought without a prescription. However, they cannot be used for a long time. Use them several times a day.

Thanks to vision, we can contemplate all the beauty of the world around us. But, unfortunately, sometimes our eyes begin to fail us, and then we must immediately begin to deal with the problem that has arisen.

It is worth remembering one important thing - the reason why it may occur due to an eye disease that only a specialist can find out.

However, the most likely factors contributing to vascular fragility and similar situation, worth considering.

Why are there capillaries in the eye?

The capillary is the thinnest blood vessel in the human body. in our body great amount capillaries that connect to veins and arteries. In the eyes of a person there are also a lot of these small vessels, thanks to which the blood runs inside the eye. How well the capillaries work will largely depend on our vision and the well-being of our eyes.

Blood supplies every cell in our body with oxygen and useful substances. Therefore, it is important that each blood vessel is in good condition and performs its functions.

Why can capillaries burst and what diseases can this speak of?

With a nuisance like burst capillary in the eye faced, most likely, every person. Let's find out the most common reasons:

  • long time spent in front of the TV screen or computer monitor;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • weight lifting;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep, overwork.

Fortunately, this damage is not particularly dangerous and often resolves on its own if the cause is corrected. negative impact. If you have burst capillary, you should not go to the doctor, but you should devote more time to the health of the eyes, rinse and give them a proper rest.

But, unfortunately, it happens that broken capillaries, accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate such diseases:

  • . This is a rather dangerous disease, since the pressure in all vessels rises, which can burst not only in the eyes, but also in the brain and lead to fatal consequences. In such a case, you should contact medical care and follow the prescriptions of doctors;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • or heads. In this case, the hemorrhage can be not only in the eye;
  • allergic reaction;
  • (hyperthermia).

Video about why blood vessels burst in the eyes

How to treat a broken capillary in the eye? What drops to drip?

First of all, you should establish the reason why it burst capillary in the eye. If you are sure that this was due to overwork, and has no more deep reason, then you should not take any measures, the state of the eye vessels will recover after a good rest.

But if you need help urgently, you can use the following means:

  • Drops Defislez. These drops have the effect of "artificial tears", moisturize the eyes well and prevent them from overworking;
  • . Well relieves redness, fatigue and overwork of the eyes;
  • . These drops constrict the blood vessels. It is better to use them according to the doctor's prescriptions, since the narrowing of the capillaries does not always have a positive effect on the condition of the eye.

If you want to avoid using medical devices, then you can turn to traditional medicine. There are several easy ways:

  • cold exposure. Cold is good for stopping bleeding. Dampen a tissue cold water and apply to the closed eyelid for a few minutes;
  • . Herbs such as chamomile, calendula, parsley help very well. You should boil one of them, cool the broth and apply compresses to the closed eyelid;
  • potato compress. Wet gauze potato juice and apply to the eyelid.

Remember that self-medication can eliminate the symptom, but does not eliminate the cause. And if you have burst capillary for no apparent reason, see a doctor for a diagnosis.

VIDEO Hemorrhage Best Treatment Options

How long does it take for a broken capillary to pass?

Depending on what the cause is, the healing time will depend. capillary in the eye will recover quickly if the cause of its damage does not lie somewhere deeper.

If it burst due to stress, lack of sleep or overwork, then you need to properly relax, drink mint tea, sleep and the condition of your eyes will return to normal in a few hours. The same guidelines should be followed if you for a long time working on a computer or watching TV.

If you have an eye injury or mechanical damage, then in this case, healing can take several weeks, depending on the degree of injury.

Also, the speed of healing will depend on how quickly and competently assistance will be provided. If you apply a compress in time, then redness can be removed in 15-20 minutes. stress and nervous tension will negatively affect the speed of healing, so set yourself up in a positive way and eliminate all irritants.

If you decide to use drops, then it all depends on the speed of their action. Read the instructions for use of the medicinal product carefully before use!

What to do if it doesn't work?

If you put in a lot of effort, took into account all the recommendations, and burst capillary in the eye does not work, there may be several reasons for this:

  • due to injury or bruising, a bursting vessel can make itself felt for a long time. In this case, the course of treatment should be extended;
  • wrong remedy. Perhaps the drops you are using do not give the desired effect or are not suitable for you. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist and choose a drug together with him;
  • you get little rest and do not get enough sleep. Chronic fatigue syndrome has a very detrimental effect on the general condition of the body. You should establish a clear daily routine, go to bed on time (preferably at the same time) and allocate at least 7 hours for a good sleep.

In one case or another, if the vessels in the eye burst regularly and do not go away for a long time, you should contact the doctors to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Is it possible to lose sight due to broken capillaries?

Bursting on their own capillaries in the eye(if there are no accompanying diseases) do not lead to loss of vision. But if this is just a symptom that indicates a more serious disease of the organs of vision, then you should be much more careful and seek medical help in time.

Visual disability in the world is very high, because there are many dangerous diseases that need to be treated immediately. These include:

  • eye dermatitis. Its main symptom is redness of the eyelids, skin around the eyes, broken capillaries, and itching;
  • ocular hernia;
  • allergic reactions. If you have an allergy, then it is quite possible that vessels in the eyes may burst during exacerbations;

It should be remembered that any eye disease needs immediate attention. medical intervention. Since there are no dangerous and non-dangerous diseases, in a neglected state, any ailment becomes threatening.

How to treat capillaries in children?

We may not pay attention to a broken vessel in our own eye, but if it is a beloved child, this fact causes a lot of anxiety for parents, because we always want to see our children healthy.

Do not panic if the rupture of the vessel occurred for the following reasons:

  • prolonged crying of the child;
  • lack of sleep, fatigue;
  • irritants from the outside world (dust, dirt got into the eyes);
  • cough;
  • prolonged exposure to a computer monitor and TV screen.

But, also burst capillaries can occur due to:

  • mechanical damage;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • physical overvoltage;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins (especially in the spring).

You do not need to immediately run to the doctor if you notice that burst the only one capillary in the eye The child has. The best option would be to ask if your child is worried about pain or discomfort in the eye and observe the behavior of the baby for several days. Temporarily restrict access to TV and computer.

If you notice that a sufficiently long period of time has passed, and the red spot does not disappear, the child becomes lethargic or vice versa, overexcited, complains of visual impairment, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

If it gets in the eye foreign object, which is difficult to extract, do not engage in amateur activities. Unskilled actions of parents can worsen the situation and injure the fragile eye tissue. It is best to contact a specialist who, under sterile conditions, will save the child from the trouble that has occurred.

Prevention of broken capillaries

The human eye is a truly unique organ. It is thanks to vision that we perceive 90% of information, we can observe the beauty of the world around us, see the eyes of our relatives and friends. It is also an organ that cannot be replaced. Therefore, vision should be protected and not neglected. simple rules prevention:

  • daily regime. Fatigue and constant lack of sleep negatively affect both the condition of the eyes and general well-being generally. Get in the habit of going to bed at the same time every day and allocate it to enough for sleep;
  • do not stay too long at the computer and TV. The waves that the screen emits adversely affect eye health;
  • . Particularly good for vision: blueberries, carrots, black currants;
  • do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes;
  • avoid excessive physical tension, prolonged crying and stress;
  • try to lead active image life and often visit fresh air.

You should also not forget that stress, nervous tension and negative emotions can affect our health. Therefore, do not succumb to their influence and set yourself up in a positive way!

Take good care of the health of the organs of vision, because the eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also an indicator of the general condition of the body. Do not forget that lost vision is very difficult to restore. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of seeing this beautiful world and behold all its beauty.

VIDEO How to help the eyes? Vitamins for vision and preparations for the eyes. Folk eye treatment.

Redness of the eyes or the appearance of vitreous body small red spots may indicate ruptured blood vessels. This phenomenon does not cause any discomfort to the patient, which is why many treat it lightly, hoping that "everything will resolve itself." But in fact, a broken capillary may indicate the presence of serious illnesses. Therefore, it makes sense to consult an ophthalmologist who will tell you the best options problem solving.

Relatively harmless causes of broken capillaries in the eye

If you have a burst capillary, this may be the result natural factors. For example, a strong cold wind, exhausting heat, snow, sand and dust, too bright sunlight negatively affect the organs of vision.

To fix the problem, you do not need to do anything - it will disappear by itself in just a few days.

In addition, they are relatively safe the following reasons, because of which the capillary burst in the eye:

  • reduced level of humidity in the room, prolonged stay in a smoky room;
  • lack of sleep, exhaustion of the body. What to do if the capillary in the eye burst for these reasons? Just try to change your lifestyle or make a number of adjustments to it in order to eliminate the risk to your health in the future;
  • excessive muscle tension, which may be associated with increased physical exertion in the process of performing official duties or sports training;
  • prolonged use of contact lenses. Designed to replace eyeglasses, these products are designed to be worn for a certain amount of time. If you ignore your doctor's instructions, don't be surprised if your capillary bursts or your eye feels gritty and dry. What to do in such a situation? Just stop saving on health and remove or even replace “contacts” in a timely manner;
  • overstrain of the organs of vision. Prolonged reading, working at a computer or studying various documents for several hours in a row may well cause a capillary in the eye to burst.

In addition, to relatively harmless reasons, we will also include soap, shampoo, any detergents, and high blood pressure, and a number of bad habits- consumption of alcohol and other energy drinks, smoking and others.

What to do if the capillary in the eye burst for one of the above reasons? All that is required of you is simply to eliminate the factors that negatively affect normal work organs of vision.

Serious diseases that cause redness of the eyes

Problems with the blood vessels of the organs of vision can also be one of the symptoms of such serious diseases as:

  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis accompanied by purulent infections;
  • diseases endocrine system organism;
  • too high intraocular pressure;
  • SARS - colds caused by viruses. If, in addition to the fact that the capillary has burst, you notice a significant increase in temperature, the presence of signs of intoxication, then it is most likely a cold;
  • complications after a head injury.

Capillary burst: how to alleviate your condition

As we wrote above, very often redness does not cause any discomfort. However, if you have a broken capillary in your eye, you can still take a few simple steps to speed up the healing of blood vessels. First, you need to give your eyes a rest. Optimize your work so that you don't overwork yourself or take a vacation. Secondly, you can make the so-called contrast baths. Just drip into the eyes alternately warm and cold water to take off inflammatory process. Finally, thirdly, you can use special medications that alleviate your condition:

  • drops of Vizin, Taufon, Hilo-Komod, Stillavit and others;
  • various vitamin complexes. If you have a burst vessel in your eye, preparations with vitamins A, C, E and P will help;
  • drops, which contain a substance such as taurine, as well as "liquid glucose".

What is undesirable to do if you have damaged a vessel in the eye? Best not to use traditional medicine, such as washing the organs of vision with tea or decoctions medicinal herbs. The impact of such compounds will lead to the fact that the damaged area will only increase. Also, do not drip into the eyes. medical preparations constricting blood vessels.

Preventive measures

To prevent hemorrhages in the organs of vision, you can take a number of preventive measures:

  • eat right, choose foods that are good for the eyes and for the whole body as a whole;
  • give yourself a break from the computer, TV, documents and books every half hour;
  • take care of your eyes, follow the requirements for wearing lenses, use only high-quality cosmetics that will not harm the organs of vision;
  • regularly ventilate the room and monitor the level of humidity. Today, you can use special humidifiers that will help maintain in a room or office comfortable conditions for work and life.

The eye, like any other organ, is permeated the smallest vessels. The capillary wall consists of only one layer of cells (endothelium) and a membrane that regulates the lumen of the vessels and is responsible for its strength.

Before deciding what to do when a capillary in the eye bursts, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between two states of vessels:

  1. Paresis of vessels with hyperemia.
  2. Rupture of blood vessels with hemorrhage.

Both conditions are characterized by redness of the eye, sometimes focal, sometimes diffuse, but the paretic vasodilation is more like a bloody haze with a traceable course of overflowing capillaries, and the gap is a clearly demarcated spot of bloody color. Sometimes, as a result of impaired permeability, the vessels do not tear, but cease to be an impenetrable barrier for erythrocytes and they enter the surrounding tissues through the endothelial gaps formed in the capillaries - diapedetic hemorrhage or petechial (punctate).

Hemorrhages can be both visible and hidden. For example, a bloody speck on the sclera will catch the eye of everyone, but such a process in the inner shells, despite the fact that it carries with it much more serious consequences, is noticeable only to a specialist. In this case, the patient is forced to contact an ophthalmologist by sudden visual impairment.

Broken capillary in the eye - causes

The reasons for the burst capillary in the eye are different. The capillary wall often breaks due to a sharp jump blood pressure, which can happen in the following situations:

  1. Birth attempts in parturient women.
  2. With a sharp physical movement requiring intensive muscle tension such as weightlifting.
  3. Crisis course of hypertension.
  4. Intense vomiting or persistent constipation.

Bleeding in the eye may be the result of ophthalmic surgery or serious traumatic injury eyeball. Contribute to hemorrhage in the eye during physical trauma or a jump in blood pressure may be disturbances in the hemostasis system, especially with uncontrolled intake of anticoagulants.

Diapedetic hemorrhages are more common in internal pathology related to autoimmune diseases. Subconjunctival or episcleral petechiae, as well as paretic dilatation of capillaries, may accompany infectious diseases with a high intoxication syndrome ranging from influenza to leptospirosis. They become the hallmark of septic endocarditis.

Paresis of capillaries is much more common and can be caused both by an intoxication syndrome with a severe infection, and by a banal being in conditions that are not comfortable for the eye.

For example, a bloody haze on the eye may appear from the electromagnetic radiation of a computer or television monitor, dry hot air, strong wind, rubbing the eyes with hands when trying to eliminate discomfort(burning, itching, blurred vision). In addition, paretic expansion of capillaries accompanies chronic sleep deprivation intake of alcohol and other psychotropic substances.

If a capillary bursts in a child's eye, then the search for causes is significantly narrowed, but this does not make it less tense. Basically, in search of the cause of hemorrhage in baby eye, one has to differentiate between the result of active games (playing sports) and the pathology of blood pressure. In addition to a jump in blood pressure, an increase in blood pressure in the veins is possible. And any of these states requires a detailed study and consultations of specialists.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do, what drops to drip

When a blood spot or petechiae is found on the sclera or conjunctiva, the first step should be to evaluate general state victim, find out what preceded this event. If there are no previous memorable factors and health disorders at the current time, this fact can simply be left under observation or (better) consult an ophthalmologist. The same should be done if the visible part of the eye is in the vascular haze.

Sometimes just getting enough sleep is enough. If lack of sleep is not the cause of the red eye, or a situation arises when it is necessary to decide how to quickly remove the consequences when a vessel in the eye bursts, then it should be said that only vascular paresis can be dealt with.

The hemorrhage, until it resolves itself, will not go anywhere. And the rate of its resorption from the use of any drops or other means will not change. Therefore, the question of what to do, what drops to drip if a vessel in the eye bursts does not make sense. If the paralysis of capillaries with visible stagnation of blood is due to external, physical causes:

  1. overwork
  2. dry, hot air or frosty and windy weather
  3. elimination discomfort in the eye by rubbing it with your hand,

then in this case, both folk "grandmother's" methods and medicinal drops can help.

How to quickly remove

You can simply make contrasting compresses with alternate application of lotions from cold and hot water. Or use strong tea leaves for the same purposes.

What drops to drip

On the pharmacy counter, to solve the problem of discomfort in the eye against the background of its redness, there are also eye drops and eye gels.

There are many ways to compensate for the lack of moisture. Moisturizing the eyeball will solve the issue of its redness if this change is associated with overdrying as a result of either a lack of one's own tear (a change in its qualities) or weather conditions.

Such drugs can be natural tear, and oftagel, systain ultra. A drug with a slightly different effect is vizin. It has some effect on nerve endings vessels, as a result of which the lumen of the capillaries narrows and they become invisible.

A vessel burst in the eye: how to treat if it does not go away for a long time

Whether paresis of capillaries or rupture of blood vessels has arisen is difficult to determine in the eyes of an uninitiated person. Therefore, if the question arises, how to treat if a vessel in the eye has burst, it is better to go for an in-person consultation with a specialist, if the state of general health allows.

If changes in the eyeball are accompanied by other symptoms (fever, headache, vomiting, a feeling of acute malaise, clouding of consciousness), then it is better to call an ambulance.

In any case, if the broken capillary is not caused by the course of internal pathology, its treatment does not make sense. The blood will resolve itself within the time allotted by nature, and the damaged vessel will become empty. There is no way to change the course of events. If a hemorrhage accompanies some kind of disease, then it is he who should be treated, and not him. external manifestations such as hemorrhage in the eye.

Existing problem at least once, but visited each of us. Appearance frequency given symptom happens to different people differently. What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts, what drops are needed and how to treat? Is it worth worrying or is it not so scary? This article is devoted to the problem of eye capillaries, their fragility, the causes of the disease and the method of their treatment.

There are many possible reasons for this issue. Some of them are insignificant, others can cause serious illness.

The main symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye:

  • High blood pressure ().

One of the main reasons why a vessel in the eye burst is high blood pressure. With a sharp, as well as an abrupt increase in pressure, the eye vessels cannot withstand blood pressure, which provokes their rupture, and, as a result, a red eye. The patient also often there is blood from the nose. However, if during an attack of hypertension there was a rupture of blood vessels in the eye, this good sign, because in another case, the vessel could burst inside the brain center, which entails more likely disability and death in some cases.

Therefore, a burst vessel in the eye is a kind of body warning that you should always pay attention to in order to avoid more serious problems.

The cause of the eye may be hidden not only in high blood pressure, but also intracranial hypertension. Manifested in frequent migraines, with congenital anomalies skulls, tumors, etc. Also various injuries skulls lead to increased intracranial pressure and rupture of fragile ocular vessels. Usually, the symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye are immediately visible, or they are indicated by the patient himself.

Diabetes is known for damage to the body's capillaries. For the eyes, the disease entails retinopathy. This disease manifests itself in a progressive loss of vision and rupture of the eye vessels. The latter can happen regardless of external factors, by itself, but also from physical activity, sometimes insignificant. If such a reaction of the body is noticed, an appointment with an endocrinologist is mandatory.

  • Overwork of the eye muscles.

This cause is a threat to the patient's body. The main cause of eye fatigue is prolonged work in front of a computer monitor, reading, hobbies, which involve long-term stress in the immediate vicinity of the eyes.

The optic capillaries are rather fragile and brittle systems, with a prolonged load of which an involuntary contraction of the optic muscles begins, which provokes the filling of capillaries with blood and, as a result, rupture of the thin blood wall and hemorrhage of the eye.

You should not provoke your own vessels to dry and computer eye syndromes. To eliminate the problem for the above reason, you should relax your eyesight and give exercises to your eyes. It is enough to spend every 10-15 minutes of time per hour simple exercises as well as resting with your eyes closed.

  • Physical overload or their complete absence.

Overloads imply an increase in pressure in the blood channel when lifting heavy objects, transporting them. Loaders, builders, champions of weightlifting, power extreme, etc. fall into this category.

Also, hemorrhage of the vessels of the eyes can occur in a completely untrained person due to the lack of exercise in life at all. If the body does not receive any load at all on own body, then the usual turn of the head, a short position in a bent posture provokes the problem of damage to the vessels in the eye.

Many hematological diseases manifest themselves in increased tissue bleeding and may be possible cause hemorrhages of the eye vessels. Symptoms of the problem are not only the fragility of the vessels of the eyes, but also prolonged bleeding even minor wounds, multiple bruises and hematomas, which can appear both with a minor bruise, and completely on their own. Often the causes of sticky eye vessels lie in diseases of hemophilia, lymphoma, thrombocytopenia.

  • Vascular pathology and ophthalmic pathology.

Can cause a break eye retina. Ophthalmic abnormalities are large spectrum eye diseases that entail damage to the vessels of the eyes and their departments. These include formations, both malignant and benign, infections and inflammatory diseases eyes and protective apparatus.

Other possible factors, not bearing serious consequences for the health of the patient:

  • Anticoagulants;
  • Various allergies;
  • Alcohol;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Dependence on weather changes;
  • Lack of vitamins C and A;
  • Visiting the sauna;
  • Coughing.

There are a great many reasons why a vessel in the eye burst. Some of them are quite trifling and do not pose any danger to our body, while others make you think about a visit to the doctor. In any case, it is best to contact qualified help in order to avoid a possible impending illness.


If a vessel in the eye bursts, the main external symptom is the appearance of a bloody spot on the white of the eye. The spot can be small, and in some cases quite extensive if enough capillaries have burst. In most cases, hemorrhage does not have a pronounced pain syndrome, but a feeling of discomfort and pressure on the visual apparatus is possible.

To determine other symptoms invisible to the naked eye, it is necessary to undergo an ophthalmological examination of the fundus. At the doctor's appointment, it is necessary to give detailed information about the hemorrhage, explain under what circumstances it happened, tell if there were other symptoms, whether this happened before, existing diseases, heredity, etc. All this will help the specialist to identify the problem, diagnose and prescribe eye treatment.

In children

The problem of torn eye vessels can affect even a baby. This happens 2 out of 10 times. natural childbirth, and up to 5 times in case caesarean section. Most often, hemorrhage occurs in only one eye, in rare cases postpartum rupture it occurs in both eyes of the baby. If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out what is the reason.

Most often, parents have nothing to worry about: the hemorrhage resolves by itself, without bringing the child any discomfort. In older children, the causes are the same as in adults.

What to do

What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts? As was in the above, cases of manifestation of the disease can be either frivolous, which can be treated and prevented at home, or quite dangerous to health. For example, if you worked hard at the computer the day before and overworked, then the redness of the eyes will easily go away on its own as soon as you have a good rest. However, if the cause of vascular rupture is unknown, you should definitely go to the doctor, get diagnosed, and prescribe a possible treatment.

Most often, it is not required to treat the hemorrhage in the eye itself, the body recovers on its own, above all, it is worth paying attention to the source of the disease. Until the diagnosis is unknown, it is not categorically worth taking medications on your own, as well as folk remedies, washing with tea and especially drops that narrow blood vessels. At allergic conjunctivitis this will help fix the problem, but if a vessel ruptures, the drops can aggravate the situation by becoming a source of spots on the eyeball.

emergency cases

There are cases that do not tolerate delay in the rupture of capillaries. If at the right time not to provide emergency assistance, the situation could end badly.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a large group eye diseases, if untreated, glaucoma of the eye progresses and leads to complete blindness. Glaucoma is chronic illness accompanied by high intraocular pressure and acute attacks in some cases. If an attack occurs, you must immediately reduce intraocular pressure within 3-4 hours, otherwise there is a violation of blood circulation, which leads to atrophy optic nerve which leads to incurable blindness.

Emergency help:

  • 1% pilocarpine 2 drops every 15 minutes;
  • Intravenously administered drugs that suppress pain sensitivity, in emergency cases, narcotic painkillers are taken, since the attack is accompanied by severe eye pain;
  • inside take diuretics (40-60 mg of furosemide);
  • hospitalization indicated.

Hypertensive crisis

At sharp rise pressure accompanied by painful sensations in the region of the heart, tinnitus, dizziness and weakness. This is an emergency condition that is life-threatening.

In the event of a hypertensive crisis, you need:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Take your doctor's prescription to lower your blood pressure (eg, captopril 50 mg, nifedipine 2-3 drops).

Drug overdose

An overdose of anticoagulants may indicate bleeding gums, uterine bleeding, as well as ruptures of the eye vessels. If such symptoms occur frequently, you should consult a doctor who will adjust the dose of the medicine.


Drops for quick treatment a burst vessel in the eye can be used if you are sure that the cause of the hemorrhage in the eye is not dangerous and does not pose a threat to health. What drops to buy if a vessel burst in the eye?

  • Vizin - relieves discomfort in the eye.
  • Emoksipin - drops for fast elimination hemorrhages.
  • Hyphenesis - drops of artificial tears.
  • Taufon - approved for use even with glaucoma.

So that the problem of hemorrhages in the eye never bothers you, you should adhere to some preventive rules:

  • When working at a computer for a long time, every hour you should give your eyes a rest for 10-15 minutes, this will relax the muscles of the eyes. It will be useful to rest by closing your eyes for a while;
  • Make a simple exercise: direct your gaze to a certain object, concentrate on it for 2-3 seconds, then relax the eye muscles by looking at the background behind the object. This exercise is very easy to do while standing at the window and focusing first on the glass, and then on the landscape that opens outside the window. A walk in the fresh air will also be useful, not only for the eyes, but for the whole organism as a whole;
  • Working conditions in an office or room should be as comfortable as possible - good lighting, normal air humidity, normal distance and position of the computer for the eyes;
  • Mandatory intake of vitamins, taking a drop to eliminate dry eye syndrome (if any), observing eye hygiene, do not touch and rub your eyes with dirty hands;
  • Control of blood pressure, blood sugar, intraocular pressure;
  • Mandatory completion of the annual preventive examination ophthalmologist;
  • Limit the use of alcohol and nicotine, as well as coffee;
  • Do not lift heavy weights and without fail play sports or do gymnastics.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there can be many reasons for the occurrence of the described problem. Some of them are trifling and when following the recommendations mentioned in the article, they will pass by themselves, others require closer attention, observation by a doctor and treatment.

If you think about your health in time, find the cause of the burst eye vessel and hold necessary treatment, as well as prevention, you can save the health of your own eyes and good vision for many years.

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