Does vision deteriorate in poor lighting? Light or darkness - about the dangers of reading in the dark

Light or darkness - about the dangers of reading in the dark

Is it useful or harmful for children to read, print at the computer, play games and watch TV in the evening without light, by a lamp or by candlelight?
Many do not ask this question at all. Although it still remains relevant. This is especially true for couples with small children. Reading by a lamp, candles does not pose a danger to our and children's eyesight, precisely because the book does not hit the eyes with bright light. When the computer monitor, the TV screen with the lights off has a very strong effect, negatively on vision.

Of course, it is possible that even those who know about the dangers of a bright screen may simply not realize that their child, for the sake of an exciting and interesting game, can take a tablet while no one sees it. Get comfortable in a room without light, depicting a dream and under the covers of midnight in silence enjoy the game, or talking on the phone, the Internet.

The older generation, for the most part, love muted tones and enjoy watching TV shows with lamps, and many even without light at all. And children repeat after adults, they incredibly love to imitate and be like their parents, grandparents. It is very bad when a child sits in a room without light and watches cartoons. There are many examples when a person loses sight within a few years, it would seem, in quite normal health. And there are cases where blindness came completely. During examinations, it turns out that the reason is the irradiation of the retina and a huge load on vision.
And now let's imagine what happens to the eyes, if we already spend most of the time behind the monitor, and without light, this is a triple load!

There is a fairly simple experiment that everyone can do on their own. For this, you need to turn off the light, close one eye with your hand. Then turn on the monitor screen, you can tablet, phone or regular PC. Work, play or type for about ten minutes. Then close your eye and cover it with your hand. You will see flashes of light, and the eye will come to its senses for some time, it will hurt after you open both eyes, the second will not hurt at all. Thus, we checked what happens to the eyes after the light is off and the monitor is turned off.

The risk, as you can see, is very high, to wear lenses at best. Particular attention should be paid to children, they are so attached to the fashion for games and the Internet that parents simply do not know how to select and forbid sitting at the monitor. In this case, only rigor, the best argument, and persuasion, explanation. Children love to listen, but even more they trust facts. Give a few examples and it will become a special conversation that anyone will understand and even without words, the main thing in this case is to see! Images that show the sad result of mistreating ourselves!

Naturally, children can, they sometimes do not know the measure, and parents can hardly resist persuasion and requests. But, there should be a measure for everything, when the child knows how to stop, in the future he will be able to avoid many difficulties. And most importantly, health.

Definitely, we are not talking about two or three days spent with the lights turned off behind a bright screen, but about several years, perhaps more. And about those cases and children when this happens all the time, for many hours at night or in the evening. You should not make exceptions, take care of your eyesight, and sleep is very important for the body.

Sometimes we do not notice the elementary in the race for success and fuss. Difficult everyday life and a lot of work take energy, but you should be more careful and follow the little things that sometimes grow into a serious problem.
Source of SHOCK-Info

There are unchanging traditions that parents around the world follow, passing on their beliefs to the younger generation. For example, many people believe that you should not wear other people's glasses or that you can go blind from watching TV for too long. These beliefs are nothing more than myths. Let's learn more about eye stereotypes.

You can't open your eyes underwater

Different types of water should be taken into account. For example, swimming pool water can really affect your eyesight because it contains chlorine, which is used for disinfection. Worn-out sewer pipes in an old house can be a source of harmful microorganisms, so you should not open your eyes in the bath either - otherwise you may experience irritation or conjunctivitis. Clean fresh water is perfect for swimming with open eyes, but only if you are sure of the environmental friendliness of the reservoir. In salt water, you can also open your eyes, but with a high concentration of salt, this will be uncomfortable. For example, in the Baltic Sea you can open your eyes, but in the Mediterranean or the Red Sea you should not. One way or another, always open your eyes underwater slowly so as not to encounter unpleasant sensations.

Welding can cause blindness

Many people believe that looking at welding is harmful because it can cause blindness. In fact, such an effect is impossible. However, you may burn your eyes. Welders do not accidentally cover their faces - masks protect them from sparks and strong radiation. Otherwise, there is no reason to fear blindness.

Computer and television screens are harmful to health

Have you ever watched video game players? They blink about once every two minutes, but the norm is once every fifteen to twenty seconds. When you sit in front of a screen, you don't notice how often you blink. Infrequent blinking can cause your eyes to dry out. This causes fatigue, eye strain, and can lead to blurred vision. However, this is the only harm that modern screens can do to your eyes. You have no reason to be afraid that your eyes will be damaged while watching TV or using electronic gadgets.

Vision problems are inherited

This is a common stereotype. In fact, poor eyesight is not genetically transmitted. The predisposition can be inherited, however, vision problems can be avoided. It all depends on the lifestyle, profession, bad habits, eye strain.

Glasses only make things worse.

Many people are convinced that glasses are a sign that you have given up in the fight against poor eyesight and accepted your fate. In fact, glasses simply help the eye to adapt to the necessary conditions. This means that this is not a simulator or a medicine, but simply a device that helps you see well with the condition of your eyes that you have.

Blueberries improve eyesight

Many people believe that the constant use of blueberries and carrots will help strengthen vision. In fact, for a significant effect, you need to eat about six kilograms of carrots and several buckets of blueberries. Therefore, it is better to simply consume vitamins made from concentrated extracts.

You can't twitch when you look at your nose

Some are convinced that if a person twitches in fright when he squints his eyes to look at his nose, then they will remain oblique. This is absolutely not true! Even if you squint your eyes, the maximum that threatens you is an unpleasant sensation associated with fatigue in tense muscles. Basically, you always squint your eyes slightly when looking at something close under your nose. Whether you're scared or not, your eyes definitely won't stay that way forever.

Can't watch TV in the dark

Even if you regularly watch TV in the dark, you are unlikely to damage your eyesight much. It just can cause eye strain, so a little lighting will still do the trick.

Can't read lying down

In fact, you can read while lying down. Studies have even shown that people with myopia can slow down the progression of the disease if they read while lying on their back.

It is dangerous to wear someone else's glasses

Your eyesight will not deteriorate if you try on someone else's glasses. Just don't wear them all the time because it will strain your eyes too much.

The sun can blind you

You won't go blind, you just might get retinal burns. To do this, you do not need to look directly at the sun, just look at reflective surfaces such as snow, sand or water, which enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

Sunglasses should only be worn in summer

Snow reflects ultraviolet light and can be quite dangerous to the eyes. People who wear sunglasses even in winter are doing the right thing. It is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the northern regions have been using handmade sunglasses for a long time.

One of the biggest fears of a person is to go blind. And at the same time, people treat their eyes with surprising contempt. Here's what you really need to worry about if you want to face old age with a clear eye:

Don't put on makeup on the go

Not in a car, not on public transport, not in an elevator. You have no idea how many times a sudden stop or concussion has resulted in women hurting their eyes with a brush. Yes, the eyeball is a very strong construction, but even a small scratch on the cornea with the simultaneous introduction of cosmetics into the wound leads to very serious inflammation.

Throw away old mascara

The longer you store your mascara, the more bacteria accumulate in it, and the higher the risk of eye infection. If you use mascara daily, then the period when your bottle naturally runs out is safe from the point of view of infection. If you take breaks, then do not wait until its expiration date. Even if the bottle says that the mascara is suitable for use as much as 36 months, do not delay.

Throw away unused mascara at least every six months. And, of course, do not use expired.

Smoking kills more than just your lungs.

Age-related macular degeneration of the retina occurs after 50 years in every 20th inhabitant of the Earth. But the risk of its occurrence is tripled if you smoke. It doesn't matter how long you've been a smoker or your age - if you quit smoking, it will help your eyes anyway.

Your eyes love water

One of the easiest ways to take care of your eyes is to keep them from drying out. The more pure water you drink throughout the day, the easier it is to naturally hydrate your eyes. And, if you work at a computer, let your eyes rest every 45 minutes. Look into the distance, close your eyes with your palms for a minute and let them be in the dark.

Visit your ophthalmologist regularly

It may seem like a nerd, but any vision changes are easier to prevent than correct. Visit your doctor at least once a year. Another benefit of the examination: eye diagnostics can detect diseases such as glaucoma, hypertension, diabetes, organ tumors, and even multiple sclerosis in the early stages.

There is no harm in wearing glasses all the time.

This is a common myth, while in reality everything is exactly the opposite - wearing glasses relieves eye strain.

At the age of eight, it's too late to go to the ophthalmologist

Some parents believe that before school you don’t have to worry about the child’s vision. In fact, starting from the age of two, the child should be shown to the ophthalmologist and then the examinations should be repeated at least every two years.

Rinse contact lenses only with special solutions

Neither tap water nor distilled water will provide proper cleaning and disinfection. Even more harmful is the advice from the Internet: "In a pinch, rinse the lens in your mouth." The right way to conjunctivitis.

Do not swim in the pool with lenses on. Do not put them on or take them off until you have washed your hands with soap and water.

Poor vision is due to genetics

Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, even when they are associated with age-related changes, are still due to your heredity. Moreover, if your grandfather had perfect eyesight, and your maternal grandmother put on glasses at the age of 40, it is best for you to proceed from the worst option for yourself.

Sunglasses for you and your children

80% of all solar radiation that we receive in life, we receive before the age of 18 years. Simply because then we lock ourselves in offices and rarely see the sun. Therefore, take care not only of yourself, but also of the younger generation. Now even contact lenses with UV protective properties are being produced.

Are carrots good for eyesight?

As a source of vitamin A, it is, of course, useful. Both for vision and for the whole organism. But there is no reliable study showing a link between vitamin A intake and the maintenance or improvement of vision.

No, it can cause tension headaches, but there is no direct link between darkness and loss of sensation. This common myth probably comes from the days when people worked in the mines with poor lighting throughout their lives. Naturally, hard physical labor, harmful working conditions and poor nutrition lead to many diseases, including loss of vision. But darkness has nothing to do with it, the human eye is a very adaptive organ.

Is it harmful to watch TV at close range?

Here, too, cause is confused with effect. If your child can only see images up close, whether it's on TV or on a computer, then the reason is that they are nearsighted. And not vice versa. Contact your doctor.

Sometimes children are so emotionally experiencing what is happening on the screen that they are ready to literally get into it with their whole body. This cute feature should not be confused with myopia. Just check if he can see well from the couch? If not, go get your eyes checked.

According to numerous scientific studies, reading in dim light does not harm your eyes, although some studies have linked poor lighting with myopia. However, reading in dim light can lead to eye strain, which makes reading uncomfortable, and therefore, in order to make reading more enjoyable, it is desirable to equip a well-lit place for reading. If you have any specific concerns, it is best to consult your optometrist, as it is possible that you have a rare eye disease that requires special attention.

In 2007, two doctors published a study debunking a series of well-known medical myths, including the claim that reading in dim light causes eye damage. Rachel Vreeman and Aaron Carol reviewed numerous studies on vision and reading and found that the effects of such reading are temporary, not permanent. In other words, if a person reads in poor lighting, they may experience discomfort that makes reading less enjoyable, but this discomfort disappears as soon as the person closes the book.

It is often difficult for the eye to focus in dim light conditions, which can cause eye strain for someone who reads in such conditions.

Also people blink less while reading in dim light, which leads to dry eyes, which is a source of not very pleasant sensations. People who read a lot at night are likely to notice these problems and try to counteract them by better lighting the reading area to make reading at night comfortable.

The best light for reading is diffused, not direct, blinding light.

Some experts, however, believe that reading in dim light can cause myopia to worsen. This view is supported by evidence such as the fact that many teachers suffer from myopia, and they often read and work in dim light. Of course, there may be many other reasons for the worsening of myopia among teachers. Other studies such as tied myopia andIQ, although this is a classic example of a situation where the presence of a correlation does not equal the presence of a causal relationship.

Ophthalmologists believe that reading in dim light does not permanently change the function or structure of the eyes. However, they say that there is no reason to read or work in poor light, since temporary eye strain is still annoying and not at all useful, especially if it can be easily avoided with better lighting.

Incredible Facts

We can all remember at least a few phrases that were often told to us in childhood by parents or teachers.

For example, that if you squint your eyes, you can stay like that for life, or that you can ruin your eyesight if you read in the dark.

At the same time, many of us still believe that if you eat a lot of carrots, you can significantly improve your eyesight.

Here are some of the most common vision misconceptions.

1. If you squint with your eyes, you can stay with strabismus for life.

It is a myth that the eyes will freeze in this position if you squint them too much. Strabismus or strabismus occurs when the eyes do not look in one direction at the same time. Attached to each eye are six muscles, controlled by signals from the brain that control their movement. When the position of the eyes is disturbed, the brain receives two different images. Over time, this can lead to more severe visual impairment. But strabismus is not caused by a person deliberately squinting their eyes for a short period of time.

2. Wearing glasses too often can damage your eyesight.

According to the myth, wearing glasses for disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism can weaken or impair vision. This is not true, nor is it possible to damage vision by wearing glasses with strong diopters, although this may cause temporary tension or headache.

However, children need to be prescribed glasses with the correct diopter. A 2002 study showed that glasses with too low diopters can increase myopia, and correctly chosen diopters reduce the progression of myopia.

3. Reading in the dark impairs vision.

Many probably remember how parents repeatedly told us how important it is to read in good light. Light really helps us see better, as it makes it easier to focus.

While reading in dim light can cause temporary eye strain, it won't harm your eyesight. According to recent studies, vision is negatively affected by little exposure to daylight in general.

4. If your parents have poor eyesight, you will also have poor eyesight.

Of course, some visual impairments are hereditary, but this does not guarantee that you will have the same impairment as your parents. One study found that in a family where both parents had myopia, the chances that a child would also have myopia were 30 to 40 percent. If only one parent has myopia, the child has about a 20-25 percent chance of developing myopia, and about 10 percent in children of parents without myopia.

5. A computer or TV spoils your eyesight.

Ophthalmologists often argue on this topic, but most agree that for most people this is not the cause of poor vision.

On the other hand, more and more people complain of symptoms such as dry and irritated eyes, headaches, eye strain and difficulty focusing after prolonged screen time. This phenomenon has been called computer vision syndrome, which can be exacerbated when trying to focus on the small screen of a tablet or phone.

Experts recommend using 20-20 rule to eliminate the effects of time spent in front of a computer screen or TV. It sounds like this: every 20 minutes take a 20 second break to look at a distance of about 6 meters.

6. Vitamins will help improve vision.

According to recent studies, there is no right combination of vitamins that will prevent visual impairment. Antioxidants can slow the progression of macular degeneration, one of the major causes of vision loss with age. But in people already suffering from this disease, vitamins do not play a big role.

Perhaps one day an effective vitamin cocktail will be invented, but so far there is no evidence that this works.

7. Dyslexia is associated with visual problems.

A recent study found that children with dyslexia suffered from common visual impairments such as myopia, farsightedness, strabismus, and trouble focusing no more than others.

8. If you do not treat the "lazy eye" in childhood, it will remain forever.

"Lazy eye" or amblyopia occurs when the nerve pathways between the brain and the eye are not properly stimulated, causing the brain to favor one eye. The weak eye begins to wander and, eventually, the brain can ignore the signals received from it. Although doctors say that this disorder should be treated as soon as possible, there are many treatments that can help adults as well.

9. Blind people see only darkness.

Only 18 percent of visually impaired people are completely blind. Most people can distinguish between light and dark.

10. In space, human vision remains the same as on Earth.

Scientists have found that vision deteriorates in space, but they cannot explain this phenomenon.

A study of seven astronauts who spent more than six months aboard the International Space Station found that all experienced blurred vision during and several months after their space mission.

The researchers suggest that the cause may be the movement of fluid to the head, which occurs in microgravity.

11. Colorblind people do not see color.

The human eye and brain work together to interpret colors, and each of us perceives colors a little differently. We all have photopigments in the cones of the retina. People suffering from hereditary color blindness have defects in the genes that are responsible for the production of photopigments. However, it is very rare to find people who do not see color at all.

It is more common for people who are color blind to have difficulty distinguishing colors, such as red and green, blue and yellow. While color blindness is much more common among men, it also affects a small number of women.

12. Carrots improve night vision.

Carrots are good for eyesight, as they contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A, which is important for vision. But carrots do not affect vision in the dark.

13. The larger the eye, the better the vision.

At birth, the eyeball is approximately 16 mm in diameter, reaching 24 mm in adults. But an increase in the size of the eyes does not mean that vision is getting better. In fact, overgrowth of the eyeball in humans can lead to myopia, or nearsightedness. If the eyeball is too elongated, the lens of the eye cannot focus light on the correct part of the retina to process the image clearly.

14. Pupil dilation occurs in response to a change in light.

We know that pupils constrict in light and dilate in darkness. But the pupils are also responsible for changes in the emotional and psychological state. Sexual arousal, challenging tasks, fear, and other emotional and mental events can cause changes in pupil size, although the exact cause is unknown.

15. Ultraviolet radiation can damage the eyes only when the sun is shining.

Even in foggy and cloudy weather, ultraviolet radiation can damage the eyes. Rays can be reflected from water, sand, snow and shiny surfaces. Therefore, you should always have sunglasses with you. Exposure to radiation for many years can lead to the development of cataracts, a clouding of the lens that can lead to vision loss.

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