A mixture of dried fruits Amosov. Pasta Amosova - a recipe and use to increase immunity in adults and children. Benefits for the heart


To prepare Amosov's pasta, you will need:
figs - 150 g;
dried apricots - 150 g;
dried prunes - 150 g;
raisins - 150 g;
peeled walnuts - 200 g;
lime (or lemon) - 1 pc.;
honey - 0.5 liters.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, about 1 liter of vitamin paste will be obtained.

Cooking steps

To prepare Amosov's pasta, you will need these ingredients.

Pour figs, dried apricots and raisins with hot water for 5-7 minutes, do not keep them in water for a long time so that they do not turn into porridge. I pour prunes with hot water for 5-7 minutes, always separately.

Then drain the water and put the dried fruits in a colander to drain the water.

Then blot the dried fruit from the liquid with a paper towel. Pour boiling water over the lime, pour hot water for a couple of minutes, then wipe well with a paper towel, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds. You can also use lemon instead of lime. Sort the walnuts carefully so that pieces of partitions or shells do not come across.

Add honey to the resulting mass. Honey can be warmed up a little in a water bath to make it more liquid. But honey of such density (as in the photo) is great for this paste.

Mix all ingredients until smooth, leave for 15-20 minutes, then pack in clean, dry jars. Store Amosov's pasta prepared according to this recipe under a closed lid in the refrigerator on the door shelf. Pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months.

For adults, I recommend eating Amosov's paste 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. We reduce this dose for children - we give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This paste contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and enzymes that will perfectly strengthen your body. Therefore, be sure to cook Amosov's pasta and be healthy!

At the present stage, there is an acute problem of cardiovascular diseases, which are the cause of increased mortality. An important factor in maintaining health is the strengthening of the immune system, which needs constant protection due to the difficult environmental situation. After all, diseases and immunity are closely related to each other. This is relevant all year round, but especially during the off-season, when the resistance of the body's vitality is reduced to zero. During this period, Amosov's paste will be indispensable for immunity.

Amosov's pasta, a medical innovator who first prosthetized the mitral heart valve, is an elixir of youth and health, popularly called a vitamin "bomb" to boost immunity. Properly prepared according to the algorithm, the nut-honey mixture will help to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome, physical and psychological weakness, and also help restore strength.

The benefits of Amosov's paste: benefits for all organs and systems

A kind of "medicine" - Amosov's mixture, which does not cause discomfort when used, is a mixture based on exclusively natural ingredients and necessary elements. Organically selected ingredients contain the necessary vitamins and trace elements, minerals and acids, enzymes and antioxidants in high dosages, which contributes to:

  • with high mental and physical stress, increased endurance and performance;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and, as a result, natural rejuvenation;
  • stabilization of hemoglobin levels in the blood at a healthy level;
  • treatment of various diseases;
  • normalization of blood pressure, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and strengthening the muscles of the heart;
  • normalizes cardiac activity and strengthens the heart;
  • strengthening the nervous system by improving the conductivity of nerve impulses;
  • increase male strength and quality of sleep;
  • improving the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improving the function of the digestive tract;
  • activation of the body's resistance to infections and diseases;
  • good mood and well-being in general.
  • increase immunity after illness.

Read also How to make a mixture (drink) of ginger, lemon and honey to boost immunity

How to cook. Paste composition

The recipe for health and longevity, which has already been tested by millions of people, is based on healthy products that are now sold in any store. For a homemade elixir, you need natural honey (bee products), raw nuts, lemon and dried fruits in various combinations. The proportions of the components are small, so the price of health will not become too tangible for the wallet and, moreover, painstaking in terms of cooking, which does not require special skills. All it takes is:

  • in equal proportions dried apricots, raisins, figs, fresh (without impurities for drying) prunes, honey (ideally flower or alpine) - 250 g,
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts,
  • 1 medium lemon (optional lime)

The recipe algorithm for home conditions is as follows:

  1. Citrus, previously scalded with boiling water and freed from unnecessary seeds, cut into arbitrary slices (into 8 parts).
  2. Soak dried fruits the day before in boiled water, then drain the liquid and rinse again under the tap. After drying, pass through a meat grinder or food processor along with lemon.
  3. Peel the nuts and finely chop them in any convenient way, for example, with a knife.
  4. Dried fruits, already mixed with lemon, cover with nuts, pour liquid honey and bring to a smooth spoon.
  5. Arrange the finished mixture in portioned jars or one large one.

How to take: nuances and dosage of the remedy

Amosov's paste, which has increased bioactivity, is useful for people of all genders and ages, because it has practically no contraindications. Of course, with the exception of cases of individual intolerance to individual components. The maximum effect can be achieved with a systematic approach to "treatment", the recommended duration of which varies from one month to six months.

A mixture of dried fruits, honey and nuts is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. After all, it contains only natural ingredients. Which are completely absorbed by the human body.

Course reception gives a powerful impetus to the body to restore strength and health. Raises immunity, strengthens the work of internal organs and systems, increases efficiency. A surge of vitality and energy is felt a few days after taking, as from.

For many years this product has been known as Amosov's pasta. The surgeon found a method for faster recovery of patients after operations. The rich vitamin composition of the paste improves immunity and has a general strengthening effect on the human body.

But besides, it is also tasty, which is an additional advantage of natural medicine. This is a great substitute for desserts. Therefore, both adults and kids are happy to “treat” her.

Amosova dried fruit pasta recipe

A unique drug was created at the end of the last century. The surgeon has successfully used it to restore his patients in the postoperative period. Heart patients recovered faster.

As often happens, the remedy was undeservedly relegated to the background by doctors. Its place was taken by expensive and less effective chemicals. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the classic recipe.

What is included in the paste:

  • Prunes - 500 g.
  • Figs - 500 g.
  • Raisins - 500 g.
  • Dried apricots - 500 g.
  • Walnuts - 500 g.
  • Honey - 0.5 l.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

There are other variations of the recipe with the addition of additional ingredients. So, to increase the immunomodulatory effect, ginger or hawthorn are also included in the recipe.

How to cook pasta Amosova

The stages of pasta preparation are not complicated. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients in the right proportions. Rinse to remove debris and dust.

Dried fruits are processed using a blender or meat grinder. Lemon, grind without removing the skin. First, wash the citrus well and pour over with boiling water. We also chop the nuts.

After mixing all the ingredients, add honey to them. We mix everything well. Transfer to a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Finished product calories

Pasta has a high energy value. The average calorie content per 100 g is about 286 kcal. The product has a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are about 4-5 g, fats - 9-10, carbohydrates - 44-45 g.

How to take Amosov's paste, in what dosage and how long to store?

How long to take the mixture depends on the state of health and the specific task. On the advice of doctors, during the recovery period, it is eaten three times a day.

  • For adults, a single dosage is 1 tablespoon.
  • For children - half as much, about 1 teaspoon.

For the purpose of prevention - take 2 times a day for a tablespoon.

It is undesirable to dilute a natural remedy in hot water or tea. At high temperatures, vitamins and other beneficial substances are destroyed. Therefore, it is better to eat a spoonful of the product and only then drink it with liquid.

The product is best consumed not on an empty stomach, but after a meal. The lemon juice contained in the paste can affect the acidity of the stomach.

If you eat a spoonful of the remedy before going to bed, it effectively calms the nervous system and prevents insomnia.

The use of pasta does not have a strict time frame. In the postoperative period or during seasonal exacerbations of diseases, it is recommended to include this product in the diet for 2 to 4 weeks. Then you can take a break and continue again.

With the onset of autumn, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts is used to increase immunity and prevent colds.

How is Amosov's paste useful for the heart?

The main purpose of a mixture of dried fruits, honey and nuts is to restore cardiac activity and prevent the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It was created for patients with heart disease, including after operations.

Dried apricots, raisins and other components are high in minerals, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and E, and antioxidants. These substances are necessary to maintain the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Walnuts prevent the risk of developing atherosclerosis and reduce the likelihood of developing various heart pathologies.

Magnesium and B vitamins improve the conduction of nerve impulses, which also stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

A large amount of potassium is also found in figs. This microelement is useful for maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels. Under the action of figs, blood pressure decreases, blood thins, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. In details

The combination of honey and lemon helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and prevent their occurrence in the future. These same components help keep blood vessels in good shape.

The composition of the product has an optimal combination, strengthens the condition of the heart and blood vessels, cleanses them and inhibits the development of any pathologies.

How to cook pasta Amosova with hawthorn?

To enhance the healing effect of Amosov's paste, you can diversify its composition by adding other natural ingredients. Sometimes, when preparing a drug, hawthorn syrup is added to it. This berry increases the immunoprotective properties of the paste, helps to reduce pressure.

  • Hawthorn can be used in the form of dry fruits. Then a few tablespoons of berries are ground in a blender or meat grinder along with dried fruits.
  • It is even easier to use hawthorn syrup. In this case, after grinding and mixing all the ingredients, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of syrup to the prepared composition.

Pasta Amosova for immunity

In addition to the invaluable benefits of the remedy for the health of the heart and blood vessels, it has a stimulating effect on the self-protection of the body from external influences. It promotes:

  • Activation of redox processes in the body.
  • Fight free radicals that promote the formation of malignant cells
  • Strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Improving sleep (due to a complex healing effect on the nervous system). And the quality of sleep has a lot to do with the state of the body's defenses. It is during proper rest that the whole organism is restored.

An important distinguishing quality of the paste is its immunomodulatory properties, which are very soft and gentle on the body. The body's defenses do not exceed their limit, working as much as necessary to maintain a healthy tone.

How to cook ginger paste?

Ginger contains a huge amount of antioxidants. It performs the function of a strong aphrodisiac and speeds up the metabolism. This product fights the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and prevents the development of diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to enrich the classic recipe with a burning root.

To prepare the paste, you can use fresh or dry ginger in powder form. For 500 ml of prunes, 500 ml of dried apricots, 500 ml of raisins and the same amount of figs, you need to take 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped ginger root. When using a dry powder, it is enough to halve the dosage.

Shelf life of a mixture of dried fruits and honey

A mixture of dried fruits with honey can be stored for a long time, because it contains honey, a natural preservative. If the product is stored in a refrigerator, cellar or other cold place, the shelf life will be up to several months.

For this, it is better to use glass containers. Plastic ones are suitable for contact with active substances contained in honey and lemon juice.

Are there any contraindications for Amosov's paste?

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to one or more components of the product. More often, individual intolerance is caused by honey. Nuts and citrus fruits are also potentially strong allergens.

It is better not to give pasta to children under 3 years old. At this age, the body is not yet sufficiently resistant to allergens. For the same reason, pregnant women should avoid the frequent use of this natural medicine.

The high calorie content of the pasta makes it harmful for people who are obese, diabetic or prone to these diseases. They will have to stop using a high-calorie drug or cut its dosage in half. People suffering from metabolic disorders, it is better to consult a doctor.

Even in the absence of contraindications, you should not increase the recommended dosage. This is primarily due to the calorie content of the product.

Amosov's vitamin mixture, or as it is also called Amosov's paste, is a real bomb for immunity. And not only for this. This mixture will strengthen the heart and blood vessels, restore strength after a serious illness. This vitamin blend is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Amosov developed this paste and recommended it to his patients for faster recovery. But it will also be useful for healthy people.

Academician Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov is an outstanding Russian scientist and doctor. He was known far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union. This is a doctor with a worldwide reputation. He owns many methods for the treatment of heart diseases. But he was also interested in the issue of a healthy lifestyle. He is the author of several books on healing the body and proper nutrition. Techniques of restorative gymnastics have been developed. All his life he was engaged in his main business - he treated people. Thousands of his patients owe him their lives. And his methods can be trusted. He checked everything for himself.

Amosov's vitamin mixture for immunity

But back to our vitamin mixture with dried fruits, lemon and honey. This mixture will come in handy now, on the eve of cold weather and various colds, including the flu. Preparing the mixture is very simple. This will take no more than five minutes.

To prepare the pasta you will need raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes (pitted), walnuts, honey and lemon along with the peel. All products must be taken in equal proportions, for example, 250 grams each.

Before preparing the mixture, dry fruits are well washed and dried. Water must not get into the mixture. Otherwise, it will not be stored. You can leave them for a while, laying them out on a paper towel to dry.

Wash the lemon thoroughly and pour over with boiling water. This will remove the film, which is usually covered with imported lemons. Wipe well with paper towel.

Peel the walnuts from the shell. If you use already peeled ones, taste them first so that they are not bitter. The fact is that peeled walnuts quickly oxidize in the light and then get hot.

Pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder with a fine grate. You can grind in a blender or finely chop.

Then mix the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula and transfer to a clean, dry glass jar with a lid.

Store vitamin paste in the refrigerator.

For children over the age of 4 years, give one teaspoon also in the morning and evening. Formula is not recommended for young children, mainly due to the risk of honey allergy.

To make pasta, it is better to buy raisins from dark grape varieties without a seed. Honey must be natural. Which to choose? The one you are 100% sure of. And whether it is linden honey or buckwheat, or any other, it makes no difference. All bee honey has a variety of useful and healing properties.

How long to take this mixture? How much will you do. We have a long winter, so the mixture will have to be done more than once. But to get at least a small effect, take it for at least a month. Better all winter long. Believe me, this is a very tasty mixture, both adults and children will like it. After all, it does not contain any non-natural products. The only thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the original products.

If you are allergic to any ingredient, you can remove it from the recipe. But, as a rule, allergies to products according to this recipe are very rare.

Pasta Amosova for the heart

N.M. Amosov was a great surgeon who performed more than one heart operation. He was the first in the USSR to perform an operation to replace the mitral valve of the heart. Therefore, it is quite obvious that he is the author of a vitamin mixture for the heart and against pressure.

Both of these blends are also easy to make and contain only natural ingredients.

Pasta recipe from the heart

To prepare it, you need to take:

100 grams of walnuts

100 grams almonds (do not roast)

100 grams dark grape raisins

200 grams of dried apricots (or the same amount of apricots)

200 grams of pitted prunes

250 grams of natural honey

1 teaspoon unrefined sunflower oil

200 ml rosehip syrup

25 ml hawthorn tincture

Rosehip syrup and hawthorn tincture can be freely bought at any pharmacy. They are not expensive.

Prepare the ingredients as in the preparation of the mixture for immunity.

Lubricate well washed and dried lemons with sunflower oil. If possible, it is better to buy homemade sunflower oil. Sometimes such oil is sold from frequent oil mills.

You can grind through a meat grinder or with a blender.

Chop the lemons without peeling them.

Then dried fruits. Transfer everything to a bowl and add honey, hawthorn tincture and rosehip syrup.

Mix well and transfer the mixture to a clean, dry glass jar with a lid.

Put the jar with the mixture for 10 days in the refrigerator or in the basement so that it is infused.

Take in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, one tablespoon until the whole mixture is over. Keep refrigerated.

It is advisable to take this paste twice a year during the season of exacerbation of chronic diseases. This usually happens in autumn and spring.

Pasta Amosova from pressure

For this mixture, you will also need dried fruits and rose hips with hawthorn.

All ingredients are taken in an equal ratio of 150 grams. Prepared products are passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.

Add twisted lemon and 200 grams of natural honey to chopped dried fruits.

The mixture is well mixed and transferred to a jar. Store the paste in the refrigerator.

You need to take one tablespoon in the morning half an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal.

Both of these mixtures have excellent tonic, immunomodulatory, restorative, sedative and restorative properties. They improve blood formation, contain many vitamins, minerals, including antioxidants.

Both pastes serve as a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improve heart function.

The mixture can be taken not only by people suffering from heart disease, but also by anyone who wants to always stay healthy, be energetic and full of strength. Prepare these mixtures and stay always healthy.

For some reason, this tool has faded into the background, giving way to expensive, and often much less effective pharmaceuticals.

First, a little history about the origin of Amosov's pasta, and then we will give you a classic recipe for this unique remedy.

How Amosov's pasta appeared

The outstanding Soviet physician and academician Nikolai Amosov made a huge contribution to medicine. He developed his own healing system, which he adhered to throughout his 89-year-old life.

So, it was Nikolai Amosov who noticed that after his operated heart patients took dried fruits with nuts, they recovered much faster than others. This was the reason for the creation of a universal remedy - Amosov's paste.

Amosov's pasta recipe

Amosov's pasta recipe is quite simple, although some add various additional ingredients at their discretion. The classic recipe consists of 7 ingredients:

  • raisins - 0.5 kg;
  • dried apricots - 0.5 kg;
  • figs - 0.5 kg;
  • prunes - 0.5 kg;
  • walnuts - 0.5 kg;
  • liquid honey - 500 ml;
  • lemon - 1 fruit.

All this (except honey) must be thoroughly washed and then passed through a meat grinder. After that, mix the resulting slurry with honey. If the honey is candied, melt it slightly (!) in a water bath.

That's it, Amosov's pasta is ready.

Now distribute it into liter or half-liter jars, close them with lids and store the precious mixture in the refrigerator.

As for the shelf life, the paste can bring maximum benefit in the first two months after preparation. Therefore, it is not recommended to store it for six months.

How to take Amosov's paste

Academician Amosov advised his patients in the postoperative period to take one tablespoon of the paste 3 times a day. This should be done half an hour before meals.

In order to prevent and increase immunity, it is enough to take 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.

There are practically no contraindications for Amosov's paste, with the exception of pregnancy, when honey and nuts can serve as allergens.

The benefits of Amosov's paste

The benefits of periodically using Amosov's paste are simply enormous. After all, this paste significantly reduces the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis, normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses, prevents an increase in blood pressure, thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Lemon and honey cleanse the vessels of cholesterol plaques, normalize their tone. The combination of these products with nuts and dried fruits makes this vitamin mixture an excellent strengthening complex.

Moreover, Amosov's paste has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, stimulating the work of the intestines, etc. etc.

In general, for immunity, Amosov's paste is a unique means of restoring and strengthening vitality. By the way, people who use it in the winter claim that ARVI and other diseases are no longer afraid of them, since the immunity stimulated by this remedy can easily cope with any viruses.

Benefits of Amosov's Paste

Recently, people are increasingly looking for various vitamin complexes in pharmacies for general health promotion. So, no multivitamins can compete with Amosov's paste for the following reasons:

  • Pasta consists exclusively of natural products;
  • The complete absence of any preservatives;
  • Proven effectiveness over the years.

To all this, you can add a pleasant taste.

Of course, someone can say that dried fruits in our time are also not cheap. This is true, but even so, it is much preferable to buy the ingredients for Amosov's paste, which will still cost less, and at the same time be sure of the effectiveness of this remedy.

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