How to make moss from biscuit. Biscuit moss. Iceland moss, Icelandic cetraria

Icelandic cetraria, or Icelandic lopastyanka, lung, deer moss, hazel grouse, Icelandic lichen, dry forest moss, lopa, thorn, komashnik, Icelandic moss (we will consider its medicinal properties and contraindications in this article) is a ground lichen, whose height reaches 15 centimeters. In traditional and folk medicine, it is highly valued for its anti-tuberculosis, antibacterial, emollient, enveloping, wound-healing, tonic effect. It is mainly used in the form of infusions and decoctions.

Icelandic moss (healing properties, recipes, reviews about it, see the article below) was first described in the folk herbalists of Norway, Sweden, Iceland. It should be noted that the Scandinavian peoples used cetraria for indigestion, colds and to strengthen the body. In addition, infusions were treated with cracks, burns, and wounds on the skin. In the last century, the anti-tuberculosis effect and antibacterial properties of lichen were discovered. It is included in the pharmacopeia of various countries, including our country. Syrup, balms, creams and lozenges are made from it.


What is Iceland moss? What are the medicinal properties, recipes, contraindications of the plant? How to prepare it? What are its pharmacological properties and useful substances? We will learn about this further.

Botanical characteristic

It should be noted that it is more correct to call this plant not moss, but lichen. It is, in fact, a living organism, consisting of mushroom filaments and green algae. It is a small bush, reaching a height of 15 cm, with a leafy thallus, forked, with grooved, curved lobes, similar to deer antlers.

The thallus has a different color: brown, olive-green, brown, greenish-gray, with white patches, light brown. It depends on the area and weather conditions. Thallus are attached to tree trunks, the ground or old stumps with rhizoids (special hairs). It is a polymorphic species, in other words, its lobed dimensions and color depend on humidity and light.

Cetraria grows slowly and in ecologically clean places. Lichen actively reacts to polluted water, soil, air. This is a definite indicator of purity. But when the ecosystem is disturbed, the Icelandic moss gradually dies out.


Reindeer moss prefers forest tundra, high mountain tundra, swamps, peat bogs, coniferous forests with large sunny areas. It also thrives on rocky soil. In addition to the Eurasian continent, it is often found in North America, Australia and Africa.

Where does it grow with us? It can mainly be found in the forest-tundra, in the Far East, as well as in the highlands of the Sayan and Altai. In the European part, it can be found in the forests of Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Bryansk and Kostroma regions.


Cetraria forms thickets, quite often grows with lichens of other species. Due to the fact that this valuable species grows slowly and dies out in an unfavorable environment, a sparing collection is recommended for it.


Harvesting is best in autumn or summer. It is important that the weather is dry. Wet lichen is very difficult to dry. There are healers who believe that this plant can be collected all year round.


Moss must be dried quickly in order to maximize the preservation of useful substances in it. Knowledgeable people advise doing this in open space and wind. But excessive sunlight on the healing properties of this plant has a negative effect. With high humidity, it can be dried in attics and verandas. Raw materials for this are laid out in small linen bags, hidden from dampness and sunlight.

pharmachologic effect

Herb Icelandic moss has the following medicinal properties:

  • enveloping;
  • antibacterial;
  • soothing;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic;
  • emollient;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • wound healing;
  • stimulating appetite;
  • cleansing;
  • immunostimulating.

The plant contains such useful substances:

  • trace elements and mineral salts;
  • carbohydrates;
  • bitterness;
  • mucus (isolychenin, lichenin);
  • wax;
  • fats;
  • organic acids;
  • volatiles.

The medicinal properties of Icelandic moss are due to the high content of galactose and glucose. This is a medicine, as well as a valuable energy food that can save you from hunger. In addition, this plant is famous for its high content of enzymes, iodine, vitamins. Organic usnic acid, which is part of it, is a natural antibiotic.

Application for cough

Moss Icelandic medicinal properties for cough showed people for a long time. This is its main application, recognized in scientific and traditional medicine. Usnic acid prevents the reproduction of tubercle bacillus, therefore, this is the most effective herbal remedy that helps against this disease. In addition, it can be used for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough. Cetraria effectively softens the cough, eliminates its attacks. In addition, it is able to suppress streptococcal, staphylococcal activity, it helps well with the common cold of a bacterial and viral nature.

For digestive problems

We discussed above the medicinal properties of Icelandic moss. It is also worth noting that Icelandic cetraria contains a huge amount of mucus, which gives a calming, enveloping effect. Therefore, it is good to drink it in case of indigestion, inflammation of the digestive tract. This remedy is effective for infectious diarrhea, stomach ulcers. It acts as an excellent choleretic agent, due to the high content of bitterness and enzymes, it improves digestion, stimulates intestinal motility, and increases appetite.

Outdoor use

The medicinal properties of Icelandic moss are used by people and for external use. With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, rinses are prescribed. In addition, infusions and decoctions are used to treat burns, purulent wounds, cuts, cracks, boils, and in case of allergies, skin rashes.

Benefits for men

Lichen in traditional medicine is drunk to improve potency. In addition, they treat prostatitis and other bacterial infections.

For women

In gynecology, this folk remedy has not yet found wide application, but with bacterial colpitis it is included in therapy. In addition, the remedy is used for mastopathy.

For children

It is useful to use with whooping cough, bronchitis in order to eliminate bouts of a sufficiently strong cough. Although you need to consult a doctor before using it. In addition, it can be used for local treatment in the treatment of burns, wounds, atopic dermatitis.

General tonic

It is worth noting that laboratory studies have shown that usnic acid also has effective immunostimulatory properties. Such a remedy strengthens the immune system well, which means that it is prescribed after serious illnesses and operations for rapid tissue regeneration and body recovery.


Icelandic moss (healing properties, recipes, reviews, contraindications, we consider it in this article) can not be used by everyone. In what cases is its use undesirable? It can not be used for individual intolerance, autoimmune diseases. Although pregnancy, childhood and lactation are not included in the list of contraindications, a doctor's consultation is required before use. In addition, you need to know that usnic acid is a toxic substance. With a long course, an overdose, pain in the liver, digestive disorders are possible.


The healing properties of Icelandic moss, as mentioned above, have long been known to people. A decoction of it is used externally and internally. Drink with all the diseases mentioned above. In addition, this decoction is used for weight loss. For external use, concentrated decoctions are acceptable.

  • take a spoonful of dry raw materials;
  • pour a couple of glasses of boiling water;
  • boil for 5 minutes;
  • strain.

Drink 1 teaspoon warm several times a day.


How to prepare Icelandic moss for cough without brewing it? Raw materials for this are poured with cool water, after which they are only brought to a boil. The resulting infusion should be taken in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. In addition, it is drunk as a sedative, tonic and tonic.

  • take 4 spoons of raw materials;
  • fill with water (½ liter);
  • boil;
  • insist 10 minutes;
  • strain.

You can use 1 spoon several times a day. The decoction and infusions, when cooled, turn into a jelly (jelly-like mass).


It can be used orally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, coughing fits, to normalize appetite and strengthen immunity. Externally used as an antiseptic for the skin and mouth.

  • Pour 50 g of crushed dry raw materials with a glass of pure alcohol;
  • 7 days insist in a dark cool place;
  • strain.

You can take 15 drops three times a day. Alcohol tincture is contraindicated for children.


What is the use of moss in cosmetology? This remedy is prescribed in the form of infusions or decoctions for various problems of the skin of the face: acne, acne, boils. Cetraria is known for its tonic, antiseptic, antibacterial and emollient properties. For problematic skin, water infusions can be used as a lotion. The composition has a huge supply of minerals and vitamins - iron, manganese, nickel, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum. Therefore, it is useful to drink such decoctions to strengthen and grow hair.

Iceland moss: medicinal properties, reviews

Reading reviews about the use of this plant, you can find out that it is quite effective in improving human immunity. Also, many say that it helps a lot with bowel diseases. But in any case, before using this or that remedy, you should consult with your doctor.

Jelly is prepared from moss: moss is boiled in milk with the addition of sugar and spices. If you add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, mint useful exotic jelly is obtained.
There are many options for healthy and tasty jelly with various berries based on a decoction of Icelandic moss.

Iceland moss, Icelandic cetraria

Icelandic moss is a natural hybrid, a combination in one organism of two completely different ones: a fungus and an algae. The composition of the Icelandic moss includes biologically active substances of various groups: carbohydrates (lichenin, isolichenin), sugars (galactose, mannose and glucose), proteins, fats, wax, gum, starch, pigments, lichen acids (lichenic, protolichesteric, fumarprotocentric), copper , manganese, iron, tannins, chromium, vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, D and A, titanium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, ascorbic and folic acids. In lichen up to 70% starch.

Due to its powerful immune-boosting properties, Icelandic moss decoction is considered a true elixir of youth. Iceland moss has an anti-inflammatory effect, it treats inflammation and eliminates the causes; is an immunomodulator, enhances the protective functions of the body, has antibacterial and antiviral properties, moss jelly helps with diarrhea and diarrhea.

Icelandic Cetraria is a lichen with unique medicinal, food, and cosmetic properties. Based on Icelandic moss, creams, gels, skin care masks, as well as cough and cold syrups and lozenges, soaps, toothpastes, etc. are made.

It is actively used in cosmetology as a rejuvenating agent. If you lubricate the face with a decoction or make masks from a thick mucous infusion, then the skin will be cleansed of acne, age spots and wrinkles will disappear. You can even take baths with a thick decoction of Icelandic moss.

Lichen acids have antibacterial properties, and special mucous substances help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. Cetraria is used in the treatment of bronchial tuberculosis, in dietary and diabetic nutrition, in the restoration of the body. It has the ability to stop the development of malignant tumors, is used in the complex therapy and prevention of cancer.

Dishes from lichen give a burst of energy. Possesses the taste combining taste of a mushroom and an algae. Medicinal and food use of lichen differs: for food use, lichen is soaked from bitter lichen acids and cetrarin, which gives bitterness. The consistency of raw materials allows you to prepare jelly from it with the addition of berries and herbs. Raw materials are added to soups, cereals, jellies are made, combined with mushrooms. Moss is also used to make flour by drying it in the sun. Confectionery is made from flour.

Kissel from Icelandic moss

To remove bitterness from Icelandic moss, the moss must be processed in water with the addition of wood ash or soda, for this, 10 tbsp. spoons of ash or 7 tbsp. tablespoons of soda, moss soaked for 12 hours.
Then it is necessary to rinse several times in clean water and boil using three times more water than Icelandic moss. Boil for 2-3 hours until the lichen is boiled.
Strain the broth and let it cool.

It turns out a transparent jelly, tasteless and slightly reminiscent of oatmeal. It can be added to soups, dough, pancakes. You can add berries and sugar to the resulting broth, cook, you get an excellent berry jelly, because. moss contains starch.

Kissel from Icelandic moss is very useful and well absorbed by the body.

Kissel from forest berries and Icelandic moss.

Put the washed Icelandic moss in water for 3-4 hours, remove, rinse, grind, chopped moss (3 cups) boil for 2 hours in 1 liter of water. Strain the broth, add cranberry or lingonberry juice (2 cups) and granulated sugar to taste and bring to a boil. Instead of cranberries, you can add any other berries to the broth.

Mushroom jelly from Icelandic moss.

Prepare a concentrated decoction of Icelandic moss (1 kg of lichen per 1 liter of water), salt it to taste, pour over chopped mushrooms boiled with herbs and spices (up to 500 g) and place in the refrigerator to set. Serve with horseradish, mustard, pepper and vinegar.

Especially tasty with Icelandic moss are jellied Ryzhiki. Sprinkle 300 g of sorted and washed small mushrooms with salt, leave to salt for 2-2.5 hours, then pour three glasses of hot concentrated decoction of Icelandic moss. Cool in the refrigerator until cold.

Iceland moss paste.

Boil 200 g of washed Icelandic moss, squeeze out water and grind in a food processor, add 100 g of butter, 3 g of mustard, salt, spices, pepper and herbs to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate. Use to fortify sandwiches.

Iceland moss flour

Moss is soaked in a bucket of water and soda for a day, after which the liquid becomes brown and bitter. Then the Icelandic moss is washed several times in clean water and left in it for another two days. Freed from bitterness, the moss is dried and stored for future use in the form of flour or used fresh for cooking. The dried moss is ground into flour with a pestle in a large mortar and passed through a sieve. By adding a little rye or wheat flour to such flour, just to bind the dough, you can bake bread. It turns out fluffy, airy and tasty.

Iceland moss fritters

In the same way, with a small amount of grated potatoes from lichen flour, you can cook pancakes that are tastier, fluffier and more tender than usual.

Iceland moss fried in oil

Treat the moss in water with the addition of soda. Without crushing the lichen, fry in a pan for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to fry longer, otherwise it will turn into jelly. This moss is a good seasoning for fried and boiled

Iceland moss dessert, Icelandic cetraria custard

Wash the moss and soak as described above. Drain the water. Pour five cups of cold water into a saucepan and add moss. Boil the moss over low heat until the liquid becomes thick, then strain it and discard the moss. Add milk, sugar, vanilla and nutmeg to taste.
1 egg yolk stir in cold milk. When the milk with spices boils, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the egg-milk mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly. We put the saucepan on a slow fire and constantly stirring, bring it almost to a boil.
After preparing the custard pudding, pour into molds and cool.

Iceland moss paste

Icelandic moss, due to the presence of starch, glucose, and vitamins in it, is used as a natural vitaminizer and thickener in soups, dough, sauces, jelly, desserts and cocktails.

Soak the moss overnight in clean water, in the morning the moss must be removed and squeezed out of the water, rinsed thoroughly. Add moss to blender with 3x water, grind and mix moss with water for about 1 minute. Place the mixture in a clean jar and refrigerate. Icelandic moss paste is practically odorless, it is added 2-3 tablespoons to dishes, as a natural thickener and to give nutrition to the dish.


Often, during an illness, people rush to the pharmacy for pharmaceuticals, forgetting about the wonderful gifts of nature that have effective healing properties. For example, cetraria, called Icelandic lichen or moss, has long been used for medicinal purposes for colds, bronchitis, dry coughs, skin, gastrointestinal, and other diseases. With this remedy, you can safely treat not only yourself, but also the child. The absence of contraindications makes this healing plant a safe and reliable assistant in the fight against many diseases.

What is Iceland moss

The correct Latin name for this lichen is cetraria. Translated means the rounded leather shield of the Romans. The plant got it because of the shape of apothecia - sporulation organs. The body (lichen thallus) or thallus consists of tubular or flat lobes 4 by 10 cm in size with a bushy structure. Color - brownish, greenish or whitish. On the lower part of the moss there are red spots, on the edges of the blades there are cilia. The roots are absent, they are replaced by rhizoids - skin cells with which lichens are attached to the bark of a tree or the ground.

Cetraria moss is a symbiosis of two simple organisms: a fungus and an algae. It reproduces by spores that develop into a full-fledged lichen after contact with microorganisms of a certain type or asexual cell division. Cetraria grows in marshy places or sandy soils of pine forests of the tundra, making up the main diet of reindeer.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effect of Icelandic moss or cetraria is used not only by traditional medicine. Official pharmacology uses a dried plant for the preparation of herbal teas in combination with other medicinal plants. Mucus of cetraria - in the production of various food additives. The composition includes mucous substances (about 70%), polysaccharides containing starches, acids with an antibacterial effect, bitterness, proteins, enzymes, zinc, lead, cadmium, vitamin B12. Other trace elements with an active effect are also contained. Thanks to these components, moss has:

  • anti-inflammatory, wound healing effect;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • immunomodulatory properties;
  • antiviral action;
  • rejuvenating, antioxidant effect;
  • restorative, restorative properties;
  • regulating action on the digestive organs;
  • preventive effect (for example, against oncological diseases).

Indications for the use of Icelandic moss

The therapeutic properties of cetraria lichens make them indispensable in the treatment of many diseases. Their use is shown:

  • with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for the treatment of burns, ulcers, various skin rashes;
  • when the body's immune system is weakened;
  • from infectious diseases;
  • for colds, such as acute respiratory infections, asthma, pneumonia, influenza, Icelandic cough moss is effective for treating bronchitis;
  • in case of malfunction of the thyroid gland (lichen is able to accumulate iodine);
  • with vomiting to weaken them;
  • with obesity of varying degrees;
  • with reduced appetite (anorexia, dystrophy);
  • for anesthesia in dentistry;
  • in the fight against constipation;
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • with insomnia.


Treatment with Icelandic moss does not provoke any allergic reactions in humans, no toxic effects or side effects have been identified. Useful preparations based on it can be used without restrictions by both adults and children. The only exception may be autoimmune diseases or individual intolerance, so consult your doctor before using lichen.

Iceland moss in the pharmacy

The pharmaceutical industry offers a range of medicinal preparations based on Icelandic cetraria. Means are sold in powders or in dried form for the preparation of decoctions, herbal tea. Preparations containing a medicinal plant in their composition are popular: syrups or extracts, lozenges for resorption, a cream with a warming effect. All funds are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


In pharmacies, there is a tea drink made from dried cetraria, which is available in cardboard boxes. You can also find dry lichen for making decoctions. It is used both independently and in combination with other types of medicinal plants in different variations. Cooking broths is not difficult, they can be stored in the refrigerator.

Warming cream

For prevention, help with colds, hypothermia, joint pain, dislocations, bruises, skin problems, you should use a special cream. In addition to the cetraria extract, its composition includes the following components: calendula and St. John's wort oils, bear fat, beeswax, honey, and various essential oils. This cream, in addition to the warming effect, has anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic, wound healing properties. Lichen extract helps to remove toxins, improve blood circulation, lymph.


There are various brands in pharmacies, for example, Pectolvan and Gerbion. Combines their therapeutic effect and indications. Syrup with Icelandic moss has an expectorant effect, exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. There is an improvement in the general condition. It is good to use such drugs in combination with other drugs for the treatment of dry, irritating cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, dry mucous membranes, with strong stress on the vocal cords, with limited nasal breathing.

Lozenges for resorption

It is not always convenient to use syrups. Here gel lozenges for resorption will come to the rescue, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, have a therapeutic, preventive effect. The drug protects the mucous membrane, moisturizing it, enhances local immunity. The antibacterial and antiseptic effect of moss will help with pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, relieve itching with increased stress on the throat ligaments. The use of lozenges helps smokers by mitigating the harmful effects of exposure to tobacco smoke.

Instructions for using Icelandic moss

Depending on the disease, cetraria is used in different ways. These are a variety of pharmaceutical preparations, the instructions for which describe in detail their use for prevention and treatment. It is possible to prepare infusions, decoctions and extracts of Icelandic lichen at home. Consider some diseases in which it is advisable to use drugs and folk remedies using Icelandic lichen.

Against cough

For colds, it is convenient to use Icelandic moss syrup or absorbable lozenges. Various decoctions are useful, which will act on the body in a complex way. For example, one of the popular recipes for preparing lichen for cough treatment: pour 1 tablespoon of dry moss with a glass of milk and cook under a lid in an enameled bowl for 30 minutes over low heat. Such a decoction should be drunk before going to bed warm, it is possible with honey.

For weight loss

Taking a decoction of cetraria improves metabolism, has a laxative effect on the intestines. If you use such a tool after eating, then the extra pounds will quickly go away, subject to the correct lifestyle. Not being a panacea, the decoction will be a good help in the fight for a slender figure. Preparing such a decoction is simple: 1 tablespoon of moss is poured into 500 ml of cold water, brought to a boil and then evaporated over low heat to about half, until jelly is obtained. It should be drunk after meals 3 times a day (the norm is 200-250 ml per day).

With tuberculosis

Moss contains usnic acid, which is a powerful natural antibiotic. Concentrated decoctions are able to effectively destroy tubercle bacilli, which has been confirmed by studies. The recipe that our ancestors used in the treatment of pulmonary consumption: 4 tablespoons of crushed moss are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, aged on fire for about 5 minutes. Next, cool and strain the broth. Take several sips 3 times a day. The same recipe will help with stomach ulcers.

Iceland moss for kids

Decoctions are very effective for whooping cough, but the taste may not appeal to the child. It is better to use recipes based on milk, which will give the broth a sweetish aftertaste. You can add honey. Cough moss for children is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry lichen is poured into 1 glass of milk, boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. Then cool, filter and let the child drink in portions of ¼ cup. You can use pharmacy syrups, children drink them with pleasure.

For constipation

Icelandic cetraria will also help get rid of such troubles as constipation, including chronic ones. For this, an extract is used: pour 100 grams of moss with 1 liter of water, insist in a cold place for a day. Then it is filtered and placed in a water bath, boiled until the liquid volume is reduced by half. Drink a cup half an hour before meals. If the effect is too strong, the dose should be reduced.

From allergies

Against such a common disease, this nondescript-looking lichen is also able to help. Its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties have a positive effect on a person suffering from allergic reactions, and the presence of silicon stimulates the body's metabolic processes. The recipe for getting rid of this ailment: for 20 minutes, soar in a water bath 2 tablespoons of moss, filled with ½ liters of water. Take several times a day for half a glass.

How to Brew Icelandic Moss

There are many ways to use cetraria. The range of diseases in the fight against which it is able to help is huge: from the common cold to cancerous tumors. In folk medicine, the following recipes are also used:

  1. To cleanse the face of acne, remove pustules and heal wounds, lotions and rubbing from the usual decoction of moss (in arbitrary proportions) will help. For six months, you need to drink 3 cups of moss tea daily.
  2. Recipe for varicose veins: take 5 parts of chopped moss and horsetail, 3 parts of immortelle (flowers) and rhubarb root, 2 parts of oak and birch bark, horse chestnut fruit and raspberry root. Pour ½ l of water into the natural mixture and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 3-4 times a day for a glass.
  3. For the treatment and prevention of oncology, an infusion is made: take 2 parts of deer moss, celandine, St. John's wort and knotweed, 3 parts of water pepper, plantain grass, nettle leaves. Add 100 g of good green tea to the mixture. Prepare at the rate of 4 tablespoons of the mixture in 4 cups of water. Take tincture 4 times a day.


Hi all. Today I come to you with a recipe for an unusual decoration for your cakes. This is biscuit moss. Great idea, as a decor from improvised products.

Biscuit moss, what is it? This is a biscuit with an unusual porous structure. Such moss is prepared in the microwave. Can be dyed any color with gel food coloring. In my case, I mixed the blue and yellow dye from Top Product, since I don’t have green.

Does moss have to be green? No! You can paint it in absolutely any color, according to the idea that this decor should fulfill in your cake.

How to make biscuit moss at home, step by step recipe with photos.


  1. 1 egg
  2. 20 grams of sugar
  3. 25 grams of flour
  4. 5 grams baking powder
  5. 30 grams of honey (can be replaced with glucose or invert syrup)
  6. a pinch of salt


Beat the egg with a pinch of salt, honey and sugar until fluffy. I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is better to take liquid and light honey! In my case, this dark color from honey showed up in the final result. Therefore, we choose honey not of such shades)

At this time, sift the flour and baking powder and mix.

Color the beaten egg mass with dyes. I have 2 small drops of yellow and blue dye.

Add flour mixture to egg mixture and stir.

Here, such a mass is obtained at the output.

Pour into molds, I have silicone for cupcakes. Attention, the mass rises very strongly! Don't put too much dough.

We send it to the microwave for 2 minutes in the usual mode - warming up food.

Here's what I got on my cake.

As you can see, this is a great option for a quick and inexpensive cake decor. After all, all the ingredients are always in the kitchen, and it takes only 7-10 minutes to cook.

I just want to warn you that although this is a biscuit, it is not the most edible! Firstly, it smells very strongly, and not in the best way - persistent egg flavor) Secondly, there is a lot of dye. So, it is better not to eat it!

Beautiful cakes for you.

See you soon!

I greet you, my friends, and wish you a good Friday!) Having thought a little about whether I should change the day of the week on which recipes will be posted this year, I decided that there was no need for this. Surely, those of you who are used to the measured appearance of Friday recipes on my site will approve of my decision.

I’ll start the year with a recipe for meringue with pineapple cream and add to it a recipe for a now fashionable biscuit called “moss”. I know that not everyone loves meringue, I also know that many people do, so forgive my addiction to this delicacy and look inside to make sure that with a little effort and using the simplest ingredients, you can cook a wonderful dish)



  • sugar - 90 g
  • egg whites - 3 pcs
  • salt, citric acid - a pinch each


  • butter (room temperature) - 180 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • pineapple puree - 90 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • pineapple liqueur to taste

Biscuit "moss":

  • sugar - 50 g
  • flour - 25 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 5 g
  • food coloring


  • Preheat the oven to 120 C. Check that there is not a drop of yolk in the proteins, as well as the mixer attachments are not greasy.
  • In a clean bowl, beat the whites with citric acid and salt, gradually adding sugar. Beat until stable peaks and distribute the resulting protein dough on parchment paper in even portions, making a deepening for the cream in the middle of each.
  • Bake for about 20-40 minutes, until the pastry is fluffy, dry and firm.
  • Peel the pineapple, remove the core and puree part of the fruit (90 g), and leave the second part for decoration.
  • Pour sugar into the pineapple puree and heat the mixture over low heat to 120 C.
  • Beat the egg until foamy, gradually into a bowl with it the resulting pineapple mixture.
  • Butter at room temperature (remember that when butter appears in the cream, you need to approach the process of choosing it very carefully, the product must be of good quality, since it will determine the taste of the cream) cut into cubes and gradually start adding it to the mixture, do not stop beating.
  • At the very end, add liqueur to taste and beat until the cream takes on a stable shape. At first, the cream will seem too liquid, but over time, the properties of the products will take their toll and it will turn into a “perfect” cream that holds its shape perfectly, does not flow and is perfect for decoration, for example.
  • Biscuit "sponge" or as it is also called "moss" because of its appearance, is incredibly easy to prepare. I once admitted that I have a negative attitude towards dishes from the microwave, but I decided to show you how to make this biscuit to pay tribute to today's culinary fashion. I'm sure a lot of people will be interested.)
  • Mix all products, beat, add dye, pour the dough into a ceramic heat-resistant mug (the biscuit will increase in size, so the dough should fill only half the volume of the mug).
  • Cover the mug with cling film and microwave for 2 minutes on normal heat.
  • As you can see, very simple and quick preparation and perfect for decoration)
  • To complete the dish, you need to fill each meringue with cream, decorate with biscuit parts and pineapple pieces on top.
  • Fresh berries will also go well with the taste of meringue and cream, but remember that butter cream should only be stored in the refrigerator, but this method of storage has a negative effect on meringue, so it is advisable to prepare portions that will be served on the same day or in the morning.

Well, with this recipe, I hope everything is clear, I will now think about what to please you next time, but for now I wish you not to oversleep the weekend and visit me from time to time, because I am always glad to see you)

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