Corvalol instructions for use composition. Corvalol: what is dangerous for the body and what helps? Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Neurotic conditions, insomnia and other disorders require immediate medical attention. As a rule, in such diseases, patients are prescribed vasodilators and the most popular and inexpensive drugs include the well-known drug Corvalol. Instructions for use, reviews of the drug will be discussed below.

Form, description of the drug, composition and packaging

In what form is the drug "Corvalol" produced? Consumer reviews report that this tool can be purchased in two forms:

  • Drops are transparent with a characteristic odor for oral administration. They include ethyl ester of alphabromisiovaleric acid, phenobarbital and pepper. Such a tool is produced in dark glass bottles.
  • "Corvalol" in tablets. The reviews say that the active ingredients of this form are peppermint oil, ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid and phenobarbital. As additional substances, beta-cyclodextrin, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate are used. Tablets have a round and flat shape, bevelled edges, as well as white color with splashes. They go on sale in cell packs.

Pharmacological characteristics

What is the drug "Corvalol"? Reviews of experts indicate that this is a combined remedy, the action of which is due to the properties of the ingredients that make up its composition.

This medicine has an antispasmodic and sedative effect. In addition, it facilitates the onset of sleep.

Drug properties

What properties are inherent in drops and tablets "Corvalol"? Reviews of doctors claim that the effectiveness of this remedy has been confirmed by many years of experience.

Ethyl bromisovalerianate, or the so-called ethyl alpha-bromisovaleric acid ester, has a sedative (similar to valerian) and antispasmodic effect, which is due to irritation of the nasopharynx and oral cavity receptors, as well as a decrease in reflex excitability in the central nervous system and increased inhibition in the neurons of the subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex . In addition, the medication in question reduces the activity of the vasomotor central centers and has a local antispasmodic effect (mainly on smooth muscles).

Such a component of the drug as phenobarbital enhances the sedative effect of other substances, facilitates the onset of sleep and reduces the excitation of the central nervous system.

As for peppermint oil, it has antispasmodic, vasodilating (reflex), antiseptic and choleretic effects. It is able to irritate the cold receptors of the oral mucosa and reflexively dilate the vessels of the brain and heart. In addition, this component eliminates signs of flatulence (due to irritation of the receptors of the gastrointestinal mucosa) and enhances intestinal motility.


What is the drug "Corvalol" prescribed for? Reviews report that this remedy is used as a vasodilator and sedative for diseases such as:

It should also be said that Corvalol is used as an antispasmodic for spasms of the muscles of the digestive tract (for example, with biliary or intestinal colic).


Like any medicine, Corvalol also has contraindications. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to drug substances;
  • severe disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • breastfeeding (if it is necessary to use the drug during breastfeeding, it is necessary to decide on the termination of lactation);
  • lactase deficiency;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • minor age (safety and effectiveness have not been established);
  • lactose intolerance;
  • malabsorption glucose-galactose (since the drug contains lactose).

The drug "Corvalol": instructions for use (tablets)

Reviews of experts report that you can take this medication without a doctor's prescription. The dosage of the drug is selected individually.

The medication is taken orally before meals with water. For adults, the drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets twice a day. With tachycardia, a single dosage can be increased to three tablets per day. The maximum allowable dose is 6 tablets.

The duration of the medication is set individually, depending on the patient's condition.

How are Corvalol drops (tincture) taken?

The reviews say that the drug in the form of drops must be taken orally before meals. The drug is prescribed in the amount of 15-30 drops. They are dissolved in a small volume of drinking water (about 30-50 ml) twice or thrice a day.

If necessary, a single dosage of the drug (for example, with tachycardia) can be increased to 40-50 drops.

As for children, depending on the clinical picture of the disease and age, they are prescribed 3-15 drops per day.

The duration of the drug in children is set individually.

Does it cure herpes and acne?

Does Corvalol help with herpes? Reviews of supporters of traditional medicine say that when the first signs of this disease appear (for example, discomfort, twitching of the lips and itching), a cotton swab is soaked in a medicine, and then pressed against a sore spot for a few seconds. With the timely implementation of this procedure, herpetic eruptions do not appear.

It should also be noted that the medicine in question also treats bubbles that have already appeared. They are lubricated with the drug until the wounds disappear.

Does Corvalol help with acne? Consumer reviews say that this medication effectively copes with acne. They are treated in exactly the same way as herpes.

Side effects

Tablets and drops "Corvalol" often cause drowsiness, decreased concentration, slow heart rate, dizziness and allergic reactions. Also, against the background of taking this remedy, patients may experience disorders of the digestive tract.

Usually, all of these side effects go away on their own with a decrease in the dosage of the drug or discontinuation of its intake.

With prolonged use of the drug, drug dependence, addiction, withdrawal syndrome, as well as bromism and accumulation of bromine in the body can develop.

There is no experience with the use of this drug in children under 18 years of age. Therefore, minors are not allowed to take it.

During the use of the drug, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. It is also required to refrain from engaging in hazardous activities that require a person to react quickly and increase concentration (including when working with complex mechanisms and driving vehicles).

Similar means and cost of medicine

The price of Corvalol is the lowest among products with a similar effect. You can buy a bottle of drops or tablets for 15-20 rubles. It is the low cost of the drug that contributes to its particular popularity among patients.

What can replace this remedy if there are contraindications? According to information from experts, this drug has many analogues. The closest in properties include the following: "Cardiolin", "Pumpan", "Aspirin Cardio", "Neocardil", "Captopres", "Nicotinic acid", "Inosine", "Sotaleks" and others. It should immediately be noted that the effectiveness of these funds and their method of administration may differ significantly from the same indicators of the Corvalol drug. Therefore, only an experienced specialist should replace the mentioned medicine with the listed medicines. Moreover, most of them are forbidden to be given to young children.

Medical and consumer reviews

What do patients say about Corvalol? Feedback from most consumers is positive. They claim that this medication quickly eliminates irritability, restores heart function and helps normalize sleep. Moreover, many patients choose this tool because it not only effectively copes with the tasks, but also has a very low cost.

However, it should be noted that, in addition to positive reviews, the medication in question also has negative feedback. According to doctors, Corvalol drops and tablets are ineffective compared to their counterparts. This medicine has a sedative and antispasmodic effect only for a short period of time. After stopping the medication, feeling unwell often returns.

No side effects were reported by users while taking this drug.

LP 003225-290915

Trade name of the drug:


International non-proprietary or grouping name:

Peppermint Leaf Oil + Phenobarbital + Ethyl Bromisovalerianate

Dosage form:


Composition per tablet:

Active substances: ethyl bromoisovalerianate (ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid) - 8.20 mg, phenobarbital - 7.50 mg, peppermint leaf oil (peppermint oil) - 0.58 mg.
Excipients: betadex (beta-cyclodextrin) - 55.55 mg, potato starch - 37.57 mg, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - 83.70 mg, magnesium aluminometasilicate (neusilin UFL 2) - 4.00 mg, talc - 2.00 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.90 mg.

Description: Round, flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color, interspersed, chamfered and scored.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: .

Pharmacological properties

The combined drug has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, facilitates the onset of natural sleep.
Ethyl bromisovalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect due to irritation, mainly of the receptors of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, a decrease in reflex excitability in the central parts of the nervous system and an increase in inhibition in the neurons of the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain, as well as a decrease in the activity of the central vasomotor centers and a direct local antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle.
Phenobarbital has a sedative (in small doses), hypnotic, muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effects, helps to reduce the excitation of the central nervous system (CNS) and facilitates the onset of sleep, enhances the sedative effect of other components.
Peppermint oil has a reflex vasodilating, antispasmodic, mild choleretic, antiseptic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with the ability to irritate the "cold" receptors of the oral mucosa and reflexively expand mainly the vessels of the heart and brain. Eliminates the phenomena of flatulence due to irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), increasing intestinal motility.

Data on the pharmacokinetics of ethyl bromisovalerianate and peppermint components are not available.
When taken orally, phenobarbital is absorbed slowly, completely. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is determined after 1-2 hours, the connection with plasma proteins is 50%, in newborns it is 30-40%. Metabolized in the liver, induces microsomal liver enzymes by CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP3A7 isoenzymes (the rate of enzymatic reactions increases 10-12 times). accumulates in the body. The half-life is 2-4 days. It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronide, about 25% - unchanged. Penetrates into breast milk and through the placental barrier.

Indications for use

As a symptomatic (sedative and vasodilator) remedy for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, in neurosis-like conditions accompanied by increased irritability, in violation of falling asleep, tachycardia, a state of excitation with pronounced vegetative manifestations; as an antispasmodic - with spasms of the intestines.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- severe impairment of kidney and / or liver function;
- pregnancy;
- the period of breastfeeding;
- children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established);
- Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (the product contains lactose).


Impaired liver and / or kidney function.
If you have one of the listed diseases/conditions, be sure to consult your doctor before taking the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Corvalol during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated, since the drug contains phenobarbital, which penetrates the placenta and has a teratogenic effect, has a negative effect on the formation and further functioning of the central nervous system of the fetus and newborn; penetrates into breast milk, the development of physical dependence in the newborn is possible. If necessary, use during breastfeeding should resolve the issue of stopping breastfeeding.

Dosage and administration

Take orally, before meals, drink water.
The dosage is set individually.
Adults are usually prescribed 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. With tachycardia, it is possible to increase a single dose to 3 tablets.
The duration of the drug is set by the doctor individually.

Side effect

Drowsiness, dizziness, slow heart rate, reduced ability to concentrate, allergic reactions. Gastrointestinal disorders may occur. These phenomena disappear with a decrease in the dose of the drug or discontinuation of the drug.
With prolonged use of the drug, drug dependence, addiction, "withdrawal" syndrome may occur, as well as the accumulation of bromine in the body and the development of bromism phenomena (depressive mood, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).
If any of the side effects listed in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: depression of the central nervous system (CNS), nystagmus, ataxia, lowering blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness, chronic bromine intoxication (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).
Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy, with CNS depression - caffeine, nikethamide.

Interaction with other drugs

Drugs that depress the central nervous system enhance the effect of the drug. Phenobarbital (an inducer of microsomal oxidation) may reduce the effectiveness of drugs metabolized in the liver (including derivatives of coumarin, griseofulvin, glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives); enhances the action of local anesthetics, analgesics and hypnotics.
The drug enhances the toxicity of methotrexate.
The effect of the drug is enhanced by the use of valproic acid preparations.

special instructions

There is no experience of using the drug in children under 18 years of age.
During the use of the drug should not drink alcohol.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

The drug contains phenobarbital, so patients taking Corvalol are advised to refrain from engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving and working with complex mechanisms).

Release form

10 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and printed lacquered aluminum foil.
1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 contour packs, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in its original packaging. At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date

1 year 6 months. Do not use after the expiration date.

Holiday conditions

Released without a prescription.

Name and address of manufacturer/organization receiving claims

JSC Pharmstandard-Leksrsdstva.
305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregate, 1 a/18,


active ingredients: a-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester, phenobarbital, mint oil,

1 ml of solution (26 drops) contains ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid in terms of 100% substance 20 mg, phenobarbital 18.26 mg, mint oil (Mentha oil) 1.42 mg

Excipients: stabilizer, ethanol 96%, purified water.

Dosage form

Drops oral.

Basic physical and chemical properties: transparent colorless liquid with a specific smell.

Pharmacological group

Sleeping pills and sedatives. Barbiturates in combination with other components. ATX code N05C B02.

Pharmacological properties


Corvalol ® is a sedative and antispasmodic agent, the action of which is determined by the components that make up its composition.

Ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid exhibits a reflex calming and antispasmodic effect, due to irritation mainly of the receptors of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, a decrease in reflex excitability in the central parts of the nervous system, an increase in inhibition phenomena in the neurons of the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain, as well as a decrease in the activity of the central vasomotor centers and direct local antispasmodic action on vascular smooth muscle.

Phenobarbital suppresses the activating influence of the centers of the reticular formation of the middle and medulla oblongata on the cerebral cortex, thereby reducing the flow of excitatory influences on the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. The decrease in activating effects causes, depending on the dose, sedative, tranquilizing or hypnotic effects. Corvalol ® reduces excitatory effects on the vasomotor centers, coronary and peripheral vessels, reducing overall blood pressure, relieving and preventing spasms of blood vessels, especially those of the heart.

The m¢ five oil contains a large amount of essential oils, including about 50% menthol and 4-9% menthol esters. They are able to irritate the "cold" receptors of the oral cavity and reflexively expand mainly the vessels of the heart and brain, relieving spasms of smooth muscles, and cause a calming and mild choleretic effect. Peppermint oil has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects, the ability to eliminate flatulence. Irritating the receptors of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, increases intestinal motility.


When taken orally, absorption begins already in the sublingual region, the bioavailability of the components is high (approximately 60-80%). Especially quickly (after 5-10 minutes) the effect develops when kept in the mouth (sublingual absorption) or taken on a piece of sugar. The action develops in 15-45 minutes and lasts for 3-6 hours. In people who have previously taken barbituric acid preparations, the duration of action is reduced due to the accelerated metabolism of phenobarbital in the liver, where barbiturates cause enzyme induction. In the elderly and in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the metabolism of Corvalol ® is reduced, so their half-life is extended, which requires the need to reduce the dose and lengthen the intervals between doses of the drug.


  • Neuroses with increased irritability;
  • in the complex therapy of hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mild spasms of the coronary vessels, tachycardia
  • intestinal spasms caused by neurovegetative disorders (as an antispasmodic drug).


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, bromine;
  • severe violations of the liver and / or kidneys;
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • I want heart failure
  • drugs containing phenobarbital are contraindicated in severe arterial hypotension, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, depression, myasthenia gravis, alcoholism, drug and drug addiction, respiratory diseases with shortness of breath, obstructive syndrome.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Drugs of the central inhibitory type of action enhance the effect of Corvalol ® . The effect of the drug is enhanced by the use of drugs valproic acid, alcohol.

Phenobarbital induces liver enzymes and, accordingly, may accelerate the metabolism of certain drugs that are metabolized by liver enzymes (including indirect anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antiepileptic, anticonvulsant, psychotropic, oral hypoglycemic, hormonal, immunosuppressive, cytostatic, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive medications).

Phenobarbital enhances the effect of analgesics and local anesthetics.

MAO inhibitors prolong the effect of phenobarbital

Rifampicin may reduce the effect of phenobarbital. When used with gold preparations, the risk of kidney damage increases. With prolonged simultaneous use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a risk of gastric ulcers and bleeding. Simultaneous use of drugs containing phenobarbital with zidovudine increases the toxicity of both drugs. Increases the toxicity of methotrexate.

Application features

Concomitant consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

The presence of phenobarbital in the composition of the drug can lead to the risk of developing Stevens-Johnson and Lyell syndrome, which is most likely in the first weeks of treatment.

drug dependence, the possible accumulation of bromine in the body and the development of bromine poisoning.

If the pain in the heart area does not go away after taking the drug, you should consult a doctor to exclude acute coronary syndrome. Use with caution in case of arterial hypotension, hyperkinesis, hyperthyroidism, adrenal hypofunction, acute and chronic pain syndrome, acute drug intoxication.

This medicinal product contains 56 vol. % Ethanol (alcohol).

The minimum dose of the drug (15 drops) contains 254 mg of ethanol, which is equivalent to 6.4 ml of beer or 2.7 ml of wine. Harmful to alcoholic patients. Caution should be exercised when used in patients with liver disease and patients with epilepsy.

Use during pregnancy or lactation

Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms

Corvalol ® contains phenobarbital and ethanol in its composition, therefore, it can cause impaired coordination, speed of psychomotor reactions, drowsiness and dizziness during treatment. In this regard, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased attention, including driving vehicles and working with mechanisms.

Dosage and administration

Corvalol ® is taken orally, regardless of food intake, 2-3 times a day, 15-30 drops with water or on a piece of sugar. If necessary (severe tachycardia and spasm of the coronary vessels), a single dose can be increased to 40-50 drops.

The duration of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on the clinical effect and tolerability.


There is no experience of use in children, so the drug should not be used in pediatric practice.


Overdose is possible with frequent or prolonged use of the drug, which is associated with the accumulation of its components. Prolonged and constant use can cause dependence, withdrawal symptoms, psychomotor agitation.

Symptoms: respiratory depression, up to its stop, CNS depression, up to coma, oppression of cardiovascular activity, including rhythm disturbances, lowering blood pressure, up to a collaptoid state, nausea, weakness, decrease in body temperature, decrease in diuresis.

Treatment is symptomatic.

Adverse reactions

Corvalol ® is generally well tolerated. In some cases, the following side effects may occur:

From the digestive system: constipation, feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, with prolonged use - impaired liver function, nausea, vomiting

From the nervous system: weakness, ataxia, impaired coordination of movements, nystagmus, hallucinations, paradoxical excitation, fatigue, slow reactions, headache, cognitive impairment, confusion, drowsiness, slight dizziness, decreased concentration;

From the immune system: hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema,

From the skin and mucous membranes: allergic reactions, including skin rash, pruritus, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis

From the blood system: anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis

From the respiratory system: labored breathing;

From the side of the cardiovascular system: bradycardia, arterial hypotension

From the musculoskeletal system: with prolonged use of drugs containing phenobarbital, there is a risk of impaired osteogenesis.

With prolonged use, manifestations of bromine poisoning may occur.

Symptoms: depression of the central nervous system, depression, ataxia, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, acne or purpura, lacrimation, confusion.

These phenomena disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued.

Best before date

2 years and 6 months.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.


25 ml or 50 ml in a vial. 1 bottle in a pack.

Holiday category

25 ml bottle - no prescription.

50 ml bottle - prescription.

Corvalol drops are one of the most popular drugs in cardiology. But now manufacturers have begun to produce this remedy in an even more convenient form for taking - in tablets.

Corvalol tablets - description

Corvalol ( tincture or tablets) for oral administration contains a number of active ingredients that provide sedative and antispasmodic effects. The tablet form of release is 0.2 g pills, produced by 10,20,50 pieces per package (blisters of 10 pieces).

The active composition of the drug is represented by the following components:

  • phenobarbital- antiepileptic drug, barbiturate;
  • peppermint oil- antispasmodic, antiseptic, substance of natural origin;
  • ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid- a substance obtained from the root of valerian, antispasmodic, sedative.

To ensure the desired properties, shape and storage conditions, the tablets contain a number of additional substances - talc, magnesium stearate, magnesium aluminometasilicate, lactose monohydrate, starch, betadex. The drug in drops is distinguished by the presence of ethanol and water, as well as a stabilizer. The active composition is the same. Price for 20 tablets usually no more than 130 rubles.

The action of the drug

Phenobarbital- a derivative of barbituric acid, has a non-selective inhibitory effect on the central nervous system (CNS). After administration, it increases the sensitivity of specific GABA receptors to gamma-aminobutyric acid. As a result, the excitability of nerve cells decreases, and a sedative effect is provided.

Phenobarbital is often used as a sleeping pill - it not only helps to calm down, but also eliminates sleep disorders.

The valerian derivative also has a sedative effect (similar to a plant), reduces reflex excitation in the nervous system, and increases the inhibitory power of various processes in the cortex and subcortical substance of the brain.

Through the impact on smooth muscle fibers the substance has an antispasmodic effect, relaxes blood vessels.

Peppermint oil has the following properties:

  • moderate bile thinning;
  • disinfectant;
  • vasodilating;
  • antispasmodic.

The oil activates special cold receptors in the oral cavity, which causes the coronary and cerebral vessels to expand and relax. In addition to a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the oil enhances the work of the intestines, improves the production and movement of bile.

Indications for use

The main indication for use is participation in the complex therapy of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tablets can be drunk as a symptomatic remedy for any condition that is combined with increased irritability. The drug lowers blood pressure, so many patients prefer to take it in conjunction with antihypertensive drugs.

The medicine Corvalol in tablets helps with various functional disorders of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels:< /p>

The drug will also be useful for intestinal spasms - it reduces the manifestations of flatulence, spastic colitis, dyspepsia, neurovegetative disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the drug is recommended for use during a hangover, headache, especially of vascular origin (for example, with hypertension). In most cases, Corvalol is a component of combination therapy; it is rarely used as an independent remedy.

Instructions for use

When treating Corvalol, it is important to prevent overdose. It is better to play it safe, because phenobarbilal in the composition of the drug can be harmful if it enters the body in excess. Tablets are taken sublingually (placed under the tongue). They can also be drunk with water (100-150 ml).

A single dosage of the drug is 1 tablet, but in some cases the doctor may recommend drinking 2-3 tablets / dose.

Standard daily dosage - up to 3 tablets. This dose is indicated for cases that do not involve acute disorders of the heart and blood vessels. The instruction clearly answers how much per day you can take this remedy. The upper limit of the daily dosage for an adult is 6 Corvalol tablets. The duration of the course is selected by the doctor, it depends on the type of disease, the tolerance of Corvalol.

The specific rules for admission are as follows:

Children are prescribed medicine only in emergency cases, the dosage is selected individually (more often it is ? - ? from an adult). For the treatment of nervous disorders, it is preferable to use a special remedy Corvalol Kids.

Pills and traditional medicine

Often, traditional healers are advised to use the drug for herpes on the lips. It is better to start treatment at the first symptoms - itching, twitching, irritation. The easiest way to use Corvalol for this purpose is in the form of a tincture. The recipe is the following:

  • moisten a cotton swab in the preparation;
  • apply to the problem area on the skin;
  • hold for 10-20 seconds, if the herpes has already appeared, then glue the cotton with a band-aid for 5 minutes;
  • repeat therapy up to 6 times / day.

If you leave the application on the skin for too long, it may cause a burn. Inside, drinking drops, tablets for herpes does not make sense - they do not have an antiviral effect. Another option for external treatment, according to traditional medicine, is getting rid of acne. The alcohol remedy effectively treats purulent and inflamed rashes, they need to be spotted with a cotton swab up to 5 times / day.

Another recipe involving tincture is a healing mixture with a calming effect. For manufacturing, you need to pour into one bottle of tincture of peony, motherwort, valerian, as well as Corvalol. Store the product in the refrigerator. Drink it 30 drops with 50 ml of water three times / day half an hour before meals. Course - 14 days.

Side effects and contraindications

During pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to take pills; in the 1st trimester, treatment is excluded. Phenobarbital can have a negative effect on the fetus, especially on its nervous system. Without the recommendation of a doctor, even a single dose is not allowed!

Lactation is also a contraindication to therapy - during treatment, you will have to stop breastfeeding.

It is also forbidden to use the drug in the presence of hypersensitivity, intolerance to components, with severe disorders of the kidneys and liver. At the age of 18 years, complete safety for the body after taking Corvalol has not been established, a single dose is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Other contraindications:

  • malabsorption of glucose, galactose;
  • lactase deficiency.

Among the side effects, various disorders of the central nervous system are noted - decreased attentiveness, bradycardia, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness. Some people experience hypersensitivity reactions, allergies. Diarrhea, abdominal pain are possible, which disappear with a decrease in dosage or after the abolition of Corvalol. Long-term treatment is addictive with the appearance of apathy, rash, rhinitis.

Analogues and special instructions

There are a number of drugs with a similar effect. Most of them are prescribed by prescription.

During treatment can't take alcohol! This can lead to various complications.

Alcohol increases the rate of heart rate, and the drug stabilizes it. The resulting imbalance interferes with the normal activity of the heart muscle.

When taking a large dose of alcohol and pills at the same time, the risk of heart damage and even myocardial rupture is high.

When taking tablets, care should be taken when working with mechanisms, while driving - phenobarbital has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. Simultaneous treatment reduces the effectiveness of certain drugs (corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, coumarin), enhances the work of sleeping pills, analgesics.

Corvalol (Korvalol) is an affordable and cheap drug that has a sedative effect, expands the lumen of blood vessels and relieves spasms.

The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by many people, since it is this remedy that is in almost every medicine cabinet.

The drug is prescribed for neurosis and pain in the heart and abdominal cavity, provoked by psycho-emotional stress.

What is corvalol and how to replace it?

The drug is sold in two forms: in drops and in tablets. Before taking this drug, it is better to consult a cardiologist and undergo a complete examination.

This will help to avoid useless treatment (since the cause may be different), and prevent possible allergic reactions to the individual components of Corvalol.

Its use at home requires strict adherence to the instructions, since in case of an overdose, Corvalol is harmful and can provoke the appearance of side effects.

Both drops and tablets are in high demand and are available in almost any home medicine cabinet as a means to calm, relieve stress and eliminate pain in the heart.

Also, Corvalol is used for insomnia, effectively reduces the pulse and relaxes muscles and blood vessels, which contributes to falling asleep as soon as possible.

It is worth using this remedy with caution, since the drug contains psychotropic components, and a large amount of alcohol can cause side effects in certain categories of people.

The drug is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and acts within fifteen minutes.

To date, Corvalol is allowed for free sale in the CIS countries, and in Europe they got rid of it a long time ago, using more modern and effective drugs.

Moreover, phenobarbital from the composition of Corvalol does not allow its import into the territory of the United States of America, Lithuania and other European countries. This should be known to people who take Corvalol with them on trips.

Valocordin, which was invented in Germany before the war, has a similar effect. In the post-war period, the drug for calming nerves and insomnia became very common, which prompted it to be created in large quantities in the USSR and Western Europe.

Corvalol began to be produced in Kyiv in 1960, excluding hop cone oil from Valocordin. From that moment, the great popularity of this drug began, the recipe of which has not changed to this day and is in great demand.

Preparations that have a similar effect are: motherwort tincture, Valerian, hawthorn tincture, Barboval, Valoserdin, etc.

Preparations may differ in their constituent components, but all have a calming effect, most of them are herbal and do not contain psychotropic components, which can more positively distinguish them from Corvalol.

Each package with the drug comes with instructions for use, which indicates the composition and the required dosage, as well as possible side effects.

Be sure to read the instructions before use.

What components are included in Corvalol, and what effect do they have on the body?

This drug is a combined remedy that consists of plant and synthetic components. In addition to them, the composition also includes 96% ethyl alcohol and pure water. The alcohol concentration is not less than forty-seven percent.

The components of the drug are:

  • Alpha Bromoisovaleric Acid Ethyl Ester. It has an effect on receptors localized in the oral cavity and in the pharynx, has an inhibitory effect on the subcortical and cortical zone of the brain, relieves spasms and calms, reduces the excitability of the nervous system. At high concentrations of Corvalol, the drug acts as a sleeping pill. This component is isolated from the essential oil of valerian;
  • Peppermint oil. It is an essential extract that concentrates menthol and other esters. It has a vasodilating effect, counteracts bloating, by increasing intestinal contractility. It is this component that gives Corvalol a mint flavor and has an antiseptic effect;
  • Phenobarbital. The active substance, which is a medicinal chemical compound belonging to the group of barbiturates. It has a calming effect, suppresses impulses that excite subcortical and cortical nerve endings. The component causes drowsiness, reduces the reaction rate and causes a desire for sleep. The level of development of lethargy and drowsiness directly depends on the dose taken, if you use Corvalol in normal doses, it will calm you down, if in excess of the norm it will cause a desire to sleep.

Since the components have an inhibitory effect on the body, and separately on the vessels and the human motor center, as well as the removal of spasms from the vessels of the heart and other internal organs, the drug has a weak effect on lowering blood pressure.

However, the therapy of persistent high blood pressure should occur with the help of other drugs. Treatment with Corvalol helps to reduce blood pressure, but does not eliminate hypertension, and does not lead to the restoration of normal pressure in the victim.

Drops are drunk with water, diluting the drug in it, and taken before eating. The drug begins to act in the next twenty minutes.

Separate components of the drug can penetrate the placenta, causing a negative effect on the development of the fetus. That is why women who are carrying a child are not recommended to use Corvalol during pregnancy.

When the drug is processed by the body, bromine is released, which has the property of accumulation and can affect the body with toxins.

What does the drug help?

Corvalol is not a drug that can cure a specific disease. This medicine only stops certain signs of nervous disorders.

The drug helps to stop pain in the heart, but only those that are provoked by stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress.

If pain sensations develop as a result of angina pectoris and the death of heart muscle tissue, then the use of Corvalol will be a waste of time and resources.

Corvalol is needed to calm the nervous system, and can help with the process of falling asleep, but it is not in its power to treat progressive neurosis, depressive states and anxiety. Such conditions require specialized treatment, separate groups of drugs.

Corvalol is also not effective for structural lesions on the heart, atherosclerotic deposits and other disorders not associated with excitation of the nervous system.

Direct indications for use are:

  • Loss of sleep provoked by stress and anxiety;
  • Vegetative instability;
  • Pain in the heart of a psychological nature;
  • Sinus type tachycardia;
  • Spasms of smooth muscles of the digestive tract;
  • severe anxiety;
  • Slightly elevated blood pressure.

Corvalol is not a drug that can cure a specific disease.

What are the contraindications?

The drug is available without a prescription and is used in large quantities, especially by the elderly, increasing the dosage to the maximum and even exceeding it. An overdose threatens with the accumulation in the body of components that have the ability to infect it with toxins.

The use of the drug is prohibited if the patient has the following factors:

  • The period of bearing and feeding a child in women;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Intolerance or allergy to individual components of the drug;
  • The drug is not recommended for children. Only adults (over 18 years of age) are allowed to use it;
  • Epileptic or convulsive seizures;
  • Head injuries and their consequences.

To prevent the progression of burdens, before using Corvalol, you need to consult with your doctor, who will tell you whether or not you can take the drug.

The presence of phenobarbital in the components of Corvalol can lead to Lyell's syndrome, or Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which makes it most likely noticeable in the first weeks of drug use.

The components of the drops are phenobarbital and ethanol. The saturation of alcohol in the minimum dosage of Corvalol (fifteen drops) is two hundred and fifty-four milligrams, which is equivalent to three milliliters of wine, or seven milliliters of beer.

That is why Corvalol is not allowed for use by drivers and people engaged in life-threatening work.

Method of application, or how to drink Corvalol?

It is allowed to use the drug on its own only after reading the instructions that are included in the packaging of each drug.

If the condition worsens, the appearance of chest pain, burning in the chest, the development of anxiety, or a depressive state, it is required to immediately stop using and immediately go to the hospital.

Drops are the most common form of Corvalol. It is recommended to take the drops correctly, in accordance with the instructions, which indicate that it is worth taking from fifteen to thirty drops, and must be diluted in a glass of water.

In some cases, severe anxiety, the dosage may be increased up to fifty drops. Corvalol is taken up to three times a day, regardless of food intake. The course of treatment should not exceed fourteen days, as addiction may occur.

Elderly people who have impaired liver or kidney function can use the drug only in smaller dosages, since the time of metabolic processes with such lesions is slowed down.

In case of mental disorders, you should contact a psychotherapist, since Corvalol will not have a positive effect on anyone.

In addition to drops, in pharmaceuticals there is a form of Corvalol in tablets. The use of tablets is recommended one or two pieces up to three times a day. Tablets are better suited for use by patients who are harmful to ethanol, since it is not included in the composition of the tablets.

But it is not recommended to prescribe them for women carrying a child, drivers of vehicles and people engaged in dangerous work, in order to avoid side effects and dangerous situations.

Side effects of Corvalol

If patients take a dose that exceeds the indicated one, or people have contraindications to the use of Corvalol, the following side effects may develop:

  • dizziness;
  • Allergic reactions to individual components of Corvalol;
  • Nausea;
  • Decreased heart rate;
  • pressure drop;
  • Deviations in the respiratory system;
  • lethargy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hallucinations;
  • constipation;
  • Discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

Prolonged regular use of Corvalol leads to addiction to the phenobarbital component, which leads to a loss of the effectiveness of the drug.

If the drug does not have the desired effect within a two-week course of therapy, then the problem requires a more thorough examination and an effective course of treatment.

An overdose occurs when the rules of use specified in the instructions are not followed, or the treatment time is exceeded for more than two weeks.

Decay products begin to accumulate in the body, which can provoke addiction, or serious damage to the body by toxins - suppression of the central nervous system, low blood pressure, failure in the pulse and respiratory system.

The maximum dose taken over a long period of time, or a single severe overdose, can lead to a serious condition that requires intensive care and therapy aimed at resisting toxin damage.

Do not use Corvalol treatment when drinking alcohol. Alcohol enhances the negative effects of phenobarbital, which increases the damage by toxins. At the time of therapy with this drug, the intake of alcoholic beverages should be postponed until the end of the course of therapy.

Particular care should be taken by people who have low blood pressure, since the components acting in Corvalol contribute to a decrease in pressure, which can lead to detrimental consequences.

According to some narcologists, phenobarbital is a drug that should be avoided if possible. Regular use of this component can lead to cognitive impairment (impaired memory, speech apparatus and gait), serious neurological disorders, sexual dysfunction and withdrawal symptoms.

Toxin exposure can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the amount of drug used.

Explicit symptoms of an overdose are:

  • General state of weakness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • Inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • Speech disorders;
  • Disturbances of consciousness;
  • Indifference to what is happening around;
  • Signs of toxic damage;
  • Runny nose;
  • Depressive states;
  • Partial paralysis;
  • pressure drop;
  • Dilated pupils.

Signs of a severe overdose of Corvalol are barbituric coma. With such a complication, there is a violation of breathing, loss of sensitivity, consciousness, an increase in the number of heart contractions and progressive cyanosis of the skin.

Heart failure can progress, the mechanism of which often ends in pulmonary edema.

Death occurs with the use of about twenty grams of Corvalol.

Photo gallery: Analogues of Corvalol

Corvalol tincture

It is possible to prepare drugs that have a similar effect at home. Pain in the heart, high blood pressure and excited nerves, treats a recipe from: peony, Corvalol, tincture of hawthorn and motherwort, eucalyptus and mint.

The description of the preparation of alcohol tincture is given below:

  • We take one hundred milliliters of hawthorn, peony, motherwort and valerian + fifty milliliters of eucalyptus + twenty-five milliliters of mint + thirty milliliters of Corvalol + ten columns of cloves;
  • All components are poured into an opaque glass bottle, closed and stored in a dark place for two weeks. The drug should be infused at room temperature;
  • Consume up to four times a day, thirty minutes before meals, spreading the indicated dosage in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is not more than thirty days, after which they take a break of at least seven days.


The action of Corvalol is aimed at eliminating discomfort caused by stressful situations, or psycho-emotional stress. The drug effectively helps to cope with any discomfort that occurs against the background of an overstrain of the nervous system.

Remember that Corvalol has an effect on the suppression of symptoms, but cannot affect the treatment of diseases that can provoke such symptoms.

So, if a person does not feel well for a long time, then it is better to go to the hospital for a complete examination and accurate diagnosis of the disease. Otherwise, treatment with Corvalol can be a waste of time.

It is required to use the drug in accordance with the instructions, as complications may progress. Corvalol is contraindicated for a certain category of people. Prolonged use of it is addictive, which leads to loss of effectiveness of the drug.

If you notice the slightest symptoms, consult a doctor.

Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

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