You can process the seam after cesarean. Large fetus or multiple pregnancy. What to do if the seam is inflamed after cesarean

Suture debridement after caesarean section is an important aspect of restorative therapy. The rules for cleaning the wound are explained in the hospital. All points must be clearly followed. This will help minimize the development of infection and coarse scar tissue. After the formation of a neat scar, you can resort to various methods to reduce the external signs of the surgical intervention.

Modern doctors perform a caesarean section in three ways. The most accurate incision is made using the Pfannenstiel technique. This incision is made over the area of ​​pubic hair growth.

After healing, such a scar remains invisible to others. The length of the incision by this technique is no more than 12–15 cm. The small dimensions are easily explained by the characteristics of the tissue. In this area, the epidermis, muscles and uterus are tightly adjacent to each other. Due to this, the incision is made in one movement. The doctor immediately gets access to the fetus. The healing of such a seam is fast. In order for the fabric to form correctly, a woman must follow certain rules. They will help the fabric to form properly. After restoration, traces of surgical intervention are easily eliminated with cosmetics.

Another common caesarean section technique is the Joel-Kohin laparotomy. This method is carried out by an incision under the umbilical zone. The distance to the navel is 5-7 cm. This method allows you to cut the upper part of the uterine cavity. The average length of the incision does not exceed 20 cm. It is used in many clinics. The healing of this wound form is less painful than the previous type of suture. Painlessness is explained by the presence of a fatty layer under the upper layer of the epidermis. But the postoperative scar will be noticeable to others. To minimize its manifestation, you should visit a beauty parlor.

The most unpleasant for women is the vertical scar that remains after an emergency operation. It is rare in modern surgery, but has a lot of unpleasant consequences for the patient. The incision by this technique is carried out from the upper zone of the pubic bone to the lower part of the diaphragm. The dissection allows you to separate the diaphragmatic muscle fibers and open access to the abdominal cavity. Operation using a vertical incision is used in emergency cases. This technique allows you to save the life of the fetus, which is experiencing various negative influences. The healing of such a seam is very unpleasant. A long longitudinal scar is formed on the postoperative zone. Restoration of damaged tissues takes place in several stages. The postoperative hospital period can last a month or more. Such a scar can be made less noticeable to others only by using modern hardware technologies.

Bonding the wound

Sutures are applied with various medical materials. The rate of formation of scar tissue depends on them. Often there are seams imposed with the use of silk thread. Silk leaves minimal marks on the skin and allows you to tightly tighten the edges of the epidermis. The suture material has a strong structure and is not exposed to the negative influence of the external environment. It should be borne in mind that three types of fabric are sutured.

The uterine cavity also undergoes surgical damage during a caesarean section. It is fastened with a self-absorbable thread or special staples. The threads allow the uterus to recover on its own. The stitches disappear after two months. Staples, on the other hand, give a tighter fit of the tissues, but do not allow a woman to continue planning a pregnancy without additional intervention from a surgeon. Surgical thread is rarely used.

The recovery process consists in monitoring the healing of the uterine cavity and skin. Muscle tissue can only be tracked using hardware diagnostics. Its edges are also fastened with self-absorbable sutures.

Postoperative care

Suture care after caesarean section is carried out in two stages. The first stage takes place in a hospital setting. After the operation, the woman remains for observation in the recovery room. The doctor makes sure that there are no complications. The following negative processes that occur after surgical intervention are distinguished:

Bleeding can be detected by the presence of fluid on the postoperative dressing. Bleeding may be due to improper wound healing or intracavitary damage. To determine the cause of the bleeding, the woman is sent for an ultrasound examination. Ignoring pathology is not recommended. Large blood loss leads to the death of a person.

There is a slight risk of bacterial infection. The risk arises from improper wound care or personal hygiene. Bacteria settle on the surface of the wound and begin to multiply actively. Pathogenic microorganisms have a negative impact on the characteristics of tissue cells. The site of infection becomes inflamed. The strong development of the pathology is accompanied by additional surgical intervention. In most cases, antibiotic drugs are effective in fighting the infection.

Inflammation is also observed with untimely replacement of a sterile dressing and the absence of antibiotic therapy. Pathology causes partial tissue necrosis. Mixing of dead cells and leukocyte fluid leads to the appearance of pus. In this situation, additional treatment and strengthening of medical supervision is necessary.

Another problem often occurs after a caesarean section. In many patients, the sutures are torn apart. This phenomenon is associated with increased physical activity. Many mothers want to carry their baby in their arms. This entails untying the suture thread. For this reason, doctors do not recommend increasing the load during the first week.

The healing process is monitored by a doctor. Processing is carried out by nurses. The edges of the wound are treated with an antiseptic solution. Most clinics use an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine for this purpose. The cleaned surface is dried with a brilliant green solution. The seam is sealed with special sterile dressings. Dressings come in various sizes and are made from cellulose fibres. Removing the bandage does not cause pain. Its replacement is carried out twice a day.

In parallel with the care of the external seam, it is necessary to properly treat the genitals. After childbirth, you can use special liquids for washing the genitals. To reduce infection of the uterine cavity allows douching with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. Washing with soap is not recommended. It changes the acidity of the vagina. The risk of developing thrush increases.

After a week, the woman is examined and discharged. Before discharge, the specialist explains the rules of how to care for the suture after a caesarean section at home.

Self Care Rules

The rules for caring for a suture at home are not difficult for the patient. They include the following items:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • washing the skin with water;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • tracking the formation of scar tissue;
  • care of gynecological organs.

Antiseptic treatment at home should not differ from hospital cleansing. Patients ask how to treat a suture after a cesarean section at home. It is necessary to purchase chlorhexidine or a sterile solution of furacilin. Both solutions can be applied to the wound with a cotton pad or with a special nozzle. You can also use a hydrogen peroxide solution. After cleaning, the edges of the seams are abundantly smeared with brilliant green. A bandage is glued to the seams or a sterile napkin is attached. It is necessary to process the seam after a cesarean section daily.

Washing the skin is carried out in the process of washing the body. The postoperative field should not be rubbed with a washcloth or subjected to other physical influences. The surface can be covered with foam and washed off with running water. After a shower, it is necessary to dry the seams thoroughly and perform the usual processing.

Also, a woman at home should not make sudden movements and carry heavy objects. High physical activity causes spasm of muscle tissue. Spasm can affect the state of the internal seams after a caesarean section. Divergence of muscle tissue may occur. Also, such a load is accompanied by a change in position internal organs. In such patients, the appearance of a hernial ring is often observed. Pathology is accompanied by prolapse of the intestine into the free cavity of the peritoneum. The only way to fix the problem is through surgery. To this end, the operated woman should ask for help from the household.

It is necessary to monitor the formation of scar tissue. It appears gradually. A thin film of young epidermal cells forms on the surface of the wound. Gradually, the layer increases in thickness. The first 4-5 months the scar has a red color. Vessels are distinguished through the tissue. After 3 months, the tissue becomes dense. Color brightens. At this time, cosmetic treatment can be applied to reduce the external signs of the scar.

Sometimes the scar appears unevenly. In some areas of the wound, a fistula is formed. Through it, necrotic fluid is brought to the surface. The surface of the fistula is an ideal environment for bacterial infection. If a woman notices the appearance of a small rounded wound in the suture area, she should contact the doctors. The fistula does not heal on its own. It requires additional tissue suturing.

At home, you should also monitor the state of the gynecological system. The uterus also has stitches. They require careful treatment, as a bacterial infection of the wound by the woman's own microflora may occur. How to process the suture after the operation on the uterus? To do this, use special antiseptic solutions. Washing the organs should be done with intimate hygiene gels. They have the acidity necessary to maintain the microflora of the vagina. Washing is carried out twice a day. The patient should report the appearance of unpleasant discharge or odor to the attending physician.

Self douching is also recommended. For processing, you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin. You can also purchase Bepanthen foam. It contains dexpanthenol, which helps to enhance metabolic processes in tissues. A scar under its influence will form faster.

Restoring the appearance of tissue

After the formation of a dense light scar, you can resort to restoring the appearance of the skin. There are two ways to remove rough tissue:

  • sand grinding;
  • laser microdermoplasia.

Grinding with sand is carried out in a beauty parlor and allows you to gradually align the scar tissue. It may take several treatments to see noticeable results. If this method is not suitable for a woman because of the price features, you can use home scrubs. Scrubbing should be carried out with coarse large particles. For this purpose, sea salt is used. It should be mixed with a spoonful of honey. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scar for at least 10 minutes. To get a good result, you need to carry out the procedure 3 times a week for a month.

There is also a more effective method for removing a scar after a cesarean section - laser microdermoplasia. This method allows you to completely eliminate scar tissue. The laser causes pinpoint burns. The inner layers of the scar begin to fade. Their place is occupied by cells characteristic of the skin of the abdominal region. Additional treatment is also required after the procedure. The surface of the burn is treated with panthenol. Removing the crust manually is not recommended. This can lead to the formation of new, coarser scar tissue.

Recovery after caesarean section is long. Of particular concern to young mothers is a scar on the lower abdomen. Proper care of the seam will minimize the pathological manifestation of the scar. The doctor will tell you how to process the seam. Failure to comply with the rules leads to various complications, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital setting.

After the operation to extract the fetus in the lower abdomen of a woman, an unattractive scar remains. Most often, it has the form of a longitudinal fold above the pubis, heals quickly and loses its original bright color. Its length can be about 12-15 centimeters. At the same time, there is another incision, on the uterus. Correct processing of the seam after cesarean section is a very important stage of the postoperative period. This procedure requires responsibility and a competent approach.

During and after a caesarean section, there is always the possibility of developing a bacterial infection. In the postoperative period, this is often caused by improper wound care or neglect of personal hygiene.

Once on the surface of the wound, bacteria immediately begin to multiply. The site of their concentration quickly becomes inflamed. As a result of inflammation of the postoperative suture, the following can be observed:

  • the appearance of small painful seals, hot to the touch;
  • purulent discharge from the wound, fistulas;
  • purulent abscess;
  • elevated body temperature

The infection can be fought with antibiotics. In addition, acute inflammation can lead to additional surgical intervention. The use of such methods of treatment is undesirable during breastfeeding, may adversely affect the newborn baby.

There is a possibility of developing another complication. After a caesarean section, the seams may diverge. The reason for this is increased physical activity, improperly selected underwear or premature onset of sexual activity.

The scar on the uterus heals a week after the operation, and a skin scar is formed at the same time. To keep the seam in a healthy state, regular caring care is required.

Postoperative suture care occurs in two stages. At first, experienced nurses help women. Inspection and processing of the seam after cesarean should be carried out daily in the morning. For these purposes, use brilliant green or other antiseptic agents. In addition to disinfecting the wound, the medical staff applies a new sterile dressing daily. Such procedures are carried out until discharge.

Since at first the seam hurts quite noticeably for mothers who gave birth by caesarean section, for some time they have to endure discomfort that intensifies during the treatment of the wound. In order to reduce pain, women are often prescribed painkillers.

As a rule, after a week, the nurse removes the stitches and the bandage. Most often, women are given recommendations, sections at home.

After that, the treatment of the scar must necessarily continue for some more period of time. After discharge, women will have to take care of him in their usual home conditions.

How to process a seam after a cesarean at home

The procedure for caring for a postoperative suture at home is quite simple. It includes:

  • regular hygiene procedures;
  • treatment with antiseptics;
  • wearing postpartum appliances;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • performing special exercises

Compliance with simple rules will help speed up the healing process of the postoperative wound and restore the previous physical form.

Hygiene procedures

If the healing process proceeds satisfactorily, then immediately after the removal of the stitches, women are allowed to take a shower (not a bath!). In this case, you can not rub the scar intensively or use hard washcloths. It is better to wash it with ordinary laundry soap, known for its antiseptic properties.

We must not forget about the careful care of women's intimate places. It is necessary to wash the genitals at least 2 times a day to prevent bacteria from getting inside. It is recommended to carry out independent douching. Miramistin or chlorhexidine are suitable for this purpose.

Treatment with antiseptics

Processing is carried out after taking a shower. First, the scar must be wiped dry with a soft towel. It is important to know how to process the seam after a caesarean section. Zelenka is a traditionally inexpensive and effective antiseptic. It is great for treating wounds and scars. The downside may be the traces she leaves on her underwear. To avoid this, as well as to protect the scar from unwanted contacts, you can attach a sterile disposable napkin to it.

In some cases, instead of brilliant green, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, a sterile solution of manganese or furacilin are recommended. For the procedure, you can use cotton swabs. Having moistened them in an antiseptic, it is necessary to carefully process the entire seam. Also in the pharmacy you can buy a special nozzle for treating wounds. The procedure is performed daily, the best time for it will be in the morning.

Usually, at discharge, the doctor informs the patient about how much to process the suture after cesarean. Traditionally, manipulations are required within two weeks after suture removal.

In addition, you need to know how to process the seam after cesarean for effective resorption and healing of the scar. Treatment of the suture skin with vitamin E contributes to its greater elasticity and the formation of an inconspicuous scar. A qualified specialist will help you choose an effective drug for resorption of the scar.

Wearing special postpartum appliances

In order to protect the postoperative incision from friction and reduce discomfort, it is recommended to use a special postoperative bandage or slimming postpartum panties. In addition to protection, they will provide a faster recovery of the previous shape of the abdomen.

The bandage does not need to be worn 24 hours a day, you should remember the benefits of regular air baths for the seam.

moderate exercise

The inner seam requires no less care. Its healing occurs quite quickly, within a month. At first, a woman should not lift more than 4 kg and make sudden movements, and in case of discomfort, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Performing special exercises

Six months after the operation, physical exercises pose a threat to the body of the woman who has given birth. In addition, they can affect the production of breast milk. However, in the future, sports will become a great way to restore and improve physical fitness.

At first, it will be useful to sleep in a prone position. This will not only help speed up postpartum uterine contractions, but also strengthen the abdominal muscles.

After cesarean, the following lightweight gymnastic exercises are allowed:

  • alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles;
  • retractions of the abdomen and elevations of the pelvis;
  • flexion, extension, rotational movements of the arms and feet of the lower extremities;
  • body twists and shallow squats

The main attention should be paid to exercises for which you do not need to affect the abdominal muscles. Even the lightest physical exercises are recommended only for those women who have no undesirable complications during the postoperative period.

If during exercise pain or pulling sensations appear, their implementation must be stopped immediately.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the correct formation of the scar. The healing of the suture after caesarean section proceeds gradually. At first, the surface of the wound is covered with a thin film of newly formed skin cells. Over time, this layer becomes thicker. The pronounced crimson shade of the scar after a few months begins to change its color.

With a change in the color of the scar, the use of cosmetics that help reduce external signs of scarring and heal the suture after cesarean becomes acceptable. For a visual demonstration of the correctness of the procedures for caring for seams, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a useful video.

Postoperative suture treatment (caesarean section) - video

Suture after caesarean section - a longitudinal or transverse scar on the abdomen from 11 to 12 cm long, which occurs after stitching incisions on the uterus, on the soft tissues of the peritoneum and skin. It is done mainly in the lower segment of the uterus.

Types of seams

According to the depth of the overlay, the seams are distinguished:

  • internal - on the uterus;
  • external - on the skin. In the direction of the cut of the outer seam, there are:
  • vertical seam from the navel to the bosom;
  • arcuate transverse suture along the skin fold near the pubis (Pfannenstiel laparotomy);
  • transverse suture 3 cm below the middle of the distance from the navel to the womb (laparotomy according to Joel-Cohen).

Modern obstetricians often do Pfannenstiel laparotomy. It is after it that a cosmetic suture is usually applied. Merging with the fold of skin above the pubis, such a seam very soon becomes indistinguishable. Unlike the classic longitudinal suture, such an incision on the uterus heals better, the scar after it is almost invisible, and surgical blood loss is minimal. In emergency cases, when the fate of the woman in labor and the child is decided by minutes, a traditional longitudinal section is performed on the uterus and skin. With such an incision, strong interrupted sutures are applied that prevent a cosmetic suture. In addition to aesthetic disadvantages, such a vertical incision has its advantages - convenience and speed.

How many days does the seam heal

Patients after caesarean section are concerned about the natural question - how many days does a scar heal?

The suture after caesarean section on the uterus heals on the 7th day after the operation. By this time, a skin scar has formed. Silk sutures are removed 5-7 days after the operation. If the wound is sutured with self-absorbable threads (in the case of a cosmetic suture), they do not need to be removed, they dissolve on the 65-80th day after cesarean.

Does the seam hurt after a caesarean section?

The seam after a caesarean section hurts quite a lot. The pain is caused by the presence of a healing wound on the uterus and skin. Therefore, immediately after the operation, the woman in labor should take painkillers. It can be narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics that are injected intramuscularly. In addition to analgesics, antibiotics are also prescribed to avoid infectious complications.

A woman in the first and second month can lift no more than 2 kg. To reduce pain and stress on the suture area after caesarean section, it is recommended to use a postpartum bandage. It is advisable to wear it before getting out of bed. With the use of a postpartum bandage, the suture hurts less because the bandage prevents soft tissues and the uterus from moving.

Suture care in the hospital

After a caesarean section, the suture must be looked after and constantly inspected. The seam from the caesarean section is carefully observed in the maternity hospital. Until the moment the staples or threads are removed, the nurse comes every day to treat the seam with an antiseptic (brilliant green) and change the sterile bandage.

For 5-7 days, a doctor or nurse should treat and examine the wound. If the seam becomes wet after a caesarean section, the bandage is changed regularly. Observation in the maternity hospital allows you to provide timely help if the seam after the operation constantly and severely hurts or the temperature rises and other complications appear.

Home care

At home, the seam requires no less care than in the hospital. After discharge, you should continue to treat the seam with brilliant green, and most importantly, regularly wash the seam with water using soap without a washcloth. The treatment of absorbable sutures after cesarean is no different from the care of conventional sutures.

To speed up recovery, you can do special light exercises lying down. This will speed up the recovery. You can take a shower only one day after removing the stitches, and rubbing the stitch with a soft washcloth is allowed at least a week later, if it does not get wet or ooze. To heal the seam at home, the doctor may recommend appropriate ointments.

It happens that a month after discharge, the seam still hurts. Pain can also be felt in the uterus. If the pain is accompanied by suppuration, redness, or hardening of the seam, contact the hospital immediately.

What are the complications after suturing?

According to the time of occurrence, complications are divided into early (appear even in the hospital) and late (occur in a month or later).

The early ones include: hematomas, inflammation, minor bleeding, suppuration, divergence of the seam.

Inflammation makes itself felt 3-5 days after the operation.

If pus oozes from the seam after cesarean, an antibiotic is prescribed, bandaging is performed using antibacterial ointments. The ligatures may need to be removed prematurely. All this will significantly slow down the healing process and leave an ugly scar. If the inflammation of the suture is accompanied by an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being, the woman is prolonging the treatment.

If the dressing on the seam oozes blood, inform the medical staff, otherwise the wound will fester or a hematoma will form.

After 1-2 days after removing the ligatures, the seam may disperse. To avoid discrepancy, avoid physical activity. Do not attempt to repair a seam split on your own.

Late complications may appear, for example, after a month. In many women in labor, these are ligature fistulas. Fistulas appear due to the rejection of suture threads by the woman's body. Treating yourself is useless and dangerous (fraught with an abscess).

How long does a cosmetic suture correction take?

Depending on the professionalism of the operation performed and the characteristics of an individual female body, a scar after a cesarean section may heal longer or more slowly. When a scar is formed, you can lubricate it with special creams that promote rapid tissue repair and prevent the formation of scars.

Among the methods of seam correction, laser resurfacing is the most effective. It can be done at any aesthetic surgery clinic after consultation with your doctor. In just a few painless procedures, you will get rid of the defect. Laser resurfacing is performed only after the complete formation of the scar. Don't expect the seam to fully form in a month or two. This will happen no earlier than in 8-12 months. Microdermabrasion is no less effective - a directed effect on the seam with aluminum particles. Plastic surgery will also help, but only if the seam is small and narrow. Different types of peels are less effective.

The question is how to process a seam after a caesarean worries almost every new mother. Any woman wants the seam to heal as soon as possible, and the scar does not stand out too much.

What you need to know about the imposition of a postoperative suture?

First of all, you need to understand that during the operation "caesarean section" there is an intersection, and then a layer-by-layer restoration of the uterus and all layers of the abdominal wall. The doctor will deal with the processing and restoration of all these layers, but we are more interested in processing the suture after a cesarean section, namely the outer layer.

There are many methods for making surgical incisions during caesarean section and suturing, each method is good in its own way and is superior to others in some ways, for example, it allows you to reduce the time of the operation, affect how long the suture heals after cesarean and the period of complete rehabilitation. But usually each doctor uses the method that has already been worked out more than once in his practice.

While you are in the hospital, apply a sterile bandage and carry out all the necessary procedures for processing the seam, this is the work of the medical staff. As practice shows, after a week, that is, at the time of discharge, the need for special care for the suture disappears, and upon arrival home, there is no need for special procedures. However, in order for you not to have problems with caring for the seam, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations:

  • processing the seam with brilliant green, you will speed up the healing process;
  • You can wash in the shower a week after the operation, but rubbing or pressing on the seam is undesirable;
  • to prevent divergence of the seam, wear a postoperative bandage;
  • be sure to arrange air baths for the seam.

By the way, a postpartum bandage will not only protect the seam from external irritants, but will also help to significantly reduce pain in the incision area, as well as quickly return a neat shape and tone to the abdominal muscles. Be sure to check with your doctor how much to process the suture after cesarean. Usually an indicator for the termination of any procedures is its complete healing. Regarding the red-blue color of the scar, do not panic, in another month, it will not only decrease in size (after all, the tummy will also decrease), but will also acquire a natural skin color.

Please note that if non-absorbable sutures were used during suturing and they were not removed before discharge, you will have to come to the hospital again to remove the sutures. Asking friends about how they removed the scar, and you should not be guided by their advice. For the use of any ointments, creams and other medicines, it is best to have a face-to-face consultation with your doctor so as not to lead to complications, which we will talk about now.

If the treatment of the seam after caesarean section does not help - what should I do?

The resorption of surgical threads on the seam can take a month, two, or even six months, it all depends on the synthetic material of the threads. During the healing process, the scar area may ache, bleed, or simply "ooze", sometimes this is considered a variant of the norm. But if the seam area is reddened or swollen, while the temperature rises, we go to the doctor. The likelihood of inflammation or suppuration is quite high, so it is important to take action in time.

There is always a risk of a seam coming apart, so until the seam is completely healed, try not to lift heavy things. Eliminate physical activity, try to eat right to ensure regular normal stools, do not forget about daily hygiene procedures.

Be that as it may, time goes by, and believe me, very soon you will simply not pay attention to the place of the seam. You gave the world a beautiful baby and now you need to think about the care and upbringing of this little and such a dear little man. Take care of yourself and aim only for a good mood.

Proper antiseptic treatment of postoperative sutures is an important step in the rehabilitation of a woman who has undergone a caesarean section. Key aspects of this hygienic event are discussed within the walls of the maternity hospital.

Those recommendations that will be received by a young mother must be implemented in a clear manner and in compliance with all standards. The use of auxiliary techniques that can reduce the manifestation of surgical intervention is permissible only after the formation of a strong scar.

What are the scars

In modern medical practice, obstetrician-gynecologists use the most sparing methods of surgical incisions, which avoid the formation of rough keloid scars. To achieve maximum aesthetic effect after surgical intervention the Pfannenstiel technique is used, the essence of which is to make an incision over the growth zone of pubic hair.

In the postoperative period, such scars are not conspicuous and do not affect the self-esteem of a young mother. In addition, scarring of such sutures occurs in a short period of time. Despite this, the speed and quality of the formation of postoperative sutures directly depends on the observance of measures to care for the wound surface.

If there are appropriate indications, women in labor undergo a vertical dissection of the anterior abdominal wall, as a result of which a rough vertical keloid scar is formed. The main indication for performing this kind of intervention is an urgent situation when the life of the mother or fetus is in danger. During the rehabilitation period after performing a vertical incision, women feel daily pain and discomfort. The duration of such a recovery period can be more than 1 month.

Suture options

When performing a caesarean section, various types of suture material are used. The speed and quality of formation of connective (scar) tissue depends on their structure and origin. For this purpose, catgut and silk threads are often used.

If the sutures were applied using silk, then this allows you to bring the edges of the wound as close as possible to each other and prevent the divergence of the postoperative suture. During this period, while the suture material dissolves on its own, the young mother is under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Care after surgery

Hygiene measures in the period after caesarean section are two-stage. The first stage of processing is carried out within the walls of the maternity hospital. After performing a surgical intervention, the woman is under the daily supervision of a medical specialist to monitor the condition of the stitches.

If the restrictive regime is not observed in the postoperative period and if the suturing is incorrect, the young mother may experience the following complications:

  • The entry of pathogens into the wound surface and suppuration of the wound;
  • Divergence of seams;
  • Bleeding from a wound;
  • Formation of the inflammatory process, which involves different layers of soft tissues.

You can recognize bleeding from the suture by the presence of liquid contents on a special bandage. This complication can be provoked by damage inside the cavity, as well as the lack of proper contact between the edges of the wound. In order to exclude intracavitary bleeding, an ultrasound examination is performed on a young mother.

The lack of proper antiseptic treatment entails the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial nature. Against the background of this process, suppuration and an inflammatory reaction develop. If measures to eliminate the infection are not followed in time, the purulent-inflammatory process will cause partial tissue necrosis.

An equally common problem is the divergence of postoperative sutures. This condition occurs when a young mother does not comply with the restrictive regime. The ban includes carrying a child in her arms, lifting weights, sudden movements and squats.

When a young mother is in the maternity hospital, paid nurses are responsible for the antiseptic treatment of the postoperative suture. Both edges of the wound surface are lubricated with a broad-spectrum antiseptic solution. Most maternity hospitals use an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antimicrobial and bactericidal effect.

After that, a solution of brilliant green is applied to a clean wound surface, which avoids wetting of the wound. The final stage of treatment is the application of a sterile bandage or a special patch.

In addition to caring for a postoperative wound, attention should be paid to the antiseptic treatment of the external genital organs. This procedure is carried out by washing the area with antiseptic liquids (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine). You should not use ordinary soap to cleanse the external genitalia, as it affects the pH of the vagina, opening up access to pathogenic microorganisms.

Self Care

The basic rules for hygienic treatment of the postoperative suture at home do not cause difficulties for young mothers. Care of the wound surface in a home environment includes the following activities:

  • Compliance with the regime of limited physical activity;
  • Wound treatment with antiseptics;
  • Care of the external genital organs;
  • Cleansing the skin around the wound with water;
  • Control over the quality and speed of formation of a keloid scar.

Important! It is necessary to start cleaning the wound surface after the main washing of the body. While taking a shower, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth or brush to wash the body in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. Any physical impact on this area will lead to a divergence of the edges of the wound and bleeding.

Until the wound is completely healed, it is strictly forbidden for a young mother to perform any work that is associated with bending over, squats and lifting weights.

After taking a shower, a woman needs to dry the seam area with a soft cotton cloth with gentle blotting movements. The previously mentioned brilliant green is used as an antiseptic solution. In order to avoid traces of brilliant green on clothes, after processing, the seam is covered with a piece of sterile bandage and fixed with a plaster.

Alternative means include a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), Chlorhexidine, a solution of furacilin and 3% hydrogen peroxide. For processing, cotton swabs or pieces of a sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution are used. This hygienic measure is performed daily until the final overgrowth of the wound.

Important! For antiseptic treatment of the wound surface, it is strictly forbidden to use such products as a soap solution, baking soda and salt diluted in water, pharmaceutical iodine, vodka, 96% alcohol. The listed chemical components have an aggressive effect on soft tissues, thereby leading to irritation and chemical burns.

In order to protect the wound surface as much as possible from injury and the ingress of pathogens, it is important for every young mother who has undergone a caesarean section to wear a postpartum bandage. This medical device speeds up and facilitates postpartum recovery and gives a sense of security. In order for the postpartum bandage to help achieve the desired result, it is worn around the clock, periodically removing it for 10-15 minutes in order to get air on the skin.

In order to prevent the divergence of internal and external seams, a young mother should not lift weights of more than 3 kg. Despite following all the recommendations described, the rehabilitation period does not always go smoothly.

Reasons for seeking medical advice are the following symptoms:

  • Soreness and discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative suture;
  • The appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the wound;
  • Noticeable divergence of the suture material;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin around the scar;
  • An increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 degrees.

Women who have experienced infection of the suture are shown a surgical revision of the wound area, additional antiseptic treatment, re-application of suture material and excision of the wound edges involved in the necrosis process. In order to avoid such severe consequences, women after cesarean section are advised not to neglect the key recommendations for the care of the postoperative suture.

A caesarean section is a planned or urgent (urgent) abdominal operation that is performed on women for several reasons. Mainly medical indications(narrow pelvis, complete and incomplete placenta previa, which is accompanied by bleeding, tumors in the pelvic area, scars on the uterus after surgery, and so on). In some cases, the operation is performed at the request of the woman.

  1. How to process a seam after a caesarean
  2. How to smear the seam after cesarean

Types of sutures for caesarean section

For such an operation, two methods of dissection are used, vertical and horizontal, the choice of technique depends on the indications. In the case of a median laparotomy (vertical suture), interrupted sutures are applied for strength and rapid skin regeneration. This method is rarely used in modern medicine.

Today, the more common method is the horizontal section. With a cut according to the Pfannenstiel method (horizontal section), the suture is applied by an intradermal cosmetic method. With a horizontal section, a special absorbable suture material is used, the threads of which dissolve on their own within a few months, the sutures in such cases are not removed. Immediately after the operation, a sterile dressing is applied, which must be changed frequently.

What to do if the seam hurts after cesarean

As with any abdominal surgery, the suture after a caesarean section may hurt for some time, usually for several days, in some cases up to a week. Usually, the doctor prescribes an anesthetic, which should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Sometimes treatment is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs to exclude infection, which can lead to an inflammatory process in the body and slow down the healing process of sutures. If the suture after cesarean section hurts for a longer time, it is necessary to inform the doctor who performed the operation, he will advise how to care for the suture after cesarean section in such cases.

How to process a seam after a caesarean

The nurse processes the seam after cesarean and changes the dressings. The procedure is carried out in the manipulation room of the maternity hospital several times a day, the time of the procedure is appointed by the nurse. To process the seam, various antiseptic agents are used (water peroxide, iodine, brilliant green). In the first days after the operation, women are recommended to wear a special bandage, it will reduce the load on the abdominal muscles.

The suture after caesarean section is removed before the woman is discharged from the maternity hospital, 5-6 days after the operation. It is important to know how to care for a suture after a caesarean section at home. The attending physician and health visitor should advise the woman on how to handle a suture after a cesarean section. Most women are advised to refrain from showering on the first day after stitches are removed. Later, you can rinse the seam after cesarean with water and antibacterial gel for intimate hygiene. This procedure must be repeated several times a day. In the first days after discharge, it is better not to use a washcloth, it is enough to wash the seam with your hand well enough. After washing, the seam must be well blotted with a dry sterile cloth to avoid suppuration. A few days after discharge, you can apply a sterile bandage, it will prevent infection.

How to smear the seam after cesarean

In some cases, women are advised to use special ointments that promote rapid skin regeneration. You can treat the seam after a cesarean section with vitamin E, it nourishes the skin well and will significantly speed up healing. In modern medicine, there are several drugs that help accelerate the process of resorption of postoperative scars. The attending physician will help you choose the right medicine.

With improper care of the suture after a cesarean section, some complications are possible. They are mainly associated with infection. Sometimes at the same time the temperature rises and the seam oozes after cesarean. This is an important symptom that should be reported to your doctor immediately. In such cases, local treatment with antibacterial ointments is prescribed, which is recommended to treat the suture site several times a day. After 2-3 days, recovery occurs.

In some cases, there is a divergence of the sutures, usually it is observed in the first days after the removal of the sutures. If the seam hurts for a long time after a cesarean section, you should consult with your doctor who performed the operation or with your gynecologist. To avoid this type of complication, a woman should exclude physical activity.

Many women are concerned about the question of how long the suture heals after a cesarean. Usually, if there were no complications, after 1-2 months the cosmetic suture becomes less noticeable. In this case, the suture material dissolves on its own, without causing additional problems. If necessary, modern plastic surgery offers methods that allow you to completely get rid of the seam after a caesarean section. But it is not necessary to do plastic surgery, the incision is made in the bikini area and will not be visible even on the beach. After a few years, the seam becomes almost invisible.

If the first birth of a woman, for various reasons, ended with an operation, then the second and subsequent births require the inclusion of this pregnant woman in the risk group. The divergence of the suture after cesarean is a rather serious problem of modern obstetrics, although many approaches to the management of such patients have recently changed quite a lot. Even 10 - 15 years ago, the verdict of specialists for such women was unequivocal: if there is a history of this type of delivery, then all subsequent births should be carried out only operational way. This was associated with a high risk of uterine rupture along the old scar during the natural process. What are the reasons for this complication?

Read in this article

The probability of uterine rupture depending on the scar

For a long time, many obstetrician-gynecologists used the classic vertical suture, which was used to suture the muscular wall of the uterus in its upper third. A similar tactic in the operation of caesarean section was considered generally accepted.

Technically, such a delivery was quite simple: the surgeon made a vertical incision, the abdominal cavity was opened between the pubic bone and the navel. However, this technique gave a fairly high percentage of rupture of the uterine wall along the old scar during pregnancy and subsequent delivery through the natural birth canal.

The divergence of the suture on the uterus after cesarean in this case was, according to different authors, from 4 to 12%. This forced the experts to recommend that the woman re-lie down on the operating table.

Currently, all major maternity hospitals and perinatal centers have abandoned this technique. During the operation, an incision is made on the uterus in the lower segment. The scar can be longitudinal or transverse, which practically does not affect the frequency of postoperative complications.

The anatomical structure of the female uterus is such that muscle incisions in this area heal much faster and less often create prerequisites for tissue damage. When carrying out such operations, the probability of divergence of the seam on the uterine wall is sharply reduced and is no more than 1 - 6%. It is these figures that allow modern specialists to allow up to 80% of women who have undergone operative delivery to go into natural vaginal delivery.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of women can give birth on their own after surgery, and rupture of the uterine wall can occur not only as a consequence of surgery.

Who is at risk for uterine rupture during childbirth?

As mentioned above, about 4 - 5% of women in labor are at risk of experiencing a possible divergence of the old scar during vaginal delivery. This probability increases significantly with the age of the pregnant woman. Like the tissues of the whole body, the walls of the uterus lose their former elasticity with age, so an excessive load on the old scar during pregnancy and childbirth can be fatal.

It is also very important to observe the necessary intervals between births. For the formation of a full-fledged dense seam, the female body needs from 12 to 18 months, therefore, a second pregnancy in a woman who has undergone a caesarean section is recommended no earlier than 2 years after the operation.

Pregnant women who do not have a history of operative delivery may be at risk of uterine rupture. Quite often, such complications occur when a woman in labor enters the delivery room for 5, 6 and subsequent births. In such women, the muscular layer of the uterine wall is extremely weakened, such challenges should be taken into account by obstetricians when choosing tactics for conducting childbirth.

However, rupture of the uterine wall during childbirth may also be the result of an unprofessional attitude of the maternity hospital staff to their duties. To speed up childbirth, various stimulant drugs are often prescribed that reduce the wall of the uterus. Their excessive exposure increases the possibility of rupture of the provoked wall during childbirth by several times.

Signs of violation of the integrity of the scar on the uterus

Experts believe that the main difficulty in solving this problem is the difficult prediction of such a complication. Most often this can happen in the last stages of gestation.

Signs of divergence of the seam after pregnancy depend on the stage of development of the process. In modern obstetrics, there are three types of violation of the integrity of the scar:

Type of violation What's happening
Threatened uterine rupture Such a complication often does not manifest itself clinically and can only be detected during an ultrasound scan of the scar condition.
The beginning of the rupture of the old seam It is usually characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​the operation, signs of pain shock in a woman are possible: a drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, cold clammy sweat. On the part of the child's body, such a pathology may be accompanied by a decrease in the heart rate.
Complete uterine rupture In addition to the symptoms already listed, it is characterized by a sharp pain in the abdomen in the interval between contractions, a change in the movement of the child's body in the birth canal, and the development of bleeding from the vagina.

In addition to monitoring a woman, during vaginal delivery in a pregnant woman with a scar on the uterus, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the fetus. For this, modern medical institutions are equipped with appropriate equipment. This may include the use of dopplerography or a fetoscope.

The medical literature describes situations where there are practically no symptoms of suture divergence after cesarean. The pain syndrome does not exceed the usual threshold for a woman in labor, the strength and frequency of contractions do not change. In such a situation, the experience and alertness of a doctor who delivers a woman with a similar pathology can play a big role.

Uterine rupture is considered the most severe complication, occupying one of the first places among the causes of fetal death and maternal mortality. In this case, only an emergency operation can save the life of the baby, and most importantly, the mother.

What women need to know about the formation of a suture on the uterus

Quite often, young mothers turn to the antenatal clinic with the question of whether the internal seam can open after a cesarean. In such a situation, much depends on the patient herself.

If, after a vaginal birth, after a certain time, the female uterus acquires its original shape, then after a cesarean section, a scar remains on the wall, which can complicate the course of future pregnancies for a young woman. Nature has provided the following method for healing a postoperative scar: in the normal state, the suture site is filled with muscle tissue cells or myocytes, these structures allow the scar to acquire the necessary density and become, as doctors say, wealthy.

If, for various reasons, the suture is overgrown mainly with connective tissue, then the structure of the muscular layer of the uterine wall is disturbed. In subsequent pregnancies with such a scar, various problems may arise.

This pathology usually occurs if a woman after the first operation did not follow the basic recommendations of the doctor, physical activity on the abdominal wall exceeded the permissible norms, there were certain errors and shortcomings in and. Finally, various chronic diseases, a decrease in the body's immune forces can cause a weak scar on the uterus.

A similar problem is usually detected by a specialist during an ultrasound scan of the uterus and the suture on it. It is he who gives the conclusion about possible independent childbirth after a caesarean section.

Uterine scar and second pregnancy

When there are no problems with a scar on the uterus, pregnancy does not affect the woman's condition in any way. Up to 32 - 33 weeks, the pregnant woman generally does not have any clinical manifestations of the existing pathology. Only in the later stages of pregnancy can there be mild pain in the area of ​​the old operation. Most often, such a pain syndrome indicates the presence of an adhesive process in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention, but this may indicate that the scar on the uterus is not elastic enough.

If a woman's pain is localized in one specific place, they are not affected by a change in body position, analgesics and antispasmodics do not bring the desired effect - this is a reason to immediately seek help from a specialist. This should become the rule for a pregnant woman, regardless of the term.

According to modern canons, ultrasound for a woman who had a history of caesarean section is mandatory throughout pregnancy. It is this method of examination that allows obstetrician-gynecologists to decide on the need for a second operation. As early as 28-29 weeks, the location and size of the child, the place of attachment of the placenta in the uterine cavity are determined, which is necessary to avoid the risk of rupture of the muscle wall scar.

From the 31st week, the ultrasound doctor constantly monitors the condition of the scar, and if there is a suspicion of its failure, it immediately raises the question of conducting a new operation. For the same period, there is a period of hospitalization of a similar pregnant woman in the pathology department.

In modern protocols, the time from diagnosing uterine rupture to performing an emergency caesarean section should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Only in this case there are good chances to save the baby and his mother.

When specialists decide to allow a pregnant woman with a uterine scar into natural childbirth, the woman should be informed about a possible emergency operation and about the certain risks of such tactics. In addition, in such a contingent of women in labor, it is impossible to carry out analgesic therapy and artificial stimulation of labor. The doctor simply does not interfere in the course of childbirth, his task is to recognize possible complications and take appropriate measures.

It is up to every pregnant woman who has a scar on the uterus to give birth herself or go for a second operation. There are situations when specialists make a decision for her, but in 70% of cases it is the choice of the woman herself. The task of the doctor in this situation is to give her the full amount of information and support any decision she makes.

A caesarean section is the implementation of delivery by performing an abdominal operation, if it is impossible to give birth on your own. In order to safely remove the baby from the womb, an incision of 11 - 12 cm long is enough. A flawlessly performed operation should minimize blood loss and provide an environment for the rapid healing of the postoperative wound. The seam after caesarean section depends on the type of surgery, threads for stitching and on the woman's body weight.

What is the seam after cesarean

Factors that force a doctor to perform a caesarean section depend on the course of labor and the problems that have arisen during it. The incisions can be of different localization, and as a result - different types of sutures.

  1. vertical seam. If hypoxia is recorded in the child or the mother has severe bleeding, a corporal cesarean is performed. As a result, a perpendicular scar remains on the abdomen, which starts from the navel and reaches the pubis. This seam after cesarean has low aesthetic characteristics and will affect the appearance of the body more and more, because the scars after such a seam are nodular, therefore they are pronounced against the background of the abdomen. Moreover, in the future, these same scars will thicken. Now vertical incisions on the abdomen are made sporadically and only in critical situations.
  2. Horizontal seam. If the operation is planned, then a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed: a transverse incision is made above the pubis. Its advantage is that it resides in a natural skin fold and is hardly noticeable. For this reason, a filigree, inconspicuous seam is needed. Such a cosmetic suture after a caesarean section is performed directly at the Pfannenstiel incision.
  3. Inner seam. Self-absorbable sutures on the uterus after caesarean section are heterogeneous in terms of the method of their application. The doctor is guided here by the fact that to achieve the most optimal conditions for the fastest healing of the wound in the absence of complications, and seeks to reduce blood loss. It is impossible to make mistakes here, since the course of the next pregnancies in a particular woman may depend on this.

The speed of healing, the presence of complications, as well as the subtleties of suture care depend on which incision was made during cesarean section. In the postpartum period, doctors advise young mothers on all issues of interest to them in order to help them cope with anxieties and fears as much as possible.

How long does the seam heal after cesarean

The perpendicular seam closes for two months. However, it can sometimes disturb a woman for a whole year, in some cases for a longer time. These seams tend to become thicker and more visible over time.

The suture after the cross section closes a little faster - after 6 weeks, although it can ache for a whole year. In this case, it is not advisable to delay a visit to the doctor.

Sutures can be applied with materials that do not dissolve themselves. It can be nylon or silk, they are usually removed after 7 days.

Self-absorbable materials dissolve after 1 - 2 months (depending on the raw materials used for their production).

The sutures on the uterus completely heal within two years. After this period, it is permissible to think about the next pregnancy - the seam on the growing uterus will not open.

When are the stitches removed after a caesarean?

With a vertical incision, the doctor imposes interrupted sutures, and cosmetic sutures for a horizontal incision. The vertical seam after caesarean heals longer and can be removed for 10 days.

A horizontal or cosmetic suture after cesarean heals much faster and removes it already on the 7th day.

However, it is worth remembering that the removal of sutures does not mean complete recovery. It should be remembered that the wound will be covered with a crust, which should be cared for and not done with heavy loads.

How and how to process the seam after cesarean

Postoperative sutures at the hospital are systematically examined and processed. Before removing the staples or threads, the nurse performs daily disinfection of the wound with antiseptic agents (peroxide, brilliant green) and makes a dressing.

At home, the seam after childbirth requires no less care than in the maternity hospital. Immediately after discharge, it is necessary to resume the processing of the seam with brilliant green.

It is possible to take a shower only a day after the removal of the stitches, and rubbing the scar with a soft washcloth is allowed only after 7 days, if it does not get wet and does not flow.

For the speedy healing of the suture, the doctor may advise how to smear the suture after a cesarean section:

  • Gels - Contractubex, Mederma, etc.
  • Ointments - Vulnuzan, Levosin etc.

After mom found out how to handle a suture after a cesarean , she needs to follow the rules for caring for the seam so that it does not disperse or so that the healing process is not complicated:

  1. Don't lift heavy. The biggest burden is your baby, and everything that is heavier will have to be entrusted to relatives.
  2. Let your loads be moderate.
  3. Change position: you should not lie down constantly after a cesarean. Spend enough time walking.
  4. If you begin to notice complications, you may need to treat the suture site with iodine or a solution of brilliant green. All this can be done only after consulting a doctor.
  5. At first, do not wet the wound, you can only wash the area around the seam, so as not to injure the already delicate area.
  6. The duration of the suture treatment depends on the characteristics of its healing, the presence and nature of the discharge. If everything is fine, then after discharge from the hospital, a week of processing will be enough. In other cases, the terms are determined by the doctor.
  7. Effective prevention of seam divergence is provided by a fixing bandage.
  8. Avoid mechanical damage to the suture after childbirth, which may occur due to friction or pressure on the wound.
  9. The seam after cesarean can be wetted, but only without the use of a washcloth, which will only injure the wound.
  10. Proper nutrition will speed up wound healing and scar formation.
  11. At the end of a month after childbirth, the wound is already healed and a scar is formed. You can ask the doctor to prescribe a remedy to reduce the scar, its rapid healing and tissue repair. In pharmacies there are special tools for the regeneration of vozhi. The scar can be lubricated with vitamin E, which speeds up the recovery process. Doctors often recommend Contractubex.
  12. To make the seam heal faster after childbirth, expose your stomach several times a day for at least half an hour.
  13. Visit a doctor. The specialist will tell you what needs to be done to avoid complications, and what actions will be harmful. The doctor will also tell you if an ultrasound is needed to diagnose the condition of the suture.

Caring for a postpartum suture does not require special efforts and any special procedures. Compliance with the above rules will prevent the development of complications.

Why does the seam hurt after a cesarean section

Pain in the area of ​​​​the seam after cesarean is considered the norm, since after childbirth two wounds remain: one on the anterior wall of the peritoneum, and the second on the uterus. Soreness can persist from several weeks to several months. You can stop the pain syndrome with the help of painkillers:

  • After the operation, the woman is prescribed narcotic-type analgesics: tramadol, morphine, omnopon;
  • After some time, a young mother can use analgin in combination with diphenhydramine and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Remember that your doctor should prescribe all medicines for you, because he will proceed from the fact that you are breastfeeding your baby.

If we talk about the duration of the painful syndrome, then it all depends on the type of suture. A longitudinal suture after a cesarean can cause discomfort for about two months, and a transverse suture for 1.5 months in the absence of complications and proper care. At the same time, during the year, a woman may continue to feel pulling pains and discomfort in the area of ​​​​sutures.

Since the operation is abdominal, there is a violation of the integrity of the muscle and skin tissue:

  1. After surgical exposure, as well as subsequently ordinary childbirth, functional contractions occur, as the uterus contracts. Such contractions of the uterus are often taken by some ladies for the soreness of the seam. Sensations similar to contractions appear when breastfeeding a child, which is associated with the production of a hormone by the body - oxytocin.
  2. Taking into account that at the time of cesarean section, the integrity of the uterus is violated, then when it contracts in the postnatal phase, the suture after cesarean also hurts. Therefore, painful manifestations are more intense than in women who gave birth in the usual way.
  3. Pain is activated by the accumulation of gases that have arisen in the intestinal tract. Due to a violation of intestinal motility, pressure on the uterus may occur.
  4. Often, pain in the suture area can be associated with inflammation of the uterine cavity. This complication is called endometritis. This picture will be accompanied not only by severe pain in the suture area, but also by discomfort in the lower abdomen, high body temperature, and intense discharge.
  5. The acute inflammatory process has the ability to form due to the divergence of the postoperative suture. Suppuration is formed with poor processing of the seam and its subsequent infection. In this case, antibiotics will be required, and sometimes a second operation.

Soreness in the area of ​​the postoperative suture sometimes appears against the background of the formation of adhesions. Traditionally, adhesions do not dissolve on their own, and then laparoscopy is performed to dissect the adhesions.

Complications of suture healing after caesarean section

Problems with the postpartum suture can occur not only during the recovery period, but also years later.

Seam sealing after caesarean

One of the points that can cause concern for a young mother is the hardness and darkening of the seam after a cesarean section. Hardness and soreness for the first time two months after the birth of a child is the norm, because the healing process has not yet been completed. For the seam to become soft and inconspicuous, time must pass and this will take several years.

  • The longitudinal (vertical) scar retains its hardness for at least 1.5 years, after which the tissues on the seam and around it will gradually soften.
  • The transverse (horizontal) seam is also called cosmetic: it heals faster, because the seal, the hardness of the tissues should go away throughout the year.
  • Most women notice that after a certain period a wrinkle appears above the seam. It is worth noting that it does not pose any danger if there are no suppurations or other unpleasant symptoms. A wrinkle is indicative of scarring, but if you're worried about it, you can get an ultrasound.
  • The appearance of a bump should cause concern, someone can observe its appearance already in the first year after cesarean, and someone will note that the bump appeared later. The size of such an education can be from very small to those that resemble the size of a walnut. The color of the cone is most often purple or crimson. This should be a strong argument for you to see a doctor and undergo an ultrasound. Such a bump can be a banal sign of scarring, or it can indicate the appearance of a fistula, suppuration, inflammation, or even neoplasms.

The hardness of the scar, the appearance of various folds, seals in its area in the first year after the operation is a fairly common phenomenon that should not frighten a woman. At the same time, it is better to visit a doctor if you are worried about this.

Moreover, an urgent reason for a visit to the doctor should be severe pain, discharge, as well as the appearance of redness and other unusual signs. The specialist will examine the place of the seam and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Wet or oozing seam after caesarean section

If an ichor appears in the first week after suturing, do not worry. This phenomenon can be called natural, because this is how tissue restoration, that is, their regeneration, is manifested. But if you notice blood or purulent discharge, you should immediately visit a doctor.

The seam itches after cesarean

Women after caesarean section may feel severe itching in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. This sign can scare a young mother. In fact, itching is just evidence that the wound is healing, so tune in to the best. At the same time, touching with your hands, combing the wound is impossible. If you cannot tolerate the sensation of itching, you need to see a doctor and talk about this problem.

In order for the recovery period to pass as correctly and efficiently as possible, high-quality care is needed for the delicate zone of the wound.

Early Complications

On the seam after childbirth, a hematoma may occur, which can bleed. The cause of a hematoma may be a medical error. Also, this complication may occur if the dressing is not properly processed or changed. Less often, a hematoma appears due to premature removal of the suture.

Among the rare complications is the divergence of the seam after cesarean. This complication is possible when an infection enters the wound. The result of infection is difficulty with tissue fusion. Also, the seam after cesarean may disperse when lifting a weight over 4 kg. The seam after caesarean can also open on the 6-11th day after childbirth.

Quite often, doctors diagnose inflammatory processes. The cause of inflammation of the seam can be an infection or improper care. Alarming symptoms include:

  1. heat;
  2. puffiness;
  3. the appearance of blood or pus;
  4. the presence of redness.

If you notice that the suture is festering after cesarean, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can harm your body. The doctor will prescribe ointments and tablets for subsequent treatment. The neglected form of inflammation is eliminated only by surgery, so you should not start and postpone a trip to a specialist.

Late Complications

Ligature-type fistulas are diagnosed after inflammation is detected around the suture thread, which is used to fix blood vessels. The reason for the appearance of fistulas is the rejection of suture materials by the body or infection of the ligature. The inflammatory process in this case is manifested by a hot, painful red induration with a small hole from which pus flows. Only a doctor can get rid of the ligature.

Rare complications include hernia. Most often, it appears in the presence of vertical incisions, several operations in a row or after several pregnancies.

A keloid scar is a cosmetic defect safe for the mother. Provokes the appearance of such a scar uneven recovery of the skin. It looks unaesthetic, is a rough scar with jagged edges.

Methods of modern cosmetology can correct the current situation:

  • conservative procedures: liquid nitrogen, laser, ointments, chemical peels, creams, microdermabrasion, hormones, ultrasound;
  • surgical methods: excision of the scar.

The procedure of cosmetic plastics is a way to correct the seam, taking into account individual characteristics. Basically, everything goes well, without consequences, and the seam after cesarean becomes almost invisible.

Even serious complications can be treated with timely access to a doctor. Particular care should be taken by those women who eventually begin to plan a second pregnancy.

Second pregnancy after caesarean section

Modern doctors do not see anything wrong with the fact that a woman after a cesarean decides to have a second birth. But there are some nuances, and they may arise during repeated gestation.

For example, a suture after a cesarean can cause pain when carrying the next child. Basically, this problem occurs in the later stages. At the same time, a woman may feel such severe pain that at some moments it will seem to her that the seam will soon disperse. Particular tension is felt in the corners.

If more than two years have passed between pregnancies, a discrepancy is excluded.

Discomfort in the area of ​​the seam during the next pregnancy occurs due to adhesions that occur during the period of tissue repair. Report your problem to the gynecologist, so he can examine the suture area in detail during the next ultrasound. The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe a softening ointment with an anesthetic effect.

Summing up

Young mothers should know: tissue repair in the area of ​​the postpartum suture is an individual process, depending on many factors, requiring proper care. Taking care of your health will help you avoid complications. And the better you feel, the more care and love you will give to your baby.

Childbirth operations are carried out today more and more often. Some women experience various complications, for example, the seam hurts after a cesarean section, suppuration or hernia appears. No less popular among mothers is the question of how ugly the scar looks after surgical childbirth, is it noticeable and how long does healing take. All these factors depend on the type of suture made, the course of the postpartum period, the quality of care after cesarean, etc.

There are many indications for a caesarean section, but there are much fewer ways to perform the operation, and one of their differences is the sutures that require careful care.

  1. Horizontal seam. With a planned caesarean section, a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed. The incision is made transversely in the skin fold just above the pubis. In this case, the abdominal cavity is not opened. As a result, after healing, the seam is practically not noticeable.
  2. Vertical scar. If a pregnant woman has heavy bleeding, or an acute form of oxygen starvation is detected in the fetus, then a corporal cesarean is performed. As a result of the operation, a scar remains from the pubis to the navel, which disfigures the abdomen with nodular scars. Usually such operations are carried out in emergency cases.
  3. Internal sutures are placed on the uterine wall, depending on the direction of the incision - in a transverse or longitudinal way.

Complications, healing time, subtleties of care - all this is determined in accordance with the type of incision.

How long does the stitch heal

If there are no complications such as suppuration and sepsis, then by the end of the first week a postoperative scar will form. It depends on the type of suture material how much a woman will walk with him. If the scar is silk, then it is removed after about a week (vertical after 10 days), and self-absorbable cosmetic threads disappear on their own after 60-80 days.

Removal of the suture material does not mean that everything has healed. In order for healing to occur without consequences such as a hernia, keloid scars and adhesions, it is necessary to start walking actively on the second day. Activity will help avoid intestinal paresis and speed up postoperative recovery. At first, the suture scar has a red-violet hue and a relief surface, which makes it stand out from the rest of the skin. But gradually it will smooth out and lighten up. During the healing process, the patient may experience burning, itching, tingling and numbness.

How to properly care for a scar

To avoid postoperative inflammation, it is imperative to provide the patient with proper care. A bandage is applied daily to the scar during the first postpartum week. When a mother is discharged home with her baby, there is usually no need for special care, although sometimes the scar needs to be treated with brilliant green for some time after discharge.

Even with painful sensations, doctors strongly advise walking around, starting with short distances. When the wound heals, no water procedures and hygiene products will harm it. Therefore, after discharge, you can safely take a shower, but just do not rub the scar with a sponge or washcloth, while it is recommended to do without mechanical impact.

During the day, women in childbirth are advised to wear a special bandage that promotes faster healing of the incision. By the way, when wearing such a medical device, the scar begins to stop hurting much earlier than without a bandage. The elastic waistband protects it from unnecessary contact and irritation, keeps it in a fixed state, which eliminates the discrepancy. In addition to holding, the bandage helps muscle tissue to return to normal sooner, removes the tummy and reduces the load on the lower back and spine.

For speedy healing, it is recommended to follow a special diet. The wound healing effect is provided by proteins, tocopherol and other additives. Moreover, tocopherol in the form of oil is recommended to be rubbed into the scar. Primrose oil also provides a healing effect, which also needs to be rubbed into the seam.

Causes of soreness

Many women in childbirth are faced with the problem of why the seam hurts after a cesarean. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and each is characterized by its own symptoms and characteristics, therefore, with a careful attitude to well-being, it will not be difficult to determine the cause of the soreness of the seam.

Postoperative complications

Some health problems appear immediately after surgery, while others are detected after a relatively long period of time, so complications associated with the suture can be classified as early or late.


If, after a cesarean section, swelling or a hematoma has formed in the scar zone, then the number of recovery and rehabilitation days will increase slightly. Usually this happens because of doctors who make mistakes during the operation. If the surgeon incorrectly performed vascular truncation, then after the operation, pain and bleeding may occur.

The postoperative period can be complicated by discrepancy, which usually happens in the first 5-10 days after cesarean. At this time, the stitches are usually removed, which increases the risk of discrepancy. If the abdomen in the area of ​​the scar periodically painfully pulls, then this may indicate the development of endometritis, which is inflammation in the mucous structures of the uterus. In addition to pulling discomfort, the patient experiences hyperthermia, cramps and bloody discharge.


The number of late complications is not so great, but they still occur. These include hernial lesions, keloid scarring or ligature-type fistulas. Hernias in the area of ​​​​sutures after cesarean are usually formed with a longitudinal incision on the uterus. Keloid scarring is usually accompanied by a pulling sensation, in which tissues grow together unevenly.

Small gaps may form at the incision sites, which provoke the development of the inflammatory process. A similar complication is detected if the body rejects the synthetic suture material. At the same time, the patient is worried about weakness and hyperthermia, in addition to the suture, the stomach may get sick, and the pains have a cutting character.

Elimination of soreness

Serious painkillers in the first year of a baby's life are not recommended for the mother. Of course, he can stop hurting the seam on his own, but only after healing. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use topical preparations such as anesthetic sprays, ointments, etc. But they can only be used after a medical consultation.

If there is poor healing, then the specialist may recommend taking pills that restore uterine tissues, such as Demoxitocin or Hyfotocin, Dinoprost or Ergotal. These medicines do not penetrate into milk and are quickly excreted from the body. If the pain syndrome is pronounced, and the scar grows slowly, then the doctor prescribes a single dose of stronger painkillers. Prior to this, a woman should express milk for feeding, and by the subsequent feeding, the active components of the drugs taken will have already left the body.

Suture correction

Quite a few patients remain dissatisfied with the appearance of the suture. In such a situation, they will be helped by a cosmetic correction, which is usually carried out through laser resurfacing. Full fusion of all layers of tissues will occur only after 8 months or a year.

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