Is it possible to speed up the metabolism (metabolism) and how to do it. How to speed up metabolism: time-tested remedies

1. Get moving

Yes, physical activity is the easiest way to speed up your metabolism. Even if sport is not your story at all, try to make as many movements as possible. Even shifting from foot to foot or tapping your fingers on the table is movement! A simple and effective way is with a rubber ball. While watching a movie or riding in a vehicle, squeeze it into a fist and burn hundreds of extra calories!

2. Drink tea and coffee

250 ml of green tea without additives accelerates calorie burning by 2 hours. One cup of coffee speeds up the metabolism for 4 hours.

3. Sleep more than 8 hours

In addition to creating a “window” for the pancreas to relax in this way, which we recently wrote about, you help the body produce more endogenous hormones that speed up metabolism.

4. Don't be cold

The warmer you are, the more active your metabolism is. The colder you are, the more actively the body stores fat and reluctantly burns calories.


5. Eat proteins

Protein diets are based just on the "acceleration" of metabolism, which explains their effectiveness. We do not encourage you to go on a diet! Just give preference to proteins, not carbohydrates, if you have a choice.

6. Love spicy

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? Spicy food also speeds up the metabolism. If you have a healthy stomach, feel free to pepper your food, add mustard, tabasco or wasabi: your waist will say “thank you”!

7. Drink cold

The body will spend more energy on warming the liquid, so try to give preference to cold drinks.

8. Walk

10,000 steps a day is a great result! Try to achieve it daily. To do this, it is enough to walk only 7 km or spend 1.5 hours on foot.

9. Use the "3K" system

Or "cilantro, cardamom, cinnamon" - these three seasonings have miraculous powers, speeding up the metabolism by almost 20%. Put it where you can!

10. Have sex

What has not been invented by mankind in order to satisfy their laziness, in search of the most effective way to lose weight, trendy goji berries and green coffee are used, not to mention various miracle pills. More industrious people limit themselves in food, and someone even forces himself to wind circles around the stadium, and the desired result is far away, like a ship in the ocean.

It turns out that berries with coffee do not melt your fat, but running and fasting, on the contrary, create conditions for the body to store fat.

What is the most effective way to lose weight?

And there is a way out, metabolism is to blame, it is also metabolism, every time we eat or drink, a biological process occurs in the body that converts all these calories into energy, this process is called metabolism or simply metabolism.

Metabolism is a chemical process that occurs in the body and plays an important role in maintaining the life of the latter. In other words, everything we eat and drink is fuel, and metabolism is the engine that consumes this fuel, and consumes it constantly, both at night and during the day, when we sleep and when we are physically active.

Acceleration of metabolism: rating TOP-7

How to speed up metabolism times - you need to eat 5-6 times a day

The body spends energy on digesting food, thus with the traditional 3 meals a day, your metabolism noticeably slows down between these three meals. Therefore, if you are looking for the most effective way to lose weight, eat often up to 5-6 times a day.

This diet does not oblige you to eat huge portions at every meal, just divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals, three main meals and snacks. An eaten apple or cottage cheese can also be considered a meal, the main thing is that the stomach works throughout the day and the body does not store reserve fat in case of a hunger strike.

How to accelerate metabolism two - you need to train

We all know that while exercising burns calories, the most effective in terms of calorie consumption are high-intensity strength training. During such training, much more calories are burned than from jogging.

We recommend performing basic exercises in the gym, such as squats and bench press, as well as other exercises with free weights, they involve the maximum number of muscles and, accordingly, more energy costs, unlike exercises on simulators or with their own weight.

Cardio workouts will bring the maximum result in accelerating the metabolism if they are performed in an interval mode of explosive impulses, for example, 30 seconds. run at high intensity and then run for 60 seconds. at a calm pace, then explode again, this cycle can be repeated up to 10 times during one cardio workout without stopping.

How to speed up metabolism three - you need to sleep

During sleep, metabolic processes take place in the body, during which calories are spent to ensure the vital activity of the body. Also, when we sleep, growth hormone is produced, which speeds up the metabolism, so with the right diet and training, during sleep, fat melts and muscles grow. The quality and duration of sleep affect the effectiveness of this process, so sleep is also a good way to lose weight.

How to accelerate metabolism four - you need muscles

It is often said to "turn fat into muscle", this is sheer nonsense, muscle and fat are separate tissues and exist independently of each other. At the same time, there is a fact that at rest, 1 kg of muscle burns 3 times more calories than fat. Therefore, the more muscle you have, the more active your metabolism.

How to speed up metabolism five - you need protein

Protein is a building material for all structures of the body, it synthesizes the amino acids necessary for the growth and development of cells. Unlike the digestion of fats and carbohydrates, the synthesis of the amino acids necessary for the body during the digestion of protein spends the largest number of calories.

Also, protein is the basis of building muscles, therefore, consuming a sufficient amount of protein, metabolism is accelerated, muscles grow, and fat melts. You must understand, be sure and after also. It is recommended to use 2-3 gr. protein per 1 kg of body weight, this is the norm, subject to active strength training.

How to accelerate metabolism six - you need breakfast

A hearty breakfast within 30 minutes after waking up starts the metabolism in the body, thereby giving a start to the acceleration of metabolism for the whole day. Also in the morning, the body needs amino acids and glucose as much as possible, and if it does not get them with food in the form of breakfast, then the process of catabolism will begin and the body will feed itself. In this case, the fat will not be touched, and the muscles will begin to go to amino acids. Therefore, it is important to eat a breakfast rich in protein and carbohydrates immediately after sleep.

How to speed up metabolism seven - you need water

Water makes up half the weight of the human body and is an integral part of life on earth. Water flushes out toxins from the body and helps the liver process fats. If there is not enough water, then the liver begins to actively perform the function of cleaning the body and cannot cope with the utilization of fats, thus, metabolic processes slow down.

Also, water suppresses the feeling of hunger, which can occur when the body is dehydrated, that is, with a lack of water in the body. The conclusion is, drink more water, it is an active participant in the metabolic processes in the body.

Stop relying on a slow or poor metabolism, the most effective way to lose weight is to stop being lazy. With one click on the laziness off button, you can boost your metabolism and burn fat, while building muscle and moving closer to your goal with quick steps.

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Publication date:  09/02/2014 © site

Greetings to all who are now reading these lines. Dear friends, are you interested in simple ways to correct your figure? And the difficult ones? Then today's topic "How to accelerate metabolism for weight loss" is for you. In it, I will list simple and not very ways to speed up the metabolism of the body, dividing them into categories. With its acceleration, you can quickly lose excess subcutaneous fat, keeping yourself in good health and good mood.

Metabolism is the name of the metabolism at all levels (metabolic processes). The metabolic rate allows you to judge a person's predisposition to weight gain, both excess and muscle.

Have you noticed people who are approximately the same in terms of height, but with different builds? That is, thin and full? Therefore, as you understand, there are different types of physiques, which are characterized by different absorption rates of nutrients by the body.

Since the target audience for this article is most likely overweight people, it's safe to say that their body type is endomorph or (less likely) mesomorph. The rate of assimilation of substances is naturally low. So let's talk about ways to speed up metabolic processes. I have broken them down into the following categories: nutrition-related, physical activity-related.

Food-Related Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

5 meals a day. Forget about. If you want to be in shape, then rebuild your diet, regardless of life circumstances in the form of work, lack of time, and so on. Those who are interested will find a way to solve this problem. For example, take food in containers with you to work. You can even add small snacks, teas, and other small meals.

Reduce portion sizes. Since eating 5 times a day is considered frequent, just reduce the amount of servings. Focus on the frequency of meals, not the amount of food itself.

Thus, you will tune your body to something like the following: "food comes often, in sufficient (not excessive) quantities, you can not be afraid that I will starve, which means there is no point in accumulating subcutaneous fat." I described the exemplary "thoughts" of the body.

Diversify your food. Since you will be eating frequently, each meal should be different from the previous ones. That is, if you ate oatmeal with nuts, raisins and fruits in the morning, then, of course, all this should not be in the rest of the day (unless we are talking about gaining muscle mass, where nuts are needed as a source of protein).

Balance the ratio of nutrients in food. By nutrients, I mean carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. They must be in a certain balance with each other. Moreover, the amount of fat should not be very small (they are involved in the breakdown of protein, for example), but the amount of fast carbohydrates should be reduced. Better focus on slow carbohydrates as a source of energy.

The percentage in one serving of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is as follows: 35/55/10.

Consume these products. Drink coffee and tea in the morning - it speeds up the metabolism. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits - plant foods (most of them) do not allow the body to accumulate fat. Dinner is the least high-calorie meal, here vegetables and fruits are just right.

Take advantage of additional drugs. In dietology, in the field of sports nutrition, and in the field of pharmaceutical preparations, there are many tools that improve metabolic processes. For example, pharmacy adaptogens, enzymes, various with unique formulas.

Ways to increase metabolism associated with physical activity

Go in for sports. No matter how, the main thing is to move. Whether it's just running, cycling, or a full-fledged exercise in the "simulator" - all this will favorably affect your metabolic processes. Let me explain a simple diagram: You eat often and get energy from the food that you spend in everyday life, as well as in training. With the constant development of events, the body gets used to this, and it is easier to waste energy: it has a lot of it (you are training), but it is more willing to give it away (fully giving all the best in training), knowing that it will soon receive a new portion of energy resources. This improves metabolism and the quality of training - you become more resilient, stronger and progress.

Swing. This is not about swings, but about the gym. The larger the muscles, the more energy is required to maintain them in working condition (even during rest). Therefore, if you run or something like that, then dilute your exercises with iron exercises. Simply put, the more your muscles, the faster the fat layer is burned.

Get enough sleep. From constant lack of sleep (I will not surprise anyone with this) there can be problems. no less, but no more than 7.5-8 hours a day. By the way, if due to work or life circumstances you cannot sleep enough, then break your sleep into parts (6.5-7 hours at night and 1-1.5 hours during the day).

Breathe in fresh air. Walk more often (especially before going to bed), ventilate your house. The ideal option would be a walk in the garden or forest. The fact is that oxygen is involved in the oxidation (breakdown) of organic compounds (food), and the more oxygen the body has at its disposal, the faster it will do its job. Everything is simple. Now imagine that you do this every day. You get used to it, and the metabolism itself speeds up. Agree, nothing complicated.

Actively use recovery methods. I'm talking about massage, bath or sauna, if possible - relaxation procedures that improve not only the speed of recovery after physical exertion, but also speed up metabolism.


As you can see, in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to mock yourself through various, and most importantly, useless and dangerous diets. It is enough to eat small portions, eat a variety of foods and devote time to sports, and, therefore, to yourself and your appearance.

How to accelerate metabolism for weight loss is an interesting question. And there is nothing supernatural in it. Just follow these simple guidelines and you'll be fine. Yes, there are other ways to increase the speed of metabolic processes in the body, but they are more suitable for professional athletes who consciously take risks.

And that's all I have for today. Subscribe to updates, share the article with your friends and do not forget to leave your comments below. All for now.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Ege-gay, honest people, I am glad to welcome everyone on the pages of the project!

Today we will clean up the tails, namely, we will finish the consideration of the note "How to speed up the metabolism." There will be no abstruse theory (how so :)) , naked practice awaits you. We will look at a concrete example of how to get started with overclocking, get acquainted with the main products that promote metabolism and learn something about training and special exercises that will allow you to achieve the desired result.

So, sit down, my dear, we begin.

How to speed up metabolism: the main ways

The topic of accelerating metabolism is an important topic, especially for women, because our ladies are always unhappy with their weight and every time they jump on the scales and see the slightest creep of numbers up there, they go into a terrible tantrum. And since metabolism and its promotion is the main factor in losing extra pounds, you need to know what activities can lead you to the desired figure. Today I will deviate from the principles and will not delve into the theory, especially since we examined it in full in the first part of the note, here. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first pay your respects to this article, and only then get acquainted with the current one.

Well, we will start with a general scheme for accelerating metabolism, which I call “ 5 more". It is very simple and is as follows - to speed up your metabolism, you need ...

As you can see, nothing complicated, well, that's all, until we meet again. Joke :) of course.

If it’s clear about drinking more water and pillow pressure, then everything else - products, exercises of aerobic and anaerobic activity will have to be dealt with. But first, let's look at the strategy of accelerating metabolism, i.e. where to start and what first steps to take in this direction.


For a better understanding of the information, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

7 Day Metabolism Boost Plan

Stick to this plan, and then the pounds will begin to melt before our eyes.

Day #1. Calculate your metabolism

First you need to find out the current metabolic rate, which depends on the age, height, weight and activity level of a person. The calculation formula is given in the first part of the note, so determine your metabolic rate (basal metabolism). This data will give an answer on how many calories the body can consume before it starts to gain weight.

Day number 2. Cut 100 calories every day

Many, trying to lose weight, either stop eating altogether or drastically reduce their calorie intake. For example, on Sunday they hamstered 2000 kcal, and from Monday they shrank and switched to a diet in 1500 kcal. It shouldn't be done that way. It is necessary to gradually (day by day) reduce calorie intake, otherwise the body will think that the ice age has come and it is necessary to accumulate reserves in order not to starve. As a result, metabolism slows down.

Therefore, an effective way to “shrink” on a diet is to gradually reduce the number of calories.

Day number 3. Add more protein to your diet

Lean protein boosts metabolism, and here's why. When consuming protein, the body spends twice as many calories on its final utilization, in contrast to the digestion of carbohydrates. Be sure to include fish in your diet. (tilapia, halibut, etc.) Not only is it a lean source of protein, but it is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the activity of fat-burning enzymes.

Day number 4. Eat every 3 hours

An amazing fact about metabolism - the more often you eat, the more active your metabolism becomes. Therefore, if now you are a hamster 2-3 times a day (skipping breakfast), now the number of meals must be brought to 4-5 . If you find it difficult to add two full solid meals right away, then limit yourself to healthy snacks, such as a light green salad with squid / tuna or your own oatmeal cookies, plus 2-3 eggs, a handful of nuts + dried apricots + prunes.

Either way, don't skip snacks. Studies have shown that people who include healthy snacks in their diet 3 times a day (by 150-250 kcal per reception) eat less and have higher metabolic rates.

Day number 5. Drink chilled drinks

Drink beverages that are below room temperature, i.e. cool. For example, you can add a couple of ice cubes to the water. Such “chills” force the body to expend more energy on heating the liquid to its body temperature in order to effectively assimilate it. Green tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance that naturally boosts metabolism.

Day 6: Eat zinc

Zinc suppresses hunger by increasing levels of leptin, a key hormone that signals the body when a person is full. This way you won't keep eating when you're no longer hungry. Zinc can be bought in pharmacies (drug zincteral, zinc chelate) or get this mineral from a multivitamin.

Day number 7. Exercise in short sessions

When you train in short sessions, you wake up your muscles, causing them to immediately require more calories and then burn them faster. The following metabolism-boosting exercises can be done at home:

  • sit on the floor and rise up without using the handrails and hands;
  • do squats on one leg;
  • do push-ups from the floor.

This seven-day plan should be your starting point in boosting your metabolism, so stick to it with a new step each day.


It may seem to many that all this can fit in one day, but only a gradual introduction will allow the body to better tune in to the accelerating metabolic process. And even more so, a person is such a creature that he quickly lights up with some goal, and then also quickly goes out, he needs the habit of taking actions every day in relation to improving his condition. Therefore, if everything is done in one day, it will not be interesting :).

So, with the plan finished, let's move on to ...

10 Metabolism Boosting Foods

There are recognized food metabolism boosters, and these include.

No. 1. Red pepper

Jalapeno, Habanero, capsicum and other forms of spicy peppers directly stimulate metabolism and blood circulation. In fact, hot peppers not only speed up metabolism, they reduce food cravings. This is due to its content of capsaicin, a compound that stimulates the body's pain receptors, temporarily increasing blood circulation and metabolism. Studies have shown that eating hot peppers increases metabolism up to 25% for the period up to 3 hours.

No. 2. Whole grains: oatmeal and brown rice

Whole grains are full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that boost metabolism by stabilizing insulin levels. slow release carbohydrates (like oatmeal and brown rice) give energy for a long time, without creating peaks associated with an increase in blood sugar levels.

Number 3. Broccoli

Broccoli is high in calcium (known weight reducer), as well as vitamins C and A. One serving provides a large amount of folic acid, dietary fiber, and various antioxidants. Also, broccoli is one of the best foods to reduce body detoxification.

No. 4. Soups

A Penn State University study found that a combination of liquid and solid foods has a positive effect on reducing appetite, speeding up metabolism and burning fat. In addition, solid food, mashed and added to the broth, allows the body to stay full longer.

No. 5. Green tea

Green tea extract can significantly boost metabolism as well as provide a variety of other health benefits. In particular, it is rich in antioxidants that actively fight harmful free radicals.

No. 6. Apples and pears

Studies show that these two fruits help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Apples should not be sweet, but have sourness, moreover, green apples are preferable to use in matters of weight loss.

No. 7. Spices

Garlic, cinnamon are some of the best spices for boosting metabolism. More spicy spices - black pepper, mustard seeds, ginger allow you to control the metabolic rate much more effectively, increasing it. A Canadian study found that spices allowed people to burn up to 1000 more calories daily compared to those who did not include them in their diet.

No. 8. Citrus

Grapefruit, pamelo - these fruits help burn fat and keep metabolic processes at a high level. This is primarily due to the high content of vitamin C - a component that reduces insulin peaks.

No. 9. Foods High in Calcium

A study conducted at the University of Tennessee found that people who consumed 1200-1300 mg of calcium per day, lost almost twice as much weight as those whose diet was depleted of this mineral. To increase your metabolism, eat plenty of foods that are high in calcium. Include in the diet - milk, cottage cheese, Oltermani cheese 9% , calcium orotate tablets.

No. 10. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids

So, to sum it's what a summary basket of metabolism-boosting foods looks like.

As you can see, water comes first, and this is true. In fact, you should drink more than the current level, and all because most likely your body is in a state of dehydration. This means that you drink when you feel thirsty, and not always clean water, replacing it with tea, coffee, let's dance :).

In fact, the body uses water to maintain natural physiological processes, in particular the following.

In addition to closing the “basic needs”, you also need a pillow to promote metabolic processes, so increase your consumption of clean water to 2-2,5 liters (men) and 1,5-1,8 liters (women).

Actually, we figured out the power, let's move on to the second part of the note.

Physical activity to speed up metabolism

Metabolism is reduced by 2-4% every decade, as a person tends to lose muscle mass with age. However, a combination of strength training and aerobic exercise will give you the best control over your metabolism. (keeping it elevated) despite age.

So, let's look at each type of activity.

I. Anaerobic training and exercises to speed up the metabolism

The purpose of anaerobic exercise is to build muscle (creation of new contractile proteins), increasing the power and strength of the athlete. Such training is carried out at high intensity and for a shorter period of time. In general, the muscle should be under load 40-60 seconds, and the training lasts no more 60 minutes.

In anaerobic training, oxygen is not used for energy during exercise, but a by-product, lactic acid lactate, is produced and acidifies the muscles. During the recovery period, oxygen is used to give the muscles a "refueling" - to replenish the energy that was used during intense exercise.

As for specific exercises, let's look at some of them.

No. 1. Combined plank

The exercise consists in performing the following movements at a time ...

Hold 30 seconds, start with 2 approaches to 6-8 repetitions. Rest m / y approaches 45-60 seconds.

No. 2. Diagonal lunges with leg changes

From a standing position, begin to perform diagonal lunges, each time changing the leg.

1 set lasts 45-60 seconds, total such sets 2-3 . Rest m / y approaches 45-60 seconds.

Number 3. "Bear Crawl"

The exercise is performed as follows.

Take the position of emphasis on outstretched arms. Then bend your knees and place them under your hips with your heels up (A). Lifting your knees off the ground, begin to move quickly from side to side and forward back (B). Complete 2-3 approach to 45-60 seconds each. Rest m / y approaches 45-60 seconds.


Over time, bring the number of sets in each exercise to 5 .

No. 4. Weight training program

Do the following workout three times a week if you want to kickstart your metabolism.

Exercises are performed in the specified sequence in the amount 3 set by 5-7 repetitions in the approach and 90 seconds of rest m / y sets. You can alternate workouts according to scheme A and B.

II. Aerobic Exercise to Boost Your Metabolism

They aim to improve the body's oxygen consumption. The term "aerobic" refers to our body's use of oxygen in its metabolic processes. Most aerobic exercise is done at moderate intensity levels for longer periods than other categories of exercise. An aerobic session includes warming up, exercising at least 30 minutes of activity, and then cooling.

The main condition for an effective cardio session is an increase in heart rate (compared to rest) and bringing the pulse to the fat burning zone. Each person has their own and is calculated based on the maximum heart rate and the following plate.

It turns out that the fat burning regime is 60-80% from the maximum heart rate.

The highest fat-burning and accelerating metabolism effect has circular training for the whole body. It is to them that Hollywood stars and fitness trainers resort when it is necessary to achieve a functional body with visible muscles and a small amount of subcutaneous fat in the shortest possible time.

In a study by Professor Talanian (USA), women who did interval training on a stationary bike burned 36% more fat than in the case of constant pedaling (steady ride). This is because bursts of speed caused 20% an increase in the size of mitochondria in muscle cells. Which eventually allowed women to use fat rather than carbohydrates as an energy source. Thus, bursts of speed and a return to the initial state allow the body to more effectively part with the fat mass.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the fastest ways to get your body (to increase its potential) use fat as a fuel source. HIIT is a workout 2 in 1 - a short cardio session and strength work with sequential alternation of maximum and moderate levels of exercise. It is after HIIT that calories will be burned over the next 36 hours, so it's a very effective type of metabolism-boosting workout.

The HIIT full body training program itself, lasting 10-15 minutes might look like this...

or so...

Exercises are performed with a high degree of intensity, one after another for 30 seconds with a rest period m / y for each subsequent exercise 10-15 seconds. As a result, the entire training takes no more than 7-10 minutes. The number of circles varies from 2 before 6 . Despite its short duration, its effectiveness is comparable to 60-90 minutes of running or pedaling a bike.

Thus, it turns out that the training program to speed up the metabolism should combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The ideal solution is high-intensity interval training.

So, we figured out nutrition and types of activity, it’s clear about sleeping - at least 7-8 hours, ideally apply pressure on the pillow during the day 30-40 minutes.

Well, it seems that everything has been considered, now let's sum up and say goodbye.


Today we answered the question - how to speed up the metabolism. Now you have in your hands a step-by-step plan of action to promote your metabolism and effectively lose weight. The only thing left to do is to put all this boltology into practice, but I'm sure you can handle this without me.

It was a pleasure to write for you, see you soon!

PS. We are active in the comments and talk about our acceleration methods, let's go!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Many people have probably heard that one person eats as much as he wants and does not get fat, while another gains weight without eating too much. There is nothing surprising. It's all about metabolism and its speed. In the article we will analyze the concept in more detail. We will also learn how to "accelerate" the metabolism.


Metabolism in the body is a which can have a different speed. Let's take a closer look at the features of metabolism. What affects metabolism? Biochemical reactions occur in the body, during which the consumed calories are converted into energy. What happens, the better. Fat is deposited more slowly, the figure is preserved. And, conversely, the lower the metabolism, the more fat is deposited, since it is absorbed more slowly. This situation not only adversely affects the complexion, but also causes disturbances in the work of various organs and systems. To prevent these unwanted manifestations, you should know how to accelerate metabolism.

Factors affecting the exchange rate

  1. Age. At a young age, metabolism proceeds much faster than in old age. This means that over the years, the metabolic rate decreases. The older a person is, the more difficult it will be for him to lose weight.
  2. Floor. Women have a slower metabolism than men. This is influenced by the hormone testosterone, which assists in the formation and maintenance of muscle mass. Muscles expend predominantly more energy for life and normal functioning, in contrast to fatty layers.
  3. Heredity. Metabolic disorders can be inherited, due to genetic failures.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland contribute to a decrease in the metabolic rate.
  5. Height and body weight. The higher the weight of a person, the more energy is expended for his life. From this it follows that the metabolism is faster in large people.
  6. Activity. During physical activity, the need for energy increases. Accordingly, the metabolic rate is significantly higher in an active person.
  7. Stress. Nervousness, depression and stress reduce the metabolic rate. These situations also include starvation and lack of sleep.

Knowing the above factors, it is easier to understand how to accelerate metabolism in a given situation.

Metabolic Rate Calculation

When figuring out how to accelerate metabolism, you need to know its speed. To calculate your resting metabolic rate (RMR), you need to use the formula that is the most accurate. The calculation is carried out using the indicator of height, weight, age.

  • For women: RMR = 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age - 161.
  • For men: RMR = 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age + 5.

RMR means the required daily calorie intake for the body at rest. To calculate the daily indicator, physical activity should also be taken into account.

Diet Adjustment

If a person does not have any diseases and abnormalities, it is not difficult to monitor weight if you calculate the daily number of calories. This information is indicated on the products. Calorie content is recorded for exclusively all products consumed per day. The calculation is carried out using special tables (they can be found in open sources). Every day you need to try not to exceed the rate of required calories.

How to speed up metabolism?

The main way to increase the metabolic rate is regular physical activity, in which there is an increase in muscle mass. At the same time, more energy is used. For example, fat and muscle tissue burn 20 kcal and 70-100 kcal per day, respectively. Sports load improves blood circulation, increases breathing and heart rate, calories are burned faster, and metabolism accelerates. The main thing is that physical activity takes place daily, preferably in the evening, but no later than three hours before bedtime. The most suitable time for this is 18.00-19.00 hours. The bottom line is that in this way a person increases the frequency of increased metabolism. The main thing is not to use all kinds of diets. As a result, the metabolic rate decreases significantly, the body is depleted, and all processes slow down.

When a person returns to his usual diet again, fats begin to accumulate "in reserve" in the form of deposits. Thus, the body reacts to forced starvation and tries to reinsure itself. This is the answer to the question of why after the end of the diet, people gain weight even more. It must be remembered that hunger and overeating reduce the rate of metabolic processes, so you need to eat often and in small portions. In addition, the key to a good figure is a hearty breakfast and a meager dinner. Among other things, it is recommended to get enough sleep, walk more often, go for massages, go to the sauna. It also helps to ensure the normal speed of metabolic processes.

"Important" foods

When food is broken down, the body uses a certain amount of energy. To more effectively accelerate metabolism, you need to eat dairy products, boiled or baked fish, lean meats, scrambled eggs or soft-boiled eggs. Also increase the metabolic rate and foods containing Omega-3 (fatty acids), fiber, vitamin B 6, iodine. In addition, it is recommended to eat one lemon and grapefruit daily, as citrus fruits have the ability to burn fat. Green tea and spices also help to increase the metabolic rate.

Fat metabolism

There are several ways to burn these compounds.

  1. It is necessary to eat little and often, combining this principle with constant physical activity.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the functioning of the liver, as it produces. Thanks to the activity of its cells, the metabolism of bilirubin is going well.
  3. Physical activity should be long (at least an hour), since blood sugar is burned first, and then fats.

Metabolism of microorganisms

Those or other vital processes that occur in microorganisms make up the metabolism. The resulting end products of these processes are called metabolites. This species is characterized by constructive and energy exchange. This is due to the fact that the metabolism of microorganisms is carried out by two different and, at the same time, single processes: anabolism and catabolism. In anabolism, metabolism takes place with the absorption of free energy. In this case, a relatively small amount of nutrient material is consumed. During catabolism, the process of energy release is observed. This consumes a significant amount of substrate. Constructive and energy exchange is very diverse. Microorganisms are able to use a huge amount of organic and inorganic compounds as the main source of energy. Leakage exceeds the constructive one and leads to significant modifications in the environment, so the main focus is on the study of this particular process. The compatibility of these two types of metabolism allows for a slight change in their comparative scales, which depend on certain conditions.

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