How does staphylococcus enter the human body. The well-known staphylococcus - what is it really? Brief description and types of infection

Found in nature a large number of harmful microorganisms that are a potential threat to human health. Among these are Staphylococcus Aureus, which are a group of Gram-positive bacteria that are immobile in nature.

What is staphylococcus

Such pests can come into contact with a person, while not provoking a relapse. The danger appears when the microbe enters the body, enters the systemic circulation and spreads the infection through the internal organs and systems. If a person knows what staphylococcus is, he also knows how dangerous the active phase of this pathogen.

The threat to the body lies in the fact that staphylococcus is a toxic microorganism capable of producing poisonous enzymes. These microbial activity products have a destructive effect on cells, violate the integrity subcutaneous tissue and connective tissue, contribute to the formation of foci of necrosis at the cellular level. This is especially dangerous for the state of the nervous system, skin, other internal systems of the body.

Types of staphylococcus

27 strains are known, among them saprophytic, golden, hemolytic and epidermal. Each microorganism is a dangerous pest in relation to the human body, the differences are in the foci of exposure, the duration of the incubation period, the degree of intoxication of the body. Studying the forms of staphylococcus, it becomes obvious that it is especially important to exterminate the pathogenic flora in a timely manner. Otherwise, its distribution leads to irreversible consequences for the patient's body.

Staphylococcus aureus

This is the most dangerous view a microbe that is especially common in the environment. Organisms of all age categories are susceptible to infection. Staphylococcus aureus spares neither children, nor women, nor pensioners. Hits almost everything internal systems organs, while slowly responding to antibiotics. Intensive therapy is long and not always successful, especially if the patient's body is weakened. Potential diseases that Staphylococcus aureus can provoke are presented below:

  • pneumonia;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • toxic shock;
  • purulent lesions of the skin.

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus

If such a pathogenic infection appears in the body, the clinical outcome is not the most favorable. The habitat of this pest is the mucous membrane and skin. Staphylococcus epidermidis behaves passively for a long time, does not harm the human body. If the state of the immune system leaves much to be desired, infection occurs with the subsequent penetration of the microbe into the blood. Infection of the systemic circulation develops inflammatory process endocardium. When there is no treatment, the patient's body overtakes fatal outcome.

This is another variety of Staphylococcus spp. The microbe lives on the body of mainly women in the area of ​​​​primary sexual characteristics, the zone urethra(urethra). At the time of infection with saprophytic staphylococcus, the genitourinary system of the body is under attack, the development of cystitis, urethritis and others is not excluded. infectious diseases. Lesions are not so extensive, antibiotic treatment provides a stable therapeutic effect.

staph infection

With the penetration of pathogenic flora, a long incubation period does not allow to identify the disease in own body. Time passes, and staphylococcus shock affects everything internal organs, body systems, provokes a complete imbalance of the body. Staphylococcal infection can progress in the throat, causing sore throats; or prevail on the mucous membrane of the eyes, becoming main reason progressive degree of myopia. The sooner the disease is treated, the more likely it is to avoid dangerous consequences for the body.

How is staphylococcus transmitted

Before treating a growing disease, it is important to understand the routes of infection to prevent re-infection. Since the microbe dominates top layer epidermis, its injury, violation of integrity can be the main reason for the penetration of pathogenic flora into the body. Infection with staphylococcus aureus is ensured if the state of the immune system is weakened, and the person has been in contact with the carrier of this microbe. The ways of transmission of infection into the body are as follows:

  1. Medical instruments. In the absence of asepsis rules, you can become infected in the same district clinic during a routine examination by a therapist.
  2. The fecal-oral route. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, contact with the feces of sick animals, the use of contaminated products, and infection with staphylococcus aureus are guaranteed.
  3. Household path. We are talking about non-compliance with sanitary standards in your own home, when you have to share the territory with a large layer of dust.
  4. Contact-household way. This is the most common way of infection of the body, when the patient uses someone else's personal hygiene products, comes into contact with the carrier of the microbe.
  5. airborne way. Staphylococcus enters the body through the air, for example, when a carrier coughs or sneezes.

Staphylococcus aureus - symptoms

At first, the pathogenic flora does not manifest itself in any way, the incubation period lasts up to 14 days. The “weak points” of the body, for example, the mucous membrane of the throat or intestines, injured skin, become the foci of damage. The answer to the question of how staphylococcus manifests itself cannot be unambiguous, since the intensity of the symptoms depends entirely on the real state of the patient's immunity. In general, the following changes in general well-being are observed in the body:

  • hyperemia and itching of the skin against the background of a progressive inflammatory process, pyoderma;
  • rhinitis, cough, sputum, discoloration of the tongue and other signs of a cold with an extensive position of the nasopharynx, larynx;
  • increased swelling of the skin due to excessive permeability vascular walls;
  • bacteriostatic effect with sharp rise temperature regime, fever in the body;
  • classic signs of intoxication of the body, mainly food poisoning characteristic of an adult and a child;
  • throat, throat and ear infections infancy With visible puffiness and reddening of characteristic zones;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis due to large-scale infection of the lung tissue, impaired natural ventilation of the lungs.

Staphylococcus aureus in children

The disease appears in childhood, and it is difficult to remove, neutralize the pathogenic flora. After the end of the incubation period little patient suffers from acute cold attacks, complains of symptoms of food poisoning. The child's body is not able to cope with increased load therefore, the signs of staphylococcus aureus in infants are identical to recurrent bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, doctors do not rule out skin rash and other manifestations of an acute allergic reaction in a patient baby.

Staphylococcus aureus in women

Such an infectious disease occurs in gynecology when, after instrumental examination and bacteriological studies in a smear on the flora, the doctor detects this harmful microorganism. Symptoms of the pathology are much more likely to worsen during pregnancy, since the woman's body is weakened by an “interesting position”. Talking about treatment is problematic, there is a risk of intrauterine infection. If staphylococcus prevails in women, the symptoms of the disease are similar to thrush, another infectious process. It:

  • itching and swelling of the labia;
  • hyperemia of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • increased nervousness female patients;
  • ulcers in the area of ​​primary sexual characteristics.

Staphylococcus aureus in men

dangerous infection can rapidly produce male body, however, such cases in an extensive medical practice far less. Staphylococcus in adult men is manifested by progressive urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, pneumonia and bronchitis. Flow pathological process may begin with a barely noticeable sore throat, and end with an acute attack with the need for further hospitalization.

Staphylococcus - treatment

Define pathogenic infection it is possible according to the complex of performed blood and urine tests, which are recommended by the doctor. Otherwise, it is ineffective to treat staphylococcus aureus. If you determine what could cause infection, and what kind of microbe produces, there will be no problems with the choice of intensive care method. The treatment regimen depends on the age category of the patient, since both an infant and an adult can get sick equally. Provides mandatory antibiotics.

Antibiotics for staphylococcus aureus

If there is a suspicion of staphylococcus - what is it, the attending physician will explain and diagnose. Bacterioscopic culture determines the presence of pathogenic flora and its appearance. Only after that antibiotics are prescribed in tablets and injections that can kill the harmful flora. With any degree of myopia, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of medicines, to exclude potential complications. Below are the most effective medicines this pharmacological group, which cause a stable and lasting effect. It:

  • Clindamycin;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Cephalexin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Vancomycin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Cefalotin;
  • Cloxacillin.

At increased activity harmful fungus, such antibiotics provide a negative effect. In the rest clinical pictures they can be safely given with staphylococcus aureus, preferably not on an empty stomach and with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course of intensive therapy is no more than 10-12 days, otherwise the microbe has an "addictive effect" to the drug.

Staphylococcus vaccine

It is advisable to discuss this important issue individually with the local pediatrician or therapist, depending on the age of the patient. Preventive vaccination against staphylococcus and bacteriophage form a stable immunity to such pathogenic flora. To do it or not, the patient or his parents decide (while protecting the child's body). The staphylococcal vaccine is especially in demand for the body.

Video: how to treat staphylococcus aureus


Widespread genus of bacteria. Under the microscope, clusters of staphylococci look like bunches of grapes. There are opportunistic staphylococci (for example, epidermal and saprophytic staphylococci), which in normal conditions present on the skin, in the nasopharynx and oropharynx, without causing disease. Other staphylococci are highly pathogenic for humans (for example, Staphylococcus aureus) and cause purulent lesions of various organs and tissues with high frequency.

Staphylococcus is perhaps the most famous bacterium. After all, it is with it that the development of the most various diseases. Some species are capable of affecting any organs and tissues, causing various purulent processes. What is the main danger of this microbe? And what should be done with a positive analysis for staphylococcus aureus? Portal MedAboutMe will help our readers understand all the important issues.

Staphylococcus aureus in adults

Staphylococcus is found everywhere. It is found on the skin and mucous membranes, often settles in the throat and nose of a person. But it does not cause unpleasant symptoms or severe diseases - carriage of the bacterium is the most common form of staphylococcus in adults. That is why all types of this microorganism are classified as conditionally pathogenic microflora. This means that they do not threaten a healthy person, but with adverse conditions may cause disease.

Moreover, if nevertheless the bacterium provokes an infection, it can cause a variety of lesions of organs and tissues. In fact, a specific diagnosis depends only on the localization of the purulent process. Staphylococcus in adults can cause such diseases:

  • Lesions of the skin and mucous membranes - boils, carbuncles, festering wounds.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Inflammation of the lungs of a bacterial nature.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Blood poisoning.

Staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous in this regard, which can penetrate anywhere in the body and cause a generalized infection.

Staphylococcus aureus in women

Among the bacteria that are dangerous specifically for women, saprophytic staphylococcus is isolated, which in some cases can lead to inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. However, this happens quite rarely, since it is this type of bacteria that is easily controlled by the immune system. Subject to hygiene standards, the risk of developing such diseases is minimized.

Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy

Pregnant women and women in childbirth are at risk for developing staph infection. This is due to the fact that a woman's immunity is weakened, the metabolic processes, and against the background of such changes, staphylococcus can become more active. Therefore, it is very important to get tested, even if there are no signs of infection. A positive result is not a reason for the treatment of staphylococcus aureus, however, in this case, a woman should control her condition and be attentive to preventive measures.

Of particular danger during pregnancy is Staphylococcus aureus, since this type of bacterium can easily pass through the placental barrier. This is fraught with serious consequences for the unborn child - the fetal membranes and the fetus itself become infected. Often this ends in a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman with a positive analysis for staphylococcus must take into account the risks of infecting the baby. In particular, if the bacterium is found in the vagina, treatment should be carried out, even if there are no symptoms of inflammation. When passing through the birth canal, a child can become infected with a bacterium, and this will provoke the development of the disease in him.

Since the children's immune system is also underdeveloped, staphylococcus aureus often causes infectious processes in children. Most often in preschool and school age, this bacterium, along with streptococcus, causes respiratory diseases:

  • sinusitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

Skin lesions are also common. Moreover, in childhood they can be provoked even by those types of staphylococcus that practically do not bother adults - epidermal and saprophytic. Rashes, pustules appear on the skin and mucous membranes, sometimes the disease is similar to an allergic reaction.

Staphylococcus in children, if it enters the intestines, often provokes eating disorders. Moreover, their cause may not even be the development of a purulent process, but poisoning with toxins that the bacterium secretes.

Staphylococcus aureus in newborns

Since staphylococcus is ubiquitous, a meeting with a microbe often occurs already in infancy, sometimes in the first days of life. And in this case, the development of infection is very likely, moreover, staphylococcus in newborns causes a number of specific diseases that are not typical for other ages. Among them are dermatological problems:

  • Scalded skin syndrome (Ritter's disease), in which large areas of affected skin form, detachment of the upper layers of the epidermis occurs. Moreover, this particular disease is caused by the exfoliatin toxin secreted by the bacterium, and not by the purulent process itself. Staphylococcus venom is especially dangerous for babies, because it provokes severe lesions.
  • Pemphigus of newborns. It is characterized by the appearance of many painful blisters.

Staphylococcus in infants can also cause purulent mastitis, food poisoning, and cause poor wound healing. Most often, the infection develops in premature babies, after difficult births, and also if elementary rules hygiene.

Staphylococcus aureus in a newborn, most often aureus, can quickly lead to a generalized lesion - the bacterium easily spreads throughout the body. Even minor lesions of the skin are dangerous, which, without treatment, can turn into phlegmon of newborns - a purulent lesion of fatty tissues, accompanied by necrosis.

If the mother is a carrier of the bacteria, the infection can easily enter the baby's intestines (during breastfeeding), and this leads to serious digestive disorders that affect the growth and development of the newborn. In addition, staphylococcus in children can get into the blood from skin suppurations and cause an extensive inflammatory process, life threatening sepsis.

What is staphylococcus

Staphylococci are round bacteria that can form clusters resembling clusters. Hence its name: translated from the ancient Greek "kokk" - grain. This is an extensive group of bacteria, numbering 27 species, 14 of which are found on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. At the same time, only 3 species are capable of causing diseases, therefore they are classified as conditionally pathogenic microflora.

  • Epidermal staphylococcus aureus (S. epidermidis).

Settles on any mucous membranes and skin areas. It poses the greatest danger during operations, for example, it can be introduced into the body with an infected prosthesis - a valve, a shunt, and others. The most common cause of catheter suppuration. In most cases, this staphylococcus does not require treatment, and the infection caused by it goes away on its own after the removal of the prosthesis or replacement of the catheter, as well as cleansing the wound.

  • Saprophytic staphylococcus (S. Saprophyticus).

The least dangerous of all opportunistic species, most often lives in the urethra and genitals. May cause cystitis and urethritis.

  • Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus).

The most pathogenic species of all existing. The vast majority of diseases caused by staphylococcus bacteria are associated with this species. It may also be present in the microflora of a healthy person.

The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus got its name for the ability to form a specific pigment - under a microscope, its colonies have a yellowish-orange color. This species was first described in 1880. It is resistant to drugs, withstands boiling, survives under the scorching sun, withstands desiccation. Insensitive to hydrogen peroxide, survives in saline solutions. The latter provides Staphylococcus aureus with the opportunity to live and multiply in the human sweat glands.

The microbe secretes the following main enzymes:

  • Lipase.

It is able to destroy fats, due to this, the bacterium easily enters the blood from the skin layer, and from there it can move to any organ and tissue.

  • Coagulase.

Once in the bloodstream, due to this enzyme, the microbe provokes blood clotting and, as a result, surrounds itself with a clot. So staphylococcus protects itself from immune cells - leukocytes.

  • Penicillinase.

A special enzyme that was developed by staphylococcus aureus by natural selection after the antibiotic penicillin was used to treat infections caused by it. Now many bacteria of this genus are able to break down the penicillin molecule and thus be resistant to such drugs.

In addition, it is Staphylococcus aureus that secretes exo- and endotoxins, which can cause severe poisoning of the body. Even without the development of the inflammatory process, this microbe can harm health.

Staphylococcus aureus is quite resistant to drugs, constantly mutates, and therefore the diseases caused by it are quite difficult to treat. One of the most dangerous strains of bacteria is methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, which has developed resistance to methicillin (chemically modified penicillin). Its prevalence is directly related to the frequency of treatment of infections, therefore it occurs mainly as a hospital strain in developed countries.

Staphylococci are classified as immobile bacteria, but recent studies by scientists at the University of Nottingham and Sheffield have shown that it is the methicillin-resistant strain that is able to move.

Diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcal infection is a purulent lesion of a particular area of ​​the skin, mucous membrane, organ, or tissue. The list of diseases caused by staphylococcus includes more than 100 different names. At the same time, each person faced the most common manifestation of infections - the vast majority of abscesses on the skin (boils, barley, carbuncles) are caused by the golden type of this bacterium.

Diseases depend on the place of development of the infectious process:

  • Respiratory tract: sinusitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.
  • Intestine: digestive disorders, poisoning.
  • Blood: sepsis.
  • Brain: meningitis.
  • Bone tissue: osteomyelitis.
  • Heart: endocarditis.
  • Mammary gland: purulent mastitis.

With severe damage, staphylococcus aureus can cause a generalized infection that affects all or most organs. Also, the growth of its colony on the skin (pyoderma) can develop into phlegmon - an extensive purulent process. In such cases of staphylococcal infection, treatment is carried out in a hospital, without proper therapy, a fatal outcome is possible.

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium resistant to environmental factors that can endure long drying, heat, and so on. It can stay on surfaces for up to six months.

Infection with staphylococcus often occurs through wounds on the skin, because in the majority of the world's population it is part of healthy microflora. The bacterium can be obtained in transport, on the street, at home, with some food and water.

Due to their amazing resistance, staphylococci are frequent residents of hospitals. Even compliance with all sanitary standards is not able to destroy the microbe, moreover, it is here that its most dangerous strains live.

How is staphylococcus transmitted?

There are several main routes of infection transmission:

  • Contact household. In this case, staphylococcus enters the body through contaminated items - personal hygiene products for the patient (for example, towels), doorknobs, bedding, and so on.
  • Airborne. The bacterium is airborne during sneezing, coughing and even talking.
  • Fecal-oral. Directly related to non-compliance with hygiene standards. Staphylococcus aureus is present in the feces and vomit of an infected person. Transmitted through dirty hands, with poorly washed vegetables, berries and fruits, poorly washed dishes.
  • Vertical. In this case, staphylococcus is transmitted to the newborn from the mother either during pregnancy or during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal.

The bacterium can persist in dust for several months, it is very difficult to remove it from various fleecy surfaces - carpets, plush, rugs and other things. That is why, for the prevention of staphylococcus aureus in children in the first weeks of life, doctors recommend giving up soft toys, and washing plastic and rubber ones often.

Epidermal staphylococcus can be transmitted even in the operating room, through medical instruments during various manipulations.

Risk groups for the development of diseases

All three types of staphylococcus that can provoke diseases are part of a healthy microflora in most people and do not manifest themselves in any way. The immune system is able to control the growth of microorganisms, to keep their numbers within safe limits. The pathogenicity of bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci appears only in specific cases when defensive forces organisms cannot effectively resist it. Risk groups for the development of various staphylococcal infections include the following categories:

  • People with different forms immunodeficiency, including those caused by HIV.
  • Patients with endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus.
  • People with chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Newborns, children of the first years of life.
  • Elderly people.
  • Pregnant.

The impetus for an increase in the number of staphylococcus in adults and children can be frequent colds, acute respiratory viral diseases. Especially dangerous in this regard is the flu, which greatly weakens the body. Most often, complications after this disease are associated with the activation of streptococci and staphylococci.

People with bad habits e.g. smokers and alcohol dependents. A decrease in immunity can provoke an irregular or poor diet - semi-finished products, fast food, canned foods.

For a healthy person, the risk is non-compliance with hygiene rules. Since staphylococcus survives well in the external environment and is easily transferred through objects and through the air, to reduce its numbers in the room, it is often necessary to carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room. This is especially true for infants, because they often have skin staphylococcal infections.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor and only on the basis of positive tests for staphylococcus aureus. Because in some cases similar diseases can be triggered by other pathogens, such as protozoa.

Analysis for staphylococcus aureus

A person constantly encounters different types of this bacterium, therefore, when taking tests, it is necessary to separate the concepts of staphylococcus and staphylococcal infection. Since a positive result does not mean the disease itself. Moreover, such checks are recommended only when staphylococcus is accompanied by symptoms of the disease. Otherwise, a person is simply a carrier of a bacterium, and it cannot cause significant harm. It is also important to determine which staphylococcus caused the disease, since for different types it can be recommended different schemes treatment.

The analysis is taken from the area in which the infection is supposed to develop:

  • Blood is tested if a massive infection is suspected.
  • Scraping from the skin is taken for dermatological problems.
  • Feces are examined in the presence of indigestion.
  • A swab from the nose and throat - if there are diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Urinalysis - with cystitis.

The norms of the degree of staphylococcus are prescribed for each type, each type of analysis and patients different ages. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the organism, because in some patients even an excess of the norm does not lead to illness, while in others, underestimated indicators cause the onset of an infectious process.

So, for example, the average indicator of the norm is the amount of staphylococcus 10 in 3-4 degrees. Such a result is often found in the analyzes of healthy adults, but for a newborn, such a colony of bacteria can pose a serious threat.

One of the main criteria for the presence of a staphylococcal infection is an increase in the number of microorganisms. Therefore, when staphylococcus aureus is detected, it is important for people who are at risk to pass several tests of the same type so that the doctor can assess the dynamics. If the number does not change, but there are no symptoms, then the degree of staphylococcus present is controlled by the immune system.

Staphylococcal infection: symptoms

In the presence of infection, staphylococcus is manifested by severe symptoms. They depend on the localization of the inflammatory process. Combine all staphylococcal infections such signs:

  • Fever, local (at the site of infection) or general fever.
  • The presence of purulent processes.
  • Intoxication - general deterioration, loss of appetite, drowsiness, joint pain.

The following symptoms are also characteristic:

  • Ulcers on the skin of different sizes: boils, pyoderma, abscesses and more.
  • Cough and coryza with purulent yellowish-green discharge.
  • Mucus in the stool, upset stool, nausea.
  • Pain at the site of infection. For example, with staphylococcal osteomyelitis, bones begin to hurt, endocarditis may be accompanied by heart pain.

Localization of staphylococcus

Staphylococcus aureus, which is the cause of 90% of all infections provoked by this type of bacteria, can settle in any organs and tissues. This distinguishes it from saprophytic and epidermal and at the same time makes it the most dangerous.

In fact, this microbe can cause purulent processes in any organ. It is able to cross the placental barrier. Therefore, infection in pregnant women can threaten infection of the child and subsequent miscarriage. Staphylococcus aureus also passes the blood-brain barrier, which protects the central nervous system and brain from various infections. This explains its ability to cause purulent meningitis.

Staphylococcus in the nose is found very often, since it is the mucous membranes of the sinuses that are one of the most common habitats for this microbe. And we are talking it is about the golden form, since saprophytic and epidermal do not settle here.

Normally, a staph score of 10 grade 3-5 in the nose is not a cause for serious concern and should be treated only if symptoms of the disease are present. For example, whitish or yellow-green discharge from the nose, against which chills, fever, intoxication of the body, and headache appear.

The bacterium can cause the following diseases:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Frontit.

Factors that provoke the growth of staphylococcus aureus in the nose include the following:

  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Persistent nasal congestion due to an allergic reaction.
  • Frequent and uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  • The use of antibacterial drops in an incomplete course.
  • Self-medication with antibiotics a wide range actions.

Staphylococcus in the throat

Often staphylococcus is found in the throat. Moreover, quite often the bacterium spreads through all the upper respiratory tract, if a positive analysis for staphylococcus aureus in the nose is obtained, it is more likely that some of it will be detected in the pharynx.

The habitation of a microbe on mucous membranes without pronounced symptoms of the disease is not a sufficient reason for treatment. However, it must be borne in mind that it is here that its presence increases the risk of developing bacterial complications after SARS. The fact is that even mild viral infections weaken the immune system. And against this background, there is often an increased growth of streptococci and staphylococci - bacteria that are often present on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Microbes can cause such diseases:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Angina, tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.

The main danger is that in some cases, staphylococcus aureus does not linger in the throat, the infection descends down the respiratory tract and causes diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis. There is also a possibility of swallowing it and getting the bacteria into the intestines, where it will lead to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Staphylococcus aureus in the throat, according to statistics, periodically lives in 60% of the world's population. If it causes infection, the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain and sore throat.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Department of purulent, greenish sputum.
  • An increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40 ° C).
  • In some cases, noticeable pustules on the mucous membranes or severe redness, hyperemia of the tonsils and rear wall throats.

Since Staphylococcus aureus in the throat provokes not only a purulent process, but also releases poisons, the sick person also feels signs of intoxication:

  • Chills.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Strong weakness.

In an acute course, Staphylococcus aureus in the throat, even if the infection is localized, can worsen the condition of people with chronic diseases. First of all, patients with diseases of the lungs and heart are at risk. In addition to the fact that the infection causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases, staphylococcus aureus in the throat can provoke the development of complications such as purulent pneumonia and lung abscess and endocarditis.

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus

This type of staphylococcus normally lives on the skin and mucous membranes. However, here it is extremely rarely able to provoke an infection - abscesses on the skin are most often caused by a golden look. In this case, when changing the localization, epidermal staphylococcus aureus can cause a purulent process.

It is this species that is responsible for the development of complications during prosthetics - the installation of shunts, heart valves, artificial joints. Also, epidermal staphylococcus aureus provokes suppuration of catheters. But since this species does not have high level pathogenicity, often to eliminate complications, it is enough just to remove the infected prosthesis or catheter and treat the lesion site. Since staphylococcus aureus does not need to be treated with antibiotics, it is easier to tolerate than aureus.

The danger of epidermal staphylococcus is not even associated with the infection itself, but with the fact that often difficult patients are forced to undergo repeated operations through short span time. After all, a staphylococcal infection develops in the first 1-3 days after surgery. And this increases the risk of complications associated with the surgery itself.

An analysis for staphylococcus aureus in feces is a common examination in childhood for various digestive disorders, changes in stool color, diarrhea or constipation. A positive result indicates that staphylococcus aureus is present in the intestine, however, as in other cases, it may well be part of the normal microflora.

Therefore, even in the presence of these symptoms, treatment should not be started without additional tests. It is important to make sure that the gastrointestinal upset is not triggered by other factors. The fact is that it is in childhood that the digestive system is imperfect. The baby's body does not yet produce enough enzymes to break down various products, as a result, even good food can cause indigestion, diarrhea, provoke skin rashes.

In this case, staphylococcus in the intestine may not be the cause of the listed ailments. At the same time, treatment, which will necessarily include antibiotics, will negatively affect the composition of the microflora and can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

A staphylococcal infection in the intestine differs from common disorders in the following ways:

  • Manifestations do not depend on the type of food.
  • Symptoms are always present.
  • Staphylococcus in the feces is characterized by mucous, and sometimes purulent discharge.
  • Diarrhea and abdominal pain are accompanied by fever.
  • With staphylococcus aureus, there may be blood in the stool.
  • Often there are purulent rashes on the skin.

With a positive analysis for staphylococcus, it is advisable to take a few more of these - so the doctor can see if the number of bacteria is increasing and whether the disease itself is progressing.

Staphylococcus in urine

The presence of bacteria in the urine is referred to as bacteriuria. And unlike other cases, there should not be a normal staphylococcus in this analysis. However, with a positive result, there is a possibility that the microbe got into the material during collection, from the skin. True bacteriuria is rare. For example, in pregnant women, such a diagnosis is confirmed only in 2-8% of all cases.

Therefore, the decision on the presence of infection and the diagnosis is checked by the results of two independent tests and only if the staphylococcus is accompanied by symptoms of diseases. urinary tract and kidneys. In 15-45% with bacteriuria, diseases of these organs can actually develop:

  • Cystitis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Pyelonephritis.

But even if the analysis is positive, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of staphylococcus the urine is infected with. So, for example, golden is more likely to provoke a disease and can hurt the kidneys, but saprophytic great danger does not represent.

Staphylococcus in the blood

A positive blood test for staphylococcus is potentially dangerous situation with any number of microbes. Together with the bloodstream, bacteria can spread throughout the body, causing extensive damage to various organs, as well as blood poisoning - sepsis.

Staphylococcus aureus, getting into the blood, due to the enzyme coagulase, is able to form a blood clot around itself, thus protecting itself from the immune system. The presence of bacteria in bloodstream can provoke such diseases:

  • Damage to the heart valves.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Liver damage.

In addition, if staphylococcus aureus passes through the blood-brain barrier, it will cause brain damage - meningitis. Therefore, Staphylococcus aureus found in the blood requires prompt treatment. Especially when it comes to newborns and children of the first years of life.

Staphylococcus in the blood is found extremely rarely, as a rule, in people with immunodeficiency, after undergoing serious illnesses and in the event that the purulent process was not treated.

Treatment of staphylococcal infections in adults and children is quite difficult, sometimes it can take several months. In some cases, it is necessary to change the main drug several times - the originally selected antibiotic. Depending on the severity of the infection, staphylococcus aureus is treated on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

When is treatment needed?

The indication for treatment is the presence of a staphylococcal infection, and not the pathogen itself. Like any bacterial process, it proceeds with severe symptoms: intoxication of the body is observed, there are signs of purulent processes. If the patient has such complaints, before treating staphylococcus aureus, the patient is sent for tests. Material is taken from the place of the alleged localization of the infection, bakposev is done. After that, it is specified what kind of staphylococcus a person is infected with, the number of bacteria is specified.

In this case, if staphylococcus is detected in the tests, and there are no symptoms of the disease, treatment can only worsen the situation. The fact is that common remedy Antibiotics are used to treat staph infections. These drugs, with all their effectiveness, still significantly affect the composition of the microflora. As a result of taking them while carrying staphylococcus aureus, an increase in the number of microbes can be provoked, and this will already lead to the development of an infection.

If the disease is confirmed, in no case should you self-medicate, especially with the use of antibacterial drugs. Since staphylococcus actively mutates, today it is resistant to many drugs.

After it is determined which staphylococcus a person is infected with, the patient is tested for sensitivity to antibiotics. Only after it is selected the appropriate drug.

At the same time, the treatment of some types of staphylococcus, for example, epidermal or aureus, which caused a lesion on the skin, can take place without antibacterial drugs. Such a lesion with staphylococcus involves treatment using surgical methods. The abscess is opened, pus is removed, the wound is treated antiseptics. Moreover, despite the resistance of this bacterium to many drugs, it dies from aniline dyes. Therefore, wounds are often smeared with brilliant green.

Staphylococcus in the throat, which caused the infection, is also necessarily treated with the use of local funds. Affected areas can be treated with a solution of chlorophyllipt, as well as various healing ointments, for example, vinylin.

Staphylococcus in the intestine requires the use of antibiotics. Staphylococcal bacteriophage, a special virus that can infect these bacteria, can also be used.

The complex of treatment for staphylococcal infections necessarily includes measures to strengthen the immune system. If the disease progresses rapidly and is of a generalized nature, the patient will be recommended to take tests for the presence of HIV infection or examinations for other possible causes of immunodeficiencies.

Staphylococcus aureus and its treatment

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of infections caused by this family of bacteria. With high pathogenicity, it also has a number of protective mechanisms that make it immune to drugs and some immune defense mechanisms.

The most dangerous type is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is always extremely difficult to treat because it is resistant to first-line antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins). It was first discovered in the UK in 1961 and has since spread widely around the world, mainly in European countries and North America.

Under normal conditions, this type of bacterium behaves like other staphylococci - it does not cause disease, but coexists with the microflora. However, if it leads to the development of an infection, often the lesions spread throughout the body, and are not local. It is with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus that doctors most often associate complex cases of pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis.

Antibiotics for streptococci and staphylococci

The first open antibiotics, penicillins, were effective against just two main groups of bacteria that affect humans - streptococci and staphylococci. In the first years of using the drug, it was possible to successfully treat most purulent processes, stop sepsis, and increase survival in severe purulent wounds. However, staphylococci have managed to develop resistance to these drugs, in particular, some strains of aureus produce the enzyme penicillanase, which quickly destroys and neutralizes the drug.

Nevertheless, antibiotics of the penicillin group are still considered first-line drugs. Medications used to treat staphylococcal infections latest generations- amoxicillin, oxacillin and others.

Also common antibiotics in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infections include cephalosporins - cephalexin, cefuroxime, cefazolin.

In severe cases, the following drugs are used:

  • Vancomycin (although strains of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to this drug have been identified today).
  • Clindamycin.
  • Co-trimoxazole.
  • Tetracyclines - doxycycline, minocycline.

The choice of any drug, as well as the treatment regimen, is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Before the appointment, tests for sensitivity to antibiotics are taken.

A nosocomial infection is considered to be a disease that has developed in a person 48-72 hours after admission to the hospital. And one of the main causative agents of such diseases is Staphylococcus aureus. At the same time, its most dangerous forms live in the walls of hospitals - antibiotic-resistant, often leading to fatal infections. This is due to the fact that it is in medical institutions that the premises are treated with antiseptic agents, patients take various medicines. Thus, conditions are created for the survival of only the most resistant forms of staphylococcus.

Among the most common nosocomial infections is nosocomial pneumonia, which occupies one fifth of all diseases developing in hospitals. Factors that increase the risk of contracting this type of pneumonia include:

  • Immunodeficiencies.
  • Chronic lung diseases.
  • Smoking.
  • Frequent, uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
  • Renal failure.
  • Bronchoscopy and tracheal intubation procedures.
  • postoperative period.

Since hospital-acquired staphylococcus is very difficult to treat, a patient may need a combination of several antibacterial agents and even the introduction of immunoglobulins.

These bacteria are transmitted in the usual ways: airborne and contact-household. The carriers of the microbe are often the doctors themselves - they have dangerous strains of staphylococcus found in the nose and throat. Also, if hygiene standards are not observed, the infection can be carried on hospital gowns, dishes, bedding, and medical instruments.

Complication of staphylococcal infections

Most dangerous complication staphylococcal infection of any localization - the entry of bacteria into the blood. It is in this case that life-threatening conditions can develop - damage to the heart, kidneys, brain, development of sepsis. After an infection, a person can become disabled. Such a course of staphylococcal infection is of particular danger in infants, since irreversible processes can develop within several days, and sometimes even hours.

Superficial skin lesions can provoke the development of phlegmon - an acute and extensive purulent lesion of adipose tissue.

Under certain conditions, Staphylococcus aureus is a mortal danger, so even if the infection is local, it is subject to mandatory treatment.

Also to serious complications staphylococcal infections include toxic injury organism. Many strains of Staphylococcus aureus can secrete the strongest poisons - endotoxins. It is with them that severe poisoning is associated (when staphylococcus is detected in the feces), causing diarrhea, vomiting and severe pain in the abdomen. Poisons also cause toxic shock syndrome, which, without emergency treatment is fatal.

Prevention of staphylococcal infections

Understanding how difficult it is to treat staphylococcus, most doctors pay attention to the prevention of infection. Completely get rid of different types this microorganism is simply impossible. Therefore, the key task is not to eliminate the bacteria, but to prevent the development of an infectious process. Staphylococcus becomes pathogenic with a large accumulation of bacteria and an uncontrolled growth in their number. And this can happen in two cases:

  • When the body's resistance is low, when the immune system cannot stop the reproduction of the microorganism.
  • With frequent contact with a source of infection.

By eliminating these two factors, you can expect that staphylococcus aureus will not cause symptoms of the disease.

Compliance with hygiene standards is a key task in the prevention of infection. Since staphylococcus can be transmitted through household contact, and also stored in dust for a long time, the following rules must be observed:

  • Washing hands after walking, going to the toilet, before eating.
  • Eating only well-washed vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as fresh foods.
  • Fence drinking water only from pure sources.
  • Frequent wet cleaning.
  • Room ventilation.

The overwhelming majority of doctors associate the development of staphylococcal infection in infants with non-compliance with hygiene standards. If the disease develops a few weeks after birth, infection with staphylococcus aureus in childbirth or the perinatal period is excluded.

In order to avoid the risk of infection, you need:

  • Bathe the child daily.
  • Change diapers frequently.
  • Use only clean clothes, diapers, bed linen.
  • Wash toys regularly.
  • Disinfect pacifiers and bottles. In no case do not lick them before giving them to the child: if the mother has Staphylococcus aureus in her throat, it will be passed on to the child.
  • Rinse nipples before breastfeeding.
  • Refuse fleecy things in the children's room - soft toys, carpets and other things.
  • Often ventilate the room, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

It is also necessary to remember that staphylococcus easily penetrates through small wounds and cuts on the skin and in such cases can cause a local purulent process. Therefore, any skin lesions should be treated:

  • The wound is well washed and cleaned of dirt.
  • Damage is treated with an antiseptic.
  • A bandage is applied.


With a normally functioning immune system, even a bacterium that enters an open wound will be quickly neutralized and will not lead to infection. Also exactly protective functions organisms prevent the entry of staphylococcus into the blood, and hence the development of pneumonia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis and meningitis.

Immunity can suffer under the influence of such factors:

  • An unbalanced diet with an insufficient amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  • Hypodynamia, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Frequent stressful situations, depression.
  • Insufficient sleep.
  • Uncontrolled medication, especially antibiotics.

All of these are prerequisites for the emergence various diseases, which in turn further reduce the protective functions of the body. That is why staphylococcus in adults and children is often activated against the background of SARS, exacerbation of chronic infections, and other things.

Particular attention must be paid to people suffering from primary or acquired immunodeficiencies, since they rarely carry staphylococcus aureus - with any contact, the bacterium causes an infection. The high-risk group includes people with oncological diseases, as well as undergoing chemotherapy, long-term medication.

Article about staphylococcus: diagnosis, treatment, symptoms of staphylococcal infection. The term staphylococcal infection includes a group of infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogenic staphylococci.

Staphylococcus (lat. Staphylococcus, from other Greek "staphylo" "grapes" and "coccos" - "grain") is a genus of bacteria of the family Staphylococcaceae. Representatives of this genus are non-motile gram-positive cocci, the cell diameter of which ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 microns. Pathogenic staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) was discovered by R. Koch (1878), isolated from boil pus by L. Pasteur (1880), described as the causative agent of many suppurative processes by A. Auguston (1881), studied in detail by F. Rosenbach (1884).

Staphylococci are spherical in shape, arranged in irregular clusters, resembling bunches of grapes.

Pathogenic staphylococci produce exotoxin, which has a hemolytic and necrotic effect.

The most famous types:

Staphylococcus aureus(Staphylococcus aureus), as the most pathogenic for humans. Named for its ability to form a golden pigment. It can cause purulent inflammatory processes in almost all organs and tissues in humans.

Staphylococcus epidermidis(Staphylococcus epidermidis) - often found on human skin and mucous membranes, can cause sepsis, endocarditis, conjunctivitis, purulent wound infection and purulent urinary tract infections.

Staphylococcus saprophytic(Staphylococcus saprophyticus) - can cause acute cystitis and urethritis.

Staphylococcus hemolyticus(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)

Symptoms and diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus

In humans, staphylococci cause a number of purulent lesions - abscesses, dermatitis, hydroadenitis, felons, boils, blepharitis, periostitis, carbuncles, osteomyelitis, folliculitis, dermatitis, sycosis, eczema, pyoderma, pneumonia, peritonitis, meningitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis.

Staphylococci cause the development of secondary diseases with influenza, smallpox, postoperative suppuration, wound infections. Staphylococcal pneumonia and staphylococcal sepsis in children are terrible diseases.

At mixed infections staphylococci play an important role. Staphylococci are found together with streptococci in diphtheria, wound infections, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, influenza, actinomycosis, parainfluenza and other forms of acute respiratory infections.

Staphylococcal infections reduce a person's immunity. Skin damage (violation of hygiene rules, splinters, injuries, friction on clothes) - favorable condition to local staphylococcal infections, a decrease in the body's immune forces due to other diseases, stress, hypovitaminosis, eating disorders are prerequisites for the development of common staphylococcal infections.

Staphylococcus aureus produces an enzyme, coagulase, during its vital activity. Staphylococcus penetrates from the surface of the skin into the vascular bed under the action of coagulase, blood begins to clot. Staphylococci turn out to be inside microthrombi - this leads to the development of staphylococcal sepsis, and the infection can also get into any organ and provoke a purulent inflammatory process. Staphylococcal infections can also cause osteomyelitis. Staphylococcus aureus can penetrate from the skin into mammary gland(cause of development purulent mastitis), and from the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract - into the paranasal sinuses, ear cavity, descend down into the lungs.

Staphylococcal infections are characterized by a variety of pathogens. Quite often, infection occurs not with one, but with several or more varieties of staphylococcus aureus.

Treatment of staphylococcal infections and diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus:

Staphylococci are characterized by relatively high resistance to drying, freezing, sunlight and chemicals. In the dried state, they are viable for more than 6 months, in the dust - 50-100 days. Repeated freezing to thaw does not kill staphylococci. They do not die for many hours from the action of direct sunlight. Staphylococci can withstand heating at a temperature of 70 0 C for more than one hour. At a temperature of 80 0 C, they die in 10-60 minutes, from boiling - instantly; 5% phenol solution kills staphylococci within 15-30 minutes. Staphylococci are very sensitive to some aniline dyes, especially to brilliant green, which is successfully used in the treatment of superficial purulent skin lesions caused by staphylococci.

The modern approach to the treatment of staphylococcal infections provides for the following areas of treatment:

  • Application of modern antimicrobials and antibiotics;
  • Surgical methods treatment;
  • Immunomodulation methods;
  • Normalization of the hormonal status and the metabolic process of the body with the help of food additives(chitosan, cordyceps), mineral preparations, vitamins.

Most effective drug against staphylococci - bacteriophage staphylococcal - immunobiological preparation, phage. This is a lysate of phages that are able to lyse staphylococcal bacteria isolated during purulent infections. Used for treatment and prevention purulent infections skin, mucous membranes, visceral organs caused by staphylococcal bacteria (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, purulent wounds, infected burns, abscess, phlegmon, furuncle, carbuncle, hydradenitis, felon, paraproctitis, mastitis , bursitis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis, gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, omphalitis, sepsis), as well as intestinal dysbacteriosis. The drug is a phagolysate filtrate that is active against staphylococcal bacteria of the most common phage types, incl. staphylococcus aureus. An important condition effective phage therapy is the preliminary determination of the phage sensitivity of the pathogen (determination of sensitivity to the staphylococcal bacteriophage of strains isolated from the patient).

Staphylococcal bacteriophage is introduced into the focus of infection. The duration of the course of treatment is 5-15 days. Doses and method of administration depend on the nature of the focus of infection (locally in the form of irrigation, lotions and tamponing; intradermally; in the cavity - abdominal, pleural, articular; in bladder through a catheter; per os and per rectum). With a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible.

Locally in the form of irrigation, lotions and plugging with liquid phage in an amount of up to 200 ml, taking into account the size of the affected area, or smearing with ointment.

Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions should be carried out simultaneously both locally and through the mouth for 7-20 days.

In purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, staphylococcal bacteriophage is administered at a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day; used for rinsing, washing, instillation, the introduction of moistened turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).

With boils and carbuncles, a liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected directly into the focus or under the base of the infiltrate, as well as around it. Injections are made daily, every other day, depending on the reaction in successively increasing doses: for 1 injection - 0.5 ml, then 1 - 1.5 - 2 ml. In total, 3-5 injections are carried out during the treatment cycle.

With abscesses, staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected into the cavity of the focus after puncture removal of pus. The amount of the injected drug should be slightly less than the volume of the removed pus. When an abscess is opened, a tampon is introduced into the cavity, abundantly moistened with staphylococcal bacteriophage.

In chronic osteomyelitis, staphylococcal bacteriophage is poured into the wound immediately after its surgical treatment.

For treatment deep forms pyoderma staphylococcal bacteriophage is used intradermally in small doses of 0.1-0.5 ml in one place or, if necessary, up to 2 ml in several places. A total of 10 injections every 24 hours.

Introduction to cavities - abdominal, pleural, articular and others up to 100 ml of bacteriophage. Capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is re-introduced every other day, only 3-4 times.

With cystitis, a staphylococcal bacteriophage is introduced into the bladder cavity using a catheter.

At purulent pleurisy, bursitis or arthritis, a staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected into the cavity after removal of pus from it in an amount of up to 20 ml. and more, every other day, 3-4 times.

Inside in the form of tablets, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used to treat urogenital infectious pathology - cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, enteral infections and other diseases caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

In intestinal forms of the disease caused by staphylococcus and intestinal dysbacteriosis, liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is used: inside 3 times a day on an empty stomach 1.5-2 hours before a meal; rectally - once a day (liquid in the form of enemas or suppositories). With intestinal dysbacteriosis, treatment is carried out for 7-10 days under bacteriological control. For children of the first days of life, in the first two doses, the staphylococcal bacteriophage is bred boiled water 2 times. In case of absence adverse reactions(regurgitation, rash on the skin), then use the undiluted drug. In this case, it can be mixed with breast milk.

With sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through a gas tube or catheter) 2-3 times a day. Perhaps a combination of rectal (in enemas) and oral (through the mouth) use of the drug.

In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, infected wounds in newborns, the staphylococcal bacteriophage is used as applications twice daily (a gauze cloth is moistened with a staphylococcal bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or to the affected area of ​​the skin).

Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used for prophylaxis in the amount of 50 ml. for irrigation postoperative wounds etc.

In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in newborns with intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage in aerosol form is used for therapeutic and preventive purpose in the form of irrigation of staphylococcus-infected skin and mucous membranes with burns, purulent-inflammatory diseases, infected wounds, with angina.

The most appropriate use of bacteriophage in cases where the infection is caused by antibiotic-resistant strains. Can be carried out combined treatment staphylococcal bacteriophage in combination with antibiotics.

In case before local application staphylococcal bacteriophage, chemical antiseptics were used, except for furacilin, the wound should be washed saline sodium chloride or 2-3% soda solution (sodium bicarbonate).

There are no contraindications to the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage.

Reactions to the introduction of staphylococcal bacteriophage have not been established.

With intradermal administration, there may be rapidly passing reversible redness and inflammation.

Bacteriophage staphylococcal liquid is not suitable for use with turbidity and the presence of flakes.

Use during pregnancy is possible according to the doctor's prescription in compliance with the dose.

The use of staphylococcal bacteriophage does not exclude the use of other drugs. It is possible to produce combined treatment with staphylococcal bacteriophage in combination with antibiotics.

Silver preparations, aniline dyes, copper compounds, cranberry juice, allicin (a substance derived from garlic) are effective against staphylococci

An effective antibiotic against MRSA(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is ceftobiprol is the first drug of a new generation of cephalosporins with anti-MRSA activity.

Also, according to some studies by US scientists, the following are effective against Staphylococcus aureus: hydrogen peroxide, tobramycin, chlorgrexidine digluconate and gluconate, levofloxacin and silver preparations.

There are various resistant strains, such as vancomycin (formerly effective antibiotic against staphylococcus until 1996) VRSA - effective against it (2012) combination drug - Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (bactrim, biseptol)

typical antibiogram of MRSA in Russia (2012):

Erythromycin - resistant

tetracycline - resistant

clindamycin - resistant

gentamicin - resistant

fluoroquinolones - resistant

rifampicin - resistant

Bactrim, biseptol - resistant

vancomycin - sensitive

linezolid - sensitive

cubecin (daptomycin) - sensitive

Thus, antibiotics against resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are currently effective: vancomycin, linezolid, cubecin (daptomycin), levofloxacin

Staphylococcus especially dangerous pathogenic microbe and is often found in nature.

If an infection joins with some disease, then it is quite possible that it was introduced by him. When staphylococcus appears, its symptoms are immediately visible. They can either manifest as food poisoning or affect internal organs.

There are several types of staphylococci:

  • Golden;
  • epidermal;
  • Saprophytic.

In addition, they have different strains, which may differ in their aggressiveness. Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most dangerous, the symptoms of which are especially bright and can cause various infections almost anywhere in a person.

What can infect this microorganism

  1. Subcutaneous tissue, skin;
  2. Organs of digestion, respiration;
  3. the cardiovascular system;
  4. urinary tract, genitals;
  5. Bones, joints;
  6. Central nervous system.

Where does this insidious microbe come from and what does it strike?

Bacteria can be anywhere. It is in the external environment, they can be distributed by the carrier of this microflora.

This species is resistant to external factors, it can exist even in a dried state. And the saddest thing is that antibiotics have practically no effect on him.

Most often, this microorganism settles on the mucous membranes and skin, so you need to be extremely careful so that the infection does not begin to spread through the bloodstream and does not affect the internal organs.

  1. pyoderma;
  2. folliculitis;
  3. Furuncles and carbuncles;
  4. Ritter's disease;
  5. epidemic pemphigus;
  6. Abscesses, phlegmon;
  7. Meningitis;
  8. Staphylococcal pneumonia;
  9. Osteomyelitis;
  10. Endocarditis;
  11. Purulent arthritis;
  12. Sepsis.

If staphylococcus aureus in infants, the symptoms are visible almost immediately, most often it is pyoderma. There may be coughing and sneezing, conjunctivitis and even sepsis.

Symptoms for each type

  • Skin - boils, carbuncles;
  • Mucous - all the symptoms of a cold plus conjunctivitis;
  • Constantly red throat - staphylococcal tonsillitis;
  • Intestinal appearance - symptoms of poisoning;
  • Sepsis - symptoms of gray skin, refusal of the breast, vomiting, high fever, insomnia.

Staphylococcus is not dangerous if the infection is dormant, but when activated, it turns into a real nightmare. A newborn can receive microbes from the mother or in the maternity hospital itself, if the strain is preserved there, after which they begin to multiply in a weak body.

Causes of an infection in a baby:

  1. Weakened immunity and premature birth;
  2. Mom is a carrier of the infection;
  3. Long anhydrous period in childbirth;
  4. Previously artificial feeding;
  5. Difficult childbirth, malnutrition of the baby;
  6. Poor hygiene, improper care.

These and other reasons allow microorganisms to spread rapidly through mother's milk, linen or hygiene items.

How the infection may manifest itself:

  • Loose greenish stools, possibly foamy;
  • Baby anxiety;
  • Redness, blisters, crusts form in place of pustules.

Complications in such diseases can be: endocarditis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, and even abscesses.

How to prevent breast cancer:

  1. Strengthening the immunity of mother and child;
  2. Processing of nipples to avoid cracks;
  3. Cleanliness in clothing and hygiene items;
  4. Disinfection in the room, treatment if necessary with a quartz lamp;
  5. It is necessary to deal with a baby only with clean hands.

Staphylococcus in adults, manifestations of angina

You can become infected with this infection by eating food, air and by contact. A common site of infection is stale food. In the heat, you need to be especially careful, because germs can be anywhere.

When staph is in the throat, it may not give any visible symptoms at all until the person catches the infection. Then she simply does not cure anything. Those who have encountered a similar problem sometimes throw a lot of money down the drain in order to be cured, until they guess to get tested for staphylococcus aureus. Someone calmly coexists with this microbe, while others, whose immunity is weakened, are constantly sick.

Symptoms of the presence of staphylococcus in angina:

  • dizziness and headache;
  • Puffiness, pus on the tonsils, redness of the throat;
  • Ulcers may occur on the oral mucosa;
  • Pain when swallowing, fever.

In one or two days, such an infection cannot be cured.

Antibiotics are naturally prescribed, and here the doctor needs to take the right decision, because Staphylococcus aureus in the throat is treated only by a certain type:

Vancomycin, linezolid, ofloaccin, ceftriaxone, amoxiclav, ammetacillin are antibiotics to treat this infection.

The course of therapy is on average 5-7 days, after which tests are taken. Sometimes antibiotics are resistant to this species then the doctor will prescribe another medicine.

Antipyretics and painkillers are needed. You can also gargle with decoctions of sage and chamomile.

In addition, they use such tools as:

  • Chlorophylipt;
  • Gramidin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • IRS-19;
  • Propolis;
  • As well as immunomodulators.

Some ask how to treat staphylococcus in the throat if the diseases follow one after another. It is necessary to raise immunity, then almost all diseases will bypass.

It is often used for medicines how:

  • Immunal;
  • Ginseng;
  • Lemongrass;
  • Echinacea;
  • Polyoxidonium.

It is mandatory to take vitamins containing groups of drugs A, B and C. For example, they can be:

  1. Vitrum;
  2. Biomax;
  3. Pikovit for children.

It is useful to take tea from currants, rose hips, lemon. They give the necessary vitamin charge if there is no money for expensive vitamins and medicines.

A person who has a strong immune system, and who has no problems with the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, is unlikely to encounter an infection.

Therefore, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of angina, not to start a runny nose and cough, and also to remove adenoids, if the whole point is precisely in them.

For prevention, you can use an aqueous solution sea ​​salt to strengthen the mucosa.

Where and how do we treat

Usually, the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat is carried out at home. But in severe cases, parents whose children are under 3 years old are also offered treatment in a hospital. This is done because there is a high risk of spreading the infection, which can lead to complications.

Other microbes can enter the body, sepsis can begin, and if a person has other chronic diseases, then there is a chance of a worsening condition.

The doctor must constantly monitor the patient, carry out special procedures that improve well-being. In severe cases, the course of treatment can last up to 4 weeks. Since antibiotics are used in the treatment, it is better to take the course of treatment in a hospital. For a throat infection, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins may be prescribed.

If there is a staphylococcal infection in the throat, then what is the prevention of such a disease.

It is imperative to pass bacterial cultures from the pharynx. They are taken from both children and adults during each physical examination. You can take the seeding yourself if you have frequent colds. Do such analyzes in SES.

  • The earlier the carrier is identified, the better, and he himself may not get sick, but infect others. The carrier is often medical workers, due to their professional activities.
  • Hygiene. Mandatory wearing of a mask during epidemics and when working with babies. Washing hands and using only personal towels.

  • Everything needs to be healed chronic lesions infections (carious teeth, chronic sinusitis, SARS and tonsillitis). Before planning a pregnancy, the mother undergoes a medical examination, where she is recommended to visit doctors in order to be examined in detail.
  • The disease likes to join an existing infection, so it is necessary to cure: sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, caries and remove tartar.
  • It is imperative to increase immunity, since staphylococcus is active only in people with low vital functions organism. To do this, you need to make up for the lack of vitamins of groups B, C, A, drink immunomodulators.
  • You should not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, firstly, they cause dysbacteriosis, which leads to a decrease in immunity and the appearance of an active pathogenic microflora, secondly, not all antibiotics help with staphylococcus aureus, so taking them can be absolutely in vain.

The use of bacteriophage and toxoid

If staphylococcus appears in the throat, treatment should be started immediately, because a patient with chronic sluggish sore throat is literally melting before our eyes. He does not have the strength to fight the infection, and at the same time it is quickly spreading everywhere.

It is necessary to irrigate and rinse with special antimicrobial decoctions of the oral cavity in order to clean the tonsils as best as possible and reduce the activity of the virus. Your doctor may prescribe a staphylococcal bacteriophage to take to dissolve the bacteria coat and improve the penetration of antibiotics.

It is used for all diseases in which the carrier of the infection is staphylococcus aureus. Bacteriophage with angina is used for rinsing 1 bottle 4 times a day for a week.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe staphylococcal toxoid, 5 injections every other day at a dosage of 0.5 ml subcutaneously.

After treatment is done bacterial culture on the microflora in a month, if the infection has not been cured, then vaccination with staphylococcal toxoid is carried out according to a special scheme.

Epidermal and saprophytic staphylococcus can be left untreated. Antibiotics are not used for these carriers.

  • Pregnant women who can be immunized with toxoid at 32-36 weeks.
  • Elderly people are also predisposed to infection, especially those with diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, eczema, and oncological diseases.
  • Any people, both adults and children, whose immunity is reduced.
  • Medical workers, catering workers, by virtue of their profession.

Microbiologists count more than twenty types of staphylococci. Some of them are representatives of the natural human flora, while others can cause the development of diseases. So what types of staphylococcus pose a danger to humans and what to do if this microorganism is detected in the laboratory?

Types of staphylococcus

Staphylococcus belongs to cocci - bacteria of spherical shape. From the Greek "staphylo" is translated as grapes. This name for the microorganism was not chosen by chance. The whole point is that the bacteria are grouped together, in a microscope it looks like bunches of grapes.

A person gets acquainted with staphylococcus already in infancy. So, literally from the first days of life, this microorganism begins to actively colonize the skin, mucous membranes, and also the intestines. Staphylococcus is usually referred to as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, that is, those with which a person is able to coexist peacefully, but which, under certain circumstances, can cause diseases.

In humans, the development of diseases is caused by such types of bacteria:

  1. - the most pathogenic for humans, capable of causing the development of purulent-inflammatory processes in almost all organs;
  2. Epidermal staphylococcus aureus - is located on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, can cause the development of endocarditis, purulent, urinary tract;
  3. Saprophytic staphylococcus aureus - located on the surface of the external genital organs, the mucous membrane of the urethra, can cause the development and;
  4. Hemolytic staphylococcus aureus - is the cause of sepsis, endocarditis, urinary tract infections, skin lesions.

Causes of a staph infection

Staphylococcal diseases develop when the bacterium enters the body (in the blood, respiratory tract, digestive organs).

There are such transmission mechanisms:

  • Contact household (upon contact with staphylococcus-infected household items);
  • Air-aerosol (when inhaling air emitted from a sick person or a bacteria carrier when sneezing);
  • Alimentary mechanism (when eating food contaminated with staphylococcus aureus);
  • Artifical mechanism (through contaminated medical instruments during diagnostic procedures and operations).

In order for opportunistic staphylococcus to be able to exert a pathogenic effect, we need certain conditions, for example, decline, chronic debilitating diseases, hypovitaminosis, etc. It is known that staphylococcal infection often develops against the background of previous ones.

Diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus

The state of the body's immune system and the characteristics of the bacterium itself depend on what final staphylococcus will lead to. So, if the bacterium enters through lesions on the skin and defense mechanisms it is possible to localize the process, which means that the disease is limited to local purulent inflammation. If the immune system cannot cope, the microorganism from the focus migrates through the bloodstream and can enter any organ with the development of an inflammatory process in it.

Staphylococcus is capable of causing a large number of diseases. Most often it leads to the development of:

  • Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (staphyloderma, abscesses,);
  • Burn-like skin syndrome;
  • Respiratory damage;
  • Damage to the urinary organs;
  • , brain abscess;
  • Endocarditis;
  • Staphylococcal;
  • Toxic shock syndrome;
  • Damage to bones, joints (osteomyelitis, arthritis);
  • food poisoning;
  • sepsis.

Respiratory damage

In the population, a large percentage of people are carriers of staphylococcus aureus. Bacteria's favorite places are the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. If there is a decrease in local immunity, they develop and, depending on the location of the bacteria. Staphylococcal rhinitis or pharyngitis can also healthy people by talking with sick people or bacteria carriers.

In favor of rhinitis is evidenced by difficulty nasal breathing, change in voice timbre, appearance. When staphylococcus enters the paranasal sinuses, it develops. With sinusitis, the discharge from the nose becomes yellow-green and thick. A person may be disturbed by spilled or localized from the side of the affected sinus. With pharyngitis, there are complaints of sore throat, pain when swallowing, and also.

It is especially dangerous for staphylococcus aureus to enter the lungs.. Among all cases of pneumonia, 10% falls precisely on staphylococcal. They can be primary, but still often develop already against the background viral infections. It is worth noting that Staphylococcus aureus is rarely the cause of community-acquired pneumonia, but often nosocomial. The development of pneumonia is signaled by severe weakness, high fever, pain in chest, cough with purulent sputum, cyanosis. Staphylococcal pneumonia is characterized by more severe course, as well as a tendency to purulent complications: abscess, empyema.

Skin lesion

Staphylococcal skin lesions can be localized in the form of staphyloderma or widespread. Staphyloderma called a purulent skin lesion that arose in response to the introduction of staphylococcus aureus. Staphyloderma includes:

  • Folliculitis - inflammation at the mouth of the hair follicle, accompanied by the formation of a pustule (abscess);
  • - inflammation of the hair follicle, as well as the connective tissue surrounding it, with the formation of a painful pustule;
  • Carbuncle - group inflammation hair follicles, as well as the connective tissue surrounding them;
  • Hydradenitis - a purulent-inflammatory process located in the sweat glands with the formation of a painful infiltrate.

A common skin lesion manifests itself in the form of a staphylococcal burn-like syndrome (). Most often, newborns, as well as children under five years of age, suffer, adults rarely get sick. The disease in newborns begins suddenly with reddening of the skin, the appearance of conflicts, cracks, followed by peeling. In place of the opening large blisters, burgundy skin is exposed, reminiscent of burned.

toxic shock syndrome

For the first time, this syndrome was talked about at the end of the 20th century, when outbreaks were recorded among young women during menstruation, in whom Staphylococcus aureus was found in the laboratory in the vagina and cervix. The occurrence of this syndrome was provoked by the use of hyperabsorbent tampons. With a long stay of such a tampon in the vagina, optimal conditions for the reproduction of staphylococcus and the synthesis of toxin them. With the discontinuation of the sale of such tampons in the United States, the number of patients with this disease has decreased markedly.

The main manifestations of toxic shock syndrome are:

The infection can cause shock and liver failure.

Toxic shock syndrome, although rare, still occurs today. Therefore, women with a fever, rash should immediately remove the swab and consult a doctor.


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This is the heaviest and dangerous manifestation staphylococcal infection. Most often observed in newborns and premature babies. primary foci there can be a variety of local staphylococcal diseases: mastitis, omphalitis in newborns (inflammation of the navel). The disease is characterized by a significant daily fluctuation in body temperature from 37 to 40 degrees, chills, hemorrhagic rash, pale skin, shortness of breath, palpitations, lowering blood pressure. At the same time, metastatic foci of infection appear in various organs: meningitis, brain abscess, etc. Sepsis is dangerous state and requires active treatment.

Staphylococcal endocarditis

Staphylococcus is the second most common cause of endocarditis. Often the disease develops in the elderly, as well as weakened people. Endocarditis develops acutely with a strong rise in body temperature. Examination reveals progressive valvular insufficiency, as well as heart murmurs. Abscesses of the myocardium and valve ring may form. The disease is often accompanied by pulmonary infarction. People with valvular prostheses are also susceptible to staphylococcal endocarditis. Infection with staphylococcus aureus (mostly epidermal) often occurs during the operation to install a valve prosthesis, but clinical symptoms may appear a year later.

food poisoning

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The disease develops when eating food contaminated with staphylococcus aureus. The bacterium actively multiplies in confectionery creams, salads, meat products. The microorganism enters food as a result of the use of contaminated kitchen utensils, inventory, as well as with contaminated hands of the cook. From the pustules on the hands of the cook, staphylococcus enters the products, where it actively multiplies and becomes the cause of food poisoning in the future.

The incubation period is short. A few hours after eating an infected product, a person suddenly experiences repeated vomiting, weakness, severe pain in the epigastrium, and diarrhea may join. The disease usually ends after a couple of days with a complete recovery.

Principles of treatment

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With the laboratory detection of staphylococcus in the body, a person immediately begins to sound the alarm, how to treat, what to do? Bacteria detection without accompanying symptoms disease is not a reason for the appointment.

With mild forms of localized staphylococcal disease usually enough symptomatic treatment. In moderate, severe forms, antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, aminoglycosides), as well as specific anti-staphylococcal drugs are used.

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