Black acanthosis in dogs: treatment. Features of health and specific diseases of dachshunds

Every year, a huge number of pets are diagnosed with skin diseases by veterinarians. They can inflict a colossal blow on the wallet to the owners, and they do not bring pleasant sensations to the animals themselves. From pathologies of this kind, dogs often die or lose their breeding value. One of the most famous skin diseases is considered to be black acanthosis.

Etymology of the disease

This pathology has a genetic origin, it is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of melanin on the skin, followed by baldness or lichenification.

Black acanthosis is essentially defined as hyperpigmentation. This disease can affect both males and females.


Pathology has 2 forms of leakage:

  1. Primary. Its other name is genodermatosis (skin disease is genetically determined). A huge number of dog breeds suffer from this disease, but dachshunds are most susceptible to it. They have all the characteristic signs of black acanthosis develop before the year.
  2. Secondary. It is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This disease occurs in almost all breeds, age in this case does not matter. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs against the background of diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes located in the inguinal or axillary region, obesity, endocrinopathy.

Many people believe that a disease such as black acanthosis is contagious. However, in fact, they are deeply mistaken, since this disease is genetically determined, that is, specific: from one sick dog to another, he cannot go healthy.

Symptoms of the disease

Any vigilant owner will immediately be able to identify this disease, which manifests itself in the form hyperpigmentation of the skin. Spots begin to appear in the armpit or groin area.

Primary acanthosis is characterized by the fact that dark spots can appear on the entire skin damaged by the disease in a chaotic manner, they are not accompanied by inflammation. Such peculiar blots can only significantly increase in size after some time.

When an animal becomes ill with secondary acanthosis, spots already in this case appear in a specifically pronounced focus. They are usually accompanied by an inflammatory reaction.

Black acanthosis is characterized not only by the appearance lichenification and hyperpigmentation Quite often, veterinarians include the occurrence of seborrhea in pets in this list. The areas of the skin affected by the disease cause pain. If the owner notices the formation of a red border in the animal along the edges of the melanization focus, then in this case they will need to take the animal to a specialized veterinary clinic, since the red border indicates the occurrence of a disease of pathogenic microflora at the location of location.

Skin lesions can be found:

  • On the bottom of the neck.
  • In the groin.
  • On the stomach.
  • In the perineum.
  • In the region of the knee tendons.
  • Near the eye sockets.
  • In the ears.

One of the main symptoms of this disease is itching, which during primary acanthosis can occur periodically, being, as a rule, a sign of seeding with pathogenic microflora of the affected areas of the canine body. The secondary form is accompanied by constant itching, this is due to the fact that the pathology itself is associated with the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis by a veterinarian is usually made at the initial examination based on clinical signs. Despite this, the animal will have to undergo a full veterinary examination, as the regulations follow - through a complete examination, you can determine the factor in the onset of the disease.

The animal will definitely be scraped from the affected area of ​​the skin, which will help to exclude or even confirm the presence of such a disease in the animal as demodicosis. The smear and culture in turn will help determine if the animal has any bacterial infection.

The veterinarian will definitely send older animals for ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs (in particular the adrenal glands), and they also take an allergic skin test.

A biopsy with black acanthosis is extremely rare and only in the secondary form of the disease, through this analysis, the presence of tick-borne infections and seborrhea in the animal is established.


Unfortunately, the primary form of black acanthosis is incurable. Inflammatory processes, veterinarians offer to remove at home through the use of antimicrobial shampoo(Etiderm, Layna spray, Api-San). The dog will also be prescribed a course of glucocorticoids (Prednisone, Dexamethasone, Triamcinolone).

In the treatment of black acanthosis, antihistamines (Clemastin, Cyproheptadine) have proven themselves quite well, allowing at least for a while to get rid of unpleasant itching.

If the disease tends to progress, then vitamin E and Melatonin are prescribed as additional drugs.

To treat inflammation, you should use an ointment such as Levomekol. Seborrhea can be eliminated using specialized shampoos against it (Synergy Labs, Merial Frontline), they should be used at intervals - every other day.

Black acanthosis is not a fatal disease, if the owner is very attentive to the health of his beloved pet and treats it in a timely manner with the help of the above-mentioned specialized remedies, the dog will feel much better.

The owners will also have to try to protect the sick animal from fleas and ticks, which can worsen the situation of the sick pet, causing him unbearable itching. They should be disposed of in a timely manner through the use of specialized tools (Foresto - collar, Hartz drops).

Black acanthosis refers to rare dermatoses and is accompanied by the appearance in the area of ​​natural skin folds of areas of hyperkeratosis (roughening), hyperpigmentation and skin papillomatosis. Outwardly, this disease manifests itself in the form of areas of roughness and villous-warty darkening of black-brown color, which are mainly located in large skin folds of the armpits, groin, neck, etc. For the first time, this disease associated with impaired pigmentation of the skin was described in the 9th century .

The term "black acanthosis" has several synonyms: papillary-pigmentary dystrophy of the skin, papillary melasma, black keratosis and genodermatosis. In our article, we will acquaint you with the causes of development, forms, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this rare disease. This knowledge will be useful to you, and you will not miss its first signs. Also, this information will help you prevent the progression of more severe pathologies that cause this skin disease.

The reasons

Obesity can be the cause of black acanthosis.

Various factors can lead to the development of black acanthosis. While scientists do not know the exact causes of this disease, accompanied by a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. A connection between black acanthosis and such predisposing factors has been reliably established:

  1. Heredity. The disease can develop with some congenital syndromes, accompanied by metabolic disorders and mental inferiority, or with Rude or Miescher syndromes.
  2. Malignant neoplasms. The disease is caused by a number of complex biochemical reactions and immune interactions provoked by the tumor process. In men, the stomach or prostate is more often found, and in women - ovarian and breast cancer, in women and men - lung cancer. The disease can also be observed in other malignant tumors of the genitourinary organs, lymphomas, etc.
  3. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system. The disease is caused by hormonal and metabolic disorders. For example, with insulin resistance, obesity, hypogonadism, cellulite, Addison's disease, etc.
  4. Taking estrogen and glucocorticosteroid hormonal drugs.
  5. Taking certain medications. The disease develops in rare cases. For example, with prolonged use of large doses of nicotinic acid.

Black acanthosis can be observed in people of various age categories. The reasons for its appearance in different age groups, as a rule, are specific. In young people, black acanthosis often develops due to genetic pathologies, endocrine disorders, hypogonadism, or, and in people of middle and older age, as a sign of the development of a cancerous tumor. Sometimes it is black acanthosis that becomes the first harbinger of cancer.

Forms of the disease

Dermatologists distinguish three main forms of black acanthosis:

  • benign (or juvenile) - associated or not associated with endocrine and genetic pathologies;
  • malignant (parneoplastic) - developing with malignant tumors of internal organs;
  • pseudoacanthosis - developing with obesity (usually in women) and disappearing without a trace after weight normalization (some dermatologists do not attribute this pathology to acanthosis nigricans).


The clinical picture of acanthosis nigricans includes three main symptoms:

  • hyperkeratosis - coarsening and exfoliation of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation - the appearance of dark brown or black spots on the skin;
  • papillomatosis - a formation on the skin or fibromas (popularly such tumors are called "warts").

Such skin changes are more often observed in large natural folds:

  • armpits
  • crease between the back of the head and neck;
  • inguinal-femoral folds;
  • intergluteal region;
  • elbow bends;
  • popliteal area;
  • the area under the mammary glands (in women).

Sometimes the triad of symptoms of black acanthosis can be observed on other parts of the body (usually on the face, sides of the neck and in the navel). In some cases, skin changes become widespread and capture areas around the main lesion (oral mucosa, esophagus, rectum, vagina).

Initially, the patient has an area of ​​slightly yellowish skin, which gradually darkens. Some patients in the early stages of black acanthosis often think that the skin is just dirty, and they try to wash it off. As the disease progresses, the skin thickens, becomes dry and rough. Her natural pattern becomes deeper and more pronounced. Hyperpigmented areas become progressively darker (up to dark gray or black).

At a later date, growths in the form of papillomas or small fibromas appear on the surface of the affected skin. They have a papillary shape and are arranged in dense rows, giving the skin a warty appearance. Villous-warty formations with black acanthosis may be hyperpigmented. In severe cases, papillary growths may appear on the skin, resembling genital warts or large warts.

With black acanthosis with damage to the mucous membranes, pigmentary changes are not observed, but papillomas can form on them. The surface of the mucosa becomes velvety, and delicate grooves appear on it. When the tongue is affected, its surface becomes wrinkled.

The above skin symptoms are rarely accompanied by slight itching and tingling.

On the affected areas of the skin there is no hairline, and in some patients longitudinal stripes, grooves and areas of darkening on the nails may appear (as with a subungual hematoma).

The rate of progression and severity of symptoms in acanthosis nigricans largely depends on the form of this disease. With its malignant form, the signs of the disease are more pronounced, and with a benign form, they are less intense and can regress.

Malignant form

This form of acanthosis is observed in adults. Its development occurs against the background of the appearance of a malignant tumor of the internal organs. In 20% of patients, black acanthosis becomes a harbinger of cancer (sometimes it can develop 5 years before the appearance of a tumor), in 55-60% of these pathologies develop simultaneously, and in 15-20% - skin changes are determined after the development of a cancerous neoplasm or at the stage its collapse. In the malignant form of the disease, patients develop a syndrome of small signs of cancer:

  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • loss of appetite.

Symptoms of the disease with this form of black acanthosis appear suddenly, are intense and progress rapidly. The mucous membranes of the digestive tract and vagina are often involved in the pathological process. Wart-like papules may form on the back surfaces of the hands and feet. Their color may not differ from the shade of healthy skin or close to a slightly red-brown. The surface of such formations can be smooth, but more often covered with areas of rough and thickened skin. Papules can merge with each other and form plaques.

During remission of the tumor process, lesser severity of skin changes can be observed, but during relapse, they again become progressive and intense. With the timely removal of a malignant neoplasm, the signs of black acanthosis gradually disappear.

Benign form

This form of black acanthosis is often observed in congenital pathologies and begins to manifest itself in childhood or adolescence. It differs from the malignant form in lesser severity of skin lesions, the absence of general symptoms and malignant tumors (neoplasms can be observed only in isolated cases). After the end of puberty, skin symptoms stop progressing and, in some cases, disappear completely.


This form of the disease is observed mainly in obese women. The disease develops against the background of endocrine disorders (usually due to ovarian dysfunction) or under the influence of a hot climate. The patient develops dark pigmentation in the area of ​​large skin folds. Papillomas and fibromas in most cases are not observed or are isolated. After normalization of body weight, the manifestations of pseudo-acanthosis completely disappear.


If signs of black acanthosis appear, you should consult a dermatologist. The manifestations of this disease are similar to some other pathologies, and that is why the doctor conducts a differential diagnosis of acanthosis nigricans with Addison's disease, Darier, etc.

The final diagnosis is established by the results of a histological examination of a tissue sample (biopsy) from the affected area of ​​the skin. With black acanthosis it is found:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • increased pigment content;
  • slight acanthosis.

The form of the disease is determined based on data on the onset of the disease, the age of the patient and the severity of symptoms.

If a malignant form of black acanthosis is suspected, the patient needs to consult an oncologist and undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying a cancerous process in the internal organs. For this, the patient may be prescribed blood tests for tumor markers, radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.

If a benign form of acanthosis nigricans is suspected, the patient needs to consult an endocrinologist and undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying hormonal and metabolic disorders. Subsequently, the patient is assigned a consultation and examination by a gastroenterologist, which allows to exclude the pathology of the digestive tract.


All patients with acanthosis nigricans are shown constant monitoring in the dispensary.

Treatment of black acanthosis includes two directions:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused skin pathology;
  • symptomatic therapy.

With a benign form of black acanthosis, patients can be prescribed:

  • general strengthening preparations - vitamin and mineral complexes, ginseng and echinacea preparations, vitamins C, B and A;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments and powders;
  • emollient creams;
  • general baths with potassium permanganate;
  • preparations;
  • - bifikol, lactobacillin, bifidumbacterin, etc.;
  • aromatic retinoids (in severe cases);
  • cytostatics (in severe cases);
  • hormonal drugs - insulin, estrogen (with endocrine disorders);
  • neurotropic drugs (according to indications);
  • antibacterial drugs (according to indications);
  • diet (for obesity).

All patients with black acanthosis must carefully observe the hygiene of the skin.

With the development of black acanthosis against the background of taking certain hormonal or medications, they are canceled with subsequent replacement with safer analogues. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the dosage of such medications.

With massive papillomatous growths, they are surgically removed using electrocoagulation or cryodestruction. The removal method is chosen individually.

In the malignant form of acanthosis nigricans, removal of the malignant tumor or the appointment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy (in inoperable cases) is indicated. Therapy used in the benign form of this pathology, in most cases, is ineffective. After timely removal of a cancerous tumor, a complete recovery of the patient can be observed. A course of radiobeam or chemotherapy contributes to a temporary improvement in the patient's condition. With relapses of the tumor process, all the symptoms of black acanthosis appear again.

Black acanthosis Is it dangerous in dogs? Dogs have been human friends for a very long time. Since time immemorial, they have firmly taken their place next to the bipeds. A person pays these animals for their boundless and selfless loyalty by feeding the dogs, caring for and, of course, fighting the diseases of his best and faithful friend.

And the diseases of these four-legged animals are very different, from minor ailments to the most severe and even, unfortunately, incurable and fatal ailments. Black acanthosis not one of them, but still causes a lot of inconvenience, anxiety and problems for both the dog and its owner. Today we will talk about what is black acanthosis in dogs, about its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

For all questions about the treatment of your pets, please contact the Ya-VET Emergency Veterinary Care Center. Self-medication most often leads to aggravation of problems, and in our Center, veterinarians with higher education and extensive experience in treating animals will conduct high-quality and accurate diagnostics using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and after making a diagnosis, they will prescribe the correct and effective treatment. If you do not have the time and opportunity to bring your pet to our Center, then by dialing the phone number you can call a team of veterinarians to your home.

And now we invite you to get acquainted with what is acanthosis nigricans in dogs. All treatment recommendations should be discussed with the veterinarian.

A brief digression into the concept of black acanthosis

In domestic and non-domestic dogs, skin diseases are very common. Hundreds of dogs all over the world suffer from these rather serious illnesses. Often, dogs die from these ailments, and the owners suffer significant economic damage. It is unnecessary to talk about emotional damage, since the psychological trauma from the loss of a beloved dog does not go away for many years. Acanthosis black is recognized as the most severe skin disease in dogs. We will describe the treatment of this disease below in the text.

The cause of this disease is an excessive accumulation of pigment cells - melanin - in the surface layers of the dermis. This happens as a result of genetic aberrations. Most often this defeat covers dachshunds, but it can also be diagnosed in dogs of other breeds, regardless of age and sex groups. Secondary causes of black acanthosis have not been established and are under study and identification.

Etiology of the disease black acanthosis

The basis of the disease is black acanthosis hyperpigmentation against the backdrop of developing Genodermatosis. But significantly the development of secondary acanthosis is more common. It's a variety anti-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is more common than primary.

    The reasons for the development of black acanthosis may be:
  • Inflammatory processes in the axillary and/or inguinal regions of the dog's body.
  • Endocrine disorders:
  • 1. Obesity

    2. Hypothyroidism.

    3. Hypersecretion of corticosteroids.

    4. Alimentary allergy.

    5. Infections of the upper layers of the dermis.

Canine acanthosis nigricans is not contagious, contrary to the belief of some dog owners.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease black acanthosis

Most characteristic symptom serves distribution of foci of hyperpigmentation in the armpits and in the groin. Wherein dark skin patches more often scattered unevenly and they have no signs of inflammation. Gradually, the size of the dark areas increases and they acquire a confluent character, that is, smaller ones, uniting, form already significant areas of skin damage.

Over time, the spots acquire distinct signs of the development of seborrhea, and with such a course, the spots become sore. If a a red border appears around the foci with a high content of melanin, this serves as a characteristic symptom of an associated infectious process.

Diagnostics is carried out complex, despite the fact that even an external examination of the dog gives grounds for making a diagnosis. Differential diagnosis allows you to clarify the diagnosis and allows you not to make mistakes and do not confuse black acanthosis with demodicosis.

    A comprehensive study of black acanthosis includes:
  • Skin scraping and its subsequent microscopy.
  • Study of the state of the thyroid gland. This is especially true for older animals.
  • General laboratory blood and urine tests.

If signs of development of black acanthosis are found, a biopsy is not performed.

Treatment for acanthosis nigricans in dogs

Let us say at the very beginning of the description of therapeutic measures that in dachshunds, the primary form of acanthosis is not treated is an incurable disease. Other dogs develop cosmetic defects. Treatment should be carried out in cases where the pathogenic flora joins the underlying disease and a secondary skin infection begins to develop. And in this case, a special therapeutic effect will already be required.

At the onset of illness treated with glucocorticoids and l medicated shampoos that inhibit microbial growth. Itching, which often occurs in areas of widespread hyperpigmentation, can be removed with antihistamines(suprastin, diphenhydramine and other drugs). Against the background of the use of these drugs, excellent results are obtained by introducing an oil solution into the body of a dog. vitamin E. Also you need to check the dog for the presence of staphylococcus aureus in the blood and conduct mandatory treatment of this infection.

The best results can be achieved by contacting the Animal Emergency Veterinary Care Center. At the Center, veterinarians will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures and prescribe the correct and adequate treatment for your dog. By the way, you can get all the necessary services at home by calling a team of doctors by phone.

The reasons skin diseases in dachshunds

Dachshunds are passionate hunters and loyal companions - smart, energetic, friendly. However, these wonderful dogs sometimes give owners grief: they are prone to specific diseases, including skin diseases, which sometimes require serious and long-term treatment.

A genetic skin disease characteristic of this breed is excessive accumulation of melanin in the skin. It manifests itself in young dogs, often under the age of 1 year. At dachshunds under the arms and black spots form in the groin, which gradually grow to form "elephant skin". This form of the disease is not treated, the quality of life of the dog can be improved with the help of vitamins and special external agents.

Skin allergic reactions

Dogs of this breed are often allergic to certain foods, plant pollen or chemical irritants: de-icing agents and detergents. An allergic reaction may indicate:

Subcutaneous dachshund tick causes various itch diseases of the skin and ears. Infested with scabies mites dachshunds itch almost continuously, their skin flakes off, focal alopecia is observed, the ear canals are clogged with sulfur. For successful treatment of tick infestation, the instructions of the veterinarian should be strictly followed.

ringworm lichen dachshunds - the result of infection with the fungus microsporum. Round spots with loose hair and inflamed skin covered with scabs appear on the muzzle, belly, tail or paws of the animal and gradually grow. The disease is highly contagious for animals and humans. If you suspect lichen, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Causes dachshund dermatitis

  • redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of ulcers, sometimes weeping;
  • swelling, itching;
  • local temperature increase.

It is not uncommon for pet dogs to develop contact dermatitis due to exposure to physical or chemical factors—collar or bedding materials, medications, medical treatment, or overheating.

If skin lesions occur, only professional veterinarians should be consulted. Proper appointments will help to avoid complications and speed up recovery. Healthy. an energetic dog is a joy for the owner.

Black acanthosis is a skin disease in dogs. It is also characterized by papillomas in large skin folds of the body, for example, in the armpits. In this case, the color of the skin changes, and the cells grow.

There can be several reasons for this disease. Influence it:

  • endocrine diseases,
  • obesity,
  • malignant tumors,
  • hereditary factor.

There are three clinical forms of acanthosis:

  1. secondary,
  2. primary (only for dachshunds),
  3. pseudoacanthosis (inflammatory reaction of the skin with an active change in the color of some parts of the body).

Symptoms of black acanthosis in dogs

In all three types of the disease, primary clinical signs coincide. This is the appearance on the skin of areas of a hard stratum corneum and hyperpigmentation. These foci are predominantly concentrated in the intergluteal, inguinal-femoral folds, armpits, around the navel, in the knee-elbow folds, on the inner sides of the ears and on the sides of the neck.

The skin of the dog acquires a brownish color and becomes dry, and eventually begins to blacken. More and more growths and folds appear on it, the relief intensifies. Primary black acanthosis occurs only in dachshunds of both sexes, most often up to a year. At first, it appears only in the axillary areas in the form of bilateral skin pigmentation.

After the disease affects the entire surface of the body of the dog, in which the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Secondary black acanthosis is possible in all breeds of dogs, but more often in smooth-haired. It indicates problems with the adrenal cortex or thyroid gland.

Treatment of acanthosis in dogs

Treatment of primary black acanthosis, as a genetic disease, is currently ineffective, since there are no drugs with a sufficiently narrow spectrum of action. The condition of the dog can only be alleviated through the use of hormonal preparations (glucocorticoids in the form of ointments) and various creams.

Glucocorticoids are prescribed daily, then 1-2 times a week. In some cases, vitamin E is prescribed. With secondary black acanthosis, special therapy is not required. As a rule, the signs of the disease disappear on their own after the inflammation of the skin is cured with topical preparations. It is also necessary to carefully examine the animal and diagnose the underlying disease. Only after it is cured does the condition of the skin improve. The main thing is to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible, without delaying the disease.

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