Chronic allergy symptoms. Immunological and anaphylactoid urticaria. Development of additional allergies

Allergic manifestations are common in our time, about 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease, and every year this problem is becoming more acute. Some people suffer from fairly simple manifestations when bitten by insects or others, but there are those who suffer and chronic manifestations allergies. Allergy in a chronic form is a difficult disease, its owners need to know everything about it.

Types of allergies

Every year more and more more people suffer from allergies, and more and more money is spent on medicine. In order not to get into a similar situation, you need to carefully monitor your own health, in addition, you need to know all the signs, symptoms and treatments for allergies. Special attention need to give first aid right action can help prevent fatal outcome and save the man.

Allergies are divided into food and non-food.

food allergy caused by food that got inside, sometimes it is clear after the allergen hits the tongue, and sometimes even after a few hours.

Non-food allergies- it includes contact dermatitis, allergy to medications, pollen, cosmetics, household chemicals and more.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is an aggressive reaction immune system, it occurs as a result of the ingestion or impact of any factors on the body. At the same time, these factors are regarded as aggressive, the reaction itself is quite normal, while the body takes harmful substance quite safe factor. This reaction leads to a severe allergic reaction.

What causes chronic allergies?

An allergic reaction can occur only in those whose immunity has any deviations. There are several reasons that most often contribute to the appearance of allergies:

  • hereditary transmission. Most often allergic diseases tend to be inherited, in addition, there are certain types allergies that each generation suffers more often, for example, diathesis.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract and organs involved in digestion quite often cause allergic reactions, while it is pointless to treat the allergy itself until the intestines are cured.
  • Environment significantly affects our body, unfortunately, every year it becomes more and more dirty and unsuitable for normal development. In addition, for the development of chronic allergies, contact with the allergen is simply necessary, it all depends on the age at which the person encountered this allergen.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction in the body

Allergy in each person is quite unique and with different symptoms in addition, the severity of manifestations also varies. by the most frequent symptoms mild allergies are:

  • Conjunctivitis- profuse lacrimation and itching in the eyes, often occurs when an allergen enters the mucous membrane of the eye. It is considered one of the signs of allergies to dust, pollen and feathers.
  • Runny nose and itchy nose, is usually a consequence of the allergen entering the body through the nasal cavity.
  • Atopic dermatitis- occurs as skin rash or redness after the allergen enters the body.
  • contact dermatitis- observed at the point of contact of the skin and the allergen, expressed as peeling, rash or redness.
  • Dizziness, sometimes it can develop into a temporary loss of orientation and even into a loss of consciousness. With this outcome, you need to place the patient in a reclining position, so that if vomiting occurs, the person does not choke.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea- usually accompany each other.
  • Hives- has many forms and causes of occurrence, can appear as with food allergies and when exposed to factors such as cold or heat. Sometimes it can appear instead of contact dermatitis upon contact with an allergen. It is also worth noting that the first sign of hives are rather large blisters that tend to merge. With urticaria, the patient experiences severe itching and burning.

  • Anaphylactic shock, in addition to calling an ambulance, several more actions must be taken so that the person does not lose consciousness and does not die. Myself anaphylactic shock characterized by pressure surges, dizziness, "lump" in the throat, nausea, vomiting.
  • Quincke's edema- pretty safe allergic manifestation, until it appears on the mucous membranes, for example, on the mucous membrane of the larynx, this is the most dangerous place its manifestations, since asphyxia can become a consequence.
  • For any bowel disorder due to allergies, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  • If after taking medical preparations the patient's condition does not improve, then you need to urgently report to the ambulance.

How to get rid of allergies?

Unfortunately, allergic reaction of the body is incurable, but there are many ways to relieve symptoms or even limit the allergen from entering the body. Used in the treatment of any type of allergy complex method, or rather a combination of several drugs of diverse action.

There are a large number of folk remedies for allergies, all of which provide some relief to the symptoms, but none of them is comprehensive.

Before using any folk remedy, you should consult a doctor, self-medication can be dangerous to health. In addition, some herbs have two or more effects, these are not simplified drugs of directed action, any herb other than treating allergy symptoms can worsen the condition of other organs or even systems.

Food for allergies

One of the points integrated approach is dieting. The most common option, especially if the allergen is not identified, is considered to be a diet based on boiled rice, then others food products are added in small portions and only one per day. Such a diet can quickly lead the body to quite healthy state You should also keep a food diary while dieting.

food diary- a notebook in which everything that was consumed during the day is recorded, including snacks, drinks. The diary has several columns: weight, cooking method, composition of the dish, sensations before and after eating this food. If desired, you can turn it from a simple medical supervision in a complete guide to healthy eating. You can add columns for calories, miles traveled, and other calories burned.

Allergenic products

Every product we use often consists of many compounds and substances, which in turn can cause allergies. It has long been identified list of most allergenic foods.

Whole milk

It is rather poorly absorbed by the stomach and has special proteins often allergic. In addition to an allergic reaction to milk, milk intolerance is also quite common. It has been noted that a person who is allergic to cow's milk very rarely suffers from allergies to the milk of other animals. It can also be used to replenish calcium stores. dairy products- kefir or cottage cheese.


The ocean and seas are still being explored, no one knows for sure, but most varieties sea ​​fish and seafood eaten are quite allergenic. The same goes for algae.

Honey as an allergen

Humanity has a rather mixed opinion about this product. The honey itself is a set a large number useful elements obtained by bees for themselves. The fact is that honey is too saturated and is not a product prepared for human consumption, all the substances in it are in pure form which makes it difficult to understand.

Red berries and fruits

Quite allergenic representatives of the world of vegetation, they contain a lot of substances necessary for a person for a normal existence, but, like honey, these substances are not fermented, which means they are poorly absorbed.

Nuts are a natural allergen

They are also not adapted for use by a person with a weak immune system.

citrus allergy

It has long been noticed that an allergy to citrus fruits occurs quite often, not only to an orange or a lemon, but to all subspecies at once. This is due to the special composition of citrus oils, most of the elements in it are quite aggressive, especially in relation to weak immunity.

Nutritional supplements

In addition, one of most dangerous allergens are artificial food additives, dyes, preservatives and other things that manufacturers love to use for more stable and durable storage of the product.

It has long been noted that people with weak immunity get sick more often, but there is also a pattern than weaker immunity- topics worse symptoms allergies. That is, from purely logical conclusions it follows: with an increase in the level of immunity and simultaneous treatment chronic and hidden diseases can significantly reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergen.

The problem is that immunity support is needed constantly, with any cessation of relaxation essential substances absolutely trouble to come back again. It is also worth mentioning such pathologies as anemia or others, in which the body does not produce or cannot fully assimilate the substances entering it. Those who suffer from such diseases need to take medications for support without interruption.

Chronic allergy is a persistent type of allergic reaction with symptoms in the skin, mucous membranes, or respiratory tract. It differs not by the onset of remission, by constant manifestations in a sluggish form.

It does not pose a danger to life (if treatment is present and there are no complications), but the quality of life with a constant itchy rash, stuffy nose, rhinitis, coughing, sneezing leaves much to be desired.

In addition, due to the pronounced signs, sleep is disturbed and the patient needs to lead a certain lifestyle in order not to contact the trigger and not to load the immune system.

The main thing to know - chronic allergies only a doctor can cure, there are many nuances and pitfalls, each patient is unique.

Therefore, you should not try to heal yourself in such a difficult situation you need to contact the experts.

Something the patient can do himself, this is our article.

Symptoms of persistent allergies can appear from any one system of the body or can be combined:

  1. respiratory tract injury allergic bronchitis, rhinitis). Signs of illness: nasal congestion, clear mucous discharge, sneezing, coughing, breathing problems, swelling, headache;
  2. skin defects. Rash different nature, itching, peeling of the skin, redness.

When the immune system is weakened, it is accompanied by lethargy, fatigue and hyperthermia.

Chronic allergic dermatoses

This group of diseases includes atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema. The disease affects the surface of the skin, causing discomfort and provoking symptoms from the outside. nervous system.

Atopic dermatitis and urticaria most commonly present in early age(since birth). Problems are hereditary and arise from contact with a food allergen.

For treatment in adults and children, antihistamines, hormonal, absorbent drugs are used. Dosage and duration of administration are determined individually.

They also recommend various medical supplies skin care products, such as lipid-replenishing balms. In some cases, if symptoms from the nervous system are expressed and sleep disturbance is recorded, additionally use sedatives.

Dermatitis most often occurs as a result of tactile contact with the allergen or eating it. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of such products:

  • personal hygiene products (toothpastes and brushes, soap, shampoo, creams and oils, baby diapers);
  • household chemicals(washing powders, stain removers, fabric softeners, dishwashing detergents);
  • children's toys - must be certified and do not contain harmful components;
  • clothing and bed sheets(preferably undyed linen and cotton, natural wool and down fillers are not recommended).

The danger of chronic allergic dermatitis is that in the absence of proper treatment, the disease progresses and can cause the development of other diseases, infection through the damaged skin covering.

Atopic dermatitis with onset infancy, most often takes place in the period of 3-5 years, when the children's immune system will improve and get stronger.

allergic rhinitis

The problem is very common among the adult population and in male children after 5 years. AT adolescence there has been a significant increase in the number of cases.

Allergy with a clearly traceable hereditary factor. For treatment, antihistamines and allergy-specific immunotherapy are used. The following tips will help alleviate the patient's condition:

  • avoid contact with the allergen;
  • during the flowering period of plants, wear a gauze bandage and be outside as little as possible, especially in the sunny time of the day;
  • at home get rid of things that accumulate dust ( Stuffed Toys, carpets), pillows and blankets with natural down, wool;
  • daily carry out wet cleaning and airing;
  • wash pillows and blankets in a timely manner;
  • avoid contact with animals and birds, pet products for feeding;
  • choose carefully cosmetics, especially perfumery;
  • take medicines only after consulting a doctor;
  • after returning from the street, wash exposed parts of the body (face, neck, hands);
  • monitor indoor humidity.

Smoking and living in a metropolis with heavily polluted air provoke the disease, make the symptoms more pronounced. In addition to a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, sneezing, there is a headache, cough and nasal congestion.

In particularly severe cases, when allergic nature the disease is combined with the curvature of the nasal septum (30% of cases of year-round rhinitis), they resort to surgical correction of the defect.

The disease is dangerous due to the development of such complications (in the absence of proper treatment):

  • decreased sense of smell, appetite and sensitivity of taste buds;
  • the formation of polyps;
  • constant breathing through the mouth, snoring;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chronic edema is fraught with nosebleeds;
  • extension to auditory tubes and the sinuses are indicated by hearing loss, congestion and tinnitus, dull pain in the forehead.

Methods for determining the allergen and the group of drugs for treatment

In order for the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to prevent repeated contact with the allergen. trigger can for a long time go unnoticed and provoke exacerbations. To identify the cause of an atypical reaction, the following methods are used:

  1. keeping a food diary. If you suspect a source of allergy among food products, it is advised to record in writing the foods eaten and the reaction to them. The first 2-3 days the table is very poor and consists of the safest products (rice, kefir, boiled veal, rabbit, fruits and vegetables pale color). Starting from day 3, you can introduce other ingredients of dishes one at a time (1 product in 3 days). If there is no atypical reaction, the product is fixed in the menu, if there is, it is excluded. You should start with the least dangerous food;
  2. allergy tests:
  • scarification method - skin test, which allows you to evaluate up to 20 triggers at the same time. The surface of the skin is disturbed and the allergen is introduced, observations reveal the reaction of the immune system or its absence. Does not apply up to 3 years;
  • prick tests - the method is similar to the previous one, with the difference that the material is not applied to the scratched surface, but by the puncture method;
  • application test - consists in applying 2 gauze dressings: the 1st with the applied allergen, the 2nd - control, with saline. Fixed for 30 minutes and examined;
  1. laboratory blood test - carried out with a group of reagents determined by the doctor, consists in the study total immunoglobulins E, making an immunogram and determining specific antibodies;
  2. provocative tests- method stationary diagnostics, is used last in the complex course of the disease.

Diagnosis of persistent allergies is very difficult due to the similarity of symptoms with other skin or infectious diseases.

If the treatment of a runny nose and cough is antiviral, antibacterial agents does not help, the nose is constantly stuffy, sneezing does not go away - this is a suspicion of the influence of the allergen and you should contact an allergist, not a therapist.

Persistent allergies require long-term treatment and elimination of all risk factors. The system of therapeutic measures will be based on antihistamines, while the rest (hormonal, sedative, absorbents) will be prescribed according to the situation and depend on the symptoms, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases, and complications.

The chronic form of allergy requires strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations and timely treatment only under such conditions can remission be achieved. We must not forget about changing the way of life: healthy eating and others preventive measuresimportant component disease eradication systems.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate Diagnosis can only be given by a doctor.

Do you often sneeze or do you literally run out of a stuffy nose? Most likely, you have seasonal allergies or chronic allergies - the symptoms are similar, but there are common ones. These are the most common signs that occur in thousands of people. Therefore, you do not need to feel like a lonely owner of this disease. The question is, what to do?

Seasonal allergies and chronic allergies - symptoms

There are two forms of allergies: seasonal and chronic. seasonal allergies only catches up with you certain times of the year. This may be an allergy to pollen, freshly cut grass, or some flowers that are fragrant almost until frost.

The chronic form of allergy is caused by allergens not associated with the change of seasons and flowering. This may include more general stimuli, for example, a certain set of products, house dust, hair of cats, horses. You end up with symptoms like a seasonal fever. Although it has nothing to do with the season or the fever. Yes, and in order for the signs of allergies to disappear, sometimes you do not need to take any serious action.

You need to avoid allergens, and the signs of your illness will go away on their own. However, sometimes this is quite difficult to do, because the allergens literally hover around you in the air. People suffering from a seasonal form of allergies prefer to stay at home during the season of allergen activity. closed windows. Air conditioners also help by filtering the air.

Some people use antihistamines or decongestants to combat allergy symptoms. But you should not abuse these drugs. For example, antihistamines should not be drunk on an empty stomach, so it is better to take them with milk or during lung time snack. In addition, there are contraindications. For example, many allergy medicines should not be taken for asthma, glaucoma, shortness of breath, chronic diseases lungs or an enlarged prostate.

As for the remedies for mucosal edema, they can not be used for more than 3 days in a row. Neglect of this advice can lead to the fact that the swelling will return, and your condition will worsen at times. You can not use decongestants in diabetes, diseases thyroid gland, heart disease and an enlarged prostate. Mixing medications is not recommended, so if you are already taking depression or lowering medications blood pressure, the decongestant is better to postpone.

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces many various drugs designed to combat the manifestations of the allergic process. Therefore, chronic urticaria, it would seem, should long ago become a thing of the past. Nevertheless, almost every third patient of the allergological office currently suffers from this disease.

The fact is that the reasons for the development chronic urticaria are quite diverse, and it is not always possible to eliminate the provoking factor. That is why many people suffering from this disease sometimes have to change their established lifestyle, give up some habits and follow a diet to prevent exacerbation.

Symptoms of the disease

One of the main manifestations of the disease is a rash in the form of blisters - asexual elements. Pink colour(sometimes with a paler area in the middle) various shapes and diameter (from 0.5 to 15 cm), slightly rising above the level of the skin. They can grow in size and merge with each other.

In some cases, the symptoms of chronic urticaria are represented by the appearance of papules. According to some authors, they are more typical for the chronic form of the disease than for the acute form.

With the spread of changes to the subcutaneous fat, its edema (angioneurotic) develops, called Quincke's edema. It is more often localized in the lips, tongue, face or genitals, although it can be generalized.

When the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is involved in the process, nausea, vomiting, frequent liquid stool. The rash in most cases is accompanied by severe itching and burning at the site of the appearance of the elements. In this regard, there are sleep disturbances, irritability.

In case of progression of edema, they fear damage to the larynx, which will lead to difficulty in the entry of air into Airways and death of a person (in the absence or ineffectiveness of timely assistance).

Causes and classification of the disease

It should be noted that chronic urticaria is called, the symptoms of which persist for more than 6 weeks or continuously recur. There are many classifications of this disease.

Downstream distinguish light, moderate and severe form process. Depending on the localization, urticaria can be focal and generalized. The classification according to causal factors includes the following points:

  • immunological;
  • anaphylactoid;
  • physical (temperature, mechanical, solar, contact, vibrational, cholinergic);
  • other types (infectious; caused by tumor processes in other organs; endocrine, psychogenic, pigmentary, papular, idiopathic, hereditary).

In addition, the causes that provoke the occurrence of urticaria are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal), which include, for example, foci chronic infection, such as chronic cholecystitis, tonsillitis, adnexitis, sinusitis, etc.

To endogenous factors reckon also a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Internal causes most often and underlie the chronic form of the disease.

The mechanism of development of urticaria

The development of blisters and tissue edema is based on increased permeability vascular wall due to an increase in the content of histamine, serotonin and a number of other biologically active substances.

The change in their concentration occurs as a result of the influence of the factors listed in the previous section.

Immunological and anaphylactoid urticaria

Immunological urticaria develops as a result of failures in the immune response system. It can proceed according to the type of both true and false allergies (pseudo-allergic reactions).

If you are truly allergic to any chemical compound or part cell wall microbe in the human body produces antibodies (immunoglobulin E), which, upon repeated contact with this substance (allergen), form antigen-antibody complexes, which subsequently lead to the destruction of the mast cell membrane and the release of biologically active substances into the surrounding tissues, including histamine, which promotes further development process (swelling of tissues, formation of blisters).

Highly important point in this situation is precisely repeated contact with the allergen. When it first enters the body, no reactions usually occur. After all, the production of immunoglobulin E takes time. Chronic urticaria can also develop according to the immunocomplex variant of allergic reactions, known as their third type. Then immunoglobulin E is not synthesized, but the allergic reaction is nevertheless true.

In the case of pseudo-allergy, the “guilty” substance or factor environment acts directly on the mast cell membrane, thereby facilitating the release of mediators. By clinical manifestations there are no differences from the true allergic process.

Products or medicines, with a similar ability, are called histamine liberators. The most famous of them are chocolate, citrus fruits, and of the drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), some antibiotics, nifedipine.

It should also be noted that NSAIDs are also characterized by another mechanism of provoking allergic reactions, directly related to the mechanism of action. Due to the blockade after taking the cyclooxygenase enzyme, the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid is disrupted (this is necessary to provide an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect).

Therefore, all unused "residues" of this compound are directed by the body to the synthesis of leukotrienes - compounds that play a role in the development of allergic reactions. In some cases, even an attack of bronchospasm is possible (the so-called aspirin asthma).

Physical urticaria and other types of illness

Contact urticaria develops in direct contact with an irritant, temperature - from exposure to low or high temperatures, vibration - from mechanical vibration.

Physical activity provokes the occurrence of cholinergic urticaria, and exposure to ultraviolet rays - solar. In this situation, the rash is located on open areas of the body. Women get sick more often.

There is also an idiopathic form of the disease, in which the cause remains unidentified. It is characterized by a long, often relapsing course that is not amenable to standard therapy. Nevertheless, the hallmark of urticaria, regardless of the provoking factor, is the complete disappearance of skin elements after the completion of the course of treatment (without scarring, pigmentation disorders at the site of previously existing blisters).

The dermographic variant of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a rash and redness (hyperemia) of the skin in response to linear mechanical irritation. For example, in places of folds and friction of clothing, as well as in skin folds. The development of physical and other types of urticaria, as a rule, occurs according to the mechanism of a pseudo-allergic reaction.

Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, the doctor focuses on the patient's complaints and the history of the disease. Sometimes this is enough to make a correct diagnosis, and additional examinations only confirm the previous conclusions.

In chronic urticaria, it is mandatory to prescribe general analysis blood (KLA) and urine (OAM), as well as biochemical analysis blood. In addition to an increase in the level of eosinophils in the CBC, no specific changes are detected in most cases. The need for these studies is dictated by an attempt to exclude other diseases.

In addition, appoint microscopic examination feces (coprogram), blood tests for RW and antibodies to HIV infection. In the idiopathic, dermographic form of the disease, an analysis is also made for rheumatological tests, as well as an analysis of feces for an eggworm (preferably three times). The presence of antibodies to various helminths is also tried to be detected in blood tests.

In addition, fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), radiography of organs is shown. chest, Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. We also note that this entire list of examinations is mandatory only for chronic urticaria. acute form disease is characterized by a slightly different diagnostic algorithm.

In the case of a prolonged or often recurrent course of the disease, as well as its unexplained cause, full examination to identify foci of chronic infection, including "rotting" teeth. After all, an allergic reaction to various microbes and their metabolic products often becomes a provoking factor in the occurrence of chronic urticaria.

The patient is referred to narrow specialists according to the profile of the disease (tonsillitis - otolaryngologist, adnexitis - gynecologist, etc.). On their recommendation, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, thyroid gland, bacteriological examination(sowing) feces, urine, separated from the urethra.

To exclude oncological pathology (in the intestine), it is possible to perform a colonoscopy or barium enema.

From specific allergological tests during an exacerbation of the disease, an analysis is made for immunoglobulin E - specific antibodies to the allergen. However, not with all types of urticaria, it will be positive.

Scarification tests are prescribed after achieving remission of the disease against the background of the abolition of all antiallergic drugs for at least 3-5 days. They allow you to identify the "guilty" allergen. Cold, heat, and exercise tests can be performed.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of chronic urticaria begins with the elimination of the causative factor and depends on the severity of the disease. In all cases, it is recommended to follow a diet with the exception of the identified allergen and histamine liberator products. If possible, cancel all previously prescribed drugs.

At easy course diseases advise taking antihistamines of the 2nd or 3rd generation. In the case of moderate damage, treatment begins with drugs of the 1st generation. After stopping the main manifestations, they switch to more modern medicines with long-term use. Here it is already permissible to prescribe corticosteroid hormones in a short course.

In the case of a severe form of the disease, 1st generation antihistamines are used intramuscularly (less often intravenously), then they also switch to modern drugs of this group. Corticosteroid hormones (prednisolone, dexamethasone) are injected. Prolonged forms of drugs from this group, such as diprospan, are sometimes prescribed intramuscularly once every 3-4 weeks.

Thus, the causes of chronic urticaria are quite diverse. Nevertheless, there are common aspects in the mechanism of the development of the disease, which make it possible to effectively deal with its manifestations.

According to official medical statistics, allergic rhinitis, or as it is also called hay fever"occupies one of the first places among the common allergic diseases.

It has been established that about 25% of the total population of our country (and all age groups) suffer from this disease.

It is noteworthy that only in 12% of patients with this pathology, the diagnosis was made in the first year of its development, in 30% allergic rhinitis was detected nine or more years after the onset of general symptoms.

An interesting study conducted by allergists in Moscow, during which it was found that 25% of the capital's employees of the banking system developed this disease.

Despite the seeming simplicity and frivolity this disease patients should be properly diagnosed and treated to avoid serious complications.

What it is

This disease is understood as an inflammatory Ige - a mediated process that manifests itself in the onset of an allergic reaction in a patient after some allergenic irritants enter the nasal mucosa.

In most cases, development this disease occurs in children, adolescents and young adults.

Its development can take place both in a seasonal form (for example, the reaction of the pharynx to plant pollen) and in a permanent form (allergens are animals, dust, etc.).

Reasons for the appearance

The cause of the formation of the disease is a reaction (in another way, it is also called "immediate hypersensitivity").

Such hypersensitivity is also called a variety of allergies, the development of which begins about twenty minutes after contact of the skin with allergens.

allergic rhinitis with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma are the most common allergic diseases.

Among the most common reasons, causing development of this pathology, doctors distinguish:

  • household dust (books, furniture, floor coverings, etc.);
  • pets (wool, saliva);
  • dust mites;
  • domestic insects (fleas, lice) and street insects (mosquitoes, flies, wasps, etc.);
  • plants (particularly pollen);
  • mold and yeast;
  • medications;
  • food;

Related factors

In a patient, an allergic reaction can be caused by several of the above allergens at once. When inhaled or in contact with the nasal cavity with allergens, the human immune system immediately begins to fight them, causing a runny nose, coughing or sneezing.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that in addition to direct factors for the appearance of this disease, the formation of rhinitis is also influenced by the so-called concomitant factors:

  • contaminated air ( this factor, although not a direct allergen, it directly affects respiratory system, supplying to nasal cavity aeroallergens);
  • poor environmental conditions (gases, gasoline vapors, household chemicals);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • mother's abuse of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy;
  • prematurity of the child;
  • nasal cavity dysfunction (polyps, misdevelopment nasal septum, etc.);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza);
  • stressful situations;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypothermia.

Video: More about the reasons


Among the main types of this disease can be identified:

  1. catarrhal form of rhinitis. Is a complex shape chronic rhinitis. Characterized by the appearance in the nasal cavity harmful bacteria as a result of long colds. The nasal mucosa is marked by constant hyperemia and frequent secretions of purulent fluid. When the patient lies on his side, he feels congestion in bottom side nose. When the subject is in a hot room (bath, steam room), congestion recedes, however, when moving into the cold, it intensifies;
  2. hypertrophic form. This form pathology is characterized by deformation of the mucous membrane of the cartilaginous and bone apparatus in the nose. This process is characterized by rather slow growth and development of dysfunction, but gradual progression. The cartilaginous apparatus, increasing in size, blocks the complete flow of air through the nasal openings. That is why the patient has a nasal in his voice and a symptom of nasal congestion. Enlargement of the nasal concha contributes to the formation of the so-called "pockets", where the formation of mucus and pus occurs;
  3. atrophic rhinitis. It is a disease characterized by complete destruction of the nasal cavity, during which the internal villi die off and their functions are destabilized. Doctors distinguish it as the most aggravating recurrence of simple allergic rhinitis. Patients complain of the "dry nose" syndrome and the formation of crusts on the mucous membrane, greenish pus is periodically released;
  4. vasomotor rhinitis. noted high level reflections on the interaction of the body with allergens. This form of rhinitis is manifested in frequent sneezing patient, nasal congestion, often combined with conjunctivitis. It can manifest itself seasonally (allergy manifests itself in the autumn-spring form) and permanent (usually throughout the year).


Symptoms of chronic allergic rhinitis often begin to appear from early childhood in a patient.

Symptoms are divided into 3 categories:

  • mild (the disease manifests itself in daytime without sleep disturbance)
  • medium (partial disruption of working capacity and sleep);
  • severe (all symptoms of the disease and their complications are expressed).

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • sneezing (often accompanied by a paroxysmal character);
  • nasal congestion;
  • nasal itching;
  • hyperactivity;
  • olfactory dysfunction;
  • presence of mucus and purulent discharge from the nose;
  • the appearance of cortical growths in the nose (with complications);
  • asthma attacks (with severe complications);

Features of the course of the disease in children

The disease occurs in approximately 35% of all children. Primary symptoms occur before 10 years of age. The etiology of the disease is similar to the development of the disease in adults.

The causes of pathology are:

  1. heredity;
  2. prolonged interaction with allergens;
  3. frequent viral infections;
  4. drug abuse.

The seasonal form is manifested in the manifestation of symptoms depending on the specific time of the year.

Children complain about:

  • ear itching;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pus;
  • discharged from the nose.


  1. perspiration and sensation of a foreign object in the nasopharynx;
  2. reddened eyes, puffy nose and lips are found;
  3. in a child under four years of age, the picture of the disease may be asymptomatic.

With a constant form of rhinitis, children complain of nasal congestion, especially at night, constant sneezing.

At untimely treatment diseases, such diseases as rhinosinusitis or eustacheitis can develop.

Children may also be prone to sleep disturbances, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, sweating (especially at night, etc.)

Diagnostic methods

  • When the first symptoms are found, it is necessary to contact an allergist, as well as an otolaryngologist. You should visit two professionals at once, in order to exclude concomitant and mutually exclusive diseases.
  • You should pass a general blood test (or smear) on the condition in the blood of eosinophil cells that perform protective function organism in the fight against allergens. The RAST technique is one of the most precise methods diagnosis of the disease, it is possible to detect the state of immunoglobulins E in the blood (their level will be detected both during the period acute illness and remissions). The PRIST method determines the state of allergens using Y-emitters.
  • Taking skin samples. The analysis is taken by making several cuts on the patient's skin, after which allergens are applied to them. Based on the results of the reaction, one can judge the presence of an allergy in a patient.
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses.

Treatment Methods

The most effective treatment for chronic allergic rhinitis is medication.

In the treatment of this disease, as a rule, the following groups of medicines are used:

  • Antihistamines. Are important drugs in the treatment of rhinitis, block pathological formations histamines, formed from basophils at the beginning of an allergic reaction. When antihistamines are absorbed into the blood, the patient is reduced itching in the nose, sneezing.
  • Glucocorticosteroids. A group of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They are used as drugs for kidney failure. They are also used as anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory drugs for allergies.
  • Cromons. They are used as prophylactic anti-allergic agents, but the effect is achieved only after prolonged use. Restore sensitive mast cells and block the appearance of Ca ions containing histamines. Cromones also block receptors characteristic of inflammatory mediators due to cromoglycic acid.
  • Nasal preparations. The action extends to the elimination of nasal congestion, they cannot eliminate other allergy symptoms.
  • Hormonal drugs(drugs of local importance). Creams, ointments, sprays containing a substance such as corticosteroids that block the inflammation process.

Are folk remedies effective?

Chronic allergic rhinitis may also be treated folk remedies. One of the most effective means is aloe juice.

Healers say that if you use about five drops a day up to 4 times a day, you can get rid of rhinitis forever.

Shilajit is an excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent.

To do this, one gram of the substance must be dissolved in a liter of water, it should be drunk in the morning in the amount of one hundred milliliters, washed down with warm milk.

Also, folk remedies that provide positive influence for rhinitis, are: dandelion juice, zabrus, raspberry, blackcurrant and apple cider vinegar.


To prevent this disease, there are no specific preventive measures.

First of all, it is necessary to avoid contact with allergens that can cause the development of this disease in the body.

At home, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, observe correct mode nutrition, avoid drugs and cosmetic preparations, frequent contact with animals that can cause allergic reactions, etc.

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