Resonance homeopathy: method. allowance. The concept of modern homeopathy and bio-resonance theory. Trends in the development of modern homeopathy Preparation of homeopathic medicines magnetic resonance apparatus

Many people think that homeopathy is just balls of water and sugar, and that the method itself is based on suggestion. Actually it is not. Homeopathy is treatment with minimal doses of medicinal substances.

Homeopathy heals according to the principle “like cures like”, introducing into the body substances that, in a different ratio, could cause the disease they are directed against.

Those changes that can be produced in the body by a homeopathic medicine can only occur under the influence of a drug selected according to the principle of similarity.

Only in this case there is a resonance between the drug and the body, which leads to a cure. The homeopathic doctor must choose the right medicine, this is his professionalism. Thus, a specific disease is treated by influencing the whole organism.

With the help of a computer, modern homeopathic doctors select exactly “them”, individual homeopathic remedies for their patients. At the same time, they do not cancel all the medications previously prescribed by the attending physician, successfully combining both types of treatment.

Homeopathic treatment gives the necessary therapeutic effect, which can manifest itself at the very beginning of the treatment course. Sometimes at the beginning of homeopathic treatment there is a slight exacerbation of the disease - it happens in a third of patients, but quickly passes. This is a good sign, indicating that the disease will soon be defeated.

Each homeopathic medicine acts on the body strictly selectively. If the homeopathic medicine is chosen correctly, then it acts precisely on those organs that are affected. First of all, the sore spot will begin to react to the drug. This acute reaction explains the so-called primary exacerbation of symptoms (but not diseases!), which often occurs at the beginning of homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic medicines are powerful remedies, and only a homeopathic doctor should prescribe them according to a specifically designed scheme, specifically for a particular patient. Only a specialist can objectively evaluate the results of treatment and correctly adjust the prescription of drugs, achieving a complete recovery.

Resonant Homeopathy

There is also a kind of homeopathy. Only in this type of homeopathy, a homeopathic doctor treats various diseases of organs and systems by correcting energy and information failures in the body, which became the cause of the disease.

The appointment of resonant homeopathy preparations is carried out after a thorough examination according to the Voll method, which reveals such violations from various organs or systems.

The difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine is that:

  • homeopathy considers a person as a single inseparable system;
  • heals the body and soul at the same time;
  • Homeopathy treats the causes of disease. It does not affect harmful bacteria and viruses, but activates the body's own defenses.

Composition of homeopathic medicines

They are made from what is in nature: plants, minerals, metal salts, organic substances and even poisons in very small doses.

The method of preparation of medicines

The initial substance is diluted with water in various proportions and shaken in a vertical position at a certain height. It is believed that with intensive shaking, water remembers the structure of the original substance, while water acquires new properties (this is a scientifically confirmed fact). A similar procedure is repeated the required number of times, sometimes quite a lot.

Molecules of the original substance in the prepared solution no longer remain, but only information about it is stored, which is remembered by water. Homeopathic medicine no longer works at the chemical level, but at the informational level, where water molecules act as a carrier of information that is healing for the body.

In addition to water and an alcoholic solution, milk sugar impregnated with the finished product is considered the best carrier of molecular information. Homeopathic balls are made from it.

Assortment of homeopathic medicines

Today, the choice of medicinal homeopathic forms has expanded significantly. In addition to the usual balls and drops, homeopathic tablets, suppositories, ointments, ampoules, sprays, lozenges that are more versatile in their action and use, containing not one, but several homeopathic medicines at once, have appeared on the market.

Duration of treatment

The initial course of treatment is usually prescribed for 1.5-2 months. After that, a second visit to the homeopath is necessary so that he can analyze the dynamics of your condition and continue treatment if necessary.

The terms of treatment are always strictly individual: one patient needs only one course of taking homeopathic remedies, while another may need several years to heal.

Contraindications and incompatibility

Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications, do not have side effects and do not cause allergic reactions. This is their peculiarity and undeniable dignity. They can be used from the first hours of a person's life until old age.

However, there are still some subtleties:

  • If you decide to be treated with homeopathy, then for this time you need to abandon herbal medicine (herbal treatment), spices and spices. For example, ginger completely neutralizes the effect of homeopathic remedies.
  • Antibiotics in the treatment of homeopathic remedies nullify their effect. Hormones are also incompatible with homeopathy, but they must be canceled gradually so as not to disrupt the metabolism and not worsen the condition of the body.
  • Another method incompatible with homeopathy is acupuncture. Therefore, when treating with this method, homeopathic treatment should be postponed. Also incompatible with homeopathy is anesthesia, which completely blocks the effect of homeopathy. If you are going to have surgery, do not take homeopathic remedies at that time.
  • Coffee is a powerful antidote to homeopathy. It is often used in overdoses or misuses of homeopathic medicines to reverse their effects. This applies to cola, carbonated drinks, dark chocolate, strong black tea.

Homeopath's advice

  • Homeopathic remedies should be taken 30-40 minutes before or after meals.
  • Tablets and balls must be dissolved under the tongue. When taking drops on an incomplete tablespoon of water, you need to add the number of drops of medicine prescribed by the doctor (the homeopathic preparation has no taste, color, smell).
  • If several drugs are prescribed at the same time, they can be used alternately one after another or with an interval of 1-2 hours.
  • Before use, the liquid homeopathic preparation must be shaken (at least 5 times).
  • During treatment, it is necessary to exclude or drastically limit the intake of coffee, garlic, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  • The homeopathic remedy should be protected from light, strong odors, TV and microwave radiation. Hide medicines from children.
  • During homeopathic treatment, fluid intake should be increased by 1-1.5 liters. It is best to drink green tea or rosehip broth.
  • Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications and side effects, there are no dose restrictions in homeopathy related to age or duration of treatment.

Patients who have tried to restore health with the help of homeopathy will never take conventional medicines. Homeopathy is attractive to a person in that the result of healing is always achieved if the medicines are chosen correctly. The body is restored, diseases go away.

Which method of treatment to choose, homeopathic or allopathic (official medicine), is up to you, and only you. But I think that everyone will choose for themselves exactly the method that is less expensive, less painful, and more effective. Good luck…

The relevance of applying the achievements of homeopathy, primarily clinical, in practical healthcare is objectively increasing, despite the periodic activation of opponents of homeopathy.

The unfounded attacks on homeopathy are primarily due to the significant advantages of this medical method compared to allopathy, which are well known to the enlightened part of the medical community and consumers of homeopathic medicines.

The statements of opponents of homeopathy are correct in that in homeopathic preparations, especially in high potencies, there are practically no molecules of the substance, but the opponents do not take into account that the preparations contain a combination of material quantum fields with high electromagnetic energy.

Opponents of homeopathy do not take into account the fact that in nature, of which our body is also a part, everything is dualistic (double), including matter and its field, namely Hippocrates - the "father" of medicine is the founder of the doctrine of the unity of nature and man, practical the successors of his teachings are the Swiss doctor PARACELSUS and the "father" of homeopathy - the German doctor Hahnemann.

The reason for the attacks on homeopathy is, first of all, the growing popularity of this medical method among doctors and patients, as well as the lack of a generally accepted scientific justification for its mechanism of action.

The International Academy for the Integration of Science and Business (MAINB) presents, for discussion by specialists, and primarily by the medical community, the basic postulates "ABOUT THE QUANTUM - RESONANCE NATURE OF HOMEOPATHY", which indicate the processes that occur during the implementation of the technology of potentiation and the formation of a homeopathic remedy, as well as the mechanism of action these drugs in the body.

1. Homeopathic preparations are made, as a rule, in decimal or centesimal scales, using the technology of potentiation - step dynamization, developed over 200 years by the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, and subsequently improved.

2. It is known from classical physics that all physical bodies, which consist of atoms and molecules, have a minimum energy and cannot radiate it. Any other state of the atom, with energy other than the minimum, is excited. It is known that the transition of an atom of a substance from an excited state to a normal one is accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic waves in the form of quanta with a certain energy and wave characteristics.

3. The potentiation technology used in the manufacture of a homeopathic preparation consists in a step-by-step gradual decrease in the concentration of the initial substance in a dissolved state (matrix tincture), with the application of external energy, by intensive repeated shaking, i.e. dynamization of this solution. At the same time, the atoms of the matrix tincture, passing into an excited state, emit quanta, which form quantum - physical fields in this solution.

4. In the process of potentiation, nanocrystals of different sizes are “grown” (from 2 to 100 nanometers in diameter), which, in the process of further potentiation, can change and emit quanta with longer wavelengths, and also have a larger amplitude, i.e. a higher energy level, while the frequency parameters of the original substance are preserved.

5. Potentiation is not a process of diluting or diluting the matrix tincture to reduce its concentration, but is a dynamic technological process of step-by-step formation of a homeopathic remedy by successively stepwise extraction and amplification of the quantum fields of biomolecules and atoms of the matrix tincture.

6. At the same time, figuratively speaking, an atom - a "big ball", "shoots" out of itself a "small ball" - a quantum, which has similar physical characteristics as the "big ball".

A quantum is an elementary particle of electromagnetic radiation, which is a carrier of an electromagnetic field. The energy of a quantum depends on the wavelength and frequency of the radiation. The energy level of quanta increases in the process of increasing the degree of potentization. Quanta, having an electromagnetic nature, can be emitted and absorbed.

7. At each stage of potentization, two processes occur simultaneously: the concentration of the substance decreases and the energy level of quantum particles extracted from atoms increases due to the applied external potentiation energy.

During potentiation, due to the ambiguity of the nature of the resulting perturbations, the potentiated solution simultaneously contains quantum fields with different energy levels and densities.

8. Quantum fields, as part of the whole, are similar in frequency to the whole, i.e. the composition of the matrix tincture from which they are extracted using potentiation technology. Quantum fields are similar to the components of the matrix tincture, both chemically and physically.

9. As is known from classical physics, when atoms of a substance are excited, a quantum is emitted, which has the field properties of both particles and waves, i.e. corpuscular-wave properties. This is a theoretically and experimentally recognized fact.

10. Modern fundamental science has established three types of matter: substance, physical field and physical vacuum.

A SUBSTANCE has a certain mass at rest and consists of particles (protons, electrons, neutrons), atoms, molecules and their compounds that form a physical body.

A PHYSICAL FIELD is a special material substance that ensures the interaction of the constituents of a substance.

PHYSICAL VACUUM is a material medium with the lowest level of energy.

11. When implementing the potentiation technology, nanocrystals are extracted from the matrix tincture, with certain quantum wave characteristics or in another way, quantum fields are formed from the totality of which the homeopathic preparation prepared in this way consists.

12. Quantum fields are formed as a result of breaks in intermolecular and

intramolecular bonds, in the process of repeated external energy impact, by energetic repeated

shaking the matrix tincture solution.

At the same time, the higher the degree of potentization, the higher the energy level of the homeopathic remedy.

13. The mechanism of action of a homeopathic remedy, as a set of quantum fields, is physical, not chemical, i.e. in the body, which is a dynamic environment, there is an interaction of the physical fields of the body and the drug, which are material, but not real.

14. QUANTUM FIELDS ARE BOTH PARTICLES AND WAVES arriving simultaneously in a multiple state and the subject of study by specialists in the field of quantum electrodynamics - a component of quantum physics, which is not magic, but a science with strictly limited mathematical rules and principles.

15. ORGANISM is a holistic biological dynamic system of interdependent, interacting and mutually developing components, which are in continuous dualistic (dual) chemical and physical processes.

16. When a homeopathic preparation consisting of a combination of quantum fields is introduced into the body, complete absorption of quanta occurs or nothing happens, if the frequency characteristics of the homeopathic preparation and the physical - field components of the body do not match. Therefore, when taking a homeopathic remedy, there are no side effects and an overdose cannot occur, but a homeopathic exacerbation can occur, which is characterized by a burst of energy. The energy of quantum fields introduced into the body by a homeopathic remedy excites atoms with the same frequency response that is characteristic of the body.

17. Corpuscular-wave (quantum) components of a homeopathic preparation are absorbed by the components of the body due to the resonance effect with similar frequency characteristics of their physical field. In this way, the energy of quantum fields is transferred and the energy of the cells of a certain component of the body is increased.

This process is similar to the “domino” principle, when due to the application of a small amount of energy to the extreme “domino”, this action is transmitted to the entire chain of “dominoes”, in our case resonantly to all cells of the body with similar frequency parameters.

A CASE is a microparticle or nano-crystal, which is a bunch of electromagnetic energy.

A WAVE is a characteristic of a physical field that is able to oscillate in a certain space - a corpuscle and (or) in a solution and not only carry out energy transfer, due to the possession of a certain frequency and wavelength, which is determined by the nature of the atom and its energy state, as well as the amplitude of its own fluctuations. As you know, the wave energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude.

18. RESONANCE is a frequency-selective response of the oscillatory processes of the body to the effect of a homeopathic remedy, which manifests itself in a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations of the wave components of the body when the frequency characteristics of the drug and the body coincide.

19. At the resonance of two energy-information processes: a homeopathic remedy and a constituent organism with similar frequency parameters, the energy of the quantum field of the homeopathic remedy is transferred and absorbed by similar components of the organism. With resonant action, even very weak periodic oscillations can be significantly enhanced.

20. The transfer of quantum field energy is carried out discretely, i.e. jumpwise: from atoms of contact to distant atoms along the entire "line" of atoms.

21. From here, the following statements are justified: A homeopathic remedy is an energy-information drug of quantum-resonance action, which is a combination of quantum-wave characteristics of biomolecules and (or) microelements of medicinal substances formed during the implementation of potentiation technology. Homeopathy is a medical method of quantum resonance therapy aimed at restoring and harmonizing the energy potential (life force) of the components and the body as a whole. Energy harmonization of the bioprocesses of the whole organism contributes to the elimination of the causes and symptoms of a certain disease,

due to the selectivity of the action of the quantum fields of the homeopathic remedy.


The acid-base level of the body, which is maintained through food intake and corrected, if necessary, by the use of allopathic - chemical preparations.

The energy potential of the components and the organism as a whole, the so-called vital force, is restored by taking appropriate homeopathic medicines.

The temperature level of the body is maintained by a harmonious combination of the above constants.





The president,
Ya.Z. messenger

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored. Engineer of Russia, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Academician of the Russian and International Academies of Medical and Technical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ambassador Mirasol of the World

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Recently, many different methods of hardware computer diagnostics of the body have appeared: according to the Voll method, according to Nakatani, autonomic resonance testing, bioresonance diagnostics. Hardware testing of the body consists in determining the electrical conductivity of the skin at certain biologically active points that correspond to various organs in the human body. It is believed that a change in electrical conductivity at the points corresponding to the organ indicates pathology: inflammation, fibrosis, degeneration. What attracts in this method is that without tedious examinations and long walks around the offices, you can get information about the work of the body, deviations, damage in it, and then purposefully deal with it.

The question arises: how accurate is the information in the examination by the Voll method? It depends on the characteristics of the device itself and, as always, on the level of the specialist who tests your body. The biologically active point must be correctly determined, which is not always possible even for an experienced researcher. And as for the device, I would like to note that the resistance of the skin, and even at a biologically active point, is a very variable factor. Electrical conductivity depends on a large number of factors: grounding, humidity of the skin and air in the room, on the force of pressing the electrodes, even on the weather, season, psycho-emotional state of the patient and the doctor! The device for a short time can demonstrate both a serious pathology and absolutely healthy tissues, because the readings are constantly changing. But a reliable connection between the electrical conductivity of the skin area and the real state of the organ has not yet been established.

Based on the above reasons, the interpretation of the diagnostic results may be distorted, and the prescribed drugs may not correspond to the real state. In addition, they can often prescribe not what is required, but what brings in income: all kinds of dietary supplements, drainage, antihelminthics, “restorative” agents.

Bioresonance diagnostics is based on determining the electrical conductivity of acupuncture points on the human body. It is known that acupuncture (impact with needles on biological points) is used in reflexology for the treatment of painful syndromes and neurological conditions. This therapy originates from ancient China and has good curative results. Another thing is taking electrical readings from acupuncture points. How much can one trust these indications, if the errors and factors affecting the diagnosis are even more pronounced than in the diagnosis on the Voll apparatus? Everyone will decide this question for himself.

After diagnosis, patients are often prescribed homeopathic medicines, which are made using the same devices. Therefore, diagnostics according to Voll, in a vegetative-resonance way, is associated with homeopathy. But these are completely different methods, both in terms of the method of diagnosis and the method of production of drugs. With the help of devices, printer copies of homeopathic remedies are made and recorded on sugar grains. These remedies are not homeopathic in the true sense. Classical homeopathic preparations are produced in pharmacies from matrix tincture, by the method of successive dilutions. And they work differently.

How then does a homeopath diagnose?

The doctor - a homeopath examines patients and treats, as in the good old days. For a classical homeopath, the data of the Voll examination, bioresonance test, and even nosological diagnosis are not essential for further prescription of drugs. A homeopath perceives a person not as a set of diagnoses or "deviated points on the meridians", but as an integral system in which there is a failure and it manifests itself at various points, in various tissues and organs. The greatest homeopath of our time, Tatyana Demyanovna Popova, believes that a person has only one disease, it only changes its bridgeheads. You better not say! And so the homeopath treats the person as a whole, with all his deviations "according to points and meridians"! A homeopath does not treat the thyroid gland, heart, stomach, head, etc. He treats the whole body, in which there are disorders in the thyroid gland, heart, lungs, etc. Computer diagnostics will not help him prescribe the right remedy, similar to a person with all his problems. A homeopath sees in you a person with his own characteristics and skills, including the “ability to get sick” with certain sores peculiar only to you, which in medical language sounds like a hereditary predisposition. The homeopathic doctor wants to hear your complaints, described figuratively, in your own words, and not diagnoses. The doctor will ask a lot of questions, seemingly unrelated to the case. But the prescribed treatment will be selected only for you and will improve your health and quality of life.

And those who follow through consistently and accurately get good results. St. Petersburg has long-standing homeopathic traditions and every third inhabitant has experienced or knows from relatives about successful treatment and cure by homeopathy. To conduct an analysis, to form an idea of ​​what is happening to a person, to make the correct prescription, thorough medical and homeopathic knowledge and clinical thinking are needed. This function is peculiar only to the human brain, which is an unsurpassed "computer". Therefore, despite all attempts to modernize homeopathy, I think that true homeopaths, professionals in their field, will always work with a person as individually as possible, with a high degree of similarity!

Is homeopathic treatment a tedious process?

There is also a myth that homeopathic treatment is a very tedious process, for those who have nothing to do, and you have to spend the whole day doing nothing but dissolving the grains. Indeed, this is observed, but only in acute situations, when drugs must be taken several times a day in order to get a quick relief from the condition (for example, with acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, diarrhea). However, homeopathy is developing, like any science. There are not only material potencies of homeopathic preparations, but also high ones, which are taken 2-3 times a week, 1 time per week and even 1 time per month! I think it's not burdensome!

The term "resonant homeopathy" suggests that this method of diagnosing and treating diseases is based, firstly, on the main principle of homeopathy "Like heals like"; secondly, on the registration of the energy characteristics of the body.

The very concept of "resonance" means the appearance of a pronounced effect - the response of the system when its own frequency characteristics coincide with the frequency of the external influence. Let us recall a glass shattering to smithereens when a voice is heard at the “correct” frequency. Or a bridge collapsing under the feet of a company of soldiers marching in step. And in everyday life, this principle - "Like attracts like" is also familiar to us. No wonder they say that we “attract” into our lives what we carry in ourselves (problems, people, events, etc.).

In the case of the method under consideration, such an “effect-response” is the healing of a person, which occurs as a result of the coincidence (similarity) of the frequency characteristics of the “disease” (i.e., energy failures in the body) and the therapeutic homeopathic remedy.

From the point of view of anatomy and physiology, the human body is a collection of organs consisting of cells, combined into systems (nervous, circulatory, endocrine, sexual, etc.) and performing certain functions. But this does not contradict the idea of ​​the body as an energy network. Just as the description of an electron (or any other elementary particle) as a particle does not contradict the discovery of wave characteristics in it.

Such "particle-wave dualism" in relation to the human body is typical for traditional medicine in China, India, Tibet, etc., and modern holistic (holistic) approaches to human health. One of which is resonant homeopathy, which actively uses the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine in the diagnosis and treatment. Not without reason, the Voll method used in resonant homeopathy for diagnostic purposes is also called the method of electropuncture.

Resonance (from lat. "resono" - "respond") - a sharp increase in the amplitude of the system's oscillations when the frequency of the external influence coincides with its own oscillation frequencies characteristic of this system.

In fact, resonant homeopathy is based on three "pillars": traditional Chinese medicine, classical homeopathy and physics. Diagnosis consists in measuring the electrical resistance of the skin at biologically active points (BAP) using a device (essentially an ohmmeter). BAPs are located along the energy channels - meridians associated with the work of organs and body systems. Accordingly, the change in resistance in the BAP serves as a diagnostic criterion for the occurrence of disturbances in the energy channels and their corresponding organs.

It is important that the indices of the points change long before the occurrence of morphological disorders in the organ and the appearance of the corresponding clinical symptoms. Therefore, this method can help not only to identify possible “risk zones”, but also to correct the violations that have arisen at the stage of energy prerequisites, preventing them from developing into functional and organic damage.

Detected violations are corrected with the help of therapeutic drugs. Among them: classical homeopathy preparations, complex homeopathic preparations (drainages, etc.), “disease models” (nosodes) that help the body recognize the cause of disorders, and “health models” (organ preparations) that serve as a “landmark” on the path to healing, and others. The mechanism of their action is not completely clear, because. our knowledge about the energy-information structure of the body is still very small. But there are a number of hypotheses that explain the therapeutic effect by introducing the missing and / or “correct” information into the body, restoring the balance and circulation of energy. Don't forget about resonance. The coincidence of the frequency characteristics of the pathology and the therapeutic drug can not only make the picture of the disease and its causes more obvious to the body, but also awaken the energy reserve, the vitality that is so necessary for healing.

In treatment, it is important not only to choose the right drug, but also to minimize the load on the body in order to avoid severe exacerbations. The method allows you to choose a dose of the drug that will be both effective and tolerated by the body. It is also possible to evaluate the compatibility of several homeopathic preparations with each other and with chemical medicines, which a person cannot refuse to take for one reason or another. The use of resonant homeopathy allows over time to significantly reduce the dose (up to complete abolition) of potent drugs (including hormonal ones). Also, this method helps to individually select a therapeutic or preventive diet.

Resonance homeopathy is suitable for people of all ages (in our clinic it has been successfully used for the treatment of both adults and children for a long time) with a variety of health disorders. The exception, of course, are conditions that require urgent emergency measures and surgical interventions. But even in these cases, the method has proven itself well at the stage of rehabilitation.

Resonance homeopathy is an excellent (and far from the only) way to “hear” the body and help it cope with the disorders that have arisen. But, along with other similar methods, this is just a method, not a guaranteed panacea. The healing effect of any method depends on the efforts of two (doctor and patient) directed towards the same goal. The doctor is expected not only to master the method, but, above all, to have great clinical experience, medical intuition and a desire to help. From the patient - readiness, following the doctor's recommendations, to take their own steps along the path of healing. In other words, the willingness to change the habitual attitude to life, movement, nutrition, daily routine and understand why and why this is necessary.

The above is the core of the approach to healing a person adopted in our clinic, where the method of resonant homeopathy has been used for a long time and successfully in combination with other traditional and modern methods of treatment.


Homeopathy is a branch of the medical (medical) discipline in which ultra-low doses of medicinal substances prepared in a special way are used as a therapeutic stimulus. It is a mild, highly effective therapeutic method.

Currently, there are three main directions in homeopathy: a) classical homeopathy (unitary) - the classical homeopath chooses for the patient only one most similar and effective remedy. b) homeopathic pluralism - treatment with several homeopathic remedies prescribed on certain days and (or) hours during the day. c) homeopathic "complexonism" - several homeopathic remedies are combined together to form a homeopathic remedy.

Each of these areas has its own advantages and disadvantages fully known only to professionals. In any case, the choice of the path of treatment for the patient is the responsibility of the homeopathic doctor, his education and the case of the disease. It is desirable that the homeopath be familiar with all these methods of prescribing the remedy.

Speaking about homeopathy in general and about medicine in principle, there are two laws on the basis of which a doctor of any specialty makes an appointment to a patient in the course of treatment.

The first law is the law of opposites (allopathic). The remedy must be the opposite of the symptom with which the patient sought help. For example: at high pressure, an antihypertensive drug should be prescribed; with pain - painkiller; at high temperature - antipyretic, etc. Almost everyone is familiar with this law, such an appointment is called allopathic, and the doctor acting in this way is an allopathic doctor. In the treatment of this law, the doctor must eliminate the symptom with which the patient came to him. The allopathic doctor from the outside selects a combination of drugs that should stimulate, suppress or replace the work of the diseased organ, eliminate the infectious onset of the disease. With such an appointment, the cause that caused the symptom is taken into account and treatment is prescribed according to the pathogenesis of the disease. And it is right. This is true mainly in emergency or acute situations, with substitution therapy, and in many other cases, except for situations with a chronic process. If the process flows into a sluggish, chronic form, the allopathic approach is often not enough, and this is a fact. It is not enough due to the fact that the body's own reserves in the fight against the disease are not taken into account, and there are no drugs stimulating this function with this approach. That is why there are so many patients with chronic forms of diseases regularly knocking on the thresholds of hospitals, clinics and private medical centers.

The second law is the law of similarity (homeopathic). The first description of the therapeutic effect was even before Hippocrates (427-370) and is described in his work "Ethics and General Medicine". Then the concept of "hormesis" was introduced. Further, "homeopathy" is mentioned in the works of doctors of the Middle Ages, in the works of Paracelsus (1943-1541) and in his doctrine of signatures. Homeopathy was elevated to the rank of a medical direction by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) more than 250 years ago, the basic laws and principles of prescribing medicines in small doses were introduced.

These are the principles:

  1. The principle of similarity. This was used by Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus and Avicenna, but homeopathy still owes its birth and active use of this principle to the German doctor S. Hahnemann (1755 - 1843), who initially, in addition to healing, was engaged in translations of foreign literature into German, including number, medical. One day in his life there was an event that became a turning point in the history of medicine. S. Hahnemann made a translation about the properties of cinchona bark and drew attention to the fact that cinchona bark in large doses causes symptoms similar to those that he had when he was ill with malaria. Hahnemann, being healthy, tested cinchona bark in the large medicinal doses then taken on himself and received the exact symptoms of malarial fever. This fact made a great impression on Hahnemann. His philosophic mind led him to the conclusion that cinchona is the best remedy for malaria, since it can itself produce the same picture in a healthy person. Hahnemann then turned his attention to other remedies and again noted that their use is often based on the same principle of similarity.
  2. The principle of small doses. The homeopathic dose is selected in such a way that it has only a therapeutic effect. In this way, homeopathy is fundamentally different from allopathic medicine, which tries to use medicines in the most effective doses, often poorly tolerated by the body.
  3. The principle of conducting tests on healthy people. S. Hahnemann tested poisons in toxic and subtoxic doses on himself and healthy subjects, carefully recorded all the symptoms of poisoning, which made it possible to carefully study the effect and manifestation of a particular poison. After that, he prescribed these poisons in a homeopathic form for diseases similar to poisoning with such poisons (“inoculation”) and very effectively. Since that time, a new term has appeared in the history of medicine - "great experimenter", in connection with the study of drugs by Hahnemann on healthy subjects. In recent years, the arsenal of homeopathic remedies has expanded significantly. Many new drugs have been tested. This will allow treating diseases against which medicine was powerless before.

homeopathic medicines prepared using a special technology and carry information about the substance from which they are made. A homeopathic medicine is sugar grains, on which the substances of one or another substance are applied in various potencies (syn. dilution). Potency - this is the strength of the drug, is achieved by repeatedly dissolving and shaking the solution of the homeopathic remedy. The process of dilution, reducing the concentration of the original substance in homeopathy is called "potentiation" or "dynamization". In the simplest sense, the higher the potency (dilution) of the drug, the lower the concentration of the original substance and the stronger and deeper the effect of the prepared homeopathic remedy. In homeopathy, "decimal" (1:10) and "hundredths" (1:100) dilutions are used, denoted by the Roman numeral X (or letter D) and the Roman numeral C, respectively. These dilutions are repeated multiple times, with the number of repetitions indicated by a number in front of the dilution symbol. For example, a decimal dilution repeated three times (1:1000) is designated “3D”, and a “hundredths” dilution repeated twelve times (1:10 24) is designated “12C”. Sometimes dilutions of 1:50,000 are used, denoted by "LM". This gives information about the concentration of the substance (amount of energy) that the homeopathic medicine contains. The higher the potency (dilution), the less often the drug is prescribed, the lower the dilution, the more often the homeopathic remedy is taken. Dilution of 1 mole of a "pure" drug to a concentration of 1:6.022 10 23 (according to the classification of homeopaths 11.89C or 23.78D - rounded to hundredths) will contain only one molecule of the original substance. Thus, the probability that 1 mol of dilution of 13C contains at least one molecule of the original substance is 1%, for 14C 0.01%, etc., the probability that this molecule is contained in one dose drug, respectively, even less. Dilutions with an index of 40С approximately correspond to 1 molecule for the entire observable Universe, and those with an index of 200С (Anaferon, Oscillococcinum) correspond to 1 molecule per 10,320 Universes, respectively. In practice, it can be considered that dilutions with a “homeopathic index” of 12C and higher cannot have any physical effect, however, some homeopaths believe that the effect of the drug at high dilutions is even enhanced, explaining this by the fact that “water has a memory” that transfers biological information .

After taking a homeopathic medicine, the patient may experience various sensations associated with its treatment. He may not feel anything, and health will be gradually restored. And a situation is possible when the symptoms of past illnesses (drug exacerbation) return to the patient for a while, which quickly disappear. According to the law of K. Hering, an exacerbation, if it occurs, with a properly prescribed homeopathic remedy, develops according to certain scenarios: the symptoms must disappear in the reverse order of their appearance, as well as from more valuable organs to less valuable ones. Symptoms affecting the upper parts of the body disappear sooner than the symptoms of the lower parts of the body. Healing happens inside before outside. Thus, if a person is worried about headache, gastritis and papillomas on the skin, then during homeopathic treatment the headache should go first, then the gastritis, and the papillomas will disappear last. In the process of treatment, old symptoms may return for a short time, as proper treatment is like watching a movie about a disease in reverse and at a fast pace. Homeopathic cure proceeds from the more valuable organs to the less valuable ones and in the reverse order of the history of the disease. Symptoms from the brain, heart, endocrine organs are the first to react to a homeopathic remedy, and exacerbations to the levels of the intestines and skin are often the last and are actually a favorable sign on the path to recovery.

Evidence-based medicine is a modern means for testing all the statements of orthodox, classical, folk, traditional medicine. The principles of evidence-based medicine form the basis of most modern medical, scientific research, dissertations. Therefore, most of the existing clinical trials on the use of homeopathic medicines are conducted in accordance with international standards of evidence-based medicine. In the past two decades, a huge number of such studies have been carried out. The highest efficiency of a homeopathic method is proved. More than 1000 dissertations on the use of homeopathic remedies in practical healthcare have been defended in Russia alone (see the medical journal Traditional Medicine for a complete list of dissertations). Even more studies proving the high efficiency of homeopathic remedies were carried out when therapeutic treatment complexes were used together with physiotherapy, pharmacopuncture, reflexology, etc. The high popularity of the method is associated not only with high efficiency, but also with the development of science in the field of preparation of homeopathic remedies. The classical method of preparing drugs from the original medicinal substance has been replaced by medical devices (medical selectors). The necessary homeopathic remedy in the required dilution is selected in the selector, the substance (carrier: water, alcohol solution, sugar grains, etc.) on which the homeopathic remedy will be “written” is placed in a special container and after a few minutes the placed substance will carry the properties of the original selected homeopathic remedy . The theoretical substantiation of this process is the fact that any homeopathic preparation has its own electromagnetic spectrum, wave, which means that there is an opportunity to copy and rewrite this wave. Just as magnetic cassettes, tapes, etc. are rewritten. At the same time, the angles of the relationship between its molecules change in the carrier, for example, water and its dipoles line up in a certain structure (remember a snowflake), which allows you to carry information about an electromagnetic wave (including a homeopathic remedy) passing through water in a container. In terms of efficiency, the drugs obtained in this way are not inferior to the originals, and, if possible, using the entire range of dilutions, and not just a set of standard ones, significantly expands the possibilities of using a particular drug. For the first time, such devices were created back in the 80s of the last century in Germany, and now they have been significantly improved and a whole “homeopathic factory” can fit on a medical table.

Homeopathic medicines are taken in between meals: 0.5 hours or 0.5 hours after meals, the main principle is that the oral cavity is clean from food debris. There are substances that weaken the effect of a homeopathic medicine. These are strong coffee, alcohol, mint (common stimulants). During homeopathic treatment consumption of products containing coffee, alcohol and mint is not recommended.

Summing up the brief story about homeopathy, I would like to outline the boundaries of this method of treatment, so that the patient understands when it is better to turn to a homeopath, and when to use other methods of treatment. From the practice of communicating with patients and doctors of other specialties, you often hear all sorts of myths and misconceptions about homeopathy. Therefore, I would like to dispel them briefly:

Firstly, homeopathy is not herbal medicine, not herbal medicine and not traditional medicine, and homeopathy, as a separate independent scientific discipline, has nothing to do with and cannot have. Poisons contained in plants (alkaloids, etc.), animal poisons (snakes, spiders, toads, etc.), and chemicals are used (“extracted”, potentiated). Another thing is that homeopathic remedies, due to their high efficiency, lack of side effects, over-the-counter and low cost, are prescribed by psychologists, healers, pseudo-doctors, plumbers, and even independently, after studying specialized literature. The result - such therapy, as a rule, is ineffective, and who is to blame - right, homeopathy, it does not help! Draw your own conclusions.

Secondly, homeopathy is a method of treatment, not a method of diagnosing and preventing diseases. Does not replace ultrasound, ECG, MRI, radiography, blood tests, vaccination against especially dangerous infections and other modern methods of examination. For a homeopathic physician, as well as for any other specialist, it is important that the patient is thoroughly examined. This will allow you to more accurately choose the method and method of treatment, prescribing the right drugs.

Thirdly, homeopathy is a therapeutic method, not a surgical method of treatment. Homeopaths do not treat bone fractures, do not save from acute appendicitis and do not transplant organs. For this, there are separate medical specialties and all comparisons in the effectiveness of homeopathy in such diseases look at least strange (and such comparisons on the Internet and when communicating with doctors who are skeptical of homeopathy are not rare).

Fourthly, homeopathy as a direction is not opposed to allopathic methods of treatment, not against the use of antibiotics, antipyretics, insulin and other treatments. The confrontation is arranged by allopathic doctors because of medical jealousy, illiteracy, and for economic reasons in the face of competition for services.

Fifthly, for those who think that homeopathy is effective only for functional diseases, as an addition to psychotherapy and will help if you only believe in it, they are deeply mistaken! There is a separate veterinary homeopathic therapy and pharmacological companies producing homeopathic medicines for animals. So, the huge accumulated scientific evidence base on the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of animals morally kills the opponents of homeopathy, because they consider psychotherapy and the patient's belief in recovery to be the basis of the effectiveness of homeopathy (although, without this, any treatment will be ineffective). The same story is in pediatrics - children dissolve sugar peas and recover, and you can’t write off a cured allergy here as psychotherapy for a child, and you can’t write off the placebo effect either. Here is such a paradox in medicine that happened: there is evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy, hundreds of departments and research institutes have been created around the world, medical students and doctors are trained, patients around the world turn to homeopathic doctors en masse, recover, stands with homeopathic medicines are full in pharmacies, and There is no separate medical specialty. It means that someone needs it, or not.

Thus, homeopathy and homeopathic preparations are currently a large medical and pharmaceutical industry, which has a huge scientific evidence base not only in Western Europe and America, but also in Russia. Thousands of candidate and doctoral dissertations proving the effectiveness of this method have been defended over the past 25 years in Russia.


Similarity principle and electromagnetic fields

Homeopathy has been around for over two hundred years. Her father is considered to be the German physician Christian-Friedrich-Samuel Hahnemann. Analyzing the descriptions of diseases and methods of their treatment available at that time, Hahnemann discovered that the same medicine can both cause a disease and cure it: it's all about the dose. He began to experiment on healthy people (including himself). So, for example, giving patients a concentrated tincture of cinchona, he caused them a fever, which he cured with cinchona, but in microdoses. This principle is still used in modern medicine, by prescribing a drug based on cinchona in the treatment of such a serious disease as malaria.

Hahnemann introduced the so-called principle of similarity: if one or another disease state is caused by large doses of any substance, then it can be cured by the same drug, only taken in extremely small doses. This principle is usually formulated even more simply: like is treated by like. Doctors began to use the system of treatment proposed by Hahnemann, although its scientific justification did not exist until recently. And only in the last decade, biophysicists (mostly German) found out how homeopathic medicines affect the body.

In the electromagnetic field of homeopathy

Anything is used in homeopathy - herbs, minerals, chemicals, as well as microparticles of the human body. And any substance and any particle of living nature are generators of weak electromagnetic radiation, which are generated by the movement of elementary particles, ions, atoms and molecules. Homeopathic preparations, which contain extremely small doses of medicinal substances, unlike pharmacological preparations used in conventional medicine, do not affect the chemical composition of cells, but their electromagnetic fields. If we compare the frequency spectra of electromagnetic fields of a healthy and diseased organ, it turns out that the spectrum of the patient either lacks certain frequencies, or there are more of them than necessary. And a properly selected homeopathic remedy either adds the missing frequencies or removes the extra frequencies. But that's not all. Such drugs also induce biochemical processes that promote recovery, since biochemical and electromagnetic processes are inextricably linked in a living organism.

But how do homeopathic medicines acquire the necessary electromagnetic properties? This occurs during the preparation of the drug by repeated dilutions and shaking (potentiation) in a test tube. At the same time, negligible doses of the original substance remain in homeopathic preparations: they cannot produce any chemical effect. But each of the prepared solutions has an electromagnetic field with its own frequency spectrum, and as the most accurate measurements show, as the potency increases, the spectral lines shift towards higher and higher frequencies.

Many researchers believe that the Earth's magnetic field also plays a very important role in potentiation, the lines of force of which each time cross the original substance when shaken. In those cases, when potentiation was carried out in a special chamber, in which the influence of the Earth's magnetic field was excluded (shielding), it did not bring any results and the homeopathic remedy was not obtained.

Classic "balls" and medicines rewritten from the standard

In classical homeopathy, sucrose balls, well known to many, are usually used to prepare medicines. A solution of a homeopathic substance is transferred onto these balls. When the solution dries, the medicine is ready. Homeopathic medicines are usually taken several times a day, and the doctor usually prescribes 3, 4, or even more medicines, so the patient must constantly monitor when and what he needs to take.

Now homeopathic doctors can rewrite the frequency spectra of certain drugs for especially pure water (for example, distilled water), alcohol, sucrose, special magnetic media, and others. Thus, the need to release classical homeopathic medicines has decreased, it is possible to make reference preparations and rewrite them in the same way as, say, rewrite music from one medium to another.

Homeopathic appointments are never short

To prescribe a homeopathic remedy, the doctor must take into account many factors. He must understand what kind of person is in front of him, what is his psyche, what are his habits and tastes. If the reception lasts only a few minutes, then this should already raise doubts about the qualifications of the doctor. A homeopathic doctor must have a higher education.

Now many general practitioners use homeopathic medicines that are produced by well-known companies. And in this there is something contrary to one of the most important principles of homeopathy - you cannot treat a disease in general, you need to help a specific patient every time, taking into account his individual characteristics as much as possible.

Now in pharmacies you can buy complex drugs that are designed to treat certain diseases, such as fever. Fever (increased body temperature) can also be caused by various causes, although the symptoms of all such disease states may be similar. But if we combine in one remedy drugs that help with different types of fever, then you can get a remedy that will cure all such conditions.

Such drugs are quite popular today. On the Russian market there are drugs from both Russian and foreign companies (mainly German): Edas, Homeopharm, Hell, Bionorica, DHU and others. Various homeopathic antigrippins are very effective in the treatment of SARS and other diseases accompanied by fever.

XXIcentury - the time of homeopathy

Today, homeopathy is in demand more than ever. This is due to the fact that in connection with the changed living conditions, the nature of diseases has also changed. If 20-25 years ago acute forms of diseases prevailed, now we are increasingly confronted with chronic ones, and as you know, orthodox medicine does not cure, and is not able to cure a chronic disease. At the same time, homeopathic doctors do not reject either allopathy or surgical methods of treatment. We believe that in medical practice, all methods should be used, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by many years of use.

About 30-40 years ago, homeopathy in our country was considered something like a pseudoscience. Today, it is developing rapidly and an increasing number of doctors use this unique method in their work. Thus, according to recent studies, more than 80% of German physicians of therapeutic specialties use homeopathic medicines in their daily practice. According to the latest technologies, vaccine homeopathic preparations against especially dangerous infections have been created, which have been widely used in developed European countries for several years, homeopathic anti-oncological preparations are being developed, large scientific and medical organizations are being created to study the possibilities and limits of using this method in the treatment of patients. And there is no doubt that the improvement of medical technology will further accelerate the development of this healthcare sector.

Magazine "Warning" - No. 1. - 2001.

Likharev Vladislav Andreevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Biomedical Electronics of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Petrina Nina Ivanovna - homeopathic doctor

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