Why do bones constantly crunch all over the body. Causes and treatment of crunching, clicking and crackling in the joints. Cracking all over the body, in the knees and other places. Dangerous symptoms accompanied by a crunch of the baby's bones

Have you ever wondered why bones crunch? Of course, if you are not worried about this problem, then you did not ask such a question. But if you still have this problem, then what are its causes and consequences? Let's find out today.

Reasons why bones crunch all over the body

Cracking in the spine, snapping of the neck, fingers, knee, etc. may appear at any age. So, the problem is mainly observed in the elderly, but can also affect children with adolescents.

Possible causes of the problem are as follows:

  • excessive amount of synovial fluid in the joints (no need to worry);
  • hypermobility (an example is plasticine man, whose limbs are characterized by increased flexibility);
  • sedentary work or, conversely, too active;
  • trauma, dysplasia;
  • wear and tear of tissues and bones;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • structural features of cartilage.

Three components are responsible for the noiselessness of joint movements: cartilage, bag and synovial fluid. If there is a deviation in at least one thing, for example, in cartilage, then the person begins to hear characteristic clicks.

For many people, the crunch does not cause pain, as it is mainly associated with the presence of dissolved gas in a special liquid. During movement, it is released, causing a crunch. If there is no discomfort during the click, then, doctors say, you don’t have to worry too much. The crackling due to gas is called cavitation and can occur every twenty minutes. If this happens more often, it is better to consult a specialist.

According to the observations of doctors, bones crunch all over the body often in athletes who consume a large amount of protein obtained from dietary supplements and protein foods. It is also worth remembering the injuries, without which the sport is not complete.

The knees, spine and other parts of the body often hurt and crunch in pregnant women. Expectant mothers should not worry, as this is due to a radical restructuring of the body. So, during pregnancy in the body is observed:

  • displacement of bones and their mismatch;
  • rapid weight gain, which provokes inflammation in the joints;
  • joint injury;
  • excess due to metabolic changes.

Bones often involuntarily crackle due to salt deposits. So, an excessive amount of salt strengthens not only bones, but also cartilage, as a result of which the joints move "not so willingly."

Causes of crunch in the hip joint

Clicks in the hip area indicate a pathological disease. The occurrence of a deviation in adults indicates the following problems, in addition to the above.

  1. Arthritis. The main symptoms: swelling, pain, redness, stiffness of movements, burning sensation.
  2. Arthrosis. Associated with metabolic disorders in the joint. Osteoarthritis affects about 15% of humanity, most often it is the elderly. Symptoms: discomfort, the joint increases in volume, local fever, swelling, crunching or creaking.

Why do fingers crackle

This habit, in principle, is harmless, but in certain cases, the presence of pathologies that only a doctor can identify is not excluded.

Often, a crunch occurs due to changes in cartilage, as well as high joint mobility. Is cracking your fingers bad? No, it is not harmful if the specialist did not see any diseases and if pain does not occur.

Knee crunches during flexion and extension

Untimely treatment of the knee joint can lead to the fact that discomfort will be observed not only in the knee, but even in the feet. Again, we are only talking about pathologies, since in all other cases cited there is no need to worry.

Often a crunch in the knee joint is provoked by arthritis, the symptoms of which are given above. Other diseases are as follows.

  1. Bursitis. There are acute and chronic. The first type is characterized by unbearable acute pain during movement, elastic swelling about 10 cm in diameter, swelling, fever (up to 40 ° C) in the affected area and purulent inflammation. If not treated, then acute bursitis flows into chronic. Symptoms: pain is not so acute, but prolonged, calcium deposits in the area of ​​the synovial bag.
  2. Tendinitis. Symptoms: discomfort in the joint, redness, fever in the affected area, crunching of the knee during extension and flexion, swelling is possible, but not always.

Cracking neck when turning head

The crunch of the neck, as well as the spine, is a normal phenomenon, since then the vertebrae return to their normal position. Why do they even change their position, you ask? This is due primarily to the curvature of the spine. According to the statistics of doctors, the spine is curved in most people. Also, the vertebrae can shift slightly during significant physical exertion or if a person has been in an unnatural position for a long time.

The vertebrae shift from time to time if the long extensors of the neck are not developed - special muscles on the back. Frequent flicking of the neck can lead to abrasion of bone structures, as a result - a large load on the cartilage and deformation. However, the clicking process itself is positive, since it restores the normal load in the cervical region.

A list of possible pathologies if the neck crackles when turning the head.

  1. Osteochondrosis (violation of the bone tissue of the spine). With cervical osteochondrosis, there is a headache, discomfort in the shoulders, nausea, tinnitus, vision is reduced, artifacts appear before the eyes. Fainting due to oxygen starvation is not excluded (very rarely, it mainly concerns the elderly).
  2. Lordosis (curvature of the cervical spine).
  3. Scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine, characteristic feature: twisting rotation of the spine around its axis).
  4. Kyphosis (the appearance of a hump, a bent appearance; the body of the patient's body leans forward, the shoulders fall down, the chest narrows).
  5. Spondylolisthesis (displacement of one vertebra in relation to another).

Why does the spine crackle

Particular attention should be paid to the crunch of the spine, as this symptom may be the result of serious diseases. Possible diseases flow from the previous paragraph: osteochondrosis, lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis and spondylolisthesis. Plus, the following problems are added to them.

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Protrusion. To describe its essence, you need to understand the structure of the spine. The vertebrae are connected into a single whole with the help of discs. Each disc has a nucleus, which is surrounded by an annulus fibrosus. The core consists of a substance that resembles a gel in consistency. The core also includes strong collagen fibers that prevent the substance from flowing out. The entire structure is also supported by longitudinal ligaments, they are located in front and behind the spine. Due to high loads, the core is compressed, as a result of which it affects the annulus fibrosus. This ring eventually stretches and squeezes out of the spine. This is a disc protrusion.
  • Sprains, dislocations and other injuries.

Therapeutic treatment to get rid of the crunch

We have considered many diseases of the joints. To no longer crunch bones, you need to determine the diagnosis. Which doctor should I contact for consultation and examination? Here everything is individual.

  • If the bones began to crackle after the stress experienced, you need to go to a neurologist.
  • If there are obvious problems with the bones, go to the traumatologist.
  • If you just want to consult, then sign up with a local therapist or pediatrician.
  • If you have problems with your spine, we recommend that you visit a vertebrologist. It is worth noting that not every city has this doctor, especially in a small one.

How are diseases diagnosed?

The doctor usually prescribes a whole examination, which includes:

  • x-ray;
  • ultrasound analysis;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • doppler ultrasound.

Direct treatment of joints and bones

When the disease is determined, the doctor prescribes medication. This moment is clear to everyone. But, in addition to drugs, there are other purposes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy (pulse therapy, electrophoresis, galvanization, electrical analgesia, inductothermy, magnetotherapy, vibration therapy, ultraphonotherapy, etc.);
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • therapy in a sanatorium.

In some advanced cases, surgery is indispensable.

The main types of drugs used:

  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Medicines that relieve pain when clicking joints

Below are the most popular formulations. We note right away that it is not necessary to use them if there is no pain during the crunch.

  • Fastum gel. Indications: rheumatoid arthritis, articular syndrome due to exacerbation of gout, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, inflammation of tendons and ligaments, lumbago, sciatica. Analogues (generics): Bystrumgel, Kenotal, Artrum, Keplat, Flexen, Artrozilen.
  • ibuprofen. Indications: osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, Barre-Lieu disease, cervical migraine, bursitis, Bakhterev's disease, amyotrophy, myalgia, joint inflammation, tendinitis, hematomas.
  • diclofenac. Indications: padagra, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, Bakhterev's disease, bursitis, tendovaginitis, muscle pain.

These funds, it is worth noting, have analogues, you can see them.

If the bones crunch all over the body, but there are no unpleasant sensations, you can drink vitamins. However, we strongly do not recommend prescribing certain complexes for yourself. Regenerates cartilage and bone material such substances as tocopherol, carotene, B vitamins and minerals calcium, phosphorus, zinc.

Popular means are as follows.

  • Glucosamine forte. Indications: limited mobility of the ligaments or their stretching, increased physical activity, salt deposits, inflammatory processes in the joints. Drink twice 1 capsule during a meal.
  • Collagen ultra. Indications: to relieve tension in the muscles, dislocations, consolidation of fractures, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, bursitis, osteoporosis, injuries and inflammation of the joints, prevention of spinal pathologies. Application: if you bought a product in powder, then it must be diluted with water and drunk with meals, the course of treatment is three months; if you bought a gel, then you need to rub it regularly until the symptom goes away.
  • Calcemin. Indications: prevention of osteoporosis, replenishment of calcium in the body and minerals. Take a tablet twice a day for three months.
  • Arthritis. Indications: crunching in the joints or pain, inflammation, to improve the flexibility of the structure of the joints and relieve stiffness of movements; arthritis, spondylarthrosis, polyarthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. Dosage: take a capsule for a month with meals. The number of doses per day is determined by the doctor.

Folk methods for getting rid of a crunch in the joints

If excess salt

Recipe #1

  1. Cut the onion in half, remove some of the pulp.
  2. Fill the center with tar ointment, apply the product to the joint.

Recipe #2

  1. Two hundred grams of parsley root pour 500 ml of hot milk.
  2. Pour the mass into a thermos and leave overnight.
  3. Use the mixture for ten days, three times a day. Repeat the course of treatment after seven days.

If the crunch is accompanied by pain

  1. Combine one part of kerosene with two parts of fir oil.
  2. Rub the remedy into the joint and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until the symptom is relieved.

To relieve inflammation

  1. Pour a leaf of white cabbage with boiling water for thirty seconds.
  2. Lubricate the sheet with honey, then apply to the sore spot.
  3. Wrap the body area with a plastic bag and a scarf.
  4. Keep the remedy on all night.

Vitamin decoctions for bone crunch

A decoction can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • inflorescences of black elderberry;
  • parsley root;
  • nettles;
  • willow bark.

These components must be mixed in equal proportions, pour hot water and boil for about 5 minutes. Drink every day for 0.5 liters for a month.

Other recipes

Recipe #1

  1. Combine natural orange juice with corn oil in a ratio of 1 to 5.
  2. Soak a bandage in this mixture and apply overnight to the affected area.

Recipe number 2 based on eucalyptus oil

In order not to crunch bones, you can make compresses with eucalyptus oil. The remedy is sold in a pharmacy, but you can prepare it at home. To do this, turn four leaves of aloe into gruel and pour 200 milliliters of sunflower oil. Before applying the product, it is necessary to insist 40 days in a dark place.

Recipe #3

  1. Combine two parts of radish juice with one part of kerosene. You can use honey instead of kerosene, then the proportion will be 1:1.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.

Prevention of crunching compounds

In order to prevent certain pathologies, it is important to take care of yourself and do gymnastics regularly (exercises -). Moreover, classes can be non-standard, for example, swimming. Being in the water, by the way, reduces pain, if any.

It is also worth reviewing the diet, add more protein to the menu and exclude fatty foods. It will not be superfluous to visit a massage room, which will relax the muscles in problem areas. Massage is especially useful if the spine or neck is crunching.

  • Metabolism: what is it and what is the difference between ...

Cracking joints are clicking or cracking sounds heard during active and passive movements. Why do human bones crunch if there is no disease? And what does this crunch represent? Should he be afraid?

Often sounds are made by the knee, hip, carpal, elbow, shoulder and jaw joints. This may be normal or it may be an abnormality.

Why do the bones in the arms and legs crunch:

  • Because of the synovial fluid - a variant of the norm;
  • hypermobility;
  • Arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis, tendinitis;
  • Lack or excess of physical activity;
  • Dysplasia or injury.

Norm Options

An indicator that everything is fine with the joints is the absence of pain. If after the examination no violations were revealed, then in most cases doctors are inclined to the hypothesis: the joints are washed by synovial fluid in which there is a little dissolved gas.

At a certain moment, gas bubbles sharply increase the volume of the joint cavity, so a click occurs during movement. In medicine, this process is called cavitation, and it refers to normal phenomena. The frequency of crunches should not exceed one in 15-20 minutes, otherwise this is already a violation.

Also, deaf sounds occur when a ligament or tendon touches a bone, such as the wrist, hip, or shoulder.

If the bones are crunchy, then what should be done?

You need to see a doctor when:

  • The crunch occurs more than once every 15 minutes;
  • Accompanied by pain
  • After an injury or fall;
  • If the sound has changed over time, then closer observation is necessary.


Some people have connective tissue defects, which are manifested by weakness of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. They manifest as increased joint flexibility. This phenomenon does not pose a particular danger, but the risk of frequent dislocations and subluxations is increased.

There are about 5-8% of people with such defects in the world, but they are at risk for injuries and the incidence of arthrosis.

If a person knows about his pathology, then when a crunch appears in the legs or other parts of the body, he should contact an orthopedist or arthrologist.

This phenomenon does not mean that any disease has developed. But you need to get expert advice about outdoor activities, sports, etc.

The doctor will definitely tell you about precautions, for example, it is recommended to use high-lacing shoes to avoid dislocation of the ankle joint. Your doctor's advice will help reduce your risk of injury. If you follow the recommendations, then you can safely avoid the troubles associated with a defect in the connective tissues. At the same time, the quality of human life will hardly suffer.

Arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis, tendinitis

If the crunch is accompanied by pain, occurs with each repetition of the movement (without an interval, which is a variant of the norm), and there is also a restriction of mobility, then a serious disease may have developed - arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon), bursitis (damage to the articular bag), or others .

It is necessary to consult a doctor so that, after the diagnosis, he prescribes the appropriate treatment. Only a specialist can determine which disease affected the patient, because conditions are often observed when several pathologies occur at the same time in one place.

For diagnostic purposes, x-ray and tomographic examinations are performed. Treatment usually includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and a number of other drugs.

Lack of physical activity

Everyone needs at least minimal physical activity. If the lifestyle is not active enough, then the muscles weaken over time and atrophy due to inactivity. Accordingly, the ligaments become more sluggish.

When the entire articular apparatus of a person experiences such metamorphoses, then the very clicking begins. You can regard this phenomenon as a sign - a person should not forget about physical activity.

In such a situation, it is necessary to gradually increase the number of loads. You can choose a sports hobby, go to the gym, go dancing or fitness. If age does not allow, do a simple warm-up and walk in the fresh air.

Excessive physical activity

A sense of proportion must be present in everything. Both lack and excess of physical activity are harmful.

Crunching can occur due to strenuous sports, work that requires standing for a long time, carrying weights, etc. Clicking sounds do not always indicate the presence of a disease, but are their harbinger.

It is worth noting that arthrosis affects the joints most often against the background of high physical exertion. It is necessary to immediately take into account the alarming signals of the body, especially if the crunch occurs in the knees.

First of all, consult with your doctor. At this stage, the bones, ligaments and tendons are coping with the loads, but what will happen to them next? In the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to reduce activity, for example, change the sport to a less difficult one, change jobs.

Trauma and dysplasia

When a person has injured a joint, for example, a dislocation or sprain has occurred, the connective tissues remain slightly weakened even after the necessary treatment.

Such places are more prone to repeated injuries and other diseases. This must be taken into account in order to avoid such situations. A crunch in an injured joint may not indicate a disease, however, it will remind you that it needs to be protected.

Dysplasia is the underdevelopment of tissues that enter the joint (ligaments, articular surfaces of bones, etc.). In this case, the affected area will be weakened, but not due to injury, but due to underdevelopment.

If the bones on the legs and joints of other parts of the body crunch, you should first consult a doctor. The specialist will exclude the presence of secondary diseases and give recommendations.

In the process of diagnosis, an X-ray or MRI may be prescribed. Research will help the doctor find out the cause, determine whether the crunch is normal for the body or a pathology that needs to be treated.


To eliminate the violation, you need to determine the cause that caused it. The first is an x-ray. Often it is enough. But if there is a need for additional information, then they carry out tomography, blood tests, etc.

If the sounds are a variant of the norm, and not symptoms of the disease, then treatment, accordingly, is not required. Other signs, such as soreness and limited mobility, lead to the suspicion of arthrosis or arthritis. In the latter cases, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent complications.

Why do bones crunch in children

The structure of muscles and ligaments in children and adults is slightly different. However, clicking sounds most often occur for two reasons.

First of all, due to pathologies of connective tissues. This phenomenon has been described above. Children, like adults, have increased joint flexibility and at the same time suffer from weakness of the connective tissues.

At the same time, crunchy sounds are mainly considered as a variant of the norm, but you should pay attention to the cardiovascular system, since this phenomenon is often accompanied by heart pathologies.

A child with weakness of the joints should be shown to a cardiologist more often than other children and periodically diagnose the work of the heart. Such measures will help to choose the appropriate mode of physical activity in order to avoid risks.

A healthy body should not cause anxiety, its work is silent. This setting is only partly true, although it explains the cause of anxiety when joints crunch all over the body.

But before panicking, it is necessary to clarify certain points of this sonorous phenomenon.

For example:

  • How long ago did articular clicks appear;
  • What provoked them;
  • What other symptoms are associated with.

If your joints are cracking, don't panic

Cracking in the joints without pain unlikely to be cause for concern. In its advantage, it is interpreted as a physical phenomenon of hydrodynamic cavitation under the conditions of creating a rarefied space. This is especially often reflected in the crunch in all joints, at a young age, when the cartilage is elastic, the ligaments are elastic and there is an irresistible desire to test your body for strength in endless sports training.

With a crunch in the joints, it is sometimes enough to give rest to the overloaded interosseous joints

And if, in such a situation, the question arises: “The joints crunch all over the body, what should I do?”, Then resting the overloaded interosseous joints will be quite a sufficient measure.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that most people tend to exaggerate their feelings and, asking the question: “Why do the joints crunch all over the body?”, Most likely, they mean only a few large joints that carry the maximum functional load when performing one or another kind of physical activity.

The soundlessness of the joints is determined by the anatomical and physiological properties of the cartilage and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the synovial fluid.

When there is an overload of the interosseous joints against the background of a change in the properties of the synovial fluid, there are prerequisites for a crunch in the joints during movement. This may mark the beginning of the development of post-traumatic arthrosis.

What you need to know about crunching in the joints.

When to go for treatment

In addition to mechanical factors that can provoke articular clicks, the possibility of systemic pathology, which is reflected in the causes of cracking in the joints, should not be overlooked. The absence of the burden of years is far from a reason to refuse a comprehensive examination to establish a diagnosis.

Diseases accompanied by articular syndrome, which begin at a young age, often proceed more severely and early diagnosis makes it possible to start active treatment in a timely manner.

Establishing the cause and treatment of crunching in the joints are two interrelated processes. Each joint injury has its own mechanism, the essence of which requires an appropriate therapeutic approach.

Why do legs click

The most common reason for contacting a specialist is a crunch when walking in the hip joint. It may be the result of uncorrected early childhood. An insufficiently formed acetabulum, during movement, does not give the necessary stability to the femoral head. Thus, it creates an infinite number of possibilities for the formation of dislocation and subluxation of the hip joint, which is accompanied by a characteristic articular click.

The most common reason for contacting a specialist is a crunch when walking in the hip joint.

How the joints in the hips crunch can be heard and rising from the twine. In this case, the maximum possible range of motion in the hip joint creates the conditions for the occurrence of hydrodynamic cavitation. And the stretched ligaments and tendons, returning to their original position, when superimposed on each other, form a specific squeak sound.

In addition to the above mechanisms for the occurrence of articular crepitus, there are a number of diseases that cause a crunch in the hip joint.

These include:

  • Deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Infectious lesions of the joint (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • Drug-induced arthritis (for example, in the treatment of antiepileptic drugs).

Women who prefer high-heeled shoes may develop post-traumatic arthrosis

The resulting crunch in the ankle joint is most often a manifestation, especially in women who prefer high-heeled shoes. In addition, gout can affect the ankle, which in the early stages can manifest itself only as articular crepitus.

In any case, when deciding what causes the crunch in the joints of the legs, you should not guess on the coffee grounds.

By seeking medical help, you can significantly reduce the time and money that will be spent on finding a solution to the problem on your own.

Why Shoulders Crack

In second place, in terms of prevalence among the population, is a crunch in the shoulder joint.

A feature of the connection of the shoulder with the scapula is the absence, as such, of the ligamentous apparatus, as a result of which all the work to hold the joint in place falls on the tendons of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

In this regard, here, quite often, dislocations occur, which, having arisen once, create a prerequisite for the formation of a habitual dislocation.

A crunch in the shoulder joint is the second most common among the population.

Formed, in such cases, post-traumatic or accompanied by dystrophic changes, with calcification, of the articular cartilage and connective tissue elements of the shoulder girdle, which creates a situation where the patient feels how the shoulder crunches during rotation.

At the first stages of the development of the pathology, when only the insufficiency of the properties of the synovial fluid is revealed, only articular crepitus is felt. In the future, with an increase in the friction force between the articular surfaces, cartilage damage occurs, which is accompanied by the addition of a pain syndrome.

The appearance of a crunch and pain in the shoulder joint indicates a far advanced pathological process.

The destruction of cartilage leads to the disappearance of the shock-absorbing cushion between the articular ends of the bones.

Destruction of cartilage in the shoulder joint

Not a physiological load for them, leads to the restructuring of bone tissue, which is also accompanied by pain. Accompanying all these processes, inflammation in the periarticular tissues creates another wave flow of pain impulses.

Therefore, answering the question: “what to do when the joints in the shoulders crackle?”, The first thing you should pay attention to is to prevent the appearance of pain.

To do this, it is enough to contact a specialized institution in which it would be reasonable to undergo an examination and a course of physiotherapy, supported by an appointment.

If the moment is missed, then the treatment of crunch and pain in the shoulder joint will primarily be aimed at inhibiting the inflammatory process and preserving the remnants of the destroyed cartilage. All other therapeutic efforts will be focused on preventing the development of an exacerbation of the process.

In addition to the traumatic genesis of damage to the connection of the shoulder with the scapula, it is important to note the role of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and autoimmune processes, accompanied by the development of articular syndrome.

Although shoulder involvement in autoimmune pathology is rare.

How to explain snapping fingers

In search of the reason why the fingers on the hands crunch, you do not need to turn over the Talmuds of medical publications. There are only two reasons for this. The first of them is the same hydrodynamic cavitation when trying to overcome the force of attraction of two phalanges, and the second is the onset of rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis.

When it's hard to straighten your elbow

The appearance of a crunch in the elbow joint during extension is due to the peculiarity of its anatomical structure.

It is during extension that the greatest contact with each other of the articular surfaces occurs, which is reflected in the characteristic sound effect.

The causes of articular crepitus in the elbow, invariably, are the same. Each disease, of course, has its favorite localization of the lesion, but the essence of the processes remains common to all interosseous joints. A feature is the frequency of occurrence of arthrosis of the elbow in weightlifters when pressing the load from a prone position.

Treatment of crunch in the elbow joint during extension is aimed at creating the maximum possible state of functional rest. This is ensured by wearing an orthosis and kinesiotape.

The creation of functional rest is achieved by wearing an orthosis

A short course of NSAIDs is supplemented with chondroprotectors. Topically applied ointments that improve blood flow in the tissues. Such a treatment regimen is most appropriate for a traumatic mechanism of elbow injury.

And now about the jaw

If articular clicks in the large joints of the axial skeleton do not cause confusion to anyone, then the appearance of a crunch in the jaw when opening the mouth often leaves one in confusion. Moreover, the current process, accompanied by such sound effects, without due attention, can be aggravated by a suddenly developed dislocation of the lower jaw.

A crunch in the temporomandibular joint, more often, deserves the attention of orthodontists.

Cracking in the jaw can be aggravated by dislocation of the lower jaw

In their opinion, the bulk of such complaints are due to the presence of dyspalsia of the articulation of the lower jaw, which externally is reflected in malocclusion. However, in the general mass of orthodontic reasons, one should not forget about the presence of a percentage of exceptions.

In addition to the articular structural features, the temporomandibular joint, like any other, can be involved in some kind of general process, accompanied by the development of articular syndrome.


Be that as it may, when deciding how to get rid of a crunch in the joints, you should, initially, seek specialized help. The participation of a specialist doctor in determining the fate of the damaged joint will save enough time and money, and find the right direction in treatment.

Perhaps the crunch of the joints is due to a congenital feature of the overextensibility of the connective tissue, and then this finding will become just a feature that does not require outside intervention.

Have you noticed that your joints are cracking? Many people are interested in knowing what this means. There are even cases when the joints crackle all over the body. In most cases, such sounds are harmless and are not indicators of pathology. Noises are common in teenagers, young women who have very flexible joints. In addition, sounds can occur with hypermobility of the joints, as a result of physical exertion, age-related changes. If crunches are accompanied by pain, discomfort, numbness, swelling, then it is worth sounding the alarm.

Why crackle and click joints

A crunch in the joints without pain is considered relatively safe - it often goes away on its own. You can learn more about the reasons for clicks later in the article. If the crunch is accompanied by pain, the cause may be:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of lubrication in the joints;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • trauma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Causes of crunching in the joints throughout the body

When moving, knees, fingers, ankles, shoulders, spine and other parts of the body may creak. Particular attention should be paid to cases of manifestation of this symptom in any large compound. The shoulder, hip and knee joints are more susceptible to damage, so if they make sounds, you need to immediately find out the cause of the occurrence.

Without pain

The main reasons for such clicks are:

  1. Congenital weakness of the ligaments (hypermobility). The reason for clicks and crunches is the effect on the body of a modified protein that causes excessive mobility of the joints.
  2. Bursting of gas bubbles in the synovial fluid. Occurs due to the ingress of air into the joint spaces, when it passes into a gaseous state, it explodes.
  3. Protrusion of the bone, which clings to the tendons and ligaments.
  4. Prolonged physical activity, after which synovial fluid does not have time to form.

When all the joints of the body hurt

  1. With autoimmune diseases. It breaks the body if a person has systemic scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, etc.
  2. Rheumatism. A sign of the disease - all large joints are alternately affected.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis. Most often occurs after 40 years. When all the joints hurt, we are talking about an exacerbation or an aggressive form of the disease.
  4. Osteoarthritis. Accompanied by deformation and limitation of mobility of the affected joints.
  5. Infectious diseases (flu, rubella).
  6. Poisoning with toxic substances.
  7. Blood diseases, for example, acute or chronic leukemia.
  8. Physical exhaustion.

At the baby

The musculoskeletal system of newborns differs from that of an adult: they have fragile, elastic joints, and a weaker muscular corset. For this reason, you can often hear quiet clicks when the baby is picked up, his legs are bent. The child's joints crackle against the background of various pathologies, diseases, for example, with Osgur-Schlatter disease, with gonarthrosis, polyarthritis. Perhaps the baby has a genetic feature - overly mobile joints and ligaments.

In the fingers of the hands

The most common cause of finger crunching is injury. They can be so microscopic that a person may not notice them. For example, often stretch the joints while working on the keyboard. In addition, bruises, sprains, sports and household injuries are not uncommon. Other causes of crunch:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • bursitis.


A crunch in the knee during extension and flexion, walking, running may occur due to:

  • weight lifting;
  • high loads;
  • the use of harmful products;
  • injuries;
  • wearing shoes with high heels;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • formation of calcium deposits;
  • viral infections;
  • endocrine problems;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • sclerotization of articular tissues.

The spine crunches

Pain, crunching may indicate the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • protrusions;
  • hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis, etc.

Many people have a genetic predisposition to back problems. More reasons:

  • deposition of calcium salts;
  • spinal injury;
  • constant stress;
  • disturbed metabolism.

shoulder joint

If you are worried about a crunch in your shoulder, elbow, then the reasons include:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition to joint diseases;
  • infections;
  • trauma;
  • bad ecology;
  • passive lifestyle.

The older the person, the more the motor system wears out, and the more sounds occur when moving. Sometimes the crunch appears after active physical exertion. Often the reasons are:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.


Clicks are almost always observed with osteochondrosis, gout, hernia, protrusion. Other reasons for their appearance:

  • mechanical injuries of the thigh, pelvic bones, resulting in damage;
  • salt deposits;
  • wear of articular superficial bones;
  • chondropathy of various origins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • excessive stress on the joint, muscles;
  • arthritis, arthrosis.


People who have pain in the knee when walking, squatting, crunching ankle often suffer from congenital weakness of the ligaments. Because of this, frequent dislocations and subluxations of the foot, wandering pains are not excluded. Another reason is the lack of exercise. Increased training, lifting weights can provoke a symptom. Diseases such as:

  • bursitis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendinitis;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Reiter's disease (chlamydia).

Joint treatment

Sometimes crunches go away on their own, but more often you have to resort to medical treatment. Depending on the cause of the problem, antibiotics, creams, ointments, hormone injections, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy procedures help to cope with it. Chondroprotectors effectively act on the mechanism of inflammation. As auxiliary methods, folk remedies for joint pain are recommended.

Folk remedies

If the joints are very crunchy, cracking all over the body, it is necessary to provide the body with the elements it needs. It is useful to eat dishes containing gelatin, for example, jellied meat and jelly. They contain a lot of collagen and protein - building materials for connective tissues. Regular consumption of these dishes will help get rid of cod, restore the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of crunch in the joints should begin with the use of lotions, tinctures, decoctions of herbs. In the early stages, it is recommended to use, for example, sunflower root. A decoction of it acts on salts, removing them from the body. As external means, you can use warm compresses with:

  • honey;
  • paraffin;
  • black radish;
  • horseradish;
  • clay.


In official medicine, non-steroidal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to combat body aches and crunching in the joints. In almost every case, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors, for example, Chondrosamine and Teraflex. A greater percentage of recovery is observed in those who began to be treated for clicking in the joints in the early stages. Ointments "Nurofen", "Diclofenac-Acre" help to remove the pain syndrome.

With a massager

With the help of massage, it may be possible to get rid of the crunch, squeaks. Its positive effects are obvious. Apparatus:

  • helps fight pain;
  • restores movement;
  • has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin, joints;
  • relieves the feeling of fatigue;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • regulates the work of internal organs.

Which doctor to contact

Since it is impossible to independently identify the cause of the disease and cure it without a prescription, you should first contact a therapist. He will prescribe the necessary blood and urine tests and only after that he will write a referral to a doctor of a narrow specialization - to a rheumatologist. If the cause of the crunch is, for example, chlamydia, then you will need to consult a gynecologist and special methods of treatment.


Often, we learn about pain in the joints not in retirement, but at a fairly young age. The first crunches are usually perceived quite calmly: it's okay, the leg got up wrong or the neck was turned wrong. We begin to wonder why the bones crunch when a very palpable pain comes along with the crunch. Of course, the bones themselves cannot creak (unless they break). Joints crunch from a variety of diseases. Often these diseases lead to restriction of movement or even to bed. Let's consider the reasons.

Why do joints creak?

Their main function is to ensure the mobility of the bones adjacent to it. The bones at the junctions with them are covered with articular cartilage. In the same place, there is a capsule with synovial fluid that promotes movement and reduces bone friction. All these joints are held together by tendons and ligaments.

So why does the crunch appear? The opinions of doctors on this matter are often very different. Several reasons are cited:

1. Relatively high joint mobility or hypermobility. This reason is the most common. More often this problem occurs in women. Even in their youth, a slightly altered collagen is formed in their body, which can increase the elasticity of tissues. Such genetic features lead to hypermobility of the joints, making them more mobile.

2. Various inflammatory processes - arthritis. Inflammation usually changes the surface of the cartilage tissue. At the same time, cartilage loses its smoothness, roughness appears, which makes it difficult for them to move.

3. Past injuries, fractures, when it is the bones that crunch. In addition, fractures lead to changes in muscles and ligaments.

4. When the marginal exits of the joints violate the coincidence of the articular surfaces. The crunch occurs at the moment when the joint falls into place. That is why the knee crunches when bending, the spine, when straightening the back, ankles, etc.

5. Age “wear”, or improper physical activity, weak ligaments.

6. Salt in the joints leading to a violation of the elasticity of muscle tissue.

7. Genetic features of the organism.

8. Exacerbation of existing arthrosis.

9. Calcium deposits.

How to get rid of cod?

If the joints are not just creaking, but pain is felt along with the creaking, treatment should be started. But first, check with your doctor. Treatment is possible in several ways:

1) Sometimes it is enough just to rest, do not load the connections for a while;

2) Alternate sitting at your desk with walking for a few minutes. This will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the diseased joint, restore metabolic processes;

3) Swimming and yoga significantly reduce the load on the joints;

4) Avoid high heels;

5) Use specialized devices to give temporary immobility - orthoses, which are fixed with belts;

6) Anti-inflammatory ointments are often used to treat bone crunch;

7) To restore damaged joint tissues, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate are used for treatment, which have the ability to restore elasticity and volume of joint tissues;

8) Often, professional massage is used to treat joints using therapeutic gels or ointments;

9) It is also possible to use biologically active additives (BAA), which are very common today, after consulting a doctor.

But in most cases, long-term complex treatment is required to get rid of problems with joints and bones.

Folk remedies for the treatment of crunch

Bay leaf promotes the release of the body from salt. For a decoction, 20 leaves of laurel and two cups of boiling water are infused in a thermos for at least three hours. This amount of broth is enough for a day. It is important to drink in small sips. The duration of treatment is three days. Before treatment, it is necessary to clean the intestines.

Rye and honey with vodka will help cure joints. Rye grains - 250 gr. - boil in two liters of water. Pour in the same half a kilo of honey and half a liter of vodka. Leave to brew for 21 days. Drink a spoonful of tincture three times a day before meals.

Horseradish tincture with honey can be used twice a year. For five hundred grams of honey, you need to take a kilogram of horseradish root. Boil. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

Eat calcined instead of regular cottage cheese. It is easy to make it from ordinary milk and calcium chloride. To prepare calcined cottage cheese, milk is heated to 50 degrees, calcium is added (3 tablespoons per half liter of milk). Strain the resulting cottage cheese through cheesecloth.

Pine nuts infused with alcohol for 20 days are taken according to the schedule: from two drops to 22 drops and back. Dilute with water.

For the treatment of joint diseases, home remedies are also used: cinquefoil herb, boron uterus in the form of tinctures, chestnut tincture, boiled rice, diluted apple cider vinegar with honey, fresh tomato juice, radish and horseradish compresses, fir oil as compresses, diuretic plants, etc. .

Prevention of diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus

a) when playing sports, be careful, consult a professional trainer, avoid sudden overloads;

b) be careful in everyday life, correctly calculate your abilities, do not overstrain the body;

c) watch your weight: extra pounds significantly increase the load on the skeleton and joints;

d) a very bad habit of clicking the joints of the fingers leads to the loss of their mobility, frequent injuries, early arthrosis;

e) undergo regular examinations, x-rays, tomography;

f) visit the pool, swimming is an excellent prevention of arthrosis;

g) eat foods rich in calcium;

h) Drink plenty of fluids.

Watch your health and your joints will always be like those of the young!

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