Simultaneous treatment of cataract and glaucoma. What are cataracts and glaucoma

cataract and glaucoma can be independent diseases when the cataract progresses due to age-related changes against the background of existing glaucoma.

Glaucoma also quite May be a complication of cataract. Such glaucoma is called secondary.

Cataracts and glaucoma are diseases often accompany each other. But if the first can be cured, then the second cannot be eliminated. decline eye pressure provides a longer preservation of vision, but the glaucomatous lesion itself is not treatable.

What is glaucoma in adults?

Glaucoma is very insidious disease, which provokes serious and irreversible pathologies vision due to high intraocular pressure, which leads to a gradual disintegration and disorder of the visual function of a person.

Her cunning lies in no symptoms. In the early stages of the disease, there are no symptoms characteristic features that could make you sound the alarm.

In some cases, there is a slight deterioration in visual acuity, especially in evening time. In a room with artificial lighting, midges form in front of the patient's eyes, vision becomes blurred. A person learns about the disease by chance, usually this happens already on advanced stages. The most important condition positive treatment prognosis is early diagnosis .

Provocateurs glaucoma may appear the following diseases and states:

Most often, people who, due to the specifics of the profession, spend a lot of time at the computer, subjecting the eyes to significant stress, as well as those who perform heavy physical work . Often glaucoma occurs with congenital cataracts. in professional athletes strength sports and hot shop workers.

Glaucoma is a group eye diseases, characterized high intraocular pressure, decreased visual acuity and atrophy optic nerve.

Treatment of glaucoma is carried out through the use of ointments, drops, tablets. Also apply laser technologies and microsurgical techniques.

Regular visits to the ophthalmologist and care of vision will help keep it at the proper level. long years.

Important! Both diseases may be present in a patient in varying degrees gravity. Thus, a complex form of cataract can be simultaneously accompanied by the initial stage of development of glaucoma.

The first signs and symptoms of cataract simultaneously with glaucoma. Are these diseases different and what is the difference?

In most cases, symptoms appear already at the advanced stages of the disease, that is, Initially, the course of the disease is asymptomatic.. However, the presence of cataracts may indicate:

  • bad distinctive the eye's ability to poor lighting;
  • distortion Images;
  • visual bifurcation individual items;
  • appearance dark spots ;
  • turbidity.

clouding progresses quite quickly the lens tends to swell.

Intraocular pressure can rise sharply, which leads to the formation of pain. Visual acuity drops significantly, with the development of the disease object vision appears. May develop myopia; if it was already there, it may be strengthened, since the cloudiness is more localized in the center of the eye.

Glaucoma can affect not only the lens, it is based on the pathology of the optic nerve. If provoked acute attack diseases, the cornea can also be affected. Often high intracranial pressure - a consequence of damage to the organ of vision due to cataracts.

Photo 1. A schematic simplified image of the difference between cataract and glaucoma from healthy eye. Diseases can also develop simultaneously.

On the early stages glaucoma may indicate illness:

  • periodic appearance mist before the eyes;
  • appearance encircling circles around light sources;
  • pain In eyes;
  • headache;
  • "flies" before your eyes;
  • fast fatiguability eye.

AT rare cases symptoms can be added early presbyopia, severe lacrimation and excess moisture eye.

Attention! If the pain in the eyes is prolonged ( 2 hours or more), human can completely lose sight.

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There are several ways to deal with the disease.

Medication in the early stages

Treatment with special drops is designed to reduce pressure in the eyes. Common medications for therapy - Fotil, Betoptik and Xalatan. Conservative treatment is important condition maintaining vision for a long time.

All drugs can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • miotics;
  • sympathomimetics;
  • selective sympathomimetics;
  • prostaglandins F2 alpha;
  • beta-blockers (selective and non-selective);
  • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors;
  • combination drugs.

Vitamin drops can be used to improve the condition of the eyes. The most common and effective: Taufon, Quinax, Oftan Katahrom. These drugs prevent fast development cataracts, but have no effect on clouding of the lens.

Positive effect seen from those containing lutein vitamin complexes. Can be preferred Lutein Complex or Lutein Forte. The substances that make up the drugs slow down the progression of the disease and improve vision.

Physiotherapy: the difference between home treatments and hospital treatments

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are procedures that contribute to the normalization and improvement of metabolic processes in the orbit. There are some pretty good tools out there. home useglasses Sidorenko and Pankov. Used in medical institutions color pulse treatment, vacuum massage, infrasound therapy and phonophoresis.

Photo 2. A set of physiotherapy with Sidorenko glasses, designed for vacuum massage eye of low intensity.

eye surgery

With inefficiency conservative therapy resort to surgical intervention. The operation is usually performed by laser, during it, the outflow of fluid is ensured and the lens is replaced.

Surgery is divided into the following types:

  1. Canaloplasty. This method involves making an incision in the eye to gain access to the Schlemm's canal. The path of the catheter around the iris widens the channel and reduces pressure. The result is short-lived.
  2. Trabeculectomy. The most common method to ensure the outflow of fluid from the eye and reduce eye pressure.
  3. Laser correction . The argon laser stimulates an increase in the windows of the trabecular meshwork and increases the outflow of fluid, helps to equalize the pressure between the anterior and back walls irises.
  4. Installation of implants. This option for those who are no longer helped by medical treatment. A Baerveldt shunt tube or valve implant (Ahmed valve) is placed inside the eye to drain fluid.

Cataracts and glaucoma have a lot common features. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist to install correct diagnosis. These diseases can be in one patient, but in various stages development. They appear in more adulthood, after 40 years. It is difficult to determine which one appears first and which one appears second.

These diseases often develop in varying degrees. For example, with a pronounced cataract, the initial stage of glaucoma occurs, or vice versa.

Just recently it was impossible to carry out surgical intervention in the presence of two diseases. But since then medicine has improved. In this case, it is possible to carry out the treatment in two stages. Elimination of the cataract and replacement of the lens allows the patient to restore vision. Treatment is prescribed individually depending on the problem.

The overall picture is quick loss vision, both in glaucoma and in cataracts, but this is absolutely various diseases. Visual impairment in glaucoma is associated with high blood pressure inside the eye. Because of this, the signal transmission from the organ to the brain occurs and stops. Occurs in cataracts destructive processes in the lens, in connection with which, it becomes cloudy and the transmission of light to the retina stops.

Symptoms of cataract and glaucoma development

  1. "Fog in the eyes." There is no clarity in the objects that a person looks at. The contours are blurred.
  2. Heaviness in the eyes, which gradually increases.
  3. If a person shifts his gaze sharply from light to darkness, then rainbow circles appear before his eyes.
  4. Pain and cramps appear in the eyes, which make it difficult to look at some object.
  5. In the dark, the patient sees absolutely nothing.
  6. There are problems with the perception of the picture.
  7. Feeling of falling leaves. A person looks, as if through misted glass or water.
  8. As the disease develops, a person's perception of the external environment and moving objects worsens.
  9. A black dot appears before the eyes.
  10. It becomes impossible to work with small objects.
  11. The pupil becomes whiter as the disease worsens.

mature cataract

The main causes of occurrence

The reasons for the development of these diseases can be different:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • genetics;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of blood circulation of the head;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • cervical calving injuries;
  • age-related changes;
  • hypertension, hypertensive crisis or stroke.

When should you seek professional help?

With glaucoma, the ability to completely restore vision is real only in the early stages of the onset of the disease. Similarly, with cataracts, organic changes occur that lead to a modification of the lens. It becomes denser, blood circulation in the eyes worsens, and atrophy of the optic nerve occurs. If occur chronic changes in nerve fibers and signal transmission, then these changes are considered already irreparable. Do not start the disease and reach this stage.

Relationship between cataract and glaucoma

Both glaucoma and cataracts are considered certain diseases. At untimely treatment aggravation of the disease and the occurrence of concomitant. For example, with increased intraocular pressure, blood circulation is disturbed and cataracts develop. Or, conversely, with a healed cataract, it increases.

If earlier the presence of a cataract did not imply surgical intervention, and even was strictly prohibited. Now, thanks to new technologies, it is possible to solve the problem with the help of an operation. Timely removal of the compacted and enlarged lens with its replacement with an intraocular lens leads to the normalization of pressure inside the eye.

Surgery for glaucoma and cataracts

If the patient has two diseases at once, it is best to correct the situation with the help of surgery. It is carried out in two stages:

  1. Non-penetrating sclerectomy surgery to eliminate glaucoma.
  2. With the help of ultrasound cataract phacoemulsification using an artificial lens.

Disease Prevention

It is necessary to solve these problems at the first symptoms of the appearance.

  1. The very first thing to do is to contact a specialist and establish a diagnosis.
  2. You can cope with the help of special. In order to slightly stop the rate of development of the disease, it is necessary to take such medications like Vicein and Vita-Yodurol. Only a doctor can prescribe medication according to individual characteristics the patient's body. Do not forget that drugs help in one part of the body, destroy another. It is not recommended to use them simultaneously with other drugs. The body later certain time will get used to these drugs and they will have to be changed to new ones. They don't solve the problem, they just slow down the process. Eye drops are prescribed if a vision problem is associated with a malfunction of the body.
  3. Use goggles against sun exposure. Scientists have proven that exposure to sunlight throughout the day worsens blood circulation in the eyes. "ANSI" - this emblem should be on glasses. It is necessary to block direct sunlight.
  4. You need to watch your diet. Insufficient amounts of micronutrients will lead to vision problems. You need to supplement your diet with vitamins.
  5. Regular visits to the doctor. You need to contact a specialist not at the time when the disease arose, but in order to prevent it. Especially if the family has relatives with glaucoma and cataracts.

Folk remedies

Application of procedures from therapeutic mud. It is put every other day to improve blood circulation in the head and eyes.

Hot foot baths. Stimulates the drainage system in the body.

Collection of herbs. You need to take 0.5 cups of dry nettle leaves and 1 tablespoon of lily of the valley flowers. Pour boiled water and leave to cool overnight. Add a teaspoon in the morning drinking soda. Place cotton pads on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

The worst thing that glaucoma and cataracts can lead to is blindness. It is advisable to start restoring your body at the first manifestations.

Cataracts and glaucoma are ophthalmic diseases occurring in elderly patients. Often these pathologies develop together. Often used to treat cataracts surgical intervention. However, it is not always possible to eliminate the consequences of glaucoma. Restore lost visual functions not possible, but it is possible to reduce the level of pressure and influence the further course of the disease. Due to this, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and to give Special attention prevention of cataracts and glaucoma. All patients over 40 years of age should regularly visit an ophthalmologist and undergo examination.

What is the difference between glaucoma and cataracts

After extraction of the altered lens, vision is restored in patients with cataracts, while visual acuity does not increase after antiglaucoma intervention.

Both cataract and glaucoma may be present in the same patient, and the severity of these diseases may be different. For example, with a high degree of cataract maturity, glaucoma can be observed. initial stage. On the contrary, with a pronounced glaucomatous process, cataracts may be in the initial stage.

Treatment of diseases

For the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts, drug therapy, surgery and physiotherapy techniques are used.

To reduce the pressure inside the eye, you can use antihypertensive drops (Fotil, Betoptik, Xalatan). to slow the development of cataracts vitamin remedies(Taufon, Oftan Katahrom, Quinax), however, they cannot prevent further clouding of the lens, but they can slow down the pathological process.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are aimed at restoring metabolism in the tissues of the eye. At home, you can also use some devices (Sidorenko glasses, Pankov glasses). Their action is based on the effect of color pulse therapy, phonophoresis, vacuum massage and infrasound.

In addition, there is data on high efficiency vitamin complexes (Lutein Forte, Lutein Complex), which slow down the progression of the disease, and also normalize visual function.

If a drug therapy and physiotherapy methods were ineffective, then surgical treatment is carried out.

Surgery for cataract and glaucoma

In some cases, it is possible to simultaneously perform an operation to correct glaucoma and cataracts. This combined technique has a number of advantages, but it is not without its drawbacks. In this regard, in all cases, it is necessary to decide on the appointment of a particular type of operation on an individual basis.

It is important to note that with glaucomatous changes, defects persist for life. However, a clouded lens is quite easy to replace with a new artificial one. This can be done at any stage of cataract development, even in advanced cases. Vision is fully restored.

In this regard, the treatment of glaucoma should be performed in the first place. If necessary, cataract surgery can be performed at any time, while the outcome of the treatment will not depend on the timing of its implementation and previous intervention for glaucoma.

Where to be treated?

Each patient with such a serious diagnosis as cataracts and glaucoma must decide which doctor to entrust his vision to. It is important to be confident in the surgeon and the results of the operation.

Exists a large number of public and private clinics that offer services for the treatment and diagnosis of cataracts and glaucoma. To make a choice, you need to study the entire list medical institutions, reviews of patients and recommendations of doctors.

Glaucoma and cataract develop simultaneously in about 50% of cases. Not knowing the main signs of the development of diseases, many people go to the clinic when it is already quite difficult to change the situation.

What are these diseases

Both glaucoma and cataracts are diseases that develop mostly in adults over 45 years of age. With absence adequate treatment both diseases can lead to complete blindness and. In addition, they often appear in pairs and this can significantly speed up the process of vision loss.

Cataract and glaucoma often accompany each other. They can develop simultaneously both in one eye and in two at once. This is due to the fact that the nature of the course of diseases is capable of provoking pathologies inside the eye.

With the development of glaucoma, the vessels of the eye suffer, hemorrhages and neoplasms form in the eye. The combined effect of all factors can lead to a violation of the structure of the lens and the development of cataracts.

Clouding of the lens is accompanied by its increase and, accordingly, an increase in intraocular pressure, the so-called secondary glaucoma.

Treatment Methods

There are several ways to treat these diseases. Medication involves reducing intraocular pressure and curbing the development of cataracts with the help of eye drops and injections.

At the first signs of the development of the disease, this conservative method can give good results. But sooner or later, you will still have to resort to surgical intervention.

On the this moment surgery- most effective way fight the disease. This method is especially effective with the simultaneous development of two diseases. In this case, you can do with one operation.

During the operation to replace the clouded lens, additional drainage is formed, which significantly reduces the pressure inside the eye. In addition, the extraction of the enlarged lens itself and its replacement with an artificial one normal size already able to normalize intraocular pressure.

In the video, an ophthalmologist talks about the simultaneous treatment of glaucoma and cataracts with drops and surgery:

REFERENCE! There are many treatments for glaucoma and cataracts. folk methods, herbs, decoctions or lotions. All these methods are only able to remove or alleviate the symptoms of diseases.


People over 45 have an increased risk of glaucoma and cataracts. Holding preventive measures will not protect against their occurrence by 100%, but will significantly reduce the risks.

Vitamin C intake and daily walks on fresh air help reduce the risk of age-related changes. Also balanced physical exercise and proper nutrition.

Summing up, we can say that both cataract and glaucoma can provoke the development of each other and this greatly complicates the course of the disease and its treatment. The risk of developing one or even both diseases increases as the body ages. And most effective way treatment is surgery.

After the operation, the attending physician will prescribe postoperative treatment to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Medicines are prescribed for life. Some drugs can be replaced by others, but it is completely impractical and even dangerous to cancel them.

Thanks to the possibility of simultaneous treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, the patient no longer faces the question: which disease should be treated first?

Cases when both diseases are combined - both cataract and glaucoma, are not uncommon. Cataract - partial or complete clouding of the lens of the eye - is one of the most common age-related eye diseases. Glaucoma develops due to increased intraocular pressure, and most often in older people, but it can also be diagnosed at a young age.

Cataract and glaucoma can exist as two independent diseases, when cataract develops due to age-related changes already against the background of glaucoma present.

Otherwise, glaucoma can become dangerous complication cataracts (secondary glaucoma). The lens of a cataract not only becomes cloudy, but also increases in size, making it difficult for fluid to circulate inside the eye. As a result, intraocular pressure rises, leading to gradual atrophy of the optic nerve. With glaucoma, the so-called tubular vision is observed, it occurs as a result of deterioration peripheral vision. Visual signals cease to flow to the brain, and without treatment, vision can be lost forever.

It is impossible to restore vision lost due to glaucoma! It is because of the risk of developing secondary glaucoma that it is so dangerous to delay cataract treatment.

Treatment of cataracts and glaucoma in the Excimer clinic

Procrastination is dangerous!

Without timely treatment cataracts and glaucoma, the consequences for vision are the saddest. Due to the clouded lens, visual acuity is significantly reduced, and with glaucoma, the field of view narrows, all structures of the eye experience stress. Vision can be lost forever!

In both cases - whether the cataract developed later than glaucoma or the enlarged lens caused an increase in intraocular pressure - surgical treatment is necessary.

In case of combination cataracts and secondary glaucoma As a result, the Excimer Clinic performs ultrasonic cataract phacoemulsification with implantation of an intraocular lens. The intervention eliminates cataracts and restores visual acuity. artificial lens in terms of volume, it is much smaller than the natural lens, does not interfere with the outflow of fluid from the eye, as a result of which intraocular pressure normalizes. Intervention stops further development glaucoma without additional antiglaucoma operations.

If a cataract developed against the background of already existing glaucoma, Excimer clinic simultaneously performs two operations: non-penetrating deep sclerectomy - an operation for the treatment of glaucoma and ultrasonic cataract phacoemulsification. Non-penetrating deep sclerectomy allows you to restore the natural balance of fluid in the eye with open-angle forms of glaucoma, to optimally normalize intraocular pressure. To increase the effect of anti-glaucoma surgery, the Excimer clinic uses special modern drains. Carrying out ultrasonic phacoemulsification allows you to get rid of cataracts.

Simultaneous treatment of cataracts and glaucoma in the Excimer clinic is performed:

  • without hospitalization;
  • without suturing;
  • under local drip anesthesia and takes 15 - 20 minutes. Patient in short time returns to his normal lifestyle.

The result of simultaneous treatment of cataracts and glaucoma is getting rid of cataracts, restoring vision and normalizing intraocular pressure.

Cost of basic services

Service Price, rub.) By map Stock
Cataract treatment

Phacoemulsification of cataract with implantation intraocular lens ? Ultrasound cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation. After the operation, you will need glasses to work on close range

40500 ₽

38000 ₽

Phacoemulsification of complicated cataract with intraocular lens implantation ? Cataract surgery in a complicated case using ultrasound with implantation of an intraocular lens. After the operation, you will need glasses for working at close range.

62500 ₽

59000 ₽

Cataract phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation with SPECIAL optical characteristics ? During cataract surgery, a lens is implanted to protect the retina from negative impact ultraviolet rays, providing good twilight vision. After the operation, you will need glasses for working at close range.

75000 ₽

71500 ₽

Phacoemulsification of cataract with implantation of a TORIC intraocular lens ? During cataract surgery, a lens is implanted to correct existing astigmatism. The lens protects the retina from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, provides good twilight vision. After the operation, you will need glasses for working at close range.

85000 ₽

81000 ₽

Phacoemulsification of a cataract with implantation of a MULTIFOCAL intraocular lens ? During cataract surgery, a lens is implanted that provides good vision both near and on far distance, protects the retina from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, provides good twilight vision.

125000 ₽

118700 ₽

Phacoemulsification of a cataract with implantation of a MULTIFOCAL TORIC intraocular lens ? During cataract surgery, a lens is implanted that provides good vision both near and far, as well as correcting existing astigmatism. The lens protects the retina from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, provides good twilight vision.

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