The impact of bad habits on women's health. Life expectancy in the presence of dangerous habits. The general mechanism of action of drugs on the body

Bad habits of a person are actions that are automatically repeated a large number of times and can harm the health of a person or those around him.

Bad habits of a person are the result of a weak will. If he cannot force himself to stop doing certain actions that in the future may be harmful to health, then gradually it turns into a habit that is quite difficult to get rid of.

What are bad habits

The impact of bad habits on human life and health can be different. Some of them (alcoholism, drug addiction) modern medicine sees it as a disease. Others are classified as non-beneficial actions caused by imbalance nervous system.

The following are the main bad habits of modern man:

  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • gambling addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • Internet and television addiction;
  • binge eating;
  • the habit of picking the skin or biting the nails;
  • clicking joints.

The main causes of bad habits

The most common reasons for the development of bad habits in humans are:

Social consistency - if in the social group to which a person belongs, this or that model of behavior, for example, smoking, is considered the norm, then most likely he will also follow it in order to prove his belonging to this group, hence the fashion for bad habits arises;

Unsettled life and alienation;

Pleasure is one of the main reasons why the impact of bad habits is so great, it is the constant enjoyment that leads people to become alcoholics or drug addicts;

Idleness, inability to properly manage free time;


Stress relief.

Bad habits and their impact on human health

But of course the most severe consequences have habits of using drugs, nicotine and alcohol, which quickly develop into dependence and can lead to the development of a number of complications, up to death.

Tobacco smoking is one of the types of household drug addiction, the essence of which is to inhale the smoke of herbal preparations containing nicotine in its composition, which from the respiratory organs quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, including the brain.

The health risks of smoking are as follows:

  • significantly increases the risk of developing cancer, pathologies respiratory system, SSS and so on;
  • calcium is washed out of the body, the skin of the face ages, fingers become yellow, teeth deteriorate, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, the development of peptic ulcer is possible;
  • vessels become fragile and weak, lose their elasticity;
  • oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, hypertension develops.

Alcoholism is nothing more than a drug addiction of the body, in which a person feels a painful craving for alcohol. With this disease, not only mental, but also physical addiction person from alcohol. Alcoholism is severe internal organs(especially the liver) and personality degradation occurs.

Drinking alcohol does not always lead to the development of alcoholism. Whether a person becomes an alcoholic or not depends on many factors. These are heredity, willpower, frequency of drinking and volume of alcohol, habitat, individual characteristics of the body, mental or emotional predisposition, and so on.

The systematic use of alcohol leads to the following consequences:

  • the immune defense of the body decreases, a person often gets sick;
  • there is a gradual destruction of the liver;
  • deterioration of the work of the nervous and digestive systems organism;
  • increased blood glucose levels;
  • among alcoholics, there is a high level of mortality due to accidents, suicides, poisoning with low-quality alcohol;
  • the work of the brain gradually worsens, the person begins to lose memory and degrades.

Drug addiction is perhaps the most powerful and dangerous bad habit that has long been recognized as a disease. Drug addiction is the dependence of a person on the use of drugs. The disease has several phases of the course and gradually developing syndromes.

The harm that drugs do to the human body is great. Listed below are the most serious consequences addiction:

Significant reduction in life expectancy;

Increased risk of contracting the most dangerous and often incurable diseases (HIV, hepatitis);

High mortality among drug addicts from accidents, suicides, overdoses and drug poisoning;

Rapid aging of the body;

Development of mental and somatic abnormalities;

The strongest degradation of the personality;

criminal behavior.

How to deal with bad habits

What are the methods and ways to deal with bad habits, and which one is the most effective? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on so many factors - the degree of dependence, the willpower of a person, the individual characteristics of the organism.

But the most important thing is a person's desire to start new life without bad habbits. He must be fully aware of his problem and admit that he is an alcoholic or drug addict.

Without the desire of the person himself to get rid of addiction treatment is extremely difficult, and often impossible.

All methods of dealing with bad habits are divided into three groups:

  • gradual reduction in the consumption of harmful substances;
  • struggle with desires and refusal of a habit;
  • replacing one habit with another.

For example, many people quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke every day. This is a lengthy process and the last stage, when it is necessary to completely give up smoking, is very difficult for many.

But the drugs must be abandoned immediately. This leads to the most difficult condition of the body, breaking, when the remnants of narcotic drugs leave the body. It is impossible to solve the problem in any other way, in this case gradualness is not an option.

Prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, there is still no focus on the prevention of bad habits. noteworthy. The effect of various commercials, signs and posters is not great. Often a person in trouble is left alone with his problem. Friends and relatives turn away from him, which makes the probability of overcoming the disease extremely low.

The path to a life without bad habits always begins with the awareness of the problem. If a person does not see harm in his actions (believing, for example, that he is not an alcoholic, but simply drinks sometimes, like everyone else and there is nothing wrong with that), then a cure is almost impossible.

In medicine, the prevention of bad habits is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Let us explain this with the example of alcoholism.

The essence of primary prevention is to prevent the use of alcohol by persons who have not previously consumed it. Such prevention is aimed at young people, adolescents, children.

The target audience of secondary prevention is people who already know the taste of alcohol or those members of society who have the first signs of the formation of alcohol dependence.

Tertiary prevention is predominantly medical and is aimed at alcoholics.

It should be remembered that in order for people to give up bad habits, it is not enough just to scare them with the terrible consequences of drinking alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We need special comprehensive programs operating at the state level.

State support is needed for the development of sports, the creation of employment places for children and adolescents, the use of hotlines and telephones for psychological assistance, the creation of new modern drug treatment centers.

The mass media should actively promote a healthy lifestyle, form an understanding in the minds of young people that it is fashionable not to drink and smoke, but to play sports.

It is necessary to conduct special classes on the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in schools. Moreover, they should not be boring, but interesting. Not only teachers, but also psychologists, narcologists, former alcoholics and drug addicts, who can tell children by example what bad habits lead to.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that in the end, the decision on whether to start smoking, drinking or taking drugs is made by the person himself. It depends on him how his life will turn out, whether he can become a full-fledged member of society or not.

Preventing bad habits can help someone make right decision and even if one person, after talking with a psychologist or watching social advertising, says no to bad habits, this will already be a sign that everything was done not in vain!

Bad habits prevent a person from successfully realizing himself as a person. Most of these habits negatively affect either the person with the habit or the people around them. In any case, you need to try to deal with this problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that it will never again interfere with you or those around you. In this rating, we will talk about the most bad habits and addictions.


To some, profanity may not seem like such a bad habit, but just an element of the language, which has recently been used more and more large quantity of people. Even on the air of many programs, you can hear the “beeping” of the mat. The use of obscene language not only shows disrespect for those present, but can also become a habit, when obscene words slip through every 5-6 words. Such behavior is unacceptable in a cultural society, and even more so in the presence of children who repeat everything after adults.


Coffee is a very popular and beloved drink by many, but its frequent use can also be called a bad habit. Coffee can aggravate hypertension, some gastrointestinal diseases, absolutely unacceptable in most cardiovascular diseases and with damage to the retina. But all this is true only when coffee is clearly overdone. Coffee definitely can not be drunk with alcohol and mixed with tobacco smoke. This is a big blow to the cardiovascular system. In general, as with any other food, coffee should not be overdone. Everything is good in moderation.


Sleep is a vital necessity. Its absence leads to serious health problems. Sleep deprivation symptoms can include: dark circles under the eyes, a slight swelling of the face and loss of skin tone throughout the body, the occurrence of unreasonable irritability, low concentration and absent-mindedness. Also possible are jumps in blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite, and stomach problems. A person completely loses an adequate reaction to what is happening around. The protective function of the body is weakened, a delayed reaction to external factors which causes poor performance. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and sometimes even obesity - these are the companions of those who are forced to stay awake for a long time.


The harm of diets lies in the fact that after sitting on them for a while, the body will rebuild its work and slow down metabolism, and when a person starts eating again, fat is deposited not only where it was before, but also in new places, in organs, which harms them . It happens that a person goes on a diet without taking into account his health, which harms his body. Due to the constant rearrangements of the body to our diet, the work of the heart, joints and immune system can suffer. Often, due to diets, spending money on food and time for preparing them increases. In terms of psychological stress, diets are also very harmful. Possible suffering from failure, feelings of guilt and shame associated with it, pain caused by the ridicule of colleagues and family, a feeling of weakness, inability to pull oneself together. All this is hard to experience and sometimes leads to depression to a greater extent than the very presence of overweight and the inconvenience associated with it.


More than 30,000 people die each year from various resistant diseases. Unreasonable use of antibiotics leads to an increase in mortality, as the number of severe forms and complications increases. infectious diseases due to the resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials. In fact, antibiotics simply lose their effectiveness. For example, at the beginning of the era of antibiotics, steptococcal infections were treated with penicillin. And now streptococci have an enzyme that breaks down penicillin. If earlier it was possible to get rid of some diseases with a single injection, now a long course of treatment is required. Resistance of diseases to antibiotics is caused by the fact that these drugs are available and cheap, sold without a prescription. Therefore, many people buy antibiotics and take them for any infection.

Many interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor immediately after the symptoms are relieved, and those microorganisms that have become resistant to these antibiotics remain in the body. These microbes will multiply rapidly and pass on their antibiotic resistance genes. Another negative side of the uncontrolled use of antibiotics is the rampant growth of fungal infections. Since the drugs suppress the natural microflora of the body, those infections that our immunity has not allowed to multiply before begin to rage.


Computer addiction is a broad term that refers to a wide range of behavioral and impulse control problems. The main types that were identified in the course of the study are characterized as follows: an irresistible attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex, an addiction to virtual dating and an abundance of acquaintances and friends on the Web, online gambling and constant purchases or participation in auctions, endless travel on the Web in search of information, obsessive game of computer games.

Gambling may seem like a bad habit for teenagers, but it's not. Adults are equally affected. networked reality allows you to simulate a creative state due to the limitless possibilities of searching and making discoveries. And most importantly - surfing the net gives a feeling of being in the "stream" - complete immersion in action with a shutdown from external reality with a feeling of being in another world, another time, another dimension. Since there is no official diagnosis of computer addiction yet, the criteria for its treatment have not yet been sufficiently developed.


This disease is associated with addiction to all kinds of gambling, such as casinos, slot machines, cards and interactive games. Gambling can manifest itself as a disease and, much more often, as one of the symptoms of another mental illness: depression, manic states, even schizophrenia. The main symptom of gambling addiction is an obsessive desire to constantly play. It is impossible to distract a person from the game, most often he forgets to eat elementary food, becomes withdrawn. The circle of communication is sharply reduced, and changes almost completely, the behavior of a person also changes, and not for the better. Often there are all sorts of mental disorders. Usually, initially a person experiences a feeling of a rise in strength, but later they are replaced. terrible depression and decadent moods. The disease of gambling, as well as other diseases, is curable. Although getting rid of it is incredibly difficult. This may even take years. After all, gambling has a similar psychological nature with smoking.


Some men and women are not at all ashamed of being sexually active, so they try their best to get sensual pleasure by having sexual intercourse with different partners. One researcher, studying adolescent sexuality, noted that in personal conversations with many adolescents who are sexually promiscuous, it turned out that, in their opinion, they live without a goal and are not very satisfied with themselves. In addition, he found that promiscuous young people suffer from "self-doubt and lack of self-esteem" the next morning. Often those who have entered into unlawful sexual intercourse changing relationship with each other. The young man may find that his feelings for him have cooled somewhat and that she is not even as attractive as he thought. In turn, the girl may have the feeling that she was treated like a thing.

Promiscuous sex life is often the cause of sexually transmitted diseases. The vast majority of patients become infected as a result of their own sexual promiscuity, casual sex, promiscuity, that is, in violation of established norms of socialist morality. As a rule, a person who is prone to premarital and extramarital sexual relations is not demanding of himself in other respects: he abuses alcohol, is selfish, indifferent to the fate of his loved ones and to the work performed.


For many people, overeating is a real problem. With severe food addiction consulting a nutritionist is sometimes not enough, you need the support of a psychologist, supervision of a therapist, endocrinologist and other specialists. The causes of overeating are often difficult to identify and diagnose. Overeating leads to the fact that all organs and systems are overstrained. This leads to wear and tear and provokes the development of various diseases. Overeating and gluttony always turns into problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Overeating inevitably affects the condition of the skin, on which acne and blackheads appear. Needless to say, an overeaten person is useless not only for others, but also for himself. As a result, the desire to move, to talk disappears. There can be no talk of any. I just want to go to bed and nothing else.


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. However, every smoker thinks that the consequences of smoking will not affect him, and he lives for today, not thinking about the diseases that will inevitably appear in him in 10-20 years. It is known that sooner or later you will have to pay with your health for every bad habit. Smoking is associated with up to 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% from bronchitis and 25% from coronary disease heart rate among men under the age of 65. Smoking or passive inhalation tobacco smoke can cause infertility in women. Atrophy and destruction of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord at multiple sclerosis more pronounced in patients who smoked for at least 6 months during their lifetime compared to patients who never smoked.

Smoking addiction can be both psychological and physical. With psychological dependence, a person reaches for a cigarette when he is in a smoking company, or in a state of stress, nervous tension, to stimulate mental activity. In physical addiction, the body's demand for a dose of nicotine is so strong that the entire attention of the smoker is focused on finding a cigarette, the idea of ​​smoking becomes so obsessive that most other needs fade into the background. It becomes impossible to concentrate on anything other than a cigarette, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, may set in.


Alcohol is present in the life of almost every person. Someone drinks only on holidays, someone likes to relax with a portion of alcohol on the weekends, and someone abuses alcohol all the time. Under the influence of ethanol, which is in alcoholic beverages everything collapses, first of all - nervous and cardiovascular systems. Weak muscles, blood clots, diabetes, a shrunken brain, a swollen liver, weakened kidneys, impotence, depression, stomach ulcers - this is just a partial list of what you can get from regular drinking of beer or something stronger. Any portion of alcohol is a blow to the intellect, to health, to the future.

A bottle of vodka drunk in an hour can literally kill you on the spot. Next time, before you drink 100 grams, imagine your body slowly dying under the influence of ethanol while you are having fun. Imagine that your cells are slowly suffocating, that the brain, in order to escape, blocks many brain centers, which causes incoherent speech, impaired spatial sensation, impaired coordination of movements and memory lapses. Imagine how your blood thickens, forming deadly blood clots, how blood sugar levels go off scale, how brain structures responsible for intelligence and ingenuity die, how alcohol burns through the walls of the stomach, forming non-healing ulcers.


The use of drugs leads to severe disorders, primarily of the mental and physical functions of the body. In modern society, few people do not know about the dangers of drugs, but despite this, they still attract people, becoming destructive for many. People who use drugs develop insomnia, dry mucous membranes, nasal congestion, trembling in the hands, and the pupils become unusually wide, unresponsive to changes in the illumination of the eye.

A drug is a poison, it slowly destroys a person's brain, his psyche. They either die from a broken heart, or because their nasal septum thins out, leading to fatal bleeding. When using, for example, LSD, a person loses the ability to navigate in space, he gets the feeling that he can fly and, believing in his abilities, jumps from the last floor. All drug addicts do not live long, regardless of the type of drug used. They lose the instinct of self-preservation, which leads to the fact that about 60% of drug addicts, during the first two years after initiation to drugs, attempt suicide. Many of them succeed.

Everyone has or has experienced bad habits. Some are trying to get rid of them, others have managed to accustom themselves to full life and without bad habits, others do not take any measures and live quietly on, but not longer. In this article, we will get acquainted with a number of bad habits and their negative impact on the human body.

The category of bad habits includes those habits that are both harmful to human health and restrict a person from the full use of their capabilities throughout life. Bad habits acquired in young age, which a person is not able to get rid of, are critically dangerous. Such habits cause serious harm to human existence.– loss of potential and motivation, premature aging of the human body and the acquisition of diseases different kind. They include smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic substances. There are also less dangerous bad habits of people, like dependence on a computer or smartphone; unhealthy diet, including diet and consumption fatty foods, gluttony; the habit of not getting enough sleep, not letting your body rest at least 8 hours a day; gambling addiction; promiscuous sex life, which provokes different venereal diseases; uncontrolled use of drugs ...

Bad habit 1 - Drinking alcohol

Alcohol belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that impair the activity of brain centers. Such substances relatively greatly reduce the supply of oxygen to the human brain, due to which the brain functions with less activity, the person loses coordination of movements, inconsistency of speech appears, blurred thinking, loss of concentration, attention, ability to think logically and make reasonable decisions.

The causes of alcoholism can be: domestic drunkenness, accompanying mental dependence on alcohol, unfavorable relationships and conflicts in the family, alcoholic traditions, unfavorable environment, low cultural level, high income ... Also, many people try to express themselves with the help of alcohol.

If we talk about the negative impact of alcohol on the human body, then it is worth considering that when drinking alcohol, the access of oxygen to the brain decreases, which in the worst case can lead to the death of brain cells - alcoholic dementia. Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages negatively affects all systems of the human body, and it is also caused by damage to the cells of the “thinking” part of the brain. In addition, alcohol causes

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the external respiratory system
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Psychical deviations
  • Weakened immune system
  • Decreased sexual function
  • Weakening and wasting of muscles

The most severe form of alcoholism is considered delirium tremens. This disease may be characterized by trembling, rapid pulse, agitation, high blood pressure, fever. Delirium tremens manifested as hallucinations, disorientation, clouding of consciousness.

Also, alcohol abuse shortens life by 15-20 years.

Bad habit 2 - Smoking

The use of any tobacco products is especially dangerous because the harm in this process is caused not only to the smoker himself, but also to people who are nearby. In the whole world, one person dies every 13 seconds (according to the UN). Smoking is a form of substance abuse that causes chronic poisoning human body developing mental and physical dependence. The nicotine contained in tobacco products immediately enters the blood vessels through the alveoli of the lungs. Tobacco smoke also contains large amounts of toxic substances- products of combustion of tobacco leaves and substances used in technological processing, including carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, essential oils, ammonia, tobacco tar.

The use of tobacco products, like the use of alcohol, negatively affects all systems of the human body.

  • Nicotine has a stimulating effect, in which the central nervous system cannot function fully. The brain receives a smaller amount of blood with a reduced oxygen content in it, which is fraught with a decrease in the mental activity of a smoker.
  • The human respiratory system also suffers, because due to the inhalation of tobacco smoke, the smoker begins to irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, larynx, nose, trachea and bronchi. As a result, a person develops inflammation of the respiratory tract. If an experienced smoker, then he may suffer from irritation of the vocal cords, narrowing of the glottis. A cough with dark mucus is normal for a smoker. It provokes the development of shortness of breath and shortness of breath. Smoking is also a factor in the development of diseases, including asthma and pneumonia.
  • When smoking, risks to the circulatory system are possible: high blood pressure, impaired circulation of brain cells and heart activity, which can lead to. With constant smoking, the heart begins to contract more often, which leads to a constant tension in the circulatory system.
  • The gastrointestinal tract does not function properly, which affects the appearance of the smoker like a screwed up gray coating tongue, bad breath.
  • The digestive system is also under threat - along with saliva, most of the toxic substances enter the stomach. The enamel of the teeth is also destroyed, caries is formed. Perhaps the formation of a stomach ulcer.
  • When smoking, a person's taste sensations and sharpness of charm are reduced.
  • Sexual activity, especially in men aged 25-40 years, is reduced.
  • Smoking provokes ...etc.

Since the problem of smoking is becoming more urgent, mankind has invented electronic cigarettes in order to replace smoking tobacco. At first glance, this may seem like a completely reasonable decision, since most smokers have “switched” to electronic cigarettes, and by inhaling the vapor with it, most of the toxic substances do not enter the body. But in fact, almost every liquid for electronic cigarette contains nicotine, which, when inhaled, instantly enters the bloodstream. With 8 or more puffs of an e-cigarette, nicotine gets to the brain. Nicotine provokes mutations, which is especially dangerous if the smoker wants to continue his race.

Nicotine also causes Buerger's disease, a condition that can lead to finger amputation.

Bad habit 3 - Narcotic substances

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to use pharmacological preparations known as drugs. The victims, in particular, are teenagers who use these substances for entertainment. Frequent use pharmacological agents causes drug dependence, adversely affects both human health and its social and economic situation. Regardless of the method of introducing a substance into the body, all drugs cause especially dangerous harm to the nervous system, immune system, liver, heart, and lungs.

Narcotic drugs are divided into opiates, psychostimulants, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, hypnotics and sedatives and volatile narcotic active substances.

Smoking cannabis, hashish, marijuana ... contributes to the formation of chronic bronchitis, impaired immunity, cardiovascular insufficiency, liver toxicity...
Opiate drugs are administered intravenously, so the risk of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis (B and C) is incredibly high when using these drugs.
Psychostimulants cause particular harm to the human nervous system, developing severe depression, which can lead to psychosis. They dramatically increase metabolism, heart rate, increase blood pressure. Therefore, the energy to maintain life is taken from reserve reserves that do not have time to recover, which is fraught with depletion of the body. The heart is also at risk, due to severe arrhythmias. Possible myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest.
When using hallucinogenic substances, special damage is done to the brain. They destroy the human psyche, which, with frequent use, is fraught with psychosis and irreversible damage to the psyche.
Sleeping and sedative substances have negative effect on the human brain, liver and heart. They provoke insomnia, encephalopathy (brain damage), seizures, suicidal attempts, as well as diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
Volatile narcotic active substances - inhalants help to slow down the mental development of a person, destroy the activity of the cerebral cortex, damage all organs and tissues of the body. The most terrible outcome from the use of inhalants is the so-called "death in the bag" - loss of consciousness and inability to remove the bag from the head (since when using these drugs, a person puts a bag on his head)

All drugs have a negative impact on the next generation of drug addicted parents. The fetus may be born mentally retarded, with physical abnormalities.

Factors including a person's personality, temperament, social environment, as well as the psychological atmosphere in which a person is located can influence the formation of bad habits. Therefore, you should carefully choose your environment, as well as the environment of your children, in order to avoid all of the above diseases and complications. It is also worth remembering that bad habits harm not only you, but also your loved ones, so you should gather all the will into a fist and start getting rid of them as soon as possible!

Our whole life is made up of habits and various activities. A person carries them out at an unconscious level, without reflection. All human habits / addictions are divided into useful and harmful. If beneficial habits are formed gradually and improve human nature, then the formation of harmful ones often occurs at a young age.

The desire to imitate, look more mature and successful sometimes leads to sad consequences and deadly addictions. What is the impact of bad habits on human health and why are they dangerous? People become real slaves of formed addictions that harm not only them, but also the people around them.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on a person's life

Any addiction of a person (positive or negative) is designed to satisfy the needs of the individual and bring pleasure. This is what psychologists explain the speed of development of addiction and the duration of its impact. Experts classify all bad habits into the following categories:

  1. Illiterate food.
  2. Drinking addiction.
  3. Drug addiction.
  4. Nicotine addiction.
  5. Addictions of a psychological nature.

What is the impact of bad habits on the human body, and what are the consequences of these addictions? We will talk about this in this article.

unhealthy food

The Problem of the Illiterate diet is large-scale and it is especially relevant today. According to statistics, about 90% of the world's population eat illiterately, which greatly harms their own health.

What does unhealthy eating lead to?

The harmonious functioning of the body depends primarily on the products that make up the daily diet of a person.

What exactly harms the individual? What causes exist, which form unhealthy habit? First of all, it is:

  1. Sweet love. What to expect from an organism to which large doses regular intake of sugar? Caries, destruction of tooth enamel, serious problems with the skin and the cardiovascular system.
  2. Lots of salt. unnecessarily salty food provokes a problem in the work of the kidneys, and also leads to the degradation of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Fat food. Foods rich in carbohydrates are responsible for the development of gastritis and different kind obesity.

And lovers of a hearty meal before going to bed subsequently suffer from various violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. At first glance, switching to a competent diet does not seem to be something difficult and impossible. But it is very difficult for people accustomed to such a menu to give up their addiction.

Competent nutrition should be balanced and consist of healthy food

Uncontrolled absorption of food, jamming of excitement, stress, or just eating for pleasure leads to problems and malfunctions in the work of all internal organs. But strict restriction of oneself in the diet causes no less detrimental consequences.

Starvation diets lead to the development of a deadly syndrome - anorexia. In this case, even entering the stomach healthy food will be rejected by them.

If a harmful food addiction has already been formed, experienced specialists in the field of healthy nutrition, dietitians, will help to overcome it. You should also listen to the following simple rules:

  • before breakfast on an empty stomach drink a glass of cool clean water;
  • the first thing to do is to adjust your own breakfast, then you can proceed to the competent development of the rest of the meal;
  • transfer yourself to fractional nutrition, increasing the number of approaches to food, while the usual portions are divided by 2-3 times;
  • refuse completely fried food, replacing it with boiled or stewed;
  • in case of hunger in the evening or at night, limit yourself to a glass of a dairy product.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is one of the most pernicious habits of a person. Especially dangerous alcohol influence of bad habits on reproductive health person. According to some people, alcohol is a completely harmless hobby that brings relaxation to a person. And the only harm is morning sickness in the form of a hangover.

What are the signs of alcohol addiction

In fact, ethyl alcohol, regularly entering the body, deals a crushing blow to all internal systems and organs. Learn how alcohol affects the body:

Brain. If a person regularly tries to relax with the help of alcohol-containing drinks, he risks facing irreversible consequences. Suffer first brain functions personality. Start:

  • memory problems;
  • clouding of mind;
  • coordination disorders.

The cardiovascular system. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the work of the heart muscle (myocardium). The result is global problems with the circulatory system. A heart suffering from alcohol signals problems with alarming symptoms such as:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • high degree of fatigue;
  • chronic painful cough;
  • the development of many cardiac pathologies;
  • severe shortness of breath even with little physical exertion.

Liver. The most powerful blow falls on the liver, because it is this organ that works to protect the body from toxins, poisons and harmful compounds. Unable to cope with the regular load due to penetration into the body ethyl alcohol, the liver begins to falter and degrades over time. With the systematic use of alcohol, the following pathologies come to a person:

  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • acute hepatitis.

Ethyl alcohol not only completely destroys human health, it also has a detrimental effect on the psyche. Alcohol is highly soluble in fats and water. When ethyl alcohol enters the body, it instantly spreads throughout all body systems.

What does alcoholism lead to?

You can track the progress of alcohol through the internal organs, noting the manifestation of negative consequences along the “path” of ethanol:

  1. The oral cavity suffers from mucosal burns.
  2. Gastrointestinal signals strong irritation esophagus and stomach tissues.
  3. In the sections of the small intestine, spasm of nerve endings and a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occur.
  4. The liver is completely poisoned by the decay products of ethanol and toxic toxins.
  5. The urinary system suffers from the destructive influence of ethyl alcohol by various diseases.
  6. The sexual sphere reacts with a decrease in sperm production in men, and women have problems with the regularity of the monthly cycle.

Statistically life drinking man is reduced by 20-25 years in comparison with a person adhering to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it is possible to overcome this addiction on your own only at the first stages of the development of alcoholism.

Then the already qualified help of various specialists is required. This habit leads to a complete drop in human immunity, the development of many deadly dangerous diseases. Drinking parents have babies with congenital deformities and deviations. Alcoholism can also be inherited.

drug addiction

All bad habits and their impact on human health completely destroy the personality. And what can hurt more than drugs? Ruthless killers injure both the physical and mental health of a person. Narcotic compounds are dangerous because at first their action is imperceptible.

Drug addiction is a global scourge

Symptoms such as minor mood swings, brittle and dull nails/hair, and flaky skin usually go unnoticed. Over time, this habit manifests itself with more detrimental consequences:

  • persistent complicated colds;
  • long-term healing of even small scratches;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations begin.

The addict is completely immersed in his sick world, in pursuit of the next dose, he ceases to notice everything: family, friends, parents, relatives. For the sake of getting the dose that has already become necessary, people suffering from addiction are able to go to any, even the most serious crime.

The development of this bad habit takes place in a very short period of time. The life expectancy of an addict is rare, exceeding 10-15 years after the first dose.

It is almost impossible to cope with this attachment on your own. To save a person, you need to apply for qualified help physicians. In some cases, the addict is placed in specialized centers where treatment takes place under the vigilant supervision of narcologists.

Development of tobacco dependence

Doctors classify this bad habit as a substance abuse. More than 2/3 of the world's population is exposed to smoking. Often, smokers themselves do not even think about the harm they cause to their own body.

Not only the smoker suffers from smoking, but also the people around him

After all, such an addiction can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases, which sooner or later lead to lethal outcome. What problems does smoking cause?

  • blood pressure disorders;
  • tooth decay;
  • difficulties in the work of the respiratory system;
  • development of stomach ulcers and oncological processes;
  • difficulties in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • the development of complicated, prolonged colds and infectious diseases.

As a result, the smoker develops various fatal dangerous ailments. According to statistics, people suffering from nicotine addiction get sick:

  1. Pulmonary tuberculosis: 93-94% of smokers.
  2. Oncological processes of the lungs: 10-12% of smokers.
  3. Various degrees of pneumonia: 55-60% of tobacco addicts.

Where does this addiction begin? For the first time, a person smokes more often at a young age out of a desire to appear older and more experienced. Many people smoke to relax and calm down. And practically all smokers are sure that they are able to part with such a habit themselves, in a short moment. But, unfortunately, this is a misconception.

How smoking affects health

Constant inhalation of carcinogenic tobacco smoke causes a very strong addiction, which is almost impossible to cope with on your own. Nicotine is equated in terms of the power of forming a habit with a soft drug.

It takes about 6-7 years to completely get rid of addiction and put the body in order.

People who are prone to this bad habit can be distinguished even by external signs:

  • hardened voice;
  • yellowness of teeth and nail plates;
  • bleeding gums, weakening of teeth (their loosening);
  • morning cough, characteristic of all smokers with experience;
  • earlier skin aging leading to the appearance of numerous premature wrinkles.

Women who smoke are at risk of premature menopause, and men - with complete impotence. Teenagers who want to become more mature and take a cigarette in their hands begin to degrade quickly. In a young organism, mental processes are disturbed, the level of intelligence and general physical development decreases.

Psychological addictions

This type of addiction includes dependence on a computer, Internet games. At first, the situation does not portend any trouble - a person simply relaxes after have a hard day. But over time, the gamer becomes truly addicted to his hobby. Such a habit leads to the following sad consequences:

  • high fatigue;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • loss of vision up to the development of cataracts;
  • problems of behavioral reactions - the appearance of irritability, aggressiveness.

The development and formation of such bad habits cannot be attributed entirely to congenital bad character and educational defects. In this way, the true attitude of a person towards himself and his health is manifested. The main reason for the development of addictions lies in the desire of people to get away from reality and find new experiences that are more vivid than the usual everyday life.

No wonder they say that "human habit is second nature." The main and very important task of each individual is the search for more interesting hobbies. You need to make every effort to make your life useful and rich. pleasant events. It is the desire for this goal that will make a person's life healthy and fulfilling.

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On the topic: "Bad habits. Their detrimental effect on the body. Prevention measures and methods of control "



1. Habit

2. Smoking

3. Alcoholism and drunkenness

4. Addiction




A lot has been and is being said about drunkenness and smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction - factors harmful to health. But the fact remains that alcohol, nicotine and drugs are abused by millions of people on the planet.

The dangers of smoking have long been known. However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this addiction is growing, as a significant number of people still do not consider smoking unhealthy. Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit effortlessly. This is a real addiction, and all the more dangerous because many do not take it seriously.

The problem of alcohol consumption is also very relevant today. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, youth, as well as the health of expectant mothers. After all, alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

Effects prolonged use narcotic substances destructive: they cause disorders of the heart and blood circulation, diseases of the liver and kidneys, cause cancer and degradation of the personality, which is often associated with social decline and a large number of suicides.

It seems to me that the problem of “bad habits” is the most relevant in our time, and the fight against them is a task not only for the state as a whole, but also for each individual citizen. Necessary Prevention“bad habits” is, first of all, information about their detrimental effect on the human body, especially on the body of a growing person. And the sooner we start preventing “bad habits” among the younger generation, the sooner we will be able to avoid sad consequences(severe illnesses, disabilities, broken families, suicides, etc.), increase the birth rate, preserve the size of our nation.

Target: the formation of the concept of “bad habits” among adolescents on the example of the habit of drinking alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on human health

drinking alcohol smoking health

1. Habit

A habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations acquires the character of a need for a person. A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in a person that is aggressive towards the person himself or towards society.

The quality of life depends not only on the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but also on the habits that a person has at a particular age. These can be very useful habits: observance of the rules of hygiene at work and rest, adherence to the daily routine, moderate and rational nutrition, physical education and sports, etc. But these can also be very bad habits that turn into diseases, among which the most dangerous are smoking, alcohol consumption, and addiction to toxic and narcotic substances. How earlier man acquires such a habit, the more he increases his chances not only for premature death, but also for a sharp decrease in the quality of his very short life. Bad habits are different kinds deviations from a healthy lifestyle. Their consequences for each individual and for society as a whole are very sad.

2. Smoking

The modern world is full of amazing, sometimes the darkest paradoxes. Here is one of them. The higher the level of development of mankind, the more complex and refined the civilization, the more active and more often the desire for self-destruction. And it's not just wars. Perhaps one of the most destructive factors, phenomena, frankly, suicidal, is the increasing prevalence, especially among young people, of smoking, drunkenness and drug addiction. They are softly and delicately called bad habits. But they are worse than infection. They poison, destroy health and kill thousands of people every year. And all this is on a voluntary basis, a person poisons, destroys and kills himself.

Scientists have calculated that the normal life expectancy of a person should be 120 years! But few people throughout the history of mankind lived to such an age. The main reasons are rooted in the attitude of the person himself to his health. This was written by the famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov: “A person can live for more than a hundred years. We ourselves, by our intemperance, by our disorderliness, by our ugly treatment of own body reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.”

Smoking leads to nicotine addiction respiratory center the brain from the substances that stimulate its work contained in tobacco smoke, which turns into a destabilizing factor for the whole organism.

Drug addiction is the dependence of the body at the physiological level on tonic, calming, intoxicating, immersing in vision substances.

Let's take a closer look at the dangers of smoking.

For example, experts from the United Nations have calculated that in the world one person dies from smoking every 13 seconds. About 3 million people die each year from addiction to tobacco. This is significantly more than from AIDS (50 times!), from

earthquakes, floods, traffic accidents, annual wars and many other deadly factors.

But floods and earthquakes are natural phenomena. Man has not yet learned how to prevent them. Smoking is voluntary. It turns out that every year in the world 3 million people voluntarily expose themselves to danger, risk.

What is the danger of smoking? To understand this, a reasonable and responsible person needs simple numbers: 90-95% of lung cancer patients are smokers; 50% of other cancers and 20-25% of cardiovascular diseases are related to smoking.

Some beginner smokers think they can stop smoking whenever they want. This is one of the most common misconceptions.

Tobacco addiction goes through several stages. At the first stage, the body desperately resists. He seems to be saying: stop immediately poisoning me with this muck - it is dangerous for me and you as a person! The body, defending itself from its frivolous owner, turns on a protective mechanism, causing a feeling of deep disgust for nicotine in a novice smoker. After the first cigarette, it would be logical to stop smoking immediately.

So nature tries to warn the novice smoker about the coming suffering. Here is what Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy said about this: “It was bitter in my mouth and my breath caught. However, reluctantly, I inhaled tobacco smoke for a long time ... and I felt bitterness in my mouth and a little whirling in my head. I was about to stop and just look in the mirror with my pipe, when, to my surprise, I staggered on my feet; the room went around and, looking in the mirror, which I approached with difficulty, I saw that my face was as pale as a sheet.

If a person does not stop in time, then the body stops resisting and the second stage of addiction to tobacco begins. The man smokes and feels nothing. He has almost no pleasant sensations. But there are no bad ones either. Outwardly, everything is fine. But the process of intensive destruction of the body has already begun. And you can’t compensate for it in any way - neither by walking in the fresh air, nor by increased intake of vitamins (they are due to harmful effects nicotine is broken down in the body and does not bring benefits).

There is an adaptation of all life support systems to the terrifying conditions of inhalation of toxic substances. It's the same as if a person every day in the fresh air lay down for a while at the exhaust pipe of a car and breathed. exhaust gases. The body would also adapt to this and its destruction could be imperceptible. But it would constantly go on, bringing a person closer to the onset of diseases. At this stage, you can still stop.

Otherwise, the third stage may come. She is the most dangerous. Through certain time the human body becomes addicted to nicotine. I didn’t breathe tobacco smoke - it’s coming unpleasant feeling. Note: smoking is not drawn because you want to experience something pleasant. You already have to smoke so as not to experience unpleasant things.

And an absolutely amazing result is obtained: a person has accustomed himself to an action that is completely unpleasant for him and those around him. He deliberately ruins his health, and even depends on his own habit. In fact, it turns out that he is a slave to a cigarette. Why do many schoolchildren, even knowing about the dangers and troubles, still start smoking?

There are several answers to this question. But there are two main reasons.

The first reason: the belief that everyone does it and nothing happens. And they try, raping their body. And by the time they get addicted, it's too late.

It is clear that this belief is erroneous, false. All more young people are beginning to understand the common truth: smoking can seriously damage health and all future happy life. Smoking is going out of fashion all over the world.

And those who smoke would be happy to give up this habit. But they do not know how to do it, because they have already become addicted to nicotine. That is why so many people try to show that they are not in great discomfort because of their addiction. They are embarrassed to admit that they do not have enough strength to quit smoking.

The second reason: the desire to look like "my boyfriend", that is, more mature and interesting to others.

Everyone wants to have more friends with whom it is interesting. Everyone wants to be interesting to others.

And here it turns out that those with whom it is interesting smoke. And if you do not smoke, then one of two things: either you have not grown up to a real company yet, or you need another company. What if there is no other?

So both boys and girls try to “meet” the requirements of the company. True, many people admit that they would not smoke with pleasure, but these are the “rules of communication”.

Weird and funny rules. Normal people who think about the future do not look for interesting people in order to destroy their health in company with them. If a pass to the company is such external signs as a cigarette, then this only indicates that the company has a poor soul, it is limited to tobacco smoke, a bottle of beer, empty talk. A person who strives for such communication limits his communication.

Most people have understood that it is better not to start smoking, as smoking brings nothing but trouble. Among them:

the disapproving views of the majority of people who are not smokers, that is, the moral condemnation of smoking throughout the world;

high financial costs for the purchase of cigarettes;

the highest risk of losing health and meeting premature death;

high financial costs for the treatment of diseases acquired as a result of smoking;

the high cost of smoking treatment if a person decides to get rid of this habit;

loss of the opportunity to experience a lot of pleasures due to a health disorder as a result of smoking (for example, diving to the seabed with scuba gear, climbing a famous mountain) and much more.

Add to that the fires and burns that are caused by smoking and that affect millions of people every year. We also note the harm that smoking brings to people who are forced to inhale tobacco smoke, which even got its own term - “passive smoking”.

So, you have learned what habits are and what bad habits are, and you understand why smoking, drinking and drug addiction are classified as bad habits.

3. Alcoholism and drunkenness

Drunkenness leads to alcoholism. Ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is formed in the process of metabolism. The one who comes through digestive tract alcohol breaks down to poisonous acetaldehyde and has a devastating effect on cells and organs.

The most severe social consequences of alcohol addiction can be considered the degradation of the personality of the drunkard, the destruction family relations, the appearance of children with various forms deviations from the norm.

Here is one disappointing figure from criminal statistics: 70% of crimes against a person are committed by people in a state of alcohol intoxication. Language does not turn to call alcoholism and drunkenness delicate term "bad habit". This is a vice, this is a scourge, this is, as the ancient philosopher said, "voluntary madness." The effect of alcohol on people is different. Some quickly become drunkards and become alcoholics, they develop a painful addiction to alcohol in the form of binges and hangovers. Others remain, as they are called, everyday drunkards.

Doctors explain that it's all about hereditary factors transmitted from parents to children through genes that determine the metabolic processes in the human body and, accordingly, the tendency to drink alcohol. However, anyone can theoretically become an alcoholic. The alarm should be sounded already when there is a desire to drink with or without, especially daily, i.e. alcohol addiction sets in. This becomes an evil need, a habitual state, while the drinker does not notice that his character is changing for the worse: he becomes forgetful, touchy, aggressive, and sometimes simply degenerates, becomes stupid.

Alcoholism is a disease resulting from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and addiction to them.

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and in fact it produces ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) - the main source of energy in the body, detoxifies (neutralizes) poisons, deposits blood, produces enzymes (catalysts chemical processes in the body) and much more.

According to the level of alcohol consumption, doctors divide people into three groups:

Group I - people who drink alcohol rarely (on holidays, celebrations, no more than 1 time per month) a small amount(2-3 glasses of wine or spirits).

Group II - drink alcohol moderately (1-3 times a month, but not more than 1 time per week). Occasion - holidays, family celebrations, meetings with friends.

The number of drinks 200 g of strong or 400-500 g of light (taking into account age, gender and physical development). Persons who "know their limits", do not allow conflict situations.

Group III - alcohol abusers:

a) without signs of alcoholism, i.e. drinking several times a week more than 0.5 liters of wine or 200 g of spirits; motive "for the company", "I want and drink." These are asocial persons, conflicts in the family and at work, regular clients of medical sobering-up stations and the police. They are already addicted to alcohol;

b) with signs of alcoholism - loss of control, mental dependence on alcohol. which roughly corresponds Stage III alcoholism as a disease;

c) with pronounced signs of alcoholism - physical dependence on alcohol, withdrawal syndrome (hangover).

stages of alcoholism. There are three main stages in the development of alcoholism as a disease.

stage. The work of internal organs is disrupted. Various deviations from the nervous system appear, mental performance decreases, memory and attention worsen, sleep is disturbed, headaches, irritability occur. In other words, functional changes in organs and systems, loss of control, dependence are visible. This stage is called the initial - neurasthenic.

stage. Characterized by more severe violations intellectual and emotional-personal spheres. Arise alcoholic psychoses, the doses of alcohol are increased to the maximum. This is the average, addictive stage, which is expressed by a mental disorder and constant drunkenness.

stage. Weakening of the whole organism, loss of emotions and ethical standards. Typical changes in the internal organs. Auxiliary processes of peripheral nerves. This stage is manifested in binge drinking, with pronounced manifestation psychosis, delusions of jealousy, loss of potency.

Motives for drinking alcohol:

* self-affirmation (what am I, worse than others),

* symbolic participation, keeping up with others, friends,

* removal of psychodynamic stress (courage, swagger).

Motivation for abstinence from alcohol:

* cultural motives - 53% (harmful, doctor's advice);

* an obstacle (parental prohibition) - 28.8%;

* taste (not tasty, disgusting) -16.8%;

* health motives (nausea, malaise) - 8.8%;

People who abuse alcohol think and even boast that their health is iron and they will not lose it very soon, so they do not deny themselves the pleasure of taking a new dose of alcohol. But the degradation of personality still occurs: for someone earlier, for someone later. Alcohol is especially harmful to a young growing body. So-called adult doses for boys can be lethal. Alcohol poisoning they come faster. And with brain damage, irreversible changes can occur that can lead to disability and death.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the sexual sphere. The work of the gonads is disrupted, the sexual life is disrupted. Developing sexual weakness- impotence, which affects about 60% of men who abuse alcohol, the remaining 40%, even with the preservation of sexual desire, are not capable of a full sexual life.

Children born to alcoholics are underweight at birth, they have birth defects heart, deformity of the skull and face, poorly formed auricles and eye sockets. They get sick more often, get sick longer, the disease is severe. Not full-term, underdevelopment, congenital exhaustion of the baby are signs of alcohol consumption by the mother. It is known that children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely to develop alcoholism and drug addiction.

Among the causes of death and disease, alcoholism ranks third, second only to cardiovascular disease and malignant formations. Average duration life with alcohol abuse is reduced by about 20 years. Alcohol is the cause of crimes, injuries, accidents at home and at work.

most important feature alcoholism is that a sick person cannot come to the conclusion that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it.

In case of alcohol poisoning, you should give the victim water to drink (tea or juice that does not contain soda), induce vomiting (to remove poisons from the body). In case of poisoning, for example, with a cough suppressant, insecticide or French vodka, 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal should be given (to bind the poison remaining in the body).

Be sure to call an ambulance. In case of violation of breathing or cardiac activity in the victim, it is necessary to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

So, we learned what alcoholism is, which people are most prone to alcohol addiction, what consequences alcoholism leads to. We learned about the first medical care in alcohol poisoning.

4. Addiction

Drug addiction is a serious disease and a deadly bad habit.

Drug addiction is the dependence of the body on tonic, sedative, intoxicating, immersing in deceptive, sweet visions of substances (LSD, hashish, poppy, hemp, heroin, cocaine, etc.). The social consequences of drug addiction are not only the loss of physical and mental health of an individual , but also the dependence of a drug addict on a drug seller, obtaining money not by labor, and sometimes even by criminal means.

The habit comes to alcoholism and smoking gradually, and a person can become addicted to drugs in just a few doses, and to some even in one or two.

Under the influence of drugs fall primarily:

People with increased excitability of the nervous system - they are emotional, lose control of themselves, scream, scold, throw things, aggressive self-lovers, usually touchy, fickle, inconsistent, easily fall under the influence of others.

Persons with mental instability - they have a weak will, lack of interests and aspirations, increased suggestibility, they do not have their own permanent line of behavior. They love pleasure, are sociable, contact, fickle, have superficial judgments, capricious, they are characterized by primitiveness and poverty of interests, they are often incapable of planned work, lazy, fall under the influence of others.

3. Persons with epileptoid character traits, prone to anger, rage, unreasonable mood swings, gloom, suspicion and hostility, have little interest in the outside world, have a narrow outlook, are limited, pedantic to trifles, disregarding the interests of others, little contact.

Faces with hysterical features. They are characterized by a thirst for recognition, they strive to be in the spotlight, to play the first role, everyone subordinates this goal. Demonstrative, appearance extravagant, exotic. They are prone to lies, boastful, extremely selfish, emotions are exaggerated, satisfaction should be grotesque, displeasure is expressed in annoyance, grief, hatred. The range of interests is narrow, personal, pretentious. Easily follow the lead of others if they believe that they are "appreciated".

Schizoids (autistic). They are closed, cold, fenced off; abstract interests dominate feelings. Very selective in contacts, prefer games alone. They tend to philosophize, poorly oriented in simple life issues, stubborn.

Circumstances that influence addiction to drugs:

family structure (the nature of the relationship, the impact on the teenager), psychophysical features teenager (in relations with family and others);

features of the character of a teenager (these are factors that complicate or correct the characteristics of an emerging personality).

Motivations for drug addiction:

satisfaction of curiosity;

imitation, the desire to be accepted in a certain group of people;

"adulthood", "independence", follow the leader's example, prove to others.

Stages of development of drug addiction:

Initial period - wears obsessive nature, psychological dependence appears, the body's resistance to the action of drugs grows, it can take doses and feels comfortable.

Extended stage - physical dependence, mental, irresistible craving for drugs, discomfort, withdrawal symptoms appear, depression, anxiety, fear accompanied by anger, aggressive anger towards others, sleep disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pain muscles, bones, intolerance loud sounds, violation of movements, degradation of the personality (if you do not give the drug, you may die), attempts to commit suicide.

If someone has already drawn you in or you have tried this poison yourself, then remember: drug addiction treatment is a long, often expensive, and, unfortunately, often unsuccessful process. Young people should know that under no circumstances should they try to treat themselves.

Drug addiction is more likely to die from overdose than alcoholism. narcotic drugs. It is necessary to be treated only in a hospital, where the patient will be assisted by a narcologist, a psychiatrist and other medical specialists. But often, to return to normal life, you will need the services of a psychologist.

Signs of addiction. Direct - intoxication, impaired thinking, instability of behavior, unsteady gait, feverish glare or blurred eyes. The face is red or pale. The pupils are constricted or dilated. The tongue is tangled, cheerfulness, clownery and foolishness, spitefulness or aggressiveness.

Indirect - ampoules, raw materials, syringes, traces of injections on the skin. The style and way of life is changing.


And smoking, and alcoholism, and, moreover, drug addiction, more and more make doctors think, and just citizens who think about their future generation, about how to warn people who have not yet succumbed to such bad habits from becoming addicted to these three evils of modern society. After all, all these habits affect the social, economic, psychological and cultural life of society.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, people often talk about the approaching end of the world. But, I think, if humanity does not stop, does not begin to think about itself, about its future, then it will doom itself to complete extinction. If measures are not taken to prevent the distribution of alcoholic and tobacco products, drugs among young people, if there is no promotion of a healthy lifestyle, humanity will be left without a future.


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